
When is insulin prescribed for diabetes?

When is insulin prescribed for diabetes? There is always a certain amount of glucose in the blood of every person. Deviation from the sugar norm in any direction can have serious consequences. An indicator less than the minimum indicates poisoning of the body, and more than the maximum indicates that

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What foods lower sugar

What foods lower sugar On this page you will learn how to lower your blood sugar in type 1 and 2 diabetes and lower your blood pressure to normal with a tasty and filling low-carb diet. This is one of the main materials on our site. He changes the lives of millions

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How to quickly lower blood sugar

How to quickly lower blood sugar This question is relevant for those who have type 2 diabetes. With this disease, tissue sensitivity to insulin decreases, its production by the pancreas is reduced, and thus sugar remains in the blood, causing unpleasant consequences. The reason arose

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How to quickly lower blood sugar at home?

How to quickly lower blood sugar at home? Recipes invented by people for the treatment of various pathologies are based on time-tested information about herbs, flowers, vegetables, fruits, etc., but you need to be able to combine the ingredients correctly. Otherwise, allergic reactions and aggravation are possible.

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