Philip Kirkorov will teach you how to wash windows with ammonia and clean the carpet with cabbage. Loud scandals with Philip Kirkorov What happened to Kirkorov

Dobrovinsky's lawyer spoke about the background of the high-profile case: the French musician was accused of extortion with the help of prankers Vovan and Lexus

An enchanting story: French musician, leader of the Space group Didier Marouani, who accused Philip Kirkorov of plagiarism, along with lawyer Igor Trunov, were prosecuted in Moscow - they were apparently detained when the pop king accused them of extortion. Our special correspondent found out the details of the scandal.

Late on Tuesday evening, in his office in the Tsvetnoy Boulevard area, lawyer Alexander Dobrovinsky, representing the interests of Philip Kirkorov in the sensational "Marouani case", held a press conference, which attracted so many journalists that would envy the fan zone of the pop king. Dobrovinsky tried to appear calm, but every now and then he gave vent to emotions, showing how happy he was with everything that was happening.

He did not go out to the journalists alone, but with a fellow lawyer, a spectacular lady, whom he introduced at first without a name, just as his "student". The student was silent, looking at the mentor, the mentor was making a speech.

Mr. Dobrovinsky immediately stated that if Marouani were smarter, he would not have extorted money from Kirkorov at all, since the singer is not the author of his songs, but the performer, which means that it is pointless to accuse him of any plagiarism. Then he explained in detail who, where and when he applied and what came of it.

It is completely unclear how to get out of this situation and what to do in general, ”Dobrovinsky wondered. - Moreover, we already have an examination from Mr. Popkov, who is entrusted with making examinations, and which does not show at all that there (- "MK") has any relation (to the melody of Marouani - "MK") and what rights can be violated because these are two diametrically opposed songs.

It's all proven, and it's all fiction. When Mr. Trunov said a month ago that he would go to court, we were waiting for a lawsuit, but there was none. Trunov himself said publicly that he was going to the city court.

He really came to the city court, although I don't know why he had to go there and what to do there, because the city court should not have anything to do with the claim by definition. Maybe he stood there, but we did not see the claim. But fantasies about Kirkorov and a million copyright violations were heard every day.

Then some time passed, and Mr. Trunov said: we do not go to the city court, we go to the district court. But there is still no claim. We are being doused with this slop. I'm sure they don't have expertise!

So, Trunov says that in two days the lawsuit will be in the district court. A week has passed, there is no claim in the district court. This is how blackmailers worked in my memory.

Then there was information that the lawsuit (Marouani against Kirkorov - "MK") would appear in the United States. Trunov said that 75 million (rubles, the amount of the claim planned to be filed in Russia - "MK") is not money, so they go to the United States - "that's where we'll get it!"

Why USA? Where is the US lawsuit? There will be a lawsuit in the US tomorrow. There is not. I called my friends and colleagues there - there is no claim there. time passes, Trunov appears again in front of the cameras and declares that the claim that Kirkorov slammed everything will appear in Moscow. No one can say why it has not appeared so far, but this is an absolutely trivial system of pressurizing one person, in particular, Philip Kirkorov.

Suddenly, Mr. Dobrovinsky admitted that the whole story from beginning to end was the work of the most famous and successful telephone hooligans in Russia, prankers Vovan and Lexus, who this time not only called unsuspecting Marouani, but also wrote him letters:

However, nothing happens for the time being. And then the most important and funny begins. Everything on the planet walks together - both tragic and cute. I have nothing to help poor Philip. And suddenly two young men call me who say that they were joking, but something serious happened - a case similar to blackmail or extortion.

They explained that some time ago, as a joke, they called Didier Marouani on behalf of Kirkorov. These are Vovan and Lexus, well-known in our country, smart guys, who record all conversations.

They began to actively talk with Didier on behalf of Philippe, they began a long correspondence, until it became clear to the guys that they were plunged into a story that rises above a joke. This is a story about extortion and defamation.

And when they received e-mails that accurately traced Article 163 for them on extortion, they called me. Until this evening, Kirkorov never spoke to Marouani. Didn't send a single e-mail, didn't receive one from Didier. All this was done by the prankers as a joke that went too far ...

At this moment, one of the cameramen standing in the hall did not like the fact that the bulky black bag of the lawyer's companion was too clearly entering the frame. During a short pause, the journalist quietly and politely asked the girl to remove her purse if possible.

- This is a tombstone! - threw the lady. Indeed, the bag turned out to be made of stone (later it turned out that the “decoration” of the hall was taken for the bag - an installation by the artist Aksenov, who thus “buried” luxury brands).

- One more question - and it will be yours! - Dobrovinsky added in a serious tone. The room immediately became quiet, and the lawyer continued:

The authorities have checked everything clearly - I take off my hat to them. And we would never have gone to the detention of these two people if they had not seen the corpus delicti ...

Philip called me and said that he had not negotiated anything with anyone. For the first time he hears about Marouani, who either offers him an agreement for a million euros, or goes to court with Trunov and makes clay out of him.

Kirkorov did what any citizen should have done - he turned to the authorities. Didier came to a meeting with a charming girl to get money. There were no papers, no signing of an amicable agreement.

Trunov was 40 minutes late and said something about the papers, but it is absolutely impossible to believe him. He told Lexus and Vovan that it would be absolutely confidential information, no one would know about anything, everyone would be silent, and Philip would give him a million euros.

But Trunov was in correspondence. For him, the main thing is PR, and he immediately leaked it to the press. Everyone was excited: Kirkorov and Marouani signed (an amicable agreement - "MK"), Kirkorov pays colossal money ...

But if Kirkorov had not gone to meet him with this money and had it not been with him - you see, everything would have remained just another joke of pranksters.

When Didier Marouani realized that this was a pranker divorce, did he not ask for forgiveness? - I asked. - How did he understand that this is a divorce? To this day, he thinks that he spoke with Kirkorov. Didn't you tell him?

Can prankers refuse to be witnesses or not take part in investigative actions? Or will they be involved in the process? - I specified.

They will attract, they did not hide, and all their correspondence is recorded, - the lawyer replied. - They got scared when they started extorting a million, they realized that their joke had gone in the wrong place.

Kirkorov was at the bank. He was exhausted by this situation: he never wrote songs, never violated copyright in his life.

- Why couldn't he explain it right away?

He explained this many times, but Trunov and Marouani were interested in money. Live money - a million euros. come and pick up.

- Kirkorov positions himself as a kind and believing person, a Christian ...

Why is it positioning ?! - Dobrovinsky interrupted me. - He is a kind and believing person.

- Especially. As a believer, Kirkorov can forgive and stop the case?

You are asking a person of a different religion. I don’t talk to him about religion, ”the lawyer snapped.

Other journalists were interested in the musical aspect of the case.

Very serious experts proved that these are different melodies, - Dobrovinsky rejected the doubt that plagiarism may have taken place. - I was looking forward to the trial. This was the only way to get rid of the stream of lies that rushed to Kirkorov, who is not the author (of the song he played - "MK") and has nothing to do with writing music ...

After the main part of Dobrovinsky's press conference, I was able to ask him several questions separately.

Tell me, how can you prove that it was not Kirkorov who entered into a criminal conspiracy with the pranksters to frame Marouani?

Nobody has to prove it. This is clear and so from the correspondence between me and the prankers.

- Why did Marouani call you?

Because the prankers told him, who knew that Kirkorov had one lawyer.

But after all, Marouani can say during the investigative actions that it was a joke, that he knew everything that they were pranksters.

If he knew why he came to get the money?

- Why did Kirkorov take the money to the bank, and did not stop it all?

Like any citizen, Kirkorov can be protected by law enforcement agencies. He came to the authorities and said: a million is being withdrawn from me, I am not guilty of anything and I will not pay. What should I do? They answer him: go, give them a million.

- But he could have called ...

Wait, you read article 163 of the Criminal Code and you will understand everything. The crime has already been committed. The fact of transferring money only underlines the fact of a crime.

- But Kirkorov before that could call Didier Marouani and say: what are you doing?

Why didn't Didier call and say: sorry, Philippe, I was joking and I have no complaints against you?

Kirkorov gave a person the opportunity to continue, in his opinion, illegal actions, but he could have stopped him.

Nothing like this. How could he stop? If one person killed another, and then is going to kill another, I will be silent: don't you kill him there? Well, stop ...

After the press conference, the journalists asked Dobrovinsky to show at least one letter or SMS from Marouani's correspondence with the prankers. The lawyer at first denied it, and then said that he would now be absent and would bring something. However, a few minutes later his assistant announced that Mr. Dobrovinsky would not return to the press, but would show the correspondence when she saw fit.

0 December 1, 2016, 14:08

Philip Kirkorov, Didier Marouani

The litigation between Philip Kirkorov and the leader of the French group Space Didier Marouani over the song "Cruel Love" continues. Today Marouani wrote a statement about a false denunciation against the Russian singer ..

The scandal erupted on November 1 when French musician Didier Marouani filed a lawsuit claiming that Kirkorov's song "Cruel Love" was a plagiarism of Marouani's Symphonic Space Dream. The Moscow City Court returned to the Space group a claim for copyright protection, but this did not stop Marouani - he was serious about seeking justice.

To this end, the Frenchman came to Moscow, where he said that Kirkorov in a personal conversation admitted the fact of plagiarism and agreed to pay compensation. However, Kirkorov's lawyer Alexander Dobrovinsky denied Marouani's words and noted that Kirkorov did not communicate with Marouani all this time and did not agree on anything with him.

Whom did the Frenchman talk to then? It turned out that with the prankers, who on behalf of Kirkorov called Marouani and offered to settle the case peacefully, promising compensation of one million euros. Soon Kirkorov turned to the police: the pop king said that he had written a statement about libel, extortion and damage to reputation on the part of Marouani.

On November 29, Marouani and his lawyer Trunov were detained at the Sberbank branch in Moscow, where they had arrived to sign an amicable agreement with Kirkorov. Soon the police released the detainees and even, according to the lawyer Trunov, apologized to them.

On November 30, the case continued: the investigative-operational group seized from Philip Kirkorov two bundles of money in the amount of 100 thousand euros. The Russian singer personally handed over the recalculated bills to Marouani at the Sberbank branch. Allegedly, during the meeting, Kirkorov put money on the table, after which the Frenchman tried to take it. At that moment, Marouani was detained by the police officers who were watching the operation. To carry out pre-investigation measures, the money was seized as material evidence. After 100 thousand euros should be returned to the owner - Kirkorov.

And again, the case did not end with anything: the Frenchman wrote a counter statement with a request to initiate a case on a knowingly false denunciation. Marouani's lawyer said that together with her client, they spent more than five hours in the investigation department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia:

We were questioned in detail about the whole situation, we gave detailed explanations. They asked how he met Kirkorov, when he wrote the controversial song, how the negotiations took place. About everything,

- said Lyudmila Aivar.

The lawyer stressed that the French musician was questioned exclusively as an eyewitness to the events - he is not a suspect.

There is no criminal case of extortion either,

- said Aivar.

Marouani himself said that now, after the false denunciation and the subsequent detention, there can be no reconciliation between him and Kirkorov.

On December 2, Marouani plans to leave Russia, but he intends to continue to seek justice.

Source TASS

Photo Press service archives


In the Russian capital, police detained lawyer Igor Trunov and French composer, leader of the Space group Didier Marouani, who came to Sberbank to sign a settlement agreement with Russian singer Philip Kirkorov, lawyer Lyudmila Aivar told TASS.

Later it became known that a criminal case could be instituted against Trunov and Marouani under three articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation at once, and lawyer Alexander Dobrovinsky, representing Kirkorov's interests, stressed that law enforcement agencies have evidence of the suspects' guilt.

"The policemen checked Kirkorov's statement scrupulously. If they had no evidence, they would not have detained them," Dobrovinsky stressed.

A TASS source said on Tuesday evening that the police were interrogating the singer Philip Kirkorov on his statement of extortion by Didier Marouani.

Meanwhile, according to the lawyer Aivar, Kirkorov, accused of plagiarism by the French, agreed to pay compensation, and he himself wrote a statement of extortion. She added that the detention took place at Sberbank on Pokrovka Street, house 19. "Marouani and Trunov were supposed to sign an amicable agreement with the singer Philip Kirkorov there, but the police were already expecting them," she said. She explained that she did not have information about the reasons for the detention, but she was sure that the situation was planned by Kirkorov's lawyer.

"I have never met two people who would like money and fame so much. Trunov wanted fame and Marouani money," Dobrovinsky added (quoted by Mediazona). When asked that without the participation of the prankers, there would have been no criminal case against Trunov and Marouani, the lawyer replied: "Yes, just imagine."

Kirkorov's lawyer said about extortion of 1 million euros

V Facebook Dobrovinsky reported that Marouani and his lawyer Igor Trunov were detained at 18:30 by the police for extortion of one million euros. The lawyer promises to tell the details at a press conference at 22:00 in the office of the ICA "Alexander Dobrovinsky and Partners".

This information was confirmed by Kirkorov's lawyer Alexander Dobrovinsky, who told RIA Novosti: "I am in the process of arresting Marouani and Trunov on suspicion of extorting one million euros from my client Philip Kirkorov. We are currently in Sberbank."

Dobrovinsky clarified that Marouani and Trunov were detained red-handed while transferring money. "As far as I understand, a criminal case has been opened, since people are detained. Now operative actions are being carried out. They will check and count the money," he said.

Later it became known that law enforcement officers took the detained Marouani and Trunov to the Basmanny police department.

"As far as I understand, my client was detained. What is happening there, I do not know, I have no connection with Igor Leonidovich," Trunov's lawyer Leonid Matveyev said, noting that it is unknown whether a criminal case has been initiated or not (quoted by TASS). According to the lawyer, he was invited to represent Trunov's interests during the investigation.

Marouani's lawyer Vadim Kazeev also confirmed that he had no connection with his client and that he was not allowed into the Sberbank office. “As far as I know, investigative actions are being carried out with them now. On the face of it, my client’s rights are being violated,” he said.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs assures that there are no detainees yet

The press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in Moscow confirmed to Interfax that the singer Philip Kirkorov on Tuesday turned to the police with a statement of extortion and the dissemination of information discrediting his honor, but the information about the arrest of the musician and the lawyer was denied.

"As part of this statement, a pre-investigation check has been started, but there are no detainees at the moment." Officially, a person is not detained until a detention report has been drawn up, "the police said.


In early November, the French band Space and its leader Didier Marouani filed a lawsuit with the Moscow City Court demanding to ban Philip Kirkorov from performing the song "Cruel Love", as it is a plagiarism - a reworking of the composition Symphonic Space Dream, which was written by a French musician. Marouani demanded compensation for damage from copyright infringement and pay compensation in the amount of 75.34 million rubles.

The Moscow City Court refused to consider the claim, since the dispute is under the jurisdiction of the district court, but the author's and musicological research carried out by the Center for Forensic Science and Research ANO recognized the music for the song "Cruel Love" as a plagiarism of Symphonic Space Dream.

On November 28, Igor Trunov announced that on November 30, an amicable agreement would be signed between his client and Philip Kirkorov. According to him, Kirkorov himself offered to settle all copyright disputes, acknowledged the claims of the leader of Space, and Marouani flew to Moscow for this.

As reported by "Mediazona", Kirkorov's lawyer Alexander Dobrovinsky rejected the information about the amicable agreement. "There was no copyright infringement, it was all invented to get the money out," he said.

Kirkorov's press secretary Anton Korobov-Zemlyansky stated that the artist is not the author of the music and a lawsuit against him is impossible. The case itself, in his estimation, was started as an attempt by Space to "remind of itself" or to draw attention to a tour or an album.

The author of the lyrics and music for the song "Cruel Love" Oleg Popkov said that he was considering the possibility of filing a counterclaim against the French band. "I wrote the song myself. I have drafts of the song from 1996 to 1998, the composition was registered in RAO in 2000. For the first time the song began to be performed back in 1999 by the Chudo-Ostrov group, in which I worked then, we performed her in the St. Petersburg restaurant "Academy", - he said, noting that Space has been performing their composition since 2001.

"I listened to the composition of the Space group, the chorus is really similar. But I have a feeling that in their song the chorus is very different from the solo, as if artificially composed. It is still unclear who stole from whom," added the Russian composer.

The Space group was created by Didier Marouani, Roland Romanelli and Yannick Top in 1977, when Kirkorov was 10 years old. In the late 1970s, the band released three successful albums: Magic Fly, Deliverance and Just Blue, which sold over 12 million copies in total.

If you are desperate and no longer know how to behave in a crisis, what to buy, what to refuse and what to stock up on, then Channel One, represented by Philip Kirkorov, gives hope to all those in need. Tomorrow, within the framework of Maxim Galkin's new entertainment show "MaximMaxim", his author's column "Surviving the crisis with Philip Kirkorov" will start.

In it, the singer will generously share tips on how to keep the house clean and at the same time save money. The shooting of the first episodes has already taken place, some of them, by the way, took place in the artist's luxurious apartments. In the first program, Philip, for example, plans to teach viewers how to properly clean windows with newspaper and ammonia - in order to save money on rags and a special tool, which sometimes may not be affordable.

Further - more: how to clean the carpet with cabbage, bleach the sheets with the help of improvised means ... Kirkorov performs these manipulations with a completely imperturbable look, dressed in the best suits from DG or Philipp Plain from his wardrobe.

“The idea of ​​my own column was offered to me by Channel One,” Philip shared with StarHit. - I liked her, I agreed. I like to laugh - including myself, I like to surprise. I think I can do it. Of course, everything that happens on the set is, in fact, a big joke, even a banter. But it is possible that someone will find my advice useful. I am ready for criticism - but I hope that TV viewers will correctly understand the message of the rubric ”.

Maxim Galkin was also able to discover something new during the filming. “In the course of work on the project, I received a record number of people in the castle, got behind the wheel for the first time, seized several Ostankino studios in the absence of their owners and with whom I just sang,” the TV presenter said. In addition, in the first issue of the program, and

While the scandal related to the accusation of Philip Kirkorov of plagiarism and the statement he wrote to the Russian police against the French musician Didier Marouani, accusing the latter of blackmail, is gaining momentum, let us recall other unsightly stories, the main person involved in which was the performer who calls himself the "pop king "and" radiant ". Writes about it TSN.

05.12 23:33

# 1. Like "plywood" over Paris

The first high-profile scandal associated with the name of Kirkorov erupted in January 2003 - after Yuri Shevchuk accused the singer and several other representatives of show business that they sing to "plywood". Shevchuk supported the bill "On Phonogram", the meaning of which was as follows: a performer using a phonogram during his performances must warn the audience about it in advance, and, best of all, write on a poster. At the same time, Shevchuk posted on one of the Internet sites recordings of stars who, in a breaking voice, gasping for breath, tried to sing along to their own phonogram. In addition to Kirkorov, there were many performers, but only he took criticism to heart. And - I decided to find out the relationship with Shevchuk. He chose the method, frankly, not the most noble - he hired journalists who began to collect dirt on the rocker: they called Shevchuk's friends and even classmates, trying to find something unseemly in his past. The overarching task of the public opinion poll was to find facts indicating Shevchuk's non-traditional sexual orientation. When nothing incriminating rocker could be found, Kirkorov made a scandal with a fight in the lobby bar of one of the hotels in St. Petersburg, and, having saved before the pressure of the rocker, set his bodyguards on him, who allegedly even knocked out Shevchuk's tooth. True, the musician himself denied this, but the sediment, as they say in such cases, remained. The story was discussed for a long time in the media, and is still remembered to this day - as an example of the ugly behavior of the "radiant".

No. 2. Passion for a pink blouse

The next scandal involving Kirkorov has an exact date - May 20, 2004. On that day, at a press conference in Rostov-on-Don, the singer literally soared when he heard a question from a local journalist Irina Aroyan about a large number of remakes in his repertoire. Goggling his eyes, Kirkorov attacked the girl with curses, the most innocuous of which was the phrase that he did not like her pink blouse. And to the remark of Haroyan "Aren't you ashamed to behave like that, you are a star!" he reacted with an unpretentious, but offensive rhyme for a journalist, after which he left - extremely pleased with himself. At that time, Kirkorov for the first time had to face public condemnation - numerous media outlets spoke out against him, however, mainly regional, and not metropolitan - Moscow journalists remained silent. Haroyan filed a lawsuit against the "radiant", which he lost: according to the verdict, Kirkorov apologized to her first personally, and then publicly - at the Golden Gramophone music award ceremony. The result of the scandal was the nickname "king of remakes", firmly attached to Kirkorov.

No. 3. Exactly - in Yablokov

This scandalous story happened on the set of the Golden Gramophone in December 2010, when Kirkorov had a row with the second director of the show, Marina Yablokova. The singer demanded to turn off the spotlight shining in his face, and when the girl asked him to wait a little, he began calling her names, and then, running up and grabbing her by the hair, shouting "I'll kill you!" and hit - first hit in the face, then - with his foot. According to the lawyer Yablokova, she was diagnosed with a concussion and multiple hematomas. When the incident became known to the general public, the singer got cold feet and fled to Israel, where he hid in a neurosis clinic - supposedly in order to be treated for a nervous shock. In support of this version, the singer blamed for what happened ... the demons, who possessed him a week before, when he played Dracula. Then the Russian show business was divided into two parts - some condemned Kirkorov and refused to perform with him on the same stage, others remained silent, which seemed to many to be approving and encouraging. Yablokova filed a lawsuit, but she failed to prove Kirkorov's guilt, nevertheless, he invited her to sign an amicable agreement and publicly apologized to her.

No. 4. "I am Philip Kirkorov!"

Another outburst of unmotivated rage happened in "radiant" in September 2011 in Yalta - at the rehearsal of the opening ceremony of the Crimea Music Fest. Kirkorov was dissatisfied with the fact that by the time he appeared on the stage, the dancer was not ready and the scenery was not installed. The singer rolled his eyes, stamped his feet and shouted that some Igor Nikolaev could sing against the background of "stupid boats and stupid seagulls" (the fact that he was sitting in the hall at that time gave a piquancy to the situation), and not such a star as Philip Kirkorov, and generously sprinkled his words with selected mats. Only the general director of the festival and the stage director could bring the "king of pop" to life, he categorically refused to communicate with persons of lower rank.

No. 5. Excommunication

In April 2012, during the baptism of Alla-Victoria's daughter, Kirkorov apparently decided that he is, if not the Lord God, although this, given the strange behavior of the "radiant", cannot be denied, then certainly a spiritual shepherd - for sure. How else can one explain the fact that he addressed those present with a speech from the church pulpit? The next day, the clergy condemned this trick, reminding Kirkorov that his children were born thanks to surrogate mothers, which the church does not approve of, so the singer may well be excommunicated.