Jaw injury: causes, symptoms, treatment. Treatment of the bruise with a strong blow to the jaw injury jaw after impact treatment

No man is insured against jaw injury, the most famous pathology is the injury of jaws (MKB-10 S00-S09). At the same time, it is possible to be injured at any age. Ears of jaws occur in various circumstances: starting by catastrophes of various levels of seriousness and completing injuries from the impact acquired due to street fight. Blow, which falls into the jaw, affects the soft fabrics of the face, blood artery and capillaries. This leads to the formation of hematomas and swells. People feel strong pain and discomfort.

The reasons

To the main prerequisites leading to the bruises and other jaw injuries, one can be ranked:

  • fall, injury jaw after hitting or other contact with any rigid surface, which happens rapidly and suddenly;
  • fighting - it may be simply children's fun or adult serious disassembly;
  • accident, for example, falling from a bicycle, scooter, motorcycle, as well as all sorts of road traffic accidents in which the blow fell into the front of the head.


The jaw injury is an injury that flows without disturbing the structure of the bones and the holistic cover of the skin of the face. It is quite common and differs from the fracture in that when injected can


  1. Paints appear at the injury place, which increase with physical contact with the injury area. For example, palpation of the place of the bruise.
  2. Food swelling, redness. Absadin or hematoma can appear in the injury site.
  3. It is difficult to eat. It is difficult to yawning, talking, etc. But a man can make a cold, even though it will hurt.
  4. Also appears tootten pain. It becomes brighter, if you press the dental row.
  5. Lips can start bleed and swollen.
  6. It will be difficult to move the jaw.
  7. If a person carries braces or dentures, it may be inconvenience in wearing.
  8. There is inflammation of lymph nodes.

A person begins to feel the deterioration of the state. Finally find out if a person has a jaw injury, only an x-ray or computer tomogram can. It will also allow to reveal what the jaw suffered:

  • top;
  • lower.

Top jaw injury can be dangerous. It has a connection with the nose, eyeballs, a gaimor sinus, also it is inseparable from the bones of the skull. The lower jaw injury is less dangerous (MKB-10 defines the code of this pathology - S00-S09).

First aid

How to render the right first help when bruised? It has visual symptoms:

  • change of skin shade;
  • severe pain appears;
  • fabrics begin to swell.

Cooling will be an elementary first help when injected jaws, the code on the ICD-10 - S00-S09 - we have already called this pathology. As a cooling item, you can take anything - from a plastic bag with snow to a heating water heating. Top of necessarily need a gulling bandage.

After that, it is important to maintain damaged jaw at rest and as soon as possible to deliver a patient into a traumatological department. When the victim complains of severe pain, allowed to give it an anesthetic. Warning bandages are categorically prohibited for such injuries, as it will provoke the development of inflammation.

In the hospital, Rengtenna pictures must be made to accurately determine whether it is a fracture or injury. It is impossible to determine anything otherwise. You also need to know that often this injury is accompanied by a concussion. To pass a medical examination is necessary to eliminate serious jaw injuries, whether it is fractures or damage to the bones of the skull. Successful treatment of the injury of jaws at home is possible only when the exact diagnosis is known and possible complications are prevented.

Medical treatment

With the injuries of the jaws, the victim is prescribed by drug treatment, which is to adopt painkillers for pain relief, as well as various anti-inflammatory drugs of external use, removing the tumor and sinusiness. First of all, the cold can help with such injuries. He not only removes the swelling, but also contributes to stopping bleeding. Such an effect has many ointments and gels. They are easy to use, quickly absorbed into the skin, not stupid clothes.

Eliminate pain

  • "Analgin";
  • "Ketorol";
  • "Nurofen";
  • "Sadalgin";
  • "Nazibl";
  • "Nimesil";
  • "Tempalgin".

Outdoor application

External uses appointed with injuries:

  • "Ketonal";
  • "Fast Gel";
  • "Long cream";
  • "Finalgon";
  • "Indomethacin".

Medicinal preparations are very effective, which includes heparin. It perfectly copes with subcutaneous blood clusters and lymphs, and also effectively removes swelling. However, this drug has some contraindications.

People with poor blood clotting is forbidden to use similar medicines. Some gels contain horse chestnut extract, which is categorically contraindicated by pregnant women and people with kidney disease. Therefore, before using any medication, you must learn instructions for use.

Treatment with folk remedies

This type of elimination of the effects of the jaw injury is used in tandem with traditional medical treatment. The most famous types of treatment with the help of folk remedies:

  1. To the jaw you need to apply the leaves of the plantain, crushed leaves of wormwood, as well as a finely chopped onion. These all casheans are applied as a compress for injury. As soon as this mass dries, it must be removed and put a new one.
  2. It remains the most popular and effective way to be buried, it is bought in a pharmacy, diluted with water to medium density and applied to the bruised jaw.
  3. If there are bruises and bruises on the scene, it is necessary to use herbal tinctures in the form of compresses. Tinstures are suitable from the following plants: Toloknyanka, Dryer, Horseta, from the bean shell, as well as birch leaves, blue cornflower. If they are not in the form of alcohol tinctures in the pharmacy, it is necessary to buy in a dry form, pour into the container, grind, pour with vodka and insist in a dark place for several days.
  4. To eliminate the effects of the bruise, the ointment that can be made independently is perfect. To do this, you need any fat (pork, chicken), add a seaside salt and onions crushed there. The first task of funds to be treated is the removal of pain. The first day after receiving the injury can only be applied cold. And the next day you can already apply various ointments, bullion and tincture of medicinal herbs in the form of compresses.

Best tinctures and ointments

Folk tinctures and ointments used by our ancestors:

  1. To get rid of pain, you need to prepare the following ointment. We mix the fat nutria and bumps of hops. Apply on the affected part of the jaw. Within two days, pain leaves.
  2. We take vodka and camphor. Sticks need to be soaked in the cooked agent. After the bandage or cloth, which you use in the form of gauze, dries, you need to immediately wet again.
  3. Sticks from tincture or brands Mountain Arnica. If there is no such infusion in the pharmacy, we buy a dry concentrate, boil water, throw grass. We leave, we are waiting for when you cool, fix and apply to the patient.
  4. Cabbage leaves remove swelling, heat from a shock location. Just take a blank sheet, attach to the place of impact.

All of these drugs from the nature of nature can only be used after a qualified inspection of the doctor. If he after inspection says that it is possible to treat the injury at home, only then can be used the means described above. And also by the appointment of a doctor, you can alternate medicines with rims and compresses from herbs.


Like any damage, the described condition in untimely and improper cure may cause extremely sad consequences and a rather sharp deterioration of well-being.

Running injury may be a factor in the formation of post-traumatic periostitis, which will subsequently provoke deformation. Correct this pathology will become much more difficult, and therapy will take a long time.

Another undesirable consequence may be the development of post-traumatic mositis, representing the inflammation of bone tissues. Often, against the background of launched bruises, a contracture is formed - limiting the natural mobility of maxillary joints.

Especially severe these consequences may be in child-child injury. Directly during this period in the body is formed by an assault. In case you do not perform surgery in time, the violation can provoke the formation of a malignant tumor - sarcoma.

Thus, in order to save their own health and eliminate all the unblend consequences of the bruise, it is necessary to properly provide the first urgent assistance to the victim, to make high-class diagnostics in a medical institution and on time to apply the correct methods of cure. In compliance with absolutely all the advice of the doctor, the forecast is almost always positive.

The main reasons are called:

  • Blow into a bulky object in the face zone (during the accident, manual processing, and so on),
  • Collision with a solid surface (for example, during the fall).

The severity and nature of the injury jaws are in relationship with:

  • Collision site
  • The properties of the surface either the subject with which the collision happened (weight, material, the speed on which the collision occurred),
  • The state of jaw bones and facial tissues during the period of injury.

List of possible reasons:

  1. Drop on a solid surface with a small height.
  2. Traumatization with a car accident.
  3. The consequence of the fight.
  4. The ice is also considered frequent cause of bruises.
  5. Sport injuries.
  6. School children are often traumatized during joint active traumatic games, in training in sports sections, in hikes and during climbing.
  7. Little children suffer from injuries when falling on the playground, from a slide or firm ground.
  8. Dangerous, but popular among young people "Parkour" recently very often becomes the cause of medium gravity injuries, and the injury of the Lower Jaws of the ICD 10 has not been an exception.

The main causes of the injury jaws:

  • Collision with any solid surface (for example, as a result of falling)
  • Blow a solid object in the area of \u200b\u200bthe face (for example, as a result of the manual processing, accidents, etc.)

The nature and severity of the injury of jaw depends on:

  • The characteristics of the subject or surface with which the collision occurred (material, weight, speed of rapprochement during collision, etc.)
  • Collision area
  • The states of soft fabrics of the face and bones of the jaw at the time of injury

Symptoms of injury jaws:

  • Injury pain, increasing in physical impact on the area of \u200b\u200binjury
  • Changes in soft tissues in the field of injury (abrasion, swelling, redness, treatment of hematoma, etc.)
  • Difficulties in chewing, sowing, speech, etc.
  • Inflammation of lymph nodes
  • General malaise

Unlike other injuries, jaws (dislocation, dormant, incomplete or complete fracture), the jaw preserves a stable connection to the bones of the skull.

Soft tissue damage provocateurs are minor shocks obtained when dropping. Cause a chin injury to make careless games.

In case of accidents, mass injuries are observed - along with the bruises of various departments of the head, there are gaps of the upper lip, damage to the zick bone, etc. Heavy injuries provoke damage to the facial nerve.

During the street fights and sports competitions, adults have side borders of the chin, less often - from the bottom of the bottom. Motor and cyclists are also familiar with the injuries of the jaw when falling on the wheel of the vehicle. The unsuccessful consequences of the exposure to external reasons include not only the chin ears, but also fractures of jaws.

Basically, all injuries occur unexpectedly and in varying severity.

Most often they are observed in the following cases:

  • falling on a solid surface;
  • due to collision with objects;
  • various blows (traffic accidents, household fights, contact sports).

The severity of such damage largely depends on the zone of the lesion, the type of object that affected the bone tissue and age changes of the fabrics.

  • collisions with surfaces;
  • various kinds of blows (in road traffic accidents, clashes with other people, household fights, contact types of sports, rarely blows subjects, etc.);
  • falls on a solid surface.

Most often signs of bruises and jaw fractures are found in humans against the background of accidents, household conflicts, PE in production. In most cases, the lower jaw is subject to bruises.

The severity and nature of injury dependes on the following factors:

  • collision zones;
  • the species (and sharpness) of the subject, which had a detrimental effect on the bone;
  • collision speeds or rapprochement with the subject;
  • the state of fabrics of the face and bone during the period of mechanical injury.

The injury may happen with many different circumstances. It combines their only one factor - a blow to the area of \u200b\u200bthe face with a heavy object.

It is noteworthy that the degree of consequences after impact depends on the area of \u200b\u200bcontact, the state of soft tissues and bones. For example, if the muscles at the moment of impact are very tense, it contributes to their strong damage and discontinuity, and the weight of the impact increases.

To the main prerequisites leading to the bruises and other jaw injuries, one can be ranked:

  • fall, injury jaw after hitting or other contact with any rigid surface, which happens rapidly and suddenly;
  • fighting - it may be simply children's fun or adult serious disassembly;
  • accident, for example, falling from a bicycle, scooter, motorcycle, as well as all sorts of road traffic accidents in which the blow fell into the front of the head.


Each disease is characteristic of characteristic features, certain features that distinguish it from other pathologies. If we consider the bruise of the lower jaw, the symptoms will be quite bright, because immediately after the strike there is pain.

Along with the injury, abrasions often appear, sampling, gum, teeth. Lips look swollen, increasing the size, and the wounds are gaping.

The degree of severity of symptoms depends on the severity of the injury and the extensity of its localization. Head damage causes the following symptoms:

  • painfulness as a result of vessel spasms;
  • the local manifestation of the injury is expressed in the form of appearance of swelling or cones;
  • the appearance of hemorrhage or bruise;
  • possible short-term increase in temperature immediately after injury;
  • nose bleed;
  • it was often an injury of the heading of the head is accompanied by a violation of visual acuity, since it is here that the nerve endings are concentrated that are responsible for this function;
  • there may be manifestations of weakness in the limbs and general weakness;
  • permanent consciousness or complete loss of consciousness;
  • nausea and vomit calls can manifest themselves when injuring the bones of the skulls, which often represent the consequences of severe head bruises;

Special attention to the injury should be paid if it has such consequences as loss of consciousness, weakness and nausea, impairment of vision and the growing nature of pain.

These symptoms may indicate various serious complications and should become a signal for urgent hospitalization for the final formulation of the diagnosis, after which it will be possible to assign optimal treatment.

Head injuries, especially if they are accompanied by eye injury, must be inspected by a specialist, regardless of severity.

First of all, it should be remembered that when injured there is no damage to the integrity of the bone and skin of the face.

It is from this that all subsequent symptoms are repelled, because a person complains of pain, which becomes stronger if they feel the place of injury. Perhaps the presence of abrasion, soft tissues swell, it is possible to redness, the presence of subcutaneous hemorrhages and bruises.

A person cannot chew normally, yawning or talking, but now showing "Oscal" is capable of, even though it brings pain. Lymphatic nodes may increase and develop overall malaise.

Jaws when bruised, in contrast to the fracture, retain your anatomical message with the bones of the skull.

  • pain in the injury zone, which become particularly strong when pressing and stirring;
  • inflammation of lymphauses;
  • difficulties in the process of speech;
  • a man becomes hurt;
  • there is a decline of forces;
  • may form a bump on the jaw;
  • the temperature rises;
  • the jaw does not go;
  • sweeping, redness, swelling, hematoma in the field of contact with the object or solid surface.

In contrast to the symptoms of fractures, the jaw is connected to the skull with the bumps. Disruption of the compound, as a rule, occurs fractures (open and closed), dislocation, dummy, etc.

Depending on the type of injury, the signs differ. The main symptoms are as follows:

Degree of fracture View Symptoms
Easy Crack Acute pain when trying to move the jaw
Difficult to speech
Average Closed with displacement Still pain even at rest
Eugene, hematoma due to injury by tissue bone frails from the inside
Heavy Outdoor with displacement Unbearable pain
Unnatural curvature of the face due to damage to nerves and muscles
Loss of consciousness
The inability to eat, drink, speak
Bone fragments drank from the wound

Each disease is characteristic of characteristic features, certain features that distinguish it from other pathologies. If we consider the bruise of the lower jaw, the symptoms will be quite bright, because immediately after hitting pain appears. Along with the injury, abrasions often appear, sampling, gum, teeth. Lips look swollen, increasing the size, and the wounds are gaping.

The jaw injury is an injury that flows without disturbing the structure of the bones and the holistic cover of the skin of the face. It is quite common and differs from the fracture in that when injected, you can squeeze your teeth.


  1. Paints appear at the injury place, which increase with physical contact with the injury area. For example, palpation of the place of the bruise.
  2. Food swelling, redness. Absadin or hematoma can appear in the injury site.
  3. It is difficult to eat. It is difficult to yawning, talking, etc. But a man can make a cold, even though it will hurt.
  4. Also appears tootten pain. It becomes brighter, if you press the dental row.
  5. Lips can start bleed and swollen.
  6. It will be difficult to move the jaw.
  7. If a person carries braces or dentures, it may be inconvenience in wearing.
  8. There is inflammation of lymph nodes.

Top jaw injury can be dangerous. The upper jaw has a connection with the nose, sockets, a gaimore sinus, is also inseparable from the bones of the skull. The lower jaw injury is less dangerous (MKB-10 defines the code of this pathology - S00-S09).

Lower jaw injuries

What is the bruise of the lower jaw? This is injured by the corresponding facial separation, heavy item. The degree of severity depends on the traumatic factor: its weight, textures, properties and impact speeds. The diagnosis is also affected by the location of the injury: muscles, bones, fat, leather.

Damage is characterized by the formation of internal hemorrhages - hematoma. This is due to the rupture of small blood vessels. The main condition: bones and teeth remain integer. Otherwise, it will be a variety of fracture.

To distinguish the bruise of the upper jaw from the bottom is easy. The processes flowing in the body among the same, only the location site changes. Symptoms are similar, but the pain gives to the upper jaw, where the swelling is located.

Such a trauma is much more dangerous than its predecessor. After all, it is this area that is connected with the gaimor sinus, a soccer, a nose, a solid sky and inseparable from the bones of the skull. Therefore, such damage can bring more unpleasant consequences.

The diagnosis of jaw disorders should pass with special care. Inspection is carried out in the dental office with palpation. The patient is then sent to X-ray. Compliance with all stages is extremely important - during such damage, the paroles and other salivary glands are often traumatized, teeth.

If you do not reveal and not distinguish the deviations in time, the situation may become more complicated. Then you have to treat problems more seriously: dislocation, offset, crack.

This injury is the most common. It is found as children, adults and in old age. An important point is in the shortest possible time to identify the type of damage and provide first aid. From this will depend on further forecast and the duration of treatment.

The injury of the lower jaw is damage to soft tissues in the lower departments of the face. As a result, an internal hematoma is formed due to the rupture of small blood vessels.

When bruised bone tissue remains a whole, teeth and gums are not injured. Usually occurs as a result of the impact on the maxillofacial region of a blunt subject.

In the severity of injury is largely affected by the moment of impact. Heavy consequences are observed with strong-crushed muscles. In this case, their gap occurs, the formation of extensive hematoma with a pronounced pain reaction.

Basic symptomatics

Any disease has its own principal signs. The symptoms of the ears of the lower jaw are usually bright enough. The main feature is a sharp pain, the presence of abrasion, cheek damage or lips.

If the blow falls on the area of \u200b\u200bthe dental arc, then gaping wounds are formed on the soft tissues from the oral cavity. The lower lip looks swollen, greatly saves and hyperemic.

Differential diagnosis is necessary for the setting of the correct diagnosis. It is important to exclude the fractures of bone areas of jaws, soccer and nose.

After a strong impact you can not leave the victim unattended. It is necessary to observe its common state. In the aggregate complaints and external inspection, you can pre-establish a diagnosis.

In addition to local signs, general manifestations should be taken into account:

  • damage in the form of scratches and hyperemia in the jaw area;
  • swelling at the bottom of the person;
  • the presence or absence of hematoma of various volumes;
  • making and increasing lymph nodes;
  • sharp or constant soreness even alone;
  • violation in the opening of the mouth, meals and conversation;
  • strengthening pain reaction from touching the damaged area, as well as the movement of the jaw in the left or right side.

Attention!!! The main differential-diagnostic sign of the injury from the fracture is that the jaw bones do not change their anatomical structure. In addition, the line of violation of the integrity of the bone can be determined by palpator.

With a strong injury injury in any case, it is necessary to deliver to the doctor to inspect, to clarify the state. It is important to carry out fast transportation with the preliminary provision of first aid.

Determine and then distinguish the bruise of the upper jaw from the bottom is not so difficult. First, at the location of the localization of pain, secondly, in terms of gravity and consequences of traumatization.

An unpleasant feeling can be given to the lower jaw, a foot and nose, but the peak of pain is concentrated mainly on the surface of the upper jaw. Just like after the injury of the lower jaw, the limitation of mobility is noted, sometimes lymph nodes are inflated and increased swelling, and the cheek will noticeably swell.

First aid

On time rendered first aid always facilitates the treatment process subsequently. Not everyone can undergo a course of a young physician, but remember several basic actions - quite.

It remains to find out what to do when the chin is injected to restore the functions of the jaw. First assistance in injury includes pain relief and cooling.

If the blow was strong, the pain can give to whiskey and other parts of the head. Analgin tablet and ice to the scene will bring relief.

In case of damage to the leather covers, the abrasions are disinfected by chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide, "miromethin" and other children can be smeared with a regular green.

After the place of damage was revealed, it is necessary to start the simplest manipulation. Of course, they will depend on the nature of damage. In the presence of open RAS, first of all, they need to rinse and make antiseptic processing.

For this, such means as hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine, Miramistin, Bepanten are suitable. Before applying the antiseptic, the wound can be washed with soapy water. The bleeding area must be closed with a clean napkin or if there is a sterile bandage.

Then make the cold through the cloth through the cloth. It can be a bubble with ice or a common towel moistened in cold water, which is superimposed through a waterproof film.

  • Analgin;
  • Ketorol;
  • Nooofen;
  • Sadalgin;
  • Naz;
  • Took;
  • Tempalgin;
  • Nemedid.

When the jaw injury changes the skin color, severe pain appears, tissue swell. The first aid applies the imposition of cold (the snow is suitable in a polyethylene package or in a glue, a bottle of ice and t.

p.), and from above - grazing bandage. Then it is necessary to ensure the damaged jaw peace and urgently deliver the victim into traumatology.

If a person complains of severe pain, you need to give it any painkillers that will be found in a home first aid kit. With such a injury, you can not apply heating bandages, as it can provoke the development of inflammation.

It is very important if the jaw is suspected to make X-ray, because it is possible to distinguish the injury from the fracture in this way. Be sure to seek medical assistance and for the reason that such injuries are often accompanied by a concussion.

Medical testimony is necessary for the exception of a more serious jaw injury, for example, a fracture, as well as damage to the bones of the skull. Only in the absence of these complications, the treatment of the injury of jaws at home will be successful.

  • post-traumatic periosteit or inflammation of the periosteum;
  • deformation of jaws;
  • inflammatory process of bone fabrics;
  • contractures or weakening of the mobility of the joints;
  • development of tumor processes (oncology).

When injected or dislocation, it is enough to attach a cold to reduce the bruise and remove the pain and deliver the victim to the medical institution. Independently enter the mandibular joint is prohibited. Open fracture jaw rises a threat to the victim, so you need to act quickly. Assistance algorithm:

  1. Put the patient, ensuring full peace.
  2. Rotate the head a little side, in order to avoid foreign objects in the respiratory tract.
  3. Clean the mouth from vomiting, blood, teeth fragments, wound on 2 fingers sterile bandage.
  4. Carefully disinfected the wound with hydrogen peroxide, trying not to shift bone fragments.
  5. Follow the language not to be in the throat.
  6. Stop bleeding, tightly applied cotton swab to the wound.
  7. Give an anesthetic if the patient is conscious.

How to render the right first help when bruised? It has visual symptoms:

  • change of skin shade;
  • severe pain appears;
  • fabrics begin to swell.

Cooling will be an elementary first help when injected jaws, the code on the ICD-10 - S00-S09 - we have already called this pathology. As a cooling item, you can take anything - from a plastic bag with snow to a heating water heating. Top of necessarily need a gulling bandage.

After that, it is important to maintain damaged jaw at rest and as soon as possible to deliver a patient into a traumatological department. When the victim complains of severe pain, allowed to give it an anesthetic. Warning bandages are categorically prohibited for such injuries, as it will provoke the development of inflammation.

Medical treatment

With the injuries of the jaws, the victim is prescribed by drug treatment, which is to adopt painkillers for pain relief, as well as various anti-inflammatory drugs of external use, removing the tumor and sinusiness.

First of all, the cold can help with such injuries. He not only removes the swelling, but also contributes to stopping bleeding.

Such an effect has many ointments and gels. They are easy to use, quickly absorbed into the skin, not stupid clothes.

Medical events

When the patient is received, it is primarily subject to physical inspection, and then, if necessary, directed to X-ray. In addition, if injuries of soft tissues are complicated by injuries of solid tissue fragments (damage to the teeth), then you will need to consult profile specialists, and further treatment will be carried out by a maxillofacial surgeon and a dentist.

In the first days after receiving the injury, the victim is shown a complete peace. He must load the jaw minimally (food must be mainly in liquid form, smallerly talk). In addition, for 2-3 days after injury, it is recommended to influence cold or lubricate the area of \u200b\u200bdamage to cooling gels.

When the pain pokes, it is assigned warming procedures to accelerate the process of resorption of hematoma and regeneration of damaged soft tissues:

  • dry heat (scarves, scarves, lining of natural wool or electric facility);
  • UHF therapy (on the injured portion, an eclectic field of ultra-high frequency occurs);
  • ozokerithic treatment (thermal paraffin-ozocertic applications).

If minor injuries of the maxillofacial region occur, they do not require access to a dentist or surgeon, as well as urgent hospitalization. If there is a pronounced and long-lasting pain, it follows that the area of \u200b\u200bdamage examines the specialist.

As diagnostics use the following:

  • collection of anamnesis;
  • general inspection by the surgeon, dentist orthoped, traumatologist;
  • special inspection by the otolaryngologist, a neurologist and other narrow specialists if necessary;
  • x-ray study of the maxillofacial region;
  • cT scan;
  • blood test, urine, saliva.

Based on the data obtained, form the overall picture of the affected health, and recommend a certain treatment.

The main thing in the therapeutic direction will be the following:

  • taking painkillers;
  • imposition of the gag
  • ensuring maximum peace of the victim;
  • the appointment of physiotherapy procedures;
  • local and general anesthesia;
  • elimination of hematoma and infiltrate.

Outdoor application

External uses appointed with injuries:

  • "Ketonal";
  • "Fast Gel";
  • "Long cream";
  • "Finalgon";
  • "Repared gel";
  • "Indomethacin".

Medicinal preparations are very effective, which includes heparin. It perfectly copes with subcutaneous blood clusters and lymphs, and also effectively removes swelling. However, this drug has some contraindications.

People with poor blood clotting is forbidden to use similar medicines. Some gels contain horse chestnut extract, which is categorically contraindicated by pregnant women and people with kidney disease. Therefore, before using any medication, you must learn instructions for use.

Folk remedies

Immediately after injury, it is necessary to provide first aid. Usually, all bruises of the upper and lower jaw are treated quite well without medical intervention. However, with severe lesions, it is still still to refer to experts for inspection.

There are several proven, simple and at the same time effective ways of positive exposure to alternative medicine. They are indispensable means for pregnant women, children, as well as persons who have a pronounced allergic response to drug drugs. You can make a choice on the basis of personal preferences or recommendations of the doctor.

Treatment at home intakes can be carried out by the following means:

  1. SOLITY SOLIT. Compresses are prepared from it, which are used in any complexity of bruises. To prepare in a tablespoon, the salts are dissolved in boiled water with a volume of 150 ml. After taking a sterile bandage, moisten in solution and attach to a problem site. From above, the compress is covered with a thick cloth. A gauze napkin with salt can be left overnight.
  2. Grated potatoes. Pre-tubers should be washed and cleaned. One tuber to lose on a large grater, lay out in linen fabric and wrap several times. After imposing in place of the injury from above to cover with a thick towel. Exposure time compressor 30-40 minutes. For the best result, 3-4 appliques in a row are made.
  3. Capported leaf. Before overlaying it, it is worth a little bit or make cuts on it to exit juice. The sheet is applied to the patient space 2-4 times a day until its drying.
  4. Onion and garlic. Two ingredients are larger and mixed together. The mixture was added half a tablespoon of salt, the mixture is recommended to be wrapped in gauze and placed in the embell area.
  5. Beet and liquid honey. The finely grated rootpode is mixed with a tablespoon of natural honey. The procedure is carried out 1-2 times a day for 2 hours.
  6. Laundry soap. This tool helps reduce pain. Soap rolls on a grater and mixed with a raw chicken yolk. I make compress every half hour to 6-8 times a day. You can also rub the wet fabric to rub the wet fabric and make the applique of the bruised place.
  7. Apple vinegar. This is one of the most effective means. For the preparation of the solution you need to take 2 teaspoons of vinegar and dilute in 1 liter. water. Moisten a clean cloth in solution and apply 3-4 times a day for half an hour.

The video in this article shows how to properly put a warm and cold compress with bruises.

Possible consequences of jaw bruises

So, the clinical symptoms of any damage to the jaw are more or less similar. Therefore, in case of injury, it is necessary to immediately make an X-ray, which will allow differentiate the type of damage and assign adequate treatment.

If you do not conduct timely treatment of the jaw's injury, then this injury can lead to serious complications.

In particular, the launched jaw injury can lead to the development of post-traumatic periostitis, followed by the deformation of the jaw. This in turn will require more complex and long-term treatment.

The injury of jaws in the field of chewing muscles can cause post-traumatic myositis (inflammation of bone tissues) or contracture (restriction of mobility of jaw joints).

Especially serious consequences may cause injury in the child during the formation of perception. In young children, the injury of jaws can cause the development of sarcoma (malignant tumor) and the need for surgical intervention.

Facial injuries have a fairly common phenomenon. The jaw injury is damage without disrupting the integrity of the skin and bone tissues.

The main difference of it from the fracture is that the victim is able to close and open the mouth, although it causes serious pain. To identify the problem and only an experienced specialist is capable of differential diagnostics.

Most often, such injuries have a favorable forecast, but it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive study, to eliminate possible complications. In addition, it is worth a clearly observed medical recommendations and to be in a timely manner for preventive inspections if necessary.

Basically, all injuries occur unexpectedly and in varying severity.

Most often they are observed in the following cases:

  • falling on a solid surface;
  • due to collision with objects;
  • various blows (traffic accidents, household fights, contact sports).

The severity of such damage largely depends on the zone of the lesion, the type of object that affected the bone tissue and age changes of the fabrics.

Damage to the lower jaw

This injury is the most common. It is found as children, adults and in old age. An important point is in the shortest possible time to identify the type of damage and provide first aid. From this will depend on further forecast and the duration of treatment.

The injury of the lower jaw is damage to soft tissues in the lower departments of the face. As a result, an internal hematoma is formed due to the rupture of small blood vessels.

When bruised bone tissue remains a whole, teeth and gums are not injured. Usually occurs as a result of the impact on the maxillofacial region of a blunt subject.

In the severity of injury is largely affected by the moment of impact. Heavy consequences are observed with strong-crushed muscles. In this case, their gap occurs, the formation of extensive hematoma with a pronounced pain reaction.

Basic symptomatics

Any disease has its own principal signs. The symptoms of the ears of the lower jaw are usually bright enough. The main feature is a sharp pain, the presence of abrasion, cheek damage or lips.

If the blow falls on the area of \u200b\u200bthe dental arc, then gaping wounds are formed on the soft tissues from the oral cavity. The lower lip looks swollen, greatly saves and hyperemic.

Differential diagnosis is necessary for the setting of the correct diagnosis. It is important to exclude, soccer and nose.

After a strong impact you can not leave the victim unattended. It is necessary to observe its common state. In the aggregate complaints and external inspection, you can pre-establish a diagnosis.

In addition to local signs, general manifestations should be taken into account:

  • damage in the form of scratches and hyperemia in the jaw area;
  • swelling at the bottom of the person;
  • the presence or absence of hematoma of various volumes;
  • making and increasing lymph nodes;
  • sharp or constant soreness even alone;
  • violation in the opening of the mouth, meals and conversation;
  • strengthening pain reaction from touching the damaged area, as well as the movement of the jaw in the left or right side.

Attention!!! The main differential-diagnostic sign of the injury from the fracture is that the jaw bones do not change their anatomical structure. In addition, the line of violation of the integrity of the bone can be determined by palpator.

With a strong injury injury in any case, it is necessary to deliver to the doctor to inspect, to clarify the state. It is important to carry out fast transportation with the preliminary provision of first aid.

Damage to the upper jaw

The nature of injury in this area is more complicated. His danger lies in the fact that there may be a difficult complications. To distinguish the bruise of the upper jaw from the bottom fairly easy.

This is determined at the location of the localization of pain and the consequences of traumatization. However, it should be noted that the unpleasant sensation is capable of irradiating into the lower part of the person. But the main difference here will be the lack of violation of the mobility of the lower jaw.

Symptoms of the ears of the upper bone tissues are very similar to the previous problem. There is an inflammatory process and painful sensations, swelling, and sometimes an increase in regional lymph nodes. Even in the absence of pronounced signs of bruises, you need to contact the clinic.

The doctor must exclude first of all a fracture. On the upper jaw, such injuries are dangerous damage to the brain.

For example, a fracture by type le form 3 is the separation of bones of the skull and face. Without providing professional medical care in this case, letharg may occur.

Diagnostic events

If minor injuries of the maxillofacial region occur, they do not require access to a dentist or surgeon, as well as urgent hospitalization. If there is a pronounced and long-lasting pain, it follows that the area of \u200b\u200bdamage examines the specialist.

As diagnostics use the following:

  • collection of anamnesis;
  • general inspection by the surgeon, dentist orthoped, traumatologist;
  • special inspection by the otolaryngologist, a neurologist and other narrow specialists if necessary;
  • x-ray study of the maxillofacial region;
  • cT scan;
  • blood test, urine, saliva.

Based on the data obtained, form the overall picture of the affected health, and recommend a certain treatment.

The main thing in the therapeutic direction will be the following:

  • taking painkillers;
  • imposition of the gag
  • ensuring maximum peace of the victim;
  • the appointment of physiotherapy procedures;
  • local and general anesthesia;
  • elimination of hematoma and infiltrate.

First medical care and injury

After the place of damage was revealed, it is necessary to start the simplest manipulation. Of course, they will depend on the nature of damage. In the presence of open RAS, first of all, they need to rinse and make antiseptic processing.

For this, such means as hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine, Miramistin, Bepanten are suitable. Before applying the antiseptic, the wound can be washed with soapy water. The bleeding area must be closed with a clean napkin or if there is a sterile bandage.

Then make the cold through the cloth through the cloth. It can be a bubble with ice or a common towel moistened in cold water, which is superimposed through a waterproof film.

With pronounced pain inside, these drugs are recommended:

  • Analgin;
  • Ketorol;
  • Nooofen;
  • Sadalgin;
  • Naz;
  • Took;
  • Tempalgin;
  • Nemedid.

Treatment Elements and Means

Immediately after injury, it is necessary to provide first aid. Usually, all bruises of the upper and lower jaw are treated quite well without medical intervention. However, with severe lesions, it is still still to refer to experts for inspection.

Table number 1. Anesthetics:

Name of the drug Active substance Additional action Mode of application

Ketoprofen. Anti-inflammatory and anti-edema. Apply a thin layer on the skin of 2-3rds per day.

Ketoprofen. Anti-inflammatory, improves blood circulation. Lock gel until complete drying 2 times a day.

Ibuprofen. Removes swelling, inflammation. Apply soft massage movements, 3rds per day, up to 3 weeks.

Nonivamide, Nikoboxyl. Improves blood circulation, recommended on the 3rd day after injury. After applying, it is recommended to cover the place of lesion with warm tissue.

Anti-inflammatory. Children are applied not more than 1 cm gel, adults no more than 15 cm, 2 times a day.

First of all, a cold impose in place. Low temperatures will help not only remove the swelling and suspend the bruises, but also to have partial anesthesia.

For the most effective elimination of unpleasant sensations, analgesics are required inside, or applying special ointments. Modern drugs are produced in the form of gels. They are comfortable in use, quickly absorbed and do not pack clothes.

It is well used to apply the means that contain Heparin. It helps to quickly get rid of infiltrate and eliminate the phenomenon of swelling. Heparin-based preparations can not be used to persons with blood clotting disorders.

If the composition of the gel is an extract of horse chestnut, then it is contraindicated to people suffering from kidney disease and pregnant women. To prevent side effects from the use of gel or ointment, in any case the attached instruction should be studied.

Table number 2. Cooling facilities:

Name of the drug Active substance Additional action Mode of application

Menthol, methylsalicylate. Package, anti-inflammatory Apply in large quantities of 3-4 times a day.

Aloe Vera Extract, Menthol, Camfora, Vitamin E. Quickly relieves pain and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Apply a thin layer without rubbing.

Ketoprofen, Trometamol, essential oils. Antiflower and painkillers. Rub in smooth movements, to complete drying.

Escin, salicylic acid. Antiflower, anticonvulsant, painkillers. Apply with light massage movements, 3-4 times a day, not more than 14 days.

The price of drugs in the form of gels and ointments ranges from 220 rubles to 350 rubles. One packaging is completely enough for the course of treatment.

It is difficult to predict when one or another injury happens. To reduce the risk of bruises and other damage, precautions should be observed. In the winter period, it is carefully moved to slippery sidewalks, in summer, engage in active sports, thinking of possible consequences.

Folk remedies

There are several proven, simple and at the same time effective ways of positive exposure to alternative medicine. They are indispensable means for pregnant women, children, as well as persons who have a pronounced allergic response to drug drugs. You can make a choice on the basis of personal preferences or recommendations of the doctor.

Treatment at home intakes can be carried out by the following means:

  1. SOLITY SOLIT. Compresses are prepared from it, which are used in any complexity of bruises. To prepare in a tablespoon, the salts are dissolved in boiled water with a volume of 150 ml. After taking a sterile bandage, moisten in solution and attach to a problem site. From above, the compress is covered with a thick cloth. A gauze napkin with salt can be left overnight.
  2. Grated potatoes. Pre-tubers should be washed and cleaned. One tuber to lose on a large grater, lay out in linen fabric and wrap several times. After imposing in place of the injury from above to cover with a thick towel. Exposure time compressor 30-40 minutes. For the best result, 3-4 appliques in a row are made.
  3. Capported leaf. Before overlaying it, it is worth a little bit or make cuts on it to exit juice. The sheet is applied to the patient space 2-4 times a day until its drying.
  4. Onion and garlic. Two ingredients are larger and mixed together. The mixture was added half a tablespoon of salt, the mixture is recommended to be wrapped in gauze and placed in the embell area.
  5. Beet and liquid honey. The finely grated rootpode is mixed with a tablespoon of natural honey. The procedure is carried out 1-2 times a day for 2 hours.
  6. Laundry soap. This tool helps reduce pain. Soap rolls on a grater and mixed with a raw chicken yolk. I make compress every half hour to 6-8 times a day. You can also rub the wet fabric to rub the wet fabric and make the applique of the bruised place.
  7. Apple vinegar. This is one of the most effective means. For the preparation of the solution you need to take 2 teaspoons of vinegar and dilute in 1 liter. water. Moisten a clean cloth in solution and apply 3-4 times a day for half an hour.

The video in this article shows how to properly put a warm and cold compress with bruises.

Possible consequences

Usually injury is not considered a serious injury. However, if neglected the necessary treatment arise unpleasant consequences. For example, the result of the injury of the lower jaw can be a violation of muscle fibers, changing the cartilage tissue of the joint and the speech defect.

From the muscles as a complication is developing post-traumatic myiositis. It is an inflammatory process, which is further seriously filed with therapeutic effects.

Attention!!! Ears of various etiologists often become the cause of the formation of cancer tumors. Timely diagnosis and proper treatment allows you to completely eliminate such a complication.

If there is insufficient attention to the problem, the deformation of jaws, post-trap periostitis and even osteomyelitis occurs. In soft tissues, the formation of abscesses and phlegm is possible. Such states require long therapy, with a long reducing period.

Injurization of the maxillofacial area is not a banal trifle. It is worth considering this problem with high attention. Of course, many of them pass on their own. However, ideally, any damage should be inspected by a medical worker.

Hello, dear readers of the site, and you know that in most cases the blow to the jaw leads to a knockout of the opponent? And in the training process, the fighters learn to correctly attack this zone and protect against such attacks.

Consequences from hitting the jaw

From the blow to the jaw there is a loss of consciousness, why? The reason is the following: the brain shifts inside the skull along the axis. This knockout does not bring pain, the fighter does not feel anything, his legs are waiting, and he loses consciousness.

To cut down any opponent, there is enough impact by force at 20 - 40 kg. The difficulty lies in the correct execution of this attack.

How to beat a blow to the jaw?

Newcomers are often puzzled, but where do you need to get when you hit the jaw? The goal is the whole area of \u200b\u200bthe lower jaw. He is vulnerable to defeats. Especially - the center of the abstract line. It comes from the corner of the mouth along the vertical. This place is better to hit lateral blows. Working tool - the base of the palm. The fingers are deployed out. Execution is direct, only the elbow is assigned to the side. The action goes in the direction of the elbow to the center of the palm. The goal is achieved by the vector in the zone between the occipital area and the epic of the opponent.

You can act in squeezed, applying the bottom of the palm. It turns out the effect of filling.

Simplifies the knurless neck. And in battle, it is knockout more often on the counter action. The dynamics of the impact and the bribing torso are combined. It is not necessary to hit powerfully, the main thing is more likely. The more powerful the compression of the fist at the end of the attack, it is hard. Here you need to work well. The effectiveness of the result depends on the rigidity of such an algorithm: first of all the fist is acting, then the shoulder, the back, the leg is connected, the ankle is connected.

With a different bending of the lower jaw, you can go on the damage to the massive side skillet using the palm center. Side and side elbow attack. To enhance the efficiency in the short distance, an anvil method is used: a free hand fixes the opponent's head.

Examples of effective blowing equipment in the jaw

To defeat this goal there are different techniques. Next are their some examples.

  1. Applied edge palm from the position of the thumb. Impact area:


Method of working: you need to hit in hand, this is imitation of the lesion of the jaw.

  1. Blow into the jaw from below. Used Uppercot.

  1. The palm center is used. Power is sent to the Opponent Mc. Implementation sharp and powerful.

  1. The side of the jaw is affected. An example of the right movement:

  1. Reception "Twist of Jaws". The palm is involved. It follows in a straight line with twisting on the side of the attacker, and then down. With Abordage, the jaw shifts, falls out of the grooves.

After such attacks it becomes clear why the blow to the jaw ends by knockout.

Basic postulates

During performance, not knuckles are applied, but a flat area. The fist is compressed as thick as possible per second of impact. Fingers form a plane toran. For attacks are used initial phalanges. The attack is inserted all body weight. At one moment, a hand, shoulder and thigh are used.

For the right reception, optimally use a fist or palm center. The first option requires a lot of time to master.

How can the blow to the jaw? It all depends on the used reception.

1. Direct. Usually he is in power inferior to a side version by 50 - 70%. It is harder to them in the knockout. They are more used to open the target for more serious blows, for example, jeba or hook.

Basics: Fully relaxed hand throws out on the opponent, at the time of the defeat it is strained.

Principles of attack with the right.

  1. The fighter takes the side rack.
  2. Torch is slightly turning to the right.
  3. Legs are a little bent.
  4. The big mass is concentrated on the right foot. The foot is positioned on the whole foot.
  5. Left leg - only on the sock. Her heel turns out.
  6. The right hand is instilled in the elbow. A straight angle is formed. She is given a little back.
  7. The left forms the defense of the jaw, put forward forward. On the same second, the legs are sharply straightened. Torch makes a turn to the left side. It follows the emission of the right hand forward. The height of the jaw is observed. The mass falls on the left foot. She stands on the whole foot. And the right - on the sock, her heel turns out. Chin at the right shoulder.
  8. Realizing the blow, the fighter quickly accepts the original rack.

The left-hand actions are made in the same way, only participating parts of the body turn into the other direction. At the end, the initial rack is formed.

The vector of direct attack affects the growth of the opponent. And the vector in rare cases is horizontally, most often: from above or a little up. The upper attack need to raise the enemy's head in Ringgua, the bottom - open the mouth, and hit the chin. Example on this image:

All contacts must be turned sharply and shake.

2. Spit. It is performed on the side, but slightly lower. He is secretive, and his power is great. The battle usually starts with it.

The first 5 points are identical to the technique of direct assault.
6. It is necessary to straighten the right hand. Angle stupid. It moves back.
7. The same actions that in a direct attack, only the right hand should be up to the left side - in the jaw of the opponent (the elbow does not rise strongly to the side, the hand in it is not extended). When attacking the hand is directed down, on the stomach, chin - at the right shoulder.
8. Return to the rack.

Nuances: With a sharp offensive, the right foot can shift from the position. Then it needs to be set back or put a left foot forward. Feet form a stand position.

Algorithm of oblique offensive with the left is the same, only from other parties.

3. BOND. Execution with left.

  1. Combat rack.
  2. Turning the body to the right, but less than during oblique attacks. It bends into the front side.
  3. Flexion of legs, but more than with a braid offensive.
  4. Large mass on her left leg.
  5. Left hand slightly straightened in the elbow. Moves back.
  6. Feet and torso straightened sharply. Mass focused on the right foot. She stands on the whole foot. Left - on the sock. Heel - a little out.
  7. The left hand follows from the bottom direction to the top - in the jaw of your vezavi. The elbow is not built to the side. The hand is a bit dispened, but when attacking is not straightened. In parallel, the right hand follows the stomach. The chin is fixed to the left shoulder.
  8. Return of the initial rack.

Performance with the right carries out the same principles, but from other parties.

Here there may be the same nuances that when implementing oblique attack. Solutions are similar.


What to do after hitting the jaw? Treat and draw conclusions. And in order to avoid this, you need to work defense to the ideal. But only the true pro is capable of this. Its essence is that you need to have time to turn your head towards the attack, but ahead of it. So it turns out to mitigate the impact, or it passes casual.


The damage of the jaw is fraught with a concussion and serious damage to the jaw itself. How to be treated after hitting the jaw? Most often surgical way. Hospital. Hospital. Peace. On this you can dorays the enemy. But consider, and you can also expect such a fate. So, be reserved and technicial on your opponent.

It is worth noting that we will consider possible treatment methods when the integrity of the bones is not broken, there is no dislocation. Otherwise, this is a matter of doctor. It is possible to understand that you will dislocate and go urgently in the hospital, it is possible not only for the fact that the mouth hurts, but also because he is spoiled, the jaw can be nominated, it does not work.

Symptoms of uhhiba

The bruise is manifested differently. Yes, you will also experience pain, but bone integrity is not broken, there is no tearing soft tissue, but there are abrasions or internal bruises. It is hard for you to yawning, talking, chewing, your teeth hurt, lymphatic nodes can be increased. But the jaws are connected to the skull, they can, if desired, can be silent, move from side to the parties. Such injuries although serious, but still can be treated well.

In the picture from Lev, you can see typical fracture lines that happen when finding B. Northern jaw:

  1. Medium fracture;
  2. The second is chin or sometimes called mental;
  3. Fracture ahead of the corner of the jaw or frontalguard;
  4. It is behind the angle of jaws he is posterior. This is the most common fracture;
  5. The fifth species occurs much less and is called the fracture of the jaw branch;
    Well, the most rare fracture of the neck of the articular process. It is very rare most often if the blow has to come from the bottom to the top.
On the right picture, the lines of the upper jaw fractures are provided, everything is much easier:
  1. Upper jaw fracture;
  2. Middle;
  3. And bottom.

Is it worth going to the hospital?

It is definitely worth saying that yes. Burn passes quickly, but you cannot appreciate the scale of damage. For this you need to make x-rays. The danger is that the injury may have its consequences even without dislocation - periostitis, difficulties during chewing in the future, the development of the tumor, the inflammatory process. The worst thing, of course, can develop sarcoma. Therefore, it is better not to postpone the diagnosis, go to the surgeon and the dentist.

Uhisy's therapy

So you got jaw. Unfortunately, this often happens, but the fact in every sense is evident and cannot be changed. Now you need to devote time to treatment. It is very simple. Perform the actions described below after the visit to the doctor when it is already known that there is no dislocation and bones are intact.

Fracture after hitting the jaw. Video

Effective treatment
Basically, treatment is carried out by cold. You can do:

  • facial dressings with wet, cold towels;
  • you can use ointment against bruises. These are sold in pharmacies;
  • absadines can help heal different folk methods - putting the plantain, bodiagas, make an ointment of fat and crumpled bow, wash away the infusion of chamomile;
  • you can develop the jaw, opening and closing the mouth, turning the jaw to the sides;
  • to speed up the healing process, the doctor prescribes the therapy of UHF, dry heat.

All this will help return to healthy life. Be sure to follow the amount of calcium in the bones than it is more than the fastest bone. In the future, be careful.