Food on a long journey by bus. Travel menu or How to eat right on the road

The travel menu is a sore point for many who are going on a trip. Whatever the weather outside, we must remember that many products quickly deteriorate. Yes, when choosing food for the trip, you can take into account your preferences. But in moderation. After all, let's say, chips or crackers are a time bomb that can deprive a child and an adult of appetite, and provide gastrointestinal upset. What useful things should you take with you on the road? What kind of dishes and packaging do you prefer? Let's understand all the nuances!

List of foods that do not spoil in the heat

Yes, no one would argue with this that heat is one of the most detrimental factors for food containing moisture. And the list of not recommended products includes those products that quickly deteriorate under the influence of high temperatures.

IMPORTANT: In addition to a careful attitude, it is necessary to provide the products with decent storage conditions. Therefore, it is best to choose the best packaging such as vacuum dishes, paper and even fabric, in which you can wrap food for 2-3 days.

So, here are the products that will last the longest during the trip and which it is advisable to include in the travel menu:

  • Raw smoked (older children and adults).
  • Dry snacks in the form of bread, biscuits, drying, crackers (homemade).
  • Dried fruits in the form of dried apricots, dried berries and fruits.
  • Bread (packed in paper, not polyethylene - otherwise it will mold quickly).
  • Yoghurts.
  • Nuts (unsalted!)
  • Muesli bars.
  • Fresh vegetables and fruits, from which you can always prepare various hearty and healthy salads or desserts on the road.

Separately, it should be said about vegetables, fruits and berries, which it is advisable to take on the road, and these are:

  • Vegetables: cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers, carrots.
  • Fruits: apples, pears, citrus fruits, bananas.

IMPORTANT: If you take home-cooked food, it must be consumed within 5-7 hours.

This food can be in the form:

  1. Hard-boiled, peeled and chopped eggs.
  2. Jacket potatoes.
  3. Boiled potatoes.
  4. Soft meat (say, chicken fillet, turkey, etc.).

What is undesirable to take with you on a long trip?

First of all, these are different types of stews, stews, dairy products, any fast foods and other products that can cause problems for children and your body.

What to take on the road by car: recipes

Of course, this is the most comfortable way to travel, since the route can be laid out taking into account catering establishments or supermarkets.

IMPORTANT: What should you look for when checking such establishments? If you see a lot of truckers parked nearby, this is the best indicator!

So, to go by car, take with you (except for a gas burner for cooking quick snacks):

  1. Plenty of drinking water to quench thirst and make tea, light soup, etc.
  2. Light dry food such as hot sandwiches made from non-perishable foods, muffins, etc.
  3. Milk, which you will keep in a thermal bag and feed your baby in the morning.
  4. Cutting from vegetables and fruits, so as not to cut on the road.

IMPORTANT: Try to think over the diet more carefully for the children, and feed them more often!

Yes, homemade food on the road is good too. After all, it is tasty, and healthy, and tested by you (this is a guarantee that it will do without food poisoning), and is inexpensive. Prepare a typical and atypical menu for the trip.

Lavash stuffed with vegetables and chicken

  • It can be rolls prepared with vegetables, rice paper and foods your child is allowed to eat. After spreading the paper and moistening them with water, fill the surface with the desired products and roll into a tube.
  • ... Yes, they will stand in the container for the first half of the day. They can be eaten cold. They don't take up much space. Saturates quickly and for a long time.
  • Lavash, pita, tortilla rolls ... Wrap in them whatever is useful for the child and adults on the road. Indispensable on the road!
  • Muffins ... Different in taste (salty, sweet) and filling, they will become a satisfying and tasty snack on the road.
  • Sandwiches ... They are nutritious, convenient, and beneficial. Just do not use mayonnaise, butter or sausage, which can easily cause intestinal upset. Boiled turkey, beef or veal, topical vegetables will go great with a baguette. Children love sesame buns - like hamburgers, you can wrap everything in them, even what they don't like. And on the road on the first day, this is a great way out.
  • - just dried bread, which can then be greased with jam and other spreads made at home.

What to take with you on a long journey by car?

Yes, on a long road by car, you will be deprived of a number of amenities. But they can be compensated for, say, with a cooler bag, thermoses. Then you don't have to look for eateries on the road and stop somewhere for a long time.

  • Baked potatoes are satisfying and have a long shelf life, so they can be grabbed.
  • Hard boiled eggs.
  • You can bake at home a pizza with a healthy filling or khachapuri, pasties (with a healthy filling), which will feel great in parchment and a refrigerator bag.
  • Prepare homemade cakes with fruits (strudel, charlotte, etc.)
  • You can take with you several thermoses with first and second courses. But it is advisable to eat all this first!

IMPORTANT: Take with you on the road only the food that you cooked right before the trip. After all, food, after being heat-treated, spoils first.

Travel food by train: recipes

Why is the train ride good? This is tea at the conductor's and the presence of a table - sit down whenever you want and have a meal. Yes, in fact, it sounds more like a normal meal. Firstly, at the table - like at home, and secondly, having hot water at hand, you can always brew drinks, warm up other food prepared at home (noodles, porridge, mashed potatoes, etc.).

What to take with you on the train from food? The first thing that comes to mind is sandwiches.

Therefore, take with you, in addition to square bread:

  1. Lightly salted fish.
  2. Boiled meat (chicken, veal, turkey).
  3. Fresh vegetables.

IMPORTANT: It is advisable to eat sandwiches on the first day of the trip.


  • Hot sandwich: make toast or croutons, cool, spread with cream cheese, lay boiled eggs and favorite vegetables, sprinkle with cheese. bake.
  • Sandwich ... After cutting your bread into slices at home, make toast. Spread them with cream cheese, and on top lay thin slices of fish (for older children) or meat and vegetables.

Potatoes in their uniforms or cut into pieces and seasoned with something useful and not perishable, pies with fruit filling, vegetable salads cooked in the car are great. A great option is canapes made from your favorite foods. As a rule, they are based on bread, potatoes, cucumbers, fish or something meat.

What to take on the train in summer?

Here is a list of prepared foods other than drinking water:

  • Cucumbers, tomatoes.
  • Banana, grapes, apple, pear and orange.
  • Cookies, sweets.
  • Bread.
  • Jam, sealed hermetically.
  • Tea bags.
  • Baby purees made of fruit, hermetically sealed.
  • Juices in small bags.

IMPORTANT: Eliminate cellophane bags from circulation as much as possible, it is better to choose parchment. Don't put different foods together. When putting food on the road, exclude foods with a pungent odor, which usually never disappears in an enclosed space.

What to take with you when traveling by bus?

This travel mode is somewhat reminiscent of the rail. After all, there may also be a boiler with hot water, and microwaves (these details need to be clarified before the trip). Therefore, it is important to take plenty of water with you. She will quench your thirst in time and allow you to cook something.

So, take with you:

  • Meat Home-cooked pork, for example, cut into thin slices and packed in a plastic container or cooler bag, will save the day. will become the basis of a sandwich, sandwich, etc.
  • Yoghurts - in the first moments they will both saturate and stabilize the metabolism.
  • First or second course in a thermos - ideal for babies who need to be fed according to the regimen even while traveling.
  • Sandwiches, sandwiches (very transportable, wrapped in edible paper), cookies, cheesecakes and other baked goods.
  • Bread, bread , and to it - homemade healthy spreads with delicious fruits.
  • Fruits and vegetables , which usually withstand the road and saturate the body of the child and adults with all the usefulness (cherry tomatoes, carrots, cut into a convenient format, bell peppers, small cucumbers, lettuce leaves, etc.).
  • Nuts and dried fruits - do not skimp on this food, it saves on such trips, but agree with the child - what he likes best.

IMPORTANT: Make sure that food on the road is convenient not only for transportation, but also for a meal. To do this, choose the right packaging.

How to feed and entertain children on the road?

It will be very difficult for them, and especially on the first trip. They are often seasick, they are scared of everything, they feel sick, they are bored in one place. Even if the food is tasty and healthy.

Take with you something that will keep your child busy as soon as he gets bored or has any of these manifestations. These are different games, coloring pages, a tablet with cartoons, crosswords, etc.

How and when to feed? It is important for us that the child feels great on the road.

So think it over:

  • Firstly , only feed when the baby is hungry.
  • Secondly , do not overfeed.
  • Thirdly , think over a menu for the trip from delicious and hearty dishes (mashed potatoes, liquid soup, roast, cereals, fruits, pastries, granola with homemade berries and fruits, etc.).

Remember to give between meals:

  • Juice in small sachets.
  • Buns.
  • Sweets and other light snacks such as yogurt, which is well absorbed by the child's body (by the way, it is better to choose a small package, from which it is easier to drink).
  • Berries that do not stain your hands, such as gooseberries, currants, blueberries, hard fruits, dried apricots, dates, raisins, prunes and dried cranberries, which will saturate with vitamins, and improve intestinal motility, and give you a boost of vivacity.

And finally - let's summarize!

You can take a lot with you on your trip. You just need to know what and in what form to include in the road menu. Some tips will definitely help you.

1. When packing food for the trip, try to make sure that the food is not bulky and heavy. ... Otherwise, you will not get pleasure, but unpleasant memories of how you took care so that nothing fell out on the road and did not get dirty.

2. Take food that is not perishable - this is definitely, it must be from the category that:

  • healthy, satisfying and high quality;
  • can be stored for a long time without a refrigerator;
  • does not melt in the sun or heat;
  • easy to prepare or does not require any additional cooking or slicing at all, i.e. it is advisable to cut everything in advance;
  • do not have pungent odors;
  • create as little discomfort as possible (crumbs, debris, etc.).

But not from his hometown of Perm, but from Novosibirsk. It was decided to get there by train. And due to the fact that we made a list of things and thought what to take on the train from food and what we generally need on the road, we decided that this cheat sheet would be useful to our readers, especially those who are going to travel by train for the first time.

There are three meal options for your trip:

  1. Restaurant car.
  2. Shopping for groceries at stops.
  3. Its food.

The dining car is certainly the best way to get your fill, but it doesn't suit everyone. After all, this is not the most economical solution, for example, borscht cost about 200 rubles, and roast venison cost 600 rubles.

Not stocking up on anything, expecting to be able to buy something to eat at the stops is not a good idea.

First, the timing of your feeding will not depend on when you get hungry, but on how close the next city is. Secondly, the price-quality ratio: what will be offered to you is food of very dubious quality, and getting poisoned on the way is still a pleasure and all this for a lot of money. Thirdly, there are many such risky ones, they line up in a long queue, and the most sluggish ones may not have time to leave ...

Therefore, the best option is to take your own food. Let's figure out what is better to take with us from the products, and what not to take.

What shall we eat?

We take those products that will not spill or deteriorate during your trip. The following cooked foods are good for this: baked, fried or boiled chicken or veal (lean meat lasts longer), jacket potatoes (baked potatoes are stored longer than boiled ones), rice, pasta, meat, you can boil eggs.

Do not store food next to your clothing. It is better if you put them separately from your belongings, in a specially designated bag.

Many do not bother and wear out "scourges" all the way. It's the master's business. If you travel once a year, then you can eat a quick meal, but if you travel more often or the trip is long, then you don't need to mock your stomach. It is better to steam the porridge in a container (buckwheat, oatmeal, whatever you want, it is convenient to take it in portioned packages and not necessarily instant). Just pour boiling water into the cereal in a container or thermos, close the lid and after a couple of hours you can already eat.

Before pouring boiling water, make sure that the container is designed for this. See the markings on the bottom. If the container is made of polypropylene (PP), it will not melt.

Lovers of salt can pour it into a small jar, for example, from a vitamin.

For snacks, take bread (preferably not sliced ​​so as not to crumple) or pita bread (you can simply tear it off with your hands) and smoked sausage (sliced ​​in a vacuum) or individually wrapped cheese - you will make sandwiches from them. Bagels, plain buns and baked pies with cabbage or jam are also good.

Do not put cooked food in bags, they will “suffocate” and deteriorate faster, it is better to wrap them in foil or wrapping paper.

The most convenient option for transportation and storage is to put the cooked chilled food in special containers, and put them in a thermal bag or an isothermal bag, in which the food will be stored like in a refrigerator. They are quite inexpensive, you can even within 500 rubles. find a very nice and comfortable handbag. You can additionally prolong the freshness of food by putting cold accumulators in such a bag or bag, after freezing them in the freezer.

For lack of entertainment, on the way, you constantly want to chew. Therefore, we take more snacks: chips, crackers, crisps, croutons, nuts, candied fruits, dried fruits, corn sticks, breakfast cereals, cookies (without chocolate), drying, waffles. They, of course, are sold in a carriage, but they are 2 times more expensive than the market price. Fruits and vegetables can also be taken for the first time, for example, bananas, apples and cucumbers. You can also take caramels.

Cold bottled water can be bought from the guide, and if the trip is short, take it with you. Tea also "comes in" with a bang, well, or coffee. Therefore, we take our favorite drinks in bags (or buy from the guide what we have) and sugar cubes. Boiling water in the carriages is free.

All this should be enough for 2 - 3 days.

Those who go on a long trip, say, for 6 days, but still hold on and ignore offers from the dining car, in addition to all of the above, will be saved by canned food (meatballs, tuna, stuffed peppers, pilaf, cabbage rolls), just do not forget to take cans with self-opening lid.

It is also good to take baby food (vegetable, fruit, meat pates) in sealed jars.

Here is a set of products that is suitable for both adults and children. Children can still take small juices with a straw.

  • tomatoes - they are more likely to be crushed during transportation;
  • boiled sausage - it will quickly deteriorate;
  • chocolate and sweets or cookies in glaze - will melt in the heat and stain everything;
  • dairy products - spoil too quickly, only if eaten right away;
  • sweet soda - gas will torment and you will want to drink even more.

The question that worries drinkers, is it possible to take alcohol on the train? I remember that earlier the conductors themselves sold beer to passengers. But those days have passed and now they are trying to fight drunkenness, therefore it is prohibited to use in public places, and the passenger carriage is a public place. There is a fine for drinking. You can buy and drink only in the restaurant car and only low-alcohol drinks.

Of course, it all depends on the guides and security, for example, we got good ones. They, noticing that our neighbors were drinking, warned them that they were dropping those who began to behave inappropriately.

What to take from things?

In branded trains there is always a comfortable air temperature, because there are air conditioners, but it just so happened that we had to go on a regular train, it was a little hot and very stuffy, I can't imagine what kind of a bathhouse is going on there in the summer.

We take clothes from cotton so that it is convenient to go and sleep in it: a T-shirt or a T-shirt, shorts, flip flops on our feet.

From the dishes we need a mug and a spoon, if you collected food in plastic containers, then a plate is not needed. If you do not have such convenient containers yet, then take plastic plates, which then just throw away. If you have something to cut, then a jackknife.

Mugs, of course, do not fit ceramic or glass, they can break and are very heavy. Light plastic mugs are on sale, and it is better to buy thermo mugs (like ours), not a single trip can do without them. In extreme cases, you can take a glass with a cup holder and a teaspoon from the guides, it's free.

Personal hygiene items needed: comb and hair band, cosmetics and makeup tools, toothbrush and toothpicks or floss, paste, small mirror, razor, deodorant, tweezers, nail scissors or nail file, wet wipes, pads and swabs , soap in a soap dish or liquid, toilet paper (usually there, but it tends to run out at the most crucial moment).

It is convenient to put all this in an opaque bag or cosmetic bag, take it and go about your business, you do not need to shove everything into your pockets.

Earplugs in your ears (if you are unlucky and small children will ride next to you) and a mask for sleeping will not be superfluous.

You definitely need to pack a first-aid kit for the trip, it will be just fine if you don't need anything, but still, here is a list of essential medicines that I always take:

  • pain reliever (Pentalgin),
  • for heartburn (Gaviscon / Rennie / Omez),
  • for injuries (bandage, plasters, hydrogen peroxide, Syntomycin),
  • with pain in the heart (Validol),
  • in case of poisoning (Polysorb / activated carbon),
  • antipyretic (Aspirin, Nimesulide),
  • antiallergenic (Cetrin),
  • throat diseases (Lizobact),
  • if you feel seasick and dizzy (Dramina),
  • from the common cold (Nazivin), etc.

Here you know yourself better, what can get sick, what chronic diseases have you already acquired? What do you put in your medicine cabinet? Additions in the comments are welcome.

Important things that cannot be lost in any way - money, cards, phone and passport, so that they do not get stolen, put in belt bag and carry it everywhere with you, even to the toilet. Such a handbag is an indispensable item for a traveler. For example, we have this chest wallet, in which we put money and weigh it on the neck under the T-shirt, in which we sleep.

What's the plan?

If you are not traveling alone, or you have nice and talkative people as neighbors, then you can just blabber all the way and not notice how you got to the desired city. This is an excellent option, but you need to prepare in case there is no one to crackle with.

We take entertainment based on our preferences: scanwords with a pen, cards, board games (for example, such magnetic super compact chess), books. It is better to download books to your phone or tablet, so much more compact than carrying a few paper ones. You can also download several films on it.

You can listen to music through headphones so as not to disturb others. The carriages have a couple of sockets to recharge the equipment. Usually, there is an outlet near the toilet, there is always someone sitting on the floor and waiting for his gadget to charge.

If this “comfort” is not to your liking, then I highly recommend it, which will charge your equipment. We always use this on trips, I can't imagine my life without it.

Don't forget chargers for all your appliances!

We will continue this topic in the article about.

If you are traveling with a child, then take his favorite toy, also get new ones, they will be a novelty for him and can take longer, an album for drawing, coloring books, colored pencils. If you are not ardent opponents of the tablet in children's hands, then he will come to your aid, download cartoons, picture books and educational games on it.

If the child is still very young, then do not forget baby food, diapers, diapers, pacifier.

Always write a list of things before the trip and check before leaving to see if you have taken everything.

That, in fact, is all that can be useful to you on the train. Write in the comments how you are going.

Have a good trip!

When going on the road, no matter the trip will take several hours or a couple of days, it is important to think in advance about what you will have to eat. Of course, if you are driving, the roadside service can save you, but it may not be available everywhere either. And if you are traveling by train or bus, then on such a trip you should definitely stock up on food or a snack.

What should you take with you on the road? Here are some useful tips on what you can cook or take with you to make your trip as comfortable, safe and healthy as possible (that is, you are not interested in chips, snacks and other belly pleasures).

  • Food shouldn't take up much space. Of course, if you are driving, then you are your own boss and can take containers or lunch boxes with your favorite food. But in other cases, it's just inconvenient. But disposable vacuum packaging with food cut into them is a great option.
  • Food shouldn't go bad quickly - avoid things that melt, spoil, and crumble quickly, such as dairy products, raw sausages, sandwiches with mayonnaise and various sauces.
  • No strong smells - this item concerns cheeses, sausages and other harsh-smelling food. Believe me, after a couple of hours on a bus or train, the smells of food will fill the air, so be careful when choosing products.

The rules are simple, but knowing them, you can make your life easier while traveling.

Now let's figure out what you can take and what to cook for the trip.

Good to know! If you are going on a trip to another country, study what products can be brought into the country so that it does not turn out so that a malicious border guard will force you to throw out all the food.

What can you take with you on the road?

What does not require cooking, just go to the store:

1. Vegetables and fruits. What could be simpler - you don't need to cook, it is tasty and healthy. At this point, the main thing is to take those products that do not spoil.

From fruits: apples, pears, oranges, tangerines, bananas.

From vegetables: cucumbers, carrots, bell peppers, tomatoes (when buying, choose strong and small fruits to eat one at a time).

If the road is long and you take a couple of days with a margin, then it is better to take it in its entirety. Salads and sliced ​​fruits should be eaten immediately, they quickly lose their "marketable" appearance.

2. Raw smoked sausages, salami and hard cheeses - cutting in vacuum packages is now very convenient. If you plan to take a piece or a stick of sausage, it is better to wrap it in cloth or paper, even in hot weather the sausage will be well preserved.

3. Nuts, dried fruits or muesli in bars. A safe bet on travel of any length. For nuts, it is better to take the unsalted version.

4. Vegetable and fruit chips. These are sold in the store, in fact, they are "dehydrated" pieces of fruits and vegetables without any additives. Or you can just grab dried apples, an excellent travel treat.

5. Children's vegetable or fruit purees. Its assortment is now huge, mashed potatoes are well stored on the road.

6. Drinking yoghurts - quickly deteriorate, but as an option for one of the first meals on the road is fine. The main thing is to eat / drink everything during the first 4-5 hours of the trip.

7. Instant porridge. They are suitable if there is access to boiling water during the trip.

8. Water is not food. Of course, but without it, the road is difficult. Preference should be given to plain water without gases and flavors.

You can find even more helpful tips in the video:

What to cook for the trip?

1. Eggs and meat. How without eggs and a piece of chicken, especially if the trip is expected to be long. Cook the eggs hard-boiled and wrap them in paper, so they last longer. From meat, it is better to give preference to chicken baked in the oven. It is more convenient to wrap a meat dish in foil, its surface reflects the sun's rays and preserves food for a longer period.

2. Frittata - an alternative to boiled eggs and fried chicken 🙂 But it is better not to store this dish for more than 24 hours.

Frittata on the road - a simple recipe with a photo

For 8 pieces you will need:

  • 6 eggs;
  • 100 ml sour cream;
  • grated cheese;
  • you can add salami, tomatoes, spinach, corn or green peas (all additives to your taste)
  • salt pepper

Set the oven to preheat to 180-200 degrees. Drive eggs into a large bowl, add sour cream and stir until smooth. Add the rest of the ingredients and stir. You can either bake it in a large baking dish for 30-40 minutes (then cut the frittata into pieces like a pie) or you can bake it in a muffin pan. In this case, pour 3/4 of the egg mass into each mold and bake in the oven for 20 minutes until tender.

3. Homemade oatmeal cookies - natural and tasty. with photos and step-by-step descriptions will help you get ready for the road without unnecessary problems.

4. Various sandwiches, and stuffed pita / tortilla. This is the most common meal option for any trip. Here your imagination can roam, any fillings: meat, herbs, cheese and various sauces. Whatever your heart desires, the main thing is not to forget the rules of food for the trip, described above. It is better to wrap sandwiches and pita bread in parchment paper.

5. Granola - sweet baked muesli. Allows you to quickly "recharge" on the road. You can buy these bars at the store, but you can also make your own.

For cooking you will need:

  • 1 glass of rolled oats;
  • 3 tbsp oat flour (you can make it yourself, grind oatmeal in a coffee grinder);
  • 1/4 tsp salt;
  • 1/4 tsp soda;
  • 1/2 tsp vanillin;
  • 2 tbsp coconut or sunflower oil;
  • 3 tbsp liquid honey
  • 1 cup of your favorite nuts (peanuts, unsalted unroasted almonds, cashews, etc.)
  • The nuts need to be cut to a size convenient for you. In a separate bowl, combine the nuts, rolled oats, oatmeal, salt, baking soda and vanillin.

Melt honey in a small saucepan, add butter. Everything is done over low heat. Pour the walnut-oat mixture with this mass and mix well.

Spread parchment paper on a baking sheet and put the oatmeal mixture on it, smooth to form an even flat layer.

Put in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees, bake for about 20 minutes. Allow to cool, after which you can cut into small pieces.

You can store granola in a regular container or paper bag.

As you can see, the range of food and products that you can take with you on the road is wide and you definitely won't have to go hungry.

P.S. What do you take with you on the road / train / trip? Share your tips and recipes in the comments to the article

Summer is the time for outdoor activities, vacations and travel. When going on a trip, you need to think over everything to the smallest detail: make a list of necessary things, collect a first-aid kit and, of course, do not forget about the stock of provisions. But food spoils quickly in summer, especially if there is a long train journey. Therefore, you need to choose those products that are stored for a long time and without a refrigerator. This is especially important for families with children, because for them the quality and freshness of the dishes are of paramount importance. So what to take on the road from food to refresh on the way on the train or bus?

Basic rules when choosing food on the train

The train is perhaps the safest and most convenient form of transport. It has a bathroom, and you can always take boiling water. But the train does not have a refrigerator, and the journey usually takes longer than other modes of transport. Therefore, when choosing what to take on the road from food, you need to remember a few basic principles:

    Food must be well stored and not melt in the sun.

    Choose food that does not have a strong odor and does not leave a lot of debris (for example, cleanings).

    It is best to take food with you that does not require additional cooking.

How much food do you need to take?

It is difficult to accurately calculate the required amount of food. It depends, first of all, on the travel time. And if you have to go more than five to six hours, then a snack will be simply necessary. Besides, for some reason, the appetite is always good on the train.

What to take from food on the road in summer, so that later you do not have to throw out excess or spoiled food? The number of products must be calculated based on the approximate menu for the entire journey. It should include breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks, which are indispensable on the train. But, given that physical activity on the road is minimized and little energy is spent, it is better not to take a lot of food. Moreover, excess products are unnecessary cargo. As a last resort, you can buy something on the train or at the bus stop.

Sample list of products

Let's try to compile an approximate list of products that you can take with you on the train.

    Instant porridge with dried fruit is a great breakfast option. Especially if they are not packed in bags, but in disposable cups.

    Individually wrapped processed cheese is good because it can be eaten right after opening.

    Meat dishes: It is best to choose canned food, such as pâté in small jars. It can be used in one go. Fans of home cooking can take cutlets or meatballs with them, but they will need to be eaten within the first six hours of the journey. By the way, fried or baked chicken, beloved by many, will also come in handy, but it is better to pack it in foil and not put it off the next day.

    Bread or pita bread.

    Patties or muffins. Better not to take baked goods with cottage cheese or meat filling. But if you really want to, you will need to eat it in the first hours of the journey.

    When choosing what to take from food on a long journey, you can think of soups, mashed potatoes and instant noodles. Of course, these are not the most healthy dishes, but they certainly will not deteriorate in the summer, especially if you need to travel for two or three days.

    Fresh vegetables and fruits. It is better not to take too juicy (peaches or apricots), so as not to crease. In addition, in the summer they can always be bought at the station and washed right on the train.

    For snacks, you can take nuts, corn sticks, cookies. From sweet - dried fruits, marshmallows or gingerbread.

Drinks are important

What to take on the road from food is, of course, important. But on a trip, especially in the summer heat, you need to follow the correct drinking regime. Therefore, drinking water without gas should always be available. It is good to take tea and coffee in bags, as well as refined sugar for hot drinks. You can also grab juices in small packages that you can drink through a straw.

The calculation of the liquid is approximately one liter per eight hours of travel per person. But if you have a long journey, then there is no need to carry extra water, because you can always buy it.

What to offer your child?

Families with children should pay particular attention to the quality and freshness of the food. Especially when it comes to very small children, because for them nutrition is of paramount importance. What should a child take for the trip to make the trip a success? If you have a long journey, then a cooler bag will be very useful, in which you can store or ready-made lunch.

For kids, you can take several jars of baby food on the road. By the way, vegetable or fruit puree can be offered not only to a crumb, but also to an older child. Baby juice, biscuits and, of course, clean water will also come in handy.

It must be remembered that many children get seasick in transport, especially in summer. Therefore, it is better not to feed the baby just before the trip. And you can eat in an hour after departure. It is better if it is a hot dish - it will help better transfer the road to both the child and his parents.

Unwanted foods

Having decided what food is best to take on the road, you need to mention those products that you do not want to take with you. Let's list some of them.

There is a journey ahead of you, all the things are already packed, tickets are on hand, there are several days left before departure, and you are thinking about what to eat on the road? It's good if the whole route takes a couple of hours and you can get by with a bottle of mineral water, but if the path is not close and you have to spend in transport from 12 hours to several days?

Especially for those who go on a similar journey, we have compiled a list of products that will help you eat hearty and healthy, without wasting a lot of time, money and effort.

Before purchasing or preparing food for the trip, check if it follows a few basic rules:

  • products must have a long shelf life and tolerate temperature changes normally;
  • all products should be ready to eat with little or no additional preparation;
  • products should not crumple, crumble, lose shape;
  • it is better to pack food not in bags, but in containers with tight lids;
  • food should be tasty and healthy at the same time, and also not take up much space and not weigh several kilograms.

Food on the train

If you have to spend more than a day on the train (and this is easily possible in the vastness of our vast homeland), do not rely too much on the restaurant car. Of course, you can eat in it, but, firstly, it will not be cheap at all, and secondly, it is tasteless and not too safe.

Also, leave the option of buying pies and chicken on the platform from old women for an emergency: when a three-day-old pastry with a poorly defined filling will affect your body, both the ill-fated platform and the enterprising old woman will already be far away.

The advantage of traveling by train is a large amount of luggage that you can take with you and which will fit perfectly in a cooler bag that can store even dairy products and refreshing drinks. And one more thing: there is always boiling water in any carriage, which means you can brew quick cereals, tea, mashed potatoes and pasta in glasses.

You can take with you on the train:

  • smoked sausage,
  • hard cheese (it is better to cut both of them in advance),
  • bread or sheet pita bread,
  • cucumbers, tomatoes,
  • hard fruits (it is better to take bananas a little underripe),
  • canned food (with a key!).

In addition, you can take boiled eggs, fried or smoked chicken, boiled potatoes, but all this must be eaten on the first day, and the rest ruthlessly thrown away.

For tea, it is worth grabbing sweets, waffles, corn sticks, but at the same time avoiding chocolate, which will melt, and cookies, which will quickly crumble.

For a snack, it is worth grabbing dried fruits, washed and dried in advance.

From drinks it is worth stocking up with bottled water, preferably without gas, tea or coffee in a thermos. But with regard to beer, it is worth remembering that drinking alcoholic beverages on trains is prohibited.

Food on the plane

Flying in an airplane is much easier in terms of groceries. Firstly, there are few places where you can fly longer than ten hours, and secondly, you will be fed on the way. In addition, it is forbidden to import food into many countries, so there is no point in stuffing your luggage with sandwiches.

If you are not sure about the service of the airline you are traveling with, take with you mineral water or juice (bought at the airport after security), chocolate or snacks that can satisfy a slight hunger, and in extreme cases, salads in transparent containers are suitable.

By the way, remember that animal products such as milk, cheese and meat are not allowed in carry-on baggage on connecting flights, so security may ask you to eat them all before boarding. Yoghurts also belong to liquids, which can only be transported in containers up to 100 milliliters and packed in a transparent bag. All food products that you take with you to the salon must be packed in the same bags.

Products in the car

Traveling by car is convenient because you can plan your own route, stop at cafes and hypermarkets along the highway and replenish your stock of groceries.

By the way, it is worth choosing a cafe, focusing not on the sign, but on the number of cars in the parking lot in front of it. As a rule, the best and most inexpensive cafes are those where truckers dine, so the line of trucks in the parking lot guarantees tasty and fresh food and low prices.

  • In the car itself, you should take with you a supply of drinking water, a thermos with tea or coffee, energy drinks for the driver (if he drinks them), sandwiches for the first time, sweets for tea, fruits and vegetables, sausage and cheese. If you have a thermo bag, you can also carry yoghurts or cereal milk.
  • Also a great option for long trips is a small gas burner, which you can use to quickly cook soup from a bag or reheat whatever you have taken with you from home.
  • In addition, you can take baked goods with you into the machine, since you will not constantly transfer food, and it will not wrinkle or crumble.

And one more thing: it is better to store all products in the trunk, having previously packed them in sealed containers. So they will not interfere with you in the cabin, but also will not be saturated with the smell of gasoline.

In case a child travels with you, know that it is extremely important not to bring down his diet so that the long-awaited rest does not turn into hard labor. You can read about what is worth taking on the road for your baby in the special material "Food for a child on vacation".

Try to pay attention to the freshness of the food and not regret throwing away what arouses even the slightest suspicion. After all, you have a resort ahead of you with dozens of exotic dishes, and it would be a shame to come to it with an upset stomach.