Liquid chair in adult but not diarrhea. Causes of a liquid chair in an adult long time, characteristic symptoms and methods of struggle. How to stop diarrhea and accompanying symptoms

Liquid stool gives a lot of inconvenience to a person, be it an adult or a child. The symptom is unpleasant and negatively reflected on the well-being, state of health and lifestyle.

What is a liquid chair

In normal operation of the stomach, the defecation occurs one - twice a day.

If the violation of the work gastrointestinal tract is a long period of time, they talk about chronic diarrhea (not diarrhea). How to determine the cause and correctly begin treatment - a question that requires a serious approach and attention.

A chronic liquid chair in an adult is talking about headling health. This is not only an unpleasant, but also a dangerous phenomenon that can lead the body to dehydration. Together with the cartoons, high water volume, useful trace elements, minerals, nutrients are distinguished. They are necessary to maintain the water-salt balance and the normal operation of the gastrointestinal tract. With dehydration, signs are distinguished:

  • Lethargy, drowsiness, constant feeling of weakness;
  • Dry skin;
  • Loss of body weight;
  • Feeling thirst, dry mouth;
  • Reducing the number of urination.

Remember! It is impossible to leave a long-term liquid chair with a smell in an adult. The symptom is dangerous for the body. If you ignore the symptoms, there is a risk of hard to harm health, serious treatment will be required.

Between the liquid chair and diarrhea, the difference is tangible. The liquid stool differs from diarrhea by diarch by the fact that the cavalous masses acquire a liquid consistency, it can be maintained a long period of time without other symptoms. Manifested daily, every other day or occurs periodically. Diarrhea - frequent and sharp emptying of the intestine. Accompanied by a number of symptoms: sharp abdominal pains, high temperature, well-being deteriorated rapidly.

Causes of prolonged liquid chair in adults

If a person is worried about a long time a liquid chair at least once a day, this indicates pathological processes in the body. They are able to cause serious illness and lead to complications. Difficulties with a chair have a different character.

Factors contributing to the stomach disorder:

The list of causes is incomplete. The main factors provoking liquid stools are given.

When contact your doctor

If it is observed by the symptom, it is not necessary to ignore it, even if nothing hurts. It is recommended to immediately cause ambulance if:

  • Unformed calorie, odorless is observed for a long time, daily (month);
  • There was a strong loss of body weight;
  • Feeling of constant nausea, bitter taste in the mouth;
  • After treatment, the symptom does not pass;
  • A malware smell appeared;
  • A man appears in a strong sword, heartbeat is rapidly;
  • Chair is very watery;
  • In the cartilages of blood bunches, mucus appeared. This means that the disease has begun.

If the difficulties with the stomach are observed for a long time, refer to the doctor. An adult must pass a medical examination, pass tests and undergo a course of treatment.

Than cure liquid adult chair

It is required in the near future to find out the exact reason, determine the diagnosis and designate a comprehensive treatment that includes:

  • Reception of medication (anti-inflammatory, probiotics, prebiotics, antibacterial, sorbents, etc.).
  • Second Council - Compliance with the Dietary Menu (Foods are excluded, which can have a laxative effect or overload a sore stomach).

The treatment method directly depends on the cause that caused the stomach disorder. The diagnosis can be different from each person with this symptom. How and how to treat - determines the attending physician. A self-medication is prohibited! With incorrect treatment there is a risk to harm health.

Enterosorbents will help to provide first aid in this situation. The substances of the drug absorb and help remove toxic compounds from the body. Harmful substances together with sorbents are naturally leaving the body. The drug is used if there is a case of food poisoning. Sorbents include: polysorb, activated carbon, smect, enterosgel, etc.

Medicine offers the choice of drugs that restore the stomach. Acceptance of probiotics helps to normalize digestion (bifidumbacterin, lines, bifiform).

It is important to make more water to restore the lost liquid. You can make water with salt adding. Rehydration preparations are recommended for the normalization of the water-salt balance.

With the right diagnosis and compliance with treatment, you can get rid of a liquid chair for the week.

Diet with liquid chair

Proper nutrition will help to quickly establish the work of the stomach. Strict compliance with the recommendations of the doctor relative to the diet will reduce the treatment period.

Diet includes:

  • Reception in food of non-fat products;
  • Lean broth;
  • Crackers, crackers;
  • Porridge on water (oatmeal, rice porridge);
  • Boiled potatoes;
  • Vegetables cooked on a steam bath;
  • Bananas.

With a liquid chair, you should refrain from alcoholic beverages, coffee, dairy products, oily and acute food, bakery products, water with gases, fruit juices.


The disease is better to warn than to treat. Preventive measures:

  • Always wash your arms before meals;
  • Carefully choose food;
  • Lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • Pass an annual preventive inspection.

A single, rare liquid chair is not hazard, but if a person has no cause and regular, the symptom requires surgical treatment.

What if there is a constantly liquid chair, in what the reasons for such a state and what to take to improve well-being - answers to these and other questions are in the article.

Why does liquid chair occur?

Diarrhea, or diarrhea, is a pathological condition in which a rich and frequent defecation is observed (more than 2 times a day).

Hall masses are discharged, watery. Often, diarrhea is accompanied by pain in the abdomen, flatulence, weakness.

Why does a constant liquid chair occur? In most cases, the causes of a constant liquid chair are prose enough.

The condition of the gastrointestinal tract is particularly affected by the person's lifestyle.

If for several years eating fatty and fried food, move little, test excessive emotional and physical activity, then the emergence of a failure in the work of the body is very likely.

One of the first to stress and the wrong lifestyle reacts the digestion system. In such situations, a person may complain that he is constantly worried about a liquid chair.

If a constantly liquid chair in an adult is observed, first of all, the likelihood of intestinal infection should be excluded.

The pathogenic bacteria that fell into the gastrointestinal tract produce toxins and disrupt the balance of intestinal microflora. Diarrhea is a protective reaction to the presence of pathogenic microorganisms.

The causes of the liquid stool include diseases of the liver and gallbladder.

Due to violations of these organs, the absorption of vitamins and the trace elements required for the proper functioning of the body and well-being are worse. A permanent liquid chair is one of the symptoms of diseases of these organs.

The normal operation of the digestive system depends on the production of thyroid gland of certain hormones - thyroxine and triiodothyronine.

Increasing the hormonal activity of the gland (hyperthyroidism) leads to a violation of the operation of the gastrointestinal tract and often causes a constant liquid stool.

Considering the causes of chronic diarrhea, there should not be excluded and rare diseases - the Crohn disease and non-specific ulcerative colitis.

These states are accompanied by a constant liquid chair with an admixture of mucus, blood and pus.

The absence of timely treatment can lead to the depletion of the body and the emergence of other concomitant pathological conditions. When blood is detected and pus in Kale, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor.

Diagnostics of constant diarrhea

When the symptoms of the constant liquid chair are found, it is recommended to proceed with the treatment of a state in order to avoid dehydration and subsequent intoxication.

Any interference in the body should be coordinated with the doctor. For the correct formulation of the diagnosis and the choice of the treatment regimen, you must contact the gastroenterologist and a proctologist.

On the general examination of the gastroenterologist, first of all, clarify the symptoms of the state. The patient can complain about frequent intestinal emptying (from 2-3 times a day) for over 14 days.

Cal with diarrhea is abundant, liquid. The diarrhea is often accompanied by a bloody, the asymmetricness of the abdominal area. When the belly palpation is possible painful sensations.

To set the correct diagnosis, the gastroenterologist will appoint several blood tests and feces, according to which it is possible to clarify the condition of the liver, gallbladder and identify the presence of infection in the gastrointestinal tract.

The reasons for the constant liquid stool can be hidden in the anomalies of the internal organs. To identify possible pathological changes in the structure and operation of the organs of the digestive system, X-ray, WSD and colonoscopy are prescribed.

X-ray without the introduction of a contrast agent is a little-informative, so more often, experts are carried out ultrasound diagnostics to eliminate the presence of tumors in the abdominal field, which could lead to a failure of the digestive system and the appearance of a constant liquid chair.

At the consultation of the proctologist, the doctor will pay attention to the state of the anal hole, blood traces and pus in it.

To clarify the diagnosis, in addition to kala tests, a colonoscopy can be performed.

Such a study makes it possible to estimate the state of the intestine, to identify the presence of ulcers, small tumors and polyps.

The procedure of colonoscopy sometimes includes the fence of the material - cells or tissues (biopsy).

Biopsy will help to establish the presence of inflammation and prematubological states of the organs of the digestive system.

These pathologies can significantly disrupt the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and lead to the emergence of a chronic liquid stool.

Treatment of chronic diarrhea

A different approach to the treatment of a constant liquid chair is explained by the vastness of the causes of its occurrence.

Since most of the cases of chronic diarrhea are associated with the lifestyle of the patient, the therapy of this state is based on power change and adjust the mode.

An increase in motor activity, a decrease in the level of everyday stress should be combined with the direction of the diet.

Thus, food, stopping the processes of fermentation and gas formation, must be included in the nutrition of the patient chronic diarrhea.

The basis of such a diet - dishes baked in the oven or cooked in the steamer. To improve the process of digestion and reduce the load on the weakened intestine, it is recommended to grind all food to the puree state.

In folk medicine, with a constant liquid chair, a rice decoction is used or simply include porridge porridge in the daily menu. Such a choice is explained by the fastening effect, which takes place on the intestine.

The danger of a constant liquid chair lies in the flushing of trace elements and water from the body.

Such an increase in the amount of liquid is connected with the need to accelerate the removal of toxins from the gastrointestinal tract.

Many gastroenterologists advise in a chronic liquid chair to accept probiotics. These drugs are designed to restore intestinal microflora, improving the absorption of nutrients from food. Their reception has a beneficial effect on the work of the liver and pancreas.

If the cause of a constant liquid stool is in the inflammatory process of digestive organs, the doctor will appoint antibacterial agents.

Therapy with antibiotics is necessarily carried out only under the control of the doctor, which, according to the results of analyzes and surveys, will establish an individual dosage and develops a diagram of receiving medicines.

Self-medication in such a situation can provoke the deterioration of the patient's condition and tightening the recovery process.

Prevention of constant liquid chair

Any disease is easier to prevent than cured. Prevention of a constant liquid chair is based on the monitoring of the state of the gastrointestinal tract.

One of the factors provoking the emergence of chronic diarrhea is non-compliance with simple hygiene rules.

When inserting an intestinal stick or other malicious bacteria into the organism, the intestinal microflora is disturbed - toxins produced by these microorganisms, provoke a malfunction in the operation of the gastrointestinal tract, which leads to the appearance of a liquid stool.

The prevention of intestinal infection is to wash the hands with soap after visiting the toilet and before taking food.

Due to the alkali contained in the soap, most bacteria is destroyed and the likelihood of pathogenic microorganisms into the intestines is reduced.

Malicious bacteria live not only on hand or household items, but also on raw fruits and vegetables, in water and in meat and dairy products.

Meat and dairy products are necessarily subjected to heat treatment. Especially thoroughly, hygiene should be observed in the summer, since bacteria multiply faster in a warm environment.

The focus of the prevention of chronic diarrhea should be given to the diet.

Failures in the operation of the digestive system are often associated with the deterioration of blood supply to the abdominal organs.

To prevent the weakening of the inflow of blood to the internal organs, it is recommended to lead an active lifestyle.

Fast walking, simple gymnastics in the morning or sports will help improve blood circulation and oxygen saturation.

If there is a chronic diarrhea after recovery, it is recommended to attend a gastroenterologist for advice and inspection once a year. After 60 years, doctors advise to conduct a digestive system survey every six months.

A permanent liquid chair is an unpleasant and delicate problem, which is often preferred to silence.

But it is not worth it to seek medical care, because timely treatment under the control of a specialist and compliance with simple prophylaxis rules will be allowed to forget about the disease forever.

The presence of permanent or frequent liquid stool in adults is an indicator of diarrhea. The pathological condition of this kind can be two species - chronic or acute depending on the cause of the occurrence. Serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are developing due to a viral or bacterial infection, which penetrated the body. However, this is not all possible causes that can provoke a liquid feces.

What is a liquid chair

A disease for which the characteristic symptoms are the appearance of a liquid or foam chair, in medical practice it is customary to call diarrhea. This syndrome is often accompanied by pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe intestinal tract, a stomach disorder or high temperature. Possible causes of the appearance of acute or chronic diarrhea are intestinal infections and food poisoning.

An incomparated chair in an adult long time is a very dangerous syndrome that can lead to dehydration of the body and serious health problems. The violation of the water-salt balance in the body threatens the development of irreversible pathological changes, so when signs of disorder of digestion, you need to immediately seek help to the doctor.

The reasons

A watery chair causes a number of reasons for the most common of which are intestinal disorders due to poor-quality or spoiled food products, as well as acute infections such as salmonellosis and dysentery. On the occurrence of diarrhea or liquid feces can affect chronic inflammatory diseases. Other factors affect the appearance of watery long diarrhea:

  • response of the body for drugs;
  • metabolic disease;
  • symptoms of dysbiosis;
  • chronic gastrointestinal diseases;
  • stress;
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • worms;
  • damage to the intestinal mucosa;
  • food allergy.

Liquid chair in an adult long time

With a high frequency of feces in adult patients, there are complications in the work of the tract, which are accompanied by vomiting and other unpleasant symptoms. In some cases, the liquid calleva is considered normal, for example, during pregnancy. All other precedents testify to the intestinal disorder, so abundant infectious diarrhea with a flicker smell can only be stopped using therapy.

A soft chair in an adult long time is considered an unfavorable state that causes signs of dehydration. To prevent the liquid feces, doctors recommend male and women to adhere to several rules. Be sure to wash fruits and vegetables before meat intake and expose meat or dairy products heat treatment. It is important to always check the shelf life of the purchased product and in no case use the spoiled food.

Liquid chair but not diarrhea

Few people know, but there is a difference between liquid feces and diarrhea. In a healthy person, the allocation of defecates occurs once twice a day, which is considered the norm. With an increase in the amount of fluid, a change in Cala consistency occurs, which indicates problems with health. In contrast to diarrhea, which is temporary, the duration of such a phenomenon is a couple of weeks.

The liquid feces are chronic ailment, which without proper treatment can become a permanent companion of man. This response from the body sometimes occurs due to a sharp change in the diet, for example, vegetarianism. In this case, the color of the feces will have a greenish tint, which indicates a large number of tissue absorbed. The reason for the emergence of permanent urges to the toilet may be infection, therefore, normalize the work of the intestine is possible only after passing treatment.

Spins belly and liquid chair

Stress, overeating, food poisoning can lead to what will turn the stomach. However, if the semi-liquid feces are added to this symptomatology, that is, reasons for concern. Unlike kids, the appearance of permanent casual discharges in an adult person for a week signals violations in the work of the stomach. The consistency of the carte masses can take a different appearance depending on the cause of the ailment. Frequent liquid feces cause:

  • oncological diseases;
  • intestinal infection;
  • crohn's disease;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • appendicitis.

In the morning

Some people suffer from daily unpleasant sensations in the abdomen in the morning. This problem does not have gender, it is equally suffering from both women and men. The provoking factors of discomfort, which may be accompanied by meteorism, it is considered to be the pathology of the abdominal organs or other systems. Patients meet somatic and visceral pains.

The first type is characteristic when irritating the gastrointestinal mucosa, which is a frequent satellite of chronic gastritis. An unpleasant feeling in the abdomen becomes regular, poisoning a person's life. Visceral pains appear due to the reaction of nerve endings to all sorts of irritants. With such pathology, discomfort is not localized in different places.

Stomach does not hurt, but liquid chair

Digestion disorder, for which the absence of diarrhea manifestations, such as temperature, indicates the presence of a pathological process in the human body. In the case of light food poisoning, liquid diarrhea without abdominal pain should be held by himself in a couple of days. If the situation remains unchanged for a long amount of time, that is, all the grounds for appealing for medical care.

Rotavirus infection in most cases is observed among young children. However, adults can also be affected. Doctors know exactly what to do with a liquid chair, so if the infection is suspicious, it is necessary to immediately go to the hospital. Sometimes swashing sections appear due to severe stress or nervous voltage. To solve the problem, at least a time to change the generation of activities.

Liquid yellow stool

Color of feces can say a lot about human health. So, if the patient has a regular black liquid calumn, then the ulcer has opened in the stomach. Yellow and green chair is characteristic of bacterial infection, in which a person is forced to visit the toilet for six to ten times a day. If any problems occur, the body seeks to bring negative invasions through the mouth or rear pass. Cal of liquid consistency with impurities of mucus or blood is a serious symptom, when the doctor appears.

After meal

Liquid diarrhea after each meal is called functional diarrhea. Such a reaction of the body on food testifies to violations in the intestine. They can wear both temporary and constant character. The likely causes of liquid feces are considered: dysbacteriosis, infectious intestinal lesion or "bearish disease." If the body does not cope with the digestion of food, it will be by all forces to try to clean the gastrointestinal tract, which leads to the diarrhea.

Diarrhea and gases

Meteorism and diarrhea often appear together due to the interrelated functioning of all gastrointestinal tract systems. With accumulation of gases in the intestine, pathological processes in the body are launched, which prevent its normal operation. Therefore, in a short time, a person has diarrhea. For a child in the first months of life, such a state of affairs is considered the norm. As for adults, liquid green feces and meteorism signals the presence of diseases such as hepatitis or dysbacteriosis.

With blood impurities

Blood impurities in feces are an unfavorable symptom that can be caused by a little domestic gastrointestinal departments. Allocations are not always noticeable to the eye, sometimes special laboratory tests are required to detect them. However, if blood impurities are visible, it means that the location of damage is at the bowel level. Footprints of fresh blood in liquid feces indicate cracks in the rear pass or hemorrhoids.


If diarrhea symptoms occur, it is recommended to refer to a proctologist or a gastroenterologist. The specialist conducts a comprehensive examination of the patient's digestive tract, after following an external inspection. With the power of the instrumental endoscopic technique, the doctor may detect damage to the mucous membrane or other gastrointestinal departments. If necessary, the following procedures are carried out:

  • coprogram;
  • bacteriological sowing;
  • study of the feces on the eggs of worms;


An integrated therapy is used to restore the opening of the intestine, which implies the use of various methods of improving the body. At the time of treatment, the patient must observe a strict diet and temporarily exclude products from the diet, stimulating the secretion of hydrochloric acid. In addition, antibacterial drugs are applied to drink every day.

Medicia treatment

Before getting rid of a liquid chair, patients pass antibiotic therapy, including preparations for suppressing pathogenic microflora in the intestine. These include prebiotics, broad spectrum antibiotics and enterosorbents. Treatment is appointed only by a specialist. The best choice is combined tools, such as nifuroxazide, which do not apply the body of additional harm. This drug is destroyed for most intestinal infections, for example, for cholera vibrium, salmonella, Klebsiella.

It has a pronounced bactericidal and bacteriostatic effect, the result depends on the adopted dose. The medicine disrupts the process of protein synthesis and inhibits the activity of the dehydrogenase enzyme. Nifuroxazid does not affect the normal intestinal microflora, therefore it does not harm the patient's health. Adsorbents are used as symptomatic preparations from liquid feces, which slow down the peristaltics of the stomach and contribute to the condensed chairs. These include funds such as Loperamide and Somatostatin.

They successfully regulate the intestinal motility and affect the secretory function, due to which the amount of liquid and feces released is reduced. Preparations increase the tone of the anal sphincter, due to which the root masses are held. If liquid feces have been caused by infection, then drugs that reduce intestinal peristalsis do not apply.

Shattering diet

With a liquid and stinking chairs, it is recommended to comply with a diet that eliminates the use of fatty, salt or smoked products. The diet should mainly consist of fresh vegetables and fruits, meat products must be properly treated. It is allowed to eat boiled or baked products. Before meal, you should thoroughly wash your hands to avoid intestinal infections and food poisoning.


In the life of every person the diarrhea arose. But not everyone knows the reasons for the appearance of what to do in such a situation and how to prevent such cases in the future.

Why urchite belly and diarrhea occurs in adults

Diarrhea is not an independent disease, but a consequence of violation of the functions of the gastrointestinal tract. The reasons for the occurrence of dysfunction highlights a lot:

Antimicrobial drugs do not possess selectivity by destroying any microorganisms. The consequence of application is dysbacteriosis that disrupts the digestion process.

Why does a child appear diarrhea and browning belly

The body of the child, especially up to 1 year, is very different from the adult. Immune and digestive systems are formed either function defective. Therefore, children are often subject to the specified symptom.

Children under the year should distinguish diarrhea and liquid chair. For a baby, a liquid chair is a consequence of feeding with milk or its substitute. Diarrhea is an abnormal and requiring elimination.

To the main reasons for the appearance of hiring in the abdomen and diarrhea, the child belongs:

  • Violation of a diet with a nursing mom (for children up to year);
  • Eating dirty fruits, berries, sweets;
  • Inability to digest some products;
  • Food allergy;
  • Poisoning of household chemicals;
  • Non-compliance with personal hygiene;
  • Helminat infection.

Treatment of diarrhea in children

It should not be accepted on the treatment of a child independently, but it is recommended to provide first assistance. It is allowed to take sorbents and fill the loss of fluid with special solutions.

In addition to the reception of drugs, you need to make a soft diet for the gastrointestinal tract. Heavy food (fried, oxygen, smoked), carbonated drinks, apples, beans, cabbage, tomatoes, baking are excluded from the diet.

Products allowed for diarrhea:

  • Porridges from rice and oatmeal without adding milk;
  • Kefir, yogurt;
  • Puree from potatoes on water;
  • Low-fat meat (chicken or turkey fillets);
  • Crackers.

Children's diseases develop rapidly, so you need to closely monitor the condition of the patient and with a deterioration of the state urgently contact the medical institution.

Berring in belly and diarrhea in pregnant women

For ladies in the "position" of digestion disorders are normal. This is due to several processes arising exclusively during pregnancy:

Related symptoms

Diarrhea in many cases is complemented by a number of unpleasant symptoms:

  • Increase temperatures up to 38.5. This is a serious symptom that signals the beginning of the inflammatory process in the body.
  • Nausea and vomiting. Nausea and dizziness are manifested with light poisoning. With severe poisoning, vomiting is abundant and can lead to dehydration.
  • Belching. The symptom manifestation speaks of a violation of the diet or the work of the organs of the digestive system. Open after meals is caused by swallowing excess air along with the food lump.
  • Abdominal pain. Pain in the left side is a signal of difficulties with stomach or pancreas. If it hurts near the navel and below is not an intestine. Pain on the right side - problems with the liver, bubble or appendicitis.
  • Meteorism, or, in a different way, bloating. The cause of the symptom is gases highlighted by bacteria when digesting food. There is a similar diarrhea for reasons.

What can tell the color of the liquid chair

Yellow color indicates an overhaul of intestinal peristals. His musculature works more intensively. Therefore, drilling and insignificant abdominal pain may appear.

The green color of Cal acquires if diarrhea is caused by the infectious disease. Such a color is acquired due to causative agents and leukocytes. Often there is a mucus and smells a rot.

The feces of white confirms the fact of unsatisfactory work of bile ducts due to a gall-eyed disease.

Black color indicates internal bleeding. Blood, passing through the gastrointestinal tract, acquires a similar color. The use of certain products (blueberries, coarse) and preparations (activated carbon) gives a similar effect.

The presence of red streaks in the chair can speak of damage to the intestinal walls, tumor decay or the appearance of holes in the gastrointestinal organs due to ulcers.

The mucus in diarrhea testifies to the intoxication of the body. In its color, it is possible to determine the degree of poisoning. If the mucus is transparent, it is insignificant. Brown, green or in the form of foam speaks about the opposite.

Excess water in a chair - a symptom of cholera. Her pathogen, penetrating the intestines, makes him allocate more than the digestive secret. This can lead to dehydration and fatal outcome.

When you need to seek medical help

Medical intervention is necessary if the liquid chair does not pass within 2-3 days, and the body temperature is constantly held at 39. If blood streaks appear in feces or it contains a mucus - this is a reason for immediate treatment for medical care. These symptoms can simultaneously signal peritonitis or internal bleeding.

How the disease provoking diarrhea is detected

The Gastroenterologist's doctor appoints a laboratory survey, the list of which includes:

  • Urine analysis, blood, feces;
  • Ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity;
  • Study of the esophagus, stomach, straight and colon.

Based on the events preceding the disease (anamnesis of the disease) and the result of the examination is diagnosed and treatment is assigned: an outpatient or stationary. It depends on the state of the patient at the time of inspection.

What to do if an adult diarrhea and bite in the stomach

Sometimes it is not necessary to contact the hospital to eliminate dysfunction, as it often appears due to a diet violation. After diary, it is permissible to independently take activated carbon in the dosage of 1 tablet by 10 kilograms of weight. Take after coal the other medicines meaninglessly - he neutralizes the actors. It is allowed to clean the intestine from stimuli with the help of the enema.

To replenish the lost liquid, it is recommended to adopt the solution of the regionon. It can be bought in a pharmacy or prepare independently: in 1 liter of boiled water to dilute 1 teaspoon of cook salt and 4 teaspoons of sugar. Taking the resulting solution should be taken every 5-10 min by a teaspoon for children and a dining room for an adult.

If the measures taken on the 2nd day of malaise do not have the effect, it is necessary to call a district doctor to the house or contact the reception of the infectious hospital.

The treatment prescribed by a specialist involves the use of antibiotics and drugs that stimulate the growth of their own beneficial bacteria in the patient. In addition to drugs, a special diet is needed, which accelerates the recovery.

Nutrition in diarrhea

The presence of the dysfunction of the gastrointestinal trades to refuse:

  • Alcoholic beverages and coffee;
  • Fat and fried food;
  • Any products containing yeast.

It is recommended for the time of treatment to include in the diet of cereals from Hercules or rice, fruits, vegetables in boiled form. Good assistants in the restoration of microflora are fermented milk products: kefir, yogurt, ion. Do not neglect water - it is vital for the body.


To avoid the appearance of such an unpleasant symptom, as diarrhea, it is required to observe the simple advice. The habit of keeping your hands clean and wash them after walking, visits to the restroom, contact with animals - the guarantor of good health!

You should thoroughly wash fruits and vegetables. It is allowed to use the usual toilet soap. And when cooking, they boil well.

Meat, milk, eggs - listed products before use must be subjected to heat treatment.

You can not eat the proceeded prepared dishes. Products with an expiry date must be thrown away. Do not hope for "maybe" and risk health.

Diarrhea is an unpleasant phenomenon, painful, unexpected. Its appearance signals a serious failure in the body or nutrition. Incorrect treatment or absence can cost a person life.


The presence of permanent or frequent liquid stool in adults is an indicator of diarrhea. The pathological condition of this kind can be two species - chronic or acute depending on the cause of the occurrence. Serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are developing due to a viral or bacterial infection, which penetrated the body. However, this is not all possible causes that can provoke a liquid feces.

What is a liquid chair

A disease for which the characteristic symptoms are the appearance of a liquid or foam chair, in medical practice it is customary to call diarrhea. This syndrome is often accompanied by pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe intestinal tract, a stomach disorder or high temperature. Possible causes of the appearance of acute or chronic diarrhea are intestinal infections and food poisoning.

An incomparated chair in an adult long time is a very dangerous syndrome that can lead to dehydration of the body and serious health problems. The violation of the water-salt balance in the body threatens the development of irreversible pathological changes, so when signs of disorder of digestion, you need to immediately seek help to the doctor.

The reasons

A watery chair causes a number of reasons for the most common of which are intestinal disorders due to poor-quality or spoiled food products, as well as acute infections such as salmonellosis and dysentery. On the occurrence of diarrhea or liquid feces can affect chronic inflammatory diseases. Other factors affect the appearance of watery long diarrhea:

  • response of the body for drugs;
  • metabolic disease;
  • symptoms of dysbiosis;
  • chronic gastrointestinal diseases;
  • stress;
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • worms;
  • damage to the intestinal mucosa;
  • food allergy.

Liquid chair in an adult long time

With a high frequency of feces in adult patients, there are complications in the work of the tract, which are accompanied by vomiting and other unpleasant symptoms. In some cases, the liquid calleva is considered normal, for example, during pregnancy. All other precedents testify to the intestinal disorder, so abundant infectious diarrhea with a flicker smell can only be stopped using therapy.

A soft chair in an adult long time is considered an unfavorable state that causes signs of dehydration. To prevent the liquid feces, doctors recommend male and women to adhere to several rules. Be sure to wash fruits and vegetables before meat intake and expose meat or dairy products heat treatment. It is important to always check the shelf life of the purchased product and in no case use the spoiled food.

Liquid chair but not diarrhea

Few people know, but there is a difference between liquid feces and diarrhea. In a healthy person, the allocation of defecates occurs once twice a day, which is considered the norm. With an increase in the amount of fluid, a change in Cala consistency occurs, which indicates problems with health. In contrast to diarrhea, which is temporary, the duration of such a phenomenon is a couple of weeks.

The liquid feces are chronic ailment, which without proper treatment can become a permanent companion of man. This response from the body sometimes occurs due to a sharp change in the diet, for example, vegetarianism. In this case, the color of the feces will have a greenish tint, which indicates a large number of tissue absorbed. The reason for the emergence of permanent urges to the toilet may be infection, therefore, normalize the work of the intestine is possible only after passing treatment.

Spins belly and liquid chair

Stress, overeating, food poisoning can lead to what will turn the stomach. However, if the semi-liquid feces are added to this symptomatology, that is, reasons for concern. Unlike kids, the appearance of permanent casual discharges in an adult person for a week signals violations in the work of the stomach. The consistency of the carte masses can take a different appearance depending on the cause of the ailment. Frequent liquid feces cause:

  • oncological diseases;
  • intestinal infection;
  • crohn's disease;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • appendicitis.

In the morning

Some people suffer from daily unpleasant sensations in the abdomen in the morning. This problem does not have gender, it is equally suffering from both women and men. The provoking factors of discomfort, which may be accompanied by meteorism, it is considered to be the pathology of the abdominal organs or other systems. Patients meet somatic and visceral pains.

The first type is characteristic when irritating the gastrointestinal mucosa, which is a frequent satellite of chronic gastritis. An unpleasant feeling in the abdomen becomes regular, poisoning a person's life. Visceral pains appear due to the reaction of nerve endings to all sorts of irritants. With such pathology, discomfort is not localized in different places.

Stomach does not hurt, but liquid chair

Digestion disorder, for which the absence of diarrhea manifestations, such as temperature, indicates the presence of a pathological process in the human body. In the case of light food poisoning, liquid diarrhea without abdominal pain should be held by himself in a couple of days. If the situation remains unchanged for a long amount of time, that is, all the grounds for appealing for medical care.

Rotavirus infection in most cases is observed among young children. However, adults can also be affected. Doctors know exactly what to do with a liquid chair, so if the infection is suspicious, it is necessary to immediately go to the hospital. Sometimes swashing sections appear due to severe stress or nervous voltage. To solve the problem, at least a time to change the generation of activities.

Liquid yellow stool

Color of feces can say a lot about human health. So, if the patient has a regular black liquid calumn, then the ulcer has opened in the stomach. Yellow and green chair is characteristic of bacterial infection, in which a person is forced to visit the toilet for six to ten times a day. If any problems occur, the body seeks to bring negative invasions through the mouth or rear pass. Cal of liquid consistency with impurities of mucus or blood is a serious symptom, when the doctor appears.

After meal

Liquid diarrhea after each meal is called functional diarrhea. Such a reaction of the body on food testifies to violations in the intestine. They can wear both temporary and constant character. The likely causes of liquid feces are considered: dysbacteriosis, infectious intestinal lesion or "bearish disease." If the body does not cope with the digestion of food, it will be by all forces to try to clean the gastrointestinal tract, which leads to the diarrhea.

Diarrhea and gases

Meteorism and diarrhea often appear together due to the interrelated functioning of all gastrointestinal tract systems. With accumulation of gases in the intestine, pathological processes in the body are launched, which prevent its normal operation. Therefore, in a short time, a person has diarrhea. For a child in the first months of life, such a state of affairs is considered the norm. As for adults, liquid green feces and meteorism signals the presence of diseases such as hepatitis or dysbacteriosis.

With blood impurities

Blood impurities in feces are an unfavorable symptom that can be caused by a little domestic gastrointestinal departments. Allocations are not always noticeable to the eye, sometimes special laboratory tests are required to detect them. However, if blood impurities are visible, it means that the location of damage is at the bowel level. Footprints of fresh blood in liquid feces indicate cracks in the rear pass or hemorrhoids.


If diarrhea symptoms occur, it is recommended to refer to a proctologist or a gastroenterologist. The specialist conducts a comprehensive examination of the patient's digestive tract, after following an external inspection. With the power of the instrumental endoscopic technique, the doctor may detect damage to the mucous membrane or other gastrointestinal departments. If necessary, the following procedures are carried out:

  • coprogram;
  • bacteriological sowing;
  • study of the feces on the eggs of worms;


An integrated therapy is used to restore the opening of the intestine, which implies the use of various methods of improving the body. At the time of treatment, the patient must observe a strict diet and temporarily exclude products from the diet, stimulating the secretion of hydrochloric acid. In addition, antibacterial drugs are applied to drink every day.

Medicia treatment

Before getting rid of a liquid chair, patients pass antibiotic therapy, including preparations for suppressing pathogenic microflora in the intestine. These include prebiotics, broad spectrum antibiotics and enterosorbents. Treatment is appointed only by a specialist. The best choice is combined tools, such as nifuroxazide, which do not apply the body of additional harm. This drug is destroyed for most intestinal infections, for example, for cholera vibrium, salmonella, Klebsiella.

It has a pronounced bactericidal and bacteriostatic effect, the result depends on the adopted dose. The medicine disrupts the process of protein synthesis and inhibits the activity of the dehydrogenase enzyme. Nifuroxazid does not affect the normal intestinal microflora, therefore it does not harm the patient's health. Adsorbents are used as symptomatic preparations from liquid feces, which slow down the peristaltics of the stomach and contribute to the condensed chairs. These include funds such as Loperamide and Somatostatin.

Liquid chair or diarrhea, in adults and children is not an independent disease, but one of the symptoms of various pathological processes in the body. Translated from the Greek "Diarrhea" means "expire". This state is manifested too frequent (more than 2 times a day) intestinal emptying characterized by discharged discharges. In conversational speech, you can often hear another name - "diarrhea". The greatest danger represents diarrhea in children, since they quickly come dehydration, which carries very serious complications.

The main symptom of diarrhea is liquid stools at least 3 times a day. This state can be sharp or chronic. In the first case, a person has a liquid chair for at least a week, and in the second - more than 3 weeks. The cause of liquid chair in adults and children is not only bacterial and viral infections, but also a number of diseases. At the same time, the primary pathological process can be localized in the intestine or in other organs, and changes in the nature of the chair have its own characteristics.

Causes of liquid stool

The human body is a holistic system, a failure of one of the organs alarms about health problems. The appearance of a liquid chair in adults should alert, as it is immediately impossible to distinguish a small food disorder from a serious illness. The watery chair in adults is not a sign of serious illness in the following cases:

  • When an adult eats a lot of plant food (especially food rich in fiber) and consumes a lot of water (it is important, but its oversupply dilutes cavalous masses). As soon as a person normalizes its nutrition, the feces will acquire the form they laid them.
  • With strong dysbacteriosis. For example, after a person has been treated for a long time with antibiotics that kill the useful intestinal microflora. For treatment, it is necessary to take preparations containing the right amount of useful bacteria. You can distinguish such drugs by special marks indicating which active culture they contain.
  • With a sharp change of food preferences. This often happens with tourists who come to a new country and trying unfamiliar food. The stomach and the intestines are not accustomed to new food and first react to it by the fact that they allocate more enzymes, which speeds up the peristaltics. Gradually, the body gets used to, and the work of the organs comes to normal.
  • Food allergic intolerance. Most often, adults have food lactose intolerance, so they should not be consumed dairy products. As a rule, in the consumption of these products, nothing terrible occurs, just begins the active drilling, heartburn, meteorism, diarrhea in the form of a liquid stool.
  • Anxiety. Many notice the difference between the state of rest and moments of strong unrest, for example, a person can begin diarrhea in the form of a liquid chair (as a rule, it is possible to distinguish the nervous type of diarrhea by the fact that the increase in the defecation is quite moderate, does not cause strong discomfort).
  • Change of the day mode. Another fairly harmless reason for the appearance of a liquid chair. If a person sharply changes the day of the day (for example, it begins to wake up much earlier than his usual time), then in the morning he can have a liquid feces. It is possible to distinguish such a type of diarrhea by the fact that the liquid defecation of the one-time and the day of the intestine comes to normal.

With ordinary indigence, a person can feel pain in the abdomen, bloating with strong gas formation and drilling. If there is a light poisoning of food, then weakness may come and increase the temperature. A similar picture is observed in diseases associated with infection with viruses. Diarrhea in adults associated with these reasons is not dangerous and takes place in a few days. But there are more serious reasons for liquid stools, which make a person think about their health:

  • infection of pathogenic microorganisms (salmonellosis, dysentery, GPC influenza);
  • inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract (ulcer, hepatitis, gastritis);
  • insufficiency of various enzymes;
  • poisoning associated with toxic lesion (lead, mercury).

Anxious symptom is dehydration. This manifests itself in dryness of the skin and mucous membranes, the lips are cracking, a strong thirst is felt, urination occurs very rarely, urine becomes dark. They may increase the pulse and pressure, sometimes seizures in the muscles begin. Such a condition requires clarification of the diagnosis and qualified treatment, possibly in stationary conditions. A simple diarrhea stop will be insufficient. Therefore, it is not necessary to postpone the appeal to the doctor.

Blood Liquid Chair

If the liquid chair is accompanied by blood, it means that there is a source of bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract. Basically, it is the walls in a thick or small intestine, and in this case in feces you can notice Aluu or burgundy blood with bunches or streaks. In this case, there is a suspicion of dysbacteriosis, ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease.

If the blood is in a chair, which is very dark, almost black, this suggests that bleeding appeared in the upper parts of the digestive path. It may be esophagus, stomach or duodenum. In this case, it is not necessary to exclude the risk of stomach ulcers and duodenal tumors.

In adults, diarrhea with blood is observed in almost all infectious diseases of the body, such as dysentery and salmonellosis. In this case, along with blood in feces there may be a mucus, and diarrhea can be very frequent. Also diarrhea with blood can be an indicator of hemorrhoids and the tumor of the rectum.

In this case, it is worth paying attention to additional symptoms, such as a feeling in the rear passage of pain and burning, which becomes stronger with the direct emptying process. Rotavirus infection in adults, inner hemorrhoids, body reaction to poisonous substances are accompanied by feces with blood, so you should immediately consult a doctor.

Liquid stools in the morning

Many perceived diarrhea in the morning as a normal phenomenon. But it is not always so harmless. Diarrhea is acute and chronic. One-time diarrhea in the morning dangerous is not considered, and you can determine its cause and yourself. Causes can be quite obvious. You just ate or drank something wrong. But it is not always limited to a liquid chair: it is possible to serious poisoning or infection in the intestine.

Do not be surprised in a liquid chair in the morning if you took the laxatives. In this case, additional treatment is not required. Also, a single liquid chair is possible if you experienced a strong nervous shock. Since the factor has a psychological nature, the disorder passes by itself.

When should I contact a doctor?

Liquid chair for a long time makes thinking over the elimination of unpleasant symptoms. How to determine what is needed medical intervention? There are a number of features that require attention:

  • frequent urge to measurement;
  • severity, abdominal pain;
  • increased formation of gases in the intestine;
  • liquid stool of yellow color;
  • the appearance of blood or stool of black color;
  • funny feces of green.

White collapse in language, strong diarrhea for a long time informs about the problems that should be quickly solved.

Call an ambulance, or urgently go to the hospital necessary in the following cases:

  1. Long-term resistant diarrhea in a person with chronic diseases, a child, an elderly person or a pregnant woman.
  2. When joining the diarrhea of \u200b\u200bviolations, difficulty swallowing and speech. It can be the symptoms of botulism - a rare form of food poisoning, which is usually associated with the use of incorrectly canned products.


To form a diagnosis, it is necessary to know when and how the disease arose, which was preceded by the participation of the chair. Information about the duration of the disease, the peculiarities of its flow, daily oscillations are also important (what complaints are dominated in the morning, after meals, etc.). When palpation can be installed not only the localization of maximum pain, but also the presence of neoplasms.

Blood (overall analysis, hepatic enzymes, antibodies, etc.), urine (OAM) and Cal (Coprogram, Himmets Analysis, Hidden Blood) are subjected to laboratory research methods. Results provide extensive information for differential diagnostics. This method allows you to identify the functional state of the organs and systems, the degree of development of pathological changes, their cause and the flow of dynamics. It is especially important because the arsenal of instrumental methods of diagnosis in diarrhea is sugar (endoscopic methods, intestinal x-ray). The ultrasound in this case will give little information because of the fuss of intestinal loops.

How to restore the intestinal work

Of course, it will depend primarily from the root cause of a liquid chair. How to get rid of this unpleasant symptom - will tell only the doctor after the survey conducted. The treatment will fully depend on the diagnosis, for example:

  • The treatment of irritable intestinal syndrome complex and includes both drugs that regulate the intestinal motorcycle (for example, loperamide) and drugs normalizing the psycho-emotional state of the person. Only in this case can result.
  • In the presence of intolerance of any product to get rid of the unpleasant diarrhea symptom, you can exclude one or another food product (for example, cereal cultures with celiac patches and cow's milk with hypologist).
  • Non-specific ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease require special attention, and treatment should be carried out only by a competent specialist in this area. Anti-inflammatory agents, as well as hormonal drugs, the action of which will also be aimed at reducing the inflammatory response to the preparations of choice in this case.
  • To reduce symptoms of dysbacteriosis, probiotics will be particularly effective - preparations containing lively beneficial bacteria, which, sitting in the thick intestine, will contribute to the best digestive process and minimize diarrhea. These include funds such as bifiform, Linex, Primaofilus and much more.
  • If the permanent diarrhea was caused by an infectious agent for a long time persistent in the body, antibiotics will come to the aid, which should be applied only by the Doctor.

Regardless of the cause of diarrhea, the obligatory component in the treatment should be drugs that issue fluid loss by the body.

Abundant drink

Any disease has complications, the liquid stool in adults has caused dehydration for a long time. Therefore, you need to quickly restore the water balance of the body. The patient prescribe abundant drinking clean, boiled liquid or special solutions with the addition of salt. Such are salt solutions of ringer, regider, azesol. It should be carefully observed for the patient's condition. If vomit begins the urge, drink water often, in small portions.

Medical treatment

The treatment of a liquid chair in an adult depends on what cause it caused. After the survey, the doctor will prescribe the necessary drugs that will help get rid of the disease that caused diarrhea. To restore the density of the feces of the doctor, prescribe medicines:

  • Enterosorbents - preparations that give feces of density (bind the structure). This group of drugs includes smects, polysorb, ultra-adsorb, activated carbon, polyfepan, filter.
  • Prebiotics - means for the treatment and prevention of a liquid chair, but arising solely on the background of dysbiosis. Example: Lactobacterin, Bifidobacterin, Bifichaccter, Hilak Forte, Rioflora Balance.
  • Funds that slow down the intestinal peristalsis, that is, lowering his motility. Such means include phthalazole, enterofuril, enterol, Inertertrix, Sulgin, Furazolidon.
  • Vegetable preparations that promote the concentration of the chair. Prescribed with a slight dismissal of carts. For example: root of heel, dried blueberries, garnet zest.

Treatment of acute diartemtes, which is accompanied by pain, spasms, vomiting, is carried out by medicines to reduce intestinal motorities. If the cause of the liquid stool was the absorption of suction, during therapy, prescribe preparations with bile acids. Each drug is appointed by the doctor individually, according to the diagnosis. Independent use of funds from a liquid chair can provoke complications.

One of the consequences of diarrhea is dysbacteriosis. The task of the therapist is to restore the microflora of the digestive organs. For this, after the treatment of a liquid chair, drugs with useful bacteria uses. Additionally, prescribe a course of vitamins (in tablets, injections) to avoid avitaminosis. Loss of fluid during a liquid chair is then compensated by dropper with glucose, sodium chloride. Preparations rapidly restore the water balance, disintellation action is provided.

Shattering diet

To eliminate the symptoms and restore the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract organs, you should reconsider your nutrition. A gentle diet is based on basic principles:

  • balanced menu during the day to ensure a normal process of life;
  • reduction of the load on the digestive system;
  • gradual expansion of the diet.

Diet with chronic diarrhea makes special requirements for cooking technology. Therapists recommend to boil or handle a pair. For smoked or fried products, it is worth forgetting to get rid of the liquid stool. The framework of therapeutic nutrition provides for the use of dishes only in warm form (eliminate hot and cold). The volume of portions decrease so that the stomach is gradually gained to correct operation.

Chronic diarrhea in adults occurs due to improper nutrition. When planning the diet, it is worth paying attention to the shelf life of food. There are a number of products that are used in chronic diarrhea:

  • stale bread, cruck;
  • broth (meat, vegetable);
  • low-fat varieties of meat, fish;
  • boiled eggs;
  • cottage cheese with low fat (milk, kefir is impossible);
  • baked apples;
  • natural Kisel (without chemicals and dyes);
  • sustained tea, coffee.

After restoring the operation of the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to gradually expand its diet. Including a new type of product in your menu, carefully follow the body's response. If there are no negative results in the form of resuming the liquid chair, then after a certain period of time, enter a new dish. Do not forget about the processing technology, preferring steam or boiled types of food.

Preventive measures

Wash your hands after visiting the toilet, baby's swaddling, as well as before meals. Hands need to wash warm water with soap. After cooking, especially if you kept raw meat in our hands, you must thoroughly wash your hands thoroughly. Be careful with food. Unpasteurized dairy products, eggs, birds and meat may contain bacteria causing diarrhea and other tract of the gastrointestinal tract. Meat must pass full heat treatment. Thoroughly wash kitchen boards and knives. Do not eat nonpasteurized dairy products, especially unknown origin. Do not leave the cooked products warm for a long time, because This can provoke the reproduction of hazardous bacteria.

If you are traveling, do not drink raw water or any crude water, especially unknown origin. Drink better water of well-known manufacturers, packaged in bottles or banks. To purify local water, it must be boiled 15 minutes, you can also add tablets or drops of iodine and chlorine or use a special filter. When using chlorine and iodine tablets, carefully read the instructions and follow it. Also, in no case, there is no needless fruit and vegetables (it is desirable to wash them only in clean water and very carefully, and even better to clean from the peel). Avoid fruits such as melons that are often pumped with water from the inside to increase their weight.

Diarrhea is a rather unpleasant condition, and it can happen with an absolutely any person and sometimes it is when it is necessary to have an important meeting or you need to urgently run to work. The reasons that cause it quite a lot. And, of course, if a liquid chair found surprise, everyone begins to enjoy looking for solutions to this delicate problem. How to stop diarrhea in an adult? Do I need to do this? What drugs will help to cope with an unexpectedly stunned liquid chair?

Diarrhea is a pathological condition, the main symptom of which is a frequent defecation, in the process of which is incorrectly fluid, almost watery feces. It is both more, more delicate and proper name - diarrhea. Diarrhea can be both one-time and torturing a person several times in a row during the day and longer.

Attention! Diarrhea, which lasts longer than 2 weeks, is considered an acute form of diarrhea. And if it continues and further, then, most likely, the condition has become chronic.

The main signs of diarrhea:

  • strong urge to defecation;
  • water masses are liquid, practically watery;
  • the presence of such symptoms as vomiting and nausea is possible;
  • abdominal pain;
  • meteorism, rumbling;
  • at a certain condition - elevated temperature;
  • total weakness and lethargy.

Liquid stool is a natural way to protect the organism from the effects of poisoning or toxic substances in the gastrointestinal tract. Cause diarrhea can a variety of reasons:

  • eating low-quality or overdue products;
  • use of harmful food having a high concentration of preservatives and dyes;
  • entering the body of infectious diseases;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • stress;
  • incorrect power mode;
  • receiving a number of medicines;
  • eating unusual food, new dishes;
  • the presence of various pathologies.

Important! Buying food, you should always take the most fresh and natural. It is better to abandon the purchase of products that will soon come out of expiration date, even if they are offered at a very attractive price.

Table. Types of diarrhea.

The formCause
Infectious In this case, the diarrhea is caused by representatives of pathogenic microflora, which fell into the intestinal tract and actively breeding. They can get there along with food or as a result of the lack of personal hygiene.
Disps The form develops due to disorders of food digestion processes, due to problems with the functioning of the liver, the secretion of the stomach, etc.
Alimentary Such diarrhea can be triggered by allergic reactions of the body. It may be caused by the use of unusual dishes, products, spices.
Toxic Develops against the background of entering the organism of poisoning substances (for example, mercury and arsenic).
Drug As the result of the reception of a number of drugs having diarrhea in the list of side effects. Also develops against the background of receiving a large number of medicines.
Neurogenic Related to the fact that a person is experiencing strong negative or positive experiences, fears. Often occurs in children.

On a note! Experts allocate another form of diarrhea - the traveler diarrheus. It occurs in people who commit long trips or hiking, and is associated with impaired sanitary and hygienic standards. Bacteria living in a certain area and characteristic of it can provoke diarrhea - the body of the traveler may not have the necessary degree of immunity.

General principles of treatment

As a rule, diarrhea, if it is not caused by infection or the pathological condition of the body, in adults in adults quite quickly. The main thing is that it is not delayed for a long time. However, it is not necessary to leave it yet - it can cause dehydration. General principles for treating the state.

Video: Diarrhea (diarrhea). Causes, signs and symptoms.

Medical preparations

To eliminate toxic substances from the body and derive from the tract part of pathogenic intestinal bacteria, doctors recommend applying sorbents. It can be an enterosgel, activated carbon, smecta, biligin, kaolin and other drugs. Activated coal must be in each first aid kit, it is also recommended that it must be taken with him on the road.

Important! Preparations-sorbents are capable of removing not only harmful, but also useful substances, as well as smooth out the effect of other medicines. Therefore, take them along with other drugs you need at least 2 hours. But modern funds usually act selectively - purify the body only from toxins.

If the diarrhea was caused by a long-term intake of any drugs, it is important to consult a doctor who appointed them to cancel them. A specialist will be able to recommend another remedy. If the cause of the diarrhea was the problem with the processes of suction of nutrients in the intestine, the doctor will recommend to take enzyme preparations. It can be Creon, Pancreatin, Mezim, etc.

If diarrhea is accompanied by pain in the stomach, then the antispasmodic drugs of the type of drootaverine or but-shu are needed. And to restore the intestinal microflora at the end of treatment, lactobacterin, lines, hilak-forte, enterol, etc. are used.

If you need to stop the diarrhea itself as quickly as possible, the doctors recommend using such a drug like Loperamide. He perfectly copes with his task, but take it if diarrhea is caused by intestinal infection, it is impossible. They delay the wheel masses in the body, and in such a situation it is contraindicated.

If you want not to just stop the symptoms of diarrhea, but to get rid of the cause of its occurrence - intestinal infection, then you need to take antimicrobial preparations, for example, ecoofuril. Its active substance - nifuroxazide eliminates the pathogenic microorganisms - the cause of the intestinal infection, and the auxiliary substance of the lactulose (prebiotic) creates a nutrient medium in the intestine to reproduce its own useful microflora. Doctors recommend taking ecoco 5-7 days. After the end of the drug is received, an additional course or prebiotics for recovery is required. Medication for adults and children from 3 years produced in capsules.

Ecofuril allows you to get rid of one of the causes of diarrhea - intestinal infection

Folk Methods

There are many methods of traditional medicine that facilitate the course of diarrhea or eliminating it at all. Most of them can be used without a doctor consultation. As a rule, the effect of their application is achieved over a pair of hours.

Perhaps this is the most popular and affordable way to deal with diarrhea. In addition, he is one of those tools that relate to the category of absolutely safe for the body. The rice decoction envelops the intestine and does not allow the gastric juice to adversely affect it, improves the peristaltics, helps the formation of the feces. Due to the starch, which is part of rice cereals, the remedy has the ability to absorb excess liquid and thicken liquid steels. In addition, the rice decoction perfectly eliminates meteorism and inhibits fermentation processes.

On a note!Rice decoction can be given even to children.

Prepare it simply: it is enough to boil a couple of tea spoons of rice in a liter of boiling water in cold water. Cooking you need about 50 minutes. Next, the decoction is cold, focusing through a fine sieve and is accepted 150 ml every 3 hours.

The cherry is great for treating diarrhea, if the latter has developed not against the background of infections. But the abuse of the decoction is not worthless - the cherry contains amygdalin, which, splitting in the body, gives a sinyl acid relating to poisons. You need to cook the decoction by the recipe and should not drink it without negotiation with your doctor. Nursing mothers and pregnant can not be used.

For cooking, the cherry berries (0.5 glasses) are used for cooking. They are poured boiling water and put on a water bath for 30 minutes. After that, the decoction for half an hour is insisted, covered with a lid. Next, it is necessary to strain it and breed blueberry juice in the same amount. You need to drink it hourly 1 tbsp. l.

Dense, red dry crusts from a pomegranate, purified from a white layer - an excellent means. They contain about 30% of tannins and are effective against diarrhea and almost any intestinal disorders. They are also capable of overwhelmingly to act on the causative agents of dysentery. However, the tool has contraindications and requires a consultation of a doctor before using it.

The dried grenade crusts are ground to the state of the powder, after which 1 tsp. This powder is flooded with boiling water (1 tbsp.) and boils on a water bath for 60 minutes, after which it insisters for 40 minutes. You need to take 1 tsp. About 4 times during the day until the diarrhea is eliminated.


It turns out that this plant is beneficial not only to eyes, but also a gastrointestinal tract. Dried berries are used to eliminate diarrhea - fresh reverse effects and apply during constipation. Blueberry is rich in pectin and tanning substances, efficient and safe. Cooking from dried blueberries can be whales, kisins, compotes.

Oak bark is an excellent means against inflammation, it struggles with pathogenic microorganisms, has an astringent action, which is capable of connecting with proteins, to form a protective layer on the intestinal walls. It is effective in diarrhea. You can cook from the bark of oak tincture, scales, enema.

Pepper "Black Polka Dot"

The simplicity and availability of this fund from diarrhea allowed to make black peas, along with the rice decoction, the most used method of treating a liquid chair. Black pepper normalizes the processes of digestion due to activation of the production of enzymes and gastric juice. Use it is simple: you need to take 10 pcs. peas and just swallow them by writing water. But the means, unfortunately, has contraindications - pepper cannot be used for ulcers, anemia, inflammatory processes in the kidneys or urine.

When need to consult a doctor

Usually with diarrhea adults cope with themselves and pretty quickly. But in some cases, a visit to the doctor is still needed. Visit the Cabinet Specialist you need if:

  • symptoms do not pass for a long time;
  • the intensity of diarrhea does not decrease;
  • in the abdomen felt strong pain;
  • the patient has elevated temperature;
  • there is strong dehydration;
  • marked the pallor of the skin;
  • caliac masses have a very dark color.

The doctor will certainly collect anamnesis to determine the duration of the diarrhea period and try to find out its cause. Next will send to a number of analyzes to establish an accurate diagnosis. In some cases, the patient can be hospitalized by testimony.

Video: deadly diarrhea

How to quickly get rid of diarrhea?

Step 1. The very first action in diarrhea should be attempts to fill the level of fluid in the body. Diarrhea is able to seriously divert its reserves in the body. It is necessary to drink as much water as possible, broths. On this day, if possible, it is better to cancel all things and spit out at home, not far from the toilet.

Step 2. You can try to take advantage of drugs against diarrhea, which are released without a doctor's prescription.

Step 3. Analgesics should not be made even with pain, without consulting pre-with the doctor.

For the analgesics, talk in advance with your doctor

Step 4. It is required to rest as much as possible, and better to sleep.

Step 5. If diarrhea is steadily restarting during the day, then the next day it is worth consulting a doctor.

Step 6. If diarrhea is accompanied by strong pains, high temperatures, then immediately cause "ambulance".

Step 7. It is important to abandon the use of sweets, sodes, coffee. It is best to drink natural kisins.

Step 8. In order not to aggravate diarrhea, you should eat low food fiber. And the first few hours is better and rolling at all.

Step 9. Strictly prohibited to use oily food and harmful foods.

Step 10. At the end of the treatment, there is a product rich in probiotics in order to restore the intestinal microflora.

Step 11. If the cause of the diarrhea is an intestinal infection, it is important to take all measures to cope with it.

Minimize stress

Video - How to get rid of diarrhea? Folk Methods

Diarrhea is able to dramatically change the plans of a person for a day and knock him out of the gauge. However, you can quickly cope with it, if you know how. As a rule, the above-mentioned means have a sufficiently fast effect, and as soon as the diarrhea is retreated, you can return to the usual rhythm of life. You will find on our site.

Almost every person experienced uncomfortable sensations associated with disorder of intestinal functions. And one of the frequent pathological conditions is one of the frequent pathological conditions. It manifests itself in increasing the number of feces and changes in the quality and color of the chair.

It often serves as a sign of intestinal infections caused by malicious microorganisms (viruses, bacteria). Therefore, it is very important in the event of a liquid chair appearing on time to access specialists, which will identify the cause of such a state.

Diarrhea is also dangerous in that this process contributes to the dehydration of the body, which is fraught with disorders of water-electrolyte equilibrium. Timely therapy will help not only get rid of unpleasant symptoms, but also prevent unwanted and even dangerous consequences.

The liquid chair appears due to the defeat of the digestive organs.

Frequent reasons are microorganisms affecting the digestive organs.

These are: salmonella, dysenteric sticks, entero and rotaviruses and other causative agents of ailments. Kids are prone to infection with giardia provoking.

Food poisonings arising from the reception of poor-quality foods with an expired or impairment of storage conditions are very common. Glice invasions, which are characterized by pain in the umbilical area, loss of interest in food or vomiting.

However, if the kale of the baby is visible blood, foam, mucus, or selection becomes watery, then this may be an alarm signal. In these cases, it is necessary to contact a specialist.

Normally, the Chair of Babies up to one year should be yellowish and have a sour smell, whitish lumps are allowed in feces. Emptying, as a rule, occurs 6-7 times a day. And at the achievement of the one-year-old age, emptying from 1 to 3 times a day is becoming. In this case, an ordinary soft chair should not be a reason for alarm.

What symptoms are characteristic of a pathological chair in children?

Dysbacteriosis will best help the specialist.

First of all, it is watery. Such a sign can signal whether or colds. Sometimes a similar reaction manifests itself on the introduction of feeding or on the reception of some drugs.

For kids up to 1 year, frequent feces may indicate gastroenterite, which is accompanied by fever, urges to vomiting and nausea, especially in the morning. Chair at the same time liquid, with an unpleasant smell and sometimes with strengths of blood.

With viral and bacterial infections in the intestine to the diarrhea, hyperthermia (elevated temperature) is joined, there is a meteorism and pain in the abdomen. Diarrhea at the kids appears as a concomitant symptom for ARVI, flu, otitis and inflammation of the lungs.

This group of drugs restoring the usual intestinal microflora.

Causes of diarrhea in adults

Regidron is shown for both women in the position.

They do not particularly differ from those that provoke liquid stools in kids. These include: intestinal infections and chronic diseases, improper nutrition and receiving some medicines.

Often women in the period of tooling are prone to intestinal disorders, including diarrhea. What is the cause of such a state in pregnant women? It:

  1. excessive food intake or intolerance of some;
  2. hormonal changes contributing to the relaxation of muscle organs (and intestines including). Here you can attribute hormonal failures;
  3. due to the growth of the uterus, its pressure is carried out on the surrounding authorities, which can also provoke a liquid chair;
  4. chronic, dysbacteriosis, poisoning.

In case the liquid chair does not stop more than a day, it is necessary to refer to the doctor, since dehydration due to diarrhea in a pregnant woman can harm and the future kid. The diarrhea is especially dangerous during the first trimester of the nipping, as the frequent intestinal voltage can provoke the tone in the uterus and lead to the miscarriage.

In case of the appearance of a liquid chair, a woman "in the position" must be taken "", which contributes to the normalization of water equilibrium in the body. For neutralization of the "toxic attack" in the intestine you can drink activated coal. The drug "" will help strengthen the intestinal mucosa.

Also, pregnant with signs of diarrhea should be observed a diet eliminating sharp, flour and fatty products. To replenish water resources, the body recommended abundant drinking.

If a woman noticed in the fame of the mucus or streak of blood, then this can signal a serious illness or disorder. In this case, urgently need to seek medical attention.

To normalize microflora in the intestine, pregnant women are allowed to take probiotics and bifidobacteria ("Bifidbactrin", "Mezim-Forte", "").

What rules advise to adhere to doctors to avoid the appearance of diarrhea symptoms in children and adults?

  • Vegetables and fruits before use must be washed, and it is better to overtake them with hot boiled water;
  • Pay attention to the deadlines for the storage and sale of products. If they have already expired, it is not worth buying such products;
  • If there are doubts about the freshness of the products (even if the seller argues the opposite), then you do not need to risk and acquire such foods;
  • , fish and meat products are necessarily undergoing heat treatment;
  • Do not drink water from the crane. For this, boiled or purified water, which is on sale;
  • Do not resort to self-treatment, as it can only aggravate the situation;
  • If the disorder is observed for a long time, then you should seek help from specialists.

There are folk methods of getting rid of diarrhea, but it is better to consult with a doctor before applying.

  1. Well helps from a liquid chair infusion from chamomile flowers. For its preparation you need to take 1 tbsp. l. Chamomile and add boiling water to a glass. After strain, let it stand and take on three times a day on 1/2 cup.
  2. Also, with a liquid chair, dried blackberry berries, mixed with honey. This mixture must be taken 3 times a day for 1 tsp.
  3. In case the break of blood is seen in the feces, it is useful to take 1 tsp. The branches and pour the glass of boiling water, tomorrow on the water bath for half an hour. Drink 3 times a day for 1/3 cup.
  4. Oak bark is also effective when eliminating the symptoms of a liquid chair. You need to take 1 tsp. Core and pour two glasses of water. Let it stand in a few hours, and after drinking 100-120 ml 2-4 times a day.
  5. Grass of the Zverboard in the amount of 2 h. Pour the glass of boiling water and let it stand. Drink three times a day for 1 tbsp. l.
  6. A decoction of dried fruits (apples and pears) will also help, as well as brewed in the form of tea berries.
  7. It helps well with a liquid stool of non-infectious origin. It is useful to drink daily from morning to disappearance of signs of diarrhea.
  8. Sometimes potato starch helps. It is necessary to dilute in 2 glasses of water 1 teaspoon and drink at one reception.

What to do if a child has a liquid stool, a video will tell.