Cantaren instructions for use. Cantaren: treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system in cats. Contraindications and side effects

Diseases genitourinary system- one of the most common among pets. The rich experience of veterinary practice and the availability of modern and effective ones make these problems completely solvable, the main thing is not to let the disease take its course and treat the pets in time. Among medicines, which are often prescribed to animals for the treatment of diseases of the kidneys, urinary tract and related diseases, the most gentle is "Kantaren". According to the instructions, it is suitable for cats, dogs, and many other pets (mammals).

Composition and form of release

In addition to excipients (for solution - purified water and ordinary salt; for tablets, usually calcium stearate) contains the following substances:

  • barberine (alkaloid) for the removal of medium-sized stones and salts;
  • cantharidin (promotes relaxation, relieves spasms);
  • calcium sulfides (fight inflammation, including purulent ones);
  • arsenic copper (effective against pathogenic microflora).

Available in tablets and in the form of a solution for injection.

Most often, veterinarians prescribe Cantaren as pills for cats in urology or urolithiasis, although, both according to the instructions and in practice, the use is equally effective for other animals (dogs, ferrets, etc.).

Did you know? Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of the direction of homeopathy, began to treat animals with homeopathic remedies. He noted that four-legged patients are much more susceptible to treatment, since they do not reduce its effect with their bad habits.

Pharmacological properties

Basic properties:

  • relieving muscle spasms;
  • removal of inflammatory processes;
  • contributing to the normalization of kidney function;
  • inhibition of salt crystallization in the urinary tract.

Indications for use

"Cantaren" is used in veterinary medicine as a remedy for urological diseases, in the formation of stones and cystitis.

The order of application and dose

The drug is used in courses, the duration of which depends on the disease, its severity and the type of animal. The dosage is chosen by the veterinarian, based on many factors, including weight.


For injection, the drug is based on saline, containing active ingredients... It looks like a clear liquid. Released in bottles of ten and one hundred milliliters (for small and large animals, respectively).
How to prick "Cantaren", the veterinarian will tell you, since both subcutaneous and intramuscular administration is possible.

If the disease is in an exacerbation stage or has passed into a chronic state, then the injections are given once a day for up to four weeks. With the most difficult cases- up to three times a day, the course is ten days. In case of relapses, the course can be repeated, but a break is required.

Single dose, depending on the size of the animal:

  • large (,) - 10-15 ml;
  • / foals - 2-2.5 ml;
  • large dogs - from 2 to 4 ml;
  • small dogs, cats - up to 2 ml;
  • for puppies, kittens, ferrets - from 0.5 to 1 ml;
  • rats, hamsters - 0.2-0.3 ml.


In the form of tablets, fifty pieces per pack are released, the tablets are light, flat, elliptical in shape.

Intended for oral administration... The dose of "Kantarena" is calculated individually, since the amount for small animals, for example, cats, or cattle, varies significantly.
Depending on the stage and severity of the course of the disease, two or three or one or two tablets are prescribed per day.

Single dose:
  • for dogs: large - three tablets; medium - two; small dogs or cats (also for puppies and kittens) - one.
  • Small pets will have to break the pill: ferrets are given half at a time, rats or hamsters - a quarter.

Precautions and special instructions

Precautions during the use of the drug do not differ from those for other veterinary drugs:

  • can be combined with other medicines, but before that, consult a veterinarian;
  • only disposable syringes (for solution injection);
  • carefully fixed animal (methods differ depending on the type: the cat can be held by the scruff, pressing against a horizontal surface, the dog - by the collar, etc.);
  • wash hands after use;
  • packaging (bottle or empty jar) is disposed of, reuse is prohibited.

Contraindications and side effects

"Kantaren" does not contain hazardous substances and does not cause complications when correct application... When the treatment was carried out according to the instructions, no side effects were recorded in veterinary medicine.

Statistics show that every 3 cats and cats have urolithiasis and other urinary problems. There are quite a few causes of diseases, it can be improperly selected food, poor quality water, ecology. Due to the high risk, veterinarians recommend the use of the prophylactic agent Cantaren. It is also used to treat disease. The instructions for using Cantaren for cats are simple, but you need to read it before using.

According to the instructions, Cantaren is a homeopathic medicine. The main description is as follows:

  • It has a diuretic effect.
  • Relieves inflammation.
  • It is an antispasmodic drug.
  • Pain relieves.
  • It has antibacterial properties.

Cantaren is often used for cats with lesions of the lower urinary tract. The drug is not very dangerous for cats, but some veterinarians speak negatively about the effect of the drug. Due to the use of natural ingredients in the composition, Cantaren does not provoke an allergic reaction in cats, there is no irritation. The product is produced in the form of a solution and tablets.


Regardless of the purchased form, Cantaren for cats contains 4 main active ingredients:

  • Barberry- tones up urinary tract... Allows you to get rid of sand, salts and stones in cats, in general, copes with renal and hepatic pathologies.
  • Spanish fly- makes it possible to improve the release of salts from the genitourinary system of cats. The main action is to relax the muscles.
  • Sulfuric liver- has a strong antibacterial effect, kills everything harmful bacteria, staphylococcus.
  • Arsenous copper- reduces spasms, gets rid of pain, cleanses the body, the genitourinary system.

In addition to the components described, Cantaren for cats includes other components. When using the tablet form, the auxiliary substance is sugar grains and potassium stearate, and a saline solution is used for injections.

Since the medicine is made on the basis of natural ingredients, contains a small dosage of them, side effects do not appear, are reduced to a minimum.


The indications for the use of Cantarene are as follows:

  • Urolithiasis problems.
  • Pain on stool.
  • Problems with the tissues of the genitourinary system.
  • Infectious renal pathology.
  • Nephritis.
  • Pyelitis.
  • Cystitis.
  • Vaginitis.
  • Uremia.
  • Urethritis.

Cat owners should put Cantaren in their first aid kit if the cat has chronic diseases from the list provided. In critical situations, pills can help, relieve pain, and improve general condition.

Veterinarians can prescribe Cantaren for cats with the following symptoms:

  • Severe pain in the pet.
  • Delayed urination.
  • The presence of blood in the urine.
  • Temperature indicating inflammation.
  • The cat does not urinate in the toilet, but other places.
  • The urine is cloudy, has unpleasant odors indicating inflammation.

It can be seen that Cantaren for cats is used for many diseases and symptoms, but its use should only be with the permission of a doctor. The medicine is gentle, has almost no side effects, but there are still limitations.


The use of Cantaren must be agreed with the doctor, especially if the medication is given to a pregnant cat or little cat, up to 6 months old. Once cats are diagnosed, the doctor may choose correct dosage medicines. Among the contraindications are:

  • Individual intolerance.
  • Allergy to certain components.

After using Cantaren in cats, upset of the gastrointestinal tract, nausea, followed by vomiting, is possible.


Cantaren for cats, the instructions for which are presented below, are prescribed by doctors for different periods, in different dosages. It depends on the form of the drug used, the type of disease. The indicated indication, dosage is approximate data, detailed information can only be indicated by a veterinarian.


Cantaren tablets for cats are given in crushed form, you can mix it into food. When using the lowest dosage for young cats, 1 tablet may be given per day. An adult cat should consume 2-3 tablets per day. In case of severe disease, you can give the cat 1 tablet 3-4 times a day.

Application of Cantaren for big cats or dogs, possibly with an increase in the number of tablets. In other words, it is necessary to increase the dose of Cantaren to 2-3 tablets per dose. If the pathology proceeds in mild form, the use of the drug is carried out in minimum dose, then the course of treatment is no more than 2-3 weeks. If the disease is severe, a large dosage is used - the course of treatment will be 3-5 days.

The use of Cantaren tablets for cats is possible as a prevention of diseases. It should be carried out once a year in a course of 14 days, using 1 tablet once a day.


The use of Cantaren in the form of injections is possible for subcutaneous and muscular administration. The smallest dose for cats is 0.5-2 ml of the drug, depending on the pathology and weight of the cat. A maximum of 4 ml of medicine can be injected per day. Prophylaxis injections are not used.

If the animal has a chronic disease, Cantaren is used in 1 ml. Injections are given 1-3 times a week, in a course of 2-3 weeks. For the acute course of diseases, Cantaren is administered in a similar dosage, but 2 colas per day, for a course of 3-5 days.

Side effects

If the use of Cantaren is selected correctly, with the help of a veterinarian, then side effects should not appear. In case of overdose in animals, there are no negative effects.

The only exception is the individual intolerance to Cantaren. In this regard, when using the drug for the first time, the dosage must be halved. The absence of indigestion, allergies, indicate the possibility of using the drug in the future, in the right amount.

Cost and storage

The price of Cantaren is different, depending on the form of the medicine and the point of sale. On average, buy tablets, of which 50 pcs. in a jar it will turn out for 180 rubles, and a solution in a volume of 10 ml is sold for 280 rubles. If you need to put a lot of injections, treat several animals at once, then it is more profitable to use a 100 ml volume of solution at a price of 1150 rubles.

Store Cantaren in dry places where it does not penetrate sunlight ... The temperature should be up to 25 degrees, the shelf life of drugs is 3 years.


Cantaren has no analogues, because the medicine has a very large list of indications. True, you can choose funds that have a smaller list of actions, use several drugs to treat one specific disease.

Cotervin is considered a close analogue of Cantaren. Is an infusion that you can buy in ampoules.

Kantaren (Kantaren) is a completely homeopathic remedy of Russian production. This drug is prescribed for prophylaxis and for diseases of the kidneys, organs of the urinary system. Shown to all animals without restrictions: pregnant, lactating, age, puppies, etc.


The medicine is 100% natural, natural ingredients that gently and beneficially affect the animal's body: Berberis, Hepar sulfuris, Cuprum arsenicosum, Cantharis.

Cantaren relieves spasms, eliminates pain and inflammation, blocks the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms; accelerates healing, removes small calculi from the body, prevents their new formation, improves blood supply to organs, increases the protective functions of the body.

The drug is available in the form of a solution for injection — 10 ml or 100 ml.

In tablets - 50 tablets from white to light yellow.

Indications for use

Cantaren is prescribed for inflammatory processes of the urinary tract and kidneys: cystitis, urethritis, urolithiasis (Urolithiasis), nephritis, the presence of kidney stones, etc. With the breed tendency of animals, after castration, for prophylaxis.

If we compare dogs and cats, then diseases of the genitourinary system, in particular, ICD, are more common in cats. Dogs are brought in with bright severe symptoms diseases or accidentally discover it when taking blood for analysis.

The explanation is simple - in cats, the urethra is much narrower than in dogs, so even the smallest uralitis can lead to its blockage and immediately appear Clinical signs disease. Dogs can accumulate more than a dozen stones, but the owner may not even suspect about the severity of the disease. Kidney stones are extremely rare in dogs, mostly in the bladder.

Therefore, timely prevention of the animal is so important - a regular blood test and the use of Cantaren. Pets at risk:

  1. Breed predisposed: Schnauzers, Yorkies, Dalmatians, Pekingese, Dachshunds, English Bulldogs.
  2. Dogs with chronic diseases urinary system: due to the constant inflammatory process in the bladder, the acidity of the environment changes, which leads to the formation of stones of different sizes. The first signs of an infectious process: restless behavior of the animal, frequent urge to urinate, the animal urinates in short portions, often mixed with blood or pus.
  3. Malnourished dogs: oversaturated with proteins, insufficient intake pure water- all this leads to an increase in the concentration of mineral salts in the urine and the formation of urolithiasis.
  4. Neutered animals - hormonal disruption occurs, the metabolism slows down, which often leads to an increase in the weight of the animal, up to obesity and, as a result, the formation of stones.


It is necessary to consult a specialist! Correct treatment can only be prescribed by a veterinarian, when treating with Cantaren for dogs, carefully study the instructions for use and storage.


Route of administration: subcutaneously (subcutaneously) or intramuscularly (intramuscularly). In acute course 2-3 r / d, within 5-7 days. With a subacute course, for prophylaxis 1 r / d, within 14 days.

For large, medium-sized breeds of dogs, Cantaren is prescribed at 2.0 - 4.0 ml; small breeds, puppies, pregnant and lactating bitches 0.5 - 2.0 ml.


The drug in tablets is prescribed orally, depending on the severity of the disease, from 1 to three times a day. The duration of treatment is 7-10 days for acute and 4-5 weeks for subacute and for prophylaxis.
Large breeds appoint 3 tablets, medium - 2 tablets, dogs of small breeds, puppies, pregnant and lactating bitches 1 tablet.

Peculiarities of use in neutered dogs

Neutered dogs are at risk, so Cantaren is used for prophylaxis twice a year, for two weeks. The dosage depends on the weight of the animal. For prevention and chronic course the disease is sufficient in tablet form.

In the acute course of the disease, an injection form is used, the dosage is prescribed by a veterinarian. Despite the fact that Cantaren is a homeopathic remedy, apply when acute form his illness follows strictly as directed by the doctor.


Contraindicated in animals prone to allergic reactions, with individual intolerance to the drug. No side effects were found. Compatible with other medicines.

Storage conditions

Store in a dry, dark place at temperatures from 0-30. Shelf life is 3 years. Avoid contact with children. Monitor the integrity of the packaging.


Cantaren for dogs - the price varies depending on the region of sale and the form of release. The average price for Cantaren tablet form is 50 tablets. - 190 rubles; solution for injection - for 10 ml. 290 rubles, bottle 100 ml - 1110 rubles.

In the article I will describe the form of release, storage conditions of the homeopathic complex Kantaren. I will analyze the features of the appointment, use, dosage of the drug for cats and dogs in veterinary medicine. I will analyze the price range, possible analogs. I will find out if there are any contraindications for taking the drug in the instructions.

Cantaren for cats and dogs

The drug is aimed at prevention, treatment of common diseases urinary system cats. Effective in complex therapy urolithiasis. Used as a pain reliever.

Release form and composition

The combined product is presented in two forms of release:

Tablets of 50, 100 pcs. packaged. Appearance- round, flat, white.

Injections of 10 or 100 ml in a bottle. Packaged in ampoules with a volume of 2 ml, 5 ml. It is a clear solution.

The components of the drug vary slightly in accordance with the form of release. Active substances are the homeopathic components:

  1. Common barberry(Berberis vulgaris) - tones, fights liver diseases, kidney inflammation, Bladder... It has a beneficial effect on the conductivity of uric acid.
  2. Spanish fly(Lytta vesicatoria) - has a relaxing effect on the smooth muscles of the urinary tract, eliminates pain syndromes when urinating.
  3. Sulfuric liver(Hepar sulfuris) is an antibacterial substance that regenerates tissue cells.
  4. Arsenic copper(Cuprum arsenicosum) - anesthetic component, relieves the condition of the animal with spasms of the urinary organs.

Auxiliary components in the composition of tablets maltodextrin, calcium stearate, sugar crumbs (homeopathic granules).

Indications for use and mechanism of action

Extracts of natural ingredients have a diuretic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic effect. Activates the regeneration of cells of the organs of the genitourinary system.

It is assigned to animals in the following cases:

  • Urolithiasis (Urolithiasis);
  • Cystitis;
  • Urethritis;
  • Nephritis;
  • Prevention of diseases in elderly animals.

The agent activates the restoration of cells of the organs of the genitourinary system.

Dosage and instructions for use in veterinary medicine

Provided for the use of the drug orally, intramuscularly or subcutaneously, depending on the form of release.

Dosage of injections 0.1 ml / 1 kg of cat's weight, tablets - 1 pc.

The tablets are crushed. They are added to food or placed on the root of the tongue. Injections can be done in the area of ​​the shoulder blades, no more than 4 ml per day.

The medicine is prescribed by the veterinarian individually. The form (acute, chronic, subacute) and the type of disease are taken into account. Options for schemes for cats (depending on the course of the disease):

Relief of the pet's condition often occurs on the 2-3 day of the therapeutic course. Pregnant cats should be treated with caution, under the supervision of a veterinarian.

It is important to observe the systemic nature of the treatment. If you skip taking the drug, try to resume the course as soon as possible. In the future, adhere to the scheme prescribed by a specialist.

Contraindications for admission

The product is not used for productive animals.

Possible individual intolerance to the components of Cantaren. Expressed in allergic reactions, vomiting, diarrhea. The course is interrupted. Symptomatic antihistamines are prescribed to the animal.

Storage conditions and shelf life

Optimal storage conditions for unopened packaging:

  • temperature range 0 ... +25 С;
  • away from children, moisture, light, food, feed.

With the correct storage rules, the shelf life is 3 years for injections, 5 years for tablets.

An opened bottle of cantaren solution can be used within 3 weeks.

Price and analogues

The cost of packing tablets (50 pcs.) In the range of 180-250 rubles.

The price for a bottle of 10 ml injection solution fluctuates around 250 - 300 rubles.

One injection - 1 ml cantaren

The drug has practically no analogues. The drops have similar medicinal properties.

Common pathologies of the genitourinary system are troublesome for cat owners; unpleasant, painful for the pets themselves. Cantaren is effective safe remedy prevention, treatment of diseases such as cystitis, ICD, urethritis, pyelonephritis, and some others.

Pathology of the urinary tract is frequent illnesses in cats and cats. This is due to poor quality feed, poor drinking water and weakened the immune system... When urolithiasis occurs, you cannot do without quality medicines that effectively remove inflammatory process... One of these medicines is Cantaren for cats.

Cantaren is a homeopathic drug that acts on the body gently and effectively at the same time. The tool is intended for the treatment and prevention of urinary tract pathologies. The drug is produced in the form of tablets white, as well as in the form of a solution for injection.

The composition of the medication consists mainly of natural ingredients, namely, barberry extract, which has an analgesic and cleansing effect, arsenic copper with a powerful antispasmodic effect, and sulfuric liver with antibacterial characteristics.

Indications for the use of Cantaren

The tool has an analgesic, antispasmodic and antibacterial effect, in addition, it quickly cleans the urinary tract. That is why the medication is prescribed for the following pathologies:

  • urethritis;
  • cystitis;
  • inflammation of the genitals in cats (vaginitis);
  • urolithiasis;
  • urolithiasis;
  • kidney disease (eg, pyelonephritis).

Please note that this drug can also be taken by castrated animals.

The remedy is prescribed for the following symptoms:

  • pain when urinating in a cat;
  • delay in urination;
  • the presence of blood impurities in the urine;
  • an increase in body temperature, which indicates an acute inflammatory process;
  • with urolithiasis, the cat may not urinate in the place it should be, but where the urge to urinate comes;
  • the inflammatory process leads to the fact that the urine becomes cloudy and has a pungent unpleasant odor.

As you can see, the product has a fairly wide scope of application, so every cat or cat owner is advised to keep it in a home first-aid kit. However, a professional veterinarian should prescribe such a medication.

Contraindications to use

Despite the fact that this remedy has a gentle effect on the body and has practically no side effects, there are certain restrictions on its use. So, some plant components can cause a fairly strong allergic reaction in an animal.

Cantaren is prescribed with caution to pregnant pets, as well as kittens, whose age has not reached six months. In such situations, the drug may be prescribed veterinarian, however, its dosage should be adjusted taking into account the age and condition of the animal.

Side effects

Side effects are extremely rare, because Cantaren is a mild herbal remedy. However, on rare occasions, effects such as impairment digestive system(eg, constipation, diarrhea, and nausea). All this indicates an individual intolerance to one or more active ingredients. If you feel unwell, the cat must be shown to a specialist who will recommend another remedy for the treatment of urolithiasis.

Cantaren: instructions for use for cats

The course of treatment and dosage in most cases are determined in individually and depend on the state of the body of the four-legged patient, as well as on the form and severity of the pathology.

The dosage for the injection solution can vary from 0.5 ml to 2 ml, while the frequency of administration can be different. The dosage of the tablets is 1 to 2 mg. Below is an example of dosage calculation.

In the acute form of the disease, subcutaneous injections of 0.5-2 ml are prescribed three times a day. The course of therapy is five days. You can also prescribe one tablet four times a day. The duration of the course is the same.

At chronic form intramuscular injection taken three times a week for a month, or one tablet a day for a month.

For preventive purposes, a subcutaneous injection is prescribed daily, the course is two weeks. For prevention purposes, the cat can take one tablet daily for two weeks. Instructions for the use of Cantaren tablets for cats are quite simple: they can be offered whole to the animal, or crushed and added to food. In the latter case, it is necessary to ensure that the pet eats all the proposed food, otherwise the treatment will not be effective enough.

If the animal does not tolerate the injection well and is extremely restless or aggressive, it is recommended to use the services of a veterinarian who knows how to calm pet... If you decide to inject yourself (since Cantaren has to be injected often and over several days, this option is more likely), you must observe certain rules... The injection is injected into the area of ​​the withers, as this area is considered the least sensitive in cats.

In this case, the skin should be slightly pulled back, the needle should be inserted to its full length and slowly, with a smooth movement, press the plunger until the medicine is in the animal's body. The other person must firmly hold the cat by the body and paws. It is most convenient to inject on a horizontal surface, such as a table. During this medical manipulation, it is recommended to talk to your pet, say soothing words to him. Do not make sudden movements that could panic the animal.

Very often, pills are also prescribed for preventive purposes, for example, when a cat is obese (in this case, the risk of developing kidney pathologies increases significantly). Simultaneously with the intake of Cantaren, the animal should be provided with proper care and adequate nutrition, transfer it to special feeds that contain a balanced amount nutrients and trace elements. The cat should always have access to clean drinking water, which will help to further cleanse the urinary tract.

Cantaren for cats: reviews of veterinarians and owners

Cantaren is a homeopathic medicine recommended by many professional veterinarians as a working alternative to antibacterial synthetic drugs.

Here are some testimonials from professionals and pet lovers:

Vyacheslav Sergeevich, veterinarian:

“Cantaren is completely safe for the cat's health, since it contains only natural and carefully balanced ingredients. The dosage should be counted on the attached instructions, but even if you miscalculate the amount of the drug a little, you should not fear for the life and health of the animal. "

Alina Vladimirovna, veterinary specialist in urological diseases:

“In our clinic, we successfully use Cantaren to treat urolithiasis even in kittens: animals tolerate the drug well, unlike conventional antibiotics, and the effect of such injections is almost as strong as that of synthetic drugs.”