How to beat psoriasis at home. Psoriasis treatment: a list of the most effective remedies. Types of psoriasis for self-treatment

Psoriasis: causes, symptoms, home treatment, advice to patients with psoriasis, patient reviews on the treatment of folk remedies.

Psoriasis is a non-infectious chronic disease that affects the skin (in some types, nails and hair are affected). About 5% of people worldwide suffer from psoriasis. The statistics are disappointing: over the past decades, there has been a tendency to an increase in cases of the disease among the population: if earlier people over 30 suffered mainly from psoriasis, now cases of the disease are recorded among children and even newborns. Until now, it has not been possible to develop an effective treatment for psoriasis, which would allow the patient to completely get rid of the disease. Any treatment prescribed by a dermatologist can reduce symptoms and bring the disease into remission.

Causes of psoriasis

Unfortunately, to date, the causes of psoriasis are not fully understood. In medicine, there are several specific theories according to which the disease develops:

  1. Autoimmune - each organism contains special protective cells. Under adverse conditions (viruses and bacteria), they begin to activate, releasing certain substances into the blood. All this leads to the occurrence of an inflammatory process in the body, as a result - an increased division of skin cells;
  2. Individual reaction of the body. In the presence of a number of unfavorable factors, the cells of the epidermis begin to perform their protective functions worse. Immunity also fails, this is expressed in the destruction of the structures of skin cells.

If we talk about the immediate causes of the onset of the disease, then scientists presumably name several at once:

  • Malfunctions of the endocrine organs;
  • Systematic stress and nervous strain;
  • Immunity disorders;
  • Biochemical imbalance in the body.

According to the official theory, there are 2 types of psoriasis:

  1. Type 1 psoriasis is transmitted at the gene level by breakdowns in the immune system. More than half of all patients are susceptible to type 1 psoriasis, and mainly young people face the disease. With this type of disease, only the skin is affected.
  2. Type 2 psoriasis - occurs, as a rule, with an improper lifestyle and adverse effects on the body, occurs most often in adulthood. Type 2 psoriasis is especially dangerous because proceeds much more severely and joints and nails are affected.

It is known that healthy skin cells divide in 21 to 28 days. With psoriasis, there is a decrease in this time to 4 - 5 days.

Psoriasis symptoms. When should you sound the alarm?

Psoriasis tends to develop gradually. The first symptoms of the disease are always very itchy red spots (papules), located mainly on the head, on the folds of the body and skin folds.

Psoriasis papules have their own characteristics that are unique only to this disease:

  • There is a thin scale on the surface of each papule, it can be removed without much difficulty with little friction of the spot;
  • After removing the scales and further rubbing, a pale pink patch of skin is exposed;
  • Small drops of blood appear on the exposed area.
  • Proceeding as a chronic disease, its course can be divided into 3 stages:
  • Progressive;
  • Stationary;
  • Regressive.

I would like to dwell on each of them in detail.

At the first stage, the disease manifests itself quite clearly: inflamed red spots appear on the skin, the patient suffers from a constant feeling of itching and dryness in the damaged areas of the skin. The situation is aggravated by the fact that the so-called papules (spots) are located in the places of greatest contact with clothing and flexion parts of the body cause severe irritation and tightness, bringing discomfort to the patient.

At the initial stage of the disease, papules are several millimeters in size, for a long time they may not spread throughout the body and may not grow in diameter. If the number of papules begins to increase, then this indicates the beginning of stage 2 of psoriasis.

At the stationary stage, subject to appropriate treatment, new rashes stop, old papules stop increasing in volume, while completely covered with scales. A characteristic feature of the stationary stage is the cessation of itching and increased peeling of spots.

The regressive stage is the final one in the fight against psoriasis. Here it is important to consolidate the result obtained. At the last stage, the inflammatory process and peeling stop, discoloration of old rashes until they disappear completely. Most often, no marks remain on the skin.

It is very important to start treatment as early as possible to avoid further complications. Psoriasis cannot be ignored and left to chance, it is a very serious disease that requires urgent treatment. Its manifestation is not limited to the defeat of exclusively the skin; in advanced stages, the disease passes to the joints, causing severe inflammation. In the future, psoriatic arthritis develops, which does not in the best way affect the patient's quality of life: in most cases, people lose their ability to work, and every fourth becomes disabled. People with type 2 psoriasis are at particular risk of developing psoriatic arthritis.

As stated earlier,
Until today, there is no cure for psoriasis in the world that would completely cure sick people. Any appointments are made by doctors with one single goal - to relieve the exacerbation of the disease, to bring it into remission, keeping its further course under control. As a rule, treatment continues for a fairly long period of time, including oral medications and topical agents.

These include:

  1. Oral tablets;
  2. Hormonal and non-hormonal ointments;
  3. Salt baths;
  4. Immunomodulators;
  5. Anti-inflammatory drugs;
  6. Selective phototherapy.

The use of expensive drugs, of course, has the desired effect, but not every average Russian can afford such a long treatment. Therefore, people often resort to treating psoriasis at home using various folk methods. It is known that home methods of treatment have been used since ancient times: people have always encountered skin diseases, in the absence of current anti-inflammatory drugs, they used herbal remedies that coped with the disease quite effectively.

How to get rid of psoriasis using only home treatments? Let's take a closer look at this question.

How effective is traditional medicine in fighting the disease?

Medicines based on herbal ingredients have been used by patients for many hundreds of years, this fact is confirmed in a number of historical records. Currently, a huge amount of scientific research confirms the safety and effectiveness of alternative treatments for psoriasis.

The use of various agents in the fight against psoriasis can achieve significant effects both in the victory over a specific disease, and on the entire body as a whole:

  • Gradual removal of papules from the skin;
  • Reducing itching, tightness, dry skin;
  • Normalization of the function of the skin;
  • Normalization of the immune system;
  • Cleansing the body by removing toxins and toxins;
  • Mild sedative effect on the central nervous system.

To increase the effectiveness of treatment with folk remedies, it is important to take into account possible alternative methods of dealing with the disease and the occurrence of side effects from the use of this or that drug, therefore, one cannot do without consulting a competent specialist.

Basic principles of psoriasis treatment at home

The methods of dealing with psoriasis at home are quite diverse, we will return to this topic later, but the basic principles for all of them will be:

  1. The systematic use of treatment with folk remedies;
  2. The use of hormonal agents during periods of exacerbation;
  3. Control over the formation of crusts, their removal as needed;
  4. Carrying out full courses, without interrupting treatment and replacing one agent with another;
  5. Compliance with the correct skin hygiene recommended by the doctor;
  6. Maintenance, if necessary, of medical nutrition;
  7. Periodic observation by the attending doctor.

Without adhering to all these principles, the fight against such a serious disease as psoriasis is simply unthinkable.

In order to achieve
the maximum effect in the fight against the disease, it is important to approach this responsibly and realize that folk remedies are a fairly serious set of measures. It is worth realizing that any home treatment is effective only at the initial stage of the disease. In the advanced stages of the disease, alternative methods of treatment are not recommended to be used in order to avoid further progression of psoriasis, in this case, preference is given to pharmaceuticals.

Before starting treatment with folk remedies, as mentioned above, it is strongly recommended to visit your doctor and get advice about treatment methods, only if a specialist approves this approach, start therapy.

Let's go directly with alternative methods of treatment and deal with the most popular remedies in the fight against psoriasis:

  • Turmeric powder is perhaps the most popular of all. Its use is effective due to its anti-inflammatory properties. It is quite simple to prepare such a product, for this you need to stir 50 grams of turmeric powder in 100 grams of water until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Carefully treat the papules on the body at night, and in the morning rinse with warm water. The use of turmeric powder in food will also be useful, because it contains a huge vitamin and mineral complex in its composition.
  • Coconut oil is very popular among psoriasis patients. It is quite simple to use: the oil is applied in a greasy layer to the affected skin areas, it is not washed off as long as possible. When used correctly, coconut oil will relieve itchy and dry skin in a few days.

  • Aloe juice - perhaps such a plant adorns the windowsills of many readers. Differs in a number of useful properties: it perfectly moisturizes the skin, has anti-inflammatory properties, and contains antioxidants. For the treatment of psoriasis, plant juice is used - the leaves are thoroughly washed under water, the peel is removed, and the juice should be squeezed out of the remaining pulp. Every day after taking a shower, papules on the body should be treated until they disappear completely.
  • Argon oil is also one of the most popular and effective treatments for disease. High-quality argon oil is distinguished by the presence in the composition of a large number of vitamins and fatty acids, has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent. It should be applied overnight with a thin layer, if possible, the affected areas are covered with a clean cloth. Argon oil is very effective in treating scalp psoriasis.

The use of various homemade ointments is an effective way to fight the disease. Homemade ointments are used to moisturize the skin, relieve dryness and other unpleasant sensations. Making homemade ointments is a simple process, even an inexperienced person can easily cope with this task. When using ointments on natural ingredients, you must remember to follow a number of rules:

  1. They are stored no more than 2 - 3 days at a temperature not higher than + 3 ° C;
  2. They should be applied exclusively to clean skin;
  3. You need to use it until the signs of the disease completely disappear.

Now let's go directly to the recipes for homemade ointments for psoriasis:

  • "Egg ointment" - 2 chicken eggs, 2 tablespoons of vinegar, 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil. Beat with a mixer until a homogeneous mass is formed, leave in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. The present and cooled ointment should be applied to the affected skin 2 times a day. The course of treatment depends on the stage of the disease, but not less than 4 - 6 weeks.
  • "Propolis ointment" - 50 g of propolis, 50 g of butter, beat in a blender, let it brew in the refrigerator until completely cooled. Treat affected areas with sleep. The course of treatment should be continued for at least 6 to 8 weeks.
  • "Celandine ointment" - 50 grams of dry herb of celandine, 50 grams of petroleum jelly. Grind the celandine herb in a blender, mix the finished powder with petroleum jelly until a homogeneous structure is formed. Apply to the affected skin after bathing once a day. Continue treatment until the psoriasis spots disappear completely.
  • "Scale ointment" - 50 g of dried fish scales should be crushed and thoroughly mixed with 100 g of fish oil. The ointment is applied every other day for 2 - 3 hours, after which it is washed off with warm water. The course of treatment lasts 4 to 6 weeks.

Homemade lotions and lotions as ways to combat psoriasis

No less popular folk remedies in the fight against psoriasis are lotions and lotions. Their preparation does not take much time, and in terms of effectiveness, they are sometimes not inferior to creams.

Young celandine lotion. In the initial stages of the disease, as well as mild forms of psoriasis, such a lotion will be an excellent solution. It is not difficult to prepare it: pour 7 stalks of young celandine with 200 g of water, put in a water bath and boil for 15 minutes. After removing from the stove, let it brew, then strain through a fine sieve. Wipe the affected skin with a cotton swab 5 times a day. Duration of treatment is at least 4 weeks.

Hypericum flower lotion. A decoction of St. John's wort can also be used in advanced stages of the disease. It is prepared as follows: 100 g of St. John's wort flowers pour 250 g of water, boil for 5 minutes. Allow to cool and infuse, then be sure to strain. Wipe papules 2 times a day after bathing, avoid long-term storage of the lotion. Treatment should be continued for 8 weeks.

Plantain leaf lotion. For the preparation of the lotion, it is better to use fresh plantain leaves in an amount of 150 grams. First, rinse them thoroughly in running water, then chop finely, fill with water, put on low heat and do not forget to cover with a lid. Boil plantain leaves for at least 15 minutes, then strain and leave to cool. Treat your skin 2 to 3 times a day after showering for 4 to 6 weeks.

Garlic compress. Pass the head of garlic through a grater or meat grinder, pour 150 g of boiling water over it, let it brew. Then strain through a strainer, apply in the form of compresses or lotions overnight.

Lotions from horse sorrel. Grind 100 grams of horse sorrel in a blender, then pour boiling water over it and let it brew for 2 hours. Strain, apply as a lotion 3 times a day.

Healing baths: contraindications, basic rules, types of therapeutic baths

As one of the components of a comprehensive approach, patients with psoriasis are often prescribed therapeutic baths. The choice is not accidental: baths perfectly relieve itching, irritation, swelling, discomfort, help the patient to more easily endure an exacerbation of the disease, and also significantly prolong periods of remission.

Healing baths have a whole range of useful properties:

  1. Normalize the work of the sebaceous glands;
  2. Remove toxins and toxins from the epidermis;
  3. Relieve unpleasant symptoms caused by psoriasis;
  4. Relieve redness and swelling of the skin.

The appointment of medicinal baths also has its own contraindications:

  • Oncological diseases;
  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • Acute infectious diseases;
  • Pregnancy and lactation.

Perhaps for any patient, preparing a bath for himself will not be difficult. However, even the most effective bath at first glance may not bring the desired effect without meeting a number of conditions:

  1. The temperature should be no higher than + 37 ° C;
  2. Immediately before taking a bath, it is important to shower yourself with warm water;
  3. The total duration of being in the water is no more than half an hour;
  4. The bath should not be taken on an empty stomach;
  5. Reception frequency - every other day;
  6. Immediately after leaving, it is very useful to use a healing skin cream, preferably on a natural basis.

When taking a bath, the patient must take into account his age. Thus, it is undesirable for people over 50 to be in water whose temperature exceeds 36 ° C, and the stay time should be reduced to 15 minutes. Let us now turn directly to the types of therapeutic baths.

Saline. Baths with sea salt are the most common and effective of all types: firstly, sea salt can be bought at an affordable price, secondly, it helps to exfoliate psoriatic crusts, and thirdly, it practically does not cause allergic reactions. The only drawback of using a sea salt bath is severe itching in the first 2 - 3 applications.

It is very simple to prepare a salt bath, the calculation looks like this: 1 kg of salt is pre-mixed in boiling water, after which it is added to the filled bath and stirred thoroughly. You should stay in such water for about 20 minutes, the frequency of admission is no more than 3 times a week. A systematic bath with sea salt will help relieve the unpleasant symptoms of psoriasis and relieve periods of exacerbation.

With magnesium sulfate. Magnesium sulfate baths are quite effective and powerful. Magnesium sulfate is a serious chemical, and excessive abuse of such baths may not have the best effect on your health. Of all the therapeutic baths, water treatments with magnesium sulfate have the fastest and most effective effect. For cooking you will need: 1 kg of magnesium per 25 liters of water. One sachet weighing 100 grams is poured into the total volume of water, after emptying each one is thoroughly stirred until the crystals disappear. The permissible number of applications is 2 times every 4 weeks.

Coniferous baths. Taking coniferous baths involves the preparation of an infusion: dissolve 150 g of concentrated coniferous extract in 300 g of water, mix thoroughly, add to the total volume of water. You can also use fresh pine branches, for this they are boiled in a bucket of water for 15 minutes, after which they are filtered and added to the bath. Coniferous baths should be taken at a temperature not exceeding 37 ° C for 20 minutes.

Starch baths. Baths with potato starch are taken rather in exceptional cases, when the patient suffers from severe itching. 600 g of starch must be diluted to a uniform consistency in 1 liter of water, then add the resulting mass to the bath at a temperature of no more than 36 ° C. Baths with potato starch should be taken no more than 4 times a week for 10 - 15 minutes.

Soda. Soda baths
perfect for all patients with psoriasis. In addition to its excellent exfoliating effect, baking soda has anti-inflammatory properties. Such baths can be taken at least every day, because soda causes allergies only in exceptional cases. To prepare a bath, you will need 1 pack of baking soda. It should be slowly poured into water and mixed thoroughly until completely dissolved. The water temperature should not exceed 37 ° C, the bath should be kept for no more than 20 minutes.

Herbal baths. A huge number of plants have a number of beneficial effects - relieving inflammation, reducing edema, reducing unpleasant symptoms, and improving blood circulation. These herbs include chamomile, celandine, calendula, succession, sage, plantain, St. John's wort. Herbal baths are always prepared exclusively with a decoction of plants. As a rule, 2 liters of broth is added to the bath. The duration of admission should be 20 minutes. The duration of the course to achieve the desired effect is at least 8 weeks.

Psoriasis today is a poorly understood disease. There are many reasons against which the disease develops and, unfortunately, it is impossible to predict the appearance of the disease in a particular person. However, numerous studies of scientists and medical statistics allow us to draw certain conclusions about the causes of relapse of the disease, although this is very approximate.

Probably everyone suffering from psoriasis has noticed more than once that the exacerbation of the disease largely depends on the lifestyle and quality of life. It can be concluded that even such a serious disease as psoriasis does not proceed uncontrollably and independently of a person's actions.

Therefore, the methods of preventing psoriasis should be as follows:

  • Complete cessation of alcohol and smoking;
  • Normalization of the daily routine;
  • Introduction of healthy foods into the diet;
  • Leading a sports lifestyle;
  • Avoiding provoking factors;
  • Increasing the body's immune defense;
  • Maintaining proper body hygiene.

One of the main preventive measures aimed at combating relapses will be positive thinking. If possible, do what you love: horseback riding, cycling, knitting, drawing, reading books, watching your favorite movies, listening to music. Dedicate time for communication with family and friends, know how to properly organize your leisure time, learn to think optimistically, and then many problems can be avoided.

In addition to the main treatment, it is important for patients with psoriasis to follow some recommendations designed to speed up the healing process.

  • Take proper care of your skin. It is especially important for people with psoriasis to pay proper attention to skin care. It is very good to take a contrast shower, warm bath, pamper yourself with all kinds of herbal wraps. Use medications as directed by your doctor.

To cure psoriasis at home, you need to take a number of systemic measures to get rid of the disease. This will allow you to quickly and permanently cure psoriasis, and in the most severe cases - to control the remission period for a long time.

How to cure psoriasis at home

At home, it is necessary to use all possible methods of local therapy for psoriasis, which can be successfully applied without resorting to the need to visit a medical institution. Cure psoriasis at home Not all patients succeed, but if the doctor's recommendations are followed, it is possible to significantly improve the health of patients and to do it quickly enough.

To cure psoriasis quickly at home requires the use of a number of medications of various kinds. The drugs are presented as tablets for oral administration, and local drugs - it is possible for the systematic treatment of psoriatic lesions.

When treating psoriasis at home, one should not forget that patients should avoid stress, protect their skin from the sun, but at the same time, it is enough to walk in the fresh air. You can quickly cure psoriasis at the initial stage if you consult a doctor in a timely manner and start taking medications for psoriasis.

How to permanently cure psoriasis

Cure psoriasis forever at home is the main goal of doctors fighting the disease. Nevertheless, it is not so easy to fight autoimmune pathologies, therefore, achieving long-term remission can be considered significant success.

For the treatment of psoriasis, glucocorticoids were previously used, but recent studies have shown the harm of such drugs to the body. However, with a progressive psoriatic attack, the use of this group of medicines is a necessity. Treatment of psoriasis is based on the use of long-acting glucocorticoids. Such drugs are administered intramuscularly. You can do this at home on your own or arrange a nurse call at the clinic. The courses of therapy are short due to the longer action of the drug.

Consider how to cure psoriasis quickly and effectively at home:

  1. The most famous means are pills and injections - they have been used in therapy for over forty years. Methotrexate acts directly at the cellular level. A drug is indicated for the treatment of significant lesions, when psoriatic plaques cover more than twenty percent of the surface of the skin. The remedy copes well with such forms of the disease as psoriatic arthritis, pustular psoriasis, erythroderma. Methotrexate can cure psoriasis of the nails on the hands if the disease affects not only the skin, but also the nail plates.
  2. Cyclosporine is an immunosuppressive agent that is also used to treat psoriasis. The drug is manufactured by the world's leading pharmaceutical manufacturers. Thanks to the suppression of immunity by Cyclosporin, patients' health is much improved in severe forms of psoriasis. The drug is available in capsules, or it can be done with the injectable form of Cyclosporin. The remedy works great against torpid psoriasis and fights psoriatic erythroderma.
  3. Acitretin is a state-of-the-art drug. It is applied in practice relatively recently, but has already received positive feedback from patients and doctors. It will not be possible to cure psoriasis once and for all with the help of Acitretin, as with other drugs, but the remedy significantly suppresses the proliferation of the epidermis, promotes timely keratinization of the skin, and also has an immunomodulatory effect.

How to cure psoriasis on the body

As means for topical treatment on the body, it is necessary to use ointments, which can be both hormonal and non-hormonal. Breast psoriasis is best treated with non-hormonal agents. But it is possible to cure palmar-plantar psoriasis with hormonal drugs. They can also cure psoriasis on elbows and other hardened parts of the body affected by psoriasis. For the treatment of complex forms, it is used, which activates psoralens under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.

The remedies help to cure the disease psoriasis and its symptoms - itching, burning - but they cannot be used for a long period. Effective drugs are funds based on:

  • hydrocortisone - Sopolcort, Hyoxysone;
  • mometasone - Uniderm, Elokom;
  • betamethasone - Rederm, Daivobet;

Means based on zinc pyrithione, Zinocap, Skin-cap, and tar-based - Picladol will help to cure psoriasis on the face. These drugs have a good exfoliating effect, improve the condition of the skin and promote the healing of microcracks. If it was not possible to cure psoriasis on the hands forever, and the patient developed nail psoriasis, which spread from the hands, then here you need to select local remedies for treating the nail plates. To cure nails from psoriasis will help a special varnish Clobetasol.

  • hydrating agents;
  • vitamin D3;
  • keratolytic agents;
  • interferon;
  • antihistamines;
  • antibacterial drugs.

Preparations of these groups help not only improve the action of glucocorticoids, but also protect the body from the negative action of active substances.

How and how to cure psoriasis on the head

In most cases, you can cure psoriasis on the head mild form or achieve a state of remission during systemic therapy. The main principle of therapy to cure psoriasis forever is to suppress the inflammatory process and autoimmune reaction that reject epidermal cells. For this, local therapy is used, in which, if it has not passed into severe forms, requiring systemic treatment of the body.

  • salicylic ointment;
  • preparations with tar;
  • ichthyol ointment;
  • naphthalan ointment;
  • Solcoseryl.

If the disease is severe, psoriasis of the scalp is treated with glucocorticoid drugs - Belosalik, Flucinar, Xamiol, prednisolone ointment. Psoriasis on the head can be permanently cured with a mild stage, Psoril, Skin-Cap, Squafan, Kertiol.

Treatment of psoriasis at home depends on many factors - the severity of the disease, the success of the prescribed therapy, the complications that accompany psoriasis. For quick treatment, you must follow all the doctor's recommendations and promptly stop exacerbations of the disease.

Psoriasis video playlist (video selection in the upper right corner)

Psoriasis is a chronic pathology that impossible to completely cure... With the help of competent therapy, you can achieve temporary (often long-term) improvement. And in the complete absence of treatment, significant deterioration should be expected, up to the appearance of disability.

This is due to the fact that the disease can affect not only the skin, as is commonly believed by the people, but also bones, internal organs, joints. Due to the fact that the disease is incurable, the patient must be able to independently carry out therapeutic procedures on an outpatient basis. These measures are necessary to increase the period of remission.

In contact with

Brief description of pathology

Psoriasis is a non-communicable disease that not getting throughthrough tactile contacts. The cause of the pathology has not yet been studied, but more recently, scientists have proven that the disease is highly likely to be autoimmune.

There are several types of the disease, but since it is most often localized on the skin, it is referred to as dermatoses.

In 80-90% of all patients, an ordinary (plaque, vulgar) form of pathology is diagnosed.

Important! Autoimmune pathologies develop due to the malfunctioning of the immune system.

The patient's body perceives its tissues and cells as foreign, therefore it affects them. This leads to the development of autoimmune reactions. Diseases of this type are also called systemic - this is due to the fact that they injure a specific system or the entire body, causing global harm to health.

The onset and treatment of psoriasis is perhaps one of the most pressing topics in dermatology and medicine in general. In no case should you believe in the assertions that pathology is capable of developing as a result of aggressive external influences (cold, heat, infection, and so on). The disease appears for internal reasons and is considered in some way genetic. External factors can only provoke another "outbreak" - relapse, or contribute to the early manifestation of the first symptoms of pathology, but they are not the cause of its occurrence in principle.

Important! In every 3 patients, the disease is diagnosed at a young age (15-20 years). Moreover, many patients turn to specialists only when the disease begins to progress significantly.

Effective treatment of the disease requires an integrated approach. You can use folk and medication, but "grandmother's recipes" should not be the basis of therapy. It should also be borne in mind that a disease of the head and, for example, nails, is treated in different ways, therefore, there are no universal remedies suitable for the treatment of any form of psoriasis.

Basic topical treatments

First, you should consider the general methods of treating psoriasis, which are used to treat external manifestations of pathology.

The main symptom of this disease is the appearance of papules. Rashes can occur locally, or immediately on a large area of \u200b\u200bthe skin, and they are also able to "grow together" with each other.

That is, several small papules located close to each other can join together. The second characteristic symptom is itching.

Sometimes it is so unbearable that patients scratch the skin into the blood. Topical agents should first of all cope with the main symptoms of the disease.

To treat papules and get rid of itching, ointments, creams and gels are used. They there are several types:

  1. Keratoplastic. They have antipruritic and exfoliating properties. It can be said that keratoplastic agents dissolve papules, and at the same time relieve the patient of severe discomfort in the area of \u200b\u200blocalization of rashes. The preparations are used for the skin (in particular, the scalp) and nails. Keratoplastic products also exist in the form of varnishes, powders and solutions.
  2. Glucocorticoid (glucocorticoids). Medicines from this group are hormonal... They have an immunoregulatory, anti-inflammatory, antihistamine effect, and in general affect the body comprehensively. In the case of topical application, glucocorticoids can significantly speed up the healing process of the skin. At the same time, their constant use for psoriasis increases the likelihood of an early relapse, therefore these drugs belong to the category of SOS drugs.
  3. Vitamin and vegetable. This is perhaps the largest group of drugs. Treatment of psoriasis (especially in the early stages) is recommended to be carried out with the mildest (non-hormonal) medications. The thing is that hormonal ointments cause the so-called withdrawal syndrome, which highly undesirable for psoriasis... And, despite the fact that their use is effective, many experts still advise giving preference to predominantly natural remedies.

Important! Glucocorticoid agents can be low potency, moderate potency, high potency, and potent. The last 2 groups can be used only after the direct instructions of a doctor.

Also, Japanese and Chinese ointments for psoriasis can be taken into a completely separate subgroup. They usually contain exclusive and potent ingredients.

For example, if you consider the popular Chinese remedy "King of the Skin", you can see in its composition the extract of tulasi and neem trees.

These plants grow in India, where, apparently, ointments are made, and then they are already sent to China.

If we throw aside the long preface, then it is worth noting only the fact that Chinese ointments are effective, while most of them are natural, but can cause an allergic reaction(just because of the outlandish ingredients, unusual for the body of Russians), extremely undesirable for psoriasis.

So, how to treat psoriasis - drug names:

Group of drugs Names The main active ingredients in the composition
Keratoplastic Salicylic ointment (it is better not to use an alcohol solution due to its aggressiveness) Depending on the% ratio per 100 g: 2, 5 or 10 g salicylic acid
Ichthyol ointment (also available under the trade name "Ichthyol") Ichtammol or Ichthyol
Arievich ointment Contains about 6% lactic acid and 12% salicylic acid
Whitefield ointment Benzoic acid, salicylic acid and petrolatum
Glucocorticoid Hydrocortisone (1% low potency, mild effect) Hydrocortisone acetate
Methylprednisolone acetate (0.25% low activity mild agent) Methylprednisolone acetate
Prednisolone (0.5% low-level ointment) Prednisolone
Sinalar and other trade names: Flucinar, Sinoderm, Ezacinon (moderately active ointment) Fluocinolone acetonide
Vitamin and vegetable (natural) D-Panthenol or Pantoderm Dexpanthenol - provitamin B5
Radevit Active Vitamins - E, D, A
Daivonex (a cream specially designed for the treatment of psoriasis) Synthetic analogue of vitamin D3
Shark oil (cream) Celandine, thyme, oils (tea tree, eucalyptus, lavender), urea, shark oil

Important! Comprehensive psoriasis treatment involves the use of funds from all categories. For example: Daivonex + Hydrocortisone + Salicylic ointment. Such a combination not only helps to quickly get rid of the symptoms of the disease, but also reduce the side effects of glucocorticoids.

Salicylic acid helps glucocorticoids penetrate deep into the epidermis, and preparations with vitamin D protect the skin from atrophy. It is the ointments that provide effective psoriasis treatment, since they are used on all affected external areas and have a full therapeutic effect.

Making an ointment at home

How to make an ointment for psoriasis at home? This requires the use of powerful ingredients and proven techniques.

Oils (the most effective are almonds and tea tree), acids, plant extracts and extracts, propolis, deresined naphthalan help against this disease.

All of these components can be used to make an effective product.

1 recipe:

  • in an enamel saucepan, melt 200 g of butter and 15-20 g of propolis;
  • cook the mixture over low heat until boiling and after another 5-10 minutes (while stirring it every 2-3 minutes);
  • at the final stage, add 2 drops of lavender and almond oil (or another, if desired);
  • strain the mixture and then leave to cool completely.

The resulting product can be placed in any convenient container. This ointment should be rubbed into all affected areas. , 2-3 times a day. The duration of treatment varies depending on the severity of the disease.

Ointment for psoriasis at home - 2 recipe:

  • crush the flowers of celandine and St. John's wort in earthenware (juice should stand out from them);
  • melt 20-30 g of propolis in a water bath;
  • pour propolis into pottery with chopped plants;
  • add essential oils as desired.

This product should only be stored in a cool dry place. Rub the ointment should 2 times a day, locally to the affected area.

Important! Treatment of psoriasis with folk remedies is possible, moreover, it shows high efficiency with the right combination of components. Ointments can also be combined with trays, tinctures (not alcoholic) and other products. But in no case should you use non-traditional methods of treating psoriasis as the main treatment.

The primary means for the treatment of pathology should be medication. Otherwise, the disease will only progress, since it "cannot be overcome" with one alternative therapy.

Making trays

Baths are used mainly for the treatment of the palmar-plantar form of the disease and nail lesions.

They also can be combined with ointments and special varnishes (for example, with Clobetasol).

For psoriasis, full-fledged wellness baths are also made, which help to relieve symptoms of joint and bone diseases.

In general, it all depends on the localization of the pathology.

Baths for psoriasisat home can be made according to the following recipes:

  1. Salt based. Salt baths are used even in sanatoriums because they really have a relaxing, healing and pain-relieving effect. 70 liters of warm water requires about 1-1.5 kg of sea salt. This solution is contraindicated in the presence of festering, open wounds and weeping ulcers.
  2. Based on turpentine. You will need to displace boiling water (half a liter) with salicylic acid (1 g) and baby soap (40 g). The resulting solution needs to be poured with 500 g of gum turpentine. This mixture should be added 1 ml per 1 liter of water.
  3. Based on plant extracts. In this case, you can add crushed plants, the most effective for the treatment of pathology. It could be celandine, sage, string, chamomile, St. John's wort. It is advisable to immediately purchase an herbal mixture (sold in any pharmacy) and dilute it with water. Next, add the solution at the rate of 100 ml per 5 liters of water.

Plants, essential oils, sea salt, soda can also be used to make small baths. It is also recommended to periodically (1-2 times a fortnight) make solutions with an alcoholic tincture of propolis, or with special means based on bee products.

Note! Baths should be done on average 1-2 times a week, otherwise they will not give much result. The various solutions can be alternated with each other.

It is necessary to take healing baths even during periods of remission. When the patient is significantly better, it is especially not recommended to use aggressive supportive therapy. But at the same time, it is impossible to complete the treatment completely. Therefore, it is during periods of remission that it is recommended to use first of all folk remedies, and only in the second - medication (not hormonal).

Scalp psoriasis therapy

In addition to the above agents (ointments and baths) for the treatment of scalp psoriasis shampoos are used... Most often, patients are diagnosed with a seborrheic type of disease. This form of psoriasis is characterized by the appearance on the head of many scales, and not individual papules. Treatment with shampoos is the most convenient and effective. You can use products containing:

  • zinc;
  • tar;
  • salicylic acid.

Moreover, in some cases it is recommended to combineremedies with simple moisturizing shampoos, since the scalp becomes dry due to aggressive exposure. Also, during periods of exacerbations, patients may be prescribed hormonal chapoons like Etrivex, but they, like ointments, cause an unwanted withdrawal syndrome.

Important! In order to bring the scalp back to normal after treatment, it is recommended to use baby shampoos, the main function of which is moisturizing.

You can use it yourself: Algopix, Skin Cap, 911 Shampoo and Sulsenu. Almost all of these tools are made based on tar, therefore they dry out the skin slightly (not as much as salicylic acid).

Treatment from within

Therapy psoriasis from the inside produced in several ways:

  • diet;
  • medicines;
  • protection of the nervous system and psyche.

First you need focus on on point 3.

Nervous exhaustion, stress, mental problems - these are "levers" that provoke relapse.

Moreover, in the case of psoriasis, a kind of vicious circle is observed.

Since this disease is currently classified as incurable, patients are very concerned about the likelihood that after remission it will return quickly.

Because of this excitement, an internal mechanism is triggered that provokes a relapse.

Important! Also, most patients suffer from the visibility of psoriasis symptoms (plaques, papules) on the body. Patients believe that this repels the people around them, while they cease to like themselves. Due to psychological pressure, patients develop depression, which also contributes to the aggravation of the underlying disease.

Therefore, when it comes to the internal treatment of psoriasis, one cannot but touch upon the topic of the psychological discomfort that all patients face. A visit to a psychologist, neurologist or even a psychiatrist is mandatory for most patients, especially adolescents. Some patients require additional treatment in the form of antidepressants or other psychotropic drugs.


Patients should exclude flour, sweet (especially chocolate), fried and spicy foods from their diet. It is necessary to minimize the consumption of too high-calorie and unhealthy foods. Improper nutrition can lead to systematic outbreaks of the disease.

Pay attention! Some patients do not follow any diet, but they do not suffer from recurrent relapses. It should be noted, however, that proper nutrition is not always a must in psoriasis. It all depends on the individual patient and on how his body reacts to certain foods.

But in general, the menu for psoriasis should be lightweight, saturated with vitamins and amino acids.

The only thing that should be 100% discarded is fast food and fast food.

They are the ones in most cases negatively reflected on the general condition of the body, which is why another relapse occurs.


It is worth paying attention not so much to medications as to various dietary supplements and vitamins. The thing is that medicines for internal use in psoriasis are mainly hormones. Them can only be prescribed by the attending physicianbased on a specific case. The patient can independently take vitamin complexes (Aevit, Complivit, Alphabet), fiber, fish oil. The main goal of this treatment is to strengthen the body, in particular the immune system and the stomach.

Video: psoriasis - causes, treatment


Considering all of the above, the question of whether how to treat psoriasis at home (outpatient) conditions, and whether it should be done in principle, can be considered closed. Competent therapy can guarantee long-term remission, and this, in the case of this disease, is the best result.

In contact with

Psoriasis is a chronic disease that has a non-infectious nature. It is expressed mainly in the defeat of the skin. Bulging red papules appear on the skin, connecting, they form plaques. The disease does not choose - both men and women are sick, and the first symptoms can appear at any time, but more often - from fifteen to twenty-five years. According to statistics, 4% of patients are registered on planet Earth, but in reality this figure is higher, since not every sick person has the opportunity to turn to specialists for qualified help.

Scaly lichen, dermatosis is also psoriasis. Scientists suggest an autoimmune nature of the disease. And there is ongoing research in this area. Several forms of flow have been identified and they are subdivided into pustular and non-pustular.

History of psoriasis

On October 29, 2004, International Psoriasis Day was celebrated for the first time. It was founded by IFPA - International Psoriasis Association. Since then, annually, on this day, various events have been held to combat this ailment.

The disease has been known since ancient times. Mentions about it are contained in the writings of Hippocrates that have come down to us. But, nevertheless, the first who gave the disease its present name is Claudius Galen, who lived in the first millennium BC. The word psoriasis in translation from Greek sounds like "scabies, itching". In those days, this disease was put on a par with scabies and leprosy, since the level of medicine left much to be desired. Several centuries later, the disease received a new name "devil's rose". People with psoriasis were considered contagious and expelled just like lepers. Not every healer of that time dared to take on the treatment of the unfortunate. But even then they were advised to sunbathe, smear the affected skin with tar and sulfur injections. It was only relatively recently, in the nineteenth century, that the infectious nature of psoriasis was refuted by the English physician Robert Willen. Unhappy patients were given the opportunity to live in society and receive qualified (at that time) medical care. A new stage began in the study of this problem, and soon its connection with diseases of internal organs and disorders of the human nervous system was established.

Psoriasis is a hereditary disease

Psoriasis is a hereditary disease

Doctors concluded that heredity is the main factor affecting the likelihood of psoriasis. Moreover, if one of the parents is sick, in a child born of him, the probability of the disease exists within twenty percent. In the event that both parents are sick, the probability increases significantly and is sixty-five percent. And even if the parents are healthy, but one of the brothers or sisters is diagnosed with psoriasis, a newly born child may develop the disease in five percent of cases.

Trauma is the cause of psoriasis

German dermatologist Kebner has shown that psoriasis can cause skin trauma, and it may not necessarily be mechanical trauma. Sunburn, chemical burns, frostbite, microtrauma - trigger the mechanism of the disease.

In latitudes with long winters and cold short summers, the incidence is recorded more often than in regions with a warm climate and hot, sunny summers. Where there is a long cold winter, people often catch colds, their immunity is reduced and the risk of getting sick is several times higher.

But at the same time, if a person living in a hot climate is already sick, he should limit the time spent in the sun, since the abuse of ultraviolet light can provoke an exacerbation.

Stress and psoriasis are inseparable

The link between psoriasis and stress has been proven. If a person lives in constant anxiety and experiences constant stressful situations at home and at work, this can affect his health and result in psoriatic rashes on the skin.

You can take control of the disease yourself. To do this, you need to exclude from your diet all foods that cause you an aggravation. Next, eliminate all external factors mentioned above. And avoid stressful situations. In the end, change jobs if there is an unhealthy psychological environment in the team. And, of course, supportive therapy is not the least important in disease control.

Traditional medicine in the fight against psoriasis

Internal funds

  • Bay leaves were not always used in cooking, at first they noticed its healing properties. By the way, he is an excellent antiseptic for the skin. Laurel broth. Grind twenty grams of bay leaves and transfer to a saucepan. Add half a liter of boiled water and boil for ten minutes. Take one hundred ml strained three times a day. The duration of treatment with laurel broth is one week.
  • Simmered product. Put two hundred grams of internal fat in a large clay pot, add a bottle of vodka, five hundred ml of aloe juice and one liter of honey. Put in an oven heated to one hundred and eighty degrees and simmer for four hours. Take fifteen ml of the product three times a day.

  • Herbal collection. Prepare in advance a herbal collection of four spoons of chamomile flowers, four - St. John's wort, three - violets and two spoons of lingonberry leaves. Grind everything, mix and every morning, before breakfast, prepare a healing infusion. Brew a spoonful of the collection with a glass of freshly boiled water, strain after half an hour, add a spoonful of Eleutherococcus extract and immediately drink the entire infusion.
  • Celandine has a wide range of medicinal effects. Along with many positive properties, it helps the body cleanse itself of harmful substances. And in general, there is an opinion among the people that, eating a leaf of celandine a day, you can live a hundred years! Infusion of celandine. Pour one spoonful of dry celandine with an incomplete glass of boiled water. Strain after thirty minutes. Have a drink before breakfast. Before lunch and dinner, brew celandine according to the same recipe and take. Strictly observe the dosage!

  • Infusion of barley malt. Transfer two tablespoons of malt to a thermos and pour in one liter of boiling water. Strain after four hours. Drink one hundred ml six times a day with a little honey.
  • Decoction of burdock and dandelion roots. Grind dry plant roots and pour two tablespoons with two glasses of hot water. Cover the dishes and put on low heat. Cook for ten minutes. Strain and drink one hundred ml of broth before main meals.
  • Infusion of agrimony. Insist a spoonful of herbs in two hundred and fifty ml of boiling water for one hour. Strain, add boiled water to the initial volume, divide into four equal servings and drink during the day before meals.
  • Sea buckthorn oil. With psoriasis, it is recommended every morning, before breakfast, to eat one spoonful of sea buckthorn oil.
  • Composite tea. The tea contains seven different plants. Each of them carries a healing property. And taken together, they reinforce and complement each other's action. We need: strawberry leaf - six spoons, rows - six spoons, five - currant leaves, four - dry burdock leaf, four - nettle, three - yarrow, three - violets. Grind and mix everything. Brew one spoonful of the collection with two glasses of boiling water. After half an hour, strain and drink three times a day, half a glass of mixed tea.

  • Buy or collect plants and make a collection of them: calamus root and succession - fifteen grams each, corn stigmas, elder flowers, lingonberry leaf, horsetail, elecampane root, celandine - five grams. Pound and mix everything. To prepare, pour two tablespoons of the herbal mixture into a suitable dish, pour in half a liter of boiling water and put in the oven for half an hour. Remove from the oven, wait until it cools down, strain from raw materials. Drink one hundred ml of broth in the morning and evening.
  • A decoction of burdock and soapwort roots has a positive effect on the general metabolism in the body, which is very important in the fight against psoriasis. Grind the roots of plants and boil one spoonful in a steam bath in half a liter of boiling water for ten minutes. Strain, use in equal portions per day.
  • Chopped roots of burdock and dandelion in two tablespoons and nettle - mix one spoonful. Boil one spoonful of raw materials in half a liter of hot water for five minutes. Strain after an hour. One hundred ml of broth should be taken before meals for one hour.

External means

  • The first tool that we will tell you about is very effective. It perfectly softens dry plaques and heals the skin. Egg oil. Buy twenty fresh eggs. Cook them for fifteen minutes. Separate the yolks from the whites. Set the whites aside and rub the yolks. Heat a skillet and fry the yolks (no oil added) over low heat for forty-five minutes. Prepare a clean cheesecloth, place the heated yolks on it and squeeze them thoroughly. You will get a yellowish oily mass. We need it for treatment. Use it to lubricate sore skin twice a day.

  • Wormwood fat ointment. Melt the lard and grind dry wormwood into a powder. Mix the ingredients equally and rub into the areas of exacerbation of psoriasis three times a day.
  • Another remedy using eggs. One glass of softened natural butter, a glass of vinegar and one raw chicken egg. Mix everything thoroughly and transfer to a glass dish. Refrigerate and incubate for seven days. Lubricate sore skin as often as possible - up to ten times a day.
  • Melt the lard (unsalted) and pour half a cup into a small saucepan. Pass the freshly picked sedum through a meat grinder and also transfer half a glass to the melted lard. Add two spoons of camphor and place on the stove. Heat with constant stirring until the ingredients are fully combined. Remove, cool and use as an ointment for psoriasis.

  • Celandine juice is used for many, if not all, skin diseases. Moreover, the method of treatment is very simple for them. With the only caveat, this is a seasonal recipe. Tear off celandine daily and lubricate the inflamed areas on the skin with the juice obtained from it.
  • With psoriasis, a good healing effect and relief of the condition can be obtained by taking herbal baths. To prepare the broth, prepare two tablespoons of a series of celandine, chamomile and sage. Pour the herbs into a liter of freshly boiled water and leave for half an hour. Strain and pour into a tub of warm water. Immerse yourself for twenty minutes.
  • Salt baths are also indicated for psoriasis. Buy a pack of sea salt from the pharmacy, dissolve it in the bath and every evening, for seven days, take a sea bath for fifteen minutes.

  • Garlic is a famous antioxidant and is therefore recommended for the treatment of psoriasis. Peel the head of garlic, crush the cloves and pour a glass of boiling water over them for two hours. Moisten a compress cloth in the infusion and apply to the affected skin.
  • An excellent ointment is obtained from dry celandine and horse sorrel taken equally. They should be ground to a powdery state, add enough birch tar to obtain the consistency of sour cream. Apply the ointment to your skin and cover with a cloth.
  • It is very easy to treat with fish oil. It should be applied to sore skin three times a day.

  • Treat your skin with alcohol and soapy water once a day. Squeeze the juice from the plant before the procedure. Rub rubbing alcohol and apply soapy water immediately. Leave to dry completely.
  • It will soften the skin and relieve inflammation with propolis ointment in butter. Crush ten grams of propolis and add it to two hundred grams of melted butter. Put on low heat and heat for a quarter of an hour. Cool slightly and strain until stiff. Apply to skin three times a day.
  • Summer cure using freshly harvested plants. Prepare an earthenware with a wide mouth, put in it twenty grams of finely chopped St. John's wort, ten grams of calendula (flowers), twenty grams of celandine with the root and twenty grams of crushed propolis. Pound until smooth, pour in unrefined vegetable oil for a bunch, mix again. Use three times a day, lubricating the skin.

  • Buy fresh, or catch fish if possible. Remove scales from it, rinse thoroughly and dry. Grind the dried scales to a powdery state and gradually add fish oil to the powder, just enough to get the consistency of a thick ointment. Before the procedure, the places to which you will apply the ointment should be rinsed with water, wiped and applied with fish ointment four times a day.
  • Remove the skin from the fresh oily herring and wipe the sore spots with it. If the foci of the disease are small, you can apply herring skin on them. After one hour, wash with baby soap. Dilute two tablespoons of vinegar in a glass of water, soak a cotton pad in the solution and wipe your skin.
  • Buy a large, ungutted marine fish weighing at least three kilograms. Remove the scales from it and remove the gallbladder. Heat a liter of dry white wine, put the prepared scales and gallbladder into it and leave to sweat over low heat for half an hour. Cool, strain and pour in two hundred ml of unrefined olive oil. Before treatment, wash the skin with baby soap, pat dry with a towel and apply the resulting product. Heal until the cooked broth runs out.
  • Celandine got its name from the fact that it is able to cleanse the body. Another recipe using this wonderful herb. Make a powder from dried celandine, weigh it. Take the same weight of petroleum jelly, mix thoroughly with herbal powder. Can be used immediately by applying to the plaque once a day.

  • As soon as you notice an exacerbation of the disease, prepare an ointment that can suppress the lesions of psoriasis. Beat two fresh chicken eggs with one spoonful of unrefined vegetable oil and forty ml of acetic acid. Every evening, before going to bed, smear the affected skin, apply a bandage on top and leave it on until morning.
  • Tincture on ivy bud can be done in two ways. First on vodka. Two hundred grams of grass must be insisted in a bottle of vodka for a day. You do not need to filter. The second way is with vinegar. Insist two tablespoons of dry budra in a glass of vinegar for a week. Use tinctures one way. Wipe your skin with one or another remedy three times a day.

  • After boiling the milk, plaque remains on the sides of the pan. Do not rush to clean it, but collect it carefully and apply before going to bed on sore skin. Apply a bandage and leave it on overnight. The folk recipe promises to cleanse the skin in seven treatments every night.
  • An interesting treatment using starch and powdered sugar. Rinse sore spots on the skin, wipe and sprinkle in an even layer mixed equally with starch and powdered sugar. Apply a bandage and go to bed.

  • Use the milk broth of medicinal plants in the form of lotions. Take equal parts grape leaves, flaxseed and burdock root. Pour everything into two hundred ml of milk, heat and keep on a low boil for five minutes. Cool slightly, spread over a compress cloth and secure to psoriasis affected areas of the skin.
  • And finally, a very simple but effective recipe. For those who have no time or do not want to mess with complicated cooking. Tear off a few Kalanchoe leaves, rinse under running water, dry, crush until mushy and apply to the plaques, securing with a bandage.

  • Go to Sivash! The healing mud from this lake is excellent for psoriasis. If it is not possible to go to a natural source of mud, find it at the pharmacy and be sure to buy it. Use exactly as directed on the package.

Doctor from America John Pegano twenty-five years studying psoriasis and made a conclusion. The small intestine is to blame! Rather, its malfunctioning. Toxins and toxins that enter our body along with food, before reaching the rectum, seep through the intestinal wall into the blood and lymph. And when the internal organs, designed to deal with the cleansing function, cease to cope, the skin is connected. The harmful substances that it removes from the body and causes the manifestation of psoriasis. John Pegano has developed a whole food system and a list of prohibited foods that clog our bodies.

A very interesting theory was presented by a scientist of the Research Institute of Physical and Chemical Medicine Shilov ... He called the disease in question a natural experiment on humans. Thus, nature prepares humanity in the person of the chosen ones for life in extreme environmental conditions. Patients with psoriasis are mutants that carry the “golden gene pool”. Why did he come to this conclusion?

Firstly, in patients with psoriasis, cell division occurs much faster than in healthy people and they look younger than their calendar years.

Secondly, injuries and wounds in these people heal much faster.

Thirdly, patients with psoriasis do not have impotence, they have a very high intelligence.

Fourthly, they are not afraid of radiation and ultraviolet light.

Fifth, there are practically no oncological patients among psoriasis patients.

And finally, sixth. Since childhood, they have to fight for their place in the sun and constantly improve and assert themselves. That is why among the great and famous people at all times there were people with psoriasis.

And the brightest personality on this list JOSEPH STALIN ... A man about whom the whole world knows, but few knew about his illness.

The man who was the richest in his time, with a fortune of a billion dollars. His name has become a household name - JOHN ROCKEFELLER ... With a huge fortune, he could not be cured of psoriasis. Desperate, he announced that he would pay an impressive sum to the one who found a panacea and cured him. But until now, the prize remains unclaimed.

WINSTON CHURCHILL - a political intrigue and one of the most powerful world leaders, exhausted by the disease, said that he would erect a golden monument to the one who will come up with a method of treating psoriasis. There is still no monument.

Ironically, or some other providence, he suffered from psoriasis and NIKOLAY EZHOV - People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR and Stalin's chief assistant.

Among our contemporaries there are many stars of show business, patients with psoriasis, which once again proves the version of V. Shilov. Hollywood star Cameron Diaz, Ukrainian singer Tina Karol, Britney Spears, Kim Kardashian - they are all sick, but this fact does not interfere with their stellar career.

The list goes on, but these names are enough to understand that psoriasis is not a sentence, psoriasis is a reality with which you need to learn to live and reach heights! And a monument of pure gold in Great Britain, maybe someday, will appear ...

Video - Psoriasis treatment at home

Psoriasis is a chronic non-infectious skin disease that affects the epidermis and is accompanied by the appearance of red, pink, purple spots on the skin, palpable. At the moment, psoriasis is one of the most studied diseases by physicians, as it has a large list of causes and entails a large number of disorders in the human body.

Causes of occurrence

Photo: Psoriasis on the face

The causes of psoriasis are not clearly defined. For three centuries, scientists have been trying to identify the main cause of the development of the disease, confirming several versions. The main prerequisites for the appearance of the disease are divided into two groups:

  • violation of cell division;
  • disruption of the body's immune system.

These reasons are not a guaranteed cause of psoriasis, since almost 50% of people who have been diagnosed with psoriatic disease do not know the root cause.

Among the reasons that can provoke the development of the disease are identified:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • violation of the mineral balance, lack of vitamins, trace elements in the body;
  • changes in the functioning of the immune system;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • disorders of the uneven system and nervous shocks;
  • damage to the skin (burns, scratches, cuts);
  • viral infections;
  • the use of drugs.

Studying the factors that gave rise to the onset of psoriasis, the most common causes of the disease are determined:

  • nervous shock;
  • transferred tonsillitis;
  • hypothermia of the body.

Thus, it is not yet possible to identify the main reason from which psoriasis appears, since the development of the disease is influenced by seasonal changes, environmental factors and psychological characteristics of a person.

How does psoriasis manifest?

Photo: Psoriasis on the head

The disease manifests itself in the form of dark purple, red or pinkish spots on the skin, which are covered with colorless, gray, white scales that crumble when rubbed. The formations are called scaly lichen. However, red spots are not the only factor reporting the disease, since psoriasis begins in the form of vesicles, blisters, inflammatory processes of the joints and peeling of the skin. The most common sites for psoriasis are the extensor parts of the body, elbows, knees, scalp, and areas that are prone to frequent injury.

At the initial stage of the disease, the area affected by psoriasis has small thickened areas, on which gray, white pale spots are formed that rise above the skin and are palpable to the touch. Squamous islets indicate a short life cycle of skin cells, which is up to 5 days, while a correct and complete cell cycle should last 6 times longer.

From the above descriptions, you can easily imagine what psoriasis looks like. If you find the listed factors that can cause anxiety and a signal about the development of the disease, you can look at psoriasis photos of the initial stage of the disease, showing the initial signs of a chronic disease.

But you should not rush to the diagnosis yourself and prescribe treatment for yourself in order to avoid deterioration of the disease process; if you find typical spots, you should seek help from a dermatologist.

Symptoms of psoriasis affecting the nails are accompanied by changes in the nail plate, and indicate subungual hyperkeratosis. Psoriasis of the joints is evidenced by inflammation and pain initially in small joints.

Affected areas of the body usually cause itching, which leads to cracks, scratching and bleeding wounds.

In general, the signs of psoriasis depend on the type of disease and the affected area.


Photo: psoriasis on the hands

Types of psoriasis, depending on the course of the disease, the characteristics of the rash and the site of the lesion:

  • non-pustular psoriasis. The non-pustular form includes plaque psoriasis of the skin, which is the most common form of the disease in people with this disease. Plaque psoriasis appears as dense patches that rise above the skin. The top layer of stains is pitted with scales that, when exfoliated, cause blood and cracks in the skin. The scaly islets are able to enlarge and join with adjacent patches to form scaly plates on the skin.
    The second form of non-pustular psoriasis is psoriatic erythrodemia. The form of the disease is an exacerbation of plaque-type psoriasis and is accompanied by lesions of large areas of the skin that provoke exfoliation of scales, inflammation of the skin, intense itching, swelling of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, these processes are painful and have a negative effect on the body's performance, which loses the ability to perform protective and barrier function of the body. Psoriatric erythroderma can become the initial form of the disease, transforming into other forms of psoriasis;
  • pustular psoriasis. The pustular type of psoriasis is expressed in the appearance of bubbles and blisters on the epidermis. The type of psoriasis includes several subspecies of the disease: the teardrop-shaped form of psoriasis, chronic persistent acrodermatitis, seborrheic psoriasis, psoriatic onychodystrophy, psoriatic arthritis, exudative skin psoriasis;
  • teardrop psoriasis is expressed in a large number of small, dry heights of purple or red color throughout the patient's body. The spots appear in the form of small balls mainly on the head, thighs, neck, legs or shoulders. The disease is most often provoked by streptococcal infections, for example, streptococcal sore throat, pharyngitis;
  • chronic persistent acrodermatitis - plantar psoriasis and pustules of the palms, affecting the inner surface of the hand and foot, forming small spots and blisters, subject to constant friction, which complicates the course of the disease;
  • seborrheic psoriasis affects the scalp, nasolabial folds, the area between the shoulder blades and the ears with small psoriasis blisters. The rash is accompanied by severe itching, which can lead to purulent wounds and complicate the course of the disease;
  • psoriatic onychodystrophy or psoriasis of nails affects the nail plate, changing it and forming spots under it, which demonstrate color changes and the appearance of colored spots on the nails. The disease entails thickening of the skin under the nail, delamination and transformation of nails, loss of nails;
  • psoriatic arthritis - a disease affecting joints and connective tissue. The most vulnerable place for the development of the disease are the phalanges of the fingers and toes. Affected fingers enlarge, swell, swell. Affecting the joints of the knees, pelvis, shoulder blades, shoulders, spine can lead to disability, limitation of physical abilities, and sometimes to inability to move and to lethal consequences;
  • exudative psoriasis - the most severe form of the disease, which is accompanied by raised, convex vesicles and capsules filled with liquid - pustules. The pustules are surrounded by inflamed, reddened skin that causes soreness and sometimes itching. Peeling pustules can lead to re-infection of the skin, which will give rise to a purulent process in the vesicles. Severe and advanced form of exudative psoriasis contributes to an increase in the number of pustules that can appear on all areas of the skin and merge into larger painful capsules.

Pustular psoriasis disease has varieties:

  • herpetiform impetigo - a disease that most often occurs in pregnant women, psoriasis in women occurs in the second and third trimester and is quite dangerous;
  • tsumbusha psoriasis - psoriasis in men aged 15-35 years, affecting the skin and accompanied by purulent pustules on the scales, high fever and weakness;
  • exanthemic generalized psoriasis is a disease that occurs sharply and rapidly developing. This type of disease interacts with other infectious diseases and affects mostly children and adolescents.

Stages and nature of the disease

Psoriatic disease can become a chronic recurrent problem in people of any age. Considering environmental factors, parental lifestyle and genetic inheritance, psoriasis is increasingly common in children.

Fact! Psoriasis is a non-infectious disease, so you should not worry if psoriasis is contagious, but you should pay attention to the nature of the disease, its course, and consult a doctor for the purpose of the disease.

The course of the disease and the treatment plan depends on which have three different variants of psoriasis:

  • initial stage is determined by the appearance of small spots on the affected areas, which can grow and increase in number, merge with each other and form larger spots;
  • stationary stage occurs 10-30 days after the appearance of the rash. At this stage, spots and rashes are covered with small scales of a pale or gray color;
  • regressive stages psoriasis is accompanied by a paler color of scales and reduced peeling, the stage can last for several months, during which discoloration of spots and rashes occurs, due to correct and complete treatment, the rash is finally eliminated from the skin.

Since it is very difficult to cure psoriasis and full recovery is a very rare occurrence, the disease can turn into a latent form that can develop over decades.

You can prevent the latent form of the disease with the help of responsible treatment and following all the doctor's recommendations.

Treatment of psoriasis is a long, responsible process, the plan of which depends on the stage of the disease, the type of disease, the affected areas of the skin, the age of the patient. There are many options and methods for treatment.

Treatment of psoriasis at home is based on the use and use of special agents prescribed by a doctor, proper care of the affected skin areas or the use of folk methods that can eliminate the disease and relieve the skin of itching, rashes and unpleasant painful sensations. The use of vitamins for psoriasis can improve the functioning of the immune system, have a protective and restorative effect on the body.

When choosing a treatment method, you should pay attention to the site affected by psoriasis.

Scalp psoriasis involves the use of special shampoos; limbs must be treated with creams and oils aimed at combating the disease, any form of the disease requires the use of vitamins, additional beneficial trace elements that improve the functioning of the immune system and strengthen the body.

Medications for psoriasis include:

  • pills;
  • vitamins;
  • oils;
  • cream;
  • ointments;
  • plasters;
  • injections;
  • sprays;
  • lotions;
  • gels.

Popular medicines

One of the most popular ways to treat psoriasis is to use creams, ointments, lotions, and sprays.

  1. Akriderm is a cream for psoriasis with a soothing, anti-inflammatory, anti-edema and anti-allergic effect. With the help of an effective drug - betamethasone, the cream soothes the skin, prevents tissue permeability.
  2. Creams that contain vitamin D, such as Calcipotriol. The cream can be used to treat psoriasis on the body, arms, legs. Treatment may include hormonal therapy and may be improved with ultraviolet light.
  3. Cream Kremgen is a universal effective remedy for psoriasis, which has an anti-inflammatory, soothing and anti-allergic effect on inflamed skin areas.
  4. Cream-wax Zdorov + from psoriasis, the price of which justifies its positive properties, expressed in toning the skin, anti-allergenic effects and in recovery processes. The composition of the cream includes beeswax, olive oil, propolis and other natural substances.

The ointment can be hormonal or not, the remedy is often used for psoriasis on the hands, feet, body:

  1. Ointments Nazacort, Triacort, Kenalog, Burlikort - hormonal agents containing triamcinolone have a quick and effective effect on psoriasis, eliminating irritation, itching, redness and other symptoms of the disease. The drug can be prescribed for psoriasis on the face.
  2. Ointments Lokasolen, Sinalar, Flucort, Flucinar contain the main components flumethasone, fludcortonol and are hormonal agents. Ointments for psoriasis with hormones quickly eliminate the symptoms of the disease.
  3. Mometasone is one of the most effective drugs for the treatment of psoriasis, which is part of such hormonal ointments: Momat, Uniderm, Skin Light.
  4. Salicylic ointment for psoriasis is a popular non-hormonal treatment for the disease, used in combination with other drugs. Salicylic ointment has an anti-inflammatory effect on the affected areas.
  5. Dayfobet ointment is a non-hormonal preparation containing calcipotriol and betamethasone, which have a positive effect on the affected skin, soothe the epidermis and eliminate rashes.

Non-hormonal ointments for psoriasis have a slower effect, while hormone-containing drugs have a much more effective and stronger effect. But hormonal ointments have a number of disadvantages in the form of contraindications and side reactions, as well as a negative effect on internal organs: kidneys, heart, blood vessels. Before using such products, you should consult a dermatologist.


The treatment of the disease can be carried out using a gel for psoriasis:

  1. Nano Gel is applied to the affected part of the skin for 20 days at intervals of 2 times a day. It is mainly used to treat psoriasis on the legs.
  2. Xamiol Gel is applied to the inflamed areas of the skin and envelop the diseased area with a gel film. This drug is suitable for treating psoriasis on elbows and other exposed areas of the body.
  3. Enterosgel is an effective oral product that has a positive effect on internal organs that affect the functioning of the immune system and affect the skin.

Psoriasis on the head involves the use of medicinal shampoos:

  1. Shampoos containing tar. Birch or pine tar for psoriasis eliminates itching, inflammation, and flaking of the skin. For example: "Tar shampoo for a bath", "Shampoo 911 Tar", "Zinc plus birch tar", "Friderm Tar".
  2. Antifungal shampoos that are able to cure an infection through special components of the composition. The main shampoo for psoriasis in this group is Nizoral.
  3. Medical and cosmetic shampoos that revitalize the scalp, for example, "Skin-Cap", "Friderm Balance", "Natura" and others.
  4. Children's shampoos, which do not contain dyes, fragrances and other low-quality and negative components. The most popular baby shampoos are Johnson's Baby, Me and Mom, Nipp.
  1. Belosalik is a lotion for psoriasis, which is used mainly to treat the scalp.
  2. Gelksamol is a local anti-inflammatory drug used to treat the initial forms of psoriasis.
  3. Daivonex for psoriasis is a non-hormonal drug for the treatment of chronic psoriasis vulgaris.

Sprays for psoriasis:

  1. Skin-Cap is the most popular spray for psoriasis, which has a quick effect on the treatment of the disease, contributing to the cosmetic effect.
  2. Spray 999 is a daily care product used in the final stages of treatment.

Unfortunately, these drugs will not answer the main question of how to cure psoriasis forever. The disease is chronic and requires more effective treatment.


Psoriasis pills have a strong effect on the course of the disease, helping to eliminate the symptoms of the disease and prevent the development of the disease:

  • Metipred is a hormonal drug that has anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic effects;
  • Wobenzym - enzyme pills of plant and animal origin, which have a positive effect on the immune system, as well as analgesic and sedative effects;
  • Polysorb - attracts and removes bacterial toxins, food allergens from the body;
  • Methotrexate for psoriasis - it is prescribed in the case of severe forms of the disease that affect the skin and nails;
  • Thiosulfate for psoriasis is a solution for intravenous injection, in the treatment of which you must follow a diet and follow the doctor's recommendations. It is prescribed for psariotric arthritis.

Injections and injections for psoriasis are drugs that have the most effective effect on the disease. Among the most effective drugs: diprospan, diprosalic, heptral, chloropyramine, pyrogenal.

Pills and injections are an effective medicine for psoriasis, which is prescribed by the attending dermatologist, at certain stages of the development of the disease. The choice of medication depends on the type of disease and the characteristics of the patient, since it is necessary to get rid of psoriasis in the most appropriate way.

Treatment methods

Photo: treatment of psoriasis with alternative methods

    Beeswax for psoriasis helps to cope with relapses of the disease by soothing the skin and having an anti-inflammatory effect. To prepare a wax cream, you need to mix pork fat with pollen, beeswax, propolis. All components are mixed and heated on the stove, without bringing to a boil, and then stored in a closed container. The mixture is applied to psoriasis spots three times a day, it can also be taken internally 2-3 times daily. Strain the mixture through cheesecloth before use.

  • Baths for psoriasis. When suffering from psoriasis, it is necessary to pay attention to water procedures that will help soothe itching, relieve swelling and eliminate discomfort. With psoriasis, it is necessary to take baths with herbs, adding celandine, chamomile flowers, oak bark, a piece of propolis, oregano to the water. It is recommended to take herbal baths once every two to three days.
  • The patch for psoriasis is an effective means of combating psoriasis, since it contains oils, borneol, fluocyanide, methyl salicylate. The patches are easy to use and are applied until the effect appears. The patch is glued to the affected skin and has anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and regenerating effects on the cells of the epidermis.
  • Treatment of psoriasis with hydrogen peroxide excludes other methods and drugs for treatment. This method of treatment is widespread for palmar psoriasis and for facial lesions. The peroxide is applied with a cotton pad to the inflamed areas twice a day until the rash disappears. This method is effective and low cost.
  • The psoriasis lamp is effective due to ultraviolet radiation. The rays of the paw have an anti-inflammatory and therapeutic effect on the affected skin.
  • ASD for psoriasis is one of the oldest and most effective treatments for the disease. "Dorogov's antiseptic stimulant" is used for many forms of psoriasis, and is applied to the inflamed skin areas, providing treatment, protection, and cell restoration. For a more effective action, ASD 2 is used for psoriasis - the second formula of the drug, which is used internally. Once in the body, asd 2 removes toxins, has a positive effect on the nervous system. The drugs have almost no contraindications and are prescribed for treatment for most patients.
  • The most effective oil for psoriasis is black seed oil. It is recommended to use oil with carrot and fir oils. Olive oil is also a unique treatment for psoriasis, moisturizing the skin while relieving irritability, swelling and inflammation. Burdock oil affects the recovery process of inflammatory areas. They are used to restore the scalp.
  • Solidol for psoriasis is a remedy for self-treatment of the disease, by applying solidol to the inflamed areas. The course of treatment continues for 7 days, the solid oil must be applied to the stain for one hour, then rinsed.

Treatment with folk remedies

Photo: treatment of psoriasis at home

Treatment for psoriasis with folk remedies includes completely home care using proven recipes and herbs. The most effective herbal preparations include wheatgrass, copper sulfate, celandine, marsh root, St. John's wort, burdock root. Healing herbs are mixed in equal proportions, poured with boiling water and brewed for 6 minutes. The resulting infusion is filtered. The cooled liquid is used to wipe the inflamed areas. Using folk remedies, you need to know how to treat psoriasis at home.

An effective recipe for psoriasis includes a tincture of 4 tablespoons of celandine root, which must be pre-ground, and 0.5 liters of alcohol. The ingredients are mixed, the resulting mixture is treated with spots on the patient's skin.