Employment contract emphasis. Where to put the stress in the word "contract" in the singular and plural

The rules of the modern Russian language allow the stress in the "contract" both on the first and on the third syllable. However, these two options are not equal.

A strict literary norm is “agreement”: on the last syllable: And when declining it always remains in the same place: “agreement”, “agreement”, “agreement” and so on. This pronunciation is absolutely in all situations.

But the emphasis in the word "agreement" on the first "O" ("agreement") is considered acceptable only in a situation of "unconstrained oral speech", that is, in everyday everyday communication. In all other cases, the stress on the first syllable can be considered a mistake.

Some believe that the permissibility of the accent option “agreement”, which cuts the ear of many, is one of the innovations that encourage illiteracy. recent years. In fact, this is not so - the admissibility of such a pronunciation in colloquial speech the authors of dictionaries noted back in the fifties (for example, “Russian literary pronunciation and stress” by Avanesov and Ozhegov, published in 1959). Thus, the “permission” to put the stress on the first syllable in the word “contract” is already more than 50 years old, but during this time this pronunciation variant has not been recognized as full-fledged. It is unlikely that this will happen in the coming decades. So, if you don’t want to be considered an uneducated person, do not hesitate to put the emphasis on the last syllable in the word “contract”, this rule will remain relevant for a very, very long time.

How to pluralize the word "contract"

The situation with the word "contract" in plural similar to the situation with an accent. In the Russian literary language, the option “contracts” is unconditionally correct and appropriate in any situation. The stress, of course, falls on the third syllable, and in all cases (“contracts”, “contracts”, “contracts”, and so on).

The formation of the plural form with the ending -ы or -и is typical for male II (e.g. "turns", "circles", "engineers"), while the -а (-я) plural ending is more typical of neuter nouns (e.g. "clouds", "lakes", "villages ").

However, the language is characterized by constant changes, and a number of masculine words "showed a tendency" to form plurals, characteristic of the middle (for example, "boards", "boats", "professors"). Since the language is characterized by constant development, now such variants of the plural are parallel with the literary ones. They are not considered a mistake, but they are usually stylistically limited and valid only in colloquial or professional speech.

Therefore, the form "agreement" (the emphasis falls on the ending in all cases) is considered a variant of the norm, but strictly tied to what linguists call the "speech situation": only in a professional environment and in colloquial speech. IN writing it is better to use a strictly normative option, except perhaps for easy communication in instant messengers and social networks.

And the option "contracts" is appropriate in any situation, in all literary styles, including journalistic and official business.

Agreements or agreements - which is correct?

How to spell in the plural, what to say and pronounce? Look in the dictionary, Wikipedia is also good))

Why exactly Treaties, but not Agreements? - We often get letters like this: "In Russian there is no such word as a contract."

In fact, there is such a word, but in the literary description the word “contracts” is used. In business language, the word has a professional coloring and now it is preferable to say contracts, directors, etc., and the option “contracts” is becoming obsolete. Even 40 years ago it was indecent to write contracts, now it is in the order of things.

In general, “agreements” is correct, “agreements” is acceptable. It all depends on which syllable you stress in the word contract. If the last one is correct “agreements”, if the first one is correct “agreements”. IN business communication in Lately the word "treaties" is used mainly in relation to international treaties. BUT all the same, we will adhere to the norms of the Russian language and will use the word "Agreements".

What is a contract?

Agreement (plural - agreements) - an agreement between two or more persons, establishing, changing or terminating their rights and obligations.

The parties to the agreement can be both individuals and legal entities, including various public legal entities (international organizations, the state, municipalities etc.). It is used in three meanings: a contract as a legal relationship, as a legal fact that gives rise to obligations, and as a document fixing the fact of the occurrence of obligations by the will of its participants.

Agreement in Russian law

In contemporary Russian civil law contracts are considered to be a type of transactions, the rules on bilateral and multilateral transactions apply to contracts. This statement was disputed in the scientific literature, however, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation established the identity of the concepts of a two- and multilateral transaction and an agreement.

Contracts can be paid and gratuitous. Any contract under which at least one of its parties must receive payment or other counter (with respect to such obligation) compensation for the performance of its duties, is compensatory. A contract is gratuitous, under which one of the parties undertakes to do something to the other party without receiving counter compensation from it.

A plurality of persons is possible on one of the parties to the contract, that is, the conclusion of an agreement between several persons, on the one hand, and one person or several persons, on the other.

The contract can be drawn up in several languages. As a rule, when challenging in such cases, the language of the contract in which the proceedings are conducted in the relevant court is valid, unless the contract itself establishes the priority of any language version.

Also, under the contract often means the obligations arising from the contract, or a document in which its conditions are fixed.

Errors in our oral speech are a frequent occurrence ... In, calls or calls, contracts or contracts, how to pronounce this or that word correctly and not be ridiculed in society? According to the strict literary norms of the Russian language, one should say "contracts". Recently, however, many sources claim that the word "agreement" is beginning to be used more and more often in business and business areas. "Agreements" is a kind of professional expression, such as "directors" instead of "directors".

According to the assumptions of some etymologists, this word can become stronger in the Russian language and become an aesthetic norm of speech, both literary and colloquial.

Why all the same "contracts"?

The word comes from the verb "agree", consisting of the particle "to" and the verb "to speak". This is the Proto-Slavic form, which has not changed for more than a dozen centuries. We emphasize once again that "contracts" are an absolute literary norm, therefore this option is the only the right way pronunciation.

It is the literary language that is the guarantor of the preservation of Russian culture and the Russian language as a whole. It acts as a certain standard of behavior that determines the unambiguity of the words used. different people. If everyone who wants to start coming up with new ways of pronouncing and stressing words, then people will simply cease to understand each other.

Even on the example of the words "contracts" and "contracts" you can see this misunderstanding when a person pronounces this word somehow differently than his communication partner. This partner begins to listen not to what the person wants to convey to him, but begins to notice that he pronounces the word "contracts" incorrectly. This leads to mutual misunderstanding of the parties.

The correct pronunciation of words is great importance for effective communication between people. A correct understanding of a communication partner is based not only on unified system symbols of speech, but also on the same understanding of these symbols. Therefore, there is a single point of reference - the literary standard of the language. People couldn't build tower of babel because God has confused all languages. By doing this, he erected a communication barrier that people were not able to overcome. As a result, they never finished the tower.

It's no joke, but how many conflicts, including at the global level, occur only because of a misunderstanding of the parties at the language level? Quite a lot, if not all of them. In today's world, people are in dire need of a unified system of symbols in order to build their relationships not only with their fellow citizens, but also with citizens of other countries. The trend is that year after year, English is becoming such a world language system.

Speak right! "contracts" but not "contracts".

Pronunciation standards are not the easiest thing. Most often, questions arise in cases of the use and spelling of words in the plural. If with nouns female everything is more or less clear, then words of the masculine gender (second declension) can cause serious difficulties. For example, how to say: contracts or contracts, directors or directors, outbuildings or outbuildings?

Confusion with the endings -ы (-и) and -а (-я)

In the Old Russian language, for the plural of the masculine gender, there were only forms with the ending -ы (-и). Even M. V. Lomonosov identified only three exceptions to the rule, prescribing that you need to say “eyesA, sidesA, hornsA”, and in other cases, pronounce -s or -i at the end of nouns.

However, the form of words, with -a at the end, was steadily gaining popularity. IN modern language it occurs frequently, especially in colloquial speech (contract, corrector). While the endings with -s today often carry a shade of "bookishness", formality.

In modern Russian, some of the words in masculine the plural is used only with the ending -a (running), the other part is pronounced with -a only in colloquial speech, and when writing, the ending -ы (contracts) is necessarily used, and in the rest of the cases the form with -a remained incorrect (the authors ). Due to such confusion with endings, questions constantly arise about how to write and say this or that word correctly.

Words that end in -a

Among the words with the endings -а (-я), the spelling of which often causes difficulties, you can find the following words:

board, buffer, boat, fan, monogram, bill, director, doctor, huntsman, gutter, millstone, boat, tunic, dome, bell, master, number, stack, watchman, paramedic, farm, best man, stamp, card sharper.

Ending in -s, but it is acceptable to use -a (contracts)

There are many cases when the ending with -ы (-и) is a strict literary norm, but it is permissible to use -а (-я) in a conversation. A striking example- the word "contract". “Agreements” are correctly used both in oral and written speech (emphasis on the third letter O), however, in an informal setting, you can also say “agreements” - this will not be a big mistake.

Here is a list of similar words where the ending -ы (-и) is required, but -а (-я) is allowed:

bunkers and bunkers, years and years, inspectors and inspectors, feed and feed, proofreaders and proofreaders, boxes and boxes, bodies and bodies, contracts and contracts, vacations and holidays, searchlights and searchlights, editors and editors, sectors and sectors, locksmiths and locksmith, outbuildings and outbuildings, poplars and poplars, workshops and workshops.

The ending -ы or -а is used depending on the meaning

It happens that the answer to the question of how to use the word correctly depends entirely on the meaning of the noun.

  • If boars, then hogs. If chimneys, then a boar.
  • Corpses speak of torsos, corps speak of buildings.
  • Political groups are camps, but the military, tourists have camps.
  • There are images of heroes in a book, a movie, in pictures. But images are written on icons.
  • If we are talking about the skin of animals, we must say furs. If about bags for transporting liquids, then furs.
  • Societies of knights or monks were called orders. The insignia are called orders.
  • When something happens through an oversight, these are omissions. But the documents for entry - passes.
  • While sables are little animals, they are written with -i. When they turned into skins, they are already sable.
  • You can listen to the tones in the heart, adjust the tones on the guitar, but the tones differ in the pictures.
  • Obstacles are called brakes, and brakes can fail in machinery.
  • School teachers are teachers, and the founders of some theories, inspirers are teachers.
  • Cereals on the vine are bread. The shop sells bread.

It can be concluded that the norms of pronunciation continue to change today. Forms in -a confidently make their way and it is possible that someday, in 70 - 100 years, they will become the main ones.

On the first syllable) is considered acceptable in informal speech, and this variant is sometimes found in dictionaries marked "colloquial". But “agreement” is considered a strict literary norm, you can pronounce this word like this in any situation - and no one can reproach you for your poor knowledge of the Russian language.

Many people think that the words treaty” with an emphasis on the first - a consequence of the “total illiteracy” of recent years. However, it is not. That, in colloquial speech, is quite acceptable, was indicated by orthoepic dictionaries published in the middle of the 20th century. And Korney Chukovsky, in his book on “Alive as Life” (published in 1962), argued that such a pronunciation option could become a literary norm in the foreseeable future.


Literary and colloquial The “duality” of the word “contract” also affects the formation of the plural form. So, the form “contracts” is a strictly literary norm, and the use of the plural version of the “contract” is considered colloquial.


  • accent contract

stress in Russian it is not fixed, that is, it does not always fall on a particular syllable, as, for example, in Hungarian or Finnish. certain rules how to put , also does not exist, therefore, questions of Russian pronunciation are often of concern not only to foreigners, but also to native speakers themselves.

Often, people who have been hearing Russian since childhood believe that they have no problems with the placement of stresses. But is it? Check if you pronounce the words that belong to the category of the most “problematic”: alphabet, pamper, rattling, faith, soothsaying, dispensary, rust, call, Iconography, catalog, kilometer, quarter, compass, misanthropy, nabelo, hugged, percent , centimeter, lighten, dowry, beets, convene, inquire, focus, seal, force. In the words "", "ports", "bows", "boards", as well as in their forms, is always placed on the first syllable. But the words "" can be the way you are used to: it allows a double arrangement of stress. That, where stress may also depend on the context: for example, in "atlas" it falls on the first syllable, if we are talking about a meeting geographical maps, and on the second, if we mean the fabric. Another example: characteristic person and characteristic dance. In some cases Russian accent obeys certain rules. For example, the stress is placed on the first syllable, but in the form of units. feminine numbers usually fall on the ending: cheerful - cheerful - cheerful; stupid - stupid - stupid; started - started. This also applies to past tense verbs of the feminine sg. numbers: took - took, lived - lived, lilo - lila. But there are exceptions: klala, krala, etc. Sometimes (for, under, on, on, from, without) they take the stress on themselves, leaving the following unstressed after them. Examples: on the water, on the arm, on the hundred, under the feet, by the sea, from the nose, until the night, hour from hour, etc. But there are few such rules. In most cases, the stress has to be memorized, and if in doubt, it is best to check yourself in dictionaries. Among them there are those who are completely devoted to pronunciation - orthoepic. But if one was not at hand, the stress in words can be checked using any other dictionary, for example, spelling or explanatory. You can also use resources.

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"Iconography" is a word that is rarely used in everyday speech. And the question of where to put the emphasis in it correctly can confuse a person who is far from religion or art history. Which pronunciation will be literate and correct?

"Iconography" - emphasis on the rules of the Russian language

The pronunciation of the word “icon painting” can vary greatly: some people put on “and” in the first, someone emphasizes the second, as in the word “icon” - “icon painting”, and both of these stresses are quite common. A rarer case is the accent “icon painting”, by analogy with the name of the profession “icon painter”.

However, the dictionaries of the Russian language are unambiguous: the only correct version of the stress in this word is on “I” in the first syllable. It is the pronunciation of "Iconography" that is considered correct and consistent with the literary norm. As for the stress “iconography”, a number of authors of authoritative orthoepic dictionaries (for example, Zarva or Reznichenko) specifically point out that the pronunciation is a mistake.

The stress on the first syllable will be preserved in all case forms of the word. For example:

history of Russian Iconography,

his favorite type of painting is iconography;

his whole life is connected with icon painting.

Why the stress in the word "iconography" causes problems

“Iconography” with an emphasis on the first syllable sounds strange, unnatural, “cuts the ear” for many. This is quite understandable:

  • firstly, in Russian in many compound words ah stress usually tends to the middle of the word;

  • secondly, “icon painting” is a complex word, and in such compound constructions, most often, the stress remains on the same syllable as in the root of the “source” word (icon);

  • thirdly, in none of the other compound words with the root icon, the stress on “and” at the root never falls (for example, icon painter, iconostasis, iconoclast).

However, it is not for nothing that Russian is considered extremely complex - there are no “iron” rules in it, there are only pronounced tendencies. And the pronunciation of each individual word depends more on the tradition that has developed in the language.

The word "icon painting" can be attributed to religious vocabulary, which is characterized by greater traditionalism than for common everyday vocabulary. Yes, and it is relatively rare to hear such words - they are more common in books or articles, and not in speech.

Therefore, you just need to remember that in the word "iconography" the stress falls on the first syllable- and try to use the normative, correct version in speech, despite the unusual sound of it.

Tip 5: How to properly stress the word "Wednesdays"

The word "environment" is ambiguous. And what syllable should be stressed - “on Wednesdays” or “on Wednesdays” (namely dative plural causes the most questions), depends on what was meant: the day of the week, or the environment.

How to emphasize "Wednesday" when it comes to the day of the week

A few decades ago, the only correct option, indicated by dictionaries as a literary norm, was unusual for many “on Wednesdays”. However, the rules of the Russian language tend to change over time, and now “on Wednesdays” with an emphasis on “E” is no longer considered a mistake or an option that is only acceptable in colloquial speech. Many authoritative reference books published in the last decade indicate both of these options as equal. An example is orthographic dictionary Lopatin, published under the auspices of the Russian Academy of Sciences or Reznichenko, included in the official reference publications recommended when using the Russian language as the state language.

So officially and the emphasis "on Wednesdays" and "on Wednesdays" is considered correct. However, the accent not "E" is not yet "recognized" by all reference publications without exception, and many people, out of habit, consider it a mistake.

Therefore, if you want literary speech to sound flawless, of the two equal pronunciation options, there are still it is advised to use the old, indisputable academic norm of stress "on Wednesdays". It is this pronunciation (which seems unusual to many and “cutting the ear”) that is recommended to be used by a radio and television announcer:

  • on Wednesdays dance evenings are held for tango lovers,

  • "Violets on Wednesdays"- one of the most famous story of Andre Maurois,

  • I prefer to make trips to the supermarket on Wednesdays, in the middle of the working week.

When declining the word "Wednesday" meaning "day of the week" in the instrumental and prepositional plural, the "academic" stress should also fall on the second syllable, on the vowel "A".

What syllable is stressed "on Wednesdays" when it comes to the environment

The word "environment" can mean:

  • substance that fills the space ( water environment, nutrient medium),

  • complex of natural conditions ( , natural environment, Environment),

  • social and living conditions of human life (bohemian environment, student environment).

In the third meaning, the word "environment" is used only in the singular. And in the first two cases in the case form "on Wednesdays" stress can only fall on "E" in the first syllable - on "environments". It is this option that is the only correct one and is fixed as a norm by all reference publications without exception.

When declining in all forms singular the ending will be stressed, and in the plural - the stem:

  • provided with nutrients environments for the duration of the experiment,

  • environment the habitats of these animals differ significantly,

  • human emotions are largely determined by urban environment,

  • over the petty-bourgeois environment ironized by many Russian writers.

Thus, when placing the emphasis on "on Wednesdays", the emphasis on "E" will not be erroneous in any of the meanings. However, if the day of the week was meant, it is preferable to use the “older” accentological norm with the emphasis on the second syllable – “on Wednesdays”.