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Theoretical and informative (gnoseological) function Political science is to develop theoretical (fundamental) knowledge of politics, the development of its main problems and formulation of new ones. Political studies give the overall characteristics of the functioning of political systems, the activities of political institutions, parties and groups.

This function of political science opens access to political knowledge not only a narrow circle of specialists and politicians, but and everyone wants to know "secret springs of the power mechanism." This feature helps politicians to have an objective, scientific understanding of political processes, contributes to the growth of political culture of the population, deepening scientific research.

The second function of political science - methodological. Scientific paradigm, theory, the view system used to obtain new knowledge, conclusions, practical tasks becomes method. The methodological function of political science is that it gives the way to solve theoretical and practical tasks in the field of politics and in adjacent areas: in economics, culture, social sphere. Political science gives the methodology of social behavior of man and social management, the methodology for the formulation of social goals and mobilizing people to fulfill their implementation, methods for building relationships between nations within the country and in the international arena, etc. Withdrawals of political research, not only policies, but also sociologists, psychologists, demographers, environmentalists, lawyers, historians, philosophers are used.

The third function of political science is prognostic. This feature allows you to "look after the horizon" with a greater or lesser degree of reliability, determine the focus and parameters of socio-political processes, see the tendency in the apparent chaotic phenomena and facts. From the right political forecast, the success and timeliness depends largely. Polytic decision.

Posted function - An important function of political science. Ancients said: "To love, you need to know." Indeed, the study of the state device, conscious participation in practical policy makes human relations to their country more loyal. The feeling of patriotism, pride, love to the Motherland arouse its steps in protecting the rights and dignity of specific people, its citizens, ensuring their participation in the management of society.

Finally, managerial (practical) functionpolitical science allows you to apply the knowledge gained to solve society management problems. It should be noted that political scientists are not controlled directly by society. But they give recommendations for making policies, participate together with other specialists in analyzing political situations, drawing up certificates, reports, forecasts, plans and programs.

Patterns of political science. In our opinion, universal patterns of politics (and political science) should be separated from the functional patterns of political science.

Universal laws are:

relations of managers and managed ("tops" and "lower") in society;

the ratio of higher, middle and lower classes;

accounting for a specific political and socio-economic situation when making a political decision;

support in politics, both on economic and military power and on moral and legal principles, etc.

Functional laws Political science are those in the conditions of which it functions. Considering that in totalitarian society there is no demand for political science, then functional patterns coincide with the principles of democracy, such as:

law supremacy;

political pluralism;

separation of powers;

ensuring human rights;

the election of power and its replaceability, etc.

Political science methods. Political science uses both general scientific research methods and methods of socio-humanitarian sciences.

In general scientific methods include methods of analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, method of systemic approach, experiment, etc.

Methods of social and humanitarian sciences (historical approach, study of documentary sources, direct observation, surveys of the population, etc.) being applied, in the field of policies acquire specifics and originality, for example: the study of party programs, comparing possible political solutions, a survey of demonstrators, observation Attempts by a military coup.

In theoretical plane, political scientists are fruitful functional and structural approaches, general theory of systems, cycles, On the basis of which the theory of political systems and the theory of international systems, the theory of political regimes and the theory of conflict, the theory of cyclicity of political life. These theories have long been the methods of political science. In this capacity, they are used in adjacent disciplines.

Among the living methods used in political science, behaviorism is given a special place. Behaviorism - This is a methodological approach based on an American psychologist V.F. Skinner . It is based on the assumption that human behavior is a reaction to various stimuli, incentives. In political science, using this method, we usually describe changes in the political behavior of people, connecting them with changes in living conditions, making political decisions, etc.

Polystology categories. Political science has a whole set of fundamental, general concepts,which reflect the essential parties to politics. These are such categories as power, political system, political regime, political culture, political life, political process, political party, political leadership, state, civil society, pluralism, consensus, parliament, political elections, human rights, etc.

Some of them are borrowed from other sciences, others are actually political scientists. All of them are the necessary political science tools.

In the most general form, political science performs two main functions: 1) cognitiveserving the solution of narrow-contemporary tasks; 2) applied, Helping the implementation of scientific research results in political practice. However, within these functions, political science solves more narrow tasks. Lists of such private functions given by various authors, as a rule, do not coincide. In our opinion, methodological, theoretical, descriptive, explanatory, prognostic, instrumental, ideological and ideological function can be included in this list.

Methodologicalthe function of political science is to develop methods and methods for analyzing political phenomena and processes. The result of such a search is the system of socially tested principles and methods of rational knowledge of political reality, rules and regulations for the construction of political theory and samples of the organization of practical political activities.

Theoreticalthe function is a concentration, explanation, replenishment and enrichment of the existing political knowledge, the development of laws and categories of this science. The result of this function is political theory - Holly, with a high degree of reliability, systematically developed knowledge of the essential connections and patterns inherent in the phenomena and processes of the political sphere of society.

Descriptivefunction - learning, accumulation, description, systematization of facts, political life phenomena, determination based on their tendencies and patterns of political development. The descriptive function of political science is related to the search for a response to the question: What is actually political reality? The result of the study in this case is certain judgments and statements in which it is approved or denying anything about the policy phenomena under consideration.

Explanatorythe function is to search for answers to the emerging issues of political life, in particular: why, why, because of what reasons, these phenomena or processes arose, why are these these, and not other features are inherent? The explanatory function makes it possible to transition from observed heterogeneous phenomena to directly not observed reasons. Consequently, it helps to understand the entity of these phenomena.

Prognosticfunction - developing forecasts regarding the development of processes in the political sphere. This function is to find a response to the question: what will reality in the future and when will certain events come? The result of this search is primarily hypotheses.

Instrumentalfunction - Finding answers to the questions of practical policy type: What actions should be taken, decisions to achieve the desired political result; What should be done to make foresight concerning projects reality? The performance of these tasks requires reliable information about the real state of affairs, as well as knowledge of the means of achieving a positive result.

Ideologicalthe function is expressed in finding a response to questions about which place is occupied by political phenomena in the system of person's ideas about society, the world as a whole, about its place in the system of social relations and their role in political processes. The result of such a search is the development of political consciousness from the ordinary level to the scientific and theoretical, the formation of value orientations, assistance in determining the political position of a citizen, group, parties.

Ideologicalfunction - development, justification and protection of a certain political ideal that promotes the sustainability of a political system. This function finds its expression in finding a response to the question: what public ideals should you strive or what values \u200b\u200bshould be implemented in your practical activity? The results of the study in this case will be well-founded political goals.

1) the gnoseological, cognitive function, the essence of which consists in the most complete and specific knowledge of the political reality, the disclosure of the objective relations inherent in it, the main trends and contradictions; 2) the function of rationalization of political life. Political science substantiates the need to create some and eliminate other political institutions, develops optimal models and political management structures, predicts the development of political processes, thereby creating the theoretical basis for political construction, political reforms; 3) the function of political socialization, the formation of citizenship, political culture of the population. Knowledge of the scientific foundations of politics allows you to correctly assess the ratio of universal, state, group and personal interests, to develop an attitude towards existing political structures, parties, a certain line of political behavior; 4) Prognostic function. Political science is able to: a) a long-term forecast of the possibilities of political development of a country at a given historical stage; b) submit alternative scenarios of future processes related to each of the selected variants of large-scale political action; c) Calculate probabilistic losses for each of the alternatives, including side effects. But most often political scientists provide short-term forecasts for the development of the political situation in a country or region, prospects and the possibilities of certain political leaders, parties, etc.

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Functions of political science

from lat. FUNCTIO - execution) - this is "the existence that we think in activity" (I.V. Goethe, 1749-1832). Political science is designed to perform a number of functions that indicate the social significance and the impact of it on the development of socio-political life. Gnoseological (or cognitive-cognitive) function is designed to establish causal relations in the development of political phenomena, determine the content, trends and focus of political processes. The methodological function is used to disclose the patterns of the development of political phenomena, developing the theory and methodology for studying political phenomena, processes, institutions. The management function shows the trends of political development, supplies the entities of the government information that contributes to the processes of effective decision-making, leadership and management, timely and adequate assessment of the current situation. The prognostic function provides a forecast by determining the trends and the focus of socio-political development, prospects for socio-political changes. It is necessary as a warning, as well as timely and efficient resolution of emerging conflicts, contradictions. The ideological function is expressed in the rationale for political ideals, values. It is successfully used and exploited by the entities of power for the benefit of powerful interests, classes and other social groups. The educational function serves as the task of educating the personality of a citizen; Includes civil or civil-patriotic, political, political and ideological, spiritual education.

(From Lat. Function - I fulfill) any science, including political science - the solution of natural problems and problems for it. One of the most important functions of political science - cognitive (gnoseological). In all its structural divisions, the political analyst gives knowledge about various areas of political life. This is provided both fundamental theoretical studies and empirical, giving a rich actual material, specific information about various areas of social life. Within this functions of political science You can enjoy a descriptive function that gives the answer to the question: what was or what is political reality?

Cognitive closely connected the function of rationalization of public life (explanatory). Political science gives an explanation of complex political processes, reveals their rational mechanism. Answering questions: why? what for? Why so, and not otherwise, political science makes political actions with clear and affordable consciousness of people.

Political science not only describes and explains political realities, but also gives assessment of political events, institutions, ideas, etc. is realized regulatory value (AKSOLOGICAL) politicalology function. Political science, revealing political development trends, provides concrete information necessary to implement effective management and public processes. Management function It is clearly expressed in the fact that political science (applied part) directly participates in the development of practical recommendations on improving the efficiency of managing political processes, management of political events.

It has important prognosticpoliticalology functionresponsible for the question: What will be the political reality in the future? Based on certain patterns, exploring specific processes, facts and phenomena, political science is able to produce scientifically based predictions on the development of political life of society. With prognostic function is closely connected by organizational or applied (instrumental)responsible for the question: what activities need to be done to achieve the desired result? What needs to be taken so that the foreseen results become a reality? The development of various kinds of recommendations, technologies intended for all levels and spheres of political life is connected with this feature.

Political science also performs an educational function, forming worldview, social ideals, political culture.

Concluding, it is necessary to emphasize that politics is not only a science based on the laws of social development and requiring, like any other science, understanding the logic of these laws, but at the same time, this is an art consisting in the ability to use existing opportunities, to make the right political Decisions based on the combination of theoretical knowledge, proven logic conclusions with intuition, creative courage and fantasy.

Political science as science performs a number of interrelated functions among themselves, in which its role and importance in society is concretized.

ONTOLOGICAL FUNCTION - The first and starting. Her appointment is knowledge and explanation of political phenomena and processes as they are in reality. Performing ontological function, political science answers questions what policies, political institutions and institutions, how and why they arose that they are at present, what is their fate, etc.

Heuristic function. Heuristic - This is the art of finding truth and new discoveries. Political science is not limited to cognition and interpretation of political phenomena and processes, but constantly deepens the knowledge of them, opens up new patterns in their development.

Methodological function. Methodology - It is essentially the theory (teaching) facing scientific research. Political science as relatively young science is designed to constantly improve, enrich the arsenal of methods, ways to know their * complex and dynamic subject. Its categories, conclusions and fundamental ideas are used by other humanitarian sciences if they affect the problems of the political life of society.

Management function. The term "politics" translated from the Greek - "Art of State Management". The crown of politics is political (state) power. That is why the parties and political movements lead so active struggle for political power. To whom she belongs, he usually decides all things. Political power is being implemented through state administration.

Worldview-regulatory functioni. One of the founders of the international law of Grotia said that the war begins in the minds of people. You can say wider - any behavior, any human activity begins in the minds, in the minds of people. This implies an important role of worldview, political consciousness and political culture in regulating public relations. They form an intellectual basis that determines the quality of the work of the entire regulatory mechanism. The political activity of the personality and society directly depends on the level of political consciousness and culture.

Prognostic function. Based on the knowledge of the laws of the development of political phenomena and processes, political science is able to put forward hypothesis, theory, the truth of which will then be checked by practice.

Scientific forecasting is of great importance to prediction in the political sphere, it allows you to "look" into the future of political phenomena. Scientific forecasts will be thought, attach confidence in actions and then when not fully implemented.

Closely interrelated among themselves, they complement each other. Only taken in unity, in the system, they give a complete picture of the appointment and social role of political science