Dream interpretation shaggy dog. Egyptian dream book If you dream of a Dog. Modern combined dream book

Why dream big dog

Miller's dream book

A large white dog is an unexpected success in business.

For women - a meeting of an ideal life partner from her point of view.

A large white dog with several heads indicates that you are too fussy and grab on to several things at once, risking failure.

Walking with a big white dog is an auspicious dream.

Similarly, the seen killing of a snake by a large white dog in your dream is interpreted.

The black dog that dreamed married woman, can symbolize a secret admirer who has feelings for the dreamer.

What is the dream of a big dog

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

Dream interpretation: A homeless big dog is your close friend in need and needs your support.

Black dog - in reality you may be disappointed in the person whom for a long time considered a true friend. Be careful.

Wounded or killed big dog - bad sign. Beware of enemies, diseases (especially chronic ones) and bad news from relatives. Such a dream can be an omen of your friend's illness.

What is the dream of a big dog

Dream interpretation of Evgeny Tsvetkov

Big dog is a friend.

If the dog barks in a dream - quick news of victory or a favorable completion of affairs.

If a big dog attacks you, expect protection from a true friend.

Fighting with a big dog is a quarrel.

A big dog that bit - you are offended by a friend or buddy.

What is the dream of a big dog

Dream Interpretation Nancy Wagaiman

When the image of a Big Dog comes to you in a dream, remember such moments as: color, coat length, age, behavior. This plays a big role in the accuracy of dream interpretation. So, for example, a black dog means sadness, evil. And the White Dog carries the symbolism of joyful events, profits. If you dream of a puppy from a Big Dog, then it symbolizes this new reliable friend. Rabid dog carries in itself failure and danger. The caress of a dog is friendship. When in a dream you play with a big dog - you are bad at real life do with your friends. To kill a dog is to break off relations with a friend. A sick dog in a dream speaks of a disease that lies in wait for you.

If a dog is dreaming with a frightening look - excitement about close person. A dog that lies on the road and interferes with passing is a heavy burden in business. A pack of large dogs accompanying you is a vanity in business, as well as an obstacle to business development.

What is the dream of a big dog

Dream Interpretation of Stuart Robinson

If in a dream Big Dog evokes sympathy in you, this means a faithful, reliable friend. If, on the contrary, such a dog is not pleasant to you, it is hostile against you - this is your sworn enemy, you need to remember that he does not sleep. From the outside, watching a big dog that has no interest in you - expect a pleasant surprise from fate. Things will go right. A dog waiting for handouts - acquaintances need your help. To see in your dream a Big shaggy dog ​​in your house - to profit and prosperity. But to see in the same situation a smooth-haired dog to enemies.

Hearing the loud barking of a dog in a dream is a warning of an imminent danger, do not trust the people around you too much. In the distance to hear such barking - to gossip. If a dog tries to bark at you in a dream, know that someone will soon pour out their anger on you for past deeds. When a big dog attacks you in a dream, this symbolizes your enemy. The dog bites to the blood - anger and slander among your relatives.

What is the dream of a big dog

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Big dog - to devotion.

Homeless big dog - beware of major hardships, it is easy to fall into the networks of scammers.

Seeing a big white dog in a dream is a bad sign. This is a sign of deteriorating conditions, industrial losses and unstable living standards.

Realization and meaning of dreams

Sleep from Thursday to Friday

The dream you see is related to emotions, hidden talents, unfulfilled dreams and needs of a sleeping person. A picture with a good meaning promises the fulfillment of a cherished desire. An inexpressive dream promises a routine. The embodiment of a dream takes from one day to three years.

Interpretation by psychologist A.Mindell

  • Seeing a big dog is an impact on the life of a friend who has a high position.
  • Attacks scary dog- a warning about a dangerous situation.
  • To dream that you are stroking a big dog - expect support and help in problem situations from old friends.
  • Why is a big dog dreaming, if she barks - expect a quarrel with a friend.
  • Caressing and stroking a dog in a dream - to a quarrel, separation.
  • Mad dog - a friend will become your enemy or simply turn out to be not the person he pretended to be.

Why is the Big Dog dreaming in a dream (Miller's Dream Book)

  • A large white dog is an unexpected success in business.
  • Why does a woman dream of a dog - meeting an ideal life partner.
  • A dog with several heads indicates that you are too fussy and grab on to several things at once, risking failure.
  • According to the dream book, to see in a dream that you are walking with a dog is an auspicious dream. The seen killing of a snake is interpreted similarly.
  • The black dog that a married woman dreamed of is a symbol of a secret admirer who has feelings for the dreamer.

Big dog according to the dream book of the esoteric E. Tsvetkov

  • Seeing that you heard a dog barking - you will soon receive good news about the favorable completion of the case, winning or winning.
  • Why dream of a big dog that attacks is a good omen. You will need protection, a friend will be there and will help you.
  • A dream in which you fight with a dog has a negative meaning - it warns of an impending quarrel between friends.
  • from-
  • If you dreamed that the dog had bitten, you are probably gnawing at a friend for betrayal.

The meaning of the dream about the Big Dog (Azarov's dream book)

What is the dream of a black dog? Get ready for bad news.

The meaning of the dream about the Tramp (Wangi's Dream Interpretation)

  • Why dream of a stray dog ​​- a close friend in need and needs support.
  • Why dream of a big black dog - disappointment in a person who was considered a true friend. Be careful.
  • Wounded or dead dog- a negative sign. Beware of enemies, chronic diseases and news from relatives.

To dream about a Big Dog, what does it mean? (interpretation by Stuart Robinson)

  • If in a dream a Big Dog evokes sympathy, it means a faithful, reliable friend.
  • If such a dog is unpleasant to you, it is hostile - the sworn enemy does not sleep.
  • From the outside, watching a dog that has no interest in you - expect a pleasant surprise from fate. Things will work out.
  • Why dream of a big dog waiting for handouts - acquaintances need your help.
  • To dream of a Big shaggy dog ​​in the house - to profit and prosperity. But to see a smooth-haired dog in the same situation - to the enemies.
  • Hearing the loud barking of a dog in a dream is a warning of an imminent danger; do not trust the people around you too much. In the distance to hear such barking - to gossip.
  • When a dog attacks in a dream, it symbolizes the enemy.
  • The dog bites to blood - anger and slander among relatives.

How to understand the dream in which you saw Huge Dog(interpretation by Nancy Wagayman)

  • Why dream of a big black dog - a dream means sadness, evil.
  • The white dog carries the symbolism of joyful events, profits.
  • If you dream of a puppy from a Big Dog, it symbolizes this new reliable friend.
  • A mad dog brings bad luck and danger.
  • Play with a big dog - do bad things to friends.
  • To kill a dog is to break off relations with a friend.
  • A sick dog in a dream speaks of a disease that lies in wait for you.
  • If you dream of a dog with a frightening look - excitement about a loved one.
  • A dog that lies on the road and interferes with passing is a heavy burden in business.
  • A pack of large dogs accompanying you is a vanity in business, as well as an obstacle to business development.

Big dog according to the dream book of O. Adaskina

  • Greyhound big dog - If you saw a white greyhound in a dream, and you had a dream from Thursday to Friday, then this is a sign that in the future problems will be resolved without difficulty, with ease. If a black dog dreamed from Monday to Tuesday, a pleasant surprise awaits.
  • If the dog runs after you, and the dream is from Thursday to Friday, a collision with enemies cannot be avoided.
  • If the dog has bitten, the enemy is so strong that it will not be possible to cope with it alone.
  • What is the dream of a dog chasing game - a symbol of the search for a new job or occupation.
  • Chasing prey with a big dog (borzoi) is the acquisition of real estate.

It is unlikely that among animals there will be a creature more attached to a person than a dog. Why is a big dog dreaming? No wonder she is called the most faithful friend. And dog loyalty has long become a household word.

Dreams involving a dog do not require too in-depth interpretations: usually, the content of a dream in which this animal is present is quite simple to unravel.

A dog is a friend of a person in reality, it also symbolizes friendly relationships in a dream.

We dream of different dogs: Rottweilers and poodles; big and small; affectionate and ferocious. It is recommended to consider various details sleep in order to correctly decipher the message from the world of dreams.

To draw a direct analogy: a big dog in a dream is a big bosom friend in reality. But dogs in our dreams can have their own characteristics of appearance and behavior, and these features must be taken into account - this is the only way to correctly unravel the dream.

dog color

  • If in your dream a big dog had a black color, this is a warning that your good friend, having a high status in society, for some reason will turn away from you. Betrayal on his part is not ruled out. He will show the dark sides of his soul, the existence of which you previously did not suspect.
  • A big white dog in a dream is a symbol of endless, devoted friendship.. This dream is very favorable: it means that in your life there is a reliable, faithful friend who is always ready to support you.
  • A large red dog that appeared to you in a dream can personify a hypocritical friend. Red is the color of deceit and cunning. There is a good chance that a friend you trust immensely is using you for their own cunning purposes.

Other external features of the dog

  • If in your dream you saw a big wet dog, this is a message that as a result of your imprudent actions, your good friend may get into an unpleasant situation.
  • A large dog has an unhealthy appearance (skinny, shabby) - such a dream warns that you take your friends' problems too close to your heart. Also, such a dream is a reflection of your depressive state caused by certain circumstances related to your close friends. So, a big black dog that looks sick in your dream can mean your strong emotional experiences caused by the misbehavior of a close friend.
  • It happens that in our dreams we see a dead dog. Definitely, such a dream cannot be called positive. A dead dog in a dream is an image that predicts the end of friendships.. The dream warns - love and appreciate your friends, cherish your friendship!

The actions of a dog in a dream

A dog is an active and cheerful creature, so it can be assumed that in a dream it showed its activity in all ways available to it. So, why is a big dog dreaming?

  • If in a dream the dog wags its tail and sincerely rejoices at meeting you - this good sign . Your friendship is a bright and pure feeling that will not be overshadowed by any unpleasant events. Your friends are always ready to support you, just as you will never leave them in trouble.
  • The dog in your dream is chewing on a bone - a warning that you should be more sensible household. Spending too much can negatively affect your financial situation and lead to misunderstandings and conflicts with loved ones.
  • The barking of a big dog in a dream is a sign of an impending quarrel between you and your friends.
  • A large dog attacks you in a dream - you are threatened with nitpicking and reproaches from a loved one.
  • If in a dream a big dog bit you - this vision predicts a major quarrel with a friend. If you were bitten by a beast to the point of blood, a quarrel is inevitable between you and your blood relative.

Your actions in a dream

  • Iron big dog in a dream - to the emergence of a new friend, and also - to establish strong ties with an old friend.
  • Feed the big dog good dream . He talks about what a wonderful person you are: you are always ready to offer help to a friend and never leave him in trouble.
  • If in your dream you are playing with a large dog - in reality you are waiting for fun entertainment in friends company. It can be a friendly party or a more formal event such as a wedding or anniversary.
  • Killing a dog in a dream is a bad sign. It means the end of friendship. Your reprehensible behavior will be to blame for everything. It seems that in Lately you have ceased to value relationships, which is detrimental to your friendship.

Animals in a dream (both domestic and wild) are certain images of people created by our subconscious. Interacting with them, we get a kind of recommendations with which you can build love, friendship or other relationships, or find a way out of difficult situation.

Waking up in the morning, many people want to deal with what they saw in a dream and understand why a big dog is dreaming. In general, a big dog is a good sign. Many dream books say that this portends the appearance in your life of a congenial person who will become faithful assistant in business and a devoted friend for many years.

Various interpretations of the dream

Big kind dog dreams that in reality in a difficult situation an old friend will come to your aid. This person was your close friend for a long time, but then your paths diverged and you began to communicate less often.

If in your dream you fed a dog that licked your hands in response, as if saying "thank you", then you should expect pleasant surprises from friends. Probably, in this way, your positive karma will return to you in the form of support and gratitude from friends.

A large wounded dog seen in a dream, which is near death, is extremely auspicious symbol. Often this can mean that in reality one of your loved ones or relatives will soon fall ill.

V modern dream book explains that if in a dream big dog tries to protect you from other animals or ill-wishers, then such a plot will be repeated in reality. Perhaps in a career or personal relationship, someone will come to your defense. right person. This dream can also mean career advancement, an increase in salary or a promotion.

Dreaming big dog unmarried girl will mean an early meeting with a wealthy man or marriage. The new boyfriend will surround his beloved with affection and care.

Interpretation of the universal dream book

If a big dog caresses you in a dream, it means that your relatives and friends will support you in everything.

When in a dream she dreams that an unmarried woman was afraid of a big barking dog, then in real life she should wait for a meeting with a devoted and very caring man.

The universal dream book claims that if in a dream you saw a large dog of a hunting breed, this is to achieve all your goals and defeat circumstances. Even if today it seems to you that there is nothing good in life, and it is simply impossible to solve your problems, very little time will pass and you will change your mind about it. Luck will then take pride of place in your life if you already feel happy now, as if everything happened in the best way.

If in a dream you play with a big dog, you like it and you get from it. great pleasure, you should expect a pleasant meeting, friendly gatherings and promising communication.

Seeing a big howling dog in a dream portends bad news that will soon reach you. An angry animal tearing clothes symbolizes the spread of gossip behind your back. Moreover, a person does this specifically for some purpose. Look around at your friends and try to figure out who it might be. When you find this person, try to talk directly with him about what is happening.

Big dog in Hasse's dream book

It is described here that a dream of this kind symbolizes the imminent appearance of new friends in a person's life. Especially if the color of the dog's coat is white, then communication with these people will be joyful and pleasant. If a large animal tried to bite you, then most likely in the near future you will quarrel with someone over money. A runaway four-legged pet seen in a dream portends an anxious and full of heavy thoughts. If large sizes you dreamed of a homeless dog in a dream - this means that your close friend is in a difficult situation and he needs your help.

Find out more

In a dream, not only people, but also animals can appear. Why is a big dog dreaming? How to interpret similar dream- is worth looking into.

Why is a big dog dreaming - the main interpretation

The dream in which you had a big dog is clearly auspicious. But, it is worth paying attention to other details of sleep:

Where did the dog appear in your dream?

What color was she?

What breed was the dog?

· Was the dog alone;

What emotions did the dream evoke in you?

Have you fed your dog?

If you dreamed of a huge dog that suddenly settled in your house, you should expect the arrival of an old friend who will come to your doorstep with good news. It will be a pleasant meeting and a pleasant pastime.

It is also worth preparing for the arrival of guests if you hear a dog barking in the distance. This will give you the opportunity to prepare for a pleasant meeting. But do not reveal your secrets on this day. It may harm you. And it's not that evil people will come to you, it's just that you open your soul at the wrong time.

If you dream that the dog was white, you will be successful in all your endeavors. You should prepare for pleasant surprises at work. If you see how a white big dog lies down at your feet - all the projects and plans that you conceived are being implemented with lightning speed. You just have to want it.

If you dream that someone gave you white puppy, and then he turned into a huge dog - they wish you good and happiness, they wish you love and joy, and these wishes will come true. Such a dream can also promise you a gift from pure heart. It will be really helpful and important thing For you.

A dream in which you comb out a large white dog- says that you will free your past from negative experiences. You will be able to enter a new carefree life filled with happiness and joy.

Try to pay more attention to the house if you dream of a big red dog. Such a dream promises you unreasonable jealousy and lack of attention from you to your household. Now is the time to pay more attention to them. If you do not do this, your house will be overwhelmed by a wave of empty quarrels and clarifications. Passions will settle in it and will not let you calmly build relationships further.

If you dream big black Dog- you should think about your health, you may be too tired, spend little time to rest. Overwork can take a toll on you. Try to devote more time to yourself and your health.

If you dream that you are stroking a big black dog, and a tuft of wool remains in your hand, someone from the past is ready to remember all your sins. You should not be happy to meet an unexpected guest - he will bring chaos and disorder into your life. Even if it will be one of your relatives, try not to trust this person too much.

First, take a closer look, only then make a decision - to build your life, trusting this person. There may be such a situation that you just really want to trust this person. The dream book warns against this. For now, hold off.

If you see a dream in which a huge black dog lay down on you and it’s hard for you to breathe, such a dream says that a routine, a huge number of things will fall on you, and you will simply have to deal with each case separately. It won't be some minor chores. These will be long-forgotten and discarded commitments.

You have tried so hard to get away from them. But now you better take it seriously. Otherwise, you will simply accumulate problems and obligations. Try to spend more time with your loved ones. And don't get caught up in the work. But, if this is required by business, it is worth rescheduling the rest and trip. They will not bring you joy and happiness now.

If you dream of a spotted dog that seems to be changing color, strange and elusive, but pleasant changes in life await you. Do not worry about this - the dream book advises taking everything for granted. You should lead correct image life in the near future and do not have wild parties if you dreamed of a short-haired big dog.

Such a dream means that you may lose important things for you. life values, which until recently were considered the main ones for themselves. You can also lose your reputation, the trust of your colleagues, if you do not take yourself and what you do seriously with all seriousness.

If in a dream you feed a big dog from your hand, pleasant moments await you, which will be the result of your hard work. It is also important to remember if you are afraid of a dog in a dream. If a chill runs down your back when you see a dog, such a dream says that you are not ready for change. You are not ready to actively work on yourself. You will even be afraid to accept positive changes in your life.

If you stroke a big dog and cry, such a dream means that you yourself lack love and affection. You need to give more love. Then you will be able to accept love and affection from the people around you with joy and gratitude.

If you dream that you are carrying a huge dog in your arms, do not take on too much. Even if you are happy with the chosen business, it will be too difficult for you to keep up with everything. Try to distribute responsibilities in a timely manner.

What is the dream of a big dog according to Freud's dream book

Freud's dream book says that a big dog dreams of being a symbol of wealth in sex. You have a huge energy potential and are ready to share it with a partner through sexual relations.

But, if you dream of a sleeping big black dog, such a dream suggests that your sexuality is not in demand. You should look for a partner who is more sexually active. Don't have to worry about personal life if you dream that your partner has turned into a big dog.

He will initiate an active sexual experience. Your relationship will dramatically become sexually diverse. You will learn to perceive your partner as he is and find exactly what he likes in sex more than anything else.

If a big dog barks at you in your dream, you should be afraid of slander. This dream may mean that someone encroached on your relationship out of envy. But this is just slander and someone else's malice. Don't give them so much importance.

What is the dream of a big dog according to the Esoteric dream book

V Esoteric dream book it is said that a big dog can dream of how to true friend, and to the sworn enemy. But which of them has a greater influence on your life - will tell about this full interpretation sleep.

If you dream that the dog has a huge head, you should be wary of close attention from colleagues. You shouldn't show emotions at work. You will be valued only for diligence, but not for personal problems and troubles. Don't take your personal problems to work.

If in a dream you see a dog with huge paws, such a dream will portend you an acquaintance with an influential person. He can help you solve important life issues. But do not expect disinterested help. Soon he may ask you to also do him a favor.

If in a dream you see a big dog blocking your path, you should be wary of a stronger opponent. If you are in business, competitors will not keep you waiting. They will bring chaos and fear into your life, as they will not play fair. Don't be afraid to lose profit. Stand up for your positions.

What is the dream of a big dog in other dream books

Grishina’s dream book says that if you are trying to hug a big dog and it doesn’t work out for you, you shouldn’t shoulder big obligations. This will only reinforce nervous tension and you will be constantly upset.

What is the dream of a big dog in the Wanderer's dream book? This dream book says that a big dog is often dreamed of as an auspicious symbol, which indicates that a new, long-awaited period of joy and understanding will begin in your life.

Do not be nervous if something has not worked out for you for a long time. This situation must have happened in your life. Now there will be only joy and success in it. Such a dream should give you hope for a favorable outcome of any business. You should devote more time to plans for the future, so that later you don’t get immersed in routine and household chores.