Sufi rotation. Ancient Tibetan Exercise for Instant Restoration of Life Energy

allows you to bring the mind into a state of clarity, silence and peace, to discard all unnecessary, free from any tension, from what prevents and restrains, filled with force, feel new resources. And this is an excellent way to strengthen the energy of intent. During circles you come to the state of presence and purity. And this is exactly the condition from which your life should create.

Before proceeding to the description of the practice itself, I will tell a little about truly magic power circles. Circling as the main element of this practice is not chosen by chance. After all, rotation is the main movement in the universe. Everything revolves around their power centers. The electron is around the kernel, the wheel - around the axis, the planet - around the star. Rotates solar system, Galaxy and all that fills the outer space. The rapidly twisting energy funnel in many spiritual practitioners symbolizes continuous development, life-giving force, targeted movement and rhythm. Rounding, a person creates an energy whirlwind, connects to the energy flux of the Universe and absorbs strength, wisdom, knowledge, which is then divided with their relatives and loved ones

Trust without checking

During this practice, one of the most important life principles is formed - the confidence of the universe, its wisdom, generosity and friendliness. Circling, it is almost impossible to control the situation, trying to progress or avoid imminent consequences. After all, in order to maintain an equilibrium, it is important to remain in the present moment, deep breathing, feel your body and trust your feelings. The secret of stability is quite simple - During courage, all the energy should accumulate at the bottom of the body, in other words, their consciousness should be sent to the center of the abdomen and legs. Any energy rise up, that is, the appearance of fears, doubts, experiences and other emotions and thoughts, weakens stability and leads to a drop. Therefore, every mourned Will-Neils immersed in a meditative condition, relaxes, releases the alarming Duma, completely given the established situation and just begins to spin. And every time a miracle happens! Gradually, the voltage is replaced by ease, doubts - curiosity, fear - pleasure. But in general, it turns out quite beautiful, simple and at the same time an effective practice that fills the person by calmness, determination to follow its path and freely achieve the goals. And this experience can well be moved to life: do something easily, not focused on difficulties and obstacles, trusting life and getting joy from what is happening.

Rules of stealing

  1. Women are better spinning in long, bell-shaped skirts. Since hemp long skirt Collects yin energy from the ground and fills the woman with it.
  2. It is recommended nothing in two hours before practice.
  3. Before starting practice, you should express your intention. The intention can be any, the main thing that it was positive.
  4. It is necessary to spin first in one, then in the other direction, and the same number of times. During circle counterclockwise, right hand should be directed palm up - it flows the stream of energy from above, left palm omitted down to rely on the stream of energy from below. When circling clockwise, put the left hand with a palm up, and the right hand down.
  5. Start rotation is better counterclockwise. Since stealing in left Works on cleansing: Release negative energy, Getting rid of limiting beliefs, the completion of the opposing relationship. Circling B. right side It is aimed at filling itself with new energy, forces, confidence, configure to achieve and change.
  6. If at first someone is experiencing difficulties during long-term rotation, you can start from three times one way and three times to another. The next time you can increase the number of revolutions up to six, nine, twelve, etc.
  7. During the practice, it is important to concentrate attention in the legs or hips, the look does not focus on anything. Any thoughts and emotions arising in your head during circulation reduce stability. Therefore, as soon as you thought about something, immediately lower the consciousness down. Otherwise, your head will be spinning.
  8. The speed and duration of rotation can be selected independently, based on the sensations and body needs.
  9. During the circling very good to sing. Since singing quickly removes internal blocks, and it becomes easier and fun to rotate.
  10. Going out of practice is gradually, slowly reducing the speed of rotation. Otherwise, the head can be sprinkled and nausea to the throat.
  11. After circling, it is necessary to lie down for a ten minutes to fifteen on the back, completely relaxing. Better to accept Shavasan (Pose of the corpse in yoga)
  12. This practice has limitations. Do not practice on late time pregnancy during the exacerbation of any chronic disease And within a month after any surgical intervention.

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In the book "Oko Revelation" colonel Bradford Indicates rotation clockwise:

"The first ritual," said Colonel, is simple enough. It is designed to accelerate the movement of the vortices. As a child, we used it in our games. Your actions: Become straight, with an elongated horizontally along the shoulders. Start spinning around your axis until you feel Easy dizziness. There is one warning: you need to rotate from left to right. In other words, if you put on the floor the clock clock up, your hands should move in the direction of the shooter "

Please note that Colonel Bradford determines the direction of "clockwise" as the direction in which a person rotates from left to right, regardless of its location on the planet.

Considering that Bradford was in the northern hemisphere, when he wrote that it was necessary to rotate from left to right (clockwise), some people wondered whether to adapt his instructions and rotate counterclockwise, while in the southern hemisphere.

When I ask them: " Why do you think we must change the direction of rotation?"

Their answer is usually in the spirit of what " Water in the southern hemisphere is spinning counterclockwise, and in Northern - clockwise".

However, in itself, this concept is based on popular delusion, and therefore, the reason for changing the direction of rotation is also not convincing.

Alistaire B. Fraser, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Honorary Professor Meteorology, University of Penn, USA, explains in detail:

"Compared to the rotations that we observe every day (automotive tires, CDs, sink drains) Rotation of the Earth almost imperceptibly - only turnover per day. The water in the sink makes turnover in a few seconds, thus, the speed of its rotation is ten thousand. times higher than that of the earth. It is not surprising, given that Coriolis strength is several orders less any Of the forces involved in these everyday examples of rotation. Coriolis strength is so small, which affects the direction of rotation of water no more than on the direction of rotation of the CD.

The direction of rotation of water in the cleaner plum is determined by how it was filled, or what twigs in it were created during washing. The size of these rotations is small, but compared with the rotation of the Earth - just huge. "

It is difficult to describe the effect of Coriolis Read more, without resorting to mathematical equations Or such complex concepts like angular mechanics. First of all, our reference system is as follows: " What we see depends on where we are" This means that we stand on a solid surface when it really is not that - because the earth is a rotating ball.

Coriolis effect

In physics coriolis effect- This is an obvious deviation of moving objects when considering them from the rotating reference system. For example, consider two children on opposite sides of the rotating carousel, which throw each other ball (Fig. 1). From the point of view of these children, the path of the ball bent towards the effect of Coriolis. From the point of view of the thrown, this deviation is directed to the right when the carousel is rotated counterclockwise (if you look from above). Accordingly, when moving clockwise, the deviation is directed to the left.

If you are really interested in a detailed explanation of the Coriolis effect, enter in the search engine "Coriolis effect" and learn this question thoroughly.

Direction of rotation of chakra

Peter Calder did not describe the direction of movement of the vortex (chakras):

"The body has seven centers that can be called vortices. They are a kind of magnetic centers. IN healthy body They rotate at high speed, and when their rotation slows down - this can be called old age, illness or extinction. Most fast way Return youth, health and vitality - to force these vortices to rotate again at the same speed. There are five simple exercise to achieve this goal. Any of them is useful in itself, but to obtain best results All five are needed. Lama is called their rituals, and I will relate to them the same way. " - Peter Caerder edited by Alina and Mikhail Titov "Oko Revelation", 2012.

I wonder if Calder really avoided references to the direction counterclockwise? According to Barbara Ann Brennan, the former NASA scientific officer and a reputable specialist in human energy, healthy chakras should rotate clockwise; And closed, unbalanced - counterclockwise.

In his successful book, the "hands of the world", she says:

"When the chakras function normally, each of them will be open and will rotate clockwise to assimilate the necessary energy from the World Field. Rotation clockwise To produce energy from the global energy field in chakra, reminds the rule of right hand in electromagnetism, which says, What change magnetic field Around the wire will cause a current in this wire.

When the chakras rotate counterclockwise, an outflow of energy from the body, provoking the metabolic disorder. In other words, when Chakra rotates counterclockwise, we do not get the energy you need, perceived by us as psychological reality. Such chakra is considered closed for incoming energy "

Possible influences of traditions

(a) Traditional Tibetan "Trul-Choir" Yantra Yoga

Chogal Natchay Narbu, one of the great masters of Dzogchen and Tantra, was born in Tibet in 1938. His book " Yogan Yoga: Tibetan Yoga Movement"Released by the publishing house" Snow Lion ".

"Trul-choir" means "magic wheel"- says Alejandro Chaul-Reich, teacher of the Lig Minch Institute and the Associate Professor of the Medical School of Texas. He says:

"The characteristic movements of" Trul-choir "arose as a result of the practice of deep meditation of the Adepts of Tibetan Yoga. Traditionally practiced in remote Himalayan caves and monasteries," Trul-Choir "- movements are currently available for serious Western students. They are a powerful cleaning tool, Balancing and harmonizing the subtle aspects of its energy measurement. "

Ryan Parker, specialist in Five Tibetan ritualsCurrently conducts a study on the comparison of five rituals and "Trull-choir". According to Peter Kölder in Oka Revelation, rituals, like "Trul-choir", have about 2500 years.

In the last "comparative table", he argues:

"Buddhist" Trul-Choir "implies existence energy centersrotating clockwise. "Trul-choir" is sometimes called the incentive to rotate the energy centers. Moreover, they begin to rotate in unison. Although this rotation can be caused by many ways, the rotation of the body is in a special way associated with the stimulation of centers. The rotation clockwise is considered useful, and it is an estimated direction of rotation in the Buddhist "Trul-Choir". "

(b) Pradakshina

In the course of history, Tibet and India exchanged ancient knowledge, and possibly - but it was not proven - that Pradakshin practice could affect the first ritual.

In Hinduism Pradakshinmeans the act of worship - bypass clockwise around the holy place, temple, shrine. Dakshin means right, so you go left, while the spiritual object is always on the right of you.

In the process of execution of Pradakshina, you go clockwise around the temple, shrines, a man, mountains, places or even yourself. In Hindu temples, special passages are even provided for people to make these movements around them clockwise.

The purpose of such circular movements is to focus or clean yourself, or to honor the object of worship.

The circular circumference is so common that it is found in the culture of the Greeks, Romans, Druids and Hindus. This is usually associated with a sacrifice or purification process. Interestingly, all these cultures are always the direction of movement one - clockwise!

Other interesting information about rotation clockwise

During one of my classes, the dance teacher told me that the children initially learn to circling clockwise. Obviously, it is easier for them (although there are exceptions). He said it is well known among dance teachers - if you need to calm the children, make them spinning them counterclockwise. And to activate them - let it be spinning clockwise!

This energy effect is exactly what people experience, performing Ritual No. 1, according to the descriptions of Colonel Bradford. It seems to me that if Lama gave an indication to rotate clockwise - it should be so!

Who practices rotation counterclockwise

Nevertheless, I am familiar with a kind of marina that revolves counterclockwise, due to its life-friendly health, which she is trying to fix. She is very directed towards meeting the needs of his body, as you can read below:

"According to Qi-Gong and traditional chinese medicine, movement clockwise accelerates life processes By increasing the speed of the chakp movement to the initial one. A counterclockwise movement slows down chakras. Most of those who practice rituals want to speed up chakras, slowed down due to age, weight and other things, because it is logical that they rotate clockwise. Nevertheless, one day, during morning prayer I realized that in my case the acceleration of the chakra will only have negative consequencesSince the chakra affecting my lungs is incapable of acceleration! Thus, I began to rotate counterclockwise, and soon noticed that it was easier to perform other rituals! "

Summing up - until documents or teachers are found, all attempts to understand the motives of ritual No. 1 will be only theoretical. Consequently, you must do what is useful for you on personal feelings!

For science, how? - on science it is believed that everything revolves around their centers of power. Electron around the kernel, wheel around the axis, planet around the star. Rotation is the most natural movement in this world.

Mevlyan Jalaladdin Rumi once walked in the market of chascans. I thought about my, looked at the twisted sheets of copper, listened to the blows of the hammers about the shears, and suddenly realized that everything in the world rotates.

From joy, he began to rotate right in the middle of the market square, and, according to legend, was rotated 38 hours in a row. And when he finally stopped, then said: "Pole one who revolves around him. The heavenly spheres rotate around it" (Under the "Pole", Rumi meant the so-called "power center", "heart of the vortex").

In general, Mevlyan Rumi urgently went to tell his disciples about the revelation, which fell on it in the center of the Market Square. Pupils really liked the idea of \u200b\u200brotation. And in general, the whole story with the center of the world, which is in the heart of every person, was very captured. Therefore, the Sufi Order of Mevlevi was urgently established - the Order of the "rotating dervish" - the main practice of which was the ritual of "sem" - the hearing of God through rotation. Now this ritual is more famous as "Sufi circles."

During the Sema, Dervish spins with a sikka on the head - this is a felt hat, symbolizing the tombstone; And dressed in the tanora - white clothes, symbolizing the savance of human egoism.

The executing one - Semazen - as it would germinate through the desert of his own ego, making climbing divine love, and returns from his spiritual journey a man more mature and perfect.

Dervish rotates right to left, around his heart. Beginning to rotate, he holds his hands with a cross on his chest, expressing the humility to God, then his hands are revealed. The right hand is palm to the sky, getting a blessing, and the left is turned to the ground and to people. Dervish turns into the conductor of God. Thus, all people present on the seme conjugates grace over.

Sufi steaming is one of the most powerful meditations.This ancient technique it causes a person a sense of flight and mystical lifting.

It is so deep that even a one-time experience can make you completely different.

Such relaxation brings peace to the soul, eliminates fear and anxiety.Man becomes more decisive and bold. He sees the world otherwise, he has both brain hemisphere begin to work.He seems to be in the state of flow, he has the mind and insight develops, ingenious thoughts and ideas come.

Sufi steep (or rotation) is a meditative technique that consists in steaming around its own axis for a long time (usually from half an hour to several hours).

Among people practicing meditative practices, stealing is unofficially considered to be "royal meditation." Why among many other technicians allocate this particular meditation? The fact is that with long-lasting rotation around its axis, it is possible to resist our feet only in the state of "not mind", the state of meditation, when all the energy in the body is below, in the abdomen and legs. This is the most sustainable position. If we think, we are worried, we are afraid, rejoice, that is, if we have thoughts and emotions, there is something that simple language called "wrinkled head".

Secret of stealing, More precisely, stability when driving, extremely simple: energy (or our attention) should be in the center of the abdomen and in the legs. Then we simply can not fall - like a doll-label "Vanka-stand". Any energy rise in the head, that is, the appearance of thoughts and emotions (and therefore "dropping out of meditation"), reduces stability. And if after that do not omit the energy down, do not return to the meditative state, follows.

When thoughts come to static meditation to you, you can return to it again. In static meditation you can just sit and think that you are in meditation. During the circle, "pretend" that you are meditating, it is impossible. In the meditative state of circulation, it is necessary to be total and continuously. When you meditate correctly (cool), that is, your entire energy is located downstairs, the upper body is free to pass the stream of space energy. Therefore, the essence of Sufi circle can be expressed by the formula: firmly stand on Earth, open the heart, let the energy of God in one hand, we skip this divine energy in the heart and take exactly the same clean energy into another hand and let go of God and raise the strength and the state of absolute rest after meditation.

This technique can be represented as a metaphor of life. While we are twisted (samsara), we live when we fall, life stops. You can spin with pleasure, or with fear that you will fall or lose control over the process. So in life, you can go with pleasure or fear. But the topics and good, which first helps learn how to enjoy the process in a safe space (that is, during meditation), and then transfer it to life.

I bring to your attention your article about Sufi Cool - "Circle chakras. A new embodiment of an ancient practice" which was published in the magazine "Wheel of Life", August 2009

Now I collect a group for practicing this practice in Kiev.

I plan stealing in nature (while in ordinary clothes without Sufi skirts), if there is a stable group, you can remove the room. Who wants to join, go out.

Why turn in one place?

Sufi steep (or rotation) is a meditative technique that consists in steaming around its own axis for a long time (usually from half an hour to several hours).

The technique received its name from the Sufi Order of Mevlev, founded by the Persian poet-Sufi Jalaladdin Rumi (1207-1273), in which stealing was part of the ritual of worship of God and symbolized unity with him. Sufi circled (and circled to this day) in heavy skirts that are needed to stabilize the rotation and maintaining its high speed.

Among people practicing meditative practices, stealing is unofficially considered to be "royal meditation." Why among many other technicians allocate this particular meditation?

The fact is that when prolonged rotation around its axis ...

you can only resist our feet in the state of "not mind", the state of meditation, when all the energy in the body is below, in the abdomen and legs. This is the most sustainable position. If we think, we are experiencing, we are afraid, rejoice, that is, if we have thoughts and emotions, it happens that a simple language is called "wrought out."

With long-term rotation around its axis, you can only resist your feet in the state of "not mind"

The secret of stealing, or rather stability when driving, extremely simple: energy (or our attention) should be in the abdomen and legs. Then we simply can not fall - like a doll-nevosha "Vanka-Stink". Any energy rise in the head, that is, the appearance of thoughts and emotions (and therefore "loss of meditation"), reduces stability. And if after that do not omit the energy down, do not return to the meditative state, follows.

When thoughts come to static meditation to you, you can return to it again. When circling, the loss of meditation ends with a physical drop. In static meditation you can just sit and think that you are in meditation. During the circle, "pretend" that you are meditating, it is impossible. In the meditative state of circulation, it is necessary to be total and continuously.

There are two meditations where dropping out of the process is especially bright: walking along the coal (if you do incorrectly, burning) and Sufi rotation (if you do wrong, you fall).

When you meditate correctly (cool), that is, your entire energy is located downstairs, the upper body is free to pass the stream of space energy. Therefore, the essence of the Sufi circle can be expressed by the formula: firmly stand on the ground, open the heart, let the energy of the cosmos. Hence the rise of strength, and the state of absolute rest after meditation.

This technique can be represented as a metaphor of life. While we are twisted, we live when we fall, life stops. You can spin with pleasure or with fear that you will fall or lose control over the process. So in life, you can go with pleasure or fear. But the topics and good, which first helps learn how to enjoy the process in a safe space (that is, during meditation), and then transfer it to life.

Why are men circling in skirts?
I asked this question to everyone who I showed photos of circles. I answer. The skirt improves the quality of rotation, it can not be spinning slowly because it will fall on your feet. On the other hand, the skirt stabilizes the circulation process (as a gyroscope) and does not allow to deflect on the parties. To spin in the skirt, you need experience, but the result is worth it.

Why skirtsAll the colors of the rainbow?
In Kiev, the idea of \u200b\u200bspinning in the skirts of all colors of the rainbow ("Circle Chakra") was implemented at the School of Integral Development of Rainbow Life. Seven rainbow colors correspond to seven chakms of a person, each of which is responsible for certain qualities. Choosing a skirt color, we choose the qualities that we want to develop or work out in yourself. When the skirts of all the colors of the rainbow are spinning, color harmony arises, the energy of all chakras (from the lower to the highest) is leveling, which is the condition for the harmonic development of a person.

What gives this meditation?
First of all, steep is unique experience Saying Totally in "here and now" throughout the entire time of meditation (approximately 45 minutes). Such experience is difficult to get in society with all its problems, stress and crises. As a result of meditation to the practitioner, the state of rest and peacekeeping comes.

When you for 45 minutes you do the same movement (rotation) and at the same time strive not to fly into thoughts or emotions, thereby you train patience, the habit of not demanding immediate results.

Many, probably, familiarize the situation when you start the case, and it moves slowly than I would like. In such a situation, I remember steep, in which in order to achieve the result (rest of the peace and peace after meditation), it is necessary to spin for a long time, not dear in thought, repeating certain movements, without thinking about the goal, but also without losing vigilance. Then the result will really bring satisfaction.

Honestly, still experiencing some fear of stealing. Thoughts "Will it work out?", "What if you drop?" still arise. How to let go of this fear? In my experience, the only way out is to trust what happens to you. When you trust the process, it is much more pleasant to circling, instead of fear you have fun. Also, trusting life, you can enjoy all its incidents and peripetias.

Any difficult situation It is easier to be allowed if you feel your body. As soon as possible, I am losing an equilibrium, I immediately begin to breathe belly and return attention to the feelings in the body. It helps soothe thoughts and stability returns. If in difficult life situation Remember the sensations in the body, relax it, the situation will seem much easier.

During the meditation, I had moments when it seemed that there was a little bit and fall. Then the capitulanant thought arose: "Maybe they will fall and do not try anymore?". At your experience I was convinced that it was better not to fall. It is better to bring meditation to the end. Fell and nausea will appear, and the fall itself is not very nice. Up to the end - you will get satisfaction from the result, peace and fullness. So in any case: it is better to bring it until completion, showing the will, perseverance than to save before difficulties.

About teaching technique
Circling is carried out "by" or "against" a clockwise arrow. The shoulders are stripped, the look does not focus on anything.

If you spin against a clockwise arrow, the right hand should be directed by the palm up-whether it flows the stream of energy from above, the left palm is lowered down to rely on the flow from below.

When circling clockwise, put the left hand with the palm up, the right is omitted. Fingers must be closed. If the hands are relaxed, they easily find their place in the stream.

A lot of energy is released in any meditation, so it is important to have a positive intention where then send this energy. Before (but not during her!) The meditation can be thought of to think about some kind of creative goal or record it on a leaflet, pinch it to the skirt and promotion in the process of circulation. If you do not create a positive intention, the energy will begin to dissipate if a lot is worried and fear, fears can materialize due to the effortlessness. Meditation (including circling) - a tool is thin, requiring a conscious relationship.

To participate in Sufi steam, it is desirable to have experience in other meditative practices developing the state of "internal silence". Then steesome will pass more efficiently.

Dmitry Rybin, leading classes

Sufi steep - One of the most ancient techniques, one of the most powerful. It is so deep that even a one-time experience can make you completely different.

Sufi circles - This is an ancient practice of prayer in motion, which is based on zikre - repeating the name of God and aimed at clearing consciousness and awareness of universal love.

Sufi steep Allows you to bring consciousness from the head chakras, it helps to transform the energy and entering the state of the chal. There are various modifications of this technique. Circling can be carried out to the music or without that, using mantras, without a certain concentration or with a concentration in certain energy builders of the body. In the latter case, stealing can contribute to their development and improvement.

Curling dervish is a conductor of space energy, he takes into the power of the sky and gives it to the earth, while remaining completely empty, free from thoughts, desires and needs.

The place where Sufi is spinning, retains this energy for some time. In the old days, Dervish was spinning in crowded places, cleaning space and leading it into balance.

The case of Sufia - to convey to the consciousness of the world one simple thing - You can plunge so deep in your heart that you will see - there, inside, you are one with all my life, with all souls, and extract harmony, beauty, peace and power from this source.

The ceremony of the rotational of the dervish Order of Mevlevius dates back to the inspiration that came to the great Persian mysticism and the poet Jalal hell-Dinu Rui, who discovered and showing the revolution of the mystery of the universe through the ecstatic dance.

Over time, the circles became the basis of the Sufi seed ritual (hearing), in which the soul travel is celebrated to God. Performing a ritual, Dervish circles around the axis of his heart and simultaneously move in a circle. Passing through the efforts to purify itself the soul is growing, meets with the truth and moves to excellence.

it practice of slow rotations. Immersion in prayer (memories of God), conjugate with rotation around its axis and breathing. In the process of practice, through the inner force (!) And simultaneous release of effort, there is a purification and immersion in the internal space.

Complete S. open eyesHow small children do, as if your inner entity became the center, and all your body became a wheel moving pottery.

You are in the center, but the whole body moves.

Meditation is divided into two stages- Circle and rest. For her there is no definite duration - it can last for hours, but at least one hour to completely feel the whirlpool of energy.

Circling is carried out in the direction counterclockwise, right hand - up, elbow raised, left hand - down, elbow omitted. People who feel the inconvenience of rotation counterclockwise can perform it clockwise. Let your body be unattended, and the eyes are open, but not focused that the images become blurry spots, become fluid. Stay silent.

In the first fifteen minutes Rotate slowly. Then gradually increase the speed for the next thirty minutes until you become a metering of energy - the periphery is a beard of movement, but the witness in the center of them is fixed.

When you swear so quickly that you can not stay in a vertical position, your body will fall in itself. Do not make it a drop in the result of your decision and do not try to organize it more comfortable: if your body is relaxed, you will fall softly, and the earth will absorb your energy.

When you fell, the second stage of meditation begins.

Immediately flip on the stomach to touch the ground naked part of the navel. If someone feels a strong inconvenience, lying in this way, he can lie on his back. Feel like your body merges with the ground, as if a small child was pressed against the mother's chest. Keep your eyes closed and stay passive and silent, at least fifteen minutes. After meditation, be so quiet and inactive as possible. Some people can feel nausea during the meditation of circling, but this feeling will disappear in two or three days. If nausea remains, interrupt meditation.

After completing the exercise, relaxation is necessary.

It also requires complete confidence in the technique, complete "disclosure" during the exercise. Its duration is determined individually and can vary from a few minutes to several hours.

One of the greatest experiments in life when there is an surrounding music that overflies you, the meditation is beginning to grow in you - when meditation and music are found. God and the world meet, matter and consciousness are found. This is a unio mystic - mystical unity.

Sufi circles

Sufi music: remember and feel the Divine