The best lunar day to start new things. The tenth lunar day for affairs and business. Thirtieth lunar day for affairs and business

All processes occurring on Earth are greatly influenced by Space. Each of the existing planets governs certain phenomena. The Moon is considered the strongest of them, as it is a satellite of the Earth. Each planet has its own zodiac sign. When a planet rules “its” sign, the features characteristic of that planet are also enhanced. How the Moon controls this or that sign of the Zodiac will be discussed in this article.

Moon in Aries

Since Aries belongs to a fiery, infertile sign, the energy of the Moon in it is dry, masculine. Aries can give good starting energy. But usually things that begin during this period are, rather, the result of impulsive actions. They lack preparedness. And Aries himself lacks stamina.

Therefore, it is most appropriate to start things that require a quick solution to the problem. This decisive, sociable sign is good in matters that require. When performing physical work during this period, one should not forget about caution and exercise common sense, since everything will happen very quickly and will also end quickly.

Moon in Taurus

Taurus is an earthly, moderately fertile sign, so its energy is feminine. Since ancient times, Taurus has been considered the sign of farmers. If the matter requires perseverance, patience and practicality, the energy of this zodiac sign will help you get good result. But you shouldn’t overdo it so as not to cause harm. Businesses started when the Moon rules Taurus are long-term. Their results will become more valuable over time than at the beginning. The fixed energy of this sign resists change and easy solutions to difficult problems. Things started during this period can turn into routine, difficult to change. Although this is the most favorable time for loans and credits.

Moon in Gemini

The energy of this Moon is masculine and dry, as Gemini is a barren air sign, changeable in nature. Therefore, it is not suitable for solving urgent matters. It is preferable to devote this time to intellectual entertainment. In agricultural activities, the energy of such a Moon will do more harm than bring the desired fruits. But during this period it is good to start preparing for upcoming affairs, carry out all kinds of assignments and communicate. The Moon in Gemini is good for active recreation: hiking, cycling, meeting new people. And also for activities that require intelligence and variety.

Moon in Cancer

The strong, moist, feminine, fertile energy of the Moon in Cancer is good for planting and growing vegetables, fruits, and flowers. This time is good for purchasing goods, promotions, and replenishing collections. Cancer is the most fertile of all the zodiac signs. Therefore, the most favorable time for building personal relationships or conceiving a child is when the Moon rules Cancer. The enormous energy of Cancer, endowed with emotions and feelings, promotes communication. But in the absence of mutual understanding in communication, Cancer can make people dissatisfied and withdrawn.

Moon in Leo

Infertile fire sign gives the energy of the moon masculine, hot and dry strength. A playful yet proud and self-confident sign, this sign is conducive to romantic relationships. The energy of the Moon in Leo will help organize a show or presentation. For matters and ceremonies that require directness, openness, and sincerity, this is the best time. You can safely start during this period, for example, an event to raise funds for charity. But you should still be prepared for misunderstandings, behind-the-scenes intrigue and public disapproval. After all, this sign can influence the manifestations of the worst character traits of people - selfishness and arrogance.

Moon in Virgo

Virgo is an earthy, but not fertile sign, endowing the Moon with feminine dry energy. Therefore, this time is more suitable for those agricultural works that are associated with harvesting. This is the best time for all kinds of activities with animals. The energy of the Moon in Virgo is more favorable for matters that require precision than creativity. During this period, it is best not to create something, but to evaluate and analyze the available information. Having analyzed all the details of previously planned things and combined them into the overall picture, you can safely use the energy of the Moon in Virgo to bring these things to life. But we should not forget about rest. This period is very good for lovers of all kinds of sales.

Moon in Libra

A moderately fertile air sign gives the Moon masculine energy. This zodiac sign has sophistication and excellent taste. Therefore, this time should be used to buy new things or improve your home. It is also good for mental activity. And since Libra is the sign of alliances, the energy received from the Cosmos should be used to create partnerships, partnerships, for concluding agreements and conducting business negotiations. But a favorable outcome to the business started is guaranteed only if there is a partner who is able to understand, support and approve. The time when the Moon is in Libra is good for teamwork and art.

Moon in Scorpio

Cold and wet feminine energy The Moon is endowed with fertile Scorpio. Things that require persistence, and sometimes even obsession, should be started during this period. Scorpio is considered a psychic sign. Therefore, this time should be used as much as possible in a cause in which you firmly believe. The Moon in Scorpio is the time of politicians. This period is also good for conducting investigations and finding the truth. Despite the loyalty of the sign, Scorpio is also favorable for breaking off unwanted relationships. But you should avoid moments when people resort to manipulating the situation to achieve what they want.

Moon in Sagittarius

Sagittarius is the most philosophical sign of the Zodiac. The fiery, barren, dry energy of the Moon promotes trust and imagination. This is the best time to “lighten” the soul, as this period is good for revealing traits such as sincerity and honesty. The Moon in Sagittarius will give good results in matters of legislation and sports. Sagittarius is considered the sign of adventure lovers, a kind of crusaders of our world. Therefore, the energy of the Moon during this period should be used for matters that require improvement and improvement of something. But a diplomatic approach here can only slow things down. You should also use the energy of the Moon to attract supporters of your cause and convert them to your faith.

Moon in Capricorn

The energy of the Moon in Capricorn is moderately fertile, feminine, earthy. But since Capricorn is located opposite the strong Cancer, the energy of the Moon in the sign of Capricorn is considered the weakest. Therefore, in solving your problems, you should rely only on yourself, without expecting to receive outside help in matters. Although this is the best time to engage in family business and matters related to various institutions. Special attention during this period, attention should be paid to details that require patience and a business approach; and setting goals for the future. Organization, discipline and the desire for structure are the key to the success of the projects started. But at this time, you should avoid all kinds of relationships with government officials.

Moon in Aquarius

Barren airy Aquarius gives the Moon dry masculine energy. This zodiac sign patronizes scientists and inventors, as it is characterized by a desire for improvement and perfection. Therefore, the time when the Moon is in Aquarius is the most suitable for engaging in the humanities, all kinds of public affairs or unique individual activities. During this period, people tend to rely more on reason rather than feelings. But, despite this, the energy of the Moon in Aquarius promotes friendly gatherings, since the Zodiac sign itself is a very friendly sign.

Moon in Pisces

The cold and wet, feminine and fertile energy of the Pisces Moon is conducive to meditation, prayer and daydreaming. Therefore, the perception of the environment at this time does not always correspond to reality. Under the influence of Pisces, people idealize their surroundings more than usual. And this interferes with the real perception of the state of affairs. Idealizing a situation can lead to confusion in reality. And, despite the fact that Pisces are endowed with a strong and rich inner world, the ability to escape reality can take over. Therefore, during this period, you should refrain from sorting out relationships and alcohol abuse in order to avoid negative consequences. When the Moon is in Pisces, there is an increase in crime, fraud, and suicide. Practicing some form of art will help protect you from this.

An ordinary lunar day lasts from the rising of the moon until its next rising. The lunar day is almost an hour longer than the solar one, and the moonrise the next day always occurs later than on the previous day. Lunar days for business and business they can be either successful or completely unsuitable.

Lunar days for affairs and business

First and thirtieth days lunar month can be of different durations- from a few minutes to almost a day. The shorter the first lunar day, the more energy and the more intense the processes occurring on this day.

The thirtieth lunar day (29th moonrise) does not happen every lunar month, just like the first lunar day, it can be of different durations. It lasts from moonrise on this day until the moment of the new moon.

If this day lasts several hours, it is a gift from heaven, which makes it possible to fully use the energies of this day for your benefit and adjust your life. better side. A full lunar month includes 30 days, such a month is considered perfect.

In a defective lunar month containing 29 days, all satanic days will be truly satanic. This is the triumph of illusions and permissiveness. Our whole life is subordinate to the moon.

Every event, a random coincidence of circumstances, our relationship with this world, our inner freedom, our peace and our fears, our victories and defeats - everything obeys the lunar rhythms. Moon calendar will help you with this.

The first lunar day for affairs and business

Symbol: Lamp.


But be careful - any “scenarios” for the development of events will definitely play out during the lunar month. But there is no need to start new things - limit yourself to plans and dreams for now.

Second lunar day for affairs and business

Symbol: Cornucopia.


On this day, a person, concretizing his desires and possibilities, creates his own Destiny. Therefore it is important to do right choice: what do you want to see in your destiny and what not. You should take documents, concluding contracts, making acquaintances, purchasing and proposals seriously. On this day, it is advisable to avoid conflicts and violent outbursts of emotions.

Third lunar day for affairs and business

Symbol: Leopard.


This is a period of active struggle, pressure and aggression. Passivity is unacceptable. How you build your relationships, situation, affairs, etc. today, they will be like this for the entire lunar month.

And if you want to fundamentally change something in your life, then this should be done on this day. You should pay attention to any suggestions, since they can very often have a positive effect.

The fourth lunar day for affairs and business

Symbol: Tree of knowledge.


This lunar day is the first among unfavorable ones. It carries a dual characteristic: it is positive and negative at the same time. You need to try not to make hasty decisions. Group work is contraindicated.

A favorable day to evaluate your own strengths, analyze and plan the prospects for what you can accomplish in the future. On this day, you should weigh your every step, compare all the pros and cons. The main thing is to maintain harmony in all areas of life.

Fifth lunar day for affairs and business

Symbol: Unicorn.


One of the most important days. If you can do something significant in your life, then you should test your capabilities and lay the foundation today. This is a day of objective assessment and improvement of activities of any kind, and of business qualities in a person. Everything works out! Set goals and achieve them, assertiveness is justified. But be faithful to principles and duty.

Sixth lunar day for affairs and business

Symbol: Clouds, crane.


If you want to develop your activities, then you should take the appropriate steps and lay the foundations on this day. Can see real opportunities partners, professional competence employees, evaluate other opportunities. Good day for scientific research. Gathering information. It is useful to think: what is all this for? Don't take on something you're not competent at!

Seventh lunar day for affairs and business

Symbol: Rod, rooster, compass rose.


Provocative day. You may be provoked into excessive talkativeness and into uttering thoughtless words. And on this day you can’t chat in vain, and in general it’s better to talk less. The entire surrounding nature, the whole world, responds very sensitively to every word, even accidentally dropped.

Be careful with your words: everything you say will come true. Whatever you wish out loud to someone or yourself, everything will come true. It is especially dangerous to lie on this day. This will become true very soon. But on this day all good wishes will come true.

One of the most important days - the foundations for obtaining results are laid. You can evaluate the future fruits of your labor and how much more effort you will have to put in to implement your plans. A day of contemplation and physical peace. Less fuss! It's better to postpone big things. Do only what can be completed quickly. Don't lie.

Eighth lunar day for affairs and business

Symbol: Phoenix, fire.


It’s good to start implementing any plans. The impetus that you give to your affairs on this day will support them throughout the month. Try to spend your energy purposefully. Investments of effort and money on this day will give maximum effect. Trips, trips, business trips will be successful.

Ninth lunar day for affairs and business

Symbol: Bat.


Satan's day. Anxieties, fears, and dark thoughts are possible. You should be wary of deception and all kinds of temptations. On this day it is very easy to succumb to illusions and seductions. For example, increased self-esteem may appear - try to avoid this, otherwise you will be punished for your pride.

It is better to spend this day in calm, everyday work. It is better not to take on new business - there is a risk of making a mistake in assessing your capabilities and failing the business. It's better not to show emotions. Possible bad luck, receiving bad news. The day on which we receive signs that we need to pay attention to. Labor will increase experience and prudence. Continue things already started.

Tenth lunar day for affairs and business

Symbol: Water source, fountain.


A good day for developing partnerships, strengthening connections and contacts. Travel and negotiations will be productive. It’s good to start a new business, enter into an agreement, make deals, lay the first stone in the construction of anything. It is indicated to begin repairs and construction of a house.

Contracts concluded on this day will have good prospects and, as a rule, bring the greatest profit. Day of expanding connections and strengthening authority! Strengthening relationships. On this day, karmic memory is activated and all events that occur must be considered from this point of view.

Eleventh lunar day for affairs and business

Symbol: Fire sword.


Victory day. The most energetically powerful day. You need to be careful with this energy. Powerful forces awaken in the human body, and if you don’t know how to control them, you can inadvertently cause trouble. Everything you do on this day must be done consciously. You need to take action only if you understand the whole process to the end. Required condition- bring the work started to its logical result.

The day will show how natural and harmonious innovations and your endeavors turned out to be for you. The causes of discomfort should be analyzed and ways to eliminate them should be identified. A day of harmonious expansion of areas of activity and consolidation of established positions in the surrounding space.

Twelfth lunar day for affairs and business

Symbol: Bowl, heart.


The day will test how much you business qualities correspond to reality. Action day! Cherished dreams come true, and plans take on real shape. It is beneficial to overcome barriers of misunderstanding and find points of reconciliation. On this day it is necessary to show mercy and compassion.

The energy of the day is conducive to doing good to others. It is good to give gifts, give alms, do charity work, fulfill requests, show compassion to those who need it, and you can also make a request yourself. It is favorable to enter into a marriage that will be based on the highest love.

Thirteenth lunar day for affairs and business

Symbol: Wheel, ring.


The day will test how well you and your activities correspond to your actual accumulated experience and knowledge and other potential. It is good to combine opportunities and act actively. The moon on this day helps to align desires and possibilities. Watch how your karma manifests itself.

On this day it is good to receive new information - read books that allow us to better understand ourselves and the world. It’s good to start a new learning cycle. The period is good for contacts in a group and learning. Old problems may appear - take this calmly, try not to be nervous, but somehow smooth them out, or, if possible, calmly resolve them. Having solved problems, you will receive fresh strength for a new life.

Fourteenth lunar day for affairs and business

Symbol: Pipe.


The day will show how much the efforts you made were sufficient to implement your plans and were directed in the right direction. A good day to free yourself from connections, responsibilities and affairs that scatter your energy and resources, preventing you from focusing on the main thing. Luck accompanies every business. You need to work hard.

Don't miss this day: it is extremely successful for starting any important business. Everything started this day succeeds brilliantly. You will have to wait a whole month for your next chance.

Fifteenth lunar day for affairs and business

Symbol: Snake, jackal.


This is one of critical days! The period of carnal temptations and astral battles. On this day, the inner serpent of every person is activated. It is good to make specific, but small investments of effort and money to maintain internal activities (home, inner world, workplace, team). The day will require concretizing efforts and purposefully spending energy and resources.

Sixteenth lunar day for affairs and business

Symbol: Butterfly, dove.


One of clean days, bright, very calm. The main condition is to constantly be in a state of harmony and balance, even if someone has insulted or offended you. Forgive your colleagues or household members for their unceremonious behavior, but under no circumstances teach them how to live.

A day of expanding professional capabilities and increasing value through improving the quality of activities and internal organization. This is the day when the results of activities can serve as a real incentive to improve skills. We recommend positive emotions. Moderation, no need for zeal. Try not to show dissatisfaction. Echo of the 1st lunar day. Check if your plans are realistic.

Seventeenth lunar day for affairs and business

Symbol: Bunch of grapes, bell.


Refrain from business activity. This is a good day for personnel changes. Trips and negotiations aimed at strengthening life both in the work team and at home will be productive. This day is very successful for marriages - such a union will be long, love will never fade away in it.

Eighteenth lunar day for affairs and business

Symbol: Mirror.


The day will show how much the innovations you introduced and the initiatives you introduced into your reality had a harmonious impact. The day of harmonizing the internal structure and consolidating the established positions in the external environment. A good day to evaluate your obligations.

Maintain justice. Provide help, support, care. Overall a day of good work!

On these days, the surrounding reality will, like a mirror, demonstrate your true essence. Everything that they will say about you on this unpleasant day is true, so don’t be offended, but think about how to get rid of your shortcomings. If they say something nice, rejoice: this is also the pure truth.

Nineteenth lunar day for affairs and business

Symbol: Spider.


Satan's day. A day of expanding professional capabilities and increasing value through improving the quality of activities and internal organization. This is the day when the results of activities can serve as a real incentive to improve skills. We recommend positive emotions. Beware of drunks and liars. We receive rewards for pride. The day of our delusions and mistakes.

Twentieth lunar day for affairs and business

Symbol: Eagle vulture.

Motto: Extension".

The day will reward “what it deserves.” The space will balance the internal and external. It is necessary to show maximum humility, humbly accept comments and advice, and objectively evaluate yourself and your activities. Pride on this day is contraindicated.

Day of wisdom, acquisition of new knowledge. Any knowledge is easily absorbed. Educate yourself: read, study languages ​​or computers, do science or learn to embroider - whichever is closer to you.

On this day you can learn new things about yourself and the world. Secret knowledge may be revealed to you, new ideas and fresh ideas may come to mind. original solutions old problems. Solve problems, achieve your goals with the help of the knowledge gained - the day is conducive to this.

Twenty-first lunar day for affairs and business

Symbol: Horse, herd, chariot.


We recommend emotional detachment. Try not to get involved in situations that require active emotional reactions. It is good to distribute profits, assess the need for expenses, and get rid of objects that bring more expenses than benefits.

The day is favorable for trips and trips, business trips and moving, but only by land transport. The day is good for buying and selling, entrepreneurial activity on the verge of risk, for trade, procuring food for future use. It’s good to gather in groups and discuss common problems. Successful transition to new job.

Twenty-second lunar day for affairs and business

Symbol: Elephant.

Motto: Birth".

One of the critical days of the lunar month requires you to take a fresh look at yourself and your activities. On this day, treat any situations, actions, words, thoughts very carefully - you will be able to look into your future. The day when you can find happiness and open the path to achieving it. On this day you can get involved in an adventure. To prevent this from happening, a surge of energy must be directed towards peaceful purposes.

The day is good for finishing any business, any enterprise that will not only be productive, but will also bring with it honor and fame, popularity and prosperity. However, you cannot start any new business, they will be stupid and useless. If your goals are creative, then use the forces of this day for good; if your goals are doubtful, beware: an angry elephant may trample you.

Twenty-third lunar day for affairs and business

Symbol: Crocodile.


The day of learning your destiny. External energy costs are useless or ineffective. It is recommended to maintain a state of internal concentration. Avoid fuss. Activity on this day is a useless waste of energy. It is favorable to evaluate the results of your work and the period you have lived.

A day of insatiable appetites, fights, adventures. Anger and aggression. It is necessary to pacify yourself so as not to regret your actions and words later.

Twenty-fourth lunar day for affairs and business

Symbol: Bear.


And the internal space and connections should be streamlined. This will facilitate the inclusion of reserves and will allow for more productive activities in the next lunar cycle. On this day it is good to lay the foundation for new big things. In Ancient Egypt, it was on this day that the foundation of the pyramids was laid.

It's good to start implementing global long-lasting projects. A good day to work with personnel - it is useful to thoroughly explain the responsibilities to subordinates.

Twenty-fifth lunar day for affairs and business

Symbol: Turtle.


Day of passivity. It is advisable to spend it in peace and solitude, alone. There is no need to start anything new, but one should complete what has already been started. Do everything slowly, slowly, so that it doesn’t happen nervous breakdowns. Protect yourself from accidental contacts and surprises. It’s better to sit in silence, be silent, think about your life. As a result, you will gain new strength and good mood.

Twenty-sixth lunar day for affairs and business

Symbol: Toad.


Dangerous day. People are tempted to argue. This should be avoided. On this day, do ordinary everyday things, some routine work that does not require a lot of thinking and making decisions.

On this day, you may have a desire to brag and exaggerate your achievements. Stop and shut up in time if you feel something like this. Limit contact on this day if possible. Communicate only when necessary and with the most reliable people. Avoid fuss, stupid shopping, and gossip. It is better to save money; there is a danger of wasting it or losing it.

It is very good to meet some wise person who will help you soberly assess reality and guide you on the right path.

Twenty-seventh lunar day for affairs and business

Symbol: Trident.


Successful all sea voyages, walks along the seashore, very useful water procedures. This day is very connected with intuition. The day promises many unexpected discoveries. You may unexpectedly discover a way out of difficult situation, which has been haunting you for a long time. On this day it is good to travel, plant flowers, and explore the world from unexpected sides. On this day it is advisable to pay off debts.

Think about something high.

Twenty-eighth lunar day for affairs and business

Symbol: Lotus.


One of the most auspicious days.

The energy of these lunar days is very harmonious. The main thing is not to disturb its harmony with your behavior. You need to keep your spirits up and try to keep your thoughts and intentions good.

You cannot carry out actions aimed at even the slightest destruction. You cannot dig the ground, pick flowers or kill insects. The day is not intended for vigorous activity - a time of contemplation. Don't make harsh decisions. If you succeed, you will be in these lunar day You can understand something completely new about life. It may even reveal the higher meaning of your existence.

Twenty-ninth lunar day for affairs and business

Symbol: Octopus.


Satan's day, and the most dangerous and terrible of all Satan's days. On this day, you cannot even mentally make any plans, much less start anything new. You cannot trust any promises, rumors or forecasts for the future - there is nothing but deception all around.

One of the critical days! Nature systematizes objects according to the principle of “similarity of destinies” - emerging situations are a reflection inner world. I recommend showing determination and resilience in the face of external influences.

Thirtieth lunar day for affairs and business

Symbol: Golden Swan.


This lunar day does not happen every month. This is a day of love, forgiveness, repentance. Day of transition to a new circle of development. The day is good for all sorts of things, just don’t start anything new. Summing up the month. Transition to a new stage of life. Don't make plans, wait for the 1st lunar day. It’s good to complete things, pay off debts, and give people joy.

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Often on an ordinary tear-off calendar you can see various astrological characteristics. For example, the Moon in Aquarius or the waning Moon in Capricorn. Many people wonder: what does this information provide and how can it be used? In fact, the Lunar calendar will help make life easier. The Zodiac sign in which the Moon is located at one time or another indicates which household chores are best to choose so that they are carried out easily and efficiently. After all, every housewife knows the feeling that no matter how much you clean, everything becomes dirty again. And also sadness about the fact that there are only 24 hours in a day, and only two hands. If you lead household according to the Lunar calendar, then you can forget about such problems.

Moon in the signs of the Earth element

During this period, it is better to do things that require perseverance and are somehow connected with the earth, heavy objects and cold. For example, you can freeze berries and fruits for the winter, dig up roots, and pickle vegetables.

Moon in the signs of the element of Water

During this period, it is better to choose tasks that involve the use of water or other liquids. It is advisable to water the plants, as the Moon is in water signs will be able to revive even dying plants. Washing and washing will also be beneficial. If you are renovating your apartment, then these days it is preferable to glue wallpaper. It is also better to dig a well, install a sink or a washing machine during the period of the Moon in water signs. But it is not advisable to go swimming in ponds (especially if the Moon is waning), as you can catch a cold.

Moon in signs of the element of Fire

On such days, it is preferable to do things that require activity and accelerated reaction. It is especially good to do housework that involves heat, metal and fire. You will be great at dishes prepared by baking or frying. The most delicious meat dishes will be: cutlets, shish kebab, etc. Also during this period you can sharpen knives and carry out minor repairs.

Moon in Air signs

The Moon in air signs favors affairs that are carried out at heights or require the presence of good lighting. Washing windows, glassware, and general cleaning will be especially effective during this period. Work related to handicrafts (for example, knitting) will also begin to progress well. The Moon in the signs of the air element favors the installation of suspended ceilings or chandeliers, rearrangement of furniture or interior decorative elements.

Special lunar days

13 Lunar day Ideal for creating complex or exotic dishes. Any experiments in cooking will go with a bang!

19 and 29 Lunar days exceptionally good for decluttering. Down with everything superfluous, old and unnecessary!

It is better to wash mirrors in 24 Lunar day, and schedule cleaning of pet cages and aquariums on 27 Lunar day.

By distributing household chores in accordance with the Lunar calendar, you will notice that much less effort is spent on them, and the result is better!

Dream theme:

Useful tips

Mars and Mercury will pick up speed in September 2018, so this month there will be much more opportunities for trading, paperwork, finding a new job and other important matters.

The moon will tell you when it is best to start or continue this or that business (see the table at the end of the article). The periods of the Moon without a course will not be too long, with the exception of two days: September 12 and 24, 2018.

However, tensions will also occur this month. The moon will build up to tense configurations, acting as a trigger for unpleasant events September 6, 13, 20, 2018.

For more details about the position of the planets and recommendations on how to avoid negative influences, read the article General astrological forecast for September for all Zodiac Signs. At the end of the article, look for a list of the main things to do and better days for them in September 2018.

ATTENTION! The weak Moon of the month will be observed during the following periods:

Weak Moon on the burnt path: September 11 17:45 – September 13 22:00 (weakest period: September 13 00:45 – 02:30);

Periods of the MOON WITHOUT A COURSE, when you cannot start new things, go shopping and wait for important events:

02.09.2018 08:56 - 02.09.2018 11:02

04.09.2018 09:37 - 04.09.2018 15:04

06.09.2018 15:43 - 06.09.2018 16:54

08.09.2018 16:31 - 08.09.2018 17:29

10.09.2018 18:12 - 10.09.2018 18:20

12.09.2018 01:58 - 12.09.2018 21:15

14.09.2018 11:54 - 15.09.2018 03:45

17.09.2018 02:15 - 17.09.2018 14:07

19.09.2018 20:10 - 20.09.2018 02:52

21.09.2018 20:13 - 22.09.2018 15:27

24.09.2018 08:26 - 25.09.2018 02:04

26.09.2018 13:28 - 27.09.2018 10:16

29.09.2018 01:36 - 29.09.2018 16:26

MAGICAL TIME OF THE MONTH: This month the magic hours will begin September 9, 2018 at 09:13 pm and will end September 10 at 06:15. Although this is a weak Moon time when nothing should be started, it is ideal for visualizing what you want and planning. During this period, it is good to use rituals that help you tune in to making your desires come true. See article

Other useful articles in the Lunar calendar for September 2018 section:


♉ 1 SEPTEMBER, Saturday. 21st, 22nd lunar day from 21:47.CALF

Symbols of the day : horse (herd of horses, chariot), elephant (book, golden key).

Since the Moon will move through the sign of Taurus all day, today you can clean up your house, arrange and decorate your home. This day may be good for solving current financial issues, however negative aspects The Moons do not advise concluding important contracts or signing any serious documents. Can draw up a budget for a month, taking into account income and expenses. Any information can be perceived very emotionally. There may be errors when drawing up documents. Big risk being late if you have an important meeting.

What not to do : make quick decisions, sign very important papers; start advertising campaigns; write important letters; submit an application to the court or other institutions, register new companies.

Purchases : not a good day for shopping: you may spend more than you planned. You can buy food, but it is better not to stock up on it for a long time.

♉♊ 2 SEPTEMBER, Sunday. 22nd, 23rd lunar day from 22:17.CALF , TWINS from 11:02

Moon without course from 08:56 to 11:01

Symbols of the day : elephant (book, golden key), crocodile.

Carefully! Shift Approaching lunar phase: weak Moon. In general, the day does not have much stress, except for the tense aspect Sun-Moon, so we can assume that it will pass more or less calmly. Don’t start anything important; it’s better to do routine things on this day. You can clean the apartment, you can do wet cleaning. In the evening it’s good to chat with friends or answer their letters.

What not to do : starting new important things, especially with far-reaching plans;

Purchases : Today is a bad time for purchases, especially large ones: real estate, furniture, carpets, and so on. You can make small purchases that are not too significant.

OLD MOON from 05:37

♊ 3 SEPTEMBER, Monday. 23rd, 24th lunar day from 22:54.TWINS

III quarter, Fourth phase of the Moon from 05:37

Symbols of the day : crocodile, bear.

Mercury + Venus on this day indicates a successful combination of circumstances for traders, for those who would like to make new acquaintances, organize joint work or cooperation. It's good this day discuss partnership affairs, seek counseling, or get what you want from other people through negotiation. You can ask for a loan, especially before 16:00: there are many chances that you will get what you want. Today it is acceptable to get married, although September in general is not the best month for a wedding.

What not to do : Start long-term projects that require perseverance and patience.

Purchases : Not a bad day for shopping, especially before 16:00. You can buy beauty products, clothes, shoes, books, stationery, as well as any items for creativity.

♊♋ 4 SEPTEMBER, Tuesday. 24th, 25th lunar day from 23:41.TWINS , CANCER from 15:03

Moon without course from 09:37 to 15:02

Symbols of the day : bear, turtle (shell, urn with ashes, two vessels with live and dead water).

You may be in a great mood from the very morning, many things will work out well, especially those that need to be completed quickly. But the approach of the negative aspect of the Moon and Saturn after 15:00 may have an adverse effect and cause difficulties in achieving goals. Don't waste your energy on trifles. It’s better to plan things for this day in advance and carry them out calmly. Don't plan more than 3 cases, since you will quickly run out of energy: energy becomes less and less at the end of the lunar month.

What not to do : start long-term affairs and projects; start building a house; lend/borrow money, apply for loans; start a course of treatment; get married, look for new acquaintances.

Purchases : You can buy cosmetics, clothes and shoes until 09:40, the rest of the time is not so good for shopping.

♋ 5 SEPTEMBER, Wednesday. 25th lunar day from 00:00.CANCER

Symbols of the day : turtle (shell, urn with ashes, two vessels with living and dead water).

Not a bad day when you can get a lot done, especially when it comes to solving some family issues or nutrition issues. It’s good to do those things that quickly lose relevance and need to be completed quickly. Nice day for food trade. Trials scheduled for this date will be completed quickly. A good day to pay off debts (both material and non-material).

What not to do : start long-term affairs and projects; lend/borrow money; do home canning; get married.

Purchases : You can buy residential premises or plots for the construction of residential buildings.

♋♌ 6 SEPTEMBER, Thursday. 25th, 26th lunar day from 00:43.CANCER , A LION from 16:54

Moon without course from 15:43 to 16:53

Symbols of the day : turtle (shell, urn with ashes, two vessels with living and dead water), toad (swamp).

Event of the day : Saturn becomes direct (14:08).

Difficult day: Tau square Mars-Uranus-Venus and the joining Moon will form a Grand Square with four corners, which can bring a lot of anxiety and unpleasant surprises, especially related to money or relationships. Also, the approach of the negative aspect of the Sun and Neptune can cause an unrealistic picture of what is happening, blurred events. It will be difficult to get to the bottom of the truth, and there is also a high probability of self-deception.

What not to do : risk money, sign important documents; sort out relationships with partners; borrow/lend money, apply for loans.

Purchases : It’s better to save or buy only what you need at the moment.

♌ 7 SEPTEMBER, Friday. 26th, 27th lunar day from 01:57.A LION

Symbols of the day : toad (swamp), trident (rod, ship).

This day is better than the previous one, although the proximity of the negative aspect of the Sun and Neptune still remains risks of deception and self-deceptions. Today there are risks of assessing situations biasedly, succumbing to illusions and fears, mistaking lies for truth, and wishful thinking for reality. On the other hand, the supportive aspect between Saturn and Mercury should include logic and self-control in time. You can draw up documents, but be careful!

What not to do : succumb to illusions, doubts and fears; enter into financial transactions or play on the stock exchange; move; take part in any adventures, especially financial ones.

Purchases : Make purchases with caution on this day; it is better not to buy anything particularly large or important.

♌♍ 8 SEPTEMBER, Saturday. 27th, 28th lunar day from 20:10.A LION , VIRGO from 17:29

Moon without course from 16:31 to 17:28

Symbols of the day : trident (rod, ship), lotus (karma).

Negative aspect Venus and Mars will create an unfavorable environment for resolving financial issues, so today we advise you to leave these matters and do something that will not force you to risk money and spend a lot. We also do not recommend making new acquaintances today: they may turn out to be unsuccessful and will leave only unpleasant memories. Irritability and impatience can quarrel with your partners and cause resentment. There are risks of spreading sexually transmitted diseases.

What not to do : risk money; receive guests, arrange gatherings; start advertising campaigns; to register marriage; sort out relationships with partners; make romantic acquaintances.

Purchases : only small and insignificant, but it is better not to make purchases.

YOUNG MOON from 21:01

♍ 9 SEPTEMBER, Sunday. 28th, 29th lunar day from 04:48,1st lunar day from 21:01.VIRGO

NEW MOON at 21:01

Symbols of the day : lotus (karma), octopus (hydra, Maya), lamp (lamp, third eye).

Event of the day : Venus moves into Scorpio (12:25).

The New Moon in Virgo will open the door to a new lunar month for you and allow you to make wishes and plans. However, it is better to do this after 21:00 when the 1st lunar day begins. Today may be a very hectic day overall. The new moon point in opposition to Neptune gives increased emotionality. Shouldn't take it today important decisions, you may be wrong! Very likely deceptions and self-deceptions, it is easy to fall under the influence of others or manipulate other people.

What not to do : start new important things; trust unfamiliar people; succumb to illusions.

Purchases : better to postpone, bad day for shopping.

♍♎ 10 SEPTEMBER, Monday. 1st, 2nd lunar day from 06:15.VIRGO , SCALES from 18:20

Moon without course from 18:12 to 18:19

Symbols of the day : lamp (lamp, third eye), cornucopia (mouth).

The negative aspect of Saturn on this day may prevent you from implementing your plans, so do not plan particularly important things for today. In addition, this is the very beginning of the lunar month, when there is too little energy, so you may not have enough strength and enthusiasm for new beginnings. Act calmly today, think about every step, involve the help of your partners.

What not to do : enter into financial transactions; start important things; open new companies.

Purchases : It’s better to postpone major purchases today. You can buy cosmetics, casual clothes and shoes. But remember that you are unlikely to find good discounts today.

Lunar calendar 2018: favorable days

♎ 11 SEPTEMBER, Tuesday. 2nd, 3rd lunar day from 07:40.SCALES

Symbols of the day : cornucopia (mouth), leopard (leopard).

Event of the day : Mars moves into Aquarius (03:56).

Today is a rather positive and bright day, when you can do any creative work, have a good time in a pleasant company, agree with someone about something, and so on. Working in a team or with partners will bring benefits and the desired profit. However, be careful today: this is not the best time for new acquaintances and romantic dates: a negative aspect is approaching Venus and Uranus which can bring trouble. It’s better not to make very important decisions today related to partners and money. You can ask to repay the debt, but taking a loan or borrowing money is a bad idea.

What not to do : borrow/lend money; to register marriage; argue and sort things out; initiate new acquaintances.

Purchases : You can buy necessary beauty items, clothes, but it is better not to go shopping without any purpose.

12 SEPTEMBER, Wednesday. 3rd, 4th lunar day from 09:03.SCALES , SCORPION from 21:15

Moon without course from 01:58 to 21:15

Symbols of the day : leopard (leopard), tree of knowledge.

Event of the day : Jupiter sextile Pluto. This is a very favorable aspect that will increase interest in the occult and secret spiritual knowledge. It is favorable for the implementation of large projects, for discoveries and research. Since the aspect is slow, it lasts quite a long time. It has already been formed January 16 and April 14, 2018. Over the past 9 months, there may well have been pleasant events in your life related to education, discoveries, research, travel, legal issues, and so on.

Read more about this aspect in the forecast for 2018:

Today the Moon will be without a course all day, so postpone your endeavors. Negative aspect Venus and Uranus may bring surprises regarding money. Relationships may also suffer. You should not sort things out or try to achieve something from your partner. Your partners may behave unexpectedly and even strangely.

What not to do : get acquainted, start new relationships; sort out relationships with partners; risk money; engage in commercial activities; borrow/lend money.

Purchases : better to postpone - a bad day for shopping. After 21:15 it is acceptable to shop online.

13 SEPTEMBER, Thursday. 4th, 5th lunar day from 10:23.SCORPION

Symbols of the day : tree of knowledge, unicorn.

Today the Moon will again turn on a not the most favorable configuration with the participation of Mars, Venus and Uranus, so today be extremely careful with money, and also try not to quarrel with your partners. Now your relationship is at risk of serious damage, and even the smallest, at first glance, insignificant thing can cause you to lose balance. Be careful with new acquaintances, or better yet, postpone them altogether: there is a risk of unpleasant experiences with the opposite sex, and there is also an increased likelihood of spreading venereal diseases.

What not to do : get acquainted, start new relationships; sort out relationships with partners; risk money; engage in commercial activities; borrow/lend money; go on trips; pass exams; sign important documents; make requests to superiors or higher institutions; submit applications.

Purchases : It’s better not to do it: there are big risks that your expectations will be deceived! We especially do not recommend buying clothes, shoes, cosmetics and other beauty items.

14 SEPTEMBER, Friday. 5th, 6th lunar day from 11:40.SCORPION

Moon without course from 11:54

Symbols of the day : unicorn, crane.

This day promises a cheerful mood, enthusiasm and desire to act. Issues can be resolved related to repairs. Although this is the time of the waxing moon, when it is not worth starting repairs, you can start planning some things, looking for necessary materials or asking the price for furniture. A good time to look for missing things. You can ask your superiors for help or look for a new job. You can take out insurance. Many things will work out better if you start them before 12:00.

What not to do : start new position and new responsibilities; go to law; go on trips.

Purchases : It’s better not to buy clothes and shoes today. Car purchases are acceptable.

15 SEPTEMBER, Saturday. 6th, 7th lunar day from 12:52.SCORPION , SAGITTARIUS from 03:45

Moon without course until 03:44

Symbols of the day : crane, wand (wind rose, keys).

It's a good day to start traveling. Today you can start new things or plan them. The day is good for investments, for obtaining loans and borrowings; for new advertising campaigns. You can send and receive money or ask your boss for a raise. It’s good to plan a celebration, such as a wedding, for this day. If you have connections with foreigners, today is a good time to communicate with them and negotiate cooperation.

The aspect is approaching Mercury with Pluto, which is quite harmonious. This good aspect, which gives insight and increased intuition, so now it’s good to engage in business issues, intellectual and scientific work. You can make inquiries and work with documents.

What not to do : make big promises; start construction work; resolve issues related to land works.

Purchases : It's good to buy imported things. It is better to make small and medium purchases.

16 SEPTEMBER, Sunday, 7th, 8th lunar day from 14:00.SAGITTARIUS

Symbols of the day : rod (wind rose, keys), phoenix.

The change of the lunar phase is approaching, so on this day the Moon is weak enough for any undertakings. Today, deceptions and disappointments are possible, so you should approach any agreements with caution. There is a high probability of delays, misunderstood information, and errors. Days Moons in Sagittarius suitable for travel: you can start traveling today, especially before 15:00. Positive aspect Jupiter and Mercury will block all negative aspects of the Moon.

It’s good to relax and unwind, read an interesting book, watch a movie or chat with people you are interested in.

What not to do : start new important things.

Purchases : good time for shopping, especially before 15:00.

WALKING MOON from 02:14

♑ 17 SEPTEMBER, Monday. 8th, 9th lunar day from 15:00.SAGITTARIUS , CAPRICORN from 14:08

First quarter, Second phase of the moon from 02:14

Moon without course from 02:15 to 14:07

Symbols of the day : phoenix, milky way ( bat, mother's milk).

This day may bring unexpected news and some stagnation in business. Even though this is the beginning of the week, it will not be so easy for you to achieve what you want. Apply non-standard methods in solving problems, then luck will be on your side. The moon will go according to the sign of Capricorn, holding back your emotions. Today it is good to do things that require perseverance and carefully thought-out actions. You can plan and generate various reports.

What not to do : move to a new job; carry out important banking operations, apply for loans, borrow money.

Purchases : You can shop, you can buy clothes or shoes from your basic wardrobe, knowing that they will last you for many years.

♑ 18 SEPTEMBER, Tuesday. 9th, 10th lunar day from 15:52.CAPRICORN

Symbols of the day : milky way (bat, mother's milk), fountain (mushroom, source of water, phallus).

Approaching the negative Mars-Uranus aspect can disrupt any of your serious plans. This is a rather heated day, when it is especially important to observe safety precautions and restrain your impulses. There is a high risk of getting into unpleasant situations and ruining relationships with loved ones. This day is not suitable for active actions and undertakings, because impulsiveness or other unexpected events. Fire and electrical hazards.

What not to do : getting acquainted, going on dates; careless about safety precautions at home and at work;

Purchases : You can make purchases, with the exception of buying equipment, phones, sharp objects, and electrical appliances.

♑ 19 SEPTEMBER, Wednesday. 10th, 11th lunar day from 16:35.CAPRICORN

Moon without course from 20:10

Symbols of the day : fountain (mushroom, source of water, phallus), crown (ridge, fire sword, labyrinth).

On this day the tension of the aspect will still remain Mars-Uranus, so any sudden movements can cause harm. Use the energy of this period correctly, restrain negative impulses and the desire to quarrel with someone. To compensate Negative influence, you can find some completely new and interesting activity for you, start learning something new that will truly captivate you, for example, it’s a good idea to immerse yourself more in astrological knowledge, learn more. Moon in Capricorn promises patience, although Mars and Uranus will be in disharmony and may cause impulsiveness. Overall this day is very positive.

What not to do : moving to a new job, making drastic changes in life or behavior (this may have negative consequences).

Purchases : allowed, you can make large purchases, but find good price It won't be easy. It's good to buy something that will last a long time.

♑♒ 20 SEPTEMBER, Thursday. 11th, 12th lunar day from 17:10,CAPRICORN , AQUARIUS from 02:52

Moon without course until 02:51

Symbols of the day : crown (ridge, fire sword, labyrinth), bowl (heart).

The Moon is again completing a tense configuration Venus-Mars-Uranus, which will once again remind you that you need to be more careful with money and relationships. Drastic events in your life are still very real, so it is better not to provoke them. The aspect of Mars and Venus increases the attraction of the sexes to each other, but can lead to problems and misunderstandings. Uranus gives abrupt events, surprises, events that are difficult to foresee and predict. It is better to start all the things that matter to you after 16:45.

What not to do : get acquainted, start new relationships; sort out relationships with partners; risk money; engage in commercial activities; borrow/lend money; conduct important negotiations; conduct creative events. All these things are not recommended until 16:45.

Purchases : It’s better not to do it, especially before 17:00. After 17:00 small purchases are allowed. You can buy inexpensive equipment or accessories for gadgets.

Favorable days of the lunar calendar

♒ 21 SEPTEMBER, Friday. 12th, 13th lunar day from 17:38.AQUARIUS

Moon without course from 20:13

Symbols of the day : bowl (heart), wheel (spinning wheel).

Event of the day : superior conjunction of Mercury and the Sun (04:52). This aspect is quite significant in the Mercury cycle, as it opens new opportunities for the implementation of those matters that are connected with it. The mind sharpens, new ideas come, and you can solve intellectual problems much easier. Danger burning of Mercury in what can be missed important information(plus/minus a few days from today's date), however September 20 from 20:00 to September 21 13:00 Mercury will be in the heart of the Sun, which means its functions will be much more clearly realized. Use this time for any paperwork, negotiations, trading transactions and movements.

What not to do : change place of work; apply to your superiors for a promotion; fix computers or phones.

Purchases : good time for shopping, especially before 13:00. Although you run the risk of spending a little more than you planned, you will still be satisfied with your purchase. It is good to buy various equipment, computers, phones, as well as real estate.

♒♓ 22 SEPTEMBER, Saturday. 13th, 14th lunar day from 18:01.AQUARIUS , FISH from 15:27

Moon without course until 15:26

Symbols of the day : wheel (distaff), pipe (call).

Event of the day : Transition of Mercury into the sign of Libra (06:39). Autumn equinox.

Sometimes the impact external factors and outside interference can ruin our plans. Sometimes this happens because you chose not the most favorable day for solving important matters. In our article you will find out which days are the most successful for solving business issues.

The most responsible people try to plan every day to avoid unforeseen situations. However, sometimes fate gives us unpleasant surprises, and our plans can collapse at any moment.

There are ways in which you can prevent failure and failure. First of all, you need to choose the most favorable day to resolve business issues. The site's experts will tell you which days are best to do important things and make responsible decisions.

Numbers of the month favorable for important matters and decision-making

Many days are completely inconsistent with our plans. That is why unforeseen situations may arise due to which we may find ourselves in an unpleasant situation. To avoid this, find out in advance which days of the month are most successful for important matters and decisions, and when it is better not to plan anything.

Each number has a certain energy that can affect any area of ​​our lives, including our plans. According to numerology, the most powerful numbers are in the range from 0 to 9, and each of these numbers protects a specific day in the month.

  • 1 protects the 1st, 10th, 19th days of the month.
  • 2 - 2, 11, 20, 29 days of the month.
  • 3 - 3, 12, 21, 30 numbers.
  • 4 - 4, 13, 22, 31 numbers.
  • 5 - 5, 14, 23 numbers.
  • 6 - 6, 15, 24 numbers.
  • 7 - 7, 16, 25 numbers.
  • 8 - 8, 17, 26 numbers.
  • 9 - 9, 18, 27 numbers.
  • Each date in the month has its own numerological meaning. And each number in business numerology is responsible for its own special area of ​​activity.

    Unit- a favorable number for faster and effective solution planned things. This means that the 1st, 10th and 19th of each month are best to deal with legal issues and conclude contracts. In this case, any decision will turn out to be beneficial for you.

    Deuce- during this period, you should avoid activities that require nervous and energy expenditure. It is best to devote the 2nd, 11th, 20th and 29th to planning future affairs and completing those started. It is not recommended to engage in financial transactions, as on such days they promise large losses.

    Troika- the best four days for new beginnings. Everything you planned for the 3rd, 12th, 21st and 30th of the month will be implemented. However, it is not recommended to share your plans with others, as they may collapse due to someone else's interference.

    Four- the most suitable four days for completing routine tasks. At this time, it is not recommended to take on new endeavors and make responsible decisions. Instead, dedicate the 4th, 13th, 22nd and 31st to rest and self-development.

    Five- in numerology, a symbol of risk. This means that on the 5th, 14th and 23rd, success can only await you if you are not afraid to take risks and take part in the most responsible business transactions. However, you should be careful and beware of mistakes, since any of them can affect your future.

    Six— harmonious energy prevails these days. On the 6th, 15th and 24th, it is not recommended to make hasty decisions and take on matters that require urgent completion. During this time, you should do household chores, meet with friends and relatives, and organize meetings. Careless risks should be avoided, otherwise they can lead to a lot of problems.

    Seven- three days favorable for studying, receiving valuable advice and self-development. If you have an important matter planned for the 7th, 16th and 25th of the month, you should treat it with special responsibility, in which case it will be resolved with maximum benefit for you.

    Eight- Based on numerology, the number 8 is the most powerful. It is on the 8th, 17th and 26th of each month that it is recommended to deal with important business issues and make decisions that require especially careful weighing. By taking a serious approach, you can find a way out of the most difficult situation, and financial transactions will bring you good profits.

    Nine- days of making important decisions. The 9th, 18th and 27th are the most favorable for major undertakings and the conclusion of important agreements. Having shown diligence and perseverance during this period, expect a speedy triumph.

    It is believed that the most unfavorable dates of the month for solving important matters are those that contain 0. The energy of zero affects the energy of the neighboring number, thereby weakening it. Because of this, the day may be unlucky for you.

    Sometimes luck turns away from us at the most crucial moment, and this happens various reasons. However, with the help of effective conspiracies, you can enlist the support of Fortune before the most important event. We wish you good luck and success and don't forget to press the buttons and

    14.06.2018 03:05

    Great importance car signs given in numerology. With its help, every car owner will be able to calculate...