Man-lion in love and family life. What sex love men lions? How to win the love of a man-lion? How to behave with a man - Lvom: valuable advice

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To understand how a man-lion behaves, just look at the same name of the representative of the animal world. Lions proud and self-confident, noble and courageous. These are gentlemen, which, at the same time, very easy to offend. But the man-lion will never tell about his offended feelings, considering it below his dignity, so you have to learn to apologize to your man. How to understand a man's man? It needs to be simply loved, respect and even slightly wondering. To see how a male is a woman conquering a woman, it means to see the real knight of the 21st century, who seeks his lady of the heart. The man-lion is a very selfish person, but won him, the woman will never go without attention and love from his man. In addition, like all the real representatives of the strong sex, the Lions are freedom-loving, and from their own women are waiting for exceptional loyalty and devotion.

How does the lion love?

So, how does a man-lion behave? Like a ram. And simply speaking, as a truly fascinated man - recklessly, with full return and passion, shares of madness and stupidity. Lions are able to love like no one else, compelling their own woman, but also demanding complete returns. If a man does not receive what, in his opinion, deserves - cold will come incredibly quickly. Nevertheless, how to understand what you like a man-lion and do not miss your chance? You just need to open your eyes. As a rule, lions are straightforward and asserts. It happens, sometimes it is extremely difficult, but if you were lucky enough to fall in love with him, then you should not wait for free and easy relationships. To worry about how to understand that a man is not indifferent, not a single woman will have a single woman, because the weak sex is intuition, especially in the matters of heart, is incredibly developed. The man-lion (how to understand that he has already been said to be said) - first of all, the monochief, who is seriously experiencing quarrels and disagreements and remains faithful to the end with his beloved.

Man Leo: how to behave with him?

The question of how to attract a man's man, worry many representatives of weak gender, which crave to be with a real man. But the answer here is extremely simple - you need to be slightly lioness, devoted, sincere, passionate and loving. The rule that this is attracted to this, there is incredibly strong. We ask questions how to conquer a man-lion and how he likes, you need to explore his views on life and tastes, values \u200b\u200band hobbies. Lions are looking for equal to themselves worthy of women with whom they will be able to feel like a real man, king. How to interest a male lion? Show all the multifaceted nature of your nature. Such men are equal to the appearance and intellect of women. If you are ready to become a faithful and devoted companion, for which a man will always be in the first place, the question of how to win a man-lion finds a simple answer and a solution.

How to keep?

Lions, in contrast, for example, from men of Aries, extremely not conflicting people and often they become initiators of reconciliation with their own woman. But if the lion was offended, offended, again conquer his confidence and forgiveness will be extremely difficult. There should be equally both rational arguments and emotional. The question of how to return a male-lion has only one good answer - to be sincere in my desire to reunite with your loved one. But most often, such men tend to make a decision once and forever.

Horoscope compatibility

Lion + Aries - A good union where both partners will understand each other well. But there is a danger that excessive emotionality will often provoke scandals, in addition, a woman-Aries is difficult to imagine a simple housewife who was able to suppress their ambitions, but attraction in this pair is so great that they will certainly be able to find a common language.

Lion + Taurus - Relations will be full of conflicts and contradictions, sometimes irresistible. But if the marriage is concluded, then, most likely, both partners will strive to keep the family to the latter.

Lion + Gemini - It is sympathy and mutual understanding, one of the most successful unions. Their relationship will always be bright, with a shade of novelty. In addition, they have excellent sexual compatibility.

Lion + cancer - Union is rather heavy, especially for Lion. Woman cancer is too complicated for him, he will always try to disrupt the cover of mystery from her. She, in turn, will constantly play on his nerves, not wanting to completely shake his mysterious soul.

Lev + Lev. - Frequently common union, but not always successful. The desire to rule can provoke conflicts and mutual resentment, but the novelty of feelings will continue for a long time. These people live among interests and feelings, and if desired, they will be able to overcome all trouble.

Lion + Deva. - Relationships do not differ, sometimes become tedious and petty. Often together, they become non-darling, and then the marriage breaks down. Although in the business sphere they can be excellent partners.

Lion + Scales - One of the most successful unions. Interest in each other in partners arises from the moment of the first meeting, and the joint life is full of mutual understanding and tenderness. The scales are perfectly able to adapt and please, and the lion only it is necessary.

Lion + Scorpio - In this union, both will strive for power, and none will be able to retreat, although in sexual terms the union is very attractive for both. In marriage, everyone will live their lives, to pour and save the resentment, which can not bring anything good.

Lion + Sagittarius - Excellent mutual understanding, both in life and sex. Two active and business people found each other, but the omnipresence of the women-Sagittarius can over time boring a lion, he wants more sincere heat and comfort.

Lion + Capricorn. - This is a heavy and even gloomy union, where both partners are deeply unhappy. They are incompatible not only in life, but also in bed. Sooner or later, the female Capricorn loosen all his insults on Lion, and he in turn will quickly start looking for mutual understanding on the side.

Lion + Aquarius - An interesting and frequently found union, both in marriage and in the business sphere. Partners are good together, but the ideological and spiritual disconnection is gradually begin to be felt. However, divorces in such Arah are rare, it means that they still keep them together.

Lion + Fish - This union is characterized by a complete lack of mutual understanding due to different views on life. The lion will hurt the sensitive fish strongly, its complex inner world will be incomprehensible. It is too cold for him, too mysterious and complicated.

See also:

Orthodox calendar

Monday, March 18, 2019(March 5, Art.)
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MCH. Conona Isavria (I)
Finding the relics of BLGV. Princes of Theodore Smolensky and Chad His David and Konstantin, Yaroslavl Wonderworkers (1463)
Holy Memory Day:
MCH. Onions (I). MCH. Keonon Graduate (III). PS Mark Postnote (V). PS Isicia postnote (approx. 790). Prmch. Adriana Poshekhonsky, Yaroslavsky (1550). MC. Iradays. MCH. Energia, in Palestine. MCH. Evlampia. The acquisition of the relics of SVT. Luki isp., Archipe. Simferopolsky (1996).
Day of the memory of the confessors and new martyrs of the Church of the Russian:
Schishmch. Nikolai Pokrovsky Prester (1919); schishmch. John the Mini Homemaker Presbytera and PRMCH. Mardaria Isaev and Feofan Grafova (1938).
Day of reverence Icons of the Mother of God:
The icons of the Mother of God, called "Education".
Great post.
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Reading a day
Gospel and Apostle:
At verse: -Genesis.3: 21-4: 7; Proverbs 3: 34-4: 22 On the 6th hour: -IS.4: 2-5: 7
On the morning: -PS.24-31; PS.32-36; PS.37-45 At verse: -PS.119-133

If you fell under the charm of a noble man of a lion with royal manners and decided to seduce him, then you should know the following. Lions prefer bright, elegant, representative and well-groomed women. Perfect hairstyle, bright makeup, stylish outfit and scarlet manicure - that's what attracts the lion. Lerl likes everything that goes beyond stereotypical rules. There should be a woman for which there are no generally accepted borders. This woman is courage and risk. And if it also has a developed intelligence - then it is an ideal for a lion. But he will continue further relations with a noble woman who has a thin soul, thyed manner and self-esteem. Lion woman should have a passionate nature. It should be able to challenge in it even greater flame, hope for new emotional outbreaks. Do not let the lion relax for a minute, keep it in passionate voltage and manage it with feelings. Then you will definitely be able to conquer this passionate representative of the element of fire.

As already mentioned, in addition to appearance, the level of the woman's intelligence is important. But the woman should be even wise enough, so as not to show mental superiority on his companion in the public. It will be very upset by a lion, and even pushes it from you. After all, from now on, he will consider you with his competitor in pursuit of the attention of society. And if you dare to argue with the lion in public or criticize some of his actions, you can say goodbye to him. He will not forgive you. If you want to be close to Lvom, never question your leadership qualities and the degree of his influence on people.

If you start a relationship with such a man, it would be nice to decide: how to behave with a man Lvom? Knowing it, you can become happier from women. The lion, surrounded by love and care, the mountain will turn the sake of his beloved woman, will be for her a stone wall and a faithful companion for many years.

How to properly behave with a male lion

Throwing the whole world to the feet of his beloved, the lion will require at least the same. For her beloved, he should always stand in the first place. Lerl will be pleasant to flattery and evaluation of his advantages. The lion will never even pay attention to the pathetic semblance of a woman. His chosen should look like a hundred. And one natural beauty is not enough. The lion woman should be well maintained and luxurious.

Lion attracts bright visible women as a true hunter he is not averse to coming with numerous fans. His chosen should be interesting. The lion has an extraordinary mind, and he is unlikely to choose a pacifier in his companions, even if it is Miss World.

A woman should be his business card, for her should not be ashamed under any circumstances. Lion to conquer a woman not to shake the means and feelings. It will perform any whim. But to keep it, she needs to know how to behave with a man Lv.

Even if it came to marriage, you should not relax. Lion gives a lot, but also requires a lot in return. Disappoint it easily, comply with its requirements difficult. But it is worth it. Woman should be in his submission. His leadership is not even discussed. Therefore, to achieve the desired will have not directions, but flattery and caress. Forget about equality and your leadership.

Lev owner. His chosen will swim in luxury, but he must be confident in her loyalty. Therefore, every minute he will control absolutely everything. Even your thoughts should only be about him.

How to behave with a man lion to be pleased with you

You will have to put a cross on your career and prepare for the role of a caring and loving wife and mother. But life with the lion will not be boring. Feeling your love, he will turn the mountain for your happiness. Therefore, more often express your love for him. In response, he will be faithful to you all my life.

Get ready to shine in society. Everything must be envied by your chosen. But at the same time he should not be jealous of you. The lion will be jealous even to children. Therefore, you will have to be ready to give him even more love with the advent of the child. But in return, he will be the best father in the world.

Tenderness and caress can be achieved a lot. But do not let him think about what you manipulate them.

Men lions are always proud, stubborn, strong, very intellectual people. They have strong magnetism, attract people to themselves, they are excellent manipulators. They will never be obeyed. They are always calm and cold-blooded. There are often selfish. But at the same time such spiritual and noble!
Lion is the king, in one word.

To behave with a lion is needed in a certain way and sometimes it is not easy.

Lion loves attention to his person. Always praise it. Do compliments, do not leave good unnoticed, it is very offended by a lion. Do not sharpen attention on the bad, it is very worried, just does not show the look.
Do not learn the lion to live. Do not argue with him. By virtue of stubbornness and eternal conviction, it is very difficult to convince him in its rightness, usually leads to conflict situations. Even if you are right, the lion will stand on your own.
Do not humiliate in front of the lions. Lion is very amused, he will repeat the situation to hurt you again. The lion will never normally treat a woman who does not have pride and their own dignity.
Do not let the lion manipulate you, otherwise it will use it all the time.
Try not to annoy the lion once again. Lions are not such men who will forgive everything for women's tears. By the way, they are annoyed by tears. To avoid unpleasant situations, advise with Lvom, you are interested in his opinion, but do not neglect your.
Do not try to call the lion of jealousy. It will not lead to anything good. Men Lions are very faithful and waiting for the same partner.
Be the queen yourself. Always be well-keeled and well dressed, the lion will appreciate it, as he himself tries to be always on top. Good perfume, manicure, laying, clothing emphasizing the figure ... The lion must admire you. Do not forget about royal manners. And do not forget to be capricious, but I completely break the lion.
Lions idealists. Here, and so everything is clear, they are trying to do everything yourself perfectly and demand from those surrounding the same.
Lions, usually have a good sense of humor. If you have it, it is wonderful. Judge and laugh with your man.
Ask Lev about help! Usually the Lviv gold hands. The lion is very noble and generous if you are expensive to him, he will never refuse to help.
Surprise a lion, constantly add sharpness into your relationship, make surprises, take in bed. The lion will appreciate it and will try to please you.
Give lion love and affection. He will surely answer you. In general, the lions are people such if they make something good to them, be sure to make good instead.
Lions love to eat delicious. Learn to prepare, ladies. Especially love meat dishes and sweets. They themselves are usually well prepared and helpfully help chosen in cooking.
Lions are not the men who will run behind you the dog, on that they are lions. Do not try to make a lion with a repeater.
Always remember what a lion, you are like a stone wall. He will always protect you and help. If you follow the tips above, you will get the perfect without a shortage!

Of course there are lions with a completely different character, but there are exceptions everywhere.


  • Male Lev.
  • how does lion behave

Manipulators are deft psychologists, they notice human weaknesses and skillfully use them to control others. The power of the manipulator is that many do not notice this control or cannot resist him. However, each person is able to withstand manipulations.


Discover the manipulator on time. Such a person knows how to force others to do what he needs. At the same time, you may not even notice that you manipulate. Arsenal of funds is huge: flattery, threats, game on the feeling of guilt, reducing significance, etc. If, communicating with a person, you are constantly experiencing stress or feel guilty - before you a manipulator.

Think about why you need to manipulator. Do not pay attention to his words: he says what you want to hear. Instead, analyze your actions and its reaction. Which of what you did, caused a negative, and what did the manipulator like? Making two lists, you will understand what he directs you to.

Calculate which buttons the manipulator gives to manage you. These are your weaknesses, and you need to learn to protect them. For example, communicating with those who are accustomed to take care of others, the manipulator can accuse him of coarseness and coldness.

Stop making exceptions. The manipulator is probably in stock a couple of excuses about why he is allowed to behave in a similar way. It may be a hard childhood, a recent break with the beloved, transferred, stress at work and anything else. If you are subject to manipulation, do not communicate with those who often play sacrifice.

Install new borders. Do not take gifts, money from the manipulator. For him, this is just a reason to make you do what he wants. Reduce the meeting if possible, do not communicate alone. Extend the words of the manipulator doubt. Do not agree with him just because you do not want to argue.

Be prepared to defend your new behavior line. No manipulator will not surrender without a fight. Get ready to listen to accusations of egoism and cruelty. He will tell you and your loved ones, what pain you have caused to him when they pushed. Arm yourself with patience and tranquility. If you are to blame, then only in the fact that once allowed the manipulator to enter trust. Do not get involved in the disputes, shut up, and over time, its energy runs out.

Pay attention to how the manipulator will respond when it will understand what to lose. It happens, people realize that they behaved wrong. Do not be afraid to give a person a second chance.


  • What to do if manipulated at work
  • how to communicate with a manipulator

If your relationships with men are constantly ends with Fiasco and you are tired of the unsuccessful search for the ideal partner, you may need to change the ideal relationship and reconsider your behavior.


Integet to the business of men. The lack of attention to the career, study and hobbies of your partner will quickly begin to offend him, and then the cause of separation. But the girl, vividly interested in how the beloved day passed, has every chance of a long relationship. And what to do if men are incomprehensible and uninteresting? To begin with, determine the area in which you need to start navigate. It is very important not to overload yourself with superfluous information. For example, you already know that your man loves fishing. Find out what:, winter, with aqualung, etc. Find information on this topic on the Internet and read it carefully. Do not attempt to immediately read complex materials - start with Azov. Get a special notebook to which the terms referred to themselves, and then recognize their meaning. Naturally, all this should be done unnoticed. And one day you will pay the fact that at a good level you can support the conversation about his passion.

Do not forget about female dignity. This is especially true at the beginning of the relationship. Do not run for a man and do not force the events. The strong floor is attracted only to those who need to conquer. The next advice may sound and old-fashioned, but you should not take expensive gifts before your relationship will come to a higher level, and you will become a bride and groom. Come with dignity - this quality is valuable at all times.

Do not allow the manifestations of rudeness and disrespect from the man. There is no talk about rudeness or aggressiveness - from such individuals should be initially held away. But if your beloved destroyed the contents of the refrigerator, knowing that you will come late and hungry, or offered to come to him by bus, because He is too lazy to go for the car - these are obvious signals of a disrespectful relationship. Perfect such behavior, and if it does not help - it is better to break down, because in the future everything will become even worse.

Do not try to kketney with other men to cause jealousy or asserts. For representatives of the strong floor, it is equal to treason. With a woman who demonstrates himself, and behaves too frankly, a man can get acquainted for sex, but not to create a family.

Remember: love is not a leash. Please accept the fact that you cannot be together around the clock. Women who seek to keep a man on the leash, almost always remain lonely. Happy couple always have a personal space, free time and life outside the family. It is not necessary to dissolve in a man, but it is impossible to completely gather. Find the "golden middle" and stick to it. Good luck to you in creating perfect relationships!

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When choosing a spouse, women seek to find an ideal man. Of course, going married, I want to be protected, be fenced off from all problems and worries. Therefore, it is worth noticeing to the groom before the wedding, in order to live with a man in the future as a stone wall.

Hi to all our expensive readers! Do you want to know how to fall in love with a man - lion? How to build a relationship with him, strong and happy? And how to behave with a man - Lvom to conquer his heart?!

Learn directly in astrologers how to overcome incompatibility with the sign of the lion! And make a man - lion run after you!

Man - Lion: What is he in love

Planet - Governor: Sun

Element: Fire

Yellow color

Stone: Amber, Feline Eye, All Yellow Stones

This sign fully meets your name.Lev- man from birth I am confident that he king. It is impossible to convince him. By this, he creates a sense of reliability, masculinity and strength. However, this is exactly the way it is. All the advantages that he demonstrates belong to him right.

And he loves the demonstrations. It reaches the peaks in all spheres of life and noisily notes. Shows each oncoming how he is great. Roughly laughs over the losers. But it is kindly pretended by the endings of others.

Very emotional.Male - Lion has compatibility not with all signs. He does not tolerate straight people, but the tricky smoothie will always find the way to Lion.

Energetic, and can be divided into its energy. True, sometimes from the oversupply of energy begins to interfere with everyone. Imagine that you cook. Lev - a man will suit, will pick up a knife and a quarter, everything will approve and proudly will declare: "That's how to do!" And patiently wait until you praise his chef's skill.

But the lion is generous. And kind. True to those who like him. He is a good leader, knows a lot and knows how. And I will be happy to share with you everyone that he has. But all his gifts will be public. Lion does not recognize anonymity.

Alas, he can boast without stopping. Therefore, be prepared for the fact that his close surroundings will be aware of all the details of your novel with him.

But for the sake of this force, protection, confidence in tomorrow and violent sex it is worth the chairs! And the lion like no one else believes to his beloved, as a goddess! Therefore, it's time to learn, how to fall in love with a man - lion!

What women like men - lions

What do you think, what women like men - lions ? The answer is the best! And we are not at all about congenital beauty. Lion will conquer the woman about which he knows exactly what she is transformed for him! Husband - Leo without questions will give his wife a salary so that she goes to manicure. And then she will lead her for a walk or in a restaurant to show the surrounding, what his beauty is a wife. Leo appreciates efforts spent on it. Generally get used to the thought that the lion perceives you as a chic element of its chic image. That's why you should:

  • Dress with taste, not in fashion, stylish and elegant
  • Learn to file yourself in society as a Queen of high requests
  • Care for yourself with special care - the lion should know that you go to the hairdresser. But should not see the cutting process
  • Learns feminine gait and noble manners
  • Smile and flirtary to hide a look when talking to him
  • Follow your health and nutrition
  • Pour to him in humans
  • Ask for help with the words "Only you can do it"
  • Never check his feelings by jealousy

In a furious man - the left itself does not control itself. It is better not to know what he can do with the opponent. If you chose your goal for a lion relationship, forget about the rest of men. And constantly report a man - lion about your affairs. He, by the way, an excellent interlocutor and is ready to listen to you.

How to understand that man is lion in love

Here you will not be intrigue. And letters about love. He will just fit and declare: "Now you belong to me!". But after that there will be romance, and a bouquet of 101 rose.

It is very easy to understand that the man is lion in love . He still diligently begins to follow himself than usual. The object of love is extolled and openly sends attention to his beloved. Maybe even in advance to boast to friends, which is about to get you. Pulls all your awards for everyone to review. And it starts to do something urgently. Repacks and launders the car, it works more actively for the sake of increasing, goes to any competition, changes old things in the house for new ones.

Sexuality Men - Lion

Equal to him in bed should not be sought. For the sake of delight, the beloved will try to be gentle and neat. Requires diversity and does not tolerate prohibitions. It will be difficult for you to explain to him that some poses consider too depraved, or that hesitate to have sex when light.

Intim lion puts on a very important step. In general, there are three ways to manage a man - Lvom:

  1. Flying and praise
  2. Tasty food and refined setting
  3. Lost in bed

The lion can go to betray quite easily. But at the same time, respects its choice of partners. So if he is satisfied with the relationship, he will put a cross in advance on the rest of women. After all, he has already chosen the best, others exactly worse.

Male compatibility - lion in relations with other signs

Personal qualities of a woman he puts on the fore. And clearly distinguishes the duties. Do not try to nourish the shelter yourself, it's better to wait for it from work.

  • Aries - You will have to overcome the desire to command
  • Taurus - constantly bring a variety of life. Expand the sphere of your interests. Remember, one kitchen is not enough to obtain respect for the lion
  • Gemini - the ideal of a man - lion. Just do not forget to put him known about where going to go
  • Cancer - accept the fact that it attracts women. Lion will specifically tease your feeling of jealousy
  • Lion - man - lion and woman - lion have doubtfulmarriage compatibility . Everyone wants to make her servant from his wife. But as soon as you recognize his leadership, he will conquer you
  • Virgo - do not criticize the lion. Very gently straighten it. Arm yourself with the phrase "You need to do it / put on / go there." By reworking something behind Lvom, do not tell him about it
  • Scales - do not focus in relationships on the bed. And learn how to cook
  • Scorpio - before serving the ideas of the lion, we raise them several times. And try not to go on the principle in disputes
  • Sagittarius - do not insist in my opinion. Holds some arguments, reinforce them with facts. Your personal opinion is presented as if this is the opinion of the lion itself
  • Capricorn - you like lion just because you are you. Continue to play a good and bad policeman, replacing interest in coolness.
  • Aquarius - Try not to switch attention to the lion on others. And do not tell the stories about those who did what you failed to your lion
  • Fish - Keep the mood swings under control. And do not create unnecessary intrigues - the lion will think that you are deceiving it

In general, the lion, although the "king", with horseshoe intrigues cannot figure out. Helicate difficulties he does not understand. Talk to him straight, but affectionate.

How to fall in love with a man - lion: conclusion

Starting the way to conquering a lion, find all the advantages and rewards. Penetrate your extraordination. And go to conquer with your exclusivity and super-sufficiency!

Be happy in a relationship! To new meetings!

Male Lev - "Tsar" among men, at least he himself thinks so. When the lion appears in society, everyone must fully pay attention to him and stand up on a fast, including representatives of the fine sex. The man of this sign of the zodiac simply needs to feel their own significance. His superiority and uniqueness he does not question!

How to communicate with a man-lion?

Give him the opportunity to feel special. Lest for a man-lion is a familiar thing than her more, the better.

Do not try to seem above, smarter, stronger. On the contrary, you need to constantly emphasize how good it is! It is best to "dissolve" in the will of the lion. Give your happiness in the hands of His Highness.

Do not be afraid to move with praise, even if you feel stupid. Another thing, if you give way, well, it is impossible. The dispute goes too far?

Voltage increases? Try to translate everything in a joke. Lions are always not going to laugh. But do not overtake the stick - laugh at the shortcomings of the Male Lion is categorically prohibited.

If you offended the "royal" man, you have only one way to reconciliation. Guess what? Of course, you will have to recognize your wrong and praise, praise and praise the lion until it hurts.

Poor speeches can bring you good dividends. In men presented signs of the zodiac, a sense of responsibility is pronounced. Be weak, then the lion will become your reliable support and protection.

How to behave on a date?

First of all, a date with a lion is a regulation and etiquette. Dinner or lunch occurs in a particular place in a clearly agreed period. The lateness is unacceptable!

You can invite lion to the company where its qualities will be appreciated. Nevertheless, you will also have to shine in all its glory. The drunk non-conscious women and unattractive "gray mice" can not interest the lion.

What qualities do lions appreciate?

In order to enjoy communication with a man presented signs of the zodiac, it is worth showing that you feel about the category of outstanding women. Then the man will surely be interested in you and will be afraid of losing such an attractive woman.

As a rule, Lions give preference to "beautiful dolls", their housewives scare them. A woman should look great and tasty smelling. It increases the self-esteem of Lviv.

Most of the whole man of this sign of the zodiac appreciates girls with a noble character. The lady should be meek and at the same time passionate, be able to rush into adventures and leave them with imperturbable equilibrium. The heart of Leo will get to one that will sacrifice his own pride and agree to stay all his life in the shadow of his beloved.

Avoid uncultural behavior. Lions do not tolerate ladies, allowing themselves to be tactless, with respect to someone. Nevability on your part will be the beginning of the end of the relationship. Leo simply will lose interest. Harbor lion, it means to get a serious enemy! For forgiveness and hope is not worth it. Indifference and disregard forcing Lviv to suffer, so do not ignore the need for men in respect!

So, all that a man-lion needs is urgent interest in his person and immense respect! Follow the unaccompired rules, and you will definitely find the key to his heart.