Nystatin Candles 25000 units. Candles against thrush in women Nystatin: effectiveness. Negative effects of therapy

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Preparation Nystatin

Nystatin refers to the group antifungal drugs and is used for the treatment of candidiasis, which are caused by the fungi of the genus Candida and Aspergill. This drug can be used to treat candidiasis of the oral cavity, skin, vagina and intestines, since it is not absorbed into the blood and affects the fungus locally. Nastatin action has no action to normal bacterial flora. When taking inside it is derived from the body in almost unchanged form along with the wheel masses.

Nystatin acts destructive on the cell membranes of fungi and penetrating the cells, causes its suppression or death. A long time can be applied, since fungi for a long time does not develop stability to it. The drug is produced in various pharmacological forms and, due to its small toxicity and efficiency, can be used among almost all patient groups, excluding pregnant and individuals with individual intolerance to this drug.

Forms of release

Nystatin is produced in a variety of forms:
  • tablets - 250 and 500 thousand units of 10 pieces in a blister, 20 pieces per pack;
  • granules for the preparation of suspension (Fungostatin) - 100 thousand units in 1 granule at 7.5 g in the bottle;
  • ointment - 100 thousand units in 1 g, 15 or 30 g in tubes;
  • rectal suppositories - 500 thousand units, 10 pcs. packaged;
  • vaginal suppositories - 250 or 500 thousand units, 10 pieces per pack.
Nystatin in granules and tablets can be used to treat or prevent fungal lesions caused by various reasons. Granules are convenient to use for the preparation of a suspension for children. Tablets can also be used to prepare a solution of nistatin, and for intake.

Rectal and vaginal suppositories include in its composition, in addition to Nistatin, a number of additional substances that make it more convenient for the treatment of candidiasis of the vagina and the lower intestinal departments. Enter suppositories follow the toilet of the crotch area, observing all the recommendations of the doctor.

Nistasy ointment for external use is applied to the treatment of skin candidiasis. Its composition, except Nistatin, includes such components such as white vaseline and lanolin, which ensure the uniform distribution of the active substance. If necessary, this ointment can be used not only for the treatment of skin candidiasis, but also for the treatment of candidiasis of vulva and the zone of anus.

Instructions for use Nistatan

Indications for use

  • Prevention of candidiasis with long-term treatment with antibiotics;
  • prevention of bowel candidiasis in the preoperative period and after surgical operations;
  • prevention of candidiasis of external genital organs with the external use of antibacterial drugs;
  • treatment of the candidosis of the vagina or the organs of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • treatment of the candidia of the skin or mucous membranes.


  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • severe disorders in liver functions;
  • increased sensitivity to Nistatin.

Side effects

  • when taking inside and with the introduction of rectal suppositories - nausea, vomiting (sometimes), diarrhea, discomfort and abdominal pain;
  • when using vaginal suppositories - allergic reactions are possible;
  • with long-term reception - in rare cases, the development of the sustainability of fungi to the drug and the absence of its effectiveness is possible;
  • when taking inside in any forms, allergic reactions (increase in body temperature, chills, skin itching, rash) are possible.

Before the introduction of the suppository, a woman should hold the toilet of the exterior genital organs and introduce pure hands into the vagina of the nistatin suppository.

As a rule, suppositories of 500 thousand units are prescribed for the treatment of thrush, but in some cases a dosage of 250 thousand units can be assigned. Candles are recommended to be administered twice a day: in the morning and evening. The course of treatment is usually about two weeks, but in some cases the duration of use of Nistatan may increase. Suppositories should not be used during menstruation and during pregnancy and lactation.

Gynecologists in the treatment of thrush are often prescribed together with the use of candles on the basis of Nistatan, which must be applied 2 times a day after the suppository is administered. The course of its use can last from several days to two weeks, and with the chronic form of the thrush, a repeated course of treatment after three weeks can be prescribed.

It is advisable to conduct parallel treatment of a sexual partner with Nistract Mazi, which in these cases is applied to the head of the penis twice a day. This measure is explained by the fact that, despite the lack of clinical manifestations of the thrush, a man can be a carrier of the fungus of the genus Candida, and sexual intercourse with it after the treatment of the disease can provoke a recurrence of the disease.

In some cases, for the treatment of thrush, which develops against the background of long-term diseases or treatment with antibacterial drugs, Nistatian tablets are used. The dosage of the drug is carried out according to the age of the patient, and the duration of treatment is determined by the doctor.

In recent years, nastatin for the treatment of thrush is applied less frequently, since the modern pharmacological industry produces a large number of other antifungal drugs (Levuary, Betadine, Clotrimazole, Terezhin, etc.), which are more convenient for use. Despite this, in some special clinical cases, Gynecologists prescribe Nastatin. As a rule, this drug is well tolerated by patients and rarely causes adverse reactions.

Nistatan interaction with other drugs

Nystatin interacts with few pharmacological preparations, since it passes through the human body with practically "transit". It is not absorbed and does not accumulate, does not penetrate the mucous membranes in blood, and the process of any biotransformation does not pass.
) - their effectiveness is reduced when interacting with Nistatan;
  • Hymmipcin - the effectiveness of Nistatin is enhanced;
  • estrogen-containing oral contraceptives (marvelon, Logest, etc.) - their effectiveness under the influence of Nystatin can decrease, and the risk of breakthrough (intermented) bleeding is increasing;
  • with a combination with nistatanic drugs of retinol, the risk of increasing intracranial pressure increases.
  • Nystatin is an antibiotic of a polyenov group, which is active in relation to pathogenic fungi.

    It is used to treat and prevent diseases caused by microorganisms against which the drug is effective. It is produced in the form of pills for oral administration, as well as in the form of candles for vaginal and rectal administration.

    It is usually well tolerated by the body, with the exception of cases of intolerance to the drug.

    Clinical and Pharmacological Group

    Antifungal antibiotic.

    Conditions of vacation from pharmacies

    Released without a doctor's prescription.


    How much do nystatin candles cost in pharmacies? The average price is at the level of 55 rubles.

    Release form and composition

    Vaginal suppositories, pills, ointment.

    • In 1 nistatan suppositoring 250,000 units or 500,000 units.
    • In 1 g of ointment - 100,000 units.
    • In 1 tablet -500 000 units.

    Pharmacological effect

    Nystatin refers to antifungal antibiotics. He is beginning to take at the first symptoms of thrush. Medicine effectively against fungi clan Candida SPP and Aspergilla. The active ingredient binds to sterols in the cell membrane of mushrooms, causing disruption of its permeability and the destruction of the main components of the cell.

    Under the local application, the antibiotic is practically not absorbed. After taking inside, the remedy is poorly dissolved the gastrointestinal tract.

    Indications for use

    Nystatin is produced in the form of candles. In this case, the drug is used rectally and vaginally.


    1. Candidiasis of the intestine.

    Nastatin is prescribed for the prevention and treatment of diseases caused by yeast-like mushrooms of the genus Candida


    The drug has contraindications:

    1. Pancreatitis;
    2. Pregnancy;
    3. Functional liver disorders;
    4. Ulcerative disease of the stomach and duodenum;
    5. Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

    Use during pregnancy and lactation

    In recent years, Nystatin is rarely appointed to women during pregnancy. This drug, according to the instructions, is contraindicated for use in pregnant women and due to the presence of a wide range of other antifungal agents, can be successfully replaced by safer antifungal drugs (for example, pimafucine, polyzinaks, diphlusol, etc.).

    In rare cases, nystatin in tablets or in vaginal suppositories are prescribed pregnant women, but in these forced cases its dosage is reduced.

    Only the use of ointments based on this drug can be considered the only safe methodology of treatment with Nistatan during pregnancy. In external use, it is not absorbed into the blood for the treatment of candidiasis of mucous membranes or skin and cannot harm the future child.

    Dosage and method of application

    In the instructions for use, it is indicated that nystatin should be administered to the vagina after hygienic procedures.

    Suppositories rectal

    Suppositories nastatin are introduced deep into the rectum.

    • One-time dose - 1 suppository, the multiplicity of application is 2 times a day (in the morning and evening). Course duration - 10-14 days.

    If necessary, it is possible to conduct repeated medical courses.

    Side effects

    Very rarely: local reactions (itching, burning).

    Other: the risk of distribution of resistant mushroom forms is possible. If the symptoms of the thrush do not pass, consult a doctor.


    Since nastatin suppositories act local and suction of the medicine into systemic blood flow is minimal, then the probability of overdose development even with long-term use of candles is practically absent.

    When accidentally use suppositories inside the patient, it is necessary to cause vomiting and make an activated carbon or one of the enterosorbents.

    special instructions

    When developing adverse reactions should be reduced dose or cancel the drug.

    When menstruation should not interrupt the treatment with vaginal suppositories. With fungal diseases of the vagina, simultaneous treatment of the sexual partner is recommended. During the treatment period, sex contacts should be avoided.

    Medicinal interaction

    With the simultaneous use of Nistatin and Clotrimazole, the activity of the latter decreases.

    Nystatin: Instructions for use and reviews

    Latin name: Nystatin.

    ATX code: A07AA02

    Active substance: Nystatin

    Manufacturer: Biochemics (Russia), Biosynthesis, OJSC (Russia), Irbit Himfarmzavod (Russia), Niphodearm (Russia), Borisov Plant of Medicine Preparations (Republic of Belarus)

    Actualization of the description and photo: 14.08.2019

    Nystatin is an antifungal antibiotic drug.

    Release form and composition

    Nystatin is produced in the following dosage forms:

    • The tablets covered with a shell or film shell: light yellow with a greenish tint, with a mesmer smell of vanillina, on the cross section - two layers (20 pcs. In dark glass jars, plastic containers or polyethylene bottles, 1 can, container or bottle in cardboard pack; 10, 20 pcs. in contour cellular packs, 1-3, 5 packs in a cardboard pack);
    • Suppositories for rectal use: yellow, torpedo-shaped, with a maximum diameter of 1.2 cm (5 pcs. In contour cellular packs, 2 packs in a cardboard pack);
    • Suppositories Vaginal: yellow, torpedo-shaped (5 pcs. In contour cellular packs, 2 packs in a cardboard pack);
    • Outfolding ointment: brown-yellow or yellow (10, 15, 25 or 30 g in aluminum or polymer tubes, 1 tube in a cardboard pack).

    The 1 tablet includes:

    • Auxiliary components: Milk sugar, Vaseline oil, Main carbon dioxide, oxypropylmethylcellulose (OPC), Calcium stearinovascular, potato starch, MC-16 (methyl cellulose), Pigment titanium dioxide, Tolein O, Twin 80, Vanillin.

    The composition 1 Suppository rectal includes:

    • The active ingredient: nastatin - 250,000 or 500,000 units (units of action);
    • Auxiliary components: Paraxibenzoic acid propyl ether, Food citric acid, Vaseline oil, Vepsol W-35, Vepsol H-15.

    The composition 1 Vaginal suppository includes:

    • The active ingredient: nastatin - 250,000 or 500,000 units (units of action);
    • Auxiliary components: Paraxibenzoic acid propyl ester, food lemon acid, Vepsol W-35, Vepsol N-15.

    The composition of 1 g of outdoor ointment includes:

    • Active ingredient: nastatin - 100,000 units;
    • Auxiliary components: Anhydrous Lanolin, Medical Vaseline.

    Pharmacological properties


    Nystatin is a polyenov antifungal antibiotic having antifungal (fungicide and fungistatic) activity. In the structure of the drug there is a large number of double bonds, which causes its high trail to sterin formations of the cytoplasmic membrane of mushrooms. At the same time, the molecule of the active substance is embedded in the cell membrane to form a large number of channels that provide uncontrolled vehicles of water, non-electrolytes and electrolytes. Under the action of this mechanism, the cell is lysed due to loss of stability to the effect of external osmotic forces. Resistance to the drug develops very slowly.

    Nystatin is active in relation to Aspergilla and yeast-like mushrooms Candida. It has fungistatic and fungicidal (in large doses) action. Tolerance of sensitive mushrooms to Nistatan develops very slowly.


    Nystatin - 19-MikosaminylNistatinolide, is an antibiotic of the polyenov group and is produced by the Streptomyces Noursei actinomycete.

    From the gastrointestinal tract is absorbed bad. The main mass of the drug accepted into the drug is distinguished with the feces. Does not show cumulative properties.

    From the surface of the skin is not absorbed.

    When local use through mucous membranes is practically not absorbed.

    Indications for use

    Tablets and ointment

    • Candidiasis of internal organs;
    • Candidiasis of mucous membranes and skin;
    • Candidiasis with prolonged treatment with antimicrobial drugs, especially at loose and exhausted patients (prevention).

    Vaginal suppositories

    • Vaginal candidiasis;
    • Fungal complications during local antimicrobial therapy (prevention).

    Suppositories rectal

    • Candidiasis of the lower departments of the intestine;
    • Fungal lesions in pre-and postoperative periods (prevention).


    • Functional liver disorders;
    • Ulcerative disease of the stomach and duodenum;
    • Pancreatitis;
    • Pregnancy;
    • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

    Instructions for use Nistatin: method and dosage


    Nystatin tablets are taken inside, regardless of meals.

    In the treatment of candidiasis of internal organs, it is recommended to use the following dosing mode:

    • Adults - 4-8 times a day at 500,000 units (with generalized candidiasis - up to 6,000,000 units per day);
    • Children 1-3 years old - 3-4 times a day at 250,000; Children from 3 years old - 4 times a day at 250,000-500,000 units.

    Course duration - 10-14 days. If necessary, after a week, the course of treatment can be repeated.

    Outdoor ointment

    In the treatment of candidiasis of mucous membranes and skin, ointment is applied to the affected areas with a thin layer 2 times a day. Treatment should be carried out daily for 7-10 days.

    It is possible to carry out combination therapy with a nastatin in the form of tablets.

    Vaginal suppositories

    Nystatin should be administered to the vagina after hygienic procedures.

    Suppositories rectal

    Suppositories nastatin are introduced deep into the rectum.

    One-time dose - 1 suppository, the multiplicity of application is 2 times a day (in the morning and evening). Course duration - 10-14 days.

    If necessary, it is possible to conduct repeated medical courses.

    Side effects

    • Digestive system: vomiting, nausea, diarrhea (for tablets and rectal suppositories);
    • Allergic reactions: chills, skin raising;
    • Others: There is a possibility of distributing resistant mushroom forms, which can lead to cancellation of therapy.


    Overdose cases are not fixed.

    special instructions

    In cases of the development of side effects, it is necessary to reduce the dose or cancel therapy.

    It should not be treated with vaginal suppositories during menstruation. With fungal diseases of the vagina, the simultaneous treatment of sexual partner is recommended. During the therapy, sex contacts should be avoided.

    Application during pregnancy and lactation

    It is forbidden to use nastatin in the form of tablets and vaginal suppositories during pregnancy.

    The drug in the form of rectal suppositories is allowed to use for the treatment of pregnant women, provided that the estimated risk for the fetus is below the potential benefit for the mother.

    Nystatin in the form of ointments can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

    There are no data on the release of the drug in the form of pills with breast milk, so if it is necessary to use it during the lactation period, it is recommended to stop breastfeeding.

    It is allowed to use nastatin in the form of suppositories of vaginal and rectal suppositories during lactation (through the mucous membranes, the drug is practically not absorbed).


    Nastatin ointment is allowed to apply for the treatment of children.

    It is forbidden to apply the preparation in the form of tablets for the treatment of patients under the age of 3 years.

    According to the instructions, nastatin in the form of vaginal and rectal suppositories cannot be used to treat patients under the age of 18.

    With violations of the kidney function

    Nystatin in the form of tablets should be used with caution for kidney disease.

    When violations of the liver function

    Nystatin in the form of tablets is contraindicated to apply with violations of the liver function.

    Medicinal interaction

    With the joint use of Nistatin with Clotrimazole, the activity of the latter decreases.


    Nistatan analogues are: left, natamycin, ketoconazole, miconazole, clotrimazole, fluconazole, intrambonezole.

    Terms and conditions of storage

    Store in protected from light, dry, inaccessible to children.

    Shelf life:

    • Tablets - 2 years at a temperature of 18-20 ° C;
    • Suppositories rectal and vaginal - 2 years at temperatures up to 5 ° C;
    • Outdoor ointment - 3 years at temperatures up to 5 ° C.

    Conditions of vacation from pharmacies

    Tablets are released by prescription, ointment and candles - without a recipe.

    Nystatin is a polyenic antifungal antibiotic, highly active against yeast-like mushrooms of the genus Candida. It has a fungicidal action.

    The components of the drug are associated with the stearines of the cell membranes of fungi, which leads to their inability to function as a selective barrier, this causes the loss of their main cell components.

    The effect of the antibiotic is directed to the defeat of the pathogens of molding mycoses, aportichoz, chromomicosis, blastomicosis (deep and visceral), dermatomycosis. The drug is effective for some pathogenic simplest.

    Candles and tablets Nystatin affect the yeast-like fungi Candida and Aspergilla. The medicine is dulling the development of vegetative forms of dysenteric AmeB in the intestines.

    The high efficiency of nystatin candles during the thrush is noted. The drug in all forms is not active in relation to viruses, actinomycetes and bacteria. Resistance to the drug develops very slowly.

    The bioavailability of the active substance of nastatin tablets is low, it is poorly absorbed from the intestinal lumen in the blood. From the body is excreted mainly with the feces.

    Fast page

    Price in Pharmacies

    Information about the price of nystatin in pharmacies of Russia is taken from the Internet pharmacy data and can be somewhat different from the price in your region.

    You can buy the drug in the Pharmacies of Moscow by price: Nystatin Candles Vaginal 250000Ened 10 pieces - from 26 rubles, price of nastatin tablets 500 thousand ... - From 40 rubles, the cost of ointment is 100 thousand units 15 g - from 51 rubles.

    Conditions for leave from pharmacies - without a recipe. Tablets are released by recipe.

    The list of analogs is presented below.

    What are Nystatin apply for?

    Nystatin tablets are prescribed in the following cases:

    • Candidiasis of internal organs;
    • Candidiasis of mucous membranes and skin;
    • Candidiasis with prolonged treatment with antimicrobial drugs, especially at loose and exhausted patients (prevention).

    Vaginal candles:

    • Vaginal candidiasis;
    • Fungal complications during local antimicrobial therapy (prevention).

    Rectal suppositories:

    • Candidiasis of the lower departments of the intestine;
    • Fungal lesions in pre-and postoperative periods (prevention).

    Instructions for the use of nystatin (tablets \\ Candles), doses and rules

    Tablets are taken inward, regardless of meals. Tablets swallow, not chewing.

    In the treatment of candidiasis of internal organs, the instructions for use are recommended to apply the following dosages of Nystatin tablets:

    • Adults - 4-8 times a day at 500,000 units (with generalized candidiasis - up to 6,000,000 units per day);
    • Children 1-3 years old - 3-4 times a day at 250,000; Children from 3 years old - 4 times a day at 250,000-500,000 units.

    The duration of the course of treatment from 10 to 14 days. If necessary, after 7 days, the course can be repeated.

    With the damage to the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, the pharynx and the esophagus of Nystatin tablets (500,000 units \\ 3-4 times a day after eating) are placed behind the cheek, not chewing, until complete resorption.

    With chronic recurrent and generalized candidides (repeated or continuous admission to the blood of candidate mushrooms), re-courses are carried out with interruptions between courses for 2-3 weeks.

    Instructions for nastatin candles

    In the milk of the candle, nystatin is prescribed intravaginal. Candles are also recommended for the treatment of candidation of the lower departments of the intestines, vulvovaginitis and colipt.

    Rectally 1 suppository is introduced deep into the rectum 1-2 times a day.

    Intravaginal apply 1 candle \\ 2 times a day. Enter into the vagina after hygienic procedures.

    The duration of the course of use of Nistatin is 10-14 days. The need for repeated medical courses is possible.

    Effectively combine the local treatment of thrush with a meal of Nistan inside.

    Important information

    In cases of the development of side effects, it is necessary to reduce the dose or cancel therapy.

    It should not be treated with vaginal suppositories during menstruation.

    During the therapy, sex contacts should be avoided.

    Application during pregnancy and lactation

    It is forbidden to use nastatin in the form of tablets and vaginal suppositories during pregnancy.

    Rectal candles are allowed to use for the treatment of pregnant women, provided that the estimated risk for the fetus is below the potential benefit for the mother.

    Data on the allocation of nastatin tablets with breast milk is absent, so if necessary, it is recommended to stop breastfeeding during the lactation during the lactation.

    It is allowed to use candles of nystatin and rectal suppositories during lactation (through the mucous membranes the drug is practically not absorbed).

    Features of application

    Before using the drug, familiarize yourself with the sections of the instructions for applying contraindications, possible side effects and other important information.

    Side Effects of Nystatin

    Instructions for use warns of the possibility of developing side effects of candles and tablets Nystatin:

    • Digestive system: vomiting, nausea, diarrhea (for tablets and rectal suppositories);
    • Allergic reactions: chills, skin raising;
    • Others: There is a possibility of distributing resistant mushroom forms, which can lead to cancellation of therapy.


    It is contraindicated to apply nystatin at the following diseases or states:

    • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug,
    • violation of the liver function,
    • pancreatitis
    • ulcerative ulcer of the stomach and a 12-rosewoman,
    • pregnancy.


    The consequences of the use of elevated doses The drug is not described in the instructions.

    List of analogues nystatin

    If necessary, replace the drug, possibly two options - the choice of another medication with the same active substance or the drug with a similar action, but by another active substance. Preparations with a similar action combines the coincidence of the ATX code.

    Analogs of nastatin, list of drugs:

    1. Left
    2. Natamicin;
    3. Ketoconazole
    4. Miconazole
    5. Fluconazole,
    6. Inrambonezole.

    When choosing a replacement, it is important to understand that the price, instructions for use and feedback for nystatin are not applied. Before replacing, it is necessary to obtain the approval of the attending physician and not to replace the drug independent.

    Reviews of candlelight Nystatin in the thrush are conjugate with side effects: rapid urination, irritation, burning in the vagina. Women often stopped the treatment immediately on the disappearance of symptoms, while the elimination of the pathogen did not occur and in the time the symptoms were returned. According to many women, these candles are not very effective, believe that the drug "outdated" and preference to modern antimicosis drugs.

    Special information for health workers


    With the simultaneous use of Nistatin with Clotrimazole, the latter activity is reduced.

    special instructions

    During menstruation, treatment should not be interrupted.

    The drug does not affect the speed of psychomotor reactions and the possibility of concentrating attention.

    The drug can be used for children aged 1 year in the appropriate age dosage.

    • Diclofenac (ointment, gel, pills, candles) - ...

    The acute course of the genital candidiasis is always accompanied by such unpleasant and obsessive symptoms, like, with urination, a feeling of burning in the field of external genital organs and abundant dense discharges resembling curd consistency. Therefore, in comprehensive therapy, candles against thrush are prescribed in the complex therapy, since they are well and quickly eliminating the clinical manifestations of the disease.

    The local application of intravaginal suppositories allows to achieve the elimination of the pathogen from the vaginal cavity and save the woman from the classical symptoms of the candidiasis in a short time.

    In addition, the candles against the thrush create an optimal concentration of antifungal substance locally, practically not sucking into systemic blood flow. This significantly reduces the risk of severe adverse reactions.

    Many vaginal belong to combined drugs with antifungal, and antibacterial effect. And, as you know, quite often the thrush is activated or proceeds against the background of the existing bacterial infection in the vagina cavity.

    The presence of a patient obliges the purpose of both systemic and local antimicotic, which are produced in the form of intravaginal suppositories.

    There are situations where the reception of tablets inside is extremely difficult due to the anatomical features of the rotogling obtained by injuries or the accompanying pathology of the digestive organs. In this case, the only treatment option is, cream and ointment.

    What are nastatin suppositories?

    Nistane candles from thrush are a torpedo-shaped agent having a yellow color. The suppositories themselves are concluded in contour cellular packs of 5 pieces.

    The main active ingredient is represented by a nistatanic - polyenov antifungal medicine, open in 1950. It is capable not only to suppress growth, but also destroy fungal cells. The mechanism of action lies in blocking specific enzymes that launch the reaction of the formation of the sterols. These substances relate to the basic components of the cell wall of the pathogen.

    Auxiliary Ingredients:

    1. Vepsol 35.
    2. Lemon acid.
    3. Vaseline oil.
    4. Vytepsol 15.
    5. Ether propyl paraxibenzoic acid.

    Thus, the disturbed biosynthesis of ergosterols contributes to an increase in the permeability of the cell membrane. As a result, a huge number of sodium ions, potassium, chlorine and water comes into the cage. As a result, the fungus does not withstand and independently collapses.

    Instructions for use during thrush

    Doctors gynecologists are not rarely recommended to use nystatin preparation in treatment, since microorganisms are practically not developed to it. After passing a significant amount of clinical trials, the drug has proved its effectiveness after many years of use.

    Official instructions for the use of nastatin candles during thrush contains such categories:

    • Release form.
    • Beneficial features.
    • Mid-meter dosage and duration of therapy.
    • Mode of application.
    • Indications.
    • Contraindications.
    • Adverse reactions.

    Forms of issue and properties

    The drug nastatin can be represented by one or several dosage forms, differing among themselves by consistency and method of application:

    • Tablets have a pale yellow color and a weak smell of vanillina. Available at a dose of 500 and 250 thousand units. Can be enclosed in contour cellular packaging (10 tablets), polymer or glass jar (20 pieces).
    • Yellow ointment with brown tint. Contains 30 g of active substance (1 gram - 100 thousand units), which is located in an aluminum tube.
    • Intravaginal suppositories containing 500 and 250 thousand units.
    • Rectal candles are also represented by a torpedo-shaped form and contain 250 or 500 thousand units of the active substance.

    Nystatin is a polyenic antibiotic having a gustrated color powder consistency. It has a sharp and strong smell, bitter taste and practically dissolute in water.

    Thus, so that Nystatin keeps its therapeutic properties, it should be stored in such conditions: in hermetic packaging, in a dark and cooler place.

    Thanks to mycostatic and mycocidal effects, nystatin acts on yeast-like fungi, including candids, and aspergillia, and does not have activity against bacteria. Due to the spectrum of the impact of candle, nystatin is used in the treatment and prevention of fungal infection in women.

    How to take: dosage and term of therapy

    For proper and convenient introduction, a woman should take a horizontal position - lying on his back with several breeded and bent in his knees. There is a thorough toilet of genital organs.

    Deep into the vaginal cavity slow and neat movements are introduced 1 suppository twice a day (in the morning and evening hours). The media-therapeutic course of treatment, as a rule, lasts from 10 to 14 days.

    As for rectal candles, it is possible to pose on the left side with the legs given to the chest. Buttocks are neatly fingers, and slowly push the candle in the rectum. Also used on a candle 2 times a day, it is desirable that the gap between the application amounted to 12 hours. Therapy duration is 10-14 days.

    Side Effects and Contraindications

    Before using nastatin against thrush, it is necessary to take into account the presence of contraindications and the possible development of adverse reactions.

    Nystatin in any form of release is contraindicated at:

    • Pregnancy of any term.
    • Feeding baby breasts.
    • Individual hypersensitivity to individual components.
    • Acute or chronic pancreatitis in history.
    • Severe liver pathology with impaired its functions.
    • Chronic ulcerative duodenal and stomach disease.

    Adverse reactions are not numerous, but at the same time have a place to be. The local use of the drug can cause moderate skin, hyperemia, a feeling of burning and less often - rashes. As a rule, diarrhea, nausea and abdominal pain are rare. Allergic reactions may appear in women who are prone to atopy, up to anaphylactic shock.

    Will the nastatic candles from the thrush result?

    For the correct and effective appointment of the antifungal drug, the doctor must take into account the sensitivity of the causative agent to the active substance. For this, bacteriological sowing of the pathological separated by a special environment is performed.

    The emergence of a certain amount of colonies of yeast fungi from the genus Candida testifies to candidal infection. After the sensitivity of the sinking microorganism is determined to various antifungal drugs.

    Thus, if a woman, according to the results of the analysis, pathogenic fungi is sensitive to Nitatan, his appointment will be faithful and justified, and the effect will not make a long time to wait.

    Price and where to buy?

    Buy Nistasy candles will not be difficult, as they are available almost in any pharmacy. The price depends on the form of the release and concentration of the active substance.

    Thus, the vaginal suppositories of Nystatin 500 thousand units are on average 75 rubles, 250 thousand units can be purchased for 22-25 rubles. The price policy for rectal candles is also loyal - one packaging costs about 50-80 rubles.