Human energy: how to find out your energy potential. What is the energy of people? Strong human energy: signs

Each person is endowed with his own energy. It can be congenital and received during life. There is a weak energy, there is a strong energy. From her, according to experts in the field of esotericism, depend personal development and a person's success in life. How do you define your energy field?

There are no definite ways to test a person for his energetic power. Energy cannot be measured with instruments. But you can feel it. As a rule, an active, purposeful and energetic person has a large supply of vitality. And the one who constantly complains about the lack of energy is a person with a low energy level.

Energetically the strong man usually always happens in good mood... He knows how to manage his emotions, knows what he is capable of and boldly goes to the goal. He is not afraid of difficulties, since he feels a strength in himself that will help in a difficult period.

People with strong energy more fortunate in life. They are cheerful and positive. Their attitude and good health makes it easy to achieve your goals. Energetic people can manipulate others, defend their point of view and gain attention to their person.

However, those with high energy potential should be able to control their strength. It is better to direct energy for the benefit of yourself and those around you. If you have a strong energy, then there is a possibility that you can jinx a person and harm his biofield.

Energetically weak person often sick. If he has good ideas, then he is in no hurry to implement them. People with low energy get tired quickly. They are easily offended or influenced by them.

The energy level can be more accurately determined by dreams. What do you dream about most often?

If in a dream you often walk into rivers, forests, thickets, then this is a sign of an excess of energy. Also, this may be indicated by music in a dream or a belt that tightly tightens your waist. In this case, everything is in order with the energy. True, it happens that excessive energy does not lead to good. If your forces are directed for good, they will real benefit... But if you waste it on trifles, then you will not get anything good from your inner strength.

If you constantly dream of ruins, old houses, abyss, emptiness, hunger, thirst, quarrels, fights, narrow roads and corridors, then you are lacking vitality. This is a sign that you urgently need to change your life and restore energy.

Do not rush to despair if you suddenly realize that you are not strong energetically. It is believed that human energy is constantly changing... It can be congenital, hereditary (its level depends on many factors, such as place of birth, energy of birth, circumstances of birth, etc.) and acquired.

The acquired energy can change depending on what kind of life a person leads, what he does, where he lives and with whom he communicates. Based on this, you can easily increase your energy level. There are many ways to do this.

  • First, you need to eat well and establish a daily routine.
  • Secondly, you need to be more often alone with yourself and your thoughts in order to better understand yourself and your desires.
  • Thirdly, you need to give preference to the work that brings moral satisfaction.
  • Fourth, you should communicate more with people who set you up for positive emotions.

Knowing your energy potential, you can independently strengthen it (if it is weak), or direct it in the right direction to achieve goals. With inner strength, you can achieve whatever you want. The main thing is to constantly work on energy, not to give it a failure and be able to control it when necessary.

23.10.2013 16:31

Most people start their day quite early - some get up to school, some go to work. Some ...

Those who are seriously engaged in esotericism sooner or later come to the doctrine of the energy potential of people, their aura and the influence of its color on life.

It turns out that the science of bioenergy can tell a lot about a person's life, activity, periods of decline and rise of energy by the date of birth of a person. Let's take a closer look at these issues and learn how to determine the color of a person's biofield by the time of his birth, as well as predict important periods of life.

Bioenergetic potential of a person by date of birth

If you want to know a person's energy by date of birth, we suggest you try the simplest and easy way, for which you only need a piece of paper, a pen and a calculator. And, of course, the full date of birth of the person you are interested in.

Calculation rules

  1. Write down the person's date of birth on a line of paper. If, for example, he was born on September 25, 1974, the record will look like this: 09/25/1974.
  2. Now write down only the year of birth on one line, and on the other month and day without dots - first the month, then the day. In our example, we get the following:
  1. Take a calculator and multiply the resulting numbers with each other, removing the extra zeros at the beginning of the second number, if any - as a result, you get a six or seven-digit number. Write it down separately. For our example: 1974x925 = 1825950, this is the number that will be the first key for our calculations.
  2. Now add all the digits of the first key number together. In our example, it looks like this: 1 + 8 + 2 + 5 + 9 + 5 + 0 = 30. This will be the second key number, write it down separately.

What does the first received number say?

Based on the first received number, you can find out how the energy potential of a person will change during every seven years of his life. Why seven? Because in our example, the first key number turned out to be seven digits.

For six-digit numbers it will be reviewed accordingly every six years. The fact is that in the course of a person's life, the energy of a person changes cyclically, and the cycles tend to repeat themselves. To evaluate and determine the periods of decline and rise in energy, you need to remember school classes and build a simple graph where the years of a person's life will be on the X-axis, and the energy value on the Y-axis on a scale from 0 to 9. To calculate the points for plotting the graph, we use the first key number: the first digit will reflect a point on the Y-axis at 1 year of a person's life, the second - at 2 years, respectively, and so on.

Remember that after seven or six years (depending on which number you get), the cycle repeats again and starts again from the first digit. For our example, the following figure turned out, in which we considered the age from 0 to 21 years for a person born on September 25, 1974.

The energy scale reflects the energy potential. When he is at zero, a person is deprived vital energy, it is difficult for him to cope with business, he is emotionally exhausted. Number 9 - the maximum peak of energy activity - at such a time a person can do everything, since he has an excess of energy. Figures from 4 to 6 are indicators of the average energy level, from 1 to 3 - rather low, but not critical, and from 7 to 8 - high.

Now that you know how to determine a person's energy by the date of his birth, you can analyze his life according to the drawn up schedule, find out the most fruitful and successful years, as well as crisis and difficult periods.

You can use this information to plan your own life. So, for example, periods of high energy are well suited for starting new businesses, getting married, having children, while in the stages low level energy, it is better to save your strength, not to plan important undertakings and events with great responsibility - it is better to have more rest and gain vital energy.

What does the second key number say?

The second key number shows the natural energy of a person, given to him at birth - his bioenergetic potential. So, indicators from approximately 18 to 23 are considered the average statistical norm for a person, numbers above 23 - respectively, increased energy, and below 18 - reduced. In our example, the second key number turned out to be 30, which means that a person is naturally given a strong energy.

In no case should you think that people with an energy potential below 18 are weak and spineless, they just find it more difficult to achieve success than those with a higher potential.

High potential opens up more opportunities for self-realization, and those with low potential just need to study more and put in more effort, and then everything will certainly work out for them, too.

It is interesting to compare the bioenergy potentials of two people, for example, spouses or relatives, parents and their children. So, for example, in marriage, the leader will be the person whose indicators will be higher. If the child has a higher energy index than the parents, it will be very difficult for them to get obedience from him. Sisters and brothers may well be born with different potentials, and this will be noticeable even in the first years of their life.

Human aura by date of birth

Knowing when a person was born, one can not only analyze his energy potential, but even find out the color of his aura. If you cannot “see” the biofield of other people, do not be discouraged - we will tell you how to determine a person's aura by date of birth. Numerology will help us with this.

Calculation of the human biofield by date of birth

To calculate the biofield by date of birth, you need to stock up on a piece of paper and a pen. The calculations will be very simple, so you won't need a calculator. In this way, you can find out your aura by the date of birth or the color of the biofield of any person you are interested in.

  1. Digitally record the person's full date of birth. So, for example, for a person born on April 23, 1980, the record will look like this: 04/23/1980.
  2. Add up all the digits for your date of birth. In our example, it will look like this: 2 + 3 + 0 + 4 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 0 = 27.
  3. Now you need to add both digits of the resulting number together. The exceptions are the numbers 11 and 22 - you do not need to bring them to a single-digit number, leave them like this. In our example: 2 + 7 = 9.
  4. Find your number in the table below and find out what it means.

Aura color meaning


This bright color speaks of sensuality, love of life, optimism and purposefulness of the owner of such a biofield. These people are prone to ambition, so they need to set goals for themselves not in the spirit of rivalry with someone, but those that will allow them to assert themselves without humiliating someone else.

People with a red aura should not fall into apathy and indifference, otherwise the bright color will fade.


With such an aura, healthy, emotional, sociable and empathetic people are born. Their main goal is caring for others. If you have an orange aura, you need to learn to accept yourself as you are, to be realized in constructive and useful activities, and, if possible, avoid anything that brings irritation.


This is the color high intelligence and creative energy. People with yellow aura they are like little suns - they are sociable, open and warm those around them with their spiritual warmth. They need to realize themselves in professions related to communication, and avoid a frivolous approach to life.


People with a green aura are filled with compassion for others. They are gullible, vulnerable, sometimes sentimental and know how to easily adapt to circumstances. They are contraindicated emotional stress and stubbornness. If you have a green aura, take a simpler approach to life, and then new opportunities will open up for you.


Those with an aura blue, love an active lifestyle and travel. They have an innate creativity, an adventurous streak, and a rich imagination. They should not try to keep up with everywhere and everywhere - it is better to focus on one thing and realize themselves in it.


It is the color of caring, humanity and benefactor. Holders of a blue aura are confident, respect the opinions of others and instinctively sense the hidden motives of others. They should often listen to the voice of their heart and not take on other people's responsibilities voluntarily, forgetting about their own needs.


It is the color of high spirituality, strong intuition and supernatural abilities. Such people can realize themselves in any field of art, but sometimes it is very difficult for them to get along with others, since they only listen to their own opinion. Their task in life is to turn fantasies into reality.


Owners pink aura very hardworking and motivated. They are more inclined towards the material than the spiritual realm. They should find something that pleases them, get rid of monotony, not follow the lead of others, be able to stop in time and say "no."


The color of self-sacrifice and humanism. Such people are very sympathetic and vulnerable. Despite the fact that their task in life is to help others, they need to learn not to forget about their own interests.


This is the color of visionaries and dreamers. The owners of such an aura are highly spiritual people with a rich imagination and a natural gift of intuition. They should avoid emotional overload and nervous tension.


People with a golden aura from birth have limitless potential that can be realized in absolutely any area. They have extraordinary abilities, a sense of responsibility and ambitious plans that can and should be implemented. The main thing is not to get upset if something suddenly doesn't work out.

Now that you are familiar with the definition of a person's bioenergy by date of birth, you can surprise your family and friends with your new knowledge. And also - to improve in this area and further.

When we hear the phrase "energy of people", then for us most often it means how attractive, nice man how it evokes feelings in us.

You can hear that a person is energetically strong or weak. Energy can be good or bad, it somehow affects others. So let's figure out what this concept is, what it is and how to manage it.

What is human energy

Everything in the world has its own energy. It is accumulated, spent, renewed, gives and takes strength, depending on its amount. But energy and energy are not exactly the same thing. The first, from the point of view of esotericism, means the ability to assimilate, use, take and give energy to something.

If you try to draw a person and his biofield, then it will look like the sun that surrounds the body. This "luminary" sparkles different colors, and its rays can be both long and short.

People who know how to control their biofield will never lose their vitality, and the energy sun of this person will have long, bright and multi-colored rays.

Thanks to the correct distribution and use of these forces, you can feel much better than usual, increase your efficiency, have strength for sports, entertainment, family. The influence of energy on a person and his life is simply invaluable. Therefore, it is so important to know as much as possible about her.

Distribution of the concept of "energy"

Energy of people is only general concept many components of the physical and psychological state of a person. The so-called channels of a person can be responsible for different events, emotions, thoughts. And in order to learn how to perfectly manage your energy, you must first understand all of its channels that exist in a person.

Various types of energy are usually called bodies, which are interconnected by the channels mentioned above. In their practice, yogis always use knowledge about esoteric bodies, which helps them to reach a new, non-physical level.

In addition to the physical body we are familiar with, there is the etheric, mental, astral, causal, buddhic and atmanic. All of them exist in every person, it's just that some of the bodies are better developed, while others are worse. But you can always develop and learn to control your bodies, which are designed to solve many life problems.

Atmanic body

This body is what we consider to be the meaning of our life. Each person lives, realizing or not realizing that he came to this world with some mission. If you feel that you have your purpose here, then this body is developed quite well.

If you have any goal, then this body will give you the strength to achieve it, enthusiasm, aspiration, self-confidence.

But it happens that the energy of people in this body is too weak, then they will feel oppression, self-doubt, may lose the meaning of life. To protect yourself from losing awareness of your life purpose, you need to learn to meditate.

Let your meditation start out like a regular rest from work. Just sit comfortably, relax, think about something pleasant, dream. Do not "litter" your thoughts with problems and questions, devote only ten to fifteen minutes to meditation and you will feel how strength comes to you to achieve goals and fulfill desires.

If you imagine something that you dream about very much as often as possible, then the energy of the atmanic body will help you get what you want. Imagine how you will feel when you get what you want. Think that you already have it. Trust that you can get what you dream of.

Body buddhic

These are our values. What we live for, what worries us. But do not confuse the buddhic body with the atmanic body. The first, unlike the second, can direct a person to accomplish any deeds, helps to distinguish true values from false.

Suppose you have lost interest in some business, you are not fulfilling the assigned tasks conscientiously - then the energy of the buddhic body stops flowing.

But if you are doing what you love that you like, then the energy will constantly arrive and give you more and more strength to fulfill your dreams.

In order not to lose strength, you need to do only what you love, which brings you pleasure, and not be led by fashion, trends, requests.

A person with a strong energy of the buddhic body will certainly achieve great success and become a first-class master of his craft. Do not get lost among the many projects, focus on one activity, and then you will become more productive.

Causal body

The action of this body is periodic and short-lived. But it also makes us do what we love. For example, an applicant is forced by his parents to enter a university, which he does not want, but he has to submit documents there, take exams. And suddenly, at the last moment, this applicant takes the documents and enters the university he dreamed of. The moment of entering the desired university is the moment when the energetics of the causal body is active.

How this, now a student, will study at this institute, will he find a job later, the causal body will no longer be responsible for this. It worked quickly and for a short time, and thanks to it, even at the very last moment, a person was able to weigh priorities and choose what is more important to him.

Mental body

These are our thoughts and feelings. For example, in some inexplicable way, getting out of bed today, you feel that you need to go to work on a different path. Or buy something different from usual.

If the energy of the mental body is well developed and manageable, then a person is able to read cards, coffee grounds or runes, read lines on his hands and predict fate.

Astral body

The body of our emotions. Why might people react differently to the same events? It's all about the reaction of the mental body, which transmits signals astral body... Simply put, each of us treats an event in his own way and perceives it as the body of thoughts and feelings reacted to it. The astral and mental bodies are more strongly linked than others. energy bodies.

The astral body, in turn, is tightly connected with our physical body since our emotions directly affect health. Instability, volatility and imbalance in psychological health, one way or another, will lead to physical illness.

Watch your emotions, try to live your problems more calmly, take a philosophical attitude towards troubles.

Etheric body

We feel the energy of the etheric body as vitality, physical strength. Also, it is she who is responsible for sympathy, pleasant and unpleasant energy.

Most the right way to restore and replenish the energy of the etheric body - food and fresh air. If a person has a good, "healthy" etheric body, then he will certainly seem to the rest beautiful, smart, interesting.

Strong human energy. Signs of powerful energy

Human energy is fickle and tends to change. Its level can be more or less, depending on different life situations, health and mood.

If a person is sick or is in some kind of stressful situation, then his energy is close to the minimum level.

And if, for example, a person started to play sports, eat right, visit theaters, listen to good and pleasant music, then it will continue to be in full swing.

But most importantly, the energy level of each of us is individual. This can be compared to a vessel that has its own boundaries. If you develop your strength, then this imaginary vessel will become more and more and will be able to contain more and more energy.

A person with powerful energy can be easily recognized by some signs. This representative of the human race will rarely get sick, he will rarely be seen in a bad mood, he does not suffer from depression and is easier for others to cope with stressful situations. Since energy affects a person extremely powerfully, it will not be difficult to notice it by the behavior of others. It is enough to take a closer look at your friends and family to learn to recognize the level of vitality.

How date of birth affects energy

A person's energy by date of birth is the fastest and easiest way to determine the level of one's capabilities. Another common name for the concept under consideration is bioenergy. Now you can even find such a profession as bioenergetic. This specialist knows what is the connection between man and the stars, space, numbers, etc.

Together with numerologists, bioenergetics found a connection between the date of birth and the vitality, energy of a person.

With the help of light mathematical operations with numbers, namely with the date of birth, you can calculate how the coming year or even the whole life will turn out for a person. Using these numbers, you can build a graph and monitor the changes in the curve. The higher the curve, the more energy for the accomplishment of any deeds will be. And the lower, the, accordingly, it will be less.

How is the energy of a person calculated by date of birth

For example, your date of birth is 1980, October 11 (1980.10.11). Multiply the year of birth by the month and the day of birth, thus: 1980 × 1011 = 2001780.

Now add all the digits of the resulting number: 2 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 7 + 8 + 0 = 18.

The energy of this person is considered low from birth. Average energy is considered to be numbers from twenty one.

Check the energy of politicians, artists, actors and you will see what high performance can be.

But if the number turns out to be small, this is not a reason to believe that there is no strong human energy. Signs can be completely different. So, for example, the famous actress, fashion model, Oscar winner, mother-heroine Angelina Jolie has thirteen vital energy.

Interesting facts about human energy by date of birth

By the presence of energy potential, individuals can be classified into:

  • Energy vampires (whose potential is below twenty).
  • People with normal energy (from twenty to thirty).
  • Donor people (the coefficient is more than thirty).

If a person does not have enough energy, that is, the coefficient by date of birth is less than twenty, then he unconsciously becomes an energy vampire and draws the vitality necessary for him from donor people, who may have it in excess.

If a person's energy potential is high, then many people strive for it. Such a person will be considered attractive and interesting.

They will want to be friends with him, build relationships, create a family, even if he does not particularly shine with intelligence and beauty.

The opposite situation occurs in people whose energy potential is low. They often suffer from setbacks in personal life and loneliness.

How to increase energy levels

If you think about how to increase a person's energy, and think that this is almost impossible, because the date of birth cannot be changed in any way, then you are deeply mistaken. Even if you don't change your birthday, you can improve your vitality, which means you can feel happier.

If, according to the results of the test, you find that you are an energy vampire, do not despair, because even this can be fixed. In order not to draw bioenergy from other people, not to be unpleasant and alien to them, you just need to find an alternative source of energy. It can be the activity of the Sun, earth, water, fire, wind - everything that nature gives us.

Yoga classes can help you relax and tune in the right channel for your natural energy. But there is an even simpler way to increase the energy of a person. The most important thing is good rest and nutrition. Remember that if you are looking for how to restore a person's energy, and you think that it is very long and difficult, you will not succeed. You have to believe in what you are doing. You need to tune yourself in only to positive thoughts, and this is precisely where healthy sleep and proper nutrition will help.

It is not necessary to sleep ten to twelve hours a day, because you can disrupt the physical and mental channels, which means that bad energy people can easily get to your esoteric bodies. Watch not quantity, but quality of sleep. You need to go to bed when your body and mind are clean, the room is ventilated, you are not hungry or overeat. If you follow this simple rules, then five to six hours of this good sleep can replace and even surpass the quality of a ten-hour sleep.

If you are worried that the negative energy of a person who was rude to you or just passed by with negative thoughts can harm you, then you need to establish a protective channel of the etheric body. As already mentioned, in order to maintain and restore the etheric body, you need to eat right and go to fresh air... To cleanse a person's energy from harmful and negative impacts, you can give him a soothing chamomile tea that will calm his body and mind. Give him a rest and feed him healthy food.

First of all, it should be carbohydrates and proteins. A little cereal, meat or beans will surely restore a person's physical and etheric body. Eat fruits and vegetables daily and your mood will certainly improve as you become stronger and healthier.

Important for maintaining, cleansing and restoring energy are physical exercise... It doesn't have to be yoga. Do any sport, go to the gym, or just jog in the morning. Thanks to the daily physical activity you will feel that your energy has increased. You will feel less sick and feel refreshed and happy.

How to learn to feel the energy of another person

Feeling the energy of a person is not so difficult as it might seem at first glance. Sometimes we, without noticing and not understanding it ourselves, can recognize some traits of his character in an unfamiliar person. We may or may not like it at first sight. The energy of another person is transmitted to us through our own open energy channels. It is not even necessary to touch the interlocutor, it is enough just to look at him and understand what his intentions and feelings are.

For example, today you were rude on public transport, you are driving angry and gloomy to work. And there an evil boss comes to you, who quarreled with his wife in the morning. When you are irritated, your channels are open and your energy bodies are vulnerable to all sorts of influences. Your boss will transmit his negative energy to you, thereby only aggravating your well-being. If this happens often, then soon you will not avoid health problems. Try to abstract yourself from problems at home and on the street when you are at work. But it’s not worth it, being at home, to remember all the troubles of the workers.

It is best if you learn how to deal with the problem as soon as it arises. You may not be able to avoid being rude on public transport, but you can change your attitude towards this rudeness. Then your protective channels will work without interruption and you will be protected from exposure negative energy other people.

Try not to be annoyed or rude in return. It may be difficult for you to deal with it at first, but the result will not be long in coming. No small nuisance can spoil your mood, your health will be in order, at work you will cope with things quickly and easily, and you will be less tired.

By learning how to manage your energy, you will begin to better understand other people. On the street, at work and at home, with your family, you will feel comfortable.

How to determine the energy of a person

If you want to find out what type of energy you have, then you just need to observe yourself and everything that is happening around.
People with low energy tend to get tired very quickly. They often experience a lack of energy after travel, business meetings, events and a long stay in a crowd of people.
Weak energy also affects the health of the body. People with weak energy are very often sick. In addition, they are often aggressive and irritable. These emotions arise for a reason. They feel a lack of energy, and this forces them to be rude and quick-tempered. Those with weak energy are always unconsciously looking for energy recharge. The most accessible way for them to constantly gain strength is through contact with dogs. These animals give energy to humans. It should be noted that cats, on the contrary, feed on energy, and the owner of a weak biofield at the level of intuition will never decide to have a cat.
In the house of a person with weak energy, they do not take root well houseplants... They wither, quickly fade and die, no matter how well a person takes care of them.
People with a strong energy potential, according to Elena Yasevich, are almost always active, positive and calm. They know how to conserve their energy, are not diffused by it and will always find a way out for energy surpluses.
Increased energy is manifested in everything that a person does not do. In his hands, everything is arguing, next to him you always want to smile. People with strong energy know how to control themselves and find inner balance. The owner of a strong biofield is a successful, purposeful and happy person.
What if your energy is not so strong, and can you increase it? Elena Yasevich, a participant in the Battle of Psychics, gave several recommendations to all those who want to become stronger energetically. Try to have less contact with negative people (whiners, rude people, indecisive personalities). Communicating with them leads to a loss of energy. Always cook in a good mood. A dish cooked with a smile will energize you for the whole day. Taking a shower, imagine how the water washes away all the bad things. Be in nature more often. This will allow you for a long time Be in good spirits. Be in solitude more often. Enjoy peace and quiet. This will allow you to save energy and gain strength. Often do what you love or create. This will give you positive emotions and a sense of happiness.
These tips from psychic Elena Yasevich will help you increase your energy and become a strong and confident person.

In one of the previous articles, we have already touched on the topic of energy vampirism, in particular, we analyzed in detail who can become an energy vampire, their types and ways of protection against this method of energy selection:

In today's article:

  • How to calculate an energy vampire by date of birth
  • Energy Vampire Test
  • What if you are an energy vampire?

To find out if a person belongs to the type of energovampires, you need to call on numerology for help. It turns out that from the very birth each of us has his own level of energy. Someone has it higher, someone lower.

People with increased energy from birth and strong will never take away vitality other's. Well, perhaps, during illness or depression.

Those who naturally possess reduced level power engineers will try to somehow compensate for their losses. And often, without realizing it, they take the path of "illegal" selection of someone else's energy.

You can recognize an energy vampire by his date of birth.

"Energy Vampires" Test

To do this simple test, you will need a piece of paper, a pen, and a date of birth (yours if you want to test yourself or another person)

So, write down the date of birth in the form of numbers on a piece of paper: date, month, year of birth.


For her, you need to make an entry: 16 08 1971


This is how we get Base Number – 33

3 + 3 = 6 (if the sum is more than 11, then we do one more addition)

This is how we get Main Number – 6

We transfer the obtained results to the table:

Main number- an indicator of the level of energy given from birth.

If it is less five, this means that a person's energy is weak and he is prone to energy vampirism.

If the main number is 5 , 6 , or 7 - energy is normal and the chances of becoming an energy thief for such a person are minimal.

Numbers 8 and 9 in this number they speak of the increased received from birth. Such people are energy donors who voluntarily share their energy.

Numbers 10 and 11 - special.

The owner of the dozen has the capabilities of the White Magician and is subject to magical sources of pure and light energy.

The number 11 in the main number indicates an excessive level of bioenergetics, which, if necessary, can be directed to “dark deeds”, to the selection of energy. This is the number of the Black Magician.

(This division into White and Black Magicians is conditional and has nothing to do with real magic).

What if you are an energy vampire?

If, according to the results of the test, you find out that you belong to people who are inclined to energize at the expense of others, do not be discouraged and do not go to extremes - mistakes of nature can always be corrected.

To do this, you need to find an alternative source of energy and switch to it. This is the energy around us of the Earth, Space, plants, water, air, animals, etc. Everything that Nature gives us.

This energy channel of "natural" energy is also different from birth for everyone - from wide and powerful to narrow and "blocked".

For some, it is uninterrupted (even for potential energy vampires) and they easily get recharge from environment... Others need special practices and techniques to maintain a "communication channel" with external sources in a "working order."

Finding out which type you are is very easy.

Take a look at your spreadsheet and count the number of digits "2" in all lines. Two in numerology is a symbol of natural energy and the more there are in the table, the wider and more powerful your bioenergy channel.

There are no twos. If the number of digits "2" in the table is zero, this is not good. Your canal is completely blocked and you urgently need to deal with its opening, cleaning and expansion. Ancient arts of energy management such as qigong or yoga, as well as different kinds breathing practitioners do an excellent job with this task.

This is exactly the case with Elena from our example. Her energy channel is blocked, but due to the fact that from birth Elena has a strong bioenergy and a strong biofield (the main number is 6), she manages to exist quite normally in society. If Elena begins to actively engage in energy and breathing practices, her energy in general can "fly up to heaven"!

One deuce signals that the channel is alive, but Mother Nature is very reluctant to share her reserves with you and you need to work on strengthening it.

Twos two- very good indicator... Power supplies are uninterrupted and in sufficient volume. The only negative is that such bioenergy is a tasty morsel for those who like to recharge at someone else's expense. Be on the lookout!

Three deuces in the table one can only envy: such people are capable of recharging from literally everything that surrounds them - from clean air, the noise of the surf, rustling of leaves or birdsong.

Four or more twos... You are not in danger of turning into an energy vampire. Even if you really want to. You are an energy donor and are only able to share energy. Therefore, fans of "free energy" will always be in abundance. Be vigilant and use protective measures! Otherwise, you will quickly turn into a lazy person who spends almost all his life forces on those around him, and there is no longer any energy left for his needs.

Friends, now you know how to define energy vampire by date of birth... Use the test to get to know yourself and the people around you more deeply.

Clean and bright energy for you!

Arthur Golovin
