The miraculous image of the Semipalatinsk-Abalak icon of the mother of God. Icon of the Mother of God "Sign" (Abalatskaya)

Created by: 29 November 2012 23:52

The history of this image dates back to 1636, and the name comes from s. Abalak, located 30 km from Tobolsk. A certain widow Mary in a dream saw two icons: the "Sign" of the Mother of God and the image of St. Mary of Egypt. From the icon of the Mother of God, the widow received an order to build a church near the Abalatsky churchyard. In 1637, with the blessing of the Tobolsk Archbishop. Nektarios, the Znamensky Church with 2 side-altars in honor of Mary of Egypt and Nicholas the Wonderworker was erected, which laid the foundation for the Abalatsky Znamensky Monastery.According to the words of the widow Mary, the local protodeacon Matthew Martynov in 1637. wrote an icon Mother of God, named Abalatskaya (original). The rip-off is a half-length image Holy Mother of God with hands raised in prayer and blessing the Child Christ in a mandorla (medallion) on Her chest. This composition corresponds to the Novgorod iconography of Our Lady of the Sign, but distinctive features Abalatskiy image became the coming on the sides of the Blessed Virgin of St. Mary of Egypt and St. Nikolay. By donations from believers, the original icon was adorned with a precious salary. At the end of the 17th century, this icon painter Matthew wrote lists (copies). Abalatskaya icon: in the same monastery, the so-calledThe viceroy and a reduced list inSemipalatinsk. These ancient lists are lost in civil war... However, the Tyumen art critic Marina Sofronova in her interview to the Tyumen-region television in 2009. stated that in reserve fundsTretyakov Gallery there is an Abalak icon dating from the late 17th-early 18th centuries.

List of the Abalak Icon of the Mother of God, written at the beginning of the 20th century by the nun of the Ioanno-Vvedensky Monastery Augusta. Religious Procession, Tobolsk 2010

In pre-revolutionary times, the Abalak icon was the most revered shrine in Siberia, and its numerous copies were in many churches and monasteries:Moscow, Omsk, Krasnoyarsk, Chelyabinsk, Tomsk, Irkutsk, Tyumen, Ishim, Bryansk and of course in the Trans-Urals ... While in captivity in Tobolsk, the family of the royal passion-bearer Emperor Nicholas II prayed at the icon. Noteworthy is the entry in the tsar's diary on the feast of the Nativity of Christ: "After the liturgy, a moleben was served before the Abalak icon of the Mother of God brought from the monastery the day before." So Royal family met the fatal year 1918 for her. It is known that Elder Grigory (Rasputin), Admiral Kolchak, white generals Kornilov, Kappel, Dieteriks, Popelyaev and others prayed at the Abalatskaya icon. In 1919, fearing for the miraculous icon of the Abalak Mother of God, Bishop Methodius with Admiral A.V. Kolchak takes the icon from the Abalak monastery of Tobolsk to Omsk on a motor ship, and then through Far East to Shanghai.
Currently, in the Znamenskaya Church of the Abalak Monastery, instead of the original icon, there is not particularly ancient list The Abalak Icon of the Mother of God, painted at the beginning of the 20th century by the nun of the Ioanno-Vvedensky Monastery Augusta. He is ranked among the number of miraculous icons and is surrounded by well-deserved veneration: they carry him for worship and arrange Religious Processions throughout the oil North. In addition, pilgrims from all over Russia now come to the Znamensky Abalatsky Monastery near Tobolsk. This list of the twentieth century of the Abalak icon, according to journalists, is now included in the "Seven Wonders of the Ural Federal District".

Some copies of the Abalatskaya icon, written in the late 19th century, early. 20c.

Until recently, the location of the exported original of the Abak Icon was unknown. Only there were many legends about its existence abroad. Only after almost 80 years did the exact location of the icon become known - Australia, a suburb of Sydney - Kabrammat, the Church of the Intercession of the Mother of God of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate. It was brought here by the descendants of the White Guard General Mikhail Konstantinovich Dieterichs (1874-1937). My friend Mikhail Osipenko, who comes from a family of famous icon painters, being in Australia in 2003 with the Port Arthur icon, personally saw the Abalatsky original. He wrote to me about this and even promised to record a video of the conversation about the icon with a local priest.
In our Kurgan diocese, the Abalak icon is also represented very widely. Describes in detail the list of the Abalatskaya icon revered by the Kurgan people, written by order of the townspeople in 1860. in Tobolsk,

Some copies of the Abalatskaya icon are available in the Kurgan and Shadrinsk dioceses.

Priest A. Sulotsky in his work "On the Church Antiquities of Siberia", published in 1882. This image was decorated with a rich silver robe by the Kurgan people and was kept in the Epiphany Cathedral, which was later destroyed. Now in the building of the Kurgan diocesan administration, in the press center on the wall there is a perfectly preserved Abalatsky image, but without a salary. Perhaps the robe could have been removed during a campaign to confiscate church valuables. Was not this icon Fr. Alexander (Sulotsky) had in mind? Necessary full research specialists. (See APPENDIX 1).
In addition, there are also frequent Abalatsk lists for the deaneries of the diocese. Moreover, along with highly artistic lists, there are curious cases non-canonical execution of images, probably by local illiterate peasants-icon-painters, "bogomaz" - that was their name then.
But the brightest "pearl" among not only Kurgan, but all Russian images is the Miraculous icon of the Abalatskaya Mother of God, which has been located for about 200 years in the Peter and Paul Church in the city of Kurtamysh.consecrated in 1808. The church in the name of Peter and Paul with its rich decoration survived the civil war, but in 1937 it was closed and sealed in connection with the arrest and execution of priest Benjamin (Komarov). So the church stood sealed, but not plundered, although the bells were still removed. And how could it be otherwise: the church "on the blood" of the martyr has been preserved. But on April 2, 1942, on Easter, the first temple in the present Kurgan region was reopened and the divine service has been going on continuously since then. I know only this case in the Kurgan diocese, with the decoration preserved directly in the church: the iconostasis, frescoes, chandeliers and, most importantly, icons in old frames. In 1907, in Kurtamysh, on Zaimka, a stone Abalak church was built in honor of the image, unfortunately destroyed by the authorities in the 1930s together with the Resurrection Cathedral and a Muslim mosque.

According to legend, the Abalak icon was brought to Kurtamysh by one widow in gratitude for the healings granted to her to the newly built stone church of Peter and Paul in the 19th century. The icon still has a highly artistic silver setting, with the hallmarks of a Moscow workshop dated 1859-60. According to the chronicle, this robe was donated by the local deacon Ivan Avraamov for the healing of his son, instead of the copper frame that had already been available for a long time. The vestments do not donate to the newly painted icon; some time must pass, proving the chosenness and miraculousness of the image. Therefore, the icon can be dated at least to the beginning of the 19th century. But why did we decide that the icon was written specifically for donation by a widow? Our widow could well have brought an icon that had been written and prayed for a long time ago. The answer to this question can only be given by a complete research of the icon by art experts.

The Peter and Paul Church and the Abalak icon are inextricably linked with the history of our family. It is known from the registers of births that all Pavlovs and Abalakovs since the 19th century were married, baptized and received communion here. Grandmother Anna Dmitrievna Pavlova, who came from an old family of Shadrinsk bourgeois Abalakovs, from 1902 to 1917 served as a teacher in the parish school at this church. In the photo of the school graduation in 1912. one can see teachers with the clergy of the church: Deacon Gleb Koptyakov, Dean Fr. Fyodor (Karpov) and Archpriest Fr. Vitaly (Militsin) - now numbered among the New Martyrs and Confessors of the 20th century.*
My grandmother prayed in the dashing times of the war in front of the Abalak Mother of God for the health of Boris's only son, my father. He was drafted in 1941. into artillery, went through the entire war on three fronts, ended up in Germany and returned safely to Kurtamysh in 1945.

The Kurtamysh Abalak icon has always been revered by local residents. According to the inscription on the icon, since 1869, a procession of the cross was held annually in Kurtamysh, established by a vow given on the occasion of the cessation of fires after the removal of the icon in 1864, 1868 and 1869. Now it is a tradition Religious processions continued, and the image was assigned to a number of miraculous diocesan icons. The famous singer Lina Mkrtchyan specially came to bow to the icon. Victoria Olegovna Gusakova, candidate of art history from St. Petersburg, wrote an article about the Abalatskaya icon, which contains information about the Kurtamysh list. The article will be published in the 9th volume of the encyclopedia "Holy Russia", St. Petersburg, 2010, completely dedicated to icon painting.

Of course, no one knows how many Abalats icons have survived in Russia to this day. But on the basis of the available materials from the press and the Internet, it follows that all known to the author and preserved Abalak icons, arranged in a list by the date of writing and, therefore, antiquity, prayer and grace, can be arranged in the following order:

1. Original of the Abacus Icon, 1637, Pokrovskaya Church, a suburb of Sydney - Cabrammat, Australia;

2. List of the Abalak icon, late 17th-early 18th century. in. reserve funds of the Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow;

3. List of the Abalak icon, early. 19th century (or even earlier), Peter and Paul Church, Kurtamysh;

4. Lists of the Abalak icon, late 19th century, Svensky list in St. Petersburg, Omsk (See APPENDIX 1), Krasnoyarsk (See APPENDIX 2), Shadrinsk (Resurrection church), in Kurgan diocesan. press center;

5. Lists of the Abalak icon, early. 20th century, Abalatsky monastery in Tobolsk, Yekaterinburg, Omsk, Tyumen, Shadrinsk, from Borovlyanka, Chimeevo village, pos. Smolino, pos. Mishkino.

The return to Russia of the Miraculous Image of the Abalak Mother of God after the fall of the communist regime, liquidation of the consequences of the godless power, may become not only the most important event in the life of the Russian Orthodox Church... This event could mean a true reunification of the divided Russian people - the Russian World. The original image, which is in Australia, of course, by full agreement with the parishioners and heirs, it would be good to solemnly return to their homeland. There is information about the negotiations that have begun. As we know, in the churches of the Russian Orthodox Church in Russia, the icons of the Abalatskaya Mother of God have also been preserved, which gives us hope for the patronage of the Most Holy Theotokos. We, the people of Kurgan, need to continue searching for the lost images and studying the existing ones by specialists. This is especially true of the Abalatsk icons: the ancient one from the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow, the correct dating of the miraculous one from the Peter and Paul Church in the city of Kurtamysh and the identification of the list in the press center of the Kurgan and Shadrinsk dioceses.

Source -

From the 12th century in Russia, the veneration of a special type of icons begins, which are called the Sign. The history of these holy images is inextricably linked with the history of the country itself. Largely thanks to these images, many Russian people were saved. The Abalatskaya icon of the Mother of God of the Sign also belongs to the miraculous. , which we will talk about further.

Where did the name come from

Before talking about what the Abalak Icon of the Mother of God "The Sign" is - we should consider another image - the Novgorod one, because it was thanks to him that such a name was acquired. All icons of the described type refer to the canonical depiction of Our Lady of Hodegetria. She raises her hands to the sky, holds her palms up in a prayer position, on her chest is the image of the unborn Christ, which is still coming. This plot celebrates such a Christian virtue as Faith. Therefore, the Divine Infant himself is not depicted here, but only a hint of his further appearance is given.

Such an icon was in Novgorod in the second half of the 12th century, at a time when other princes wanted to conquer the independent city. The city Archbishop John then received the sign and, following it, hung the icon on the walls of the city. An arrow fired by the storming men stuck into the image. Then the icon turned to the city and began to stream myrrh. Those who stood near the city felt an inexplicable fear and began to retreat, and the Novgorod army was even able to pursue the attackers. The chronicler compares the icon and the myrrh-streaming that helped, with a "miraculous sign." This is where the name comes from.

Further, many miracles were recorded, including healing from the plague in the middle of the 14th century. Icon painters began to make lists, which include the Abalakskaya miraculous icon of the Mother of God "The Sign", by the way, this name (the Sign) is characteristic only for Russian Orthodoxy, and in other countries a different terminology is used.

The meaning of the Alabatsk icon

This image is most revered in Siberia. There, not far from Tobolsk, there is a village called Alabak, which gives the name. The merit in the acquisition of the Abalatsky icon belongs to a pious woman named Maria, who lived in the Alabatsky churchyard. She had dreams in a row, where icons, Signs, as well as Nicholas the Pleasant and Mary of Egypt appeared.

As a result, the woman told the priest about this, and he, in turn, decided to arrange and paint the corresponding icon in 1636. The customer of the icon was the peasant Koka, who was the first to recover from the holy image. Further, a prayer in front of the Abalatskaya Icon of the Sign gave relief and consolation to many people and, of course, many miracles were recorded.

From this very image, a considerable number of copies were made, which were also recognized as miraculous. For example, the icon is placed in some churches, as well as in other cities of Siberia.

Miraculous lists

For this period, the original has not survived, the Abalatskaya icon of the Mother of God exists only in the form of lists made between the 17-19 centuries. These images are almost always identical and have the Mother of God in the form of Hodegetria in the center and on the sides of Nicholas the Wonderworker and Mary of Egypt. However, there are some peculiarities.

The most famous version was made by the icon painter who made the original. This list is called the Abalatskaya icon Semipalatinskaya. It was created in the 17th century and was used to carry it around other cities to worship believers.

Surprisingly, this copy of the Abalak Icon of the Mother of God showed a miracle in 1712 when it forced a warship to sail against the Irtysh stream. The ship sailed to Semipalatinsk, where the icon was left.

Of all the Abalatskaya Icon of the Mother of God helps with, cases of healing are most often spoken of. Therefore, before this image, many ask for health and how to get rid of various harmful passions. You should also pray to this image in order to gain stronger faith.

Prayers to the icon

Troparion to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of her icon "The Sign" Abalatskaya

voice 4

Yako an invincible wall and a source of miracles / acquired Thy servant, / Blessed Mother of God, / resisting the militia we will depose.

Kontakion to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of Her Icon "The Sign" Abalatskaya

voice 4

An honorable sign of Thy image / Thy triumphant people, Mother of God, / also the divine victory to the resisting city of Thy was given to Thy

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos before her icon "The Sign" Abalatskaya

Oh, my Most Holy Lady, the Mother of God, mercy is the source, the cover, the hope and refuge of the Christian! To Thee, Omnipotent Representative and Confidant of my repentance and salvation, az, Thy sinful servant, I entrust my soul and my body, my inputs and my exodus, my faith and life; Thou, merciful Mother of God, guide me, cover, observe and save me from all the enemy foes harmlessly, but not so little, until my last breath, I cry to Ty, I hate to rejoice! Rejoice, Holy One, great saints! Holy Mother of God, save me! Amen!

The spiritual basis of the Znamensky temple, as in ancient times, remains the Abalak icon of the Mother of God "The Sign". It is located to the right of the altar in the central aisle. A modern list of the ancient image was created by the Moscow icon painters spouses Dmitry and Galina Larionov.

The Abalak icon "The Sign" of the Mother of God is a miraculous icon of the Mother of God, the most revered icon of the Mother of God in Siberia. It was written in 1637 under Archbishop Nektarios of Tobolsk by the Cathedral Protodeacon Matthias.

In a special Legend about the icon, it is said that in 1636 the widow Mary from the Tatar village of Abalak, 30 kilometers from Tobolsk, appeared in a dream an icon of the Mother of God of the iconographic type Orant (Sign) with icons of Nicholas the Wonderworker and Mary of Egypt depicted on the sides. The Mother of God ordered to build a church in Abalak in the name of this icon with the side-altars of the two saints seen. Delayed in announcing the vision of Mary, there were new visions demanding the fulfillment of this instruction. When the archbishop became aware of this, the construction of the temple began on his instructions.

The painting of the icon was commissioned to the cathedral protodeacon by the peasant Euthymius, to whom the Tobolsk holy fool Paul predicted healing from the painted image. As the icon was painted, the peasant strengthened his health and fully recovered when he brought the icon to the cathedral for consecration. The icon began to be revered as miraculous. Preserved (in 10 copies) a legend about this icon, compiled on the basis of the "interrogation speeches" of the widow Mary herself (1641), later replenished with new miracles.

The celebration of the icon takes place on August 2 (July 20, old style) and December 10 (November 27, old style).

Healing miracles.

Two-year-old Alexander, the son of a court councilor who lived in Yekaterinburg, suffered fits of epilepsy every month. The parents made a vow to go with the child to pray to the Abalak Icon of the Mother of God and soon fulfilled their vow. As soon as they took a vow, the seizures became easier, and when, having arrived in Abalak, a prayer service was served, the boy was completely healed.

Tatyana, a resident of the village of Bogorodskoye, was obsessed for 12 years evil spirit, which especially tormented her on holidays, which is why, despite her desire, she could not stand for a long time in the church and never stood the service to the end. Sister Tatiana, Irina, who lived in Nizhny Novgorod, had a copy of the Abalak Icon of the Mother of God. In 1879, in November, she had the idea to paint another copy of this icon for her sick sister. The icon was painted and decorated with a robe. Irina lit an inextinguishable lamp in front of her and prayed fervently for her sister, firmly believing that, as soon as she received this icon, she would recover. Irina just did not know with whom to send the icon to her, because her husband would not let her go, no matter how much she asked. Suddenly Irina got the idea that her husband, for the sake of the upcoming holiday of the Nativity of Christ, would not refuse her, and wrote to her sister that he would come to her for the holiday and bring her a present. Tatyana answered her: "You shouldn't come to me with this present," and called her a swear word. Irina, in spite of this, began to ask her husband to let her go to her sister. Her husband, to her joy, willingly agreed and even promised to go himself, only to leave them on the night of Christmas.

As you can see, their trip was unpleasant for the enemy of salvation, and obstacles began to arise from his action: one after another. Irina and her husband were already ready to leave, when suddenly they brought her husband a summons to appear before the magistrate as a witness, and they left Nizhny in the evening. At night, when the couple left Ketovo, they were attacked by five robbers; three of them jumped out of the sleigh, grabbed the horses by the bridle, stopped and, glancing into the cart, happily shouted to their comrades that there were only two riders besides the driver, and one of them was a woman. Irina fervently prayed to the Queen of Heaven for deliverance from the evildoers. Fortunately, the driver did not shy away, quickly turned the horses back, and the horses, rushing, knocked three robbers off their feet. The robbers were in pursuit of the travelers, but got stuck in the snow.

After spending the night in Ketovo and leaving, when they hit Matins, the travelers arrived at Bogorodskoe, when the people were leaving the church from Matins. Irina, taking the icon wrapped in canvas and paper, came to her sister, prayed, greeted her and, giving the icon, said: "Here I brought you a present." Tatiana took the image, threw it on the table, and she also fell, her throat was swollen, she beat on the floor and shouted: “Now I’ll get out, now I’ll get out, now I’ll leave, now I’ll leave,” she repeated the same thing several times. Then a thick fog began to flow from the screaming woman's mouth. An hour and a half later, Tatiana came to her senses and got up completely healthy. As soon as Tatiana got up, she said: "Sister, let's go to mass." "Come on," Irina answered, "I've been waiting for you for a long time." The sisters went. Tatyana dearly told her sister that she would not stand up for the whole mass. During the service Irina did not take her eyes off her sister and was happy to see that she prayed so earnestly and with such reverence as rarely does anyone pray, and all the mass stood desperately. The next day the sisters went to church again, and the sick woman also prayed fervently. Returning home, Tatiana said to her sister: “Now, sister, it became so easy inside me, so good, as if I had been reborn; now I no longer feel any pain. " All day the sisters talked about miracles from the icon of the Abalak Mother of God. The woman who healed from the heart thanked her sister for the icon and prayed fervently. On the third day of the holiday, Irina, delighted with the healing of her sister, went with her husband to Nizhny Novgorod.

Maid Yekaterina, sister of the shop assistant Fyodor Vasilyev Syromyatnikov, a resident of Nizhny Novgorod, suffered severely for 20 years with epilepsy and black infirmity; on big holidays she screamed terribly, rolled on the floor, and could never read spiritual books. For about three years in the house of Fyodor Syromyatnikov there was a copy of the Abalak Icon of the Mother of God. Suffering Catherine, her mother and brother began to fervently pray to the Queen of Heaven before Her Abalak icon, and not only at home, but wrote to the Abalak monastery, asking there to pray before miraculous icon, and their prayer was answered, the seizures became easier, and in the summer of 1880 she recovered completely.

Shantalyk, where is now the Ivanovo monastery, the Lord glorified this icon with a new miracle. In the village of Shantalyk, a peasant, Vasily, had a daughter who had been ill with her eyes for a long time, went blind, and had not seen anything for two years. Hearing that they were carrying an image to Abalak, Vasily went out with his blind daughter to meet him and fell before him with tears and faith. To the joy and surprise of her father and all the people, the girl suddenly regained her sight.

Every year to bring the icon of the Mother of God from Abalak to Tobolsk for two summer weeks was established on the following occasion: in the summer of 1665 in Tobolsk and in all its environs, it was pouring rain without ceasing; bread, vegetables and grass perished; everything was flooded with water, and the people were desperate. We decided to turn to the Heavenly Queen for help: the Tobolsk Archbishop Korniliy sent for the miraculous icon of the Mother of God to the village of Abalak. The icon was brought with great celebration on the 8th of July. After the prayer service on the square, the icon was brought into the cathedral, where the liturgy began immediately. The service had not yet ended when, to the joy of all, the clouds disappeared, the rain stopped and it became light. In memory of this miracle and for constant thanksgiving to the Lord and His Most Pure Mother, the Right Reverend Korniliy established that every year the miraculous icon of the Mother of God be brought from Abalak to Tobolsk. Three years later, in 1668, Archbishop Cornelius was summoned to Moscow to be appointed Metropolitan. When he returned from Moscow, he heard from unkind people that in his absence the archpriest and other conciliators greeted the Abalak icon of the Mother of God without due reverence, and even during her stay in the cathedral they allegedly carried out all sorts of atrocities. The Right Reverend was angry with them; cathedral priest, when, at the time of the bringing of the icon from Abalak, he came to receive the blessing, punished him, first reproaching him for last year's riots, but did not order the icon to be brought. So in 1669 the icon was not brought to Tobolsk. The denunciation against the Sobornyans was false, and since the Right Reverend believed the slander without examining the case, he soon fell seriously ill, and fell ill for several months. When, in 1670, Metropolitan Cornelius, in anger at the Soborians, did not allow the icons to be brought, he again fell ill even more, and the closer the time of bringing the icon approached, the worse he became. The doctors couldn't help him. Finally, already in September, he realized the cause of his suffering. Weeping bitterly, he immediately sent for the miraculous icon and, when it was brought into the city, ordered to put it in the cathedral and serve the liturgy. At the end of the service, Vladyka ordered that the icon be brought to his house, and when they began to ring before taking it out of the cathedral, he ordered the servant to lead him into the reception room and put him near the window to see how the Vladyka was carried. As soon as he saw the face of the Most Pure One, he felt much lighter; when the icon was brought into his house, the patient became so easy that he could stand without the help of others during the prayer service and lead the icon to the place where he received it. The next day, the Right Reverend could even go to the cathedral for the liturgy and thank the Queen of Heaven for her help sent by Her. Ten days later the icon was returned to Abalak. After this incident, when the miraculous power of God was again revealed through the Abalak icon of the Ever-Virgin, they again began to bring this icon to Tobolsk to the St. Sophia Cathedral for two weeks.

The Abalak (Abalak) Icon of the Sign is one of the most revered images. The image is especially revered in the Siberian land. It was there that this icon appeared, and there the Image showed miracles and healings.

Whom and in what way does the image of the Mother of God of the Abalatskaya Sign help?

Icon of the Mother of God the Sign of Abalatskaya

The icon has healing powers. Before the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos "The Sign" Abalatskaya pray for relaxation and paralysis, for the healing of eye diseases and blindness

If you sincerely pray, then the Virgin of the Sign will help:

  • heal from various diseases.
  • with various adversities and troubles.
  • strengthen faith.
  • receive the mercy of God and the intercession of the Mother of God.

Prayers to the Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos the Sign of Abalatskaya

“O my Most Holy Lady Theotokos, mercy is the source, protection, hope and refuge of Christians! To You, the Most Powerful Representative and Confidant of my repentance and salvation, I, Your sinful servant, I entrust my soul and my body, my entrances and outcomes, my faith and my residence, my end and number of days, my words and thoughts, my deeds and undertakings; But you, merciful Mother of God, guide me, cover, observe and save me from all the enemy's intrigues unharmed, but not for a moment, until my last breath, I cry to Ty: Rejoice, unbelievable Bride! Rejoice, Holy One, great saints! Holy Mother of God, save me! Amen!

Troparion to the Mother of God the Sign of Abalatskaya

Like an invincible wall and a source of miracles we have acquired Thee Thy servant, Most Holy Mother of God, we will overthrow those who resist the militias. The same we pray to you: peace to your city, grant mercy to our souls.

Kontakion to the Mother of God the Sign of Abalatskaya

An honorable sign of Thy sign is Thy rejoicing people, Mother of God, and I have given the divine victory to Thy resisting city. We also cry out to You by faith: Rejoice, Virgo, praise Christian.

Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos the Sign of Abalatskaya

There is also a special Akathist who is read in front of the Abalak icon. This prayer chant is recited in the Temple during prayer services and on the day of veneration of the Image. November 27... If you wish, you can read it yourself before doing your homework.

Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of her icon called "Abalatskaya":

Chosen by the Eternal King to our faithful, the salvation of heaven and earth to the Queen, we bring thanksgiving praises to Ty, the Mother of God! You, who have an invincible power and unspeakable mercy, free us from all troubles and grant us all that is good, but we call Ty: Hail, Mother Devo, all-singing Christians praise.

Archangels and Angels sing to You, Pure Virgin, silent songs in heaven. We, sinners, on earth kneel down the knees of our souls and hearts before Thy Most Pure image with tears of affection, with mortal lips crying to Ti: Rejoice, our diligent Intercessor; Rejoice, our merciful Mother. Rejoice, our lasting glory; Rejoice, our inexhaustible wealth. Rejoice, our immutable Helper; Rejoice, our patroness. Rejoice, our joy, for cleansing us from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit; Rejoice, our Healer, who relieves us of mental and physical diseases. Rejoice, our praise, which does not deprive us of spiritual joys; Rejoice, our Lady, through Your help our healing ailments. Rejoice, our refuge, covering us from enemies visible and invisible; Rejoice, Holy One, great saint. Rejoice, Mother Devo, all-singing praise of Christians.

Seeing in triple visions the God-loving widow Mary of Thy all-honorable face, Holy Virgin, the image, possessed by great horror, be afraid to tell about the wonderful visions of your people, in your hearts, from the depths of your soul, cry out to God: Alleluia.

Reason not understood by human thoughts, seeking to understand in the miraculous manifestation of Thy most pure, Mother of God, the image, blessed Mary of the new, deserve a vision, in her great saint Nicholas threateningly ordered her to announce what she had seen, but she, with fear and trembling, told everyone the secret of her vision and teach everyone to cry out to the Mother of God: Rejoice, bearing all the Creator in Your falsehoods; Rejoice, you who gave birth to a Savior to the world in the flesh. Rejoice, for you preserved your virginity at birth; Rejoice, you who lived angelically on earth. Rejoice, having reconciled God with men; Rejoice, Most Holy One of all saints. Rejoice, O Most Holy Virgin, wondrously showing us her image; Rejoice, Graceful One, showing us mercy in the manifestation of Her image. Rejoice, for all those who honor Your image, you holy provident; Rejoice, giving salvation to all who pray to You before Your holy image, according to the measure of faith. Rejoice, by the miracles of Your image, our minds are elevating to the heavenly world; Rejoice, Holy One, great saint. Rejoice, Mother Devo, all-singing praise of Christians.

Seeking the power of God, the people of Tobolstia will lead the faithful to the wondrous manifestations of Your image, Bogomati, gathered together with their bishop Nectarius, so be sure that the mercy of the Queen of Heaven will visit all those who want to gain salvation in our country; confident and rejoicing in great joy, praising God: Alleluia!

Having an all-zealous desire to acquire the heavenly treasure, Thy holy face, the Mother of God, all unanimously desired to first build a new church in honor of the Sign of the Mother of God on the place of appearances on the site of the apparitions, and erected a new church in honor of the Sign of the Mother of God, singing with all zeal to the Queen of Heaven: Rejoice, angelic great surprise; Rejoice, forefather's wondrous consolation. Rejoice, prophetic high sermon; Rejoice, glorious apostolic praise. Rejoice, saints are a fair adornment; Rejoice, strong affirmation of martyrs. Rejoice, saving instruction to the saints; Rejoice, imperishable abstinence of the fast. Rejoice "virgin purity and glory; Rejoice, quiet joy of fathers and mothers. Rejoice, fertilizer for all Orthodox Christians; Rejoice, Holy One, great saint. Rejoice, Mother Devo, all-singing praise of Christians.

A storm of speculative thoughts was transformed into joyful silence, when she saw in her vision the image of the Most Pure Virgin Mary of the decree to be his likeness of the Sign of Novgorod, exactly with the forthcoming Saint Nicholas and Mary of Egypt; the same and crying all to God: Alleluia.

Hearing Euthymius, weakened in body, but not in spirit, from a certain Elder Paul, he would have written the revealed icon in a new church, which was created by the command of God on Abalak, sweeping into this matter to the master deacon of the Tobolsk pulpit Matthew, who is always a painful image of this writing. kisses little by little and the Mother of God zealously belts: Rejoice, Queen of Heaven, with the manifestation of Thy honest icons, who have rejoiced us; Rejoice, Mother of God, who surprises us with her miraculous healing. Rejoice, our country is a bright enlightenment; Rejoice, indestructible fence of our land. Rejoice, on the waters floating in silence; Rejoice, you who are overwhelmed by a non-stormy haven. Rejoice, travelers of easy passing; Rejoice, merciful Mentor, wandering. Rejoice, good rest for those who work; Rejoice, burdened with a quiet refuge. Rejoice, in the troubles of those who exist, the ambulance Intercessor; Rejoice, Holy One, great saint. Rejoice, Mother Devo, all-singing praise of Christians.

The Divine Star, which sometimes led the Magi to the Sun of Righteousness, Christ our God, is like the appearance of Thy Icon, the Divine Virgin, within our borders: see those who pray before her, our ancestors from Thee will know the Son of Thy Savior, but we learn more diligently to petition Him: Alleluia ...

Having seen the people of Tobolstia an honest icon of the Mother of God, which showed a miraculous healing to the zealous writing, like a divine treasure, having received and like a multi-luminous lamp, placed in a new temple, created by them, rejoicing and crying to the Mother of God: Rejoice, radiant Luminary, illuminating our country; Rejoice, organizer of salvation for our souls. Rejoice, our enlightener with the heavenly light of the heart; Rejoice, peace, peace and prosperity showing us. Rejoice, giving health to the sick spiritually and physically; Rejoice, covering those who are offended with your honest robe. Rejoice, hopeless hope; Rejoice, enlightening mind for babies. Rejoice, widows and orphans Nurse; Rejoice, deliverance of the naked and the captives. Rejoice, the ambulance who asks for help; Rejoice, Holy One, great saint. Rejoice, Mother Devo, all-singing praise of Christians.

Preachers of the unflattering of Thy great mercy, Lady, to the people were all receiving miraculous healings from Thy holy icon; All those who have heard and seen the blessed currents pouring abundantly from You on the suffering and needy, together with them joyfully singing to God: Alleluia!

Ascend grace from Thy image, Pure Virgin, like a bright sun within our borders, with the rays of miracles flowing from it, our city and all cities and countries, not exactly Siberian land, but also the Russian one, illuminating, for this, for the sake of bewilderment, sprinkle the greatness of miracles, from Thy icon those who were, the Mother of God, in tenderness of heart, with faith and love, crying Ty: Rejoice, healing the black weakness of the possessed; Rejoice, who restrains the sore eyes. Rejoice, deliverer of epileptic diseases; Rejoice, you open your sight to the blind. Rejoice, driving away evil demons from people; Rejoice, giving health to the raging. Rejoice, raising those who were weakened from the bed; Rejoice, for the mute you return the language and the verb. Rejoice, healing from all fierce ailments; Rejoice, in the sleepyheads and in the visions of those who suffer, revealing Herself. Rejoice, miraculously liberating from all misfortunes; Rejoice, Holy One, great saint. Rejoice, Mother Devo, all-singing praise of Christians.

Although we glorify Thy holy icon, the Virgin Mary, Thy Son and our God Lord Jesus Christ, in our own eyes all the outpouring of her inexhaustible sea of ​​miracles, in which all those immersed in faith and hope receive the grace of healings and, thanking the Lord, with fear and love, tenderly cry out to Him. : Alleluia.

New and glorious miracles of Thy grace, the Theotokos, show us the Lord, when Thy holy icon is carried throughout the city and villages of our country; Many believers will suddenly be healed of various incurable ailments, and the unfaithful will turn to the faith, singing to You with surprise, affection and love: Rejoice, healing all diseases; Rejoice, driving away all ailments. Rejoice, ever burning seraphim love; Rejoice, our souls and hearts are kindling with divine love. Rejoice, for you have contained the fire of the Divine in Her; Rejoice, changing the flame of our passions. Rejoice, observing Thee from the fire of sinful believers in Thee: Rejoice, delivering Thee from the fire of hell who love Thee. Rejoice, from the burning of the fiery dwelling our preserving; Rejoice, for Thy light, with charges, the darkness of our ignorance disperses. Rejoice, our warm Intercessor and zealous for God for us Prayer; Rejoice, Holy One, great saint. Rejoice, Mother Devo, all-singing praise of Christians.

A strange vision of the honest icon of the Mother of God, revealed from above with the forthcoming Saint Nicholas and Mary of Egypt, in understanding, let us withdraw, husband and wife, a vain world, raising the mind to heavenly; It is for this reason that a wonderful icon of the Mother of God has been given to us, but looking at the nude, the heavenly we philosophize, and not the earthly, crying to God: Alleluia!

All art is in the highest, but you do not leave the lower one either to the Virgin Mary, your miracles, from your holy icon, as if from a living and unenviable source, pouring out, ever enlighten us, by faith to you that flow and call to you: Rejoice, inexhaustible wealth, impoverished in spirit, and mercies are abyss; Rejoice, Mother, loving child, sad invisible consolation. Rejoice, Golubica meek, quiet and gentle; Rejoice, gracious Turtle, secret tranquility of the hated. Rejoice, salvation of sinners and appropriation to God; Rejoice, solid fence of the faithful of all. Rejoice, invisible help and intercession to those who hope in Thee; Rejoice, angelic mind, ever seeing God. Rejoice, radiant star of the clever sun; Rejoice, most glorious cherubim and seraphim. Rejoice, most honest Archangels and Angels; Rejoice, Holy One, great saint. Rejoice, Mother Devo, all-singing praise of Christians.

Our whole country is God-protected, by Thy mercies, Bogomati, blessed, having Thy miraculous icon as a shield and a fence from enemies visible and invisible, with Thy invisible help all its adversaries conquer, but to God, in joy of heart, reverently cries out: Alleluia.

Our singing twist, like a child's non-winding, does not suffice to utter all the miracles and blessings, by Thee, the Lady, revealed and ever shown to us from Thy wondrous icon; For this, for the sake of bewilderingly praising Thee according to the property, with humility we cry out to Thee: Rejoice, who glorify Thee always glorifying; Rejoice, from the fire, hail and weights of our walking, you sanctify Thy icons. Rejoice, our temples and houses with Thy icon, visiting with grace; Rejoice, lifting up the prayers of those who pray to You to God. Rejoice, never sweeping aside our sobs and sighs; Rejoice, by the coming of Your icons of joy, our aggravating one. Rejoice, for she delights all our sorrows and bitter troubles; Rejoice, encouraging those who are discouraged by Your love for mankind. Rejoice, for those who worship your revealed icon, giving joy and health; Rejoice, for the souls of the faithful are touched by Thy mercy. Rejoice, our joy, who ever comforts us with your holy icon; Rejoice, Holy One, great saint. Rejoice, Mother Devo, all-singing praise of Christians.

To save even the human race from eternal torment and give it the Kingdom of Heaven, the humane Lord has given us, sinners, His Mother for help, protection and protection; wake us, O All-Merciful, Assistant, Intercessor and Guide in all our life, in our exodus and after our end, do not leave us, by the mercy of those crying: Alleluia.

Thou art wall truly invincible, Virgin theotokos, all who come running to you; No one more flows to You, thinness departs, so we harbor Thy mercy, in the tenderness of our souls we pray to You: cover, protect and save all of us, helpless ones, from all troubles, temptations and anger, who cry out to You with love: Rejoice, strong protection that have placed on You hope; Rejoice, you who conquer the army. Rejoice, Hedgehog to the unacceptable judges; Rejoice, admonition of teachers and teachers. Rejoice, pure mirror of the knowledge of truth; Rejoice, for the preservation of the faith is a strong visor. Rejoice, all-good Comforter of the unfortunate; Rejoice, patroness of homeless orphans. Rejoice, blessing all children; Rejoice, directing all youth to goodness. Rejoice, for strengthening all those who are old in the holy life; Rejoice, Holy One, great saint. Rejoice, Mother Devo, all-singing praise of Christians.

Our singing and prayers in front of Your holy and miraculous icon, which you exalt, accept, merciful Lady, intercede, save, have mercy and save us from all evil of the situation, and let us live a quiet and silent life under Your roof in all piety and purity, from the depths of tenderly chanting to God: Alleluia.

The light-receiving illumination of the divine light, like the Mother of God and the Mother of the Non-Evening Light, who understand and revere Thee, Most Pure, how is it possible to sprinkle Thy graceful illumination, ever flowing from Thy icon, like from the radiant sun; Both of Thy merciful illumination, O All-Merciful, we seek, we dare to sing to Thee: Rejoice, the impenetrable dawn, shining upon us with eternal light; Rejoice, moon, pouring over us from the Sun of Truth. Rejoice, for the lamp you have set on the candlestick; Rejoice, unquenchable candle of the immaterial fire. Rejoice, Mother of the true light, enlightening pious souls; Rejoice, shining the light of heavenly life to us. Rejoice, you who blissfully blessed the ever-blessed; Rejoice, illumining those who fervently pray to You with the light of grace. Rejoice, making all old age a model of a holy life; Rejoice, the darkness in which the pagans, unbelievers, heretics and schismatics live, destroying. Rejoice, illuminating all sinners with Your light and bringing them to repentance; Rejoice, Holy One, great saint. Rejoice, Mother Devo, all-singing praise of Christians.

The pledge of grace that gave us Thy holy icon, Mother of the Most High, ask us from the Heavenly Lord, Thy Son and our God, the grace of the Holy Spirit; raise us up from the depths of sinfulness, enlighten our hearts to the sight of salvation, revive our hearts with the spirit of piety and fear of God, the spirit of purity and righteousness, the spirit of love and mercy, may we always sing to God: Alleluia!

Sing Thy old and new mercies and miracles, Mother of God, we praise Thy all, like our firm and reliable Representative, we adore Thee with affection, take out those who pray for us and do us good; we believe and hope, as if ask for and give us all that is good and salvific, temporary and eternal, to those who chant Ti: Rejoice, shameful hope in our belly, in our exodus and after our end; Rejoice, for those who trust in You, the end of this belly is peaceful. Rejoice, our hope and protection on the day of judgment; Rejoice, pleading of the righteous judges. Rejoice, refuge and intercession for all repentant sinners; Rejoice, glory and consolation to all the righteous. Rejoice, I will take out the joy of those who bring eternal joy to you; Rejoice, graciously receiving our tearful prayers. Rejoice, covering us with Thy covering from enemies visible and invisible; Rejoice, for all of us sinners, you instruct us to salvation and the perception of eternal blessings. Rejoice, those who worship Thy icon and Thy help those who call soon to help; Rejoice, Holy One, great saint. Rejoice, Mother Devo, all-singing praise of Christians.

O All-merciful Mother Devo, Mother of God, who always benefits us in holy icon Thy present, accept Thy only one applied offering, save us from all troubles, misfortunes and sorrows of time and eternal, and grant us, Thy servants, to settle in the villages of Paradise, so we sing for all eternity: Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1).

We suggest you listen to the performance of the prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos and let Divine light and Faith into your heart:

The history of the icon and its meaning

The Abalatskaya Icon of the Mother of God of the Sign received its name in honor of the small Tatar village of Abalak, located not far from Tobolsk. One of the inhabitants of the village, a widow named Maria, who was distinguished by kindness and a righteous lifestyle, was a phenomenon. Three icons appeared to the woman: Mary of Egypt, St. Nicholas and the Mother of God. The voice from the icon ordered the widow to inform her fellow villagers that it was required to build a church on the village churchyard, and to consecrate two limits in honor of those who appeared in the vision: the first - in the name of Mary of Egypt, the other - in the name of Nicholas the Prelate.

The icon is an approximate list of the "Sign" of Novgorod, written in honor of the wisdom of God - Sophia. The only difference is the images of Saints Mary of Egypt and Nicholas, added to commemorate the miraculous vision.

Writing history

The Bishop of Tobolsk gave his blessing for the construction of a village church, and very soon the construction work began. The sign of Abalatskaya was written for the opening of a new temple


  • The very first miracle is the healing of the Abalak peasant Efimiy. It was he who paid for the work of painting the icon. And while the artist was creating the image, the seriously ill Efimiy felt better and better every day. And when the Icon was ready, the patient felt so good that he himself took the icon and brought it to the Temple for consecration.
  • The second miracle associated with the Abalatsky "Sign" happened a little later, during the transfer to the Abalatsky churchyard. The icon was accompanied by a solemn procession, and in one of the villages, when the icon was carried past a peasant house, the owner came out to bow to the icon and asked for the healing of his blind daughter. And at the same moment a girl suffering eye disease, I saw the light.
  • The rescue of Tobolsk from the flood was also an important event. In 1665 it rained all summer. The water destroyed all crops. It was decided to transfer the Abalatsk Icon of the Sign to Tobolsk. As soon as the prayer service began, the clouds parted, and the long-awaited sun came out.
  • The image has repeatedly shown other miracles, contributed to the healing of the suffering, contributed to the success in business of people who sincerely prayed in front of the icon. People came to worship the image not only from the outskirts of Tobolsk, but also from all over Siberia and from other Russian cities.

Miraculous lists

Icon of the Mother of God the Sign of Abalatskaya
  1. Throughout Siberia, there are many miraculous copies of the icon. The most famous is the Mother of God of Abalatskaya-Skete. This image was created at the end of the nineteenth century in a women's monastery in Yekaterinburg, after the revolution the icon was placed in the Krasnoyarsk Museum, where it is still located.
  2. The list of the Semipalatinsk icon is also known. The image was created at the end of the seventeenth century, and it was often taken to Siberian cities and villages to worship the faithful. During these trips, many miraculous healings and signs were shown. Once the Image was placed on a warship, which stopped by itself in the middle of the river, reaching the shores of Semipalatinsk. In honor of the icon, the Znamensky Church was erected in the city.