Aries and Aquarius - compatibility of zodiac signs, family union, harmony in relationships. Aries and Aquarius compatibility: a harmonious union, not devoid of passion

It will make a good couple, with strong love bonds and a friendly tinge of trust. And and have very similar inner worlds, their life aspirations, moral values. They will quickly learn that their dreams and goals can be achieved together, helping each other overcome the obstacles that have arisen. Aries will give more and more new ideas, inspiring Aquarius to new achievements. Aquarius will easily come up with a way to implement the most daring trick of Aries. Wallpapers are crazy about such a busy life.

However, representatives of these signs are too independent of nature, who love freedom of action without any boundaries. They should learn not to perceive this quality of a partner as a sign of passing passion. On the contrary, the less you put pressure on the betrothed, the more valuable your society will be for him. Aquarius should be aware of Aries' passion for controversy. A slight impartiality can be frustrating for those seeking to prove their point at every step.

Both signs take marriage as seriously as possible. For them, a home is a place where you can always plunge into comfort and tranquility, warmed by the warmth of the love of relatives.


Sensuality at a high level with bursts of emotion.


An alliance demanding concessions from both sides. Regardless of the goals and needs of everyone. Aries man will see her bewitching smile, charming eyes, thin gentle hands, while it is not so easy to approach her. You will have to make an effort so that her gaze is fixed on you. In turn, the Aquarius woman will not immediately notice all the attractiveness of the Aries man. But turning her attention to him, she will begin to notice the aura of his charm, perky laughter, radiant smile. These little traits affect the soul of both so strongly that a second date cannot be avoided. A whirlpool of passion will smoothly twist both, creating strong bonds of long-term relationships.

Aries and Aquarius are representatives of different elements that can create very successful alliances. What unites the representatives of these zodiac signs is that they both have a light disposition and an optimistic character. These people are very sociable and they like to shine in society. In such a tandem, Aries is always a stronger person and, in most cases, takes a leading position. Aquarius is distinguished by a more flexible character, which contributes to the fact that this person more easily adapts to various life circumstances. The alliances between these partners are very harmonious.

Aries man and Aquarius woman - compatibility

The Aries man is attracted by the young lady Aquarius, but, despite this, they do not always manage to get along. Very often the girl opposes the fact that the chosen one suppresses her with his energy and activity. Representatives of the Aquarius sign have a developed intuition, therefore they often determine the course of life events at a subconscious level.

In a love relationship (compatibility in love 43%)

The compatibility of an Aries man and an Aquarius woman in a love relationship is below average. This is due to the fact that representatives of these zodiac signs, communicating well, are in no hurry to take the first step in order to establish a romantic relationship.

The Aries man is by nature a conqueror, but in this case he is held back by the mystery of the chosen one. Even when a love relationship arises between partners, the Aquarius girl never fully reveals herself. This fact is recorded by the low compatibility of the couple in love.

Love relationships can develop successfully only if the partners remain independent and free. But this will not prevent their feelings from being tender and passionate. In moments of solitude, lovers forget about everything in the world and completely devote themselves to their half. They really enjoy communicating and discussing topics of interest to both.

If the Aries man puts pressure on his chosen one, then the relationship will soon end. It is important to maintain gentleness and tact, respecting the opinion of the Aquarius lady. The partner should also remember that one should not cause jealousy in his chosen one. A love relationship should be built on complete trust and confidence in the companion.

In bed (86% sex compatibility)

The compatibility of an Aries man and an Aquarius woman in bed is almost perfect. This is due to the coincidence of the natural temperaments of the partners. A woman is absolutely sexually liberated, she has no complexes and gladly responds to all the proposals of her partner. This suits the Aries man, as he always strives to get maximum pleasure from intimate pleasures.

The compatibility of these signs in bed is associated with great mutual sympathy. They remain a mystery to each other in real life, but at the same time they are absolutely open in sex. Aries should understand that sex for an Aquarius girl follows from spiritual closeness, without this, relationships are simply impossible. In her own bed, she will only let the person she fully trusts.

For Aries men, sex plays a very important role. And if a woman takes this into account, then in the sexual sphere, relations will develop very favorably. Moreover, sexual energy will nourish partners and contribute to their successful progress along the path of life.

Married (compatibility in family life 39%)

Despite the fact that the representatives of these zodiac signs are very similar, the compatibility of companions in marriage is very low. This is due to the fact that at a young age, partners value their independence very much and rarely agree to enter into an official marriage.

The first problems usually arise after the birth of a child. It is at this moment that household chores will need to be distributed, but, unfortunately, emotional partners do not always succeed. The Aquarius girl believes that the main burden of responsibilities should be assumed by the spouse. But at the same time, according to his wife, he is obliged to provide for the family.

If the spouses manage to agree, then they will get along and build a strong family. Partners are very good parents and know how to raise children.

Friendship (91% compatibility in friendship)

Compatibility in friendly relations between representatives of the signs Aries and Aquarius is very high. These people are interesting to each other and sincere sympathy almost always arises between them.

Very often friendship begins in childhood and lasts for life. Moreover, love against its background cannot arise. Friends enjoy spending time together, participating in a variety of activities. Aries and Aquarius go through life like brother and sister, trusting the most intimate friend.

Each of the partners is distinguished by high moral principles, therefore their relationship is based on deep trust. Honesty and loyalty are the main principles of their friendship, which cannot be destroyed.

Aquarius man and Aries woman - compatibility

Between an Aries guy and an Aquarius girl, a relationship is always formed based on mutual respect. Unions between these signs of the zodiac are always unpredictable, due to the pronounced individuality of the partners. They value their freedom most of all, therefore they rarely form stable alliances, but at the same time they necessarily maintain friendly relations.

In a love relationship (love compatibility 35%)

The compatibility of an Aquarius man and an Aries woman in a love relationship is very low. This is hindered by the natural freedom-loving partners. If it happens that a spark of love jumps between partners, then the love relationship develops safely.

The life of the representatives of these zodiac signs will always be filled with positive, fun and good impressions. Aquarius, who has progressive views, always brings ease into relationships. He will try to make the relationship non-standard and by this he will definitely keep his partner near him.

The low compatibility of Aquarius and Aries in love indicates the instability of a love affair. The couple lacks warmth. She is not emotionally filled enough. This is due to the fact that each of the partners does not open up completely, but leaves a piece of life for themselves. In addition, they, even feeling mutual affection, are not always interested in the affairs of their half.

In addition, the stubbornness of partners can spoil the relationship, when everyone seeks to prove their leadership. If partners understand that they are sincerely in love, then they need, first of all, to learn to give in.

In bed (77% sex compatibility)

According to statistics, the compatibility of a couple in bed is very high, but at the same time sexual relations are unpredictable. Aries girl needs sex, she is completely liberated in bed and is ready for any experiments. And this approach to intimate life, of course, really likes the guy. The feeling of novelty and unusualness is important for him.

Sex between partners is filled with tenderness, they both strive for sophisticated caresses. These are their points of contact, which allows them to achieve complete satisfaction. This is evidenced by the very high compatibility of Aquarius and Aries in bed.

Sexual relationships for both partners are a way of knowing a loved one. The guy's craving for his chosen one Aries is so strong that he puts off everything in order to be alone. At such moments, lovers get closer and can even make decisions about their future future.

Married (compatibility in family life 30%)

The compatibility of an Aquarius man and an Aries woman in marriage is very low. These people are in no hurry to legitimize the relationship, even if everything is very successful in the sexual sphere. In marriage, partners rarely manage to build harmonious relationships. This is possible only if the chosen ones sincerely love and show patience and endurance.

A couple's low compatibility in marriage indicates that there are very high risks for divorce. The first thing to do in order to keep the family together is to refuse to remake loved ones. Each partner must maintain their individuality. Spouses must learn to perceive each other as they are by nature, with all the advantages and disadvantages.

If this can be done, then we can confidently say that the union will last for many years and will be filled with sincere feelings. A habit in a pair of Aquarius and Aries cannot arise, each of the spouses will strive to prove their love. In addition, they have a great desire to support each other in life, so they often become successful, feeling a reliable rear.

In friendship (compatibility in friendship 90%)

The compatibility in friendship between the Aquarius guy and the Aries girl is very high. These are very sociable people who like to be in high society and spend time with a cheerful company of friends.

The Aquarius guy knows how to be friends. The best option is friendship with an Aries woman who leads an active lifestyle and is filled with energy. These people form strong friendships based on trust. Aries and Aquarius support each other in all endeavors and help overcome life's barriers.

Since the main principle of friendship is trust, there are no secrets between the Aquarius guy and the Aries girl. It is very good if they are connected by a common cause or common business. Very often in such cases, family friendship arises.

Since with friendship, the chosen ones necessarily leave the friend freedom of action, their relationship lasts for many years.

It is not very difficult for the chosen one Aries to win the heart of her beloved. She will attract the attention of a partner with her personality and brightness. He will especially appreciate the following traits of the young lady Aries:

  • Independence.
  • Courage.
  • Originality.

The chosen one is always open to new acquaintances and friendly communication, so you need to draw attention to yourself at one of the social events. Do not hesitate to be the first to take the initiative. It is very important to find common topics of conversation and find out if you have common hobbies. This will be the factor contributing to the development of a joint future.

The Aries woman who has a developed mind and can present herself in an original way is capable of conquering an Aquarius man. It is important to demonstrate your elegance and your ability to speak beautifully. To make the chosen one become interested in herself, a woman should not only talk about herself, but also ask about his hobbies and hobbies. It is important to be genuinely interested in his life, while taking care that the questions do not sound formal. Aquarius men can respond only if they feel that there is a like-minded woman next to him who will support him.

How an Aquarius man can win an Aries woman

The Aquarius guy is naturally diplomatic, so he can easily attract the Aries young lady. His chosen one simply cannot resist the attention that he will surround her with. His compliments and expensive gifts will make her feel like a real lady.

It is very important to remember that the Aries woman always feels false, so courtship should be sincere. In addition, she likes determined and impulsive men. Therefore, it is necessary, while caring for the chosen one, to show yourself extraordinary.

It should also be remembered that Aries women like intelligent men. Therefore, the chosen one should demonstrate that he can easily support conversations on any topic. In addition, you should listen to the chosen one and support her in her endeavors. If necessary, she needs to be given advice, but in no case should she be forced to follow these recommendations.

It is very important not to try to tame the Aries woman and not show her your ambitions. It will be completely useless. It is impossible to change its natural character. The chosen one should feel the strength of a man, against the background of which she will certainly have a desire to obey.

An Aries man will be interested in an Aquarius woman at first sight. Perhaps their meeting will take place at a noisy party: she is surrounded by her friends, spectacular, boldly flies into the living room, and here he is a real man - the first among equals, with his head held high and a little impudent look, examines her from head to toe. "What is this upstart ?!" - the Aquarius woman will think and, snorting, will continue to chat with friends on some ultra-modern topic.

The Aries man is not one of those who let go of "shot" prey. His self-esteem and reputation as a leader must not be harmed. But the Aquarius woman is a "tough nut to crack", and Aries' simple tricks are unlikely to powder her head. The Aries man should not try to deceive the Aquarius woman, she will instantly bite him through and will no longer give a second chance. In addition, Aries men, however, like women, of this zodiac sign are useless deceivers and flatterers. They are more accustomed to acting with pressure, using their aggressive sexuality and persistent courtship.

The Aries man, who wants to conquer the lady of the heart, is like a peacock: he dresses brighter and more expensively, uses excessive perfume, laughs loudly and makes rude jokes. However, the Aquarius woman will not be embarrassed by this obviously mediocre acting game. She might not even notice her. How this woman annoys and at the same time attracts the Aries man!

Aries man should give up pomp and rudeness if he wants to conquer the Aquarius woman. It is better for Aries to be himself: a simple guy, courageous and strong - then he will be able to win over a discerning person. The Aquarius woman values \u200b\u200bintelligence and communication skills. The Aries man should not be frankly stupid, he needs to try to become a good conversationalist and reliable friend for the Aquarius woman. Aries must earn her trust. For Aquarius, the concepts of "friendship" and "love" are synonyms, which are separated by only one step - sex.

Emotionally, the Aries man and the Aquarius woman are very similar. They do not care about public opinion, they strive to shock others, therefore they express their feelings violently and publicly. Aries man is very quick-tempered, never shy in expressions, and the concept of "good manners" for him seems to be something morally outdated. The Aquarius woman, despite her sophistication and intellectuality, can be quite harsh in her statements if someone disputes her ideals. She is able to conduct smart conversations about the achievements of science, world progress, and at the same time it is indecent to swear if her pride is hurt.

The Aries man will have to spend all his strength on conquering the Aquarius woman, and at the end of the journey he will be so tired that the desired intimacy with her will not bring the proper charm. But a woman in love Aquarius is not particularly demanding in terms of intimate relationships. In addition, her eccentricity and constant desire for experiments will warm up the interest of the Aries man.

The desire of the Aquarius woman to please others will cause jealousy of the Aries man, but he can be calm - she will remain faithful to him. Sometimes Aries becomes terribly suspicious, in this case, intimacy turns into torture for a woman. Over time, having become more confident in himself and his chosen one, the Aries man can be an excellent sexual partner. If the Aquarius woman connects her life with Aries, she will have to, to some extent, indulge his whims.

Aries and Aquarius value freedom equally. The marriage of the Aries man is often under threat, since the violent energy is always looking for a way out, his partner needs a lot of patience. It is also unbearable for an Aquarius woman to be a "bird in a cage." Conversations about morality and virtue rarely affect her; rather, on the contrary, they will push the Aquarius woman to look beyond the forbidden line. An extraordinary Aquarius is attracted by relationships with people of a different nationality, religion, social status - this is another way of knowing the world. Unfortunately, Aquarius more often than other signs have divorces. Perhaps because the Aquarius woman is able to immerse herself headlong in work or social activities, and then she forgets about a delicious dinner and the problems of households.

Aries man and Aquarius woman are in no hurry to put on wedding rings, they are unlikely to listen to the exhortations of relatives about the importance of marriage and procreation. The Aries man himself is a big child, and does not want to share the attention of his beloved with someone else. It seems to the Aquarius woman that it is too early to become a mother, because she has so many unfulfilled plans. If the Aries man and the Aquarius woman come to understand that they are created for each other, then they should cement their relationship. After all, the stars bless this union.

Despite his active life and craving for adventures, with age, the Aries man strives to have his own house, expensively furnished, according to the latest fashion, which he could be proud of. The Aquarius woman is able to create a modern, cozy nest where she is not ashamed to receive numerous guests. Their house will always be full of people who will not let this couple get bored.

Aries man jealously protects his wife and children, they are his honor and dignity. Aries' desire to be the first in everything often makes him an authoritarian parent. Aquarius mother is able to change Aries' ideas about fatherhood, because she knows how to win over children, enjoys their trust. The Aquarius woman can teach the Aries man to build relationships based on mutual understanding and friendship.

Despite the wisdom and intelligence of life, the Aquarius woman often hovers in the clouds and forgets about the pressing needs of her family, and the Aries man is rarely inclined to housekeeping, and here the help of the older generation is simply invaluable. Aries man and Aquarius woman need to learn so much, to implement so many projects, so routine homework is not for them. Aries man and Aquarius woman are often afraid to miss something really important ...

The union of two hearts can give impetus to the development of not only relationships, but also the personal qualities of each. From the point of view of astrology, there are more or less harmonious alliances. Of course, no recommendations can stop a couple on the way to the registry office, but at the stage of relations and choosing a companion, you can and should pay attention to them.

What, for example, Aries-woman, Aquarius-man have compatibility? It may seem at first glance that such an alliance is under threat. However, bright, wayward signs will be noticeable in any company, and perhaps this is what will stir up their interest in each other.

What is she like?

Aries women were born in the period from March 21 to April 20, they are representatives of the fire sign that opens the astrological cycle. The patronage of Mars makes them strong and strong-willed. Their female attractiveness and charm know no barriers, because self-confidence works wonders. They look after themselves and always keep their brand, so an Aries woman can become an excellent wife for a public person.

Endowed with tremendous energy from nature, she loves to work, develop, play sports, considering domestic life a necessary routine, although she does not give up cleaning and cooking. Aries are romantic, sentimental, passionate and can idealize their chosen one. They are always specific in expressing their feelings, and this only adds to their attractiveness. They are smart, lyrical, active people who can stand up for themselves. Internal fragility and external manifestation of fortitude evoke love and respect.

What is He?

The Aquarius man is a dreamer and idealist. He loves freedom in everything - in work, in
choice of life strategy, clothing, entertainment. Boyishness is in the blood of this sign, so any attempt to tame and limit it will fail. They are reputed to be outstanding and talented people, and this is so. The inner feeling of loneliness is compensated for in Aquarius by a craving for everything new, unknown. In love, he is also looking for new horizons, but having met a reliable girlfriend and attractive beauty in one person, he will hasten to propose.

First meeting

In such a pair as Aries-woman, Aquarius-man, compatibility is controversial, but it is this union that can become a bright flash, which, if it does not lead to a long relationship, will be remembered by both for sure. One can try to identify these signs by their external manifestations. A woman, most likely, will be beautifully dressed, combed, there will be almost no makeup on her face, she will admire her reflection and listen to compliments with a smile, behave confidently. True, if a girl is still very young, she can choose an eccentric way of self-expression - too bright, flashy makeup, sporty or ultra-modern style of dress, emotional, somewhat acting presentation.

Aquarius is more difficult to define. He can sit aside from the company, writing something in a notebook and thinking about his own, or he can become the soul of the company, telling jokes and starting conversations about philosophy and fantasy. His appearance will rather give him away - jeans, a T-shirt, a fashionable jacket - no classics. He can be more proud of accessories, proudly demonstrating a branded lighter or a watch with additional functions.

Something like this can meet an Aries woman, an Aquarius man. The compatibility of the signs will not immediately become clear, because it is quite possible that both of them will begin to claim universal attention and love, or, on the contrary, each will disperse in their own direction.

Development of the novel

Let's imagine that Aries-woman, Aquarius-man met. Compatibility in communication will certainly be present, because they both love to develop, storm career heights, meet people. This will create interest. If Aquarius loves to gather friends, then Aries enjoys a central place in the company.

The intimate sphere is also important in a pair of Aries woman, Aquarius man. Sign compatibility in sex is good, it is based on passion. The energy of Aries makes Aquarius perform bold deeds, conquer and entertain a partner, and her partner is attracted by secret, unpredictability. They are able to enjoy each other, forgetting about everything. In a couple like Aries-woman and Aquarius-man, love compatibility is due precisely to the aspect of sexual attraction, poetry and spiritual relationship.

Foreknowledge stone

What can prevent the formation of the union Aries-woman + Aquarius-man? Compatibility or incompatibility in everyday life. It is this aspect that is controversial for them. Aries believes that the world is full of interesting things, and the dust on the shelves is just nonsense that does not require mental commitment. Aquarius, for all the breadth of her views, appreciates comfort, her partner's attention to home. He sees this as a manifestation of love. If a woman in this pair is not used to doing any housework, then sooner or later thunder will burst, and conflicts in this alliance cannot be resolved quietly.

Marriage and family

Of course, in our youth, we are all a little dreamy, capable of going to extremes and committing rash acts, the Aries woman, the Aquarius man are no exception. Compatibility in marriage for these reasons is manifested in relationships a little later. Knowing certain qualities and pitfalls of the characters of the representatives of these zodiac signs, you can understand what to expect from a person.

Aries woman may not talk about her desire to have children and consider that she wants to live free. However, after their birth, she will become a wonderful mother, because a mischievous child still lives in her soul. Aquarius man also appreciates freedom, but for the sake of his beloved family he is always ready to help. This is a union of those who will not build a nest for years and cherish and cherish each other, but if necessary, will come to the rescue and will be ready to risk everything for the sake of their beloved. If Aries does not lose himself, continuing to work, study, spend time with friends, there will not be a crisis in the relationship. Aquarius, meanwhile, will feel that his partner is happy and he has personal freedom.

In a pair of Aries woman + Aquarius man, ideal compatibility is doubtful, but still quite possible. Still, because both look at the world with their own eyes, through their own prism of beliefs and desires. Such a couple will decorate any company, the confidence and radiant look of the Aries woman and the liberated calmness of the Aquarius man will become an indicator of a healthy union.

Aries and Aquarius compatibility will be successful if partners are willing to put up with each other's shortcomings. Having common traits, interests and topics of conversation will lay the foundation for strong relationships that can develop into a strong union of two signs.


General compatibility of Aries and Aquarius

The compatibility of Aquarius and Aries is favorable, despite the opposite of the elements. Their characters are similar, while the shortcomings are completely smoothed out by the strengths of the partner.

Aquarius personality

Aquarius (21.01 - 18.02) is endowed with the following characteristics:

  1. Longing for long journeys. These people are looking for new sensations all their lives and discover interesting cities and distant countries.
  2. The desire to help friends and unfamiliar people. Representatives of this zodiac sign are responsive, trying to make everyone feel comfortable.
  3. The desire to make new acquaintances. They communicate easily, but they will be able to entrust the innermost secrets to the chosen ones.
  4. The need to maintain personal freedom. The air sign has no authority, so these people rely solely on their own opinion - it is impossible to prove to them a different point of view.
  5. Demanding to yourself and others. Strive to improve and learn new things. They try to motivate others, close people, family members and friends to achieve success.
  6. Altruism, readiness for self-sacrifice in the name of any idea or person. They care about the fate of the world, considering it their duty to put the global above the individual.
  7. A hatred of violence, dictatorship or tyranny. They will always take the side of the oppressed, will not tolerate injustice, will actively fight against racial or other prejudices.


  • friendliness;
  • curiosity;
  • fidelity;
  • creative inclinations;
  • intellectuality;
  • democracy;
  • generosity;
  • empathy.


  • inability to concentrate on one thing;
  • non-punctuality;
  • lack of a golden mean in behavior;
  • lightheadedness;
  • self-centeredness;
  • coldness, some detachment;
  • putting things off for later;
  • capriciousness;
  • rapid loss of interest in any occupation.

Aries personality

The character of Aries (21.03 - 20.04) is influenced by the planet Mars and the primacy in the zodiacal circle.

Basic qualities:

  1. They are very active, trying to be in time everywhere. They are thirsty for activity, so they will always find something to do for themselves.
  2. They strive to be the best: they are led by arguments and bets and do not tolerate losing.
  3. They require a lot of attention, they like to be in a big company in the center of events.
  4. They are enthusiastic about a new business, but do not have the patience to complete it.
  5. They are reckless, with difficulty refrain from meaningless spending. They can get rich or go broke overnight, lose their fortune or invest in a knowingly unprofitable enterprise.
  6. Superficial, pay little attention to the feelings of others. Often they offend people close to them with overly frank words or unpredictable actions.
  7. In anger, they are scary and can do many stupid things, especially in a state of passion. At the same time, they do not take offense for a long time and are ready to be the first to go to reconciliation.
  8. They love all sorts of pleasures, which often leads to negative consequences - health problems, alcohol, drug or other addiction.

Positive traits:

  • optimism;
  • independence;
  • sincerity;
  • initiative;
  • self-confidence;
  • energy;
  • openness to new things;
  • the ability to organize and lead people;
  • determination;
  • honesty.

Negative qualities:

  • selfishness;
  • imperiousness;
  • inconsistency;
  • aggressiveness;
  • impatience;
  • irascibility;
  • changeable mood;
  • intransigence.

Additional Compatibility Factors

Aries and Aquarius compatibility is supported by additional factors due to which both:

  • well suited to each other in temperament and energy;
  • are not mercantile and easily part with money;
  • have a cheerful disposition, quick-witted and unforgettable;
  • ready for anything for the sake of the idea you like;
  • easy to lift;
  • interesting companions, romantics and dreamers.

The compatibility of Aries and Aquarius is described in the video from the "Dmitriy Shimko" channel.

Aries woman and Aquarius man

Aries woman and Aquarius man are a union of two dreamers who live with thoughts about the future. Both representatives of the zodiacal circle love to be in the thick of things and attract attention to themselves. Their characters and interests are similar, but sometimes difficulties arise between them.

Love compatibility

Between the Aries woman and the Aquarius man, sympathy arises quickly, but the romantic relationship between them will remain successful and long-lasting only if:

  • the girl in this pair will learn to yield to the chosen one;
  • each partner will value the privacy of personal space;
  • Aries will not act overly jealous;
  • Aquarius in this union will grow up and become wiser about maintaining a relationship.

Marriage compatibility

In marriage, these zodiac signs are perfectly compatible if:

  • a woman will stop demanding the impossible from a partner;
  • both will not put their interests above the other half;
  • A ram will allow a man to be a leader and earner;
  • the spouse will abandon her demanding tone towards her husband;
  • Aquarius will pay more attention to his wife and children, rather than friends or work.

A long-term and harmonious family union between representatives of the elements is more likely if the couple creates it already in adulthood.

The sooner they have children, the faster it will bring partners together. The representative of the fire element will become an excellent mother, capable of embodying all her ambitions in motherhood and giving up the leadership of the family to a man.

Sexual compatibility

Sexual compatibility of a couple in bed is very favorable because:

  • Aries and Aquarius love intense and intense sex, full of experiments;
  • in this tandem, partners realize their wildest desires;
  • aries woman will strive for leadership in bed, which Aquarius will not oppose.

Friendship compatibility

Friendship between Aries and Aquarius occurs often because they:

  • understand the feelings of the partner and can provide worthy support;
  • ready to sacrifice their interests in this status of relations;
  • have common hobbies and lifestyles;
  • do not get hung up on trifles and petty quarrels.

In business, the Aquarius man and the Aries woman complement each other, while:

  • an air sign generates ideas, and an earthly sign brings them to life;
  • they do not conflict over trifles, only sensibly discuss the pros and cons;
  • a woman brings her business partner back to reality, preventing them from building castles in the air;
  • the couple is able to successfully lead work projects together and bring the company a profit.

You can learn about the compatibility of the Aquarius man and the Aries woman from the video channel "1000 and 1 horoscope"

Aries man and Aquarius woman

The Aries guy and the Aquarius woman are an example of the most successful astrological tandem. Such a couple will be in perpetual motion, progressing in the development of relations. A man here will be able to show his leadership potential, and a woman will provide support in any endeavors of her partner.

Love compatibility

In love between this couple, the law of attraction of opposites will work. When young people get to know each other better, harmony will arise in the relationship: they will understand how many common interests they have.

For an Aries guy who is trying to achieve any unapproachable girl, Aquarius is a wonderful object to conquer. She is wayward and freedom-loving, so at first she will be cold to Aries. But in fact, both of them will already be drawn to each other, both mentally and physically.

The beginning of a relationship will seethe with passion and quarrels, because:

  • the Aries guy will show himself too impulsive and jealous;
  • Aquarius will often be indifferent to the efforts and courtship of a loved one;
  • in conflicts, each of the zodiac signs will try to defend their point of view to the last;
  • Aries will demand undue attention to herself, trying to oust her friends from the life of Aquarius, with whom she loves to spend time.

You can find a common language and quickly resolve misunderstandings using the advice of astrologers:

  1. Aquarius should often take his chosen one with him to friendly meetings and walks. So the man will not feel left out and see that there is no threat to the relationship.
  2. Couples should spend weekends together, sharing their favorite hobbies and passions. Thus, in the union, mutual understanding will develop faster.
  3. Aries should restrain their aggression and jealousy - this can only alienate Aquarius.

Marriage compatibility

The marriage of an Aquarius woman and an Aries man can be exemplary. The couple will solve the main problems of relationships at the stage of love relationships. They will decide to start a family only if they are confident in their choice and in themselves.

In the early years of marriage, the following problems may arise:

  • blind and unfounded jealousy of Aries;
  • the woman's desire to spend evenings and vacations with friends;
  • conflicts due to the desire of everyone to do things their own way.

Over time, mutual understanding will reign more in this family, partners will learn to trust each other and appreciate feelings. The man will remain in leadership positions, but this will completely suit the representative of the air element, who will devote herself to children. In marriage, Aquarius will show himself to be an excellent hostess and keeper of the hearth: the house will be cozy and clean. The desire to sit with friends will come to her less often, she will learn to have a great time with her family.

Sexual compatibility

In the bed of this union, passion will boil and the mutual attraction will bring them closer together. The desire that Aquarius and Aries have for each other will only grow every day.

The couple's sexual relations are characterized by the following points:

  • partners are not inferior to each other in inventiveness and fantasy in sex;
  • both are highly dependent on physical intimacy;
  • each of them thinks about the desires and pleasure of the partner.

Friendship compatibility

Friendship between representatives of the sign arises both on its own and after a love affair. The similarity of characters does not allow both to move away and leave the understanding shoulder of an ally.

Friendship after a break in love between an Aquarius lady and an Aries man remains in almost 100 percent of cases.

Positive moments in friendship:

  • both completely trust each other in secret secrets;
  • the Aquarius woman is unobtrusive and ready to forgive her friend for impatience and smooth over excessive emotionality;
  • a strong and determined man can pull a girl out of any unpleasant situation.

Work and business compatibility

It is better to entrust representatives of these signs with a project or creative task in their work. Aquarius will be able to get new material or come up with an unexpected idea, and Aries will do everything to make it happen.

A task that requires perseverance and accurate calculations is not suitable for them. The representatives of the signs will do part of the work conscientiously, the rest will be completed carelessly and in a hurry.

Aquarius is a suitable partner for Aries, so they will work as a single mechanism. Both are able to understand each other perfectly and cover a colleague in front of their superiors.


A video from the channel "1000 and 1 horoscope" will tell about the compatibility of the Aquarius woman and the Aries man.