Moon card in love. Meaning of the moon card in tarot reading. Moon Arcana Tarot - meaning

Ancient fortune telling on cards... Many people dream of mastering this art. Today we will try to comprehend the basic techniques of this mysterious ritual. We’ll also find out what the dropped Moon Tarot card means, what it warns about and what it advises you to pay attention to.

What are Tarot cards?

Humanity has always been attracted by the unknown

and mystical. Since ancient times, people have wanted to know what awaits them in the future. At all times, there have been fortune tellers, priests, shamans, and sorcerers who were ready to answer all the questions of their “clients.” Are these cards of great interest to people? What are they needed for? How did you appear? It is known that mastering the art of interpreting these ancient signs is quite difficult, and not everyone can do it. First you need to understand for yourself what they are. Tarot is a deck of 78 cards. They appeared in the XIV-XVI centuries. Nowadays they are used, as a rule, for fortune telling. The deck is divided into two groups:

Major Arcana. They are called "trump cards". There are 22 cards. Each of them has its own original drawing.

Minor Arcana. There are 56 cards. They are divided into 4 suits: Cups, Swords, Denarii, Wands.

It is immediately worth noting that the Moon card we are considering belongs to the major arcana. There are different variations of the deck: Visconti-Sforza, Marseilles, Rider-Waite Tarot and so on.

The mystery of the appearance of mystical pictures

It is not known for certain where these ancient mysterious signs came from. There are legends about the origin of Tarot cards. So, according to one of them, these symbols appeared in the 15th century in Italy. Back then they were luxurious handmade cards. There are other, less plausible legends about the origin of these ancient symbols. One of them says that these cards were brought to Palestine by Moses, who led his people out of Egypt. It was said that in this country there was an ancient temple in which rites of occult initiation were performed. There were special symbols on the walls of the room. Each mystery was held in a separate room. And there were 22 of them in total. Images from the walls of the rooms later gave names to the Great Arcana of the Tarot. Some scientists trace the history of the creation of ancient symbols. Be that as it may, there are no reliable sources about the origin of the cards.

Several rules for fortune telling using Tarot cards

A beginner who decides to comprehend all the secrets of fortune telling through ancient mysterious symbols needs to be very careful and careful. After all, with an illiterate approach to the mystical ritual, you can provoke the emergence of major troubles in your life. First you need to learn a few rules for handling cards:

For every clear question you can get a correct, specific answer here. There are no mistakes when reading the layout correctly. But this system cannot be manipulated by giving incorrect answers to questions.

You need to clearly know the keywords related to each card. Each of them has its own meaning.

It is better to start getting acquainted with Tarot cards with a classic deck. Here we can highlight two of the most popular variations: “Age of Aquarius” and “Universal Waite Tarot”.

There are no negative cards in the deck. They need to be interpreted in a friendly and understanding language. The negative symbolism of the card warns or gives instructions on how to avoid trouble.

Cards can answer any question. But you need to ask it in such a way that you can answer “Yes” or “No”.

Only constant practice of fortune telling will give good results. As a person improves, he will learn to correctly interpret layouts, and a channel of wisdom and clairvoyance will open.

Basic principles of fortune telling with Tarot cards

Fortune tellers... They were hated and feared, but many noble people constantly resorted to their services. Fortune telling with Tarot cards is a fun and interesting activity. There is an opinion among adherents of the occult that this craft can eventually open a person’s “third” eye. In other words, a fortune teller who makes readings on Tarot cards acquires clairvoyance skills. Let's try to study all the basic principles of working with these ancient symbols. Each such session is a sacrament. Therefore, the first thing to do is to tune in to fortune telling. Then we take the candles and light them, sit down at the table, and maintain complete silence. We shuffle the cards, turn them face down and lay them out. Before doing this, you need to clearly formulate the question to which you need to find an answer. The simplest method of fortune telling: we take out one card from the deck with our left hand. This will be the answer to your question. Look at the map carefully. What associations does the image on it evoke for you? Pay attention to the number on it and the zodiac sign assigned to it. So, for example, the dropped Moon card means that you are a vulnerable and touchy person. You are easy to deceive, since gullibility is another of your main qualities. Did this card fall face down? The inverted moon warns you of certain dangers. Tarot is a system of 78 symbols. Some people use only the 22 major arcana in fortune telling. But you will get a more complete and detailed answer using the entire deck. Next method: 3 card spread. That is, we shuffle the deck and lay it out in several rows from top to bottom, 3 symbols in each row. Here you need to pay attention to the influence of some signs on others. The Major Arcana speak about the inevitability of fate, about the archetypal force operating in a given situation. And the Minor Arcana will help to concretize the described situation. Correct interpretation is the most important principle of working with cards. This can only be learned through long-term training. Be diligent and attentive. And everything will work out for you.

Description of the Moon card

Where to start fortune telling? Of course, by studying the meaning of each card. This is a fundamental rule associated with ancient symbolism. At the moment we are interested in the Moon Tarot card. Against a dark background, two towers are visible on its sides, above which the full moon hangs. Its light spreads everywhere, making the outlines of objects and creatures more expressive in the darkness of the night. On the sides near the towers, opposite each other, sit a wolf and a dog and howl at the moon. At the bottom of the map there is a lake from which a huge octopus or crab crawls out. Water is present here for a reason. After all, it is known that the ebb and flow of the tides occur in accordance with the lunar cycle. You can also notice that raindrops are falling to the ground from the side of the lunar disk. They symbolize the descent of the Spirit into our world. A very unusual picture opened up before us when examining the Moon Tarot card. Its meaning is very interesting. It will be discussed in the next chapter.

Moon card meaning

Sad thoughts creep into your head when you look at the Moon card. Everything is in dark colors. Wild animals howling at the moon induce anxiety and fear. And a huge octopus emerging from the water is a symbol of hopelessness. Once caught in its strong net, it is unlikely that you will ever find a way to salvation. But not everything is as gloomy as it seems at first glance. This is how the Moon Tarot card is correctly interpreted: its meaning depends on the environment (neighboring cards) in the layout. Negativity comes from foxes (escapism from reality), owls (excessive suspiciousness), and so on. “Good” neighbors: Pisces (large savings), the moon (creating a family) and others. The appearance of this card should be taken as a warning. It is possible that a person underestimates his opponents, because in the light of the moon everything seems deceptive. Enemies can lie in wait everywhere. It is important not to lose composure, but also not to panic. The Moon card encourages you to curb your spirit and not give in to your desires and emotions.

Interpretation of the card in the upright position

When fortune telling, it is important not only to know the meaning of ancient symbols, to understand how they influence each other, but also to be able to interpret the pictures that appear upside down. After all, the meaning of the Tarot Moon card often depends on whether it appears upright or upside down. We can say that the interpretations of the two sides of the map are opposed to each other. In other words, if the upright position of the symbol means positive aspects, then the other side, as a rule, can only be interpreted in a negative way. This also applies to the Moon card. In the upright position, it means the following: unstable character, dangers, a long journey, the unknown, stagnation in relationships, vain illusions.

Interpretation of the card in an inverted position

What will the other side of the ancient symbol tell us? What is the meaning of the Moon Tarot card when reversed? Inverted, it is interpreted as follows: meanness and deception, dissatisfaction with life, meaningless actions, inability to distinguish good from bad, truth from lies.

Description of a person’s personality and health according to the Moon card

Often a fortune teller is asked not only to predict the future, but also to tell about the person for whom the fortune is being made. What can the Moon card tell about an individual? What is he like, his character traits, appearance, health? In tarot, the Moon means mystery, fear, and the unknown. So the person to whom it fell can be characterized as follows: timid, always doubting something, unsure of himself, pessimistic, inclined to see everything in black terms, and often melancholic by temperament. At the same time, such an individual may have some degree of clairvoyance. He has a rich imagination. He is impressionable, touchy, soft. As a rule, such people often devote themselves to the service of art, work in the field of television or the Internet. There are many romantics and dreamers among them. True, often their thoughts remain unrealized. They often need moral support from others. Also, it should be noted their suicidal tendencies. Such people cannot boast of good health. They are susceptible to various mental illnesses. Among them are many experienced alcoholics and drug addicts. Obsessive fears, phobias, anxiety, suspiciousness, nervous breakdowns and depression are their constant companions. But it’s not just mental illnesses that they develop. Women often experience menstrual irregularities. The most dangerous disease for them is cancer.

Tarot card Moon in love relationships

The inner world of such people is very rich. They are, as a rule, smart, well-read, educated. They are interested in classical music and world literature. The Moon card brings out their subtle romantic natures. They are capable of great feelings. But the alliance with them cannot be called strong. Relationships in couples often deteriorate due to partners' lack of confidence in each other, groundless jealousy, and excessive touchiness. Living with a person who gets the Moon card is not easy. But with the strong desire of both partners, all disagreements can be resolved.

What to do if the Moon card falls out?

And now some advice to people who have received this ancient mysterious sign. As mentioned earlier, in Tarot cards the Moon means a certain fear, uncertainty, instability of character. In an upright position, it can mean the presence of hidden troubles or enemies waiting in ambush. If you get this symbol, don't be afraid. Take this as a sign from fate telling you that you need to be more careful. Don't wishful thinking. Be more attentive to people. Some of them may flatter you to your face and plot behind your back. But there is no need to panic either. Behave calmly and confidently. Believe in yourself and your strengths, overcome your fears.

We looked at the basic rules for working with Tarot cards. Anyone can master this exciting activity. We also found out what the dropped Moon Tarot card means. The meaning of all symbols must be studied perfectly if you want to learn fortune telling.

Tarot cards have enormous magical power that cannot be compared with the power of a playing deck of cards. By using them wisely in your hands, you can extract from them the maximum information on issues that concern you and find the right solution for the current situation. In this material we will reveal in detail the meaning of the eighteenth arcana - Moon Tarot.

In the career field

The appearance of the lasso will tell you about uncertainty about what will happen tomorrow (fear of dismissal), about your abilities, professional significance or strength. An important aspect is that a person continues to be afraid even in cases where he is firmly convinced that there is no real threat. This indicates the presence of deep psychological root causes located deep in our subconscious.

We may not be aware of their presence, but despite this they force us to face our fear again and again. Only by being able to honestly admit this fear to yourself and meeting it halfway, coming face to face with your inner monsters, can you get rid of the root of this problem.

In the sphere of consciousness

Indicates the emergence of unique opportunities, but which are accompanied by serious danger. You will need to delve deeper into your subconscious, descend into the Underworld, described in myths as the kingdom.

The danger we face is within ourselves - in forgetting our true Self and indulging our inner desires. A person can make a cult of esotericism; it becomes the only possible reality for him, replacing the events of his real life.

There is also another danger lurking here - you can play with your subconscious and reach the point where, as people say, “it blows your mind.” Therefore, it is important to always maintain a reasonable balance in life so that the esoteric does not come to the fore.

Arcana Moon Tarot meaning in relationships

The appearance of the card indicates a romantic, dreamy nature, which lives according to subtle emotions in the world of its own fantasies and tends to constantly “hover in the clouds.” At the same time, a person suffers from uncertainty in his own capabilities and abilities, and a feeling of fear. There may be partnerships in which lovers are very jealous of each other, there are constant resentments, and both or one partner is terrified of being left alone.

But if you get this lasso, it indicates that people will have the opportunity to work through these complexes coming from childhood, and they will be able to eliminate them once and for all.

Other characteristics

You have learned the meaning of the 18th arcana of the tarot, and now we invite you to familiarize yourself with the other main characteristics of the card.

In a straight position

  1. Indicates changes in life, talks about dreams.
  2. Well developed intuitive abilities.
  3. A person experiences a feeling of fear and is unsure of his future.
  4. The beginning of the journey to yourself.
  5. You need to work on yourself, get rid of complexes.
  6. Now you are in a period of passivity, when you are very receptive to everything that happens.
  7. You experience strong emotions.
  8. Secret truths are revealed.
  9. Map of the medium, the other world.
  10. Indicates an actor, a person in the entertainment industry.
  11. Arcana of primordiality and travel.
  12. A person is trying to escape from reality.
  13. Talks about deception, the presence of disturbing images, bad mood.
  14. Traveling by water.
  15. The ability to use illusions for your own benefit.

In reverse position

  1. People trust logic more than intuition.
  2. The end of a period of chaos in life.
  3. Time for beneficial changes.
  4. Indicates beneficial changes, insanity, misunderstanding.
  5. A person “has his head in the clouds” and is very worried about the state of his health.
  6. The card will tell you about dependence on alcohol or psychotropic substances.

Combination with other arcana

The combination of the Moon card with other arcana in fortune telling also plays an important role. Next we will look at it in more detail.

  • With the lasso “Jester” - consciousness is clouded.
  • With the lasso “Magician” - speaks of manipulation.
  • With the lasso “High Priestess” - a person is blackmailed, a penchant for occult knowledge.
  • With the lasso “Empress” - the presence of hidden abilities.
  • With the lasso "Emperor" - a false friend.
  • With the lasso “Hierophant” - a false teacher.
  • With the lasso “Lovers” there is a relationship based on lies.
  • With the lasso “Chariot” - its appearance indicates complicated circumstances.
  • With the lasso “Strength” - lack of strength.
  • With the “Hermit” lasso - he will tell you about the danger.
  • With the “Wheel of Fortune” lasso there is an unknown that frightens.
  • With the lasso “Justice” - the real is replaced by the fictitious.
  • With the Hanged Man lasso - speaks of defeat.
  • With the lasso “Death” you are in danger.
  • With the lasso “Moderation”, a person quickly changes his opinions.
  • With the lasso “Devil” - he will talk about cruel deception and magical actions.
  • With the “Tower” lasso, a person is insane, his life is being destroyed before his eyes.
  • With the "Star" lasso - a time of oblivion.
  • With the “Sun” lasso - the presence of a love triangle, insight that comes from within the subconscious.
  • With the lasso “Judgment” - the subconscious will come to your aid.
  • With the lasso “Peace” - putting everything in its place.
  • With the Ace of Wands lasso - loss of interest in life.
  • With the lasso “Two of Wands” the situation will confuse you even more.
  • With the Three of Wands lasso - an unexpected turn of events.
  • With the lasso “Four of Wands” - he will talk about deception, lies, pathologies, a rival appears.
  • With the lasso “Five of Wands” - weaving intrigues.
  • With the Six of Wands lasso, a person takes the wrong path.
  • With the Seven of Wands lasso, you will not be able to cope with difficulties now.
  • With the lasso “Eight of Wands” - indicates intrigues.
  • With the lasso “Nine of Wands” - it will tell about mistrust and aggression.
  • With the Ten of Wands lasso - confusion, energy leakage, despair.
  • With the lasso “Page of Wands” - incorrect calculations, errors.
  • With the lasso “Knight of Wands” - unpleasant surprises.
  • With the lasso “Queen of Wands” - a woman who deceives.
  • With the lasso “King of Wands” - betrayed trust.

We have revealed to you all the meanings of the Moon Tarot card, now you will know how to correctly interpret its appearance in the layout and will be able to change the strategy of your behavior in time.

The meaning of the card in various layouts

✚ "Yes-No" layout

General value

This is mysticism, illusion, fantasy. A person dreams of something that is not destined to come true. The main thing is not to go too far in your dreams, so as not to “fall out” of real life.


This lasso speaks of loneliness. This feeling can even occur in a person who is in a relationship. In this case, you should think about whether such an alliance is necessary. If the fortuneteller is guessing about relationships, then the card indicates that the person seems unapproachable and “cold,” so the chosen one (the chosen one) does not dare to take active actions.


The moon foretells big health problems for the fortuneteller. Oncological diseases of a malignant nature, pathologies of the kidneys, and circulatory system are possible. For women, the card portends gynecological diseases. The major arcan Moon can also mean mental illness.


The lasso portends the successful development of the tourism business, especially if it involves traveling to or by water. Another meaning of the card is dangerous intrigues at work against the fortuneteller, enemies and ill-wishers that can cause a lot of problems. The lasso also indicates the instability of affairs. It is not recommended to sign contracts and enter into transactions. There is a possibility of deception and fraud. The card can also portend dismissal and the search for a new job.

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✚ For the future

The moon is a dream and fulfillment of desires. You are a dreamy person who can intuitively suggest a fateful decision. Your relationship with your partner will gain ease and confidence. Try to pay special attention to the surrounding details, fate wants to tell you something important, so be sure to notice the necessary clues that will soon appear in your life. You will discover the ability to predict the future; you must be able to correctly interpret everything that fate is trying to tell you.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On relationships

The moon carries some confusion and confusion. In existing relationships, this card can mean discord, the emergence of misunderstandings in the most unexpected issues.

It is possible that one of the partners discovers desires that did not exist before, most often they relate to sexual preferences.

There is also a possibility that someone in a couple is not honest with their partner, perhaps cheating, and not only physically, perhaps this person has found someone more congenial.

For a free person, the card promises a meeting with a passionate person; the relationship most likely will not be long-lasting.

A full description of the map is available at

✚ For today

You are a secretive person with a deep inner world. Despite your excellent abilities, you have fears about work and uncertainty about the future. The card speaks of a serious psychological crisis, paranoia, addiction, insomnia, etc. In a relationship, betrayal and deception on the part of the partner are possible. Be careful: you have enemies! You need to get rid of complexes.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For tomorrow

Represents the unconscious. Fears, vague doubts, a feeling of instability and lack of ground under your feet.

Tomorrow brings some disappointment, but nothing fatal. It's just a period that needs to be lived through. Most of the troubles predicted by the Moon card come from internal conflict in the questioner himself.

In the professional sphere, the Moon speaks of a lack of clarity; perhaps in business matters there is a deception somewhere that the questioner is not yet able to reveal. Extreme caution is required.

In love, the Moon predicts resentment and jealousy caused by a lack of clarity in relationships. But here, too, the Moon does not talk about fatal consequences; adversity is only the result of an internal conflict.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ What does he think about me

Your relationship with your partner does not have any strong foundation that can strengthen it and make it much more powerful than it already is. You have come up with an image of your loved one and try not to notice obvious things. You need to get rid of rose-colored glasses to truly understand who the person you love is. But numerous complexes are preventing you from doing this, so you should start with yourself. This will help restore harmony within and become more ready to develop relationships. You will be able to understand whether you need a relationship with a person who is not at all interesting to you.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On request

You should finally give up your fears. Try to go beyond. After all, doubts and uncertainty are not the best companions in fulfilling desires. If the period was productive, then it is already over. In its place came instability. Without realizing it, you will create obstacles for yourself. Perhaps right now you need to relax and take a trip. Beware of careless actions, otherwise it will be even more difficult for you to deal with uncertainty.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On the situation

Events are out of control. Incorrect perception of reality, since some information is hidden. You are afraid to find out the truth. There are secret enemies. The action is based on fantasy, not reason. High probability of depression and loss of strength.

But the darkest hour is before the dawn. You are standing on the threshold of a new period, despite conspiracies, gossip and machinations behind your back. Follow the intended path. Don't trust anyone and be careful. Follow every step!

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For the betrothed

Uncertainty about the partner and the prospects of the emerging relationship. This is precisely the meaning of the Moon. Also, this lasso can show some unclear situations of the union, which one way or another will come back to haunt the future. Most often, such relationships are called air, because as long as there is an idea about the future, they exist, but at the slightest hesitation, they are destroyed. A wedding is possible, but before that, take a careful look at your partner: you never know, he will be blown away too.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

In the dark, everything seems distorted, the outlines are deceptive, the path is tortuous, but only those who continue the path, casting aside doubts and fears, will receive support and will not go astray.

There are invisible enemies in your life. The more dangerous the enemy, the more invisible he is. Trust your intuition, ask the Angel for support, and no evil will be able to reach you.

A full description of the map is available at

On the Tarot Arcana, the Moon is night. Night– a dark and mysterious time - a time of cold, darkness, fear and hiding the truth. The cold light of the moon illuminates winding road, running between two towers. It is difficult to walk along such a road; it symbolizes a person’s life path, with obstacles and difficulties. The road goes beyond the horizon, into the unknown - the end of the road cannot be predicted, just as one cannot predict one’s death. Two towers by the road personify human consciousness and subconscious, intuition and logic. Sitting on the road dog and wolf, symbolizing our animal nature, frightened and delighted by the spectacle of the full moon, subject to its influence.

Dog on the Arcana, the Star indicates the useful power of instincts, the conscious level and system of values ​​to which every person is accustomed from birth. Wolf on Arcana Star- this is a dangerous, but equally necessary force of instinct - all our reflexes, desires, intuitive perception of the world - all this personifies our subconscious. This is the "wild" level, which a person cannot control, but a person can suppress it with consciousness, drown out its voice. The dog and the wolf are enemies. If desires are suppressed by reality, then a person ceases to be aware of his true aspirations.

And if the subconscious takes over the mind, then a person can turn into a dangerous and aggressive beast. There is a small muddy lake near the road. Muddy water is a lie that hides the truth. Cancer backing away, showing that a person also needs to return to his roots, listen to the voice of his intuition, to his instincts. The bright Moon illuminates the entire space of the Arcana with its cold, lifeless light. And in this light our fears and illusions awaken, the incredible seems possible to us. The moon has a strong magnetism that attracts and dominates. It appeals to our animal nature, acts on the subconscious, on the will that is not subject to reason. The Moon is changeable by definition, every day of her cycle she changes her appearance, and with her the entire sublunary world changes. The strength of the tides changes, and as the moon grows, the excitability of people and animals increases. For example, during the full moon, the number of crimes caused by increased aggressiveness, such as fights and rape, increases. Women's cycles are also associated with the influence of the moon. Arcanum Moon teaches us not to renounce or hide from the dark side of life, but to clarify for ourselves that this is an integral part, without which there is no harmony in the world.

Meaning 18 Arcana Tarot Moon in upright position:

Key meanings of the Arcana Tarot Moon in the upright position: fear of the unknown, the path in the dark. Deception, self-deception. A journey through the hidden labyrinths of your soul. Self-doubt, delusions, confusion. Illusions, fantasies. Creative skills. Escapism.

Arcana Tarot Moon for Relationships in the upright position: lies, betrayal of a partner, betrayal. Jealousy, resentment, fear of loneliness.

Arcana Tarot Moon for Work in the upright position: fears, uncertainty about the future, about one’s abilities. Secret enemies. In creative professions, the development of imagination and artistic fantasy.

Arcana Tarot Moon for Health in an upright position: nightmares, nervous disorders, possible mental illness, women's diseases.

Advice from Arcana Moon in upright position: you have to overcome obstacles at the level of your subconscious in order to be able to move on. Listen to your premonitions, dreams, turn to your subconscious, try to understand the real reason for your fear. You can find worthy use of your talents in creativity, psychology or psychotherapy.

Meaning 18 Arcana Tarot Moon in reversed position:

Key meanings of the Arcana Tarot Moon in an inverted position: Suspiciousness, empty fears, unfounded suspicions. Quarrels over trifles, taking trifles too seriously.

Arcana Tarot Moon for Relationships in an inverted position: suspicion, quarrels. A small deception that will be revealed. With your doubts about your partner, you push him away from you.

Arcana Tarot Moon for Work in an inverted position: You see a problem where there is none. It seems to you that everyone is against you. You yourself, with your fears and concerns, interfere with your productive activities.

Arcana Tarot Moon for Health in an inverted position: suspiciousness, obsessive thoughts.

Advice from the Arcana Moon in an inverted position: You need to understand yourself, put your thoughts in order, get rid of suspiciousness and empty fears. Don't make hasty decisions if you don't understand all the details of the situation.



The Moon in Scorpio as “dark knowledge” (the abyss of the soul), or the Sun in the 7th house as a symbol of descent into the Underworld.

Straight position:

THE MOON symbolizes night, plunging into the darkness of the soul, meeting fears face to face; delusions and secret enemies. The card foreshadows the ambivalent behavior of friends, unfounded claims, indicates increased emotionality and intuition, and an unstable character.

Reverse position:

An inverted card means: someone is hiding behind a mask and cannot be completely trusted. Sometimes it means a small deception exposed in time, small mistakes, an easily achieved goal.

Moon (direct position)

General value:

Roads. The unknown. When predicting the weather: slush, drizzle, rain.


1. Tourism associated with trips to (by) water.

In other cases, it may indicate enemies, agents of competitors, talk about intrigue and secret dangers.

Unstable work environment. Signing an agreement with “fine print” (i.e. one in which many unpleasant aspects may later be revealed). It could mean talking about layoffs or running around looking for a job.

2. Very poor health. Dangerous diseases associated with fluids (blood, lymph, kidneys, cancer, gynecological). Mental illnesses (schizophrenia, autism)

3. Cheating. Insincerity in relationships.

4. Deep inner peace. Clairvoyants and dreamers. Dreamy people perceive everything painfully. Be careful in relationships. They can disguise themselves as strong-willed, but inside they are soft, touchy (vulnerable). Emotional protection is needed. For example, Mayakovsky.

Creative (but more emotional than brilliant)

Suicidal tendencies.

Increased susceptibility to magical effects.

5. Be careful. Take into account the characteristics of partners (are they lying?)

Meditations. Pay attention to your dreams and intuition.

There is a danger of wishful thinking.

6. Neither this nor that. Imprecise question. Unpredictable situation. The questioner is wishful thinking. It is necessary to lay out additional and verification cards.

Moon (reversed position)

General value:

Clarification of the situation (unlike the Priestess, the situation is external). The secret becomes clear.


1. Revealing secrets, speaking frankly, ending intrigue. Obtaining information when searching for a job (the seeker has decided)

2. Improvement, relief of a serious condition. Diseases associated with body fluids, droplet infections.

3. Unpleasant conversation frankly.

5. Advice: strive for clarity, find out everything, clarify, find out details, carefully study proposals.

Warning: If you are careful, you will avoid danger. May mean advice to refuse a trip.

6. 50 to 50. More circumstances will become clear that can completely change the picture.

General value:

The Moon card introduces us to the mysterious kingdom of Darkness and Night, to the figurative world of the soul, to the world of our dreams, dreams and revelations. The bright side of the Moon is romantic dreams, vivid imagination and artistic imagination. However, this card also has a dark side, opening the way to the very abysses of the soul; this is fear, uncertainty, nightmares, gloomy omens, in general, prejudice in the face of everything unknown, invisible. We feel a similar fear when wandering at night through a dark forest that seemed so safe to us during the day. The darkness that obscures the path has taught us to be afraid. It may also be fear of the terrible demons of antiquity, which in our time have acquired a new name: bacteria, viruses, millirems, becquerels, gas pollution, acid rain.


The Moon card means fear, uncertainty about the future (I might get fired), about my own knowledge (I won’t pass the certification), competence (I won’t be accepted for the desired position) or abilities (I chose the wrong profession). At the same time, it is always distinguished by a note of irrationality: even after telling ourselves that there are no objective reasons for fear, we still continue to be afraid. This is because their roots lie deeper than we think, and the symptom that we are trying to overcome is not the cause, but just a reason. Therefore, you cannot get rid of them by learning only to avoid certain situations. In any new situation, these fears of ours will immediately find new food. Only a genuine and purposeful path to yourself, a path through the abyss of your own fears, gives hope of tearing them out of your soul by the roots.


Here a unique opportunity opens up before us, accompanied at the same time by enormous danger. We are about to travel into the depths of our own subconscious, repeatedly described in myths as “Nekiya,” that is, the descent into hell, the Underworld. Poets and artists have found an expression for this feeling: “The sleep of reason is full of monsters.” Meeting these monsters and fighting them is the most difficult stage of the Hero's Journey, the most difficult exam in our lives. The danger that the myths warn about lurks in the Knossos labyrinth where we wander, in the dark forest through which we are led, as it seems, by spirits who are friendly to us, in forgetting our own name or in accepting food offered to us by the inhabitants of the Underworld. These mythological images appear, in particular, in situations when unconventional psychology and therapy cease to be a means of adaptation to the environment and become an end in itself, when an esoteric group replaces and replaces real life. Another danger lurks in the fact that you can play with the forces of the subconscious, so much so that even the strongest “luminaries of the spirit” will go crazy. The stages and dangers of this Journey are described in detail in the mythic drama Inanna in Hell.

Personal relationships:

A romantic, dreamy nature, living with subtle emotions, fantasies and building castles in the air. At the same time, latently, behind the eyes, there are always feelings of uncertainty and fear. This may be a union corroded by jealousy, resentment or a terrible fear of loneliness of one or both partners. However, if they (or you) got this card, it means that partners can discover and work through these complexes coming from early childhood in order to get rid of them once and for all. Or that the symbol she indicates is just an illusion, if not a nightmare, from which it is high time to get rid of it.

In a love relationship

The appearance of the Arcana Moon in a love scenario will indicate the importance of the emotional component of the relationship, as well as the peculiarities of the microclimate of the relationship. The Jester and the Hanged Man adjacent can speak of emotional dependence, in which one partner seeks emotional support or complete control of his life. Death, the Devil and the Tower may indicate a hysterical character, a tendency towards emotional disturbances or sabotage in relationships. This becomes especially clear in cases where the Moon is accompanied by the Hanged Man, Death, the Devil and the Tower. In a difficult position, the Moon speaks of a tendency to pass off emotional dependence as love. On the other hand, it indicates a deep emotional involvement in a relationship, a certain karmic connection, as well as the ability to intuitively and telepathically feel your partner even at a distance. Next to the Priestess, Empress and Justice will indicate dreaminess, sentimentality and strong idealization. In the case of the Jester, Pope, Temperance and Star, the Moon can speak of romanticism, which will be an attempt to escape from solving real problems in favor of beautiful rituals and elaborate gestures. The Moon, like the Hanged Man, next to male cards (Mage, Emperor, Chariot and Hermit) will indicate an overly emotional, and sometimes weak-willed, man. Like the Priestess, the Moon can indicate the presence of certain secrets that can cause both strong interest and and seriously burden relationships.The Moon harmonizes well with the Sun on both sides of the Gebo layout.

XVIII. Moon in combination with other Tarot cards

With the “Jester” card - clouding of consciousness.

With the “Mage” card - manipulation.

With the “High Priestess” card - blackmail; occultism.

With the Empress card there are hidden forces.

With the "Emperor" card - a false friend.

With the Hierophant card - a false teacher.

With the “Lovers” card - a relationship built on deception.

With the Chariot card there are confusing circumstances.

With the “Strength” card there is powerlessness.

With the Hermit card there is danger.

With the Wheel of Fortune card there is a frightening unknown.

With the “Justice” card there is a manipulation of facts.

With the Hanged Man card - defeat.

With the “Death” card there is danger.

With the “Moderation” card - changeability.

With the “Devil” card - a cruel deception; witchcraft.

With the Tower card - madness; destruction invisible to the eye.

With the “Star” card - oblivion.

With the Sun card - a love triangle; insight coming from the depths of the subconscious.

With the “Court” card - help from the subconscious.

With the “World” card, everything falls into place.


With the Ace of Wands card - lose interest.

With the “Two of Wands” card you get even more confused.

With the Three of Wands card - get something unexpected.

With the Four of Wands card - deception, lies or illness in the house; the appearance of a rival.

With the Five of Wands card there is intrigue.

With the Six of Wands card - take the wrong direction; go astray.

With the Seven of Wands card, difficulties will prevail.

With the card “Eight of Wands” there are intrigues.

With the Nine of Wands card - distrust; aggression.

With the Ten of Wands card - get confused; lose strength; despair.

With the “Page of Wands” card - incorrect calculation; error.

With the Knight of Wands card - an unpleasant surprise.

With the Queen of Wands card, she is a liar.

With the “King of Wands” card - to betray trust.

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Ancient fortune telling on cards... Many people dream of mastering this art. Today we will try to comprehend the basic techniques of this mysterious ritual. We’ll also find out what the dropped Moon Tarot card means, what it warns about and what it advises you to pay attention to.

What are Tarot cards?

Humanity has always been attracted by everything unknown and mystical. Since ancient times, people have wanted to know what awaits them in the future. At all times, there have been fortune tellers, priests, shamans, and sorcerers who were ready to answer all the questions of their “clients.” Tarot cards are of great interest to people. What it is? What are they needed for? How did you appear? It is known that mastering the art of interpreting these ancient signs is quite difficult, and not everyone can do it. First you need to understand for yourself what they are. Tarot is a deck of 78 cards. They appeared in the XIV-XVI centuries. Nowadays they are used, as a rule, for fortune telling. The deck is divided into two groups:

Major Arcana. They are called "trump cards". There are 22 cards. Each of them has its own original drawing.

Minor Arcana. There are 56 cards. They are divided into 4 suits: Cups, Swords, Denarii, Wands.

It is immediately worth noting that the Moon card we are considering belongs to the major arcana. There are different variations of the deck: Egyptian, Visconti-Sforza Tarot, Marseilles, Rider-Waite Tarot and so on.

The mystery of the appearance of mystical pictures

It is not known for certain where these ancient mysterious signs came from. There are legends about the origin of Tarot cards. So, according to one of them, these symbols appeared in the 15th century in Italy. Back then they were luxurious handmade cards. There are other, less plausible legends about the origin of these ancient symbols. One of them says that these cards were brought to Palestine by Moses, who led his people out of Egypt. It was said that in this country there was an ancient temple in which rites of occult initiation were performed. There were special symbols on the walls of the room. Each mystery was held in a separate room. And there were 22 of them in total. Images from the walls of the rooms later gave names to the Great Arcana of the Tarot. Some scholars trace a Kabbalistic thread in the history of the creation of ancient symbols. Be that as it may, there are no reliable sources about the origin of the cards.

Several rules for fortune telling using Tarot cards

A beginner who decides to comprehend all the secrets of fortune telling through ancient mysterious symbols needs to be very careful and careful. After all, with an illiterate approach to the mystical ritual, you can provoke the emergence of major troubles in your life. First you need to learn a few rules for handling cards:

For every clear question you can get a correct, specific answer here. There are no mistakes when reading the layout correctly. But this system cannot be manipulated by giving incorrect answers to questions.

You need to clearly know the keywords related to each card. Each of them has its own meaning.

It is better to start getting acquainted with Tarot cards with a classic deck. Here we can highlight two of the most popular variations: “Age of Aquarius” and “Universal Waite Tarot”.

There are no negative cards in the deck. They need to be interpreted in a friendly and understanding language. The negative symbolism of the card warns or gives instructions on how to avoid trouble.

Cards can answer any question. But you need to ask it in such a way that you can answer “Yes” or “No”.

Only constant practice of fortune telling will give good results. As a person improves, he will learn to correctly interpret layouts, and a channel of wisdom and clairvoyance will open.

Basic principles of fortune telling with Tarot cards

Fortune tellers... They were hated and feared, but many noble people constantly resorted to their services. Fortune telling with Tarot cards is a fun and interesting activity. There is an opinion among adherents of the occult that this craft can eventually open a person’s “third” eye. In other words, a fortune teller who makes readings on Tarot cards acquires clairvoyance skills. Let's try to study all the basic principles of working with these ancient symbols. Each such session is a sacrament. Therefore, the first thing to do is to tune in to fortune telling. Then we take the candles and light them, sit down at the table, and maintain complete silence. We shuffle the cards, turn them face down and lay them out. Before doing this, you need to clearly formulate the question to which you need to find an answer. The simplest method of fortune telling: we take out one card from the deck with our left hand. This will be the answer to your question. Look at the map carefully. What associations does the image on it evoke for you? Pay attention to the number on it and the zodiac sign assigned to it. So, for example, the dropped Moon card means that you are a vulnerable and touchy person. You are easy to deceive, since gullibility is another of your main qualities. Did this card fall face down? The inverted moon warns you of certain dangers. Tarot is a system of 78 symbols. Some people use only the 22 major arcana in fortune telling. But you will get a more complete and detailed answer using the entire deck. Next method: 3 card spread. That is, we shuffle the deck and lay it out in several rows from top to bottom, 3 symbols in each row. Here you need to pay attention to the influence of some signs on others. The Major Arcana speak about the inevitability of fate, about the archetypal force operating in a given situation. And the Minor Arcana will help to concretize the described situation. Correct interpretation is the most important principle of working with cards. This can only be learned through long-term training. Be diligent and attentive. And everything will work out for you.

Description of the Moon card

Where to start fortune telling? Of course, by studying the meaning of each card. This is a fundamental rule associated with ancient symbolism. At the moment we are interested in the Moon Tarot card. Against a dark background, two towers are visible on its sides, above which the full moon hangs. Its light spreads everywhere, making the outlines of objects and creatures more expressive in the darkness of the night. On the sides near the towers, opposite each other, sit a wolf and a dog and howl at the moon. At the bottom of the map there is a lake from which a huge octopus or crab crawls out. Water is present here for a reason. After all, it is known that the ebb and flow of the tides occur in accordance with the lunar cycle. You can also notice that raindrops are falling to the ground from the side of the lunar disk. They symbolize the descent of the Spirit into our world. A very unusual picture opened up before us when examining the Moon Tarot card. Its meaning is very interesting. It will be discussed in the next chapter.

Moon card meaning

Sad thoughts creep into your head when you look at the Moon card. Everything is in dark colors. Wild animals howling at the moon induce anxiety and fear. And a huge octopus emerging from the water is a symbol of hopelessness. Once caught in its strong net, it is unlikely that you will ever find a way to salvation. But not everything is as gloomy as it seems at first glance. This is how the Moon Tarot card is correctly interpreted: its meaning depends on the environment (neighboring cards) in the layout. Negativity comes from foxes (escapism from reality), owls (excessive suspiciousness), and so on. “Good” neighbors: Pisces (large savings), the moon (creating a family) and others. The appearance of this card should be taken as a warning. It is possible that a person underestimates his opponents, because in the light of the moon everything seems deceptive. Enemies can lie in wait everywhere. It is important not to lose composure, but also not to panic. The Moon card encourages you to curb your spirit and not give in to your desires and emotions.

Interpretation of the card in the upright position

When fortune telling, it is important not only to know the meaning of ancient symbols, to understand how they influence each other, but also to be able to interpret the pictures that appear upside down. After all, the meaning of the Tarot Moon card often depends on whether it appears upright or upside down. We can say that the interpretations of the two sides of the map are opposed to each other. In other words, if the upright position of the symbol means positive aspects, then the other side, as a rule, can only be interpreted in a negative way. This also applies to the Moon card. In the upright position, it means the following: unstable character, dangers, a long journey, the unknown, creative crisis, stagnation in relationships, vain illusions.

Interpretation of the card in an inverted position

What will the other side of the ancient symbol tell us? What is the meaning of the Moon Tarot card when reversed? Inverted, it is interpreted as follows: meanness and deception, dissatisfaction with life, meaningless actions, inability to distinguish good from bad, truth from lies.

Description of a person’s personality and health according to the Moon card

Often a fortune teller is asked not only to predict the future, but also to tell about the person for whom the fortune is being made. What can the Moon card tell about an individual? What is he like, his character traits, appearance, health? In tarot, the Moon means mystery, fear, and the unknown. So the person to whom it fell can be characterized as follows: timid, always doubting something, unsure of himself, pessimistic, inclined to see everything in black terms, and often melancholic by temperament. At the same time, such an individual may have some degree of clairvoyance. He has a rich imagination. He is impressionable, touchy, soft. As a rule, such people often devote themselves to the service of art, work in the field of television or the Internet. There are many romantics and dreamers among them. True, often their thoughts remain unrealized. They often need moral support from others. Also, it should be noted their suicidal tendencies. Such people cannot boast of good health. They are susceptible to various mental illnesses. Among them are many experienced alcoholics and drug addicts. Obsessive fears, phobias, anxiety, suspiciousness, nervous breakdowns and depression are their constant companions. But it’s not just mental illnesses that they develop. Women often experience menstrual irregularities. The most dangerous disease for them is cancer.

Tarot card Moon in love relationships

The inner world of such people is very rich. They are, as a rule, smart, well-read, educated. They are interested in classical music and world literature. The Moon card brings out their subtle romantic natures. They are capable of great feelings. But the alliance with them cannot be called strong. Relationships in couples often deteriorate due to partners' lack of confidence in each other, groundless jealousy, and excessive touchiness. Living with a person who gets the Moon card is not easy. But with the strong desire of both partners, all disagreements can be resolved.

What to do if the Moon card falls out?

And now some advice to people who have received this ancient mysterious sign. As mentioned earlier, in Tarot cards the Moon means a certain fear, uncertainty, instability of character. In an upright position, it can mean the presence of hidden troubles or enemies waiting in ambush. If you get this symbol, don't be afraid. Take this as a sign from fate telling you that you need to be more careful. Don't wishful thinking. Be more attentive to people. Some of them may flatter you to your face and plot behind your back. But there is no need to panic either. Behave calmly and confidently. Believe in yourself and your strengths, overcome your fears.

We looked at the basic rules for working with Tarot cards. Anyone can master this exciting activity. We also found out what the dropped Moon Tarot card means. The meaning of all symbols must be studied perfectly if you want to learn fortune telling.

Tarot card Moon: meaning, description and combination

The main element of the Tarot Moon card is the lunar face itself - a bowed female profile with closed eyes, facing left in a yellow circle. The moon is surrounded by sixteen major and sixteen minor rays. Moonlight pours down onto the earth in the form of fifteen drops.

Also on the map we see a dog and a wolf howling at the moon with their muzzles up. Both animals are on opposite sides of a path that starts in the lake and runs into the distant horizon, where high mountains are visible. In the foreground of the map, on the border of water and land, there is a crayfish. On the sides of the map there are two identical towers.

Traditionally, the wolf and the dog, depicted on the eighteenth Arcana, are interpreted as two aspects of human nature: the wild, chaotic principle and the strong-willed, tamed principle. However, regardless of this, both animals are subject to lunar influence - this indicates the questioner’s limited control over a situation that he does not control.

Fifteen lunar drops give us a reference to the Arcana Devil. This should be interpreted as a warning about possible dangers. The poses of animals with their muzzles raised towards the Moon have the same meaning - a wolf's howl and a dog's bark are equally perceived as an alarm signal.

Cancer symbolizes our desire to return back to the blissful ignorance of the lake. But the beginning of the trail is already underfoot, and you will have to make this long and difficult journey to the mountains, barely visible on the horizon.

The towers on the sides of the map, on the one hand, define the boundaries of the worlds, between which the questioner will have to make his way. On the other hand, these are Boaz and Jachin - the legendary columns of the Temple of Solomon, which we have already met in such Arcana as the High Priestess, Hierophant and Justice.

Meaning in the upright position - mystery, anxiety, hidden uncertainty

Senior 18th Arcanum Moon means secret, hidden information. Information that may be misunderstood. Hidden sides of a partner. Confidentiality, information not subject to disclosure.

The appearance of the Moon in a reading almost always indicates that the questioner does not have all the information on this issue. This could be either some additional circumstances or deliberately hidden facts.

The Moon is an Arcanum responsible for the hidden, shadow sides of our nature; this card reminds us of the versatility of any situation in our lives. You can also interpret the meaning of the 17th Arcana as advice to change the coordinate system in assessing the situation, so that new, previously unknown layers are revealed from a new point of view.

In business matters, the Moon is an alarming sign. Something goes beyond your control, not all schemes are transparent enough, some trusted persons may not be completely honest with you. You should take a closer look at the little things in order to track the reason for the appearance of the seventeenth Arcana in the layout.

In relationship readings, the Moon is often interpreted as a negative sign. However, it is worth remembering that the Tarot system does not imply clearly positive or negative meanings of the Arcana. So the Moon’s anxiety in this case is explained only by the fact that in matters of relationships, complete frankness of partners to each other is considered to be definitely positive; any omissions are interpreted in a black light.

However, the meaning of the Moon as something hidden (secret) can be embodied either by the fact of an affair on the side (an unambiguous negative), or by a surprise on the part of one of the partners, which he is preparing for the other. Even more: the Moon is one of the Arcana that shows pregnancy.

The personality of the eighteenth Arcana is a secretive person, an introvert, a “thing in itself.”

Major Arcanum 18 has an implicit connection with the Arcanum High Priestess. Both of these cards are closely related to the intuitive, feminine principle of the human soul. However, the Priestess points to the light aspect, and the Moon - to its shadow aspect.

In general, twilight and limited perception are the priority meanings of Arcana 18.

Often this Arcanum indicates that there are too many unknowns in a situation, so that it is impossible to understand it in principle.

Meaning in reversed position - the secret becomes apparent

The reversed Moon card reveals all secrets. Everything previously hidden ceases to be a secret. But, as is typical for this Arcanum, receiving information does not at all guarantee relief for the questioner. Often a person finds himself in a situation where it would be better if he didn’t know anything, remaining in blissful ignorance.

This meaning of the Moon remains true for both business matters and relationship readings. The questioner receives information. However, unlike the meaning of the Pages, who are often the bearers of news, the Moon does not bring anything new. The meaning of this Arcanum is to make the secret obvious. This could be an unpleasant frank conversation, the opening of old wounds and a showdown. The end of the stage of uncertainty.

In matters of health, the inverted Arcana Moon means the end of a sluggish period, but the end can be either recovery or the transition of the disease to an acute phase.

The personality of the inverted Moon - here it is appropriate to say that the person’s mask falls off. What it was like and who was hiding under it, the neighboring cards will tell.

Combinations with other Arcana:

  • Together with the Major Arcana “High Priestess” - may indicate pregnancy. If the Priestess is upside down - there is a mistress.
  • Combination with the Two of Swords - autism, isolation, hidden subconscious fears, a person needs the help of a psychotherapist.
  • The Eighteenth Arcana paired with the “Tower” card is a critical illness suffered “on your feet”.
  • The meaning of the combination with the Three of Swords is a love triangle, about which the questioner knows nothing.

Seven of Spirit Cards

Devil Tower Star Moon
Sun Court World
© Author: Alexey Krivenky. Photo:

Reversed Moon

In a Reversed Moon tarot reading, you may deny the very existence of the unseen world, stubbornly holding on to rationality, reason, literality and practicality, especially in the face of confusion and irrationality. You may block information coming through subtle channels or resist what your intuition is saying. You try to cage or scare away your inner wild beast, which only leads to physical exhaustion and weakness. You want to hide in the fortress of habitual conditioning and traditional way of life or go into silence, immobility and apathy. You feel unable to cope with the type of changes that the Moon represents (this includes atmospheric changes), especially if they cannot be explained using common sense. In some cases, this card indicates completely fantastic circumstances: the appearance of UFOs, encounters with aliens from outer space, parallel lives, memories of past reincarnations, as well as manifestations of extreme romanticism or other realities in which only a few believe. From the collective unconscious, archetypal images can arise, sometimes hidden under the guise of urban myths or ordinary everyday problems. A reversed Moon can increase irrational behavior, especially through fear of conspiracies and crimes, attacks by robbers, or spirit possession. Illusions and deceptions are possible, but not required.

On the other hand, a reversed Moon can indicate a person's ability to accept adversity calmly, especially when it comes to personal or cultural transformation or spiritual development. If the Moon is inverted, deception and instability are not as threatening as in the direct version. Secret addictions, traumas or mental disorders that require treatment may be revealed. When projecting this card onto other people, they appear to you to be daydreamers, under the influence of illusions and self-deception, or overly emotional and unable to take responsibility for their actions. Or you may feel that they intend to harm you through a psychic or occult attack. In terms of health, this card is associated primarily with all forms of madness and mental illness. In addition, incontinence or, conversely, retention of fluids, sleep disturbances, neurasthenia, problems associated with the sense of smell, as well as with the limbic system and the survival instinct, may be observed. Also this is alcohol and drug abuse, coma and the dying process. Traditional reversed meanings: instability, variability, fluctuations, instability. Fluidity, dew, fog, rain. Silence. Impermanence. Irrational changes. Fantastic or visionary ideas. Minor deceptions, minor mistakes. To outsmart or deceive someone. Ambush, blackmail, scam. Overcoming temptation or temptation.