How to open chakras and free women's energy. How to develop a swadhistan chakra and normalize her work

What is responsible for

If the first chakra is characterized by one word, it will be the word "instincts", if you try to describe in one word, the second chakra is the word "emotions". First of all, this chakra is responsible for the satisfaction of emotional needs, but it comes here about primary (basic) emotions (they include: anger, contempt, disgust, grief \\ suffering, fear, wines, interest, joy, shame, surprise). The second chakra is the center of these non-filtered, source emotions. Thanks to this chakra, a person is capable of emotional reactions, normally, it does not just show them or accepts without shame and evaluation, he receives satisfaction from it. Any manifestation of these primary emotions is related to the second chakra, and not only the aspect that is associated with sexuality, although erotica and sensuality, of course, are here in the first place.

The second energy center is the center of our creative realization, the implementation of our talents. He is responsible for the disclosure of our uniqueness and dislike as an individual. This happens not only through creativity in the "pure" form (art, dancing, singing), but also through the manifestation of emotions, through sex. If the first energy center shows how we react, the second shows how we show ourselves as we reveal themselves.

The second energy center is a zone not only intimate relationships, but also relations in general (not only between people, but also the relationship of various forces and phenomena). The most important feature of this chakra is the ability to understand the feelings of others, feel their mental state, "read emotions." This chakra provides information on the processes occurring in objects, and the causes of their causing, allows you to judge the energy capabilities of other people.

The second chakra is also responsible for harmony of the body, consciousness and emotional state, when it is in the balance sheet, all these three components are also in the balance sheet.


First of all, this chakra is responsible for metabolism, the division and rejuvenation of the body. Incorrect work of the second chakra spoils the appearance, changing the facial features to the worse side, gloves and struggles the body, makes it difficult to function of natural recovery and regeneration.

At the body level, it represents the sympathetic department of the autonomic nervous system (it is it activated during stressful situations), provides endocrine functions in adrenal glands, liver, spleen, bustling bubble. Acts such areas such as: pelvic cavity, bladder, kidneys, female genitals, testicles, prostate and all fluids available in the body (blood, lymph, digestive juice, seed fluid). Responsible for maintaining the body temperature, digestion, provides sex potency, the work of the prostate and chest glands. Manages childbirth.

The incorrect work of the second chakra can cause disorders such as: diseases of the genitourinary system, impotence, frigidity, muscle spasms, allergies, physical fragility, constipation, sexual impassableness and lack of libido, infertility, any injuries during childbirth or problems with generic activities, depression, absence creative start.


Here, as in the case of the first chakra, there is your main "stress", which blocks her work: a sense of guilt. It is a destructive state, causes a sense of hopelessness. All other locks grow out of the sense of guilt: the inability to love the opposite sex, the accusation of another for concealing their own mistakes, the syradiability, sense of inferiority, anger and the desire to hurt another, suppressing their own passion, denial of their sex. The feeling of guilt spurs and gives rise to a huge number of fears related to sexuality (fear that you are "not at the level", the fear of "promiscuity", the fear of condemnation).

Attitude towards sex in the context of blocking this chakra, I will be touched separately. As I mentioned above, everything begins with the suppression of their own sexuality due to the feeling of guilt. Because of this feeling and shame, sexuality is contained, suppressed and even completely rejected ("I have no strength to engage in such a nonsense (sex), work is more important" or "I don't have time to satisfy your husband, how many dishes are notched") . A person does not recognize that sex restores life force and strengthens a sense of self-esteem, self-confidence, and not the opposite (if you have the opposite - it means that they do wrong!). Sometimes the feeling of guilt is so strong that a person begins to treat sex as a vague, an immoral lesson who takes strength (in this case, sex really takes strength because for such a person sex is simply exercise and frictions, and not energy interaction). I will open a small secret: where our sexuality lives, there is still no personality, there is only nature, spontaneity. As soon as we try to bring in the sexuality of "our heads", our character traits, natural sexuality retreats to the side, and then energy goes out of sex. Do not bring your character traits to sex, forget about your identity, - it is not yet formed at the nature level, it will be born later. When a person first faces his natural sexuality, he becomes scary, scary that it seems to him that this element will demolish everything around that the partner will not stand such a breath. Do not be afraid of this explosion, do not be afraid not to withstand the onslaught of nature, do not be afraid to surrender to this element and die. It really looks like death, the death of all the old, and therefore so scary. You will die, partner and your old relationship, and at the same moment something else will be born. After this orzamic explosion will be born a new world.

The feeling of guilt to the manifestations of sexuality, as a rule, instills the nearest environment in childhood and adolescence, this is written on a huge number of articles and books, so I will give this topic here. Mentioned only that people with sex complexes have a feeling of shame not only for themselves, but also for any sexual manifestations of a partner, they are trying to block sexuality not only inside themselves, but also to eradicate all its manifestations in the outside (erotica and sex in cinema or art, teens kissing on the street, "dog wedding," - everything causes shame, the desire to condemn or turn away).

In blocking this chakra, there is one nuance through the feeling of guilt: the chakra begins to work incorrectly not only because of the presence of this feeling, but also due to the denying of his own guilt (withdrawing responsibility). Installation "For what happened to me with me, I am not guilty" - blocks the chakra at least, and maybe even more.

Incorrect work of the second chakra makes a person stubborn and demanding in relation to the partner. A feeling of resentment and anger to sexual partners arising from misunderstanding that our partner just reads our attitude to themselves, - can also be the causes of sexual problems (if we consider ourselves not sexual, - our partner will not see this in We are if we are disgusted with our sexual organs, then our partner will refer to them as well). This is one of the reasons for vaginal infections, itching, inflammation. Socialized presentation, wine, condemnation of sexuality, the conviction that sex and genitals are dirt or something "shaped", the desire to comply with the partner from a sexual point of view (expectations that we come up with ourselves), etc., it all causes it together A large number of problems related to human sexuality, genitals and menstrual cycle in women.

Not seeing passion in itself, a person will never see her in a sexual partner (although an objectively partner may be more passionate), nevertheless people with a unbalanced second chakra often see the source of their sexual problems in a partner (especially for women: many believe What their man is to blame in a meager sexual life that it is a worn, shy and commissioned, nor not capable when it really is not so). Here is true simple: no one wants you until you want yourself. Routine sex without love and passion causes more harm than good. If you want to show your body, how much you do not like it and do not respect - do it in such impassive, emotional sex. After such sex, the feeling of frustration and dirt comes, which is reflected on the health of the genital organs.

If blocked, a weak second chakra leads to a lack of sexual desire, weak libido, frigidity, impotence and in the loss of interest (taste) to life in general, then excessive activity of the second chakra turns life into the search for pleasure, makes a person over sexy, "sexually insatiable ": Sexual loyalty, perversions (sex perversion, nymphomania in women and sadism in men) without true pleasure, without saturation. A person becomes a slave of his intimate desires and feelings, a slave of the second chakra. Such people can spend all their lives in sexual adventures, constantly changing intimate partners and never getting complete satisfaction. A person is like drug addict, by all means, seeks to get another dose of sensual drug. But over time, the unbalanced second chakra requires an increasing intensity of pleasure (read about dopamine and its level). On the one hand, it is explained by sweeping sensitivity, and on the other hand, the comicing of old, long-known acquaintances and regularly repetitive sensations.

"Sexy Chakra" is responsible for sexuality in a broader sense. With this chakra, it is also connected how we accept and evaluate yourself as men and women, based on social norms, taking into account the age characteristics and periods of life. For example, a young girl has his own sexuality and her self-take part, in an adult woman and mother, she is completely different, the mature - the third, and even a woman of old age has its own sexuality, corresponding to her period of life. Everything must match the age. In men, the same thing.

When the work of the chakra is broken by a person cannot create a family or marriage breaks over for several years. If marriage for some reason has been preserved, family happiness is missing, a woman cannot have children, miscarriages happen, or children are born dead, with ugliness, hereditary diseases.

If the second chakra functions incorrectly, the result may be hysterical and inability to control emotions. This is especially brightly visible in women (although there are men's hysterias) when they "explode" because of a trifle and then it is difficult for them to stop, "bite" in time. The incorrect work of the second chakra is also characterized by a conscious or subconscious desire to get pain (this desire pushes women to insult and humiliation of men in a state of hysteria, they literally "run out" to the manual attackness, for punishment, because they subconsciously understand the destructiveness of such behavior.

The second chakra is emotions. If your emotions and feelings destroy you - then you definitely do something wrong. Emotions and feelings carry only a creative aspect in themselves (they help accept or give something). Any emotion is only good, the key is to show emotion immediately, adequately situations. Emotions destroy the body and the psyche only when they are manifested with late and not at the address, or do not manifest themselves at all. When an emotional reaction occurs immediately, it only helps the body to cope with emotion at the physiological level, because it launches the necessary chemical processes (produces certain hormones). A slight retreat: When you work out some emotion at the training or in a session, then you are temporarily immerse yourself at that time and mentally return to that period, so the manifestation of emotions is appropriate here and useful, and your reaction is adequate.

The suppressed desires do not go anywhere. The conflict between the desire (whether it is a sexual desire, the desire of self-realization or the embodiment of creative design) and its suppression or inability to express it can provoke a sense of constant dissatisfaction and devastation. A person may try to compensate for this emptiness by various harmful preferences - to money, food, alcohol, random sexual bonds, not based on feelings, and so on. The signals that are sent to the world claim: "I am not able to express my desires." In the ability to express its emotions and desires and is the difference between people, to which the universe favors and indulges the gifts, and people who "forever it is offended." You do not get what you want until you voice, this is the norm of life. No one will guess or predict your desires.

Sometimes it happens that a person has forbidden to experience emotions that they really disappear, but the reactions at the bodily level remain. In such cases, with the "emergence" of emotion, a person can start shaking (without emotions, or without understanding, which emotion he now feels), or a pulse can increase, the heartbeat becomes sharply, - this is all chemical manifestation of emotions, which should It was at this place, but she was forbidden to appear.

The second chakra makes us attentive and caring towards the surrounding reality, and also gives the ability to empathize with other people, understand their feelings and reckon with them. But these manifestations cannot be healthy without a strong foundation of the first chakra and feeling an independent and equal whole, personality. If there is no base, then the relationship will be unhealthy, symbiotic, when a person does not understand where the boundaries of his "I" and the boundaries of another person begins (dependence on the relationship). If a person has a weak base (the first energy center), then the empathy is transformed into pity, since it is provoked by a feeling of guilt, which destroys the second chakra even more. Another extreme of unbalanced second chakra is a complete lack of concern for others because of too strong focus on oneself.

The manifestations of the second chakra are primarily the manifestation of individuality. A person will never see individuality in himself until the individual accepts the other. It is through an understanding of another personality and recognition of its rights and borders, we are aware of our own individuality. This is possible only when we respect the uniqueness and individuality of the other (and therefore respect and their individuality), we do not want to remake it, condemn. If a person constantly condemns others (their lifestyle, words, actions, to dress up) He will never be able to work, because creativity is freedom, and he does not allow himself to be free, condemns himself as much as other . If you do not recognize the freedom to choose others, then do not put your freedom in anything. Such a person has difficulty in finding their unique life path and its implementation. It is easy to identify this blocking: a person does not feel freedom of action, freedom of thoughts and emotions, he cannot say everything that he is pleased with and to whom to please. Such people unconsciously annoying the manifestation of incompatibility: they are an ardent opponents of zoos, cells, collars, fences and any coercion, restrictions of movement, it is crubble, since they are internally feel like in a cell - non-free and unable to change. An example from life: I stayed with my husband from friends (there were passage in the city), my wife complained that there were fences around all the new buildings, which is no longer walking across the yards, everywhere you are locked up like in a cage. When we went to walk around the surroundings, I did not meet a single fear on the way.

When the second chakra is in a state of imbalance, a person is experiencing anxiety and dissatisfaction (concern because of a large number of accumulated emotions, they are literally itching inside, and dissatisfaction - because of the inability to express them, sometimes even because of the inability to "call them by name" ). Here I can recommend to read the dictionary of emotions and feelings, is a very exciting occupation.

The state of impassableness of the second chakra may eventually be expressed in the absence of joy of life (what is the joy here, if one can not, then another, and someone generally lives in prison because of the prohibitions), fatigue (since only creative expression gives energy, and It is blocked, refuse to implement), the absence of creative gusts, desires, in restraint and complexes.

When unbalanced the chakra, a person becomes suspicious and jealous. There are a lot of reasons for jealousy, but all of them about one thing: disbelieving world and partner, disrespect of his borders, the inability to read the emotions of people (I do not understand what is happening, so just in case I will be jealous), not love for yourself (if I yourself I don't like me, how can she love me? Probably, she deceives me). All these character traits and thoughts are simply a consequence of the unbalance of the second chakra.

Another feature of an unstable second chakra is the inability to wait and lack of patience. A person has no feeling of the correctness of what is happening, no confidence of the universe, there is no understanding that everything comes on time. When a person feels part of the world when he sees interactions and communications, he understands that it only needs time for the realization of something and his impatience only aggravates the situation.

When the sexy chakra is not balanced, a person often judges herself, constantly criticizing and feeling that he caused himself harm by committing a mistake. Subconsciously consider that he made a mistake, a person requires punishment. The self-regulations can manifest themselves in different ways: you can constantly hit and cripple yourself, and in extreme cases everything can be serious and a person can fully and fully become on the path of self-destruction (alcohol, drugs). The games "in punishment" in sex are also like to get rid of the feeling of guilt. The other side of the medal of self-regulation and self-destruction is the condemnation of others and the desire to punish them for "bad" behavior. But this is only a projection, actually punish yourself to punish themselves.

As a result of an imbalance in the second chakra, a person is unable to be honest in relation to his surrounding. The lack of honesty is generated by fear in any way to hurt people to the truth. Over time, Pottaka with his fears, a person is already becoming unable to do "truth" or even threatening truthfully. What is terribly lied around and, as a result, I will tell you when I describe the following chakras.

People with underdeveloped second chakra are very acute and painfully experience any changes, they are afraid to try something new (this also applies from food to sex), they hardly take something new, they don't like it, they are all new perceive immediately In the bayonets without analysis and listening to the inner sensations. All new means bad, all the new scares them.

People with the "discharged" two are one-sided defenders of weak and disadvantaged, they share the world on "good and evil" on "aggressors and victims", and often persecuting those who are considered by the aggressors with extreme cruelty, they terrorize their exorbitant to the "lack", which they were allowed (act as aggressors, without noticing himself).

All of the above locks are eventually poured into a low self-esteem: a person does not respect and does not appreciate itself, his individuality and borders, from fear of being convicted, from a sense of guilt, adjusts to others, betraying himself, their needs and interests - only a person will be who does not know the price, believes that he is too poor in order to defend his individuality and the right, not enough to be.

Consciousness level

The developed consciousness of this chakra gives a feeling of a buzz from what you get or give physical love. This feeling of delight from own physiology is love for your body, this is a manifestation of natural sexuality.

The mature consciousness of the second chakra is in beauty: the beauty of the animal world, flora and fauna, the beauty of men and women - this sees a developed consciousness. Remember your condition during love: the weather is beautiful independently of the season, the colors become brighter, people smile, you yourself feel your beauty and attractiveness, you want to create and make this world even more beautiful, - this state gives a balanced second chakra.

The undeveloped consciousness is characterized by the complexity at the level of physiology (complexes about their body, the desire to drain him with physical exercises, diet, the desire to crip themselves, making plastic surgery and painful cosmetology procedures, non-acceptance and shame before their own secretions or partner allocations, attitudes towards their body as Stew, bag with bones).

The second chakra is the atmosphere. When you fall into the field of a person with a balanced second chakra, you feel calm, bliss and comfort. These people like a sun - bring a pleasant atmosphere to any company, any disputes and conflicts, communication and pastime with such people are always fruitful, from the house where such people do not want to leave, often guests are staying late and not notice as pleasant Time passed the conversation.

Such people are fruitful in everything, they say about them that "they can not be given bamboo fishing rodes," they germinate. " They have a very light hand: what they would not do, put injections or grown seedlings, - the result will be excellent: the seedlings will grow and give a wonderful harvest, and the injection, made such a light hand, you will not even feel. Such people love animals and not only homemade, literally bother beasts from all over the county: birds, squirrels, hares, wildlife does not feel the difference between people and the environment, for them they are one, they are woven into space, so often Even wild animals are suitable very close. This is all the result of respectful and loving attitude to life, which gives the developed consciousness of the second chakra. And naturally, such people do not kill animals (without necessity) and in no way contribute to their death (to release a butterfly or flies to the street, remove the worm into the safe place, - all this is the natural need of these people, it is closer to the unconscious, and Not the result of learning). But such people will not become, for example, to take prey from a cat, as they understand that everything should be in the balance sheet and respect the needs of predators at least than their "victims".

The second chakra creates an atmosphere both inside us and outside. A man with a unbalanced second chakra can easily and completely unintently "spoil the holiday to everyone" (the party immediately fades, guests are beginning to disperse, and with a strong imbalance of the second chakra and the influence of this person, the group immediately arises conversations on a negative topic, and then disputes, conflicts and even fights).

People with the undeveloped consciousness of the second chakra perceive the world through a small boomer (and also shoot), the more complexes, the smaller the loophole window. They do not see the paintings in general, they can not physically look at the situation from the part, they always keep the "weapon" at the ready (caustic and stroke phrases, offensive words, stinging remarks) and on the background of all this wonder why others have such aggressive in response, why others Nobody loves them.

Such people have everything dying: the seedlings are sick and die, seedlings are dying, the seeds are good, the houseplants are sick, trees will dry, even wild animals come to die to them closer. They are not surrounded by a biological life, but a biological death that tries to cut into their inner state, the state of their bodies, strive to pay attention to their deplorable situation, until it is too late.

In case of violation of the second energy center, the system of filtering and output of slags is the first to suffer, so the apartments of such people are littered with all sorts of baubles, empty boxes from under anything, garbage, "which can be useful" (as a mirror reflection of the fact that their mind is lit by unnecessary information And the body is slags and toxins). The formation of raids, scale and precipitation in the kitchen and in the bathroom also talks about the failures in the work of the body and problems in mental state (for example, it is not for nothing that there is a precipitate after a relationship or talk, the sediment is in the soul. It remains far from everyone, those who feels, there is a precipitate and raids in the house).

To reach the next level of consciousness, here, as well as all the other chakras, you must first develop the current (that is, to fully enjoy all the possibilities and states of pleasure that can give the second chakra). After all the pleasures are taken without a feeling of guilt, but with a feeling of saturation, when you will show your individuality without fear, - you will throw off the next level of consciousness.


The awakening of this chakra provides sexual energy, the energy of creativity, the joy of life, health and longevity, sexual appeal, contributes to patience and endurance.

If the first chakra "forces" to know us and study the world and yourself, the second chakra gives us the strength on changes, transformation and transformation. It is rooted with curiosity, the spirit of adventurism and innovation. This chakra not only stimulates to change, but also gives the strength to take them with joy and understanding. Being in the balance sheet it is aware that changes are always a springboard for a new life adventure (naturally "Springboard" must be installed on a good base of the first energy center, because the jump "In adventures" will give you pleasure only when the world is perceived safely, and life No longer a heavy meal). The balanced second chakra allows you to perceive changes with joy and curiosity, and refer to life as a permanent and amazing adventure, filled surprises. The second chakra has no concept of "bad surprise", in this balanced reality such concepts as "errors", "negative experience" are dissolved, "fault", "disappointment as a result", it comes to understanding that in any experience and lessons there is no negative Coloring.

This chakra provides information on the processes occurring in objects and between them, about the reasons that cause them, about the relationships that permeate the entire reality, makes it possible to judge the energy capabilities of other people, understand their emotions, sympathize with them, understand the reasons for one or another phenomenon or process. It gives the ability to ask questions, not to cling to what exists, to be an innovator, ask about the unknown and new and master it. The second chakra makes it possible to see and feel the relationship and energy not only outside, but also within itself (for example, the relationship between its authorities and their condition, the ability to "communicate" with them). Thanks to this ability, the chakra, any transformation and a change in the world and itself becomes harmonious, does not harm neither man nor others nor the planet. He feels his inseparable communication with the whole world, feels part of something more.

The ability to express our uniqueness, to realize our potential, without fearing the reaction of other people, without asking permission and approval and fearlessly using our talents, is the path to endless inner strength, the path to freedom.

The second chakra is pure creativity, it allows our inner abilities to go out and activates our inner power, which manifests itself in the ability to turn ideas into reality, to activate the initial potential and turn it into something specific. Forget about the fact that you allegedly do not talented, it's a lie, like the fact that there are people talented, and there are urgent, they simply have people who have a second energy center balanced, and there are those who have in an imbalance. When a person blocks creativity in herself, he blocks his manifestations and in others ("Do not listen to music so loudly", "stop so loudly", "I'll have to upload the paint in front of the neighbors," "What kind of goat", and t. d.). The same with the manifestation of any emotions (and the same with sexuality, as I wrote above). It is very easy to diagnose the breakdown: watch it, make a list of what you prohibit others (because of the fact that you are ashamed in front of neighbors, for example), and you will receive a list of those emotions and actions that you have blocked and failure from manifestation. which prevents the normal functioning of the second energy center. Want - work with this list, do not want - block on. When emotion or action is unlocked (for example, a loud singing), then a person ceases to make comments to others about this, because it does not constrain him anymore, he understands the buzz and the importance of such a way of manifest itself. When emotion is really unlocked, you will be careful that others will say about its expression.

When the second chakra is balanced (i.e., a person is well aware of his inner power, he has a high self-esteem and a high degree of contentment by himself), he does not allow manipulations (as in relation to himself, it does not show them towards others). When this chakra works harmoniously, a person is clearly holding his personal and emotional boundaries, but at the same time, it is open to the feelings of others and takes them, possessing the ability to easily establish contact with them. Such a person does not bring his personality to sacrifice approval from the Company. Instead, he respects wisdom, experience and talents of others, susceptible to someone else's experience and wisdom, as they teach him, strengthen his personal power with their methods of study. Keeping your borders, but absorbing everything useful for him, he does not allow the power of people to blind themselves, none of the teachers or wise men will "Guru" for him, to the legs of which he will fold its individuality.

The individuality does not mean to turn the back to society at all, on the contrary, when the second chakra is balanced properly, a person feels an active member of his family, an active citizen of the city, the company in which he lives, and he wants to show activity because of desire to do They are better, to bring them peace and calm (not "to hurt" over the person, but harmonize the space around them). A good example of biology is a cell: it is completely separated from the rest, it has its clear boundaries (membrane), the violation of its borders - means death, but it communicates with other cells, exchanges substances (ideas), is part of something In the whole, its individual tasks do not go into incision with the global functions of the organ to which it belongs. Also, the person, while maintaining the vital individuality for him, is part of something more. All this dullness about "I do not want to be another screw in the society of society" is nothing more than the result of the skew of the second chakra and its unbalanced work.

A person with a harmonious second chakra is a healthy attitude towards sex. For him, this is not just satisfaction of needs, it is creativity, this is a love dance. He uses his sexuality or external data as a tool to achieve its goals, but to express his deep feelings, establishing connections and association with the one he loves. Sex is another way of self-expression.

When this chakra works correctly, a person is confident in herself, he clearly thinks, benevolent, not a koryutn, not conflict, creates a good family, children are born healthy. He gets great pleasure from life at all levels - sensual and sexy pleasures, enjoying food and beverages, intellectual and spiritual joy. Such people are friendly, endowed with excellent health, big masters in maintaining order and Lada in their world and the world of other people.

Differences in the work of chakras in men and women

The second chakra is responsible for pleasure and feelings, and it works differently: there are active women, and men are passive. That is, women give pleasure, and men take it.

First of all, using his active second chakra, a woman should create a man comfortable and cozy world, the same microcosm that a man will want to protect against all the dangers. Modern women belong to this function negligiously, and many she even humiliates ("I am serving you?!"). Many women believe that the "real" man is the one who gives them pleasure (makes romantic surprises, says affectionate words, gives pleasure in bed). And again the paradoxical situation: women want from a man of female behavior.

Someone from women will say that this is not true, but in fact everything is fair here: out of 7 chakras - 3 active in women, 3 active in men and 1, the highest, works equally from everyone. Therefore, there is no injustice and discrimination in this, there is simply separation of roles. It is important for women to understand that a man also gives a lot, and their task to give him pleasure and fulfill his desires - and then not so bad. If you think that men got the duties easier, this unfortunately suggests that the skew is so strong that the male energy is closer to you and clearer than women's. Whether the man remains on the energy plan and live "as easier" or make a difficult step towards their femininity - to decide. In this embodiment (if you believe this concept) you got this particular floor, and to go against the ideas of the Universe and at the same time hope for its favor and "Gifts", is stupid.

So, what is "to give a man's pleasure"? This includes any pleasures, including sexual, enjoying food, order and comfort in the house, enjoy silence, peace and relaxation. That is, a woman should create such a world for a man in which he can easily be, he will be comfortable, and his main desires will be satisfied. And not just satisfy, and he will experience some kind of pleasure. There is a significant difference in this.

I will give a simple example. You can make a man to prepare some simple roasted potatoes or scrambled eggs in the morning with attitude - "Eat and leave me", and you can do it so that it is for each time breakfast, dinner or dinner received pleasure. Accordingly, it is also possible to do, for example, with sexual relations. You can perform marital debt and think - "Pink, I will paint the ceiling in pink!", And you can make a man really enjoyed the process. And an important nuance: to give pleasure, it needs to be! A woman literally gives rise to himself this feeling (herself enjoys the process, and first of all with his actions), after which he transfers this passion and pleasure a man. The ability to "kayfan" from himself - it is one part of the female sexuality, which attracts men so. When a woman enjoys with his actions (no matter, she washes the floor or entertaining her husband in bed), she does not need encouragement from the side, she also knows what is good. It is the donation of pleasure (that is, not expecting nothing in the substitution) transforms men and at the same time does not take the power of a woman.

The man needs to be learn to confidently take their own a reward for securing security. Many men very carefully take something from women, they are afraid of a trick, especially if the woman did not accept the energy of his first chakra, did not accept him as a defender. A man believes that since she did not accept his "work", then "the payment" he is not worthy.

Summary: I want to protect you from a global mistake: Creativity is not only dancing, painting and music, creativity - this is how you show yourself, what makes you personality (as you dress up and "cried" in front of a mirror, how to blame iron or play sports, your speech manner, your laughter, then what sounds you will leave during sex or jumping into the snow after a bath, then how do you frown in the sun or squeeze in the morning before getting out of bed - these are all your manifestations, how you are Believe, show

Figure 1. Human chakras their value, disclosure, cleaning and location

You thought about what the chakras of a person are, why are they needed, where are they and how to clean them? Let's deal with a simple language.

I think that the article should begin with the question of whether there are human chakras? After all, we do not see them and most people do not feel them. So, there is reason to believe that they do not exist?

Definitely no. There are a lot of such things in the world that a person to with regret (although there is no, here it will fit fortunately) does not see and does not feel. These include not only some kind of mystical things, but even simple radio waves, the existence of which today no one disperses.

If you return to about 500 years ago and tell about today's technologies, then it would most likely plunge people in shock. Someone would call you crazy, someone would simply never believed. For example, take the phone. Today we can talk on the phone and do not even think about how it happens. But before it was something impossible. How? How can you conduct a dialogue on any distance at any distance?

For some people, human chakras represent something on the phone's semblance for our distant ancestors. I hope that the time will come and people realize that the chakras really exist. Let we not see them, but this does not mean that they are not.

Each of us has its own energy. And no one knows your energy better than you yourself. We cannot unambiguously say: "Chakras really exist", however, this term determines the inner sensations of many people who engaged in spiritual development. For them, chakras exist. Why would a simple person who does not engage in spiritual growth, deny their existence?

What is chakras?

Chakras are psycho-energy centers of a person who represent the place of intersection of the channels, according to which human vital energy flows. Also they are called rotating rebounds of energies passing along our spine.

As you should already be known from a person's energy article to exist and interact with the world around us, we need energy. As stated in the above article, one of is the food. It helps us resume fabrics and "build" our body. But this is clearly not enough. There is an opinion that we receive only 20% of energy for existence. Where to take the rest of 80%?

We will throw some others and immediately say that it is the chakras that help a person to absorb the energy from the outside world necessary for the body.

Chakras can remind us the receiver and the transmitter of the energy that surrounds us. They work with an electromagnetic field and turn it into energy that fills us with vitality.

We are surrounded by chaos of various energy. Thanks to the chakram, a person gets from this chaos what he needed. As far as these chakras are revealed, you can get so much energy. In addition, how to get, chakras are also designed and give energy into the energy world around us.

If we speak a simpler language, then with the help of the chakra, the man "eats" energy from the environment and gets rid of unnecessary. Unnecessary human energy can be used for other purposes. For example, it absorbs animals, plants and objects that have an extremely low vitality rate (surrounding items). In addition, the energy that comes out of the chakre of one person can move to another.

Understanding the work of Chakras can be an indispensable tool for you in the knowledge of your inner world. Realizing the chakras system, you can easily cope with the problems that arise in your life.

Human chakras their meaning

Do you need them at all? What is the value of the chakra of a person? Let's start with the fact that if a person had ceased to work all the chakras at the same time, he would die. After all, human chakras are energy centers, and their meaning is quite obvious. Without energy, a person will not be able to live.

With a bad work of one or several chakras, a person feels a shortage of anything in his life (hereinafter, we will consider for what each of the chakras is responsible).

Full and harmonious work of all chakras brings a man a great pleasure in life. Life becomes complete, saturated and joyful.

Chakras on the human body

Some of you may wonder: "Is there any chakra on my body?" Or "Do I have all the chakras?". Definitely yes. Chakras on the body of a person are present absolutely from everyone. The difference consists only of how they function. Even a concrete person, they can work differently, depending on the period of life.

Some people were lucky to see chakras (or this happened due to long workouts). They describe them as shining vortices in the form of circles that are concentrated at the point on the human body. The faster this whirlwind works, the more energy can "process".

How Chakras work

In total, man has seven chakras. Each of the chakra works in its frequency range.

Figure 2. Frequency spectrum. As can be seen, the colors of the spectrum correspond to the colors of the chakra

We will not deepen into how a person transfers energy and information with the help of Chakras, but only let's say that this happens with the help of electro-magnetic waves. For a more detailed consideration of this issue, it is necessary to contact one of the sections of physics, namely electro-magnetic fields and waves.

As we have said, chakras can carry both energy and information. The lower chakras (1-3) operate mainly with energy, and the upper (6 and 7) more with information. The average chakras are a certain balance between energy and information.

As you already know, the chakras are designed both for absorption and for the output of energy. It follows from this that they can be in one of these states, but not at the same time, but alternating.

What are the chakras responsible for

Each chakra is responsible for his aspect of life. In one book I got a good example of this. Imagine that our spine is an elevator, and chakras on our body are floors. Lifting up the lower chakra up, we can observe life in a more beautiful presentation. Agree that the view from the first floor is more boring than from the seventh.

Chakras are responsible for ensuring that your life has been filled with energy. And this, in turn, defines the joy, health and well-being in life.

When restricting the work of one of the chakras, you can feel a painful condition, the decline of the forces, the feeling of discomfort. When blocking all chakras, physical death may occur.

The first chakra of Molandhara (root chakra)

Figure 3. The first chakra of Molandhara.

Color: red. Crystals: Ruby, grenade, obsidian. Location: The base of the spine.

The first chakra is called Moldhara (sometimes it is also called root chakra or lower chakra). She binds the body of a person with the ground. Chakra Molandhara is responsible for the fact that a person needs first to survive: food, water, heat, shelter, protection, clothing. The continuation of the kind also applies here.

In order for this chakra to be in a healthy condition, you need to find such a place in nature, where you would feel good. One people like mountains, other blooming gardens, someone like big canyons, and someone lake and forest. There are such people who feel good only in the city. In short, you need to communicate with nature that you like.

If a person cannot provide himself with essentials (food, water, housing, clothing, etc.), he will immediately feel the influence of the chakra of Muladhara. This person simply cannot concentrate anything else anything else. Including he will not be able to engage in other chakras. The solution to this problem is obvious: it is necessary to balance this desire for survival.

Schadhistan Chakra Second Chakra (Sexy Chakra / Sacral Chakra / Flat Chakra)

Figure 4. The second chakra of Svadchistan.

Color classification: Orange crystal: carnelian, amber location: pelvis area

Chakra Svadkhistan is responsible for how much you are satisfied in life. If the first chakra is limited to survival, then here you should enjoy some kind of process.

Svadchistan craves as much pleasure and pleasure as possible. You can easily get used to this way of life: drugs, alcohol, tobacco, sex, etc. But you should not allow your second chakra to absorb all your energy.

The problem is that at the time of pleasure you "lose your head." All you need to do is be aware of every moment of pleasure. If you have noticed that you are not all good with the second chakra, but you will not be taken anything, then the search for pleasures in life will never end and will not lead to anything.

There is an easy way to find out that the Swadhistan chakra is not at a balanced state. Pay attention to your attractiveness. If you consider yourself from nature attractive and you do not need other methods to improve your appearance, then most likely you have everything in order with the second chakra. Also pay attention not to feeling jealousy and envy. They are signals to the wrong work of Svadkhistan and if you do not work well the first chakra, these feelings will be intensified.

Third chakra manipura (solar plexus)

Figure 5. Third chakra manipura.

Color: Yellow Crystal: Amber, Yellow Tourmaline, Citrine and Topaz. Location: Solar plexus

Chakra Manipura is responsible for the power and self-confidence, for self-control and self-discipline. One of the most important properties of this chakra is the ability to choose. She helps you to say "yes," when you agree, and "no" when they disagree with something.

Thanks to the good work of this chakra, you can not succumb to the influence of other people and act at your discretion, which gives us an important thing in life - freedom.

When we talked about the previous two chakras, they found out that for the first it would be enough just to survive in this world, for the second - enjoy, for the third it is important that the person constantly develops his discipline and self-control.

If the person is not equalized by the third chakra of the manipura, then energy conflicts can often occur in his life, in which it allegedly, it receives some part of life energy. Such a person can call the energy vampire. On the contrary, when we see that a person can concentrate and achieve the desired goal, and then take a break and enjoy the result, this is talking about a developed 3 chakra.

If a person is engaged in life not what he likes, then, most likely, you can see how the chakra of the manipura works incorrectly. After all, he obeys the will of another person and does not make something that requires his own heart.

Fourth Anahata Chakra (Cardiac Chakra)

Figure 6. Fourth Anahat chakra.

Green color. Crystal: Avenue, Pink Quartz. Location: Heart

The fourth chakra Anahat is responsible for being love in your life. Love in your heart is one of the most important goals in human life.

Chakra Anahata is the middle chakra on the human body, which separates the three lower chakras, from the three tops. This is the first energy center of a person who is directed not to personal energy, and attempting to erase the line between people in the world and feel the unity of nature.

The heart is the place that binds your ego and your spiritual life. In addition, according to some assumptions, it is also a place where the soul of man lives.

Are you ready to take care of other people without requiring anything from them? If so, then, most likely, you understand what love is.

If you sometimes come to the moments when you, feeling complete harmony, begin to make good actions, then this can be called the first awakening of the fourth chakra of love.

Causeing the state of harmony, joy, love to others, you thus attract more and more people who call such states.

If the fourth chakra is unbalanced, then you will be difficult to refuse to another person and you will begin to indulge the requirements of others that it will not always be better for you. You can pursue the feeling of guilt and shame, which cannot be attributed to positive feelings.

To move up to the level above from the third chakra, you will need a lot of time and effort. You will need to develop love for life and realize that the world is tripled as one whole.

Fifth Chakra Vishuddha (throat chakra)

Figure 7. Fifth Chakra Vishuddha.

Color: Heavenly Blue Crystal: Celegen, Aquamarine, Chrysoprase Location: Neck

The fifth chakra Vishuddha is responsible for your creative abilities. Each person laid a certain creative gift, talent. However, not all people open it for themselves and, accordingly, do not fully enjoy.

The developed and balanced Chakra Vishuddha allows a person to behave creatively. Classes with music, drawing, dancing becomes affordable thanks to this particular power center. Performing creative work, a person feels inspiration and joy from his occupation.

In addition, a person enjoys its fifth chakra at the time of solving any tasks. Sometimes the solution comes to your head spontaneously. Such moments are called insignia.

If the opening and normal functioning of the fifth center suggests that a person realized his uniqueness and uniqueness, comprehended his knowledge of the world around and led them to his truth, that is, the reverse side. The impassableness of the center can be noted when a person is deliberately trying to resist someone else's opinion. If someone makes a look at certain things, then such a person will definitely say: "No, you're not right. I'm right."

Also, the situation in which a person cannot express his opinion can speak about the violation of the work of the Chakra Vishuddha, because it believes that it is not correct or not interesting to anyone.

Sixth Chakra Ajna (Chakra Third Eye)

Figure 8. Sixth chakra Ajna.

Color: Blue Crystals: Fluoritis, Indigo Tourmaline Location: forehead, point over the bridge

The sixth chakra Ajna is responsible for your fantasy and imaginary world. Her awakening occurs when you strive to understand the secrets of the world and the meaning of life. Chakra Ajna is responsible for being inspired in your life and grace, which will allow you to get away from the reality of everyday life.

In order to put in order the sixth chakra, you will need creative discipline and spiritual maturity.

The right job of Chakra Ajna brings to your life harmony and pleasure. In addition, this chakra affects human intuition. Trusting her, you will notice that you no longer need to make efforts in order to accomplish something conceived in life. You may seem that all situations are adjusted for you and you appear at the right time in the right place. To do this, you will have to go through a complex and painstaking path of work on yourself.

If you have lost or still did not find the meaning of life, then you should concentrate on the sixth chakre of Face. You can use runes or tarot cards to get answers. In life you will be given enough opportunities. The main thing is that you yourself want to use them.

The effect of "third eye" or distortion of reality can be obtained by alcohol and drugs. But this feeling will be false. However, these states show how the sixth chakra works.

Seventh Chakra Sakhasrara (corona chakra)

Figure 9. Seventh Chakra Sakhasrara.

Color classification: Purple or white crystal: transparent quartz location: top point head

The seventh chakra of Sakhasrara is responsible for compounds with the deity, disclosure of spiritual potential, insight. The author of one of the books about the chakras of a person suggested that people who are now in a psychiatric hospital come to this level of consciousness (not all of course). But they are not associated with lower chakras, so they can live in their reality, which differs from ours.

People who have completely passed the path of development from the lower chakras to the upper chakra Sakhasrara begin to live under the leadership of God, while drawing energy from an infinitely source.

Fully achieve the equilibrium level of the sixth chakra, people are not given. And if it is given, then only a little. However, sometimes a person can feel the short-term influence of this chakra. After such an influence, priorities and views on life are changing.

To live, realize and work on 7 Chakra means to live with faith and serve God. For most people, abandon the safety and most expensive in life is a huge sacrifice. But this is only at first glance. Reaching the consciousness of the highest chakra, you will get a lot more in life than had before it.

CHAKR location on human body

Figure 10. The location of the chakra on the example of the skeleton

Each chakra is a small rotating cone (with a diameter of about 3-5 centimeters)

Figure 11. Chakra has a view of a rotating cone

Colors chakra

All 7 chakras have a different color that corresponds to the colors of the rainbow (red orange yellow green blue blue purple).

Figure 12. Meditation Chakras

Working with chakras can pass through meditation. The main thing is that it should be understood here that a person can experience any of the seven chakras for a moment. But without meditation you will not be able to keep it for a moment. You need to gain a solid connection between all chakras, and this can help work with chakras in the form of meditation. Remember that just to know about chakras is not enough, they need to experience and feel.

The first thing you have to work with chakras is to develop the ability to feel them and realize the impact on your life.

To work with chakras you need a mental balance. Perhaps this is the most important requirement to begin to realize and move through the chakras system.


Chakras - human energy centers in the form of small cones that supply energy for humans and get rid of unnecessary. Chakras are extremely important for a person, because it is through them that we get the bulk of energy that in turn needed to us for existence.

Bad work of one of the chakras can lead to diseases and undesirable consequences for a person. Since the energy is primary, and the physical body is based on the similarity of the energy, with the help of the recovery of the chakra, you can treat various diseases.

Svadkhistan is the second chakra of man. The Word itself denoting this chakra is literally translated as a place where life force lives. Like other chakras, Svadchistan can manifest itself completely differently, depending on its condition.

The second chakra is a sacral center, the fusion of pleasure. But the pleasures are sometimes fraught with consequences. Therefore, for a healthy and spiritual life, a person needs to control the work of this center.

Location in Tele.

Svadchistan is located between the pubic bone and the navel and is an oval.

Her petals are located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe pelvis, and the stalk leaves for the sacrum. The diameter of the chakra can vary from 5 to 17 cm.

What regulates

  1. Svadhistan regulates sexual man's urge. Our sexuality, sensuality, sexual attraction depends on this energy point. Maximum development This center reaches the age of puberty and youth. No wonder it is called sacral, because until a certain pore, he hides its capabilities.
  2. At 2, the chakra is born and concentrates the entire energy of the person, which then nourishes his body. Well opened Svadchistan is always a healthy and strong organism.
  3. This energy center, in addition to the sexuality and energetic personality, also regulates the influx of money into her life.
  4. The second chakra is responsible for the psychological state of the individual. If there are any problems in dealing with close people, with family, it greatly affects the chakra state.
  5. This energy center is "baggage" of our past sexual relations, as well as associated negative emotions, dissatisfaction, disappointment, resentment. If the "luggage" is full, it is poured into disease and neoplasms in the human body.

Main characteristics

  • Passing through the second chakra, the human energy is painted in orange. Therefore, the color of the Swadhistani is orange, or yellow with a red bow.
  • In order to regulate the work of this psycho-energy point, it is best to use its own mantra. It is pronounced as "to you."
  • Note corresponding to Svadchistan - Re. You can sing Mantra on this note. This will make your practice over the disclosure of this psycho-energy point even more fruitful.
  • The main element controlling the work of Orange Chakra is water. That is why this energy center is best developed among representatives of weak gender. Water gives energy to all alive. But she needs a stable support, a steady base. Such a support is Molandhara, which is more developed in men. Therefore, a man and a woman always harmonize each other.
  • Swadhistani flower has six petals. Each petal is a special electromagnetic oscillation acting inside a person.
  • The orange center is associated with a binding taste. This can be compared with the taste of immature persimmon.
  • To harmonize the Svadchistan, it is best to use such stones like fiery opal, fire agate, amber, moonstone, carnelian.

Development levels

  • Low Development

If Svadchistan is blocked, the personality feels unhappy. It is constantly in a state of anxiety or apathy. Sexual contacts do not bring any satisfaction, or even cause suffering. A person can change the mood dramatically, he becomes unable to express his feelings.

If you block 2 chakra, it becomes very difficult to earn money and get out of poverty.

In the field of health, the body is experiencing difficulties in the work of genital organs and the gastrointestinal tract.

Personality is aimed at self-evolution, so often in such people there are strong dependencies on alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, as well as from indiscriminate sexual bonds.

  • High level of development

If a person uses practices for the disclosure of Orange Chakra, then it is experiencing ease and pleasure from life. Personality with a developed second energy point is very sociable, harmonious, easily earns money and shares its creative energy with others. She has no problems in relationship with other people, especially with the opposite sex. She completely accepts himself as it is and is well alone with her own, as well as in the society of other people.

With a unlocked supadchistan man constantly want to build, the energy inside it is boil. It turns on in different types of creativity, filled with new ideas and is not afraid to answer the challenges of fate.

Methods of disclosure

  • First of all, it should be understood that the second chakra relies on the work of the first. Pay more time and attention to a healthy lifestyle, communicating with nature, the development of the physical body, as well as its spiritual qualities. It is necessary to develop their moral qualities and self-discipline. With good work, Molandhara, you will get a good basis for the development of Svadchistan.
  • When opening the second power center, its main characteristics should be taken into account. It is best to use meditation techniques. You can step up a mantra "to you" under the sounds of the murmur of water. In this case, you can visualize the flow of energy that passes through you and fills with new forces. In addition, you can put a photo of your guru, or beautiful landscapes that will reassure your mind and send your energy to the right direction.
  • Good practice for the development of any psycho-energy center in the human body is the right breathing. To unlock your energy points, you can use special yogh breathing. Sit in the lotus pose, or just with crossed legs. The spine should be straight. Put the index finger of the right hand to the third eye area. At the same time, a large and middle fingers should be on the wings of your nose. Inhale through the left nostril (closing the right), counting to four. Then make a breathing delay, counting to 16. After, exhale through the right nostril, counting to 8. In order to prevent thoughts into your mind, you can listen to your breath. This is useful at any time of the day, and not only during practice.
  • Svadkhistan is the sphere of sensations. Therefore, it is very important to feel any sensations that pass through you. If you eat food, then you should be busy only with this process. Feel the taste of food, its fragrance, consistency. Try to be at this moment only those who eat, and with anyone else more.

Also concerns any other sensations. If you walk through the woods, try to breathe deeply, full of breasts. Notice all the details, shades of nature that appear in front of you: leaves of trees, grass. Stay for a minute to listen to birds singing. Also, for this purpose, targeted listening to the beautiful, relaxing music or sounds of nature will fit. Any of these methods will be excellent practice for the opening of Svadchistan.

You can use different practices presented on the Internet. One of the best video courses, on the disclosure of the energy centers, is the course of exercises on Kundalini yoga from Maya Fains. Here, for each energy center, you have chrii and asana, as well as music, songs, mantras and poses.

The second psycho-energy center is responsible for our health, well-being, emotional state, the scope of communication, intimate and family relationships, the cash flow. Therefore, it is very important to try to devote at least five minutes a day, on the disclosure of this chakra. Try to start with a small, and with regular classes you will notice changes in your life in a month.

Chakra Svadkhistan - Energy Center, which takes its name from two Sanskrit words "Own" and "Housing, Obuala". Also, the term is interpreted as the "abode of me" and the "capacity of energy". Chakra Svadchistan - the second center from the bottom, which is over the chakra of Molandhara and is closely connected with it.
Where is Chakra Svadhistan
Chakra Svadchistan has a bright orange shade. Pictures this energy center as a circle with six or five petals with the stacked Sanskrit symbol in the middle. Stem is growing from the center of Chakra, which reflects the connection of this energy center with six other and space. Elements of the energy center - water, which symbolizes variability and development.
Chakra Svadchistan in women has anatomical binding - the uterus, and men are located just below the navel or in the sacrum area. This center is formed from 3 to 8 years. In men, this chakra is host, and in women - giving. Moreover, the orientation vector is directed at the genetic father, and after the first sexual connection - on the last partner.
What does Chakra Svadhistan are responsible for
This energy center is considered a container of vitality and is responsible for the essential body of a person, as well as for the taste and touch. In the physiology of Svadkhistan, it has a direct impact on all organs of reproductive and lymphosystems, kidneys, pancreas and intestines. It is a storage of vitality, affects the spirit of adventurism, the desire for the knowledge of the world, the ability to ask deep questions and receive answers to them.
Chakra Svadchistan is often called sexual, as it is she who is responsible for the relationship of floors, sexual attraction and pleasure from intimate proximity, energy exchange between a man and a woman, reproductive function. Also, this energy center ensures the adoption by man himself, to know the new, and create a new trigger. The state of orange chakra affects the selection of the sexual partner. It is responsible for self-identification in life, understanding the terms "forbidding", "honesty", "naturalness" and "beauty". Therefore, the scope of its action includes all the stereotypes that the person lives.
Chakra Svadkhistan carries not only sexual energy, but also creative. It is for her that we are obliged for the changes that they occur in life, new ambitions and desires. This energy center helps to embody all creative plans and ideas. Chakra Svadkhistan answers not only for the feeling of taste, but also for susceptibility to art, emotions, feelings outside of time and space. It allows a person to remain individuality, but at the same time be in harmony with society and the people around him.
Causes of Closing Chakra Svadkhistan
The closed Chakra of Svadkhistan is reflected in the physical body with various diseases: infertility, lack of sex and pleasure from it, muscle spasms, erectile dysfunction and reduced libido, constipation. The lack of balance here can cause depression, chronic fatigue and stiffness, inability to contact people, uncertainty in itself and their own forces.
Chakra Svadhistan is most often closed due to the fact that the root energy center of the Muladhara does not function normally. In this case, the energy flow does not penetrate the second chakra, which causes an imbalance. Other reasons for the fact that the Chakra Svadkhistan was closed, the following factors are:
Regular violation of personal boundaries;
Disposal of misconducts of neighboring, own errors, maliciousness, emotion suppression;
feeling of fear and resentment, anger, rage;
unbalanced nutrition;
Lifting the manifestations of feelings, sexuality, strict prohibitions for the knowledge of themselves because of "sinfulness";
committing abortion, reception of contraceptives, wearing intrauterine spiral;
Lack of care for its physical body, a sedentary lifestyle.
The closed chakra of Svadchistan manifests itself the loss of the joy of life, the grayness and the ability of every day. People with disharmonia in this energy center cease to feel their and other borders, often violate them, intrusive and unceremonia. A person ceases to believe in himself, it is doubtful and often asked the question "What is wrong with me. Such a person is afraid to realize his talent, is experiencing because of ridicule and therefore goes on someone else's way, repeatinging other talented people, but not creating anything.
Schadchistan chakra in an imbalance prevents a person to make new acquaintances, to defend its opinion, express sexuality, enjoy. This leads to the emergence of complexes, as well as suppressing desires, replacing them to completely different "pleasures": drugs, cigarettes, food, sweet, alcohol, attachment to money and things.
Orange energy center in blocked form pushes people not to enter into sexual communications and do not meet. But sometimes the action of it is directly the opposite: a person seeks to enter into intimate proximity with many partners, to draw up the lists of "Trofeyev" - conquered and abandoned ladies and men, fighting this before friends, as well as the emergence of love for sex perversions.
A person with disharmony in the second chakra is experiencing difficulties in self-realization: he does not see ways to realize his goals into life, and sometimes it does not know what he wants. Unbalanced Chakra Svadchistan leads to anxiety, despair, anger, rage, the emergence of a complex of guilt. The problems in this energy center may cause the development of some diseases of the kidneys, intestines, genital organs and the reproductive system, pancreas and spleen. Schadchistan chakra in the imbalance is able to provoke the development of prostatitis, fungal diseases, cystitis, ailments of the lumbar spine, diseases of the lymphatic and circulatory system.
Opening Chakra Svadchistan
If the Svaadhistan chakra is in an open and harmonious state, then a person marks the presence in himself:
The desire for individuality, creative implementation, the knowledge of the new;
a subtle feeling of the surrounding world and people, the feeling of their borders;
Ease with new acquaintances;
lack of tension when communicating;
lack of fear of change and expressing their feelings;
Order of your life without getting under someone else's influence.
Open Chakra Svadkhistan gives a person to feel deep feelings and bright sensations during communication, mental and physical proximity with other people. The trouble or life test see him as another fascinating adventure, the springboard for a new level of development. Any business brings a person when his Chakra Svadkhistan is open, happiness, joy, pleasure.
To open this energy center, you need to completely reconsider your lifestyle. In no case cannot suppress emotions and desires, think that you are unworthy. Sex should not have a hasty way to calm down. Turn it into a real interchange with energies, feelings. But here it is important not to overdo it: a large amount of sex acts also lead to the fact that the Swadhistan's chakra becomes unbalanced.
For its disclosure it is necessary to reconsider their beliefs that spoil life and prevent her to enjoy. But it is difficult to do it yourself without an experienced specialist. Much more productive will be the practice of opening Svadchistan after visiting a seminar or lecture. For example, our seminar "Development of ultra-sensitive perception" and "Magic of Relationships" is well suited for improving the state of all energy centers. And women will very help the "magic of charm and attractiveness."
It is important to remember that the Swadhistan chakra will not function normally if Molandhara is not open. Each of them plays a role, but harmony without the right job of both it is impossible to achieve. Chakra Svadchistan will work better if you walk with a flat back, balanced to eat. You can use aromatherapy: rosemary oils, ylang-ylang, sandalwood, jasmine, juniper harmonize this energy center, like the sounds of nature, mantra, ringing bowls and a knock of a shaman bubble.
Opening of Chakra Svadchistan: Exercises and Technology
Chakra Svadchistan can be disclosed with different exercises. Here are some of the most effective of them that will help not even a very experienced person to work out the second energy center:
1. Working with color. Swadhistan chakra has an orange color to visualize. To facilitate the process in the visibility zone, you can put some orange object. Concentrate on it, absorb this tint, feel and enjoy them. Take yourself with energy - warm, donating peace and peace. Feel how energy from Genitals seeks up through the root center and Svadkhistan, filling you with force. Make a couple of deep breaths, try to concentrate in yourself the resulting energy and only then complete the exercise. Conduct such sessions is better than 2-3 times a day.
2. Massage and self-massage. Any tactile touch - strokes, tapping, rubbing, kneading - everything that brings pleasure and relaxes, comes to the benefit of the orange energy center. The main thing during the session is to completely calm down, think about good and imagine how you are filled with warmth and energy.
3. Removing the lock. Chakra Svadchistan is most often closed due to the corrosive feeling of guilt. Write on paper the situation when you felt guilty, where it seems that something is wrong. Forgive yourself for this, ask for forgiveness from others if they hurt them and suffering. Release the events, and burn the leaflet.
4. Affirmations. Speak yourself: "Well-being, pleasure and happiness are constantly coming to me," "I am open with emotions and feelings, let me take myself gifts to the Universe," "I enjoy and love", "I trust the Universe and myself."
Chakra Svadkhistan, developed with the help of these and other techniques, will bring the first visible changes a few days after the start of exercise. You will feel the tide of strength and energy, raising the libido and the brightness of sensations during intimate intimacy, stop worrying before meetings and dating with people. Also, the balanced chakra of Svadchistan gives you happiness, joy and peace, will allow to be in harmony with himself and with the outside world.

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Good day!

You have already learned that the first chakra helps to gain stability, strength and confidence. Today we will talk about how on the basis of a lasting foundation to gain the joy of being and learn to enjoy life.

This will help us with acquaintance with the topic "Svadhistan Chakra for what is responsible." In the article you will find useful information about this energy center and on what areas of life it has a direct impact and how it affects the health and general condition of the person.

See also for a start I would like to note that the Chakras system consists of seven elements. This is one of the oldest and most simple work systems in our lives. Molandhara, or as it is also called root, is fundamental.

There are several names of the second chakra. Svadchistan is one of them, also called sacral - due to the location, orange - due to the main color and sexual, which speaks of the main energy, which is controlled by this center. The strength of this chakra comes from balanced and balanced Molandhara. These energies seem to complement and multiply each other.

The second chakra is located in the field of a small pelvis. It is inherent in shades of orange, bluish and yellow colors. It is depicted in the form of a lotus flower with five or six petals, which are revealed for a couple of centimeters below the navel. From the center towards the sacrum there is a stem, symbolizing communication with the rest of chakras and space energy.

The main symbol of this energy center is water. From here there is another name for this chakra - Jalamandhala, which is based on the word "Jala", which translated from Sanskrita means "water". It is believed that a person should be light and pliable, like a stream of water that smoothly goes all obstacles in its path.

Cheerful orange color warms the soul and encourages the search for the pleasures of the material world. It is believed that this color contributes to the preservation of youth and sensuality. People who have Svadchistan are balanced longer remain active and look much better than their age.

The total meaning of this chakra lies in the ability to empathize and the adoption of other people, the expression of uniqueness, open implementation of the internal potential, etc.

The harmonization of sexual chakra occurs in childhood. If the child grows in love, respect and understanding, then in the future he does not arise difficulties in this area. In the opposite case, there are imbalances and problems that can manifest themselves at any age.

Svadchistan is the center of pure emotions (both good and bad), creative abilities and sexual energy. The emotional state for which this energy center is responsible is related to the experiences of personal attachments, various losses, family relationships, the experience of knowledge, intimate life, self-esteem, feeling of loneliness, guilt, violence and pregnancy.

Information about what is responsible for the Swadhistan chakra is quite extensive. In our society, the topic of sexuality for many is forbidden. This becomes the cause of many physiological, psychological and spiritual problems. Therefore, it makes sense to understand this issue more. In any case, the importance of this energy is obvious.

The energy center of sexuality is responsible for:

  • manifestation of love for the opposite sex
  • interest in Sexual Union
  • spiritual, physical and mental pleasure
  • search for pleasure
  • sexual attractiveness
  • energy and magnetism
  • positive mood and sociability
  • attitude towards money and sex
  • physical energy exchange
  • creative self-realization
  • psychological state

In addition, Chakra Svadchistan is responsible for the physiological state of a person, which is manifested in the impact on the lymphatic and reproductive system.

One of the main functions of the Second Energy Center is in the awareness of another person. The norm for us is the manifestation of respect and care to the feelings and emotions of other people. It is feasible only if we feel self-sufficient and independently.

These qualities are inherent in people who grew in love and they have no problems with mutual understanding. But those of us who have chakra is in an imbalance, most likely, in childhood, lacked attention and care that in adulthood led to egoism and looping on themselves. The consequence of this was the inability of understanding others, disrespect and frequent stressful situations.

Our perception of sexuality depends on Svadchistan. It is under the influence of this chakra that awareness is aware of the belonging to a certain floor and in the future sexual behavior is simulated depending on the gained and the norms adopted by the Company in which we live.

It is the second energy center that is responsible for craving for adventurism and knowledge. Thanks to this chakra, we keep children's toastfulness and striving for creating something new. Svadkhistan contributes to creativity and helps to express their individuality.

Balanced chakra helps to develop the abilities embedded in us, activating the internal forces that are manifested in self-confidence and self-realization without regard to public opinion and peres.

It is impossible to say that a person with a harmonized swadhistania goes against everyone. No, he respects his mentors, is a full-fledged unit of society, but does not allow himself to break and ruin his talent.

In case of an imbalance of sexual chakra, a person becomes slave. His spirit is weakened, it is subject to fear and anxieties. Without feeling its value in this world due to lack of love and strength, a person loses confidence in the future. This failure often accompany various diseases of the organs of the small pelvis, kidneys, muscle spasms, etc.

Briefly familiarized with the fact that Chakra Svadhistan is responsible, I hope you realized the importance of this energy center. Remember that it is impossible to suppress energy, it is fraught with negative consequences. Therefore, it is so important to understand the processes occurring in us, to realize our essence and take themselves as we are.

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We wish you all good mood and soulful equilibrium. Good luck to you!
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