An ideal partner for love and sex - Gemini. Where is a serious relationship? Best couple for twins

Gemini - a very ambiguous zodiac sign. By virtue of his restless character, they often try to stream on several chairs at the same time. Gemini in love is very impatient and rusopal. But at the same time, patience of others and often do not have time where they are waiting.

If you are lucky enough to appoint a date to a person born under this sign, be prepared for what he is late. If at all comes. And all because the twins do not like restrictions and conventions - they crave to live freely and ease.

They are very sociable, their circle of friends includes a colossal number of different in temperament and interests of people. Twinsthrick versatile communication. They love rich events of life. Life and routine scares them. They are unusually energetic, therefore always in motion.

Gemini and love Quite often avoid each other, since this zodiac sign often distinguishes the quality of impermanence. As a rule, representatives of this sign scare obligations, therefore, it is difficult to make serious relationships with them. They are looking for an ideal about which often has no idea, so their searches often acquire the features of eternity.

At the same time, in front of the charm of the twins, few people can resist - their bright emotionality in combination with fast intelligence, communicability and erudition are able to combat anyone.

How to build relations with twins? Is it possible to get along with them in marriage? Is there a chance to take their rhythmic life and achieve any equilibrium and harmony in love? You decide!

Gemini woman in love and relationships

With twin women it is impossible to miss. Every meeting she will appear in front of you in various images capable of charm, embarrass and hit. Of all its many people that it demonstrates the opposite sex, sometimes it is sometimes difficult to find something that is present.

Today twin female It may present in front of you in the image of a shy and impregnable girl, and tomorrow - it will take a bold to flirt and drive it crazy from the desire to master it. And most interestingly, all images that sit in it and there is something that she is. Her soul is a multifaceted and unusual. And if you decide to tie a long and serious relationship with a woman born under the sign of the twins, be prepared for everything, for she is not ashamed to show all his essence.

Do not wait for her predictability, stability and tranquility. Did you decide to make her an offer? Wonderful! Just keep in mind that it will not be married to get married, it is much more difficult to convey the seriousness of this intention to it. After all, everything that happens in her life and love woman twin Perceives as another adventure.

She easily fascinates and drives men crazy, because she is inherent seduction, witty sense of humor, sociability and passion. If a man decides her to prove that he is the hero of her novel, he will have to be pretty sweat, because twin women Love the best of the best.

Men is largely satisfied with the versatility of her interests: she is happy to come down on football, and to the theater, and in Pivbar. Frequently quite often representatives of strong sex seek her communication and even. It is her desire to know and the ability to be aware of all those taking place around the events make it an unusually erudite and interesting person.

Despite the ambiguity of mood and frequent outbreaks of anger, twin female Nevertheless can become a wonderful wife. She always listens to her husband and help the smart and judicial council. If she loves, she will always be passionately to show their feelings. Gemini Woman in Love And family life is capable of making decisions very quickly and correctly. Sex for her does not have the last place in the relationship, so if a man wants her to remain true, he should be forgotten about egoism.

Gemini Male

He simply amazes with its energetic, activity and desire for its own development. Gemini man It can engage in several hobbies at the same time, to start a few topics for conversations and in this he will not be rivals. When he cares, he tries to fight a woman with his ability to speak beautifully and a subtle sense of humor. There are always many girls around him, they go crazy from him. He is flattering, but his feelings for each of them, he will prefer to mask, rather than open them. That is why it is so hard to understand. Its behavior is characterized by ease and changeability.

Gemini men
Do not take out when they are drunk in the framework. They can't stand on schedule or (even more so!) Make love exclusively at one time before bedtime.

A man born according to this sign of the zodiac, craves feelings and passion. He often falls in love and looking for a woman who can turn his head, everywhere and everywhere. But nevertheless, the beautiful floor he will never allow to drive himself "under the heel." If a woman wants a relationship with the twin, she will have to look for ways to diversify their joint life, otherwise, if he is tired of a daily routine, he will search for reasons for the scandal.

Gemini man Very acute responds to your failures in love. Because of this, he is able to fall into depression and despair. If a twin women Ease and speed make decisions, then men of this sign, on the contrary, with difficulty adhere to one course. That is why they are so often contradictory.

Gemini man in love And the relationship is waiting for the brightness, unobtrusion, sensuality and understanding. But in order to be able to keep the Union with him, the twins beloved must have hell patience and the ability to take it as it is. And at the same time, she will have to close the eyes into frequent.

Gemini man In relations with their children, it will be the best friend with which you can have fun and carefree. That is why they adore him! As a rule, he does not know how to be strict father and children seriously perceive him seriously, but they will ask the Council.

Twins compatibility with other signs

Gemini + Aries - often this marriage is compared with adventure novel, full of turbulent passions and saturated with events. Over time, it is likely that spouses can learn to adapt to each other.

Gemini + Taurus - a complex and ambiguous union. The main problem of relations is jealousy and authority.

Gemini + Gemini - most often they are related to "free love" or friendship, but such relationships, as a rule, rarely bring happiness.

The twin + cancer - the Union is possible only if the cancer provides beloved freedom and ease in relations.

The twin + lion is usually friendly in marriage, but the real love between them is rare.

Gemini + Virgo - Durable Union is quite likely, but if there are common interests and the ability to give each other.

Gemini + Scales are rather harmonious and ordered relationships, largely due to the weights. Inseparable steam makes common interests and joint activities.

Gemini + Scorpio is a heavy, but the common alliance between two uneasy signs. As a rule, twins dominate it.

The twin + Sagittarius - often they are binding marriage for the calculation. So that he does not collapse, it should be diversified by rides, travel, communication with other people.

Gemini + Capricorn - a continuing and complex union. Most likely, it is waiting for it.

Gemini + Aquarius - a good marriage, good relationship. But quarrels and disagreements in their home are often taking place.

Gemini + fish - very rarely relationships last long and happily - fish do not welcome windiness and impermanence inherent in twins.

Patricia Joadry, Mourury D. Pressman

Chapter 6. How to recognize "Gemini".

What is the feature of the kinship of shower twins? What are their relationships differ from any other good relationships? The difference lies in the following: the preservation of good relations between people contributes to their harmonious development and leads to different points of view. As for the relations of shower twins, they are based on the feeling of unity - the unity of views, the unity of the purpose and unity of understanding. If twin souls and diverge with each other in their development, then only for a short time and at the personal level. They develop as a whole, without creating obstacles to each other speed and direction of their development. This is the reason for so quick promotion of reunited twins.

"Gemini" possess the unity of views. All people, going on the mountain of evolution, are at different points. Before each of them opens their own panorama, and what everyone sees is true for him. If people stand on the opposite sides of this mountain, the panorama opens in front of them in the root, but for those whose ways pass around, it is almost the same. And only Gemini's souls are both in the same place. They see a single eye - the third eye, which serves as a means of spiritual vision. This does not deny their individuality of the vision of the same panorama. Just the differences between them are complemented and improving the perception of each separately. Whether it is not the case, the exclusiveness of the vision of each of them would not be able to awaken their interest in each other. Equilibrium of creative tension between them is the prospect of spiritual growth and the achievement of final perfection in co-care.

Gemini's souls do not doubt that they met not by chance. The reason for this meeting can be disclosed in front of them gradually, and this disclosure will occur as a result of their concentrated attention, because in the depths of the soul both "twins" aware that life is something more than just the implementation of the Divine Target. In preparation for the meeting, they acquire knowledge, in what direction to go. Therefore, becoming a single whole, they devote themselves to the ministry in which they find their purpose.

Gemini's souls possess the unity of feelings. It is in love that the unity of the twins shower is the most obvious, but this love is far from romantic. This is the love of the soul, far overlooking the individual and embracing the whole. Prescription "Love the Middle Like Himself" is truly difficult to follow ideally, for we cannot know for sure that our neighbor feels. It still remains separation. As for the twin souls, there are no separation here (of course, there are two separate individuals, but, in fact, they are inseparable). Only "Gemini", staying with each other in the unity of feelings, can love the partner as itself, because every half is the essence of the other half.

There is no rivalry between the twin souls. Here, there is no desire to exceed each other: none of the "twins" seeks either sublime over to others nor humiliate the other. A distinctive feature of the love of twin souls is the desire not to harm harm to each other. In this love there is no place or deliberate offeades, nor Wingram to the address of the partner, do not bring revenge. Even if one else is unintentionally or mistaken hurt, then it will be the first to feel it. Each manifests against the neighbor exceptional care, trying not to hurt him, and takes this pain for himself.

We want to emphasize that the reality of twin shower is an ideal. This is the ideal of any relationship, and it is available to everyone who is ready to follow the path of complete realization of the soul.

The first meeting.

The first meeting of Gemini Shower is always unforgettable. This is a very important event at the spiritual level, and its significance is reflected in life. Then follows a series of events that marks the "clutch" of the shower, as is reflected by a pair of symbolic rings, which at a higher level really remained admired.

Here is one such example: a woman was presented at the party to the famous speaker - a scientist whose works she had long admired. She congratulated him successfully and expressed her respect. He looked at her with almost a hypnotic look, and suddenly something prompted him to say: "In the future we will work together." He was surprised because he never noticed in himself a gift to predict the future, no other supernatural abilities. It seemed that these words simply came out of his mouth. She felt the energy outgoing from it, as well as a strange excitement, which in the end, forced them both to recognize the fact that they are twin souls. They really united in common work and contributed to new scientific knowledge. The events of this meeting remained in their memory forever.

The drama often accompanies the meeting of Gemini Souls, for this topic itself is the essence of the drama. Especially unforgettable experiences transferred in autobiography Ingaret Giffard " The Way Things Happen" ("That's how it all happens"). Ingaret Giffard, the wife of the famous writer Lawrence Van der-post, describes their first meeting on a ship swimming in South Africa, at his homeland:" When we talked, it was hard to believe that we just met. On the contrary, it seemed that we never parted. "

Once they both descended into his cabin, and simply went hugging. That's what she writes about it:

"It was not indulging in erotic desires and by no means an expression of physical attraction. It was a human experience, but at the same time something located outside the human understanding. Lying in the arms of Lawrence, I felt that we both put our personal signature under one of the most Bright pages of life. When, finally, we rose from the bed, I have already realized that although I was left the same person, I didn't have a deep difference between me: I was no longer alone. In fact, I could never Being one again. Of course, there could be obstacles on my way, but now I have the opportunity to fully share my experiences with another person, and this changed the character of my mental suffering because it was fit in the framework justice Our completed community. I know that these words are not enough to express the feeling of the inevitability of the turn of the fate, which has become the result of our mutual recognition of each other ... It was the state of being and belonging to something that does not touch the world of ordinary relationships. "

This is a recognition exclusively at the level of the soul, which destroys all mental barriers and overcomes the dependence created by intellectual arguments. This is the reunification of two individuals that have formed from the substance of one soul breathing with one air and carrying the deepest memory of its undeveloped state. This and other common qualities are inherent in all twin souls.

Great qualities and differences.

"Gemini" are the same in the desire, in the saturation of their being, in the ability to love, in dedication to other people and their highest start. They both believe in life, for the benefit of everything that is, because if they were not believed in the superiority of good, they would not be ready to do good to each other. They are similar in their sensitivity, in the perception of beauty and in the adoption of its opposite. They are to the same extent show perseverance, the power of will and resistance in a collision with the transformations of fate.

We learn them in their same way. The same pattern created by energies as a pattern created by the pastures of the sheet will reproduce itself throughout the life of "twins". Their equillation of each other is most clearly noted in choosing their business of life. Our observations showed that twin souls most often carry out complementary aspects of the same activity.

They can be both healers working in different directions of this area, or both musicians, and one of them is the performer, and the other composer in order to maintain and supplement each other. They both can deal with the language - one of them speaks with speeches, and the other writes books. In this case, the speaker receives the gift of writing, and the writer is the gift of oratory. Out of any doubt, both of them live like interests.

Since the lives of two "twins" are mutually intertwined, their experiences agree together and lead to joint work aimed at the best realization of potential opportunities.

Both twins can unite their forces in the new educational activities, which the churches are now engaged. They can be agents and impresario, promoting the work of artists and innovators. Perhaps they are both publishers who have taken responsibility to produce new spiritual literature for readers. They can also be teachers, social workers or businessmen who support ethics and responsibility in the business world. In whatever field of activity, they were not occupied, they certainly serve to humanity.

In general, people can be divided into two categories of intellectual preferences - people with a technological warehouse of the mind and people with a humanitarian warehouse of the mind. Famous examples of Gemini Souls indicate that "Gemini" is inherent in the same mindset. Watching married couples, we notice that the combination of two different levels of development does not lead to that harmony, which arises when both spouses have either humanitarian or technical warehouse of the mind.

Of course, all shades may be present in achieving the harmony of "twins". While the harmony of some steam is on the same warehouse of the minds "twins", other couples acquire harmony due to complementary qualities, and their love grows on these differences. Their relationship is confirmed by harmony and durable love.

Even if the professions of "twins" do not belong to the same area, "Gemini" will still share the views of each other. They can achieve ideal, approaching him from opposite sides. As the basis of its one and the same, they constantly expand each other's horizons through the game of their complementary energies. Since they have a common origin, then general addictions, antipathies, tastes and aesthetic preferences. Usually "Gemini" love the same music. They complement each other well in the sense of humor and in communication skills. Both can love cool weather or, on the contrary, hot. Both can love the sea or mountains. Some pairs of "twins" distinguishes general love of nature, others - the preference of urban life.

From the experience of graphology that can largely disclose the character of a person, it is known that the "twins" even observes the similarity of the handwritters. In addition, they have very similar lines of the palm, especially the Mars line, which is responsible for intuition and the power of the mind. If one of them is inherent sentimentality, it is characteristic of both the other. In fact, it should be adopted as an axiom that the twin souls should be kind on their nature, because the higher the spiritual development, the goodness of the Spirit.

They are "Gemini", and their "twinness" passes through their whole life - in thoughts and in physical structure. The similarities underlying twin shower are found parallel in one-time twins, which in infancy were separated and adopted by different parents. If they are found in adulthood, they often detect that they are equally dressed, wear the same hairstyles, have the same professions, as well as many other similarities, up to the fact that their spouses also find themselves.

The similarities and differences of twin s serving are in a balanced ratio. This ensures the necessary creative stress, prompting to action, as well as the source of energy for spiritual advancement of twin souls as a whole.

"Gemini" can distinguish each other in the nature of each or reason or emotions. They are both involved in a friendly match, and through the stimulus to fight the harmonious expression of their individual "I". Above this scene can be thicken clouds. Dark forces are always on guard and grab about any opportunity to create disagreements between the Twins. In this duel with each other, "Gemini" should experience their spiritual strength, constantly confirming the equality in strength and becoming even stronger. The sun comes, and at the time of the crisis they forget about him. But when the sun appears again, there is a tide of joy, which gives people fresh spiritual forces.

Dar "Twins".

According to the Sufi text, the Union of Gemini Souls is a gift. At first, many doubt whether to take this gift. The implementation of the "twinness" is the process, the path of discoveries. It reveals before the "twins" gradually and leads to a recognition of each other. "Gemini" can meet several times even before they truly recognize each other. These meetings prepare "twins" to a collision with the energy that will open for them at the time of mutual recognition, as well as to life circumstances in which the reunited "Gemini" are sometimes.

This recognition can begin before the meeting, on thin levels. As you approach each other, each of the "twins" is more and more aware that somewhere there can be exactly the same person. They start increasingly trusting their inner feeling, keeping vigilance and willingness to find out the life of the upcoming meeting provided by him.

When the corresponding moment comes, circumstances arise that form the possibility of meeting "Gemini". The recognition of the twin soul is an extremely impressive event, the case when the spark of "twins" flashes from which the flame is flashed covering the separated souls and in one moment it makes them together.

There is a paradox here: although the completion is achieved instantly, it simultaneously represents a developing process. It takes time to ensure that there is a new consciousness in complex personalities entering into a single soul of "twins". This process is expressed in continuous activity, the results of which are constantly accumulated and strengthened throughout life.

A trustworthy recognition signal and acquired by the "twins" of each other is the instantaneous appearance of a sense of unconditional love - the love that since open mutual recognition is aware of them more and more. This love, apparently, the deepest experience at the time of the meeting of two twins and recognizing each other by them.

It seems incomprehensible, where such unconditional love arises, when there was no time on its development. In fact, this time was, and this is the time of living on earth, the time that took place on the development of the soul to such a state. "Gemini" belong to each other not at all like other people: they never see a vicious person in a partner, but they always see a clean soul. Each of them "knows the" genuine essence of the other. In their vision, the light of purity prevails, and this light does not blind them, but takes out of the duality of the approval and disapproval, lighting all the qualities as a whole and making them all desirable.

For all meetings, twin shower are characterized by general important points, although each meeting is unique in its own way.

This is what one person tells about recognizing each other's shoes:

"It's about the same that the difference you feel when you look a portable black and white TV and when you sit in the most modern cinema and watch a movie from start to finish in color and with surround sound."

Another person who met his "twin" paints us the following picture:

"You both seem to rush on the" American Golkov ", and the experience of the fact that you are now together, for you almost literally stunning. The only way to describe this experience is when you raise you to such a state of consciousness, which is for The limits of space and time, and having visited in which you will never be the same anymore. For the first time in life there is a feeling that your loneliness comes to an end, and that you have found someone who understands you without the need for complex explanations. You feel that you feel Always knew this man. Although at the level of personality sometimes it is necessary to catch something else, you still know what came home. This great feeling of the purpose and meaning of relationship, as if the possibility of genuine ministry appeared. It is also a great relief after long-term preparation and search And, above all, the feeling of awareness that the journey really just began! "

Mutual recognition.

Is always recognition of each other with "twins" mutually? At the level of the soul otherwise it does not happen. When two "twins" are combined, their souls begin to sparkle at the same time. However, by emotional and practical reasons, resistance sometimes occurs.

It is quite clear that a married man holding a high position in society, who suddenly meets the second half of his soul, immediately faces in life with great obstacles. It is possible that in this case it will follow the refusal to recognize their "twin". But the souls find each other to perform the purpose of fate. They are found at the stage of their evolution when the opposites should Connect. The soul does not wait until the clear and straight road opens in front of it. During the struggle, universal forces lead all elements to a common denominator. In the end, the magnetic attraction between two "twins" becomes so strong that all obstacles are overcome, and the solution comes. Never the test does not fall into the share of a person if he in his soul does not know how to overcome him.

However, misconceptions are found when "twinness" is entitled erroneously.

Attempts to remake a person in order to comply with our idea of \u200b\u200b"twin".

In our desire to complete the feasible ideal of a genuine spiritual union, risks to see their "twin" in a person who is actually not true. The person is inclined to climb attitudes in such a form that he always dreamed. We cling to certain similarities between us and our partners, exorbitantly exaggerate them and close their eyes to significant differences, for which, one way or another, sooner or later, will have to pay attention. We can easily succumb to fantasy, denial of your destination, and create the illusion of "twin".

Nothing is predetermined in advance: our real destiny, which develops as a result of karma of past actions, still leaves some choice for us. However, our "twin" is intended for us from the very beginning of creation. This is not a question of choice: here either a person is "twin" or not. And we cannot change any desires and manipulations.

Let's look at fingerprints. Where can we find imprints, exactly repeating our? Can we take the mortgage of any person and try to change his drawing on the fingertips? We make the same thing, trying to reform another person in order to comply with our idea of \u200b\u200b"twin."

At first glance, this insignificant self-exchanger can lead us to the bunch of full delusion. This cunning pane is capable of far away from a meeting with his real "twin", perhaps on a lifetime, but in man still the conviction remains that somewhere there is his only and unique second half. Astral delusion forces are always ready to postpone the reason to promote the soul. Their deceptive light blinds the eyes and distorts the vision. Such forces are described in spiritual literature as Lucifer's light, the light that blinds. In the authority of this light cannot distinguish it from real spiritual enlightenment. Religious fanatics, followers of dubious cults and false buds fell victim to this deceptive light.

An explanation may be the following story. The mother of five children fell under the hypnotic influence of one charismatic spiritual leader, which in his research came across the theory of twin souls and convinced this woman that she and he - twin souls. He persuaded her to leave the family and live with him in the community. It took quite a bit of time, and he carried away by another his sequence. He stated that she was also his "twin", and that in rare cases of the souls are not divided into two, but for three parts.

Whatever relationships are between people, every soul is committed to his "twin" and to their like-minded people. But our ego seeks to completely to the other, rather than our soul. Not possessing the truth, it is not able to express the inner sense of conviction, satisfaction and elevation, which indicates true compliance. Martin Israel, the British parish priest who writes books, helps the sick and travels with his preachs around the world, tells us about wisdom as follows: "I feel that when people are looking for the kingdom of God, they find much more than supposed to find , including a meeting with the twin of his soul. But if a person is too focused on the search for a twin soul, then this search usually has a selfish subtext and distracts a person from performing its nearest tasks. "

This compliance is achieved only when a meeting of twin shower is directed by God. If this is not the case, then you can endlessly try to boost each other, but attempts will be unsuccessful. For example, you can idealize the love of a partner, reaching in its idealization to extremes. This is due to the fact that we are in the depths of the soul wearing the ideal of your second half. Moving loneliness, we can grasp the finished partner and forcing the conviction that we met our ideal. To confirm your belief for yourself, we suppress our own needs and give a rational explanation for this false perception. And if we sometimes do not see that this person is not really our "twin", then this is well understood by others.

No need to be a psychoanalyst to see these illusions, but an experienced observer can understand the reasons that cause them. Moury Pressman, co-author of this book, tells about the woman he treated for depression. This woman was married for many years and gave birth to three children. All this time, her husband was extremely critical and ruthless towards her. She told about it, without showing no anger or other affects. On the contrary, psychoanalyst listened, as she idealized this man, and constantly confirmed that he was always right. It was clear that the patient agreed with criticism heard from her husband, and suppressed his hostility towards him. Representing him perfect, she did not leave himself the reasons for anger and continued to be in the illusion of a happy marriage. Acting in this way, she delayed promotion in life both for himself and for her husband, as well as for the twin soul, which reflected this unconsciousness.

It doesn't matter, long or short, we follow our completion, we are encouraged by one goal: to achieve the light of consciousness and rejoice. In this sense of our existence, as well as a goal, for which in our time on this land there are so many twin shower attracted each other.

Awareness of the goal.

Many believe that humanity stands on the eve of the grand leap of consciousness. Enlightened people prepare themselves to him in their own way. They realize that it is time for each of us to wake up to their original nature, to their potential, and take responsibility for both themselves and for our planet.

We are convinced that twin souls will have a special contribution: numerous examples of their meetings in our time are of great importance, both at the level of personality and on the planetary level.

When twin souls are connected, they generate a whirlwind of energy, which looks like light in the darkness of the Company's unconsciousness. Twins complement each other, becoming a single whole, and this whole exceeds the amount of its two parts: two create the third, and the third is a very powerful force, the strength of light and love, manifested at the level of emergency purity. This type of energy is part of the energy of both twins, and it is different from the energy of individuals or even groups of people working together. This is a special offer, which "Gemini" must make each other, as well as to all mankind, in their ministry.

In front of the eyes there is an image: a dark visual hall in which the lights are growing more and more. Each light is conscious and harmonious relations of twins. Reunited twin shower, and, therefore, the lights are becoming more and more, and, in the end, there is so much light on the planet that this special energy will show itself as a catalyst at any time and will help to implement the long-awaited breakthrough in consciousness. .

This image allows us to see that the search "twin" is not selfish, but the ministry. The attraction of twin shower to each other is the first and last hope of the world. And how will their lives be connected? For who directs movement in the Universe, this is a very simple question. Everything was made in motion with the first breath of God, and each moving particle, fonding the endless space measurements, everything else will inevitably receive a signal when this should happen. And the water will be minimized, and the mountains will move, and all the affairs of state importance will go to the background, in order to allow two souls to reach each other's hands when their time come.

Build relationships with twins is quite difficult. And the point here is not that such a man has a difficult character. Just the opposite. It easily jumps from one woman to another, switches its activity. It seems that the man twins, like that white rabbit from "Alice ...", all the time runs somewhere and is doing something.

However, the complexity consists and not in this. For many women, the motives of the behavior of such a satellite of life are very difficult, and therefore it is impossible to predict his behavior. Confidence in the life satellite under this mark will never be 100%, and many women cannot accept it. But if you can find an approach to this truly mysterious man, good compatibility and love communication for a long time you are provided.

general characteristics

A man under the sign of the twins is very beautiful and charming. It can easily find an excellent intervieweer who knows how to tell and talk almost about everything. "Wizard Word" is the most accurate characteristic of it in communication. And you should not try to "replay" such an interlocutor or to win in this art, since it is almost impossible. The ability to argue a few topics at the same time in these men is often manifested than they attract the attention of the opposite sex.

Smart and original thoughts are born in the head in the twins in large quantities. It is always in the process of building any plans or projects. However, when the time comes from words to go to the case, his enthusiasm disappears sharply.

Perhaps this is due to the fact that such men have a constant fear of defeat. They are afraid not to succeed and put themselves in not very attractive light. And what could be scary for them, as recognition of their imperfection? It can strike his weak, practically a nursery psyche, because, in fact, the perpetual child. After such a defeat, a man often flows into deep depression. Therefore, if you are important compatibility and future relationship, in no case indicate its disadvantages.

In the working team, twins love and consider the "generator of ideas." However, his expectability and constant desire for something new interfere with the achievement of career heights.

Love and twins

"Beautiful love ... was ..." - this is how you will most likely remember these relationships. After all, it is able to charming, chassing and be simply indispensable. They want to admire, breathe, live. Beautiful words, always told to the place, reassure, worshiper, seduce, intrigue. Such wars are well aware of their charm and do not bend it to use. They can seduce almost any girl who will become interesting to them. But beware as soon as you stop being a mystery to him, this interest will fade. And this man, who is always Yun in the soul, will go in search of new and unknown.

Gemini are very in love, they can greatly combine interest in several women at the same time. After all, for them, the state of love is natural, and therefore the need for it is constantly present. However, what an interesting special would not be, for the sake of you to abandon our freedom, he will not be able to. Forget about your interest and constant search for love, such a man will not want. Therefore, love twins is very difficult.

According to the Goroscope compatibility with the twin woman you can wait for anything but one: you will never get bored with her! And how can you be bored next to the special, which is so many-sided that it is difficult to understand: what of its many people is the present?

Perhaps this is an image of an excellent hostess and caring mother, from which itifies the comfort of a homely hearth? Or the subject of the desperate traveler, whose energy can satisfy only the tour for extremals, with a alloy on kayaks on the rapid rivers and the conquest of mountain peaks?

Twin Woman Compatibility - Male Taurus

The compatibility of the twin female and the male is very different, and it attracts them to each other. Mutual interest appears immediately, at the first acquaintance.

In this pair, everyone sees what benefits appear from their union. And then it all depends on whether they will focus on incompatible features or become each other partners. ..

Twin Woman Compatibility - Gemini Male

The union of sociable, energetic, restless twins does not fit into the usual framework. Gemini Gemini compatibility is a pair of two similar people - inquisitive, mobile and smart. Due to excessive independence and love for unlimited freedom, problems often arise in their relationship. In general, no matter how many of these relationships do not last, both of them will be remembered for the rest of their lives.

For compatibility, the twin male and the twin female understand each other well and build relationships based on common interests: Gemini are not endowed with a particularly sensitive soul or sexual passion. They are more suitable for a union in which a lot from friendship than passionate emotional attachment. Love in her "pure form" tires twins, but next to the same rational man, as they themselves, they find their happiness ...

Twin Woman Compatibility - Cancer Cancer

The compatibility of twin women and cancer - This is a very strange and not too suitable pair: open to the outside world, vividly interested in everything around a woman and a homely, closed man.

In this relationship, physical attraction comes to first place: in bed, the twin female and man feels that they are created for each other, they are so easy and good. And the most pleasant thing is that the feeling of novelty may not leave their union and many months later.

In ordinary life, they are too different, each with their dreams and goals. In a cautious man-cancer and restless twin female, there are absolutely different rates of life - they even go and say with different speeds - and who would have thought that this particular dissimilarity would become the basis for their sexual harmony ...

Children's Compatibility - Man-Lion

The compatibility of twin women and men-lion - This marriage union has not only a strong physical attraction, but also many common interests. Immediately after the wedding, boredom disappears and the need for detectives, Validol, Valerianka, caffeine and other medicines disappears. Everything sniffs. During the period of courtship, twins are blinded to the marriage and generosity of the lion, and the latter impresses lightness and mobility, playfulness and greasibility, wit and eloquence of the first.

True, after the rapid start of living together, it often comes some cooling of feelings, sometimes reaching a crisis, the reason for which, as a rule, are negative features of the nature and the ingredients of the twins, especially their indecision, irritating lion, surface feelings, criticality or endless late ...

Compatibility Twin Woman - Male Virgo

The compatibility of the twin women and the male - This marriage union consists of a mixture of life elixira of virgins and nervous twins. As the Virgin can be found in alliance with twins, these "multicolored, shiny butterflies" - just the mind is incomprehensible. This is surprised not only by their friends and relatives, but also the whole world and even astrologer scientists. There are too many differences in their characters and the bushes, and they need a lot of patience and a great desire to change themselves to understand each other. Although the twin female and male men are immediately found.

Despite the fact that it is pretty union, but at the same time, it is very promising. There is excellent business cooperation between these signs, good and useful friendship ...

Children's Compatibility - Male Scales

The compatibility of the twin women and men's weights - This is the most fabulous, distant from everyday life, air and light alliance. Rarely meet a happier couple thanGemini and scales When they found each other.

Between them, ideal mutual understanding and harmony, they do not bind each other from the material world, but will never break up, because they are united by love.

The surrounding this union may seem strange, but in life there is often enough. The fact is that with all the disabilities of the characters of men-scales and twin women, they combine such common features of nature as emotionality and change of mood. Thanks to this, they understand each other perfectly ...

Twin Woman Compatibility - Scorpio Male

The compatibility of twin women and scorpion men - It's hard to find more dislikes. It is hard to find a common language. Passionate and stubborn male scorpion and charming "Ledshka" - Gemini can make each other unhappy.

This pair can only combine the generality of interests and business cooperation, co-authorship.

Between them, both physical and spiritual harmony can exist, but their marriage union will always be very problematic. Their joint life will constantly impede and overshadow from a twin woman - her elusive temper, endless girlfriends and eternal wanderings on the white light, and from the Scorpio Men - His strong and proprietary character, painful jealousy and eternal suspicions, permanent disputes and quarrels , clarification of relationships, scandals ...

Twin Woman Compatibility - Male-Sagittarius

The compatibility of twin women and a man-male compatibility - These are real halves of one whole.

Most opposite signs complement each other well, but has a different character, temperament and habits. Gemini and Sagittarius are interested in the same, they coincide the tastes, they notice the same things. The difference is only in the inconsistent assessment of all this.

Relationships in this bright pair are traditional you can not call: and the man-Sagittarius, and the twin female - extremely independent nature that are not too tuned to any family or marriage. As a rule, they do not require oaths from each other in eternal loyalty and are in no hurry to apply to the registry office, however, it is the feeling of freedom in relationships gradually increasingly binds them to each other ...

Twin Woman Compatibility - Capricorn Male

"They agreed: water and stone, poems and prose, ice and a flame" - this phrase seems to be specifically created in order to illustrate this marriage union. According to the compatibility of twin women and Capricorn men - in relations with a rapid, independent, not recognizing any framework of adhesion and conservative Capricorn, seeking to create a family, there is a big plus: their opposite qualities are in many ways complement each other.

So this union has a chance if only partners will not redo each other, and clearly distribute duties in the family. In any case, the guarantor of the stability of this marriage can only be a solid, reliable and wise Capricorn. If the twin female is much younger than the male Capricorn or both partners are already forty, then the prospects for such a union are even more ...

Twin Woman Compatibility - Aquarius Male

On the compatibility of twin women and aquarius male - This is a union of two similar people. Not only friendship and cooperation are possible between them, but even a very noteworthy and funny marriage union - with original ideas, checks and plans, with knowledge of the secrets of art of love and sex. As a marriage union, he is definitely alive, and a wiggy, frisky and ardent, but, unfortunately, very and very unsecured, because the material side of weak is both in one and the other. Partners will not chase none of titles, nor the titles, thoroughly reject the accumulatory and boss way of life.

So it seems that they are specially created for each other. Often, their love occurs "at first sight." And then there is nothing surprising, both are ready to flit, like two night butterflies, stop like Gorylinka, especially under the covering of the moon nights, which, most often, end with fun free intimate contacts ...

Twin Woman Compatibility - Male Fish

Compatibility Twin Women and Fish Men- Dreamy philosopher man-fish and expansive twin female are so much similar that it seems, nature has created them with the intention so that their ways never crossed. Usually they do not intersect, but from any rule there are exceptions.

Relationships between twins and fish are full of conflicts and misunderstanding.

Fish is a symbol of intuition and fantasy, and the twins are reason and eruditions. It is difficult for them to find points of contact. If for some reason they still agreed, the Union promises to be original and bright ...

In the first half of life, try to find the perfect pair among other places of air element - scales and water. The first can make your happiness if easy to rise and have a wide range of interests. And Aquarius will become an ideal partner, if he has already managed, what is called, to make "mistakes of youth" and therefore pays to stable, family relations ... In the second half of life, twins need another. Ideally, the place near the proud, independent, talented lion - with large ambitions and the winner's manners. There are great chances of creating an ideal family with a bird that, however, should not have excessive requests and patients with pride.

Best couple for twins

Libra: This pair will cause envy with its perfect mutual understanding. Representatives of these signs of the zodiac equally love entertainment and travel, they sincerely enjoy each other's society and do not consider that someone must certainly have something. This is the key to a wonderful novel, which can over time to turn into a delightful marriage, which confirms the twin scales compatibility horoscope.

Aquarius: The relationship of this couple promise to be pleasant in all respects. Gemini and Aquarius sincerely enjoy each other: Aquarius admires twins, which are inspired by sociable and creative aquiet. The strength of the relationship can be shaken only if someone will encroach on the freedom of another. Both signs of extremely freedom-loving and the threat of despoty leads them to rage, the horoscope of compatibility of the twins Aquarius warns about it.

Aries: These signs of the zodiac can be a good pair, provided that Aries will get rid of their axes, and the twins will not behave thoughtlessly. The relations are inevitable, which, however, will end with rapid reconciliation, this warns the Horoscope compatibility of the twins of Aries. Aries will be an unlawful leader of this pair, whose advice twins will be willing to listen. Marriage usually long, and the relationship is passionate and trust, this confirms the horoscope compatibility of Aries twins.

The worst couple for twins

Fish: Couple can be successful if the fish will not take too close to the heart of the rainfall twins. In addition, the fish will invariably wait for these relationships more: they need care and reliability. The twins are passionate about the search for bright impressions and will be offended by any encroachment on their freedom. If the fish can come to terms with the frivolous temper of the twins, the novel promises to be long, this confirms the horoscope of the compatibility of the twins of fish.

Virgo: This pair is doomed to superficial relationships, this warns compatibility horoscope. Virgo and Gemini may in the first time they strongly captivated with each other, but later the Virgin will be bored with excessive sociability and frivolity of twins. And they, in turn, sewers the apathy and coldness of the Virgin. Yet these two can be happy together, finding some common goal. The most successful choice will be a common business: interest in success and financial well-being will provide relations with a second chance, this confirms the celebration of the twins of the Virgo.

Scorpio: The relationship of these signs of the zodiac always starts with anodged passion, this is said about the horoscope compatibility. Scorpio and Gemini spend a good time together, but at some point Scorpio, as a rule, begins to demand from its satellite too much and tiring it with scenes of jealousy. The patience of careless twins is so lacking, and Scorpio is aggravated by his behavior completely, it warns the compatibility horoscope twins Scorpio.

Strained relations

Twins: This couple will understand each other without words. Relationships promise to be pleasant and unfinion, the horoscope compatibility speaks about it. The twin female tends to show more concern and distrust that can negatively affect the development of the novel. These relationships have a chance to success only if both representatives of this sign of the zodiac refuse their usual surfaces in relationships, this confirms the choroscope compatibility of Gemini Gemini.

Sagittarius: This pair unites freedom and interest in each other as in curious and pleasant interlocutors. The twins magnetically attracts to the archers, despite their complete opposite, and, perhaps, precisely thanks to her. The novel promises to be beautiful, but the unwillingness of neither the other obligations towards themselves leads to quarrels and scandals, the Horoscope compatibility of the twins Sagittarius is warned about it.