It's like my head is spinning. What causes dizziness and staggering. What causes true severe dizziness?

The vestibular system determines the level of balance a person feels. It is located in the area of ​​the inner ear, from where periodic signals come from nerve cells and the temporal region of the cerebral cortex - this is the mechanism internal control human body by body position. Any disturbances in the impulse transmission of information to the brain lead to a partial loss of the sense of balance.

Sometimes nausea and dizziness occur due to the presence of pathologies of the vestibular apparatus - this is the so-called vertigo. The characteristic symptoms of this deviation are sudden attacks of ailments, accompanied by:

  • nausea;
  • release of cold sweat;
  • loss of normal coordination of movements;
  • vomiting.

Why do you feel dizzy when you stand up? – This is the question doctors hear most often. The fact is that sometimes dizziness is called a manifestation that is not such, namely, a feeling of darkening in the eyes with a sudden change in body position. So women, when they come to the doctor, say the same phrase: “I feel dizzy when I get up.”

In medicine, this phenomenon is called orthostatic collapse.

True dizziness - vertigo, manifests itself in a visual “internal rotation” or “inversion” of the surrounding world, in relation to a person who believes that it is static.

Such different dizziness

When finding out the causes of the disease, the doctor will definitely ask you what exactly you feel. If there is a foggy look, certain dots before the eyes, a veil, then it will become clear that vestibular dysfunction is occurring. Real dizziness is associated precisely with “rotation inside the head.”

Dizziness is a common symptom of various diseases.

Important characteristic feature Many unpleasant symptoms are due to their similarity to signs of brain damage. For example, inflammation of the inner ear, including prolonged or chronic inflammation, can externally occur in the same way as hypertension or even atherosclerosis. The head is spinning in both cases.

In fact, the problem may be based on depression, heart disease, and increased blood viscosity. If you feel dizzy in a certain position, when your body is lying on your side or tilted back, and you often experience vomiting, nausea, a feeling of anxiety or fear, this may also be associated with pathologies of the ear labyrinth.

All factors must be correctly compared and appropriate treatment prescribed.

Damage to the so-called auditory nerve, which is responsible for the blood supply to the cochlea and labyrinth of the inner ear, as well as the roots of the auditory and facial nerves, often leads to infarction of the labyrinth, and as a result, dizziness and one-sided deafness occur.

When you experience dizziness when normal pressure, the doctor is obliged to determine the cause of the malaise, considering the options for central and peripheral dizziness. Both statuses are classified as pathological and dangerous to health, especially if the discomfort is observed regularly over a significant period of time.

  1. Attacks of peripheral dizziness. They have a vegetative nature and are accompanied by tachycardia and sweating. At the same time, the main functions of the vestibular analyzer are not impaired, and therefore a person’s recovery after an attack is relatively quick.
  2. Attacks of central vertigo. They come on suddenly, and their consequences are felt for a long time in the form of unsteady walking and balance problems. Repeated attacks are characterized by more far-reaching disturbances in speech, motor activity of one half of the body, as well as double vision of objects before the eyes. Thus, central vertigo indicates possible problems with a brain.

Features and causes of dizziness

Dizziness that occurs after motion sickness in various types of transport or visiting attractions can be perceived as normal. It is sometimes natural for a person to experience the effect of a “blurring” picture, as well as the loss of the feeling of solid ground under his feet.

In general, sometimes people of different ages and levels of training feel dizzy. But people who suffer more than others are those who suffer from frequent, almost daily dizziness, which can result in instability when walking.

So, in what cases is dizziness not considered a pathology:

  1. Transport and carousels. Traveling on a bus and having fun at an amusement park can cause various discomfort. Strong emotional experiences are also added to the load on the vestibular apparatus. A quarrel on the bus or the delight of riding on a swing have the same effect on the body, especially the female one. Dizziness in such cases becomes quite possible.
  2. Impact of stress. A sudden jump in adrenaline levels can cause dizziness and nausea due to vasospasm and reduced blood flow to the brain. Adrenaline appears in the blood as a reaction to significant events or stress, and the effect is the same both in the case of positive emotions and as a result of an unpleasant, aggressive effect on the psyche.
  3. Response to altitude. From the point of view of anatomy and medicine, dizziness of a person who has risen to a certain height can also be considered normal - the eyes are not able to instantly focus on close objects after a prolonged gaze into the distance.

When to see a doctor

Despite the presence of reasonable and relatively normal variants of dizziness, if such unpleasant symptoms recur frequently, you should consult a specialist. Doctors call high or low blood pressure one of the most common causes of dizziness in women. People for whom changes in blood pressure have become a common, often recurring phenomenon also experience frequent dizziness.

Consequences of vegetative-vascular dystonia

A disease such as vegetative-vascular dystonia leads to disturbances in normal blood flow and negatively affects the state of balance. nervous system person. The disease requires constant prevention and elimination of the causes of its occurrence.

Constant poor circulation can cause an even more serious reaction in the body than dizziness.

Frequent dieting and iron deficiency

Why do women feel dizzy? of different ages– the answer to this question is ambiguous. The cause may be constant exhausting diets, as well as a lack of meat and other iron-containing products in the diet.

Iron deficiency often provokes a disease such as anemia - it is this that doctors identify as the most common cause of female dizziness. From a medical point of view, strict diets can negatively affect the composition of the blood, as well as have a number of equally serious, often irreversible, consequences for a woman’s body.

Dizziness with cervical osteochondrosis

If you are worried about pain in your spine, it may be a consequence of sedentary work. Osteochondrosis often occurs against the background of spinal curvature, while vertebral artery suffers the most. As a result of its compression, the process of normal blood flow to the brain is disrupted.

The carotid artery, directly involved in the cerebral blood supply, is less vulnerable, but also suffers from various forms osteochondrosis. Dizziness when cervical osteochondrosis characterized by long duration, loss of coordination of movements, weakness and a feeling of splitting of visible objects.

Effect of ear inflammation

Since the vestibular apparatus is physically located in the area of ​​the inner ear, prolonged inflammation, for example, otitis media, can cause dizziness. Acute form the disease is often accompanied by severe ear pain and increased body temperature.

Tumor and unexpected dizziness

Dizziness that appears unnoticeably, affecting only one side of the head, should be a reason to examine the brain for the presence of tumors. A rupture of the eardrum, causing one-sided deafness, is also necessarily accompanied by dizziness, which sharply intensifies during sneezing or coughing.

Side effects of drugs

When taking new medications, you should pay attention to the list of their side effects. Often the head can become dizzy from sleeping pills or tranquilizers, and in women even when taking oral contraceptives.

Reasons to urgently call an ambulance

If you simultaneously experience symptoms such as:

  • severe weakness;
  • vision problems;
  • noise in ears;
  • headache,

then you simply need to call an ambulance. The fact is that dizziness in combination with loss of consciousness, loss of strength and coordination of movements, as well as headache, are signs of an acute disturbance of cerebral blood flow and, possibly, a stroke.

If, in addition to dizziness, you also feel:

  • noise in ears;
  • nausea;
  • headache,

then these could be symptoms of traumatic brain injury, toxic poisoning or migraine.

What treatment is prescribed for dizziness?

The correct treatment for dizziness must be chosen by a doctor. Because my head is spinning at the most various diseases and infections, he usually prescribes a comprehensive study, which may include:

  • computer and magnetic resonance imaging;
  • ultrasound examination;
  • X-ray;
  • study of the body using radioisotopes;
  • biochemical tests.

Treatment for any type of dizziness should begin only with a visit to the doctor. The main thing is to seek medical help on time. You should not prescribe medications for dizziness on your own!

Quick ways to deal with dizziness

Want something interesting?

If you feel dizzy while at home, you should immediately lie down on the bed, after removing the pillows to ensure normal blood flow.

If you feel dizzy in the middle of the street, find yourself a support point, for example, a bench. Close your eyes briefly and do not make sudden movements that could cause you to fall and get injured.

In any case, visit a doctor as soon as possible or call ambulance, since the regularity of dizziness attacks indicates the presence of the disease.

What pills can you take

If the cause lies in damage to the ear labyrinth, then drugs are needed to stimulate blood flow in inner ear.

This is the medicine that has long been recognized universal drug long-acting - betaserc - these are tablets for dizziness. Today the drug is prescribed for everyone possible types dizziness. Prescribing betaserc together with cinnarizine should be considered unreasonable.

Prescribed drugs also include nootropics (for example, nootropil), they will help with injuries and diseases of the brain, as well as with fatigue. Cavinton (vinpocetine) and stugerone (cinnarizine) are widely used, but in older people the effect of the drugs is greatly reduced due to age-related vascular changes.

Dizziness during pregnancy

You should immediately reassure all pregnant girls - slight dizziness is typical for the female body during such a serious physiological and hormonal changes like carrying a baby.

Why do you feel dizzy and weakness come so unexpectedly? The answer is simple - global processes inevitably affect the blood supply system.

Classification of sensations by trimester

Each trimester has different sensations:

  1. First trimester. Often pregnant women during this period complain to us that they feel sick and dizzy when suddenly changing their body position or in stuffy, poorly ventilated rooms due to lack of oxygen.
  2. Second trimester. The second trimester is characterized by more significant changes in female body. The causes of dizziness during this period may be circulatory disorders and oxygen starvation brain, as well as a decrease in blood pressure.
  3. Third trimester. In the third trimester of pregnancy, the uterus becomes the most massive and active, so blood flows to it, while the cerebral cortex is starving. This leads to the fact that the expectant mother’s ears are blocked and her head is dizzy. At this moment it is important not to lose your balance and not fall!

Most often, dizziness during pregnancy is not treated with medications.

If there is nausea, antiemetics may be used. As folk remedy You can drink mint and lemon balm tea.

When an expectant mother needs doctor's help

You should consult a doctor in case of severe and frequent attacks of weakness, dizziness, nausea followed by fainting states. A detailed examination can identify diseases and individual factors not directly related to pregnancy, namely:

  • vascular or cardiac pathologies;
  • dysfunction of the vestibular apparatus;
  • lack of the hormone serotonin in the cerebral cortex of a pregnant woman;
  • psychosomatic diseases;
  • fluctuations in hemoglobin levels in the blood;
  • tumors;
  • diseases of the cervical vertebrae, osteochondrosis;
  • diseases of the vegetative-vascular system;
  • anemia;
  • low pressure;
  • glucose deficiency in the body;
  • phenomena of strong ventilation;
  • allergies.

What to do if you feel dizzy? Slowly lie down on your back and slightly raise your legs up, you can also sit on a chair and try to lower your head. It wouldn't hurt to wipe your face with a damp cloth.

Prevention of dizziness during pregnancy

Often the answer to the age-old question of all women expecting a baby, about why they feel dizzy and nauseous, looks banal. If you are pregnant, you should always follow simple rules. So, it is important not to starve, but to eat in small portions, but often. Sometimes a contrast shower is useful.

Special clubs for expectant mothers can offer a set of exercises that have a beneficial effect on general state women expecting a baby. In general, a pregnant woman should be peaceful and calm. Do not forget that it is advisable to visit as often as possible fresh air and eat right. Then you won’t be afraid of dizziness!

Any loss of orientation in space, the sensation of objects moving around you, or the feeling that the ground is disappearing from under your feet cannot but frighten you. Sometimes this feeling is fleeting and passes very quickly. But if severe dizziness recurs again, you need to consult a doctor to find out what is causing the anxious feeling. After all, it can be a symptom of many diseases.

There are many reasons for vertigo - as doctors call the symptom that patients describe as dizziness. We all experience it often in childhood, when we ride on carousels or spin around holding hands and then suddenly stop. The world around seems to continue to move, dragging you along with it. This was true vertigo, the head can become so dizzy that one could even fall, losing balance, and this is the safest and most predictable dizziness.

But if a person feels this way when getting out of bed in the morning, or in the middle of the street, or while sitting on a bus, you should think about visiting at least a therapist. After all, severe dizziness can be a symptom of life-threatening diseases.

Dizziness or not?

Normally, the cerebral cortex perceives many signals from the vestibular system, organs of hearing and vision in order to transmit impulses to the muscles - this ensures the balance of the body and the possibility of its normal movement. The system is extremely complex, any failure in it can lead to disaster, and then, instead of reality, a person sees illusions of the movement of objects, the world around him.

Doctors divide true dizziness with the illusion of the movement of objects or the person himself into peripheral and central.

Peripheral dizziness can be caused by:

  • disturbances in the functioning of the vestibular apparatus - an organ that is part of the inner ear and is responsible for balance, analyzing changes in the position of the head, reacting to them very accurately and clearly, which allows a person not to fall even with his eyes closed;
  • inflammation of the inner ear, otitis media;
  • benign tumors of the middle ear;
  • labyrinthitis - inflammation in which not only the vestibular apparatus suffers, but also hearing;
  • Meniere's disease is a chronic disease accompanied by a general decrease in hearing, vision, and nystagmus - involuntary movement of the eyeballs.

Central true vertigo is caused by:

  • traumatic brain injury, spinal injury in the neck: along with other consequences strong blow a person feels as if he is moving in space or sees objects around him moving (floating);
  • stroke - a hemorrhage that causes multiple disturbances in the functioning of the brain, greatly affecting the ability to navigate in space, maintain balance, and move normally;
  • brain tumors;
  • epilepsy;
  • cervical osteochondrosis.

Doctors often talk about false dizziness, that is, symptoms that patients mistakenly consider vertigo. In these cases, patients complain of strange sensations inside the head, heaviness or weightlessness, while a sharp increase in sweating, short-term loss of vision, balance, weakness, and rapid heartbeat are also observed. The main thing is that the symptom occurs regardless of whether the person is moving or not. Any true dizziness manifests itself only when moving, changing the position of the head or body.

The causes of false vertigo may be:

  • diabetes mellitus (hypoglycemia);
  • hypertension (sometimes hypotension);
  • heart and vascular diseases;
  • anemia, starvation;
  • depression;
  • nervous disorders, stress, and fatigue;
  • myopia (severe nearsightedness).

There can be many reasons for severe dizziness, most often elderly people or teenagers suffer from them, so it is imperative to diagnose the disease and treat it, and not a symptom that causes inconvenience.

First aid

It is imperative to know what to do if you experience severe dizziness, so as not to fall into dangerous situation, do not endanger your life and the lives of people around you.

  • do not panic - in itself it does not pose a danger;
  • sit down, or better yet, lie down, if possible, or, as a last resort, lean on the wall;
  • focus your gaze on any stationary object (ballerinas are accustomed to looking at one point, as tightrope walkers do);
  • do not close your eyes, this will worsen the condition;
  • Having come to your senses, you should check your blood pressure and do everything necessary to normalize it.

If severe dizziness has literally knocked the ground out from under your feet, there is noise or ringing in your ears, there are problems with vision, your arms or legs have begun to go numb, do everything to attract attention to yourself, this condition requires immediate medical attention.

It is not always possible for a person to feel the approach of a severe attack of dizziness and take a safe position. In this case, the correct actions of others can save his life.

  • at sudden loss give consciousness a sniff ammonia, any will do essential oil with a strong pungent odor;
  • provide access to fresh air, open windows, unbutton clothes;
  • give medicine if the patient is constantly taking medications to reduce blood pressure or normalize cardiovascular activity;
  • two or three sips of strong sweet tea, chocolate will help with dizziness due to anemia;
  • call an ambulance.

A dangerous symptom is severe dizziness, the cause of which is injury or trauma. Here you should not hesitate to call an ambulance, as dizziness indicates dangerous blood loss and serious damage to internal organs.

For chronic diseases

In case of dizziness caused by the approach of an epileptic attack, if the patient was unable to stop it, it is necessary to ensure a safe position of the body so that he does not injure himself. You can place a cushion of clothing under your head and make sure that your tongue does not get stuck, which can cause suffocation.

Dizziness when standing up suddenly is not a very dangerous symptom. If this happens often, you need to train yourself not to get out of bed as soon as you open your eyes.

You need to give time to all the muscles to wake up, clench and unclench your fingers several times, stretch, tense and relax your muscles, take a few breaths, and only then take a vertical position. With age, our organs find it increasingly difficult to adapt to the changed rhythm of life, blood vessels lose elasticity, and it becomes increasingly difficult for the heart to work, so they do not need any extra stress at all.

Toxicoses, alcoholic and other poisonings, overdose of certain medicines can also cause dizziness, and this condition is often fraught with serious complications, including death.

Often severe dizziness is experienced with a sharp drop in pressure, attacks of osteochondrosis, vascular pathologies. Doctor-prescribed procedures and medications can help normalize the situation and avoid recurrence of attacks.

Methods of treatment and prevention

Since severe dizziness is caused by many reasons, you first need to determine its cause. For serious chronic diseases It is really necessary to follow all the doctor’s recommendations. Even a slight runny nose can cause problems with the vestibular system, leading to irreversible disorders that will significantly complicate life.

Under no circumstances should you self-medicate; only a doctor can make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment. The main thing for the patient is not to let the disease progress and to begin treatment immediately.

Training of the vestibular apparatus, daily walks in the fresh air, and physical activity are great for coping with severe dizziness and nausea caused by motion sickness. Biking, skiing, skating, morning exercises, including bending and rotating the head and torso, somersaults and rolls should become constant.

Diseases accompanying true central vertigo should be treated only under the supervision of a doctor; these are often life-threatening conditions.
False dizziness requires no less serious attention, especially if it is accompanied by:

  • nausea,
  • vomit,
  • pale skin,
  • cold sweat,
  • weakness,
  • fainting.

These signs may indicate a heart attack or stroke, acute cardiovascular failure.

Pregnant women feel very dizzy; this is the body’s reaction to a changing state; there is no need to be afraid. Such dizziness is typical for teenagers who are forced to spend time in stuffy school classrooms and auditoriums. Ventilating offices, walking and playing outdoors can help eliminate the problem.

You should not wear tight-fitting clothes or tie a tie or belt tightly; this also provokes dizziness due to a lack of oxygen and blood supply to the brain.
If you have anemia or asthenia, you should not forget about the means that will help you quickly come to your senses: chocolate, strong sweet tea in a thermos, a bottle of ammonia in your pocket so that you can sniff it at any time.

Remember the algorithm

The most dangerous thing when you have dizziness is to get behind the wheel of a car. A person can pose a danger to himself and to others, so at the slightest sign of an approaching attack, you need to pull over to the side of the road, stop, turn on the hazard lights and ask for help.

Sudden dizziness is not a reason to panic, you need to:

  • find support: sit, lie down, or simply lean on something;
  • focus your gaze on a stationary object;
  • normalize breathing, breathe deeply and evenly;
  • unfasten the top buttons on the clothes, loosen the belt;
  • if the condition does not return to normal after 10–20 minutes, call for help or call an ambulance.

Everyone gets dizzy a few times in their life. But if they are repeated with enviable consistency, they should become a reason to go to the hospital for examination and treatment. The doctor will tell you how to keep your muscles and blood vessels toned, how much to spend in the fresh air, and what to eat so as not to harm yourself.

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Severe dizziness (vertigo) is a state of disorientation in the space of a person’s body or a feeling of movement of objects around him.

The vast majority of people have experienced it at least once in their lives, starting from childhood. This phenomenon can be compared to riding on a swing or spinning for a long time in one place.

If this symptom is one-time in nature, then it is completely harmless. However, when disorientation accompanies you on a regular basis, then this is a cause for concern.

There are many types and reasons for the appearance of the “illusion of movement”. In what diseases do they appear:

  • disorders of the vestibular analyzer;
  • internal illnesses;
  • visual impairment;
  • lesions of the cervical spine;
  • dysfunction of the blood supply to the brain;
  • physiological dizziness.

After headaches, complaints to doctors about a pre-fainting state, when “the earth is spinning around”, take 2nd place.

Severe dizziness is not a separate disease. This is the most common symptom of the presence of pathology in the body, even a tumor.

It is rarely isolated, appearing in combination with headache, nausea, vomiting, severe weakness or a feeling of fear. This serious problem, requiring medical intervention and action.

Therefore, if you are suffering from attacks of disorientation in space that interfere with your normal lifestyle, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Only full medical examination can identify the real causes of severe dizziness.

What causes true severe dizziness?

True dizziness or vertigo is a pathology of the vestibular apparatus. Vertigo occurs when the following diseases are present in the human body:

  • TBI, as well as cervical spine injuries;
  • stroke (hemorrhagic or ischemic);
  • dysfunction of the blood flow of the vertebral artery;
  • neoplasms (tumors) of the brain;
  • syncopal (basilar) migraine;
  • epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, vascular vasculitis;
  • encephalopathy due to alcohol abuse;
  • otitis of various types;
  • Meniere's disease.

It is worth noting that vertigo often appears after taking psychotropic drugs or drugs that affect the central nervous system.

Causes of false dizziness

With false dizziness (or lipotomy), the patient describes various unpleasant sensations and pathologies that have nothing to do with vertigo.

During lipotomy, you may feel nauseous, weakness appears, and fear often arises in anticipation of fainting.

Reasons for lipotomy:

  • hypo- and hypertension, atherosclerosis;
  • cardiovascular system disorders;
  • during an attack of hypocemia (diabetes mellitus);
  • blood diseases;
  • neuroses, stress, phobias;
  • dysfunction of the spinal cord;
  • ocular dysfunctions;
  • infections;
  • chronic alcoholism;
  • Shy-Drager syndrome.

Lipotomy often occurs in young people and adolescent children due to VSD disorders (vegetative-vascular dystonia).

Women feel dizzy

The female sex is especially susceptible to pain and jumps blood pressure which are often accompanied by severe dizziness.

Hormonal changes during pregnancy, PMS (menstruation), and menopause similarly provoke a state of disorientation.

Most women have a poorly developed balance apparatus (vestibular). Even a flight on an airplane or a regular trip in transport can cause fainting.

The sensitivity of the female nervous system to stress, emotions, depression, as well as overwork, fatigue or chronic lack of sleep can cause frequent dizziness.

In men

Of the stronger sex, workaholics and those with bad habits most often suffer from this disease.

Not proper nutrition without a routine, a hangover after waking up, sedentary work and stress - these are the main provocateurs of dizziness in men.

People suffering from osteochondrosis and circulatory disorders are also at risk.

For men, frequent dizziness is a serious reason to consult a doctor, since this fact indicates the development of pathology.

For example, prostate dysfunction or diseases of the reproductive system can cause loss of orientation.

At normal pressure

Why the unhealthy state of dizziness occurs at normal blood pressure has been little studied. The patients' complaints are of the following nature: they feel as if they are drunk all day long.

The reason for this may be a sudden movement of the head (turning, throwing back), TBI (traumatic brain injury) or bruises of the cervical spine.

Dizziness with nausea and sweating occurs with vestibulation disorder, and the ability to coordinate one’s movements is usually lost.

If dizziness with nausea is accompanied by diarrhea, this may indicate poisoning or gastrointestinal disorders.

Each case is individual and usually associated with certain situations.

With nausea and weakness

An unhealthy condition can be accompanied by several uncomfortable sensations at once. Most often, dizziness occurs simultaneously with nausea and severe weakness.

There are many reasons for this ailment - it could be a normal pressure drop caused by changing weather conditions or a very serious symptom.

For example, the presence of infection, intoxication, head injury or the development of other severe pathologies.

When you get up (when changing body position)

The main cause of this malaise is a violation of the vestibular analyzer. Traumatic brain injury or stroke can also leave traces in the form of an erroneous assessment of the body's position in space.

Inflammatory processes in the ears, neuritis, sudden surges in pressure can cause changes in the sensations of coordination and balance when getting out of bed in the morning.

It is believed that people who have a sedentary job or lead a passive lifestyle are most susceptible to dizziness when changing body position when standing up. Symptoms intensify in the presence of osteochondrosis.

With painful sensations

The most common is dizziness with headache. Such sensations can be harmless or hazardous to health.

Harmless ones include eye or physical fatigue, lack of food or nutrients, stress, sudden movements, etc. Anything that can be corrected without medical help.

Pain with dizziness caused by severe pathologies is considered dangerous. For example, pre-stroke condition, atherosclerosis, hypertension, etc.

Dizziness may be accompanied by pain in the ears, stomach, spine, or cervical spine. In any case, this is always considered a sign of the development of the disease.

What is vertigo syndrome?

Vertigo syndrome is an illusory state of one's own rotation or space, accompanied by the inability to coordinate one's movements.

The name itself contains the essence of the problem. Vertigo is a sensation of objects spinning around the body with loss of balance. When walking, a person begins to stagger and does not feel support.

In the human body there are two organs - labyrinths responsible for coordination:

  • vestibular apparatus, located in the inner ear;
  • the cerebellum and cerebral cortex, in which the main nerve centers are located.

What causes vertigo syndrome is irritation or dysfunction of one of the labyrinths leading to an imbalance of signals entering the brain.

Central vertigo

Central vertigo - this means dizziness is characterized by slow development, mild symptoms, but at the same time they are permanent.

CV is caused by a malfunction of the brain. Usually accompanied by increased sweating, attacks of nausea, and unusual heart rhythm.

The signs are weak, there is no reaction from the vestibular analyzer. At therapeutic therapy improvement comes slowly.

Main factors:

  • epilepsy;
  • tumors;
  • impaired blood circulation in parts of the brain;
  • migraine.

Numerous studies have revealed vertigo of psychogenic origin, which is provoked by emotions and experiences.


Peripheral vertigo is associated with disorders of the vestibular apparatus and the central nervous system. It starts suddenly and also stops unexpectedly.

Every day of illness is difficult, powerlessness can drag on for an indefinite period of time. A person can not only stagger when walking, but also fall, his head becomes cloudy.

Usually accompanied by:

  • hearing impairment, may have ringing in the ears;
  • gag reflex, stomach cramps;
  • heat, temperature, excessive sweating;
  • darkening of the eyes;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • rapid heartbeat.

The complex of these symptoms is called vestibulo-atactic syndrome.


Systemic (or true) vertigo is the most common, otherwise called vestibular ataxia.

In addition to discomfort from nausea in the morning, instability, and lack of coordination, there is a symptom of a premonition of falling or loss of consciousness.

Various provoking factors:

  • neurological;
  • otolaryngological;
  • cardiovascular;
  • metabolic;
  • psychogenic.

Systemic dizziness occurs in attacks. May be permanent or paroxysmal.


Often a state of severe dizziness is a reaction to life situations. This condition is a safe type of dizziness.

What are the symptoms associated with:

  • adrenaline rush - overwork, stress or, on the contrary, an emotional outburst in moments of joy and happiness;
  • fast movement - movement in one direction is expected, but it happens in the opposite direction;
  • disturbance of gaze focusing - usually occurs at height or when looking into the distance for a long time;
  • hunger - the cause can be all kinds of diets, long breaks between meals or a low social level;
  • sharp turns, tilts, rotational movements- usually occurs in adolescence and youth environment due to the immaturity of the vegetative system.

Loss of coordination of movements: diseases

Dizziness is often accompanied by an inability to coordinate your movements. Symptoms can be caused by various diseases.

Table with the most common reasons:

Name Description
Post-traumatic vertigo After injury to bone membranes and fractures of the pyramid of the temporal bones
Toxic damage to the vestibular nerve Caused by taking various drugs or medications
Cholesteatoma (tumor caused by inflammation of the inner ear) As a result of the disease, the walls of the tympanic cavity lose their integrity
Barotrauma Diagnosed by diving to great depths, coughing, straining, accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the eardrum
Vestibular neuronitis A type of systemic vertigo syndrome of unknown etiology
BPPV (benign paroxysmal positional vertigo) A very common pathology, most often occurs in people over 50 years of age
Labyrinthitis Inflammatory processes in the inner ear due to damage by bacteria or viruses
Meniere's disease Characterized by involuntary jerky movement of the eyeballs with a certain rhythm, accompanied by low vision
Brain stem damage due to stroke The patient experiences disturbances in the processes of articulation, speech, swallowing, and coordination
Basilar migraine Accompanied by dizziness, headache, blurred vision and consciousness

What to do with the disease?

There are ways in which you can get rid of it yourself discomfort or stop an attack.

How to relieve an attack and how to help yourself with dizziness:

  1. Don't panic, regulate your breathing.
  2. Apply ice or a wet towel to your forehead.
  3. It is advisable to drink strong coffee.
  4. Do acupressure temples and crown.
  5. It is necessary to lie down on a flat surface for a quick supply of oxygen. Lie down so that your head and shoulders are at the same level.
  6. Seclusion in a dark room with your eyes closed helps.
  7. Provide yourself with access to air.
  8. Try focusing your gaze on one object.
  9. If the dizziness does not go away, and you have a severe headache and nausea, then you need to take the appropriate medicine and consult a doctor.


To identify the cause of vestibular disorders, the patient will need a comprehensive examination. First of all, you need to consult a therapist or neurologist.

Based on the results of the examination and survey, the doctor can give a referral to the following specialists: otoneurologist, vestibulologist, ophthalmologist, infectious diseases specialist, vascular surgeon, cardiologist and ENT specialist.

The examination includes:

  • study of the cellular composition of blood and urine;
  • undergoing radiography, EEG, CT or MRI of the spine;
  • passing vestibulometry, stabilography, rotational tests, etc.

Based on the patient’s complaints and initial tests, it is selected certain type studies outlined above.

How to remove with tablets (first aid)

Dizziness can interfere with work and daily activities, causing fear of going outside. Therefore, it is necessary not only to stop attacks, but also to engage in treatment.

First aid at home:

  • antihistamines: pipolfen, diphenhydramine and others;
  • sedatives: andaxin (causes drowsiness);
  • medications for vomiting and nausea: cerucal, metoclopramide;
  • powerful antipsychotics that relieve anxiety and fear: lorazepam, meterazine, diazepam;
  • vasodilators (vasodilators): vasobral, nicotinic acid.

It is worth considering that if there are constant signs of dizziness, self-medication is highly not recommended. Taking pills without medical supervision is dangerous. It can make you feel nauseous and sleepy, which is fraught with consequences.

Treatment at home with folk remedies

Alternative medicine has proven its effectiveness over years of use. Even doctors recommend taking folk remedies seriously.

How to get rid of vertigo, grandma's recipes:
Chop 350 g of garlic, pour in 500 ml of alcohol. Let it brew for 15 days. Take this when you feel unwell: 25 drops per half glass of milk.

Pour a glass of boiling water over fresh or dry lemon balm leaves (1 tablespoon). Cool and drink instead of tea.

At frequent dizziness that interfere with daily activities, you should consult a doctor. Especially if vertigo is accompanied by nausea and other symptoms.

Regular attacks indicate the presence of pathology. There are many cases where people suffered a mini-stroke in this way.


Exist simple rules, compliance with which will help to avoid uncomfortable conditions.

How to get rid of vertigo forever:

  1. Rejection of bad habits.
  2. Do not overuse coffee and strong tea.
  3. Buy yourself an orthopedic pillow and mattress for your bed.
  4. Learn to control your emotions to avoid stressful situations.
  5. Switch to a healthy diet that includes foods fortified with vitamins and minerals.
  6. Warm up daily and do therapeutic exercises.
  7. If your work involves a computer, then you should give your eyes a rest every 1-2 hours.
  8. Spend more time in nature or resorts.

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If a person feels dizzy, there can be a variety of reasons. Dizziness is a feeling of rotation of the body or objects, instability. True dizziness is called vertigo. It is observed when the functioning of the vestibular apparatus is impaired. If you feel dizzy, this does not always indicate any illness. This condition may be physiological. Every person has felt dizzy at least once in their life. What are its reasons?

The vestibular apparatus is responsible for a person’s orientation in space. It is located in a pyramid temporal bone. It is a bony labyrinth consisting of the cochlea, vestibule and semicircular canals. There are two main types of vertigo: central and peripheral. In the first case, there is a dysfunction of the brain, in the second – a pathology of the vestibular apparatus.

Features of peripheral dizziness are:

  • short duration;
  • suddenness of appearance;
  • hearing impairment;
  • severe imbalance;
  • high intensity.

A distinctive feature is that there are no focal neurological symptoms.

For dizziness central genesis characterized by a gradual slow onset and duration of the resulting condition. The balance is moderately disturbed, there are focal symptoms. There are also psychogenic, cervicogenic and fainting dizziness.


Why do you feel dizzy? U healthy person You may also feel dizzy. In this case, the main reasons are the following:

  • pregnancy;
  • starvation;
  • ride on a carousel;
  • use of various medications;
  • poor nutrition;
  • stress;
  • motion sickness

Dizziness is rarely the only symptom. If it does not disappear for a long time and is combined with other symptoms, this may indicate the presence of certain diseases. If you feel dizzy periodically or constantly, the following diseases may be the cause:

  • otitis;
  • labyrinthitis;
  • choleastomy;
  • barotrauma;
  • otosclerosis;
  • acoustic neuroma;
  • Meniere's disease;
  • skull injury;
  • cerebrovascular insufficiency;
  • migraine;
  • infectious diseases (including syphilis);
  • hypertonic disease;
  • arterial hypotension;
  • hypertensive crisis;
  • tick-borne encephalitis;
  • cerebellar tumor;
  • cervical osteochondrosis;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • seasickness;
  • cerebral atherosclerosis;
  • encephalopathy;
  • stroke.

Often you feel very dizzy when your body is intoxicated with ethyl alcohol, narcotic substances, or salts of heavy metals. Sometimes the reason lies in mental illness. Pain and dizziness can be side effects when taking certain medications. Similar symptoms appear while taking antianginal drugs, antihypertensive drugs, NSAIDs, antibiotics, and antidepressants.

If you feel very dizzy, labyrinthitis may be the cause. It is also called internal otitis. Most often, the appearance of a labyrinth in the inner ear is caused by the penetration of various microorganisms. As a rule, the disease develops against the background of otitis media. The most common causes of labyrinthitis are:

  • otitis media;
  • perforation of the eardrum;
  • flu;
  • measles;
  • tuberculosis infection;
  • mumps;
  • herpes;
  • syphilis;
  • traumatic injury to the temporal bone.

Labyrinthitis causes dizziness and nausea. If you feel dizzy, weakness may also be present. Such patients develop vestibular ataxia. It is characterized by impaired coordination of movements.

Dizziness with labyrinthitis is systemic. In this case, patients lose orientation in space. Some people simultaneously develop non-systemic dizziness, which causes instability when walking. The duration of dizziness varies from a few minutes to several hours. A sick person may experience severe nausea and vomiting.

Other symptoms of the disease include nystagmus, excessive sweating. Labyrinthitis can occur in acute and chronic forms. During the period of remission, dizziness is less pronounced and lasts less.


If you feel dizzy and have a headache, the cause may be brain damage. There are several types of traumatic brain injuries: compression, contusion, concussion, and diffuse axonal injury.

Most often, dizziness occurs due to a concussion. The degree of its severity depends on the severity of the injury. Concussion is the most commonly diagnosed condition. It can be caused by a normal fall, a traffic accident, or a blow to the head. A concussion is manifested by clinical signs such as:

  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • noise in ears;
  • weakness;
  • rapid breathing;
  • nausea;
  • depression of consciousness.

People with this type of injury experience constant pain and dizziness. Dizziness is caused by a direct effect on the structures of the brain. Symptoms may disappear quickly or may bother the affected person for 1-2 weeks.

Dizziness may be a sign of a brain injury. There are three degrees of it: mild, moderate and severe. The main symptoms are nausea, dizziness and vomiting.


Why do you feel dizzy with diseases of the cardiovascular system?

Often this symptom observed in stroke, atherosclerosis of cerebral arteries, arterial hypertension, hypertensive crisis.

A stroke poses a serious threat to a person's life. If, against the background of high blood pressure, severe dizziness, weakness, headache, nausea, and speech impairment are observed, this may indicate an ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke. The most common causes of this condition are atherosclerosis of the cerebral arteries, blockage of the cerebral arteries by a blood clot, rupture of an aneurysm, and high blood pressure.

The most common manifestations of stroke:

  • Strong headache;
  • drowsiness;
  • sensory disturbance;
  • dizziness;
  • visual impairment;
  • difficulty speaking;
  • impaired coordination of movements.

A stroke requires emergency care. The prognosis for a person’s health and life depends on how quickly and efficiently it is provided.


You often feel dizzy with high blood pressure. It is most pronounced in hypertensive crisis. This condition is characterized by a sharp increase in blood pressure to levels that patients find difficult to tolerate.

If a person is unsteady or dizzy, the cause may be cerebral atherosclerosis. Its cause is most often poor nutrition (excess animal fats in the diet). Against this background, atherosclerotic plaques form in the cerebral arteries. When the lumen of the vessel is blocked by 50%, oxygen starvation of the brain is observed. This may manifest as headache or dizziness.

If you experience dizziness and weakness, the cause may be an acoustic neuroma. This benign tumor auditory nerve. The incidence rate among the population is one case per 100 thousand people. The tumor can be unilateral or bilateral. Women suffer from this disease several times more often than men.

The main manifestations of the disease are dizziness and decreased hearing acuity. However, dizziness is not always observed. As a rule, it occurs gradually, but tends to intensify. Vestibular crises are often observed. In this case, along with dizziness, nausea or vomiting appears. Additional symptoms of the disease may be paresthesia, horizontal nystagmus, dull pain on the affected side, double vision.

Systemic dizziness is the main clinical sign Meniere's disease. This is a disease of the inner ear that is not associated with inflammation. Meniere's disease is dangerous because it can lead to a permanent decrease in hearing acuity and even deafness. The exact cause of the disease has not been established. Possible triggering factors are viral infections, hormonal imbalance, ear injury, vascular disease, high pressure in the internal part of the hearing organ. Dizziness is the main symptom of the vestibular form of Meniere's disease.

Dizziness with this disease is combined with nausea and vomiting. It comes in fits and starts of different durations. At mild form illness attacks last several minutes. The remission period can be several months. In severe forms, the frequency of attacks varies from once a day to once a week. This course of the disease leads to permanent disability. The dizziness is very strong. In this case, patients are forced to take a certain body position (usually lying down). Dizziness may worsen with movement. Other symptoms of the disease include shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, loss of balance and coordination, and hearing loss.

What to do if you feel dizzy? If this symptom does not go away on its own, you should consult an otolaryngologist to determine the exact cause of the dizziness. Further treatment tactics will depend on this.

Diagnostics includes:

  • patient interview;
  • examination of the ear canal and eardrum;
  • conducting CT or MRI;
  • general and biochemical analysis blood;
  • angiography of cerebral vessels;
  • vestibulometry;
  • otolitometry;
  • stabilography;
  • electroencephalography;
  • measuring blood pressure, pulse and body temperature;
  • study of balance and coordination of movements in the Romberg pose;

Questioning the patient helps to identify factors that provoke dizziness. Sometimes dizziness can be accompanied by abdominal pain and bowel dysfunction. In this situation, it is necessary to rule out food poisoning.

If you feel dizzy, what should you do? Treatment will depend on the underlying disease. If infectious labyrinthitis is detected, treatment involves the use of antibiotics (penicillins or macrolides), anti-inflammatory drugs (Diclofenac), histamine receptor blockers (Dramina), drugs Betagistin, Bellataminal. In severe cases it may be necessary surgical intervention. It is indicated for the development of meningitis, brain abscess, meningoencephalitis. An indication for surgery is also irreversible hearing loss.

What to do if cerebral vascular atherosclerosis is diagnosed? Treatment involves compliance strict diet(limitation fatty foods), taking statins (“Simvastatin”, “Lovastatin”).

What to do if dizziness occurs against the background of a hypertensive crisis? First of all, you need to slowly reduce your blood pressure and start taking antihypertensive drugs regularly.

What to do if there is a neuroma? For this disease, surgical or radiation treatment. Conservative treatment is not effective.


In case of a stroke, emergency assistance is required. Treatment involves normalizing blood pressure, using fibrinolytics, antiplatelet agents, oxygenation, and using drugs that improve cerebral circulation.

Thus, dizziness is a common complaint among patients and requires close attention.

Each of us has experienced dizziness at least once. It is caused as serious illnesses, and minor external irritants, can be either an alarming symptom or a harmless short-term sensation.

Sometimes this disease can manifest itself sharply, in an intensified form, with an attack of nausea.

In another situation, dizziness is observed over a long period, without causing much trouble to the person.

This article describes in detail why you feel dizzy, what types of this disease there are, what to do if you feel dizzy, and what can cause it.

Often this term means something completely different. Feeling darkening in the eyes, flickering, bright light, ringing in the ears,. Some may mistakenly say that they constantly feel dizzy.

Decreased hearing sensitivity in special situations, muscle weakness can be perceived as dizziness.

In fact, this term characterizes only the sensation of apparent rotation, general or “inside the head.” True dizziness is also called “vertigo”.

Why do you feel dizzy and stagger when walking?

This condition can occur from taking medications, various diseases(dental or ear diseases), due to an unstable emotional background or due to overwork.

However, there are two main types of this disease: peripheral vertigo and central.

  1. Peripheral (not systemic). It comes with a sudden headache and lasts from a few moments to a couple of hours. At the same time, the person feels suddenly dizzy. He may also feel loss of balance, sweating, thirst, and nausea. Very often this is accompanied by pain in the ear on one side, as well as significant worsening with sudden movements of the head. There are no focal neurological symptoms.
  2. Central (systemic). Most often associated with brain diseases. Characterized by an abrupt onset and long-lasting action. A person may feel dizzy from time to time. In this case, there is a lack of coordination of movements for weeks and even months; dizziness almost does not increase when turning the head. Focal neurological symptoms may appear.

When visiting a doctor, it is important to be able to correctly explain the nature of your sensations, which will help you quickly make a diagnosis and apply the appropriate treatment.

If you always feel dizzy, then talk about it, remember exactly when these signs of illness began to appear, and when dizziness is most noticeable (in the morning, evening or night).

It is important to understand that dizziness is not an independent disease, but only a syndrome, and depends on the nature of the disease that caused it.

Manifestation of pathology or reaction to an external stimulus: how to determine

In some cases, when the head hurts or feels dizzy, it may not be related to pathology, the body’s natural reaction to external stimuli, for example:

  • Water, land and air transport. Just like motion sickness, dizziness all the time while in a moving vehicle is absolutely normal for people with a sensitive vestibular system. According to statistics, this most often occurs in children under 12 years of age, whose vestibular apparatus has not yet fully developed.
  • Carousels. Riding on a carousel is often accompanied by dizziness, which is normal reaction brain for a quick change of picture and rotation of the body. After you've been on the carousel, your head may continue to spin throughout the day.
  • Stress. Usually bright positive or negative emotions accompanied by a surge of adrenaline, which can cause dizziness. A sudden surge of adrenaline in stressful situations is also normal. There are many diseases that cause a person to be in constant fear, panic, rage, and they should not be confused with ordinary stress. They provoke a surge of adrenaline and dizziness. Such diseases include, for example, pheochromocytoma.
  • Height. When a person rises to a significant height, his gaze is directed into the distance and does not have the ability to sharply switch to surrounding objects. Dizziness in such situations is normal, especially if the person has a fear of heights.
  • Exhaustion, severe fatigue. Usually accompanied not only by dizziness, but also by headache, which is concentrated in the temporal lobe. After a healthy, sound sleep, such dizziness goes away the next day.
  • Lack of food and drink. Dizziness can occur due to a sharp lack of food and water. If a person gradually limits himself, over weeks or even months, then the body calmly adapts. Even if you haven’t eaten for only 8 hours, but before that you constantly had a hearty breakfast and lunch, this can even cause loss of consciousness. Usually, this is not a pathology, but irregular nutrition may be accompanied by serious illnesses Gastrointestinal tract. In this case, the head does not become more dizzy with sudden movements. If you have been dizzy all day and haven’t eaten anything, then you just have to eliminate the cause and your condition will return to normal.
  • Sudden change of position. A common reaction when suddenly getting out of bed in the morning is darkness before your eyes, especially if you haven't slept well before. In such a situation, you should drink a glass cold water and lie down a little, try to get up again, not so abruptly.

If you sometimes feel dizzy in the above situations and have no other complaints, then there should be no cause for concern, and medical assistance is not mandatory.

Dizziness due to medications

Often, some medications have such a strong effect on a person that he begins to feel discomfort in the Everyday life: headache, dizziness, darkening of the eyes, nausea.

In the instructions for many medications it is indicated that the reception of this medicine may cause dizziness.

In this case, if the patient strictly followed the instructions and did not use the drug in large doses, this is not a pathology and does not require separate treatment.

The following are some categories of drugs that may cause dizziness:

  1. Antibiotics. Many drugs in this category can have a strong effect on the body, causing nausea, lack of appetite, headache and dizziness.
  2. Allergy medications. Most often, taking this particular category of medications is accompanied by dizziness, since they have an extreme effect on the vestibular system.
  3. Sedatives. They lower blood pressure and pulse, causing muscle weakness and dizziness. Sometimes a severe headache or a feeling of pressure in the ears may develop. This usually happens with overdose.

If you start to feel dizzy when taking any of the above medications, and the instructions indicate this by-effect, then it cannot be considered a pathology and does not require special treatment.

If this sensation bothers you greatly, contact your doctor and ask to reduce the dosage of the medication or replace the drug with another one.

Dizziness as a symptom

Feelings of spinning yourself in space or other objects around you, when everything is spinning, can often indicate dozens of dangerous diseases.

Fortunately, dizziness is not their only symptom, and the disease is diagnosed based on the study of a set of symptoms. Below is information about which diseases may cause spinning sensations.

Ear diseases

What makes you dizzy if your ear hurts? The reason is that inflammation of the middle and inner ear also affects the functioning of the vestibular apparatus.

This is a special organ responsible for a person’s specific position in space, from which any inflammation or other disturbances in its function are necessarily accompanied by dizziness and disorientation.

Such disorders include otitis media, labyrinthitis, or inner ear injuries. Dizziness in such cases can occur with a sharp tilt of the head or torso.

With otitis media, the inflamed areas tend to increase in size and put pressure on the inner ear, where the vestibular apparatus is located.

At the same time, the brain receives erroneous signals about the person’s position in space, which causes a feeling of rotation. If you feel dizzy and have ear pain for the second day, consult an otolaryngologist.

How to treat this disease in such cases? One has only to find the true cause and remove it, that is, the cause of the inflammation process.

Labyrinthitis is an inflammatory process of the inner ear, which is in direct contact with the vestibular apparatus. The patient has severe dizziness for several days, there is congestion in the ears and a feeling of pressure, headache, as well as nausea and vomiting.

When you feel dizzy when eating food, especially hot food, and there is severe pain in the ear, this may be caused by inflammation of the inner ear.

Injuries to the inner ear are accompanied by impaired blood flow, rupture of the eardrum, increased pressure in the inner ear, and mechanical damage to the statolith apparatus (part of the vestibular apparatus).

Either way, this leads to severe dizziness, nausea, vomiting and severe pain. These symptoms occur immediately after injury.

There are also pathologies associated with tumors near and directly in the VA, damage to the vestibular nerve, etc. All of them are also accompanied by a feeling of losing oneself in space.

By the way, in in this case may be assigned.

Brain tumor

A tumor, malignant or benign, is a dense formation that puts pressure on nearby areas of the brain, thereby impairing blood circulation, causing disruption of the functions performed by these areas, the occurrence of edema and increased intracranial pressure.

If there is only one tumor and is localized in a zone of the brain distant from the center, then pathological symptoms often arise on one side - on the side where the tumor is located.

If a person has a brain tumor, they experience short attacks of dizziness, which are accompanied by an unpleasant feeling as if the ground is disappearing from under their feet, or a feeling of constantly falling.

If you often feel dizzy for no reason, the source of this illness may be a brain tumor, especially if it happens every day.

Meniere's disease

This disease is characterized by a sharp increase in the volume of fluid in the inner ear, which leads to an increase in intra-ear pressure. The disease can cause loss of balance, an unpleasant feeling of buzzing in ears, as well as their congestion.

Often accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

The most striking symptoms are observed from the musculoskeletal system. At first it is difficult for the patient to walk and navigate in space, then he loses the ability to move independently, his gait becomes unsteady.

All this is accompanied by severe dizziness.

Pathologies of the nervous system

In diseases of the nervous system, general weakness and slight dizziness are observed. There is almost never any nausea, loss of consciousness, increased heart rate, vomiting, or increased or decreased blood pressure.

If you constantly feel dizzy and everything is floating, but there are no other signs of pathology, the reason may be a disruption in the functioning of the nervous system. If this happens every day, you should consult a doctor. He must prescribe treatment.


This disease is associated with increased level cholesterol. Plaques form from cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels, as a result of which the lumen of the blood vessels narrows and the blood supply to certain areas of the body deteriorates.

If cerebral vessels are narrowed by atherosclerotic plaques, a person experiences not just dizziness, but a feeling of loss of balance, he is constantly swaying, and can become dizzy at any moment.

The patient feels as if the ground is disappearing from under his feet, and he himself is constantly falling. In addition, atherosclerosis is accompanied by headache, increased blood pressure, nausea, and vomiting.

Skull injuries

These are serious mechanical defects that often damage not only the skull, but also the brain itself. This injury is accompanied by dizziness, unbearable pain and increased pressure inside the skull.

Nausea, vomiting and loss of consciousness are also often present. When a concussion occurs, a person experiences all of the above symptoms. Unfortunately, more serious damage often occurs.


Manifestations of the disease are very diverse. In some cases, these are convulsive seizures, in others (in the case of temporal lobe epilepsy) - severe dizziness.

Before a seizure, a person with epilepsy experiences dizziness, which is accompanied by numbness of the head and muscles responsible for facial expressions.

If you look closely at the patient, you will notice that his face is calm and his gaze is empty. After such a state, a seizure usually occurs.

In the case of temporal lobe epilepsy, dizziness, and not seizures, is the only symptom.

Multiple sclerosis

It involves inflammation of the nerve endings in the brain, causing the person to feel faint and dizzy in attacks.

It is often accompanied by more severe symptoms: nausea, muscle weakness, impaired speech, hearing, vision, movement, skin sensitivity, and so on.


The disease is characterized by severe unilateral headache. But few people know that people who suffer from migraines also experience dizziness.

At the same time, it is felt more when the pupils move, when trying to say something, raise or lower the head, lie down or sit down. Any movement during a migraine provokes increased pain and dizziness.

According to statistics, migraines occur more often in women than in men.

Cervical osteochondrosis

It involves damage to the cervical vertebrae and intervertebral discs. Often, after sleeping in an uncomfortable position, people suffering from osteochondrosis experience severe dizziness throughout the day.

And you feel dizzy with this disease because the nerve endings running in the discs can be damaged.

Vascular pathology

Both a strong narrowing and an increase in the diameter of blood vessels contribute to the occurrence of dizziness. When the blood vessels are overly narrowed, it is difficult for the heart to pump blood, and the body lacks oxygen.

The same symptoms are observed when blood pressure is too low, when a person may experience oxygen starvation. Such manifestations are often accompanied by dizziness, general weakness, sweating, and nausea.

Loss of blood provokes a decrease in blood pressure, a decrease in the number of blood cells that are responsible for the delivery of oxygen, which is also accompanied by headaches and dizziness.

Anemia (decrease in hemoglobin and red blood cell count) is often accompanied by weakness, dizziness, and lethargy. Anemia can be congenital or acquired, for example, during long-term dieting for weight loss.

Gastrointestinal diseases

Abdominal pain and dizziness may be the first symptoms severe poisoning, dysbacteriosis, intestinal infections, malabsorption of beneficial components from food.

One of the manifestations of this type of pathology is.

Other diseases

Dizziness may also be a sign diabetes mellitus, diseases optic nerve, vitamin deficiency, heart disease, stroke, Parkinson's disease, thrombosis, etc.

Often this symptom is combined with others, and to diagnose the disease it is important to evaluate the entire range of clinical symptoms.

Dizziness often occurs in women when carrying a child, especially in the first months of pregnancy.

Women may also feel dizzy during menstruation or for 1-2 days after ovulation.

There are dozens of illnesses that cause dizziness, and it is difficult to determine which one caused this illness based on this complaint alone. The doctor takes into account the complex of signs of the disease and the dynamics of the patient’s condition.

There is also dizziness, which is actually caused by ordinary events, actions that do not harm a person. These are, for example, riding on a carousel or traveling in public transport, severe stress, exhaustion, fasting, climbing to heights.

Prolonged dizziness

What to do if you feel dizzy for a long time?

It is necessary to consult a doctor if, along with dizziness, a complex of painful symptoms is detected, such as headache, nausea and vomiting, poor coordination of movements, sweating, exhaustion, lethargy and others.

If you feel dizzy, but there are no other symptoms, then it is best to drink coffee, lie down, take a deep breath and lie there for five minutes with your eyes closed.

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