Point massage to increase lips. Lip massage: Why is it needed and how to do it? Sports, sun rays and water treatments - our friends or enemies

And hello again, dear blog readers!

I recently watched the transfer about plastic operations, and specifically about the increase in lips volume, and was horrified, to which people go to change their own appearance.

At the same time, they seek and do not suspect that they are not more beautiful, but on the contrary.

And I thought, but there are completely safe and even useful beauty methods that cannot lead to complications and degradation of appearance.

I am talking about the massage of the lips, which effectively copes with wrinkles, and with a suspender, and even with an increase in volume.

Lip massage at home

Want, I will share with you a secret method for increasing the volume of lips? Just kidding, of course, this is no secret, but the technique is effective.

However, to believe that there is really a massage of the lips to increase, it is impossible until you ensure personally.

Although, what is amazing here? Remember the romantic evenings when the watches are enthusiastically kissed with your loved one. Remember how sponges swell and are interested in complementing the image of a loving girl?

I found (and checked for yourself personally) a simple way to massage to increase lips at home.

I will not pay at once that it is better to use this method on the eve of an important event, when I want to impress, because the effect although visually noticeable, but lasts long.

So, we need to make a special lip mask:

  • mix ½ tsp Vaseline with the same number of glycerin;
  • add ½ tsp Honey or lemon juice and ½ tsp Sahara;
  • all mix and apply for 15 minutes;
  • we wash off the remnants of a homemade mask with warm water.

You, for sure, at least once bought lipstick or shine, in the first minutes after the application of which discomfort feels. This is due to the impact of listed oils.

Massage movements should be made about 1 minute with finger pads.

You yourself will feel when you follow the procedure: there will be a feeling of burning or chill from the selected stimulus.

Do I need to make lips massage after zooming, solve everyone, but I want to remind you that the methods listed by me are completely safe and tested.

However, before using oils, make sure that they do not cause allergies to your body.

Always young and beautiful!

We talked about the beauty of the bulk lips, now we will discuss ways of rejuvenation with the help of wrinkle massage.

Remember that with age corners of the lips begin to descend, mimic wrinkles manifest, and the color of the lips and skin begins to fill up.

All this is due to the lack of oxygen by the organism. And in order to increase the skin tone and improve blood circulation, massage should be carried out daily.

As the incomparable Coco Chanel said: "If the face is given to you in 20 years, then in 50 years, his beauty will depend only on you!" Accordingly, it is never early to take care of your beauty, and it follows to fight old age before the emergence of her first signs.

However, I want to immediately warn that the key to success is to carry out massage sessions.

And accordingly, this occupation is not for lazy! But if you take yourself in your hands, throw it from the shoulder of the wrong laziness, then the case of the whispering in the ear, that all this will wait and in general it does not matter, there will be confident features of the face, young leather and sensual mouth.

Lip massage toothbrush

I want to tell the unusual leisure massage method with a toothbrush, which is recommended to be carried out regularly in the morning and in the evening immediately after the teeth cleaning procedure.

  • sighten the brush from the remaining paste and carefully massage the lips for 1-2 minutes (do not damage the skin);
  • pour hot water into a small container (not boiling water!) And hold the sponge in it for about 2 minutes;
  • now take the ice cube and massage movements to cool the boiled mouth (ice can be replaced with cold water);
  • cover your lips with nutritious cream or balm.

This technique will improve blood flow and saturate with oxygen. It is after such a procedure that the best perception of nutrients is observed, which is very important for health and beauty.

We declare the battlefire

Get rid of mimic wrinkles that used to disappear independently, thanks to the effects of massage lines of the face to suspend the nasolabial folds.

It makes no sense to tell about huge exercise complexes, since they are all based on practically the same massage manipulations.

Paddle pads should be gently smoothed out folds, leading towards the middle of the corners of the lips, as well as from the mouth to the wings of the nose.

At the same time, special attention should be paid to pressing, so as not to rearrange and stretch the skin.

There are also simple and fairly interesting exercises that will strengthen the muscles around the lips and strengthen the influx of blood:

  1. buy a balloon, inflate and blow it out 5-10 times a day;
  2. each morning in front of the mirror, pull your lips with a tube and smile wide;
  3. when no one sees, try to reach the chin to the chin;
  4. during walks, try to wipe the melodies;
  5. before talking on the phone, breathe deeply, close the mouth and move the air inside the cavity in a circle from the cheek to the cheek, then beat the head back and slowly exhale, stretching the lips with a tube.

How I felt a superstar

I woke up from the fact that me straight into my beautiful mouth for the first time in my life bitten two mosquitoes at once. From the annoying insects I dismissed, scratched and fell asleep on.

But when I woke up, I was waiting for an unusual surprise: the lips were swollen and rather unevenly.

How to make a lip massage after an increase, I did not know, so I came to the conclusion that if a little lie down, then the tumor comes down, and if you also sleep, I will not feel like lips itch.

To leave the tent on the eyes of my friends, who will probably not miss the opportunity, albeit in a friendly, but let's lie down, I did not dare.

But when I touched half an hour and stretched to the mirror, I was surprised at the spectacle opened: the tumor from the mosquito bite was evenly separated and slept slightly, thanks to which the lips became very attractive.

That's how I happened to accidentally feel far from the unpleasant feeling from the bulk lips.

By the way, the girlfriend was rated this technique, but they did not dare to catch such, it turns out that useful insects. True, I was surprised by the fact that at the same time was somewhat unusual.

Here is a story! I hope today you have learned a lot of interesting information and even have fun. Leave in the comments your Impressions from the massage and share the article with friends!

The procedure for increasing the lips is not complicated (for an experienced master) and takes a little time (about 15 minutes), but the care of the lips after the increase is needed particularly thorough. Conducting a lip shape correction in a specialized clinic with a high-class specialist allows you to make them more sexy, which gives a woman confidence. Correct care will allow long to maintain the obtained cosmetic effect (up to 1 year).

Increase lips can any woman who has no contraindications to this procedure.

Do not conduct a procedure if:

  • Jumped herpes;
  • During pregnancy, during lactation;
  • In autoimmune diseases;
  • Diseases of the endocrine system.

The indication for the increase in lips is their small volume, asymmetry or fuzzy contour.

The most secure method is the introduction of hyaluronic acid. How much can the drug can be administered under the skin, and which of the existing drugs is best suited in each individual case, the doctor will tell.

A longer action than hyaluronic acid-based drugs has lipolifting - the effect lasts up to 3 years. In this case, their own fat cells of the patient apply as a filler to increase the volume.

How to care for lips after injection

Immediately after the procedure, the correction will appear edema in the mouth and unpleasant sensations. To facilitate these symptoms and improve well-being, you should apply creams prescribed by the procedure by a doctor and comply with all the recommendations that he voiced.

During the first 24 hours after the introduction of the filler, cooling compresses will help remove the swelling. After the day after the introduction of the filler, you can apply mask made of cream and greasy cottage cheese on the skin, which will effectively reduce the swelling. It is necessary to keep such a mask about 20 minutes.

After giving lips of the desired forms and volume, they should regularly moisten them with the help of specially designed funds. In the summer, it is necessary to protect them from the active impact of ultraviolet with special sunscreen. Means for moisture, protection and decorative cosmetics should be purchased only in specialized stores.

In addition to applying special anti-inflammatory money and masks on the skin in the mouth, you can make a special massage (which massage movements should be performed and how many exercises will be enough, the doctor will tell). Self-massage will increase the supply of tissues with blood, which will contribute to the uniform distribution of nutrients in them.

Massage must be done very carefully, smooth movements, so as not to injure delicate skin. Lip massage after their increase lies in the easy pats on the fingers of the skin and the commission of circular movements. Making such a massage is needed every evening for a few minutes. In order not to injure the lips, the massage should be started only after their lubrication with butter or applying the simplest hygienic lipstick.

It will help to extend the effect of the introduction of fillers and special exercises. As such exercises, you can:

  • Pronounce vowels, pulling the lips;
  • Move from side clodded lips;
  • Alternately inflates cheeks and produce air through a slightly ajar mouth.

However, before conducting data for manipulation, you must consult with your doctor. Alone self-massage is not recommended.

What is harmful to lips after the increase procedure

  1. Licking lips (especially on the street in windy weather or in the cold) can lead to their peeling;
  2. The reason for the enhancement of the inflammatory response after changing the shape of the lips with the help of fillers can be the use of overdue decorative cosmetics. It is generally not recommended in the first days after the introduction of the filler paint lips, since even high-quality lipsticks or glitters that have fallen on injured skin can provoke or enhance the inflammatory process;
  3. It is impossible to visit the beach, solarium, bath or sauna during the first days after this procedure;
  4. Also worth stop playing sports for a while;
  5. In the first few days after the procedure, you should not drink very hot or alcoholic beverages, there are sharp dishes;
  6. Be sure to try not to touch the face with your hands and maximally limit the Mimico mouth (for 2-3 days);
  7. So that the shape of the lips has not changed for the worse, it is impossible to kiss for several days after their increase. Within two weeks, it is not necessary to use scrubs or peelings in order not to injure delicate skin.

Short-term ways to increase lips

When all side effects from the increase disappear (this will occur after 1-2 weeks), you can gradually return to your familiar lifestyle. Since hyaluronic acid is completely absorbed in the body, after 6-12 months there will be a decrease before the initial volume (the duration of this period depends on the individual characteristics of the body, and does not depend on how well you will take care of your lips). When this happens, you can turn to the procedure for the introduction of a filler or start using cheaper, but not so long in ways.

There are such ways to make lips more voluminous:

  • Special lipstick;
  • Cream;
  • Plamper.

The effect of these funds is based on provoking a small edema of lip tissues, which causes their short-term increase. The effect of these funds lasts 1-2 hours.

An effective method of dealing with age-related signs and small lips, which supposed surgical intervention - hyaluronic acid, but after increasing the lips, you can expect both a good result and sad consequences. This procedure will be the Savior, if the girl has an asymmetric shape of the lips.

What is also this hyaluronic k-ta? This is an important substance in the skin of a person who fills the space between the cells and prevents mechanical damage. A person weighing 70 kg contains 15 g. But it is so little, isn't it? Yes, so since 1934 people learned to receive Haluron from animal raw materials.

Interesting! A sufficient amount of Haluron is produced in a person under 25.

The procedure is underway in the form of injections that are almost painless and safe, that is, there will be no scars with proper conducting. The cream with the content of this substance is powerless if you need to increase the lips.

Interesting! An overdose of hyaluronic cyst is not possible, since this is a natural component contained in the body.

As before any procedure, it is necessary to understand whether there is an allergy or not, the doctor will help to spend allergotest. You will also need to drink a course of drugs for the prevention so that the herpes does not appear.

How will the procedure be held:

  1. The doctor before the introduction of injections will strike a anesthetic agent (gel or cream) on the lips).
  2. Session time depends on technology.
  3. After each injection, the beautician massages the lip to distribute the acid evenly.
  4. At the end there is a cold compress.

What are the techniques:

  • horizontal;
  • vertical;
  • needle;
  • cannula

What differ techniques? Their difference is that the injection is placed in different zone areas of the lips.

Important! Overdose threatens only by the fact that asymmetry may occur due to the appearance of "balls".

The increase is carried out using different needles: or small sharpened, or cannula.

The peculiarity of the cannula is that it can not be punished with the skin. Therefore, this is done with the needle that is punctured by the skin in the corners of the lips. Next, the tube is entered thanks to which the filler will be able to distribute evenly in the epidermis.

Plus, the cannula is that they are not as traumatic as injections. Act, not damaging tissues and blood vessels, preventing hematoma and swelling.

The filler is introduced to a depth of 2 mm between the skin of the mouth and the circular muscle.

Lips after hyaluronic acid acquire a tone, fresh look. In the epidermis, Haluron will begin to stimulate rehabilitation processes and cell renewal.

Hyaluronic acid can be used in two different techniques. The most popular among girls is lipophiling and biorevitalization.

  1. Lipophiling is a rejuvenation procedure, during which its fat cells and an additional Hyaluron component are introduced into the skin layer.

What are the advantages of lipofilling?

  • does not cause allergic reactions;
  • you can not only increase the lips, but also correct their shape;
  • it is done quite quickly;
  • the result looks natural and gently.

But there are also disadvantages of such a procedure:

  • allergies may appear on anesthesia;
  • there are cases when injections need to be repeated again, since the fat cells have the property to be dissolved.

Lipophiling effectively struggles with wrinkles, smoothing and moisturizing the skin.

It should be remembered about such contraindications:

  • pregnancy or feeding;
  • infectious disease;
  • epilepsy, convulsions;
  • oncology;
  • if not even 18 years old, since before the age of majority does not cease to be formed.
  1. Biorevitalization is laser and injection. What are their difference?

Injection is carried out by sling with a thin needle, which gives a quick result. Using the needle, hyaluronic acid falls into all layers of the skin and can be controlled in this way. This method helps to smooth even deep wrinkles.

Laser does not give discomfort at all, since injections are not used. But this way is difficult to achieve the desired result.

After an increase in the lip of hyaluronic acid, you must not forget that special care is required, which will advise the master. Due to incorrect manipulations, unsuitableness and allergic reactions may occur.

What lips look after an increase in hyaluronic acid

First of all, it is necessary to find out who can conduct an increase in lips:

  • plastic surgeon;
  • cosmetologist;
  • dermatologist.

Having come to the salon, you need to ask the certificate about trained training and the admission document for cosmetology procedures.

What also affects lips after hyaluronic acid?

  1. How much the specialist knows the procedure performed well.
  2. Verified and high-quality drugs, on which the entire outcome of the session depends.
  3. Features of the client's lips.
  4. Compliance with testimony and contraindications.
  5. Sequence of execution.

If the doctor comply with the rules for holding lipophiling or biorevitalization, the result will really please with its beauty and naturalness.

Hyaluronic acid after the procedure tightly fills all the folds and wrinkles, which gives the effect of elastic leather at any age. A frame formed in the layers of the skin, on which collagen molecules will be fixed.

In the first hours, in any case, swelling will occur with redness. But it will be pretty quickly - during the day. The main thing to comply with the rules for the care of lips.

Interesting! Hyaluronic acid helps to slow down the destruction of cells and skin.

How much is the effect of magnification? You can enjoy the beauty of your lips for 1 year. Using Haluron-based filler, you need to know that it will gradually dissolve in the body, and the volume of lips will significantly decrease, but after an increase, the skin will not require strong care of the lips, because it is sufficiently moistened for a long time that will slow down the degeneration process. Making a regular procedure, the effect of moisturizing and nutrition will become better every time.

But the duration also depends on the drug that uses the cosmetologist.

One of the popular drugs is Restylane, a high-quality Swedish filler who will keep the sexy lip volume for 6 months, after which the biodegradation of molecules will begin.

Another American Artefill Filler wins the duration of the result of the result, since it includes collagen. The effect is kept about 9-10 months.

In most cases, such fillers are also used by doctors:

  • Juvederm;
  • Restylane Lipp;
  • Surgilips;
  1. Temporary fillers - consist of natural components that are solved in the body for 12 months.
  2. Permanent - hyaluronic acid with synthetic additives (silicone) in such fillers is mixed. These gels can remain in the body of five years. They are more popular than temporary, but cause complications due to synthetic additives.

Attention! Biphase fillers have a resistant property and evenly distributing the consistency than the monophasic.

What prices do doctors on a miracle procedure? In beauty salons The price of increasing lips can begin from 12 to 15 thousand rubles, which makes the procedure is not easily accessible, but still it remains one of the desired.

The best preparations are from 7-10 thousand rubles per 1 ml. This is a tangible price, but sometimes 1 ml is enough for one procedure, and later it will take a smaller volume.

Each girl wants to refuse its shortcomings successfully and without side effects. Any drug with poor quality will have a negative impact on the entire body.

Yes, plastic surgery have greater performance, but not every woman can afford them not only at cost, but also according to individual characteristics. Therefore, many are inclined to a safer problem solving.

But still the increase in lips has its own nuances.

During the procedure, in any case, the invasion of foreign substances (synthetic components), which can be rejected. Therefore, you need to remember the contraindications to the use of drugs.

  • blood blood clotting;
  • acute infectious disease. After injection, the temperature may increase the temperature that will be difficult to knock down.
  • immune disease. It is better to refrain in case of injections, since the drug may cause the response of the entire body in the form of large edema;
  • diabetes;
  • pregnancy, as the herpes may occur, which is embedded in the child's DNA;
  • lactation;
  • herpes;
  • oncology;
  • if animal components are used, it can lead to allergies;
  • individual intolerance to the substance;
  • recent operations. It is strictly forbidden to make injections after any cosmetic operations or procedures, for example, after peeling. Must pass from 2-4 weeks;
  • cuts on the place of injection of acid, abrasion, hematoma;
  • epilepsy, convulsions;
  • dermatitis, acne, psoriasis and other dermatological diseases.

Any introduced substance, even if this component is generated by the human body, can cause side effects that you need to know. Now hyaluronic acid is a synthetic substance, since scientists stopped the production of acid from animal raw materials. Therefore, the risk of negative reactions of the body remains.

You need to take into account the following side effects:

  1. Pain. After increasing the lips, the pain can be maintained for several days if the girl is sensitive to the nerve endings on the lips.
  2. Swelling, swelling of the wound. This is the usual tissue reaction on injection with hyaluronic acid. Edema may be accompanied by redness. Because of this, pain occurs when pressed on the lips, when moving heads and during food chewing. What to smear lips after an increase will advise a specialist.
  3. Dehydration of lips after hyaluronic acid. Acid supports its activity due to water. Therefore, the beautician does not cover the first few days the girl drank about 1.5-2 liters of water a day. Lips after an increase in hyaluronic acid will begin to dry.
  4. Allergic reactions. More often they arise due to the additional components of the filler. Allergy is accompanied by redness, pain, urticaria. After manifestation of the first signs of allergies, you need to immediately consult a doctor for medical help. He will advise further care of her lips.
  5. Hematoma. There are more often from the wrong technique of injection injections, as well as girls who smoke. How long does the lips heal after an increase in hyalourone depends on how serious hematoma, they pass on themselves, but it can take a long period of 15 days, the swelling disappear after 10 days.

The correct care of the lips after the injections of hyaluronic acid will reduce the risk of negative reactions of the organism and reduce the recovery period.

What you need to do after an increase in the lips with hyaluronic acid will explain the specialist.

Many girls are interested in how to moisten the lips after the increase, and is it possible to smear hygienic lipstick. Yes, hyaluronic acid requires moisturizing the lips, respectively, the hygienic lipstick is allowed.

Attention! If the girl has already used a filler to increase the lips, it is necessary to say a doctor to know the drug and manufacturer.

Lip care after a hyaluronic acid increase includes a number of restrictions that can harm health and spoil appearance.

  1. Take the lips, especially dirty hands.
  2. To talk loudly.
  3. Go to the bath, sauna, solarium, any SPA procedure.
  4. Do sport.
  5. Use hot or sharp food. It is better to have something to chew less.
  6. Drink alcohol.
  7. Smoking cigarettes, as well as electronic, hookah.
  8. Use decorative cosmetics.
  9. To instill.
  10. Kiss for, as acid can be unevenly moved.

After increasing the lips, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the rules of the care that the dermatologist will definitely tell.

  1. After the increase in the lips, 2 weeks will be maintained an unpleasant feeling of gravity and edema on the lips. The cosmetologist will appoint than to smear lips after an increase in hyaluronic acid to restore them, moisturizing and nutrition.

What ointment smear lips after an increase?

After increasing the lips, such gels are suitable as a throksevazine and tramel

  1. Lips after hyaluronic acid during the day will save swelling, so it will be necessary to use cold compresses to also reduce pain.
  2. The doctor will definitely show how to make a massage so that the lips after hyaluronic acid recover faster and the volume effect lasted more. Samutorial is done in the evenings.
  3. I always wash off the makeup overnight, and the first two weeks at all forget about decorative cosmetics.

When can you paint lips and how many days should pass after an increase in hyaluronic acid? Experts recommend painting her lips when it takes at least 2-3 days, as balms and lipstick are non-sterile and can be infected through the injection places.

  1. After the first week, when cleaning their teeth, you can make a light massage with a brush. First there are circular movements, and then slamming. This will remove the damaged layer of the skin, improve blood circulation. You can repeat such a massage every day.
  2. Immediately after the massage, you need to smear the lips with olive oil or hygienic lipstick, which will help you better moisturize the skin.
  3. Be sure to forget about the habit of licking lips. This leads to the temptation and loss of the effect of sexy chubby lips.
  4. The dermatologist will advise how to sleep correctly after increasing the lips with hyaluronic acid and is it possible to sleep on the side. It is best to lie on the back so that the face does not concern the pillow. If you sleep in a pillow, then the asymmetry of the lips may occur, it also threatens infection.
  5. The dental is better before the procedure for increasing the lips does not postpone, but to cure all the teeth that worry, because the campaign to the dentist will be allowed only in a month. For a long time, the open mouth seating threatens to an irregular redistribution of acid.
  6. It is known that the solarium as a whole does not affect the human body. But the fans of honey tanning often wonder: can I go to the solarium after an increase in lips?

Immediately after the procedure it is strictly forbidden to sunbathe, as the gel can be deformed and cause severe pain.

How to protect lips in solarium? Special lipsticks are sold with SPF. Or you can smear sunscreen that protects lips with hyaluronic acid from the negative effect of rays, like lipstick.

  1. To keep as long as possible, the volume of the lips need to do a special charge, which also serves as prevention of premature aging.
  • inflate cheeks and produce air, not fast;
  • move the lips first to the right, and then to the left, helping the lower jaw;
  • repeat vowel sounds, pulling lips and progress carefully.

Important! In no case do not use the hygienic lipstick, which has expired, since there is a risk of infection.

How to care for lips after an increase in hyaluronic acid, first of all, it is necessary to consult with a specialist who has experience and knowledge in this area.

Because of the wrinkles manifested, they suffered long together with inactive creams. As a result, he decided on lipophiling. The beautician did everything perfectly: I corrected the lips, gave them volume, and most importantly no more wrinkles. I will continue to make such a procedure.

Made a week ago an increase in lips. The procedure is not so painful as I expected, but rehabilitation ... First, these swelling were huge, as if two dumplings instead of lips, secondly, pain. It is inconvenient to eat. Little bruises appeared. I do not know if I still do.

There are problems with skin, as well as minor wrinkles. I decided that it was time to fight with it, the more you want to look all the time. The girlfriend was advised to some better go to the beautician, as she had already tried to increase the lips. The procedure has passed very well, in general the lips hurt a little bit. No wrinkles, but as a nice bonus, the sponges became beautiful)

Since the age problems have already completely overtake me, it decided to increase the lips, since mine completely lost their volume, and the upper lip was more. Made a lipophiling and just a miracle happened! The lips became such as in the youth, wrinkles disappeared, pulled up and nasolabial too. In general, beauty!

Another teenager dreamed of chubby lips, like Jolie. Three weeks ago increased lips, but not much. And I like everything! Ekdee went fast, almost never hurt) The guy is delighted, like me)

Injection to increase lips help make lips plump and expressive. Fillers contained in preparations attracts moisture, which allows you to give lips a neat form and volume. The procedure is relatively simple and takes a small amount of time. The result is saved from 5 months to a year. It is important to the right lip care, which will help preserve the effect for a longer period, and the refusal of actions that cannot be made after the increasing procedure.

Contour plastic lips

To increase the lips, cosmetologists mainly use gels based on collagen or hyaluronic acid. They do not cause rejection by the body, well absorbed and practically do not injure the skin.

All injections are carried out quite painfully, so anesthesia is necessarily applied before carrying out the procedure.

How to facilitate recovery after lip correction

In order for an unpleasant symptom to sleep faster and painless, all the recommendations of the doctor should be performed. Cold compresses will also help remove swelling. In addition, there is no lumps, make a massage in the field of lips using vaseline to mitigate. Massage will help evenly distribute the nutrients under the skin. The cosmetologist is obliged to show how it needs to be done correctly.

What can not be done after the lips increase

Most girls are afraid to increase the lips injecting method, as they remember all the most unsuccessful attempts of celebrities whose lips after the procedure began to look ridiculous and funny. In fact, these are rare cases that have become the result of an unimportant care after the increase. It also happens that it may not be lucky with the master, so many cosmetologists persistently advise you to choose a proven specialist who successfully increased her lips to someone from acquaintances.


Lip care after their increase

  1. Within the first two weeks after the increase in the lips, in most cases, a very pleasant feeling of gravity and swelling appears. It is easily removed by regular application by special, appointed specialist, care products for enlarged lips, most often it is moisturizing and nutritious creams.

  2. On the first day after the increase in lips, throughout the day it is necessary to apply cold compresses to them and during two weeks do not attend solariums, pools, saunas, baths and beaches.
  3. The masters who conducted a procedure for increasing lips are required to show you the few most basic techniques of self-massage of the lips, which must be done daily in the evenings, so that the effect of the increase is preserved as long as possible.
  4. On the second day, after the procedure for increasing the lips, it is advisable to make masks from cream and greasy cottage cheese at night. Hold this mask need fifteen minutes on the lips. Two weeks later, you can diversify the masks with honey, sour cream, cucumber or berry juice. They must be done twice a week half an hour, after the time of lips, lubricate with nutritious cream or a special oil for lips.
  5. It is necessary to constantly monitor the lips to be moistened, regularly apply special moisturizing funds on them.
  6. For the first two weeks after the increase in lips, it is necessary to reduce to a minimum, and it is better to abandon the use of decorative cosmetics. In mandatory, it is necessary to adhere to all the recommendation of a specialist who conducted you an increase procedure in order to avoid cracks and swelling.
  7. Do not go to bed with makeup on the lips. Each evening, before bedtime, with a cotton swab or disk, pre-dipped in the makeup to remove makeup, remove lip lipstick and lip gloss.

  8. Every day, while cleaning the teeth it is advisable to perform a leisure massage with a toothbrush. For several minutes with light circular motions, and after, pattering, massage the lip area. During this procedure, the damaged layers of the skin will be softer and the blood supply will be significantly improved. As a result, the lips will become softer and smooth.
  9. After self-massage, the lips need to be lubricated with creamy oil or ordinary hygienic lipstick. This mask will relieve lips from cracklers and peeling, and also make the skin of the lips softer.
  10. In the hot season, it is necessary to protect the skin of enlarged lips from aggressive sunlight. To do this, we need to regularly use sunscreen.
  11. It is advisable to get rid of the habit of licking the lips, especially in the wind and in the frost.
  12. In order to extend the effect of increasing the lips and prevent premature aging, it is necessary to periodically perform a special charging:
    BUT) Having gained in the mouth of the air, inflate the cheeks and slowly produce it.
    B) Slowly rotate the lips to the right, then to the left, you can even use the lower jaw.
    IN) Thoroughly pronounce vowels, diligently pulling the lips.
  13. In no case cannot be used by overdue lips or lipsticks. Purchase cosmetics for the lips is preferably in specialized stores, not saving funds.

Care of enlarged lips takes a minimum of time, and in gratitude your sponges will delight you with magnificent forms and healthy color.


Features of increasing lip.

Contour plastic using sodium hyaluronate injections or hyaluronic acid refers to a safe increase method. Hyaluronka-based filler has gained popularity due to the naturalness of the active substance. Hyaluronate - component of tissues, mucous membranes, skin cover.

The effect of drugs and cosmetics based on this acid is aimed at combating the aging process. In contour plastic, gel fillers with hyaluron are used. It helps to keep moisture in the epidermis, which affects the slowdown of aging. Fillers are safe, effective. Their action lasts from 6 to 18 months. It depends on the individual characteristics of the body, hormonal background, care for them after injections.

Care rules after procedure

Increase the molds wish the owners of thin or lips of the irregular shape with the presence of asymmetry. Before the implementation of the cosmetic procedure, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications, consequences of the operation and the rules for the care area of \u200b\u200bthe filler.

In the first 1-3 days after the introduction of the Filler, there is swelling and redness of the treated zone. Eugene - tissue response by their traumaism and it is removed using cold compresses. You can use pieces of ice, wrapped in a polyethylene package and a soft cloth. It should apply the cold for 10 minutes, take a break in 2-3 hours, cool the inflamed zone again.

Remove swelling, eliminating the formed bruises will help the use of anti-eased ointments. One of the effective is the thrombuszin. The analogue of the drug is Troksarutin, Lioton, Trokesovenol, heparin, other lines.

Caring for lips after injection provides for several tips that contribute to the decline in edema, prevent possible complications. The following rules will help to accelerate healing and reduce the risk of infection: the following rules will help:

  • do not smear with glitter, lipstick or other species of decorative cosmetics until healing the wound from the needle;
  • avoid the use of saline, sharp, acidic dishes and products, so as not to irritate the skin with microtrams;
  • it is recommended the first 5-7 days during sleep and leisure lying on the back to reduce pressure in damaged places;
  • to eliminate dryness to use moisturizing creams recommended by a specialist;
  • to eliminate the formation of lumps and eliminate the hematomas, knead the area of \u200b\u200bthe mouth with a light massage;
  • it is not allowed to expose the injured skin with sun rays, especially the first two weeks.

3-5 days after the contour plastics make moisturizing masks for gentle skin, use creams, gels or folk remedies. As the latter, sour cream, cream, vegetable oil, cucumber juice.

There is a line of professional cosmetics designed for lips enlarged using hyaluronic acid. It is recommended to change the decorative lipstick to change the hygienic or with a moisturizing property.

The consequence of the integrity of the skin integrity by puncturing the needle becomes a decrease in local immunity, which leads to the exacerbation of herpes. Girls prone to rash must take an anti-virus drug a week before the procedure, as much after it. The recommended agent is acyclovir in tablets. If the action of the virus manifested itself on the skin in the mouth, the drug in the form of a line should be applied.

Do I need to knead the lips and how to make a massage

For recommendations, after increasing the lips, careful massage of the philler exposure zone without excessive pressure is applied. Self-massage is necessary, as mentioned above, for the uniform distribution of filler, improving blood circulation, preventing the formation of lumps in the tissues. Lip massage after an increase will help get rid of bruises in places of punctures.

The kneading of the mouth should not be on the first day of the procedure produced, but by 4-5 days, when swelling subsides. It is necessary to massage carefully, performing circular movements without tearing off the fingers from the problem zone. It is recommended to produce light patches, make a special mimic gymnastics. Exercises do daily within 10-15 minutes:

  1. Pull the mouth with a tube, stretching vowel sounds, alternating O-and.
  2. Inflate the cheeks, leave a narrow click between lips, slowly produce air with mouth.
  3. Make a few rolling movements with a closed mouth.

What can not be done after the increase

After injections contributing to the increase, the acquisition of seductive forms is not permitted:

  • attend the dental office for 14 days. If there is problems with the health of the teeth or the oral cavity, they need to be solved before the increase procedure;
  • play sports and carry out intense physical exertion - they will contribute to an increase in edema;
  • it is forbidden to produce cosmetic procedures, in particular acidic or chemical peels, tattoo to full wound healing:
  • restriction is the reception of hot baths;
  • do not smoke 3-5 days after the procedure;
  • do not drink alcohol before and after increasing;
  • do not touch your mouth with dirty hands;
  • it is worth refraining from receiving hot food, drinks;
  • it is impossible to kiss several days after injections in order to avoid uneven distribution of hyalurons in tissues, infection;
  • make the face depilation by wax;
  • use scrubs in the field of mouth;
  • eat and lick the mouth, especially on the street;
  • gain and sunbathe.

If you adhere to the execution of the rules and care for the mouth regularly, preliminarily eliminating contraindications, it will be possible to avoid unpleasant consequences and gain the desired seductive shape, as in the photo.


Why do you need massage

The skin on the lips is thin, does not have subcutaneous fat, so more often than other sections of the face suffers from the action of the sun, wind, cutted air. The care of it involves the systematic application of nutrient, protective and moisturizers, additional procedures: exfoliation, massage, wraps, gymnastics.

Lip massage is an effective home procedure, which allows you to improve their appearance and even, albeit briefly, but still increase in volume. Especially such manipulation is useful after 30 years. After all, the mouth, like any other part of the body, is subject to age aging. It is possible to notice this by lowered corners of the mouth, loss of volume and bright color.

The simplest technique

At first, it is necessary to moisten the sponges, applying balm or cream or oil on them. And only then start massaging.

To massage with your finger, performing 10 circular movements in the horizontal plane in one direction, capturing the area and around the contour.

Massage improves the structure and appearance of the skin on the lips, as well as around the contour, prevent the appearance of early wrinkles

Then massive another 10 times, performing movement in the opposite side with the other hand.

Regular massage maintains an active blood circulation in the tissues of the mucous membrane, thereby providing its cells with nutritional nutrients and oxygen, facilitating the increase in volume, strengthening the structure of the tissues.


At the initial stage, there is a massage to increase the volume of lips, it is recommended twice a day, it first treating the lower sponge, and then the upper one. It is most convenient to perform it immediately after cleaning the teeth - in the morning and in the evening, practicing one of the following methods.

To carry out this manipulation, use a separate toothbrush with soft bristles. Before the procedure, a small amount of honey, nutrient oil or a moisturizing cream should be applied to the mucous membrane, and lifting it with his fingers into the skin. Then, mixing the brush with water, massaging sponges for 1-2 minutes, performing circular movements. Instead of a toothbrush, you can use the tip of the terry towel. Complete massage should be applied with nutritional balm. As a result of this procedure, the activity of blood flow in the mucous membrane is enhanced, which contributes to the volume of volume.

Massage with toothpaste

For the procedure, a mint toothpaste is needed, a small amount of which must be applied to the sponges, massage them, and then wash off, lubricate with a balm. Menthol, which is included in becoming the paste produces an irritating effect, leading to blood flow and short-term increase in the mucous membrane.

Tip! This method can also be used for daily care after the increase in fillers. The main thing to perform massage gently not to injury mucous membrane

With contrast compressions

Warm lips with hot compress, for what to impose on them moistened in hot water a napkin. Then wipe their ice cube. Alternating heat and cold, repeat the manipulation several times. At the end gently bite the lips to add them colors.


The skin of the lips needs the exfoliation procedure. At the same time, their surface becomes smooth and tender. In addition, such manipulation enhances the blood flow in the tissues, causing the increase in sponges. To perform it, it is necessary to mix in equal proportions:

  • petrolatum;
  • glycerol;
  • lemon juice;
  • sugar.

Apply the resulting mixture on the sponges, massage a couple of minutes with your fingers and washed off.

Tip! The lips will become softer, will not stop and crack, if from time to time is combined with exfoliation and moisturizing wraps

Massage with lemon zing

Touch the skin of the lemon on the grater, the resulting zest to labeam in the sponge, actively massaging them. Finish the procedure, applying cosmetic balm. Instead of zest, you can use finely crushed ginger root. Massation with ginger wraps provokes the irritation of the mucous membrane, causing its swelling, why the mouth acquires sensual volume.

Features of oil massage

The use of aromamasel in lips care helps to improve their appearance, increase in volume, serves as effective prevention of aging. For this purpose, it is recommended to use oils with intense nutritional properties to which oil carite, coconut, cocoa, shi, macadamia and others. Their use in daily care allows you to soften the surface of the sponges, prevent it with drying and the appearance of cracks on it.

Oil massage is performed by the pillows of the fingers in the following sequence:

  • apply 1-3 drops of nutrient oil on the sponge, evenly distributed over the entire surface;
  • linced it with light circular movements in the direction of the middle to the corners;
  • make the tender movements, also moving from the middle to the corners, then the light plugging movements, finish, repeating the tender.

For daily procedures, it is possible to use almond aromamaslo, which has regenerative properties, healing the cracks and improving the color of the mucous membrane, an avocado oil, contributing to the rejuvenation and moisturizing the surface of the skin or wheat germs oil - to restore and toning sponges.

Tip! You can enhance the caring effect of nutritional oils by connecting them with tea tree oil or bitter orange - neroli to achieve the effect of swelling lips.

Oil procedures for bulk effect

The property of some aromamastel gently irritating the mucous membrane of the mouth, causing its blood flow and an increase, has become in demand when creating planlers - special cosmetics to increase lip volume. Performing massage also makes sense to use them to strengthen the effect of volume.

  1. Cinnamine oil. Mix 1-2 drops of cinnamon aromamasl with ½ teaspoon of honey. Apply a mixture on the lips, massage a couple of minutes, flush your mouth with a napkin or rinse with water. In addition to the effect of increasing, such a procedure will still soften the skin, the bright color and freshness will return to it.
  2. With butter of peppermint. Apply a few drops of mint oil on your fingers, and then for 2-3 minutes to knead the sponge. Mint oil contributes to the blood flow of the mucous, causing irritation of its receptors. This method can be used to instantly increase the volume of lips, for example, before the photo session.
  3. With oil Melissa. Mix 2 drops of almond, melissal and peach aromasla. Apply a mixture on the sponge, gently blewing, and then packed them. Finish, again repeating the tender movements. This method will allow for some time to return the brightness and volume to the red ridge. Performing it systematically, you can achieve a more resistant effect.

Features of post-correction massage

Special massage after increasing the lip of hyaluronic acid is a necessary daily procedure that contributes to a better distribution of the introduced Fiere in tissues, the warning formation of scars. It is recommended to perform it for a week, combining wraps and compresses with cold and moisturizing effects.

Lip massage after an increase is as follows. It is necessary to the pads of the fingers or the back side of the toothbrush, without pressing the surface of the mucous membrane, massaging sponges, pulling strokes and patting movements.

Attention! The lips after the increase require particularly delicate care, so performing massaging movements should be especially careful

At the end of the procedure, the skin should be fed by cream or balsam enriched with hyaluronic acid or nutritional oils. This contributes to maintaining the processes of active blood circulation in tissues, their deep moistening. To complement post-correctional care of lips, you can exercises to strengthen the muscles of the mouth.

Massage after increasing the lips - an affordable way to improve them, returning children's swelling, brightness and well-kept views. The multilateral effect obtained from its holding is to allocate daily for this to 2-3 minutes.


Lips like rose petals

Want, I will share with you a secret method for increasing the volume of lips? Just kidding, of course, this is no secret, but the technique is effective. However, to believe that there is really a massage of the lips to increase, it is impossible until you ensure personally. Although, what is amazing here? Remember the romantic evenings when the watches are enthusiastically kissed with your loved one. Remember how sponges swell and are interested in complementing the image of a loving girl?

I found (and checked for yourself personally) a simple way to massage to increase lips at home. I will not pay at once that it is better to use this method on the eve of an important event, when I want to impress, because the effect although visually noticeable, but lasts long.

So, we need to make a special lip mask:

  • mix ½ tsp Vaseline with the same number of glycerin;
  • add ½ tsp Honey or lemon juice and ½ tsp Sahara;
  • all mix and apply for 15 minutes;
  • we wash off the remnants of a homemade mask with warm water.

To enhance the effect, it is also recommended to make a lip massage after an increase in hyaluronic acid to overclock the bloodstream and make the effect as natural and attractive. To do this, it is recommended to use special oils (cinnamon, menthol or peppermint), which are often found as part of many cosmetics to increase the volume. You, for sure, at least once bought lipstick or shine, in the first minutes after the application of which discomfort feels. This is due to the impact of listed oils.

Massage movements should be made about 1 minute with finger pads. You yourself will feel when you follow the procedure: there will be a feeling of burning or chill from the selected stimulus. Do I need to make lips massage after zooming, solve everyone, but I want to remind you that the methods listed by me are completely safe and tested. However, before using oils, make sure that they do not cause allergies to your body.

Always young and beautiful!

We talked about the beauty of the bulk lips, now we will discuss ways of rejuvenation with the help of wrinkle massage. Remember that with age corners of the lips begin to descend, mimic wrinkles manifest, and the color of the lips and skin begins to fill up. All this is due to the lack of oxygen by the organism. And in order to increase the skin tone and improve blood circulation, massage should be carried out daily.

As the incomparable Coco Chanel said: "If the face is given to you in 20 years, then in 50 years, his beauty will depend only on you!" Accordingly, it is never early to take care of your beauty, and it follows to fight old age before the emergence of her first signs.

However, I want to immediately warn that the key to success is to carry out massage sessions. And accordingly, this occupation is not for lazy! But if you take yourself in your hands, throw it from the shoulder of the wrong laziness, then the case of the whispering in the ear, that all this will wait and in general it does not matter, there will be confident features of the face, young leather and sensual mouth.

Arming with a toothbrush

I want to tell the unusual leisure massage method with a toothbrush, which is recommended to be carried out regularly in the morning and in the evening immediately after the teeth cleaning procedure.

  • sighten the brush from the remaining paste and carefully massage the lips for 1-2 minutes (do not damage the skin);
  • pour hot water into a small container (not boiling water!) And hold the sponge in it for about 2 minutes;
  • now take the ice cube and massage movements to cool the boiled mouth (ice can be replaced with cold water);
  • cover your lips with nutritious cream or balm.

This technique will improve blood flow and saturate with oxygen. It is after such a procedure that the best perception of nutrients is observed, which is very important for health and beauty.

We declare the battlefire

Get rid of mimic wrinkles that used to disappear independently, thanks to the effects of massage lines of the face to suspend the nasolabial folds. It makes no sense to tell about huge exercise complexes, since they are all based on practically the same massage manipulations.

Paddle pads should be gently smoothed out folds, leading towards the middle of the corners of the lips, as well as from the mouth to the wings of the nose. At the same time, special attention should be paid to pressing, so as not to rearrange and stretch the skin. Cosmetologists are recommended to carry out these actions after cleaning a person using suitable cream at a certain time.

There are also simple and fairly interesting exercises that will strengthen the muscles around the lips and strengthen the influx of blood:

  1. buy a balloon, inflate and blow it out 5-10 times a day;
  2. each morning in front of the mirror, pull your lips with a tube and smile wide;
  3. when no one sees, try to reach the chin to the chin;
  4. during walks, try to wipe the melodies;
  5. before talking on the phone, breathe deeply, close the mouth and move the air inside the cavity in a circle from the cheek to the cheek, then beat the head back and slowly exhale, stretching the lips with a tube.

How I felt a superstar

But when I woke up, I was waiting for an unusual surprise: the lips were swollen and rather unevenly. How to make a lip massage after an increase, I did not know, so I came to the conclusion that if a little lie down, then the tumor comes down, and if you also sleep, I will not feel like lips itch. To leave the tent on the eyes of my friends, who will probably not miss the opportunity, albeit in a friendly, but let's lie down, I did not dare.

But when I touched half an hour and stretched to the mirror, I was surprised at the spectacle opened: the tumor from the mosquito bite was evenly separated and slept slightly, thanks to which the lips became very attractive. That's how I happened to accidentally feel far from the unpleasant feeling from the bulk lips. By the way, the girlfriend was rated this technique, but they did not dare to catch such, it turns out that useful insects. True, I was surprised by the fact that at the same time was somewhat unusual.

Here is a story! I hope today you have learned a lot of interesting information and even have fun. Leave in the comments your Impressions from the massage and share the article with friends!


Stages of the procedure

Correction occurs with the introduction of hyaluronic acid, which is contained in a small amount of any person. It is she who is responsible for the skin of the lips, a century, the cheekbone was elastic and had a beautiful view. Such an increase is considered a practically painless procedure, in many ways, so it is popular. The drug for injection picks up a specialist individually, it also conducts the injection themselves accordingly.

So, the procedure for introducing injections includes the following steps:

1. At the first stage, the specialist proceeds to local anesthesia with a special cream that causes lips;
2. After 30 minutes, the doctor starts directly to injections, introduces the drug into the skin to several millimeters. The drug is introduced several times depending on the result required;
3. The doctor makes a light massage so that the acid is evenly distributed in the right places.

The effect of the procedure is preserved over 6 months to a yearAgain, it all depends on how the girl will take care of the lips after the procedure. Of course, in the first hours after the administration of the drug, they will be more chubby, after the edema comes down they will acquire the natural dimensions, and will also look very elastic.

Consequences of the procedure

Any cosmetic procedure does not do without consequences that in our case may occur if:

These two reasons can cause the following consequences:

  • The appearance of allergies;
  • Strong continuous swelling;
  • Recurrence of herpes;
  • The appearance of the hematoma, with a deep administration of the drug.


It is necessary to knead the lips after an increase in hyaluronic acid, depends on several factors. Communicably recommended massage in such cases:

  • the use of anesthetic filler (an additional component, which is not biologically compatible with a structure with a liquid of the body, may cause a side effect);
  • the formation of cones and tubercles, regardless of location and depth depth;
  • with the introduction of a significant amount of filler for its proportional distribution.

To be completely accurate, then the massage and warm-up of the lips after the increase should be done anyway, but not the first day. The cosmetologist will give advice on the temporary factor, and on the specifics of the movements performed. The client needs only to carefully listen and memorize to repeat at home.

Massage after increasing the lips is done, as a rule, twice a day, during the morning toilet. It will extend the time of your stay in the bathroom for five to seven minutes, but it will be possible to enjoy the result of the transformation of appearance longer.

Toothbrush massage rules:

  • after cleaning the teeth, turn the brush with the back side and attach to the lips;
  • it is necessary to knead the lips carefully, not pressing, soft circular movements;
  • pass first from the center to the corners, and then in the opposite direction - it is properly massaged with smooth, light circular movements;
  • then also from the center to the corners and back to do pats, but very soft, not sharp and not strong.

After the massage, a complex of uncomplicated exercises is very good:

  • with a slightly elongated lips, pronounce vowels, as if going to sing a lullaby;
  • alternately make cheeks. Inhalation with long and long, exhale delay for a few seconds and then release air through the "duck mouth";
  • turn the right-left lips to the right, cycling the lower jaw. At the same time, try not to pull the lip into the tube, but to move the "all array".

At the end of the cycle, lubricate your lips with a moisturizing composition. It may be a banal hygienic lipstick (but high quality) or cosmetic oil.

If there is no allergies on the peopling, it will very well remove the edema and will help to restore the skin of natural high-quality honey faster. It is better to use liquid light grade, in which there is no impurities perg and propolis.

No need to think that if you massaging your mouth from the very first minutes of returning home after increasing the lips, you can avoid depletion and other unwanted, but inevitable consequences. There are cases when massage is generally prohibited.

  1. The first day after the procedure is not recommended to touch the lips. Yes, it is, in principle, it will not be possible, since painful sensations and strong discomfort will interfere with such plans.
  2. It is not advisable to spend any manipulations until the skin has wounds from injections.
  3. In case of discovery of tubercles and cones in the tissues, you need to immediately contact the procedure by a specialist. Only he can say that it was the cause of the phenomenon, and whether the massage will help to get rid of it.
  4. With a strong edema, bruises and bloodshots, the lips knead the lips are categorically prohibited.

Any wizard conducting the procedure will tell the client about all the rules of the labores. If there are unforeseen circumstances in the form of complications or incomprehensible reactions - immediately refer to qualified help.

This video can be useful to you! You will learn about many nuances after the lips will increase:

After the procedure, you return home, "armed" new lips and knowledge, how to make lip massage after zooming. But what will give this procedure and why it is so important, will hardly accentuate. Fill the historical injustice and learning important and useful information.

  1. The warm-up will help restore blood supply at the desired level and distribute the filler in the tissues evenly.
  2. Massage in any case helps to prevent the premature aging of the skin by stimulating the exchange processes in all layers of the epidermis and dermis.
  3. The rate of decay of the hyaluronate is reduced and the effect of the procedure is up to 6-12 months (depending on the initial task and the number of filler).
  4. Improves the correction effect, the risk of irregularities in the form of tubercles and dents on the lip surface is eliminated.

The procedure for increasing lips does not yet guarantee a storm result, especially immediately after it. Requires a certain time, efforts and compliance with the rules of proper, so that the effect is at the level of your expectations.

The increase in lips without surgery is an affordable and common way to transform appearance, fix flammings. The cosmetic procedure takes no more than half an hour, but caring for lips after an increase in hyaluronic acid requires time and care to maintain the effect for a long period.

Contour plastic using sodium hyaluronate injections or hyaluronic acid refers to a safe increase method. Hyaluronka-based filler has gained popularity due to the naturalness of the active substance. Hyaluronate - component of tissues, mucous membranes, skin cover.

The effect of drugs and cosmetics based on this acid is aimed at combating the aging process. In contour plastic, gel fillers with hyaluron are used. It helps to keep moisture in the epidermis, which affects the slowdown of aging. Fillers are safe, effective. Their action lasts from 6 to 18 months. It depends on the individual characteristics of the body, hormonal background, care for them after injections.

Care rules after procedure

Increase the molds wish the owners of thin or lips of the irregular shape with the presence of asymmetry. Before the implementation of the cosmetic procedure, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications, consequences of the operation and the rules for the care area of \u200b\u200bthe filler.

In the first 1-3 days after the introduction of the Filler, there is swelling and redness of the treated zone. Eugene - tissue response by their traumaism and it is removed using cold compresses. You can use pieces of ice, wrapped in a polyethylene package and a soft cloth. It should apply the cold for 10 minutes, take a break in 2-3 hours, cool the inflamed zone again.

Remove swelling, eliminating the formed bruises will help the use of anti-eased ointments. One of the effective is the thrombuszin. The analogue of the drug is Troksarutin, Lioton, Trokesovenol, heparin, other lines.

Caring for lips after injection provides for several tips that contribute to the decline in edema, prevent possible complications. The following rules will help to accelerate healing and reduce the risk of infection: the following rules will help:

  • do not smear with glitter, lipstick or other species of decorative cosmetics until healing the wound from the needle;
  • avoid the use of saline, sharp, acidic dishes and products, so as not to irritate the skin with microtrams;
  • it is recommended the first 5-7 days during sleep and leisure lying on the back to reduce pressure in damaged places;
  • to eliminate dryness to use moisturizing creams recommended by a specialist;
  • to eliminate the formation of lumps and eliminate the hematomas, knead the area of \u200b\u200bthe mouth with a light massage;
  • it is not allowed to expose the injured skin with sun rays, especially the first two weeks.

3-5 days after the contour plastics make moisturizing masks for gentle skin, use creams, gels or folk remedies. As the latter, sour cream, cream, vegetable oil, cucumber juice.

There is a line of professional cosmetics designed for lips enlarged using hyaluronic acid. It is recommended to change the decorative lipstick to change the hygienic or with a moisturizing property.

If edema, hematoma, pain, other unpleasant manifestations do not pass during the week, it is worth visiting a doctor and consult about follow-up actions.

The consequence of the integrity of the skin integrity by puncturing the needle becomes a decrease in local immunity, which leads to the exacerbation of herpes. Girls prone to rash must take an anti-virus drug a week before the procedure, as much after it. The recommended agent is acyclovir in tablets. If the action of the virus manifested itself on the skin in the mouth, the drug in the form of a line should be applied.

Do I need to knead the lips and how to make a massage

For recommendations, after increasing the lips, careful massage of the philler exposure zone without excessive pressure is applied. Self-massage is necessary, as mentioned above, for the uniform distribution of filler, improving blood circulation, preventing the formation of lumps in the tissues. Lip massage after an increase will help get rid of bruises in places of punctures.

The kneading of the mouth should not be on the first day of the procedure produced, but by 4-5 days, when swelling subsides. It is necessary to massage carefully, performing circular movements without tearing off the fingers from the problem zone. It is recommended to produce light patches, make a special mimic gymnastics. Exercises do daily within 10-15 minutes:

  1. Pull the mouth with a tube, stretching vowel sounds, alternating O-and.
  2. Inflate the cheeks, leave a narrow click between lips, slowly produce air with mouth.
  3. Make a few rolling movements with a closed mouth.

The kneading lips after the administration of hyaluronic acid should be solely clean hands. After it is recommended to apply moisturizing cream, olive oil or cream.

What can not be done after the increase

After injections contributing to the increase, the acquisition of seductive forms is not permitted:

  • attend the dental office for 14 days. If there is problems with the health of the teeth or the oral cavity, they need to be solved before the increase procedure;
  • play sports and carry out intense physical exertion - they will contribute to an increase in edema;
  • it is forbidden to produce cosmetic procedures, in particular acidic or chemical peels, tattoo to full wound healing:
  • restriction is the reception of hot baths;
  • do not smoke 3-5 days after the procedure;
  • do not drink alcohol before and after increasing;
  • do not touch your mouth with dirty hands;
  • it is worth refraining from receiving hot food, drinks;
  • it is impossible to kiss several days after injections in order to avoid uneven distribution of hyalurons in tissues, infection;
  • make the face depilation by wax;
  • use scrubs in the field of mouth;
  • eat and lick the mouth, especially on the street;
  • gain and sunbathe.

If you adhere to the execution of the rules and care for the mouth regularly, preliminarily eliminating contraindications, it will be possible to avoid unpleasant consequences and gain the desired seductive shape, as in the photo.