Hurt a dark part. What can testify the headache on the painter? Symptoms and signs of pain

Headache can cover the whole head, and sometimes concentrated only in a separate part of it. The painful sensations are suitable, godes, driving, stitching, pulsating, periodic and constant. The most unpleasant and exhausting is pain in the dark part of the head, that is, from above. Most of the head cephalgia (pain) affects this particular area.

Why hurts Makushka

Many reasons for a variety of character cause severe pain in the pattern. Sometimes it is so unbearable that a person is on the question of where it hurts, in the hearts can exclaim: "Just hurts the ball!" And it will be though rude, but true. The pain, starting with the top often blooms around the skull, puts into the eyes and forehead, squeezes and squeezes the whole head.

The factors provoking rare pain are divided into two large groups. The first group is factors in the elimination of which the pain will pass. The second group is certain types of diseases and painful states, the symptoms of which are dark pain.

Factors causing temporary headache in the Makushka

  • muscle fatigue;
  • tension pain - Pain is in the neck and shoulder area;
  • professional pains;
  • stress - single or accumulating;
  • weather change;
  • lack of oxygen indoors;
  • improper nutrition - nuts, chocolate, cheese, cocoa extend the vessels and cause pain in the head;
  • smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • overheating, supercooling or sharp change of temperature regime;
  • poorly organized sleep place and wrong pillow.

Diseases and painful states causing pain

  • migraine - may affect half the crown;
  • hypotension - the grace pain spreading to the eye, temples, bridges, neck;
  • hypertension - can go blood from the nose, occur dizziness;
  • atherosclerosis of the vessels of the brain;
  • vegeta dystonia - accompanied by galloping pressure, the appearance of sudden heat and goosers in the field of face, lips, neck;
  • intracranial hypertension;
  • "The root syndrome" or the cervical osteochondrosis - there is squeezing the nerves of the neck, there is a feeling of numbness of the crown;
  • incorrect (unstable) connection of the cervical vertebrae with the base of the skull;
  • neurotic and psycho-emotional disorders;
  • head injury;
  • post-traumatic pain;
  • developing infectious or cold illness.

Finding out why the scalp is hurts, you can choose an effective way to get rid of pain. If the pain is caused by the cause of the second group of factors, then without the help of the doctor can not do.

When you need to consult a doctor

There are situations where the appeal to the doctor can become the only solution to the problem of pain in the maquet, and sometimes save lives.

A visit to a specialist or even a challenge of ambulance cannot be postponed if, together with pains in the top of the head, the following additional symptoms are observed:

  1. Violation.
  2. Weakening, disorder or memory loss.
  3. The growing nature of pain.
  4. The pain is worried for a long time continuously.
  5. Such a dry mouth appeared, the temperature rose and began to nauseate.
  6. There was a head injury.
  7. After even a small strike, nausea and dizziness appeared for some time.

All these symptoms, together with headache in the area of \u200b\u200bthe top of the top, can become precursors of serious diseases. If a headache is hurting, then the first visit should be imposed by the therapist, which after the survey and inspection will send for additional advice to the neurologist.

During the survey, the following activities are held:

  • war and urine tests are studied;
  • arterial pressure is measured and its speaker is monitored;
  • eCG is prescribed, x-ray diffraction pattern, MRI;
  • consultation of an ophthalmologist.

It is important to remember that pain in the painter can be a symptom of a serious illness. The sooner it is revealed, the easier it will be possible to cure it faster.

The most common causes

Among the many of the above factors, there are such causes of scalp pain, which are particularly often often and have the most specific manifestations.

Professional pain or stress pain

This kind of headaches, which most often affect the top, are also subject to children, and adults. A stupid pain presses the head on top, compresses it and absorbs the whole. There is a feeling as if wearing an invisible helmet, a helmet or a jade. The nature of professional pain is to diligently finding a person in an uncomfortable posture, without movement, the presence of poor lighting or non-compliance with the workplace by ergonomic standards and requirements.


  1. Change the working conditions - adjust the height of the chair, to establish lighting, position the computer at the right distance to the eye.
  2. After each hour of work, get up from the table and make a small charge, warm neck and shoulders.
  3. Regularly air the room, maintain normal humidity in it and temperature.
  4. Conduct a light self-massage head.

During the week, the person spends the most time at work. To avoid headaches in the workplace, you need to properly organize the "Work-Holiday" mode and create suitable working conditions.

Neurosis and psycho-emotional disorders

Over half complaints of pain arising where there is a temmer in humans, is associated with neurotic diseases and disorders. If there is a squeezing or tightening headache, often accompanied by dizziness and even numbness of the limbs, then this is a serious reason to appeal to a specialist for the advice.

About 60% of people who are diagnosed with neurotic or hysteria, suffer from pain in the top of the head. Painful sensations are permanent or periodic character, they can enhance or weaken, but they always accompany the patient and leave it for a long time.

In a person suffering from neurosis, an emotional instability is observed, it is characteristic of panic attacks, and the fear is always very concrete. Someone is afraid to get a certain disease, someone is experiencing that it can lose a close person, etc.

Unfortunately, a man with a neurotic disorder is constantly in a closed circle "Fear-pain". Fear enhances pain, and pain causes new fears. Most often, people who experience long stress or psycho-emotional stress are subject to neurosis.

Solution: appealing for help from a psychotherapist or psychiatrist and conducting a course of drug treatment.

Post traumatic states

People who have suffered even minor cranopy brain injuries, complain that they have a scalp. At the same time, there is a decrease in memory, performance, concentration of attention and growth of psycho-emotional exhaustion. The nature of such pain has a dual character: physiological and psychosocial.

Physiological manifestations of pain are determined by the following factors:

  • violation of the movement of the liquor;
  • squeezing nerve roots;
  • excessive pressure on the brain shell.

The psychosocial component lies in the increased criminality of the victim, fear of complications after injury, distrust doctors.

Solution: Treatment from profile specialists and consultation of the psychologist.

Vascular pain

Often the dark zone of the head suffers from pains arising from hypertension, hypotension, vegetative dystonia. The reduced or elevated tone of the vessels does not allow them to perform their functions to maintain optimal blood pressure. There is either squeezing of nerve cells by vascular walls, or spasm of vessels.

  1. Alignment of blood pressure using drugs prescribed by the doctor.
  2. Compliance with diet.
  3. If the pain caught surprise, then people with high pressure need to lie down in bed and put a high pillow under the head, and people with reduced pressure - under the feet.

Paint pains associated with neck pathologies

Osteochondrosis, cervical migraine, pinching nerves and vessels, the instability of cervical vertebrae can lead to the appearance of pain in the top of the head.

  1. Survey at the neurologist and surgeon.
  2. Massage and manual therapy sessions.
  3. Physiotherapy.
  4. Physiotherapy.

If skin hurts on tech

Sometimes it arises that the painful sensations are concentrated on the skin of the crown and manifest themselves at the moment of touching the hair. This is a feeling in the following situations:

  • allergy to hair care products;
  • tight hairstyle or too heavy hair;
  • fungal disease of the scalp;
  • psoriasis of the hairlet;
  • spasm of vessels surrounding and feeding hair bulbs.

These are the main reasons why scalp skin hurts on top of the top, and the following steps can be taken to relieve or stop pain.

  1. Stop using the means causing allergies to apply a sedative bread mask on the skin or rinse them with a chamomile decoction.
  2. Change the hairstyle - instead of a high tight beam or tail try to braid fashionable French braids, and for the night, it is necessary to unwind the hair.
  3. Get a consultation trichologist for the treatment of fungus.
  4. Maxim as possible from factors provoking the occurrence of psoriasis - reduce psycho-emotional stress, stick to the diet.
  5. Do not overheat and not overcool the scalp.

Makushka headache may arise from overvoltage, and may be a harbinger of serious diseases. Long or periodically arising pain - this is a serious reason to apply for advice from a specialist.

Headaches are considered fairly common, so many simply do not perceive such anonymous serious, escaped by intake of analgesics. Such an approach is perfectly in vain, and in some cases are unsafe: discomfort in the head area can be caused by minor external factors, but most often such a symptom signals the presence of problems with health of varying degrees of seriousness.

Localization of headaches, its nature and degree of intensity will help to suspect the cause of soreness. Today we will talk about why the maquet of the head can hurt, in what cases it is worth the alarm and contact the doctor, and whether it is possible to defeat the ailment.

10 reasons for pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe crown and the ways to eliminate them

Makushka may hurt for various reasons, with some of them, at first glance, have nothing to do with localization of discomfort. In diagnosis, it is worth considering the nature and intensity of pain, as well as the history preceding the fear - so you can assume the correct reason for which the macushk began to hurt, and therefore take the right measures to cure.

  1. Migraine

Migreen pain may occur at any age. It is rarely connected with external factors - as a rule, the attacks of migraines take out the surprise and very hard to stop-having. During migraine, predominantly hurts the crown, but if the attack is strong, discomfort can be irradiated into the occipital and frontal part. The durability of the new pain can be absolutely any, starting from a few hours and ending with weeks, or even months.

From a medical point of view, migreen-like attacks in the area of \u200b\u200bthe top area arise against the background of the synthesis of special substances or degenerative changes in the nerve fibers. You can recognize such pathology by the following features:

  • makushka hurts quite strongly, sometimes a demise affects the occipital or frontal area;
  • pain wears a sharp, novice or pulsating character;
  • with the slightest physical load, the degree of discomfort is at times amplified;
  • sometimes digestive symptoms are joined to the row - nausea, vomiting.

If the migraine attack does not burn independently within a few hours, it means that it will not be easy to get rid of it. In this case, it is best to contact a specialist or call an ambulance.

  1. Cluster pain

Clusters can be localized in any area of \u200b\u200bthe head, including the top. If the top of the skull hurts a short (as a rule, from a few minutes to an hour), but rather intensively, and the analgesics practically do not help, it is worth thinking about the level of hormones - it is precisely with them that the appearance of cluster syndrome is associated with them. More often a headache in men, however, women are not insured against clusters, especially during Klimaks or in anticipation of critical days.

To suspect the cluster nature of discomfort in the painter in the following criteria:

  • redness of eyeballs;
  • the more active the behavior during an attack, the stronger the headache;
  • the presence of dizziness, light and noise sensitivity.

If, after taking the analgesics, the macushk still hurts, in the case of cluster nature, no wife is easier to wait for the attack - usually it lasts no more than an hour. But if the duration is delayed or pain repeat quite often, it is worth visiting a doctor and go through a planned examination.

  1. Injury

If a history of brain injury is present, albeit a minor, the crown can hurt for a long time until the process chronic. With such pathology, pain is enhanced when you touch or presses the injured area - usually damage to the skin makes itself felt at least several weeks. If the disease is delayed, reversed into chronic, we are not already talking about the physical consequences of injury, but about psychology: the damaged area may have a long time for the ment patients.

In most cases, the cranial and brain injuries are treated in stationary conditions, where the patient a priori receives all the necessary therapy. However, with minor damages, patients rarely turn to a specialist, and therefore their complications occur more often. Nevertheless, it is necessary to visit the doctor if after the injury is the loss of memory, fever, violation of vision, general weakness, and the head hurts every day more and more.

  1. Pathology of vascular rule

The top can be hurt due to anatomical or functional changes of the head vessels. For example, painfully occurs against the background of blood pressure jumps (both hypertonic and hypotonic), vegetative dystonia, low blood flow, etc., such a spasm, as a rule, leads to a change in the tone of the vascular wall and pinch the nerve fibers, why the pain syndrome occurs.

In order to get rid of such pathology, it is necessary to put blood pressure in order, strengthen the vessels and neutralize the reason why the macushkin actually hurts. Usually, cardiologists in such cases recommend appropriate medicines, dietary food, a complete refusal of bad habits, including alcohol and smoking, as well as adequate physical exertion.

  1. Problems with the spine

If the macushkin hurts, without ceasing, and the character of pain acquires a chronic character, most likely, the defects in the field of the cervical spine are guilty. The most common of them are pinned or inflammation of nerves, vessels, osteochondrosis, vertebral displacement due to the injury of the neck, etc.

Symptomatic treatment in this case will not help, but only give temporary relief. In order for the macushka to cease to hurt, you need to visit the neuropathologist and the surgeon, which determine the nature of the spinal pathology in more detail and prescribe the appropriate therapy. You may need to take a course of rehabilitation, massage, acupuncture, which will have a positive effect on the state of the spine, and therefore the macushka will stop hurting.

  1. Allergic reactions or dermatitis

If the skin on the top hurts only when touched, it means that the main cause of discomfort is dermatitis or allergies. Such a disease can be caused by anything: a new shampoo or other hair care products, a fungal lesion of the scalp, psoriasis and even incorrectly selected hairstyle (too tough tail or oblique). What to do in this case? It is enough to exclude all annoying factors that negatively affect well-being, and the top will stop hurting very quickly.

  1. Chronic stress

Emotional tension usually increases the tone of the muscles of the head, as a result of which the feeling of the "pulled ring" appears in the scuff. The stronger and longer stressful situation, the stronger the head can hurt. At the same time, physical exertion will not affect the nature and intensity of discomfort - the whole "responsibility" lies solely on the emotional state of the patient.

When weakness, numbness of limbs, dizziness, stressful disorder develop into neurosis, is joined to painful attacks, and the body cannot cope with the voltage anymore. Do not bring to such a condition: if you feel that the crown began to sneak from overvoltage, urgently try to distract from the external stimulus, switch your attention to positive moments, relax or sleep for several hours - and soreness will certainly retreat.

  1. Muscular spasmod

A sedentary lifestyle is one of the urgent problems of modern society, as a result of which various unpleasant symptoms may appear, including headache. If you are sitting at a computer for a long time or engage in the refinement of the country area, straining the muscles of the neck and back, it is not surprising that very soon you will have a macushkin.

In order not to suffer from such a deviation, it is worth observing the optimal schedule of work, alternating periods of active activities and recreation. Get distracted from working studies at least once every 2 hours, making a fifteen-minute gymnastics or making a mini-walk on fresh air - and then the ukushki will not hurt, and performance will increase several times.

  1. Wrong lifestyle

The constant lack of sleep or "shot down" the mode of the day, in which the main activity falls at night, isolating the body, as a result of which spasmodizing headaches in the field of crown, lethargy, apathy and other symptoms of overwork may appear. In addition, incorrect meals, in particular, overeating in the evening, abuse of oily, fried, salty food, which loads the liver and clogs the vessels, is negatively affected.

It is enough to eliminate these devastating habits, preferred to a healthier and full-fledged lifestyle - and you yourself will not notice how the head will cease to hurt, and an energy tide for new achievements will appear in the body.

  1. Bad habits

Abuse of alcoholic beverages leads to the syndrome of intoxication of the body by ethyl alcohol and its spree products, in particular, acetaldehyde. Both of these substances actively associate water molecules, as a result of which the human metabolism is temporarily violated. The oxidizing processes occurring at the same time affect the nervous system, causing acute pain in the top of the top, nausea, the feeling of indomitable thirst and other symptoms of intoxication, better known as "hangover".

That is why it is not worth abuse of alcohol drinks and even more so turning their use in a daily ritual - with this lifestyle, the macushk will be hurting constantly, and the overall state of health shares very quickly. The same applies to smoking: the tobacco smoke affects the vessels, so the headache of the smoker is common and, unfortunately, a difficultly curable disease.

Knowing why the macushkin may hurt and what to do in such situations, you will save yourself from painful headaches, you can save your own health and prevent the development of serious complications. Do not ignore and do not start the illegent, because with time you will get rid of it only more difficult!


Situations in which the head hurts on the top is often undeservedly ignored by people. Some tries to wait for the symptom, others drown out by analgesics. The discomfort in this zone of the cranial box does not occur for no reason. Sometimes it can be one of the few signs of serious pathology. If a person has a long time, strongly or regularly hurts the top of the head, he needs to visit the therapist or a neurologist to establish a source of the problem.

Why sore scalp

The causes of headaches in the field of patterns can be quite a lot. The symptom rarely occurs independently, it is usually accompanied by a number of additional features. Even in the absence of auxiliary manifestations, it is not necessary to deal with soreness with the help of analgesics and abandon the visit to the doctor. The character of sensations, their duration and frequency of occurrence are also informative.

Depending on how the dark part of the head often hurts, you can suspect a preliminary diagnosis:

  • acute symptom - attacks that occur episodically and without a system are characteristic of: injuries of the head, infectious diseases, stress, cluster syndrome. Sometimes indicate the development of stroke, the aneurysm break;
  • chronic attacks - the regular appearance of the symptom and its preservation after taking drugs indicates brain tumors, stress, inclipboard or osteochondrosis;
  • periodic pain in the Makushka, which arises in a few days or weeks and is easily removed by drugs speaks of ICC, problems with arterial pressure, neuralgia or climax in women;
  • recurrent syndrome - the diagnosis is made in the occurrence of attacks at least 3 times within 3 months. The condition is typical for ICC, cluster pains, presence of tumors, hypertension.

An experienced doctor is able to diagnose on the basis of the data of the clinical picture. But in order to accurately understand why the head hurts from above, you need to go through a detailed diagnostic examination.

Vascular pain

The uncomfortable feelings from the top of the head often arise against the background of the spasm of the vessels. This may be due to the drops of arterial pressure, stress, smoking, physical or emotional voltage. In some cases, vascular seizures indicates the presence of functional or organic problems. The symptom occurs sharply, characterized by a high degree of intensity, does not respond to the intake of analgesics, passes under the action of antispasmodic preparations.


The occurrence of acute pain in the dark area against the background of infectious-inflammatory processes in the body is due to the poisoning of the body to toxins of pathogens. Depending on the degree of damage to the tissue, the severity of the symptom may be strong or moderate. Often the sensations are enhanced by increasing in response to the spread of the pathological reaction. The clinical picture is complemented by an increased body temperature, weakness, drowsiness or extreme excitability.

Atherosclerosis of brain vessels

The disease is characterized by the presence of a constant headache in the area of \u200b\u200bthe crown or other parts of the cranial box. Sometimes the patient can not even tell exactly where the sensations are concentrated. In the evening or under the influence of alcohol, they are enhanced, they join them the severity in the head. The symptom refers to the early manifestations of the disease, often develops against the background of increased blood pressure. Over time, insomnia, fatigue, irritability, tear, memory problems are joined to it.

With acute frontal sinusitis, patients hurt the frontal part of the head and temer, the sensations are given to the temple. They arise unexpectedly, have a squeezing nature, are not removed by analgesics. The pain is enhanced by changing the position of the body, tapping on the front wall of the frontal sinus, the slope of the head forward. The symptom is most pronounced in the morning hours due to accumulation in the zone of inflammation of pathological content. Against the background of the development of chronic process, pain syndrome is less intense and does not have a clear localization.

Stress headache

It becomes the result of fatigue, stress, long-term residence of a person in a forced position, for example, in the workplace. The pain in this case is not localized in the dark area of \u200b\u200bthe head, and it is divided into its circumference like a squeezing hoop. She gives to the upper part of the cranial box and is intensified by the evening. Feelings are not intense, but annoying. May be accompanied by an increased tone of the muscles of the neck, head, top of the back.

Cluster pain

A rare pathological condition, which is observed mainly in men and is characterized by painful headaches. The reasons and mechanism of the development of the disease are not fully clarified. Patients note its sudden development, in rare cases, the attack begins with nasal congestion. Pain is localized in a dark part of the head, gives in a temple or eye area. On the skull, as it were, presses from above, more often on the one hand. The sensations are sharp and burning, can be drilling. Accompanied by tearing, redness of the eyes, sweating of the face. The attacks last from 15 minutes to 1.5 hours, repeated several times a day for 1-3 months.


The neurological disease of unexplained etiology is most often caused by discomfort in women.

Headache appears from above in the center and gradually covers one half of the cranial box. The symmetry of the symptom is rare. Feelings appear suddenly or after harbingers - aura. They are intense, like pulsation, go to the eye, temple or heads, are saved from 2-3 hours to 3 days. Often the attack is accompanied by nausea and vomiting that brings relief. The clinical picture is intensified under the influence of sudden smells, loud sounds, bright light.

Brain-brain injuries

The appearance of stupid, pulling or butter pain in the head of the head due to the blow can occur immediately after injury or after a while. Damage to the brain tissues as a result of an accident is accompanied by nausea, blood pressure drops, lack of appetite, drowsiness and weakness.

In the event of a deterioration in general well-being at CMT, vomiting, increasing body temperature, reducing the quality of vision or memory must be immediately called an ambulance.

If only the surface of the skull hurts, and the sensations are minor, it speaks of the injury of soft tissues, which does not require professional treatment.

Neurosis and psycho-emotional disorders

The appearance of headaches against the background of neurosis can be associated with psycho-emotional voltage, which affects the state of muscles and vessels. In some cases, sensations arise without obvious signs of lesion of systems and organs.

The clinical picture is characterized by pressure on the topic, discomfort in the temples, a feeling of gravity in the head. The symptom is permanent, reacts poorly to the reception of analgesics, in the peak of intensity turns into strong ripple.


With the inflammation of the gaimore sinus, pain is localized in the forehead and gives to the top. It is intensified in the afternoon, with head slopes, against the background of a sharp change in environmental conditions.

The sensations become sharp and painful when pressed on the sides of the wings of the nose and bridge or tapping on them. The clinical picture is complemented by the nasal mortgage and the appearance of mucous membranes or purulent discharge, increased body temperature, deterioration of the general condition, weakness.

Increase intracranial pressure

With this form of hypertension, the head rarely hurts specifically in the field of dark. Usually, the symptom is concentrated in the frontal, occipient and temporal areas. Feelings are extremely unpleasant, driving or goded nature, capture the top of the cranial box. They may be accompanied by nausea, drowsiness, decline in attention, dizziness, vomiting. During the examination, it can be found: an increase in blood pressure, slowdown of the pulse, dark circles under the eyes, irritability and reduced quality of vision. There is a chance of fainting.

Reducing the functionality of the cervical spine leads to a violation of the blood supply to the brain. Often this is complemented by neuralgia, root pathology. The bouts of headaches in this case are sharp, sharp and painful. They look like spasms with irradiation into cheekbones, whiskey, neck, blades. Headache with localization in the dark part of the cranial box is complemented by numbness of hands or fingers, dizziness and twin in the eyes, saving the skin under the chin due to the reduction of the tone of the cervical muscles.


The state is manifested in a strong pressure on the head, cutting and pulsating pain, similar to spasms. Patients note the laying of the auricles, a decrease in the quality of vision and twist in the eyes. Disease manifestations are especially expressed in the morning or after day sleep. When ignoring the problem of symptoms is enhanced, sleep is disturbed, dizziness appears. Physical exertion lead to shortness of breath, tingling the sternum and in the heart area appear. Pathology can cause a stroke or hypertensive crisis, therefore requires relevant therapy.

How to treat pain

With the appearance of pain, driving or graceing sensations in the area of \u200b\u200bthe peculiar to the doctor. Only after the diagnosis is set to combat the problem. Systematic reception of analgesics or spasmolytic if it will give relief, then only temporary. The abuse of medicines can cause abuse pain.

It is one of these ways to get rid of pain in the painshque of the head.

  • try to sleep in a ventilation, quiet and darkened room;
  • take a warm or contrast shower without sudden temperature drops;
  • take a walk in the fresh air;
  • make a massage or self-massage of the head and the collar zone;
  • applied to the patient a cool compress;
  • take the pill "ibuprofen", "aspirin", "spasmolgon" or "otanov";
  • drink tea from melissa or chamomile;
  • raise the aromatic oil of mint.

If the listed approaches did not give the desired result or attacks, they felt, but again return, it is better to stop experiments and consult a doctor. Attempts to use more aggressive drugs in this case are not justified. Do not abuse physiotherapy before identifying the causes of the problem. The effect on the organism of high temperatures contributes to the growth of tumors and abscesses, aggravate inflammation. Cold compresses narrow vessels that against the background of spasms will only strengthen the symptoms.

Headache can disturb not only adults, but also children. Changed environment conditions, nutrition quality, inability to organize their own day, leads to the fact that the body begins to work in reinforced mode. Internal organs start functioning incorrectly. Often, the specialists receive complaints that headaches may disturb not only adults, but also children. Changed environment conditions, nutrition quality, inability to organize their own day, leads to the fact that the body begins to work in reinforced mode. Internal organs start functioning incorrectly. Often specialists come complaints that he hurts the top of the head. It is important to deal with the reasons in time to eliminate unpleasant symptoms and prevent complications.

The factors provoking discomfort and discomfort in the dark area.

  1. Incorrect meals
  2. Bad habits.
  3. Stresses, overwork, fatigue.
  4. Sedentary lifestyle.
  5. Changing climatic conditions.
  6. Lack of oxygen indoors.

Temochko may root due to other diseases.

  1. Excessive tension of the muscles of the neck and the nape. There is a sense of compression, squeezing.
  2. Neuroses and stress lead to the appearance of feeling squeezing and tightening the scalp. A person may have dizziness, numbness in the limbs.
  3. Raising or decreased blood pressure. Nervous cells are beginning to be squeezed by the walls of the vessels, spasm develops. In this case, not only pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe crown appears, but also reduces the quality of hearing.
  4. Increase intracranial pressure.
  5. Atherosclerosis of brain vessels.
  6. Vegeth vascular dystonia. Additional symptoms include: non-permanent blood pressure, feeling of heat, goosebumps.
  7. Osteochondrosis of the cervical department. There is a sense of numbness on the top of the top and the back.
  8. The pathology of the spine (scoliosis, arthrosis).
  9. Suddenly, the pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe macushk may appear due to the newly transferred brain injuries. The eyes are blushing, the sensitivity to light and sounds increases, dizziness, nausea and vomiting occurs.
  10. Infectious or cold illness: otitis, sinusitis.
  11. Endocrine diseases can cause discomfort. In women, diseases of reproductive organs.

It can be sick not only a head, but also the skin on it. An unpleasant sensation arise only during touching the top. The reason lies in an allergic reaction to various shampoos, air conditioners and other cosmetics. The reason may be psoriasis, fungal skin disease or just tight hairstyle.

Causes of pain localization in a separate part of the macushkin

Sometimes discomfort stops only in the nape area. The back of the head can be sick with elevated pressure, stress or due to a long stay in an uncomfortable posture.

Often the patient can feel that the head hurts only on the one hand. The reasons why one-sided pain of the right or on the left of the tech may be somewhat.

  1. Migraine. A sudden pulsating pain begins with the temples, gradually moves to the forehead, painting and the back. The pain kicks, fear of light, dizziness, intolerance of sharp sounds, smells.
  2. Osteochondrosis of the cervical department. In this case, the head is spinning, noise appears in the ears. Pain presses on various zones of the head, a feeling of tingling of the skin may appear.
  3. Tumor education. Morning headaches that are accompanied by dizziness, nausea and vomiting should alert man. Over time, unpleasant symptoms are only enhanced, the patient loses weight, worsen eyesight, rumor.
  4. Cluster pain. It occurs in a certain area of \u200b\u200bthe head, it increases, it decreases. Eye redness is observed, dizziness, nausea and vomiting may develop. The sensitivity to light and sound is sharpened.

It should be more attentive to take care of your health when the right hemisphere hurts. This is a sign of a serious illness.

Independent reception of drugs for removing spasms and pain can lead to aggravation of the situation. The attacks are becoming more and more intense.

Dangerous signs

The doctor must be visited immediately, if you have other alarming symptoms with pain in the top pains:

  • attenuation or memory loss;
  • there is a scattering and decrease in the concentration of attention;
  • the increase in pain against the background of the reception of the painful medicine;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • violation of orientation in space;
  • reduction of visual acuity, feeling of pressure on the eyes;
  • there are frequent attacks of nausea and vomiting;
  • there is an increase in body temperature;
  • the patient feels dry in the oral cavity.

If the pain is strong, it does not pass for a long time, and at least one of these signs appeared, an ambulance should be called. We need to urgently begin treatment.

To answer the question: "Why did a headache arose?", Consultation of the therapist, neuropathologist, cardiologist, ophthalmologist will be required.

The survey includes:

  • blood and urine test (help exclude various infections);
  • tracking blood pressure during the day;
  • ECG (assesses the state of the heart);
  • x-ray of the cervical spine;
  • MRI, which will help determine the state of the brain;
  • MRA (magnetic resonance angiography). During this procedure, the state of the vessels is estimated.

Treatment of the disease

If there is a pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe top, you can try to get rid of it yourself. To do this, take a horizontal position, exclude bright light, sharp sounds. Be sure to ventilate the room. Make a massage that will help remove the tension, and improve the conductivity of the vessels.

The doctor may prescribe medication treatment, but only after the reason why pain occurred.

  1. Preparations stabilizing pressure.
  2. With strong migraines, a vitamin and mineral complex is prescribed.
  3. In cluster pains are prescribed antispasmodics.
  4. In severe parietal pains, painful drugs are prescribed and recommended bedding.
  5. Neurosis is treated with antidepressants, a massage can be appointed. Recommended walks in the fresh air. Perhaps the course of psychotherapy will be required.

As additional therapy, a point massage is prescribed, which is performed only by a specialist. The usual spine massage will help to remove the attack and can be performed independently. Effective relaxotherapy, aromatherapy.

Take a medication with caution, carefully studied the instructions. Many of them cause various side effects.

Preventive actions

Fully get rid of headaches, especially if it is pathological, difficult. It is possible to reduce the number of seizures if you perform a number of non-hard rules.

  1. Active lifestyle.
  2. Alternation of recreation and labor.
  3. Proper nutrition with the inclusion of a large number of fruits and vegetables, a decrease in fatty, sharp dishes. Refuse fast food. Vitamin B12 can prevent head pain. It is contained in products such as broccoli, nuts, eggs.
  4. Healthy, long sleep no less than 7 hours a day.
  5. Avoid conflict, stressful situations.
  6. Getting rid of bad habits. Alcoholic beverages cause an increase in blood pressure.
  7. You can not sit for a long time in one pose, especially when the shoulders are raised, and the chin is lowered. The neck of the neck vessels occurs.

Regular prophylactic spinal and brain surveys will help prevent unpleasant symptoms associated with headache.

Headache knocks out a person from her usual life. Sometimes simple, simple event helps to get rid of it and warn re-emergence.

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4 Reasons why the scalp hurts (Temekko)

Pains in the area of \u200b\u200bthe head of the head are quite rare, so in their occurrence, people often do not understand, for what reason they begin and how they should be treated. Meanwhile, these pain can last long and be very unpleasant. As a result, a person subject to such a fear, turns out to be knocked out of the familiar track of life for a while.

The reasons

One of the reasons why the macushka head can sow is a sedentary lifestyle that modern people lead. Chronic overvoltage of the neck muscles and the nape leads to painful sensations that spread from the back of the head to the testicle, then go to the forehead area. It is possible to characterize them as governors, compressing, practically not pulsating. It is worth noting that such a situation may occur not only from working people, but also from schoolchildren from a large number of time spent on lessons, and pensioners, for example, due to watching TV.

Another reason for pain in the field of darkness is the transmission of the arteries and nerves that go to the head. It is accompanied by numbness, neck and the advent of the second chin.

In neurosis, panic attacks and hysteria, in half of cases, pain in the scalp is observed, together with which feelings of squeezing and tightening the skin appear. It is possible to determine the psychological nature in periodic decosals and gains of pain, which clearly coincide with the periods of emotional excitations (there is a regularity # 8212; the more fears are developing, phobias, anxiety, the more the techko is beginning to hurt). This ailment can also appear with long, "chronic" stress when the body is already working at the limit.

Choise the head in the area of \u200b\u200bthe crown can also as a result of the cranial injury. As a rule, it is possible to talk about such a reason if the painful sensations do not pass within two months, there is a disorder of memory and attention, general weakness and deterioration of performance. The pain itself often arises after some time after the transfer of CMT, its character is usually not pulsating. Very rarely, such types of pain can appear due to congenital pathologies of the brain structure.

Diagnosis and treatment

If such a type of pain, it is necessary to contact a neuropathologist, surgeon (if suspected problems with the spine) and traumatologist (with suspected crankny injury). It may also be necessary to consult a psychologist and psychotherapist. If the reason is the disorder of the nerves, then the drugs like glycine, Valerian and the dyeing will help you, and the last two drugs are recommended to take only overnight, since they also give a negative brakingly reassuring effect. The effect of them is soft and may not occur immediately, so you need to drink the entire course, observing the dosage.

If the pain is caused by muscle overvoltage, then it needs to get rid of it. This will help you:

  1. Working day planning (every hour you need to highlight 5-15 minute breaks for rest)
  2. Therapeutic gymnastics performed every morning
  3. Sleep on an orthopedic pillow or on a rigid bed (only after consulting a doctor).

If the cause of pain is stress, then it is desirable to protect your life from nervous overvoltages or learn how to deal with them with the help of yoga, fitness, art therapy, resting in nature on weekends. On the recommendation of the doctor you can make myself self-massage (it helps and under other causes of pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe painshore). It is possible in a state of meditation to concentrate on a temkin, where the upper "chakra" is in the Hindu tradition. It is only necessary to do it carefully, since it is not rare cases when people who were fucked by mystics, neurosis arose from the fear of "damage", "evil comm.", Etc.

If the pain is caused by the cranial trauma, the patient needs peace to restore the damaged brain functionality. As a rule, a person should go to the hospital for a period of two weeks to a month.

Negative factors leading to painshing pain

There are several factors that significantly increase the risk of pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Mc:

  • Alcoholism
  • Smoking
  • Overeating
  • Elevated blood pressure
  • Obesity
  • Atherosclerosis of brain vessels
  • Wrong day of the day and a sedentary lifestyle

As you can see, many of them are bad habits, and get rid of most points of the list under power absolutely any person.

By excluding risk factors, learning how to fight stress and remove muscle tensions, you can significantly protect yourself from the occurrence of states when the scalp is beginning to hurt. If it still finds you surprise, do not pull and consult a specialist and then your head will please you with health for many years.

Why does headache arises in the scalp area

Symptoms - danger signals

Among the variety of symptoms, it is necessary to allocate more significant, the appearance of which requires an urgent appeal to a general practice doctor, followed by a neurologist, oculist, endocrinologist, vascular surgeon, psychiatrist, etc. So, urgent medical care is required if the headache is combined:

  • with nausea and vomiting, has a sudden beginning;
  • with the advent of convulsion;
  • with vision disorders, hearing or advent of hallucinations, painful syndrome is usually increasing in dynamics;
  • with post-traumatic cefalgia, especially after the injury of the head and neck;
  • with a change in the nature of pain syndrome when the neck, eye, ears, nasal cavities are damaged;
  • with loss of consciousness or vision disorders;
  • with an increase in blood pressure;
  • with any infectious process or insulated body temperature lift;
  • with a change in the nature and intensity of the most familiar pain of pain syndrome;
  • with the amplification of pain syndrome on the background of receiving medicines.


The following additional examination methods are usually applied to form a diagnosis and exclusion of complications:

  • electroencephalography (EEG) to identify episodes of pathological impulses and diagnosis of epilepsy;
  • angiography of brain vessels;
  • extra- and intracranial doppler vessels;
  • spinal puncture;
  • neurovalization methods.

The last form of diagnostics is performed radiation. Depending on the need to use

  1. Computer tomography (CT).
  2. Magnetic resonance tomography (MRI).
  3. Positron-emission tomography, which allows you to judge the metabolism of cells of various brain departments with painful syndrome.
  4. Spect is a tomographic image of the distribution of radionuclides.

Differential diagnosis of various types of headaches (Table 2)

Head Pains of Dump Localization

Headaches, discomfort, a feeling of painting in the area of \u200b\u200bthe pavement familiar to many people. If such symptoms have temporary, partial nature and pass without a trace without treatment, there are no particular reasons for worrying. But what to do if the headache in the theme is present constantly and not only subsides, but also progresses? The most appropriate solution is to appeal to the clinic and the passage of a detailed diagnostic survey. To assign adequate therapy, it is necessary to find out the primary causes of headaches.

Features of symptoms

People who complained about pain in the parietal region, describe the character of their sensations in different ways. Pain can be squeezing and cutting, sometimes stuck and pulsating, can sneak and sharpen during some

day. Often, such a pain is in a visual nerve, causing problems with vision.

Related signs of dread headaches can be:

  • The intolerance of bright light;
  • Strengthening pain with loud sounds and noise;
  • Dizziness and sensation of the tech;
  • The emergence or strengthening of symptoms during the PMS period and during the actually menstruation in women.

The average age of patients with signs of pain in the parietal area is 30-40 years. Often, pain irradiates in the head, neck and back.

The reasons

The most common primary cause of unpleasant feelings in the scalp area is increased intracranial pressure. It, in turn, can be a manifestation of hypertension, atherosclerosis, vegetative dystonia.

Other possible causes of pathology:

  • Stresses caused by excessive loads;
  • A deficit of a full sleep;
  • Error in nutrition - irregular meal, lack of nutrients and vitamins, caffeine abuse and other stimulants;
  • Alcohol abuse;
  • Reception of hormonal drugs;
  • Hypodynamines (lack of motor activity);
  • Muscle spasms in the neck and face;
  • Head injuries, bruises, falls;
  • Root syndrome - constant squeezing of the spinal nerve in osteochondrosis or spine hernias;
  • Infectious diseases;
  • Cysts, brain tumors;
  • Hydrocephalus (excess of liquor in brain shells);
  • Ischemic disease.

Pain in the parietal and occipital region can be accompanying symptoms of sinusitis, tonsillitis (angina), other chronic and acute inflammatory diseases. Fight with a headache in the area of \u200b\u200bthe pavement, without eliminating the root cause of the state, it is impractical and useless.

Diagnostic methods

Diagnose the disease that caused dark headaches will help a full-fledged examination in the clinic. There are a number of laboratory and hardware techniques that can be assigned to the therapist to set the diagnosis.

  • Common clinical blood test;
  • Angiography (test of vessels with the introduction of a contrast agent);
  • Echocardiography (for the study of the state of the heart);
  • Blood pressure monitoring;
  • CT and MRI.

In chronic headaches, it is necessary to undergo the examination of patients at the octuiste to prevent possible transformations in the eye day. Consultations of the otolaryngologist, dentist, endocrinologist and other specialists are also not excluded.


If headaches are caused by stressful states or non-compliance with the mode of sleep and recreation, lifestyle correction is prescribed as treatment. Doctors advise patients to take a few days of rest, reduce loads, spend more time in the fresh air. An ideal solution will be visited by a sanatorium-resort medical institution.

Useful information: types of headaches in the forehead in adults and in children

In other cases, longer integrated therapy is required. Analgesics, sedatives, antidepressants, receptor blockers, antispasmodics that relax smooth muscles can be appointed. However, medications can not always help.

For example, with a root syndrome caused by osteochondrosis, long-term treatment is used:

  • Physiotherapy;
  • Medical physical education;
  • Reflexotherapy (acupuncture);
  • Point massage.

Well helps to stop headaches in the dark and occipital field of phytotherapy - herbal infusions and decoctions from soulshes, chamomiles, mint, melissa and other plants. Special ointments are also used with cooling and painkillers that should be rubbed into whiskey.

Prevention measures

The main preventive measures from the headache of any localization is a healthy lifestyle, full-fledged rest, rational food. People who work in the office and most of the day holds the computer, doctors recommend to perform a small workout every 45-60 minutes. It is necessary to go through the neck, take a few simple exercises, which will prevent congestive phenomena in vessels and muscle tissue.

Medicines doctors advise only in extreme cases, as medicines can cause addictive and, moreover, almost always have side effects. Tablets are prescribed when all other treatments are already tried.

Helpful information

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Headache can be caused by serious malfunctions, and therefore it is simply necessary to know the reason for its occurrence.
Pain in scalp is a reason for urgent appeal to the doctor to identify reasons.

Why do pains appear in painting?

The headache is felt as a sense of pressure in the top of the head spreading from above (from the top of the forehead) and creates the so-called "sense of helmet." Such pain is often accompanied by noise in the ears, as well as pulsation in the temples.

The appearance of such symptoms of headaches can occur in five main reasons:

  • tension and muscle fatigue;
  • stress;
  • cluster pains;
  • card and brain injury;
  • migraine.

Consider why similar phenomena arise, which is why the scaling is hurt, and who is more subject to their occurrence.

Voltage and muscle fatigue

Long stay in an insufficiently convenient posture can provoke pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe pattern.

This is characteristic, for example, for people, for a long time behind the monitor or machine in the same position, or for dacities operating in an uncomfortable and unnatural position.

The dark part of the head can begin to root due to the voltage in the muscles, due to the wrong lifestyle (insufficient sleep or incorrect diet), reinforced physical or mental overloads.

Often headaches in the upper area of \u200b\u200bthe pattern are found in women ("I'm tired, my head hurts again") - these are not ordinary excuses, but a consequence of a monotonous and sedentary lifestyle and overvoltages.


Negative emotions make the muscle fibers of the head strongly strain, and the person experience a permanent pain in the top of the top, which goes into the shoulders and the cervical department. This pain is considered sufficiently moderate and stable, it does not change under the influence of loads, but sometimes it can be very acute and becomes unbearable, sting.

If a dark part of the head hurts, and the pain is accompanied by small dizziness, the feeling of "tech", numbness in the limbs, the cause of neuroses or psycho-emotional disorders may be.

Such painful sensations are often observed in people who for a long time are in the stressful situation or experience psycho-emotional tension.

Just the brain is trying to "file a signal" to a person, which works at the limit.

More than 50% of patients with nervous disorders according to statistics hurts head on top of the top.

Cluster pain

The pain of this character occurs in a separate part of the brain and can continue from three minutes to two hours. They most often arise in middle-aged men, in women during the period of Klimaks (or during the PMS period).

Pain attacks may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • edema and redness of the eyes;
  • increased sensitivity to noise (light);
  • attacks of nausea and vomiting due to dizziness;
  • strengthening pain in physical activity.

With cluster pain, symptoms can change once again, sometimes sensations deteriorate or, on the contrary, become less pronounced.


These are the most common pains in the field of patterns, which are considered to be a scourge of modernity and overtake people of both sexes and different ages.

Migraine makes it necessary to know about the emergence of new or spa-shaped pain. Moreover, the upper part of the head hurts, and the period of pain can last from several hours to several months.

Migraine is manifested by the following ailments:

  • sharp pain penetrating and pulsating;
  • intense pains from above, amplifying after sleep (or food);
  • painful sensations that are enhanced in the morning hours after sleep - due to pressure drops and sharp activity;
  • pain when walking or exercise;
  • nausea and vomiting.

The causes of migraine pain - in degenerative disorders of the nervous system, intensive allocation (or, on the contrary, termination of the receipt) of certain substances into the blood.

An excessive use of alcohol or food, intensive smoking, stressful situations, or unnecessary loads can affect the emergence of migraines.

Brain-brain injuries

The feeling of the fact that the head of the area of \u200b\u200bthe area may cause post-traumatic states that arise after the transfer of the cranial injury.

Such pains can wear both acute and quite chronic character (that is, pain can manifest itself for 8 weeks after injury). These painful sensations are physiologically determined and often accompany the concussion of the brain.

The doctor should be treated immediately if in addition to severe pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe crown, the following signs are manifested:

  • violation of the visual function;
  • deterioration of general well-being;
  • memory disorder;
  • the intensity of painful sensations is enhanced;
  • vomiting appears, dry mouth or high temperature.

Such signs in aggregate may indicate serious diseases.

Specific and other reasons

Painness in the field of patterns can cause additional factors that do not bear constant nature, but acting as external stimuli:

  • excessive use of alcohol and smoking;
  • wrong lifestyle and nutrition;
  • hypertension and hypotension;
  • development of atherosclerosis in brain vessels;
  • osteochondrosis of the cervical ("root syndrome").

External factors may provoke an external factors: long-term foundation under the scorching sun (or, on the contrary, in the cold), staying in an overlooking noisy or stuffy room, a sharp change of weather conditions and so on.

The use of some drugs is also able to provoke pain in the top pain, so it should be particularly carefully reading an annotation to a particular drug.

The development of pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe area may occur against the background of other diseases: meningitis, cold and viral infections, diseases of the ENT organs.

How to get rid of pain in the painter

Independent measures

If pain in the field of patterns are not frequent, episodic, you can get rid of them alone:

  1. take a convenient position (it is better to lie down on a flat surface);
  2. exclude external stimuli (loud light, sound), ventilate the room or exit fresh air;
  3. to conduct a soft neck massage (while evenly breathe evenly).
  4. accept painful tools.


If the head often hurts on top, you should properly organize a full-fledged rest and your working time: periodic workouts and small gymnastics, provide regular sleep and proper nutrition, more often walking in a fresh rest and lead a healthy lifestyle.

When contact your doctor

If the measures taken do not have a proper effect, and the head of the head, on the contrary, begins to root stronger and intensively, the pain is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms (nausea, vomiting, weakness, etc.), you should immediately consult a doctor for proper diagnosis, as well as appointments Course treatment.

The appropriate treatment will be appointed by a doctor depending on the causes of pain:

  • with low pressure, preparations containing caffeine (citrate, ascofen) are used, we recommend walking outdoors;
  • at high pressure, diuretics, pharmudipine and captopril are used;
  • with migraines, a course of the vitamin and mineral complex, the reception of the sealgin, metamizole, and others are appointed;
  • with cluster pains, the bed mode is prescribed, the tartegot and lidocaine in drops are applied;
  • with colds and infectious diseases - anti-infectious preparations (teraflu, fervest, ibuprofen, etc.) are used to relieve pain;
  • in stress, use complex drug and psychiatric treatment.

To prescribe treatment and prescribe similar drugs in the event that a headache is hurting from above, only a doctor can not be engaged in self-treatment.

Typically, when pains in Makushka appeal to a neuropathologist.

But if the scalp is hurting, and the causes of pain are associated with pre-independent state, hormonal changes, injury or stress should be consulted immediately with several specialists: a cardiologist, surgeon, a gynecologist, an immunologist, respectively.

1 What are the most often related pain?

Headaches from above cause a feeling of compresses. Together with them, it may sometimes have a sense of pulsation in the temporal area, strong noise in the ears. The causes of pain that appear in many people are in the top of the head of the head, there are a different one.

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The first factor is a strong overvoltage of muscle tissues, fatigue. Finding for a long time in an inconvenient position causes human pain in the parietal area. This refers to the persons who are in a sitting position daily during the working day or standing for the equipment of the entire working shift, or people engaged in crop growing crops and performing a weeding and other actions in a position that promotes muscle tensions.

Painful sensations in the darken part, which arise often in women may not only because of the abnormal tone of muscles. Promoting their appearance, may, strong physical fatigue, high mental loads, improper lifestyle, defective nutrition, insufficient sleep duration.

Each person should try in any situations to keep calm. A violated psycho-emotional state, constant stay in stressful state, depression cause people pain in the top of such power that the discomfort is given in the neck, shoulders. Because of the often experienced experiences, the muscle tissue of the head is compressed, which makes moderate headaches systematic.

The reduction of loads does not make them less strong, and sometimes pains reach their peak and become unbearable. Headache, accompanied by a light nausea, dizziness, numbers and legs is most often due to neurosis or other violations in the work of the nervous system. It is characteristic of subjects, which for a long time cannot get rid of psycho-emotional overvoltage. Medical studies suggest that more than half of patients who have disorders in the work of the nervous system experiences pain precisely in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Mc.

Migraine is a very common cause of pain in the parietal area. She affects both male representatives and female at any age. Signals the migraine on its appearance of painful sensations, spasmodic in the area of \u200b\u200bthe macushk. Lasts both within two hours and several months.

Characteristic for migraine symptoms:

  • the pain sharp, accompanied by pulsation;
  • severe head pain that becomes even more intense after eating or awakening from sleep;
  • sharp headache with active actions, pressure drops;
  • hurts the upper part of the head when performing exercise, while walking;
  • the response of the vomit reflex;
  • nausea.

The main factors generating migraine are: disorders in the functioning of the nervous system (processes of its degeneration) and failures in the work of the circulatory system. More migraines are associated with the use of alcoholic beverages in unlimited quantities, smoking, stress, excessive loads.

2 Additional reasons

Very serious reason that the dark part of the head hurts, is the brain injury. This happens when the patient is in post-traumatic state. Headache can be acute or chronic. The fact that it has chronic character indicates its appearance within two months after the injury gained. And the headache due to the fact that the man has a concussion of the brain. For help to an experienced specialist, it is necessary to contact immediately. Especially difficult may be the effects of injury, if, besides these pain, there are following manifestations:

  • sharp impairment of vision;
  • weakness, general well-being unsatisfactory;
  • memory problems;
  • painful sensations from above are enhanced;
  • the presence of a vomit reflex;
  • increasing body temperature;
  • dry mucosa in oral cavity.

Cluster pains cover a separate area of \u200b\u200bthe head due to the fact that they are striking the brain locally and lasts from a few minutes to several hours. Cluster pain in any area most often makes itself felt male representatives at middle age. In women, they are during the PMS or Clemaks.

Pain in the top of the head is sometimes associated with vascular diseases. It is caused: vegetative dystonia, hypertension or hypodynamines. The vessels due to the reduced or elevated tone of their walls are not able to function normally and provide the required blood pressure level. Nervous cells can be squeezed at the same time, after which the vessel voltage is formed. In order for pain in the painter disappeared, it is necessary to normalize blood pressure, in the daily diet to include only healthy food products, comply with the diet.

An important factor causing pain in the head, which becomes especially sharp when pressing the pathology of the cervical department of various kinds. Pathological disorders include: disorders in cervical vertebrae, osteochondrosis, pinching of nerve fibers and vessels, cervical migraine.

It happens that pain in the painter is associated with skin, that is, with its defects. Then the person experiences pain from the outside when touches to the hair and skin. The factors causing violations are:

  • allergic response to hair care products;
  • incorrectly performed hairstyle, long, heavy and thick hair;
  • skin diseases of the head, due to various kind fungi;
  • spasm of vessels that are close to the hair onion;
  • psoriasis.

Why is it hurting a part of the head at the top, what else can it be connected with? To other reasons need to be attributed:

  • development of a cold or infectious disease;
  • sharp change in weather conditions;
  • insufficient amount of oxygen in the air mass of the room;
  • sunstroke;
  • supercooling;
  • eating harmful products;
  • uncomfortable pillow for sleep;
  • find a long time in a noisy place.

3 Prevention and therapy

In any area of \u200b\u200bthe head, pain attacks or the likelihood of their appearance was minimal, a number of preventive measures are required.

Try not to sit in front of the computer monitor and TV. The brain is in a strong voltage, especially if a person is passionate about computer games that provoke pain in the painter quickly. It is required to limit not only yourself, but also children who have a dark part of the head can sick as often as in adults.

There are more fresh vegetables, fruits, fish. For example, chocolate, cocoa, nuts, negatively affect the vessels, which becomes the cause of pain in the field. Sport, however, physical exertion should be moderate to not harm their own health.

Full sleep every day should be at least 7-8 hours. This amount of time will be enough for a person to fully restore the shelted for the whole day of power and gained energy. And so that the headache does not occur, sleep should be strong. Look to bed, you need not to think about any problems.

In the area of \u200b\u200bthe crown, the feeling of pain will be disturbed much less often if a person will avoid conflicts, do not provoke them and not respond to provocations from others. Such actions will protect the body from many diseases of the nervous system. Refusal from any bad habits. Regular visits to medical institutions for a full examination and detecting any deviations from the cardiovascular system, spine in the early stages of disease development.

4 urgent set of measures

If a person hurts, the head is infrequent, episodically, it is possible to eliminate the symptom with its own forces. Actions when attacking headaches must be as follows:

  • take a horizontal position;
  • do deep, uniform breaths and exhalations;
  • open the window so that the room is filled with fresh air;
  • make so that the light does not prescribe on the eyes, there was no noise;
  • measure blood pressure using a tonometer if something presses something on the head, then the reason may be in abnormal pressure;
  • perform a light massage of the cervical;
  • take a painful drug.

When the headache does not disappear, but only enhances, it is required to consult a doctor for examination and formulation of an accurate diagnosis. The medical course appointed by the doctor will depend on the reasons due to which the top of the head hurts.

Deviations from the norm in arterial pressure are eliminated by various medicines. If the pressure is reduced, the drugs with caffeine, citrane are prescribed. At elevated pressure - captopril, pharmage and other means.

Migraine treatment is comprehensively. Various vitamins, medicines, such as Sedalgin are issued. Cluster pains in any area are eliminated with the help of a drug called the Kathegegot, drops can still be prescribed. Communicable bed regime.

Psycho-emotional disorders, due to which the patient has a headache, is eliminated by a complex drug impact on the body and psychiatric treatment. In order for the treatment to be effective, it is required to turn to a neuropathologist. In some cases, he appoints a survey from other specialists, for example, at the cardiologist. It is not recommended to use any medicines to use any medicines.

5 Folk Medicine

When the headache moderately, drugs based on medicinal plants can cope in the fight against pain. Migraine attack will remove the tincture of aloe and chicory. In the juice of chicory (150 ml), it is insisted for two hours of aloe leaf, chopped into pieces.

Effective is a cinnamon-based drink: 0.5 h. L. Cinnamon need to pour a glass of boiling water. Leave for 30 minutes, then add 0.5 h. L. Sahara. Drink a few sips throughout the day.

To remove pain attacks, you need to make compresses. Options that give positive results:

  1. Many fresh leaf of white cabbage, put on the forehead, hold 15 minutes.
  2. Cut the crude potatoes with mugs, wrap in folded in 2 layers of gauze and put on the forehead (10 minutes).
  3. Wheood a towel or a napkin in cold water, attach to the temples and forehead for 3-5 minutes.

It is quite effective in the fight against the disease that originated from overvoltage is relaxation. The patient is good to lie in silence, completely relaxing, sleeping, stroll. The body will tell you what is required to take. Therapy with music will also have a beneficial effect on the patient. Regardless of the taste preferences for therapeutic purposes, a classic composition is needed. She will calm the nerves and remove fatigue.

Not all the reasons that provoke a feeling of pain at the top of the head depend on the person himself. However, the frequency and probability of the appearance of the disease will significantly decrease, if you eliminate bad habits or unhealthy sleep. You should pay more attention to health so that life is long, and it could be enjoyed.

The pain in the scalp or in the Temkoy region is one of the reasons for urgent appeal to the doctor and the body signal that there is a serious problem that requires treatment. Know the cause of unpleasant sensations in the head area is simply necessary to take some measures.

Headache in the area of \u200b\u200bthe pattern is felt as the pressure of the entire top. The person seems to be "will wear a helmet." It is often accompanied by an unpleasant noise in the ears, sometimes eating ripples in the field of temples.

The reasons

Symptoms can appear for several reasons. Among them:

  1. Strong overvoltage and muscle fatigue.
  2. Stress.
  3. Migraine.
  4. Card and brain injury.
  5. Cluster pain.

It is worth considering every item in detail to understand the features of pain.

Overvoltage and muscle fatigue

If it is for a long time to be in an uncomfortable posture, pain in the dark area of \u200b\u200bthe head can occur. Often, the pain appears in people sitting at the computer screen, machine, with agriculture work, when it is necessary to stand in an uncomfortable position for a long time. Muscles are strained, which is why pain arises. The parietal area is often because of the incorrect time mode, nutrition, strong overloads, both mental and physical.

Often hurts the head from above not only in men, but also in women. And this is not just an excuse, but a consequence of a constant repeating lifestyle, substantial overvoltages.


Muscles in the head due to negative emotions are very strained, so a person may experience strong pain. Can be given in shoulders, neck. The pain of such a kind cannot be called strong, it is stable, moderate, does not change, even if additional loads occur. Sometimes exacerbations occur when unpleasant feelings increase, begins to prick much stronger.

For pains in the parietal area, when dizziness occurs, the sensation of the tech, the limb is neme, it is from the reasons - psycho-emotional disorders. Long stress arising from people often lead to such developments. The brain is trying to correct the situation, give to understand the person that work is worsening, the limit comes when you need to do something. Most of the people begins to hurt the head of the head.

Cluster pain

A similar character of pain occurs in one of the parts of the head and continues from a few minutes to 2-3 hours. Pains are exposed to male 30-50 years old, women in the period of Klimaks. Accompanied attacks to redness of the eyes, edema, increased sensitivity, urges to vomiting and nausea. Increases with fatigue, with any physical exertion.

The property of cluster pain is in frequent changes in their character. They are strong, then weaken, becoming practically imperceptible. Hurt the upper part of the head, medium, inside. It is sometimes difficult to determine where the source of pain, such a feeling that the entire surface is subject to unpleasant sensations.


Most often there are similar pain. They happen at any age, at any floor. It all begins with new pain, spasms. It starts to hurt only in the top of the head, and the duration of pain continues from a couple of hours to several months. Migraine manifestation:

  1. The head in the area of \u200b\u200bthe top hurts strongly, it begins an unpleasant feeling sharply. Pulsations that permeate the entire surface.
  2. Strong pain, which are subjected to a dark part of the head, amplifying after eating or waking up. This is obtained due to changes in pressure due to changing the condition of the body.
  3. Pain in the top of the head during walking or at exercise.
  4. Vomiting, nausea.

The main cause of migraine is degenerative disorders of the nervous system, when in the blood appear or vice versa, there is a lack of any substances. Migraine may occur due to increased use of alcohol, food, frequent smoking, numerous stress, increased physical exertion.

Brain-brain injuries

After transferring a person of the cranial injury, a post-traumatic state may occur. There is an unpleasant feeling of pain in the dark area. It happens both acute and chronic pain that appears a few weeks after injury. Often, such sensations are accompanied by the production of a cranial injury, which was not detected. Therefore, you should consult a doctor for consultation, especially if the following symptoms take place:

  • impairment;
  • deterioration of well-being;
  • worsening memory;
  • an increase in the intensity of pain;
  • the occurrence of vomiting, dry in the oral cavity;
  • temperature rise.

Preventive measures for pain in the scalp

So that severe pains do not appear, there is a recommended set of measures aimed at improving well-being, an increase in the body's tone. Prevention measures:

  1. Keeping a healthy lifestyle. Do not often use alcohol, smoking a lot. All of these modified conditions of the body provoke the amplification of pain, violation of cerebral activity. It is difficult to completely abandon habits if they take place, but when pain appears, it is worth reduce the consumption of non-recommended goods.
  2. Sports. A healthy lifestyle improves the overall resistance of the body, enhances protective functions. Therefore, physical activity significantly improves the state, allows you to prevent pain in my head.
  3. It is more easily in the fresh air. Measure is quite effective against headaches. Fresh air enriches blood oxygen in sufficient quantity, the brain begins to work stably and correctly, pain does not appear.
  4. Do not allow stress, strong overvoltages. It is difficult to just take and abandon the occurrence of stress. But if you specify the goal, understand how can you act, behave in certain situations so that stresses do not arise, you can greatly improve your condition, prevent the appearance of the heads in the future.
  5. Eat properly. Useful substances enriching blood necessary elements should be regularly replenished in the body. Therefore, it is more often to use fruits and vegetables, observe the diet. If the scalp is hurt, causes can be in a banal lack of useful substances. Therefore, this item is especially important for compliance.
  6. Sleep the required amount of time. Such a measure will allow us to relatively relax all the organism. As a result, the overwhelming will not occur, the headache in the area of \u200b\u200bthe pattern, the causes of which are very different, will not appear.
  7. Take vitamin complexes. Vitamins will allow each organ to function normally, stimulate brain activity. Headache on the top pain and in other places head will appear much less often.
  8. Passage more often examination for the presence of problems with the brain and spine. The prevention measure that allows you to understand in advance that not so with the body, what problems arose and how to deal with them to prevent the deterioration of the state.
  9. Drink more fluid. Effectively improves overall well-being consumption of a large amount of water. The pain in a dark or other part of the head will decrease, because the body will cease to feel a sense of dehydration.
  10. To warm up after finding in one position for a long time. The warm-up will allow blood normally pass through the departed areas.


Basically, people get rid of pain with tablets. The most popular in the presence of headaches are "Analgin", "Spasmalgon" and them like. It is not necessary to take medication often, even if you can get them in a pharmacy without a recipe, because the pain of the crown can not always cure with such medicines.

The best option will be going to a doctor who will examine, will reveal the cause, will determine the method of treating the problem. Especially carefully treating the treatment of the child, because many drugs are contraindicated to the children's body. After receiving many medicines, there are side effects prescribed in the instructions. Therefore, before receiving medicines, you should carefully examine the instructions.

If the pain is already difficult to transfer, it is not worth the airplane. It is better to undergo a course of treatment, prescribed by a specialist after the diagnosis. For the right treatment, it is important to understand why the scalp is hurting, and not to diagnose yourself and then suffer from low performance of self-treatment.