Baby tear a. Causes and treatment of vomiting without diarrhea and temperature. Ambulance cases. Principles of assistance to children in vomiting

The child broke out what to do? - A similar question is given hundreds of parents daily, because the phenomenon is far from the most pleasant, but often occurring. At the moment when vomiting takes place, the baby is frightened and most often cries from fear and unpleasant sensations. And adults? Of course, parents are trying to make it easier to facilitate their childhood, but at the same time are also concerned, because something with children's health went wrong!

We decided on the shelves to decompose all possible reasons and consequences associated with children's vomiting, as well as tell you how to help your child during nausea when urgent medical care is required and much more.

Considering this topic, it is necessary to know for what reason the reasons may occur with the child.

  • jumping excess foods, such a phenomenon is most often observed in babies, which, together with an excess milk or a mixture, get rid of the air, "captured" during meals
  • eating "bad" - spoiled products
  • eating dishes that cannot be recycled to the children's gastrointestinal tract, for example, mushrooms
  • overbinding, many parents sin with the fact that they are trying to "staring" a child with food, as far as it makes it, as a result, the baby can just snatch because of such violence above the body. Also, the overeating may occur at their own desire, this is often observed when the babe "is pregnant" to sweets at the festival or the grandmother visiting
  • disgust for food, sometimes children simply do not tolerate any food, for example, boiled onions, but someone from adults in the family insists that this product is eaten by the baby, and, as a result, River River due to disgust
  • poisoning drugs, sometimes this happens because of the incorrectly calculated dose during the treatment of kids from any disease, sometimes the kid himself gets up to the attachment of his pills and eats them without demand

  • - concussion, in case Choot recently received a strong head injury, about what to do in this case can read more in our article: "", so, in this case, vomiting may indicate what happened brain;
  • intestinal flu, it is also accompanied by a temperature increase
  • rovotirius infection can also be accompanied by an increase in the body temperature of the patient of the child, besides, the abdomen will be observed
  • dieseneria, Salmonellosis
  • strong cough with abundant wet
  • renal failure
  • purulent otitis
  • allergic reaction

Other reasons

  • ingress of foreign bodies in the stomach
  • praying in transport or carousel
  • solar or thermal blow
  • duchot, Fine Air, in one word - lack of oxygen
  • strong stress, excitement, fears

Now, knowing possible reasons will be easier for you to navigate, which could call a vomit from the baby in your particular case.

First aid

Depending on when vomiting happened - after eating or before it, at night or day, it is accompanied by a temperature lift or not, there are painful sensations in the stomach or absent, in accordance with these factors it is necessary to navigate and provide one child assistance, and This is what, about this we will talk more!

  • If the child broke out, and his body's temperature began to rise, this suggests that a kind of inflammatory process is observed in the children's body, it may be the beginning of a roviriral infection or some other disease. Do not hover - Call your doctor to establish an accurate diagnosis.

  • If the baby rode, you must first try to take yourself in your hands and show the crumb that nothing terrible happens. After all, the baby is important to calm down so that you can understand whether there are other symptoms except nausea or not.

  • If the baby is chest, then in order to avoid reciprocal masses in the nasopharynk, put it on the barrel or hold on the handles in a vertical position.

  • When vomiting the child, it is important to remember that dehydration in the children's body comes pretty quickly, so it is necessary to start disappeared by the baby with water. The water temperature should be warm, but not hot, such a liquid is rather absorbed into the stomach wall of the kid. Also, doctors recommend using such a means as "regiders" - it perfectly helps secure the kid from dehydration.
  • It is necessary to disappear a child with small portions of water, it is not necessary to force it to drink a lot of liquid at once. Let's literally 2-3 tea spoons of water, every 5 minutes, the baby will be much easier to take the fluid. If the baby is still small and does not want to drink so often, then you can inject it the driver from the syringe without a needle for the cheek, small portions.

  • In the case when the child broke out at night, and nausea is accompanied by pain in his stomach, but there is no temperature, it most often can talk about food poisoning or overeating the day before. Parents of the baby will have to gain patience - as ahead of the long night and child cannot be left unattended.

    If repeated vomiting is observed and the abdominal pain does not pass - call an ambulance.

    In the event that there were no repeated vomit, and the pain in a small tummy went to a waning - sweat the kid by a driver and stay next to him. In case of poisoning and overeating, the kids can also begin, then "Smekt" and activated carbon will come to help you

  • Often, children can be sick due to strong experiences, for example, the baby can not adapt to visiting the kindergarten, in this case you can observe a picture - "a child in the morning". If your son or daughter was crying earlier, got hysteries, said that they did not want To go to the garden, but as a result, it is all the same in there, the body at the subconscious level responds to diseases, nausea in the mornings and other negative actions, which are going to harm yourself - if not to visit it is not the desired place. What to do parents? Disassemble in the root cause, communicate with the tea, with educators, visit the children's psychologist, change the garden to another. The main thing is to solve this problem!

  • If the child broke out after eating right away, then the likelihood that he moved, the gastrointestinal tract did not cope with the load entrusted to him and removed the surplus of food - thus. Adults should be remembered that you should not force your baby more than he wants and can. But since the baby was already stuck, just let him drink a little water and, next time, be wiser - do not forced the child for eating food forcibly.
  • In the case when the child is sick often during the food process, it is worth going to receive a gastroenterologist to find out the cause of such an organism reaction. Perhaps the baby has some congenital problems with the stomach, it may have developed gastritis, in any case, it is necessary to figure out as early as possible.
  • And, of course, nausea, after some time after meals, it can talk about food poisoning, depending on the frequency of vomiting and the general condition of the child, you need to decide whether you can cope with this problem independently or will need to resort to the help of the doctor.

We hope that our tips will help you understand what to do if the child was stuck. And we wish that such unpleasant events in your life simply were not! See you in new articles!

Vomiting in a child without temperature and diarrhea is common enough. Naturally, parents have a similar condition for serious alarm, as they often cannot find an explanation of what is happening. Vomiting Without a visible reason, it may happen in both kids and older children.

It should be noted that such a condition does not always characterize any serious illness or violation in the child's body. However, only a doctor can determine it.

The lack of temperature in the child against the background of vomiting should not sleep the vigilance of parents. After all, nausea and vomiting are not signs of health, and in the norm they do not arise. It is worth remembering that the disease itself is not a disease - it is always a symptom. Therefore, each adult should navigate that it can provoke a similar condition in a child.

Causes of vomiting without temperature and diarrhea

Causes of vomiting without temperature and diarrhea in a child can be as follows:

    Gastroesophageal reflux. This condition is a return back of the gastric content in the esophagus. At the same time, the vomit will be not abundant, often the sour smell come from them. Repeat vomiting will be after each meal. The reflux is accompanied by the following symptoms: the child is worried, poorly gaining weight, often refracts by suffocations. Also for children with gastroesophageal reflux characteristic of saliva and morning cough. If you do not eliminate pathology on time, then in the future they will join, attacks of difficulty breathing, night snoring, dysphagia, will suffer to the dental enamel.

    Parents should be remembered that in children up to three months, the reflux is a normal physiological phenomenon and is often accompanied by vomiting and tightening. This is due to the underdevelopment of the distal esophagus and a small stomach. Over time, jerking will occur more and less often, and then must stop at all.

    Nevertheless, the gastroesophageal reflux may cause serious pathologies, including the failure of the gastroofic transition, the disease of the stomach, the inability of the esophagus to self-cleaning.

    Pylorospasm or spasm of gatekeeper.Pylorospasm is a disease that makes it possible to know the spasm of the pyloric stomach, which leads to problems with its emptying. As a result, the child occurs periodically vomiting. She is not abundant and observed from the first days of life. It has been established that girls are more likely to suffer from the disease. In case of pylorosphasis, children are worse gain weight, more restless, while problems with the chair are rarely observed.

    Pylorostenosis. Pylorostenosis is a state that refers to congenital vices for the development of the muscular layer of the stomach and manifests itself in abundant vomiting. It arises 20 minutes after feeding the child. Massows do not contain extraneous impurities and consist of undigested breast milk. Manifests the pathological condition for 2-3 days of the baby's life. As with Pylorospasm, the babies of female suffer from pylorostenosis. In addition to vomiting, the springs of spring and weight loss are observed, which is very dangerous for breast-age.

    Incagination of the intestine.Incaptation of the intestine is an option and is to implement the intestinal portion in the lumen near the located segment. There is a disease in 90% of cases in breast-age children, is revealed mainly in 5-7 months, although it can develop in older children. More often from the invincation of the intestine, male babies suffer.

    The causes of the intestinal invagination are transferred viral intestinal infections (most often), hereditary predisposition, colitis, tumors, intestinal allergies, etc.

    In addition to vomiting, this pathological condition is manifested by a pronounced parodious pain. Children press their legs to the stomach, cry and shout. Skin covers are pale, the cold sweat appears. Breasts refuse nipples and chest. The attacks begin and end unexpectedly and last about five minutes.

    As for the vomit, they contain bile impurities. Vomiting happens after a short time after a painful attack. There are no diarrhea, but the chair may contain streaks of blood and consistency to remind raspberry jelly.

    Alimentary gastritis. It is inflammation of the surface layer of the stomach. Children during the exacerbation of the disease are experiencing severe pain in the epigastric region, nausea and vomiting, dry mouth. The tongue is subject to a white touch, healing is enhanced, belching and idiot appears. Without vomiting and increasing the temperature flows in children precisely alimentary gastritis. His reasons are in nutrition, inappropriate child's age. Most often, pathology develops with acute, fried, greasy, very hot or coarse food. Dangerous overeating. As a result, the food that fell into the stomach is unplaced not completely and irritates the intestinal mucosa. The process of digestion slows down, inflammation arises, which provokes vomiting.

    Another dangerous form of gastritis, provoking a strong vomiting with blood impurities, is gastritis against the background of chemical burns (by swallowing acids, alkalis and other caustic, poisonous substances). This state requires emergency medical care, as it carries a direct threat to the child's life.

    Acute gastroduodenitis. It is the inflammation of the distal stomach and duodenal duodenum. Symptoms of the disease are similar to the symptoms of alimentary gastritis. But besides vomiting and nausea, bitter bumps, headaches, sleep disorders are added. The body temperature most often remains normal. As for the chair, it is unstable - long constipation will be replaced by diarrhea. In children with gastroduodenitis, the appetite is noticeably deteriorating, in connection with which they lose weight. It has been established that duodenitis in childhood is often accompanied by awesome-vascular dystonia.

    Pancreatic diseases.The most common disease in children, which provokes severe vomiting without increasing body temperature and without diarrhea is pancreatitis. The child has multiple vomiting, severe pains appear in the epigastric area, the loss of appetite, (not always evolving). As for the temperature of the body, then, as a rule, it remains either within the normal range or rises to a mark at 37 ° C. Skin covers become pale than usual, the white flare appears in the language.

    Separately, it should be said about the nature of vomiting during acute pancreatitis. If it is first consisting of gastric content, then the contents of the duodenum (bile) appear in the vomit masses. Volume volumes most often significant, which threatens the dehydration of the body.

    Causes of pancreatitis in childhood are diverse. The acute inflammation of the pancreas can develop when the power mode is violated, when moving, when you turn on in the menu of carbonated drinks, fast food, sharp dishes, chips, etc. often pancreatitis develops against the background of toxic-allergic reaction. Allergen can not only be food, but also medicines. Sometimes pancreatitis is a consequence of other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and the body as a whole.

    Diseases of the gallbladder.Dyskinesia biliary tract in children is the most common pathology of the gallbladder leading to vomiting. In addition, such diseases may provoke it as. Parents should be taken into account that such pathologies like cholangitis and gallstone disease are always accompanied by vomiting without diarrhea, but in the sharpness of the child will increase the body temperature.

    For dyskinesia of biliary tract, such symptoms are characterized as: pain in the right hypochondrium, vomiting, nausea, loss of appetite, general weakness,. The occurrence of a liquid chair is possible, but the pronounced diarrhea is usually absent.

    CNS diseases. Diseases affecting the central nervous system are very often accompanied by a stubborn vomit that is not related to meals. As a rule, brain vomiting occurs at the peak of headaches and does not bring relief to the child.

    The most common diseases of the central nervous system at heart age, accompanied by vomiting - is ischemia brain and hydrocephalus. Children over a year are brain tumors and an increase in intracranial pressure. In pathologies, the CNS vomiting rarely has the only symptom of the disease. Most often there are such signs as: headaches, violations of coordination, vision disorders ,. Other neurological violations of provoking vultures include meningitis, encephalitis, epilepsy.

    Foreign bodies in the gastrointestinal bodies.Ingestion of the foreign body provokes vomiting a few minutes after what happened. The nature of the vomit is depends on what is in the stomach in a child. If there was damage to the walls of the esophagus or the mucous membrane of the stomach itself, then the blood will be present in vomit. Other symptoms pointing to the digestive bodies of the foreign body are: the difficulty of breathing, abundant salivament, an increased concern of the child ,.

    Food poisoning, indentation of the stomach.Vomiting in food poisoning is quite frequent phenomenon. At the same time, increasing body temperature does not occur, but diarrhea is possible. Although light intoxication often passes with one-time vomiting and without any changes from the chair. For example, when it comes to indentation of the stomach, about overeating or receiving an inappropriate drug.

    Heart injuries.Most often, vomiting is accompanied by a concussion of the brain and his injury. In addition, amnesia, headaches, weakness, sleep disorders are possible.

    Acetional crisis. Acetional crisis is a whole complex of symptoms, which is due to the accumulation of keton bodies in the blood. Vomiting in crisis is indomitable, multiple. It arises as a reaction to an attempt to drink or feed the child. Against the background of vomiting, the symptoms of poisoning and dehydration are rapidly grow. Skin covers become pale, a blush awakes on the cheeks, muscle weakness is growing. The reasons for the crisis are diverse, they can hide in the improper nutrition of the child (the predominance in the menu is dishes saturated with ketogenic amino acids and fatty acids), in enzymatic lack of liver, in the specifics of metabolism.

    Psycho vomiting.Psychogenic vomiting arises from a child after three years. Provocating factors are: severe alarm, fright, overexcitation and other emotional shocks. Sometimes psychogenic vomiting is a way to attract attention, which is characteristic of children deprived of parental care.

    IntroductionVomiting for the introduction of the attachment is most often one-time. She may be accompanied by bloating and a rumbling in the abdomen, flatulence. Sometimes the diarrhea is developing.

    Acute appendicitis.Vomiting often occurs with acute appendicitis, as an initial symptom of this pathology. In parallel, pain in the abdomen (their localization is different), pulse is participated. After a few hours, the body temperature will increase, otherwise will arise.

Vomiting without temperature and diarrhea: what to do?

If a child has vomiting, which is not accompanied by an increase in body temperature and diarrhea, then parents should be alerted and to make a maximum of attention to their baby. In the event that vomiting is repeated, and it fails to determine its cause, qualified medical care is needed.

Parents themselves can take the following measures:

    Provide a child peace and bedding. It is important to ensure that his head remains raised and was on an elevation. This will avoid falling back masses into respiratory organs.

    Do not try to feed the child if he has vomiting.

    When vomiting occurred during meals, you need to stop this process and hold a child in a vertical position for some time.

    If the attacks stopped, then liquid food can be offered no earlier than two hours.

    After graduating from vomiting, you need to remove all the remains of food from the mouth. If the child is an adult, then he can rinse his mouth independently.

    To prevent dehydration of the body, you need to offer the child to drink water in small sips. It can be alternating with preparations for rehydration (recider).

Independently should not give the child any antiwest funds. Immediately need to call ambulance, if there is a streak of blood in the vomit masses, or they are brown. Also, the arrival of specialists is obligatory when, with pain in the abdomen or constipation, with loss of consciousness.

How to treat vomiting in a child without temperature?

To treat vomiting in a child without a temperature follows from the reason that this symptom provoked:

    Treatment of gastroesophageal reflux.If the parent believes that the child is jumping more than it is necessary, or it continues for a long time, then it will be necessary to pay attention to the pediatrician and children's gastroenterologist to this fact. Most often it is possible to get rid of the problem with the transition to more thick food, the frequency adjustment and feeding volume.

    If the problem lies deeper, then prescribed the drug correction of gastroesophageal reflux with the reception of drug-based hydrochloric acid drugs. It is possible to receive antacids, adsorbents, as drugs that suppress the gastric secretion. To stimulate the motor-evacuation function of the digestive tract, the reception of prokinetics is recommended.

    Treatment of spasm to the gatekeeper.The spasm of the gatekeeper is adjusted by the appointment of the child a special diet (alkaline drink, thick porridge) and spasmolytic drugs. The amount of food that the child receives must correspond to its age, before feeding it is recommended to offer alkaline mineral water to children. After feeding, you should not put the child, you need to hold it in a vertical position at least an hour.

    Effectively physiotherapeutic treatment, which includes electrophoresis with Novocaine to the epigastric area, appliques of ozokerite and paraffin. The forecast for recovery is most often favorable, and vomiting ceases from the first days from the beginning of treatment. In severe cases, surgical intervention is shown.

    Treatment of gastritis in children.The detection and treatment of gastritis is engaged in a gastroenterologist. Children in the sharp period showing bed regime, rejection of food for up to 12 hours. If there is a need, the stomach is washing. The child should drink a lot of fluid, but in small portions so as not to provoke vomiting. For its stop, preparations of prokinetics are used - this is Motilium and Cerukal. Antispasmodics are prescribed to relieve pain - No-Shpu, Papaverin and Antacids - Maalox, Almagel.

    After 12 hours, the child is offered food, corresponding to age, most often is non-fat broths, kisins, mucous porridges. Gradually, the menu is expanding, the table becomes usual, but the fried, sharp, smoked dishes are falling, and coarse food. It is important that the child with the transferred gastritis consistent with the children's gastroenterologist at least 3 years old. With adequate and timely treatment, the forecast for recovery is favorable.

    Treatment of gastroduodenitis.Basic treatment of gastroduodenitis in childhood is a diet. Food should be fractional, the number of food meals per day is at least five. Food either boiled or prepared for a pair. Meat and strong vegetable broths, fatty fish dishes, mushrooms, as well as all canned and smoked products under strict ban. During the exacerbation of the disease, the child is shown bed regime with full physical and psychological peace.

    As for medication therapy, it is carried out depending on the cause of the disease. So, at elevated acidity, Vicalin, Almagel prescribe. Antisecretory preparations are omeprazole, ranitidine. Get rid of the cast of gastric content in the esophagus, such drugs such as Cerukal and Mothilium are helping. It is possible to conduct antihelicobacter therapy at which an antibiotic is prescribed in a complex with bismuth preparations. For example, de nol and amoxicillin with metronidazole. Specialized treatment on specialized resorts is necessary for children with chronic gastroduodenitis.

    Treatment of acute pancreatitis.During the acute phase of the disease, the child must be in a medical institution. It shows a strict bed mode and starvation for 12 hours. At this time, the glucose solution is administered parenterally and alkaline mineral water is given. Depending on the patient's condition, the administration of proteolytic enzymes, reopolyglyukin, plasma is possible. Also, the child is prescribed anesthetic and antispasmodic agents, pancreatic enzyme preparations (Creon, Pankreatin), antisecretory preparations (Pyrenspine, Famotidin).

    If it fails to stop vomiting, the child intramuscularly introduces metoclopramide in the corresponding age dosage. In early childhood, the drug is used with extreme caution due to the risk of dyskinetic syndrome. The rest of the treatment (taking antibiotics, antihistamine drugs) is carried out according to the testimony. After eliminating the acute phase of the disease, the child offers food on a special dietary diagram.

    Treatment of gallbladder diseases. Dyskinesia biliary tract is treated with a diet with a limitation of oily, fried, sweet, sharp products. The fractional power is shown, the inclusion in the diet of fermented drinks. Depending on the cause of the disease, cholesmolitics (Allohol, Holenzim, Flemin), sedatives (Persen, Novopalsit, Phytosborg), choleretic drugs - xylitis, magnesium sulfate, sorbitol, can be appointed. Effective physiotherapeutic methods such as Toki Bernard, galvanization, electrophoresis.

  • Treatment of CNS diseases.Treatment of pathologies of the central nervous system is a very difficult task. As a rule, therapy is within the competence of the neurologist. She, depending on the cause, is carried out either in the hospital or at home. Medical correction is prescribed with the reception of drugs that improve cerebral blood circulation, nootropics, etc. The tumors of the brain and severe hydrocephalus is treated with the help of surgical intervention.

    Ingestion of the foreign body.Ingestion by the child of the foreign body requires immediate assistance from adults. The expectant tactics can only be taken if it is reliably known that the child swallowed, if this item has small sizes and does not harm him. However, it is important to track, the yield of the foreign body through the intestine. In all other cases, it is necessary to call ambulance. It is possible that surgical intervention will be required. It is worth noting that the situation with the swallowing of a foreign body does not seem safely safe, consultation with a specialist is obligatory.

    Treatment of cranial injury.After receiving the child of the cranial injury, the specialist should be immediately immediate. Assessment of the state of the child, even if he did not lose consciousness, should be carried out only by the doctor. With a light cranial injury to which only the concussion of the brain belongs, the patient is shown bed regime, psycho-emotional peace, applying cold to the head, oxygen inhalation. A diuretic preparations (diakar, furosemid) are prescribed for the prevention of cerebral edema (Valerian, Phenobarbital), nootropics and vitamins.

    Industion of stomach and poisoning.With a light indentation of the stomach or food poisoning, it is necessary to provide a child with plentiful drink. Reception of enterosorbents - smecta, activated carbon, enterosgel, etc., refrain from food is 6-12 hours. If vomiting stops, then for the first few days, the child is recommended to a gentle diet (fermented milk products, mucous soups, creak, etc.).

    If vomiting acquires a stubborn character and joins diarrhea, it is necessary to appeal to medical care, the purpose of drugs for rehydration (oralitis, recider), polyenimers (panzinors, festal, mesim-forte). As for antimicrobial therapy, it is carried out under strict medical control.

    Treatment of acetional syndrome.Treatment of acetional crisis is carried out in the hospital. The child is shown a strict diet with a maximum limitation of fats, with an abundant portion. Clamps are prescribed with sodium bicarbonate solution, oral rehydration with alkaline mineral water and a regiment. With a stubborn vomit, anti-ansified agents, spasmolytics, sedatives are introduced. Children with acetional syndrome put on records of the children's endocrinologist.

    If a child occurs in a psychogenic vomiting, he needs the help of a psychotherapist who should find out the causes of its occurrence.

    When vomiting arises in response to the introduction of a new product, then it should be abandoned from it. Perhaps a few months later, the same product will no longer cause such a reaction, since the child's digestive system will become more perfect.

    Treatment of peelorosnosis, intestinal invincation, acute appendicitis and congenital diverticula of the esophagus only operational.

About the doctor: From 2010 to 2016 The practitioner of the therapeutic hospital of the central health part number 2, the city of Elektrostal. Since 2016, it has been working in the diagnostic center number 3.

Read 9 min. Views 4.8K. Published 09/10/2018

A sudden attack of vomiting causes panic in children and parents, it is not always possible to navigate, to assist correctly. Today we will understand why there is vomiting in a child, which is needed and cannot be done, which drugs will help to eliminate the problem.

The main causes of children's vomiting

Vomiting in children is a frequent problem than the younger kid, the more often he has sudden attacks that begin due to irritation of the vomiting center located in the brain.

Provocative factors:

  • sharp odors;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, renal and liver pathologies in acute or chronic form;
  • the pathology of the central nervous system - meningitis, encephalitis, in such cases vomiting is indomitable, but after the attacks, the baby does not become easier, the temperature is rapidly increasing, does not decrease even after receiving antipyretic drugs;
  • teething;
  • accumulation of acetone compounds;
  • sharp increase in temperature indicators on the background of ARVI, pneumonia, purulent otitis;
  • poisoning, overdose by medicines;
  • problems with the vestibular apparatus;
  • sunstroke.

Before the attack is concerned about the nausea, breathing is fast and intermittent, the salivation increases, the muscles of the diaphragm and the press are beginning to be intensively.

Vomiting, stool impairment, high temperature

The child year and more, vomiting and diarrhea is accompanied by a high temperature - these are manifestations of acute infectious processes, viral forms of hepatitis.

Intestinal infections occupy a leading position among all the causes of vomiting in children - a dysenteric chopstick, Rotavirus, Salmonella penetrates the body due to non-compliance with hygiene rules.

Pathology develops rapidly - the child becomes sleepy or very excited, the temperature is suddenly rising, the vomiting begins, diarrhea, in the cartoons and vomiting masses, a lot of mucus, food particles.

Dyspex disorders and heat occur during pathologies that require emergency operational intervention - inflammation of appendix, diverticulitis, intestinal obstruction, acute cholecystitis.

Multiple vomiting and high temperature values \u200b\u200boccurs when acetone, acetoacetic acid, is accumulated in the blood.

Pathology occurs with pronounced pain syndrome or inflammatory process, merors in nutrition, against the background of strong emotions, but may be a manifestation of severe diseases. Additional symptoms - spasms and epigastria pain, a strong smell of acetone occurs from the child.

If a child is more than 6 months old, vomiting and stool disorder occur during teething, the temperature should be in the normal range of 37.7-38 degrees, to hold no more than 3 days.

Vomiting without temperature

One-time is not yet a reason for panic, the body is simply cleaned from undigested foods, toxic elements. It is necessary to be worried if the attacks are frequent and strong, there is a deterioration in the overall feeling of the baby.

Vomiting without temperature - Possible causes:

  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • inflammation of the shells of the brain;
  • migraine;
  • epileptic syndrome;
  • attacks of vomiting at night or immediately after awakening often occur if there are neoplasms in the brain;
  • coughing;
  • violation of exchange processes, diabetes;
  • cardiac or renal failure in acute form;
  • glice invasions - infection with ascaris, sharp, giardia;
  • the presence of a foreign object in the intestine - in the vomit masses there is a mucus, minor blood intakes.

Often vomiting and diarrhea no temperature occurs in poisoning pesticides and nitrates - these substances are often used to process vegetables and fruits.

Second place among food poisoning provocateurs occupy meat products, mushrooms, baking with cream.

Psychogenic vomiting in a child

Often in children, especially primary school students, a psychogenic vomiting arises - a consequence of frequent stressful situations, fear, excitement, anger. In adolescents, pathology may be due to bulimia or anorexia.

Children who suffer from lack of attention often specifically cause vomiting to attract attention.

Vomiting newborns

With the first attack of vomiting, you may encounter back in the maternity hospital, if during the root separation of the kid rapidly arrogantly - this condition is not dangerous, doctors quickly stop the problem.

If the newborn is not only nauseous, but also there are pronounced problems with breathing, this may indicate the pathological narrowing of the nasal moves.

Causes of vomiting in infants:

  • violation of the functions of the cardiac gastric sphincter;
  • congenital syphilis;
  • congenital pathology of the gastrointestinal bodies;
  • damage to the central nervous
  • enzymatic failure, intolerance of milk sugar.

Breasts are often joining due to overeating or accumulation of air in the stomach, the difference from the attack of vomiting - the muscles of the peritoness are not tightened. To avoid trouble, keep the kid vertically a quarter of an hour after feeding.

Color of vomit and its meaning

With a single seizure in the masses there are particles of undigested food, milk, minor joy impurities are allowed, any change in color or consistency of mass - a sign of serious pathological processes.

We analyze color and consistency

  1. The masses in color and consistency are reminiscent of coffee thick, there are blood injected - internal bleeding, ulcer, urgent hospitalization is required.
  2. The masses have a saturated yellow tint - inflammation of appendix, strong intoxication, intestinal infections.
  3. A large amount of bile, vomiting has a sweet-gorky smell - a malfunction in the work of the gallbladder, liver, gall-eyed disease.
  4. Green masses are neurological pathologies, severe stress.
  5. Vomiting with water occurs during a cold, long starvation.
  6. Fencing vomiting - occurs during acute intestinal infections, diabetes mellitus, meningitis, hepatitis, heart attack, oncological pathologies.
  7. Vomiting fountain in infants - a sign of overproing.

Be sure to collect some vomit to show their doctor, it will significantly speed up and simplifies the diagnosis, the specialist will be able to choose effective methods of therapy faster.

When you need to urgently consult a doctor

It is possible to independently engage in treatments only, provided that vomiting and diarrhea in a child is not accompanied by other dangerous signs.

In what cases is required medical assistance:

  • child age less than 3 years;
  • in feces or vomiting masses there are blood impurities, grinding dark brown;
  • attacks arise every half hour or more often, differ in intensity, the child can not even drink;
  • vomiting began after falling or hitting the head, there is a temporary loss of consciousness, breach of coordination;
  • the temperature is rapidly increasing, convulsions appear, the tremor of the limbs, there is a peerness;
  • yellowing of the skin, dryness of mucous membranes, rash, noticeable increase in joints;
  • complaints of strong headache, expressed discomfort in the stomach;
  • vomiting simultaneously occurs in several family members.

Remember, single or multi-time vomiting, abdominal pain, temperature rise, white flare in a child at a child at any age - a reason for an immediate emergence call. Such signs arise in acute appendicitis, intestinal obstruction, any delay can cost a baby of life.

How to provide first help

If the child is sick, do not leave it alone, put on your back, turn your head side, next to the basin, after each attachment, rinse the oral cavity with warm purified water.

Before arriving or counseling with a doctor, do not let any drugs against vomiting or diarrhea, painkillers, do not apply hot or cold compresses on the stomach, do not attempt to feed the child forcibly.

The main task is to prevent dehydration, want a child to be gradually, but every 15 minutes. It is necessary to do this, through hysterics and I do not want.

Wood better than special solutions, but since they have a rather specific taste, let the baby drink what he likes. In vomiting and diarrhea, it is better to drink harmful gas meter than nothing.

Diagnostic methods

To reveal and eliminate the cause of vomiting, you need to go through a comprehensive examination. In the process of inspection, the doctor measures temperature indicators, pulse, pressure, respiratory rate, checks reflexes, evaluates the degree of dehydration and skin condition, mucous membranes. Be sure to conduct palpation of the abdomen, the spring, fix the change in weight.

Research methods:

  • general and biochemical blood test;
  • clinical analysis of urine;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs;
  • CT, MRI brain;
  • study of the stomach using an endoscope;
  • the peritoneal x-ray with a contrast agent.

Based on the results of the diagnostics, the doctor makes a decision on hospitalization, or the possibility of treating outpatient.

What to treat?

Whatever the reasons are caused by vomiting, the child needs to be disappeared, at a time let's not more than a few sips so as not to provoke a new attack. All fluid should have a body temperature to quickly assimilate.

Medicines from vomiting for children:

  1. The timely use of REGIDRON in vomit is the best way to avoid dehydration, the drug replenishes the deficit of the fluid, restores the balance of salts and minerals.
  2. Activated coal - quickly eliminates signs of intoxication. Dosage - 1G / kg, no less, good enterosorbent is both the smect.
  3. Paracetamol, ibuprofen - antipyretic means, you need to give them if the temperature is more than 38.5 degrees.
  4. Cherukal gives children over 2 years old - the drug blocks the pulse feed in the brain, the vomit temporarily stops working. The medicine has many contraindications and side effects, it is possible to take it only to appoint a doctor.
  5. Enterfuril, Furazolidon, Ciprofloxacin - antimicrobial agents, help with vomiting of infectious origin.
  6. Motilium, Domperidon - Anti-Announced Preparations.
  7. Diarole, Imodium - means against diarrhea.
  8. Mezim, Linex, Bifiform - medicines restore the operation of the stomach.
  9. But-shp, Atropine - eliminate spasms in the stomach.
  10. Equipment - neuroleptic with sedative and antiemetic effect.

After eliminating the causes of vomiting, for several weeks, the child shows a gentle diet - there should be nothing sweet, bold, fried, baking, harmful and heavy food in the diet.

The basis of the menu - porridge on the water, lightweight soups, boiled low-fat meat, baked fruits, stewed or steam vegetables.

Are you dangerous vomiting for children?

The attacks of vomiting are dangerous for children, especially for kids up to 3 years old - many mechanisms in their body are imperfect, therefore vomit can get into the respiratory tract, it is fraught with the suffocation, the development of aspiration pneumonia.

The second danger of severe nausea and vomiting , also in combination with diarrhea - dehydration, in young children, pathology develops quickly, everything can end with severe neurological diseases in the future, or even a fatal outcome.

Symptoms of dehydration - skin and mucous membranes dry, the child is crying without tears, the amount of urination decreases, relieving the spring.


The reasons for the appearance of vomiting in children are many, completely protect the baby from this trouble is not in our power, but simple prevention measures will help reduce the risk of attacks. Cake a child with high-quality products, comply with the rules for storing and heat treatment.

Take a child often and thoroughly wash your hands, use antiseptic means on a walk, attend specialists regularly for preventive inspections, do not self-medicate.

When the child appears vomiting with bile, parents fall into panic, because from the side it looks awesome. Outlook the silent green and yellow masses in the large volume. The kid himself is existed, and his eyes can yellow his eyes. Parents should know why the child can tear bile to avoid repeated manifestations of the like.

Why baby tear bile

The main reason is the getting of bile in the stomach, which is trying to get rid of the irritating wall of the liquid naturally. An explanation of how this biological substance, which should be in the bustling bubble, turns out to be completely in another organ, maybe several:

  • intestinal infection;
  • exacerbation of appendicitis;
  • bile or renal colic;
  • severe poisoning;
  • intestinal vessel thrombosis;
  • narrowing of the upper gastrointestinal departments.

In infant age

All of the pathology listed above are rarely found in infants. Moms of newborns also sometimes can observe the yellow mucus in the wet wet or full vomiting.

Vomiting in Bradnikov speaks of congenital pathology of biliary canals or that the baby during the progress of the generic paths could be tightened with oxygen-free waters or to feel the lack of oxygen.

In children from year and teenagers

The vomiting of yellow or green in the child scares parents no matter how old he is, and this unpleasant and dangerous phenomenon may arise at any age. A teenager can fly once, he can tear it bile due to overeating of oily food. When vomiting is repeated systematically, a child should be examined for pancreatitis, intestinal obstruction and diverticulosis. This will make it possible to accurately diagnose the disease.

Sometimes the impurities of bile in vomit are the reaction to the first in life use of alcohol or cigarettes. So the gallbladder reacts to unfamiliar toxins, throwing part of the mass produced by them in the stomach.

Additional symptoms

Rarely the child torments alone vomiting. Usually, the associated symptoms are added to it, which can be tried to determine the cause of the problem:

  1. Diarrhea, temperature and weakness. It looks like poisoning.
  2. Diarrhea, temperature and stomach ache. An explicit picture of pancreatitis.
  3. Fever and pain in the right hypochondrium. This is an attack of cholecystitis.
  4. Temperature, weakness, yellowish faces. Perhaps the child caught hepatitis somewhere.

First aid

When a child appears with a vomiting with a temperature or other accompanying symptoms, you need to immediately cause an emergency. While she goes, first aid should be taken to facilitate the baby suffering and warn the development of complications.

To start, put a child so that he cannot choke from the vomit's masses. This should be a half-time position with several pillows under the head. Breasts need to be kept on hand or not to leave the bed so that with the next attack to immediately turn it out, allowing wound to go out.

As soon as the child broke out with bile, rinse her mouth, and then drink water, otherwise dehydration can begin. Additionally, it is possible to give enterosorbents (activated carbon, children's enterosgel) so that they absorb the toxins remaining in the stomach. At very high temperatures, a children's antipyretic agent is allowed. No other drugs do not need to give an ambulance, because it is still unknown, what is the disease.

Important! Do not attempt to stop vomiting against antihores. Stretching bile in the stomach can lead to intoxication and loss of consciousness.

Treatment methods

The condition of the child, which threw apart once, without diarrhea and no temperature, stabilizes for an hour. Arriving urgent diagnose food poisoning and leave a small patient at home, giving parents recommendations and a list of drugs to normalize well-being (reciprons for restoring water-salt balance, smect for a soft absorbent effect). Having found a solid belly, stuffing pain or incessant vomiting with diarrhea, it is hospitalized for a complete examination and treatment of the detected disease.

Conservative treatment

The child whom the bile can be treated differently depending on the diagnosis:

  1. When identifying functional disorders, the gastrointestinal facilities: Flamin, Berberin.
  2. To improve the operation of the digestive system, Cerukal, Mothilium are prescribed.
  3. Reduce the frequency of abbreviations of the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract will help antispasmodics: noszpa, spasp.
  4. You can get rid of intestinal infection using antibiotics (strictly as a doctor's prescription).
  5. Some kids require a slight sedative tool to reduce the level of anxiety: Pans, tenoten.

Folk Methods

The choleretic properties have some herbs, on the basis of which you can make decoctions and add their child to tea. We offer several recipes to use which is recommended with the permission of the doctor.

The leaves of the immorteller or a degree mixed with daisy flowers. Take 1 tsp. Mixtures, pour 200 ml of boiling water, insist 15 minutes. The child has to drink it throughout the day before meals, so you can divide into 3 receptions.

Squeeze the juice of one lime and 100 g of cranberries. The resulting mixture is diluted (on 1 tbsp. 100 ml of water) and give the child before eating.

Flowers and rosehip fruits (200 g) brew in a liter thermos and add a child to tea in a 50/50 ratio. Watch between meals.

Tip! Do not tell the child that you give him a medicinal drink, otherwise it will reject it at the level of the subconscious, not even trying. Better disguise it under ordinary tea, adding sugar or jam.

The duration of the use of listed folk recipes is 10 days. Remember that this auxiliary treatment that does not cancel the main prescribed by the doctor.

The first few days after vomiting with biliary should be as small as possible for the stomach. The child will have to adhere to a diet that excludes fat, smoked, fried and canned food. All food temperature, and from drinks should be temporarily forbidding gas (especially tinted: Pepsi, Fed, Tarkhun).

Comply with the requirements of the diet is easy: various samples (cereals, potatoes, pasta), light soups, porridge, salads are allowed. Cutlets must be cooked for a couple. You can give boiled low-fat fish. Sweet is allowed if it is low-fat (cakes with cream are intimibly).

What can not make a child when vomiting with bile?

When children happen to children, they are too weak and defenseless to make decisions. Usually, poor things lie, periodically dismissed and perform the instructions of parents who should not:

  • leave a child one;
  • give unverified medicines without appointing a doctor;
  • refuse hospitalization if ambulance doctors recommend doing this;
  • forcibly to pink a little affected food, believing that it will help to gain strength;
  • screaming to a child, accusing in what happened.


To minimize the risks of the appearance of vomiting with a bile in a child, it should be fed it correctly. It is unlikely to prohibit fast food, because fast food cafes everywhere, but it should be limited to the use of harmful products. Personal example is the first step towards success.

In order to avoid emergency conditions, which are manifested by vomiting with bile, you need to regularly pass with your child to climbing and not ignore his stomach pain. All symptoms consider and analyze.

Vomiting with bile is not only dangerous, but also unpleasant, so parents must do everything to do not happen to this with the child. Appeals to the doctor and proper nutrition - two principles that will help reduce the risks of the appearance of such a symptom and related pathologies.


Good day, dear parents. In this article we will consider the situation when the child is sick and tear without temperature. You will find out for what reasons this phenomenon may be observed. Find out which related symptoms can attend. Learn what to do about it. We will also talk about the methods of prevention.

Possible reasons

Vomiting and nausea in the kid can appear under a wide variety of circumstances. It may be poisoning, and cranopy and brain injury, and dummy. There are a number of factors that correspond to the child of any age, but there are also such reasons that apply only to a certain age category of children.

  1. Jumping. This phenomenon is found only in infants. Characteristic for cases when when eating, air penetrates with milk in the esophagus. In order for the child to get rid of surplus air, he must jump it. And if the baby makes no more than four times a day, then it's nothing to worry about, this is a physiological response of the body.
  2. The result of overproing. If the mother has resigned his breast baby, then the excess of milk or mixture will be outwarded. Normally, this phenomenon will be one-time.
  3. Pylorospasm. The situation when the valve spasm is observed, which is located between the intestine and the stomach. As a result of this spasmization, food cannot pass into the intestine, pushed back through the mouth.
  4. Pylorostenosis. The mechanism of this phenomenon is similar to the previous, however, this is a state of congenital character, is constant. At the same time, vomiting will be more abundant, the child will lose enough quickly in weight.
  5. Cardiospasm. When eating the esophagus expands, but food can not move on, as the esophageal sphincter remains narrowed. Because of this, vomiting is provoked. In such a situation, she can overtake the baby right while eating or immediately after. Also, it may be pain in the chest.
  6. . A characteristic symptom is the smell of acetone infant with the mouth. This condition may be accompanied by both vomiting, and general weakness may also be present.
  7. Incagination of the intestine. In the intestine there is a blockage, obstruction is formed. With this diagnosis, severe abdominal pain and diarrhea occur.
  8. Inflammation of the gastrointestinal bodies. It can be an ulcer of the stomach, and, cholecystitis or. If there are any of these diagnoses, a child may appear regular and frequent vomiting, impurities of mucus and bile are not excluded, and diarrhea may be present.
  9. Food poisoning. The baby can poison and not washed with an apple, and missing food, and raw berry or something else. It should be borne in mind that there may be a variety of manifestations depending on what poisoning was provoked. So vomiting may be accompanied by hyperthermia and diarrhea, and may occur and only nausea without temperature and diarrhea.
  10. Viral infection, in particular the defeat of the child of the child by Rotavirus. In addition to nausea and vomiting there may be general weakness, diarrhea, abdominal pain.
  11. Violation of exchange processes. The child can thus react to the reception of specific foods. Violations in the process of metabolism are often hereditary. If it is known that among the nearest kid relatives there are people with such violations, then, first of all, it is worth excluding this factor, passing certain analyzes.
  12. Neurological disorders or pathological processes in the brain. It may be developed even during the period of intrauterine development or be the consequence of injury during generic activities. It is worth knowing that nausea can be a symptom of concussion, it may also indicate the presence of tumor education. Migraine may be present.
  13. The presence of appendicitis. It is usually ahead of the older kids. The main symptom is severe abdominal pain. An insignificant increase in the temperature indicator may be present.
  14. Penetration of a foreign object in the esophagus. It is often found in the children of age category up to three years. The kids are constantly pulling everything in the mouth, try to taste, does not exclude ingestion. At the same time, the following symptoms may be present: painful sensations in the act of swallowing, difficulty with breathing, restless behavior. Make sure this reason can be done by conducting.
  15. The presence of psychogenic vomiting. May take place at the children who have reached a three-year-old age, but most of all it is characteristic of teenagers. Appears against the background of strong overexcitation or fear. If there is a permanent basis, do not do without the help of a psychotherapist.
  16. The consequence of severe stress can provoke nausea. Children in crisis periods react particularly acute, for example, when a child goes to kindergarten or in the first class.
  17. Excessive activity. With a strong waste of energy, the physical overwork in the kid may begin nausea, and this will be the usual response of the children's body on the waste of water reserves, the reaction to dehydration.
  18. Morning nausea, which is accompanied by headaches, refusing food, may indicate the presence. In this situation, do not do without the help of a neurologist.
  19. The child can nausea in transport if he has a weak vestibular device.

How to treat

In many cases, do not do without the help of a doctor

  1. If the breast child jumps too often, show his pediatrician.
  2. During pylorosphasis, do not do without the help of a doctor. The solution can be wounded in the translation of the toddler to the antirefluxus mixture, which will reduce the frequency of vomit.
  3. In case of pylorostenosis, the only correct solution is to conduct operational intervention.
  4. With a cardiosphasis, a doctor is prescribed certain drugs. If conservative therapy does not give results, then do not do without surgical intervention.
  5. If the baby has a acetonemic syndrome, it is planted on a strict diet, prescribe abundant drink, in particular, they are sipped with mineral water or regiment. In especially severe cases, the child put a dropper with glucose.
  6. When invaginating the intestine, treatment can be both conservative and operational.
  7. If a child has chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal bodies, then it is recorded to the gastroenterologist and specialist appoints courses of treatment.
  8. If a child has food poisoning, but it is non-mesmer, then the body can be independently cleansed from toxins, the state is normalized. But in severe cases, the baby is hospitalized, washed the stomach.
  9. In the presence of rotavirus infection, antiviral therapy is assigned to the child.
  10. If the Karapusa revealed intolerance to a certain product, then it is excluded from the diet.
  11. If neurological problems take place, then you need to visit the neurologist. The specialist will appoint appropriate treatment.
  12. If the child swallowed something, urgently go to the doctor.
  13. To reduce the impact of stressful factors, you can give the baby tea with mint, chamomile decoction or tea with Melissa. If it is necessary to take the child to sessions of psychotherapy.
  14. If the karapuz was excessively active, you need to sit down, calm, offer non-carbonated water.
  15. If your baby instructs on the way, use special pills from nausea or mint candy.

My son had nausea and vomiting without increasing the temperature. Then there was acetional syndrome. At first it seemed that he had a one-time vomit, however, half a day, she repeated. We have passed the urine analysis to acetone, learned that there is an increase in this indicator. Then they started the transition to a strict diet, feeding the child with a regiment, and its condition was normal.

Folk Methods

If your child is sick, you can help him, resorting to the methods of traditional medicine. However, if he regularly observed nausea or there is a multiple vomiting, then it is necessary to consult a doctor, to identify a true cause, because it may indicate the presence of serious pathology.

  1. Green tea allows you to get rid of the unpleasant sensations after the baby will break out. He also helps to cope with nausea.
  2. Freshly squeezed currant juice (black) enriched with vitamin C, because of its sour taste makes nausea. However, it is worth considering that such a juice you can give to the children who have reached a three-year-old age.
  3. The baked quince helps to move the feeling of nausea.
  4. If the child's vomiting has a psychogenic nature, then we can give soothing drinks, such as tea with mint or with a chamomile.
  5. After the kid leaves, it can be water from the addition of lemon and honey. A glass of teaspoon of lemon juice and a teaspoon of honey goes on a glass of warm water.
  6. If the child donned in transport, you can offer him a mint candy.

It is important to air the room if the child is tearing or his sick

  1. If the baby began vomiting, do not hurry to park him. It is advisable to wait for a pause, at least 30 minutes. After that, it is recommended to offer a child literally a few sips, but only ordinary water. If there is at hand or you have the opportunity to go to the pharmacy, then you can prepare a saline solution, for example, the regarder, and they disappear kid. If vomiting is one-time, you can try to approach the karapus every quarter of an hour.
  2. After vomiting, try to rinse the karapuz the oral cavity to get rid of the vomit residues.
  3. It is not recommended to eat for four hours after an attack of vomiting.
  4. It is important that the child does not lay face up, better, so that it is faced on the side.
  5. Welcome the room. After all, the baby is important for the receipt of fresh air. In addition, the aroma from the vomit may provoke a re-attack.
  6. If vomiting is not disposable, repeated multiple times, then you must necessarily call a doctor. If the diarrhea is also present besides it, hurry to call ambulance.


Parents should understand that compliance with certain recommendations allows you to warn the appearance of vomiting or nausea.

  1. It is important that the baby has a full nutrition and in its diet there were no harmful foods, fast food, semi-finished products, soda, chips and crackers.
  2. It is desirable that the power is frequent. Do not feed the child only three times a day, but large portions. So you can only aggravate the learning process of food.
  3. It is important that the kid consumed the required amount of water. Child need to give only purified water, herbal teas, natural juices.
  4. It is very important that the Karapuza attended a normal sleep. Children need to sleep ten o'clock, teenagers are enough and eight, infants - 12 and more depending on age.
  5. It is necessary to regularly be in the fresh air, spend on the street at least half an hour, even in bad weather, daily.
  6. Parents should pay attention to the mental health of the kid, to take into account that the child can be stressful, both at home and at school, so it is extremely important to ensure that a normal psycho-emotional atmosphere has been present in the family. It is also important to establish trust relationships with your offsk.

Now you know if the child is sick without a temperature, what to do about it. As you can see, the reasons provoking the occurrence of this state may be set, and there may be nausea or vomiting without increasing the temperature of the temperature, both at all small and older children. The main thing is to know how to behave in such situations and be able to quickly react, if necessary, to show a child to the doctor.