What does the name Maria mean? Maria in different languages. Talismans for Mary

Parents are thinking about what to name her. Among the fair sex, the name Maria is popular. It has many interpretations. Consider its origin and significance for the fate of a woman.

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Popular not only in Orthodoxy, but also in Islam. Its relevance is associated with such concepts as origin and meaning.

The answer to where this name for a woman came from is found in the Bible. That was the name of the mother of Jesus. This influenced its prevalence among Christians around the world. It is also mentioned in the Old Testament.

It was worn by a Jewish prophetess, she was the elder sister of Moses and Aaron. In Russia, it appeared in the 10th-11th centuries. Initially, only representatives of the wealthy classes were called so. Later it occurs also among women of simple childbirth.

It is believed that this is an abbreviated version of Miriam (Miryam, Maryam, Mariam, Mariam, Mariami). It has Hebrew origins.

There is no unequivocal answer to how it is translated. There are many options for what the name Mary means. It is translated as "serene", "beloved", "desired". There are also options for "sad", "rejected". The most common version of what the name Mary means is associated with the biblical name Miriam. "Bitterness" is the word where the meaning "bitter" comes from. The Orthodox version of what the name Mary means is “lady”.

Attention! Not only a woman can be called this way, the name can also be male, like the German writer Erich Maria Remarque.


The most famous derivatives of Mary are Masha and Marusya. These are diminutive forms of the main variant.

In connection with the prevalence among other peoples, there are other derivatives, namely:

  • Manya;
  • Manyusya;
  • Mashulya;
  • Manyasha;
  • Mashutka;
  • Masya;
  • Mashuta;
  • Maryushka;
  • Marunya;
  • Moore;
  • Musya;
  • Mariana.

There is also an abbreviated spelling for close women:

  • Miri,

Maria in different languages

Maria has pronunciations and spellings in different languages peace. The stress is placed on both the first and second syllables.

Mary in different languages ​​is found in the following interpretations:

  1. English: Mary, Mariah;
  2. French: Marie, Mariette, Mariotte, Marielle, Marion;
  3. Italian: Marea, Mari, Mariettuccia, Mariuccina, Marietta;
  4. Provencal (Occitan): Mario, Mario, Marieto, Mariota;
  5. Spanish: Mari, Mariquilla, Maruka, Marita, Marucha, Marianell;
  6. German: Marie, Marichen, Marai, Marike;
  7. Portuguese: Mariquinha, Mariazinha, Maricota, Marika, Maroca;
  8. Catalan: Marion, Mariota, Marieta, Mariecha;
  9. Hungarian: Maritsa, Marika, Mariska, Mara, Mari, Mitzi;
  10. Greek: Marigula, Marika, Marula, Maritsa, Marigo, Mario, Maraki, Marietta;
  11. Ukrainian: Marya, Masha, Manya, Mashunia, Marusinka, Mariyka, Manyura;
  12. Moldovan/Romanian: Marioara, Marika, Maritsa, Marichika;
  13. Belarusian: Marya, Marylya, Maryya, Maryika, Maruha, Marusya;
  14. Czech: Marie, Marzhenka, Marushka, Marzha, Manya, Mancha;
  15. Bulgarian: Mata, Mara, Mariola, Mariolka, Mariyka;
  16. Serbian: Mariyka, Mara, Manya, Marushka, Marushka;
  17. Dutch: Marie, Marike, Maritier, Mareitje, Mareike;
  18. Danish: Marie, Marie, Marion;
  19. Swedish: Marie;
  20. Noverzhskaya: Marie, Marie;
  21. Finnish: Mari, Maryo, Maaria, Maryukka;
  22. Icelandic: Mirja, Miriam;
  23. Irish: Mora, Moyrenn, Moira, Moyrin, Morin;
  24. Scottish: Marie, Maireg, Mairi, Marion, Mariota;
  25. Breton: Marie, Marig;
  26. Welsh: Mayr, Mali, Malen;
  27. Cornish: Mariot;
  28. Manx: Mariod, Morri, Mariot.


The secret of the name Maria is revealed as the girl grows up. The interpretation of the name Maria should be fully revealed from the perspective of her childhood, adolescence and maturity. As a child, she is very gentle and calm.

The girl is called Masha for the meekness of her character. He does not reread the elders, listens to the opinion of his relatives, does not deceive. Helps parents with housework. Most of all she likes to babysit kids. Caring for the younger ones becomes the foundation of her happy motherhood in the future.

The girl is vulnerable, closely perceives the comments and reproaches of loved ones. Any statement can upset her. Over the years, traits such as firmness of character and self-esteem begin to develop. These qualities form defense mechanism the girls help to fend for themselves.

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Despite her young age, Maria is responsible for assignments. This applies to both her household chores and her studies at school. Masha is diligent. She has organizational skills. Strives to be a leader among peers.

Already in childhood, the impulsive nature of Masha is manifested. She may have whims. Parents need to pay special attention to the girl. Often her whims have a good reason. The girl Masha is very sociable and friendly. Easy to find mutual language with his peers, easily makes contact with elders. Easily offended, but just as easily forgiving. Friends respect Masha for her ability to help and support in a difficult situation.

As she grows older, Masha remains gentle towards others.
. She is always ready to help those in need. Unfortunately, selfish people can take advantage of this.

In this case, innate self-control and prudence will help her out of the impending disaster. As a girl, she is still responsible for assignments.

Hard work and discipline are character traits that distinguish Masha from many other girls. Painfulness to the criticism heard remains. This property makes Masha do everything perfectly.

Masha is a fighter for justice. She does not intend to tolerate a bad attitude towards herself and the people around her. The teenage period of the girl passes without incident. Masha is restrained, thorough in her decisions and consistent in her actions. She has a sweet disposition and respectful attitude.

Masha strives to be restrained. When communicating, he tries to be an introvert. Does not like to share inner experiences. Increased emotionality makes it difficult to lead a measured life. The ability to act depends on the mood. She clearly knows what she wants from life. All her actions have an end goal. From the outside it may seem that a woman is inconsistent. Nevertheless, behind a series of actions, he achieves the task. Masha is enterprising in her endeavors.

She is free-spirited. The spirit of adventure is everywhere. She is attracted to everything unusual and avant-garde. The range of interests is not limited to the material world. Interested in the mystical side of phenomena. He does not accept prohibitions in his choice.

Masha is concerned about the opinions of others about herself. Strongly subject to criticism even by strangers. Loves the attention of the opposite sex. She likes quiet time. Unbearable torment for a woman is loneliness.

The character of the name Maria is manifested in the versatility of a woman. This creates difficulties in communicating with her, not everyone understands the breadth of her soul. These women are distinguished by their ability to see the situation from the outside. This helps them to rationally evaluate their actions. They know how to side with the opponent.

The main outlet in her life is her family. For well-being in the union, the birth of children is important. Marriage and children will make Masha the keeper of the hearth and happy woman. Maintains an exceptionally warm relationship with her husband. Over time, she becomes an excellent hostess and a loving mother.

Masha is characterized by a developed intuition. Despite this feature, a woman manages logical thinking. This allows her to make decisions easily.

The element of the owner of this name is creativity. It is important for her to achieve success in the chosen field. The woman does not have clear beliefs about the profession. She becomes a representative of education, culture or a figure in the financial sector. It manifests itself in the field of advertising, sales. Achieves success in industries related to psychology and religion.

Advice! The characteristic of the name Maria shows a sympathetic woman who retains her benevolence after many years.

Useful video

Maria is the most common name among women around the world. It has sacred meaning for Christian nations. This makes it popular to this day.

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Maria Sharapova, Russian tennis player

  • Meaning of the name
  • Impact on the child

What does the name Maria mean?

The name Maria is the most popular in many countries of the world. It appeared in the era of the birth of Christianity. The meaning of the name Maria endows her with cordiality, love, tenderness.

The meaning of the name gives us a description of a bright choleric with a complex character. This is a reasonable, hard-working woman, sometimes gloomy. Maria is always ready to help.

Deep down, this woman may be hiding some strangeness that she tries not to show to others.

The energy of the name is a unique and amazing combination of exactingness, goodwill, sincerity and inconsistency.

Almost every patronymic adds its own nuance to the character and behavior of a girl named Maria. For example, Evgenievna has a touchy, vulnerable and gentle nature. The owner of the patronymic Andreevna is very sociable and will find an approach to any person, having previously easily met him. Maria Alekseevna is practical, sometimes assertive and irritable. Dmitrievna, on the other hand, is endowed with a calm and benevolent disposition.

Would you name your child by this name?

The name Mary is of Hebrew biblical origin. It came from the name of Mariam. Reasoning what the name Mary means, we can come to the conclusion that there are several translations.

One of the translations interprets the meaning of the name as "rejected", the other means "sad".

Analyzing what the name Mary means, one can find information in church documents that this name is translated as “lady”.

It is often associated in Orthodoxy with the Holy Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ. When naming a girl by this name, one must remember that the Holy Mother of God cannot be the intercessor of a particular child. She protects all mankind with her Veil.

In most cases, Saint Mary Magdalene is chosen as the patroness of girls. In addition, the origin of the name Mary names another intercessor, Mary of Egypt. This Saint converted to the faith after a very sinful life. For 48 years of hermit life in the desert, she prayed to the Lord and fasted diligently.

History also remembers St. Mary of Cleopova, a devoted friend of the Holy Mother of God. According to legend, these two women were so close that they considered themselves sisters.

Let's name the famous representatives who left in history their significant contribution to the development of mankind. These are outstanding women Volkonskaya and Yushnevskaya, faithful companions of the Decembrists. In wide circles, Maria Vernadskaya is also known - a political economist, and in science - a chemist and physicist Skladovskaya-Curie. Maria Montessori is a teacher, a follower of free education. This is the actress Yermolova, and the singer Mordasova, and the hero Soviet Union Polivanova, and many others.

Name Forms

Full: Maria Short: Masha Ancient: MariaAffectionate: Mashenka

In childhood, Maria is a cheerful and sociable girl who is happy to make contact. In her school years, no less affectionate and benevolent, Masha can become a wonderful coquette. She loves to make new friendships, in which she strives for absolute leadership. The girl is popular among classmates, but when she meets a more successful rival, envy and a desire to do harm may wake up in her.

She wants to be the best, so she studies well. However, problems with physical education are not ruled out.

The characteristic of the name Maria claims that her bearer is aimed at achieving high spiritual, creative and intellectual goals. Even if she cannot get a prestigious education, she will in any case be able to achieve honor and respect in any field of activity.

She can achieve success working as a restaurant director, architect, teacher, actress, makeup artist, in the sales service industry. Maria loves to communicate with people, so she can be recommended to work as a sales assistant or a photo model, an educator or a librarian, as well as a medical worker.

In the characterization of Mary, you can find out that her fate will develop according to the well-known saying: to live life is not to cross a field. She painfully experiences her troubles and sorrows.

The appearance of an adult Mary gives the impression of a lady with a complex contradictory character, but her inner world is much richer than it might seem. Her soul is open to people. She warms all her close and beloved people, like the sun, with the warmth, love and care of her generous heart.

She has a sacrificial nature and always strives to help everyone. He cannot get past other people's problems, while often forgetting about himself.

The owner of this name loves to philosophize, endowed with a subtle psychological instinct, an analytical mindset. Logical, pays attention to the little things. Maria is fair to others, patient and truthful with them and with herself. In communication, he shows sincerity and goodwill.

Maria tends to immerse herself in her inner world, locking herself in her thoughts and feelings. No matter how much she loves to help and give advice to other people, Masha herself almost does not open her soul and heart to others.

The secret of the name Maria reveals the secret that her representative has excellent intuition, but does not use it to achieve her goals. She prefers to follow the paved path. Masha will better avoid any surprises and will not play roulette with fate.

The owner of this name is principled, she adheres to strict moral rules. She is characterized by a natural sense of decency, especially in critical life situations.

Mary's character is touchy and vulnerable. The girl highly appreciates the respectful and caring attitude towards herself. Maria is quick-tempered, impulsive. Often she cannot control her emotions in difficult situations. This woman seeks to help those around her who are in trouble.

Character traits









Excessive emotionality

Mary is unpredictable love relationships, therefore, she can commit a rash act that can shock her family. She tends to suddenly change her preferences when she suddenly feels that she has met mutual love.

Having married, she becomes a faithful wife, a reliable companion and assistant to her husband. She completely dissolves in family worries. How experienced psychologist, creates a world of warmth and comfort in the house. She loves her children, is able to sacrifice a lot for them.

The meaning of the name Maria for a girl

In childhood, Masha grows up as a very mobile and cheerful child. But he does not let anyone into his deep spiritual secrets. The girl helps her parents, is gentle and affectionate with them. Mashenka's favorite game is to be a nanny for kids.

The meaning of the name gives the child sociability and cordiality. She easily finds new friends, whom she gives her warmth. Masha is characterized by perseverance and willfulness, especially when it comes to her personal toys or her own opinion. Masha is vulnerable and receptive, somewhat impulsive. Can show firmness and defend itself.

During school years, the child shows organizational skills. Masha will study well because of her ambitions.

She does not like to fulfill the requirements of teachers that contradict her outlook and opinion. Each remark of the teachers will be taken to heart, she will carefully consider and comprehend them. The child respects the elders, takes care of the younger ones. Enjoys prestige among peers. Classmates respect her for her activity, fairness and ability to empathize.

Unfortunately, the wayward Masha can commit rash acts caused by a sudden whim. And she will also envy those who are superior to her in anything.

Where will Mary be successful?

The name Maria is ideally combined with professions such as "man - man". This means that she will achieve success in the pedagogical, medical and social spheres.

Masha will be able to show her abilities during independent work, that is, where there is no constant pressure from the leadership. Maria will become an excellent leader who correctly organizes the work of her subordinates.

For the successful upbringing of Masha, you must adhere to the following recommendations. Organize joint games with your child in your free time. Often plan family leisure: excursions, trips to nature, trips to theaters, the circus and much more.

Pay attention to Masha's inner feelings, in critical situations, do not allow complications of her morale. When making decisions, take into account her personal desires.

What games will Mary like?

The girl loves to take care of pets, is fond of veterinary medicine. She likes intellectual games, enjoys watching educational programs. Maria reads a lot. Among books, he prefers encyclopedias.

The girl loves to babysit. The child has many friends. She often becomes the organizer of games in friendly companies. Masha loves walking with her friends.

The name Maria: meaning, characteristics, totems, compatibility with male names, history and origin.

Merlin, a name known throughout the world thanks to a talented actress of the last century. But few people know that this is the American version Slavic name Maria. In this article we will talk about all the secrets and mysteries that keeps this popular name, as well as about what Mary should surround herself with so that life brings success and happiness.

What does the name Mary mean according to the church calendar?

The roots of the name Maria are branchy and lead back into the depths of centuries. With the birth of Christianity, the name Mary was already quite common and had many synonyms and modifications. But girls in Christianity were baptized with the name Mary, and not analogues. In order to understand what the name Mary means by church calendar it is necessary to look at the first recorded Bibles that have survived to this day. They are written in Greek and the name Mary is written as Μαρια, which means "sad" in translation. Indeed, Christian Marys in life had many reasons to grieve and be sad. But even in such a life, they found faith in God and the righteous path, which led them to a holy appearance.

Saint patron named Mary

Saint patron named Mary

Mary of Egypt, who lived in the 4th century, is considered the patroness of all repentant women, as well as the patroness of girls and women bearing the name Mary and its analogues.

The secret of the name Maria

Considering ancient origin name is difficult to determine its origin. One way or another, it is displayed in almost every religion and major national branches. It is customary for us to consider the name Maria to be primordially Russian, Slavic as it is, since this name was worn by women at the beginning of the history of the Slavs, but do not forget about other directions and versions of the origin of the name.

For example, one version says that the name Mary is Hebrew. Since it is mentioned in the canonical text of the Bible and is also found in the book of Exodus. It is worth noting that at that time the life of men was described, and the woman was taken for granted with men and they were not even mentioned. Accordingly, the mention of a female name means that this person was very influential and carried great weight with that society.

The secret of the name Maria

Mary is also mentioned in ancient sources in Hebrew - מרים, which means "rejected". Again, I would like to draw attention to the fact that, on the one hand, the name is sad in the description of the ancient representatives of the name, and on the other hand, the very mention means a special significance in this society.

Another Hebrew reference is מר, which means "bitterness". In Islamic tradition, it is customary to call Mariam or Maryam.

Surprisingly, almost every nation in the oldest preserved records contains a mention of this name. Just as much strong energy this name, what changes the life of its owner so much?

But in the Orthodox version, the name Mary means nothing more than mistress. Most likely, this name was often called girls of noble birth. Surprisingly, along with the position of the lady, this name is the mother of Jesus. Which causes heated debate regarding the origin of Jesus' parents. Perhaps they were of noble birth, but because of their beliefs, they had to give up power, flee and lead a modest lifestyle. This version has not been confirmed, but has a logical explanation of why the government and the people have always been biased towards their couple.

What nationality is the name Maria?

It is generally accepted that the name Maria is national, but the most zealous skeptics are still trying to prove that the name Maria is rooted precisely from their nationality. Main directions: Russian, Jewish, Jewish, Orthodox and Catholic.

The name Maria, Masha: origin and meaning, popularity

Despite the fact that the exact origin of the name is unknown, it has always been popular. In ancient records, various variations of this name have been preserved, for example, a Jewish prophetess, the sister of Moses and Aaron, bore the name Mariam, or as Miriam was mentioned in some sources. From the first royals to today, among kings and close nobility, the name Mary was honorary, and many princesses (later queens), duchesses, countesses, etc. were named after her.

For example, when the heiress to the throne, Mary Stuart, was born in Scotland, the close nobility named the daughters born with Mary also herself. Subsequently, when Mary was sent to France, she arrived with the ladies-in-waiting Mary.

In Catholicism, the name Mary and its analogues are quite common. To this day, many miraculous icons and statues: Consuelo, Dolores, Montserrat, Regina, Carmela, Mercedes.

In England, when secession from Catholicism, the name Mary adopted the original English style - Mary (in English Mary). After that, the expanded version of the name Maria was practically not used. But the version of Mariah was very popular in Africa and Asia, but gained worldwide fame thanks to the singer of the same name, Mariah Keri, at the end of the last century. Also in England and America, Polly and Molly are quite common.

In Europe, in addition to the name Maria, diminutive names are used autonomously: Marie, Mary. In Germany: Marike, Mitzel, Marichen. In France: Marian, Manon, Mariette, Marion, Mariel. In Spain: Marilda, Marika. In Italy: Maryun, Mariolla, Mariella. Romania: Maritza and Marioara. The Greeks call Marius: Marietta and Marigula. Poles and Belarusians - Marusyami. Czechs: Marikami im Marzhenkami. In the Netherlands: Mathieu and Mike, and neighbors in Sweden - Mian and Maya. The Norwegians call Mia and Mariken. The Irish are Maura and Moira. Georgians - Lamirami.

Maria - deciphering the name from Greek

Translated from Greek, Mary means "sad", also meaning "sad".

Name Maria, Masha in English, Latin, different languages

Translation of the name Maria into different languages:

Language Name spelling
Belorussian Mary
Ukrainian Maria
Tatar Maryam
Azerbaijani Məryəm
Armenian Մարիամ (read as Mariam)
Hungarian Maria
Bulgarian Maria
Latvian Marija
Croatian Marija
Czech Marie, Marika
Greek Μαρια
Latin Maria
Spanish Maria
French and German Marie
Finnish Maria, Mari
Arab مريم‎‎
Hebrew מירים
Chinese traditional 馬利亞
Korean 마리아
Japanese マリア
English Mary

How is the name Maria spelled in the passport?

According to the latest international transliteration of names in passports, which is spelled out in the standards of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) (document No. 9303) dated 06/05/2017, the name Maria in the passport should be written as MARIIA.

Maria: what is an abbreviated short name, diminutive?

In addition to the previously mentioned diminutive and affectionate forms of the name Maria, these are:

  • Mariel
  • Mariola
  • Marilyn
  • maraki
  • Marisha
  • Lamar
  • miken
  • Marilyn
  • mashunya
  • Marika
  • Marya
  • Marion
  • Marichka
  • Marusya
  • Mariyka
  • Mariam
  • Miriam
  • moira
  • Miriam
  • Molly
  • Marigot
  • Manyasha
  • Minnie
  • Maryam
  • Mariami
  • Mariette
  • Maryam
  • Manon

Maria: the meaning of the name character and fate

Mary's energy allows her to grow up as a calm, balanced, smart girl. Marias are very emotional, but from an early age they are very closed even from relatives. What creates the appearance of calmness, a certain detachment. Parents should know that the more distant she looks, the greater the storm of feelings boils inside Mary. On the one hand, she is sensitive and emotional, on the other hand, she does not like to show emotions. This makes her resistant from an early age and teaches self-control. Girls grow up power-hungry, self-confident and knowing what they want to achieve in life.

Mary's education is approached thoroughly, they study well and strive to receive an excellent education. Maria are careerists, at home they wither and neuroses form in them.

Maria is married good hostess, devoted wife, kind and loving mother. But only if it is implemented in a career. Otherwise, everything will collapse. Also, the husband needs to constantly look after his wife, maintain a romantic relationship. Otherwise, Mary will get bored and her sexuality for her husband will fade away, but when an admirer appears, she will burn with all her passion for him. At the same time, she will not leave the family, and will hide the connection on the side for a long time.

Name Maria: sexuality, marriage

Maria perceives sex in the same way as good food or fitness. If he is not with a loved one, she will easily get a “temporary solution”.

Name Maria: health and psyche

Mary is distinguished by excellent health, but with the psyche everything is much more complicated. Due to the closure, there may be nervous breakdowns, and in case of an unfortunate fate, even getting treated in psychiatric hospitals. The most important thing for Maria is to be able to do what she loves, without it problems with nerves cannot be avoided.

What patronymic is suitable for a girl with the name Maria: compatibility with male names

Maria is an easy to pronounce name with a vowel at the end. This name is suitable for 98% of male names, and, accordingly, patronymics. But before calling the girl by this name, be sure to “try on” the patronymic.

When is the name day, Mary's Angel Day according to the Orthodox calendar?


Maria Laktionova, venerable martyr

New Martyr, 2001?


Maria Danilova, martyr

New Martyr, 2000?

31 Maria of Radonezh, schema nun
8 Mary of Constantinople, Palestine, reverend
19 Mary of Asia, martyr, virgin
25 Maria Vifinskaya, reverend
2 Mariamne (Mary)

Maria Grosheva, nun, reverend martyr

New Martyr, 2000?

2 Mary, martyr
14 Mary of Egypt, reverend
17 Maria Lelyanova, nun, reverend martyr
25 Mary of Bethany
10 Maria Nosova, novice, martyr
17 Mary Magdalene Equal-to-the-Apostles (Myrrhbearer)

Maria Kleopova (Uncovering the relics)

Maria Kleopova, Jacobleva, Josieva (myrrh-bearer)


Maria Ustyugskaya

Mary, virgin

15 Mary, martyr
17 Mary of Bethany
20 Mary of Caesarea (Palestinian), martyr
22 Mary of Persia, martyr
24 Mary of Pergamon, martyr
2 Mary, mother of Josiev
17 Maria Romanova, Grand Duchess, passion-bearer
25 Golinduha (in baptism Maria) Persian, confessor
18 Mary, martyr
22 Mary of Constantinople, martyr, patrician
24 Maria Synclitikia
28 Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God (Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary)
8 Maria Diveevskaya (Fedina), fool for Christ's sake
Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God (Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary)

Maria Rykova, Martyr, nun

Mary of Yegis, reverend

2 Maria Mamontova-Shashina, Martyr
11 Maria of Radonezh, schema-nun
21 Maria Volnukhina, martyr
11 Mary of Khidan, reverend

Maria Zhuravleva, Martyr

New Martyr, 2005?

Maria Zeitlin, Martyr

New Martyr, 2004?

Congratulations on Angel Mary's Day short in verse and prose

Maria! We sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! On Angel Day, we wish you to always remain at a height invisible to us. May each of your new day will better than that that went before him! Never stop dreaming, creating and striving for something new! Your wishes will surely come true!

Video: Congratulations on Angel Mary's Day

Song named Maria, Masha

And of course, it is impossible to do without songs on Birthdays and Name Days!

Video: Song about Masha

Video: Masha, Maria

Video: Mikhail Shufutinsky - Masha

Tattoo with the name Maria, Masha

Tattoo with the name Maria, Masha

Tattoo with the name Maria, Masha

Pendant with the name Mary in gold: photo

Name Maria: intuition, intelligence, morality

Despite the fact that Mary has a very developed intuition, she rarely resorts to it, placing the main emphasis on intelligence and knowledge. Maria pays special attention to morality. Even if she wants it more than her life, even if she knows that her venture will be crowned with success, she still will not allow it if she considers the action immoral.

Name Maria: hobbies, activities, business

Maria will succeed both in creativity and in the humanities, both in science and in business. In fact, Maria is a very versatile person and whatever she takes on, everything will be crowned with success. But here it is worth focusing on what lies more to the soul of Mary. After all, if, under pressure from loved ones, she chooses a field of activity that is not the one she wanted, even dizzying success will not save the situation - she is guaranteed nervousness and breakdowns.

Characteristics of the name Maria

Maria gathered in herself strictness and tenderness, emotionality and outward alienation. She is a desperate careerist and a loving mother, an independent woman and a devoted wife.

  • Winter Mary. Those born in the cold season are also cold and reserved. Very silent and does not like to throw words into the wind. In marriage, she gives the leading role to her husband and will not try to win her over even if the husband has difficulties in being the head of the family;
  • Spring Mary. These girls are cheerful and optimistic, but their openness is their Achilles heel. They are more sociable than the rest of the Marys, and therefore they are most often criticized and condemned, and therefore it is much easier to hurt their feelings. In marriage, she is calm, compromises, but does not encroach on her space;
  • Summer Mary. Very nervous, vulnerable and overly sensitive. She does not like conflicts and carefully leaves them, but if she enters, she loses because she does not like debates. Restrained in marriage, agrees to obey her husband in order to avoid conflict;
  • Autumn Maria. Those born in autumn are suspicious, calm on the outside and nervous on the inside. He does not know how to survive breaks, failures and failures. Every problem is a tragedy to be overcome. The choice of a husband is taken very seriously and is usually happy in marriage.

The most complete and happy maria born in the zodiac sign Virgo. But the rest of the signs, in principle, fit this name, there is no incompatibility.

What zodiac sign does the name Maria fit?

The name Maria has several stones of talismans at once:

  • The pomegranate symbolizes passion and eternal love, but in addition to this, he helps Mary save face in the face of difficulties, causes courage and courage. Helps to pass tests;
  • Carnelian will help you find happy love and will lead you away from the deceivers. Also in difficult times will give mood and help to concentrate. During public speaking bestow eloquence;

Stone talisman for the name Maria
  • To endow sapphire with modesty, fidelity, wisdom and at the same time power. In Europe, it was customary to give Mary an ornament with sapphires for the coronation;
  • Diamond will help to find the inner core, strength, hardness and at the same time look sophisticated and brilliant. Protects from diseases.

Flower, plant, tree-talisman for the name Maria

The tree named after Maria is a tender birch.

The flower named after Maria is cornflower. He gives Mary constancy, tenderness, femininity and simplicity. It will also help to preserve youth and remain beautiful in old age.

Mary is tied to doves, symbolizing peace and fertility. In difficult times, when Maria does not know where to go next, she even intuitively goes to the pigeons, whether it is her own bird or feeding pigeons in the parks. They help her find the right solution.

Totem animal named Maria

Numerology Of The Name Maria

Body number 5

Hidden Spirit Number 7

Mary's soul number 3

This set of numbers gives Mary a creative beginning, as well as the opportunity to independently choose a direction in life. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that Mary is very close to criticism and is not always able to endure it with dignity, without falling into depression.

Nickname for Mary

Bright sublime pseudonyms are suitable for the name Maria. These are Maria Regina coeli (the queen of heaven) and Maria Stella (the star of the seas) and many other truly royal pseudonyms.

Element named after Mary

The element of Mary is Air, thereby presenting all the possibilities of her signs.

Mary's patron planet

Proserpine is a delightful planet symbolizing self-improvement, transformation and self-education skills. Thanks to this, the Marys are constantly moving forward throughout their lives.

Planet patron Mary Marilyn Monroe

Video: Mary - the meaning of the name. Character, qualities, analysis of the name Maria

Maria - female name biblical origin. That was the name of the mother of Jesus. It was formed from the Hebrew name Miriam (Miriam) and means “desired”, “bitter”, “serene”. It is also sometimes translated as “rejected”, “sad”, “mistress”. The name is very popular all over the world, including in Russia - not only among adult women, but also among newborn girls.

In the character of Mary, strictness is combined with cordiality, and passion with alienation. This is a serious and strict outwardly woman, but next to loved ones she is transformed, becomes passionate and sensual, tender and loving. Mary also has an excessive love for children.

Characteristics of the name Maria

Corresponding zodiac sign: Cancer ♋.

patron planet: Venus ♀.

The dominant element of Feng Shui: Wood 木.

Talisman-stone, mineral, metal: Diamond.

Talisman-color: Dove.

Mascot tree: Hazel 🍁.

Mascot Plant: Cornflower.

Animal Mascot: Dove.

most successful day: Friday ♀.

happy season: Summer ☀.

Character features: Self-sacrifice, Practicality, Kindness, Responsiveness, Justice.

Spring Maria a rare optimist who, with her cheerfulness, cheers up everyone around. Maria is very soft in nature, but if necessary, she is able to sharply express and defend her point of view. The life of such a woman is filled with bright desires and full of emotions.

Summer Mary- a vulnerable and sensitive person, it is very easy to offend her. She always tries to avoid conflict, and if she fails, she loses in a dispute. In family relationships, she behaves very restrainedly and would rather give in to her husband than go to an open quarrel.

Autumn Mary has a suspicious character, and even experiences a small failure as a tragedy. But she approaches every occupation in life scrupulously, which, as a rule, leads to a successful outcome. She also carefully approaches the choice of her husband, therefore family relationships autumn Mary are shaping up extremely well.

Winter Mary represents the standard of restraint. Even from the school bench, she is quite silent, and in adulthood, one rarely hears phrases that are not to the point from Mary. In the family, Maria tries to adhere to the opinion of her husband, and in various troubles she behaves quite restrainedly.

The nature of the name Maria

The secret of the name is revealed when meeting Mary. As a child, she is an obedient, gentle and intelligent girl. She's about coping with school lessons. He helps his parents in everything, especially to look after his younger brothers and sisters. Never deceives and does not reread the elders. Treat people around with respect. She can safely be called the perfect child.

The adult owner of the name Maria is a multifaceted personality, giving the impression of a quiet, reliable, vulnerable and hardworking woman. She loves justice and concreteness in everything. These qualities are complemented by waywardness and stubbornness, especially in those moments that are important for its principles and life priorities. Maria has organizational skills, and she easily copes with them.

By nature, this is a modest, kind and cordial nature. It is typical for her to provide various kinds of assistance to people in need. But at the same time, Masha can show perseverance and willpower. In communication, she does not reveal her feelings, but tries to hide and hide them as much as possible.

Positive traits of the name Maria: Decency, kindness, reliability, activity, humanity. A girl named Maria has a huge supply of love and tenderness. Since childhood, she has shown gentleness, obedience, sympathy for people and a willingness to help a person in trouble. At the same time, there is firmness and dignity in her character. If necessary, she is able to stand up for herself and for her ideals.

Negative traits of the name Maria: Frowning, vulnerability, touchiness. The name Maria is having a hard time with comments addressed to her. If you do not agree with something, then your disagreement expresses quite violently.

Interests and hobbies

In her youth, Maria has an attraction to sports (running, tennis, athletics). Given her character, perhaps she will go further and even show the best sports results. Passionate about reading books. He prefers to spend his free time outdoors, in the forest, in the country. Likes to travel around different countries and discover something new. Yet often Mary's vocation is children. She devotes herself completely to her children, giving them her vital energy. It is the children for Mary that become the main hobby.

Profession and business

Maria is interested only in the field of activity where it is necessary to work with people and help them. Often successful in medicine and pedagogy. She is able to show organizational skills, achieve great career heights and become a leader. Among girls with this name you can often meet nurses, teachers, social workers and officials.

Maria lacks firmness and determination to create her own business. But if she nevertheless decides on such an activity, then she needs a partner and assistant, whom you can always rely on in difficult situations. Maria's ability to lead positions is minimal, but all the shortcomings in her own business can block her diligence and perseverance.

Psyche and health

Women with the name Maria are most often choleric with a difficult character. This is a reasonable, hardworking woman, somewhat gloomy, but possessing huge reserves of love and tenderness. Maria is an introvert, so sometimes she withdraws into herself. She is self-confident and prudent. But behind these qualities lies a very kind and sensitive heart that knows how to love, so she is constantly surrounded by men who are crazy about her. But in addition to personal qualities, Mary is also interested in the high position in the society of her chosen one.

Maria is endowed with enough strength and good health. Weak spots - nervous system, stomach, vision. Costs Special attention give to the genitals, as well as monitor the pressure. Often susceptible allergic diseases. In adulthood, it tends to be overweight, so it is necessary to follow a diet and lead an active lifestyle, swimming and relaxing at sea.

Love and sex

In love, Maria is cruel: she cold-bloodedly chooses her partner, weighing all the pros and cons. She tries in every possible way to “adjust” him for herself, and if this does not work out, then a break in relations occurs. But if a man follows Mary's lead, then as a reward he will receive the extraordinary beauty of the love of a woman who will delight her future husband only with bright emotions.

Maria in sexual relations is an amorous and fickle nature. Sex is considered as pleasure and pleasure. In close contact with men, it shows some aggressiveness. With age, she does not give in to sensual relationships with the stronger sex and behaves with restraint and caution. You can completely relax only in the familiar and home environment. In other conditions, he feels uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

Family and marriage

The owner of this name considers family the most important thing in life. She tryna line up with her spouse harmonious relationship based on trust and respect. Maria is a wonderful hostess, a faithful and devoted wife. She devotes her whole life to children and loves them very much. The second half becomes a calm and non-conflict man. Sometimes such a girl shows jealousy towards him, which is accompanied by unpredictability, harshness and restraint. When there is a suspicion of cheating on her husband, she makes her intimate life so stormy that the spouse does not have the strength and time for entertainment on the side.

In marriage, Maria is a devoted wife and an excellent hostess. Mary's husband should not forget to continue to take care of his wife in every possible way and to show signs of attention without fail. In the family, Mary should be the “neck”, which will indicate the direction of the “head”. As a rule, she requires unquestioning fulfillment of all vital family decisions that she makes only herself. Of course, she will listen to her husband's advice, but this will only be formal. Therefore, Mary's husband needs to stock up on patience and endurance. However, Maria is always able to find a middle ground and prevent family strife from running wild.

Horoscope named after Mary

Maria Aries ♈- this is an impulsive and uncollected nature. Mary-Aries can make a promise that she will not fulfill, as well as take on a task that she will not complete. It has a lot of meaningless, but sincere impulses, as well as enthusiasm. This is a woman who never loses heart and is forever young at heart. Maria-Aries enjoys increased attention among men, because it is very easy with her, but there is no constancy.

Mary Taurus ♉- this is a firm, imperturbable and resolute nature. Maria can hold leadership positions due to such qualities as honesty, disinterestedness, determination and confidence. Maria Taurus perfectly finds a common language with others and knows how to delicately impose her opinion on them. She does not always have enough time for the device personal life, but even if she has free time, she prefers to spend it at home. Usually, Mary-Taurus begins to start relationships with men, being in adulthood.

Maria Gemini ♊- this is a talkative, hospitable, energetic woman who is more concerned about spiritual values ​​than material wealth. Maria-Gemini prefers to look at things objectively. She is quite frank with people, loves to make new acquaintances and cannot stand loneliness. Maria-Gemini knows how to confidently defend her point of view. She always looks extremely attractive, follows fashion and is always surrounded by the attention of men. She likes delicate and courteous suitors.

Maria Cancer ♋ She is a shy and laconic woman. It may seem that Maria-Cancer is happy with everything, restrained and patient. However, in the depths of her soul, passions and emotions rage. Only because of her modesty, Maria-Rak does not attract attention to herself and does not express her opinion. She would rather agree with the opinion of the majority. Also, Maria-Rak does not make enough efforts to please a potential partner, so she has to establish her personal life with great difficulty.

Maria Leo ♌- a woman of pride, expansive. She has far-reaching plans for life, and, without exchanging for trifles, she always goes forward. Such enthusiasm often leads Mary the Lion down the wrong path. She is ready to trust people, and they use her; she is convinced that she is right, and they consider her a self-confident upstart. Men are not averse to courting Mary the Lion, but hers becomes an insurmountable wall complex nature. She rudely claims to be the family commander-in-chief and often throws unreasonable tantrums.

Virgin Mary ♍- this is a methodical, prudent and balanced nature. Mary the Virgin is very patient and will think carefully before starting to do anything. He is well versed in people and does not like talking about "nothing". She knows how to suppress her emotions, so in men she leaves the impression of a cold woman. But in reality, Mary the Virgin is able to love unselfishly and unforgettably, while she does not attach of great importance in the life of sex and passion.

Mary Libra ♎- a peaceful, elegant and accommodating woman. She is an excellent diplomat who knows how to smooth out "sharp corners" between people. Maria-Libra knows how to listen, give in and, if necessary, correctly impose her opinion. Only true gentlemen let him in.

Maria Scorpio ♏- this is an obstinate, hardworking, neat and sensual woman with great inner potential. Maria-Scorpio can adapt to others and at the same time hide her own feelings. It is difficult to convince her of anything: if Mary-Scorpio has made a decision, then it will be final. The sensuality of this person attracts men with great strength. She often starts novels and is quickly disappointed in them. Moreover, Maria-Scorpio breaks off the relationship harshly and does not return to them anymore.

Maria Sagittarius ♐- an adventurous, straightforward and inquisitive woman. For her, there are no restrictions in life: if she decides to achieve something, then she goes ahead to her goal. Maria only cares about the result. Mary-Sagittarius loves to demonstrate her superiority in relation to other people, which causes irritation among others. However, this kind of behavior attracts men. Mary-Sagittarius is carried away by unknown sensations in a man, but after satisfying her curiosity, she leaves her partner. In order for a man to keep such a woman, it is necessary to constantly surprise her and prepare surprises.

Mary-Capricorn ♑- This is a hardy, stubborn and pretentious personality. A pleasant woman is the first impression that Mary Capricorn makes, but in fact, behind this screen lies a very stubborn nature. She is overly independent, so she often refuses any help. But he solves the problems of friends and acquaintances with pleasure. It is friends in the life of Mary-Capricorn that often take priority.

Mary Aquarius ♒- This is an alienated and peculiar personality. Maria Aquarius is full of unrealizable plans and ideas, but it is almost impossible to convince her of their illusory nature. In principle, she does not care about the classical vision of things, she has her own opinion on everything. The personal life of Mary Aquarius is difficult, because the chance to meet a man with the same worldview is negligible.

Pisces Maria ♓- this is a subtle and touchy nature, which is devoted to its work and brings it to the end. Maria-Pisces is hard to endure failure. In addition, it is quite difficult for her to make new acquaintances. She is very suspicious and can flare up because of any little thing. To win the heart of Mary Pisces, you need to be persistent and original.

Maria name compatibility with male names

Maria and Alexander- this couple is destined to be together as an addition to each other. Alexander has a hot temperament, is prone to leadership and does not tolerate disobedience. Maria, on the contrary, is a subtle nature, therefore she does not accept a rude attitude towards herself. In this union, Alexander takes on the duties of a "provider", while Maria is responsible for providing home comfort. She does not skimp on affection and love, therefore an enviable harmony reigns between Mary and Alexander.

Maria and Dmitry- it is unlikely that Maria and Dmitry can love at first sight. First, they need to meet for a while to get to know each other better. They are very selective in shaping their personal environment. They will not rush into the wedding, preferring a planned and calm one. family life. Sex for Maria and Dmitry is not the main thing in a relationship.

Maria and Sergey- These are two disinterested people, so their relationship is very strong. They are not driven by impulses of momentary passion and love, but inner peace and confidence in your chosen one. It may seem to the people around them that there are friendly or partner relations between Maria and Sergey, but this is not so. Only sincere love maintains harmony in their relationship. This couple are very passionate and temperamental lovers.

Maria and Andrey- It's perfect suitable friend to a friend a couple with common interests, the same mentality and a joint desire for improvement financial situation. Maria and Andrey know how to develop their relationship, which eliminates the formation of an abyss between them. In sex, they show attention to each other, and in return they receive the harmony of intimacy.

Maria and Alex- in love, Maria and Alexei are really happy together. They are united by common values, an irrepressible craving for self-development, raising children, a love of travel, an active life position and much more. And this commonality of interests always helps them survive family troubles. They perfectly combine love (tenderness and selflessness) and friendship (following the same life principles). The result is strong relationships.

Maria and Ivan are loyal, reliable and attentive monogamous partners. Maria and Ivan at the subconscious level find each other, and, having found, they try not to part. It is important that the desire to be together lasts much longer than the "candy-bouquet" period. In marriage, Maria and Ivan give all the affection and care to their child.

Maria and Eugene- this is a rare union, because Maria and Eugene are enough different people, their aspirations and goals are far from each other. Maria feels independent and thinks about global problems, and Eugene thinks more about pressing problems. However, they can be combined by an excellent sexual compatibility and similar views on the family, to which they are extremely responsible. In order for this union to take place, Maria and Eugene should not forget about compromises and mutual understanding. Only in this way can this couple exist for a long time.

Maria and Maxim- a couple in which there is an inspirer, and there is an inspired one. Maria always brings ideas, whether they are domestic issues or anything else, and Maxim brings them to life. However, Maxim is happy with everything, because he is crazy about his beloved. Such relationships are built on the basis of complete trust in each other. This is also justified in marriage - Maria and Maxim get along very well together.

Maria and Vladimir- this union is exemplary for many. Relations between Maria and Vladimir are built on exceptional mutual trust. There is no jealousy or suspicion in their relationship. Neither Maria nor Vladimir admit even the thought that someone could actually turn out to be a traitor. Also, tenderness, love, mutual support reign between them, which is essential for a serious relationship. In practice, all this turns into cohabitation forever.

Maria and Denis- they do not like calm relationships, and they never keep their emotions inside. Maria and Denis can “let off steam” at the first opportunity, and after a few minutes they smile again, as if nothing had happened. The same thing happens in sex: they behave rudely, but at the same time they get real pleasure. Maria and Denis never get angry at each other and do not try to prove anything. They are turned on by the very process of discussion, but all this does not prevent them from thinking rationally and making decisions for the benefit of the development of relations.

Maria and Pavel- in their interesting relationship there is everything: friendship, cooperation, and hatred, and love. Maria and Pavel can be called a truly hot and bright couple, and they are crazy about each other. In the sexual sphere, they have complete harmony. Together, this contributes to the formation of a happy and temperamental marriage, in which there will be quarrels, resentments, passion and love.

Maria and Artem- such a union is destined in heaven. The aura of Maria and Artem radiates love and happiness. Maria and Artem are not going to hide their enjoyment of each other - their relationship is so pure. The only thing this couple would prefer not to talk about is their intimate life. But the reliability of their union is ensured, including excellent sexual relations. Maria and Artem adhere to the following principle: “there should be enough money in the family so as not to worry about their absence.”

Maria and Anton- such an alliance has many chances to become successful. Maria and Anton have many common interests based on love of life and a thirst for freedom. They are alien to peace and loneliness. Maria and Anton love the atmosphere of the holiday and unrestrained fun. In terms of finances, Anton seems to be an absolutely generous gentleman, since he does not spare money for the chosen one. Maria tends to give freedom to her man without emotional effort, turning a blind eye to Anton's flirting with other women.

Maria and Michael- the joint life of Mary and Michael tends to be prosperous. As a rule, both of them think the same way, so they can always find understanding with their partner. But in sex, their relationship does not develop quite smoothly: this is due to the fact that Mikhail is somewhat constrained in intimate life. But nonetheless, serious problems Mary and Michael rarely have marriages.

Maria and Roman- this is an unusual union in which Mary plays a leading role, whose energy can be creative and at the same time destructive for a couple. It is she who is able to inspire her lover and make him believe in himself. On the other hand, Mary, being in bad mood, with its emotionality and exactingness, can complicate Roman's life. However, they are always able to find a common language and make peace. It is desirable for this couple to develop their intimate relationship.

Maria and Nikolai- such a couple can have a lot in common, as well as a lot not to suit. Maria and Nikolai can shine in society, because they have a sense of beauty and know how to present themselves in a favorable light. But glitter requires investment, so Nikolai works hard and is often absent from home, which annoys Maria. If there is a lack of funds in such a marriage, then the family may break up.

Maria and Igor- this stormy and passionate union is rarely lasting. It is difficult for Mary to understand the betrayals of the freedom-loving Igor. He sees nothing wrong with flirting with other women, and she naturally arranges scenes of jealousy. In addition, Igor lacks clear goals in life. As a result, both partners get tired of such an endless struggle.

Maria and Ilya- in such a union there is everything that is needed to create a happy family. They fall in love, as a rule, at first sight and since then they have never parted. Ilya skillfully takes care of Maria, which contributes to the conquest of the heart of this woman. In marriage, they have equality and never have problems with the division of power and responsibilities.

Maria and Vladislav- he is emotional and fickle, she is jealous and quick-tempered. In the union of Maria and Vladislav, there is a sea of ​​romance and passion, quarrels and jealousy. This bright mixture is further enhanced by the intimate compatibility of partners. Usually such a bright and stormy union, full of passion, rivalry and resentment, is not lasting, but Maria and Vladislav will remember it for life.

Maria and Vadim- this couple supports each other with their pure love. Vadim will always be able to help Mary in difficult times, and in return receives the tenderness and affection of his beloved. In intimate relations between them, a complete idyll reigns. In general, they are able to create a family that will live in complete harmony.

Maria and Konstantin- the owners of these names are connected by honesty, a sense of duty and a desire for justice. The union of Mary and Constantine is love-support, love-friendship and mutual assistance. This union lacks a push from Constantine, only after that a lasting marriage based on true love between man and woman.

Maria and Vyacheslav- Maria and Vyacheslav approach the construction of their personal lives with special responsibility. In that positive side such a union, since the abuse of egoism is excluded, in addition, there is a complete concentration on your partner / partner. Therefore, such relationships give Maria and Vyacheslav the desired idyll and happiness in a joint marriage.

Maria and Egor- the prospects for such an explosive alliance are minimal. Maria and Yegor may even have love at first sight. However, after a while, their life together can turn into a constant war of two strong, independent and bright personalities. You can avoid such an outcome only by softening your morals, learning to endure and compromise.

Maria and Vitaly They are a pair of independent individuals. Individual qualities Maria and Vitaliy allow you to succeed. However, when they come home from work, they do not leave the struggle for leadership, moreover, they do not want to take the first step towards reconciliation. If they do not learn to compromise, then such relationships will break sooner or later.

Maria and Oleg- in this pair, both partners are too stubborn. In everyday life, Maria and Oleg are not suitable for each other. If initially their way of life did not coincide, then this is unlikely to happen in the future. In general, the passionate and emotional Oleg, as a rule, does not fit calm Maria.

Maria and Valery- These are very practical people, the relationship between which is built on a solid foundation. Valery likes to take risks, and Maria is a very reserved woman. But the intimate interests of the bearers of these names have much in common. This couple has every chance to be together, create and build a family.

Maria and Yuri- a very passionate couple in which endless quarrels are followed by endless reconciliations. The relationship between Maria and Yuri is constantly accompanied by bright events. Such temperament is also present in intimate life. Any disputes can come to naught with the help of sex. In general, their marriage may well take place and flourish.

Maria and Anatoly- this couple is not interested in material wealth, they are united by spiritual unity, the influence of which extends to other areas of life. Maria and Anatoly are sure that without warmth, the attributes of wealth cannot give real happiness and peace.

Maria and Ruslan- in this pair, two ardent natures converge with a heightened sense of independence. They are not used to making concessions and losing. Maria and Ruslan are suitable for each other, first of all, as passionate lovers, but ideal intimate relationships are not enough to build family happiness.

Maria and Nikita- they have good chances for life together. Maria and Nikita have many common interests: they love to travel, play sports, and also read. Although both have a complex character, they also know how to find a common language with each other (as long as there is love in the relationship). In general, this union can become the beginning of another unit of society.

Maria and Cyril is a union of two strong individuals for whom their personal interests are extremely important. Maria and Cyril are endowed not only with high conceit, but also with remarkable intelligence. Everything in their life has a degree of officiality, and even in intimate relationships there is pathos. The marriage between Maria and Cyril is rarely strong and stable, because it does not have the main component of a strong relationship - love.

Maria and Victor- economic Maria is a person who likes excessive squandering, while Victor is a workaholic who does not perceive an empty pastime. He is ready to do anything to take possession of such a woman, and she, in turn, endows him with loyalty and allows him to further improve the material component in order to realize her whims.

Maria and Stanislav- such a couple expects a multifaceted and vibrant lifestyle. Maria and Stanislav are open to fresh ideas and each other's hobbies. They love to travel together, and new discoveries will accompany them both at home and on vacation. Maria and Stanislav are beckoned by distance, interest in other peoples and civilizations. At the same time, they skillfully maintain strong feelings and devotion.

Maria and Timur- this union can be strong in the material aspect. Mary and Timur are predicted prosperity and wealth. They can become great companions in business, partners in business. Most often, they are connected by a sense of respect and solidarity, but not love. Most likely, they will not have enough passion in a relationship, as a result of which the couple will remain just friends or business partners.

Maria and Arthur- this couple goes through all the stages of a relationship with dignity and love for each other. They overcome the path from cooperation to friendship and love, constantly improving and strengthening relationships. In the end, Maria and Arthur achieve complete harmony in both spiritual and intimate relationships.

Name, given to man at birth, constantly affects his life, actions, character. Knowing the strengths and weaknesses, you can choose the right profession, environment, and even your soulmate. What does the name Maria mean? This article will tell.


Many are interested in the question: “In translation, what does the name Mary mean from Greek?” It should be immediately noted that it is of Hebrew origin. There are several versions of his translation: "bitter", "beloved", "stubborn" and "serene". Among the Slavs, it means "lady".

The name is popular all over the world, possibly due to the fact that it was worn by the mother of Jesus. It is pronounced differently in many countries. In England, these are Mary, Marie, Mariah, in Germany - Marike, Mitsel, in Greece - Marietta, Marigula.

Some even put the stress on the first syllable, while others on the second.


What does the name Maria mean for a girl? She grows sociable and cheerful, easily makes contact with both children and adults. Little Masha is very kind, she will always help the younger ones, she will not pass by an abandoned kitten or puppy.

She is calm, but at the same time is an inexhaustible source of energy. Her parents constantly surround her with attention, Maria's childhood is bright and happy. She loves to help her mother and grandmother at home. But more drawn to his father.

IN kindergarten rarely becomes the center of attention, but loves outdoor games, dancing, reading and spends a lot of time with other children.

Answering the question: "What does the name Mary mean for a child?" - do not forget about such qualities as touchiness and capriciousness. Even a small remark addressed to her is perceived by the girl very sharply. Masha can also be restless and undisciplined. In reserve, she always has a lot of questions that parents, teachers, and even complete strangers have to answer.


What does the name Maria mean for a girl in her school years and how does it affect her life? She studies well, if desired, she can become an excellent student. Responsible, teachers can always rely on her. She usually has few friends in the class. Relations with other classmates are good, Masha is ready to share everything she has. Some things he does according to his mood.

She is hardworking, if something does not work out for her, she is very worried. But such characteristic traits of her character as firmness and self-esteem help to cope with any problems.

What does the name Masha (Maria) mean: character

Growing up, she retains many of the qualities she had as a child. Impressionability is added, sometimes she simply does not understand jokes.

With her inner warmth, sincerity, ability to empathize and desire to help, Maria warms everyone around. She is capable of self-sacrifice. If the result is beneficial, then she will be happy.

The meaning of the name Maria characterizes her as an unforgiving woman. Any, even minor quarrels give her inner discomfort, so she easily and quickly forgives her offender. In some situations, it can take the first step. She herself rarely becomes the initiator of the conflict, but this does not mean that she cannot stand up for herself.

Sometimes she feels envy, but throughout her life Maria tries to get rid of this feeling. She is also stubborn, defending her point of view actively and violently. Failure does not turn into a tragedy, but, given the mistakes, starts all over again. She has very good intuition.

Character features

"Winter" Mashas are reserved. Before they say something, they will think several times.

What does the name Maria mean for its "spring" owners? These women are emotional and capricious. They do what they do according to their mood. Sometimes very arrogant.

"Summer" Marias are cheerful, by this they attract people to themselves. Also, women born in the warm season are good-natured.

"Autumn" girls with this name are characterized by self-interest. They surround themselves with people with whom they can benefit. Most often used at work.

How does a name affect health?

Unfortunately, Maria is sick a lot. Since childhood, many owners of this name are prone to allergic diseases. Especially in spring, they should be attentive to their health.

Weak organs are lungs, kidneys, stomach, intestines. Often they are faced with female ailments.

Maria has a predisposition to be overweight, so she should carefully monitor her figure. To raise immunity, hardening is necessary, for which swimming is excellent.


The meaning of the name Maria characterizes its owner as a girl who is not afraid of difficulties. In her work, she is attracted to those professions in which you need to give all your best.

Among colleagues, she is respected for her diligence, the authorities appreciate her sense of responsibility.

She can be anyone she wants to be. But most often he finds himself in the humanitarian professions - in pedagogy, medicine or in the field of arts. She makes a good psychologist.

How will it affect the activity and what does the name Maria mean if its owner decides to go into business? In this case, the woman becomes as serious as possible, and she will expect the same from her partners. Does not like to take risks if she does something - this is a well-thought-out risk-free transaction with a guaranteed positive result.

She doesn’t throw money away, she becomes very reasonable in business. It is important for Maria to succeed, she will never work "for a penny".

Marriage and family

The meaning of the name Maria speaks of her as a wonderful mother, wife, mistress. Family comes first for her.

She chooses her life partner carefully and is not inclined to fleeting relationships. Thanks to her sociability, she can take the first step herself.

She loves her family dearly. She takes the appearance of a child very seriously, reads a lot of literature so that her baby is brought up correctly. For the sake of children, Maria is ready to step over the interests of other people.

She is faithful to her husband, if it seems to her that new real feelings have come, she will confess and leave the family. But the betrayal of the spouse will never forgive. He will be very worried, but still file for divorce.

Masha's mother-in-law develops a good relationship but she won't live with her.

Question: “What does the name Maria (or Masha) mean and how does it affect the life of its owner?” - is of interest to many, especially men who want to connect their lives with her. In this, she is almost ideal - a wonderful hostess, whose house is always clean, and a delicious dinner is on the stove. He manages to finish things, even if he has small children in his arms. Maria has enough strength for everything, she will not demand the distribution of duties from her husband. He pays a lot of attention to household trifles, unfortunately, because of this, he communicates less with children.

She will be happily married to Anatoly, Alexander, Andrey, Vasily, Vyacheslav, Danila, Ivan, Zakhar, Makar, Roman, Fedor and Svyatoslav. It is best for her to avoid Valery, Yefim, Leo, Lavr, Rostislav. With them, most likely, she will be unhappy.

The meaning of the name Maria: horoscope

She is patronized by the planet Proserpine and the star Sun, the zodiac signs Virgo and Scorpio. It was they who endowed Masha with such a controversial character.

Her totem plants are lily and cornflower, as well as birch. Like them, Mary, with outward simplicity, has a rich inner world which is what draws people to it. Perhaps such features also determine the colors of the name - steel and orange.

The totem animal is a dove, symbolizing holiness and reconciliation.

Particular attention should be paid to the stone of the name, insofar as it has a great influence on a person when worn constantly. It's very important to do right choice. For Mary, it is jasper and diamond. If she wears them all the time, they will bring her good luck and success in all her affairs and undertakings.

Name in history

Many women are known to have worn it. What does the name Mary mean in history? The most famous owner of it can be considered the mother of Jesus. And the myrrh-bearing woman Mary Magdalene was next to him. This name was given to the mother of Sergei of Radonezh and the sister of Lazarus of the Four Days.

Mary Tudor was English queen in the 16th century. She was considered one of the most beautiful women that time.

Marie de Medici - French queen in the 17th century. She had an imperious character, tormented her husband with jealousy, but she was able to become a good ruler.

Eminent scientist Marie Curie. She discovered radioactivity and was awarded two Nobel Prizes in physics and chemistry.

Nowadays, many women are also known who bear this name: actresses, athletes, scientists.

It has never lost its popularity, and now young parents often call their newborn daughters Masha.