What could be due to high sugar. How to treat high blood sugar

Increased blood sugar in adults and children, the reasons for its increase and methods of treatment. What can and cannot be included in the daily menu, an approximate menu for a week.

What is the blood sugar rate

Blood for analysis for sugar is taken from the finger. You can also find out your indicator at home using a glucometer. It is sold in almost any pharmacy. Or you can go to the nearest clinic or laboratory and donate blood for research there.

Acceptable glucose levels are between 3.3 and 5.5 mmol per liter. If it is less or more, then a person should take a more responsible attitude to his health, revise his lifestyle and daily menu. A qualified specialist - a doctor will help him in this. general practice or a therapist.

Alice Amaral - When blood sugar rises, the pancreas releases insulin, which will convert glucose into glycogen to make it available to our bodies and then use it as energy. But if your glycogen stores are already full and you consume even more sugar, insulin will convert the excess into adipose tissue. Excess sugar causes insulin resistance when the body cannot use insulin properly.

Would conflicting fat diets with animal proteins cause problems for the person eating the least amount of sugar? Alice Amaral. It is recommended to avoid a mixture of proteins and carbohydrates in the same food, as digestion in the stomach requires acidic and alkaline gastric juices. This mixture makes digestion difficult and can lead to indigestion and heartburn. Proteins are essential for our body, and there are several sources of them. And each contains a different group of amino acids. Certain types of amino acids are fundamental to our body and can only be obtained through food.

You cannot smoke and be very nervous before donating blood, because the glucose level can increase dramatically. On the eve, do not eat spicy foods. The test may show high sugar if a virus has settled in the body or colds... In this case, blood must be donated again.

Important! Blood is taken for analysis on an empty stomach! You need to eat no later than 10 hours before it.

Diet with high content Protein helps in weight control and weight intake. For some scientists, this may increase the risk of diabetes and other diseases. Think about the types and amounts of protein you eat. In case sugar is the big villain, why aren't sweeteners saving your health?

The first thing to remember is that sweeteners or sweeteners that are present in Everyday life are substances that impart a sweet taste food products... Both natural and artificial sweeteners are available. In the first group, for example, we have sorbitol, stevia, agave and fructose.

The main causes of high blood sugar

Many people mistakenly think that sugar can rise due to the intake of a large amount of sweets in the body along with food, but this is not true. Your glucose level depends on many things. This is constant stress, provoking the release of insulin into the blood, and some diseases internal organs... Of no small importance is also proper nutrition.

The second group contains aspartame, cyclamate, saccharin and sucralose. Glucose is a carbohydrate and one of the main sources of energy in the human body, which is one of the products of photosynthesis. Insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas, is responsible for getting glucose into cells, controlling the amount of carbohydrates in the blood, and getting them into cells. When dysfunction occurs in the production and effectiveness of the hormonal insulin, the individual can develop diabetes.

Insulin, a hormone produced in the pancreas, is required for glucose to enter cells, providing energy for the body to function properly. When there is some dysfunction with insulin, glucose does not enter the cells properly and remains in the blood, which causes glycemia.

Increased blood sugar in men

In males, a glucose value of 3.3 to 5.5 mmol is normal. If plasma is used for analysis, which is typical for home research, then the numbers here may be different: from 4.2 to 6.1.

The pancreas is responsible for the norm of blood sugar in males. If there is a lot of glucose, then the cause may be a malfunction of this gland.

Elevated blood sugar is called hyperglycemia, which is characterized by symptoms such as fatigue, blurred vision, increased urine volume, thirst, and others. When diagnosed with a higher blood glucose level, the individual must take some action to change the condition and may need to take insulin.

To avoid blood glucose spikes, it is important to pay attention to your eating habits and engage in regular practice physical exercise... Sleeping as needed, avoiding candy and stressful situations, measures to lower glucose levels are also recommended.

Here are some other cases in which a man's sugar may increase:

  • In the case when the hormone responsible for the growth of a person is very much in the body (in other words, when the man is very tall);
  • When he takes many medicines for the slightest ailment, without consulting a doctor;
  • In the presence of Cushing's syndrome in a man (malfunction of the brain, enlargement of the pituitary gland and adrenal glands);
  • If you have had a stroke or heart attack;
  • Smoking;
  • Hard work;
  • Disorders in the liver;
  • Development of an epileptic seizure;
  • Diabetes;
  • Serious malfunction of the stomach and intestines.

Remember! High sugar in a man, first of all, can negatively affect his potency, since in this case the blood thickens strongly and circulates poorly throughout the body.

Tea for lowering glucose levels

There are times when your blood glucose is not high enough to take medication. And in these cases, how to proceed? In addition to the measures described above, a person can use tea that promises to lower blood sugar levels. This tea recipe uses three herbs to help control blood sugar levels. Here are some of the properties of the three herbs.

Cows leg: because of his healing properties cow's leg stimulates the pancreas to increase insulin production. Add herbs and water to a medium saucepan and bring to heat. Once it boils, turn off the heat and keep it low for 10 minutes. After this period, strain the tea and ready, it will be ready to drink.

Increased blood sugar in women

For female normal level sugar corresponds to the same indicator as for the male sex. The reasons for the increase in glucose in the case of women may be slightly different.

Here is a list of female causes of hyperglycemia:

The dosage is three to four cups of warm or cold tea throughout the day. This glucose-lowering tea is not a substitute for diabetes medication, and the use of natural treatments should be discussed with your doctor. Nutritionist Helen Ribeiro. The current lifestyle habits of modern society are largely characterized by inadequate diet and sedentary behavior, and this has led to a number of public health consequences such as obesity, insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome that potentiate the risk of type 2 diabetes.

  1. Propensity to consume an impressive amount of sweets and baked goods;
  2. Frequent stress and intense excitement;
  3. Disorders in the thyroid gland;
  4. Long-term use of birth control pills;
  5. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS);
  6. Diabetes;
  7. Abnormalities in the stomach or intestinal tract;
  8. Pregnancy (against the background of future motherhood, sugar sometimes rises).
We advise women, as well as men, to regularly check their blood for the presence of sugar, as its increase can cause serious illness, because everything in the body is interconnected.

Why is blood sugar high in children?

The disease has reached alarming proportions and is considered a global epidemic. The number of people with diabetes can reach 300 million by the year. This increase occurs because insulin, the hormone responsible for glucose uptake by cells, is no longer produced by the pancreas, otherwise it is inefficiently produced and does not function properly.

Diabetic patients have a higher susceptibility to inflammatory processes: the level of oxidative and inflammatory stress in diabetics is high. With this in mind, several nutrients have been studied to reduce oxidative stress and inflammation in these people.

Glucose levels in children, especially infants, differ from those of adults. Infants tend to have low sugar levels, and this is considered normal in medical practice.

In children under the age of one year, an indicator from 2.8 to 4.4 mmol is acceptable. For older children aged 1 to 5 years, this figure can be from 3.3 to 5.0. And in children from 5 years old, the normal sugar level should be the same as that of an adult, that is, from 3.3 to 5.5 mmol.

If the child has a lot of sugar, then the doctor sends him to additional examination for a more accurate diagnosis. At the same time, glucose tolerance is revealed, as well as an indicator of glycosylated hemoglobin.

One of these nutrients is an omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid. This acid is associated with a decrease in inflammatory markers, cytokine production, coagulation and endothelial function, as an increase in fatty acid in skeletal muscle cells increases insulin sensitivity. In addition, this lipid increases levels of a hormone called adiponectin, which is helpful in processes that affect metabolism, such as blood sugar regulation and inflammation.

Since mammals do not possess enzymes that have the ability to insert double bonds at this position, these fatty acids are considered essential and can only be obtained through diet or supplementation. Research shows that omega-3 supplementation has beneficial effects on the health of people with diabetes. These benefits are mainly associated with changes in lipid profile, improvement in blood pressure, a decrease in the concentration of triglycerides in the blood and plasma glucose, an improvement in endothelial function and a decrease in inflammatory markers.

Doctors note that cases of excessively large amounts of sugar in the blood of children have sharply increased in recent years. This is due, among other things, to the tense nervous situation in the family, hereditary disposition and inappropriate nutrition, which often consists of fast food.

Here are the main causes of hyperglycemia in a child's body:

A study by the University of Health Sciences in Tehran analyzed supplementation with 2 g of omega-3 per day for a 3-month period in 67 overweight and type 2 diabetic patients and found that the supplement was able to significantly lower insulin levels. glycated hemoglobin and insulin resistance.

While further research is needed to better understand the effects of omega-3s, this is already a sign that many people may benefit. Omega-3 rich foods include vegetable oils, seeds, dark green vegetables, flaxseeds, chia and fish cold water who are not captives.

  • Heredity (someone from the family suffers from diabetes mellitus);
  • Nervous Disorders(to infants, the state of nervous excitement is transmitted from the mother);
  • Previous rubella and flu;
  • Critical lack of vitamin D;
  • Introduction of cow's milk into the diet too early;
  • Water that is overflowing with nitrates;
  • Early introduction of cereals into the diet.

Attention! To prevent serious problems with the health of the baby, do not introduce complementary foods earlier than 6 months. The first half a year of life, the baby should eat his mother's milk! Also, protect him from strong unrest and only drink high-quality water. Spend more time on fresh air to strengthen the immune system.

Therefore, include dietary methods that may benefit you. Ice cream salad with vegetable oils, eat nuts and nuts several times a week, include dark green vegetables for lunch and dinner. If you have access to good quality fish, turn it on at least three times a week. In a person who does not have diabetes, when a person is left without food or exercise for a long time, blood sugar levels drop, which can lead to hypoglycemia. At this point, Glucagon kicks in.

It acts on the liver by breaking down glycogen into glucose molecules and that glucose is injected into the blood to normalize the blood sugar rate; Activate glycogenesis; Break down fat in fatty acids for use as fuel by cells. In people with diabetes, elevated circulating glucose levels can inhibit the release of glucagon to correct hypoglycemia. Therefore, in cases of severe hypoglycemia, in which a person cannot eat, convulsions, fainting and coma, the use of injectable glucagon is indicated.

The main signs of high blood sugar

High blood sugar is not difficult to recognize. You need to listen carefully to your body. Here we are talking about a constant increase in glucose levels, and not about a short-term, which happens, for example, during acute respiratory infections.

You may have hyperglycemia if:

Its use is very similar to that of insulin. See step by step as we prepare, share with family and friends, and follow your medical team's instructions. It is important that they know how to apply, because in the event emergency they will have to manage Glucagon. Insert the contents of the syringe into the ampoule.

Mix thoroughly until the solution is well mixed while holding the syringe in the ampoule. Pull the mixture back into the syringe. Application sites are the same as sites where insulin is used. Glucagon can also be given to muscles. Some side effects can occur as nausea and vomiting. Your healthcare team will be able to guide you on how to proceed to use glucagon. In an episode of severe hypoglycemia, with or without glucagon, be sure to inform the healthcare team and call immediately ambulance if someone with diabetes is unconscious.

  1. You drink water tirelessly and do not feel the feeling of complete thirst quenching;
  2. Feel dryness in your mouth;
  3. You often have the urge to use the toilet and it hurts to urinate;
  4. Arrhythmia is observed;
  5. You tire quickly;
  6. You eat a lot, but you lose weight;
  7. The skin is itchy;
  8. There are wounds on the body that do not heal for a long time;
  9. Vision has deteriorated sharply for a short period of time;
  10. Your breathing is uneasy and heavy;
  11. Hands or feet often go numb;
  12. The head hurts badly for no reason;
  13. Severe nausea, and sometimes even vomiting;
  14. The smell of acetone from the mouth.
If you have checked several of the listed items, then you need to donate blood for a check as soon as possible. For your health, it will not be superfluous to consult a therapist.

How to diet with high blood sugar

If the analysis showed that the sugar is high, then the doctor will prescribe treatment and a special diet for you. It consists mainly of proteins, vegetables and grains. It is recommended to take food 5-6 times a day.

Taking Glucagon at home is recommended, especially if you have had a history of severe hypoglycemia with loss of consciousness. Therefore, if you need to transport it, for example, when traveling, be sure to keep it at the correct temperature. Having a tough day or surviving that dog week is often the perfect excuse to tip the diet and eat unhealthy things. This self-service can be the result of very hard work or simply poor nutritional education. Ultimately, these habits directly affect your fitness: in addition to the fact that you have less disposition, you will have to buy pants with large numbers.

Menu for a week with high blood sugar

Here is a sample meal plan for you for a week. You can take note of it and adhere to it throughout the entire period of treatment. The menu is approximate, so you can change the dishes in it at your discretion, guided by the list of acceptable foods for people with high blood sugar.


Consuming more than 67 grams of sugar per day was 23% more likely to develop psychological distress over a 5-year period compared to those who maintained a moderate intake of less than 5 grams per day. To achieve this relationship, researchers at University College London observed sugar consumption and mental health 7,000 Britons, including 5,000. Guinea pigs answered questionnaires that included questions such as "How often do you eat a piece of pie?" And regularly participate in mental health tests and physical assessments such as weight and height measurements.

  • Breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese, buckwheat milk porridge, rosehip broth or red tea.
  • Second breakfast: vegetable juice or sour berries, bread.
  • Lunch: lean beetroot, steamed meatballs or meatballs with milk sauce, rooibos tea with a spoonful of honey.
  • Afternoon snack: orange or sour apple.
  • Dinner: stewed cabbage, boiled fish, green tea.
  • Breakfast: steamed omelet, milk barley porridge, cranberry juice.
  • Second breakfast: rooibos, whole grain bread (1 slice).
  • Lunch: cabbage soup without meat, boiled chicken meat, buckwheat, savory fruit compote.
  • Afternoon snack: low-fat yogurt or cottage cheese without sweet fillers.
  • Dinner: boiled fish, vegetable salad with oil, rooibos tea.
  • Second supper: a glass of 1% kefir.
  • Breakfast: oatmeal porridge, green tea.
  • Second breakfast: cabbage salad, bread, rooibos.
  • Lunch: milk soup with millet, steam meat cutlet, stewed cabbage, chicory.
  • Afternoon snack: sour apple or other unsweetened fruit, scrambled eggs.
  • Dinner: boiled chicken, buckwheat, white or green tea.
  • Second supper: yogurt or kefir.
  • Breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese, buckwheat porridge with milk, wild berry compote.
  • Second breakfast: a decoction of wheat bran, buckwheat bread.
  • Lunch: vegetarian assorted vegetable soup, steamed fish cutlets, green tea with jam or jelly.
  • Afternoon snack: salad of orange and apple with fermented baked milk or kefir, green tea.
  • Dinner: boiled veal, tomato-cucumber salad with butter, chicory.
  • Second supper: curdled milk or kefir 1% fat.
  • Breakfast: porridge.
  • Second breakfast: natural yogurt or cottage cheese, bread, compote.
  • Lunch: sorrel soup with egg, stewed vegetables (not potatoes!), Cranberry juice.
  • Afternoon snack: steam omelet, Orange.
  • Dinner: steamed or baked fish in foil, fresh vegetable salad, hibiscus drink.
  • Second supper: 250 ml of 1% kefir.
  • Breakfast: scrambled eggs, bread, green tea.
  • Second breakfast: vegetable salad with vegetable oil, fruit compote without granulated sugar.
  • Lunch: meatless soup with buckwheat and herbs with a teaspoon of sour cream, stewed vegetables, boiled chicken, lingonberry juice.
  • Afternoon snack: pear and apple salad with fermented baked milk, green tea.
  • Dinner: boiled beef, cabbage salad, hibiscus drink.
  • Second supper: 250 ml of kefir 1% fat.
  • Breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese, wheat porridge with milk, chicory.
  • Second breakfast: a decoction of wild rose berries, wheat bran.
  • Lunch: borscht without meat, steamed fish, cabbage salad.
  • Afternoon snack: fruit salad, hibiscus drink.
  • Dinner: buckwheat, steamed chicken cutlets, cucumber salad with vegetable oil, weak tea.
  • Second supper: low fat kefir or yogurt.

Allowed food with high blood sugar

If your sugar exceeds the maximum norm, then your diet needs to be reviewed. The composition of the food consumed should be as follows: protein - 85-90 g, fat - 75-80 g, carbohydrates - 350 g, salt - no more than 10-12 g.

Here's what is allowed and even advised to include in the diet:

  1. Bakery products made from unleavened dough (no more than 300 g per day);
  2. Vegetables (except potatoes) in salads, stewed and baked, in soups;
  3. Meat boiled, stewed, steamed, baked without oil;
  4. Sausages for diabetics;
  5. Boiled beef tongue;
  6. Lean fish;
  7. Liver;
  8. Low fat milk;
  9. Eggs (no more than two per day);
  10. Porridge based on milk and water (buckwheat, oatmeal, pearl barley, barley, millet);
  11. Beans, lentils, beans;
  12. Seafood;
  13. Unsweetened fruits, berries and juices based on them;
  14. Vegetable juices, green and white tea, chicory, hibiscus, fruit drinks and unsweetened compotes, weak coffee and black tea;
  15. From sweets, marshmallows, marshmallows, marmalade and honey in small quantities are allowed;
  16. Vegetable and butter(Little);
  17. Mushrooms;
  18. Canned fish in its own juice.
You should eat at about the same time and drink 1.5-2 liters of water daily. The calorie content of food should be approximately 2300-2400 kcal per day.

What not with high blood sugar

But what doctors advise to exclude from the daily menu in case of an unacceptable amount of glucose:
  • Pastry and puff pastry;
  • Broths on meat and fish;
  • Milk soups with semolina and rice groats;
  • Fatty meat and fish;
  • Fish caviar, canned fish in oil, canned meat, smoked food;
  • Cheeses;
  • Cottage cheese mass with granulated sugar;
  • Cream;
  • Pasta;
  • Pickled food and pickles;
  • Sweet fruits (grapes, bananas, raisins, dates, figs);
  • Drinks with a lot of sugar;
  • Sweets, cakes and so on;
  • Spicy and fatty sauces;
  • Salo.
In addition to the listed products, you should, if possible, exclude stress from your life, as well as strong mental and physical exercise... Spend more time with nice people and, if necessary, change jobs. Camping will also benefit you.

Features of the treatment of high blood sugar

Glucose should be lowered under the supervision of a therapist. He will appoint complex treatment, in which both diet and medication will be present. Now you will have to be more responsible about everything that you eat, and periodically check your blood for sugar. This will enable you to improve your quality of life.

How to treat high blood sugar with medications

The method of treatment depends on how high the patient's blood sugar is. If the doctor determines that the patient has type 1 diabetes, then he is prescribed subcutaneous injections with insulin. Usually they are prescribed by a doctor for life, and the patient can do them himself. Also prescribed and therapeutic diet... This type of diabetes is the most dangerous, and treatment in this case will take a long time.

If type 2 diabetes has been identified, the doctor prescribes special pills that lower sugar. Most often, doctors prescribe drugs such as Siofor and Glucose. The diet for such patients is also prescribed first. Diabetes of this type is not as dangerous as the first, and it is easier to treat if it is started on time.

Remember! You cannot prescribe treatment yourself! In any case, you need to consult your doctor before taking any medicinal product.

Increased blood sugar, how to reduce folk remedies

When the sugar is slightly increased, the doctor, as a rule, advises to exclude simple carbohydrates from the menu and increase the amount of vitamins. In addition, the patient may be prescribed herbal medicine (herbal treatment).

Herbal teas can help lower glucose levels. They should be drunk without sweets and all sorts of goodies. The following teas are good: hibiscus, blueberry (based on blueberry leaves), sage, from lilac leaves.

Here are some more recipes from traditional medicine to help rid the blood of unnecessary sugar:

  • Recipe number 1... Take 50 g of dried blueberries (leaves), a couple of dried bean pods, 20 g of flaxseed and pour 1 liter of boiling water over all the ingredients. Then put it on for 5 hours, wrapped in a terry towel. Then pour the infusion into a glass bottle or jar and drink 0.5 cups three times a day half an hour before meals. Consume for 14 days, then take a two-week break and repeat the course again.
  • Recipe number 2... Take 50 g of wheat grains, 50 g of oat grains, 20 g of rice straw and pour a liter of boiling water over it. After that, boil all the ingredients of the medicine for 15 minutes. Leave for 3 hours, and then drain the finished broth. Place it in a cool place. Drink the medicine 15 minutes before a meal, 0.5 cups for 7 days. Then take a break for 14 days and make your own prescription medicine again.
  • Recipe number 3... Take 50 g of dried walnut leaves, 20 g of dried dandelion roots and pour a liter of boiling water over them. Leave for 3 hours, wrapped in a towel, and then strain. Store the infusion in a cool place and drink 1 tbsp. l. 6 times a day after a meal. You can drink it until the dry mouth passes and tests show a decrease in sugar.
  • Recipe number 4... Take horseradish root and chop it into a bowl. Then pour the horseradish sour milk 1:10. You need to drink a ready-made medicinal drink in 1 tbsp. l. before meals three times a day. The course is designed for 14 days.
  • Recipe number 5... Pour 6 cups of boiling water over a glass of oats. Then let the beans simmer for about 1 hour. Next, cool the broth, strain and put in the refrigerator for storage. Drink unlimited daily until test results improve. Also, the broth can be drunk for the prevention of diabetes.
  • Recipe number 6... Fresh lilac buds in the amount of 2 tablespoons, pour 400 ml of boiling water and leave for 6 hours. Then drain the liquid and discard the kidneys. Drink the ready-made infusion during the day, dividing it into 4 equal parts.
  • Recipe number 7... Take lemon juice and break an egg to it (only protein is needed). Whisk the mass and drink an hour before breakfast. The course is designed for 3 days. You can repeat it after 10 days.

Attention! Get your doctor's approval before using any traditional medicine prescription.

Exercise treatment for high blood sugar

Oddly enough, moderate physical activity helps to lower blood sugar and maintain it within normal limits. Gymnastics and any kind of sports in general improve the metabolism in the body, and diabetics just need it.

After exercise, your mood will improve, and this will also have a beneficial effect on glucose. Physical education can also be done to prevent the development of type 2 diabetes.

As physical activity with high sugar, swimming, cycling, walking, refusing to take the elevator (walk up the stairs), playing badminton, tennis, golf, basketball, volleyball, aerobics and water aerobics are perfect: swimming, cycling, walking.

The most effective physical activity is walking and running at a moderate pace. They can be done in the morning. It is better to do this not on a treadmill, but in the fresh air. Even half an hour of activity (for walking - 1 hour) a day will bring tremendous benefits to your body.

How to treat elevated level sugar - watch the video:

As you can see, it is quite possible to normalize high sugar if you strictly follow the doctor's recommendations and eat rationally.

Various factors affect sugar levels: it can be physiological reasons, the development of some serious diseases. Sugar can rise because of smoking, before menstruation, because of extra nerves, with anxiety. Both an adult and a child can have an increased glucose level, therefore it is important to observe preventive measures, especially if there were cases of diabetes mellitus in the family.

Why does sugar rise?

Blood sugar rises for a variety of reasons. The short spike is due to the body's response to stress, overexertion, smoking, or excessive exercise. Therefore, if a high indicator is detected in the analysis results, the patient is asked to donate blood again. If blood glucose is elevated, this indicates the presence of a certain disease, and this is not always diabetes.

The effect of disease on sugar levels

Elevated blood sugar for a long time indicates the development of a disease that needs to be treated. When making a diagnosis, the doctor relies on the accompanying symptoms:

  • Diabetes. An endocrine disorder due to a lack of insulin. This hormone is produced by the pancreas. Diabetes is characterized by increased appetite, weight gain, intense thirst, frequent urination... In diabetics, the protective functions of the body decrease, vision decreases, the skin itches, wounds heal slowly. The sugar in the urine rises - this is how the body tries to remove the excess.
  • Pheochromocytoma. As a result of a malfunction of the endocrine system, a large number of norepinephrine and adrenaline. Norepinephrine increases glucose levels. With inflammation in a patient, in addition to sugar, blood pressure may rise, hypertensive crises, and heart palpitations are not uncommon. The patient sweats a lot, is angry, feels unreasonable fear, trembles all over.
  • Diseases of an endocrine nature, due to which hormones are intensively produced. Often this is Cushing's disease or thyrotoxicosis. The first disease affects the pituitary gland, the second affects the thyroid gland.
  • At inflammatory process in the pancreas - pancreatitis, tumors. This organ produces insulin, and secondary diabetes may develop in case of illness.
  • Chronic liver pathologies - failure, hepatitis, cancer, cirrhosis. The liver responds to inflammation.

Increase for a short period

A heart attack can be the cause of a short-term spike in blood sugar.

Sugar grows for a short period for the following reasons:

  • after stomach surgery;
  • due to burns, severe pain;
  • during an epileptic seizure;
  • due to an acute heart attack.

High glucose is not a disease, but a symptom. In addition to the above, taking medications can dramatically increase blood sugar.