Lymphs anatomy. How it is arranged and what the lymphatic system of man is affected. Interior structure of lymph nodes

Lymph system - An integral part of the vascular system, which carries out the drainage of tissues by forming lymphs and carrying it into venous channel (an additional drainage system).

A day is produced up to 2 liters of lymph, which corresponds to 10% of the volume of the fluid, which does not reabsorb after filtering in capillaries.

Lymph - liquid, filling the vessels of the lymphatic channel and nodes. It is the same as blood, refers to the tissues of the inner medium and performs a trophic and protective function in the body. In terms of its properties, despite the great similarity with blood, the lymph differs from it. At the same time, lymph is not identical to the tissue fluid from which it is formed.

Lymph consists of plasma and uniform elements. It contains proteins, salts, sugar, cholesterol and other substances in plasma. The protein content in the lymph is 8-10 times less than in the blood. 80% of the uniform elements of lymphs fall on the lymphocytes, and the remaining 20% \u200b\u200b- to the share of other white blood tauros. There are no erythrocytes in the limp.

Functions of the lymphatic system:

    Fabric drainage.

    Ensuring continuous circulation of liquid and metabolism in organs and human tissues. It prevents the accumulation of fluid in the tissue space with high filtering in capillaries.


    Transports fats from the suction site in the small intestine.

    Removal from the interstitial space of substances and particles that are not reasurable in blood capillaries.

    Distribution of infection and malignant cells (tumor metastasis)

Factors providing Lymph Movement

    Filtration pressure (due to filtration of liquid from blood capillaries in the intercellular space).

    Permanent formation of lymph.

    The presence of valves.

    Reducing the surrounding skeletal muscles and muscle elements of the internal organs (squeezed lymphatic vessels and lymph moves in the direction deterministic valves).

    The location of large lymphatic vessels and trunks near the blood vessels (the artery pulsation squeezes the walls of lymphatic vessels and helps the current limf).

    Singing action chest and negative pressure in the shoulder veins.

    Smooth muscle cells in the walls of lymphatic vessels and trunks .

Table 7.

Similarities and differences in the structure of lymphatic and venous systems

Lymphatic capillaries - thin-walled vessels, the diameter of which (10-200 μm) exceeds the diameter of the blood capillaries (8-10 μm). The lymphatic capillaries are characteristic of the residency, the presence of essences and extensions, side protrusions, the formation of lymphatic "lakes" and "Lakun" at the confluence of several capillaries.

The wall of lymphatic capillaries is constructed from one layer of endothelial cells (in the blood capillaries in the endothelium there is a basal membrane).

Lymphatic capillaries not In the substance and shells of the brain, cornea and lens eyeball, Parenchim spleen, bone marrow, cartilage, leather epithelium and mucous membranes, placenta, pituitary gland.

Lymphatic postcapillaries - Intermediate link between lymphatic capillaries and vessels. The transition of the lymphatic capillary to the lymphatic posturkey is determined by the first valve in the list (valves of lymphatic vessels are the paired folds of the endothelium and the dasal membrane). Lymphatic posturbs are inherent in all the functions of capillaries, but Lymph is flowing on them only in one direction.

Lymphatic vessels Frame from the networks of lymphatic postcases (capillaries). The transition of the lymphatic capillary into the lymphatic vessel is determined by the change in the wall structure: in it, along with the endothelium, there are smooth muscle cells and Adventization, and in the lumen - valves. Therefore, by lymph vessels can only flow in one direction. The area of \u200b\u200bthe lymphatic vessel between the valves is currently indicated by the term "Lymphanyan" (Fig. 58).

Fig. 58. Lymphangion is a morphofunctional unit of the lymphatic vessel:

1 - a segment of a lymphatic vessel with valves.

Depending on the localization of the above or under surface fascia, the lymphatic vessels are divided into superficial and deep. Surface lymphatic vessels lie in subcutaneous fatty tissue over surface fascia. Most of them follows the lymph nodes located near the surface veins.

Also distinguished and extravalted lymphatic vessels are distinguished. Due to the existence of numerous anastomoses, intraganic lymphatic vessels form wide-filament plexuses. The lymphatic vessels accompanying arteries, veins and come out of the organ. The extra-organized lymphatic vessels are sent to nearby groups of regional lymph nodes, and the accompanying blood vessels usually, more often than veins.

On the path of lymphatic vessels are located the lymph nodes. This causes the fact that foreign particles, tumor cells, etc. Detain in one of the regional lymph nodes. The exceptions are some lymphatic esophagus vessels and, in isolated cases, some liver vessels that fall into the chest duct, bypassing the lymph nodes.

Regional lymphatic nodes The organ or tissue is lymph nodes that are the first on the path of lymphatic vessels carrying lymph from this body area.

Lymphatic trunks- These are large lymphatic vessels that are no longer interrupted by lymph nodes. They collect lymph from several areas of the body or several organs.

In the human body, four permanent pair lymphatic trunks are distinguished.

Jugular trunk (Right and left) is represented by one or more vessels of small length. It is formed from the underlying lymphatic vessels of the lower lateral deep cervical lymph nodes located in the form of a chain along the inner jugular vein. Each of them removes lymph from organs and tissues of the respective sides of the head and neck.

Subclavian barrel (right and left) is formed from the merger of the axillary lymph nodes of the lifting vessels, mainly the top. It collects lymph from the upper limb, from the walls of the chest and the breast.

Bronchostered Stem (Right and left) is formed mainly from the leading lymphatic vessels of the front mediated and upper tracheobronchial lymph nodes. It makes limf from the walls and organs of the chest cavity.

Removing lymphatic vessels of the upper lumbar lymph nodes form the right and left lumbar trunkswhich are removed lymph from the lower limb, the walls and body of the pelvis and the abdomen.

The non-permanent intestinal lymphatic barrel occurs in about 25% of cases. It is formed from the endowing lymphatic vessels of mesenteric lymphatic nodes and 1-3 vessels flows into the initial (abdominal) part of the chest duct.

Fig. 59. Basin of the breast lymphatic duct.

1 - top hollow vein;

2 - right-handed shoulder vein;

3 - left shoulder vein;

4 - right inner jugular vein;

5 - right plug-in vein;

6 - left inner jugular vein;

7 - left connectible vein;

8 - unpaired vein;

9 - semi-park vein;

10 - bottom hollow vein;

11 - right lymphatic duct;

12 - breastweed tank;

13 - breast duct;

14 - intestinal trunk;

15 - Lumbar lymphatic trunks

Lymphatic trunks fall into two ducts: chest duct (Fig. 59) and the right lymphatic duct, which fall into the veins of the neck in the field of the so-called venous cornerformed by connecting a connectible and inner jugular vein. In the left venous angle there is a breast lymphatic duct, according to which Limph is out of 3/4 of the human body: from the lower extremities, pelvis, abdomen, left half of the chest, neck and head, the left upper limb. The right venous angle flows the right lymphatic duct, according to which Lymph is brought from 1/4 of the body: from the right half of the chest, neck, head, from the right upper limb.

Breastbank (ductus Thoracicus.) It has a length of 30-45 cm, it is formed at the level of XI of the thoracic -1 lumbar vertebrae of the merge of the right and left lumbar trunks (Trunci Lumbales Dexter et Sinister). Sometimes the beginning of the chest duct has expansion (CISTERNA CYLI). The chest duct is formed in the abdominal cavity and passes into the chest cavity through the aortal hole of the diaphragm, where it is located between the aorta and the right medial leg of the diaphragm, the reduction of which contributes to the pushing of lymphs in thoracic part duct. At the level of VII cervical vertebral, the chest duct forms an arc and, having encouraged the left subclavian artery, flows into the left venous angle or the formulations of its veins. In the mouth of the duct there is a semi-lunar valve that prevents penetration into the blood duel. The upper part of the chest duct is poured by the left bronchiestinalis sinister (Truncus BronchomediaStinalis Sinister), collecting lymph from the left half of the chest, as well as the left connector barrel (Truncus subclavius \u200b\u200bsinister), collecting lymph from the left upper limb and the left jugular barrel (Truncus Jugularis Sinister) Lymph from the left half of the head and neck.

Right lymphatic dashing (Ductus Lymphaticus Dexter) 1-1.5 cm long formingwhen merging the right connector trunk (Truncus subclavius \u200b\u200bdexter) carrying lymph on the right upper limb, the right jugular barrel (Truncus Jugularis Dexter), collecting lymph from the right half of the head and neck, the right bronchiestone-free trunk (Truncus Bronchomediastinalis Dexter), bringing lymph from the right half of the chest. However, more often, the right lymphatic duct is absent, and the stem generations are poured into the right venous angle independently.

Lymph nodes of individual body areas.

Head and Neck

In the area of \u200b\u200bthe head there are many groups of lymphatic assemblies (Fig. 60): occipital, deputyidial, facial, parotid, lifting, subsidiaries, etc. Each group of nodes takes lymphatic vessels from the region's location.

Thus, the subbands lie in the subband triangle and collect lymph from the chin, lips, cheeks, teeth, gum, sky, lower eyelid, nose, lifting glands and sub-speaking salivary glands. In the near-cast lymph nodes located on the surface and in the thicker of the same gland, the lymph is subject to the forehead area, temple, upper century, ear sink, walls of external auditory passage.

Fig.60. The lymphatic system of head and neck.

1 - front ear lymph nodes; 2 - rear ear lymph nodes; 3 - occipital lymph nodes; 4 - lower ear lymph nodes; 5 - peeled lymph nodes; 6 - chin lymph nodes; 7 - rear subband lymph nodes; 8 - front lifting lemph nodes; 9 - lower subband lymph nodes; 10 - Surface cervical lymph nodes

The neck distinguishes two main groups of lymph nodes: deep and superficial cervical. Deep cervical lymph nodes in large numbers accompany the inner jugular vein, and superficial lie near the outer jugular vein. These nodes, mainly in deep cervical, occurs, there is an outflow of lymphs almost from all lymphatic vessels of the head and neck, including the existing vessels of other lymph nodes of these areas.

Upper limb

On the upper limb there are two main groups of lymph nodes: elbow and axillary. The elbow nodes are locked in the elbow yam and take lymph of the brush and forearm vessels. According to the existing vessels of these Lymph nodes, it reaches the axillary nodes. The axillary lymph nodes are located in the same hole, one part of them is superficially in subcutaneous tissue, the other is in the depth near the axillary arteries and veins. Lymphs from the upper limb, as well as from the breast, from the surface lymphatic vessels of the chest and the upper part of the abdominal walls of the breast, from these nodes.

Breast cavity

In the chest cavity, the lymph nodes are located in the front and rear mediastum (front and rear media), near the trachea (otolcheal), in the field of trachea bifurcation (tracheobronchial), in the slightness of the lung (bronchopulmonary), in the easiest (pulmonary), as well as on the diaphragm (Upper diaphragmal), near the heads of the ribs (intercostal), next to the sternum (ocular) and others. In these nodes, lymphs from organs and partly from the walls of the chest cavity.

Lower limb

On the lower limb, the main groups of lymph nodes are padded and inguinal. Plotted nodes are in the yammy of the same name near the popliteal arteries and veins. These nodes do lymph from the part of the lymphatic vessels of the foot and legs. Continated knot vessels carry lymph mainly in the inguinal nodes.

Inguinal lymph nodes are divided into superficial and deep. Surface inguinal assemblies lie below the groove bundle under the skin of the hip over the fascia, and deep inguinal nodes are in the same region, but under the fascia near the femoral vein. In the inguinal lymph nodes, lymphs from the lower limb, as well as from the lower half of the front abdominal wall, the crotch, from the surface lymphatic vessels of the jagium region and the bottom of the back. From the inguinal lymph nodes of the lymph, the outer iliac assemblies belonging to the pelvis nodes.

In the pelvis, lymph nodes are usually located in the course of blood vessels and have a similar name (Fig. 61). So, the outer iliac, internal iliac and general iliac assemblies lie near the arteries of the same name, and the sacrats - on the pelvic surface of the sacrum, near the median sacral artery. Lymph from the pelvis organs reaches mainly in internal iliac and sacred lymph nodes.

Fig. 61. Lymphatic pelvic nodes and vessels connecting them.

1 - uterus; 2 - right general iliac artery; 3 - lumbar lymph nodes; 4 - iliac lymph nodes; 5 - Inguinal lymph nodes

The cavity of the belly

In the cavity of the belly there is a large number of lymph nodes. They are located in the course of blood vessels, including vessels passing through the gates of organs. So, in the course of the abdominal aorta and the lower hollow vein near lumbar Department Spine up to 50 lymph nodes (lumbar). In mesentery thin gut In the course of the branches of the upper mesenteric artery, up to 200 nodes (top mesenterous) occurs. Lymphatic nodes are also distinguished: curls (near the crust), left gastric (in large crumples of the stomach), the right gastric (in the small curvature of the stomach), hepatic (in the field of the liver gate), etc. The lymph of organs leaks from organs in the lymph nodes of the abdomen located in this cavity, and partly from its walls. Limphs from the lower extremities and the pelvis are also entered into lumbar lymph nodes. It should be noted that the lymphatic vessels of the small intestine are called milk, as Lymph is subject to lymphatic, containing a suction fat fat, which gives lymph type of dairy emulsion - Hilus (Hilus - Milky Juice).

The lymphatic system (translated from Latin -Systema Lymphsticum) is a component of a circulatory system in the human body and vertebral animals. Its functions are diverse, it plays an important role in metabolism and cell self-cleaning processes.

Unlike the arteries and veins, providing blood transport, the lymphatic vessels are transferred lymph - transparent liquid, which is a type of intercellular substance. On the peculiarities of lymphorage, anatomy and physiology of vessels and systems of the system will talk in our review and video in this article.


The lymphism system is closely related to, accompanies and complements it. On a separate vessels, the outflow of the tissue fluid into the blood. In addition, the system participates in the transport of fats from fine intestine In the bloodstream and the protection of the body from infections and damaging factors of the external environment.


The following elements of the lymphatic system are distinguished in the anatomy:

  • capillaries and vessels;
  • large trunks of large diameter;
  • dukes;
  • nodes;
  • lymphatic authorities - Almonds, thymus (Timus) and spleen (see photo).

Lymphatic capillaries are the smallest cloud tubes that form a powerful branched network in organs and tissues from one end. Since the walls of such capillaries are very thin, protein particles and the interstitial fluid are easily penetrated, which are then transported in blood system. Be sure to read this article to the end to find out what value the lymphatic system occupies in the human body.

Merging, many small capillaries Form the vessels, the diameter of which increases in the direction of the periphery to the center. The structure of lymphatic vessels is similar to the structure of veins, however, the first to have thinner walls and a significant number of valves that prevent the reverse movement of lymph into the interstitial space. What is the lymphatic vessels?

The wall of the hollow tube transporting lymph has three layers:

  • outdoor connective tissue;
  • medium smooth muscle;
  • internal endothelial.

It is interesting. For the first time, lymphatic vessels explored and described the French Anatas Jean Pekka in 1651.

From the body fabrics, lymphatic vessels usually come out with blood.

Depending on the location, they are divided into:

  • deep - localized in the internal organs;
  • surface lymphatic vessels are close to subcutaneous veins.

Note! Lymphatic vessels are located in almost all tissues and organs. However, there are exceptions: cartilage, functional fabric Splecenets, lens and shells of the eyeball.

As it moves from the periphery to the center of formation of small diameters merge into larger, regional lymphatic vessels form. In addition, each vessel passes through the so-called nodes located in groups throughout the body. Lymph nodes are small clusters of lymphoid tissue with a rounded, ellipsoid or bean-shaped.

Here is Lymph:

  • filtered;
  • purified from foreign elements;
  • frequently from malicious microorganisms.

Note! Also in lymph nodes there is a synthesis of lymphocytes - immunity cells aimed at combating infection.

Lamph vessels of the lymphatic system form trunks, which are subsequently merged into lymphatic ducts:

  1. Breast - Collects lymph from all organs below the ribs, as well as the left hand, left half of the chest, neck and head. Falls into the left V. SUBCLAVIA.
  2. Right - Collects lymph from the right upper departments of the body. Falls into the right v. SUBCLAVIA.

Functions performed

Among the functions performed by the lymphatic system, experts identify the following:

  1. Transportation of fabric fluid from the intercellular space into the circulatory system.
  2. Transport of lipid molecules coming from food from the small intestine to the blood.
  3. Filtering and removal of exhaust products of vital activity of cells and foreign substances.
  4. Development of lymphocytes protecting the body from the action of pathogenic bacteria and viruses.

How lymph is formed

The main component of lymph is an intercellular fluid. As a result of filtration processes in blood vessels The small diameter takes place of the plasma in the interstitial space. Subsequently, such a tissue fluid is reabsorbed (subject to reverse absorption) into the blood, and also enters the lymphatic capillaries.

It is interesting. It is possible to notice lymph if you accidentally hurt. The transparent liquid arising from the scene of the core in the spacious is the name "Sukrovitsa".

Topographic anatomy

Knowledge of the topography and features of the functioning of the lymphatic system is extremely important for any specialist in the field of medicine. Examining the patient, the doctor should pay attention to pathological changes From the lymphatic vessels, knots or organs.

Head and Neck

The lymph nodes and vessels of the head and neck are of great practical interest for the therapeutic and pediatric profile specialists.

Lymph with these organs are collected in jugular trunks, which are in parallel to the veins of the same name and fall:

  • on the right - to the right-hand / right venous angle;
  • left - in Ductus Thoracicus / left venous angle.

In its path, the vessels pass through several groups of regional lymph nodes, which are described in the table.

Table: Lymph nodes of the head and neck:

Name Latin name Provide the outflow of lymphy
Toweloccipitals.From the occipital, as well as the back of the rash and temporal areas of the head
Sucepicalmastoidei.The same + from the ear ( rear surface), eardrum, auditory passage
Okolumesparotidei.From the skin of the forehead, temple, the outer surface of the ear, parts of the eyelids, the parole, drumpipe
Subbandsubmandibulares.From the lateral surface of the chin, lip tissues, nose and cheeks, as well as teeth and gums
Facialfaciales.From mimic muscles and other fabrics
Subordaressubmentales.From the tip of the tongue and the lower jaw
Front cervicalcervicales Anterior.From the larynx, thyroid gland, trachea and the front surface of the neck
Lateral cervicalcervicales Laterales.Deep tissues and neck organs

Upper limbs

From the tissues and organs located in the belt of the upper limbs, the lymph is assembled into a subclavian lymphatic barrel, which accompanies the artery of the same name and flows on the appropriate side or in the chest or in the right-hand duct.

The main lymphatic vessels of hands are divided into:

  • surface:
  • medial;
  • lateral;
  • deep.

Regional lymph nodes of the upper limbs are located near the largest joints and are called elbow, shoulder and axillary.

Chest organs

From the breastfeeding organs (including lymphatic heart vessels, lungs and mediastinum organs), Lymph is going to large trunks - the right and left bronighting-free, each of which moves to the ducts on the appropriate side.

In the chest cavity, all lymph nodes are divided into parietal and viscerals. The first are located on the rear, front and lower surface of the chest.

In turn, they are:

  • assumed;
  • intercostal;
  • oklocudnaya;
  • occonditional;
  • upper diaphragmal.

Among the visceral lymph nodes are distinguished premarking, lateral pericarordial, media (front, rear).

Abdominal organs

The lymph nodes and vessels of the abdominal cavity have some differences from the components of the lymphatic system located in other topographic areas. Thus, in the structure of the small intestine, special chilus vessels are distinguished, which are located in the mucous membrane of the organ, and then continue to the mesentery, carrying out the transport of suction fat.

For the characteristic type of lymph, which acquires a white strip shade due to saturation, such vessels are often called milk.

Note! The remaining nutrients (amino acids, monosaccharides), vitamins and trace elements are absorbed directly into the venous system.

Abdominal lymphatic vessels of abdominal cavity are classified as follows:

  • vessels of the stomach and DPK;
  • lymphatic vessels in the liver and bustling bubble;
  • vessels located in the pancreas;
  • vessels of the serous intestinal shell;
  • mesenter vessels (left, medium and right group);
  • vessels of the top and bottom of the abdomen.

As in the thoracic cavity, the parietal distinguishes in this topographic education (they occur around the aorta and v. Cava interior) and viscerals (located along the branches of the ventricon) lymph nodes.

Low pelvis organs

The lymph vessels of the small pelvis organs are collected by lymph from organs and tissues of the corresponding topographic area and, as a rule, accompany the veins of the same name.

There are minor differences in the structure of the lymphatic system in men and women. Thus, the lymphatic vessels of the cervix passes mainly through iliac (external, internal) and sacral lymph nodes. The lymphotok from the egg is carried out through lumbar nodes.

Lower limbs

In the structure of the system of lymphottock of the lower extremities, several large groups of lymphatic nodes are distinguished:

  1. ROPLITEALIS - Located in a patellied jam.
  2. Inguinales (deep and superficial) - localized in the groin area.

Surface vessels pass two collective groups and flow into inguinal lymph nodes, which is also carried out from the outer surface of the buttocks, the abdominal wall and distal departments of NGOs. Deep vessels pass through popliteal knots, reaching deep inguinal lymph nodes.

Common pathology of blood circulation system

Unfortunately, the disease of the lymphatic system is not uncommon. They are found from representatives of any age, gender and nationality.

Conditionally, all pathologies under which the blood circulation system suffers can be divided into four groups:

  1. Tumor - lympholoicosis, lymphosarcoma, lymphoangoma, lymphogranulomatosis.
  2. Infectious inflammatory - Regional lymphadenitis, lymphangitis.
  3. Traumatic - Gap the spleen with accidents, stupid abdominal injuries, etc.
  4. Development defects - hypoplasia and aplasia of the components of the lymphatic system, lymphangiotasia, lymphangomatosis, binding lymphangopathy.

Important! Profile specialists are engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the lymphatic system - angiologist or angiohururg.

Any violation of the lymphatic system can lead to fatal consequences for the body, the price of delay in which is too high.

If there is complaints, it is important to ask for help in a timely manner: only the doctor will be able to compile an individual diagnostic and treatment plan (for each disease - its medical instruction). Compliance with the recommendations of a specialist and an integrated approach to therapy will help improve health and avoid the development of complications.

The lymphatic system is an addition to the cardiovascular system, in contrast to the circulatory structure, it is unclipped and plays an important role in cellular cleansing and exchange processes. Speaking about the structure of the lymphatic system, the lower and upper limbs, a small pelvis, head and neck, chest, as well as the abdominal cavity are separately considered.

Before represented overall characteristics The lymphatic system (Systema Lymphoideum), it is important to note that it performs the functions of removal from organs and tissues of alien substances of exogenous and endogenous origin by filing the tissue fluid (lymph) through lymph nodes. The structure of the lymphatic system of the person includes lymphatic capillaries, lymphatic vessels, ducts, trunks and lymph nodes.

The structure of capillaries and vessels of the lymphatic system

Capillaries of the lymphatic system ( vasa Lymphocapillaria.) , with a diameter of up to 200 microns, there are in all organs and tissues of the human body, except for the head and spinal cord, eyeball, inner ear, epithelial cover of the skin and mucous membranes, cartilage, parenchyma spleen, bone marrow and placenta. Fissure liquid is absorbed into the lymphatic capillaries together with the substances contained in it and is called lymph (Lympha).

The walls of lymphatic capillaries are constructed from one layer of endothelial cells. Due to this structure of lymphatic capillaries through these walls, large protein molecules, particles of dead cells, tumor cells easily penetrate together with the tissue fluid. When connecting to each other, the capillaries form closed lymphocapillary networks in organs and tissues (Retia Lymphocapillaria).

Lymphatic vessels ( vasa Lymphatica.) For which Lymph flows to the lymph nodes and from these nodes, they are formed when the lymphatic capillaries are fused, three shells differ from the vessel walls. Inner shell (Tunica intima) is thin. The duck from it is the middle shell (Tunica Media) then the outer shell comes (TUNICA EXTERNA). Lymphatic vessels have valves formed by the folds of the inner shell. The presence of valves provides a luminary current in one direction to lymphatic nodes - and gives lymphatic vessels a characteristic clear look.

From the nodes of the lymphatic system, according to their enduring lymph vessels, lymph flows to the following (in terms of lymph) nodes or to large vessels - lymphatic ducts and stems.

Human lymphatic system trunks

Lymphatic trunks ( trunci Lymphatici.) And lymphatic ducts (DUCTUS LYMPHATICI) are collected lymph (tissue fluid) from body parts and are sent to the lower neck departments, where these vessels fall into the so-called venous angle, formed on the right and on the left of the fusion of the inner jugular and connector veins. The right venous angle flows the right jugular trunk (Truncus Jugularis Dexter), according to which Lymph flows from organs and tissues of the right half of the head and neck, the right connector barrel (Truncus subclavius \u200b\u200bdexter), carrying lymph from the right upper limb, and right lymphatic duct ( dUCTUS LYMPHATICUS DEXTER), In which Lymph is coming from the organs of the right half of the chest cavity.

In the left venous angle, formed by the fusion of the left inner jugular and left connector veins, the left jugular trunk (Truncus Jugularis Sinister), which flows lymph (tissue fluid) from the left half of the head and neck, and the left connector barrel (Trunks subclavius \u200b\u200bsinister), Gathering tissue fluid from organs and tissues of the left upper limb, and the largest lymphatic vessel - breast duct (DUCTUS THORACICUS), in which the tissue liquid flows (lymph) from the need of half the body and lower extremities.

The jugular trunk of the lymphatic system (right and left - truncus Jugularis Dexter Et Sinister) It is formed during the merger of the lateral cervical (internal jugs) lymph nodes of the corresponding side, lying near the internal jugular vein throughout its entire length.

The subclavian trunk in the structure of the lymphatic system (right and left - truncus subclavius \u200b\u200bdexter et sinister) is formed from the system of submitting lymphatic vessels of the axillary lymph nodes located in the armpit.

Breast duct of the organism lymphatic system

Breast duct lymphatic system ( ductus Thoracicus.) It is formed in the retroperitoneal fiber (at the level of XII breast - II lumbar vertebrae) when merging the right lumbar trunk (Truncus Lumbalis Dexter) and the left lumbar trunk (Truncus Lumbalis Sinister). Lumbar lymphatic trunks are formed from enduring lymphatic vessels of the right or left lumbar lymph nodes. In the primary part of the breast duct there are also 1-3 intestinal barrels (TRUNCI Intestinales), which endure lymph of mesenteric lymph nodes. In the chest duct flows the suspended lymphatic vessels of the preemptive, intercostal, as well as the mediocular lymph nodes of the chest cavity.

The length of the breast lymphatic duct is 30-41 cm. The initial (abdominal) part of the breast duct often has an extension - breast duct tank (Milky Cisterna Chyli) or has the type of network formed by the enduring lymph vessels of lumbar, curl, mesenteric lymph nodes.

From the abdominal cavity of the breast duct of the lymphatic system through the aortic hole of the diaphragm passes into the rear mediastinum of the chest cavity, where it is located on the front surface of the spinal column, behind the esophagus.

As can be seen in the photo of the lymphatic system of a person, at the level of VI-VII breast vertebrae, breast duct begins to deviate left, comes out from under the left edge of the esophagus, climbs up behind the left connectible and total carotid arteries and the wandering nerve:

At the level of VI-VII cervical vertebrae, the chest duct bends and forms an arc of breast duct (Arcus Ductus Thoracici), which envelopes the dome of the pleura from above and flows into the left venous angle or to the final department of one of the generators of its veins. One of the features of the structure of the lymphatic system is a separation (optional) finite breast duct department for two or more (up to seven) stems. The walls of the breast duct have an average muscle shell, capable of pushing the lymph in the duct from its beginning to the mouth. Breast duct has 7-9 valves.

The right dump of the lymphatic system ( ductus Lymphaticus Dexter.) It has a length of 10-12 mm, the right broncho-medioche trunk falls into it, sometimes the right connectible and jugular trunks are taken, which are usually followed independently to the right venous corner.

Vessels and nodes of the lymphatic system of lower extremities

The lymphatic vessels and nodes of the lower limb are divided into surface and deep. Surface lymphatic vessels located under the skin, on surface fascia, are formed from the networks of lymphatic capillaries in the thickness of the skin, subcutaneous tissue. Surface lymphatic vessels of the lower limb are followed along a large subcutaneous leg vein to surface inguinal lymph nodes.

Some of the surface lymphatic vessels of the soles of the foot and the back side of the lower legs are running along the low subcutaneous veins of the legs and flow into the popliteal lymph nodes located in the popliteate jam near the patellied artery and veins. Deep vessels of the lymphatic system of the lower extremities resulting from lymphatic capillaries of muscles, tendons, articular pits, synovial vagina, periosteum, are sent along deep blood vessels to deep inguinal and to the drop-down lymph nodes of the lower extremities.

Inguinal lymph nodes ( nodi Lymphatici Inguinales.) , surface and deep to which the lymphatic vessels of the lower limb are directed, external genital organs, the skin of the lower part of the front abdominal wall, the berry region, are located in the upper femur triangle departments, below the groove bundle. Surface inguinal lymph nodes (NODI Lymphatici Inguinales Superficiales) in the overall structure of the lymphatic system lie on the surface plate of wide fascia of the thigh.

Deep inguinal lymph nodes ( nODI LYMPHATICI INGUINALES PROFUNDI) Located in the iliac-grained furrow near the femoral arteries and veins.

The luminous lymphatic vessels of inguinal lymph nodes through vascular lacuna are sent to the pelvis cavity, to the outer iliac lymph nodes.

Lymphatic vessels and nodes of a small pelvis

Lymphatic vessels and pelvites are divided into visceral and parietal lymph nodes.

Visceral (domestic), or internal iliac lymph nodes ( nODI LYMPHATICI ILIACI INTERNI) , located in the pelvis cavity near the internal organs. Near bladder NODI LYMPHATICI PARAVESICULARES (NODI LYMPHATICI PARAVESICULARES), NODI LYMPHATICI PARAUTERINI (NODI LYMPHATICI PARAUTERINI), NODI LYMPHATICI PARAUTERINI (NODI LYMPHATICI PARAVAGINALES). Near the rectum are near-lymphatic lymph nodes (NODI Lymphatici Pararateles). The listetric lumfate vessels of visceral nodes pelvis are directed to the common ileum and to the gutter lymph nodes (under the aortic bifurcation). Lymphatic vessels from ovaries follow up to lumbar lymph nodes.

Parietal (cloth), or outer iliac lymph nodes ( ) , located on the pelvis walls near the large blood vessels - branches and the tributaries of external iliac artery and veins.

Near the top and bottom buttock arteries lie buttock lymphatic nodes ( nodi Lymphatici gluteales.) To which the lymphatic vessels are sent from the muscles and other organs of the berry region and from the adjacent walls of the small pelvis. Near locking vessels there are lockable lymph nodes (NODI Lymphatici Obturatorii). On the front surface of the sacrum, knutz from the front sacrats, there are sacral lymph nodes (NODI Lymphatici Sacrales), to which lymphs from the rectum. From the clutter lymph nodes of a small pelvic, the endowing lymphatic vessels are sent to the outer and common ileum lymph nodes.

Outdoor iliac lymph nodes ( nODI LYMPHATICI ILIACI EXTERNI) Located near outdoor iliac artery and veins, where these nodes form the medial, lateral and intermediate (in the furrow between the vessels) of the chain.

Removing lymphatic vessels of internal and external iliac assemblies are sent to the general iliac lymphatic nodes ( nodi Lymphatici Iliaci Communes) located on the side wall of the pelvis next to the general iliac artery and vein, where these nodes also form lateral, intermediate and medial chains. The medial chain of the right and left general iliac nodes of the lymphatic system of the person at the top goes into the sustainable lymph nodes (NODI Lymphatici Subaortici), located directly under the aortic bifurcation. The reduced lymphatic vessels of common ileum and static lymph nodes are sent to lumbar lymph nodes lying near the abdominal part of the aorta and the lower hollow vein.

Lymphatic vessels and abdominal nodes

The lymphatic vessels and the nests of the abdominal cavity are divided into visceral (domestic) and parietal (intricate). Visceral lymphatic nodes (NODI Lymphatici viscerates) are located near the unpaired visceral branches of the abdominal part of the aorta (ventricular barrel, upper and lower mesenteric arteries). And the curl lymphatic nodes (NODI Lymphatici Coeliaci) lying near the ventricular barrel, lymphatic vessels are directed from the lymph nodes of the stomach, pancreas and spleen, from renal and liver lychers. Right and left gastric lymph nodes are located near the small curvature of the stomach along its arteries and veins.

Left gastric lymph nodes ( nODI LYMPHATICI GASTICI SINISTRI) Groaned to the left gastric artery and its branches. The lymphatic vessels coming from the front and rear stomach walls are flowing into these nodes.

Right gastric lymph nodes ( nODI LYMPHATICI GASTIRICI DEXTRI) Located in the course of the artery of the same name above the gatekeeper. Piloric (pridicate) lymph nodes (NODI Lymphatici Pylorici) are located near the gatekeeper (on the head of the pancreas), next to the upper gastrointestinal artery. Lymphatic vessels fall into the pylorial nodes not only from the gatekeeper, but also from the head of the pancreas. Cardial lymph nodes (NODI Lymphatici Cardiaci) are located near the cardiac part of the stomach (cardia) and the chain is surrounded by the entrance to the stomach - Cardia's lymphatic ring (Anulus Lymphaticus Cardiae). The lymphatic vessels of the cardiac part of the stomach and its bottom, as well as from the abdominal part of the esophagus, are sent to these nodes.

Along the large curvature of the stomach, the right and left gastrointestinal abdominal lymph nodes are located, in which the lymphatic vessels coming from the walls of the stomach, adjacent and great curvature, as well as from the Big Salna. Right gastrointestinal lymph nodes (NODI Lymphatici Gastrooomenés Dextri) are adjacent to the right gastrointestinal artery. Left gastrointestinal lymph nodes (NODI Lymphatici GastrooomenAs Sinistri) lie in the course of the artery of the same name.

Along the upper edge of the pancreas (near the spleen artery and veins) publishing lymph nodes are located ( nodi Lymphatici Pancreatici.) . The splenic lymph nodes (NODI Lymphatici Splenici) are located at the gate of the spleen, in the thickness of the ventricle-depletion bundle. Lymphatic vessels are sent to these nodes from the bottom of the stomach, left gastrointestinal lymph nodes and from the spleen capsule.

From the head of the pancreas and from the duodenal estate of the vessels in the structure of the lymphatic system are sent to the pancreas and duodenal nodes (NODI Lymphatici PancreatodUodenales), which are located between the pancreas head and duodenalist, At the place of sign up in it, the general gall duct. One of the nodes of this group lies in the front wall of the gland hole (node \u200b\u200bof the gland hole - Nodus Foraminalis).

Hepatic lymph nodes ( nodi Lymphatici Hepatici.) They are located in the thickness of the hepatic and duodenal ligament in the course of the common hepatic artery and portal veins, as well as near the neck of the gallbladder (the gall knot - Nodus Cysticus). The luminous and bubble lymph vessels of hepatic and bubble lymph nodes are directed to the curl and lumbar lymph nodes.

Mesenteric lymphatic nodes ( nODI LYMPHATICI MESENTERICI.) Located in the mesentery of the small intestine near the upper mesenteric artery and its branches. Removing lymphatic vessels of mesenteric lymph nodes follow the lumbar lymph nodes or form intestinal trunks (Trunci Intestinales), which flow directly in the chest duct. The lymphatic vessels of the final ileal gut fall into the iliac and seeding of intestinal lymph nodes (NODI Lymphatici ileocolici).

Lymphatic colon vessels flow into lymph nodes, adjacent to riming arteries - the branches of the upper and lower mesenteric arteries. The anatomy of the lymphatic system is such that the vessels of a blind intestine and a worm-like grip flow into the sluggish lymphatic nodes (NODI Lymphatici Caecales), as well as in the iliac and wearing intestinal lymph nodes. The lymphatic vessels of the ascending seashive intestine fell into the right shepherd-intestinal lymph nodes (NODI Lymphatici Dextri), adjacent to the right coloning artery and to the ascending colon.

Lymphatic transverse colon vessels are sent to medium shepherd-intestinal lymph nodes ( nODI LYMPHATICI MEDII COLICI) lying in the thickness of the mesentery of the transverse colon, near the middle colon artery and its branches. From the downward and sigmoid colon, the lymphatic vessels are sent to the left rimphatic lymphatic nodes (NODI Lymphatici Colici Sinistri) and the Sigmid-intestinal lymph nodes (NODI Lymphatici Sigmoidei), which are located near the arteries of the same name and their branches.

To sigmoid-intestinal lymph nodes and to upper rectified knots ( nODI LYMPHATICI RECTALES SUPERIORES) Suitable lymphatic vessels from the top of the rectum. The lymphatic vessels of the sigmoid-intestinal and left sewerous lymphatic nodes are sent to the lower honeybee lymphatic nodes (NODI Lymphatici Mesentterici Inferiores). The endowing lymphatic vessels of the iliac and seeding, as well as the right, middle and left seeding lymph nodes are sent to lumbar lymph nodes.

Lumbar lymph nodes In the anatomy of the lymphatic system of the person (NODI Lymphatici Lumbales) are located all over the back of the abdominal wall (retroperly) near the aorta and the lower hollow vein. This group releases left, right and intermediate lumbar lymph nodes. Left lumbar lymphatic nodes (NODI Lymphatici Lumbales Sinistri) are adjacent in the form of a chain to the abdominal part of the aorta on the left, front and rear (lateral aortic, denital and early - NODI Lymphatici Aortici Laterales, Preaortici et Postaortici). Right Lumbar Lumbales Dextri (NODI Lymphatici Lumbales Dextri), located near the lower hollow vein, are divided into predocks, early and lateral camural lymph nodes (NODI Lymphatici Precavales, Postcavales et Cavales Laterales). In the furrow between the aorta and the lower hollow veloy there are intermediate lumbar (Interathtocaval) lymphatic nodes (NODI Lymphatici Lumbales InterMedii). Lymphatic system of vessels + and nodes

Through the lumbar lymph nodes, Lymph passes from the lower extremities, walls and pelvis organs, from the internal organs located in the abdominal cavity, as well as from gastric, mesenteric, hepatic, shepherd-intestinal and other lymph nodes.

Note the photo of the lymphatic system - the exile vessels of lumbar nodes form the right and left lumbar lymph nuclear trunks (Truncus Lumbalis DEXTER ET TRUNCUS LUMBALIS SINISTER), flowing into the chest duct:

Parietal lymph nodes of the abdominal cavity are also on the front wall. In the lower left abdominal wall departments are the lower left lymph nodes (NODI Lymphatici Epigastrici Inferiores), steam rooms lying in the same time of the blood vessels of the same name. The lymphatic vessels coming from the anterior abdominal wall organs fall into these nodes. The endowing the lymphatic vessels of these nodes are directed downward, to the outer iliac lymph nodes, and upwards along the upper surface vessels to the ocularity lymphatic nodes.

In the abdominal cavity near the right and left lower diaphragmal arteries are located lower diaphragmal lymph nodes ( nODI LYMPHATICI PHRENICI INFERIOORES) which flows the lymphatic vessels of the diaphragm, the back of the right and the left lodge of the liver.

The underlying lymphatic vessels of the lower diaphragm nodes of the lymphatic system are sent to the vigorous and lumbar lymph nodes.

Vessels and nodes of the lymphatic system of the chest cavity

The lymphatic vessels and nodes of the chest cavity are also subdivided into parietal (intternate) and visceral (domestic) lymph nodes. To the parietal (closed) lymphatic nodes of the chest cavity include the upper diaphragmal lymph nodes (NODI Lymphatici PHRENICI Superiores), which lie on the diaphragm, the shock and on the sides of the pericardium, as well as okaludinny, intercostal and pre-convertible lymph nodes.

In the group of upper diaphragmal lymph nodes (with respect to pericardium), pre-execodial, lateral pericarordial lymph nodes ( nODI LYMPHATICI PREPERICARDIALES ET Pericardiales Laterales) . Pre-ditial nodes are located behind the sword-shaped process, at the place of entry into the diaphragm of the muscular-diaphragmal arteries. Lateral pericardial nodes lie near the diaphragmal nerves. Lymphatic diaphragm vessels, pericardium, pleura and diaphragmatic side of the liver are sent to the upper diaphragmal nodes. Removing lymphatic vessels of the upper diaphragmal lymph nodes flow into ocal, medioched, lower tracheobronchial and bronchopal lymph nodes.

On the back of the front breast wall to the right and left of the sternum, near the internal chest artery and veins are located occonditional lymph nodes ( nodi Lymphatici Parasternals.) . The lymphatic vessels coming from the anterior breast wall organs, from the pleura and pericardium, the lower pending and upper diaphragmal lymph nodes, as well as the diaphragmatic side of the liver (penetrate the diaphragm) and from the breast, bringing the lymphatic vessels of the right octatural lymph nodes from the breast Packed into presequent lymph nodes located near the right shoulder vein. The lymphatic vessels of the left ocoladity nodes flow into deniutal lymph nodes, as well as directly in the chest duct.

In the intercostal intervals near the rear intercostal vessels are located intercostal lymph nodes of the chest lymphatic system ( nodi Lymphatici intercostales.) , and near the spinal column are pre-showing lymphatic nodes (NODI Lymphatici Prevertebreles). Lymphatic vessels are sent to these nodes from the rear wall of the chest cavity. The terminating lymphatic vessels of intercostal nodes fall into the chest duct, as well as in the ocolidate and deep lateral cervical (internal jugs) lymph nodes located near the inner jugular vein.

Visceral (domestic) lymph nodes of the lymphatic system of the chest cavity, located near the internal organs and large blood vessels, are divided into front and rear media.

Front media lymphatic nodes ( nodi Lymphatici MediaStinales Anteriores) In the upper mediastinum, subdivided into predocal lymph nodes (NODI Lymphatici Precavales), which are kepened from the upper vein and the right-handed shoulder veins, distorticocarotic (NODI Lymphatici PREATICOCAROTICI), lying near the beginning of the left overall sleepy and plug-in arteries, and horizontal chain nodes located on the front surface of the left shoulder vein and the shoulder barrel. Limph media lymphatic nodes are flowing for lymphatic heart vessels, pericardium, as well as bright-light and tracheobronchial lymph nodes. Removing lymphatic vessels of prevostic lymphatic nodes form the right bronchostered trunk (Truncus Bronchome- Diastinalis Dexter), as well as directed to distortionocarotide lymph nodes. The front mediastum on the chest ducts, which endors the lymphatic vessels, into the left jugular trunk, and are also sent to the left lateral (internal jugular) lymphatic nodes of the neck.

Separately, when characteristics of the lymph system of the chest cavity, highlight rear media nodes ( nodi Lymphatici Mediastenales Posteriores) which are located near the descending part of the aorta and near the esophagus: Equaline Lymph nodes (NODI Lymphatici JUXTAOOSOPHAGEALES), as well as the neodyortici interacticooophageales. Behind the aortic and on the side of it are nearby lymphatic nodes (NODI Lymphatici juxtaaortici). The lymphatic vessels of these nodes are taken directly in the chest duct, as well as in the lower tracheobronchial and left bronchopile lymph nodes.

The lymph vessels of the lungs are sent to the bronchopile and tracheobronchial lymph nodes. Intoral bronchopulmonary nodes ( nodi Lymphatici Bronchopulmonales.) they are located in each light in the branch places of the main bronchus to the equity and equity - on segmental bronchi. Extractive (root) Bronchildren Lymph nodes (NODI Lymphatici Bronchopulmonales (Hilares) are around the main bronchi, near the pulmonary artery and veins. The endowing lymphatic vessels of the right and left bronchopheral lymph nodes are sent to the lower and upper tracheobrochetic lymph nodes, as well as flow into the prejudicial (right) and in distortionocarotide (left) lymph nodes.

The lower tracheobronchial (bifurcation) nodes of the body's lymphatic system (NODI Lymphatici Tracheoobronchiales Inferiores) lie under the division of the trachea to the main bronchi. The upper tracheobronchial lymph nodes are on the side surface of the trachea over the corresponding chief bronchus. Near the trachea are near-lamphatic lymphatic nodes (NODI Lymphatici Paratracheales). The reduced lymphatic vessels of the right upper tracheobronchial lymph nodes are involved in the formation of the right bronighting trunk. The luminous lymphatic vessels of the left upper tracheosobronchial lymph nodes fall into the chest duct.

Vessels and nodes of the lymphatic system of the head and neck of man

Lymphatic head nodes are located on the border of the head and neck. The occipital, deputyidial, parotid and cap, subband, subeliphered lymph nodes, from which the lymph on vessels are sent down to the surface and deep lymph nodes of the neck are isolated.

Baseline lymphatic nodes ( nodi Lymphatici Ospipitals.) Lying behind the place of attachment of the breast-curable-bed-like muscle, near the occipital blood vessels. There are lymphatic vessels from the skin of the occipital region and deeply tissues of the neck. The lymph node lymphatic vessels are sent to lateral deep cervical lymph nodes.

Summer emptat nodes ( nODI LYMPHATICI MASTOIDEI.) Located behind own sink on a predominant process. The lifting lymphatic vessels of these nodes are sent to the parole, surface cervical (near the outer jugular vein) and to the lateral deep cervical (inner outer) lymphatic nodes. Easy Lymph nodes of the head (NODI Lymphatici Parotidei), surface and deep, are located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe salivary gland. Lymphatic vessels from the skin and other organs of the frontal and dark heads of the head, from the ear shell, the outer auditory passage of the hearing tube, the upper lip, the near-dry salivary gland are directed to the near-key lymph nodes. The lymphatic vessels of these nodes of the man's heads fall into the surface (near the outer jugular veins) and lateral deep cervical (internal jugs) lymphatic nodes.

Pulp lymphatic nodes ( nodi Lymphatici retropharyngeales.) Lying behind the throat and on the side of it. Lymphatic vessels are sent to these nodes from the walls of the pharynx, the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity and the incomparatory (apparent) sinuses, from the nose, the hearing tube and the eardround of the middle ear. Removing lymphatic vessels of cap nodes flow into lateral deep cervical (internal jugs) lymphatic nodes. Lamizhelyluble heads of the head of the head of the head (NODI Lymphatici submandibulares) are located under lower jaw. The lymphatic vessels from the skin of the face, soft tissues of the eyelid, nose, lips, cheeks are sent to these nodes. Choining lymph nodes (NODI Lymphatici submentales) lie between the front abdomen of the right and left bubbly muscles. The endowing lymphatic vessels of these groups of nodes are sent down and flow into lateral deep cervical (internal jugs) lymphatic nodes.

Next to the lymphatic head in the neck area, surface and deep lymphatic nodes are distinguished. Surface cervical lymph nodes ( nODI LYMPHATICI CERVICAALES SUPERFICIALES ) Located near the outer jugular vein, on the trapezoid muscle. The lifting lymphatic vessels of these nodes are sent to lateral deep cervical (internal jugs) lymphatic nodes.

Deep cervical lymph nodes ( nODI LYMPHATICI CERVICALES PROFUNDI) Located in the front and lateral areas of the neck. These nodes include the footnight (NODI Lymphatici Prelaryngeales), the thyroid (NODI Lymphatici Thyroidei), Prechero (NODI Lymphatici Pretracheales), Paratracheal (NODI Lymphatici Paratracheales) lymph nodes lying next to the trachea. In the lateral area of \u200b\u200bthe neck, near the inner jugular vein, in the form of a chain are lateral neck deep (internal jugs) lymphatic nodes (NODI Lymphatici Cervicales Laterales Profundi).

In the lymphatic neck system, the vessels of lateral cervical deep nodes form on each side of the neck with a jugular trunk (Truncus Jugularis Dexter Et Sinister). This barrel flows into a venous angle or in one of the corresponding side of its sides, into the right lymphatic duct (right) or to the finite department of the breast duct (left).

Lymphatic vessels and nodes of the upper extremities

The upper limb differences surface and deep lymphatic vessels heading to elbow and axillary lymph nodes. Surface lymphatic vessels are located near the subcutaneous veins of the upper limb. Deep lymphatic vessels, distinguished lymphs from muscles, tendons, fascia, articular ligaments and capsules, periosteum, nerves, accompany arteries and deep veins of the upper limb.

Elbow lymph nodes ( nodi Lymphatici Cubitals.) They are located in the elbow fossa superficially, near the medial subcutaneous vein, as well as in depth, under fascia, near the arteries and veins. Related lymphatic vessels of elbow nodes are sent to axillary lymph nodes ( nodi Lymphatici AXILLARES.) located in the axillary cavity. In the group of axillary lymph nodes, lateral, medial (or thoracic), sublock (or rear), lower, central and top lymph nodes, which are adjacent to the walls of the axillary cavity, and the central and tops are located near the vascular-nerve beam.

In the armpit lymph nodes of the upper extremities, surface and deep lymphatic vessels of the upper limb, the front, lateral and rear walls of the chest cavity and the dairy (chest) gland are revealed. From the breast, lymphatic vessels are heading, mainly to the medial (breast) axillary, as well as to the central and top lymphatic nodes. Breast lymphatic vessels are also followed by okology and lateral cervical deep lymphatic nodes. The limp vessels of the lateral, medial, rear, lower and central groups of axillary nodes are directed to the top armpit lymph nodes. Removing lymphatic vessels of the top axillary lymph nodes form a connector barrel (Truncus subclavius) or two-three large vessels, which fall into the venous angle in the lower sections of the neck or in the subclavian vein on the right, and on the left - to the neck part of the chest.

The lymphatic system is an integral part of the vascular system and represents an extension channel of the venous system with which it has common features Buildings (the presence of valves, the direction of the current limf from tissues to the heart).

Her main functions - Conducting lymphs from tissues in venous channel (transport, resorption and drainage functions) (Fig. 49), the formation of lymphoid elements (lymphopoeodez) participating in immunological reactions, as well as neutralizing foreign particles entering the body, bacteria, and the like. (barrier role). The cells of malignant tumors are also applied by lymphatic paths.

Fig. 49. Blood movement, fabric fluid

and lymphs in the human body.

Lymphatic systemlocated in all body bodies. It consists of numerous lymphatic capillaries, lymphatic vessels of various diameters and lymph nodes.

Lymphatic vessels filled with lymph, which moves in one direction - from organs to heart and is poured into the venous direction. Sports massage contributes to the outflow of lymphs from organs and tissues. Therefore, it is usually massaged in the course of lymphatic vessels, which contributes to a faster promotion of lymph.

Lymph It is a transparent liquid, in which white uniform elements are contained - lymphocytes, a small amount of eosinophils and monocytes. In terms of its composition, Limph resembles a blood plasma, however, the protein content is less than in plasma. In it, cells allocate products for their metabolism. The formation of lymph occurs due to the liquid part of the blood plasma, which is filtered into the lymphatic channel through the main substance of the connective tissue surrounding the blood capillaries. The lymph movement is much slower than blood flow and is due to the pushing action of the newly formed lymph and the physiological activity of the organs, in particular the reduction of muscles.

The lymphatic system is not closed, like a blood (large and small circulation circles). It begins blindly a network of lymphatic capillaries in all tissues and ends in large sake veins. Another difference of the lymphatic system from the bloodstream is the presence of lymphatic nodes in the course of lymphatic vessels, in which the formation of lymphocytes occurs.

Anatomically in the lymphatic system distinguish the following parts: lymphatic capillaries, lymphatic vessels, lymph nodes, lymphatic trunks and ductures.

Lymphatic capillariesblinds begin in organs and tissues and carry out suction (resorption) from tissues of colloidal solutions of protein substances that did not suck in the blood capillaries. They are an additional to the veins of the tissue drainage, because Water absorbed and substances dissolved in it are removed from tissues in pathological conditions foreign particles, bacteria, etc. The wall of lymphatic capillaries is constructed from one layer of endothelial cells. They are available in all organs, with the exception of the spinal and brain, spleen, the epithelial cover of the skin, cartilage, cornea and lens of the eyes, placenta and pituitary gland. Lymphatic capillaries in organs form lymphatic networks, of which are formed intraganic lymphatic vessels, Going together with blood.

From each organ out extraorgan lymphatic vessels, which accompany artery and veins and are sent to the lymph nodes.

The lymph nodes Located in the course of lymphatic vessels. They consist of lymphoid and connective tissues and are organs of lymphopower and antibody formation. They are delayed and neutralized alien particles and pathogenic microorganisms for the body, the lymphocyte lymphocytes occurs. Lymph nodes that turn out to be the first on the path of lymphatic vessels carrying lymphs from this area of \u200b\u200bthe body or body are called regional. The dimensions of lymph nodes range from 2 to 30 mm.

Each lymph node is covered with a connective tissue capsule, from which partitions are deployed inside the node, which divide the node on the slices. The lymph node is suitable somewhat bringing (dischargeable) lymphatic vessels, along which Lymph gets inside; One - two eating vessels are departed from the node, according to which its outflow occurs (Fig. 50).

Fig. 50. The structure of the lymphatic node.

The lymphatic assembly consists of a duddering of cortical and brainstabs. In the cortical substance there are follicles containing immunocompetent cells (in-lymph-quits). The brainstatus is represented by heavy beverages, which are a zone of cluster in lymphocytes associated with the production of humoral immunity. The lymphatic system also includes lymphoid organs (lymphatic follicles, almonds), which have only enduring lymphatic vessels.

Lymphatic nodes can lie isolated or separate groups. In total, their person has about 460. The largest groups of lymph nodes include: in the field of head and neck - submandibular, front and rear cervical; on the upper limb - elbow and axillary; in the chest cavity - front and rear media; In the abdominal cavity - the ventricular and upper mesenteric; On the lower limb - popliteal and inguinal. With a massage, the movement of the hands should be directed along the limp current to the nearest lymph nodes.

After passing through the last group of lymph nodes, the lymphatic vessels are connected to lymphatic trunks (Fig. 51) corresponding to the number and location of large parts of the body - the lumbar barrel (for the lower limb and the pelvis), a connector barrel (for the upper limb), a tier barrel (for Heads and necks), paired bronchiestone-free (for the organs of the chest) and the intestinal barrel (for the abdominal organs). All these trunks are combined into two final ducts - the right lymphatic duct and chest duct (Fig. 51), which fall into large veins, mainly in the inner jugular veins or in venous angles, formed by the merge of the inner jugular vein and the connectible.

Fig. 51. Stems and ducts of the lymphatic system.

Breastbank Collects most lymphs. It is subject to lymph from both lower extremities, the abdominal cavity organs, the left half of the chest, the left half of the head and the neck and the left upper limb. It begins at the level of 1-2 lumbar vertebrae as a result of the merger of the right and left lumbar trunks, passes through the chest cavity and opens into the left venous angle, formed by the fusion of the left connectural and inner jugular veins.

Right lymphatic dashingcollects lymph from the right upper limb, the right half of the head, neck and chest. It flows into the right venous angle or right subclavian vein.

Blood formation and immune system

Blood and lymphatic vessels are always filled with blood or lymph, which includes uniform elements of blood. The function and structure of their diverse: red blood cells are transferred oxygen and carbon dioxide, various leukocytes are involved in regulatory and protective reactions organism.

Blood cells and lymphs develop in red bone marrow. It is a gentle mass rich in blood vessels, the basis of which is a reticular tissue. In its loops of special cellular elements - stem cells - blood cells and lymphs are born. Therefore, the red bone marrow is at the same time an organ of blood formation and one of central organs Immune system. The red bone marrow is located in the spongy substance of flat bones (chestnuts), in the spongy substance of epiphysis of long (tubular) bones.

Immunology- Immunity science. It originated from the vitality to prevent and treat infectious diseases. The body is capable of producing protective properties against infections. Among blood cells - leukocytes - 30% are lymphocytes, which carry out all specific immunity reactions - the production of antibodies that struggle with microorganisms, rejection of transplanted tissues or organs from another person, antiviral protection.

The entire immune system of the body consists of two separately arranged, but jointly working systems. They are denoted by Latin letters T and V.

T-lymphocyte system represented by the central lymphoid organ - fork iron (thymus). Only in it develops T-lymphocytes from bone marrow stem cells.

TO system in lymphocytesrefers the second central lymphoid organ - bone marrow. In lymphocytes produce antibodies. Immune process provide more phagocytes - White blood calves capable of devouring microorganisms falling into the human body.

Each cell group performs a strictly defined function. B-lymphocytes are mainly carried out by the functions of humoral immunity. It belongs to liquids (blood, lymph, the secret of the glands), which contain special substances involved in immune processes. T-lymphocytes milk gland Cellular immunity is carried out, in which the lymphocytes of particular sensitivity destroy the cells entering the body.

Thus, a whole cellular complex works in the immune system. Circulating in the body, it interacts with it using receptors and chemical signals of various mediators that are capable of raising or lowering functional activity immune cells blood. The main role in it belongs to the fork gland. Immunity "matures" only after birth, so newborn, the fork glands are relatively large, since lymphocytes located in peripheral lymphoid organs (in lymph nodes, spleen, in the lymphoid tissue of the digestive organs, respiratory systems, urinary tract), as well as circulating with blood, without a fork gland can not start working - to recognize and destroy alien cells.

Immunity is the forces of the body, protecting it not only from microorganisms and viruses, but also from all genetically alien cells, tissues and organs. Therefore, the problem of incompatibility during organ transfers from another person is immunological. The main task of modern immunological science is the search for the methods of protecting the body from living bodies and substances carrying signs of genetically alien information.

Spleenit is a richly vascularized lymphoid body. In the spleen, the circulatory system enters close contact with lymphoid tissue, so that blood here is enriched with leukocytes developing in the spleen. In addition, the blood passed through the spleen is exempt due to the phagocytic activities of the macrophages of the spleen from the arms of red blood cells ("Cemetery" of red blood cells) and from the pathoral microbes that suspended foreign particles and the like in the blood circuit.

The spleen is located in the left hypochondrium at the level of 9 to 11 ribs. Peritun, fursting with a capsule of a spleen, covers it from all sides.

Fig. 52. The structure of the spleen.

The self-capsule of the spleen continues to the crowd of the organ in the form of a crossbar, forming the cozen of the spleen, separating it into separate sections. Between Trabezlas is a spleen pulp containing lymphatic follicles (Fig. 52). The pulp consists of reticular tissue, various cellular elements, lymphocytes and decaying erythrocytes. The lymphoid tissue of the spleen contains lymphocytes involved in immunological reactions. The pulp is the death of a piece of blood shape elements. Iron hemoglobin of destroyed erythrocytes is sent according to the veins in the liver, where it serves as material for the synthesis of biliary pigments.

The lymphatic system (translated from Latin -Systema Lymphsticum) is a component of a circulatory system in the human body and vertebral animals. Its functions are diverse, it plays an important role in metabolism and cell self-cleaning processes.

Unlike the arteries and veins, providing blood transport, the lymphatic vessels are transferred lymph - transparent liquid, which is a type of intercellular substance. On the peculiarities of lymphorage, anatomy and physiology of vessels and systems of the system will talk in our review and video in this article.


The lymphism system is closely related to, accompanies and complements it. On a separate vessels, the outflow of the tissue fluid into the blood. In addition, the system participates in the transport of fats from the small intestine to the bloodstream and the protection of the body from infections and damaging factors of the external environment.


The following elements of the lymphatic system are distinguished in the anatomy:

  • capillaries and vessels;
  • large trunks of large diameter;
  • dukes;
  • nodes;
  • lymphatic organs - almonds, fork iron (thymus) and spleen (see photo).

Lymphatic capillaries are the smallest cloud tubes that form a powerful branched network in organs and tissues from one end. Since the walls of such capillaries are very thin, protein particles and interstitial fluid are easily penetrated, which are then transported into the circulatory system. Be sure to read this article to the end to find out what value the lymphatic system occupies in the human body.

Merging, a plurality of small capillaries form vessels, the diameter of which increases in the direction of the periphery to the center. The structure of lymphatic vessels is similar to the structure of veins, however, the first to have thinner walls and a significant number of valves that prevent the reverse movement of lymph into the interstitial space. What is the lymphatic vessels?

The wall of the hollow tube transporting lymph has three layers:

  • outdoor connective tissue;
  • medium smooth muscle;
  • internal endothelial.

It is interesting. For the first time, lymphatic vessels explored and described the French Anatas Jean Pekka in 1651.

From the body fabrics, lymphatic vessels usually come out with blood.

Depending on the location, they are divided into:

  • deep - localized in the internal organs;
  • surface lymphatic vessels are close to subcutaneous veins.

Note! Lymphatic vessels are located in almost all tissues and organs. However, there are exceptions: cartilage, functional fabric of the spleen, crystal and shells of the eyeball.

As it moves from the periphery to the center of formation of small diameters merge into larger, regional lymphatic vessels form. In addition, each vessel passes through the so-called nodes located in groups throughout the body. Lymph nodes are small clusters of lymphoid tissue with a rounded, ellipsoid or bean-shaped.

Here is Lymph:

  • filtered;
  • purified from foreign elements;
  • frequently from malicious microorganisms.

Note! Also in lymph nodes there is a synthesis of lymphocytes - immunity cells aimed at combating infection.

Lamph vessels of the lymphatic system form trunks, which are subsequently merged into lymphatic ducts:

  1. Breast - Collects lymph from all organs below the ribs, as well as the left hand, left half of the chest, neck and head. Falls into the left V. SUBCLAVIA.
  2. Right - Collects lymph from the right upper departments of the body. Falls into the right v. SUBCLAVIA.

Functions performed

Among the functions performed by the lymphatic system, experts identify the following:

  1. Transportation of fabric fluid from the intercellular space into the circulatory system.
  2. Transport of lipid molecules coming from food from the small intestine to the blood.
  3. Filtering and removal of exhaust products of vital activity of cells and foreign substances.
  4. Development of lymphocytes protecting the body from the action of pathogenic bacteria and viruses.

How lymph is formed

The main component of lymph is an intercellular fluid. As a result of filtration processes in blood vessels of small diameter, plasma is output in an interstitial space. Subsequently, such a tissue fluid is reabsorbed (subject to reverse absorption) into the blood, and also enters the lymphatic capillaries.

It is interesting. It is possible to notice lymph if you accidentally hurt. The transparent liquid arising from the scene of the core in the spacious is the name "Sukrovitsa".

Topographic anatomy

Knowledge of the topography and features of the functioning of the lymphatic system is extremely important for any specialist in the field of medicine. After examining the patient, the doctor should pay attention to pathological changes from lymphatic vessels, nodes or organs.

Head and Neck

The lymph nodes and vessels of the head and neck are of great practical interest for the therapeutic and pediatric profile specialists.

Lymph with these organs are collected in jugular trunks, which are in parallel to the veins of the same name and fall:

  • on the right - to the right-hand / right venous angle;
  • left - in Ductus Thoracicus / left venous angle.

In its path, the vessels pass through several groups of regional lymph nodes, which are described in the table.

Table: Lymph nodes of the head and neck:

Name Latin name Provide the outflow of lymphy
Toweloccipitals.From the occipital, as well as the back of the rash and temporal areas of the head
Sucepicalmastoidei.Same + from ear (rear surface), eardrum, rumor passage
Okolumesparotidei.From the skin of the forehead, temple, the outer surface of the ear, parts of the eyelids, the parole, drumpipe
Subbandsubmandibulares.From the lateral surface of the chin, lip tissues, nose and cheeks, as well as teeth and gums
Facialfaciales.From mimic muscles and other fabrics
Subordaressubmentales.From the tip of the tongue and the lower jaw
Front cervicalcervicales Anterior.From the larynx, thyroid gland, trachea and the front surface of the neck
Lateral cervicalcervicales Laterales.Deep tissues and neck organs

Upper limbs

From the tissues and organs located in the belt of the upper limbs, the lymph is assembled into a subclavian lymphatic barrel, which accompanies the artery of the same name and flows on the appropriate side or in the chest or in the right-hand duct.

The main lymphatic vessels of hands are divided into:

  • surface:
  • medial;
  • lateral;
  • deep.

Regional lymph nodes of the upper limbs are located near the largest joints and are called elbow, shoulder and axillary.

Chest organs

From the breastfeeding organs (including lymphatic heart vessels, lungs and mediastinum organs), Lymph is going to large trunks - the right and left bronighting-free, each of which moves to the ducts on the appropriate side.

In the chest cavity, all lymph nodes are divided into parietal and viscerals. The first are located on the rear, front and lower surface of the chest.

In turn, they are:

  • assumed;
  • intercostal;
  • oklocudnaya;
  • occonditional;
  • upper diaphragmal.

Among the visceral lymph nodes are distinguished premarking, lateral pericarordial, media (front, rear).

Abdominal organs

The lymph nodes and vessels of the abdominal cavity have some differences from the components of the lymphatic system located in other topographic areas. Thus, in the structure of the small intestine, special chilus vessels are distinguished, which are located in the mucous membrane of the organ, and then continue to the mesentery, carrying out the transport of suction fat.

For the characteristic type of lymph, which acquires a white strip shade due to saturation, such vessels are often called milk.

Note! The remaining nutrients (amino acids, monosaccharides), vitamins and trace elements are absorbed directly into the venous system.

Abdominal lymphatic vessels of abdominal cavity are classified as follows:

  • vessels of the stomach and DPK;
  • lymphatic vessels in the liver and bustling bubble;
  • vessels located in the pancreas;
  • vessels of the serous intestinal shell;
  • mesenter vessels (left, medium and right group);
  • vessels of the top and bottom of the abdomen.

As in the thoracic cavity, the parietal distinguishes in this topographic education (they occur around the aorta and v. Cava interior) and viscerals (located along the branches of the ventricon) lymph nodes.

Low pelvis organs

The lymph vessels of the small pelvis organs are collected by lymph from organs and tissues of the corresponding topographic area and, as a rule, accompany the veins of the same name.

There are minor differences in the structure of the lymphatic system in men and women. Thus, the lymphatic vessels of the cervix passes mainly through iliac (external, internal) and sacral lymph nodes. The lymphotok from the egg is carried out through lumbar nodes.

Lower limbs

In the structure of the system of lymphottock of the lower extremities, several large groups of lymphatic nodes are distinguished:

  1. ROPLITEALIS - Located in a patellied jam.
  2. Inguinales (deep and superficial) - localized in the groin area.

Surface vessels pass two collective groups and flow into inguinal lymph nodes, which is also carried out from the outer surface of the buttocks, the abdominal wall and distal departments of NGOs. Deep vessels pass through popliteal knots, reaching deep inguinal lymph nodes.

Common pathology of blood circulation system

Unfortunately, the disease of the lymphatic system is not uncommon. They are found from representatives of any age, gender and nationality.

Conditionally, all pathologies under which the blood circulation system suffers can be divided into four groups:

  1. Tumor - lympholoicosis, lymphosarcoma, lymphoangoma, lymphogranulomatosis.
  2. Infectious inflammatory - Regional lymphadenitis, lymphangitis.
  3. Traumatic - Gap the spleen with accidents, stupid abdominal injuries, etc.
  4. Development defects - hypoplasia and aplasia of the components of the lymphatic system, lymphangiotasia, lymphangomatosis, binding lymphangopathy.

Important! Profile specialists are engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the lymphatic system - angiologist or angiohururg.

Any violation of the lymphatic system can lead to fatal consequences for the body, the price of delay in which is too high.

If there is complaints, it is important to ask for help in a timely manner: only the doctor will be able to compile an individual diagnostic and treatment plan (for each disease - its medical instruction). Compliance with the recommendations of a specialist and an integrated approach to therapy will help improve health and avoid the development of complications.