Treatment of hydrocele without surgery. Hydrocele (dropsy of the testicle): the clinical picture of the disease and the degree of danger to male health. Dropsy of the testicles in newborns


Most men, having heard the diagnosis of dropsy of the testicle during examination, begin to panic, deciding that this was a verdict. In fact, the appearance of serous fluid in the scrotum does not always require surgery. After reviewing the information and photos, a man will be able to make his choice on how to get rid of dropsy of the testicle.

What is dropsy of the testicle in men

Hydrocele or dropsy can be of two types: congenital or acquired. The fluid that accumulates in the sections between the membranes inside the scrotum in large quantities leads to discomfort, an increase in size, and difficulty in the flow of urine or sperm during intercourse. With a small amount of serous fluid, it is visually difficult to determine the diagnosis. The color of the scrotum does not change; it remains elastic to the touch.

Why does fluid accumulate in the scrotum?

In an adult man and a newborn boy or under the age of one year, the causes of dropsy are different. What factors affect the appearance of the disease:

  • While still uterine, the male embryo begins to form genitals, but they are in the abdominal cavity. Before the moment of birth, the testicles descend into the scrotum through the abdominal process. If it does not tighten on time, then fluid enters the testicles through this passage and the newborn boy is diagnosed with congenital dropsy. Until they reach one year of age, doctors observe changes in the scrotum. By this time, in most cases, the boy's edema disappears on its own.
  • An adult man notices swelling, the appearance of dropsy in the inguinal zone after undergoing genital bacterial infections, trauma to the external male organs, and inguinal hernia surgery. The reason is a violation of the outflow of lymph from the testicular membrane space.

Is it possible to treat testicular hydrocele without surgery?

Timely treatment of the patient to the doctor, examination and treatment started will make it possible to do without drastic measures. Treatment of dropsy of the testicle without surgery in men is possible, according to the results, the effectiveness of this method is not inferior to the surgical one. The reproductive function is restored, the heaviness and swelling in the scrotum go away. To date, two methods are known and widely used that help remove fluid in the testes in men.

How to treat dropsy of the testicle in a man without surgery

Before resorting to methods of non-surgical removal of fluid from the testicular edema, an experienced doctor will prescribe anti-inflammatory therapy with drugs to remove the underlying cause of the edema. After the end of the course of treatment, the bulk of the fluid disappears by itself. If the volume of the scrotum is not completely restored, the tumor remains, then on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia, the procedure for treating hydrocele is performed without surgery in men by puncturing or sclerosing:

  • Puncture does not create a therapeutic effect, but for a while it will help alleviate the patient's condition. During this procedure, excess liquid is pumped out of the space between the shells. After a while, filling may be repeated.
  • Sclerotherapy is similar to puncture during the procedure. The liquid contents are pumped out from dropsy, but instead of it, medicinal substances, sclerosants, are introduced, under the influence of which the production of fluid decreases. To obtain a lasting effect, sclerotherapy is carried out two to three times.

Treatment of dropsy of the testicle with folk remedies

There are some alternative methods that treat dropsy of the testicle without surgery in men. Improvised means, herbal infusions relieve swelling, help the outflow of fluid from the scrotum. Here are some effective remedies for the complex treatment of hydrocele:

  • Pour 50-60 g of dried peas in half a liter of dark beer. Leave for an hour in a warm place, then bring to a boil and simmer for about 20 minutes. Use the cooled broth as a lotion on the swollen area twice a day.
  • Folk healer - fresh pharmacy chamomile, after washing it is crushed to a mushy state. The resulting mixture is applied to the scrotum several times a day. The compress relieves swelling well, quickly removes hematomas that remain after procedures for pumping out fluid.
  • Place 1 liter of milk and 800 grams of fresh parsley in an enamel container. Place in the oven for 3-4 hours at the lowest temperature until the volume of the liquid is halved. Drink during the day in small portions. Prepare a new infusion daily.


Dropsy can manifest itself in different forms, therefore, it is very easy to confuse it with other diseases.

However, if you suspect you have a similar ailment, take measures to cure... In some cases, it is possible to do without surgery.

Treatment of dropsy of the testicle without surgery in men

So, you have a disease, and the first thing you should do is go to the urologist for an examination.

It is imperative that you write a treatment method that will have the goal of not only eliminating the hydrocele, but also eliminating the causes of the disease that influenced the development of the disease.

The treatment procedure should begin in the urologist's office, as well as by sending you for a diagnosis... The doctor should assess your condition, as well as study the materials obtained through tests and examinations.

Having carried out palpation, the doctor, on the basis of the information received, establishes at what stage your disease is, and from this they conclude how it is necessary to treat the disease.

Many believe that only surgical intervention will get rid of testicular dropsy forever..

However, I dare to assure you that some methods of conservative treatment of dropsy of the testicle without surgery in men, which do not include surgery, can have a beneficial effect on the condition of your body and the genitourinary system in particular.

To resort to such conservative methods of treating hydrocele without surgery, it is necessary to correctly determine the stage of development. Very often, men discover dropsy in themselves and do not rush to see a urologist, independently diagnosing themselves and choosing a method of treatment.

This is unacceptable, since with such an attitude you risk, on the contrary, aggravate the situation. Your task is to consult a doctor in a timely manner, and at the same time, receive recommendations for treatment.

When is the conservative possible?

Before answering the question: "How to cure dropsy of the testicle without surgery and how to treat it?", Let's deal with the stages of the disease itself.

There are three stages of dropsy.:

  1. The first or initial, is characterized by the fact that it is very difficult to identify. The main symptom is scrotal swelling, but very rarely men pay attention to this.
  2. The second stage, or progressive, is marked by the fact that when urinating and having intercourse, the man feels some discomfort. This already becomes a signal to see a doctor.

    It is the second stage that is extreme, when conservative methods of treatment can be used..

    However, if it has just started to progress, and has not yet resulted in really serious problems, you have a chance to try to fight the disease using home methods.

  3. If we are talking about the third stage, which has already seriously harmed your body, and continues to progress, in order to avoid the danger of developing other, serious consequences, it is necessary to choose an operating method of intervention.

    Take care of your health, be sure to listen to the opinion of experts... It is possible that the condition of your genitourinary system can be undermined by the wrong treatment.

Medicines for hydrocele

In order to get rid of such an ailment as hydrocele, due attention must be paid to drug therapy. It includes a number of approaches, each of which you can get acquainted with. In this section, we will tell you more about how to cure dropsy of the scrotum with medicines.

First of all, give preference to antibiotic therapy... Since dropsy can be triggered by an infectious disease, it is possible that you will need to eliminate the infection from the body first.

Therefore, you need to stock up on antibacterial drugs. An antihistamine will not be superfluous.

The next stage in the treatment of dropsy is the ability to carry out treatment with drugs aimed at vasoconstriction.

Unfortunately, it is the dilated vessels that provoke swelling of the scrotum, as well as other consequences that affect the development of dropsy. You need to narrow the vessels, and then, you will achieve the result.

Drug therapy involves the use of various oils and ointments.

They help relieve swelling, pain, redness, itching, and swelling. However, all of the above drugs should be prescribed by the attending urologist, and not by yourself.

It is likely that the self-treatment prescribed by you, and the drugs themselves, can harm.


In folk medicine, there are also various recipes that can effectively fight dropsy. They have long been used for such a male disease, and in some situations they even successfully cope with the task.

Consider the most popular examples of home treatment for testicular hydrocele.

If you have severe swelling, you can apply a compress... It can be made on the basis of any cereal, but peas or buckwheat are most often used.

You will need 50 grams of crushed cereals, which you fill with a liter of boiling water. It is infused for about an hour, and then it cools down.

When the broth has reached room temperature, it is necessary to dip a clean cotton cloth into it, and then apply to the swollen area for 20-30 minutes. Dressings should be changed as they dry.

The systematic implementation of such a procedure will help you get rid of the scrotal swelling for a long time.

The second, but no less effective recipe is to use a decoction based on parsley and milk mixed with it.

You need to pour 800 grams of chopped parsley with one liter of fresh milk.

After that, the mixture is placed in the oven at a temperature of 50 degrees and kept until the liquid is ready to boil.

This liquid is used internally, each time after a meal, 30 milliliters.

Folk remedies can only be used if approved by your doctor, since self-medication can be fraught with various complications.

However, the effectiveness of traditional methods has been proven for centuries, if you do not like the above recipes, you can find others. As a rule, dried flowers are involved in them, as well as alcohol tinctures.

Lifestyle with such a disease

Treatment of dropsy without surgery means that in addition to the fact that you need to comprehensively use medications, as well as folk recipes, you need to partially change your lifestyle.

Very often, stress, an incorrectly drawn up daily routine, affect the fact that the body weakens, becomes a target for the development of the disease.

Find your daily routine, namely, getting up in the morning and going to bed. Review your diet... It should be balanced and healthy, free from excess fats and harmful substances.

Wear comfortable underwear or even a jockstrap. They will help you at first to get rid of discomfort and prevent the development of the disease.

Pay special attention to physical activity... You should forget about heavy sports or athletics for a while, and long walks in the fresh air will be an excellent addition to treatment methods.


What will happen to dropsy of the testicle if this disease is not treated?

Don't rely on the hydrocele to leave your body on its own.

Cases of self-healing without any action happen very rarely, therefore, one should not pin high hopes on this.

However, very often a hydrocele is an age-related change in the scrotum, when, due to increased growth, a similar incident occurs in the body. Can dropsy of the testicle go away on its own??

As a rule, spontaneous dropsy of the testicle passes in adolescents aged 15 to 18 years.

But if your age is older, or you do not want to risk the health of the child and wait for the problem to resolve itself, then start acting now.

Reason to see a doctor

It is very important for a man to know that when certain symptoms appear, it is better to see a doctor. Well, what is the cause of dropsy? In fact, it is not difficult to independently detect this disease in yourself.

First of all, carefully monitor whether the scrotum has changed in color, size, as well as the structure of the skin.

If you see slight redness, swelling, or veins that appear strongly, this is a wake-up call because a hydrocele may be developing in the body.

Also, during physical exertion, having sex, as well as in a dream, you may feel itching, burning, heaviness and even pain in the groin area. This also indicates the development of the disease.

If you feel swelling of the penis and scrotum, this is already the basis and sign of a hydrocele..

Problems with urination, pain and cramps also aggravate your situation and indicate that the intervention of a specialist who can treat dropsy of the testicle without surgery is necessary.


Thus, treatment of testicular hydrocele without surgery is possible.

You can get rid of the disease on your own, and you do not need to apply any special measures for this.

All you need to know is that this disease can be treated at home, but only if you give it the proper attention.

Only your health is in your hands, therefore, strive to carry out the treatment properly.

Hydrocele, dropsy of the testicle, or rather, its membranes, is detected both in children and on average in 1.5% - 4% of men of any age. The disease is sometimes combined with dropsy of the spermatic cord. In men of reproductive age, hydrocele, depending on its severity and / or sometimes complications, often causes temporary or permanent male infertility.

In the results of the study of the ejaculate (spermogram) in such patients, quantitative and qualitative disturbances in the composition of the sperm are often determined in the form of a decrease in its volume, teratozoospermia, and even. This is due to the deterioration of lymphatic outflow and circulatory disorders in the reproductive organs that often develop in this disease, which negatively affects their secretory function. Especially often infertility accompanies bilateral localization of dropsy of the membranes of the testicles.

Mechanisms and causes of pathology

Encapsulated hydrocele (terminology in accordance with the coding according to the 10th International Classification of Diseases) is an accumulation of serous fluid between the sheets of the testicle's own membranes, followed by an increase in the volume of the scrotal cavity. In this regard, it is sometimes misinterpreted as "scrotal hydrocele".

Distinguish dropsy of testicular membranes:

  1. Congenital.
  2. Acquired.

Depending on the localization, it is subdivided into:

  • one-sided;
  • bilateral.

Congenital dropsy of the testicles

One of the walls of the testicle is the so-called vaginal membrane, which is formed from the peritoneum. This formation occurs in the abdominal cavity of the fetus at the same time as the testicle. Even before the full development of the gonads (at 3 months of intrauterine development), there is a protrusion, sections of the peritoneum in the inguinal canal of the fetus on each side, resembling a diverticulum.

Under the influence of "Hunter's" strand and hormones, the testicle descends into the scrotum, dragging the peritoneum behind the failure. "Diverticulum" gradually lengthens, forms a fold and turns into a cavity (vaginal) process. At the 7th month of intrauterine development of the fetus, this area of ​​the peritoneum, together with the testicle, passes through the inguinal canal and by the 9th month they completely sink to the bottom of the scrotum, after which a complex hormone-dependent process of overgrowth (obliteration) of the cavity of the vaginal process begins and its transformation into a testicular ligament.

As a result of obliteration, the connection between the abdominal cavity and the process is terminated. Moreover, its distal sections, which are located in the scrotum, do not overgrow. The albuminous and parietal (outer) membranes of the testicles are formed from their walls.

The processus vaginalis, being a derivative of the peritoneum, like it, produces serous fluid, the composition and quantity of which are kept constant due to reabsorption. An increase in the production of this fluid and / or a violation of the resorption processes (reverse absorption) leads to its accumulation between the albuginea and parietal membranes and the development of dropsy.

Thus, the mechanisms of development of congenital hydrocele are:

  • preserved communication with the abdominal cavity - communicating hydrocele;
  • violation of the absorption capacity of the wall of the vaginal process;
  • violation of the outflow of lymphatic fluid due to insufficient development of the lymphatic system in the groin areas.

The congenital form occurs on average in 10% of boys, but in the overwhelming majority of them it is physiological and by 18 months of age it resolves on its own as a result of the obliteration of the appendix, the final formation of blood microcirculation systems and lymphatic flow pathways, and an increase in the reabsorption capabilities of the membranes. In the absence of overgrowth of the vaginal process, unilateral hydrocele develops on one side, and bilateral hydrocele on both sides.

Acquired dropsy

It develops in older boys and men. Depending on the causative factor, the following forms are distinguished:

  1. Primary, or idiopathic (independent), when other reasons are not identified. Most often this occurs as a result of sclerotic processes of the membranes and overgrowth of the lymphatic vessels of the testicles, which leads to a violation of the resorptive capacity of the membranes.
  2. Secondary, or symptomatic.

Secondary hydrocele can develop as a result of:

Clinical course

Signs of a pathological process depend on the nature of the clinical course, which can be:

  1. Sharp.
  2. Chronic.

Acute current

It is observed in acute inflammatory processes of the testicles themselves and their appendages (orchitis, orchiepididymitis), in acute respiratory diseases that can cause these complications, in scrotal injuries, hemorrhagic diathesis. Symptoms of a hydrocele in these cases increase rapidly and are expressed in:

  • enlargement of the scrotum;
  • swelling, hyperemia or its cyanotic color (with post-traumatic hematoma);
  • dense elastic consistency of the scrotum;
  • fluctuations;
  • soreness of the testicle and its epididymis, sharply increasing on palpation;
  • an increase in body temperature if the cause is an inflammatory process.

In some cases, an acute process can turn into a chronic one. It is also possible to develop a chronic process even 2 - 3 months after the end of acute inflammation.

Chronic course

In adults, 70% is between 20 and 30 years of age, among children 50% is less than 5 years old. This form develops mainly slowly and imperceptibly, since the accumulation of fluid occurs gradually (very rarely - "abruptly") over several weeks, and sometimes years, and can reach significant volumes.

For a long time, the pathology does not cause any subjective sensations and proceeds with a satisfactory state of health and without an increase in temperature, in contrast to the acute course associated with the inflammatory process. An increase in temperature against the background of a hydrocele already indicates the development of piocele - a complication of dropsy of the membranes associated with infection of the fluid and the development of a purulent inflammatory process.

As the amount of fluid increases, there is a feeling of discomfort when walking and during intercourse, an unpleasant feeling of pressure, heaviness or slight soreness in the groin and scrotum along the spermatic cord, and painful urination is possible.

The enlargement of the scrotum becomes noticeable even with a relatively significant accumulation of fluid between the membranes of the testicle. On examination, there is an asymmetry of the scrotum due to an increase in its corresponding half or a uniform increase - with bilateral dropsy. In this regard, the main complaint of the patient when contacting a doctor is a change in the contours, and sometimes the size of the scrotum. In the case of a very large dropsy, the skin of the scrotum above it is stretched, and the penis is "pulled" under the skin. At the same time, her maceration is noted as a result of the constant ingress of urine during urination.

On palpation of the contents of the scrotum, an isolated hydrocele is defined as a painless swelling with a smooth surface of a dense elastic consistency, in the lower parts of which the testicle is located. Very often, the latter cannot be palpated, but fluctuation is detected.

The communicating dropsy on palpation has a pear-shaped shape with a wide base at the bottom and apex bounded by the outer ring of the inguinal canal. Sometimes the upper part of the formation penetrates into the inguinal canal, and it takes the shape of an hourglass or becomes multi-chambered.

With the communicating form of dropsy of the testicle and spermatic cord with the abdominal cavity, the volume of fluid between the membranes may change throughout the day, which depends on physical activity and the predominant position of the body. At the same time, during air retention by the patient or "straining", the formation increases, and its density increases significantly. In a horizontal position or pressure on the scrotum, the fluid easily moves into the abdominal cavity, as a result of which the first decreases or its swelling disappears altogether.

Possible complications

  1. Various disorders of spermatogenesis, ejaculation, due to the high sensitivity of the testicle and epididymis to changes in their environment and impairment of blood flow.
  2. Testicular atrophy, which can result from severe circulatory disorders with intense dropsy of the membranes.
  3. Orchitis, orchiepididymitis or piocele (purulent), which develop when a secondary infection is attached.
  4. Violation of urination (with a large accumulation of fluid).
  5. Increased risk of injury to the scrotum, even with minor exposure.
  6. Functional and cosmetic inconveniences.


Ultrasound is the most reliable instrumental method for diagnosing testicular hydrocele

Diagnosis of the disease is carried out on the basis of:

  • Interviewing the patient and the specifics of the clinical course.
  • External examination and palpation of the formation, in which attention is paid to changes in the shape, size, consistency of the scrotum and its contents.
  • Diaphanoscopy, which is a transillumination of the scrotum with a directed intense beam of light. In the presence of serous fluid between the membranes, the light beam freely passes through them, uniformly staining the scrotum in an intense pink color. This is important in differential diagnosis, since the transillumination will be insufficient, uneven or completely absent with hematocele (presence of blood in the fluid), tumor, hernia elements or significant thickening of the membranes after the resolution of the inflammatory process.
  • Ultrasound examination, which is the most reliable instrumental method, allows to establish the presence of fluid, its nature and volume, to assess the blood flow in the testicle and the degree of changes in the latter, to reveal the presence of a communicating form of pathology, to carry out differential diagnostics with a tumor and with an inguinal-scrotal hernia.

Hydrocele treatment

In the presence of a communicating hydrocele of the membranes of the testicle and spermatic cord in children under 2 years of age, expectant tactics are recommended, since the process of self-healing cannot be ruled out due to the complete end of obliteration of the vaginal process. No medications, and even more so "drugs" of traditional medicine, are not capable of curing or reducing the severity of this pathological condition. With its chronic forms in children after 2 years of age and in adults, only planned surgical treatment is indicated, which is the only pathogenetically justified and radical way.

Conservative therapy

An exception is dropsy of the testicular membranes, which is caused by an acute inflammatory process (orchitis, orchiepididymitis), allergic edema or "fresh" trauma with the presence of a hematoma. In these cases, it is possible to treat hydrocele without surgery, and mainly at home. Conservative treatment includes rest, the use of a suspensor, and the use of anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs.

In case of acutely developed intense dropsy, including with hematoma, after confirming the diagnosis in an outpatient setting, the hydrocele (or hematocele) is punctured first and the liquid contents are removed, followed by the imposition of a pressure bandage or / and a suspensor. In addition, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial therapy is prescribed. Puncture in case of relapses can be repeated up to 3 times. In the absence of a clear effect and recurrence of strenuous accumulation of fluid, the patient should be recommended surgical treatment.

Hydrocele surgery

There are several types of surgical treatment for dropsy of the membranes of the testicles.

With a communicating form of pathology

An operation according to the Ross method is used, the meaning of which is to separate the abdominal cavity and the cavity of the vaginal process. For this purpose, a laparotomy approach through an incision in the groin area is used to mobilize and ligate the vaginal process at the inner ring of the inguinal canal.

Then the process is partially removed so that a hole remains in the testicle's own membranes. It is intended for the free outflow of aqueous humor into the surrounding tissues, from which its further resorption occurs.

If technical capabilities and trained personnel are available, the operation can be performed by laparoscopic access.

With an isolated form of pathology

The essence of surgical treatment is to eliminate the vaginal membrane. This can be done in one of three ways:

  1. Winckelmann's operation - the testicle's own membrane is dissected along the front surface, inverted and in this position is sutured behind it.
  2. Bergman's operation is performed by scrotal access - the outer layer of the processus vaginalis is excised and removed, and the remaining membranes, after careful hemostasis, are sutured in order to create a seal for the testicle. Then the latter is immersed in the scrotum, which is sutured tightly.
  3. With Lord's operation, a decrease in the degree of damage to blood vessels and surrounding tissues is achieved by eliminating the "dislocation" of the reproductive organ into the wound. The membranes are dissected, the aqueous humor is evacuated, and the membranes are sutured around the testicle with a "corrugated" suture.

Rare possible complications after surgery - relapse of dropsy, high localization of the testicle, in which sometimes it is required to bring it down and fix it surgically (six months later), hematocele, pyocele, failure of the scrotal sutures due to the peculiarities of its blood supply.

The postoperative period consists in a home regimen, limiting physical activity for 1 - 1.5 weeks and excluding physical education for 1 month, taking anti-inflammatory, analgesic and desensitizing agents. If necessary, a weekly course of antibacterial drugs is prescribed.

Postoperative care consists in daily treatment of the surgical suture with antiseptic solutions and changing the antiseptic dressings for 10 - 12 days (before removing the surgical sutures), wearing special support suspensions.

The dangers of self-medication

How to treat this pathological condition at home and will a saline compress help with testicular hydrocele?

In articles on the treatment of this pathology on many Internet sites, you can easily find recommendations on the use of various ointments, formulations for oral administration (with honey and radish), lotions with pea broth, compresses, including saline ones, with chamomile infusion, onion juice, gruel of flowers of various plants, etc.

We should pay tribute to some authors of such articles - they made a reservation that treatment with folk remedies is possible with a "weak (?) Form" of the disease. However, the methods of traditional medicine in this pathological condition not only do not help, but lead to a loss of time and, moreover, can contribute to a more rapid accumulation of fluid, the development of male infertility and other complications.

The question of whether it is possible to treat testicular hydrocele without surgery is of interest to many, since this disease is one of the most common pathologies of the male reproductive system. Dropsy of the testicle is diagnosed not only in adult men, but also in adolescents and children. The choice of treatment for dropsy depends on the cause of its occurrence, as well as on the stage of development, the age of the patient and the presence of concomitant diseases.

In what cases is conservative treatment possible

The main treatment for hydrocele is surgery, but in some cases it is possible to get rid of the accumulated fluid in the scrotum using conservative and alternative methods of therapy. Before prescribing treatment, the urologist, based on the main clinical manifestations of the disease, conducts differential diagnostics.

If a pathology is found in a child under one year of age, then in this case, doctors choose a wait and see tactic, since congenital pathology eventually passes without any treatment in the vast majority of children.

For patients with an acquired form of hydrocele, the cause of which is various infections, mechanical damage, inflammation, poor blood circulation, it is important to consult a specialist in time, since conservative treatment of a hydrocele as an alternative to surgery is allowed in the early stages of its development.

If the patient has contraindications for surgical intervention, then minimally invasive (non-surgical) procedures are used:

  • aspiration (puncture of the scrotum with subsequent suction of the contents of its cavity);
  • sclerotherapy (a sclerosing solution is injected into the affected testicle with the help of an injection, which does not allow the accumulation of fluid in the testicle).


Drug treatment is carried out for dropsy of bacterial etiology and acute course of the disease. This treatment includes drugs that have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. To eliminate stagnant processes and improve blood supply, angioprotectors are prescribed. To relieve pain, analgesics are used. Diuretics are often included in the treatment regimen. Many doctors recommend taking general strengthening medications. All medicines are prescribed individually.


If the disease does not progress and the volume of exudate is small, then the pathology can be treated with the help of alternative medicine.

Before using home-prepared medicines for medicinal purposes, a doctor's consultation is required.

An effective and affordable remedy for local exposure is a chamomile-based infusion. To prepare it, you will need:

  1. 1.5 tbsp. l. Pour dry crushed inflorescences of medicinal herbs into a thermos and pour 250 ml of boiling water.
  2. Let the liquid brew for 6-8 hours, then strain the infusion and use it as a compress.
  3. The procedure should be carried out at least 2 times a day. You need to keep the compress from 30 to 45 minutes.

For the treatment of infectious and inflammatory lesions of the male genital gland, a compress of pea broth is widely used. Prepare it at the rate of 2 tbsp. l. cereals for 0.5 liters of water.

In the treatment of testicular hydrocele, a herbal preparation in the form of an ointment has a positive effect. To prepare it, you need to melt 100 g of pork fat or petroleum jelly in a water bath, add 30 g of dry marigolds crushed to a powdery state and mix well. Place the finished ointment in a dark glass container, close the lid tightly and put in a cold place. You need to apply it once a day before bedtime.

As a remedy, alternative medicine suggests using an infusion prepared on the basis of medicinal sweet clover and coltsfoot. Ingredients should be taken in a 1: 1 ratio. The resulting mixture (5 g), pour 0.2 liters of boiling water and leave for 40 minutes. Drink the resulting product during the day, divided into 4-5 receptions. The course of treatment should not exceed 3 weeks. You can repeat the reception after 10 days.

An effective remedy in the fight against pathological accumulation of fluid in the scrotum is henbane oil infusion:

  1. To obtain the medicine, you need to pour 50 g of dry crushed leaves into a glass vessel and pour 1 glass of olive oil.
  2. After that, close the vessel tightly and leave to infuse in a dark, but not cold place for 10 days. During this time, the contents are advised to shake daily.
  3. The finished macerate must be filtered and applied with light circular movements to the problem area.

The recipe for parsley with milk is in great demand. To prepare an effective remedy, you need to pour 800 ml of milk with finely chopped greens (medium bunch). Put the container on low heat or in the oven and simmer until the mixture is reduced to half the original volume. You need to drink homemade medicine in small sips throughout the day.

To relieve the symptoms of urological pathology and alleviate the general condition, you can apply a compress based on a pharmacy agaric. For it, you need to pour 50 g of crushed raw materials into a pan with an enamel coating and pour 500 ml of wine.

Proponents of natural methods of treatment for these purposes recommend using good quality wine and only from white grape varieties. The contents must be heated without boiling, and then let it brew for about 45 minutes.

A strip of bandage is impregnated with the finished product and applied to the affected scrotum. The procedure must be carried out 2 times a day.

Alternative medicine offers to speed up the healing process with testicular edema with the help of a decoction based on elderberry bark. For a remedy you will need:

  1. 3 tbsp. l of chopped bark pour 3 cups of boiling water, put the container with the contents in a water bath and simmer for 25 minutes.
  2. Strain the cooled broth through a fine sieve.
  3. Take half a glass four times a day 30 minutes before meals. It is allowed to add a small amount of honey to the drink.

Bearberry has worked well for the treatment of a common pathological condition. Healers recommend using a useful plant in the form of an infusion. To obtain the medicine, you need to use dried and crushed leaves of the herb. To prepare the daily rate of infusion, you need 3 tbsp. l. Pour raw materials with 3 cups of boiling water and let it brew for at least 8 hours. Divide the remedy into 3 doses.

It is useful for patients suffering from testicular hydrocele to include pumpkin and black radish juice in their diet. Freshly squeezed vegetable juices not only help to cope with the disease, but also increase immunity. You need to drink any juice, 100 ml per day, divided into several doses.

When an operation is needed

Children need surgical treatment if the physiological (congenital) dropsy of the testicles does not spontaneously disappear until the age of two.

Indications for surgery for secondary hydrocele are:

  • persistence of discomfort or intensification of severe symptoms of the disease, despite correctly selected conservative therapy;
  • the rapid progression of pathology;
  • decreased erectile function in men of fertile age;
  • the presence of cystic formation, inguinal hernia;
  • rupture of the tunica albuginea of ​​the testis.


In order to get rid of dropsy of the testicle without surgery and avoid the development of complications, it is necessary to start treatment at the first signs of a pathological process. Self-medication and uncontrolled use of medicines is not worth it, since this can aggravate the situation. Only a doctor, after making a diagnosis and assessing the general condition of the patient, can prescribe an effective treatment for hydrocele.

At the present stage of development of medical science, dropsy of the testicle is often treated without surgery. It is necessary to consider specifically what the specified disease is, the causes and main symptoms, the latest and time-tested methods of its non-surgical treatment.

Dropsy of the testicle in men

Dropsy of the testicle in males is a disease in which, for various reasons, fluid accumulates between the membranes of the testis in the scrotal cavity. Fluid refers to effusions of an inflammatory or non-inflammatory nature, blood. This disease is also called hydrocele.

The size of the testicle in this disease will depend on the amount of fluid accumulated in the scrotal cavity. In severe cases, its volume can reach 1 liter.

There are 2 types of dropsy of the testicle:

  • communicating;
  • isolated.

With communicating dropsy, often of a congenital nature, fluid moves freely through the vaginal process into the peritoneal region and back. This type of disease can occur in young boys. As the child develops and the vaginal process grows, the hydrocele heals spontaneously.

Isolated dropsy of this organ is more common in adult men, is acquired in nature and requires special treatment. In most cases, the localization of the focus of the disease is one-sided.

When studying the dynamics of the development of dropsy of the testicle, the causes of its occurrence in men can be considered:

  • various genital infections;
  • testicular injury;
  • postoperative period with inguinal hernia;
  • radiation therapy;
  • benign or malignant testicular tumors;
  • operations on the organs of the perineum;
  • serious cardiovascular disease;
  • ascites;
  • swelling of the lower extremities.

The listed reasons lead to an acute course of the disease, which without effective treatment will turn into a chronic form.

The factors contributing to the appearance of a hydrocele are the following:

  • heredity;
  • hard physical work;
  • intensive sports activities with power loads;
  • improper nutrition.

In all these conditions, blockage of the excretory ducts of fluid in the scrotum may occur, which will lead to its excess and stagnation.

Symptoms of the disease

With a small size of dropsy, symptoms do not appear in any way. The scrotum accumulates fluid painlessly, gradually increasing in size.

When the testicles reach a certain size, some signs of the disease begin to appear, which will only progress over time. Dropsy of a neglected form is manifested by pronounced symptoms. These include the following:

A feature of the course of the disease in young boys is the appearance of swelling of the scrotum in the daytime while awake and a sharp disappearance of the manifestations of this disease at night, at rest.

Dropsy of the testicle is dangerous for its complications:

  1. Without timely treatment, the accumulated fluid in the testicle can undergo suppuration and the development of an inflammatory disease - piocele.
  2. An increase in the size of the testicle can lead to squeezing of blood vessels, which is fraught with complete atrophy of the organ and infertility.
  3. With a large accumulation of fluid in the scrotum, rupture of the membranes can occur with the formation of a hematocele.
  4. With communicating dropsy, a scrotal hernia with a life-threatening infringement may occur.
  5. In rare cases, dropsy of the testicle develops into a cancerous formation.

If signs of this disease are found, you should immediately seek help from a specialist.

Diagnostics and non-surgical treatment

Despite the pronounced clinical picture of the disease, with hydrocele, it is necessary to conduct a high-quality diagnosis. This is due to the differentiation of this disease with other diseases similar in symptoms to it: inguinal hernia, tumors of various etiologies, cyst of the epididymis.

Diagnostic measures may include:

  • palpation of a diseased testicle;
  • diaphanoscopy;
  • CT of the genitourinary system;
  • blood and urine tests.

Specialists in the diagnosis of hydrocele are urologists and andrology doctors. When an accurate diagnosis is made, treatment is prescribed to eliminate the causes and prevent dangerous complications of the disease.

With a timely visit to a doctor, an effective treatment of dropsy of the testicle with the following modern non-surgical methods is possible:

  • aspiration;
  • sclerotherapy.

The aspiration of dropsy of the testicle (puncture) is based on the removal of fluid accumulated in the scrotum with the help of a puncture and its suction with a special needle. The procedure is simple and can be performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia. Aspiration has a quick positive effect that significantly alleviates the patient's condition.

Its disadvantage is the re-accumulation of fluid in the testicle, because the main cause of the disease is not eliminated. The specified method of treatment is used to treat people for whom, due to some circumstances, radical surgery is contraindicated.

Sclerotherapy is a popular treatment for testicular fluid accumulation. The first half of the procedure is performed in the same order as for aspiration. Under local anesthesia, puncture and suction of excess fluid from the testicular cavity is performed. Then sclerosants are injected into the problem area, which are special drugs, under the influence of which the production of fluid in the scrotum decreases. These include the following:

  • Tetracycline;
  • Phenol;
  • ethanol;
  • Doxycycline.

To completely get rid of dropsy, the sclerotherapy procedure should be repeated several times. Contraindications for its implementation are as follows:

  • childhood;
  • the reported type of disease.

With the communicating form of dropsy, there is a real possibility of sclerosants getting into the abdominal cavity with the further development of serious complications.

Other treatments

Additional methods of treating dropsy in men include:

  • drug therapy;
  • the use of folk remedies.

Drug therapy is aimed at reducing the inflammatory process, eliminating stagnation and narrowing of the biliary tract. Sulfonamides and antibiotics are prescribed as anti-inflammatory drugs. To normalize the outflow of fluid, herbal diuretics are used. The goal of drug therapy should be considered to eliminate the cause of edema.

Treatment of dropsy of the testicle with folk remedies is carried out only after agreement with the attending physician. It should be aimed at removing the edema of the organ, improving the removal of excess fluid from the body. For this, the patient's diet should include cucumbers, raw cabbage, pumpkin, eggplant, parsley, lemon with honey.

Easy-to-prepare vegetable infusions should be used instead of tea. Well suited for this are infusions of watermelon peels, black radish with honey, lingonberry berries.

You can make a compress from steamed peas and apply 3-4 times a day to a sore spot. The specified compress relieves puffiness well. Natural anti-inflammatory agent - infusion of crushed chamomile flowers. It is used in the form of warm compresses.

Traditional medicine begins to show its beneficial properties with systematic and long-term use.

The main preventive measures to prevent dropsy of the testicle are as follows:

  • proper fractional nutrition, corresponding to the treatment table No. 5 according to Pevzner;
  • physical activity;
  • wearing special tight underwear;
  • timely detection and treatment of various genital infections.

Only an integrated approach to the treatment of dropsy of the testicles in men under the professional supervision of a specialist will help to defeat the disease in the shortest possible time.

With a timely visit to a doctor, non-surgical treatment of this disease is possible. Modern methods of dealing with the disease are painless and safe. Compliance with preventive measures will help to avoid the occurrence of this unpleasant disease.