Why do empty glass jars dream? The most negative predictions. Sleep value by day of the week

An empty bank is a symbol of poverty, misery, fate, failure and defeat. Perhaps the most bad dream that could have dreamed is a glass jar not filled with anything.

As a rule, such dreams in all dream books of the world are interpreted only from the negative side. And it is not surprising, because in fact, a jar, which is empty and made of glass, is a bad omen as a symbol of emptiness, that is, human poverty. But it is worth considering in detail why empty jars dream in dreams!

What if dreaming about empty cans?

If we are talking about just an empty bank, which stands apart from everything, then this is poverty to which fate dooms at the moment. It is unlikely that in the near future it will be possible to overcome the situation and turn the tide of the black band. However, you need to try! If the bank is dreaming of not one, but a lot of them (for example, in a warehouse or on a shelf) and they are all empty, then this is completely bad. Poverty will last for many years, perhaps decades. Also, if you dreamed about empty cans with a chip, then this is a theft.

This poverty has arisen for a reason. Someone constantly "drags" finances, deceives and leads the sleeping person. Perhaps this someone from the circle of trust: a friend, family member, business partner. It was he who created such a situation around the dreamer, and all the money flows through this cleavage to nowhere.

What portends?

If the jar is empty, but made not of glass, but of their other material, then this is a sure sign of impending loneliness. In my soul there will be no one left to rely on. In general, a dream, empty cans, in which it is bad!

They carry disappointment, tears, resentment and downfalls. Probably, with the onset of bankruptcy, friends and relatives will turn away from a person. He will also have to completely change his lifestyle, denying himself many things that he could easily acquire before. It's a tough life and hopefully this black rock will haunt you for a little while. No wonder an empty can in a dream different nations is a bad symbol!

Dream Interpretations confirm that seeing an empty or broken jar in a dream is a bad sign. Need and sorrow will overtake you. If the jar is filled with some food or liquid, the interpretation of sleep is more favorable. Let's find out in more detail how different dream books interpret this vision.

Family dream book

Empty jars in a dream warn you of impending need and impoverishment, filled with something - about success and prosperity.

If the container breaks, you will most likely get sick or become very disappointed in someone.

Buying cans in a store is a testament to the instability of your success.

Miller's dream book

A dream about an empty can prepares you for a black streak of failures in your life. Your financial affairs will go so badly that you will seriously need even the bare essentials.

Broken glass jar - to a serious illness.

Dream interpretation of Fedorovskaya

A jar of flowers is a dream of buying products for an impressive amount.

If you were put on banks in a dream, expect trouble. If in a dream you saw how the banks were placed on someone, be prepared for an accident in your family.

Open banks - good sign... You will be visited by a familiar person who has not come for a long time.

Several dozen empty glass jars dream of an expensive gift.

To look at the person who opens the bank, to a new acquaintance.

To break the container - to a major quarrel with a good friend.

Banks with flowers and plants dream of entertainment and joyful events.

Medical banks speak of trouble. Washing cans or rearranging them is a warning about a lack of money.

Erotic dream book

An empty glass container dreams of an unsuccessful marriage or a deterioration in relations. Even a break is possible.

A full bank - to a successful acquaintance with a beautiful, rich and kind person.

Buying cans in a dream warns that your relationship is fragile. A few more trials and disappointments, and no trace of the old feelings will remain.

To break a bank is to part with hope. If the bank has slipped out of your hands, then your negligence will become the reason for your break with a loved one.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

A jar with a bouquet of color is a good sign. You can buy the thing that you have been thinking about for a long time.

Medical banks are a lot of small but annoying troubles.

Buying cans of canned foods is a disappointment after success.

Online dream book

Bank dreams of health problems. Immunity is severely weakened and needs to be maintained.

The milk in the jar warns of a malfunction of the lungs.

If in a dream you see medical banks, then trouble awaits you; if someone puts them on your stomach, then beware of an accident or the intrigues of enemies.

If you see in a dream a jar with a bouquet of flowers, then wait for pleasures and good news; an empty glass jar in your dream portends you joy and good news.

Empty cans in a dream are a sign of need and non-fulfillment of desires. Breaking banks in a dream is a sign of hope for the best. If they are filled in, then the circumstances will change in your favor and you are in luck. See how they are filled in by name.

If in a dream you break a full can, then you will experience disappointment, anxiety and grief, which can have a bad effect on your health. If in a dream someone brought you some banks, then you will live with hopes for a brighter future; if you bought cans, then you are in for a waste of time and effort. You should give up your vain hopes and do something more real.

Drinking from a can in a dream is a harbinger of fun and good news.

(See interpretation: bouquet, flowers)

Interpretation of dreams from the Family dream book

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If in a dream you see medical banks, then trouble awaits you; if someone puts them on your stomach, then beware of an accident or the intrigues of enemies.

If you see in a dream a jar with a bouquet of flowers, then wait for pleasures and good news; an empty glass jar in your dream portends you joy and good news.

Empty cans in a dream are a sign of need and non-fulfillment of desires. Breaking banks in a dream is a sign of hope for the best. If they are filled in, then the circumstances will change in your favor and you are in luck. See how they are filled in by name.

If in a dream you break a full can, then you will experience disappointment, anxiety and grief, which can have a bad effect on your health. If in a dream someone brought you some banks, then you will live with hopes for a brighter future; if you bought cans, then you are in for a waste of time and effort. You should give up your vain hopes and do something more real.

Drinking from a can in a dream is a harbinger of fun and good news.

(See interpretation: bouquet, flowers)

Interpretation of dreams from the Family dream book

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Dream interpretation glass jars

The symbols that we meet in dreams are conditionally divided by interpreters into three categories:
  • those that carry positive predictions;
  • symbols with a negative color;
  • ambiguous or ambiguous.

Dream about a glass container

Why is the bank dreaming? Such a dream is more likely to be attributed to the second group. It is believed that a glass jar promises you trouble both in business and in health. To your real life difficulties and sorrow will permeate.

The most negative predictions

What may dream about washing an empty jar in a dream - the dreamer will face quite serious financial expenses that can bring his condition to bankruptcy. After such visions, it is worth protecting your rear: find an additional source of financial income, clearly plan your expenses.

Just to see an empty jar in a dream - unforeseen obstacles will appear on the way. Do not give in to them, they are within your power.

In a dream, you act as a nurse and put medical banks on someone's back - it will take a long time to solve a personal issue. Someone will put sticks in your wheels.

Dreamed of a broken container

A dream about a broken bank is probably the most unfavorable one. The dreamer is having a hard time. You will be disappointed in people, you will constantly overcome difficulties, fight for your existence. Endurance, faith in yourself and your righteousness will help you not to turn off this difficult road.

In a dream, you buy spins - now you are at the pinnacle of success, but your position is illusory. Soon you will have to give up the pedestal, and falling, as you know, is very painful.

Is there a positive side

It is interesting that if in your dream you saw a lot of empty cans, then you can in reality receive a rather valuable and desired gift.

Conservation means that your affairs will begin to take shape the most the best way. In this case, luck will be on your side in all areas of life.

Drinking water from a can and see through the glass that it is transparent - you will find yourself at a fun event, have a pleasant time.

Flowers dream as the contents of a glass tank

You see a canned vessel that you fill yourself - you are a diligent person, your work will soon be appreciated.

There is a bouquet of flowers in a glass vessel - you will receive a gift that you have long dreamed of.

Predictions of certain interpreters

Of course, you can use general information that is available on the Internet. But some dreamers prefer certain authors whom they trust.

Dream interpretation of Akulina

According to this dream book, empty banks promise the dreamer a loss in business. If they are filled with something, then, on the contrary, success awaits the sleeping person.

The healer advised: if the vessels in your dream were empty, you should close your eyes and mentally fill them with any contents, and preferably honey.

Magical fortuneteller

Why dream of glass containers if they are empty - to poverty, ruin. Full - to profit, wealth.

Why dream of a cracked, knocked bank? Life will bring an unpleasant surprise, disappointment.

You break it yourself - in reality you risk getting seriously ill.

Erotic dream book

Accidentally slipped out of my hands and crashed

If glass containers in a dream are empty, then your marriage will be unsuccessful. A dream about filled cans promises a meeting with a financially secure person who will have good feelings towards you.

Buying them - feelings are not lasting. Perhaps the person with whom you are going to connect your destiny is completely not the one you need. You will be constantly disappointed by his actions, and feelings will fade by themselves.

The can slips out of your hands - behave imprudently, and this will be the reason for parting with your beloved.

Dream interpretation of Fedorovskaya

In a dream, you are undergoing treatment, and they put banks on you - trouble will soon happen.

Watching how they are put to another - to grief in the family.

Opening banks - an old acquaintance will come to visit. Seeing how another opens - to meet a person about whom you have heard quite a lot from your friends.

According to this dream book, broken banks dream of a quarrel with friends.

Glass vessels from the point of view of psychology

Broken vessel - you are unhappy with your partner. If a

To fill with something for a woman

content flows out of it, then you should break off communication with your soul mate.

When a woman in a dream folds or pours something into glass containers, she wants a closer, intimate contact with a man.

If a representative of the stronger sex is engaged in the same in a dream, then he wants to satisfy his sexual desires.

Watching how another person fills them - you are not satisfied with the intimate side of life, and acquaintances and friends cause envy with their stories.

Other interpretations

Seeing conservation for the winter - it is worth realizing that you should not live in the present, take care of your future.

The dream interpretation of glass jars perceives from the side of what exactly they were filled with. It is believed that a vision in which you saw honey, sugar or pure water as a filler will be positive. Milk, for example, suggests that you have lung problems, it would not be superfluous to get checked by a doctor and start leading a healthy lifestyle.

The main thing is that the content is not spoiled, does not stink, otherwise it is a very bad sign.

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