How to get out of a complex life situation. Hopeless, sophisticated life situation - how to find an outlet

Good day, our dear readers! In touch again, Irina and Igor. Life is diverse for each of us, it prepares something "His". We never even guess about what is waiting for us in tomorrow, not to mention the future. Often, life is preparing for us real "tests": testing of our forces, opportunities, faith, feelings or something else.

Such difficulty situations or make us stronger or finally "weak" us. Today we want to discuss the question of how to find a way out of a difficult life situation.


Difficult situations happen in the life of each of us, sometimes even too often. But this is not a reason to fall into despair or disintegrate on thousands of actions at the same time. First you need to cope with your emotions.

Do not blame yourself in what happened or save the insult to someone else, as it does not bring you closer to the exit from the current circumstances. But it's not necessary to save negative emotions! Try to get them most secure for you yourself or those around you.

For example, go to the gym and show the boxing pear "who is the owner here" or try to spill your experiences in the picture, on paper, on sand or with the help of another creative approach.

Not low efficiency has the way to "shove". Just try not to apply it on loved ones or friends. It is better if you find the object of your furious cry among the stones in nature. You can even draw a person on the stone to make it easier to speak.


Everyone is known phrase:

What does not kill us makes us stronger!

Here is the case! Difficult situations from time to time appear in the life of every person, and this does not mean that they are to be afraid or avoid. It just means that life "considers you a strong opponent and wants to" check out "the depth of your stream!

They say there is a simple truth:

Difficult days do not come to those who could not cope with them!

Remember this in a difficult moment. Remember that it is not necessary to lower your hands when it seems that "everything is missing." Perceive the next difficulties of life like a hardening element!


Sometimes, to "do not block the wood" requires a small respite. You should abstract from the problem, try not to think about it for a while. Such a measure is needed in order to see the best solution in the current situation.

Go for a walk with children or in nature, share the time of meditation or simply, pay attention to the hobby that will distract you.

Such actions will help to "leave" from the problem. And the re-return to it will provide you with a "new angle" view that you can use to exit this situation with the benefit for you.

Flexible plan

Any "exit" from the plan drives you in panic? Do you regard this as a freelance of extensive costs?

In this case, you only need to improve your skills, structuring tasks and prioritization. Pay attention to the study of the techniques of time management, which will be allowed to become more "flexible" in the compilation of plans and control time on their implementation.

You can get acquainted with these technicians using video courses:

  • "Master of time - highly productive time management on the Eugene Popov system"
  • "Time management, or how to increase its effectiveness"


Part of the difficult situations may not be analyzed, or for a long time you cannot find out of such circumstances. In such cases, it is useful to put everything on "Samotek".

Perhaps this approach will allow you to relax and detect an unexpected decision for yourself. Or the "current" of the time to fix the situation in your favor.

It is impossible to spend aimlessly to spend this time, think about the possible consequences or possible new difficulties. It is useful at this time to evaluate your strength, opportunities and stock energy to resist everything.

It will be useful and knowledge of what may happen and what to do in this case. For example, learn the book Leslie Garner, Brown Luke Syvor "Crisis - life lessons. Life in harmony (set of 2 books) » .

Remove the lesson

All situations in life teach us something.

Difficult situations teach us even more than the whole school program.

It is important to be able to allocate for yourself that the most important lesson who presented life for you. He will become invaluable in terms of building and achievement in your life.

But this does not mean that the main idea of \u200b\u200bdifficulties will be: "I am not ready! I will never succeed! " No! This is just: "I'm not ready! I need more knowledge to implement it! "

Never forget about learning and strive to learn more, for example, you can pass a free online video course "Staging and achieving goals. How to achieve results in any case? " .

How do you cope with difficult life situations? Do you prefer to find a way out or try to "sail downstream"? Share your knowledge.

Perhaps our article will be useful for someone from your loved ones, do not forget to give them a link to read. And for you we are preparing new interesting topics so as not to skip - just subscribe to updates! See you soon!

Sincerely, Irina and Igor

In a person's life, a very different, sometimes even unimaginable situations may occur. And what awaits us tomorrow, we cannot imagine. In everyday trouble and concerns, we rarely think about our security. Usually we begin to "be baptized" and "to lower the straw", when the thunder rattles over our head and have to retreat not to the prepared position, but in the unknown darkness. Most often, it seems that in the abyss. In all of us, the famous song there are such words: "... Love is inadvertently granted, and every evening will immediately become amazingly good." And when the trouble is inappropriate to get out, what then? For us, then the sun fades, the earth begins to leave from under the feet, and it seems to us that no one can help us.

When a person is unhappy, he becomes vulnerable and trouble "liput" as a magnet. Usually in such cases we say that the trouble does not come alone. A confused person begins to torment two original Slavic questions: "What to do?" And "Who is to blame?". More precisely, on the contrary: "Who is to blame?" And then - "What to do?". As always, most of us begin to analyze the situation with what is looking guilty of their misfortunes, and not with design reflections and steps.

My first rule to whom the life taught me is not to look for guilt, you need to forgive everyone, you can accuse anyone, but first of all you need to blame ourselves. Forces will be needed for searching and fighting, for the desired output and recovery.

In his troubles, you can accuse the whole world, then clogging into the corner to wait when everything disperses itself. Usually they do, because they do not try to fight with the problems that have arisen, but only try to "forget" them, postponing in the subconscious to the longer shelf in the hope that the wizard arrives and a miracle will happen, and the problem itself will disappear. But nothing good will happen in this case. Therefore, parents must create relationships based on child's trust in them, to be aware of problems and always come to the rescue, and specify a way out of this situation.

You must take yourself in hand. Gather. Start analyzing the situation.Who can, call for help. Never think that for loved ones your problems are indifferent. After all, they love you and will definitely help the Council and concrete business. Be sure to be near the person who will substitute your shoulder. Alas, it does not always happen.

The Bible says: "Sorry, and will give you" - remember? You need to ask not only relatives, friends and acquaintances. First of all, pray for helping to the Lord and your highest patrons. If you do not have your temple, try to find it. If possible, go around all the temples that are nearby and in some kind of you want to stay.

Maybe you will find your place in close to your soul icon, in the only temple near your home. This place you will find, the soul will tell, she will definitely respond to him. You most importantly need to go and ask. We sincerely ask for forgiveness, about helping and intercession from patrons. It is better to read prayers (and if you are an atheist, then affirmations) than to delve into sad dooms or lose heart. In other words, try to control your thoughts. If you are not able to think about something productive - read the prayers and consciousness will begin to become gradually clearing, and the necessary decisions, ideas, assumptions and hopes will appear in the head.

You need to learn emotionally and physically relax. Try to do meditation. Relax can be relaxing in favorites. You can concentrate attention

First, on how you breathe;

Secondly, on how your body relaxes. First strain all the muscles, and then relax. Do it gradually, start from the feet feet and end with the cervical and facial muscles;

Thirdly, on some kind of image or sound. Perhaps it will be an image of a falling snow that adorns the earth or noise of the surf. In the book of Robin Charm "Monk, who sold his Ferrari" there is a description of this technique "Loving Rose".

With your desire and with the possibilities of the Internet, you can choose such technician a lot - which is more suitable for you, that and select. Well can help yoga, no matter where you will do at home or in a specially created club. Choose your younger exercises and perform them for pleasant music, and even for relaxation there are special records with the sounds of nature: the noise of rain, the sea surf.

Water. Yes, ordinary water, or rather water treatments. Try to accept the baths you like, for example, there are relaxing, soothing, from needles, with sea salt and aromatic oils, etc. Make a holiday for the soul and body, go to the sauna or a Russian bath. Swim in the pool, feel like a goldfish, and through the load on your muscles, your nerves and thoughts will come in order. It will be relaxed well, calm and harden - dialing and shower.

Walking. If you have someone to walk and talk, is good. And if this interlocutor does not turn out to be anything terrible, you can take a walk alone. But the pace of movement choose the average or fast, it should depend on how you are trained, and come back with little muscle fatigue. Choose yourself such a route so that you can walk by the river, in the park, walk the quiet streets.

Well affects our psychological state care of plants: Planting trees, transplant seedlings, weeding and other troubles. If you do not have the opportunity to work on the beds, then browse the books, magazines, gardening catalogs and flower growing, admire the beauty of nature.

There is another wonderful way to distract from complex and unpleasant situations - look your favorite films, read books that give you pleasure.

If you have accumulated a lot of problems and health has worsened, and they have no time to do, start right now. You need to start from the course of preventive treatment of your illness, even if there is no aggravation. After all, it is manifested in a stressful situation when chronic disease, and then it is not worth it.

Shopping - A wonderful way, to overcome stress of complex life circumstances, it is well suited to both women and men. We advise you to go shopping, find what you dreamed about (a unique set of knitting spokes or spinning for fishing) or spontaneously please yourself with some incredible gift.

When you liked something - buy right now and rejoice. And it does not matter whether it will be gold earrings, a ring with a diamond, a stylish costume, a tie, a car or ... toy. Please, but if the desire does not arise, then please your loved one, a child or any person from your environment.

You need to fulfill your intangible dream. If you have long dreamed of jumping with a parachute, go through a barefoot in the snow, put a garden, ride a yacht, stand up on my head, give the boning things, learn to play the piano, start a turtle or puppy, go to Venice or to the village? Start acting right now.

The main thing is not to sharpen your attention on the problem, do not give it entirely, and realize the opportunity to bring your thoughts and feelings in order. Analyze everything and make a reasonable step to resolve the situation or realize the need for your existence in other circumstances.

With the help of prayers, walks in nature, meditations, classrooms in the pool, flower growing and watching your favorite films Your consciousness will bring you to the right path. All unpleasant circumstances turn to another party to you and then you will begin with you joyful and necessary events. Your life will begin to change for the better, a great opportunity will appear and a chance for success.

Thanks to the Lord, with the help of loved ones and your calm and positive mood, you will open the door that you have previously and suspected.

This door will help you to go out not only from a difficult situation, but also will be the entrance to your new, exciting, beautiful and happy life.

Nata Karlin

How many times mentally we return by the time you could "raise straw", but we did not. And now, before us is an unthinkable task - to find a way out of a difficult situation. Our brain is frantically looking for options for developing events, trying to have time not only to find the cherished "door", but also to do so that "not lose face."

For some, a hopeless situation is similar to a labyrinth in which a person wanders in search of a solution to the issue. Another it seems that the earth has left under his feet, and they fly into the abyss. Each person perceives in his own way. However, always ask yourself the question: "What to do?" But never seek guilty of your problem. In what happened to you, first of all, only you yourself are to blame. Do not waste efforts to further clarify the relationship, send them towards the adoption of constructive solutions.

Remember how Nikolai Fomenko spoke about hopeless situations? Brilliant statement: "Even if you eaten, there are always two outputs." Therefore, remember the rules of exit from a difficult situation:

You are already inside this problem, it is impossible to avoid it, and return to the starting point will not work.

Ask help from acquaintances or friends. Perhaps you will be easier to tell your problem to an unfamiliar person who will give you a good advice.

Many people have accustomed to independently solve their problems. If you are from their number, close the doors, turn on quiet music, and proceed to search for exit. Do not forced yourself to go "to bow" to a stranger. If you do not want someone else in solving the problem, do not need. Do everything yourself.

Breathing exercises.

Being in finding an exit from the situation, a person is in. At that moment he rises blood pressure, the heart beats beats, sweating increases, etc. It is now you will use the skills of respiratory gymnastics (yoga, tai chi). Well, if you already own them, but it's never too late to start learning.

Nature acts relaxing on the nervous system of man. This is especially true of large open reservoirs. Therefore, try to leave all the concerns, and go for a walk to the lake. Sit, think, look at the water surface, swans and claropes floating on it. Try to plunge into the water yourself. If the case is happening in the summer, then the river or the lake will be suitable if the pool is in the winter. In extreme cases, lie in the bathroom, in which you get a few drops, vanilla and rosemary. Water helps to concentrate, discard everything too much, and come to the desired solution.

Physical Education.

In order to feel in a tone every day, it is not necessary to go to exhaustion. To concentrate thoughts on the problem, deal with monotonous not complex activities. For example, make order in the house in the garage or storage room.

Have you threw the embroidery or knitting, because you just lacked for this time? Find it now. Be sure to do something pleasant for yourself and useful. Finally, if you never had this hobby, go to the cinema ,.

Be healthy.

Direct relationship between the search for the release and the state of your health, of course not. But to spend the time with the benefit that you spend in search of exit from the situation, health is well suited. Each person thinks that tomorrow or the day after tomorrow will go to the doctor and corrects his own, shaken over the years, health. But it may never come tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Therefore, select the moment when you feel too sorry, so you need to do something pleasant for your own body.

Of course, men will now laugh. But, you should not cut! They also like this female word. Buy what you wanted so long ago. Please your loved one, because today too much went to find a way out of the situation. Long be seen on those red shoes in the showcase? Buy them, finally, swee your pride. Do you like alloy wheels that are so great to look in the overall design of the car? Do not refuse yourself! Joy from buying above all! And in the evening, when Euphoria feels, only a sense of deep satisfaction will remain, again begin to search for solutions.

Every person in this life has a dream of an intangible plan. For some, this is a trip to the opera, others want to be on the ocean under the moon, the third dreams of finally, go to the parents to the village.

Life is too fast, and dreams remain uncultivated. Therefore, if you have a material opportunity, throw everything, and go towards adventure or mom and dad. At one point, you realize that it was this trip or campaign that became the starting point with which the process began, during which you found a way out of a conflict or other unpleasant situation.

Now there are no people who have become your friends. Let's talk about pets. Each person thinks that it would be possible to start a pet. Maybe the very moment has come? Today he will delight you with his presence, and will not give after stress, and tomorrow you will become the best friend for him. Now you just need to choose who it will be a puppy, kitten, parrot or silent fish.

Think about the problem, do not reset it with accounts. She is not going anywhere without your participation. After all, it is only yours, and no one can decide for you. However, do not go along a closed circle, do not drive yourself into the angle, and even more so, in stress. Try to bring thoughts

Ecology of life: Each of us has heard such a phrase many times - "hopeless situation." Usually in such cases it is about something very unpleasant, which it seems impossible to avoid.

Each of us has heard such a phrase many times - "hopeless situation." Usually in such cases it is about something very unpleasant, which it seems impossible to avoid.By itself, the "hopeless situation" is easily convenient: here is the situation of "hopeless" - and that's all, and nothing can be done. She's like this, she is "hopeless", and I, good, white and fluffy, nothing to do with it.

There are no questions, sometimes it really happens, however, it does not even follow from this that you are released from eliminating the consequences of the ill-fated "hopeless situation", and maybe the prerequisites. Finallyit turns out that your "hopeless situation": first, not so hopeless, and secondly, largely depends on you. Ilya Vidadevespecially for It proposes to consider this question on more or less typical examples ...

Imagine the situation: to the firm where you work, a new leadership came - and announced the mass "reduction" of a number of employees, and among the unfortunate "abbreviated" - you. Write "Own" - and Vaughn from the company.

The first reaction is of course shock and a feeling of hopelessness. But then you can take yourself in your hands and understand what is actually happening. If the new bosses still at least minimally adequately, then you can talk to him for what you can go to him. You look, everything will be worse. You will remain, and without wells and scandals.

If you declare the newly-made ohamgeny head right in the eyes that someone's son is planned for your place (for example, it), and this office is still needed, drink your new boss Prosecutor's Office, Labor Inspectorate and something else. Moreover, if you are a punctual and executive officer without any complaints.The boss before the bump is scared and you will be lagging behind you, the warranty is 146%. And the situation, at first glance, the apparent fatally intimidable, in fact it is very solvable, and in a faith faithful for you.

Consider the hypothetical second "hopeless" example - betrayal. No matter, whose: wives, mistresses, friends, relative, business partner, someone else. And it doesn't matter what exactly this betrayal expressed. It is simply available: you are faced with the meanness and injustice of the person who is not a foreign one.

The situation seemingly hopeless, incorrect, etc. etc. But… First, this is a good lesson: In people, it is necessary to be at least a little bitten. Secondly, it may have a chance finally get rid of not quite suitable or even do not suit people at all. And maybe it thirdly, you did something wrong "Then just understand what," and try to continue in a relationship with people not so much. "

The third hypothetical "hopeless" example - you were robbed or robbed. As you yourself understand, the likelihood that the valiant law enforcement agencies themselves will find a criminal, to put it mildly, is small. The stupor is replaced by a panic, panic smoothly goes to hysterics. Stolen a million. It would seem full deadlock. And no!

First, it depends on you, whether you will settle the appropriate competent law enforcement or not (believe me, they are afraid of complaints about the prosecutor's office!). Secondly, when the thief is found (and with the competent work of the organs provided, including you, the scoundrel will certainly find), you can demand the money stolen with your thief. More activity - and it turns out that the situation again has a more or less favorable output.

In principle, it is possible to continue to infinity. The general meaning is: if you understand the submesible "intractable" situation, especially the causes of the occurrence of such, and at the same time competently and actively actually actually, it is impossible to actually.

Indeed, the hopeless situation is only one - death, Including violent (although in some cases it also depends on the dark alleys or not). Well, sometimes there are still others, extremely few, processes that develop according to some internal logic and from us, respectively, completely independent. To declare that in general everything in our hands, probably, is still somewhat arrogant.

It will be interesting for you:

But in general, the exit to you acceptable for you is in 99% of cases, no matter how catastrophic it is a problem. But even if the development of events will break into the most ill-fated 1%, - all the same, if you wish, it can be removed from it to a positive share. At least in the form of life experience.And, God forget, do not hurry to declare the situation of "hopeless": "hopeless situations" is actually very and very little!

An example, how to get out of a hopeless situation! Exit from a hopeless situation, where is he? Is there an exit in a hopeless situation? Many people and you, including when they fell, as you seemed to be in a hopeless situation, but then they found a solution and everything was allowed. The most important thing is not necessary to succumb to panic, it inside us and does not give us to focus and relax to soberly assess the situation. To write this article, served the reason for today morning call from one woman, who is a subscriber and a legal blog reader - "Raa law". She told about her difficult situation and we agreed that she would send me copies of some documents.

The reason for the call was my phrase, which I used on a page with blog information. This phrase shook a person to actions and gave hope for a way out of its hopeless situation.

What is the law?

The law is the described situation in terms of the law itself. If you change this situation in one direction or another, then the law will turn into one direction or another. Remember: - In the hopeless situation there is a way out to another situation, and whether it will be favorable for you depends on how you prepare for it.

I have long thought about writing a article, such as a crib or instruction on the exit from hopeless situations. But then I decided that I would just tell you my story (many stories, but I will tell only one).

A few years ago, I gathered the necessary documents with my wife and passed their young family to participate in the program. Then this program just started or had already been launched, but not in this. Literally a year or one and a half, I pass by this office, where we donated documents. I decided to look and ask what I had a turn, because the certificate is all stuffed on the enno amount of money depending on the number of people. In my case, it was about four hundred thousand. Imagine such a sum and for free from the state. Of course, of course there are no freebies and never happened. In each program, and even more so in stately very brutal conditions and terms. In my case, everything was so. I will not caring words, but I will go to the point. At the specified time, I did not meet and did not file documents on the apartment that I should have acquired. As a result, those who did not use the certificate on a young family in the time limit lost it. Naturally, I have a panic, as I think so. What should I do now, and the money will not lose money at all.

Here you have an hopeless situation in which I got. Would you like to know how I found the way out of their hopeless situation, then read on ...

At first I broke my head over the solution of this problem, then the head fell ill. Since I realized real estate for more than 6 years, and in this area there is one positive point: it is better to agree than suffering. Using this, so to speak by rule, I went back to this office. Explaining his situation that he just missed the term and now I am afraid to lose a certificate for a young family (and want to know how to cash with certificate). Together with one woman we found a decision, or rather, she suggested it to me.

What a way out of the hopeless situation suggested me?

Having come home, I took the certificate on a young family and put it under a stream of water, a little urching, and the paper is dense, so immediately and does not wet. Then rubing this place with your finger so that the text and the quality disappear in one place (there may be any place).

Then he wrote a statement that came home discovered leak from the ceiling. As a result, the water fell on the table where the certificate was lying on a young family. Then he took the written application and the certificate to the office. There, everyone accepted me and after some time issued a new certificate with an extended period for another time. As if I received a certificate for a young family just.

After that, I used a young family certificate.

That's the way the ladies and the Lord seemed to seem to be a hopeless situation, and it turns out there is a way out and it turned out I got where in about the entrance.

And what hopeless situations did you get into, and what is the way out of a hopeless situation? To me, like many others, who will fall on this page, where there is a way out of a hopeless situation, it will be very interesting to read.