Why do you dream about Ulcers? The magic of numbers Seeing your body in sores in a dream

Ulcers on the human body can be caused by reasons such as decreased immunity, an incompletely healed wound, or a cold.

Where could they appear in your dream and what could they mean? Do they tell you about upcoming illnesses or are they a harbinger of wealth? You can easily find out why you dream of an ulcer with the help of the most popular dream books.

Seeing sores on yourself

In Ancient Rus' it was believed that if you dreamed of an ulcer, then you should be more attentive to your health. Changeable weather conditions may give you a mild cold. However, if you dress according to the weather, eat right and follow a good sleep schedule, then your body will be full of strength and withstand any disasters.

An ulcer on the body is covered with blisters - an uninvited guest will come to you. This will be a person with whom you have not seen for several years and have not communicated for a long time (classmate, former neighbor, distant relative). You will be pleasantly surprised by his arrival. Together you will happily remember old stories over a cup of tea or a glass of wine.

If you dreamed that the ulcers were healed, expect success in government or theatrical activities, the Classic Dream Book reports. The ability to speak publicly and lead a crowd will help you advance in your career. However, innate charisma will also play an important role.

Sigmund Freud believed that people who have lovers most often dream of ulcers. However, at the moment, psychoanalysts also include people who have idols in this category. The dream book advises you to decide on relationships and dot the i’s in them. This will give you inner peace and a sense of stability.

If you saw ulcers on yourself, expect a reprimand from your spouse, reports the Family Dream Book. Most likely, the comments will be of a everyday nature - perhaps you forget to wash your cup, make your bed, or walk the dog. Pay attention to such details, then you will be able to avoid misunderstandings.

In the French dream book, an ulcer is not included as a harbinger of work that will not bring you income. However, it will be important to you and will give you a lot of positive energy. This could be doing charity work, helping friends or relatives, or participating in a social event.

An ulcer on the hand is a harbinger of wasting money. Shopping will take over you, and you will buy a lot of things that you haven’t decided on for a long time. Often such dreams come during the off-season, and therefore during big sales. However, the dream book warns: allocate an amount of money that is feasible for you and do not go beyond its limits. This will allow you to keep your budget in balance.

If you saw ulcerative sores on - evil tongues will spread gossip about you. However, these stories will probably only be listened to with pleasure by the walls. Your friends and acquaintances will immediately recognize in such words a lie and a desire to harm. Thus, the insidious plans of competitors will not be allowed to come true.

Psychologist Miller writes that if you managed to heal your ulcers, then stunning success will await you in life. A dream may foretell the implementation of a large and important task for you, or getting rid of bad habits that prevent you from developing and moving forward.

Ulcers are not included in the Psychological Dream Book as a symbol of upcoming changes. Moreover, changes can affect both your appearance and spiritual values. Dreams usually come during significant life events, such as moving, getting married, or having a child.

Your body lacks vitamins - this is why you dream of ulcers on the body, according to the Esoteric Dream Book. However, you can easily replenish their supply with a vitamin complex from the nearest pharmacy or a portion of fresh fruit. Exercising and long walks will help consolidate the results. If a person who is currently ill has seen ulcers on himself, then a speedy recovery awaits him.

There was a sore on your body - make a mistake in public, says the Wanderer’s dream book. However, this will seem more like a funny incident than a big mistake. You will remember this situation for a long time after and laugh about it with your friends.

Notice the sores on another person

If you dreamed of ulcers on another person’s body, it means that in reality you are kindly jealous of someone, psychologists report. You strive to understand the secret of this person's success and repeat it. You will succeed - moreover, your results will in some way surpass the works of the “teacher”.

If you dream of an ulcer on a young man, then you should expect the arrival of cheerful and noisy friends, they believed in Rus'. Your home will be filled with laughter and happy moments. The ulcers were on the body of an elderly person - you will spend time alone. Communicating with yourself will allow you to take a break from society and do the things you love.

In the Esoteric Dream Book, ulcers on the body of another person are included as a symbol of communication with a person unattractive to you. However, it will not be long and therefore will not require significant effort from you. Most likely, this will be a fleeting meeting on the go.

In the Classic Dream Book, ulcers in another person’s mouth are included as a symbol of gossip. Someone will tell you interesting, but slightly exaggerated information. The news will entertain and surprise you, but before you completely believe it, check the details in other sources.

In the Modern Dream Book, the meaning of dreams depends on the part of the body on which you saw an ulcer in another person:

  • If you saw ulcers on your legs, your friends will postpone their planned meeting with you.
  • The sores were on your hands - your monetary debt will be returned to you.
  • Ulcers are a sign of an upcoming lavish feast.
  • If you saw abscesses on a person’s face, you will find out the secret of a loved one.
  • The man’s whole body was in sores - help a friend in difficult times.

In a dream you saw a bad-looking, stunted person completely covered with ulcers - a solution to a large-scale task awaits you, reports the European Dream Book. If you tried to cure it, in reality you will quickly tackle the issue and effectively eliminate the problem. If you don’t help a stranger, hand over the solution to a more experienced person.

If your relative’s body was covered with sores, this means that you will soon have to show him attention and care, reports the Family Dream Book. Your help may be needed in looking after children or the older generation. Spending time together will give you pleasure and allow you to relax your soul.

In a dream you were in the role of a doctor who helped patients get rid of their illnesses - in reality you will help a large number of people. Maybe you'll take charge of organizing a holiday, defend someone's rights, or create a product that will change the lives of many people. Of course, after completing your good deeds, you will receive praise and admiration for your abilities from the outside. Author: Ekaterina Lipatova

Why do you dream about acne on your face? Dream Interpretation: squeeze acne

In reality, acne causes us a lot of inconvenience. But in dreams they often foreshadow pleasant events.

To specifically understand why you dream about acne, you need to remember all the nuances of your dream. For example, where exactly did the pimple pop up?

and immediate family; ribs -

; hands - servants and main managers in the house; the legs relate to the life of the person entering the dream or to the life of the person closest to him. Seeing oneself covered in a dream

or the scab will acquire profit and wealth in a dishonest manner. For a woman, such a dream predicts that some noble or simply wealthy person will court her and give her a rich estate.

They believe that this dream foreshadows ridicule and

because of some woman. Whoever sees in a dream that he has recovered from a wound he received will boast and put on airs in front of

with your courage. If anyone dreams that he has the plague, this is a sign that what he has hidden

And he risks losing them completely

French dream book

Why do you dream about Ulcers:

Grandma's old dream book

Why do you dream about Sore:

Why do you dream about acne on your face in a dream?

Dreaming of sores that appear on your body warns: be attentive to your health, your mental and physical condition may be seriously affected. Such a dream can be an omen not only of future illnesses, but also of problems in the professional field.

Remember who exactly you saw in your dream without a Face. Probably, in reality there is a misunderstanding between you and this person, an inability to agree or understand what the person you see actually thinks.

I dreamed of a tattoo on my face- you will be subject to someone else's influence.

If in a dream you voluntarily made Tattoos on your Face, then in reality you don’t know how and in what way to show your individuality, how to stand out from the crowd and attract the attention of others. Forced Tattoos in a dream are an alarming sign, warning you about someone else's and extremely negative interference.

Ripping off the skin from the face is the highest degree of rejection of one’s own Self.

For some reason, you categorically do not accept yourself today. You do not want or cannot accept yourself as you really are. An extremely disturbing dream, after which you need to carefully examine yourself and try in every possible way to increase your own self-esteem.

Miller's dream book reports that pimples seen in a dream predict minor troubles in real life. Only patience and perseverance will help you cope with them. If in a dream your face was disfigured by boils, then you will soon have to experience a real shock. It will take a long and painful time to recover from it.

Treating sores means your desires will come true, which will bring joy to everyone around you.

Treating them in children is an unfortunate accident that will force you to change your plans and take care of family matters at the expense of work.

If you dreamed that you had sores, an unexpected unpleasant discovery awaits you.

A congenital physical defect of the hip indicates that the author of the dream has a small family and is lonely and exiled. Pain in this part of the body indicates bad behavior of the dreamer towards close relatives.

Pain in the foot indicates wealth. A severed foot is a sign of other ailments. If anyone sees himself with his foot cut off, he will become poor and die. If we are talking about one foot, then he will lose half of his wealth, or he will lose part of his strength.

If he sees in a dream that someone is cutting off his toe, then it will become known that he refuses to pay the debt or his monetary income, with the help of which he hoped to ensure his existence, will be depleted.

If he sees himself bedridden due to illness, this means that he will lose his ability to deal with both worldly and otherworldly affairs.

If he sees himself crawling on his stomach, he will be stricken with a disease that will render him incapacitated and lead to poverty. If he sees himself unable to crawl, and the skin on his stomach has worn out from his attempts, and he asks people to move him, this indicates that he will become poor and be reduced to beggary.

Anyone who feels that his sexual organ is exhausted in a dream has, in all likelihood, caused harm to people, and for this reason they slander him and invoke the wrath of the Almighty. If he sees his genitals cut off and thrown far from him, he will die and have no offspring. This dream could also foretell the death of his son. If he has only one daughter, and he sees his genitals cut off and attached to his ear, his daughter will have an illegitimate child. For a representative of the government to see a genital cut off means the loss of his post, and for a warrior it means defeat.

If someone sees himself castrated in a dream or castrates himself, he will suffer humiliation. If a man intends to confide a secret or give something for safekeeping to someone, and if he sees a castrated man in a dream, he should refuse to carry out his plan. However, they say that if anyone sees himself at the moment of castration, he will receive the mercy of Allah. If a sleeper sees in a dream a castrated man unfamiliar to him in the guise of holy people and speaking wise words, let him know that an angel has come to him with a warning or good news.

If the sleeper sees himself in a dream unable to urinate, this foretells that he will be unable to ensure his existence. If one sees in a dream that he has difficulty urinating, it means that he has a debt hanging over him that he cannot pay.

A swollen scrotum portends wealth, and the one who sees such a dream should beware of the envy of his enemies.

Cutting and unbearable pain in a specific organ will cost the author of the dream unpleasant words from one of his close relatives, the symbol of which this organ is.

If he sees that someone is scratching some of his organs, then the offender will damage his condition or one of his loved ones. If there is blood or pus on the scratch, this means that the offender will vilify the dreamer, but the latter will benefit from this.

Seeing yourself in a dream with a scratched forehead foreshadows the inevitable death of the author of the dream. Any wound or scar on the body, accompanied by purulent discharge, portends monetary gain, and any minor growths symbolize an increase in prosperity.

Scrofula, leprosy and smallpox were discussed above. Let’s just say that the best omen for the sleeper will be if he sees himself affected by these diseases rather than someone else, since, in this case, these visions portend bitterness and a decrease in the glory and greatness of the author of the dream, who witnessed unpleasant scenes. If, for example, he sees that his servant is affected by these diseases, this means that it is undesirable to keep him in the service, and that scandals and troubles should be expected from him. But whoever sees himself stricken with smallpox, his condition will increase. If he sees that his son is afflicted with the same disease, then both of them will have many advantages.

Measles portends gifts from the authorities. They also say that it can foreshadow an accusation of something.

Boils on the body indicate increased wealth. The same thing is indicated by purulent abscesses on the hands.

Trembling indicates difficulties in making transactions. For example, trembling of the right hand indicates difficulties in earning a living. Seeing your thigh trembling means having problems with your close relatives. If your feet are trembling, then the author of the dream will face financial problems. Plague is a sign of sadness. The one who sees himself sick with the plague will be overcome by sadness and sadness, and the one who sees himself sad in a dream will become sick with the plague.

Seeing one of your organs cut into pieces means traveling and dispersing the family members of the author of the dream according to the words of the Almighty: “We scattered them throughout the whole earth” (Sura 7, verse 168).

Sexual impotence suggests that the dreamer will lead a chaste and secluded lifestyle. If he dreams that he has recovered from this illness, then he will have power and wide recognition. They say that if someone sees in a dream how he gets married or buys a slave, and cannot, due to sexual impotence, have sexual intercourse with any of them, then this means that he will make an unprofitable trade deal without showing any perseverance.

An incised wound in the sole of the foot portends grief and great trouble. If the wound is received as a result of an attack, then the dreamer will become a victim of misfortune on the part of the offender, and the latter, in turn, will be the object of hatred on the part of the offended.

Seeing the right foot sick, broken or dislocated in a dream speaks of the illness of the son of the one who saw this dream, but only if there is a wound on it.

Face no eyebrows- to deception and frivolity. No lips– disbelief in one’s own seductiveness and attractiveness to the opposite sex.

Face to face stand - boldly face both the blows of fate and its reward, do not be afraid of yourself and your desires.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Sore in a dream?

Sore - Seeing sores in a dream means that illness will bring you loss and mental exhaustion. Bandaging a sore (putting a compress on it) means that your innermost desires and dreams will come true to the delight of those around you. If you dream of a baby with a deep ulcer reaching to the bone, then painful and annoying incidents will ruin your plans, and your children will be at risk of infectious diseases. If you dream of sores on your body, this portends an imminent breakdown of your physical and mental health. This dream predicts not only illness, but also a deterioration in your affairs.

Intelligent dream book

Why do you dream about Sore?

A sore on the body is a surprise.

Dictionary of Dreams / Stern Robinson and Tom Corbett (Russian translation)

Let's figure out why you dream about Sore

Sore - If you see sores in a dream, then this dream foretells you an illness that will bring you loss and mental exhaustion. If in a dream you bandage a sore, this means that your innermost desires and dreams will come true in the very near future, which will bring you a lot of joy and pleasure.

If you dream of a baby’s sore that won’t heal, the dream means that painful and annoying incidents will ruin your plans, and your children will be at risk of serious illness. If in a dream you see sores on your body, it foreshadows an imminent breakdown of your physical and mental health. This dream is a harbinger not only of illness, but also of a deterioration in your work.

Esoteric dream book

The secret of sleep:

Sore - Libel, slander. If the sore is on your body, then you will be in trouble because of a slander against you. If someone else has a sore, you are in vain thinking badly about someone, this person is clean in front of you.

Seeing sores in a dream means that illness will bring you loss and mental exhaustion. Bandaging a sore (putting a compress on it) means that your innermost desires and dreams will come true to the delight of those around you.

If you dream of a baby with a deep ulcer reaching to the bone, this means that painful and annoying incidents will ruin your plans, and your children will be at risk of infectious diseases. If you dream of sores on your body, this portends an imminent breakdown of your physical and mental health. This dream predicts not only illness, but also a deterioration in your affairs at work.

Home dream book

Why does a dreamer dream about a sore?

The pain is irritation from communicating with people.

The new and most complete dream book of 1918

Why do you dream about Sore?

Sores in a dream are a harbinger of illness and loss of mental strength up to complete exhaustion, if you see them in someone. If at home, physical trauma can be added to the mental trauma. Such a dream foreshadows not only health problems, but also troubles in business. Treating sores means your desires will come true, which will bring joy to everyone around you. Treating them in children is an unfortunate accident that will force you to change your plans and take care of family matters at the expense of work.

Great modern dream book

Sore - why does the dreamer dream?

Sore (crusts, ulcers) - If you dream that your body is covered with sores - expect a deterioration in your health; your soul will be heavy; Most likely, due to your illness, the sky will seem like a sheepskin to you. You see sores on another person’s body - such a dream brings bad news. It’s as if you are bandaging sores, applying lotions - the dream suggests that your dreams will soon come true; your loved ones will be happy for you - they know how difficult it was for you to succeed.

Dream book of Simeon Prozorov

Interpretation: Sore:

Sores, ulcers - Immediate illness and deterioration in business. Imagine that you wash the sores with living water, and the ulcers heal and disappear.

Why do women and men dream about Sore?

Experts have found that the plot of women's dreams is emotional and consists of small details. And the dreams of men are distinguished by specificity and active dynamics of events. This is due to gender differences in brain function. The symbolism of sleep is the same for a woman and a man, therefore a Sore in a dream has the same meaning for both sexes.

The dream you had on the 28th touches on your past; it is a processing and re-evaluation of what has already happened to you. This dream does not retell or affect your future in any way. On this day, nightmares and dreams are of particular importance - which cause a negative aftertaste in the morning. Only those stories that were dreamed at dawn should be interpreted - all other dreams are empty.

Read more in the dream book:

  • what a dream
  • what was the dream about
  • why do you dream about the image

If you dreamed of a very unusual image, then the dream book will definitely decipher it. A face with sores, for example, promises in a dream multiple troubles and conflicts caused by one’s own intolerance towards people. However, there are other versions of why such a misfortune is dreamed of.

Understand yourself!

It’s not for nothing that the face is called the “mirror of the soul,” but it is in dreams that the real essence of a person is reflected. Therefore, any sores indicate an approaching crisis, primarily a spiritual one.

According to the dream book, skin covered with ulcers hints at troubles of a very different nature (gossip, failures, losses) and warns of unseemly actions.

Have you thought of everything?

Why do people dream of sores on the face most often? A big failure will befall you in the near future. Most likely, you haven't thought through your actions and plans well.

Did you see a face disfigured in a dream by acne and wounds? In reality, you will fall into severe depression or experience unspeakably difficult feelings.

Try not to get carried away!

Did you see your inflamed face? The dream book believes that physical illness will deprive one of vitality. If your face itched and itched, then you are clearly afraid to take on an unfamiliar task, fearing inevitable defeat.

Did you manage to scratch your sore face in a dream until it bled? You will get involved with bad company and get into such trouble that you will have to “wash yourself off” for a long time.

Did you happen to see a familiar character with a face covered in sores? You will soon find out that he is an evil, insidious and limited person.

If a friend’s face is covered with purulent boils, then you are in danger of serious problems with the participation of this particular person. Did you see a rash on someone else's face? Prepare for turmoil in the workplace.

There will definitely be a surprise!

Why do you dream that your face is covered with strange growths? The dream book is sure that in the real world you experience terrible antipathy towards a certain person, but are forced to communicate with him. Besides, they are terribly jealous of you.

Looking in the mirror in a dream, did you manage to see a face covered in sores? You will make a very unpleasant discovery. However, there is also a positive interpretation that promises a nice surprise.

Interpretation by location

To get a true interpretation, the dream book recommends noting the exact location of skin rashes.

  • On the lips - annoyance, trouble.
  • To the nose - disappointment, you will be left behind in some way.
  • Forehead - the discovery of a secret, an unsuccessful attempt.
  • On the cheeks - a blow to pride, financial difficulties.
  • Chin - an unpleasant and very unexpected incident.

What are you unhappy about?

Seeing sores on your face in a dream can mean losses or illness. Unhealthy skin indicates general irritability and dissatisfaction.

Did you carefully wash your face and clean your face at night? Prepare for remorse and pricks of conscience. If you tried to disguise the sores with cosmetics, you will be disappointed in love or become an object of ridicule.

What will happen in real life?

Did you dream of a face covered in sores and your own horror from it? In reality you will take part in a public scandal. In addition, the dream book suspects that skin problems may indeed begin.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why do you dream about Ulcer and what does it mean:

Ulcer - Seeing an ulcer or something similar in a dream - such a dream may be a harbinger of an upcoming illness. If you see old baked ulcerative scars in a dream, then professional success, honor and respect among colleagues await you in the future.

If you see in a dream that your body is covered with ulcers or sores, then such a dream may portend you troubles at work.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Ulcer in a dream?

This dream promises you the loss of friends and separation from loved ones. Things will not go well.

If you dream that you have an ulcer, then in real life your friends will turn away from you because of your frivolous hobbies.

Seeing a wormhole or an ulcer on something in a dream is a harbinger of evil. The dream promises illness and treacherous friends for the young. Sorrow and loneliness await older people after this dream.

Healed ulcerative scars on the body promise you future success either as a head of state or on stage.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why do you dream about Ulcer?

A wound in a dream portends evil. For young people it means illness and treacherous friends, for older people it means sorrow and loneliness. A healed ulcer symbolizes significant success in government or theatrical activities.

Freud's Dream Book

Why Ulcer

Seeing ulcers on your body in a dream - if you do not stop leading such an unorganized, or, more simply put, promiscuous sex life, then soon your former and current partners will find out about each other. Well, guess who will be the fool in this case? That's right, it's you, because when your behavior becomes public knowledge, all those whom you counted on in terms of continuing meetings will simply turn their backs on you. – If you see ulcers on the body of someone else, then it’s just time for you to think about how to better arrange your own destiny. And now you are simply building castles in the air, in which, as you know, no one has ever managed to live their entire life.

Ancient French dream book

What does an ulcer mean in a dream, interpretation:

Ulcer - If you dreamed of ulcers covering your legs, you will have troubles and work that will not bring you money. If in your dream ulcers covered your hands, you will waste a lot of time and, perhaps, property. If you saw in a dream your back covered with ulcers, it means that in reality your enemies will gain a short-term victory over you.

Esoteric dream book

The secret of sleep:

On your body - your body is lacking some elements, which may result in anemia or general weakness. For someone - an unpleasant meeting, forced contact with a person unattractive to you.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of Plagues from your dream

Ulcer - Slander, evil people.

The new and most complete dream book of 1918

Why do you dream about Ulcer?

On the body - shame, contempt.

Blister – To see a blister pop up from a burn in your dream is a sign of injury at work.

Rick Dillon's Dream Book

Ulcer - To receive a gift - this is the meaning of what this dream means.

New family dream book of Nadezhda Soboleva

How to understand why an ulcer in a dream?

I dreamed of an Ulcer in a dream - a relationship that causes pain or irritation. Healed ulcerative scars on the body are painful relationships that happened in the past and left their mark on the soul.

Great modern dream book

Ulcer - why does the dreamer dream?

You saw an ulcer in a dream - you will encounter evil; You will be very irritable due to illness. An elderly person dreams of an ulcer - this person will grieve about something. It’s as if you managed to heal an ulcer - you will achieve tangible success in your new position.

Creative dream book

What do ulcers mean for the dreamer?

Ulcer - what is it for? 1. An ulcer is a disease that is difficult to treat. Thus, having arisen, it informs us of the work that needs to be done in order to get rid of it. from the greatest pain. What needs treatment depends on where the ulcer occurs. For example, a dream about a stomach ulcer means emotional difficulties, while an ulcer in the mouth means some kind of problem with speech or understanding someone close to us. 2. If we cope with someone else's ulcer, then this person cannot cope with the dilemma in which we are involved. 3. An ulcer is something that damages and eats away. From a spiritual perspective, it suggests an illness of the spirit or a spiritual dilemma.

Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those born in January, February, March, April

Blister - An uninvited guest will come to you.

Ulcer - To a scandalous spouse.

For those born in May, June, July and August

Ulcer - To receive a gift.

Blister - Seeing a swelling blister from a burn in a dream means recovery.

For those born in September, October, November, December

Ulcer - To health problems.

Why do women and men dream about Ulcer?

Experts have found that the plot of women's dreams is emotional and consists of small details. And the dreams of men are distinguished by specificity and active dynamics of events. This is due to gender differences in brain function. The symbolism of sleep is the same for a woman and a man, therefore an Ulcer in a dream has the same meaning for both sexes.

The dream you had on the 28th touches on your past; it is a processing and re-evaluation of what has already happened to you. This dream does not retell or affect your future in any way. On this day, nightmares and dreams are of particular importance - which cause a negative aftertaste in the morning. Only those stories that were dreamed at dawn should be interpreted - all other dreams are empty.

Read more in the dream book:

  • what a dream
  • what was the dream about
  • why do you dream about the image