Kissing a baby boy in a dream. Interpretation from Miller. Modern dream book If you dream of a Kiss

Description of the page: "What is the dream of a baby kissing" from professionals for people.

Dreams are not only a reflection of our inner experiences, daytime anxieties and worries, they are also clues that fate gives us, and they often help to understand the real situation. Such visions-tips include a baby in a dream. Our dream book will tell you what the tiny little man is dreaming of, what events can happen in the near future, if you saw a newborn in a dream.

Why does a baby dream: interpretation of dream books

A baby in a dream, often does not carry negative predictions, and really, how can a pure immaculate being foretell trouble? For example, by women's dream book to see a baby in a dream is very auspicious sign, expect a pleasant surprise that will change your life for the better.

The wanderer's dream book interprets a little differently what children and babies dream of. If the child is well-groomed, tidy, then we can confidently expect a creative upsurge, the emergence of new ideas, and even a useful invention. For a woman, any baby in a dream is a harbinger of approaching joyful days.

Seeing a baby in a dream, and at the same time holding his hand is very good dream according to the interpretation of the French dream book. Know that a risky and dangerous business, which now has no prospects, will be successfully completed in the future, and will bring positive results. Indeed, in the face of a baby in a dream, the guardian angel himself leads you by the hand.

A dream involving a child or infant will not have a very good outcome if the dreamer is born in the summer months. The dream interpretation predicts new unresolved problems, increased emotional stress, as a result of which prolonged insomnia will burn.

But according to Miller's dream book, a baby in a dream has positive value for a person who has seen such a story. The dreamer is waiting for a time full of pleasant gifts, surprises. But if a young girl sees such a plot, and at the same time holds the baby in her arms, then accusations of collaborating with people who lead a dissolute lifestyle may follow in her direction.

What does it mean when a baby dreams according to Hasse's dream book? This dream is an interpretation of daytime, real experiences, and it means self-doubt. But finding little man in a dream - a symbol of the dreamer's strength, he just needs to believe in himself and everything will work out.

By esoteric dream book the interpretation of a dream where the baby is your son or daughter, and he is in your arms, means the destruction of plans and hopes. Try not to hope for anyone in the near future, and not to think ahead - after all, this warning is very serious.

Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkov interprets a baby in a dream as an auspicious sign, a great surprise awaits you, and it will be rather pleasant, and is associated with family life or love relationship. But if this is a naked baby, then the meaning of sleep sharply changes color to negative - trouble awaits the dreamer.

What does it mean when a baby dreams married woman? Most often, a dream book interprets such a picture in a dream as a prediction of the obedience of her children in the real world. And if the baby also laughs, then the woman expects a significant rise in professional field activities, a promotion, or just a pay raise.

And why do babies dream of a married man? You can rejoice, because this is a prediction of a new impetus in business, and it will help in business good friend, who, however, until this time showed no interest in your occupation. Also in the presence of life difficult situation, it will certainly be resolved, and very soon.

A strange baby in a dream is a bad omen. The dream interpretation interprets this picture as the appearance of new enemies who will spread gossip behind the dreamer's back. And if you also hold him in your arms in a dream, then the enemy is a former friend, and therefore expect a dirty trick from the most unexpected side.

Different babies

It is very difficult to imagine a newborn without this necessary attribute - a stroller, and often in a dream people see him in this position. What is the dream of a baby in a stroller? For a woman, the dream book portends unexpected, but very pleasant chores, often associated with receiving guests.

If in a dream the stroller looks good, clean and pristine, and the baby or newborn is well-groomed, neat, then life will soon be much better than before. And when a young girl sees a child in a stroller in a dream, according to the prediction of the dream book, very soon she will successfully marry and be happy in marriage.

A dream in which you saw twins has a doubly favorable interpretation, because these babies promise the girl, to whom this plot came in a dream, an unprecedented balance and harmony in life.

The dream book gives a slightly different interpretation to the plot where you gave birth to babies, and these are twins. For a pregnant girl, the dream book promises a very easy and fleeting birth. But for a man, such a dream predicts loneliness, emptiness, due to his negative qualities of character, such as greed and absurd character.

Why else do two babies dream? According to the interpretation of the dream book, this may be a warning that you are too susceptible to emotional outbursts and are capable of going to extremes. Keep your ardent temper, especially at work, in the circle of colleagues, otherwise bad rumors and gossip about you are not ruled out.

What is the dream of triplets of babies? For unmarried girl this means a very rich life in a family with an unloved person, and only she can choose what is more important for her, money or feelings. For a married woman, the dream book promises a solution to the conflict with her husband, who almost brought him to a divorce. But the problem is solved only if you hear the babies crying.

Why do many babies dream? Most often, this is an association with the real state of things in life, and even if a young mother has only one newborn child, this means that her feelings for the child are so strong that she worries about him, like for several children.

If you dreamed of a doll and the baby played with it, then the interpretation of the dream book depends on what gender the playing child was. If a girl played in a dream - this is a sign of illness close relative, which will bring many worries, but will be cured. And the boy playing with the doll is evidence of the onset of a period of happiness and serenity in life.

Baby care

Taking care of your beloved baby day after day is the most pleasant duty for a young mother, but how does the dream book interpret these pleasant chores? What dreams of feeding a baby is interpreted depending on the situation in the dream. Feeding breast milk- a harbinger of a very favorable period in life, a white streak, when all conceived plans are immediately implemented.

If a baby suckles in a dream, then this is an expression of the need for care from others. The dream interpretation interprets that you lack warmth and affection from your loved one. But if the child in a dream is not yours, then this is not a very good sign, because no matter how hard you try, the people to whom you will help and support this, unfortunately, will not appreciate it.

Nursing a baby in a dream is a favorable sign, even if the baby is a stranger. The dream interpretation predicts that the dreamer will have incredible success in business and rise up the career ladder, and this will be associated with a very responsible and important job. And nursing your son or daughter is a sign of good news, or an invitation to a celebration.

Why dream of kissing a baby? This action in a dream is like a touch of youth to the soul. The tender and rosy cheeks that you kiss are interpreted by the dream book as long life, at which you will keep an unprecedented freshness, and will always look younger than your years.

Swaddling a baby in a dream also has a positive meaning. Soon relatives and friends will surround you with incredible care and affection. But if the diapers turned out to be small, then the dream book warns that in solving a difficult life situation you chose the wrong path, which delayed her resolution in a favorable direction.

If you had to wash a baby in a dream, then this plot is a symbol of cleansing from mental anguish and remorse. You will be forgiven for some impartial act. Also, this picture in a dream can be interpreted by a dream book as a way out of a difficult situation in reality.

For a man, bathing a baby in a dream promises success in business and financial growth. But if in a dream a small bath is clearly visible in which you bathe your baby, then beware of petty theft while traveling and traveling.

Why is the virgin with a baby dreaming? This is always a good sign. Most often, the dream book interprets this plot as a symbol of the care and guardianship of someone over the dreamer. It is also a sign of blessing over all deeds and deeds, you can safely go towards your goal, because the mother of God herself accompanies you.

Why dream of finding a baby? In general, the search for a child in a dream is a symbol of the search for oneself, one's destiny in reality. And if you managed to find a baby, then you can expect success in a new business, only if you like it. The dream interpretation interprets this plot as a blessing for a new kind of activity.

Trying to find a baby in a dream that is your son or daughter is most often a game of the subconscious. In your soul, you are afraid that your authority and significance for the baby are no longer unquestioning, and all these emotional experiences result in such a plot that the dream book interprets only as a reflection of thoughts.

Also, to find a baby in a dream and take it into your family, let it into your house is a dream that has a psychoanalytic meaning in the interpretation of the dream book. Your soul and mind are being prepared for any innovations in life. Either new work, wedding, the birth of a child - all experiences about this are copied in a dream.

Unpleasant incidents with a baby

The worst thing for parents is if something bad happens to their child. And even if nothing portends such an outcome of events, mom and dad can still worry from scratch, thereby causing unpleasant dreams.

For example, a sick baby personifies an unfavorable situation in the family. You need to sort things out with your spouse before it's too late. A completely different semantic load carries a dream about the death of a baby. The dream interpretation interprets this terrible picture from the side of whether this is your baby, or someone else's.

Stranger dead baby in a dream, although it cannot cause positive emotions, but for real life is a very good sign. Often such a plot comes in a dream to those couples who long time they couldn’t conceive a child, and, according to the dream book, means fast news about a woman’s pregnancy.

Seeing in a dream the corpse of a baby that is yours is a warning from a dream book. You need to slightly loosen your grip on raising children, because you don’t want the relationship to deteriorate completely, the dream book warns.

A baby in the blood that remained on his skin after childbirth is a good sign. Relatives will help you in all your endeavors, it is from them that you should expect support in a difficult life situation. Relatives stimulate career take-off, but do not forget to thank them - it will cost them a lot of effort.

What is the dream of a premature baby? Such dreams are especially characteristic of pregnant women, because all their thoughts are only occupied with ensuring that the baby is born strong and healthy. The dream book interprets this plot only as a reflection of daytime experiences, and should not be perceived by the future mother as a bad sign.

The symbol of deep unresolved contradictions is the plot where you had to kill a baby in a dream. Dream Interpretation gives more often negative interpretation this picture, and promises losses, anxieties and high costs in real life. Such a dream for a mother is a warning that she is doing too little with children, does not pay due attention to them, and this can cost her parental authority.

Infant development

Every young mother can not wait for the first clumsy steps, tiny milk teeth, and the lovely babble of her baby. But it happens that the first manifestations of the growing up of the crumbs are still far away, and the mother has already seen in a dream how the baby's teeth have grown. The dream interpretation interprets this event according to the state of the milk tooth. If it is white, shiny, strong and healthy, then the baby's condition will be favorable.

But rotten, black, crumbled baby tooth warns the mother to monitor the health of her child, and spend more time next to him, his illness is not excluded. Another baby with teeth in a dream is interpreted by the dream book as an attempt to start a new business, and grab more than you can swallow.

If a baby is talking in a dream, then expect a spiritual uplift and new creative ideas. Your brain will literally generate new ideas that will be original and easy to implement. Do not miss the moment, start a new business, the dream book promises that it will be very profitable.

Also, a talking baby, according to the interpretation of the dream book, can mean that you are too hasty and impatient in anticipation of an event, and you are pushing it with all your might. Stop, think, and "hurry slowly."

Baby actions

When the baby peed in a dream, and urine got on your clothes, you can expect an invitation to a fun celebration, and most likely it will be the wedding of close relatives. If you change a diaper or a diaper to the described baby, then expect signs of attention from representatives of the opposite sex.

According to the predictions of the dream book, what a crap baby is dreaming of is a very auspicious sign that promises stunning success in a career that will bring many material benefits.

What is the dream of a crying baby? If in real life you have committed some impartial act, a stupid trick, then this dream is a symbol of torment of conscience, remorse for what you have done.

Why dream of a baby crying in a dream? This is a harbinger of future joys in reality, if a young girl saw such a plot. It is also a symbol of the fact that life does not bring any special difficulties, everything goes smoothly and calmly.

Why dream of the birth of a baby? If a pregnant woman in a dream gave birth to a large baby, a “hero”, then this is a harbinger of happiness and material prosperity. For a man to become pregnant and give birth to a baby in a dream means that he takes on too many responsibilities, in particular in family life.

The dream book interprets as a negative omen what a naked baby is dreaming of. This is a harbinger of trouble that will overtake the dreamer in the near future, but it can be easily avoided if you are careful and do not enter into conflict situations. What a sleeping baby dreams of symbolizes the dreamer's gullibility and defenselessness, his shyness and shyness, which play an important role in communicating with people.

Refine the dream for interpretation

Miller's dream book

Kissing a baby means that in reality you will be able to maintain charm until old age and will look younger.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

dreamed of kissing a baby

Kissing a baby in a dream portends the dreamer that he will live to a ripe old age and at the same time be able to remain energetic and cheerful.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

dreamed of kissing a baby

Kissing a baby - portends the dreamer to maintain clarity of mind until old age. If a young lady saw in a dream that she was kissing a newborn child whom she was holding in her arms, this portends her pleasant experiences and the opportunity to meet an interesting young man.

Family dream book

kiss a baby in a dream book

Kissing a baby - promises the dreamer good health and well-being.

Dream Interpretation

what does it mean if you kiss a baby in a dream

In a dream, hugging or kissing a baby - in reality, positive emotions and inspiration await you.

Why dream of kissing a child

To feel in a dream the most tender and most beautiful kiss of a beloved child means in reality to fully devote oneself to household chores that will bring great pleasure and joy.

Your baby is kissing people close to you- to a pleasant meeting or a new acquaintance, the child gives a kiss strangers- to shopping.

If in a dream you watch little girl kissing an elderly man, then in reality a period of hesitation and uncertainty in relation to your loved one will begin in your life. However, do not get hung up on this, such troubles are resolved by themselves without the use of any intervention.

If in a dream a young girl sees how boy kissing girl- to an early marriage or acquaintance, which will forever change her life.

crowd of kids exchanging kisses - to noisy friendly gatherings.

kiss the baby in a dream - in reality to incredible events.

See how little children kiss on the lips- expect dear guests.

If in a dream he kisses you someone else's child, then in reality there will be financial replenishment.

And finally, if in a dream you have to kiss dead baby, then such a dream will rather tell not about your personal problems, but about the change in the weather outside the window. Therefore, if something like this happens to you, you should not be particularly afraid.

Kisses in a dream are deciphered by different interpreters in their own way. For example, a kiss with a loved one does not mean a cloudless relationship at all. On the contrary, such a dream threatens quarrels and even parting. Therefore, you need to be very careful about dreams.

What if you dream of kissing a child?

It is much safer to kiss in a dream with friends, relatives and colleagues - this indicates a complete understanding with these people. And why dream of kissing a child?

According to various dream books kissing a child in a dream means a joyful and carefree pastime, pleasant communication with family and friends. However, not everything is so clear. For example, gypsy interpreters believe that if a person dreamed that he kissed a baby, this threatens him with the fact that they will soon laugh at him. Yes, it happens, people believe in it.

Fortunately, most dream decipherers disagree with the gypsies. For example, Miller believes that children who are kissed by peers or adults dream of peace in the family and complete order in work affairs. And it's all true, people must believe.

And if you manage to kiss your little brother or sister on the cheek in a dream, it means that in the near future you will get a lot of pleasure from life in its most diverse manifestations. In general, if you kiss someone from your home in a dream, you can soon see positive changes in something. But the eastern sages were sure that kissing a baby in a dream means preserving freshness and strength to enjoy every day of life until old age.

To correctly decipher such a dream, you need to pay attention to some details. After all, they are very important for any person.

What portends?

For example, if a kiss is addressed to happy, playing children, then this is a good sign - all incoming news will be good, peace will reign in the family, things will end happily as if by themselves. But kissing a child as a consolation - after he has fallen or bumped, means that unforeseen obstacles may arise in business.

If a childless person dreams that he is kissing someone else's child, this means that his life will develop generally well. Surprisingly, it is even important to caress a clean or dirty child.

A neat and well-groomed child in such a dream indicates order in inner life and relationship with others. And a dirty, unwashed child is a harbinger of big troubles, up to dismissal or litigation.

Kissing a sick child in a dream means getting bogged down in real life in small but numerous troubles and domestic squabbles. And, on the contrary, if the kiss does not come from pity, but exclusively from love, then everything will be fine. This is how dreams are deciphered.

Dreams with stories about children are considered one of the most common night visions. In dreams, people often see babies, young children, or teenagers. And such dreams, in most cases, are not a simple game of the subconscious, they predict certain events in real life. Therefore, it is important to know what children or a child are dreaming of.

For the correct interpretation of sleep, you should remember its plot in great detail. Great importance has an emotional component of the dream. But in any case, according to the interpretation of almost all famous dream books the child dreams of changes in the emotional and spiritual sphere. In addition, it should be remembered that children in dreams are not connected with children in real life, the interpretation of such dreams is always deeper. Since the plot with the birth of a child in a dream is very common, the question of why such a dream is dreaming is relevant.

Why dream of the birth of a child?

The appearance of a baby in real life is a joyful event, in this regard, if a child is born in a dream, then a person always wakes up in good mood. Such a dream is always associated with pleasant events in real life. First of all, for any person, such a dream can be a harbinger of the fulfillment of a secret desire. But for families who dream of a child for a long time, this dream can become prophetic.

Newborn baby

People of creative professions who dreamed of a newborn child can count on the successful implementation of their own projects.

You can also expect in the near future:

    Full resolution of all existing problems; Soon arrival of long-awaited guests; Appearance additional work and, consequently, improved well-being.

Miller's dream book - unborn child

In Miller's dream book future child, which you dreamed about in a dream, promises a significant improvement in life circumstances. Also, a baby in a dream can be a harbinger of receiving an inheritance.

But a dream with the birth of a child for an unmarried girl is not very a good sign. This is a warning that in real life you need to protect your own dignity and monitor your reputation.

give birth to a child

For a man, having a baby in a dream means achieving success in real life. After such a dream, a life period begins favorable for any undertakings. Perhaps fate gives you the opportunity to realize your long-standing plans and, finally, to fulfill your plans. For employees, such a dream portends an increase in the ranks.

If in a dream you see that a dead child was born a dead child, then in the near future, troubles may occur in real life that will lead to stress or nervous breakdown. But in order to determine in which area of ​​life problems may arise, it is necessary to remember all the nuances of a dream and analyze the events that took place in a dream. Be sure to listen to your intuition when interpreting a dream you have seen.

Seeing a dead child in a dream

If the deceased child is a stranger and you do not have any deep feelings for him, then in real life this may reflect disbelief in your own strengths and inner fears accumulated in your soul for a long time. If someone else's child died in your dream on the eve of a responsible event, then this warns that in reality initial stage something might go wrong. And if you analyze the current situation, you can bring the situation back under control using your self-control and endurance.

Loss of a child

Also, the loss of a child in a dream can symbolize a hopeless project, therefore, if possible, then it should be abandoned or modified as early as possible. But at the same time, such a failure, of course, can upset you, but it will not affect personal interests and will not be critical for later life.

Own child - interpretation of sleep

Your own child often dies in the dreams of pregnant women. But such a dream does not usually carry any threat in itself. It is a consequence of the internal experiences of the expectant mother for her baby. Also, if a pregnant woman sees the death of a child in a dream and at the same time his body is stained with blood, then she can count on the support of her next of kin.

In all other situations, a dead or sick child seen in a dream portends that problems have arisen in real life that can only be resolved with the help of loved ones. If you dreamed that you were holding the corpse of your own child in your hands, then most likely you are showing excessive rigidity in relation to raising children in reality. But, if you dreamed that you had a disabled child, then in real life one of your loved ones will need your help.

The clue to sleep by sex of the child

After you saw a child in a dream, you definitely need to remember its gender. This largely depends correct interpretation dreams. For a pregnant woman, the fact that the sex of the child is emphasized in a dream can become prophetic.

baby boy

A child boy in a dream indicates that joyful events await you in life. Such a dream is especially remarkable for a woman.

It may portend:

    Large cash receipts; Beautiful acquisitions; Fun events.

To see a newborn boy in a dream means that a steady improvement in the standard of living can be expected. This is a wonderful sign that portends grandiose changes in the future life. But at the same time it is very important that the child is healthy and beautiful.

baby girl

A child girl in a dream is always a harbinger of unexpected events in real life, and they can have both positive character, as well as negative. When adult woman sees a little girl in a dream, then this may be a warning that you need to pay attention to your own health or to restore your morale.

The birth of a girl in a dream means a happy and prosperous future. For young boys and girls, such a dream portends the beginning of a new love relationship.

The baptism of a child in a church seen in a dream is a very auspicious sign. It portends happiness, health and well-being. If you see yourself in a dream as a godfather or godmother, then joyful events await you ahead, maybe soon you will have to do charity work.

Kissing a child in a dream

A very good omen is kissing a child in a dream. Such dreams predict well-being in the family and complete mutual understanding.

Dreamed of bathing a child

Very often in a dream you may dream of bathing a baby. Bathing a child in a dream symbolizes that you are a person with excellent spiritual qualities. You have helped many people in life, but soon someone will need your support again. At the same time, help from your side can be not only material, but also moral.

wash baby

If you wash a child in a dream with a soft sponge, then soon in real life you will have to demonstrate yourself as an independent person. Fate itself will push you to a situation where you will need to make responsible and correct decisions. It may be necessary to make concessions and try to find compromises.

If the process of washing a child in a dream is very long, and you carry out all the actions very carefully, then this indicates that you have a need to get rid of the mental anguish that has made you suffer greatly for many years.

Feeding the baby

Also, a very common plot of a dream is feeding a child. If you dream that you are breastfeeding a baby, then this is a good omen for you. This portends positive changes in life and the realization of all the goals. But if feeding the baby caused discomfort, then soon, someone in real life will take advantage of your kindness and gullibility or answer you with ingratitude for your kindness.

Feeding a child - interpretation of dreams

In accordance with the interpretation of Miller's dream book, if you feed a child, then you can expect useful meetings with business people and building long-term relationships with them.

Lose a child

To lose a child in a dream means to have in real life serious problems. If, after such a dream, you woke up horrified by what had happened, then you will hardly be able to cope with troubles and difficulties soon. But you should not panic after such a dream, the first thing to do is go to church, where you put a candle for your own health and ask God for help.

Dream of kidnapping a child

If a child is abducted in a dream, then this indicates the presence of mental problems or the loss of a childish beginning in the soul. This depletes a person, and he can lose the meaning of life. That is, stealing a child in a dream should in reality push you to try to understand yourself and not drive yourself into a corner.

Child murder

It is important to know why the murder of a child in a dream is dreamed of, because this is a dangerous sign. Such a dream testifies to the presence of deep spiritual contradictions in the human soul. In real life, such a dream can be reflected in events that will cause negative emotions and great disappointment. For a mother, such a dream indicates that she absolutely does not pay attention to her children.

Beating a child in a dream means being on the verge of a fiasco in life, when all dreams collapse due to circumstances beyond your control. When in a dream you are a witness that someone else is beating a child, it means that the other person will take advantage of the results of your work. For family people, such a dream may portend disagreements in the family.

save a child

Salvation always symbolizes the support of the weak. Therefore, saving a child in a dream means in real life to lend a helping hand to someone. For people with children, such a dream on a subconscious level can emphasize the fact that you need to pay more attention to your children.

drowning child

A dream in which you saw a drowning child who was saved by you indicates that you will be able to solve all problems and become successful person. But this interpretation of a dream is possible only if the water was crystal clear. But if you pulled a child out of dirty water, then this indicates that the streak of bad luck has just begun. Therefore, in order to overcome the obstacles that have appeared, you will have to make a lot of effort.

Dream interpretation - drowned child

A drowned child seen in a dream indicates that you have been attacked by an energy. In this case, the curse should be disposed of only with the help of a professional, but this must be done very quickly. If a child who has drowned is trying to say something, then this may be a clue how to behave in the current life situation. If you remember these words after waking up, then you should definitely listen to them.

It is very important, upon waking up, to remember the state of the child that you saw in a dream. If you dreamed of a naked child, then you need to pay attention to the gender of the baby:
    The boy will become a harbinger of insight that will push you to the right life choice. Also, such a dream portends a lot of work, but all efforts will be crowned with success; The girl portends that you will soon receive news that can play a significant role in your life.

Sleeping baby

A sleeping child seen in a dream indicates that in real life you are in serious danger. In addition, such a dream can symbolize your defenselessness and helplessness in the face of reality. modern world. You should be careful in real life before making responsible decisions, since during this period, due to your own carelessness, there is a risk of getting into trouble.

Hear the cry of a child in a dream

If you clearly hear the cry of a child in a dream, then this threatens in real life with great losses. Therefore, you need to take action and try to protect your loved ones. The implicit crying of a baby, which is heard from afar, indicates that troubles will take you by surprise. A crying child always portends troubles, resentment and disappointment.

crap child

A frequently asked question is, why is a crap child dreaming? Such a dream is interpreted, despite all the trouble, simply - you should not pay attention to it. Most likely, the dream reflects the events of the past day and does not carry any semantic load that may affect events in the future.

Adoption of a child

The adoption of a child in a dream portends quarrels with friends and loved ones. This can lead to loneliness, so this situation should be avoided.

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The most important and interesting on the topic: "Kissing a child to see in a dream" with a full description.

Why dream of kissing a child

To feel in a dream the most tender and most beautiful kiss of a beloved child means in reality to fully devote oneself to household chores that will bring great pleasure and joy.

Your baby is kissing people close to you- to a pleasant meeting or a new acquaintance, the child gives a kiss strangers- to shopping.

If in a dream you watch little girl kissing an elderly man, then in reality a period of hesitation and uncertainty in relation to your loved one will begin in your life. However, do not get hung up on this, such troubles are resolved by themselves without the use of any intervention.

If in a dream a young girl sees how boy kissing girl- to an early marriage or acquaintance, which will forever change her life.

crowd of kids exchanging kisses - to noisy friendly gatherings.

kiss the baby in a dream - in reality to incredible events.

See how little children kiss on the lips- expect dear guests.

If in a dream he kisses you someone else's child, then in reality there will be financial replenishment.

And finally, if in a dream you have to kiss dead baby, then such a dream will rather tell not about your personal problems, but about the change in the weather outside the window. Therefore, if something like this happens to you, you should not be particularly afraid.

For a woman to see a boy: to money and an increase in property. Dream Interpretation of Kopalinsky reveals full value of this dream A male baby in a dream is a symbol of financial stability, self-realization and strengthening one's own authority.

Kopalinsky's dream book reads as follows:

Seeing in a dream a boy who fell under a car - in reality you will experience fear, fear or anxiety for your family members. A dead boy in a dream is a sign of deep sadness.

Kissing a loved one in a dream, according to Grishina, is a quarrel. If you dreamed that you were hugging and showered with kisses ex boyfriend, get ready to survive a major quarrel with your soulmate. A handsome boy with a sweet, intelligent expression on his face - a sign of extraordinary prosperity, happiness and all kinds of blessings. If in a dream your boy fell ill - therefore, in reality he will always have good health and an excellent appetite.

crying boy - you have to show care and attention in relation to your family, and especially to your loved one. Why dream of kissing a child with a boy, the universal dream book believes that kissing and hugging a lover in your dream is a deception and vile betrayal on his part. take a closer look at your partner in real life, it is possible that the signs of a lie have long been noticeable, you just didn’t want to see them.

What to beware of:

If in a dream you teach a child the Quran or something good, then you will greatly repent of your sins. If in a dream you teach a child the Quran or something good, then you will strongly repent of your sins. your sleep muzzle stained with blood, she led you

Holding a baby in your arms in a dream - the way you hold a little peanut reflects your overall performance. ability to deal with things.

If you dream that you are kissing a dog on the nose, and the dog is happily wagging its tail, get ready to strengthen friendships. Universal dream book I am convinced that now there is a person next to you who will not betray and will always help out in difficult times.

If an older boy entering adolescence is a sign that hard work will bring you great rewards.

For a girl, a dream with a little peanut can be a hint that in order to achieve the desired goal, one should act carefully, there is no need to go ahead and contrary to common sense.

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A crying baby in a dream tells you that you are not paying enough attention to your family, your dearest people suffer from this.

Play with a boy - a bright period is coming in your life, very fruitful spiritually and financially stable.

Kissed in a dream unknown woman- try to avoid immoral acts.

If you dream that you are kissing a baby on the cheek, and at the same time he laughs joyfully, get ready to live a long and happy life surrounded by understanding and loving people.

Kissing a baby in a dream is what it is.

The female interpreter believes that “squeezing” a small child in the night dreams is for mutual love and great personal happiness. This is how the plot should be understood, in which the child was healthy, beautiful and stretched with reciprocal affection. Gypsies say that seeing a little boy is a sure sign of future success, both in business and family life.

Why dream of kissing a child with a boy in other dream books

  • Ukrainian dream book
  • Dream Interpretation of David Loff
  • Muslim dream book
  • Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse
  • Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus
  • Wangi's Dream Interpretation
  • Love dream book
  • Dream Interpretation of Kopalinsky
  • Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita
  • Modern dream book
  • Dream Interpretation of Yuri Longo
  • Assyrian dream book
  • Esoteric dream book
  • Dream Interpretation of Azar
  • Culinary dream book
  • Lunar dream book
  • Freud's dream book
  • Miller's dream book

Refine the dream for interpretation

Miller's dream book

Kissing a baby means that in reality you will be able to maintain charm until old age and will look younger.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

dreamed of kissing a baby

Kissing a baby in a dream portends the dreamer that he will live to a ripe old age and at the same time be able to remain energetic and cheerful.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

kissing a baby in a dream

Kissing a baby - portends the dreamer to maintain clarity of mind until old age. If a young lady saw in a dream that she was kissing a newborn child whom she was holding in her arms, this portends her pleasant experiences and the opportunity to meet an interesting young man.

Family dream book

what does it mean if you kiss a baby in a dream

Kissing a baby promises the dreamer good health and well-being.

Dream Interpretation

dream interpretation of kissing a baby

In a dream, hugging or kissing a baby - in reality, positive emotions and inspiration await you.

A cheerful, cute child dreams of mutual love and strong friendship. it is not possible to believe, but only the Muslim dream book interprets your dream in two ways, the dream book of kissing a small child dreamed of why in a dream to kiss a small child? to select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically.

The Muslim dream book reads as follows:

Talking in a dream with a baby is often interpreted as a possible death of one of the relatives.

The ability to interpret dreams can be a good helper in solving difficult questions, since it is possible that dreams are the answers of our subconscious to the most pressing questions of real life. Small children cause tenderness and only positive emotions for many. Therefore, the dreams in which they appeared are most often left behind. pleasant impression. To obtain accurate information, it is worth considering how the boy looked, what he did and others, no less important details. In addition, for the interpretation of dreams, it is important to take into account the events that happen to you in real life.

When you see a crying baby, know that you are endangering your future. Why dream Small child kiss if in a dream you kiss the feet of the deceased, you have to go on a long trip.

What to beware of:

The child is a symbol of trouble, anxiety, capriciousness, inconstancy, so if you dreamed of a child, then we can say with confidence that you are very worried about what is happening around, something does not give you rest, and as a signal of your state of mind a child appears in a dream. Seeing crying children in a dream is a sign of poor health and disappointment. Relationships may be friends that seemed promising undertakings, or you have or will soon have a new acquaintance who has

Seeing a healthy baby in a dream - to get rid of life problems and happy love.

For a woman to see a little boy in a dream, it means that in reality it is worth learning to control her emotions. If a child laughs merrily, this is a symbol of a new romantic relationship. One of the dream books contains information that dreams about a little boy portend success in work and business. If in a dream I dreamed a little boy, then you can find out something unexpected for you or get some kind of surprise.

Very important information carry dreams in which we see a bridge. Depending on the circumstances of the dream, the meanings will change, but as a rule, a lot will depend on what exactly the bridge was in your dream.

relative or stranger.

Various interpretations.

Dreams about new shoes most often portend long way. In this article, we will consider all kinds of options for such dreams and talk about how to decipher them correctly.

If you dreamed of a child who has no limbs, then such a dream indicates that the Earth is in real threat. Because of environment very heavily polluted, a lot of children will be born with various physical disabilities, as well as mental disorders. Searching for your child in a dream is trying to find lost hope.

To hold a baby in your arms in a dream is to try to find a way out of a predicament.

If a representative of the stronger sex in night dreams kisses his beloved girl, then the relationship will develop smoothly. If in place of a real-life lover was ex girlfriend, then a new novel awaits you.

If you dreamed crying baby, then this is a sign that despite all your efforts, you will not get what you want. Seeing a sick baby is a nuisance. Whoever sees that he is holding a child in his arms will acquire property. If in a dream a child was born to a person, then in reality he will have troubles and worries.

List of dream books describing the same dream

  • Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus
  • Dream Interpretation of Azar
  • Miller's dream book
  • Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita
  • Dream Interpretation of Kopalinsky
  • Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse
  • Muslim dream book
  • Culinary dream book
  • Modern dream book
  • Score 4.9 voters: 7

The question of dreams has troubled people's minds for thousands of years. Some believe that the images that have come have no effect on life. Others advise paying attention to them, considering them subconscious clues, answers to questions. There are many dream books that interpret the events that happened. Why dream infant- interesting to find out.

What is the dream of a baby boy

Seeing a newborn in your dreams is a great sign. He talks about the discovery of new opportunities, the right path, the birth of plans, interesting things. A huge number of dream books explain events in their own way, but there are similarities in many. If Nostradamus interprets them from the point of view of world problems, Freud interprets them from the sexual point of view. There is an esoteric and gypsy dream book, Islamic and Mayan peoples. At the everyday, life level, the events are explained:

  • Hasse;
  • Miller;
  • Vanga;
  • Tsvetkov.

Dreams where they see a baby portend positive life changes, the solution of complex problems. Many comments are given for women who have or are expecting children. When interpreting what the baby is dreaming of, it is taken into account a large number of small details:

  • who dreamed;
  • in what form was it;
  • what he did;
  • where was;
  • what was done to him;
  • what he looked like;
  • how many babies were

Interpretation has the meaning of joy, a family holiday, amazement, ifdream baby boy. When a man is present at childbirth in a dream, even the most unimaginable ideas are realized in life. Often such visions of boys have an interpretation for business. They suggest:

  • successful transactions;
  • if the baby is crap one's pants - to receive huge profits without effort, the more soiled, the better result;
  • pissing - you have to wait for disturbing events, but they will be useful;
  • you need to rely only on yourself to achieve success;
  • correct solution- trust fate, do not go against it.


The explanation strongly depends on the type, nature of the occupation, whendream baby girl. Often this means the expectation of a pleasant surprise, happiness with a successful marriage. Interpret dreams with girls like this:

  • sick - waiting for sadness, sadness, possible disease;
  • sad - someone has a grudge against you;
  • crying - it is not excluded a disease that can be cured with an early visit to the doctor.

Seeing a baby in a dream when it is a girl means that your baby will be healthy. If in a dream she:

  • plays with water - expect joyful events;
  • sits on his hands - the implementation of the plan is hampered by problems;
  • while smiling - everything will be resolved safely;
  • dirty - anxiety and trouble are expected, the destruction of plans;
  • satisfied - intrigues, disputes are not excluded.

On hands

Lulling a newborn in a dream, holding it in your arms means family peace, which a person cherishes. When the Mother of God with a child appears in dreams, this is a sign of success and prosperity. Oftendreaming of a baby in her armsto not-so-pleasant events:

  • holding your baby - to an unexpected destruction of plans;
  • to swing a girl in her arms - a loved one will deceive;
  • hold someone else's baby - a friend will become an enemy;
  • babysitting a baby - waiting for an invitation to a gala event.


Plots in which babies die have different interpretations - positive and unpleasant. Some dream books explain death as good news, solving money issues. Others are a threat of financial ruin. When the baby is a stranger, it is a welcome pregnancy for couples who could not conceive for a long time. Ifdreaming of a dead baby, the meaning of sleep depends on its details:

  • to bury a baby - a person has not found his life destiny;
  • to see a corpse - a stagnant business situation is expected;
  • dead baby - shock, destruction of plans, disappointments.


To see a small child in her dreams for a woman more often means a pleasant moment, surprises and surprises. This is connected with the life of her and the children. Whenwoman dreaming of a baby, is interpreted as follows:

  • pregnancy is expected;
  • good news will come;
  • girl is a symbol of happiness personal life;
  • boy - to success, the implementation of the plan;
  • to lose a baby, to search and not to find - the appearance of vital intractable problems;
  • funny, healthy baby- well-being, luck, joy;
  • if she is married, her own children are obedient.

boy and girl

The appearance in a dream of two children of different sexes speaks of vulnerability in the event of everyday situations, overcoming them in the presence of a positive mood. Perhaps you should listen carefully.Dreaming of babies boy and girlwhen expected:

  • the appearance of a feeling of resentment, fatigue from surging problems;
  • the need to be patient with others' mistakes;
  • for a man - a surprise;
  • a pregnant woman has an easy delivery.


In dream books, this dream is interpreted in different ways. In some, such a plot speaks of troubles, troubles and anxieties that can be avoided if you do not enter into conflict situations. When a girl is in dreams, chores await in the future. In other dream books they explain thatdreaming of a naked baby- appearance:

  • sincerity and purity;
  • the end of a difficult life stage, in which difficult trials have benefited;
  • readiness for new things;
  • payback of an unfavorable, at first glance, project;
  • the need to lower the disturbing situation.

in a stroller

The interpretation of a dream in which a baby is in a stroller in a dream depends on the situation that happens in this case. Pleasant troubles caused by unexpected guests are often predicted.Dreaming of a baby in a stroller, the following are likely:

  • for a girl - a successful marriage, if a boy - the attention of a young man;
  • rock the baby, sing to him - to loneliness, dreary mood;
  • the stroller is in the elevator - amazing changes;
  • the girl in it smiles - to joy;
  • if the child and the stroller are clean, the situation improves.

Why dream of bathing a baby

Such dreams often have a positive interpretation. Washing a child in a dream means that the time has come to fulfill old dreams.dreamingbathe the baby- this is interpreted as:

  • a safe way out of a confusing situation;
  • desired spiritual relief;
  • liberation from remorse;
  • successful way out of problems;
  • men expect business victories.

Why do babies dream

In dream books there are numerous interpretations of situations where newborns are present. Often they depend on the actions taking place in a dream.Dreaming of infants- this is explained as follows:

  • if in a maternity hospital, - to good change;
  • a sleeping child - a premonition of vivid impressions;
  • dropping a baby - to the loss of life goals;
  • swaddle - a responsibility that will help future affairs;
  • newborns with teeth - the family will have something unexpected;
  • dressing a baby is health, joy.

When babies appear in a dream, this is often interpreted as happy love, pleasant surprises. A dream can mean care, new things. There are other explanations:

  • if the patient sees them, - to recovery;
  • the baby is crawling - to minor confusion;
  • to see your own baby is a successful ending to the work you have begun;
  • kissing a child - the onset of a long-awaited pregnancy;
  • seeing yourself small is a sign of feeling helpless, inability to defend yourself.

Feed the baby

Good predictions for dreams in which the baby had a dream at the time of feeding. Often these are symbols of good luck and prosperity. Whendream of feeding a baby, the interpretation depends on the situation:

  • if he suckles at the breast, support from the environment is required;
  • to watch how they are fed - you do not need to blindly trust a stranger - you can be disappointed;
  • mother holds the baby at her chest - luck, happiness will accompany.
  • breastfeeding - the immediate fulfillment of everything planned.


To see twins in dreams for a man and a woman - this different interpretation. Many comments are for businessmen. Whentwin babies dream, then it is interpreted like this:

  • for a girl - a state of equilibrium;
  • for a man - loneliness, emptiness in the soul, a warning about overflowing emotions;
  • for patients - difficulties that can be overcome if you make an effort;
  • for business - career development, success, stability, family well-being.

Smiling baby

A positive explanation is given to dreams in which a small child had a dream with a smile on his face. If at the same time he is cheerful, healthy, good luck, prosperity, a happy life await.Dreaming of a smiling baby to the one, that:

  • there comes a time of love and happiness;
  • all dreams will come true;
  • positive changes are coming;
  • desires will come true;
  • inner harmony comes;
  • joyful events are expected;
  • all hopes are justified.


For a young girl to see a small child in a dream can have different interpretations. The dream is interpreted as a future immoral life or accusations of indulging in vicious leisure. There is another interpretation of the dream, wheredreaming of a baby girl:

  • in a stroller happy marriage;
  • girl - good news from loved ones, pregnancy in the foreseeable future;
  • Gemini - harmonious life;
  • triplets - a marriage with an unloved man of convenience.


Appearance in a dream married man a small child can talk about the imminent replenishment in the family. In many ways, such dreams promise positive moments. Whenman dreaming of a baby, it is treated as what it expects:

  • successful business but only after much trouble;
  • unexpected help loved one who was previously aloof from your affairs;
  • visiting brilliant ideas;
  • positive life changes;
  • quick resolution of the problem situation;
  • a new impetus in business;
  • when bathing a girl - a financial breakthrough.

alien baby

It promises to get an important job, career growth, if you dream of an unfamiliar newborn who is being nursed. When he rejoices, is in a cheerful mood, one should expect the appearance of a beloved in life.Dreaming of someone else's baby- this is interpreted as follows:

  • new ill-wishers will appear, spreading gossip behind their backs;
  • you can not succumb to the provocation of acquaintances who are trying to take advantage of your good disposition;
  • if the baby is crying, you should expect bad news from business partners or close relatives.

many babies

Seeing several babies for a woman who has recently given birth means great concern for her child. According to Vanga's comments, this is a symbol of the increase in the birth rate in the world. Whenmany babies dream, this is interpreted as:

  • there are many small problems, it will take a lot of effort to solve each of them;
  • for an unmarried girl, a dream with triplets is an upcoming life in wealth with an unloved person;
  • if a woman is married, and in a dream three children cry at once - to the decision to exit from conflict situation with husband.


A woman waiting for the birth of a baby is constantly thinking about a future event, so the plot, wherepregnant woman dreaming of a baby, during this period is not uncommon. Often this means anxiety about the upcoming motherhood, worries about how the baby is developing, is everything in order with his health. Dreams are interpreted as follows:

  • dream of a boy - childbirth will be easy, the child will appear healthy, in the future he will grow up happy;
  • twins - the birth process will pass quickly;
  • wrapped in a diaper - to premature birth;
  • a boy dreamed - there will be a son, and a girl - a daughter.
