What is apnea in children and adults. Night apnea syndrome and risk factors cardiovascular pathology disease apnea sleep

Apnea is a pathological process due to one or another etiological factor, which leads to a short-term stopping of breathing during sleep. Night apnea in newborns is found quite often - up to 60% of cases. In premature babies, this indicator comes to 90%. In this case, it is possible to violate the respiratory process and its stop, but not more than 10 seconds. In most cases, the night apnea syndrome passes in 3-5 weeks.

In adult night apnea syndrome, there is quite often, however, in the risk group of older age. It is also noted that men are diagnosed two times more often than women.

Due to the specific clinical sign (stopping the breath in a dream) with a diagnosis, as a rule, there are no problems. However, accurately diagnose the attacks of apnea, as well as to establish their etiology, can only the doctor can carry out the necessary diagnostic procedures. Independent treatment or ignoring this problem is fraught with negative consequences.

According to the international classification of diseases of the tenth revision, the night apnea refers to diseases of the nervous system and has its own value. Code on MKB-10 - G47.3.

Treatment of such a violation can be both conservative and radical, depending on the current clinical picture, collected anamnesis and survey data.


Night apnea may be due to such etiological factors:

  • excess weight - excessive deposition of adipose tissue in the neck area leads to the fact that excessive load turns on the throat muscles;
  • nasal congestion, ;
  • otolaryngological diseases;
  • neoplasm in the field of the upper respiratory tract;
  • congenital respiratory pathology, namely narrowing their lumen;
  • reducing the tone of the muscles of the pharynx, which can be due to the reception of certain medicines, excessive alcohol use;
  • violation of the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • damage to peripheral nerves;
  • brain disease, including the formation of tumors;
  • violation of blood supply and gas exchange.

In addition, the night apnea may be due to the psychosomatic factor, which in this case will have the nature of the syndrome, and not a separate pathology.

Determine the cause of such a breakdown disturbance during sleep can only doctor, after all necessary diagnostic measures.


Allocate the following forms of development of such a pathological process:

  • apnea - soft tissue and muscles relax so much that the person is confrigerated;
  • hypopenoe - pathogenesis is similar to the above form, but in this case the soft tissues partially close the upper respiratory tract;
  • central apnea - in this case, pathology is due to violations in the work of the brain, during which the brain simply "forgets" to send signals to reduce the muscles participating in the operation of the respiratory system;
  • obstructive apnea - most often diagnosed in children, due to congenital pathologies;
  • mixed form.

The clinical picture does not depend on the form of the disease. Determine exactly what type of night apnea is from a child or an adult, can only doctor.


Night apnea, as a rule, manifests itself in the form of the following symptoms:

  • headache in the morning;
  • frequent wakes at night;
  • surface and restless sleep;
  • irritability, mood swings;
  • dustiness Day, even if the person goes to sleep in a timely manner;
  • increased blood pressure in the morning time, which in most cases takes place without receiving medication;
  • increased sweating at night;
  • student heart rhythm;
  • students of urination at night;
  • weight set without visible causes;
  • worsening memory and concentration;
  • reduced performance;
  • men may be present.

It should be noted that it is precisely attacks that the patient may not remember. Only people who live with him may say about such a specific symptom. Therefore, in many cases, such a problem remains without attention, since the symptoms of the clinical picture are nonspecific and can simply be charged with fatigue.

In the presence of symptoms of apnea, it is necessary to immediately apply for medical care, since the reason for such a violation may be extremely dangerous to health.


When manifesting such a violation during sleep, it is necessary to contact, first of all, to a general practice doctor. Additionally, the consultation of such specialists will be consulted:

  • neuropathologist;
  • neurosurgeon;
  • endocrinologist;
  • gastroenterologist or nutritionist.

The physical inspection of the patient with the collection of personal history, the establishment of a complete clinical picture is prioritized. To accurately determine the diagnosis and its etiology, such diagnostic measures can be conducted:

  • polysomnography - with the help of special electrodes during sleep, all the necessary parameters are recorded to determine the diagnosis;
  • CT and MRI brain;
  • pulse oximetry;
  • electromyography;
  • electroencephalography;
  • Oak and tank;
  • analysis of thyroid hormones;
  • lipid blood spectrum;
  • general urine analysis and urin analysis to albumin;
  • rebarg's test.

In suspected a benign or malignant tumor in the brain or in the field of the upper respiratory tract, additional diagnostic measures are appointed.


Effective treatment of apnea is possible only with an integrated approach, namely:

  • lifestyle change;
  • medication treatment;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures.

In addition, it is necessary to understand that quite often conservative methods of eliminating such a violation during sleep is not enough or they are not suitable at all, therefore transmission intervention is carried out.

Treatment of sleep apnea by means of medicines implies the reception of such drugs:

  • local corticosteroids;
  • sedative.

In general, drug treatment will be aimed at eliminating the factor that the development of such a pathological process. Based on this, it can be said that medication can only be assigned individually.

Surgical treatment of night apnea can be carried out through the following methods:

  • adenoidectomy;
  • tracheostomy;
  • tonsillectomy;
  • bariatric Surgery - if the cause of apnea is obesity;
  • installing the Pillar system.

Regardless which treatment scheme apnea is selected, the patient needs to be adjusted to his lifestyle, namely:

  • reduce weight if a factor occurs;
  • start to eat right. In this case, it is understood by the reception of food in a timely manner, the diet must be balanced;
  • moderate consumption of alcoholic beverages. In addition, it must be remembered that alcohol cannot be consumed 4-6 hours before sleep;
  • singleepartments or tranquilizers need to be used only on the rigorous prescription of the doctor;
  • the optimal posture for sleep is on the side, and not on the stomach. This makes it possible to breathe correctly during full relaxation;
  • if a person has problems with falling asleep, then before going to bed it should be refused to read books, watching TV. Replace the sleeping pills through massage, meditation and other relaxation methods.

With the right approach to the treatment, the central apnea and other forms of this disease are quite good to treat.

Treatment at home is possible, but only with a light stage of development of such a pathological process. The use of folk medicine funds, in this case, is inappropriate, since it does not give due results.

In general, provided that the proper approach, the apnea in children and adults is well aware of therapy and does not cause complications.

Possible complications

In the event that the treatment is not started in a timely manner, the high risk of developing the following complications:

  • the risk of sudden death is significantly increased.


Prevention of such a pathological process is to conduct the following activities:

  • compliance with a healthy lifestyle;
  • blood pressure monitoring;
  • compliance with the optimal mode of operation and recreation;
  • full healthy sleep.

At the first signs of such a disease, you need to see the consultation to the doctor, and not engage in therapeutic measures at your discretion.

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Diseases with similar symptoms:

Inxication of the body - arises due to the continuing effect on the human body of various toxic substances. This may be the production poisoning of poisons or chemical elements, prolonged use of medicines, for example, in the treatment of oncology or tuberculosis. The effect of toxins can be both external and the internal produced by the organism itself.

Man spends a man in a dream. Resting, he restores his protective functions, forces spent during the day.

But before, how to fall asleep we do not even think about the fact that night problems may occur at night.

This applies apnea - temporary respiratory stop, which in rare cases ends with a fatal outcome.

That's how - fell asleep and did not wake up. What kind of disease is this symptoms and how to treat.

Causes of violation

A sharp stop of the breath during sleep, daytime rest, dorms, more than 10 seconds - called obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (SAAS).

If a snoring person has been living next to you, then you probably have ever heard when he, sshraping delays his breath.

And only after some time interval again sorkens and begins to breathe. Throughout the night, these stops are repeated not once.

In fact, we do not even suspect that he has a serious illness, which should be treated very seriously.

If the patient ask whether he woke up at night, he would not remember. The patient with sleepy apnea rises drowsiness.

Very often a person can fall asleep, leading negotiations, riding a car. Just turns off for several hours, and after waking up, not understanding what happened.

Important! Coas is a common sleep disorder, in which soft tissues of the rear wall of the larynx relax and fall, overlapping the respiratory tract.

Normally, a person can occur at a random stop of breathing, but if it continues from 10 to 30 seconds, it is worth the alarm.

As a result of the pathological stop of the respiratory functions, the body seems to not fall into full sleep, but is in a state of dorms and does not receive a proper rest.

What can serve as the causes of SAAS?

Such a pathological condition of the body can be provoked by a number of physiological abnormalities in the body:

  1. Obesity of cervical skin. The neck becomes too broad, muscle mass and fat deposits increase, and when relaxing it occupies a large space in the larynx, overlapping the breathing tube.
  2. Improper shape of the cranial box.
  3. The lower jaw is very relative to the top.
  4. On the contrary, underdeveloped lower jaw.
  5. Large sizes of a language that hardly places in the mouth.
  6. Large almonds and swelling of the sky.
  7. Acquired injuries of the nasal partition or its innate pathologies.
  8. Out-of-laws in the nasopharynx, which make it difficult to respiratory process even during wakefulness.
  9. Obstructive pathology of the respiratory organs.
  10. Present diseases: ,.

In addition to physiological reasons, there are risk factors that increase the likelihood of disease. For example, sexuality affects the predisposition of apnea.

In men, this syndrome is more often manifested than in women. Their weight is greater, which means the neck muscles are expanded and increased. But the female floor this problem begins to overcome more often after menopause.

Age Indicators - more often apnea is subject to a category of people aged 40 to 60 years. But young people are also not insured against illness.

In addition, the precursor of the occurrence of the disease can be the genetic predisposition and the presence of addictions to detrimental habits.

Symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea

How to understand that man is sick? The main sign that needs to pay attention to is snoring, and depends on how a person sleeps on his back or side.

At the time of snoring, he delays his breath, lip color acquires a blue color. If the countdown and it amounted to more than 10, then this is nothing more than SAAS.

In rare cases, his muscles are strained, making involuntary movements, the patient can even fall from the bed.

Other indirect signs of the disease are:

  • night shuddering and awakening, not rare in cold sweat, panic fear;
  • frequent urges for urination;
  • sleep impairment after every awakening;
  • saying to the state of dorms during the day at work;
  • the emergence of fatigue after the morning motive;
  • reduced potency;
  • reduction of working capacity, memory, attention;
  • changes in emotional background: depression, irritability, poor mood, depression.

If such symptoms are found, you need to consult a doctor for help to avoid serious consequences in health.

Types of apnea

Distinguish two types of disease.

Central sleep apnea

It is rare and connected with nervous disorders.

The disease is due to the lack of nerve impulses into the brain on the subject that the respiratory authorities begin to fulfill their functions.

A man in a dream is hard to sigh after stopping the breath, from this he wakes up sharply, he has a lack of oxygen.

The reason for the occurrence of this type of apnea is heart disease.

The patient suffers less than when Coas. Daily idle appears less often, but the night stop of the respiratory organs is much longer and more problematic.

Mixed apnea sleep

The name of the species speaks for itself. This is a mixture of two species: obstructive and central.

In the process of sleep, the periodic appearance of one after another may be observed.

First, the central stop of breathing occurs, then alternates the impact of the muscles of the larynx.

A comprehensive disease may be the cause of violation of the activities of the body's cardiovascular system.

Consequences for the body

Pathological sleep disorders at COAS destroy everyday life in the literal sense of the word.

After an infallible sleep, the patient does not restore forces, on the contrary, it feels depressed.

The concentration of thoughts at work is reduced, physical activity and efficiency decreases.

Frequently accompanied apnea is nervous irritability leading to conflicts in the family and at work, as a person cannot think about anything except sleep and rest.

More serious consequences are an increase in injuries on the road. If the patient acts as a driver's driver or sleeping pedestrian.

In addition, a sick person cannot be allowed to be in danger and harmful production.

A bunch of physiological deviations are joined to everyday everyday life: an increase in blood pressure, arrhythmia.

Doctors consider this disease to the risk of stroke, heart attack, as well as complication with bronchitis, asthma and other chronic lung diseases.

Treatment of sleep disorders

Determine the disease in a close relative can already be at home, based on the method of Dr. Rovinsky.

For this, with the help of the stopwatch, it is necessary to measure the duration of the respiratory authorities and calculate the frequency of such failures per night.

With such indicators, you should consult a doctor who compares weight of the body and the measurement will determine the severity of the sleepy apnea.

The program is developed individually for each patient, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient.

It may include drug and no therapy, as well as surgical intervention to eliminate the causes of the syndrome.

Operational intervention

At this stage, the following techniques use:

  1. Uhluopalatopharingoplasty - the operation is aimed at circumcision of excess fabric in the patient's larynx to expand the respiratory tract. The excess fabric includes a piece of soft tongue or all that hangs from the top of the sky, above the almonds, also part of the soft sky when transition to the throat. Large almonds and adenoids are usually cut out. The treatment is carried out in the hospital with further observation of the patient.
  2. Uhluopaloplasty with a laser - fabrics with operation less, mainly to eliminate snoring. Manipulation is carried out under local anesthesia in the doctor's office. Stationary stay is not required.
  3. A pillar of the sky implantation is such a procedure applied with a mild apnea. The implant is implanted into the sky, which reduces the vibration of the sky - snoring. Does not require inpatient treatment, carried out under local anesthesia.
  4. Tracheostomy is a difficult operation that is used in rare cases for the treatment of sleep apnea with a threat to the patient's life. The neck is made, passing into the trachea, a special tube for breathing in a dream is inserted into it.
  5. Other operational manipulations associated with plastic congenital external deviations of the structure of the skull, lower jaw, size of the tongue, almonds, etc.

Third-party operational procedures on the change in congenital or acquired changes in the body in some cases are not suggested, but in combination with basic operations bring positive results.


As medicines, the doctor may be appointed as follows:

  • Provigil;
  • Modatinyl;
  • Intranasal corticosteroids;
  • Teophilin et al.

Important! Soothing drugs can not be applied, as they provoke the sagging of soft tissues, worsening the respiratory process during sleep.

Folk Methods

These methods involve the implementation of simple events at home.

These include:

  1. Tracking weight. If there is an extra weight, it is necessary to get rid of it, applying diets.
  2. Exclude later food intake, it is advisable to do it three hours before sleep.
  3. Refuse smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages.
  4. Seek yourself to sleep on the side. To do this, you can buy a special anatomical pillow, which will save you from snoring. If you are accustomed to sleep on your back, then you should restrain.
  5. Eliminate the nasal congestion before bed, using drops, plasters, sprays with menthol, eucalyptus, mint. You can use essential oils that contribute to the expansion of the respiratory tract.

Such manipulations will help eliminate the easy degree of the disease or facilitate the state after a predetermined operation.

  • In addition to the prevention, we can use washing and rinking the larynx with salt mortar overnight, such therapy will moisturize the nasopharynk and facilitate breathing.
  • Perfect the daily state of a glass of cabbage juice with honey.
  • Drink for the night of milk with honey. The composition perfectly envelops the walls of the larynx and facilitates breathing.
  • To eat in the evening a few fresh carrots rich in vitamin D, improving sleep.

It is possible to use creamy, sea buckthorn, vegetable and other oils in a complex with medication therapy. They are able to soften the tissue of the throat and the upper respiratory tract, reduce the attacks of suffocation.

Important! All procedures should be carried out under the supervision of the doctor.


Syndrome obstructive sleep apnea is a serious problem that can lead to serious consequences. In other words, a person may suffocate during sleep.

The first symptom to which attention should be paid is snoring. It often becomes the reason for the failure of the lungs.

If you or your close feels all signs of the disease on yourself, then contact the hospital immediately. The earlier it happens, the easier it is to eliminate the ailment.

Video: Treatment of sleep apnea

Apnea in a dream - episodes of respiratory stops that appear in a dream. They are suitable, which is found in the norm if their frequency does not exceed five per hour. With several dozen and even hundreds of respiratory stops overnight talk about obstructive or central apnea syndrome in a dream. Differences between the two syndromes are to apnea types.

Stop breathing in a dream obstructive character associated with changes in the respiratory tract to the level of the larynx. Apnea in SN central type due to the work of the rest of the organs and systems, including the lungs.

Possible causes of apnea in a dream

Possible causes of obstructive apnea Similar with such when snoring. They can be combined into two large groups.

1. Difficulty air passage in respiratory tract. This is possible if there are:
nasal diseases (polyps, varnavald);
frequent angins or adenoids;
Topics of the pharynx;
congenital narrowing of the lumen of the respiratory tract;
Little and shifted back lower jaw;
Acromegaly or Dauna disease, under which the language is increased;
obesity with the deposition of fat cells around the lumen of the pharynx.

2. Reducing muscle tone:
Against the background of taking alcohol or medicines, which relax muscles (tranquilizers, part of sleeping pills, drugs, muscle relaxants). This is possible when conducting operations when it is required to relax a person, use artificial ventilation of lungs or rid of severe pain. This is the risk of Apnea appearance before coming to consciousness;
with a decrease in the function of the thyroid gland, in which all tissues become more loose, and the muscles are sluggish;
in violation of the intake of nerve pulses from the brain responsible for the muscle tone (miodatrophy, myasthenia and other neuromuscular diseases);
In case of damage to the peripheral nerves during operation or injury;
In the oppression of consciousness, which can be observed in the diseases of the brain or the defeat of the cranial brain nerves. If this happened, you need to immediately seek medical help!

Possible causes of central apnea In a dream, you can also divide into several groups.

1. Reducing the activity of the activity center in the brain. This center adjusts the frequency and depth of breathing, sending pulses with respiratory muscles. If such signals do not receive or rarely fed, breathing in a dream can be interrupted. This happens with the following states:
Undines syndrome
Brain stem damage (injury, neoplasm or hemorrhage, cyst)
Faringeal Collapse (throwing acidic content of the stomach in the respiratory tract)

2. Violation of blood supply or gas exchange of organs and systems. Normally, if there is a lot of oxygen, the respiratory center "turns off" for a while when the concentration is reduced - actively supplies pulses for breathing. In cardiovascular diseases or impaired lung work, the time of transmitting information about the oxygen content in the blood is violated. As a result, the respiratory center "recycles", then too angry breathing, when stopping appears, it all accelerates when hyperventilation develops. This is possible if there is:
Light diseases
hypoxemia (reduced oxygen in the blood)
High-rise disease
heart failure

3. Changes in respiratory research. The central apnea can be found during the study of sleep (when floating, in a deep sleep, overweight, when sensors are not moving enough relative to each other). In this case, it will be a mistake to talk about the central apnea syndrome. But with neuro muscular diseases and weakness of breathing muscles, it is a pathology. The boundary with the norm will serve as the frequency of respiratory stops and the accompanying diagnosis.

Possible symptoms apnea in a dream

Apnea in a dream - stopping the breath, which is not heard (especially a central nature) and it is difficult to recognize if a person sleeps one. The only sign of obstructive apnea in the early stages can be snoring, which occurs when restoring respiration and fluctuations in the airways walls.

The appearance of other symptoms speaks about the progression of apnea syndrome in a dream and the need for urgent appeal to a dynamologist who is engaged in breathing in a dream. To the most common manifestations of apnea are:

Day drowsiness
Frequent awakening
Surface and restless sleep
Morning headache
Morning enhancement of blood pressure, which passes without taking drugs
Lack of reduction in blood pressure at night
Night arrhythmias and blockades
Night sweating
Night bitch or heartburn
Running to the toilet for urination more than 2 times per night
Weight set
Impossibility to reduce weight for a long time
Improving the level of sugar and the development of diabetes
Infarcates early in the morning
Morning stroke

All these symptoms are associated with a disadvantage of oxygen against the background of respiratory stops in a dream, an increase in the load on the cardiovascular system and the development of hormonal disorders.

Diagnosis of night apnea

The main method of diagnosing apnea is the study of breathing during night sleep, when the air flow, snoring and oxygen content is measured. For this apply respiratory monitoring, cardio-respiratory monitoring and polysomnography.

To assess the lung function, the lungs will need (with computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging), functional samples and determination of the life capacity of the lungs, the maximum speed of exhalation and blood gases.

To assess the overall condition of the body, cardiovascular risks and determining the possible causes of apnea, the following tests are necessary:

General blood analysis,
blood test for sugar,
Glicated hemoglobin,
Biochemical blood test for general protein, urea, creatinine,
Blood test for thyroid hormones (TSH, T4 free, at-TPO),
Lipid blood spectrum (total cholesterol, high density lipoproteins (HDL), low density lipoproteins (LDL), triglycerides, atherogeneity index)
urine tests: Rebarga's test, urine analysis for albumin

Possible complications of apnea

Each fifth accident is associated with drowsiness. With a pronounced apnea in a dream, when memory and concentration decreases, production injuries are raised. About 33% of all arrhythmia leading to a heart stop, caused apnea in a dream. It is no coincidence that most of the heart attacks and ischemic strokes occur between 3 and 4 in the morning. All this is the result of an undiagnosed and untrended apnea in a dream. Such people are 5.2 times more often dying compared to those who have no apnea, or it is effectively treated.

Pass the examination on time and save your life for yourself and loved ones!

Treatment apnea

In cases where apnea has already been developed, and daylight symptoms or characteristic diseases have appeared, a complete and immediate assistance of a dynologist has been required.

In the treatment of apnea, an active tactic is applied, aimed at eliminating the causes of the disease.
First of all, it is necessary change lifestyle:

Rejection of bad habits.
- Compliance with diet (low carbohydrate high protein).
- Regular aerobic loads.
- weight loss minimum by 10% of the original, if there is an excess mass.
- Positional treatment (sleep on side, if apnea is observed only on the back).

These measures can be used independently at easy apnea in a dream or combine with other methods of treatment if the respiratory stops are more pronounced.

Medicia treatment apnea.

The approach to drug reception depends on the type of apnea. Under the central stops of breathing The main emphasis is placed on the correction of the function of the lungs and hearts. Accordingly, drugs will be appointed by a doctor, based on health status. Directly on the central apnea affects the reception of Diakarba, which is also discharged by the doctor.

Treatment of obstructive apnea Medications are inefficient. There are no magic tablets, and those that are offered will not be able to heal you from stopping breathing. Even numerous folk remedies that strengthen the mucous membrane reduce swelling or deprive you of sleep, they will not allow proper result. Firstly, when apnea, the situation is serious, associated with the sticking of the walls of the respiratory tract, which is not eliminated by drugs. Secondly, many drugs and folk remedies may even worsen the picture, causing allergies and the edema of the pharynx. Pay attention to the composition (Doctor snorkeling, Silence, Sornopop). As a rule, this is a combination of several plant components that can cause unpredictable reactions. It is worth remembering about it, especially with the fact that allergic rhinitis is found in a third of people with apnea. In this case, it is possible to use only local corticosteroids (mobazone), which reduce inflammation and swelling of the respiratory tract during allergy exacerbation. There is evidence that in 17% of cases the volume of almonds decreases, expanding the lumen of the pharynx.

Surgical treatment of apnea.

Applied only with obstructive apneaAt the central stops of breathing it is impractical, since there is no object of exposure.

The goal of operational intervention is to increase the lumen of the respiratory tract and eliminate obstacles on the way of air flow. It may be the removal of increased almonds, adenoids, polyps or other neoplasms and developmental anomalies. Surgery is very effective and can eliminate the cause of apnea, but only if there are no other states affecting breathing in a dream and there are no contraindications for surgery, such as obesity. The main error in the surgical treatment of apnea is the operation on the soft sky (deleting the tongue), especially with a laser. It is impossible to carry them out! This is associated with low efficiency and high risks of complications up to death immediately after surgery.

Outdoor devices (kapa).

Are a good alternative to surgery and dad-therapy with obstructive apnea. With central respiratory disorders, it does not apply.

Kapa push the lower jaw forward at the time of sleep, thereby increasing the clearance of the respiratory tract, do not let the walls touch with each other. The effectiveness of this method is quite high, and inconvenience from wearing kapa in a dream is insignificant and pass with time.

Unfortunately, this method will give the result only at mild and moderate degree of obstructive apnea. More serious respiratory disorders in a dream require pat-therapy.

Pap-therapy for the treatment of apnea.

it the method of treating respiratory stops both obstructive and central type. The main principle of the method is the supply of air under pressure in the respiratory tract, so as not to give the walls of the pharynx. The device can operate in different modes depending on the severity of the state and the nature of the disorders (sipap mode, bipap, trilevel, servo-ventilation). This method is safe and does not have absolute contraindications. The result is visible in the first days of use: breathing stops, snoring, day drowsiness and other manifestations of apnea in a dream. Efficiency can reach 100% even with a combination of several causes of apnea, which makes it possible to abandon other methods, in particular operations on the throat. Pad-therapy is appointed by a dynamologist and is held at home.

Effective treatment of apnea in a dream without harm to health is possible. And the correct timely prevention will extend your life.

Prevention apnea in a dream

To prevent apnea in a dream, you need to remember the main factors of its appearance and not allow them to develop:
1. Timely examination and treatment of somatic diseases (in particular, brain, thyroid gland, ENT organs, heart and lungs). Control of the level of thyroid hormones, sugar, blood pressure.
2. Weight control and its decrease with a set of more than 10% of the initial one.
3. Refusal of bad habits: smoking, alcohol, night work, stress.
4. Regular aerobic loads (walking, swimming, bike, gaming sports).

These simple rules will not only protect you from apnea, but also will retain your life and health.

Elena Tsareva, a dynamologist,
"Unison clinics",

Stop breathing in a dream or apnea can lead to serious heart disease, diabetes and even impotence. Because of such complications, the problem of incorrect night respiration should be solved as soon as possible. However, not every person with this ailment appeals to a specialist doctor. Especially for such people, we have prepared material about the treatment of apnea at home.

Causes apnea in a dream

During apnea, there is a breathing delay with a duration of 10 or more. In rare cases, the delay time can reach 3 minutes, which in turn does not affect health. In the launched version breathing can stop up to 300-500 times per night. At the same time, for the whole dream, the person does not breathe 2, or even 3-4 hours.

Night apnea is preceded by a loud snoring, when a man sleeps lying on his back.

The reason for apnea is related to the relaxation of the muscles of the pharynx. Because of the weak muscles, a negative pressure is created in the throat, with the walls of the respiratory tract simply stick together. As a result, the air first enters the lungs in limited quantities, thereby leading to the snoring, and then not at all goes to the respiratory tract.

At the apnea, the brain reacts with awakening, while the awakening people themselves does not remember. Such a shake is necessary because it "resembles" the body that oxygen does not go into lungs. By the way, if the brain did not give any awakening signals, each apnea would end fatal outcome.

In addition to relaxing the muscles of the pharynx causes apnea, there may be:

  • excess weight;
  • brain diseases;
  • atrophy of the muscles of the body;
  • improper structure of the nasal partition;
  • incorrect head position during sleep.

Night apnea in adults: symptoms

Before telling about the treatment of apnea at home, we describe the main symptoms of the disease.

  • Snore. If a partner says you snore at night, you have a clearly high risk of apnea.
  • Drowsiness during the day. Due to the lack of oxygen and frequent awakening, the brain does not rest full. Therefore, a person with sleep apnea constantly feels fatigue and.
  • Changes color skin on face. Violated breathing in a dream gives the skin a shiny shade. The reason for this again lies in the oxygen deficiency.
  • Nightmares. The deterioration of the brain works provokes the emergence of nightmarish dreams.
  • Dry mouth in Morning clock. Intermittent breathing dries oral mucosa. Because of this, a person with apnea is experiencing severe thirst after awakening.
  • Heated blood pressure. During the night apnea, the level of adrenaline - stressful hormone increases, which increases blood pressure.
  • Permanent headaches. Incorrect breathing in a dream leads to spasms of the head vessels, which leads to frequent headaches.

If you have found at least one of the listed symptoms, it is worth visiting the doctor.

Apnea in a dream in children

Separately, it is worth telling about the apnea in a dream in children. Causes of childhood disease are usually similar to those observed in adults. Stopping breathing in children at night is associated with an increase in almonds, weak swallowing muscles and neurological pathologies. Especially often apnea is found in premature babies and children with cerebral palsy.

Detect the disease from a child in the following symptoms:

  • cough during sleep;
  • day drowsiness;
  • harshs when breathing;
  • sweating;
  • blue skin.

Apnea: Diagnosis of Disease

Close people living with the patient will help in the diagnosis of apnea. One of them will remain in the frequency of breathing delays in a dream. If it turned out that the number of respiratory stops is more than 15 per night, it is worth taking measures to treat apnea at home or at a specialist doctor.

In addition to the amount of apnea attacks need to be calculated BMI - body mass index. It is calculated by the formula " body weight in kg, divided into growth in square degree meters" The resulting value should be less than 30. If more - it's time to lose weight, because in this case the risk of developing apnea is growing.

For example, consider the normal BMI for a person with an increase of 180 cm and weighing 100 kg. Calculate: 100 / 1.8 * 1.8 \u003d 30.8. BMI in this case is higher than the norm, which means that the likelihood of the apnea is great.

Arterial pressure is greater than 140 per 90 mm Hg. Art. Enhances the risk of apnea. Moreover, the risk of developing the disease increases if the pressure is combined with overweight.

Reliably the presence of apnea will help learn polysomnography. The procedure is a dream with sensors connected to the body, fixing physiological indicators. This method of diagnostics determines the frequency and duration of respiratory stops in a dream. In addition, polysomnography shows the level of brain and respiratory activity.

Night apnea: treatment at home

The treatment of apnea at home involves the following factors.

  • Sleep in the right pose. For the prevention of the night apnea, it is better to sleep on the side. However, during sleep, it is difficult to lie, without turning onto the back. To avoid sleep on the back, tie or glue a small ball that will not allow turning onto the back. In addition to the position of the body, the correct position of the head, which should be slightly raised. And for this you need to choose the right pillow.
  • Failure to sleep and muscle relaxants. Preparations of these groups are relaxing the muscles of the respiratory tract. So, they will only strengthen the night apnea sleep. We also note that these tools can be dangerous for patients with apnea. When using them, the brain may not signal an awakening organism during apnea, but this is fraught with a complete respiratory stop.
  • Slimming. If you have extra weight, then for the treatment of apnea should be rid of several kilograms. This will help you calculate calories, proper nutrition and physical exertion.
  • Application of sipap therapy. To do this, use a special device consisting of a control unit and a humidifier in the form of a sleep mask. Thanks to the device, a positive pressure is created in the throat, which eliminates the stop of the breath in a dream. Note that sipap therapy is the most effective way to treat apnea at home.
  • Failure to smoking and alcohol. Cigarette smoke and alcohol relax the muscles of the throat and disturb the respiratory process.
  • Moisturizing air in the room. Maintaining the desired humidity in the bedroom reduces the frequency of apnea. Humidity is regulated by a special device that can be purchased at a fairly humble price.
  • Using special caps from snoringfixing the jaw in the right position.

Treatment of sleep apnea at the doctor

If the treatment of sleep apnea at home turned out to be ineffective, refer to dynamologist. An experienced specialist after communicating with you will appoint suitable therapy, which will help to avoid complications of this disease.

In some cases, the surgeon is needed for the treatment of apnea. And it is usually related to the plastic of soft tissues of the pharynx.

As a rule, the treatment of apnea from specialists includes:

  • Medication drugs. When apnea, drugs for stimulation of respiration are usually prescribed, for example, aminoophyllin.
  • Uhluopalaptofaringoplasty (UPF). Operation to remove the roaming tongue, almonds and parts of the nose facilitates the patient's breath with apnea.
  • Plastic Nyaba. With the help of the operation, part of the root tissues is adjusted, which also improves air patency on the upper respiratory tract. The operation is performed by curly laser therapy.
  • Changing the shape of the nasal partition. It facilitates the passage of air in the nasopharynkny area.

Treatment apnea by folk remedies

Treatment of apnea at home implies use. However, these funds are ineffective in the fight against the disease. In any case, before proceeding with such therapy, consult your attending physician.

As a rule, treatment apnea by folk remedies includes:

  • Eating baked carrots. Cake carrots in the oven until readiness. Then, take one carrot before bedtime.
  • Rinse throat with olive oil. Divide 1 tbsp. A spoonful of oil in a glass of warm water. The resulting solution is podloid daily to eliminate the appearance of apnea.
  • Capping juice with honey. Using the juicer, lick juice from fresh cabbage. After, strain all this through a sieve and add to juice 1 Art. Spoon of honey. There are also pouring a half package of boiled water. Take a ready-made tool 1-2 tablespoon before bedtime. The duration of treatment apnea in this way is 1 month.
  • Nasopharying Nasopharya Sea Salt. Take a small scripture and type water in it with the addition of sea salt. After that, rinse your nose 3-4 times. Salted water moisturizes the nasophalnation mucosa, reducing the risk of apnea.
  • i\u003e Recovery with mint, yarrow and melissa. After cooking, the drink is cooled and accepted by half a cup daily 15 minutes before sleep.

Treatment of snoring and apnea

In addition to apnea, it should also be treated with snoring. It is recommended for this sing loud. Singing strengthens voice ligaments and trains the throat muscles, which in turn reduces the likelihood of snoring and night apnea.

If you do not want to sing, read loud regularly. Reading to the voice is effectively for the treatment of snoring and sleep apnea. In addition, reading out loud, you not only reduce the risk of stopping the breath in a dream, but also get useful information. As a bonus, when reading books or articles, the memory is trained out loud.

From easy apnea you can get rid of yoga or autotraining. Both are aimed at restoring physiological processes in the body, thanks to which you can cure a disease.

Exercises for the treatment of apnea

To the treatment of apnea at home also includes special exercises that train the muscles of the pharynx and jaw. Such gymnastics eliminates the sufferer from snoring and reduces the frequency of respiratory stops.

The exercise complex looks like this:

  • Move the jaw forward-back, while pressing on the chin to the area under the bottom lip. When performing the exercise, you must feel the resistance created by pressing your hand. To begin with, take 10-15 such movements. Then, over time, increase the number of repetitions up to 30-40. This exercise trains jaw muscles, thanks to which the frequency of snoring is reduced.
  • With a thumb push on the palate for 30-60 seconds. The pressure must be tangible, but do not press too much so as not to damage the mucous membrane. To achieve the therapeutic effect, take 2-3 such approaches. The exercise adjusts the neb's muscles, which also reduces the frequency of respiratory stops in a dream.
  • Tighten the language forward as far as possible. Then pull it towards the nose, the chin, as well as towards the left and right cheek. In each position, delay the language for 5 seconds. Make 20-30 such movements.
  • Move the language towards the pharynx and back. The mouth should remain closed. Perform 50-100 such movements.
  • Rent a jaw clockwise and then counterclockwise. Make 10 movements into one, and the same in the other way.
  • Strain the neck and 10 times loudly say all the vowels of the Russian alphabet.

Note that for the maximum effect, the exercise should be performed regularly. Moreover, it is desirable to carry out such workouts 2 times a day: during the day and before bedtime.

Exercises for proper breathing with apnea

Get rid of apnea and snoring with the right breast I.. Before starting, sit down or lie in a comfortable posture. After, breathe deeply through the nose, with the stomach. Slowly exhale and draw the stomach back. Make 7 such breaths.

The next stage is breastfeeding, in which "blowing" is already not a stomach, but a chest cell. Being in the same convenient position, take a deep breath through the nose. During the inhalation, due to the filling of the light air, expand the chest, trying not to stick the stomach. Exhale and inhale another 6 times.

Another exercise for the workout of the correct breathing is gymnastics Muscles Large. To perform it, lie on the bed and put a pillow under the head. Then, press the chin to the chest and exhale the nose with the power. With proper execution, breathing should be noisy. Exercise is performed no more than 5 minutes.

Complications of apnea

If you do not deal with the treatment of apnea, the disease can lead to dangerous complications. Among them can be allocated:

  • Cardiovascular diseases - Infarction, stroke, ischemic heart disease, hypertension, heart rate disorders, etc.
  • Diabetes. When apnea, insulin is disturbed - hormone controlling blood glucose level.
  • Impotence. Respiratory delays in a dream reduce the concentration of testosterone in men. As a result, this reduces sexual attraction and prevents the emergence of an erection.

To avoid complications, you should take the treatment of apnea in time. Moreover, treatment should not be limited only by folk methods. In most cases, it is extremely important to consult a doctor who will select the necessary program of therapy for you.

Calm dreams!

Video on how to treat apnea at home:

And we have

Night apnea syndrome - It is a pathological condition, accompanied by a short-term respiratory stop at night. In addition, for this state, a constant strong snoring and daily drowsiness is characterized, which is significantly hampered by a comfortable life. A physiological apnea is also noted, which lasts no more than 10 seconds, such a state does not harm the general state of human health.

Apnea is most often a common pathological condition caused by the impaired respiratory system and accompanied by a short respiratory stop during sleep. To date, two types of obstructive apnea syndrome are distinguished in a dream:

  • directly apnea, a condition in which there is a complete relaxation of the muscles of the larynx, which contributes to the overlapping of the respiratory tract, and, consequently, the cessation of air supply. Apnea is considered pathological after 10 seconds of air delay.
  • hypoapnoe, one more fortune, in which the overlap of the respiratory tract with muscles and soft tissues occurs in part. In cases where the lack of breathing is equal to 50%, we can safely talk about hypoapnoe.

In addition to the pathological process, an extended due to a physical change, there is such a concept as the central night apnea. This process is regulated directly by the brain, most often this is due to serious impairment in the work of the brain.

Structure of sleep

Sleep is a normal physiological state of the organism for a person, which is controlled directly by the brain. In order to fully restored the functional capabilities of the brain, while a person must pass through several episodes: the long phase of sleep and short. The smaller the body for the entire recreation period overgoes in the long phase, the worse the restoration. And on the basis of this, in the morning a person feels broken, tired, sleepy. For the full restoration of the body, a person needs 7-8 hours of full sleep.

Sleep is divided into two main phases:

  1. Phase of fast or paradoxical sleep. As a rule, the first period of this phase occurs after 1-1.5 hours after the person fell asleep, and it lasts not more than 20 minutes. During this period, man dreams of dreams. During the night, up to 5-7 such episodes are noted.
  2. Sleepy sleep phase. It comes immediately after falling asleep, the duration of this phase reaches 1-1.5 hours. In turn, the slow phase of sleep can be divided into another four stages:
  • the first stage: comes immediately after falling asleep, lasts up to 20 minutes, during this period the muscles of the human body relaxes, possibly the appearance of the feeling of "fall" - hypotonic twitching.
  • the second stage: a period of light sleep, which is accompanied by the cessation of eye movement, decrease in body temperature, reduce the rate of pulse. This stage is the so-called stage in preparation to sleep.
  • the fourth and fifth stage: the most important stages in the process of sleep, since directly during this period there is a complete restoration of the body and strengthen the immune system.

Causes of development of apnea

One of the reasons leading to the development of the night apnea is excessive relaxation of the muscles and tissues of the pharynx. This process leads to overlapping air supply, which is necessary for normal operation of respiratory and cardiac systems.

However, there are a number of factors that can aggravate the already formed pathological condition. These states include:

  • overweight is the most common factor that is the cause of the development of other serious pathological conditions. Excessive accumulation of fatty fiber in the neck area increases the load on the muscles and the larynx fabric, which provokes them to relax. In addition, a negative overweight affects the diaphragm, due to its excess accumulation, the muscle lifted, provoking complexity during the act of breathing.
  • age - People after 40-45 years will automatically fall into the risk group. This is due to the fact that with age, the muscular apparatus weakens, especially if you do not engage in any physical exertion. Despite the fact that apnea may occur absolutely at any age, it is noticed that it is at the age of 40, the frequency of occurrence of this pathological process increases significantly.
  • paul - according to statistical data, it was noted that apnea develops more often by 2 times in men than in women. This is due to the peculiarities of the structure of the respiratory organs and the distribution of fatty fiber.
  • regular use of sedatives. There are cases when the reception of sleeping preparations significantly affects the relaxation of the muscles of the larynx.
  • anatomical features - every organism is considered an individual unit with its structural features. These include: the thinning of the respiratory tract, increased almonds, a large tongue, a small lower jaw, the extra folds of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and much more.
  • the use of alcoholic beverages can be aggravated by the course of the pathological process.
  • smoking - it is proven that smoking people apnea develops three times more often.
  • menopause is the state of the female organism, accompanied by excessive hormone products, the action of which can provoke the relaxation of the muscular machine.
  • heredity is another factor that plays an important role in the development of various pathological pathologies. In this case, if someone from the parents suffered apnea, the risk of developing the same disease in children is significantly higher.
  • sugar diabetes is a pathological condition that can provoke excessive relaxation of the muscles. Almost every third patient suffering from diabetes, the development of the night apnea is diagnosed.
  • constant nasal congestion - in people suffering from chronic runny nose, or having the curvature of the nasal septum marks the development of the night apnea. The cause of this state is the narrowing of the nasal stroke, and, therefore, the impaired ventilation of the lungs.

Symptoms of night apnea development

The main and main symptom of the development of apnea is a short respiratory stop. The problem is that only a person living with a patient can notice this, since in most cases the patient does not remember the attacks of choking. In addition, people suffering apnea complain about loud breathing, periodically interrupted and snoring. A number of symptoms are also celebrated, which are most often noted in people who suffer from night apnea: pronounced drowsiness during the day, irritability, decline in libido, memory deterioration, frequent headaches, dry mouth, sore throat after awakening, pronounced intensity, depressive condition, aggressiveness , Reducing the concentration of attention.

People suffering from night apnea specialists recommend attentive drive cars, as the permanent lack of sleep acts on the body of a person like alcohol.


The most effective method of diagnosing night apnea is the regular king for the patient during his sleep. This can make any of the family members living together with the patient. This will help attending the doctor in the process of establishing the diagnosis and appointment of the necessary treatment.

To date, there are several modern diagnostic method, the use of which is quite effective in the diagnosis process.

The initial stage of diagnosis is to collect anamnesis by a qualified physician, inspection and preparation for the surcharge.

During the patient's polling, the most important is the provision of obvious complaints by the patient for the lack of oxygen flow. Such a state can manifest itself in the form of a variety of symptoms, most often patients complain about the permanent sense of lack of sleep, fatigue, loud temple or headaches.

During the inspection, a qualified doctor should evaluate the parameters of respiration, oxygenation, blood pressure, the permeability of the nasal strokes and the oral cavity, the presence of anomalous growth or an abnormal structure of the respiratory system. In addition, on no compulsory patient, it is necessary to assign a general blood test. Basically, all diagnosis is aimed at identifying the main cause of the development of the disease, for its further elimination, as well as for conducting differential diagnosis with diseases, with similar symptoms.

The next phase of diagnostics is directly controlling the patient's sleep, which should be carried out by qualified specialists. Such studies are carried out in the stationary department of the sleep clinic. An alternative to this procedure is that the patient can issue a special device that fixes all sleep changes over several days.

Diagnostics in sleep clinic

In the stationary department of the sleep clinic, the following studies are carried out:

  • polysomnography is one of the newest diagnostic methods that aimed at establishing the initial cause of the development of the night apnea and adjust further treatment. Polysomnography implies underlying sleep over a certain period of time. The patient will enhance in a specially equipped room, sensors will be recorded on the body surface, which will control all possible organism reactions that can occur with the patient during sleep. In addition, during the entire procedure, the patient is observed by a doctor either trained nurse.

It is very important that such studies are conducted in a specialized medical institution under the control of qualified employees.

Also, for a complete assessment of the general condition of the patient, it is necessary to assess the apnee-hypoapnoe index. With this index, the severity of the apnea syndrome is established. The essence of this study is to measure the number of periods of apnea or hypoapnoe for one hour during sleep. To date, three main forms of gravity of the night apnea are distinguished:

  • easy (from 5 to 15 repeated episodes of apnea per hour of sleep);
  • average (from 16 to 30 episodes);
  • severe (over 30 episodes).

In cases where the number of episodes does not reach 10, the established diagnosis is doubtted - night apnea.

Diagnostic events that can be held at home. This procedure is very similar to studying in a hospital, only the number of parameters is significantly less, due to the inability to establish all devices without qualified accompaniment.

For a patient, a portable device is issued and the instruction to it is required. This device fixes a number of studies. The inconvenience is that during sleep a large number of sensors will be connected to withdraw all necessary indications. The next day, the device is removed and is given to those skilled in the art. In cases where the data obtained is not enough to establish an accurate diagnosis of the patient offer to go through the same research in the conditions of the sleep clinic. During home diagnostics, the following readings are determined:

  • blood saturation with oxygen;
  • pulse frequency;
  • the number of respiratory movements;
  • the presence and severity of snoring.

Treatment of night apnea

Treatment of such a pathological process, as a night apnea to eliminate the initial cause, promoting the development of pathology, the severity of the disease and the wishes of the patient himself.

To date, there are several basic and most effective methods of treating the developed night apnea.

First of all, it is necessary to change the lifestyle, quite often even the slightest changes in everyday life can significantly change the current state.

Special attention must be given to such items:

  • weight loss, for patients with overweight it is one of the key tasks;
  • to give up smoking;
  • restriction in the reception of alcoholic beverages or a complete refusal of it.

The next stage of treatment is sipap-therapy, treatment technique, the action of which is essential to constantly maintaining a certain pressure in the organs of the respiratory system. This therapy is necessary for the treatment of heavier severity - medium and heavy.

Sipap therapy is based on the use of a specially equipped machine, with which the normal level of respiratory ventilation is maintained during sleep. Before you lie down to sleep the patient dress up a mask, which covers either the nose or nose and mouth. The purified air comes through it, which is necessary to maintain a certain level of pressure in the lungs. Such an impact on the respiratory system prevents the decay of soft tissues and muscles, thereby preventing the development of apnea or hypoapnoe.

Modern sipap-devices are equipped with an additionally humidifier, in addition to this, the device works as silent as much as possible and has a large number of additional settings.

Sipap-therapy is the most effective method of treating the night apnea, after a course of treatment, the creature reduces the risk of developing a brain stroke. When using this apparatus, there is a development of a number of side effects in the form of disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, headaches, stations in the ears, a runny nose.

If any side manifestation appears, it is necessary to immediately apply for a consultation to the doctor.

Another method of treating the night apnea is the imposition of the mandibular tire. Such a treatment method implies the imposition of a special apparatus, which in its species resembles KAPU. Such a device is necessary in order to fix the lower jaw and language, it is necessary for free breathing.

The municipal cabin is made of a special material, which is very similar to rubber. The device is fixed to the teeth and the lower jaw. Before installing the unit, you must consult a specialist with a specialist to select the required bus.

Surgical treatment of night apnea

This method of treatment is resorted only in the most difficult cases when the night apnea essentially interferes with the patient's life.

Surgical treatment of apnea syndrome includes the following types of operational interventions:

  • tracheotomy - Operational intervention, based on the excision of the trachea and establish a special tube, which is a connection of the lower respiratory departments with the environment.
  • tonsillectomy is another surgery, which is carried out to remove hypertrophied almonds. They must be removed due to the fact that the almonds enhanced in the dimensions overlap the normal air flow.
  • adenoidectomy - removal of adenoid, and their removal of them is also, as when removing almonds, their excessively distribution can be blocked for air intake.
  • bariarrichic surgery - treatment method aimed at combating overweight. This procedure is based on the stomach embeding, which contributes to a smaller need for food, and, consequently, a decrease in weight.

Prevention of night apnea development

The risk of developing a night apnea can be creature due to changes in lifestyle. To do this, follow several ordinary rules:

  • reduction of excess weight;
  • compliance with proper nutrition;
  • rejection of alkyl beverages smoking;
  • avoid the use of sedative drugs over a long period of time;
  • it is advisable to sleep not on the back, but on my side.

In addition, it is necessary to improve the quality of sleep:

  • providing the most comfortable conditions for sleep: Elimination of excess light, noise;
  • refuse to watch TV and reading in bed;
  • before bedtime, it is best to relax: a hot bathroom massage.