Black jagdterrier. German Jagdterrier - description and characteristics of the breed, raising puppies, nutrition and care at home. Must-have foods in the daily diet

Jagd terrier- German hunting terrier, burrowing dog breed. An excellent watchdog, companion for a hunter and a very active person. Bred in the 19th century in Germany, it was quite difficult to achieve the desired qualities. The goal of the breeders was to create a universal hunting dog, with a dark color. To breed the jagdterrier and obtain the necessary hunting genes, we used different breeds such as the German Hound, Lakeland Terrier, Pinscher, Dachshund and Fox Terrier. Considering that the main task was to breed a working breed, the appearance - the exterior - was not strictly taken into account.

There are two types:

  1. Smooth-haired
  2. Wire-haired

The quality of the breed is mainly determined by the quality of its working capacity. In this regard, it must be at a high level. This is a kind of burrowing hunting dogs. Most often they take her to hunt fox, wild boar, hare, badger, and waterfowl. It is very popular in Austria and Germany.

Description of the breed German Jagdterrier and FCI standard

  1. Country of origin: Germany.
  2. Purpose: versatile hunting dog with high working capacity, especially effective for burrowing hunting, has proven itself as a dog raising an animal.
  3. FCI classification: Group 3. Terriers. Section 1. Large and medium sized Terriers. With tests of working qualities.
  4. Important proportions:
  • the ratio of the chest circumference to the height of the dog at the withers: the chest circumference is 10 - 12 cm greater than the height at the withers.
  • the length of the body is slightly greater than the height at the withers.
  • depth of chest to height at withers approximately 55 - 60% of the height at withers.
  • General appearance: Small, compact, well-proportioned hunting dog, predominantly black and tan.
  • Behavior / Temperament: cheerful, temperamental, courageous, courageous, efficient, hardy, devoted, easily controlled; never shy or aggressive.
  • Head: Elongated, slightly wedge-shaped, without pointed muzzle, slightly shorter than the skull.
    • Skull: Flat, wide between the ears, narrower between the eyes.
    • Stop (transition from forehead to nose): mild.
  • Nose: The nose is black, should not be too narrow or too small, not split. If the coat is mostly brown, a brown nose is acceptable.
  • Muzzle: Strong, with a well-defined lower jaw, well defined chin.
  • Lips: Close fitting, well pigmented.
  • Cheekbones: Well defined.
  • Jaws / Teeth: Strong jaws with a regular scissor bite, the upper row of incisors extends without a gap in front of the lower one, the teeth are perpendicular to the jaw. The teeth are large, the full dental formula of the 42 tooth should be present.
  • Eyes: dark, small, oval, positioned in such a way that they are well protected from damage, eyelids close fitting, determined gaze.
  • Ears: Set high, not too small, triangular in shape, slightly raised on the cartilage, slightly tucking ears with a fold.
  • Neck: Strong, not too long, well set, blending harmoniously into the shoulders.
  • Withers: Well pronounced.
  • Topline: straight.
  • Back: Strong, straight, not too short.
  • Loins: muscular.
  • Croup: Well muscled, horizontal.
  • Chest: Deep, not too broad, with well-curved ribs extending backwards; the sternum is long.
  • Underline / Belly: gracefully arched, short and tucked up groin, belly slightly tucked up.
  • Tail: well set on a long croup, docked by 1/3, when the dog grabs prey in the hole, the owner can pull it out by the tail. The tail is carried slightly upward, but should never be carried over the back.
  • In countries where tail docking is prohibited by law, the tail may remain natural. Held horizontally or saber.

  • Front limbs: Straight and parallel when viewed from the front, well positioned under the body when viewed from the side. The distance from the ground to the elbows is approximately equal to the distance from the elbows to the withers.
    • Shoulders: Set obliquely, backward, long, strongly muscled. Good angle between scapula and humerus.
    • Humerus: As long as possible, well-muscled and lean.
    • Elbows: Close to body, never turned in or out. Good angle between the humerus and forearm.
    • Forearm: Lean, straight and vertical, with strong bones.
    • Wrists: Strong.
    • Pasterns: Slightly sloping, bones strong rather than thin.
    • Front feet: Often wider than the hind feet; fingers tightly adjacent to each other; pads are quite thick, tough, firm, well pigmented. Feet parallel, in stance and in motion, never turned in or out.
  • Hind limbs: straight and parallel when viewed from behind. The angles of the knee and hock are well defined. Strong backbone.
    • Upper thigh: Long, broad, well muscled.
    • Knees: Strong, with a good angle between the thigh and the lower leg.
    • Lower thigh: Long, muscular, sinewy.
    • Hock joints: strong, set low.
    • Metatarsus: short, upright.
    • Hind legs: from oval to round; fingers tight; pads are thick, tough, firm, well pigmented. Feet parallel in stance and movement, never turned in or out.
  • Gait / Movement: sweeping, free, with good reach of the forelegs and powerful drive from the hindquarters. Front and hind legs move in parallel and rectilinear, never stilt.
  • Skin: thick, dense, without folds.
  • Coat: thick wool; coarse coarse coat or coarse smooth coat.
  • Height / Weight of the German Jagdterrier:
    • Height at withers: males 33 - 40 cm, females 33 - 40 cm.
    • Weight (ideal weight for work is desirable): males 9 - 10 kg, females 7.5 - 8.5 kg.
  • Disadvantages / Defects: any deviation from the above is considered a deficiency / defect and all seriousness is assessed in proportion to its severity and impact on the dog's health and well-being.
    • The absence of one or both M3s (third molars) is not a fault.
  • Serious faults / Vices:
    • Narrow skull, narrow and pointed muzzle.
    • Weakly expressed lower jaw, narrow jaws.
    • Limit bite (shallow), any slight irregularity in the position of the incisors.
    • Light-colored or spotted nose.
    • Eyes that are light, too large, or bulging.
    • Erect ears, tips pointing horizontally to the sides, ears too small, set too low or heavy.
    • Straight shoulder.
    • Back soft or hunchback, back too short.
    • Short sternum.
    • Front too narrow or too wide.
    • Straight-back, high-back.
    • Elbows clearly turned outward or inward.
    • Korovin, barrel set or narrow hock, both in standing and in motion.
    • Ambling, stilt-like or mincing movements.
    • Loose and flat paws, cat's paw.
    • Tail tilted over the back, tail set too low, drooping tail.
    • Short-haired, open shirt, wadded or sparse coat, uncoated belly and inner sides limbs.
  • Disqualifying faults:
    • Aggressiveness or cowardice.
    • Weakness of temperament and character, fear of gunshots and game.
    • Undershot and overshot, misaligned jaw, pincer bite, wholly or partially irregularly spaced teeth, missing teeth other than M3.
    • Ectropia (eversion of the eyelids), entropy (inversion of the eyelids), incorrect pigmentation, Blue eyes or speckled eyes, eyes of different colors.
    • Any deviation from the color of the shirt.
    • Growth above or below standard.
    • Square format.
    • Any dog ​​clearly showing physical or behavioral abnormalities should be disqualified.

    Note: Male dogs should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

    German jagdterrier color

    • black
    • dark brown
    • grayish black with red.

    Well-defined yellow-red markings on the eyebrows, muzzle, chest, limbs and at the base of the tail. A mask on the face, dark or light color, is acceptable. White markings on the limbs and chest are tolerable.

    The nature of the jagdterrier (German hunting terrier)

    The nature of the jagdterrier is quite complex. He is brave, fearless, alert, but often very stubborn. This is a hurricane of energy and a perpetual motion machine, even in adulthood it remains a fairly mobile dog.

    The jagd terrier has good health, gets along well with children, is affectionate and playful, unpretentious in food and care, a good guard, an excellent hunter, tolerates a long journey well. In relation to strangers, the dog is often aggressive, suitable as a watchdog.

    If you want to buy a jagdterrier, remember that this is not the breed that is started as a pet that will peacefully snore on the couch.

    First of all, this is a hunter dog, and the desire for will is in its blood. Therefore, her character is appropriate, she does not like a calm lifestyle at all. The Jagd Terrier has a subtle instinct and pronounced courage. They are very aggressive towards the animal, they can attack neighboring cats, dogs hunt poultry, the instinct laid down by nature for decades is almost impossible to overcome. But timely training and strict education can slightly restrain the rabid energy of the jagdterrier.

    Sometimes they are aggressive towards people, but these are primarily problems in upbringing. Therefore, to acquire such a breed, a person with strong character, versed in dog training, or an experienced hunter who can use the animal for business, and strictly educate it.

    To the owner, the jagdterrier is to be treated with dedication and respect. Only recognizes one owner. With the right upbringing, the dog is obedient and restrained.

    Jagd terrier care

    Caring for a jagd terrier is very simple and does not require much attention. But for the health of the dog, you should monitor its coat, ears, eyes and paws.

    It is advisable to bathe the German Jagdterrier, if necessary, with shampoo for short-haired breeds.

    After bathing, dry the hair and ears well with a towel, you can use a hairdryer, make sure that the animal is not in a draft. After bathing, it is allowed to walk after 2 hours (in the warm season, bathe the dog at night in winter) when the ears and coat are completely dry. To speed up the drying of the ears of the jagdterrier, insert cotton wool into the ears and it will absorb excess moisture.

    Wool, it is necessary to comb out with a special brush made of natural hair, or with a rubber mitt once a week. The wool will acquire a shine, be cleaned of dust, and will not get tangled.

    Ears should be examined and checked regularly. Dust and wax contamination in the auricle, remove with a damp cloth.

    Photo of jagdterriers in the forest

    The drops are applied to the area between the shoulder blades, closer to the dog's neck so that it cannot lick off. Do not bathe for 10 days, do not iron children throughout the day. Considering that the dog is a hunter, it happens in the forest, runs through the bushes and dry grass, there is a huge risk of picking up a tick. They are often found in the ears, on the neck, under the armpits, and on the chest. After the walk, be sure to inspect the entire pet, remove the tick, if it is found, and treat the affected area with iodine or hydrogen peroxide.

    The eyes of the jagger terrier are the most sensitive area. Once every two weeks, or when sour, wipe the eyes soft cloth dipped in chamomile infusion, mild tea leaves, or a special spray that can be purchased at a pet store.

    Trim the claws with a nail cutter once a month, if they have not worn off by themselves. Remember the fifth toe on the front paws, it is shorter than the others, does not grind on its own, it can grow long and dig into the paw of an animal. Because of this, the pet begins to limp.

    Examine the paws after walking, make sure that there are no splinters, cracks and cuts.
    V winter time add 1 teaspoon of sunflower oil to your diet every day. This will help prevent cracked feet.

    Jagdterrier content

    In the photo jagdterrier puppies on a lounger

    The Jagdterrier is raised from early childhood, when the puppy is 3 - 4 months old.

    The breed is smart and quick-witted, rather quickly begins to understand the owner and carry out his commands. It is very good to use the method of imitation. If possible and desired, an adult trained dog should be nearby, then the jagd terrier begins to take an example from her.

    During training, he should feel that the owner is dominating. Rigidity in training cannot be used, but at the same time, the instructions must be firm, accurate and persistent. If the jagdterrier does not like the training methods, it will show it and show stubborn character and disobedience. With the wrong and cruel upbringing, the dog can become uncontrollable or too aggressive, therefore, you should pay great attention to training. If the upbringing is correct, the Jagda Terrier becomes a very loyal, friendly and obedient pet.

    1. It is obligatory to walk, 2 times a day, 1 - 2 hours.
    2. Walking walks, active with elements of training
    3. Do not let off the leash, may throw yourself under the car
    4. Hunt all living things all your life, get ready for unpleasant surprises (rushes at cats, birds, stranger dogs)
    5. Can run away from home, or for a walk
    6. Left alone at home for a long time can damage property (gnaw on slippers, toys, wires, etc.)
    7. Do not feed before walking
    8. Exercise on the site, attend frisbee training, agility

    Jagdterrier food, menu for a puppy

    In the photo, a jagdterrier puppy with a stick

    You can feed the Jagdterrier with dry professional food or natural food. If this is the second option, then it is necessary that cereals, meat, and also vegetables prevail in the diet. Be sure to keep clean drinking water available.

    Foods needed in the diet of the jagdterrier:

    1. Beef, beef broth (it is better not to give veal, it is poorly absorbed, there is diarrhea)
    2. Various offal, chicken, turkey, beef
    3. Dairy products:
    • low-fat cottage cheese up to 9% fat, otherwise plant the liver for your pet)
    • kefir
    • natural yoghurt, no dyes
    • yogurt
    • puppies up to 3 months, milk
  • Porridge: buckwheat, millet groats, rice (for diarrhea), oatmeal
  • Cartilage as a delicacy
  • Seasonal vegetables and fruits
  • Jagdterrier Puppy Feeding

    Menu for a Jagdterrier puppy, time and frequency of feeding:

    Puppy 1 - 2.5 months:

    • 8 hours - milk with curdled milk and a little honey
    • 11 hours - rolled oats, pre-soaked overnight in milk, kefir, broth
    • 14 hours - raw beef scalded with boiling water, boiled sea fish with raw vegetables, finely grated carrots, with vegetable, sunflower, soy, or corn grits
    • 17 hours - low-fat cottage cheese, or milk with honey (1 teaspoon per glass, it is possible with rolled oats, buckwheat)
    • 20 hours - main feeding: raw meat, scalded with boiling water, with the addition of 0.5 teaspoons of vegetable oil. Shredded seaweed, half a teaspoon of finely chopped seasonal herbs: lettuce, parsley, celery, dandelion leaves, young nettles, wild mint.
    • twice a week, yolk, dip raw meat in it.
    • add garlic to meat with broth 2 times a week

    Jagdterrier puppy 2.5 - 4 months:

    • Feeding hours are 8, 12, 16 and 20 hours.
    • Be sure to feed meat and fish in the last two meals.
    • Distribute milk, kefir, cereals and vegetables between morning and afternoon feeding.
    • Increase the amount of additives to meat to 1 - 1.5 teaspoons, depending on the weight of the dog.

    The yagda puppy is older than 4 months of age, fed three times a day: at 8, 14 and 20 hours. Increase the amount of food and give meat with additives in the last - the main feeding.

    Feed a puppy after 8 months and an adult dog 2 times a day.

    • In the morning, cottage cheese, porridge, vegetables
    • In the evening, meat or fish with additives

    Jagdterrier - the healthiest breed in the world... Throughout his life, he receives only injuries while hunting.

    Of course, he can get sick, like any animal, but plus the breed in the absence hereditary diseases... Symptoms resembling a disease appear only with insufficient care of the owner.

    Be sure and regularly do anthelmintic prophylaxis (1 time in 3 months), in contact with wild animals, this is a procedure only for health constipation. Do not forget to vaccinate your jagdterrier in time, vaccination against rabies is required by law. The specifics of the life of the Jagdterrier or any hunting breed is such that it is often at risk, and can even contract a disease that is not typical for dogs.

    You have noticed that the dog is sad, inactive, sleeps a lot, refuses to eat, be sure to show your pet to the veterinarian. The specialist will diagnose and prescribe treatment, the main thing is that it becomes timely.

    Photo of the German Jagdterrier

    Video with jagdterrier










    Tendency to train


    Attitude towards children


    Guard and sentry qualities


    The German hunting terrier (jagdterrier), apparently discreet, is endowed with amazing a wide range abilities. This is a small dog worthy of respect. He does not need popular love, his audience is exclusively hunters.

    The history of the breed

    The official name of the breed leaves no doubt about where this terrier came from. Another masterpiece of German cynology belongs to new times, its history is surprising - what are the possibilities of selection, if you get down to business with a mind and a clear goal.

    The idea to get a more practical and improved version of the Fox Terrier for hunting arose in Germany even before the First World War. As soon as the difficulties of the post-war period were overcome, work proceeded at an accelerated pace.

    Enthusiasts in southern lands In Germany, terriers were purposefully selected and knitted with the given characteristics:

    • dark color without spots,
    • high anger,
    • excellent versatile working qualities.

    As soon as the reputable hunter and dog breeder Dr. Lackner joined the movement, the work got on a clear track, and in 1926 the German Hunting Terrier Club began its work in Munich. As such, there was no breed yet, but the breeders were already developing a common type of new dogs.

    The use of fox terriers, both smooth-haired and wire-haired, is reliably known. The blood of other English terriers was also poured: Manchester, Welsh terrier, Old English, and several combinations were tried.

    By 1934, the main provisions of the new breed standard were drawn up. The livestock with a distinct breed type reached the required mark of 200 heads, after which the club received permission from the German canine service to maintain its own herd book.

    As a result of the joint efforts of several breeders, already 15 years after its foundation, the club considered the work of breeding a new breed complete. But I had to return to her - the Second began World War.

    It took much longer than 15 years to restore the livestock and the general type of the Jagdterrier. True, modern German breeders approached the issue with the utmost rigor and meticulousness. They considered it possible to register the breed in the FCI only in 1954.

    The work of the club purposefully continued in the western part of Germany. Dogs of various types, but very useful for hunting, also spread in the eastern sector - in the GDR - and in Czechoslovakia. From there, a few representatives of NOT were brought to the USSR.

    A qualitative leap in the breed has taken place since the 80s, when the consolidation of the exterior type of NOT was completed, undesirable character traits were eliminated and a system of complex working tests was worked out. Soon after the fall of the Iron Curtain, a variety of breeding material became available in the CIS countries, and the Jagd Terrier entered the list of the most numerous hunting breeds in the European part of Russia, as well as in Belarus, the Baltic States and Ukraine.

    Breed standard

    The FCI document numbered 103 is one of the strictest in cynology. It regulates not only the exterior, but also the properties of the psyche, the nature and practical use of dogs of the NOT breed. At the same time, the originators themselves (DJT-Club) consider the requirements approved by the 1998 standard to be minimal and call for additional guidance from extensive and detailed comments. Everything in order to preserve the hunting essence and functionality of the breed, to avoid both injury during the hunt and the transition to the principles of the show.

    The Jagdterrier is a sturdy little dog, firmly on its feet, with a confident look and determined character. There is not a shadow of effeminacy, weakness and timidity in him.

    Weight, head and neck length, proportions of height, body elongation and chest volume are important. At the breed shows, measurements are necessarily made.

    The growth limits are the same for bitches and males: 33–40 cm at the withers. In this case, the coverage of the chest is allowed only 10-12 cm more. This ratio is considered optimal for burrowing.

    Excessively rough and heavy dogs are not welcomed as clumsy and unsuitable for safe burrow hunting. Lightweight skeleton is also not good. The weight range for males is 9-10 kg, for bitches it is lighter - 7.5-8.5 kg.

    Terrier format is slightly elongated, just enough to maintain compactness.

    The rather large head is wedge-shaped. It is more massive than that of a fox terrier, and the muzzle is not so long. The forceps is slightly narrowed, but not too narrow, since it accommodates highly developed jaws with large teeth.

    With regard to teeth, the standard is extremely strict. Only the last M3 molars are allowed to be absent. Also, the jagdterrier should not exhibit any deviations from the scissor bite, irregularities in the dentition and non-vertical tooth growth. It is recommended to regularly check the completeness immediately after the change of primary teeth for the timely fixation of working losses.

    Small eyes, the darker the better. The triangular ears are slightly raised, but not on the cartilage, directed forward and close to the skull.

    The neck of proportional length merges smoothly into the back. A moderately pronounced withers without a bright high-toedness is encouraged. The topline is straight. The straight back, as well as the lower back, must be very strong, which experts check with hand pressure. The muscled loin passes into the croup, which is by no means sloped.

    The tail of the jagdterrier is not as perky as that of the fox, it is carried slightly obliquely.

    Valuable limbs are strong bones with correct angles and well-developed muscles, wide hips and tight paws, which provide sweeping movements and stability.

    Wool is equally allowed, hard, elongated and very dense, smooth, without division into types. Necessarily covered belly. With coarse coat, beard, mustache and eyebrows are moderately expressed.

    The color is obligatory with red tan, black or brown. Only a small white patch on the chest is allowed.

    When viewed, the Jagdterrier gives the impression of a courageous and resolute dog, capable of serious physical exertion. For atypical behavior, he may be disqualified.

    Having created a yagdterrier, German dog handlers set a record: they got a dog with minimal requirements for grooming. Yagdy are democratic and unpretentious, do not complain of appetite, but do not overeat, they feel good both in the aviary and in the city apartment.

    The only problem of maintenance is walking.

    Yes, the yagda must be provided with serious physical activity, regular and, moreover, emotional. Even in the hunting season, going out to the grounds for 1-2 days a week, the dog very quickly recovers its strength. Only sports, active games with the owner are able to distract the game from the search for adventure.

    In the off-season, the jagdterrier gets bored. It's a little dangerous, the dog needs to blow off some steam from time to time. Swimming, summer cottages and long hikes in the surroundings are recommended.

    The nature of the breed does not allow keeping same-sex dogs on the same territory (in an apartment); when distributing among the enclosures, couples and neighbors should be selected carefully. At the same time, dogs of the same owner interact well on the hunt.

    For transporting dogs in a car on a hunt, the best option is wooden or plastic boxes.

    Terrier hygiene is simple: wash with shampoo no more than once every 2-3 months, comb the coat a couple of times a week. In apartment maintenance, it is easy to bring cleanliness by wiping with a towel and changing the bedding. It is convenient to use dry shampoo powder.

    If the puppy's coat is not coarse and elongated enough, it is recommended to trim it 1-2 times in the first year to improve the structure.

    Considering the "professional" risks of NOT, it is better for owners to have a specially selected first aid kit for treating wounds and rinsing the eyes at home and on the hunt.

    Jagdterrier health and disease

    This section is the shortest. All efforts of German breeders were aimed at obtaining a reliable dog, free from problematic heredity. It succeeded 95% - another record in cynology.

    DJT-Club specialists intend to cope with the remaining risks, for which they have introduced a standard of admission to breeding in the form of the PLL test. Laboratory analysis sets genetic predisposition to the primary dislocation of the lens of the eye. This pathology is the cause of early blindness in dogs.

    PLL is not a specific problem for HOT, which is confirmed by the results of a livestock survey in Germany. The defective gene was found in only 2.5% of jagd terriers, and they were excluded from breeding.

    Likewise, the club is committed to eradicating another potential threat - myopathy. Data preventive measures can be considered redundant, but German dog handlers strive for an ideal result.

    Non-specific diseases of the jagdterrier are associated with its work and character. These are mainly injuries. With a successful outcome of hunting practice, dogs live up to 13-15 years.

    Character and training

    The hunting instincts in yagda lie on the surface and are the main driving force... Therefore, it is at least unreasonable to take a puppy while it is small and funny, in the expectation of getting an ordinary companion pet of small size.

    Already after the change of teeth, small berries are able to make a grip while holding prey, catch up and wag the game, bite noticeably. The games of these kids from the side are more like a warm-up for tigers. By the end of the first year, yagdi cease friendships with peers. Ahead - conflicts with other dogs and "hunting" for cats. Walk the terrier in conditions settlement will have to be on a leash. It is risky to trust a dog to children under 10 years of age.

    Jagdterrier is not an easy companion. He is well aware of his capabilities, and this gives him a sense of superiority, increased confidence, sometimes turning into recklessness. He is so brave that at times he forgets about the sense of self-preservation.

    Yagdi are not lazy, passionate and active, and if they are not loaded with useful activities, they will look for entertainment on their own. However, even when the dog goes hunting regularly, it still has a strong desire for fight. The need to measure strength and character is especially evident in males, but strangers should not be left alone with each other.

    On the hunt, the berries are jealous of the game they have caught. The competition is so intense that dogs from different owners are guaranteed to fight over a trophy if left unattended.

    All the valuable qualities of NOT - and there are many of them - require cutting in the hands of a skilled trainer. Contrary to the prevailing opinion among our hunters about the uncontrollability of yagda, they perfectly pass the course of obedience and master much more complex disciplines. It just takes a lot of time, firmness and patience to get a well-mannered working dog.

    In the homeland of NOT, dogs are subject to serious demands, not limited to testing in an artificial burrow. In order to pass the DJT-Club (ZP) and Performance Test (GP) breed test, the jagd terrier must have more than just innate hunting qualities. The whole complex is able to pass a dog with a balanced psyche, ideally trained, contact and understanding.

    German hunters and dog handlers emphasize the versatility of NOT. The tasks of the dog, in addition to basic work on the burrowing animal, include a full complex on the surface:

    • Search by flair for live game (bird scaring away).
    • Working out a hare track, pursuit with a voice.
    • Work on the water.
    • Pursuit and recruitment of any wounded animal.
    • Porting small and medium game from land and water.
    • Working out the blood trace.

    In addition, when working in a burrow, the ability to drag (pulling the animal to the surface) is checked. The actions of the dog after the shot are assessed separately.

    The emphasis in ground work is on endurance (laying the dog in the absence of the owner) and controllability (walking around without a leash). At the sound of a shot, the laid game terrier must remain in place. According to club experts, hunting with such a polite dog is more prey and, of course, more enjoyable.

    Jagdterrier training begins in childhood and is not limited to the command "Foo, no!" Starting from 8 months to add-ons. At this stage, as a rule, there are no difficulties, but learning in an artificial burrow cannot be neglected either. It is recommended to visit the baiting station once a week until all the elements have been worked out: quick entry into the hole, vigorous advance, barking at the animal for 10 minutes without going to the surface.

    In the first year with a junior, it is necessary to do some sorting and tracking work. It is advisable to postpone the acquaintance with ungulates until the second year.

    Perseverance, situational quick reaction and the ability to make independent decisions in Jagdterriers should be encouraged - without this, the dog is of little use on the hunt, moreover, it is at risk.

    Pros and cons of the breed

    The Jagd Terrier is completely hunter-focused and has many fans in this community. What do they value in the breed:

    • Universal working qualities.
    • Small size - good for city dwellers.
    • Low maintenance costs.
    • Perseverance and determination.
    • Activity, liveliness and intelligence.

    Important! Not suitable as a children's dog and companion.

    Even from the point of view of many hunters, the breed is not without its drawbacks:

    • Too hot and explosive.
    • Often injured.
    • Likes to sort things out with dogs and chases cats.
    • Needs constant supervision while walking.

    For all the difficult nature of jagdterriers, their number is growing. An increasing percentage of dogs with adequate, civilized behavior and noble appearance. The breed has a perspective.

    According to the breed description, the German jagdterrier was originally intended for hunting. To obtain the desired characteristics, the upbringing of puppies was taken very seriously. Dogs of the Jagdterrier breed are distinguished by a small but strong body. They fearlessly behave towards any predator, be it a wild boar or a bear. The aim of the breeding was the intention to completely eliminate the possibility of an animal becoming a cute pet.

    The history of the appearance of the Jagdterrier breed

    This breed is relatively young. Its formation dates back to the 20s of the 20th century. At this time, the restoration of the once popular fox terriers began. The goal was to bring out an animal that is as reckless and vicious as possible in relation to the beast. They took as a basis the Foxes of a dark color, which were crossed with other medium-sized terriers. To obtain the desired hunting qualities, such dogs were used as:

    • pinscher;
    • dachshund;
    • terrier;
    • fox terrier.

    Breed creation

    Fox Terrier breeder Walter Zangenberg is considered the creator of the breed. In 1923, he began to implement his idea, acquiring unsuccessful black and tan puppies from a Munich breeder of fox terriers, from which the creation of the breed began. At the beginning, the breeding work was carried out by means of inbreeding, i.e. related mating. Then, to improve the characteristics, breeders twice crossed with Old English Terriers, whose hunting talent is at a high level.

    After several years of work, the desired dog was obtained. The breed was named the German Hunting Terrier (Deutscher Jagdterrier). Its further development took place as follows:

    • 1926 - Creation of the first German Jagdterrier Club;
    • 1927 - the first exhibition with the participation of yagda;
    • the end of the 30s - the recognition of German Terriers as one of the best among "hunters".

    Formation and recovery after World War II

    After the end of the formation of the breed, the Second World War intervened in its development. She divided Germany into two separate states - the FRG and the GDR. In the western part, a sufficient number of yagda survived, which were used for self-breeding. East Germany was hit harder, so the breed had to be collected bit by bit. Each yagda was kept under strict control. They were not subject to export from the country.

    FСI recognition

    In 1954, the breed of German hunting terriers, bred in Germany, was recognized by the International Cynological Federation (FCI), which established all the necessary standards. Representatives of the breed from the GDR were not represented. In the early 1950s, the first German Jagdterrier came to the United States, but the animal did not cause much excitement among hunters. The reason is that they have their own favorites - Jack Russells and Pit Bulls. The breed reached the USSR only in the early 1970s, during the first "warming" of the international climate.

    What does a German hunting terrier look like?

    The priority in the breeding work was the breeding of a dog with ideal working qualities, so the result of the selection was reflected in the exterior of the animal. A striking difference is pronounced sexual dimorphism. A strong and muscular constitution is more characteristic of males. Females are small in size, their physique is more graceful. Their weight ranges from 7.5 to 8.5 kg. Males, on the other hand, have a body weight in the range of 9-10 kg. The growth of the German Jagdterrier reaches 33-40 cm. Regarding the type of wool, the representatives of the breed can be smooth or wire-haired.


    The coat of this type of yagda is denser, hard and elongated. The guard coat forms beard and feathering decorations. This is an external difference from smooth-haired individuals. Coarse coat and feels like that to the touch. Wirehaired Jagdterrier looks disheveled outwardly. In addition to a tousled beard, the pet has elongated hair on its belly and legs. It is impossible not to notice the charming eyebrows of the animal.


    Unlike the previous type, smooth-haired berries have a dense short hair. It has no undercoat and is very close to the body. The coat is evenly distributed over the entire body of the animal. It is distinguished by a pronounced natural shine. Smooth-haired dogs look neater and smoother. The standard identifies an intermediate variant - broken, which does not have a completely smooth or harsh coat.

    Characteristics of the breed

    Due to the appearance, German Jagdterriers are often confused with Pinschers, Little Dobermans, Miniature Pinschers. This problem is associated with the black and tan coat color of the animal. A striking difference between yagda and these breeds is the manifestation of hunting, and not protective qualities. The difference can also be found in the constitution of the animal. Developed muscles, strong bones, dense but elastic skin are the main features of the German Hunting Terrier.

    International Cynological Organization Standard

    It is a small compact dog. The physique is proportional, square type. An important condition in the standard is the excess of the girth chest above the height at the withers by 10-12 cm. The tail of the animal is traditionally docked, leaving only 2/3 of the length. This is for easy grip when pulling the dog out of the burrow. The standard defines other characteristics of the German Hunting Terrier:

    1. The head is wedge-shaped, flattened between auricles, the cheekbones are slightly marked, the cheeks are flat.
    2. The muzzle is strong and powerful, tapering smoothly from the nose, which in most cases is black.
    3. The lips have a black border and fit tightly. The jaws are well developed and strong. The teeth are large with a scissor bite.
    4. Ears are triangular, small, set high, hanging on cartilage.
    5. The eyes are oval in shape, deep set, the iris is dark brown, the eyelids are dry and tight.
    6. The neck is of medium length, has a pronounced scruff and well-developed muscles. It goes smoothly into a pronounced withers.
    7. Extremities. The front ones are parallel, they are distinguished by strong bones and dry muscles. The hind limbs are more widely spaced, have pronounced knee joints.

    Type of coat and color

    According to the description of the breed, the coat of the German Jagdterrier can be hard or smooth. Regardless of its type, the color is standardized. The main color can only be black, dark brown or black-silver. The Jagdterrier breed has some color features:

    • light tan tan obligatory on head, muzzle, flanks, belly, chest and lower legs;
    • white spots - are not considered a disqualification mark only on the chest and fingers;
    • eye markings in the form of a mask are allowed.

    The purpose of the German Terrier

    Initially, the Yagdterrier breed of dogs was bred for hunting. The animal was obliged to help the hunter in the extraction of the animal from the burrow. These include:

    • badgers;
    • foxes;
    • raccoons.

    A good hunting result can be obtained if you use the yagda together with another representative of this breed or dachshund. They can drive not only a burrowing animal, but also a larger one, for example, a wild boar. Today, the hardy German Terrier is often used as a common gun dog for baiting foxes and hares and serving shot game. The pet is able to destroy rats, mice and moles. For this reason, the German Terrier is a versatile animal. Often he is turned on as a pet.

    Features of the breed and character

    Fearlessness, intelligence, decisiveness, indefatigability - all these qualities are inherent in German Jagdterriers. This breed is characterized by life by trade. She is not afraid of new conditions and long hikes. For this reason, on every walk you will have to deal with the manifestation of hunting instincts. When the terrier sees a cat, the "catch up and neutralize" mode is activated. The dog at this time may not respond to any commands from the owner.

    Dog temperament

    The breed is distinguished by an energetic temperament. The pet is trying with might and main to fight the owner in order to conquer all new positions. As it grows up, the dog may not even hesitate to use its teeth for this. The almost complete absence of fears, which makes it difficult to cope with the animal, and explains the bad reviews about the breed. Experienced hunters, on the contrary, adore such a "biter". With proper training, the character of the animal is revealed from new sides - clarity in work, discipline, reliability. The pet's temperament is accurately described by the following qualities:

    1. Jealousy. The German jagdterrier does not tolerate the presence of other animals in the house, except for dogs of the same breed.
    2. Freedom-loving. The terrier needs to be constantly on the move. Endless attacks, jumping and running around can cause discomfort to everyone at home.
    3. Alertness. The yagdi is not allowed to a stranger to his house and owner.

    On the territory of Russia, the German Jagdterrier is widespread, so it will not be difficult to buy a puppy. It is recommended to contact specialized kennels to reduce the risk of acquiring a puppy with behavioral deviations or genetic diseases. When choosing a puppy, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

    • take a closer look at the parents of the pet, in what conditions they were grown, health, color, appearance, mental stability;
    • the puppy should look shiny, well-fed, nimble and energetic;
    • a good hunter will be the pet that actively breaks out of the hands, tries to playfully attack, barks;
    • a more phlegmatic and calm baby will take root well in the apartment;
    • the best option- the puppy who himself ran up to you when choosing.

    Where can I buy

    A purebred and healthy puppy can be bought only in proven kennels. Do not go to random sellers. Only professional breeders care about their wards and their working qualities. Good reviews the following nurseries are used:

    • "Krugloye Ozero" ( is a national breed club located in the Moscow region, the wards of the kennel are participants in exhibitions, champions of competitions;
    • "Jaws on Legs" - Tver;
    • St. Petersburg Game Terrier Kennel;
    • "Universal Soldier" - St. Petersburg.

    How much are

    Too low a price for a puppy should raise doubts about its health or purebredness. When answering the question, how much does a yagdterrier cost, you can give an average cost of 15-30 thousand rubles. An animal with such a price in the future has the right to participate in exhibitions and competitions. If you just need pet then you can find puppies with a lower price. Under this condition, it is still not worth buying an animal on the market or from unverified breeders.

    How to raise a pet correctly

    Due to the specifics of the German Jagdterrier, its upbringing should be considered in conjunction with training the dog for game. It is also taken into account that the dog possesses complex nature... Stubbornness and spitefulness complicate the upbringing process. In addition, due to hunting instincts, dogs often decide for themselves what to do in a particular situation. Learning requires constant control and manifestation from the owner of his will and, to some extent, rigor, but without physical impact.

    Early socialization

    It is necessary to start training from a very early age immediately after the pet is in the new home. With the right upbringing, the dog will learn all the standard commands. At the stage of early socialization, a person should support the puppy, teach him not to be afraid of other dogs on a walk, signals from cars, the noise of household appliances and the roar of trains. The attitude when encouraged should be kind, but restrained. This applies to cases when the puppy was obedient on the street, was not afraid of a huge dog and did not pull the leash.

    Training and coaching

    In addition to the usual training activities, the German Jagdterrier needs training. It is important to take your time in this matter. At the age of six months, a dog can be introduced to a fox, a raccoon, and by one and a half years - with a badger. Coaching may require trips to docking stations. At an early age, it is recommended that you provide your pet with a mock hole in the dog playground. You need to encourage the animal to climb this machine.

    Relationships with strangers and other animals

    It is not typical for yagdi to show affection and kindness towards other pets. Ferrets, chinchillas, rats, parrots and hamsters are prey for the dog, so you need to be careful when getting such pets. Yagda gradually get used to another cat or dog. A positive response to being well treated by family members or guests does not guarantee obedience either. The animal needs to be given time to get used to, to show a positive attitude. Then the dog will stop being suspicious of the guests.

    The German jagdterrier is undemanding to care for. It is often not recommended to bathe them, only if they are heavily soiled. For smooth-haired representatives, use a shampoo that does not dry the skin. You need to brush your pet weekly with a brush. Ear wax should be checked and cleaned regularly. To wipe the eyes, use a cotton pad dipped in chamomile decoction. The claws should be trimmed as they grow.

    Walking in the city

    The psychological comfort of the animal depends on a large number movement. For this reason, yagda are not suitable for those who like to spend a lot of time in front of the TV. An animal in urban life should receive a load at least 2 times a week. It involves going out into nature, various tests, for example, an artificial hole, a blood trail, classes on the site. Within the city, you need to walk the animal on special dog grounds.

    If it is assumed that the animal will live in a country or private house, it is worth providing a high and strong fence with a deep foundation. So the German Jagdterrier will not be able to make his favorite dig. Living in your home for a representative of this breed is considered optimal. The animal needs a spacious enclosure. Even if it is available, the pet needs to be provided with regular long hikes with active games and training.

    Hunting with jagdterriers

    The German Jagdterrier is a versatile hunter. It will be a good helper in hunting for birds, hares, burrowing animals, ungulates and even wild boars. Most of all, berries are valued by gamekeepers. The breed is intended for burrow hunting, in which it is particularly successful. The downside is the stubbornness of the animal, which often leads to the death of the dog, which is not ready to give up on its goal. Hunters highlight a few more problems when working with berries;

    • because of malice towards the beast, they spoil it;
    • show aggression towards other dogs and people;
    • cannot work in deep snow;
    • get tired quickly when working in dense bushes and reeds.

    How and what to feed the jagdterrier

    The owner of the yagda has two options for feeding the pet - special food or natural products... In the second case most the diet should be cereals, vegetables and meat. There must be clean water in the pet's bowl. In general, the animal's diet is composed of the following products:

    • meat, beef broth is recommended, not veal;
    • offal - heart, kidneys, stomachs, lungs;
    • dairy products- curdled milk, cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk;
    • groats - oat, rice, buckwheat, millet;
    • vegetables - boiled potatoes, beet tops, carrots, zucchini, cabbage, sorrel, herbs.

    An adult dog should be fed 1-2 times a day. For bitches in position or nursing it is recommended to increase food intake up to 3 times. When using dry food, you should choose only high quality products. These should be premium and super premium categories. In winter, the portions are increased if the dog is kept outdoors. Pure snow can be used instead of water.

    Features of feeding puppies

    Small berries need to be fed more often - up to 5-6 times throughout the day. Food should be boiled, without salt and fat. It is forbidden to give sweet, fried, fatty and spicy foods. The puppy's diet includes low-fat cottage cheese, pieces of meat with broth, milk with a spoonful of honey, meat scalded with boiling water, and herbs. Poisons up to 4 months can be fed 4 times a day. For them, it is recommended to eat vegetables and cereals. Milk is given only in the evening or in the morning.

    Health and hereditary diseases

    A distinctive feature of the German Jagdterrier is good health and strong immunity. The breed is one of the healthiest in the world. Its representatives rarely get sick. There are no genetic defects, because inbreeding, i.e. related crossing was allowed only at the initial stages of selection. Even under such conditions, timely vaccination against all diseases is necessary. This is especially true of rabies.

    With proper care, the average life span of yagda is 14-15 years. Some representatives even live up to 20 years. The only breed disease is Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, or dermatorexis. This is an increase in the fragility and vulnerability of the skin. The peculiarity of yagda is that until old age they retain their unique working talents.


    Yagd - terriers began to breed after the First World War. The breed was obtained by crossing the fox terrier with other types of dark colored terriers. The purpose of the breeding was mainly a hunting dog with a mandatory dark color wool.

    White, as the beliefs say, scares the game and is not suitable for hunting.

    So, a little about the appearance.

    The dog is compact, small and well proportioned.

    The height in the sholke reaches about forty centimeters in both bitches and males. The ideal weight for hunting is up to ten kilograms in males, up to eight kilograms in bitches.

    The color, as you probably already understood, in Jagd Terriers is exceptionally dark. Varies from clear black to brown. Gray, reddish tan is allowed. There are also rusty yellow markings on the eyebrows, muzzle and paws. A slightly light breast is also possible.

    The dog's skull is flat, the transition from the forehead to the muzzle is almost invisible. The muzzle is powerful, the jaws are strong. The eyes are deep-set, dark. The ears are of medium length, slightly close to the cheekbones. The neck is dry, not long, with an imperceptible transition to the withers.

    Paws are muscular, sinewy. Designed for running. The tail is slightly longer than average. Standing, turned slightly to the side.

    The Yagd Terrier can be kept in an apartment. He requires a minimum of care. Thanks to the short coarse coat, dirt does not stick, and so does the burdock. No grooming, other than washing, is required.

    The dog, as I said, is a hunting one. But you don't have to chase ducks with her. Enough daily exercise with exercise.

    The Jagd Terrier is an intelligent, hardy, positive and sociable dog. Brave, stubborn, loves to run, active. Easy to handle, trainable. Ideal as good trusted friend... Stubborn.

    Not shy or aggressive. Not suitable as a security guard, you need freedom. It is easy to get along with children if they do not offend. Due to its small size, it is unlikely to cause accidental harm. They are attached only to the owner, other family members can be ignored, disobeyed.

    Will not get along with other pets. An innate hunting instinct will breed fights. Walk also preferably away from other animals, especially dogs.

    Yagda Terriers have excellent natural health. It is unpretentious in feeding. To develop the instinct of a hunter, it is better to feed raw meat. You need to feed an adult dog in the morning and in the evening, puppies five times, gradually switching to two meals a day.

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    Discreet appearance and unique abilities - this is a jagd terrier, a German hunting dog with an interesting, although not too long, history, which has earned the fame of a real burrowing hunter. The breed is quite rare, therefore it arouses interest and certain questions. What you need to know about these dogs before choosing as a pet?

    We can say about this breed that it is relatively young, because these dogs appeared less than a hundred years ago. The ancestors of jagdterriers are English and German. The history of the breed began in the 20s of the 20th century, when small company enthusiasts began to restore the working qualities of the once popular dogs - fox terriers. The main goal of the work was to create ideal hunters.

    At the beginning of the activity, the mixing affected various fox terriers, German with black color and English with light coat were taken. As a result, dogs with a black and tan color appeared, to which the blood of another breed was soon added - a black and red Old English Terrier with a hard coat.

    The breeding work was carried out under the direction of Dr. Herbert Lackner. As a result of laborious breeding work and successful selection of material (the ancestors of the breed were the Old English Wire-haired Terriers and Welsh Terriers), the black and tan terrier appeared in 1925. He had a developed hunter instinct and all the qualities required in this matter: strong-willed, courageous, assertive, but also distinguished by a balanced character and devotion.

    The breed was named German Jagdterrier. A year after its appearance, the first breed club was opened. In the early 80s, the Jagdterriers were recognized by the ICF, then the standard of this breed appeared, according to which thoroughbred representatives belong to large and medium-sized terriers. It also specifies that dogs undergo a mandatory test of working properties.

    In breeding the breed, the priority was to obtain ideal working qualities, and this could not but affect the external data of the animals. In dogs of this breed, sexual dimorphism is quite well expressed - males are distinguished by a stronger muscular constitution, strength and courage. Females are somewhat smaller and have a more graceful physique. Bitches with a male appearance are rejected.

    Jagdterriers have strong bones, well-developed muscles, dry, dense, elastic skin that fits snugly to the body. The disadvantages include excessive lightness or roughness of the body, the vices - a light skeleton, poorly developed muscular frame, loose skin, emaciated or loose build. Growth representatives of the breed is from 33 to 40 cm, males weigh from 9 to 10 kg, females - from 7.5 to 8.5 kg.

    The standard approved the following external data of game terriers:

    • Head wedge-shaped with slightly defined cheekbones and flat cheeks, slightly flattened between the auricles. The muzzle is distinguished by its strength and strength, it has a smooth taper to the lobe. The nose is in most cases black, only in chestnut-colored dogs it is brown or liver-colored. The lips have a black border and fit tightly. The jaws are well muscled, strong, with large teeth and a scissor bite.
    • Auricles small, triangular, set high, hanging from cartilaginous tissue. Ears in a standing position, small or heavy, are faults.
    • Eyes small in size, oval in shape, with a dark brown iris and dry, dense eyelids, deep set. There is a certain alertness in the penetrating gaze.
    • Neck of medium size, with a pronounced nape, characterized by dryness and well-developed muscles, it gradually merges into a well-defined withers.
    • shoulder blades with oblique setting, fit snugly to the body. The back is straight, without protuberances, with excellent muscles. Lumbar and the croup is short, broad, and muscular.
    • Tail docked at 1/3 of the entire length, has a high set, slightly stout, is in line with the back or slightly higher.
    • Rib cage considered to be moderately wide, with an oval section and a decent depth. Ribs well sprung and elastic. The belly is tucked up, with a beautiful smooth line from the chest in the groin area.
    • As for forelimbs then they are parallel, have strong bones and lean muscles. The hind limbs are wider, strong, strong, with pronounced knee joints... Paws are small in size, oval in shape, pads are fleshy, with arched, tightly clenched toes.

    Are moving german dogs easy, free, in a straight path.

    Colors and coat of jagdterriers

    There are two types of representatives of this breed:

    • Smooth-haired game terriers - have a single-layer, dense, short hair that evenly covers the entire body of the animal, has a natural shine.
    • Wire-haired game terriers - with an elongated, hard, dense coat. From the guard wool, a decorating hair is formed in the form of small feathers and a beard.

    According to the standard, German game terriers are black and brown.

    Regardless of the color of the coat, all dogs have symmetrically located, well-defined tan markings, which are located above the eyebrow arches, on the sides of the muzzle, in the chest, paws and in the anus. The standard allows for the presence of a light or dark mask, small spots on the sternum and fingers.

    Another popular german breed — .

    The nature of the breed

    Hunters to the core - jagdterriers have anger towards the beast, they are brave and fearless. Dogs proved to be excellent not only in hunting for animals living in burrows, but also in searching for an animal on the trail of blood, they also find field and water game well, and feed well.

    Dogs are not very friendly to people, so they are considered quite difficult pets that require early education and socialization. Therefore, the breed is not recommended for inexperienced dog breeders. Without training and educational measures, the dog becomes uncontrollable.

    Jagd terriers need constant physical activity and regular training of working qualities, so it is better to start them for people who are distinguished by excessive activity and mobility. This pet will always be happy to accompany the owner on long hikes, bike rides, any travel.

    Dogs of this breed perfectly get used to new conditions, therefore they are good for families who often change their place of residence. Received good upbringing the dog is friendly to all family members, he sincerely loves his owners and is infinitely loyal to them.

    Jagdterriers are good with children and are very fond of joint active games. They are excellent defenders, and they are not afraid of opponents who are superior in strength and size. Naturally, dogs are not suitable for joint keeping with other animals. The shortcomings of the breed include shyness and anger towards humans, and the vices are unreasonable aggression, an unstable psyche.

    Training and training of dogs

    Given the specificity of this breed, training processes cannot be considered separately from training dogs for game. Born burrowers still require proper training. It is also worth considering that their training is a rather specific process, since the nature of the game terriers cannot be called simple in any way.

    They are spiteful and stubborn, which, even with a developed intellect, greatly complicates the learning process. In addition, due to strong hunting instincts, dogs have the ability, without receiving a command, to decide for themselves how to act based on the circumstances. On the one hand, this is a valuable quality, on the other, possible difficulties.

    Training requires a serious approach and consideration of the age, mental and personal characteristics of the pet. It is recommended to start the pet from the first days, as he found himself in a new home. If everything is done correctly, the dog will very quickly learn the standard commands, learn to behave properly, including in the house.

    How and what to feed the jagdterrier

    As in the case with other breeds, owners of game terriers have a choice - to feed the pet with ready-made rations or natural products. With natural feeding, your dog needs to prepare food on a daily basis, especially when it comes to multiple pets. Allowed foods include the following:

    • Meat: representatives of the breed perfectly digest beef broth, but boiled veal is not suitable for the diet, it can cause indigestion and diarrhea.
    • Offal is an excellent food for german terriers... You can take the heart, lungs, kidneys, stomachs of poultry and beef.
    • Dairy products and sour milk - low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk should be present in the diet of the yagdterrier. Milk can be given, but only skim milk.
    • - boiled buckwheat, oatmeal, rice, millet.
    • Vegetables - there are many options here, the pet can boil potatoes, give raw carrots, beets, zucchini, cabbage. It is useful to add fresh herbs, sorrel, beet tops, young nettles scalded with boiling water beforehand.

    Adult dogs are fed once or twice a day, bitches in position and lactating - three times. If the owner chooses to feed the pet with ready-made dry rations, then it should be a high quality product that provides the dog with everything it needs. Better to choose food from the premium and category. It is recommended to increase the portion of food in the winter for dogs that are kept outdoors. It is better to put pure snow into the drinker instead of water.

    Photo of the German Jagdterrier

    Video about the German Jagdterrier

    How much is a Jagdterrier puppy

    Despite the fact that the breed is not very widespread in the territory, however, in large cities there are kennels that breed these dogs. Experts do not recommend purchasing puppies from random sellers, since in addition to the risks of getting a non-purebred pet, there is a possibility of buying a puppy with behavioral abnormalities and genetic disorders.

    In addition, professional breeders are obliged to take care of the working qualities of their wards. The cost of pedigree babies with documents varies from 15,000 to 30,000 rubles. The lower price should be alarming.

    Deutsch hunting jagdterrier- a pet that is not quite suitable as a sofa companion. This dog is intended for hunting, participating in competitions and other active events. In addition, he needs compulsory training and education, a master with a strong hand. Otherwise, the dog will be uncontrollable and cause a lot of trouble. If such difficulties do not frighten, then you can safely go for a new family member.