What the starch can be replaced - the secrets of the success of good owners. What the starch can be replaced: features and recommendations

Culinary appointment of starch is a change in the structure and consistency of dishes. But this transformation can be carried out and thanks to other food products. Many starch substitutes suitable for making buns, cakes, biscuits and other baking are probably among your home supplies.

Multifaceted starch

In baking starch, like a multifaceted actor, executes several roles at once:

  • promotes the thickening of the test;
  • absorbs excess liquid, making baking lush, light, air;
  • gives the test to the crash, holding the form of products.

Decent alternative to Krachmal

The above functions can be "entrusted" the following ingredients: chicken eggs,

  • wheat, buckwheat or rye flour,
  • coconut chips
  • gear
  • oatmeal
  • gelatin.

For example, in the biscuit dough starch is successfully replaced with wheat flour, which, as is known, also contains starch.

In the fascia and pancakes, use chicken eggs (proportion: 1 egg instead of 1 tablespoon starch), which fasten the dough and do not give it camsing

The sandstone perfectly works with an alternative - move the blender to the semolina crook powder or a dry coconut chips. Increase in the test of the test the number of eggs.

The simplest replacement of starch is modest breadcrumbs.

Having learned how you can replace starch in baking, stop at one of the options and check your choice in practice.

Biscuit walnut cake with coffee-chocolate sweet

We give a visual example of such interchangeability. Instead of starch, take some bitten crackers, which, by virtue of their consistency, absorb an extra moisture and give the crust of the crumb.

For the test you will need:

  • 12 eggs;
  • 250 g of sugar;
  • 250 g of chopped nuts;
  • 2 tablespoons of ground supersers;
  • pinching vanillin.

For cream:

  • 250 g of chopped nuts;
  • 250 g of sugar;
  • 1 cup of cream;
  • 100 g of butter;
  • pinching vanillin.

For sweets:

  • 300 g of sugar;
  • 0.5 glasses of water;
  • 1 teaspoon of vinegar;
  • 50 g of chocolate or cocoa;
  • 1 cup of coffee;
  • 20 g of butter;
  • vanillin.

Separate egg whites from yolks. Squirs to take into a cool foam, gradually adding sugar. Then throw yolks, mix quickly. Connect the mass with nuts and breadcrumbs, mix again thoroughly.

The cooked dough is divided into 2 parts and place in 2 lubricated oil and snapped with crackers for baking. Put them in the oven (+200 ° С) and bake half an hour.

Meanwhile, cook cream and fudge.

Connect cream with sugar and boil on slow fire, stirring and arguing to the consistency of thick sour cream. Add nuts, vanillin, butter, well mix.

The weightless white powder, which, during compression, makes the sound of a squeezing snow, called starch. It is known for people for a long time, and in every corner of the planet is made from different products. In the cooking starch is used as a thickener for liquid dishes and a baking disintector. Most popularities are potato and corn starch. Is it possible to replace one to another in the recipe depends on some differences between these products.

Types of starch

To date, the natural thickener is made of potatoes, corn, rice, wheat and manioki.

It is less likely to have products made from rye, barley and pea. In our country, potato and corn starch are distributed. Is it possible to replace one on another, will be described in detail below. Less often meets the rice thickener.

Terms of Use

To make a thick liquid dish, for example, kissel or sauce, starch must be pre-dissolved in a small amount of cold liquid. It may be water, juice, broth, cream, and so on, depending on what is preparing. For sauce, in some cases it is allowed to first fry dry starch in a frying pan in the butter, and only then add liquid to the container, but already hot and in full.

Is it possible to replace the corn starch potato in baking? For this you only need to change the proportions of the product, since each has its own characteristics. In the dough, dry starch is added for looseness and pomp, and in the filling for giving the creamy texture.

When preparing sauces or jelly, thickener should be added strictly at the end of cooking, after which it is immediately reduced to reduce the fire or remove it at all. This is due to the fact that with prolonged heating potato starch loses its properties and the dish starts to spread again.

Is it possible to replace the potato starch corn in the sauce? In fact, the chefs do not recommend this, since the corn product thickens at higher temperatures. In order for the dish with this, it will have to keep it on the stove with the added thickener much longer, it should be considered.

It is also very important to observe the proportion of starch to the rest of the products in the recipe. If adding it too much, the dish will be hopelessly spoiled.

Dry use

We all know a flour panicing for frying products, but in some countries the traditional is starch panicing. Mixing with spices starch and roasting fish in the fryer, you can get a crunchy and brilliant crust, which will retain the whole juiciness of the main product.

Preparation of any product in a traditional Chinese frying pan with a convex bottom and the addition of starch will give a complete dish a very appetizing look.

Features of cooking cream

The main difference of potato starch is that it thickens a dish to a greater extent, but when adding in a large amount, a certain unpleasant taste gives. In addition, with long-term heat treatment, it loses its properties. Is it possible to replace the corn starch potato in the custard at the same time? Theoretically, it is possible, but the result will not be the best. Corn starch gives liquids more homogeneous consistency, a beautiful glossy shine and does not leave out of the outside taste.

For foods with a long heating in cooking, it is better to choose a corn thickener. For the kisl, it is better to take exactly potato starch, because the corn will make it muddy.

Replacement in pasting

Is it possible to replace the corn starch potato in the cake? It all depends on the set of nuances that should be considered. On the one hand, the product from potatoes loses its properties with prolonged heating and can spoil the final dish during baking. On the other, the thickening properties of the corn powder are reduced by adding a large amount of sugar or acid with it.

Cooks about this are advised to stick to the recommended formulation and not to move away from it, if there is a desire to get a guaranteed result. If there is no possibility to strictly follow the recipe, you can experiment, because the starch is theoretically interchangeable. It is only important to change the proportions, because the thickener from potatoes is a big viscosity. So is it possible to replace the corn starch potato, without spoiling a dish? For this corn thickener, take 1.5 times more, if potato is indicated in the recipe, and vice versa. If the recommendations are using a corn product, then to take 1.5 times less potato. This rule is ideal for biscuits, kissels and sauces, the main thing is not to forget about the temperature.

Cold porcelain

Very long ago, a simple mixture was invented for modeling from ordinary products. Its peculiarity is that when frozen it hardens and becomes like a china, and in the skillful hands, it is simply not distinguished from it from it really expensive.

From cold porcelain make toys, decorative decorations, flowers and much more, but what have starch? And despite the fact that it is among the ingredients for the kneading material. In almost all the mixture recipes, it is recommended to use corn thickener. Is it possible to replace the corn starch potato in cold china? It is possible, but the result will not be as high quality. The fact is that mixed products before the kneading should begin to boost well, and, as already known, with long-term heat treatment, potato starch loses its properties.

If the corn product is simply not available, you can choose a recipe without cooking. Fortunately, today there are already a lot of them, and you can find recommendations for any circumstances.


So, is it possible to replace the corn starch potato? The article describes the most common options for using data thickeners both in cooking and in needlework. Based on the features of the products under consideration, it can be concluded that they are interchangeably always, but when complying with the recommended proportions when adding.

Of course, the cooks do not recommend changing the ingredients in recipes on their own, as it can significantly affect the taste of dishes, but if there is no other exit, you just need to follow the advice listed above and remember the features of each starch. If your own experience has long allowed to change products or taste in the right relationship or taste requires something new, then culinary experiments will only expand your horizons.

If you do not know what to replace starch in baking, then you accurately hit the address! The role of the thickener in desserts is often assigned to starch, but not only this powder is used for its dishes experienced cooks. I will share with you secrets that will help you to get out of a difficult situation associated with the absence of the necessary ingredient.

Some hostesses do not interfere with the contraindications of individual thickeners, they also got starch, which is produced from potato tubers.

How to organically replace starch flour

For baking instead it is allowed to use: flour; semolina; Agar-Agar; gelatin; chicken eggs; Coconut chips.

As a thickener prescribed in a culinary recipe, very often appears starch. But what to do if it was not at hand, and in baking the presence of this ingredient necessarily?

My friendly advice reads: starch is quite possible to replace the flour (linen, wheat, buckwheat or rye), samples in a coffee grinder seeds or a cereal.

Replace starch, as you can see, it is not so difficult, the main thing is to follow the recipe and pay attention to the amount you need starch.

Put so many flour in the dough, how much thickener you need. Yes, and do not forget to sink flour several times so that the replacement does not affect the baking.

To cook a thick custard, you can hardly do without a thickener. But it does not have to be starch. Mix flour with the rest of the ingredients and put on the fire, constantly stirring the mass with a blade. You will notice that the cream is absolutely not spoiled if you replace the starch with wheat flour.

To replace the starch eggs

My answer to this question: yes. Everyone knows, chicken eggs are added to the bunch of ingredients in the dough. In addition, they affect the end result: desserts become more air and crumbly.

Take note: one egg successfully can replace 2 tablespoons of potato or corn starch.

For example, a custard turns out more gentle, if instead of putting starch in it, you break the egg in a bowl. It is crawled with sugar and vanilla, pour the mixture into boiling milk and cook cream to thickening.


The manka absorbs excess moisture formed in dishes during thermal processing. That is why this lace can be replaced by starch when cooking cottage cheesecakes, lazy dumplings, cottage cheese pyshek, cheesery.

Starch is replaced by a semitter in equal proportions, but before putting it in baking, soak it for an hour and a half in warm milk or kefir. During this time, she will have time to swell and her grains will not be so obviously felt during tasting.

Coconut shavings

Berry or fruit filling in pogs behaves not too well. I am now talking about the situation when the juice formed in the process of baking juice, begins to flow into the baking sheet and burn.

It will be possible to avoid this with the help of coconut chips, it can replace starch, and even give a dessert of a pleasant fragrance.

Replacement on agar-agar or gelatin

Two components have proven well as a thickener, one of which is mined from sea algae. And this means that Agar-Agar, in addition to its main function, will help you replenish in the body stocks of iodine and other trace elements.

To replace with the gelatin or agar-agar, the thickener known to us, stir it in the liquid and, after 15 minutes, heat the water bath.

As you can see, replace the potato powder can be a number of products that will definitely have in your kitchen.

Starch (rice, potato or corn) is used as an additive for giving creams, sauces, liquid filling or a more thick-consistency sausage, and it is used in baking (test) and cutlets as a substitute for the main product - flour or meat.
Another reason for the replacement of starch with other products may be a simple desire to experiment with new products.
But at the same time, the starch attaches to the dishes of the damp taste and significantly reduces taste. It contributes to the emergence of a pressed, inexpressive taste. In addition, it may well be that starch is an allergen for households or guests. Therefore, do not addly adding it to the recipes.

How to replace starch in the cream

Often, starch is used for cake cream thickness. But his damp taste and the decline in the taste of sweet creams is often undesirable. With success in creams, this product can be replaced by the following products:

  • Semolina. This is the most equal replacement. When preparing sweet creams for the cake, replace the starch of semolina. At the same time, it is pre-dried at the rate of ½ l of milk, 80 g of mankey and 40g sugar, 1 tsp. Lemon zest (not counting sugar for the recipe). And then prepare the cream as well as starch.
  • Gelatin . Replacing the starch gelatin Remember that dry gelatin is disgraced by the instructions on the package, but the finished solution is added to the fully cooked cream, and they are applied to the cake only after it is completely cool. This kind of cream is suitable only for decorating with pieces or people in forms together with the korzh.
  • Coconut chips. If you use a ground chips, you can make an unusual cream with a refined taste. However, it should be remembered that its cooking time will increase significantly (the chips are dissolved longer). It is added to the finished cream, the ratio will depend on the chust of the cream (about 2-3 cent. L. Per 1 liter of cream).

What are replaced in filling for cake and other baking

In fillings for cakes, starch is used to give them density. It is important here that the filling does not spread. You can notice it:

  • Eggs. Chicken raw eggs are good in fillings from meat, potatoes and vegetables.
  • Flour. It is used almost in any form of filling both salty and sweet. Most often take ordinary wheat flour, but it is possible to corn, buckwheat, oatmeal or any other. Wheat without a taste, and the filling will have a rich taste. Using other species, remember the additional taste notes, which will give flour filling. It is added without water. Put on 1 kg of filling 4-5 tbsp.
  • Channel. This is a universal thickener without a special additional taste. It is added dry to the fillings (not separating and not brewing). The calculation will depend on the thickness of the filling. Focus on the amount of juice or water (on ½ 3-4 tanks).
  • Ground coconut chips. This ingredient is put in sweet fillings. She swells, and its number should not exceed 1 tbsp. l. for 200g filling.

What put in the cutlets instead of starch

In the cutlets better put flour. At the same time, using different varieties of flour (oatmeal, buckwheat, corn), you can get an unusual taste of a familiar dish.
Adding flour is needed in the same proportions as starch.
Replace starch can and raw finely grated potatoes But here actually the replacement will not happen. Since it contains the same starch.

How to thicken sauce

The main rule for sauces they should have a consistency of thick sour cream for this and add starch thickener. Here, its proportions depend on the density of almost the finished sauce.
Instead of starch in sauce there are several types of products:

  • Flour (Wheat, oatmeal, buckwheat or pumpkin, can also be other species), preliminarily explores it with a non-rolled amount of cold boiled water, added at the end of cooking.
  • Ground linen seed. Break through cold water before adding, be sure to boil a few minutes.
  • Sour cream (thick cream) . Add carefully on very weak fire, stirring all the time and not letting boil.

The main condition for the successful addition of any thickener in sauces is weak fire and constant stirring.


Starch is used in various fields of our life. They are treated with linen, clean the fur, are used as a cleaner and whitening agent. Rice starch is added to the powder, deodorants. Based on this substance make face masks. The widespread use of starch found in cooking. Kissels, sauces, fruit soups, cutlets, biscuits, casseroles and many more dishes, which include this product. But sometimes the question arises - how to replace it in baking, if suddenly home reserves have been exhausted?

For what in the dough or stuffing add starch

The use of starch in baking is explained by two main properties - thickening and removal of excess moisture.

According to professionals, the replacement of 30% of flour on wheat starch in baking products increases their softness and reduces fat consumption by 17-20%.

Starch makes biscuit dough land and air, cookies more "sandy" and crumbly, in dietary pancakes them, add to berry and fruit fillings for viscosity and density.

Corn starch is more suitable for biscuits and casserole

What starch is better - corn or potato?

In many cases, potato starch is permissible to replace corn, and vice versa. Although most often potato starch is used in unsweetened dishes, and corn - in desserts. This is due to their taste.

When replacing 1st. A spoon of potato starch is replaced by 2 tbsp. Spoons of corn. The fact is that potato starch is more viscous. If you cook with the same amount of potato and corn starch, then from the first it will be viscous and transparent, the second option will make it more similar to muddy compote.

Important! Starch to some extent "decides" dishes in which is added. Therefore, the product requires more taste additives. Replacing starch to another product, reduce the number of additives.

Potato starch is more often used for sand dough and kissel

What products can be used in baking instead of starch

Since the starch performs the role of a thickener, instead you can use any other product that has the same properties. For example:

  • flour (wheat, rye, buckwheat, linen, oatmeal);
  • eggs;
  • gelatin;
  • agar-agar;
  • coconut chips;
  • manka;
  • breadcrumbs.

You can try to do without starch, add 1 tbsp. I still flour, put a little more baking powder, of course it will be a little wrong, but the situation will save. And you need to sift the flour very well.



Photo Gallery: How to replace starch in baking

Flour - Beautiful starch substitute in baking The role of starch in baking can replace eggs In the thickener in baking can be gelatin Agar-Agar has a high ability to bind water Coconut chips will replace starch when cooking fruit filling in pies Manna Crupe binds the dough, makes it more lush and dense Bread crushers replace starch in juicy pies

Options for replacing crashmala

Alternatives to Starch there is a mass. Which option to use should be addressed on the basis of the type of baking you decide to pamper your households.

Than you can replace in test and articles with cottage cheese

In the pancakes starch it is easy to replace on the eggs from the calculation of 1 egg \u003d 2 tbsp of starch. If you do not prepare dietary pancakes. In this case, just add more flour.

In the biscuits you can easily do without replacement, it will be necessary to simply add more flour. It must be sifted twice to enrich oxygen and then baking will not get worse than with starch. In the classic biscuit (for cakes, rolls), you can add the same volume of ground supersers.

In the sand test, it is possible to replace the flour in an equal volume (additionally add a bit, redeemed by vinegar), semolina, ground crop, coconut chips, pre-crushed into flour.

In products with cottage cheese - casserole, cheesecakes, stuffing for cheesecakes, cottage cheese tooths and pancakes, it is best to use the gun in an equal number instead of starch. Consider that with the wetting of the manka increases in volume. Therefore, before baking, give a ready-made mass to stand a little for the swelling of the mankey.

What to use as a substitute in baking with cherry, fruit or berries

For wet fillings, oatmeal or wheat flour is suitable for the replacement, pitching coconut chips, semolina. They are added for greater density and viscosity, so that when baking the juice, which will give a berry, did not flow out of the cake.

Tip! Coconut chips adds sweetness stuffing. Therefore, replacing starch on it, reduce the amount of sugar.

Experiment with pumpkin seeds and flax seeds - they also have the properties of thickeners. Like the coconut chips, the seeds need to be pre-grinding in flour.

Oatmeal or semolina cereal will make a wet filling more viscous

In the custard starch it is easy to replace flour. Or beat egg yolk with milk and sugar and add to cream.

In the filling of cakes, such as "bird milk", starch is replaced by the gelatin or agar-agar. In this case, gelatin will need 4 times more than agar-agar.

Agar-Agar is taken at the calculation of 0.9 g of powder per 100 ml of neutral fluid, indicated in the recipe or 1.3 gr per 100 ml of acidic fluid. The mixture needs to soak, bring to a boil and cool to the desired temperature. At a temperature of 35-40 degrees, the mixture is checked. If you did not have time to apply it until this point, then just warm up.

The gelatin is first soaked in cold water in a ratio of 1: 5 (1 tablespoon of gelatin on 5 tablespoons of water) for 20-40 minutes, then heated, stirring, up to 70-80 degrees. In no case do not bring to a boil, gelatin will lose its properties. After that, cool and interfate in the cream.

For oil cream, you can cook with a liquid milk, but a fairly viscous semolina porridge, cool and beat with butter.

Tip! If you have doubts how specifically, the product replaced the starch in one way or another, ask yourself the question: how appropriate this product is appropriate in the product and boldly act.

Cake "Bird's Milk" - Video

Curd casserole with a semolina - video

Of course, not all listed products will fully replace starch. But if everything is done correctly, the difference will not be significant.