First aid for drowning. Drilling acute pathological condition, developing with full immersion of the body into a liquid, which makes it difficult or. Presentation to the lesson First Aid Help

Barykin Anna

This presentation is intended for the section "Swimming" of the curriculum on the subject of "physical culture". Details illuminated by the observation of the drowning, species and the provision of first prefigure assistance during accidents on water.



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Presentation on the topic "Swimming. First aid when drowning "work performed a student 11b class MOU" SOSH№15 "Barykin Anna Teacher Abramova E.M. Naberezhny Chelny, 2014

Drowning is a terminal state or the occurrence of death due to aspiration (penetration) of fluid into the respiratory tract, reflex stop of the heart in cold water or spasm of the voice slot, which results in a decrease in the gas exchange in the lungs. Drowning is the type of mechanical asphyxia (choking) as a result of water from entering the respiratory tract.

Changes occurring in the body when drowning, in particular, the duration of dying under water, depend on a number of factors: on the nature of water (fresh, salt, chlorinated fresh water in the pools), from its temperature (ice, cold, warm), from the presence of impurities (Il, Tina, etc.), from the condition of the body of the victim at the time of drowning (overwork, excitation, alcoholic intoxication, etc.).

The following types of drowning are distinguished: true ("wet", or primary) asphyge ("dry") synicopal secondary drowning ("death on water")

True drowning condition accompanied by penetration of fluid into the lungs, arising from about 75 to 95% of death on water. A characteristic long struggle for life. Examples of true drowning is drowning in fresh and sea water.

Drowning in fresh water during penetration into light fresh water is quickly absorbed into the blood, since the concentration of salts in fresh water is much lower than in the blood. This leads to a discharge of blood, an increase in its volume and the destruction of red blood cells. Sometimes the edema is developing. A large number of stable pink foam is formed, which is even more gas exchange. The circulatory function is terminated as a result of a violation of the reduction of the ventricles of the heart.

Drowning in sea water. Due to the fact that the concentration of dissolved substances in sea water is higher than in the blood, when seawater, in the light liquid part of blood, together with proteins penetrates blood vessels in the alveoli. This leads to blood concentration, an increase in concentration of potassium ions, sodium, calcium, magnesium and chlorine. In the alveolis, a large amount of fluid is increasing, which leads to their stretching up to the gap. As a rule, when drowning in seawater, the edema is developed. The small amount of air that is in the alveoli contributes during the respiratory movements of the fluid whipping with the formation of a protein foam. Gas exchange sharply breaks, a heart stop occurs.

The asphyned drowning occurs due to irritation with the liquid of the upper respiratory tract (without the aspiration of water into the lungs, as a result of laryngospasm) and is observed in 5-20% of all sinking. In most cases, the pre-oppression of the central nervous system is preceded by the pre-oppression of the central nervous system, the state of alcohol intoxication, the blow of the water surface. As a rule, the initial period cannot be diagnosed. In agony there is a rare labile pulse on trunk arteries. Breathing may have the appearance of "false support" (with pure respiratory tract). Over time, the oppression of breathing and blood circulation occurs and the transition during the clinical death, which, with asphy, is drowning longer (4-6 minutes). With reanior measures, as a rule, it is difficult to overcome the trisms of chewing muscles and laryngospasm.

Syncopal drowning is characterized by the primary reflex stop of the heart and respiration caused by the ingress of even a minor amount of water into the upper respiratory tract. With this form of drowning, the priority is the onset of clinical death. The pulse and breathing are absent, the pupils are expanded (they do not react to the light). Skin pale. The similar development mechanism has the so-called "ice shock", or immersion syndrome, developing due to the reflex stop of the heart with a sharp immersion in cold water.

The secondary drowning ("death on water") occurs as a result of the primary stopping of blood circulation and respiration (myocardial infarction, attack of epilepsy, etc.). A feature of this type of drowning is that the falling water into the respiratory tract occurs again and unhindered (when a person is already in the period of clinical death).

The first aid for drowning during resuscitation activities is extremely important is the time factor. The earlier the revival started, the greater the chance of success. Based on this, artificial respiration is desirable to start on the water. To do this, perform periodic blowing air into the mouth or into the nose of the victim during its transportation to the shore or to the boat. On the shore there is an inspection of the victim. If the victim did not lose consciousness or is in a state of light fainting, then to eliminate the effects of drowning, it is enough to give a sniffing alcohol and warm the victim.

If the circulation function is preserved (pulsation on carotid arteries), no breathing, the oral cavity is released from foreign bodies. To do this, it is purified by a finger, wrapped by a bandage, removal removable dentures. Often the mouth of the victim is impossible to open due to the spasm of chewing muscles. In these cases, artificial respiration "mouth in the nose"; With the ineffectiveness of this method, the rotor seater is used, and if it is not, then a flat metal object is used (do not break your teeth!). As for the release of the upper respiratory tract from water and foam, it is best to apply suction for these purposes. If it is not, the injured put the stomach down on the dismissant's hip, bent in the knee joint. Then sharply, vigorously compress its chest. These manipulations are needed in those intensive care cases, when it is impossible to carry out artificial ventilation of the lungs due to the overlap of the respiratory tract with water or foam. It is necessary to conduct this procedure quickly and energetically. If there is no effect for a few seconds, it is necessary to start artificial ventilation of the lungs. If the skin is pale, then it is necessary to move directly to artificial ventilation of the lungs after cleansing the oral cavity.

The victim is placed on the back, free from the shocking clothes, they throw the head back, placing one hand under the neck, and the other is imposed on the forehead. Then they push the lower jaw of the victim forward and up so that the lower cutters turn out to be ahead of the upper. These techniques are performed in order to restore the passability of the upper respiratory tract. After that, the rescuer makes a deep breath, a little delays her breathing and, tightly pressing her lips to mouth (or to the nose) of the victim, doing exhale. It is recommended to clamp the nose with your fingers (when the mouth in the mouth) or mouth (when the mouth is breathing in the nose) of the animated one. Exhalation is carried out passively, while the respiratory tract should be open.

If with artificial ventilation of the lungs from the respiratory tract of the victim, water is distinguished, which makes it difficult to ventilation of the lungs, you need to turn your head to the side and raise the opposite shoulder; At the same time, the mouth of the drowned will be lower than the chest and the liquid will turn out. After that, it is possible to continue artificial ventilation of lungs. In no case cannot cease artificial ventilation of the lungs when independent respiratory movements have the victim, if his consciousness has not yet been restored or disrupted or sharply rhythm respiratory rhythm, which indicates incomplete recovery of the respiratory function.

In the event that there is no effective blood circulation (there is no pulse on large arteries, the heart blows do not listen, the blood pressure is not determined, the skin of pale or blue), simultaneously with artificial ventilation of the lungs spend an indirect heart massage. The help provided becomes on the side of the victim so that his hands are perpendicular to the surface of the chest drowned. The resuscator places one hand perpendicular to the sternum in its lower third, and the other put on top of the first hand, parallel to the plane of the sternum. The essence of an indirect heart massage lies in a sharp compression between the breast and the spine; At the same time, blood from the ventricles of the heart enters a large and small circle of blood circulation. Massage must be performed in the form of sharp jesters: do not strain the muscles of the hands, and it should be how to "drop" a lot of your body down - leads to the bending of the sternum by 3-4 cm and corresponds to a reduction in the heart. In the intervals between the arms of the hand, it is impossible to tear off, but the pressure should not be - this period corresponds to the relaxation of the heart. Resuscitative movements must be rhythmic with frequency of shocks of about 100 per minute.

Massage is effective if the pulsation of sleepy arteries begins to determine, tested before the extended pupils, the sinusiness decreases. When these first signs of life appear, the indirect heart massage should be continued until he starts to listen to the heartbeat.

If resuscitation is carried out by one person, it is recommended to alternate the indirect heart massage and artificial respiration as follows: 1 blowing air is performed on the sternum 4-5. If the rescuers are two, then one is engaged in an indirect heart massage, and the other - artificial ventilation of the lungs. At the same time, 1 air blowing alternate with 5 massage movements.

After removing the victim from the state of clinical death, it is warmed (wrapped in a blanket, look with warm heels) and make a massage of the upper and lower extremities from the periphery to the center.

Of great importance on the time of returning to the life of the victim is the water temperature. When drowning in ice water, when the body temperature decreases, the revival is possible and 30 minutes after the accident when drowning the time during which the human revival is possible after extracting from the water is 3-6 minutes.

A brief algorithm of actions: Ensure that nothing threatens you. Removing the victim from the water. (If a spiderman fracture is suspected - pull out the victim on the board or shield.) Put the victim of the stomach on your knee, give water to drain from the respiratory tract. Provide the undergoing upper respiratory tract. Clean the oral cavity from foreign objects (mucus, vomit mass, etc.). Call (independently or with the help of others) "ambulance". Determine the presence of a pulse on carotid arteries, reactions of pupils on light, self-breathing. If the pulse, the breath and the reaction of pupils are missing for light - immediately proceed to the cardiovascular intensive care. Keep restensible before the arrival of the medical personnel or before restoring independent respiration and heartbeat. After recovering breathing and cardiac activity, give the victim a steady lateral position. Ukra and Sogray him. Provide constant monitoring of the state! "Swimming. First aid when drowning "

Remember the rules of behavior on water to avoid troubles, children and adults it is necessary to strictly observe a number of simple rules of behavior on the water: - most people are not drowning due to the fact that they are badly floating, but because, swimming is far or frightened, a panic and not Hoping for themselves. Practice to master the recreation technique in order to, starting something to be nervous while swimming, you could simply relax and relax. And then, having come to yourself, go to the shore. - In the absence of waves, it is best to rest in the back position. To ensure the horizontal position of the body, it is necessary to pull out straight relaxed hands behind your head, legs to dilute to the sides and slightly bend. If this is not enough and legs begin to fall down, then you need to slightly bend your hands in the ray-crew joints and lift the brush over the water surface, then the legs will immediately pop up. The body will take a horizontal position. You can relax on the back, performing slow and smooth movements with legs and arms under water, spending the minimum effort. - You can buy no earlier than 1.5-2 hours after meals. - It is not recommended to make swimming in open water bodies, at a water temperature below +15 ° C, as a sudden loss of consciousness and death from cold shock is possible. The development of the shock is often helped by the overheating of the body before swimming and unexpectedly fast immersion in cold water. - You can not dive in unfamiliar places - there may be puzzled logs, stones, squigs on the bottom. - Do not jump into water from boats, boats, berths and other structures that are not adapted for these purposes. - It is advisable for swimming to choose specially allotted for this place. - Do not swim away from the coast, for the buzzles, denoting the boundaries of the safe zone. - Do not swim close to ships (motor, sailing), boats, barges. With their approximation, the water level in the reservoir increases significantly, and when passing, it falls sharply and flushes everything that is on the shore. There were cases when under the bottom of the ship or barge delayed near the floating people. - Do not swim in wetlands and where there is algae or tina. Used sources www. Swimming www. Drowning

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Clade 2.

Slide 3.

Drowning can be: primary (true or "wet"), asphisical ("dry"), secondary.

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Signs of drowning skin pale or shiny, the body to the touch is cold. Water is distinguished between the mouth and the nose, sometimes with foam. The victim is unconscious. He may have no breathing and reflexes.

Slide 5.

First Aid: If a person is conscious, he is thrown to the end of the rope, rescue circles and remedies. If the sinking lost consciousness or is unable to use the flooded, it must be pulled out of the water. Sweeping to a rapid one should be sure to come back so that it does not take reflexively for the rescue. Then you need to put the head of the victim on my chest and, maintaining a drowning afloat, swim on the back to the shore.

Slide 6.

First aid when drowning, first of all, it is necessary to free the oral cavity from water and tina. To do this, deep into the oral cavity you need to introduce a finger wrapped with a clean cloth. If the mouth of the drowned firmly compressed, you need to break the teeth using a solid item.

Slide 7.

Then the victim turn over the stomach down and put on the knee of the rescuer so that the head gets drunk down. This is done in order to remove water. At the same time, the rescuer must press on the back and the ribs of the victim. Then the victim turn over the stomach down and put on the knee of the rescuer so that the head gets drunk down. This is done in order to remove water. At the same time, the rescuer must press on the back and the ribs of the victim.

Slide 8.

The next step is to perform artificial respiration. The rescuer clamps the nose of the drowned and, having inhales, blows the air in his mouth. In this case, the chest of the victim is filled with air, after which it takes out. Artificial respiration should be made at a speed of 16-18 times per minute, or about once every four seconds. The next step is to perform artificial respiration. The rescuer clamps the nose of the drowned and, having inhales, blows the air in his mouth. In this case, the chest of the victim is filled with air, after which it takes out. Artificial respiration should be made at a speed of 16-18 times per minute, or about once every four seconds.

Slide 9.

After recovering breathing and cardiac activity, give the victim a steady lateral position. Ukra and Sogray him. However, it should be remembered that there is a danger of repeated heart stop. Therefore, it is necessary to call "ambulance", and before its arrival you need to carefully follow the condition of the victim. After recovering breathing and cardiac activity, give the victim a steady lateral position. Ukra and Sogray him. However, it should be remembered that there is a danger of repeated heart stop. Therefore, it is necessary to call "ambulance", and before its arrival you need to carefully follow the condition of the victim.

Moscow City Education Department Educational and Methodical Center for Professional Education

  • First aid when drowning.
  • Information for teachers and educational institutions of vocational education
  • Moscow Department of Education
Stages of assistance
  • Allocate two stages of assistance at
  • drowning:
  • First - these are a rescuer actions directly in water,
  • when drowning still in consciousness, takes
  • active actions and able to independently
  • to stick on the surface. In this case, there is a real
  • the opportunity to prevent tragedy and get rid only
  • "light fright."
  • But it is this option that represents the greatest
  • danger for the rescuer and requires him first of all
  • skill to swim, good physical training and
  • possessing special techniques for a rapid
  • man, and most importantly - the ability to be freed from the "dead"
  • captures.
Stages of assistance
  • Remember!
  • Panic fear of drowning
  • deadly danger for lifeguard.
Stages of assistance
  • Allocate two stages of assistance in drowning:
  • The second stage of assistance in drowning is on the shore. The sequence of actions in providing first aid to the victim depends on its condition.
Stages of assistance
  • The victim is conscious
  • Remove wet clothes from it,
  • distribute his body with a towel or
  • soft cloth, wrap and let it
  • hot non-alcoholic beverage
  • (tea, coffee, etc.).
Stages of assistance
  • The victim is unconscious, but the pulse and breathing are saved
  • Make the victim on your back with the head-down and raised legs, unsettling (remove) with shocking clothes, let him sniff the ammonia alcohol. Then try as much as possible to remove water from the stomach and the lungs below described. At the same time, it is necessary to rub the body towards the heart, making the massage of the upper and lower extremities.
Stages of assistance
  • In more severe cases
  • The sequence of actions is determined by the type of drowning
  • Drowning happens:
  • a) true (blue);
  • b) dry (pale).
Stages of assistance
  • The victim is in a state of true (blue) drowning
  • Signs of true (blue) drowning:
  • face and neck of blue-gray color;
  • the swollen vessels are well distinguished on the neck;
  • pink foam is distinguished from the mouth and nose.
Stages of assistance
Stages of assistance
  • The sequence of assistance in true drowning
  • Turn over the stomach drowned in such a way that the head is lower than its pelvis. For example, put the stomach on your thigh or on the back of the chair, the trunk of the dusting tree, etc.
Stages of assistance
  • The sequence of assistance in true drowning
  • If the affected convulsively compressed his jaws, relieve them with the next admission:
  • four fingers of both hands place under the corners of the lower jaw and, resting in the thumbs in the chin, sharply click on it, opening the mouth. To eliminate the re-compression of the jaws, insert any item between your teeth (a piece of rubber tied with a handkerchief node, a ride of bandage, etc.). Removable dentures necessarily remove.
Stages of assistance
  • The sequence of assistance in true drowning
  • Enter the victim in the mouth finger wrapped with a piece of matter, and a circular motion remove the contents of the oral cavity. It is necessary to do it very carefully.
Stages of assistance
  • The sequence of assistance in true drowning
  • After cleansing the oral cavity sharply push the tongue root to provoke a vomit reflex and stimulation of breathing.
  • The presence or absence of this reflex will be an essential test to determine further tactics.
Stages of assistance
  • If the vomit reflex is saved, then after pressing the root of the tongue, you will hear the characteristic sound of "e", after this will follow the vomit movement, and water will begin to pour out water from rest of eaten food. Following cough.
Stages of assistance
  • First aid while preserving a vomit and cough reflex
  • for 5-10 minutes, periodically, with force, put on the root of the tongue until the water will not be released from the mouth and the upper respiratory tract;
  • during the exhalation of victims by intense movements, it is squeezed several times from the sides of his chest;
  • put palms on the back of the victim, it also contributes to the disheart of water from the lungs;
Stages of assistance
  • First aid while preserving a vomit and cough reflex
  • Removal of water from the lungs and stomach:
  • make the victim on the side and try to call "ambulance";
  • before the arrival of the ambulance, no for a second, do not leave the drowned out of attention: every minute a sudden stop of the heart may occur.
Stages of assistance
  • If, when pressed to the root of the language, the vomit reflex never appeared, but in the resulting from the mouth of the liquid no remnants of eaten food; If there is no cough, nor respiratory movements, then in no case you can not waste time for further extraction of water from the stomach and lightweight.
Stages of assistance
  • First assistance to the victim without signs of life
  • The main task is to start cardiovascular intensive care as soon as possible!
Stages of assistance
  • First assistance to the victim without signs of life
  • For this:
  • turn over the sinking on the back, look at the reaction of pupils into the light and check the ripple on the carotid artery. In the absence of them, immediately proceed to cardiovascular intensive care;
  • since the conduct of resuscitation manipulations is impossible without periodic removal of water, foaming and mucus from the upper respiratory tract of the drowned, then every 3-4 minutes will have to interrupt the artificial ventilation of the lungs and the indirect heart massage, quickly turn the victim to the stomach and with a napkin to remove the contents of the cavity mouth and nose;
Stages of assistance
  • First assistance to the victim without signs of life
  • The victim is in a state of dry (pale) drowning
  • Signs of "pale" drowning:
  • the skin acquires a pale gray, without a pronounced formation;
  • pale drowning is very rarely accompanied by the release of foam. If there is a small amount of "fluffy" foam, then after it is removed on the skin or napkin there is no wet traces. Such a foam is called "dry";
  • pulse is always absent.
Stages of assistance
  • First assistance to the victim without signs of life
  • The victim is in a state of dry (pale) drowning
  • This type of drowning occurs in cases where the water did not hit the lungs and stomach. This occurs when drowning in very cold or chlorinated water. In these cases, the irritant effect of ice water into the hole or strongly chlorinated in the pool causes the reflex spasm of the voice slot, which prevents its penetration into the lungs. Unexpected contact with cold water often leads to a reflex stop of the heart.
Stages of assistance
  • First assistance to the victim without signs of life
  • check the pulse on the carotid artery, with its absence, immediately proceed to conduct cardiopulmonary resuscitation;
  • after the appearance of signs of life, transfer the victim to heat;
  • remove wet clothes from it, scroll with a soft woolen cloth or towel, rejection into dry clothes and wrap in a warm blanket.
  • Give abundant hot drink;
  • call "ambulance".
Stages of assistance
  • First assistance to the victim without signs of life
  • Sequence of assistance with pale drowning:
  • Remember!
  • When drowning in cold water, there is every reason to count on salvation even in the case of a long stay under water. When drowning in cold water, a person in a state of clinical death turns out to be in deep hypothermia. In the whole body, immersed in ice water, almost completely stops the metabolic processes, which moves the term of the onset of biological death.
Stages of assistance
  • First assistance to the victim without signs of life
  • Resuscitation activities: artificial ventilation of the lungs and indirect heart massage
Stages of assistance
  • First assistance to the victim without signs of life
  • Sequence of:
  • Check the pulse on the carotid artery. If the pulse is tested, and there is no breathing, perform artificial ventilation of the lungs one of the methods:
  • a) "Mouth in the mouth";
  • b) "From the mouth to the nose."
Stages of assistance
  • First assistance to the victim without signs of life
  • Method "Mouth in the Roth"
  • Make the victim on the back on the hard
  • surface.
  • Tighten your head back by laying under the neck roller from
  • clothes. It will not allow the West Language to overlap
  • airways.
Stages of assistance
  • First assistance to the victim without signs of life
  • Method "Mouth in the Roth"
  • If the victims convulsively fit jaws, remove them with the next admission: four fingers of both hands place under the corners of the lower jaw and, resting with the thumbs in the chin, sharply click on it, opening your mouth. (Fig. A)
  • Then, changing the position of the hands, pull the jaw down, opening the mouth, and the second hand placed on the forehead, tighten your head back. (Fig. b)
Stages of assistance
  • First assistance to the victim without signs of life
  • Method "Mouth in the Roth"
  • Holding the head and neck with one hand (Fig. A), make the most deep breath and, tightly pressing the mouth of the victim - fast, strong exhalation, blowing air into the airways and light patients. Exhalation should last about 1 s. And by volume to reach 1-1.5 liters to cause sufficient stimulation of the respiratory center (Fig. b).
Stages of assistance
  • First assistance to the victim without signs of life
  • Method "Mouth in the Roth"
  • After the end of the exhalation, the rescuer is inflicted and frees the mouth of the victim, in no case does not stop the re-installing of his head, because Otherwise, there will be a full-fledged independent exhalation. The exhalation of the patient should last about 2 s, that is, twice the breath. In a pause, before the next breath, the rescuer needs to be made 1-2 small ordinary inhales - exhalation "for yourself." The cycle is repeated first with a frequency of 10-12 per minute, then 5-6 per minute.
Stages of assistance
  • First assistance to the victim without signs of life
  • Method "Mouth in the Roth"
  • The rescuer, making a deep exhalation in the mouth of the victim, should fully seal his mouths with his lips, creating as if impermeable dome over the mouth of the victim. At the same time, the nostrils of the victim need to hold the hands with large and index fingers (see Fig.).
Stages of assistance
  • First assistance to the victim without signs of life
  • Method "Mouth in the Roth"
  • Remember !!!
  • Lack of tightness - a frequent error in artificial respiration. At the same time, air leakage through the nose or angles of the affected mouth negates all the efforts of the saving.
Stages of assistance
  • First assistance to the victim without signs of life
  • Method "Mouth in the Roth"
  • Periodically Pressing on the poverty
  • area, free the stomach of the victim from
  • airfriended air
Stages of assistance
  • First assistance to the victim without signs of life
  • Method "Mouth in Nose"
  • Artificial ventilation of the lungs "From the mouth to the nose" is carried out if the affected convulsively compressed jaws and dismiss them impossible or there is a lip injury or jaws.
Stages of assistance
  • First assistance to the victim without signs of life
  • Method "Mouth in Nose"
  • Having placed one hand on the forehead of the victim, and the other - on his chin, rework (i.e., trample a back) head and at the same time press its lower jaw to the top (see Fig.).
Stages of assistance
  • First assistance to the victim without signs of life
  • Method "Mouth in Nose"
  • Fingers supporting chin, press
  • the bottom lip, sealing the mouth
  • victim. After deep breath with his lips
  • cover the horn of the victim, creating over it all the same
  • impermeable dome air. Then make
  • strong air blowing through nostrils (1 -1.5 l), tracking
  • at the same time, the movement of the chest and
  • periodically freeing the stomach of the victim from
  • inhabited by air pressed on
  • subsection area.
Stages of assistance
  • First assistance to the victim without signs of life
  • Method "Mouth in Nose"
  • If the pulse does not do, spend
  • resuscitation activities in full.
  • Stand on your knees to the left of the victim and
  • put both palms (one on top of another) on
  • the lower third of the sternum 2 cm left from the middle
  • lines (lower third of the chest).
  • Energetic shocks with a frequency of 60-80 per minute
  • press the sternum. It is necessary to put up with such force,
  • in order to shifter inwards in an adult
  • a person is 3-5 cm, a teenager is 2-3 cm.
Stages of assistance
  • First assistance to the victim without signs of life
  • Method "Mouth in Nose"
  • Indirect heart massage needed
  • combine with artificial respiration.
  • After two in a row, "blowings" of air in
  • lungs need to produce 15 massage
  • shocks.
Stages of assistance
  • First assistance to the victim without signs of life
  • Method "Mouth in Nose"
  • If the help has two people, then one
  • produces artificial respiration, the second -
  • heart massage (see Fig.).
Stages of assistance
  • First assistance to the victim without signs of life
  • Method "Mouth in Nose"
  • First produce air blowing in
  • lightweight, and after that - 5-6 massage
  • heart shoes. During the breath
  • affected pressure on
  • the breast is not produced.
Stages of assistance
  • First assistance to the victim without signs of life
  • Method "Mouth in Nose"
  • When restoring cardiac
  • activity pallor skin
  • decreases, an independent appears
  • pulse on carotid arteries, some
  • patients restore breathing and
  • consciousness.
Stages of assistance
  • First assistance to the victim without signs of life
  • Method "Mouth in Nose"
  • Resuscitation continue or up
  • restoration of self-heartal
  • activities and breathing, or before arrival
  • "Ambulance", or before the appearance of obvious
  • signs of death (body spots and
  • stuffing, which are observed after 2
  • hour).
Stages of assistance
  • First assistance to the victim without signs of life
  • Method "Mouth in Nose"
  • The victim must urgently deliver to the hospital to the intensive care unit. Make it necessary, regardless of how the victim feels.
Stages of assistance
  • First assistance to the victim without signs of life
  • Method "Mouth in Nose"
  • Remember !!!
  • Threat to re-stopped heart
  • development of edema of the lungs, brain and acute
  • renal failure is saved
  • for 3-5 days after salvation !!

First medical care when drowning

Obzhu teacher MOU "SOSH number 7"


Sorokina Tatyana Vitalevna

  • Drowning - death or terminal (com) condition resulting from the penetration of water (less often - other liquids) into light and respiratory tract.
  • Drilling can be in fresh or salted water. The severity of the state of the drowned depends on whether it was healthy before he fell under water, as well as on the temperature of the water.

Types of drowning and their signs

  • Distinguish three types of drowning:
  • white . "White" drowned - the skin is pale, since the victim in the water did not breathe and the water did not have time to get into the lungs. Clinical death has come due to heart attack, from the reflex stop of the heart, etc. It is this category of victims most easily resuscifically.

2) Blue . "Blue" drowned - Skin Skin, the cervical veins are not swollen. There is a lot of water in the lungs, but there are not much water in the lungs, since the clinical death has come due to the spasm of the voice gap.

3) Syncopal . "Blue" drowned - with swollen cervical veins, in the lungs a lot of water (water even penetrated blood). To reanimate such a victim harder.

PMP when drowning

1) If extracted from the water consciousness, it is necessary to calm it, remove wet clothing, warm, dress in dry clothes, wrap, drink hot tea or coffee. After that, send to the hospital, as one of the complications of drowning is pneumonia.

2) If the victim has no breathing and heartbeat, then you need to start resuscitation, but depending on the type of drowning with differences in the order of actions:

  • W. "White" drowned It is necessary to check the passability of the upper respiratory tract, clean the mouth and nose from the Tina, sand, and the like. After that, to carry out indirect heart massage and artificial respiration on the usual technique.

  • W. "Blue" drowned After cleaning the nasopharynx, it is necessary to remove water from the upper respiratory tract before the reanimation. For this, the rescuer puts the victim to the thigh on his hip his bent in his knee of the right leg, pressing the victim of the left hand on his back to remove water from the upper respiratory tract (for no more than 20-30 seconds).

Resuscitation - (Lat. Reanimatio. - Literally "Return of Life", "Revitalization").

  • Make sure there are signs of clinical death, first of all in the fact that the heart does not work.
  • Resuscitation starts with the so-called precondial impact. The victim is placed on a solid surface (for example, gender). On the lower third of the sternum shall apply a short, strong blow (the blow must be correlated with age and weight of the injured body) fist. After that, immediately determine the pulse on the carotid artery. Sometimes one strike is enough to "run the heart".

Precardial strike


  • If the precordial strike did not bring the desired result, then they begin to resuscitate in full: - the help becomes kneels to the left of the victim and puts both palms (one on top of another) to the lower third of the sternum 2 cm left from the midline (lower third of the chest ).

Energetic pushs with a frequency of 60-80 per minute click on the sternum. It is necessary to put pressure with such a force so that the Grebin shifts inside in an adult for 3-5 cm, a teenager is 2-3 cm, a one-year-old child is 1 cm.

  • In a child under 1, an indirect heart massage makes one big finger.

Combination of artificial respiration and indirect heart massage

The indirect heart massage must be combined with artificial respiration:

  • If the help has two people, one produces artificial respiration, the second is a heart massage. First, air is injected into the lungs, and then there are 5 massage jolts of the heart.
  • If the help has one person, then after two in a row, "blowings" of air in the lungs need to produce 30 massage jolts.
  • When recovering cardiac activity, the pallor of skin decreases, an independent pulse appears on carotid arteries, some patients restore breathing and consciousness.

Precautions during rescue drowning:

1) Resuscitation to continue or before restoring independent heart activities and respiration, or before the ambulance arrival, or before the emergence of explicit signs of death (corpany spots and stuffing, which are observed in 2 hours).

2) The victim must urgently deliver to the hospital to the intensive care unit. Make it must be necessary, no matter how the victim feels.

First Aid when drowning

Prepared in accordance with the letter of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus dated March 14, 2012 No. 36 / "On the provision of visual agitation of social rescue posts"

Among the reasons leading to drowning, the main place is occupiedfear I.feeling panicoften associated not with real, but with imaginary danger.

Other reasons for drowning: low water temperature and high flow rate, whirlpool, cold key from the bottom, storm, as well as the inability to swim, overwork, painful condition, injuries when jumping into water, violation of cardiac activity when swimming under water.

The main rule during the rescue of the drowning is to act quickly, but thoughtfully, calm and carefully.

Hearing the call of a burrowing about help, he must immediately answer, shout, so that he knew that he would be rendered help. It gives the strength to the drowning.

If there is an opportunity, you need to sink the pole, the end of the clothes or throw the end of the rope, firing floating items.

It must be remembered that the assistance must not only swim well and dive

Remember! For a rare exception, the sinking person is physiologically not able to call for help, since it is not possible to breathe.

Ask, how well he is. If the answer is silence and meaningless look - you can stay less than 30 seconds to save it.

Attention to parents:when children play in the water, they are noisy. If the noise is verse - come and find out why.

Fly to the drowning should be, if possible, on the boat, raft, rescue circle, etc.

To assist you should quickly remove clothing and shoes.

The place to enter the water should be chosen so that using the power and the flow rate rather to sail to the scene.

Save a sinking man usually falls.

If he still keeps on the surface, you should swim to him from behind to avoid dangerous capture on his part.

In the case of capture, it is better to immerse yourself with sinking into the water. He, trying to stay on the surface, as a rule, lets the rescuer.

If the sinking plunged into the water, you need to dive and try to detect it. Finding the sinking, it is necessary to take it by the hand or by the hair, and pushing out from the bottom, to float to the surface.