The appearance of a person connects it to the egregor. Boris Warnikov. Why not to teach breastfeeding in the summer

Prohibition to tie a node, sew, tear, etc.

Kosher Umatir -Tie a knot and untie him

Knitting and unleashing nodes - two operations, which during the construction of Mishkan were used in the manufacture of networks for fishing, as well as in the manufacture of yarn and tissues. These two melahisymmetrical, and they should be considered in a pair, namely: only the node that the torus prohibits to be tied up on Saturday, it is impossible on the law of the Torah on Saturday and unleash. The same can be said about the nodes prohibited by the sages (about them we are talking below).

Of course, the knot is a node, so there must be some differences between the creative work, which was done during the construction of Mishkan, and household actions, like the tie of the shoelaces on shoes. Talmud determines melahutesting knots as creating a stable node (Kesher walked Kime).Only such a node is prohibited by the Torah.

But how to distinguish a steady knot from an unstable, non-permanent? There are at least two definitions. First: Sustainable is called professionally tied, strong and reliable knot, able to hold out for a long time. The second definition, more "flexible": Sustainable is called such a node, which is tied for a long time, in contrast to an unstable, tied for a short time.

Talmud commentators dealt with opinions about these definitions, which of them are correct; And since the conversation is about the law of the Torah, we will have to take into account both. As a result, any, even a weak node, which is tied to a long time, without limiting time, we will consider suspicious from the point of view of the Torah.

Until now, the conversation was about the law madeoraite.Now let's talk about the nodes prohibited by the wise men. The latter were forbidden to tie any node if he at least to some extent resembles stable. Under this rule fall:

1. Nodes that are taken to tie for a period exceeding day, even if they are tied to weakly

2. Strong nodes - even in cases where they are going to unleash the same day. It means not only a professional knot, like a "marine", but any double knot (node \u200b\u200bon the node), since the latter is quite stronger and is not unleashed without human intervention. It is forbidden to tie and unleash on Saturday. As for the "bow", it is not considered a double knot, and therefore on Saturday you can tie the shoelaces on shoes.

Still scarves, belts of bathrobes, a raincoat and women's coat, it is customary to tie on Saturday a double knot, i.e. Absolutely, as they do on weekdays. Obviously, these nodes are not considered similar to "stable", because on a wide and thick belt, even a double node does not look reliable, and if so, it seems to be said that it does not include the prohibition of wise men. Nevertheless, it is better to tie the belt "on a bow."

Another common custom: married women Tie on Saturday Head scarves with a double knot. However, the effect of this resolution is limited; Namely, they can only take advantage of those women who tend to untie the scarves on the same day; As for those who remove the scarves, not unleashing the node, then they should not do so.

By the way, why the "bow" is not considered a double knot? Because from the bottom - the knot, top - loop, and the loop alahanot considered a node, it can be done on Saturday (even for a long time). Therefore, tie the strap or belt "on a bow, we are doing only one simple knot. However, one node is allowed only where it is not allowed to tie it for a long time. But where the node is left for a long time, it can not be tied miderabanan.The same with the "bantle"!

Therefore, it is impossible, for example, to tie a decorative bow on the dress if the dress can be removed, not unleasising it 3. Even the intention today to unleash the bow will not make an action permissible, since the node is prohibited or permitted in accordance with the procedure adopted in people, and not with the subjective desires of a separate person.

There are no problems on the shoes of problems at all, since they are unleashed every day. But if the laces are too long, then you do not need to tie the already created "bow" to the second node, because then we get a design according to the node scheme - the loop - the node, that is, in fact a double knot, between the two parts of which loop is located; And, as we have already noted, the double nodes on Saturday can not be tied or untied. And only if the shoelaces on the boot were confused so that a double knot was formed on them, it can be untied. The fact is that the ban knit a double knot for a short time is a "defendance" of the law caused by our doubt that specifically meant the sages under the term "sustainable node". And since in our case (confusing shoelaces on the boot) nobody knitted, and it turned out himself, the prohibition in strict form does not apply.

It is allowed to unleash the double knot in cases where it causes serious inconvenience, because the sages did not establish their prohibitions so that the person became unpleasant or hurt. For example, you can unleash the shoelaces if we started the on the eve of the Saturday, and now we can not remove shoes. If the wound on the body is bandaged and the bandage without a double knot does not hold, it can be tied on Saturday.

In principle, the node that is allowed to be untied, if desired, allowed and cut; Just do not do this in the presence of an unfair person who, looking at us, can come to false conclusions.

In some cases, it is impossible to tie even a single node, for example, a node at the end of the thread or lace so that the lace does not jump out of the hole on shoes. Such a node is sufficiently stronger in order to be considered "stable". Similarly, it is impossible to tie on Saturday a node at the ends of the threads cycite.Finally, we note that the ordinary node is forbidden to tie not only one thread, but also on dual.

And now about tie tie on Saturday. It is known that you can tie a tie at least two ways. First: on one of the ends, the node is done in which the other end is done; If you have allocated all operations in the reverse order when you take a tie, then the second end will be pulled out of the original node at the first end - and this node will remain. Consequently, it is impossible to tie the tie in this way on Saturday. (Another example of a forbidden single node.) The second method: one end of the tie is winding around the second, but so that if it is stretched, the node will not remain on the first end. Most likely, the wreck of one end around the other can be considered knitting a node, and not a loop. And yet, since some major authorities 5 consider this case as a "loop on the node", thus tie tie only to someone who comes to unleash it during the day.

Rambam wrote that on Saturday you can't have a rope, it is also a kind of zazeing knots. Already in our time, his statement caused disputes between connoisseurs alahiregarding polyethylene bags with bread and other food products. Sometimes these packages are fastened with wire, twisting it like a pigtail. Is it possible to do this on Saturday? Some seen here a prohibited operation similar to the visual rope. Others express doubt about the analogy: the rope makes the gossip fibers with each other, and in this case Wire wrap around the package, and, only so that he does not open, we lose two ends of the wire with each other. As you can see, the goal and form of action are others, and therefore, the analogy does not pass; Conclusion: to fasten the bags with wire. Third, too, are allowed, saying that such a bond that does not have a node form, can not be included in the category kosher.

But back to the shoelars. Earring the fence around the law, the sages were forbidden to inhibit shoelaces in the boots in two cases:

1. If it is customary to tie the node at the ends of the shoelaces, such as, for example, on soldier's boots. The ban is caused by the fear that, in the showering of the shoelaces, a person automatically causals the knot at their ends.

2. If the holes of the narrow are so much that it is difficult to turn the shoelace. The prohibition is caused by the fear that the node will be made at the ends of the shoelaces so that they do not jumped out and they did not have to fly again.

This gZER -flexible law - applies not only to shoes, but also on all shoe clothing. To laces with metal or plastic "tips", facilitating the invant process, the prohibition, of course, does not apply.

Alahasimilar to the just considered, related to the category of "final strike" (Mac Baptisch),about which the conversation is lower. The specified category includes operations, the essence of which is to make new subject Finally suitable for use. In applied to laces, ribbons and similar things alahahe says that it is impossible to inhibit new shoelaces even in old boots. Moreover, we cannot be transferred to the used shoelaces with some shoes to others. Most likely, this ban is only miderabanan,but they should not be neglected.

Let's summarize. It is allowed to ingest in the holes only such laces, which were at least partially worked before the onset of Saturday, and then, provided that the holes are wide enough and there is no habit of tying a node on the end of the lace. However, if there is no other exit, you can put new laces, but so that it is clear that after Saturday they are going to take out, for which they are inhabited, say, only in two top holes.

You can not insert a gum in the underwear instead of the burst, for it requires considerable effort.

From the point of view of the laws on nodes, a belt, which is part of the dress, is similar to the shoelace on the boot, and it includes listed limitations. In other words, only the old belt can be conceived, and then, provided that the loops are not narrow. But if the belt is an autonomist from dresses and are worn on different clothes, then you can insert it in the loop anyway.


Essence melahisewing - a connection of parts of clothing or tissue segments into a single integer with a fastening material, most often threads. As toladesthis includes gluing paper and other materials.

Recall that one of the principles mlechet Mahshech -stability of labor results. Consequently, only such a seam is banned, which himself will not disperse. Let's give a definition. "Sustainable" sewing is at least one: or two stitch threads - provided that the thread is tied at the end so that the seam does not work out; Or three stitches - even without a node at the end of the thread. And now the definition stitch: pushing a needle with a thread fabric in one place, we made one stitch, pushing in second place - the second stitch; Now, if we set up a nodule on the end of the thread, we completed the sewing operation prohibited on Saturday. Make two stitches, without tieting the node at the end of the thread, too, it is impossible, but already according to the decree of the wise men.

In category tutornot only the creation of new seams connecting pieces of fabric, but also strengthening the seams of older. Therefore, it is necessary to be careful on Saturday to automatically do not tighten the thread of the diverging seam. The same applies to buttons hanging "on a honest word": they can not be tightened in any case. True, you can tighten the lacing on clothes, since these action two parts of the dresses are not connected to one. In fact, the lacing for the same intended to tighten it and dissolve it, for it replaces buttons; So there is no sewing process here. Although, in order to avoid mistakes, the wise men demanded that the holes for the cord be wide.

Above, speaking about the category kosherwe noticed that only a stable node is prohibited, but you can tie temporary, such as on shoe laces. However, it was the work of the tying nodes. Regarding category tutormost authorities converge on the fact that it is forbidden, even if the stitched seams are going to break through a short time.

Is the use of English pins in the sewing category? On the one hand, the goal, it seems, the same - fastening parts of the clothing. There is a technological similarity: the fabric is pierced by a pin in two places (as well as a stitch thread), and the pin head can be considered a hub; As for the difference between cotton thread and metal wire, it is not so significant. On the other hand, it is clear that not all bonding can be considered as sewing, for example - ignition of jacket on buttons or zipper. So what is the answer? In some publications, the idea is expressed that the use of the pin is not included in the category tutoraccording to a very simple reason: sewing, we are interested in a complete unification of two pieces of fabric in one in such a way that, if the need to separate them from each other again, either spacers, or break clothes. But, pushing the edge of the edge of the clothes, we do not combine them into a single whole; Each of them remains in itself, even if the pin is not pulled out of the fabric for a long time. Others add that himself appearance Pins and its purpose indicate that it serves for a temporary connection. True, it cannot be sewn on Saturday even for the same time; Therefore, the "temporary" fastening by the pin is not yet a reason for permission. This is responsible: the connection pin is no longer reminded by creating a temporary seam, but buttons for buttons, which is definitely allowed.

The dispute is not finished. Some authorities found a new objection: even if you admit that the purpose of the English pin is a temporary connection, it is nevertheless included in the category tutor;after all, it is possible to sew not only threads, but also wire, including the one of which the pin is made. Thus, the fastening on the pin - let it be temporary, but sewing, and the last, as we know, is prohibited on Saturday by most lawmakers. In addition, if the pin will remain on the Saturday costume until the end of the day, then the temporary nature of the bonding is no longer so obvious.

In any case, and with this everyone agrees, you can fasten the jacket or broken clothes by an English pin, piercing each of the edges only once, since one stitch, even with the knot, is not considered a seam. But if we want to pierce each of the edges twice - there are two stitches and the pin lock as a node. And here we return again to the same dispute - whether the use of the sew pins. Therefore, in practice (in the case of two stitches), it should be consulted by rabbi. The same can be said about the casting of broochs on the dress. In cramped circumstances, you can rely on the opinions of authorities allowing you to make two stitches, provided that the pin is risen for a short time.

Disposable diapers, fastened with adhesive strips, also caused at one time alachicdispute. Recall that gluing - toladafrom sewing, and in the appearance of this operation it is difficult to say which connection was done - temporary or permanent: glit absolutely to the same method for a long time as for a couple of minutes. Therefore, many authorities were forbidden to use such diapers on Saturday. To which the rabbis, resolving disposable diapers, were objected to putting forward the following argument: gluing only for just a few hours is devoid of any significance and cannot be considered even temporary bonding. The stress in the dispute could somewhat asleep when manufacturers switched to the release of diapers with a special belt, which allowed repeatedly open and close the diaper. A disposable diapers that appeared in recent years, fastened with the help of "lipuchki", allow this dispute at all, not to concern: these diapers can be used in accordance with all opinions, since they are for that and that they are constantly discovered and closed - like lightning and buttons. Similarly, it is allowed to use everything that closes using such "lipuchk": bags, cases, shoes, etc.


When struggling, Mishkana had to tear (tool) or cut the cloth when sewing the cover of the cathedral tent. Recall that melahait is only a creative action, but not damage. Destructive melahot.(Unleash the nodes, tear, break, etc.) from the list of thirty-nine are prohibited only when they have a creative effect. Pure vandalism - meekalkel -Torah did not forbid, but in most cases devastating actions can not be done miderabanan.

Now from theory - to practice. Cannot tear toilet paper Neither perforations or elsewhere. It should be prepared chopped paper on the eve of Saturday.

On Saturday you can not open the missed letters. It is forbidden not only carefully to spend the envelope so that you can put something in it, but even it is irrevocably spoiled. Even if there is no creative element in the root of the envelope, yet meekalkelit is prohibited by the wise men. Also, you can not open the envelope over the ferry: because it is forbidden to glue (this toladafrom "sewing"), which means, to make a reverse operation, it is impossible to sprinkle, too (this is toladafrom "rip").

Paper or synthetic packages food products It should be opened on the eve of Saturday. If you have forgotten, you can open them on Saturday, but do not do the neat hole, but break, hopelessly spoiling (and without damaging the inscription on the package). In this case, the wise men were allowed to spoil the packaging for the extraction of food.

You can not cut the pages not yet cut the book. But you can divide the pages lucked in the printing house. Justification: Since they are unintentionally, the violation of this random bond (it is also temporary) is not included in the category corea(tear). It is only necessary to be careful to be inadvertently not to tear the part of the page.

It is impossible to remove protective paper from the leukoplasty: in contrast to the mercated book pages, it is glued intentionally and for a long time - to protect the glue layer before using it. If it is known in advance that the leukoplasty will need on Saturday, then on Friday you need to remove the protective paper and stick it again, - now she is glued for a short time, and its removal will not be considered as coreaSimilar remark - for those who use disposable diapers on Saturday with stickers.

"We work six days and do all your work, and in the seventh day - Saturday Almighty."

Why is it saying "six days work" in a master's tende? After all, it seems to be the one who has the livelihood is not obliged - in perfecting the commandment of the Torah - to sit daily for eight hours in the office.

Nodes on the threads should be tied if you need to support the highest strength. They help to attract good luck to your life. When you tie the nodule "For Memory", then you retain a particle of happy memories of events in life. Using nodes can be treated various diseases And return family happiness to the house.

Nodules surround a person everywhere in everyday life. You tie the laces on shoes, make complex nodes on ties. Lace or thread where nodules appear, symbolizes life Path man. If we make any nodules, then change your destiny.

Why tie nodules

Testing of nodules can help in personal life, promotes family happiness and heals from many diseases. In addition, it can be a powerful tool in black magic. If you decide to punish the offender, this method is able to destroy the energy shield of a person.

In ancient times, a woman could serve her husband with a rival and make love flawed with a new force. To do this, you need to make a knot on the rope and hide under the mattress on the married bed. So that the well-being in the family prevays, they tied the nodules and hid the threads in some secluded place. It was a kind of faith from negative external influence.

The thread of red is used in rituals for the removal of damage and the evil eye. On a thick rope, there are exactly nine knots and make special movements, as if knocked out the traces of negative presence from the body.

Slavs had a rite for binding a beloved person. If the girl wanted his beloved to constantly think about her and could not find peace, she went to the forest and tied up into a knot pieces of his clothes together with the branches of a young tree. A similar method is to send a love trimming on the beloved - it is to tie your hair with a hair of a man, put into the core of the apple and bury under the fruit tree.

Nabi from the threads do it yourself - a strong champion

Nabi was used in deep antiquity our ancestors. They are very strong energy talismen and usually consist of several nodes.

Slavs were complemented by a novel thread minerals, dried roots of plants, flaps of matter. Slavic novas were very complex and included a plurality of nodules. In household magic, it was possible to find novy for love, good luck, material wealth. Laces with nodules wore on her neck in the form of a necklace or were tested around the wrist. Such an overlap was considered very strong and defended his owner from troubles and fatal mistakes.

Before proceeding with the tying of the nodules, you need to know for what purpose it is used. For nodule magic, filaments made of wool, cotton or silk are suitable. It is best not to take synthetic materials, as they can deform when working.

Who should beware of the tying nodes

Women on demolitions and newlyweds need to stay away from knots on clothing. These innocent interlacing can destroy happy marriage. Nodes impede childbirth and conception of the child.

It was believed that if at the time of the rite of wedding, someone from the guests presented the node, and then break the thread and throw it away, in a short time my husband will leave the spouse to another woman.

Nodes in clothes are contraindicated business people. They interfere with the conclusion of the transaction and impede the successful course of events. These wubbles lose their function and can only lead to disputes and disagreements.

Color symbols of thread

By tradition, red threads are used to attract love and conservation of relationships. The largest force has a red thread on the wrist, woven three times with three nodules. You can buy a real red thread from Israel at this link.

But there are other options:

  • Yellow threads protect against envious, evil eye and damage.
  • Green lace protects from deception and attract good luck in money.
  • Blue colour Give you self-confidence. If you are hard to come into contact with the surrounding people, you will choose this color for yourself.
  • White threads are recommended to wear those who want to let something new in their lives. They develop mental abilities and send to the cherished goal.

Conduct a ritual for tying nodules should be done in a special mood. It is better to let all heavy thoughts and concentrate as much as possible. It depends on what events will expect you in the future. You should not feel the fear of the nodules, because they help get rid of the cargo of accumulated problems. Make the delivered steps and do not forget to press the buttons and

25.07.2015 09:15

Many stars show business are not hiding that they use talismans and charms. And the most common one ...

It is unknown to be unknown where and when the first node appeared, but historical sources accurately indicate that it is one of the signs of life. Without it, it was impossible to create first clothes, a primitive ax, onions and fishing rod ... in modern world The nodes also remain especially important for representatives of many professions, for example, for climbers and rigging, rescuers and astronauts, tailors, shoemakers, sailors. And in the past, and in the present, yes, probably, in the future, the purpose of the node will be unchanged - it is a symbol of stopping, connection, consolidation of something.

Why can not be untied?

Many nodes have both positive and negative meaning. The node value will depend on the method, location and time of the tying. But the most important goal, for which he was tied. For example, the node could be a faith in the event that it was tied with good intentions, that is, "good." Such a node "tied" the happiness of newlyweds, harvest and fertility - peasants. And if you wanted to damchet, then when tying, we thought only about "bad".

That is why signs of why it is impossible to unleash other people's nodes still considered to be valid. Any such a node tied by an unknown person is having a danger. The disconnection of the nodes is compared with the game in the "Roulette": you can purchase as a disease, and catch good luck ,.

There is a legend that in those days when official Medicine I have not yet existed, leading and 9 knots on the rope specially turned in a special way and weathered special words for recovery. They were given sick people who had to unleash "other people's" knots, thereby descended by the energy of recovery. In most cases, patients were recovered in 7-9 days.

From the foregoing, it can be concluded that the node is a "drive" of energy. Moreover, the more original it is tied, the more information is laid in it. And returning from the shop with purchases and thinking about whether it is possible to unleash other people's nodes on the package, everyone will do in its own way: will tear or unleash ...

Estimation of centuries in Russia's Russia treated her hair carefully. There was a belief that if you cheer your hair, you will change your life. In general, hares always attributed any magic properties. It was believed that with the help of hair, it is possible to subordinate to the will of any person if certain actions are performed above its hair.

Bioenergy, as if confirming some superstitions, assure that through the hair we feed energy from the space and everything that happens with hair changes our energy. Therefore, any impact on the hair can change not only your appearance, but all your life. And so that this does not happen, it is worth complying with some security measures.

How to choose a haircut masters?

A man harshing you changes your biofield. If you do not have a hairdresser, bioenergy advise, having come to the hairdresser, look into the hall and choose a cheerful, cheerful, energetic master and in order to go exactly to her (even if your turn came up, and another master turned out to be free. As a result, everything in your life will be fine. And the age of the hairdresser is important. The older man, the stronger his influence on your destiny. So, if you are not fatally lucky, try to trim from the master at the age, preferably known, even if its service will be twice as expensive. But in your life, everything will change for the better.

Why can't you cut yourself?

Never cut yourself yourself, even if you are super professional in hairdresser's art. And not only because you can cut yourself unevenly. But, as bioenergy assure, you can damage your biofield, but you cannot fix it yourself. Whatever strong and volitional is a person, it is difficult for him to correct the flaws of his biofield, since he les out its deformed energy.

Why is it better not to cut in men?

Although B. lately and many hairdressers have appeared and it is believed that they best mastersthan women, but it is necessary to cut the masters of one to the floor. During the haircut, the hairdresser is in your biofield, as a result of which it weakens, and we can easily succumb to someone else's influence. Therefore, if you liked the Master, he himself, without suspecting, can change your energy, and you will begin problems in your personal life.

Why can't you throw your hair into the water?

After the haircut, be sure to make your hair remove. In no case, they can not be thrown into the water, otherwise your hair will become dull, dry and start falling out. Ideally, your hair needs to burn or, at worst, wrapping into paper or fold into a plastic bag, tie tight and only then throw away. And not only because the birds will take their hair into the nest, and strong headaches will be tormented. But because through this hair, your vital power will be flowed from you.

Haircut on the moon

Before trying, look at the moon. If you want the hair to grow faster, then we are striking on the growing moon. If you have naughty, inclined to confuse hair, and also if the hair falls out hard, then trim on a decreasing moon. True, and the hair will grow slowly.

But at 9, 15, 23 and 29 day of the lunar cycle, in the so-called day of Satan, as well as in the days of sunny and lunar eclipse, it is impossible to cut at all. These days, our energy is weakened and after haircuts can be seriously sick.

What day of the week is best to cut?

If you want to change something in your life, go to the hairdresser on a certain day of the week.

Need to throw out an excess of negative emotions, to solve long-accumulated problems with which it is impossible to cope? True B. monday . This day is also favorable for hair color.

He tortured the monotony of life, you lack activity, did the physical forces left you? Go to the hairdresser in Tuesday.

Want to learn something new, interesting, meet old friends or make new, in one word, expand the circle of dating and communication - trim in Wednesday.

Visiting the hairdresser B. thursday Promotes changes in relationship with others, will increase your popularity, make you more successful and prosperous in all respects.

Friday - Beauty Day. By visiting the hairdresser on this day, you do not just change the hairstyle, you will change the appearance. So if you like, as you look like, you just want to tick the hairstyle - do not go to the hairdresser on Friday.

True B. saturday, you are not only rehearsing your hair, but at the same time you will remove some of your karmous debts And even the sins of your kind. But what exactly are we, unfortunately, not given to know.

And finally, not to spark your fate and do not move good luck, do not fight in sunday. True, if you want steep changes in life, you lack difficulties and problems - Sunday is for you.

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