Definition and list of first aid activities. The total amount of first medical care includes the implementation of urgent and events that may be delayed first aid activities are not

Persons obliged to provide the first promptual help in accordance with federal law or with a special rule and having appropriate training, as well as vehicle drivers and other persons in the presence of appropriate training and (or) skills provide first prefiguration assistance (before providing medical care) Citizens in accidents, injuries, poisoning and other states and diseases that threaten their lives and health when they are in certain.

List of first aid activities:

1. Events to assess the situation and ensure safe conditions for first aid:

1) identifying threatening factors for their own life and health;

2) identifying threatening factors for the life and health of the victim;

3) elimination of threatening factors for life and health;

4) termination of damaging factors on the affected;

5) assessment of the number of victims;

6) extracting the victim from a vehicle or other hard-to-reach places;

7) Move the victim.

2. Challenge emergency medical care, other special services, whose employees are required to provide first aid in accordance with federal law or with a special rule.

3. Determination of the presence of consciousness at the victim.

4. Events of first aid to restore respiratory tract and determining signs of life in the victim:

2) Advance lower jaw;

3) determining the presence of respiration with hearing, view and touch;

4) Determining the presence of blood circulation, checking the pulse on trunk arteries.

5. Events of first aid for conducting cardiovascular Resuscitation Before the appearance of signs of life:

1) pressure with hands on the sternum of the victim;

2) artificial respiration "mouth to mouth";

3) artificial respiration "mouth to the nose";

4) Artificial Breathing using a device for artificial respiration<В соответствии с утвержденными требованиями к комплектации изделиями медицинского назначения аптечек (укладок, наборов, комплектов) для оказания первой помощи>.

6. Events of first aid to maintain airways:

1) giving a stable lateral position;

3) extension of the lower jaw.

7. Events of first aid on the review inspection of the victim and temporary stopping of outdoor bleeding:

1) a review inspection of the victim for the presence of bleeding;

2) finger pressed artery;

3) the imposition of a harness;

4) the maximum flexion of the limbs in the joint;

5) Direct pressure on the wound;

6) Overlaying the gulling bandage.

8. Events for a detailed examination of victims in order to identify signs of injuries, poisoning and other states, threatening his life and health, and to first-end aid in case of identifying these states:

1) conducting a head inspection;

2) carrying out the inspection of the neck;

3) conducting a chest inspection;

4) conducting the inspection of the back;

5) carrying out inspection of the abdomen and pelvis;

6) conducting examination of the limbs;

7) overlaying bandages in injuries of various body areas, including occlusal (sealing) when injured chest;

8) Immobilization (with the help of remedies, autoimmobilization, using medical products<В соответствии с утвержденными требованиями к комплектации изделиями медицинского назначения аптечек (укладок, наборов, комплектов) для оказания первой помощи.>);

9) Fixation cervical department spine (manually, underwater means, using medical products<В соответствии с утвержденными требованиями к комплектации изделиями медицинского назначения аптечек (укладок, наборов, комплектов) для оказания первой помощи.>);

10) termination of dangerous chemical substances on the victim (washing the stomach by taking water and causing vomiting, removing from a damaged surface and washing the damaged surface with running water);

11) local cooling during injuries, thermal burns and other influences high temperatures or thermal radiation;

12) Thermal insulation when frostbite and other effects of low temperature effects.

9. Giving the victim the optimal position of the body.

10. Monitoring the state of the victim (consciousness, breathing, blood circulation) and the provision of psychological support.

11. Transferring a victim to the victim of emergency medical care, other special services, whose employees are required to provide first aid in accordance with federal law or with a special rule.

(Appendix N 2 to the order of the Ministry of Health and social Development Russian Federation of May 4, 2012 N 477n)

1. Measures to assess the situation and ensure safe conditions for first aid:

1) identifying threatening factors for their own life and health;

2) identifying threatening factors for the life and health of the victim;

3) elimination of threatening factors for life and health;

4) termination of damaging factors on the affected;

5) assessment of the number of victims;

6) extracting the victim from a vehicle or other hard-to-reach places;

7) Move the victim.

2. Challenge emergency medical care, other special services, whose employees are required to provide first aid in accordance with federal law or with a special rule .

3. Determination of the presence of consciousness from the victim.

4. Activities for the restoration of the airways and the determination of signs of life from the victim:

2) node jaw extension;

3) determining the presence of respiration with hearing, view and touch;

4) Determining the presence of blood circulation, checking the pulse on trunk arteries.

5. Events for conducting cardiovascular intensive care before the appearance of signs of life:

1) pressure with hands on the sternum of the victim;

2) artificial respiration "mouth to mouth";

3) artificial respiration "mouth to the nose";

4) Artificial Breathing using a device for artificial respiration

6. Respiratory Training Maintenance Activities:

1) giving a stable lateral position;

3) extension of the lower jaw.

7. Events on the review inspection of the victim and temporary stopping of outdoor bleeding:

1) a review inspection of the victim for the presence of bleeding;

2) finger pressed artery;

3) the imposition of a harness;

4) the maximum flexion of the limbs in the joint;

5) Direct pressure on the wound;

6) Overlaying the gulling bandage.

8. Events for a detailed examination of victims in order to identify signs of injuries, poisoning and other states, threatening his life and health, and to firstote the first aid in case of identifying these states:

1) conducting a head inspection;

2) carrying out the inspection of the neck;

3) conducting a chest inspection;

4) conducting the inspection of the back;

5) carrying out inspection of the abdomen and pelvis;

6) conducting examination of the limbs;

7) imposing bandages in injuries of various body areas, including occlusal (sealing) when injection injuries;

8) conducting immobilization (with the help of primary agents, autoimmobilization, using medical products;

9) fixation of the cervical spine (manually, with screwd facilities, using medical products;

10) termination of the effects of hazardous chemicals on the affected (washing the stomach by taking water and causing vomiting, removal from a damaged surface and washing the damaged surface with running water);

11) local cooling in injuries, thermal burns and other effects of high temperatures or thermal radiation;

12) Thermal insulation when frostbite and other effects of low temperature effects.

9. Giving the victim the optimal position of the body.

10. Monitoring the state of the victim (consciousness, breathing, blood circulation) and the provision of psychological support.

11. The transfer of the victim of a victim of emergency medical care, other special services, whose employees are required to provide first aid in accordance with federal law or with a special rule.

General principles First aid reflect the most important requirements that should be taken into account when first aid victims in different situations:

First aid aid should be determined by the actual situation;

It is necessary to ensure the safety of those who provide first aid;

It is necessary to use sweater tools to provide the highest possible first aid;

First aid must be combined with simultaneous preparation for evacuation;

It is necessary to constantly observe the victims before and during their evacuation into medical institutions.

List of first aid In a concrete setting depends on affecting factorsacting on a person and damaged.

With catastrophes with the predominance of mechanical (dynamic) affecting factors First aid activities include:

ª Extract of victims from dawn, destroyed shelters, shelters;

ª Clarification whether the victim is alive;

ª giving a physiologically advantageous position to the victim;

ª Restoration of respiratory tract and ventilation;

ª closed (indirect) heart massage;

ª Temporary stopping of outdoor bleeding by all available methods;

ª Introduction of painkillers using a syringe tube;

ª The imposition of aseptic bandage on the wound or a burn surface and an occlusal dressing with penetrating injuries of the chest using a sterile rubberized shell of the dressing package of individual (PPP);

ª Immobilization of limbs for bone fractures and soft tissue missing;

ª Fixation of the body to a shield or chalkboard during the spinal injuries;

ª Giving abundant warm drink (in the absence of vomiting and injuries of organs abdominal cavity) With the addition of 1 h / spoon of drinking soda and 1 h / spoons crash salt on 1 l liquid.

In the foci of defeat with the predominance of thermal factors In addition to the activities listed above, it is carried out:

ª extinguishing of burning clothes;

ª Overlay aseptic dressing;

ª Shelting the victim pure sheets;

ª Warming of the victim and dacha painkillers.

With emission catastrophes environment AOCH In order of first aid is carried out:

ª Protection of respiratory and skin organs from the direct effects of AOCHV by applying personal protective equipment, cottage-gauze bandages, covering the face of wet gauze, handkerchief, towel, etc.;

ª Introduction of antidote;

ª The early removal of infection affected from the zone;

ª Partial sanitary processing of open parts of the body (kneading water wash with soap, 2% r-rum drinking soda);

ª Partial special processing of clothing, shoes, protective equipment, etc.;

ª Removing respiratory protection;

ª giving the optimal position of the body;

ª Ensuring access fresh air;

ª When hitting the AOCH in the stomach - abundant drink For the purpose of washing the stomach with a free way, sorbents;

ª Observation of victims before the arrival of medical care.

With radiation accidents First aid includes:

ª Conduct activities to terminate radioactive substances into the body with inhaled air, water, food (use of personal protective equipment, gauze-gauze bandages, etc.);

ª The termination of the external irradiation of the defeated evacuation beyond the limits of the territory contaminated by radioactive substances or collective means protection;

ª Applying tools for the prevention and relief of the primary reaction from the first-aid kit of individual AI-2;

ª Partial sanitary processing of open areas of the skin;

ª Removal of radioactive substances from clothes and shoes.

With mass infectious diseases In the foci of bacteriological (biological) infection, first aid includes:

ª Using primary and (or) personal protective equipment;

ª active identification and insulation of the temperature of patients suspicious on infection;

ª The use of emergency non-specific prophylaxis;

ª Conduct partial or full special processing.

When first aid, funds included in an individual first-aid kit, a sanitary bag: anesthetics, radio protectors, antidots, antibiotics, etc. will be used.

Primary prefabricated medical and sanitary (Ambulance Promotional) Help - type of medical care, the activities of which complement the first help. It turns out to be medium-sized medical workers (paramedic or medical sister) In the focus of the defeat or in close proximity to the place of the defeat using the tobile agents of medical property.

Her appointment:

ª Fight against life-threatening disorders (asphyxia, bleeding, shock, etc.);

ª Protection of wounds from secondary infection ;

ª Implementation of the control of the correctness of first aid and the correction of its disadvantages;

ª Preventing the development of subsequent complications;

ª Preparation affected by further evacuation.

The optimal period of rendering to medical care - Up to 2 h from the moment of defeat.

Primary (ambulance) Proponial health care Includes the following events (by testimony):

ª artificial ventilation of the lungs using the introduction of the S-shaped tube - the air duct or the AMBU type apparatus;

ª Conducting cardiovascular intensive care;

ª infusion of infusion means;

ª Introduction of painkillers and cardiovascular preparations;

ª Introduction and reception inside antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, sedative, anticonvulsant and antiwest drugs;

ª Introduction of sorbents, antidotes, etc.;

ª control the correctness of the imposition of harness, dressings and tires and, if necessary, their correction and addition using the toal agents;

ª Overlay aseptic and occlusive dressings.

Medical personnel, providing prefigible assistance, in addition, monitors the correctness of first aid.

Primary (ambulance) Medical and sanitary assistance - the type of medical care, including a complex of medical and preventive measures performed by the doctors of the ambulance brigades, medical-nursing brigades and general profile doctors, usually, at the pre-hospital stage of medical evacuation (Point of Medical Aid, Deployable Medical and Surnian Brigades, in an outpatient polyclinic institution, health health facility or other nearest LPU).

Its main tasks - fighting life threatening affected phenomena (asphyxia, bleeding, shock, cramps, etc.), prevention of complications (in particular, wound infection, etc.) and preparation of fastest evacuation. The optimal deadlines for assisting on emergency testimony - 3 hours, in full - 6 h (in injuries and burns).

Upon admission to the stage of medical evacuation, a significant number of affected is the situation is created when there is no possibility in a timely manner (within allowed) to provide all the first medical assistance in full.

Considering this situation, events primary (ambulance medical health care We are divided into 2 groups:

ª emergency measures;

ª activities that may be forced to be delayed or rendered at the next stage.

Urgent eventsrelate:

Ø elimination of asphyxia :

Suction of mucus, vomiting mass and blood from the upper respiratory tract;

Administration of the duct;

Language fixation;

Loading Cutting Or Bearing soft Naba and side departments of the pharynx;

Tracheostomy according to indications;

Artificial ventilation lungs (IVL);

Overlaying an occlusal dressing with an open pneumothorax;

Puncture pleural cavity or thoraccentsis with a strained pneumothorax;

Ø stop outdoor bleeding :

Flashing the vessel in the wound or the imposition of the clamp on the bleeding vessel;

Tight tamponade wounds and the imposition of the gulling bandage;

Control of the correctness and feasibility of the imposition of a harness;

The imposition of a harness in the presence of testimony;

Ø conducting anti-shock events :

Transfusion of blood resources with significant blemishes;

Conducting novocaine blockade;

The introduction of painkillers and cardiovascular funds;

Ø clearing the limb hanging on the flap of soft tissues ;

Ø catheterization or capillary puncture bladder with urinary delay;

Ø carrying out activities aimed at eliminating desorption of chemicals from clothing and allowing to remove a gas mask with amazing chemical lesions from the focus;

Ø the introduction of antidotes, the use of anticonvulsant, bronighting and anti-ansulistic means;

Ø degassing wounds in contamination by its resistant chemicals;

Ø washing the stomach with the help of a probe in case of chemical or radioactive substances in the stomach;

Ø the use of antitoxic serum in poisoning by bacterial toxins and non-specific prevention of infectious diseases .

To events that may be delayedrelate:

Ø elimination of the shortcomings of the first and primary prefusion of medical and sanitary assistance (correction of the bandages, improving transport immobilization);

Ø shift of the dressing when the wound contamination with radioactive substances;

Ø conducting novocaine blockade during damage middle severity;

Ø injections of antibiotics and the seroprophylaxis of the tetanus with open injuries and burns;

Ø appointment of various symptomatic means under states that do not pose a threat to the life of the amazed .

Specialized medical care- The final form of medical care is exhaustive. It is provided narrow Profile Specialists (neurosurgeons, traumatologists, ophthalmologists, etc.), having special medical and diagnostic equipment in specialized medical institutions. Profileization of medical institutions can be carried out by giving them specialized Medical Care Brigadeswith appropriate medical equipment. The optimal term for the provision of specialized medical care is 24-72 hours from the moment of defeat.

In general terms, the first 3 types of medical care ( first, primary (ambulance) prefigure, medical health ) decide similar facilities , namely:

ª Elimination of phenomena threatening Life affected or patient at the moment;

ª conducting events that eliminate and reduce the possibility of (development) of severe complications;

ª Performing measures to ensure evacuation of affected and patients without a significant deterioration of their condition.

However, differences in the qualifications of personnel providing these types of medical care used by equipping and working conditions determine significant differences in the list of measures performed.

Within each type of medical care in accordance with specific medical and tactical conditions, it is envisaged to perform a certain list of medical and preventive measures. This list is volume of medical care - a combination of medical and preventive measures defined view Medical assistance performed at the stages of medical evacuation or in medical institutions in accordance with the developing general and medical situation .

In this way, volume of medical care And in the focus of the defeat, and at the stages of medical evacuation is not constant and can vary depending on the situation.

If all the activities of this type of medical care are performed in specific conditions, it is believed that volume of medical care full.

If, in relation to some group affected by the lesion and at the stage of medical evacuation, certain medical and preventive measures are not possible to fulfill, it provides for a refusal to perform activities that may be delayed and usually involves the implementation of urgent events, volume of medical care called abbreviated.

Depending on the type and scale of an emergency, the number of damaged and the nature of the defeats they have, the availability of medical forces and means, the state of territorial and departmental health care, removal from the emergency area of \u200b\u200bmedical institutions of hospital type capable of performing a full amount of specialized medical care and their capabilities, Can be taken various medical care options amazed at emergency situations:

Introduced before their evacuation into therapeutic institutions of the hospital type only first or primary (ambulance) prefigible health care;

Rendering to their evacuation to therapeutic institutions of hospital type and primary (emergency) medical and health care;

Activated before their evacuation into medical institutions of hospital type and urgent activities of specialized medical care.

Before evacuation of amazed in hospital hospital medical institutions in all cases must be fulfilled events to eliminate the life-threatening life, prevention of various heavy complications and transportation without significant deterioration of their condition .

Everyone should know how to provide first help to the one who needs it. It is not about a full-fledged medical understanding of certain difficulties associated with various species Diseases.

But with the most common types of symptoms of diseases, injuries, burns and other injuries - you just need to be able to provide first medical care.

First aid

We bring to your attention a brief guide from the area. With the help of simple instructions and graphic images, you will easily remember how to help those who are on the verge of life and death.

Of course, after one reading it will be difficult for you to remember all the nuances. After all, the first medical care has its own specifics.

However, rereading this post at least once in a period of time, you can confidently say that you will be prepared by the rescue in all cases described below.

If you read this article not for educational purposes, but in order to use tips in specific circumstances, use the content to quickly transition to the desired item.

First aid

The first medical care is the only thing you can help the needy. We, as well as in all textbooks, give standard cases as examples.

An educated individual is simply obligatory to know these rules.


General questions for bleeding

If a person looks pale, feels chills and dizziness, what is it?

This means that it is immersed in a state of shock. Urgently call the ambulance brigade.

Is it possible to get some infection when contacting the patient's blood?

If possible - it is better to avoid such contacts. It is advisable to use medical gloves, plastic bags or asked the victim if it is possible that he himself squeezes his wound.

Do you need to wash the wound?

You can rinse with minor cuts and abrasions. In the case of strong bleeding It is not worth doing this, because, washing the blood baked blood, you will only strengthen the bleeding.

What if there is an extraneous object inside the wound?

Do not remove it out of the wound, as it will aggravate the situation. Instead, impose a tight bandage around the subject.


Dislocation and stretching

How to determine dislocation or stretching? First, the patient feels pain. Secondly, there is a swelling (bruise) around the joint or along the muscles. If the joint is injured - it will be difficult to make movements.

Provide peace and convince the patient not to move the injured part. Also do not try to straighten it.

Attach the injured area bubble with ice wrapped with a towel, no more than 20 minutes.

If necessary, give the affected painkillers.

Contact your traumatic point to make x-rays. If the patient is not at all able to walk or the pain is too acute - call medical care.

First assistance in burns

First of all, cool the burned area under the stream of cold water for at least 10 minutes.

Always call medical care if a child suffered from burn. Especially if the burned area was covered with bubbles or naked eye inner fabrics are visible.

Do not touch anything that attached to the burned area. In no case do not lubricate a burn with oil, as it saves heat, and this will only bring harm.

Do not use the ice to cool the burn: it can damage the skin.

Blocking the respiratory tract

Heart attack

How to determine the heart attack? First of all, he is accompanied by a gulling pain behind the sternum. Feel point easy sensations In the hands, neck, jaw, back or abdomen.

Breathing becomes frequent and intermittent, and the heartbeat is rapid and not rhythm. In addition, weak and rapid pulse are observed in the limbs, cold and abundant sweat, nausea, sometimes vomiting.

Urgently call for an ambulance care, as the account goes for a minute. If possible, measure arterial pressure, pulse and heart rate.

If the patient has no allergies - give him aspirin. Tablet must be soldered. However, before this make sure that the patient does not have prescribed drugs of drugs.

Provide a patient with the most convenient position. It is important to calm and encourage him in anticipation of the doctor, since such attacks are sometimes accompanied by panic feeling.


Determine the symptoms of the stroke are quite easy. Sudden weakness or numbness in some limb, violation of speech and its understanding, dizziness, disruption of coordination of movements, sharp headache or fainting - all this indicates a likely stroke.

Lay the patient on high pillows, slipping them under the shoulders, blades and head, and call ambulance.

Ensure in the room the influx of fresh air, opening the window. Distribute shirt collar, loosen the tight belt and remove all the shocking clothes. Then measure the pressure.

If there are signs of vomit reflexes - turn the patient's head on the side. Try to calmly talk and encourage him in anticipation of the doctor.


The heat punch is determined by the following features: there is no sweating, the body temperature is sometimes rising to 40 ° C, the hot skin looks pale, the blood pressure is reduced, and the pulse becomes weak. There may be cramps, vomiting, diarrhea and loss of consciousness.

Move the patient to the most cool place, ensure the influx of fresh air and call medical care.

Remove excess and unbutton close clothes. Wrap the body with a wet and cool cloth. If there is no such possibility - put in moistened in cold water Towels on the head, neck and inguinal area.

It is desirable that the patient drank the cool mineral or ordinary, slightly salted water.

If necessary, continue to cool the body by applying the wrists, elbows, the groove area, neck and armpits of ice or cold objects wrapped with cloth.


As a rule, when supercooling, man is pale and cold to the touch. It may not be trembling, but the respiratory rate is slowed down, and the body temperature is below 35 degrees Celsius.

Call ambulance And move the patient to the warm room, shook it with a blanket. Let drink a hot drink, but without caffeine or alcohol. Best of all - tea. Offer high-calorie food.

If you discovered signs of frostbite, that is, loss of sensitivity, skin whitewash or tingling - do not rub the affected areas with snow, oil or vaseline.
It can seriously injure the skin. Just wrap these sections in several layers.

Head injury

In case injuries, you first need to stop the blood. Then press it tightly to the wound a sterile napkin and hold it with your fingers until the bleeding stop. Next to the head is a cold.

Call an ambulance and control the presence of the pulse, respiration and the reaction of pupils into the light. If these signs of life are not - urgently start cardiovascular resuscitation ().

After restoring breathing and cardiac activity, give the victim a steady lateral position. Stick and warm it.


What if you see a drowned one? First of all, make sure that nothing threatens you, and then remove it from the water.

Place his belly on your knee and give water to naturally get out of the respiratory tract.

Clean your mouth from foreign objects (mucus, vomit, etc.) and immediately call an ambulance.

Determine the presence of a pulse on the carotid artery, the reaction of pupils for light and self-breathing. If there are no - start cardiovascular resuscitation.

If there are signs of life - turn the person on the side, stake and warm it.

If there is a suspicion of the spinal fracture, drowned should be pulled out of the water on the board or shield.
In the absence of a pulse on the carotid artery, it is unacceptable to waste time on removing water from the lungs and stomach.
Immediately start. They must be carried out, even if the victim stayed under water for more than 20 minutes.


Insect bites and snakes are distinguished, respectively, the first medical care for them.

Insect bites

Carefully inspect the place of bite. In case of detection of sting - carefully pull it out. Then attach to this place ice or cold compress.

If a person has developed an allergy or anaphylactic reaction - call an ambulance.

Snake bites

If a person bit a poisonous snake - immediately call ambulance. Then inspect the bite. You can attach ice to it.

If possible, keep the injured part of the body at the level below the heart. Try to reassure a person. Do not let him go, if only there is no unconditional need.

In no case do not cut the place of bite, and do not try to suck the poison yourself.
With poisoning with snake poison, the following signs are characteristic: nausea, vomiting, feeling of tingling in body, shock, coma or paralysis.

It should be known that at any movement of the body of the poison much more actively begins to penetrate the body's tissues. Therefore, before the arrival of physicians, the patient is strongly recommended to maximize peace.

Loss of consciousness

What is the first medical care in the loss of consciousness? First of all, do not panic.

Turn the patient on the side so that it does not choose a possible vomit. Next, you should tramp him back so that the language moves forward and did not block the respiratory tract.

Call an ambulance. Listen, whether the victim breathes. If not - start cardiovascular resuscitation.

Cardiovascular Resuscitation

Artificial respiration

Check out what sequence needs to be carried out artificial ventilation of the lungs.

  1. Circular movement of fingers wrapped in gauze or handkerchief, remove the affected mucus from the oral cavity, blood, foreign objects.
  2. Throw head: Lift the chin by holding the cervical spine. It should be known that if the cervical spine is suspected of a fracture, it is impossible to throw the head.
  3. Hold the patient's nose with big and index fingers. Then take a deep breath, and make a smooth exhale in the affected mouth. Give 2-3 seconds on passive air exhalation. Make a new breath. Repeat the procedure every 5-6 seconds.

If you notice that the patient began to breathe, they still continue to blow the air along with his breath. Continue this until a deep self-breathing will be restored.

Massage heart

Determine the location of the sword-shaped process, as shown in the figure. Determine the point of compression into two transverse fingers above the sword-shaped process, strictly in the center of the vertical axis. Put the base of the palm to the point of compression.

Point of compression

Compression spend strictly vertically along the line connecting the sternum with the spine. Perform the gravity of the upper half of your body by weight, making it smoothly, without sharp movements.

The depth of the chest should be at least 3-4 cm. Make about 80-100 pressing per minute.

Alternate 2 "inhales" of artificial ventilation of the lungs (IVL) with 15 pressure.

Children of breast massage produce the palm surfaces of the second and third fingers. Teenagers - palm of one hand.

In adults, the emphasis is placed on the basis of palms, thumb Directed on the head or on the feet of the victim. Fingers should be raised and do not touch the chest.

In the process of conducting cardiovascular intensive care, control the appearance of signs of life. This will determine the success of resuscitation activities.

First aid- This is an extremely important thing in our lives. No one knows, at what unexpected moment, these skills can come in handy.

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First aid is a complex of urgent measures aimed at saving a person's life. Accident, a sharp attack of the disease, poisoning - in these and other emergencies is needed competent first aid.

According to the law, first aid is not a medical - it turns out to arrive the medical and delivery of the victim to the hospital. The first help can be provided by any person at a critical moment next to the victim. For some categories of citizens, first aid - official duty. We are talking about police officers, traffic police officers and MES, military personnel, firefighters.

The ability to provide first aid is elementary, but very important skill. In he can save someone's life. We present to your attention 10 basic first-aid skills.

First aid algorithm

In order not to be confused and competently provide first aid, it is important to comply with the following sequence of actions:

  1. Ensure that when you firstote the first aid, nothing threatens you and you do not expose yourself danger.
  2. Ensure the security of the victim and others (for example, to extract the victim from the burning car).
  3. Check for the victims of life (pulse, breathing, reaction of pupils for light) and consciousness. To check the breath, it is necessary to trample the head of the victim, lean towards his mouth and the nose and try to hear or feel breathing. To detect the pulse, it is necessary to attach a pillow to the finger to the carotid artery of the victim. To assess the consciousness, it is necessary (if possible) to take the victims of the shoulders, gently shake and ask any question.
  4. Call specialists:, from the city - 03 (ambulance) or 01 (rescuers).
  5. Remote urgent first aid. Depending on the situation, this may be:
    • restoration of airways;
    • cardiovascular resuscitation;
    • stop bleeding and other events.
  6. Provide a victim physical and psychological comfort, wait for the arrival of specialists.

Artificial respiration

Artificial ventilation of lungs (IVL) is the introduction of air (or oxygen) into the respiratory pathways of the person in order to restore the natural ventilation of the lungs. Refers to elementary resuscitation measures.

Typical situations requiring IVL:

  • car accident;
  • incident on water;
  • blow and others.

Exist various methods IVL. The most effective in the provision of first aid by a non-specialist is the artificial respiration of the mouth in the mouth and mouth into the nose.

If during the inspection of the injured natural respiration is not found, it is necessary to immediately carry out artificial ventilation of the lungs.

Artificial respiratory technique mouth in mouth

  1. Provide the undergoing upper respiratory tract. Turn the head of the victim's side and remove the mucus from the oral cavity, blood, foreign objects. Check the nasal moves of the victim, cleanse them if necessary.
  2. Turn fighter the head of the victim, holding the neck with one hand.

    Do not change the position of the head of the victim during the injury of the spine!

  3. Put on the mouth of the victorious napkin, handkerchief, a piece of fabric or gauze to protect yourself from infections. Helm the nose of the victim big and index finger. Deeply inhale, tightly press the lips to the affected mouth. Make exhale in the lungs of the victim.

    The first 5-10 exhalations should be fast (for 20-30 seconds), then - 12-15 exhale per minute.

  4. Watch out for the movement of the chest of the victim. If the breast of the victim is inhaling the air rises, it means that you are doing everything right.

Indirect heart massage

If there is no pulse together with breathing, it is necessary to make an indirect heart massage.

Indirect (closed) Heart massage, or chest compression, is the compression of the muscles of the heart between the sternum and the spine to maintain the human circulation when the heart is stopped. Refers to elementary resuscitation measures.

Attention! It is impossible to carry out a closed heart massage in the presence of a pulse.

Indirect Heart Massage Technique

  1. Lay the victim on a flat solid surface. On the bed and other soft surfaces, it is impossible to compress the chest.
  2. Determine the location of the victim of the sword-shaped process. Movie-shaped process is the shortest and narrow part of the sternum, its ending.
  3. Measure 2-4 cm up from the sword-shaped process - this is a point of compression.
  4. Put the base of the palm to the point of compression. At the same time, the thumb should indicate either on the chin or on the stomach of the victim, depending on the location of the person carrying out the resuscitation. On top of one hand, put the second palm, fold your fingers into the castle. Pressing is carried out strictly base palms - your fingers should not come into contact with the sternum of the victim.
  5. Perform rhythmic peppers of the chest strongly, smoothly, strictly vertically, the severity of the upper half of your body. Frequency - 100-110 Pressing per minute. In this case, the chest should be fed at 3-4 cm.

    Breast children indirect heart massage is made by index and middle fingers of one hand. Teenagers - palm of one hand.

If simultaneously with a closed heart massage, IVL is carried out, every two inhalation should be alternating with 30 pressure on the chest.

If the respiratory has restored during the resuscitation activities during the resuscitation activities, stop providing first aid and put a person on the side, putting the palm under the head. Watch out for its condition before the arrival of the physicians.

Reception Gamelich

If you get food or foreign bodies in the trachea, it is blocked (completely or partially) - a man suffocates.

Signs of blocking the respiratory tract:

  • Lack of full breathing. If the breathing throat is not completely clogged, man coughs; If completely - keeps behind the throat.
  • Inability to speak.
  • Faming the skin of the face, swelling of the neck vessels.

Cleaning the respiratory tract is most often carried out according to the Gamelich method.

  1. Stand up behind the victim.
  2. Cook with his hands, chanting them into the castle, just above the navel, under the Röbea Arc.
  3. Strongly push the victim's stomach, sharply bending your hands in the elbows.

    Do not squeeze the breast of the victim, with the exception of pregnant women, which are carried out in the lower section of the chest.

  4. Repeat the reception several times until the respiratory tract is released.

If the victim lost consciousness and fell, put it on the back, sit on the hips on the hips and both hands put on the Ribe arcs.

To remove foreign bodies from the respiratory tract of the child, it is necessary to turn it on the stomach and patted 2-3 times between the blades. Be very careful. Even if the baby quickly cleared his breath, consult a doctor for a medical examination.


Stopping bleeding is measures aimed at stopping blood loss. When first aid, we are talking about stopping outdoor bleeding. Depending on the type of vessel, the capillary, venous and arterial bleeding is distinguished.

Stopping capillary bleeding is carried out by overlaying aseptic dressing, as well as if hands or legs injured, raising the limbs above the body level.

With venous bleeding, a gulling bandage is superimposed. For this, the wound tamponade is performed: march is superimposed on the wound, there are several wool layers on top of it (if there is no wool - a clean towel), bintuned. The veins siled by such a bandage are quickly thrombus, and the bleeding stops. If the gulling bandage flows, strongly pressing with her palm.

To stop arterial bleeding, the artery needs to take.

Artery Pressing Technique: Highly press the artery with your fingers or fist to the subject to bone formations.

Arteries are easily accessible for palpation, so this method Very effective. However, it requires from a person who has the first help, physical strength.

If bleeding did not stop after the imposition of a tight bandage and pressing the artery, apply harness. Remember that this is an extreme measure when other ways do not help.

Technique imposing a hemostatic harness

  1. Enter the harness on clothes or soft lining just above the wound.
  2. Tighten the harness and check the ripple of the vessels: the bleeding should stop, and the skin below the harness is to pale.
  3. Write a bandage to the wound.
  4. Record the exact time when you are hiding.

Harness on the limbs can be added to a maximum of 1 hour. By its expiration, the harness must be loosen for 10-15 minutes. If necessary, you can tighten again, but not more than 20 minutes.


Fracture - violation of the integrity of the bone. Fracture is accompanied strong pain, sometimes fainting or shock, bleeding. Distinguish open and closed fractures. The first is accompanied by the injury of soft tissues, the bone fragments are sometimes noticeable in the wound.

First Aid Technique for Fracture

  1. Rate the gravity of the condition of the victim, determine the locomotive localization.
  2. If there is bleeding, stop it.
  3. Determine if the movement of the victim is possible before the arrival of specialists.

    Do not transfer the victim and do not change its position in the spinal injuries!

  4. Ensure the bones in the fracture area - spend immobilization. To do this, it is necessary to immobilize the joints above and below the fracture.
  5. Take the bus. As a tire, you can use flat sticks, boards, rules, rods, and so on. The tire is needed tight, but not tightly fix the bandages or the plaster.

For closed fracture Immobilization is made on top of clothing. With an open fracture, you can not apply the bus to the places where the bone protrudes out.


Burn is damage to the body tissues under the action of high temperatures or chemicals. Burns differ in degrees, as well as by damage type. The latter base is distinguished by burns:

  • thermal (flame, hot liquid, couples, split items);
  • chemical (sicks, acids);
  • electrical;
  • radiation (light and ionizing radiation);
  • combined.

In front of burns, it is necessary to eliminate the action of the striking factor (fire, electric current, boiling water and so on).

Then, with thermal burns, the affected area should be released from clothing (neatly, not riding, and cutting around the wound sticking tissue around the wound) and for the purpose of disinfection and anesthesia, it is necessary to irrigate it with a waterproof solution (1/1) or vodka.

Do not use oil ointments and oily creams - fats and oils do not reduce pain, do not disinfect the burn and do not contribute to healing.

After the wound with cold water, impose a sterile bandage and attach cold. In addition, give the victim for warm salted water.

To accelerate the healing of light burns, use sprays with decanteral. If the burn covers the area more than one palm, be sure to consult a doctor.


Syncin is a sudden loss of consciousness due to a temporary violation of cerebral blood flow. In other words, this is a brain signal that he lacks oxygen.

It is important to distinguish between the usual and epileptic faint. The first, as a rule, is preceded by nausea and dizziness.

A pre-corrupt state is characterized by the fact that a person rolls his eyes, covered in a cold later, he fits the pulse, the limbs are cold.

Typical sympathy situations:

  • fright
  • excitement,
  • duchot and others.

If a person fainted, give him a comfortable horizontal position and secure the influx of fresh air (unzipted clothing, loosen the belt, open the windows and doors). Splazinate on the face of victim to cold water, praise it on the cheeks. If you have a first-first aid kit, let's sniff a cotton swab, moistened with ammonia alcohol.

If consciousness does not return 3-5 minutes, immediately call an ambulance.

When the victim comes to himself, give him strong tea or coffee.

Drowning and sunshine

Drowning is the penetration of water into lightweight and respiratory tract, which can lead to death.

First Aid when drowning

  1. Remove the victim from the water.

    The sinking person grabs everything that comes at hand. Be careful: swim to him from behind, hold the hair or armpit, holding face over the surface of the water.

  2. Put the victim of the stomach on the knee, so that the head is down.
  3. Clean purph cavity from foreign bodies (mucus, vomit masses, algae).
  4. Check for signs of life.
  5. In the absence of pulse and breathing, immediately proceed to the IVL and the indirect heart massage.
  6. After restoring breathing and cardiac activity, put the victim to the victim, cover it and ensure comfort before the arrival of the physicians.

In summer, the danger also represent solar strikes. Solar blow is a brain disorder caused by a long stay in the sun.


  • headache,
  • weakness,
  • noise in ears,
  • nausea,
  • vomiting.

If the victim still remains in the sun, he climbs the temperature, shortness of breath appears, sometimes he even loses consciousness.

Therefore, when providing first aid, it is primarily necessary to transfer the victim to the cool ventilated place. Then free it from clothes, loosen the belt, pursue. Put it on my head and a cold wet towel. Let the ammonia alcohol sniff. If necessary, make an artificial respiration.

With the sunny impact of the victim, it is necessary to richly ride cool, slightly salted water (drinking often, but small sips).

Causes of frostbite - High humidity, frost, wind, still position. Aggravates the condition of the victim, as a rule, intoxication.


  • hod feeling;
  • tingling in a combat part of the body;
  • then - numbness and loss of sensitivity.

First Help when frostbite

  1. Place the victim in warmth.
  2. Remove with it absorbing or wet clothing.
  3. Do not rub the victim by snow or cloth - so you are only injured by the skin.
  4. Take the frostbite body area.
  5. Give the victim hot sweet drink or hot food.


Poisoning is a disorder of the body's vital activity that has arisen because of the poison or toxin falling into it. Depending on the type of toxin, the poisoning distinguishes:

  • carbon monoxide
  • yadochimikati,
  • alcohol,
  • medicines
  • food and others.

On the nature of poisoning, the first aid measures are dependent. Most common food poisoningaccompanied by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and pain in the stomach. The victim in this case is recommended to take 3-5 grams activated coal Every 15 minutes for an hour, drink plenty of water, refrain from feeding and be sure to consult a doctor.

In addition, random or intentional poisoning are common medicinal preparations, as well as alcoholic intoxication.

In these cases, first aid consists of the following steps:

  1. Rinse the affected stomach. To do this, make it drinks several glasses of salted water (per 1 l - 10 g of salts and 5 g of soda). After 2-3 glasses, call the victim vomit. Repeat these actions until the vomits are "clean".

    The stomach washing is possible only if the victim is in consciousness.

  2. Dissolve in the glass of water 10-20 activated carbon tablets, let it drink this to the victim.
  3. Wait for specialists.

First aid- A complex of urgent, simple events aimed at restoring or preserving the life and health of the victim, performed at the site of the defeat mainly in order of self-mutual assistance, as well as participants in emergency and rescue formations using tablet and primary means.

The list of states and first-aid activities approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of May 04, 2012 No. 477n (ed. From 07.11.2012) "On approval of a list of states under which first aid is provided and a list of first-aid activities."

List of states

1. Lack of consciousness.

2. Stop breathing and blood circulation.

3. Outdoor bleeding.

4. Foreign bodies of the upper respiratory tract.

5. Injuries of various body areas.

6. Burns, effects of exposure to high temperatures, thermal radiation.

7. Frostime and other effects of low temperature effects.

8. Poisoning.

First aid activities include:

1. Events to assess the situation and ensure safe conditions for first aid:

Determination of threatening factors for their own life and health;

Determination of threatening factors for the life and health of the victim;

Elimination of threatening factors for life and health;

Termination of damaging factors on the affected;

Assessment of the number of victims;

Extracting the victim from the vehicle or other hard-to-reach places;

Move the victim.

2. Challenge emergency medical care, other special services, whose employees are required to provide first aid in accordance with federal law or with a special rule.

3. Determination of the presence of consciousness at the victim.

4. Activities for the restoration of respiratory tract and determination of signs of life in the victim:

Lower jaw extension;

Determination of respiratory presence with hearing, view and touch;

Determining the presence of blood circulation, checking the pulse on the main arteries.

5. Activities for cardiopulmonary resuscitation before the appearance of signs of life:

Pressure with hands on the sternum of the victim;

Artificial respiration "Mouth in the mouth";

Artificial respiration "From the mouth to the nose";

Artificial respiration using a device for artificial respiration.

6. Activities for the maintenance of respiratory tract:

Giving a stable lateral position;

Throwing the head with a chin lifting;

Lower jaw extension.

7. Events on the review inspection of the victim and temporary stopping of outdoor bleeding:

Panoramic examination of the victim for bleeding;

Finger pressed artery;

Overlay harness;

Maximum flexion of limb in the joint;

Direct pressure on the wound;

Overlaying the gag.

8. Events for a detailed examination of victims in order to identify signs of injuries, poisoning and other states, threatening his life and health, and to first-end aid in case of identifying these states:

Inspection of the head;

Inspection of neck;

Inspection of the chest;

Conducting the inspection of the back;

Inspection of the abdomen and pelvis;

Conducting examination of the limbs;

Overlaying bandages in injuries of various body areas, including occlusal (sealing) when injection injuries;

Conducting immobilization (with the help of primary means, autoimmobilization, using medical products);

Fixation of the cervical spine (manually, with screwdrivers, using medical products);

Cessation of the effects of hazardous chemicals on the affected (washing the stomach by taking water and causing vomiting, removing from a damaged surface and washing the damaged surface with running water);

Local cooling in injuries, thermal burns and other effects of high temperatures or thermal radiation;

Terkesolation when frostbite and other effects of low temperature effects.

9. Giving the victim the optimal position of the body.

10. Monitoring the state of the victim (consciousness, breathing, blood circulation) and the provision of psychological support.

11. Transferring a victim to the victim of emergency medical care, other special services, whose employees are required to provide first aid in accordance with federal law or with a special rule.

One of the most important conditions for first aidthe victim is her urgency: the faster it is rendered, the more hope for a favorable outcome. Therefore, such assistance can and should have the one who is next to the victim.

Providing first help should know:

The main signs of violation of vital important functions human body;

General principles, rules and techniques for first aid in relation to the nature of damage;

Basic ways to carry and evacuating victims.

Signs for which you can quickly determine the condition of the victim, the following:

Consciousness: Clear, absent or violated;

Breathing: Normal, absent or broken;

Pulse on sleepy arteries: Determined (rhythm is correct or incorrect) or not determined;

Pupils: narrow or wide.

With certain knowledge and skills, the first help is able to quickly assess the status of the victim and decide, in which volume and the procedure should be assisted.