Acupuncture points on the human back diagram. Acupuncture points. Where are they located and what organs are they affected by? Massage instructions. Problems that can be solved by massage of biologically active points

But first of all, I would like to say that traditional acupuncture uses 14 so-called main channels or meridians, through which, according to Chinese healers, the energy circulates, which is called qi. Chinese traditional medicine doctors associate all diseases with disruption of the flow of energy through the channels. There are points or zones on the channels. The most interesting thing is that when acute conditions a point with a small diameter turns into a zone with an expanded diameter. Impact on points or zones directly affects the condition of the channel and, thus, changes the course of the disease. There are diseases in which the state of the channel is in a state of excitation or in a state of depression. The method of influence depends on this. If we want to calm down excited channel, or, in other words, to cure the corresponding disease, then we use an inhibitory, calming method of influencing one point or another. If the channel is in a state of depression, then we use a stimulating method of influence and, thus, cure the disease. For example, an acute pain syndrome, say a migraine, will be cured by the inhibitory method, since, say, the gallbladder channel, for example, is overexcited. Or another example. Radial neuritis, dangling hand. According to Chinese doctors, in this situation the channel of the three parts of the body is in a state of oppression. Therefore, the points of this channel should be influenced by the exciting method.

In this diagram we see how pathological changes in any organ they influence the channel and, consequently, the point. Therefore, by influencing the point, we thereby influence the channel and the diseased organ..

Chinese doctors attach great importance to the combination of Zhen Chi points. It is a well-prepared recipe that leads to the cure of diseases. This is perhaps the basis of Zhen Chiu therapy. Unfortunately, this position is now ignored by many hasty specialists, which belittles and discredits the treatment method.

What other factors can affect the treatment of the disease? Chinese doctors believe that a lot depends on the time of day in which we act on a certain channel. It is known that each channel has its greatest energy potential at a certain time of day, and this should be taken into account when treating the patient.

Great importance is also attached to the quality of the needles. In traditional Chinese medicine Silver, gold and so-called nichrome needles made of steel alloys are used. Why do the Chinese attach such importance to the quality of needles? It turns out that silver excites the point, enhances the flow of energy - qi and, therefore, stimulates the function of the channel. The disease, which is in a state of oppression, is cured. Gold inhibits the point and channel and therefore calms the energetic flow of qi. A disease that is in a state of agitation is also cured. Steel nichrome needles (nickel, chromium) have a neutral effect and can be used both for suppression of the channel function and for excitation.

The depth of impact on the point is also very important, about which Chinese doctors have repeatedly warned me. Different injection depths and different effects.

We must not forget that a therapeutic injection in Chinese medicine must necessarily end with warming up the point (ji). At one time, on the recommendation of Chinese doctors, I used wormwood cigars for this purpose. Unfortunately, they have their own specific drawback - not all patients can tolerate the smell of smoldering wormwood. Now there are other ways of warming up. But you still need to follow the laws of Chinese medicine, using well-known warming methods such as pecking chiu, ironing chiu, etc.

And now I would like to show and talk about some important points, the impact of which will help you in everyday life.

We influence the points with the index finger or thumb deep massaging, clockwise, movements for 5-6 minutes.

There is an impact on the lao-gong point - translated as “palace of labor” (pericardial meridian). The point is in the center of the palm. If you bend your fingers into a fist, the space between the 3rd and 4th fingers points to this point. The point has a sedative value, especially in stressful conditions, with high blood pressure, and can be used for excessive sweating of the hands.

Massage of acupuncture points around the eyes is indicated for tension headaches, migraines, and neuralgia trigeminal nerve, with neuritis of the facial nerve, with high blood pressure.

This figure shows very important points. Chinese doctors call the point Tzu-san-li, “three spaces on the leg” (stomach meridian) the “longevity point”, giving it magical meaning. If we place our right palm on the center of the kneecap, then our 4th finger will point to the location of this point and vice versa. Chinese doctors recommend massaging this point every morning to maintain health and mental balance throughout the day, as it is a general strengthening point. In addition, this point is used for insomnia, headaches, and high blood pressure.

There is an impact on the Xin-Jiang point, the “good interval” (liver meridian). Located between the 1st and 2nd toes. Used in the treatment of neurotic conditions, menstrual disorders, genitourinary diseases, for gastrointestinal diseases.

Extremely important points are shown. The He-Gu point, the “closed valley” (large intestine meridian), is known to many. It is located in the space between the 1st and 2nd fingers of the hand, in the recess. Try massaging it with deep pressure. You will feel a fullness radiating throughout your forearm. This is a very important point. It is, like the Tzu-san-li point, a general strengthening point. Used for neuroses, migraines, diseases of the nasopharynx, insomnia, tinnitus, and menstrual cycle disorders.

This way you can find the he-gu point.

Pay attention also to the Shan-Yang point, a gradual slope." It is located at the outer root of the nail of the index finger. This is an "ambulance" point. Strong influence on it is indicated when fainting states. as well as for toothache, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, high fever.

Point yang - si, "sunlit stream." If you slightly straighten the hand, then in the depression between the tendons thumb we will find it. Press it hard and you will feel a burst. By the way, the feeling of fullness is an intended sensation when acting on the points. This point can be used for headaches, diseases of the ENT organs, and pain in the wrist joint.

The figure shows two very important points. The Shao Chun point, the “small point of attack” (heart meridian) is located at the edge of the little finger, on the border with the nail. Impact on this point is indicated for cardiac arrhythmias, especially tachycardia (strong heartbeat), paresis of the hand, and weakened conditions after high fever.

Zhong Chun point, “midpoint of attack” (pericardial meridian). Located in the center of the first phalanx of the middle finger. This is also an emergency room. Used when providing assistance to a patient who is in a fainting state.

The photo shows techniques for massaging important points of the face. These techniques can be used for facial pain, for neuroses to improve mood, for headaches, and for diseases of the nasopharynx.

If you have been “knocked out” or you need to restore the balance of energy, then use the technique shown in the figure, when clasping the wrist area with the other with one hand, you massage many points located in this area.

The figure shows the points of tung-tzu-liao, “pupillary fossa” (gallbladder meridian). This point is located 0.5 cm from the outer corner of the eye. Massage of this point is indicated for eye diseases, atrophy optic nerve, for trigeminal neuralgia, for tics facial muscles, for migraines, for neuritis of the facial nerve.

I would say that the Yu Chi point, the “meeting of the fish” (lung meridian) is one of the most important points in Zhen Chiu therapy. If you tightly connect the first finger with the second, then at the top of the muscle, in the center, you will find this point. Impact on this point is indicated for headaches, dizziness, and fever.

On the dorsum of the foot there are a lot of points that are very important for health. Massaging this area of ​​the foot will help relieve tension, relax and feel vigorous and healthy again.

The photograph shows the yongquan point, the “bubbling spring” (kidney meridian). The point is in the center of the sole. Exposure to it has a positive effect on neuroses, insomnia, and childhood convulsions..

The san-yin-jiao point, “the meeting point of the three yins” (spleen meridian), is shown. The point is located 6-7 cm above the upper edge of the inner ankle. By pressing it, you will immediately feel a strong expansion. Chinese doctors call this point “female” because by acting on this point you can improve your condition with female genitourinary disorders. You can also use the San Yin Jiao point for headaches, dizziness, neuroses, and high blood pressure..

This way you can also find the san-yin-jiao point.

Massage of the temporal parts of the head is very important. Here you act on the points of three meridians at once - three parts of the body, the gallbladder and the stomach. We treat tension headaches, migraines, trigeminal neuralgia, neuroses, insomnia, high arterial pressure, neuritis of the facial nerve.

The Shen-Men point, the “divine gate” (heart meridian), is the most important point, located in the fold of the wrist joint, closer to the inner edge. Bend your hand and you will see this fold. The Shen Men point is the main point for heart rhythm disturbances, neuroses, and insomnia. Massage this point several times a day.

The figure shows important facial points. These are the most important energy points. They are used for depression, neuroses, diseases of the ENT organs (rhinitis, diseases paranasal sinuses), with neuritis of the facial nerve, with trigeminal neuralgia, with dental diseases.

Massage of the tsuan-zhu point, "harvesting bamboo" (meridian Bladder) is very useful for neuroses, eye diseases, lacrimation, dizziness, and neuralgia of the first branch of the trigeminal nerve. The point is located at the very beginning of the eyebrow.

Do not forget to massage the entire auricle several times a day, where many biologically active points. An influx of energy and good health are guaranteed for the whole day.

Ear massage technique .

Wei-zhong point, “average accumulations” (bladder meridian). Located in the very center of the popliteal fossa. Massage of this point is indicated for lumbosacral radiculitis, hemorrhoids, and nosebleeds.

To influence the feet, where a lot of biologically active points are concentrated, I recommend wearing such insoles for 20-30 minutes a day. Improved well-being and an influx of energy are guaranteed to you.

This is an extrameridian point between the eyebrows, located in the center of the space between the eyebrows. It is a first aid point for unconscious states. It is also used for intoxication, headaches, facial neuralgia, and neuroses.

In ancient Chinese medicine, there is a special way to treat a fairly wide range of diseases. This method is called acupuncture. It involves the insertion of needles into special points that are located throughout the human body.

Acupuncture and acupressure

Along with acupuncture, another medical method is used, which is called acupressure. In this method, the impact is carried out on the same active points. The difference is that a needle is not inserted into these areas, but pressure is applied with the index and thumb.

The effects of the two related influences are quite similar. They can normalize functional malfunctions of the body, promote a speedy recovery, relieve stress, eliminate its consequences, and even help in the fight against excess weight.

Official medicine does not deny the effectiveness of acupuncture and acupressure, but the mechanism of these processes is not fully understood.

Chinese medicine and acupuncture

In Asian schools, Chinese acupuncture, points and treatment techniques are studied as academic subject. In order to master its techniques, no special education or status is required medical worker. It will be enough to learn the simple skills of this method of healing, and at any time you can independently help yourself with various painful conditions. You will also need to remember where the main acupuncture points are located on the human body.

Chinese medicine claims that acupuncture can cure almost all diseases. At the moment, there is no evidence of curing severe human conditions such as cancer with the help of acupuncture, but nevertheless, such therapy is very effective for other ailments.

Acupuncture can cure diseases of organs and systems. It also brings the affected nervous system into a state of stability. To carry out manipulations, strictly sterile needles are placed on acupuncture points, which prevents infections from entering the human body. But aseptic instruments alone will not be enough. It is important to have sufficient knowledge and skills to be able to make life easier for yourself and other people using the ancient Chinese method of healing.

How to find acupuncture points?

Today, there are thousands of acupuncture points on the human body, but only an experienced specialist can remember each of them. This knowledge comes only after many years of practice. But you shouldn’t think that this science is accessible only to a select few. For those who are just starting to practice this method Chinese medicine, it is important to know the most important acupuncture points.

The location of these active zones on the human body has been studied for centuries, and now there is a fairly clear idea of ​​how to detect them. According to teaching, acupuncture points are located on 14 meridians.

Each of them has its own special name and has its own scope. By influencing them in a special way, you can achieve various effects on your health.

Do all points work the same?

All acupuncture points on the human body can be divided into the following main groups.

  • Harmonizing. They are located at the starting and ending points of the meridians. The impact on them helps restore the balance of all organs and systems of the human body.
  • Stimulating acupuncture points are located on the meridians in singular. If you influence them correctly, you can activate a person’s energy reserves to fight the disease.
  • Calming. They are necessary to bring nervous system into a state of harmony. According to many patients, influence on these points brings the most pleasant sensations.
  • Each internal organ has its own point of alarm. If you skillfully influence it, the pain in this organ calms down and it functions normally.
  • Special human acupuncture points require special treatment. Manipulations in these areas are carried out using a characteristic method. Each point can help with a specific disease.

Alarm points and diagnostics

There are acupuncture points on the human body called “mo-points”. Each organ has its own area of ​​concern. When this part of the body experiences dysfunction, the point associated with it begins to bother the person. If one studies this theory well, one can recognize diseases in this way. For example, as acupuncture describes, points on the back, or more precisely, the lumbar region, begin to disturb during kidney disease, and discomfort at a point on the abdomen indicates a stomach disease.

Location of acupuncture points on the palms

From the point of view of Chinese medicine, the palms are a complete projection of our body. On inside our hands concentrate many points responsible for the work internal organs and body parts. Their location is quite concentrated, so you need to make a very precise impact. A true professional can do this. The contact surface of the needle is very small, just like the acupuncture points on the hand. Therefore, this particular tool is ideal for influencing the active zones of the palms.

The picture shows human hands from the point of view of acupuncture.

According to this image, at the wrist there are areas responsible for the functioning of the mammary glands. Just below and towards the center of the palm is the heart area, and to the left and right along the edges are the lung areas. Below are the areas of the digestive organs: stomach, liver and gallbladder, pancreas, all areas of the intestines. Fingers are peculiar projections of the limbs. The index and middle fingers are responsible for the legs, and the thumb and little finger are the hands. At the base of the middle finger and along its length to the middle phalanx there are zones of the genitourinary system. Below are the areas of language receptors, cervical region and brain.

These are the main acupuncture points on the human hand. By skillfully influencing them, you can stimulate the functioning of all organs and systems of the body. Acupuncture on these areas requires professional precision, as all areas are quite close to each other. It takes quite a lot of experience to act purposefully on any organ.

Points on the feet

Human feet are also the location of acupuncture points. In the figure below, all zones are clearly visible.

At the ends of the toes there are areas of the frontal sinuses.

Next on the fingers are projections of the sensory organs: eyes, ears and nose, as well as areas of the brain. At the base of the thumb is a very important point for lowering blood pressure. Below the thumb are projections of the esophagus and parathyroid gland. Under the other phalanges are the areas of the trapezius muscle, heart, lungs and kidneys. Below the center of the foot are areas of the digestive tract. There is a point at the base of the heel, the impact of which will help relieve sleep disturbances. Below it are the areas of the reproductive system and the area of ​​the sciatic nerve.

Thus, it is very clearly visible that a person’s acupuncture points are located on the feet in a fairly concentrated manner. Precise and targeted effects can alleviate any disease. Everyone is familiar with the legendary foot massage. It not only serves as an excellent way to relax, but is also a healing and restorative procedure.

Points on the back

There is a list of the most common active zones that you can stimulate on your own without special skills in sciences such as Chinese acupuncture.

The points described below are worth remembering and trying to put the skills into practice.

  • Between 3rd and 4th thoracic vertebrae There is a zone that will help eliminate fatigue and help cure diseases of the respiratory system. There are also numerous cases of using stimulation of this acupuncture point for the growth of children and even adults.
  • Between the 11th and 12th thoracic vertebrae, on both sides, at a distance of 3-4 cm, there are paired points that need to be stimulated in case of spleen disease. It also helps overcome fears and worries.
  • At the level of the 2nd and 3rd lumbar vertebrae on both sides at a distance of 3-4 cm there are points that, by acting on them, can increase blood flow and normalize man's health. It also has a beneficial effect on kidney function, improves hearing and reduces fatigue.
  • In the area of ​​the 2nd sacral vertebra there is an active zone, stimulating which can cure gynecological ailments, help with joint diseases and paralysis of the limbs.

The above active zones are quite often used in such a method of healing as acupuncture. Points on the back can be massaged independently and effectively relieved with your own hands.

Acupuncture points for headaches

If you have headaches of various nature and genesis, this very tires the body. Pharmacy products in the form of tablets and powders have only a temporary effect. Migraines are especially debilitating. This type of headache is periodic in nature, waves of unpleasant sensations either roll in or recede a little.

It is especially difficult for pregnant women. During this period, admission medicines undesirable, as it can provoke dangerous consequences in mother and fetus. In this and other cases, acupuncture can help relieve headaches.

The figure below illustrates the main acupuncture points on the head.

Exposure to them will help relieve you of migraines and pain of other origins. These points are located in the following areas:

  • in the temple area, where you can feel the hole with your finger;
  • on the outside of the eyebrow, symmetrically to the temporal point;
  • on the outer corner of the eye, under the superciliary point; when influencing this area, massaging movements should be excluded; manipulations here should be carried out in the form of light pressure;
  • On the inner edges of the eyebrows at the bridge of the nose; this point is also called the “third eye”;
  • Anterior to the auricle, superior to the tragus; there you can feel a small depression;
  • in the cavity between the inner corner of the eye and the nose; This point is also not allowed to be massaged, only lightly pressed;
  • near temporal bone from above the edge of the ear on the scalp.

These active zones work very effectively during acupuncture. However, you should not limit yourself to them alone when treating migraines. The following acupuncture points on the arm for headaches will be very helpful.

  • On the hand between the first and second metacarpal bones. This point is symmetrical and is found on both limbs. To influence it, place the brush on a hard horizontal surface and alternately massage the points on the right and left hand.
  • In the depression on the forearm between the radius and ulna bones, three fingerbreadths above the crease of the wrist.
  • On the outside of the fold formed when the elbow joint is bent.

Alternating effects on these three main points will help you cope with the most severe headaches. Acupuncture does not limit the treatment of migraines to acupuncture upper limbs. There are also active zones on the legs, the impact of which can be eliminated headache:

  • on the back of the foot 2 cm higher along the line between the first and second toes;
  • on the second toe, at a distance of about 2 mm from the base of the nail plate;
  • between the fourth finger and little finger 1 cm higher towards the ankle;
  • on the thumb, 3 mm higher from the base of the nail with a shift towards the second finger;
  • on the line of the outer edge of the little finger between the base of the phalanx and the metatarsus.

By applying acupuncture and acupressure techniques to these areas, you can help relieve the suffering associated with headaches. However, such places are located not only on the head and limbs. There are also acupuncture points on the human body that are no less effective than the above active centers in coping with debilitating migraines. They are located in the following places:

  • along the anterior abdominal wall, 2 cm below the navel; it is very important to influence this active center correctly, and for this the patient must take a lying position and relax the abs as much as possible;
  • on the midline in the epigastric recess below the xiphoid process on the anterior surface of the abdomen.

It seems incredible, but all these points scattered throughout the human body can help with headaches.

Acupuncture for weight loss

It may be hard to believe, but acupuncture and acupuncture points can help people who are overweight. Quite often it happens that overweight people trying to lose weight are not helped by diets and exercise. Doctors advise examining the body for metabolic disorders and concomitant diseases.

Acupuncture has proven itself well in the fight against excess weight. For these purposes, doctors use two main methods. The first of them is wearing a special needle at a point on the ear. Thus, the contact is long-lasting, and the result is impressive. The second method is based on the introduction of needles into special active centers on the human body. The duration of this procedure depends on how many kilograms the patient wants to lose weight.

There are special acupuncture points that can be used to effectively reduce appetite.

The whole secret is that as a result of simulating these active points, “happiness hormones” endorphins are produced, and the person completely forgets about food for a while. A nice bonus for losing weight - great mood, which is always reduced during diets.

In order to find these points, you need to know some of the units of measurement used in acupuncture. Most often, acupuncturists use the concept of “tsun”. It is a unit of length equal to one phalanx or diameter of the thumb. Having mastered this rule, you will quite easily be able to find any acupuncture point on your body. For convenience, also remember that four fingers folded together, excluding the thumb, make three cun.

The active centers of the body responsible for weight loss can be found as follows.

  • The most effective point, called Guan Yuan, is located 3 cun below the navel. It is necessary to influence it under certain conditions: manipulations are carried out on an empty stomach in a lying position. Massaging movements should be light and smooth. This point is responsible for the feeling of hunger.
  • The Lau Gong point is located in the center of the palm and is responsible for the activity of the stomach and intestines. By massaging it strictly clockwise towards the center of the hand, you can effectively reduce your appetite.
  • The point called Tzu-San-Li is located under the kneecap. You need to put your palm on it and ring finger you will feel a depression. This point must be massaged for 20 minutes.

In order to normalize your weight, you will need to remember these three main points. Acupuncture also indicates several more active centers, stimulating which you will always be in perfect shape.

  • Shao Shan point, which is located near the thumbnail. It needs to be massaged for a few minutes a day.
  • At the junction of the shoulders and neck on the back there is the Jian-Jing point. It will also be enough to devote a few minutes a day to it for good results.
  • It is not recommended to work on the Tian Shu point, which is located slightly below the navel, for longer than one minute.
  • The Low Gu point can be found on the outer part of the thigh on the back, rising 6 cun from the ankle.
  • In the center between the elbow and shoulder joints on the outside of the arm is the Yu-Pe point. It is connected to the saturation center. It costs 30 seconds to stimulate it, periodically changing hands.

Thus, combining balanced diet and acupuncture, you can effectively normalize your weight and still have a great mood.

Using the methods of Chinese traditional medicine, you can painlessly and effectively relieve discomfort, normalize the functioning of all organs and systems of the human body, eliminate the effects of stress and improve emotional background. With acupuncture you can reset overweight, restore harmony of body and spirit.

On the human body there are points responsible for organs that are biologically active, through which the choroid plexuses pass. Body temperature there is much higher than in other places.

And if you influence these points with the help of massage, you can easily stimulate the production of special elements that normalize, maintain and improve health, and also participate in the self-healing of the body.

Acupressure is considered an ancient method of treatment. Thanks to it, there is an impact on biological points on the human body that are responsible for organs, as well as internal systems of the body. In addition, the method helps improve vital energy or reduce nervous and muscle tension.

The advantages of acupressure are as follows:

  1. No pain is felt. Therefore, the method can be easily used by people with sensitive thresholds.
  2. Human organs are restored.
  3. No complications skin covering is not disturbed, the possibility of infection is excluded.
  4. The first changes can be felt after the first session.


Acupressure is considered a simple method of restoring strength and health, activating internal systems to fight the disease. To perform the massage, only the thumb and index finger are required.

You need to press on special points to stimulate the human body’s defenses in order to help treat the disease from the inside. It is safe, however, there are contraindications that must be observed so as not to harm your own body.

You should not use this method when:

  • pregnancy;
  • organic heart disease;
  • skin and fungal diseases;
  • severe fatigue.

Before using the method, you need to consult a doctor and clarify whether massage will negatively affect your health in each specific case.

Rules for influencing active points

Having learned how to massage biologically active points on the human body that are responsible for all organs, everyone will be able to carry out treatment aimed at:

  • calming the nervous system,
  • relieving fatigue and pain,
  • slow aging,
  • rescue from excess weight,

These points are scattered throughout the body, which are determined by pressing the finger pad on the desired area and causing a painful sensation.

Rules for influencing human biological points:

  1. Sit or lie on your back.
  2. Distract yourself from external stimuli and try to be in silence.
  3. Place your index finger on the biological point.
  4. Lightly press on the skin while simultaneously performing circular movements with your finger. However, you cannot move from this point.
  5. The period of influence on the point varies and ranges from a couple of seconds to several minutes.
  6. Number of pressures during one session: 3 – 6 times.

Main massage techniques

Massage is a set of techniques that affect the human body, which are performed one after another without stopping.

As a rule, a performance technique is used, divided into 5 main techniques:

  1. trituration,
  2. kneading,
  3. squeezing,
  4. vibration,
  5. stroking,

And done with:

  1. palms,
  2. tubercles of the thumbs,
  3. fists,
  4. pads of the second and third fingers,
  5. ulnar edges of the hand.

Stroking a massage technique that involves gently sliding your hands over the skin without moving it and applying different pressure.

Divided into:

  • planar,
  • enveloping,
  • cruciform,
  • rake-shaped
  • comb-shaped
  • pincer-shaped.

Rubbing works better than stroking because the hand moves and moves the skin in all directions, preparing the patient's muscles so that they are not subject to spasms and pain.

Typically done:

  • circularly,
  • zigzag,
  • spiral,
  • longitudinally,
  • transversely

Kneading is considered a difficult technique, but also the most important, as it takes most execution of all manipulations and executed in the form:

  • squeezing,
  • push ups,
  • squeezing,
  • shifting,
  • grabbing,
  • rubbing,
  • lifting,
  • felting,
  • pumping,
  • pinching,
  • pressing,
  • stretching.

Squeezing a technique acting on the skin of the body, on the upper layer of muscles, connective tissues and subcutaneous tissue.


  • the base or edge of the palm,
  • with the pads of four fingers or one thumb, slowly moving forward.

Vibration a technique that is advisable to use when the body is already warmed up by rubbing, and carefully and gently:

  • palms,
  • fist,
  • phalanges of fingers.

Dividing on the:

  1. Intermittent vibration: chopping, puncturing, spanking, patting, beating.
  2. Continuous vibration: chipping, pushing, crushing, planing.

The massage begins and ends with stroking so that the muscles relax a little. Moreover, do not forget that this technique is carried out after each manipulation. The main thing is not to massage the lymph nodes.

Location of points on the human body for the treatment of the digestive organs

To improve and normalize digestion, as well as remove waste and toxins, you need to press on the biological points on the human body responsible for this organ, located in the bend of the elbow, on the outer side of the forearm. To do this, hold the elbow with one hand, and use the pad of the thumb to gently, with little force, press on this point.

For colic and constipation

To relieve an attack of pain associated with colic or constipation, you need to use a sedative. acupressure, which includes four points:

  1. On the stomach on both sides of the navel, at a distance of four fingers, which must be pressed synchronously and only with the index fingers.
  2. On the big toe, in the corner of the nail that faces the other toes.
  3. On the outside of the leg, four fingers below the bend of the knee and slightly down, and then forward from the head of the fibula.
  4. On the inside of the leg, below the knee on the palm, in the corner of the tibia.

For diarrhea, nausea, vomiting

Every second person suffers from diarrhea. The reason for this is poor nutrition, overwork, and even stress. Of course, you can take a pill, however, it is better to use acupressure, which can protect the body from chemical interference.

The point of influence is located at a distance of three fingers' width on the side of the navel. You need to place your palm on your stomach and press firmly with your fingers for a couple of minutes. It is advisable to close your eyes and try to breathe as deeply as possible.

Nausea is easily relieved when the left hand lies on the inside of the right, the little finger touches the edge of the hand, and the index finger is directed to the biological point, which should be gently pressed on. This massage can be performed on the other hand. There is a similar point on the hands.

To do this, place the thumb of your left hand between the right index finger and thumb and massage. Then switch to the other hand. A point located on the inner wrist, between two tendons at the width of three fingers from the base of the palm, will help you get rid of vomiting.

Atlas of points on the human body for vision treatment

The attractiveness of everyone depends on the expressiveness of the eyes. To keep them clear and also eliminate pain, you need to use biological points located on the head, arms and legs. Which need to be pressed carefully.

Pressing on:

  1. The point, which is located on the border of hair growth in the frontal corners, can treat vision, relieve headaches or dizziness.
  2. A point near the nose, not far from the inner corner of the eyes, can easily increase visual acuity, get rid of swelling and redness of the eyes, help with eye pain, and also get rid of photophobia.
  3. The point located in the recess of the inner edge of the eyebrows, where they meet, is used to treat any eye diseases. It also helps with hemorrhoids, headaches, nasal congestion, even during depression.
  4. A point on the outside of the hand at the junction of the large and index finger, you can quickly cure sore eyes, and also get rid of toothache. And also a runny nose, swelling in the neck and sore throat.

When using an eye massage, you must first of all listen to yourself, your own feelings and stop immediately if you become overtired.

Massage has 4 effects:

  1. massaging the eyes with palms,
  2. light stroking,
  3. vibrating movements,
  4. gentle kneading movements.

Before starting, you need to warm up your palms, rub them and immediately touch the inner surface of your eyes. The main thing is that it is not cold.

Whatever technique is used, everything must be barely perceptible so that no harm can be done.

Location of points for treatment of respiratory organs.

Knowing the location of biological points that help in treating the respiratory system, you can easily cure a runny nose, cough, bronchitis and other diseases. As a rule, they are located on the head, neck, chest, arms and legs of any person.

  1. This point can be found between the ends of the eyebrows, which is often used for colds, as well as other respiratory organs. Also relieves headaches, hiccups and nosebleeds.
  2. There is a point above the upper edge of the collarbone that has a beneficial effect on the lungs and normalizes the condition of the trachea and throat.
  3. There is also a point under the nipple in the hypochondrium through which you can treat colds, and also relieve pain in the back of the head and pectoral muscles.

With a runny nose

You can also cure a runny nose with acupressure, preferably at the first symptoms. And it only takes a couple of minutes.

The main thing is to choose the right points and technique that are directly related to the nose:

  1. depressions near the wings of the nose,
  2. under the nostrils,
  3. tip of the nose,
  4. intersection of the middle line of the eyebrows and bridge of the nose,
  5. earlobes,
  6. near the auricle.
  7. from the back side of the wrist,
  8. on top of my head,
  9. at the beginning of the neck from the back.

The main thing is to take into account the moments when massage should not be used:

  1. body temperature above 37 degrees,
  2. the required biological point coincides with the mole,
  3. pregnancy,
  4. heart disease,
  5. there are skin irritations.

Acupressure is performed by tapping. Bend your thumbs and gently tap the wings of your nose and the bridge of your nose with your bones. Perform for 30 seconds - at first three is not too much strong blows on each side in turn, after that one blow at a time.

Massage the points only with warm hands, press slowly, constantly, and in a circular motion. The runny nose will go away immediately, but we must not forget that this procedure helps if you apply it at the same time. traditional ways treatment.

In addition, it is advisable to use both prophylactic when the exacerbation of viral diseases begins.

When coughing

As soon as a cough appears, you need to immediately consult a doctor. Well, acupressure will be a wonderful addition to this.

Before starting a cough massage, you need to find biological points, which are most often located:

  1. in front, on the edge of the chest, at the base of the neck,
  2. on four fingers, except the thumb. On the side of the palm, close to the fold, between the first and second phalanges of the fingers.
  3. on the side of the thumb, on the inner bend of the wrist,
  4. on the back of the hand, at the intersection of the lines that continue the index and thumb.

Massage is done until the skin turns red and there is slight pain. If it is strong, ease the pressure and perform it more gently, but much more often. And preferably daily: once in the morning and twice in the evening, 5 minutes. And wherein rotational movements clockwise.

For bronchitis and pneumonia

Thanks to massage for bronchitis and pneumonia, the patient quickly recovers. You just need to know the healing points that really bring salvation.

They are mainly located:

  1. on the shoulder blades. In the depression under the spinous process of the seventh cervical vertebra.
  2. on hands. Starting from the center of the thumb pad, move down 3 mm.
  3. on the throat. Where the collarbones meet.
  4. on the foot. Between the second and third toes. And also in the depression in the fold between the foot and the lower leg. Press firmly: 3 - 5 times, using rotational or reciprocating movements of the fingers or palms without displacement, counterclockwise for a couple of minutes. And do not carry out if the body temperature exceeds 37 degrees.

For pneumonia, acupressure is also used: light touch, stroking and deep pressure with your fingertips. Moreover, it is strictly vertical and without displacement. And every day for 10 minutes. The patient does not have to feel pain or discomfort.

The most famous are the points located on the back of the hand, at the intersection between the index and thumb, in the center of the recess of the jugular cavity, in the lower part of the neck.

Finish the massage, preferably by kneading the end phalanges of the thumbs.

The main thing is that all this is prohibited for patients with:

  1. cancer and stage 3 hypertension.
  2. blood disease
  3. tuberculosis,
  4. acute febrile condition,
  5. stomach or duodenal ulcer.

For asthma

For asthma, acupressure is not just a general strengthening remedy, but a wonderful preventive remedy. Moreover, it wonderfully complements drug treatment.

The purpose of this massage is to restore breathing, as Airways too narrow and do not allow air to pass normally into the body, resulting in suffocation. In addition, it strengthens the immune system and muscles, improves blood circulation. It is advisable to do it every day.

The technique consists of:

  1. stroking,
  2. kneading,
  3. trituration,
  4. vibration,
  5. pressing,
  6. pushing,
  7. cutting,
  8. piercing.

The necessary points are located:

  1. between the spine and shoulder blades, one finger lower from the top edge of the shoulders,
  2. between the sternum bone and the collarbone,
  3. on the outer part of the chest, three fingers down from the collarbone,
  4. in the palm, near the thumb,
  5. on the crook of the wrist under the base of the thumb.

To relieve coughing, as well as reduce suffocation during an attack, you need to apply pressure on the right and left sides of the body, between the shoulder blades, and on the back of the neck on each side and the thoracic vertebrae.

Place the patient on his back; do not use a pillow. You need to press with your thumb on a point on the front surface, and with the other four on three points, on back surface neck and do it all at the same time.

You need to place a pillow under your head and use your hands to perform circular movements, gently pressing on chest several times, then press vertically down to facilitate exhalation and then press on the stomach.

For shortness of breath

Typically, shortness of breath is a disturbance in human breathing when it is impossible to breathe. Then a special acupressure comes to the rescue; you just need to know which points to use.

This point, being under thyroid gland in the collarbone area, helps well with shortness of breath. You need to press on it for one or two minutes. Massage is performed in free time, but preferably daily.

In the center of the crown, where the midline of the head and the line connecting the tips of the ears intersect, there is a point with which it is easy to get rid of this disease.

It’s also worth pressing the tip of your little finger at the outer edge of the nail until you feel pain, pinching it with your thumb and index finger. At the same time, quickly and intermittently pressing every day in the morning, lying in bed, or when an attack occurs.

When quitting smoking

When, when quitting smoking, sometimes you still want to take a cigarette, then you should use the help of three points, thanks to which you can easily free yourself from tobacco addiction. In addition, such a massage can easily be done on your own, without resorting to financial expenses or the help of others. Do it only three times during the day, 5 minutes.

  1. Under the thyroid gland, where the collarbone connects, there is a point that needs to be impacted briefly but intensely at least 15 times. Excellent for shortness of breath and quitting smoking.
  2. There is also a point located in the deepest part of the auricle, which helps relieve addiction to cigarettes and to find it you need to feel the external auditory opening with your index finger, then move it 1 cm towards the back of the head and start pressing. As a result, an aversion to tobacco smoke arises.
  3. A point located behind the line of the wrist joint, along the axis of the little finger, also helps with tobacco addiction. Light touch at first and then gradually increase in intensity.

Atlas of points on the human body for the treatment of the genitourinary system

Sometimes a person is bothered by the genitourinary system and in order to cure everything, it is necessary to use biological points on the body, thanks to which this disease can be easily dealt with.

As a rule, they are located on the face, back, chest, stomach and legs, on which you need to gently press.

  1. There is a point in the middle of the chin-labial groove that helps with treatment genitourinary system. It also relieves headaches, muscle tension in the back of the neck, and pain in the lower jaw.
  2. Under the spinous process of the second lumbar vertebra there is a point used in the treatment of urinary incontinence, as well as other diseases of the genitourinary system. It also eliminates diarrhea, reduces headaches, chills and fever.
  3. At the level of the navel, 0.5 cm, away from the midline of the abdomen, there is a point that helps in the treatment of abdominal pain, as well as relieving bloating, vomiting and constipation.
  4. If you bend your knee, then in the middle of the bend there is a point, massaging which you can cure urinary incontinence and difficulty urinating. As well as abdominal pain, vomiting, constipation and diarrhea.

For cystitis

Cystitis is considered an inflammation of the bladder. And if complex treatment and acupressure are used simultaneously, you can quickly cure not only acute, but also chronic diseases. All you need to do is find the point located in the middle of the plexus between the big and second toes. And press on it with your thumb for 2 minutes. At the same time, breathe correctly and repeat up to four times in one session.

Even during treatment, two additional points help, which require pressure for 2 minutes, and are located:

  1. Above the inner ankle bone, four finger widths apart.
  2. On a bent knee, on the bend of a bone. The palm must move along the outside of the knee towards the foot.

For prostatitis

Moreover, during acute prostatitis, this point needs to be massaged clockwise, 2 minutes, three times a day. During chronic conditions, you also need to massage clockwise, 20 seconds, once every day.

The course of treatment is two weeks. Effective in combination with therapeutic exercises.

There is another point on the skin fold between the middle and ring fingers, which needs to be stimulated for 10 minutes, gradually increasing the pressure. You need to massage clockwise three times a day.

For urinary incontinence

Urinary incontinence is a disorder of the bladder constrictor response. And it happens if you drink a lot of liquid or freeze in your sleep.

In this case, appropriate treatment is required:

  1. There are five points on both sides of the lumbar region that you need to press on, and then press on three points located in the sacral region.
  2. You should also apply gentle pressure with your palms on the lower abdomen, and on the area above the bladder.
  3. It is also worth pressing on both sides of the back of the neck, on the tubercle occipital bone, in a downward direction.

For congestion in the liver and gall bladder

Thanks to the liver, the human body functions. Therefore, to improve blood circulation and also reduce pain, massage gently. To complete the full course, you need to complete no more than 20 sessions.

You should start with circular stroking around the navel, while lightly touching with the fingers of your right hand. It should be done easily; the hand should not touch the stomach. Thus, the abdominal muscles relax.

Then you need to grab your stomach with your hand for a light warm-up. Then press on abdominal wall four fingers of the palm, trying to avoid sudden movements. And at the end to do soft tissues abdomen, kneading technique.

Location and massage of biological points for hearing loss

Massage of biological points quickly restores hearing, improves blood circulation, increases hearing acuity, relieving tinnitus. It is best done daily, decreasing or increasing the intensity. You need to rub your palms against each other so that they become warm and soft. Then sit on a chair so that your back is straight.

Use only three fingers: thumb, index and middle. Massage gently and gently until it hurts slightly. If done correctly, then after the massage the patient should feel calm and at ease.

A couple of points are identified that bring only one benefit to a person. The main thing is to prepare yourself internally before starting the massage, calm down and tune in to a positive outcome.

They mainly work with points located:

  • between the eyebrows,
  • in the temporal region,
  • in the area of ​​the wings of the nose,
  • in the center of the chin fossa,
  • behind the ear.

Atlas of points on the human body for the treatment of the heart and blood vessels

A busy life often leads to palpitations, unpleasant sensations and heartache. Therefore, you need to use acupressure. The symptoms that arise can be easily eliminated by exposure to biological points on the head, chest, back and arms of a person.

  1. There is a point in the center of the crown that relieves dizziness and tinnitus. It also helps with shortness of breath, palpitations and arterial hypertension. In addition, it is often used for diarrhea, vomiting, and urinary incontinence.
  2. There are special points on the chest on the sides of the nipples, also used for hypertension.
  3. In the middle of the wrist fold of the hand you can find a point that can easily relieve pain in the heart area, palpitations, and solve the problem of insomnia. Additionally treats colds and infectious diseases.
  4. There is a point at the anterior edge of the heel tendon that is often used during palpitations. In addition, it helps with illness digestive system, sore throat and nosebleeds, swelling lower limbs, pain in the spine, lower back and legs.
  5. However, the effective point is located on the chest between the pectoral and deltoid muscles, which quickly heals chest pain.

For arrhythmia

Arrhythmia is divided into:

  • tachycardia when heartbeat accelerates painfully;
  • bradycardia, when the heart rate slows down.

And often it does not pose a threat to human life, but health suffers. Acupressure helps improve this condition. For this purpose, a special point is used, available on both hands. You need to sit on a chair and keep your back straight. Place your left hand on your lower abdomen, palm up.

After this, with the thumb of your right hand, press the point on your left hand, preferably straight down, for 4 minutes. Then, without lifting the massaging finger from the point, massage horizontally towards the vessels, towards the elbow bend several times.

Massage for tachycardia begins lightly and gently, gradually increasing the pressure.

In case of bradycardia, you need to press hard immediately. Simultaneously applying vibration and kneading. Then repeat a similar massage on your right hand. A point that can be found if you count upward 6 cm from the ankle, above the bone, will help you escape from arrhythmia.

Press with small vibration movements for 30 seconds, 2 times a day. Among other things, as a preventative measure, this place is warmed up.

With cardineurosis, rapid heartbeat, yeast in the hands

In case of cardeneurosis, rapid heartbeat, yeast in the hands, it is necessary to work with biological points located on the hands:

  1. If you bend your elbow at a right angle, you can easily find a point used for tremors in the hands, heart pain and normalization of blood pressure.
  2. In the middle, on the skin fold of the wrist farthest from the hand, on the inside of the arm there is a point that helps with heartbeat. It also saves from insomnia, headaches and weak immunity.
  3. There is a point above the crook of the wrist that helps calm the outer lining of the heart. And also save from depression and insomnia.

For hypertension

Hypertension leads to undesirable consequences, which means high blood pressure needs to be taken as seriously as possible. In this case, acupressure will help, which is considered a wonderful helper for this disease. At the same time, it quickly prevents arterial hypertension, climatic neuroses and dizziness, and also helps get rid of tinnitus and palpitations.

The diagram shows the location of biological active points on the human body.

You need to sit down and relax. Using your index fingers, gently massage the biological points on your chest a couple of times a day for a month. Then break for 7 days and start treatment again.

It is also worth constantly working with points located behind the ear:

  1. In the center of the crown.
  2. Under the lower jaw in the place where the carotid artery pulsates.

For vegetative-vascular dystonia

During vegetative-vascular distance, spasmodic painful contraction of muscles occurs, and in addition, deviation from the normal position of the body occurs, causing pain and inconvenience. Besides, it’s impossible to relax.

In a normal state, vascular contraction is a correct physiological response to external changes. But due to this disease, unmotivated contraction of blood vessels occurs, causing unpredictable changes in blood pressure with symptoms of pain: headache, lethargy and nausea.

To overcome dystonia, you need to press on the point, easily finding it on your legs. You just need to grab your foot and press on the point with your thumb, using some force. Perform 2 times during the day.

For hypotension (low blood pressure)

Hypotension is a disease when blood pressure is below normal and is accompanied by dysfunction of the heart or cerebral circulation. Therefore, in order to normalize blood pressure, you need to apply intense pressure to the necessary points on the human body that are responsible for human organs.

To do this, use your thumbnail to press little by little, but intermittently, on the end of your little finger along the edges of the nail, which is clamped by your thumb and index fingers. It is advisable to do this in the morning in bed or when you feel lethargic. The point located under the thyroid gland, where the collarbones connect, also helps. The impact must be short in time, but preferably strong.

Video about biological active points on the human body and what they are responsible for

Massage on biologically active points on the face according to the Norbekov system:

Detailed description of reflexology:

One of the ancient methods of treatment and healing of the body is acupressure. This practice has become widespread in such eastern countries like China, Korea, Japan, Mongolia. Many centuries ago, Eastern healers paid attention to special places on the body, the impact of which can significantly improve the functioning of internal systems and organs. Later, ideas about them found their scientific confirmation in the research of scientists. In the process of experimental research, acupuncture points located on the human body were identified and the basics of their massage were developed.

Today, treatment of various diseases based on massage on bioactive points on the body is a widespread practice in official and folk medicine. It is based on compliance with such principles as:

  • implementation of an integrated approach;
  • thoroughness and leisurely treatment;
  • individual approach to each person.

Knowing where healing points are located on the human body and competently using their healing properties helps to get rid of both symptomatic pain (for example, dental, menstrual) and overcome more serious problems. So, knowing how the massage points on the back are located, as a result of using a course of acupressure, you can get rid of problems with the lower back that have tormented you for years.

The acupressure technique is quite simple and does not require the use of special equipment or expensive materials. Massage can be used both as a independent means pre-medical medical care, and in combination with other treatment methods. Let's take a closer look at what acupressure is, its principle of action and features of application.

Chinese acupressure is one of the types of influence on acupuncture points on the human body.

Acupuncture is healing method, based on the impact on special points located in various areas and associated with the work of internal organs and systems. It has been scientifically proven that mechanical action during the massage of active points helps release endorphins. These are hormones whose influence on the body has a pronounced analgesic effect. Thus, by influencing active points on the body, we “trigger” the body’s self-healing process.

Chinese medicine offers several ways to influence points on the body - this can be either manual (acupressure) massage or the use of acupuncture.

However, in order to correctly influence the points to get rid of various diseases, the use of acupuncture must be performed exclusively by a qualified specialist with education in the field of medicine and physiotherapy. But acupressure, or, as it is also called, is a type of reflexology that is quite accessible for use at home with a sufficient level of preparedness.

The impact on the treatment points is carried out using the fingers. This allows you to activate the work of neuroreceptors in the subcutaneous tissue, which, in turn, send an irritating signal to the brain. The reaction to such a stimulus when exposed to Chinese points is either complete cessation pain symptom, or its minimization.

Interesting fact: there are more than 750 acupuncture zones on the human body (also called “health points”). Chinese medicine knows various points on the human body, or acupressure zones, thanks to which you can overcome health problems and improve the general condition of the body. There are even so-called longevity points, and it is quite possible that having information about their location explains the secret of the longevity of the inhabitants of the East. In addition to the “zone” of longevity, there is also a “point of youth” on the human body, as well as many others, the features of which we will consider further.

However, before trying the healing capabilities of reflexology on yourself, you should know that this method of influencing points on the body has a number of contraindications that you need to familiarize yourself with.

Contraindications to acupressure

Chinese acupressure or acupuncture massage is a safe, however, quite serious method of influencing the body.

As a rule, the main indication for the procedure is pain of various kinds: “female” pain, back pain, as well as chronic diseases, general fatigue of the body. Energy points on the human body, located in various parts of the body, function in such a way that thoughtless influence may cause serious harm to them. Therefore, we note that the Chinese massage technique, acupuncture, is contraindicated for such conditions and symptoms as:

  • tumors or suspected tumors;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • colds or other conditions accompanied by fever;
  • cardiovascular diseases, as well as previous strokes or heart attacks;
  • mental disorders;
  • age under 1 or over 70 years;
  • second half of pregnancy in women.

You should be careful when acting on a condition that has led to a significant deterioration in your well-being. In this case, you should not hesitate and self-medicate, but it is better to immediately seek medical help.

Consultation with a doctor is also necessary regarding the use of this method in the first half of pregnancy and during menstruation in women.

How to find the right acupuncture points - location map

Chinese acupressure is based on influencing special acupuncture points, which, as we have already found out, large quantities located almost throughout the body. It is thanks to this type of influence, such as pressing on a specific acupuncture, that this massage is called acupressure (acupuncture).

In order to understand how to do acupressure, you need to know the pattern according to which acupuncture is located in the human body.

In general, there are main places where acupuncture points are located on the human body. These include:

  • on the back;
  • on fingers and toes;
  • on hands;
  • on the chest;
  • on the neck;
  • on the face.

This is interesting: many years of research experience have even made it possible to create a special atlas that clearly and in detail illustrates the places where acupuncture points are located on the human body.

A detailed diagram of the location of each acupuncture point on the body allows you to successfully use this method of oriental medicine, for example, during the acupuncture procedure, but for anyone who does not plan to use acupuncture, but simply wants to master the skills of self-massage, it will be enough to know how the main points are located. Therefore, before doing acupressure, you should remember the location of the necessary channels of influence, for example, by studying a photo or picture with their schematic location.

Massage points have features that provide a healing effect on the body:

  • low level of electrodermal resistance;
  • high electrical potential;
  • high skin temperature;
  • increased level of pain sensitivity;
  • high flow rate metabolic processes due to accelerated oxygen absorption.

All this ensures high efficiency of acupressure, but the types of this procedure may differ and depend on which places are affected. So, this could be, for example, acupressure of the chest, or a type of influence in which active acupuncture points on the hands and feet are stimulated.

This is interesting: influencing special areas on the hand allows you to activate the centers responsible for internal organs, which makes this type of massage useful in the complex treatment of various diseases.

Let's take a closer look at the location of the important points on which Chinese acupuncture and modern acupuncture are based.

Active points on the feet

Foot acupuncture is designed in such a way that there are points on the feet that are responsible for important organs human: liver, kidneys, gall, bladder, thyroid gland. In addition, massage on the points of the foot allows you to get rid of back and lower back pain.

Having examined the biologically active acupuncture points on the feet in the diagram, you can see which of them are responsible for what. In the diagram of the correspondence of points on the foot to the internal organs, you can see the connection between their correct stimulation and the corresponding beneficial result.

Let's list the main acupuncture points on the foot.

  • On the second finger, slightly above the nail;
  • At the base of the last finger (located on the outside, in a small depression);
  • On the first finger, closer to the second, slightly above the base, there is a tai chun point.

Dot tai chun- this is the liver channel, its stimulation allows you to overcome the symptoms of exacerbation of chronic diseases and helps cleanse this organ.

  • Between the first and second toes, located on the outside of the foot;
  • On the side of the inside of the foot, close to the shin, in a depression located at the highest point of the arch.

So, according to acupuncture, there are important acupuncture points on the foot, by acting on which you can alleviate the condition of diseases of various internal organs, and, as evidenced by acupuncture of the foot, improve the functioning of the brain, of cardio-vascular system, supporting apparatus. To do this, it is enough to do it regularly acupuncture massage foot, which is performed by massaging the above points on the sole.

Active points on the hands

Important acupuncture points are located symmetrically on the arms and palms, which allow you to get rid of migraine attacks in a short time:

  • at the junction of the index finger and thumb (in a small depression);
  • in the depression between the radius and ulna bones on the forearm;
  • on the bends of the elbow joints.

These zones are “responsible” not only for a person’s well-being when a headache occurs, but will also help get rid of other health problems.

For example, acupuncture identifies points on the hands that are actively used in acupuncture to solve diseases such as diseases of the lungs, digestive system, heart, liver, and legs. The points on the hands responsible for these organs are located on the hand, and such points can be found on all fingers, from the thumb to the little finger.

To achieve a healing effect, the areas are massaged alternately on both hands.

General strengthening points

Let's also consider the main zones that, according to Eastern medicine, can have a general strengthening effect on the body.

  • Nei Guan point- This is a zone located on the inside of the forearm, in the middle area. In order to determine exactly where Nei Guan is located, you need to place four fingers folded together on your forearm at the level of the wrist fold. The Nei Guan point is responsible for the functioning of the pericardial channel. Knowing where the Nei Guan point is located, you can have a calming effect on the cardiovascular and nervous systems. To do this, slowly and deeply press on it and perform a massage procedure;

  • Wei Zhong point located in the popliteal fold, in its very center. It is easy to determine the Wei Zhong point in a sitting position (legs bent at the knees) or lying on your stomach. Chinese experts claim that the wei zhong point is the bladder channel, and accordingly, its stimulation helps with problems of the genitourinary system;

  • Shen Men point– located near the left edge of the wrist fold on the hand. The Shen Men point is the channel of the heart, responsible for the task of healing it in various diseases. Its stimulation is also practiced in Eastern medicine in the treatment of mental illness;

  • Shen Shu point also responsible for the functioning of the kidneys and excretory system. Massaging this point, located on the back, or more precisely, on the spine, helps with kidney disease and associated side problems, such as dizziness, weakness, chills, dry mouth, fever. Thus, knowing where Shen Shu is is useful for everyone who suffers from acute or chronic diseases kidney;

  • Yin Ling Quan point is located on the inside of the knee and, according to the general interpretation, is responsible for the work of the spleen. At the same time, the acupuncture zones responsible for the functioning of this organ perform many functions. Massage performed on this area allows you to get rid of pain, dizziness, and illness. gastrointestinal tract, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite. Also, influencing this area on the legs will help get rid of pain in the knee joints.

  • Shen Men point also refers to general strengthening, and it is located on the ears - at the top of the triangular dimples on the auricles. Her massage helps to increase the body's performance, overcome depression, apathy, and improve immunity. Also, Shen Men acupressure is used in the fight against tobacco addiction;

  • On the crown of a person, in his very center, if you draw a conventional vertical and horizontal line, there is Bai Hui point, or Baihui. In this place, all the channels of the body actually connect, and therefore the list of possibilities that a properly performed massage has is very wide;

  • "Channel of Youth" or San Yin Jiao. The name speaks for itself - her massage provides beauty and youth appearance. If you want to know how to find the place where the San Yin Jiao point is located, you should place four fingers on the bone on the inside of the shin. Where the fourth finger ends up will be its location. Armed with this information and the skills of proper massage, women can not only improve the appearance of their skin and hair, but also normalize menstrual cycle, the functioning of the nervous system, reduce the appearance of the first wrinkles and even prevent the onset of premature menopause.

So, if you want to achieve longevity, you should definitely know that influencing these points is a secret good health and the longevity of many Eastern sages.

Other useful points on the body

In addition to those discussed above, there are other active points on the body, the massage effect on which helps improve well-being and the general condition of the body. These could be, for example, longevity points, so named because their stimulation has an active effect on the functioning of many organs and systems at once.

Longevity points can be located in different places of our body, for example, Tzu-san-li– a longevity point on the knee, the impact of which is widely used in acupuncture.

Many areas located on the head (for example, in the center of the forehead, above the bridge of the nose, or symmetrical areas located at the inner edges of the eyebrows) help even in cases where medications are powerless.

It has a beneficial effect on the entire body, since the ears also have projections on all human organs.

In addition to the fact that there are acupuncture points for various diseases that are relaxing, there are also those that help women look younger and more beautiful. So, among the secret techniques of oriental beauties you can find a targeted

Acupressure has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for over a thousand years. This practice involves pressing on biologically active points on the human body located along the meridians in order to relax, eliminate pain and treat diseases.

In total, there are more than 400 such points on the human body. It is believed that the energy "chi" flows through the 12 main meridians that connect the organs of our body, and diseases develop as a result of blockage or imbalance of one of these meridians.

The secret of the effectiveness of massage of biologically active points

Most Western medical practitioners attribute the benefits of acupressure massage to relieving muscle tension, improving blood circulation and stimulating the production of endorphins, which have an analgesic effect.

Whatever the reason for the effectiveness of acupressure, some studies support the effectiveness of this alternative therapy in relieving pain.

Therefore, today the site will tell you which points need to be massaged in order to:

  • get rid of headaches;
  • get rid of nausea and stop vomiting;
  • relieve tension and relax your eyes;
  • calm your nerves;
  • solve stomach problems;
  • relieve arthritis pain;
  • relieve menstrual pain;
  • quit smoking;
  • get rid of insomnia and stress;
  • increase concentration.

How to massage biologically active points

Moderate pressure should be applied to acupressure points for several seconds to minutes. To get the maximum effect, you need to stabilize your breathing: take slow, deep breaths while massaging biologically active points.

Despite the fact that the technique of massaging acupressure points is quite simple, the site recommends that those wishing to try this method contact a specialist who knows the exact location of points on the human body and contraindications to their stimulation.

Problems that can be solved by massage of biologically active points

What problems can massage of acupressure points solve:

  1. Headaches - point L14

Located between the index finger and thumb at the point where they join. Allows:

  • relieve toothache;
  • relieve arthritis pain;
  • relieve pain in the neck and shoulders;
  • get rid of constipation and hangover.

The massage is carried out for several minutes on each hand as needed. During pregnancy, massage of this biologically active point is contraindicated.

  1. Nausea and vomiting- point P6

Located between two tendons on the inside of the wrist at a distance of about 3 fingers' width from the base of the palm. Helps get rid of:

  • nausea during pregnancy, after surgery or chemotherapy, motion sickness;
  • pain in the abdomen, chest;
  • discomfort with carpal tunnel syndrome.

The massage is carried out with the middle and index fingers for a couple of minutes.

  1. Chronic fatigue and eye strain- point GV 24.5

Located between the eyebrows. Helps:

  • improve memory;
  • relieve stress;
  • get rid of chronic fatigue;
  • relieve headache;
  • relax your eyes;
  • improve sleep;
  • relieve nasal congestion.

The massage is carried out with the middle finger for 1 minute a couple of times a week.

  1. Nervous tension- point CV 17

It is located in the center of the sternum, at a distance of approximately 4 fingers from the base of the bone. Helps get rid of:

  • anxiety;
  • nervousness;
  • depression;
  • hysteria;
  • emotional imbalance.

This point also helps strengthen immune system.

You can massage the point in a prayer pose (palms folded in front of the chest), pressing on it with the bones of your thumbs for a couple of minutes.

  1. Stomach problems- point ST 36

Located 4 fingers below the base of the kneecap, as shown in Fig. higher. This biologically active point allows you to:

  • get rid of indigestion, diarrhea, bloating, abdominal pain and nausea;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • relieve fatigue;
  • will improve your well-being.

Massage this point for several seconds daily.

  1. Arthritis pain- point B 54

This point is located in the central part of the back side kneecap and helps relieve pain:

  • in the knees;
  • in the back and buttocks.

The massage lasts 1 minute.

  1. Menstrual pain

The acupressure points indicated in the figure perfectly relax the uterus and allow you to get rid of menstrual pain, as well as pain in the lower back.

These human biological points are located at the base of the spine, starting from the area just above the coccyx.

To get the effect, lie on your back and place your hands under the base of your spine so that one of them is below and the other is on top. Do the massage for a couple of minutes.

  1. Point NT 7 - for those who want to quit smoking

This point is located in the upper part of the ear, above the triangular fossa in the auricle. In addition to the fact that massage of this point helps to get rid of bad habit, it also helps fight stress, depression, insomnia and inflammatory diseases.

The massage is carried out with the index finger (placed on this point) and thumb (placed behind the ear) for several minutes a day.

  1. Insomnia and stress- point B 10

This pair of biologically active points is located at a distance of one finger from the base of the skull on both sides (on the neck muscles). It allows:

  • relieve stress;
  • get rid of headaches;
  • relieve neck pain;
  • fight insomnia;
  • relieve eye tension.

The massage is performed for a couple of minutes a day for several weeks.

  1. Improved concentration- point LV 3

If you want to improve memory and concentration, relieve headaches, fatigue, strengthen the immune system and prevent the occurrence of allergic reactions, find this point on the foot where the bones of the big and second toe touch and massage it for 2 minutes 2-3 times a day.

Despite the safety of acupressure, pregnant women are advised to refrain from massaging any biologically active points on the body without first consulting a doctor.

Impact on biologically active points on the human body is an excellent way to improve health. However, it is worth remembering that it is not recommended to massage acupressure points on an empty stomach, as well as in areas of skin damage.