Methods of improving self-esteem. Communicate with optimists and successful people. What can be done at home

Understated self-esteem is quite serious problem For many girls, because she threatens them not only by disappointments in personal life, but also failures on a professional field. What self-esteem can be considered low and is there a way to increase it?

What is self-esteem

Normal self-esteem

So, if you are the owner of an adequate self-esteem, then we can say that you are very lucky. For people of this type, a real estimate of its capabilities is characteristic. Such girls are not afraid to put serious goals in front of them, and have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bhow this goal can conquer them. There is also an opinion that normal self-esteem can only be among a truly mature personality is possible both at sixteen years and forty.

A high self-evaluation

Perhaps, people of this type are considered the most unpleasant personality for others, than others. It is noteworthy that they often do not even realize that their self-esteem is really overestimated. However, some believe that only such individuals are able to achieve large goals - with a certain fraction of luck it is. but the main problem arrogant people are that they are quite quickly losing real friendship Because of your own reluctance and inability to recognize your mistakes. Also, such people highly overestimate their importance in the outside world - at work, in the circle of friends, in the family and so on. They are rarely able to sincerely apologize, because they often do not suspect that they can really do wrong. As a rule, they are friends with such people and communicate only because of the possible benefit or from hopelessness.

Low or understated self-esteem (reasons and signs)

It is harder to live with girls that are subject to low self-esteem. Most often, the reason lies in the improper education from parents or in other problems in school years. What is characteristic of the person, whose self-esteem is clearly understated? As a rule, almost immediately rushes into the eyes that the girl is insecure. Most often, she is uncommunicative and quite closed - she is very afraid to voice her mind, even if it is asked about him. In addition, such a girl manifests the initiative only in the most extreme cases, more preferring to act on someone else's pointer. And it often seems that it looks stupid or inappropriate, and if representatives of the opposite sex begins to show interest to it, it starts to look at this either catching. Girls of this type prefer not to attract attention, and if they have to be in some company, they will be calmer if they remain almost unnoticed.

Relationships in the family

Many people know that most complexes stretch out of childhood, and if parents do not notice or even provoke some kind of problem in the child's self-esteem, it is probably in full extent It will appear in adult age. If the parents did not give you enough attention and love, but at the same time they found the opportunity to criticize and regularly put forward various requirements, then it is probably now your self-esteem is somewhat underestimated. Also ne. the best way There are comparisons of their children with his friends, in favor of the latter. The child gets used to feeling worse than others, and this habit goes into an adult life.

Relationship with peers

A very important factor on which close attention should be paid. If in childhood you had any features or talents, to which peers treated with a mockery, then this is a very serious reason for concern. Due to the disapproving relationship of friends and classmates, it is difficult for a child to take himself and this feeling of some "wrongness" accompanies him in adulthood. It is important to emphasize that if the relationship in the family is good, and the child receives adequate education, then the influence of peers, most likely will not affect his future life. If you notice that your children are uncomfortable in the company of peers, then this is a serious reason to change the environment of their kids, as well as to spend psychological work with him.

The first love

The first love - in children or youthful age - can also have a great influence on self-esteem. In general, here you can mention the relationship with the opposite sex, in general. If the girl caused sympathy from boys, it is likely that it will have a positive effect on her own perception of herself. However, in the event that the boys not only did not notice her, but also mocked, it could negatively affect the formation of women's self-esteem. In addition, it is important and what the first love of the girl is mutual or not. If love has grown into a romantic relationship, it good signHowever, if the girl rejected, probably, and this will affect her self-esteem.

Methods of improving self-esteem in a woman or a girl

Take and love yourself

If you suffer from understated self-esteem, the output suggests itself - you need to urgently increase it. First of all, realize that there are no ideal people, even if it seems to you that it is not. Do not dwell on your disadvantages, many of which probably have thought you yourself - it's just your features. Instead, pay attention to your strengths. If you think that you do not have, then, it means you are mistaken. Look for advantages until you find it! It is also possible that you are in a step from some of your advantage. Perhaps sports will give you an ideal figure, makeup lessons will teach you to easily and successfully use cosmetics, cutting courses and sewing will allow you to create winning outfits for yourself. Whatever it was, in your case it is very important to love yourself under any circumstances, even when it seems to you that you are not worthy of love. Become a major support to yourself, and your life will start to improve.

Stop comparing yourself with others

People with low self-esteem, comparing themselves with others, as a rule, do it out of their favor. Realize that any comparison is an absolutely useless occupation that will not lead to anything good. Of course, another thing, if, comparing yourself with someone, you have a stimulus in order to become better. In the case when everything ends only self-vacation and bad moodFrom this habit you need to refuse. All people are different - everyone has its advantages and disadvantages, even if it seems to you that there are exceptions. Do not compare yourself with anyone - just take care of yourself and improve, without care for anyone.

Down with self-criticism

Self-criticality can only be useful if it stimulates you to any new achievements. Unfortunately, girls suffering from an understated self-esteem criticizing themselves, only do worse. Mentally again and again returning to their imperfections, you only drive yourself into depression. Instead, find the reason to praise yourself. Also encourage any of your little victories - buy yourself goodies, take care of yourself.

Be a little egoist

Many women with low self-esteem are quite prone to sacrifice. Believing that they do not deserve love by themselves, such people are trying to "deserve" or "earn" love and attention. This can manifest itself in a relationship with her husband or friends. Perhaps you are also subject to it. Examples of this behavior: You do expensive gifts to people, infrainmenting themselves; You spend time on their business, pushing our own care on the background; You regularly adjust to other people's plans, even if it is inconvenient to you and so on. If something like you noticed, it is necessary to urgently change. Learn to put your needs and desires in the first place - first you will be unusual, but then you will feel all the advantages of such tactics.

Belief in yourself and in your success

Do not doubt yourself and do not detain your advantages. If you want to achieve something, then do not deprive yourself such an opportunity! If you try to try, everything will remain the same, however, if your efforts are crowned with success, your life will play new paints - believe that it will be so! To configure yourself to the desired way, periodically read the biographies of successful people.

If you do not like something in yourself or your life, then only in your power to fix it! Self-development and self-improvement will never be superfluous. Take time to learn something new, as well as to take care of your health and appearance. Be careful to your health, periodically sign up for useful cosmetic procedures, expand your horizons. You can start living really interesting lifeif you wish it yourself! Very few people are easy, and if you think that someone is very lucky, but you are not, then, most likely, it's not about luck, but in a stubborn work on yourself. Think what qualities you do not like in yourself, leave a plan, thanks to which you can fix it, and stick to him.

Forgive yourself defeats, praise for victory

Many girls are very painful relate to their defeats. Such developments of events most often drives them into an oppressed state and significantly undermine the faith in itself. If this is your case, it is useful for you to learn to ignore such misses, only removing the necessary lessons from them. At the same time, you should develop a completely different attitude towards your victories. Remember your achievements, encourage yourself for them, making themselves small or large gifts.

More positive and optimism

A girl suffering from understated self-esteem is very important to learn how to think positively. On the Internet you can find a lot of techniques on this account, but the essence is one - so that it does not happen, look for this positive sidesEven if it is pretty difficult. Try not only not to talk about negative topics, but also not to think about them. Control yourself - thinking about something bad, immediately switch to more pleasant thoughts. In any situation, initially configure yourself to success, and he will accompany you!
    Fight with your fears. If you are uncomfortable in large companiesand you are lost in conversations with unfamiliar peopleThis can be corrected. Courses of oratory can help you, periodic visits to crowded places. Try to meet your fear, and then it will begin to retreat. Support new knowledge. If so far it is not convenient for you to go to any courses or master classes, look for the necessary lessons on the Internet. So you can learn a foreign language, learn to sew, dance and much more. The more new skills you will find, the higher your self-esteem will be communicating with people who underestimate your self-esteem. If there is at least the slightest possibility for this - completely interrup contact with them. Such communication will go to you only in harm, and in such circumstances it is very difficult to achieve positive result. At the same time, try to be more often in the society of people, next to which you feel confident and comfortable. Employ special attention care about yourself and your appearance. People who are afraid to attract attention, usually fear that any disadvantage will become obvious. You do not have to live with this feeling - find any way to fix what confuses you and limits in communication with other people. If you have enough time to engage in self-criticism and indulge in disinterested, then it is better to send it in perfect Anyway - put large and small goals in front of you, build plans about how they can be achieved, then proceed to implement your designs. And in no case do not think that you will not succeed. If you really want something, it is achievable, even if not from the first attempt. The main thing is to start acting, because it is usually the harder that is exactly the first step.

and gaining confidence

This is the fact that low self-esteem is harmful to humans, as it leads to various unpleasant consequences, and in this publication we will consider effective ways to increase self-esteem. The article will be interested in a wide circle of readers, as it contains wise advice that will benefit every person. The methods listed below will also help gain self-confidence and make their lives more positive and harmonious.

Why is self-esteem is underestimated?

Because we live in an egoistic society, where everyone, striving to be better than another (or, at least look like that - in the eyes of other people or in their own), inclined to "lower" others.

A man lowers the self-esteem of another just because he he himself is underestimated - and he tries to compensate for it by suppressing others using all sorts of available methods, straight or indirect. People with normal self-esteem will not make others "lower" or "worse"; They understand that we are all different and everyone is unique in their own way, and everyone has their own place and role in life. The idea of \u200b\u200b"I am better than the other" is a sign of bloated and ignorance, no more.

How to appreciate yourself?

Before we consider how to increase self-esteem, a few words about proper self-esteem should be said. In order to evaluate yourself correctly, you need to discard emotions and look at the situation of healthy, connecting. And it happens that man, reading the "smart" articles on improving self-esteem with different ways self-sustaining, begins to remember himself almost God, which, naturally, looks like best case Funny, and at worst - creates a person even more problems.

Evaluate yourself healthy. Do not think that you can cheat life: the trick can work, but in the end, everything will be balanced - everyone will receive according to merit. Losers are those people who in last Life They tear off a fat piece of the cake, but they left him from their own future, so now, when the future has become real, there was nothing with anything. The people are correctly spoken: there is a tricky bolt for each cunning nut.

Therefore, the best way to improve self-esteem, reliable and reliable tool, is the work on itself: , cultivating in a particular activity and doing good deeds, a person really appreciates itselfThan when he speaks and makes all sorts of nonsense, and therefore gets more, according to merit. Conclusion is simple: you need to be a good person and create more good, then there will be no problems with self-esteem. The idea that life can be deceived - completely crazy, and it is better to give up from it right away.

The methods that are listed below are the grains of wisdom collected on the Internet.

How to enhance self-esteem: 20 ways

1. Refuse any destructive criticism and self-critics. Destructive criticism is a negative assessment of a person, actions or events, which implies an attempt to impose his point of view. Binding is violence, and life does not like violence, so do not waste your energy on what will turn against you. If you can not without criticism, change it with destructive on a constructive, promoting the correction of the situation.

2. Refuse negative thoughts, stop terrorizing yourself with devastating installations. Thoughts are creating our future - what we think constantly, then attract. We think about the bad - attract bad, we think about good - we attract good. Sign up and spread it around - this effective method Enhance self-esteem.

3. Stop blame yourself and justify. If you did something wrong, and you are accused of this, just admit it as a fact. What is extra emotions and excuses? Yes, to blame, yes, I correct. Do not drive yourself in the feeling of guilt and do not look for justification - it's all in the past. Be in the present and think about the future creatively and positively - such a way of thinking is the most optimal for a person.

4. More communicate with positive and confident peoplewho are not trying to put pressure on or do "below." Choose or restrave your circle of communication, as your self-esteem and self-confidence directly depends on it. They say "with whom they will do - from that and you'll get." On our site you can - Just for communication, or friendship, and maybe something more.

5. To engage in favorite activities that brings real joy or satisfaction. If it is not about your work, it means you need to find a hobby that will give you a feeling that life is not in vain. Making what you really like to do, you find self-confidence and, perhaps, even the meaning of life, and this significantly raises self-esteem. You can pass a free destination test to understand what activity will bring you success and real happiness, and start doing it. When a person knows his destination and is engaged in his favorite thing, he lives happily, cycling his abilities and talents, and he simply does not arise with self-esteem.

6. Be patient with yourself. By changing ourselves and implementing a new positive model of behavior in your life, we want immediate remuneration for your actions, but it should be borne in mind that in the material world the investigation is separated from the cause of some time, and not always reward comes immediately.

7. Plan your future. Put the real (fully achievable) goals, write real steps to achieve them and regularly implement them into life - this is an effective way to achieve success and gain self-confidence. Do not postpone tomorrow and do not let the mind think about more than it is really necessary, since the mind should have a lot of superfluous, doubt and find an excuse, "why not do it." If the mind (and in women - intuition) says "it is necessary" and "better like this", it means that it is necessary, and that is.

8. Stop pity yourself and others. If we regret, then agree that a person cannot cope with the problem that life is unfair, and that the next time I can become a victim. If you can help a person - help, but do not set up a negative wave of sympathy and pity, because you will make worse and yourself, and others. Attempts to get pity and sympathy (instead of real help) - this is the manifestation of a subconscious desire, "so that others are not better than me."

9. With gratitude to take gifts of fate. Very often, people think that blind fate sends the good as I am unworthy. Fate is never mistaken - there is simply a delay in time, and we can not always track, for which we have come or another good. Taking the gifts of fate, continue to make good deeds, share the positive with others, and you will return more and more good. This method of interaction with the world is the most intelligence.

10. Do not be self-made: "One in the field is not a warrior." Ask for help - this is not a sign of weakness, but evidence of wisdom. Weak shy and loses, and strong when he feels what needs a support, asks for support, because he himself never refuses help, if it is in his power and does not contradict common sense. We can solve the tasks that life puts in front of us, but no one says that it needs to be done alone. On the contrary, the interaction with the world around us is a pledge of success. Find your support - and you will become many times stronger, you will find self-confidence and learn to trust the world around.

11. Love your shortcomings and troubles. Any difficulties and problems make us stronger if we overcome them, and not resist. Resistance to the situation only strengthens it, because we are not trying to accept it, but repel. Consequently, there is no solution, and you can correct the situation only by accepting it. Card with emerging problems and situations, it great will increase your self-esteem.

12. Take care of your body, because it is not a clothing that you can change at will at any time. Keep your body clean, treat and warn the disease. The sick person is always weaker healthy. Why create extra difficulties yourself? Eliminate as soon as you detect them without postponing for later.

13. Bring all things to the endSince unfinished affairs reduce self-esteem and self-confidence, remind us of defeat and weakness. Never leave things halfway - then you will not blame yourself. This is a wonderful way to gradually increase confidence.

14. Do not bike on possession. Any thing belonging to you can suddenly disappear or break. And what it was more expensive, the harder her loss, and the more this loss weaken you. Also, the people we are trying to assign to themselves, at any time can leave us, and the addiction remains. Ultimately, and in our use is only temporary, do not forget about it. Therefore, be for what you have, but do not bind to these temporary things.

15. Stop showing your importance and pretend that you are better than others. If you do not match the image that demonstrate surrounding will put you in place, and you will look ridiculous. In addition, such behavior you will attract the one who wants to face you what is usually measured, and you can shively lose it, which does not contribute to improving self-esteem.

16. Overcome your fears. Fears are the most important destroyer of your self-confidence. Try to make any actions that were afraid to do, but come around without nonsense, no one's right heroism and unnecessary risk. It may be that overcoming fears is best way To achieve.

17. Help people, to benefit society and configure others to a positive wave. It will give you confidence; And when you understand that you bring to people who will no longer consider yourself a loser.

18. Act resolutely and purposefully, without looking back and not experiencing about past failures. Concentrate on purpose and feel free to go to it; And when you achieve it, it will not be necessary to raise self-esteem.

19. Study wisdom trying to penetrate the most important secrets of life ("Who am I?", "What am I doing here?", "How is it all arranged?") And get answers to these questions. As II spiritual growth Complexes, uncertainty and other problems of material existence disappear.

20. Love yourself now and always. You - unique man, with a unique set of qualities and abilities, you are an integral part of life, you have a unique role and place in life. God created you just like this; If he wanted you another - would have done others. The Creator takes you exactly as you are at every moment of time, therefore it makes no sense to take yourself and not to love. Understanding this greatly improves self-esteem, isn't it? Therefore, never expect that the bright moment will come when you deserve your own love, and then this minute will never come.

Of course, there are other ways to enhance self-esteem and gain self-confidence, and they can also be successfully used in their lives. The materials of the esoteric site will help you with this, for example, an article and other similar materials (links to which are given at the bottom of the page, under the article).

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The world around for each person is a mirror reflecting his own inner world. This means that your vision of the world depends on your own feelings, thoughts, beliefs, installations, minigration. Another important component of relationships in society is the representation of a person about himself, his own assessment of his personality.

The formation of self-esteem is influenced by various factors, among which you can highlight upbringing, social environment, features professional activity. Oscar Wilde said that love for himself means a novel, long life. And this is true, because the individual feeling of happiness, peace of mind and well-being of a person is possible only with an adequate assessment of themselves as a significant person and accepting their individuality. To learn how to raise self-esteem and find specific ways to enhance your own self-esteem, listen to the advice of the psychologist and try doing exercises aimed at improving self-esteem.

How do we appreciate ourselves

American psychotherapist K. Rogers, the author of the famous client-centered psychotherapy, believed that the main component of the personality structure is the "I-Concept" - representations of a person about himself, which is formed in the process of socialization, in other words, in its interaction with society. In this process, the mechanism of characterization is involved - the adoption of their identity assessments by other people as its own, as well as the identification mechanism - the ability to put yourself in place of another person and thus evaluate their identity.

Every born man has a personal phenomenal field - empty space life experience. In the process of individual development, this field is filled, a personal "I" of a person "begins to manifest, his" I-concept "is formed. Rogers believed that self-actualization is the final point of development of the individual - the implementation of all potential possibilities.

Self-assessment is the central component of the "I-Concept", because it is a rational assessment of the person himself, its capabilities and qualities gives real opportunity achieve your goals. Self-assessment performs a protective and regulatory function, affects relationships with other people, human behavior and development. Self-criticism and demanding on it depends on it. Self-assessment is the basis of human attitude towards its successes and failures, choosing the goals of a certain level of complexity, which characterizes the level of personal claims.

It is possible to distinguish specific types of self-esteem, relying on its individual signs:

  • Reality: adequate and inadequate self-esteem (understated or overestimated). Adequate self-esteem gives a person to treat himself critically, to correctly evaluate his strength and opportunities. Inadequate self-esteem is manifested in the revaluation or underestimation of its strength and opportunities.
  • Time: Retrospective, up-to-date and prognostic. The first characterizes the evaluation by the person of his past experience, the second - its current opportunities, and the latter means the opinion of a person about his possible successes or failures.
  • Level: High, Middle and Low. Self-esteem level itself is not so important, because in different situations and spheres of self-esteem can be both low and high. For example, a person is competent in the field of finance and he has a high level of self-esteem in this area, but he does not know how to keep household deals and rather lowers himself in this matter. High either low level Self-assessment does not play a key role, first of all, it must be adequate.

The famous American psychologist W. James proposed to determine the level of self-esteem by the formula:

Self-assessment \u003d success / level of claims

Level of attractions - This is TA top border Achievements of the person to which he seeks. This may be included different types Success: Career, personal life, social status, material well-being.

Success is a specific accomplished fact, specific achievements from the list of personal claims.

Obviously, raising self-esteem Psychology offers in two ways:

  • reduce the level of claims;
  • or increase the efficiency and effectiveness of your own actions.

The level of claims affect various successes and failures in the life of a person. If the level of claims are adequate - a person sets itself real-reaching targets. A person with a high adequate level of claims can put quite high targets, knowing that they can successfully achieve them. Moderate, or average level The claims mean that a person is able to fine with the tasks of the average difficulty level and does not want to increase its results. Low, and even understated levels of claims characteristic of a person not too ambitious, which puts fairly simple goals. Such a choice is explained by either low self-esteem or "social cunning". The last psychology explains as a conscious avoidance complex tasks and responsible decisions.

Self-assessment is formed by B. childhoodWhen human capabilities are in a state of development. It is for this reason that the self-esteem of an adult is more likely to be understated when the actual possibilities are much higher than the personal representations about them. Having understood in the peculiarities of the formation of self-assessment and its species, it becomes obvious that working with this personality component means raising self-assessment to the level of adequate.

Raising self-esteem - the process is not easy, but there is no limit to human capabilities. About how to raise self-esteem, you will be prompted effective councils Psychologist, among which you will also find effective exercises.

Tip number 1. Do not compare yourself with other people. Around you will always be found people who will be worse in various aspects or better than you. A permanent comparison simply will lead you to a deaf angle, where you can over time not only to get low self-esteem, but also to lose self-confidence. Remember, you are a unique personality, find your advantages and disadvantages and learn how to use them depending on the situation.

Exercises: Write a list of your goals and positive qualitiesthat will help achieve these goals. Also create a list of qualities that are an obstacle to achieving goals. Thus, you will understand that your failures are a consequence of your actions, and your personality has nothing to do with it.

Tip number 2. Stop searching for flaws in yourself, scold yourself. All the great people have achieved heights in their field, while studying on their own mistakes. Chief Principle - The error makes you choose a new strategy of action, increase efficiency, rather than lower your hands.

Exercises: Take a sheet of paper, color pencils and draw yourself as you go to see, with all the attributes of success. You can also come up with and depict a personal symbol of success. Drawing will help you better express your desires and improve confidence.

Tip number 3. Always perceive compliments from other people with gratitude. Instead of "not worth" answering Thank you. Such a response, a person's psychology takes this assessment of his personality, and it becomes its inherent attribute.

Exercises: try using special assertions (affirmations). Several times during the day (at the beginning of the day - must) clearly and thoughtfully pronounce the phrases "I am a unique unique person", "I can achieve this goal", "I have all the necessary qualities."

Tip №4. Change the circle of communication. Our social environment carries a key influence on a decrease or improving self-esteem. Positive people who are able to give constructive criticism to adequately evaluate your abilities and increase your confidence should be your permanent satellites. Try to constantly expand your circle of communication, get acquainted with new people.

Tip number 5. Live, guided own desires. People who constantly do what others require them, never know how to raise self-esteem. They are accustomed to follow someone else's goals, living not their lives. Do what you like. Work there, where you feel respect and you can realize your abilities. Try to travel more, bring the long-standing dreams into reality, do not be afraid to risk and experiment.

Exercises: Make a list of your desires and make them real objectives. Sewing step by step that you need to do to achieve these goals and start moving in the selected direction. You can also make a route of the nearest travel, make it unusual. If you usually go to the sea, then this time go hiking, in the mountains. You may not even suspect your own opportunities, because they never tried to get out of the "Comfort Zone".

How to improve self-esteem Woman: 20 excellent ways + 2 cool psychological exercises + 3 erroneous paths.

It does not matter why now your self-esteem rolled down "below the plinth" - threw a loved one, lost his job or full of dress, bought for mad money.

Need to find an effective way Make so that the sky again has become blue, the muzzle is satisfied, ice cream - amazingly delicious, and life is spaced!

Let's "try on" ways to " how to increase self-esteem woman Quickly and efficiently.

Anxiety! Whistle all up or 5 signs of what time it is time to think how to improve self-esteem

    If a woman cannot quietly take compliments, gifts, help, then it is worth working on self-confidence and self-esteem.

    Well, where did the idea that you all are unworthy from your light head?

    And if a man invites you to bring a heavy bag, you do not need to immediately tele the pocket in search of a gas canister.

    Due to the low self-esteem, the woman agrees to relationships with the first one who will offer.

    So what that he is being rejoiced like ZEK after the fifth rejection and nothing but the scroll did not read?

    After all, "I was blinded from what was, and then what was, I loved ...".

    Urgently increase self-esteem, you need a woman if she cannot say out loud about his desires.

    No, no, we are not only about your favorite posture in sex (although it should be voiced by your beloved).

    Learn at least to speak your beloved that you want to order in a restaurant and decide, finally, for seafood, and not an ordinary pasta with cheese.

    A woman with low self-esteem do not respect the surrounding people.

    How many years of psychologists say to people that those who are next to you, only reflect your attitude towards themselves and self-esteem, and "WHO and now there."

    If a woman in all other ladies sees a rival, then it's time to increase self-esteem.

    "One like watermelon, the other - a pork cartberry", so do not think that you, in contrast to the blue-eyed blonde, can not be lucky in love.

"I am the most charming and attractive": 5 ways to improve a woman's self-esteem with external changes

Not only men, but women love themselves with their eyes (do not consider vulgarity!), So, read how to increase your self-esteem, beat appearance:

Case - Time: 5 specific actions to enhance self-esteem woman

    To have a pet.

    No, you just imagine how your self-esteem shoot up, when you find out that you can get up daily at 5 am to walk your favorite dog.

    A woman needs to find a new passion if he wants to increase self-esteem.

    Oriental dances and needlework, billiards and bowling, yoga and color breeding - do not list everything!

    A woman can find a way to help those who need it.

    And, who knows, perhaps, that high brunette from a volunteer organization, which together with you every weekend goes to an orphanage or shelter for homeless animals, is your narrow?

    In order for a woman to increase self-esteem, it is worth receiving new knowledge every day.

    Think about courses foreign languagedriving a car, trainings personal growth etc.

    During the period of acute discontent with themselves, low self-esteem and unemployment Olga was recorded on free computer courses from the employment center.

    The result is not only a cherished "crust" and improving self-esteem, but 5 months overwhelmed studies, both in student times, and three stunning new girlfriends.

    Write the perfect order in your housing (make repairs, permutation, etc.).

    It is difficult for a woman to increase self-esteem and feel the harmoniousness of the world, if in the closet of Her "Armageddon", and in the corners - spiders with a palm size.

Mind games: How to increase self-esteem Woman, "Rolling" brains?

The best scientific minds from the sphere of psychology break their heads over how to make every young lady confident, as if Queen Savskaya.

Himself a psychologist: the top 10 tips from the shower healers, how can I improve self-esteem

    Make a list of 50 of their positive qualities, holte and ladt it.

    By the way, if you get to "roll", more than 50 is just wonderful!

    But be the most specifically as possible, for example, do not write that you are a good cook, and write: "I am preparing a duck with apples so that if James Oliver tries it, he buries from envy, like a three-year-old baby and leaves the profession."

    At one young lady I even spied on the list skill to draw perfect eyebrows with a pencil! What is not the method of raising self-esteem?

    Start the morning with affirmations (positive statements) to increase self-esteem.

    Consult, there is something to get up, not sending your expensive chief to all the hell, and at the same time colleagues, neighbors and future travelers minibus, and say loud (this is important!) Something is:

    "I am 100% aware of my value and make this day beautiful!".

    Stop communicating with people - "radishes".

    If the girlfriend is skeptical, seeing your new dress, mumbles "so not 18 already!" And advises to think about the transition to anti-aging cosmetics and warm co-rates instead of fashionable losine - in the "fire" such a girlfriend!

    Do not compare yourself with others, compare yourself with you in the past.

    And if today you are one centimeter closer to the twine, then what is it not a reason for pride and increase self-esteem?

    Learn to quietly take compliments and signs of attention if you want, as a woman, improve self-esteem.

    Do not, Alya, like a May rose, talk about the fact that the whole secret is that you were waved in the morning and managed to stroke the blouse.

    Praise yourself even for the slightest achievements.

    Did not sleep in the morning to work? Holy woman, just holy ...

    Do not justify before those surrounding for your actions.

    Yeah, well, you went on a date with a person who has no third top and nose curve.

    It is not necessary to say mom: "But he has no beer belly and a good heart."

    Record in a separate notebook, all "good, light, eternal", what happened to you per day.

    Let even it will be a 20-minute lunch break in the park or a compliment on the hair from your hairdresser (Eh, a shelm, smoothly stele to "promote" on an expensive painting!);

  1. To raise self-esteem, revolution envy, Otherwise, the uncertainty will bloom to terry.
  2. Do not try to please everyone because it undermines self-esteem.

    If you are under 25, even if we go to the knee in skirts all the time and return home to 8 pm, for grandmothers on the shop at the entrance, you will still be a potential prostitute and drug addict.

2 cool psychological exercises, with the help of which a woman can enhance self-esteem


    When communicating with people, you shrink, do you bake and rejoisy something nerazyant?

    Imagine your favorite actress or singer in its place (yes, even at least the comprehensive amount of "Viagra"), thoroughly and let it communicate from your behalf.

    You need to enhance self-esteem, and this beauty has everything "hurt"!

    "10 Seconds".

    Psychologists argue that appearance when evaluating a woman is only a few first seconds.

    So wait for their deadlock!

How to improve self-esteem Woman from the point of view of cinematographers: 15 luxurious films

To pretty lady did not lose their self-confidence and cheerfulness, a lot of wonderful films were shot.
They on bright examples Tell how a woman can enhance self-esteem:

No \\ nNameCountry, year of exit
1 "Baby on a million"USA, 2004.
2 "The devil wears Prada"USA, 2006.
3 "Queen"USA, 2007.
4 "Freeda"USA, Canada, 2002
5 "Black book"Germany, United Kingdom, 2006
6 "Moscow does not believe in tears"USSR, 1979.
7 Erin BrockovichUSA, 2000.
8 "Barefoot on the pavement"Germany, 2005.
9 "Head in the clouds"USA, 2004.
10 "Eat Pray Love"USA, 2010.
11 "Golden age"United Kingdom, 2007.
12 "Jeanne D'Arark"USA, 1999.
13 "And in the shower I dance"Ireland, France, United Kingdom, 2004
14 "Siberian Barber"Russia, Italy, 1998
15 "Even one of the kind of pain"United Kingdom, 2008.

Have a pleasant watch for watching these movie sedavra, you are provided.

10 best books that tell how to raise self-esteem to a woman

Therefore, it makes sense to look at the next literature:

No \\ nAuthor, title
1 V.Live "the art of being ourselves"
2 E.Beret "The main secrets of absolute self-confidence"
3 S. Mamontov "Believe in yourself. Training confidence "
4 M.Smit "Training confidence"
5 R.Bach "Seagull named John Livingston"
6 A.Notomb "Fear and Treps"
7 D.Millman "The Way of Peace Warrior"
8 P.Koello "Alchemik"
9 D.MERFI "How to become confident and lift self-esteem"
10 E.Tarasov "How to raise self-esteem and achieve success"

How else will love yourself and increase your self-esteem? Answers to these questions in the educational video:

Come down from the curve of the track, madam or 3 methods, how to increase self-esteem woman, if she wants to finally urge himself

    Alcohol, drugs, random sex.

    Fullness, Milk! In the evening in the bar you, of course, seem to yourself fatal woman Getting better carmen and with self-esteem you are fine.

    But the morning will still come, and together with the dawn and all your internal "demons" will come back.

    Gloating, gossip, manipulation, humiliation of other people.

    Decided to play the doctor, more precisely, doctor evil?

    Or feel like a special approximate to the emperor?

    Well, as you know, but the principle of boomeranga and the promotional folk "How will happen and will respond!" No one has canceled.

    "Cash" under another woman to increase your self-esteem.

    We perfectly understand that men come from saliva from one glance at Angelina Jolie or Anna Kournikov, but you remember that "rich is also crying" and these young lady's problems often have several thousand more than you.

So, various methods, how to raise self-esteem woman - Although debut.

The main thing is to go to themselves, and not walk with sad, like Piero, face and universal longing in the eyes.

After all, it is remembered, "the salvation of drowning is the work of the hands of immersing."

We sincerely believe that you get to form adequate self-esteem.

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People S. high self-esteem It's not easy. In the end, even society does not approve of an overly positive look at himself. We all constantly compare themselves with supermodels or think about what would be worth making money more and become better. But you can change the situation! Here are twelve steps that you can do today.

Please note how you appeal to yourself

Do you imagine how many negative thoughts take place in your mind per day? Unlikely. Even if this is something familiar like "my hair is terrible today," it is worth paying attention and control your mood. Take a notebook and write all the bad things that you think about yourself. After a week, take a look at the resulting list, think about it and write a refutation from each item.

Do not compare yourself with others

Your self-esteem is instantly falling when you look at Angelina Jolie or a bank account of my relative millionaire. But you can change the situation! Stop comparing yourself with others. Think about what you have. You have a roof above your head, food on the table, you are already lucky. Be grateful for everything you have, and do not complain about what is missing.

Do not live in the past

Even if you have done something in the past, something is ashamed, it can not determine your identity all life. No one can return time ago, so the best thing you can do is forgive your mistake, decide not to repeat it and move on. Scrolling thoughts about failure again and again, you will not achieve anything. Or maybe on the contrary, in the past it was better? This is also not a reason to live your past. Everything changes, and life does not stand still, move along with her further.

Find a friend who will support

Everyone who at least once tried to change their habits, knows how difficult it is. Low self-esteem - This is also a kind of habit, this is your chosen character of thoughts. That is why it is important to have a person who would indicate us for the appearance in the mood of the negative and would help return to a positive way. Sometimes we just do not understand how much we underestimate ourselves.

Observe what makes you feel insignificant

Think what causes low self-esteem. Maybe you have always had a more successful sister? Did you tease in childhood? Everyone has weaknesses, so it is important to deal with them and try not to think about yourself badly. Everything that caused your negative has already been in the past, you have changed. Do not evaluate yourself in such a context.

Separate thoughts from real facts

Maybe you think you have excess weightbut in fact everything is completely wrong. Maybe you just surround the thinner girlfriends, and you are medium sized. If you constantly compare ourselves with others, your reality will not be objective. Recommend only to facts - feelings from them are very different, and they can not always trust.

Contact yourself, as with a friend who needs support

We all criticize themselves much more than our friends. Good friend Always support and will not let the evil comments. Become a friend for yourself. Be kind to yourself. Make compliments, praise yourself more often. Nobody needs you for this, you can handle yourself.

Believe people who praise you

Some people do not know how to take compliments. It sounds strange, but it is. The reason is that they simply do not believe in good words. They have a completely different conviction in their heads that they are not right and not good. Stop it to do! If someone praises you, believe him! Tell me "Thank you" and smile!

Use visualization

Repeating affirmations and visualizing, you can reprogram your consciousness. The more you are convincing yourself in the fact that you have a normal self-esteem, or imagine how your life has changed, the more your brain confuses it with reality. Repeat yourself that you good manthat you are worthy of love. Visualize your happiness and feel better.

Take advantage of hypnosis

In order to reprogram the consciousness, there are other techniques. For example, hypnosis is very effective tool. It is enough to get a special disk and listen to it regularly, and your self-esteem can become much higher than before.

List your good qualities and achievements

Sometimes we are too sharpening attention on your shortcomings without noticing positive qualities. Share a little time - sit down and write down your advantages. Whatever it is, write down any advantage, talent, character trait. What could you successfully do in the past? Remember your achievements and understand that you are important for this world.


To read the motivating article can be very interesting, but this will not be any benefit if you do not begin to take action. Listen to all these advice! Start to act! Try at least something! The path to success begins with one step, so be bolder.