Samoyed husky care and feeding. Samoyed husky dog. Description, features, care and price of the breed. Dry and wet food

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Excellent white wool
  • Balanced character, kindness
  • Endurance, readiness to work
  • Not everyone can afford the price of puppies

Description of the breed

Samoyed dogs came to us from the Far North, where they helped people look after children, were used as draft animals for sleds, herded herds, and even simply warmed their owners with warmth. The dog gets along well with other animals, even if you want to get a cat, the dog can easily make friends with him.

These dogs are also called "Samoyed dog", "Samoyed husky". By classification FCI breed has the name "Samoyed".

The appearance reveals elegance and aristocracy. White The coat, high-set ears, curled tail and powerful muscles enhance this already beautiful dog. Thanks to its endurance and willpower, the Samoyed has become a legend, repeatedly saving people in the harsh icy expanses of the north.

Samoyed breed standard

Small sized dog. Nobility and strength are literally fully inherent in the Samoyed. The description of the breed will certainly attract your attention. It's full of contradictions - it's kind dog, who will not become an unquestioning performer and sometimes becomes stubborn if something in communication does not suit her. Incredibly attractive. A powerful wedge-shaped head, a developed nose, often black, a powerful and strong jaw, the eyes are dark brown, their shape is almond-shaped. Triangular neat ears, a proud bend of the neck, a tail curled up, strong fore and hind limbs. The Samoyed is a wire-haired dog, the dog’s coat is worth special attention - it is very thick, has an excellent white or cream color, and in males it frames the head with a “collar”. The “Samoyed smile”, thanks to which a dog inspires confidence in everyone at first sight, has become distinctive feature of this breed.

Character and characteristics of the Samoyed

Kindness and a wonderful gentle character make this breed stand out. An adult dog will become not only an excellent protector and friend, but with proper training, an assistant in hunting. Characteristics of the breed: the dog is distinguished by its excellent adaptability, very affectionate disposition, intelligent and quick-witted. Usually does not give voice, but with proper training it becomes an excellent watchman. Tolerates cold and heat with ease. Can sleep both outside and at home, but prefers the comfort of home. She loves to consider herself an important part of the family and to be the center of attention, and suffers from lack of communication, so when getting a dog, take these factors into account. Characterized by intelligence and curiosity. When you buy a Samoyed, it is worth considering that girls get along well with small children, while boys prefer to communicate with adults. In an apartment, you should choose a place for your pet so that he can see all the rooms, because they love to watch life in the house. Talk to your Samoyed often, otherwise he may become sad and even get sick.

Many people are intimidated by the beautiful snow-white coat, and they prepare in advance for the difficulties of caring for Samoyed huskies, but we can reassure you: there is no particular need to care for the coat. Samoyeds do not require large expenses for maintenance. Wool is perfectly cleaned with natural oils. These wonderful pets are incredibly clean and even wash themselves like cats, they have no smell, and shedding occurs only once a year. The rest of the time, you can rest assured that your clothes and the cleanliness of your home - the Samoyed will not drop a hair. Brush no more than twice a week, give Special attention ears. You can wash your pet a couple of times a year, and after a walk it will be enough to clean its paws. Please note that the dog’s natural coat perfectly protects the dog from overheating in the summer and from hypothermia in the winter. There is no need to trim the claws at all - they grind down on their own. Brushing your teeth three times a week will be enough, but for convenience, choose a meat-flavored toothpaste. Clean your ears once a month. And remember: the Samoyed dog simply loves long walks, especially in winter. They love snow very much. Play with your pet on a winter evening and you are guaranteed to make him happy.

Feeding the Samoyed

Before purchasing, you will probably be interested in the question of what to feed your Samoyed Laika. To begin with, we will tell you what to feed Samoyed puppies - at a very early age you can give milk, but then you should exclude it in order to avoid diarrhea. You can replace it with fermented baked milk or kefir. Also, do not forget to give cottage cheese - growing dogs are in great need of calcium. Do not teach your dog to feed from your hands or from the floor, otherwise over time he will definitely become a beggar or even start stealing food. Place bowls at about the height of your puppy's elbow to avoid curvature of the paws and spine.

To the treats with early age It is worth accustoming the puppy to a reward, and not just giving it. The diet of an adult should consist of one third of meat - beef, veal or lean poultry (pork cannot be given, as it is not digestible). Samoyeds love boiled fish, and as treats use sugar bones, rye crackers and yolks, but do not give protein, it can cause severe poisoning. Don't forget to give vegetables, they are the main source of fiber. Give them boiled or raw, but exclude potatoes. You can also feed offal, but only if the transition is gradual, otherwise there is a risk of stomach upset. Beef hearts, liver, and tripe are also recommended. For simplicity, you can accustom your dog to dry food; such nutrition is already balanced and much simpler, but veterinarians’ opinions on its usefulness vary, so decide this issue yourself or by consulting with a trusted specialist.

Samoyed puppies

So, you have decided to choose a Samoyed husky puppy. This issue must be approached with maximum responsibility. Start by determining the purpose of getting a puppy - will it be a companion dog, a hunting dog, a mount, or maybe you want to attend exhibitions with your pet. A companion dog should be selected taking into account the puppy’s character - its activity, curiosity, vocality, and tendency to lead. Choose a puppy, taking into account your preferences and character traits, otherwise you may repeatedly encounter conflicts - the dog will often ask for a walk when you just want to relax at home or will annoy you with its barking. Be sure to also pay attention to heredity down to the puppy’s grandparents, because it can manifest itself through a generation and affect health, longevity, and diseases. When choosing, you should also take into account the fact that boys are more stubborn, straightforward and independent, while girls are more affectionate and flexible. Puppies without fear and with a strong temperament are better suited for exhibition; males are recommended - they are not in heat and are always in shape. If you decide to create a kennel, determine your ideal Samoyed, which you will strive for, the breeding method and the type of pets to be bred, check the puppy’s mother and all her offspring, do not forget to check the father, and gradually consolidate the advantages you need and eliminate the disadvantages. Sledding sport requires the selection of working-type puppies; unfortunately, there are incredibly few such puppies in Russia at the moment. And finally, before purchasing, check for the presence of a brand (in the ear or groin), the presence of a puppy card and a veterinary passport.

Samoyed training

Samoyed huskies are different from many dogs easy training, because tenderness and respect for their owners are in their blood. One of the difficulties in training can be the dog’s high intelligence score - they will be extremely reluctant to carry out monotonous commands or exercises. These dogs are born and live with a desire to constantly learn. the world and find something new. Be creative and resourceful, change classes several times a week. Before starting training, it is worth explaining to the puppy who is boss in the house - start with education, wean the dog from liberties, because... Once she grows up, there's not much you can do to fix it.

Also, do not forget that Samoyeds are working dogs: you can train your dog in any of the known professions, and this will only benefit your pet. Make parenting like this interesting game, and your dog will always be happy, learn much faster, and will delight you in the future.

History of the breed

The Samoyed Laika is considered one of the oldest dog breeds with a centuries-old history. Its history begins with the Samoyed tribes living in the far north. According to legend, these nomadic tribes tamed white wolves and made them into the best helpers - dogs. Representatives of this breed were used as nannies for children, shepherds for herds and mounts. The Samoyeds got their name because of their snow-white color, because when they were pulling the sled, the dogs themselves were not visible against the backdrop of the snowy plain, and from afar there was a strong impression that the sled was driving itself. In 1893, Ernst Kilburn-Scott, after spending several long months among the tribes, became acquainted with these beautiful dogs. Impressed by their merits, he brought a Samoyed puppy with him to England, thereby laying the foundation for the development of the English breed. Since then, the pets have become famous in the first polar expeditions. And in present time The breed has retained its beauty and dignity in its original form.

As the owner of a Samoyed, during a walk you will be able to feel the desire of your pet to give you a ride along a slippery path; when going up, the dog will run in front, helping you up (get a strong leash). This is logical, because the dog is a working dog, a sled dog, and the desire to help the owner is natural for it. In a number of countries, these wonderful pets even work in hospitals and rehabilitation centers, helping patients get through difficult moments, calming them down in moments of emotional distress, or simply giving their warmth and kindness. Representatives of this breed do not like to swim. Where they came from, the water was called wormwood, which meant death. This dog will easily be friends with your male cat and will be happy to play with them and will help in raising children. Usually becomes attached to one family member, but easily finds mutual language with everyone living in the house.

Prices for Samoyed puppies

When buying a puppy, think about the purpose of purchasing it. The price varies greatly depending on the class. Consult with a specialist or breeder, and they will definitely tell you how much a Samoyed Husky costs and how to choose the right puppy.

If you want a pet and true friend“for the soul”, then a pet class will be enough for you. These dogs are not intended for exhibition or breeding, but will make excellent companions and family members. For example, on Avito you can easily find such a puppy. Beware of scammers - many unscrupulous breeders offer mixed-breed Samoyeds under the guise of a purebred dog.

If you want to show your pet to the world, you need show class dogs with excellent pedigree. They are calmer and more patient, have a balanced character and excellent show qualities.

Animals of the breed class are suitable for breeding, which are selected based not only on genealogy, but on personal and physical parameters. On average, such a puppy can cost from 25 to 45 thousand rubles. Here you need to know exactly what qualities of a dog you like, and what qualities of the breed you need. Choose your puppy carefully, and don't forget that for dogs with their short life span, every day spent with you is important. Dogs with a great love for people need communication much more acutely than others, so be a friend to your pet, and he will never disappoint you.

Samoyed (Samoyed Husky)










Tendency to train


Security and guard qualities


Attitude towards children


For thousands of years, the Samoyed dog has faithfully served and continues to serve the northern peoples, sharing with its owners all the hardships of life in the harsh climate of Siberia. This is one of the oldest Spitz breeds.

The Samoyed dog is also called Samoyed, Samoyed Laika, or Samoyed Spitz. Distinctive feature These animals have their signature “smile,” which gives the Samoyed a mischievous, cheerful appearance.

History of the breed

The homeland of the Samoyed dog is Siberia, northern territories Russia. Breeders did not have a chance to work on this breed, since nature itself worked on its formation. The purity of the breed, its genetic code, remained intact for thousands of years.

Samoyed husky is very ancient breed, living in the North together with the northern tribes for a long time. These hardy animals, adapted to harsh natural conditions, were used in sleds as sled dogs; they also guarded herds of livestock and helped their owners during the hunt, although they practically had no hunting instinct. In addition, Samoyeds make excellent nannies; they are ready to endlessly play with children, treating babies with care and affection.

Northern dogs have another important purpose. When the frost at night was too severe, the owners let the Samoyeds into the tent. Animals went to sleep next to people, warming them with their warmth. There is no substitute for such a “hot water bottle”. Modern Samoyeds, kept in cozy apartments, just like their ancestors, strive to warm and create comfort for a person. If he falls asleep with the pet at his side, the dog will lie quietly, motionless, waiting for the owner to wake up.

Regarding the name of the breed, there are different versions, the most reliable options are the following:

1. All Samoyed peoples were called Samoyeds. The sled dogs that these tribes kept and bred were called Samoyed dogs.
2. When the Samoyeds were harnessed and the sleigh rode along white snow, against his background, dogs with light coat color were almost invisible. A person watching such a team from afar might think that the sleigh was moving on its own. This is where the name of the “invisible” dogs – Samoyeds – comes from.

Breed standard

The exterior of the Samoyed clearly shows strength and endurance, combined with elegance and softness. It is impossible to confuse it with another type of Samoyed. The unique shape and placement of the eyes, combined with the slightly upturned corners of the mouth, creates the appearance of a smile. White fur and the signature Samoyed smile are the main distinguishing features of this type of animal.

Samoyed huskies are a medium-sized breed. There are three different types: fox-shaped, bear-shaped and wolf-shaped. In this way, dogs are distinguished by head type. Adult weight 17-30 kg., height approx. 53-57 cm. Males differ from females in their larger size.

The powerful head rests on a strong, slightly curved neck. The ears are triangular, slightly rounded at the ends, small in size, mobile, set wide and high. The muzzle gradually tapers towards the nose; a square or narrow format is not allowed. Almond shaped eyes Brown, slightly slanted. The jaws are powerful and have a scissor bite.

Compact build. Limbs are straight, parallel, muscular. IN calm state the tail is lowered to the bottom when the dog is alarmed, excited, the tail is thrown over the back.

The unique shiny coat is capable of self-cleaning, it does not have a specific dog odor and is waterproof. The guard hair is straight and hard. The undercoat is soft and dense. Males have longer and coarser coats than females. The head is framed by a lush “collar”; on the limbs there are feathers called “pants”.

The following coat colors are allowed: white with biscuit, cream, snow white. Pale brown color is not allowed according to the standard.

Maintenance and care

It is not recommended to keep such an energetic, restless and freedom-loving dog in an apartment. A chain and kennel are also not suitable for a Samoyed. He needs space, freedom of movement, will. If northern dog lock him up in a cramped apartment for a long time or put him on a chain, he will become sad, angry and may even get sick due to the resulting stress.

If there is a private fenced yard, the Samoyed will happily walk around the territory. She can also adapt to apartment and aviary housing provided she takes long daily walks with active pastime. Having chosen an enclosure as your pet’s home, be sure to let him go for a run every day. The enclosure should not be cramped; for a Samoyed, build it spacious and open.

When keeping an apartment, equip the dog with a sleeping place with a rug or bed. This place should not be in a passing place, in a draft, or near heating devices. Set out bowls for water and food.

Surprisingly, having a thick coat, the Samoyed Laika can easily tolerate hot climates. The main thing is to properly care for your pet, following the rules and carrying out all hygiene procedures:

  • Comb 2-3 times a week. During shedding, brush daily. This procedure prevents tangling and loose hair, removes dead hair, and also removes dust.
  • Bathe twice a year using a special shampoo for dogs with white coat color. An exception occurs in cases of severe contamination.
  • Eyes and ears are wiped 1-2 times every 7 days.
  • Claws are trimmed as they grow.
  • Brush your teeth regularly; for this it is recommended to buy special bones for your dog.


Despite the active lifestyle characteristic of the northern breed, Samoyeds are not gluttonous; they eat relatively little. You can feed them dry food or natural products. In the first case, it is recommended to purchase premium food from reliable, trusted sellers. In the second case, dog food should not be expired. The food is bought high quality, fresh. Only with a properly formulated diet will a puppy grow into a beautiful, healthy, active dog.

Nutrition should be balanced. It is necessary to provide your pet with vitamin and mineral supplements. It is forbidden to feed food from the owner's table, as spices and salt are harmful to the animal's body. It is also prohibited to feed the dog smoked meats, sweets, small chicken and pork bones, fatty dairy products.

At in a natural way feeding The basis of the diet is meat. At the same time, pork is prohibited; the ideal option is beef.


Like all Siberians, the Samoyed dog is hardy, strong, nature has rewarded it good health. If properly cared for, the Samoyed can live up to 15 years.

Health problems are rare, but you need to be prepared for them. The list below outlines the diseases that Samoyed Huskies are most often susceptible to:

  • - a disease associated with a lack of insulin. At proper treatment and nutrition, the animal will be able to lead a full life.
  • Deafness– genetic predisposition.
  • – a hereditary disease that affects the joints.
  • Digestive problems– due to improper nutrition, bloating or volvulus may occur.
  • Eye diseases.
  • Cystitis– serious inflammatory disease Bladder and urethra.
  • Nose pigment change– as a result of changes in weather conditions, when daylight hours are shortened, the dog’s nose loses pigment.

Samoyed owners must be very careful when treating their pets. The fact is that representatives of the breed in many cases may have allergic reaction for certain medications. Self-medication without control veterinarian Absolutely forbidden.

Samoyed character

The Samoyed breed is valued because even an inexperienced dog breeder can handle it. These pets are distinguished by their friendliness, unpretentiousness, intelligence and lack of aggressiveness. The Samoyed Laika is quite suitable for guard duty; it is a good guard, since the dog is not a fearful one. But hunting instincts are weak. This helps the pet get along peacefully with all pets.

As a sled dog in the north, the Samoyed is irreplaceable. He is able to sense danger where it is not visible. For example, a dog will never step on a place where there is a crack under deep snow, he will not go where there are holes. In any blizzard, in hopeless situation, when the owner gets lost, his pet will find his way home and save the person’s life.

Samoyed dogs get along well with children. They are playful, it seems that they always have great mood. Kids enjoy playing with such resilient pets. But due to the fact that the Samoyed loves to make noise, bark and even howl, it is not recommended for families with infants and very young children. It will not be possible to completely pacify the “talkativeness” of pets.

It’s not for nothing that Samoyeds are called optimistic dogs. Experts recommend communicating more with these animals to those who suffer from depression and are pessimists. The dog himself is drawn to people, and it is hard to bear loneliness. He will never start a fight first, unless he responds to aggression towards him. He will not let himself be offended; aggressiveness is not in the nature of the Samoyed.

Training and education

Without training it is impossible to raise an obedient dog. Learning begins from the first months of life. A Samoyed puppy often shows stubbornness during training; the owner must be prepared for this and be patient. For example, if a small pet refuses to follow a command for the third and fourth time in a row, and the owner does not seek obedience, the puppy will systematically ignore the commands. It is important to bring the matter to the end every time and get the ward to carry out the order.

During education and training, coercion and encouragement are used. Punishments should be minimal. The Samoyed is a proud dog, despite all its friendliness, it can become very offended and flatly refuse training. It is necessary to take into account that this is a pack breed; it is important for its representative to know who the leader of the pack is. The owner must show the pet that he is a leader and his word is law.

Pros and cons of the breed

When buying a puppy Samoyed breed You need to really assess your strengths and capabilities. This dog will require a lot of attention from you. Like any breed, the Samoyed Laika has its pros and cons:


1. Devotion.
2. The ability to sense danger.
3. Friendly to people and animals.
4. Tender attitude towards children.
5. Adaptability to both hot climates and frosts.
6. Beautiful exterior.
7. Cheerful, playful disposition.
8. Unpretentiousness in nutrition.
9. Easy care.
10. Good health.


1. Heavy shedding.
2. They like to howl and bark for a long time.
3. The need for frequent, long walks.
4. Inability to cope with cramped spaces.

Based on the characteristics of the Samoyed dog, it can be argued that it is ideal for families with children who like to lead an active lifestyle. Samoyeds will be happy to accompany their owners on nature trips and charge them with optimism and good mood.

The dog breed belongs to the ancient species, known for 3000 years. The Samoyed Laika dog has been a reliable friend since ancient times, helping to herd herds of domestic animals, and taking an active part in hunting together with its owners. The first representatives of the species appeared in the Northern tribes who belonged to the Samoyed people. This is where the name of the breed comes from. In addition to hunting and shepherding, they were used as traction animals for sleds.

Samoyed Laika dogs are considered excellent nannies. In northern tribes, pets were often left to look after children. In severe frosts, dogs were called to the tent so that children could sleep in an embrace, this helped to warm up and not freeze in too severe frosts. It is noteworthy that the dogs perfectly understood the assigned responsibility. During sleep, they froze and tried to move as little as possible so as not to cause inconvenience to their little sleeping owners.

Samoyed Laika – beautiful dog with thick white or cream coat. Russia is considered the country of origin. Thick, warm wool helped people keep warm. When a person hugs a dog, the animal freezes and tries not to move so as not to disturb the owner.

Description of the breed

Description of the Samoyed Laika breed starts with the animal's fur. Main characteristics of the breed:

  • Representatives of the species have double fur. The undercoat is dense and short. And the outer coat is hard, long and straight.
  • Color - snow-white. Sometimes there are individuals that have a light cream tint, white with fawn shades - which is allowed by accepted canine standards.
  • Wool style. According to accepted standards, the fur lies in a kind of collar located around the dog’s neck, a feature that is clearly expressed in males.
  • The tail is fluffy.

The thick coat reliably protects the dog from bad weather. Considering that the tundra became the birthplace of the breed, Samoyeds are not afraid of even severe frosts. If the wool shows the correct structure, a special shine is characteristic. Has self-cleaning ability.

  • The height of huskies does not exceed 60 cm. 54-60 cm for males and 50-56 cm for females is considered the norm.
  • Weight varies from 17 to 25 kg for females, from 25 to 30 kg for males.
  • The body is compact, powerful, elongated towards the neck.
  • Nose is black. But during the year it changes color, forming a winter version. The edging of the nose always remains unchanged and is black.

Samoyed huskies are famous for their “talkativeness” and smile. The latter effect occurs due to the peculiar arrangement of the eyes and raised corners of the mouth. Unfortunately, the Samoyed Laika breed has a drawback: the animals simply cannot stand being alone. If you decide to get a dog of this breed, but are unable to ensure that the pet is not left alone, you will have to get the dog a partner. You don't have to choose a Samoyed; any breed will do.

Samoyeds are so resilient and strong that they are able to pull loads many times their own weight. The Samoyed Laika breed is not used as a guard dog - there are no suitable skills. Animals of the breed are friendly, have a cheerful disposition, and love children. Dogs are ideal for hunting. Not shy or aggressive.

Samoyed huskies have not been modified by breeders. The appearance and character are the merits of the dogs. The breed owes its name to the Samoyeds, a northern Nenets tribe. Nomads extremely valued huskies for their dedication and ability to perform high physical activity. Russia is recognized as the birthplace of the breed, but purebred breeding began in England. The state has adopted a standard that prescribes exclusively light colors for dogs, although initially dark shades of coat were found.

Common diseases

Samoyed huskies do not experience any health problems. This is a hardy and physically strong breed. Common diseases include:

  • Diabetes;
  • Bloating;
  • Depigmentation of the nose;
  • Arthritis;
  • Urinary tract infections;
  • Hip dysplasia.

Dogs of this breed respond to selected analgesics increased sensitivity. Rarely, congenital deafness occurs hereditary diseases eye.

Pet character

Intelligent and loyal to its owner, the Samoyed Laika demonstrates an independent disposition. It is unlikely that you will be able to achieve complete obedience from a dog. Sometimes shows strong stubbornness, but has never been observed aggressive behavior. A long life side by side with people has endowed the dogs of the breed with incredible powers of observation. Dogs always understand a person’s requirements, which does not guarantee that their plans will be fulfilled.

Likes never attack first. They are quite capable of defending themselves, and in a fight they are an impressive opponent, even if they are fighting with large dog or animals. Samoyed Laikas were often used as guards and taken for hunting. Representatives of the breed are tolerant of other pets. But the hunter's instinct can wake up in a dog at any time, as a result the dog will chase a cat or small animal.

Samoyeds are always in good relations with kids. For kids, however, huskies are too assertive. Representatives of the breed are noisy and playful and love to be in the center of events. The Samoyed Laika requires a lot of attention, which is important to consider when buying a puppy. Dogs quickly become attached to their owner. They are happy to accompany a person on trips and walks. Samoyeds easily adapt to new conditions.

If you don't pay attention to the representatives of the breed, the dogs will get bored. Pets are characterized by fear of separation from their owner. If huskies are left alone for a number of days, behavioral difficulties arise. Puppies need early socialization.

Caring for the Samoyed Laika

Proper care of the Samoyed Laika - proper care about the thick and fluffy fur of an animal. Representatives of the breed have almost no characteristic dog smell. It is not recommended to wash the animal frequently. However, the fur absorbs the smell of other dogs. Then the husky will need to be bathed.

  • It is enough to wash your dog 4 times a year.

For water procedures A bath will do just fine. The dog is placed in a container so that its limbs are in the water. To wash the fur on the body, you will need to use a shower. The animal's fur is designed in such a way that it warms perfectly in cold weather, and in hot weather it reliably protects against overheating.

  • After walks, be sure to wash the animal’s paws!
  • In order for the husky's coat to look beautiful and quickly renew itself, the pet needs to be combed daily.
  • It is recommended to carefully comb the fur behind the ears, where tangles often occur.

It is shown to comb the Samoyed Laika carefully. Pay careful attention to problem areas where hair can get tangled (armpits, belly). There is no need to shave or cut the hair of the breed. Wool cover is considered reliable protection from frost, from direct sun rays. Sometimes it is permissible to lightly trim the most problematic areas: between the pads of the paws, in the upper part of the paws.

Beginning breeders are interested in caring for the Samoyed Laika during the molting period. There are no special rules here. You will need to comb the animal thoroughly. Selected craftsmen knit amazing items from husky wool. They turn out dazzling white or a pleasant cream color and are pleasant to the touch.

  • The husky's eyes and ears require care.
  • Excess hair from ears deleted.
  • Use cotton swabs to clean the corners of the eyes if there is visible dirt.

Samoyeds need regular physical exercise. Dogs are quite suitable for living outside the city. However, it is not recommended to chain a representative of the breed; huskies are freedom-loving animals. If Samoyeds live in apartments, the owners will have to walk their pet at least 2 times a day, not forgetting about physical exercise. It is not recommended to completely let your dog go in the city - too many dangers await. A tight leash that limits the husky's space is not considered comfortable. The best option for walking is a loose leash with an adjustable length.

  • You should not give your pet treats or sweets too often. The husky develops tartar, which leads to gum inflammation.
  • It is recommended to brush your pet's teeth periodically. You can buy it at a pet store special paste or use baking soda.

Of the famous northern breeds, the Samoyed Laika is considered one of the docile. Laika's favorite activities are walking or spending time with the owner. The dog of the breed is smart and vulnerable. In education one should not allow rudeness or show aggression. To manage a Samoyed, the owner will need something between firmness and affection. When an approach to the dog is found, the owner will receive great pleasure when communicating with the pet.

What to feed dogs

Each husky has its own tastes and preferences; there is no single recipe for feeding a pet. The question arises: what to feed the Samoyed Laika – dry food or products of natural origin? There is no definite answer; both options show advantages and disadvantages. Let's look at the benefits of feeding dry food:

  • The product contains the necessary mineral supplements and nutritional elements. Balanced food does not dictate the condition of offering the dog additional vitamins.
  • The method is much more convenient; you don’t have to prepare food for your pet.
  • Many breeders prefer that Samoyed puppies become accustomed to dry food from an early age. As a rule, the decision is motivated by the knowledge that dozens of generations of dogs have grown up on dry food.

The disadvantages of dry food include the possibility of purchasing an unworthy product. It is recommended to choose only time-tested brands made by well-known manufacturers. Keep in mind that when choosing dry food you will have to change several brands - dogs have their own taste.

If we talk about nutrition based on use natural products, the advantages are:

  1. Accurate knowledge of food preparation technology and recipes.
  2. The dog's menu is more varied than the constant food offered to the animal every day.
  3. Additional vitamins and microelements can be purchased at a veterinary pharmacy and added to food.

The result is a varied, vitamin- and mineral-rich meal made from high-quality ingredients. The downside of the diet is that it takes a lot of time to prepare food.

When thinking about what to feed Samoyed husky puppies, remember that babies are taught to feed according to a schedule and to a certain amount of food in a bowl.

The Samoyed Laika dog breed is a playful and affectionate animal, they adore children and love to play active games with a ball or tug-of-war. Representatives of the breed are curious, eager to try a lot to their teeth.

Samoyed husky training includes teaching basic commands. The pet must clearly understand the boundaries of what is permitted. The dog is also obliged to strictly obey its owner, especially on the street.

Laikas of this type are cunning creatures and intelligent. They assess the situation and the owner’s mood with lightning speed and behave accordingly. Representatives of the breed will never obey a person 100% due to their natural independent nature, they should always remain alert.

If you decide to get a dog, then you will have to do many things yourself. First of all, this concerns the nutrition and care of the animal. Proper organization of these processes will allow your pet to feel great and have excellent health. How to care for a Samoyed and what nutritional rules you need to follow - we will talk about this and much more in this article.

When buying a Samoyed puppy, do not forget to check how the baby was fed, because in the first days he should eat what he was accustomed to. You shouldn’t change your diet suddenly, as your baby already has enough stress: new house, new family, new mode. Consult in what doses to give your puppy food. Better yet, ask them to create a menu for the week, since even changing drinking water can lead to digestive upset.

The Samoyed will be at your home when the puppy is 2.5-3 months old. It is by this age that he will have received all the necessary vaccinations. Feeding during this period of time should be carried out 4-5 times a day.

Now you must decide what to feed your Samoyed - natural food or dry food. As for the latter, choose professional food that will take into account the dog’s breed specifics and follow the manufacturer’s recommendations. With the amount of food, everything is individual: some people need more to feel good, others need less.

Of course, professional food is the key good development puppy, as it contains a balanced amount necessary substances, but many owners prefer the so-called natural. A six-month-old baby can be given fatty fish, such as mackerel, cod, and salmon. These can be pieces measuring 7 cm or frozen whole fish.

A seven-month-old Samoyed puppy is fed twice a day. It is imperative to provide free access to drinking water, which should be changed 2 times a day. Babies love to splash around in a bowl, so it is better to place a diaper under the bowl that absorbs moisture well.

Adult dog diet

If you choose ready-made food, then give preference to professional ones. Since the Samoyed is not prone to allergies, cheap food is also an option, but in this case the pet will be less active, and the coat will lose its shine and become dry.

The diet of natural food made with your own hands includes the following products:

Meat products in the diet - beef, pork, lamb, chicken, turkey. It can also be raw backs, wings, necks, beef stomach, ribs, tails. In addition, dogs should be given fermented milk products: plain yogurt, cottage cheese, homemade cheese, fermented baked milk. The diet of an adult Samoyed should include eggs, rice, oatmeal, and you can even give spaghetti. If you give vegetables raw, grind them until pureed. The nutrition of lactating bitches has its own characteristics.

Pros and cons of natural and ready-made food

The main advantage of ready-made food is the balance of fats, proteins and carbohydrates; complete composition of vitamins and microelements. Many Samoyeds grew up eating this kind of food and it is a familiar food for them. The disadvantages include “ side effects" that may occur (for example, urolithiasis).

When a Samoyed eats natural food prepared with his own hands, the quality of his coat improves. Almost all dogs like natural food, they become energetic and cheerful. Still would! How can you not like eating fresh sea fish, lamb ribs, and beef backs? The disadvantage of this feeding is that the food must be varied, freshly prepared, and this takes a lot of time. Moreover, you must also give vitamins.

If you are planning to get a Samoyed, you will have to acquire some items. Caring for a Samoyed is not an easy task. So, you will need:

  • bowls for food and water;
  • collar, long and short leashes, muzzle. Note that a muzzle is not only for the safety of surrounding people and animals, but also of the dog itself. You need to learn to wear a muzzle from adolescence;
  • a furminator and a regular wide-tooth comb, shampoo and conditioner, and leave-in shampoo;
  • if the dog will be kept in the house, then it will need a warm sleeping place, and if in an enclosure, a comfortable kennel;
  • Samoyed toys;
  • diapers and special panties for the bitch during heat.

If you are buying shampoo for a small Samoyed, then give preference to detergent specifically for puppies. There is also a special whitening shampoo that will help maintain the snow-white coat of Samoyed Huskies. If your dog gets very dirty during a walk, use a super-cleansing shampoo.

It would be nice to hang a tag with your home address and a glowing keychain on the collar. Doing everything to prevent your four-legged friend from getting lost is also care.


The Samoyed has a luxurious white coat that requires special care. One of the most important procedures- combing. This is why you need a furminator. If you are planning to keep a Samoyed at home, you must prepare for the fact that the dog will shed a fair amount. This is how the coat is renewed, so that molting for a Samoyed, as for any woolly animal, is a natural and necessary process.

The Furminator is an excellent tool that combs out almost 90% of dead hair. Unlike a regular slicker, the Furminator does not injure the skin of the animal. Don't want your Samoyed's fur flying all over your house? Buy a Furminator and free yourself and your family from unnecessary troubles, and turn Samoyed grooming into a fun game.

But these huskies are rarely cut. The procedure is complicated, and it’s unlikely that you can do it yourself, so it’s better to trust a professional. A groomed dog will have an easier time surviving the hot season.

If you purchased a Samoyed solely as a friend and you do not need offspring, then the bitch can be sterilized. A sterilized dog may have slightly different working qualities, behavior, and will need special care and proper nutrition. If a male dog is subject to castration, then this operation is less complicated than in the case of a female dog.

A neutered dog may also become "a little different" in his behavior, although this will all depend on his living conditions. Please note that the clinic that castrated or sterilized the dog is responsible for the future well-being of your pet.

As for the habitat, a kennel and a chain are definitely not for a Samoyed. A dog can live in an enclosure, where, of course, there will be a warm and comfortable booth, but the main thing is that it is not a kennel - the Samoyed will not tolerate such a home. The dog will need to be walked daily and be sure to spend time with it. If the size of your home allows it, then it is better to keep your dog at home. Designate a place for your pet, perhaps even install a kennel-house, which you can buy or construct with your own hands.

Education and training

Only proper education of the Samoyed, teaching basic commands in puppyhood will give you a guarantee that you will enjoy your dog when he becomes an adult. First of all, the dog needs to be trained to its place. The animal should not wander around the house and look for adventures.

When there is no one at home, the dog must understand that his home is a kennel or bedding (depending on what you have allocated for him). You need to raise a Samoyed with affection, patience, but showing firmness, because the dog will not miss the opportunity to show that it is in charge here.

Samoyed training can begin as early as three months. If you are going to train an adult dog on the playground, then the size of the leash should be appropriate, you can even wear a muzzle. This will make it easier for you to make the dog obey, and at the same time you will teach your pet to walk nearby and calmly wear a muzzle. He will need this skill when you go to a crowded place. Please note that there are several methods of training; the choice will depend on the nature of the Samoyed.

Remember that proper care is not only feeding and hygiene procedures, but also proper upbringing.

Samoyed dogs are wonderful, good-natured, charming polar bear cubs that can bring joy and warmth to every home. These dogs are distinguished by their developed intelligence and wisdom. This ancient breed of dog was bred in the harsh northern climate, is unpretentious in maintenance and will become an excellent loyal friend for every person.

Origin story

Dog handlers note that Samoyed huskies were bred in ancient times, and long time dogs of this breed maintained the purity of their line. Refers to Samoyed husky to a group of Spitz dogs and is a native dog breed. According to their performance characteristics, these were bred in Scandinavia and were subsequently successfully cultivated in the northern countries.

This breed of white fluffy dog ​​has protected people for many thousands of years and helped nomadic tribes in hunting, fishing and breeding deer. The characteristics of the Samoyed Laika breed were first identified more than 3,000 years ago, making the Laika one of the most ancient dogs.

At the beginning of the 20th century began a real boom in the popularity of dogs this breed. They were successfully bred in various European countries, and soon appeared in Russia, where they became widespread in the northern regions and were successfully cultivated by local northern tribes.


Experts currently distinguish two types of Samoyed husky breed:

  • Bearish type, who has a short back, a wide, large head and a compact physique.
  • Wolf type with a lean physique, wide chest, moderately elongated wedge-shaped head.

If we talk about the standard of this breed, the description of the Samoyed dog is as follows:

The color of the Samoyed Shepherd can vary slightly:

  • White with noticeable markings.
  • Cream.
  • White.

Important. Samoyed fur is self-cleaning and does not cause allergies.

Gallery: Samoyed Laika (25 photos)


By nature, dogs of this breed are friendly, intelligent, loyal and affectionate. The dog can It’s great to feel the owner’s mood and will just sit next to him or will always be ready for pranks and games. Thanks to its balanced psyche, the Samoyed can easily be kept in families with small children. Just remember that for the reason large sizes dogs, very small children should not be left unattended with a Samoyed, as the dog simply may not calculate its temperament and size.

The Samoyed husky, the characteristics of which are described in this article, is an excellent watchman, and such guard dog does not bite or lunge at people. Laikas get along well with other pets and cats. But this dog can successfully hunt other strange cats. The Samoyed is easy to train, but this type of work should be done from early childhood.

This is interesting. Many people think about why is this breed called Samoyed. The fact is that in ancient times dogs were bred northern people Samoyeds. This is where its name came from. There is also a Canadian Samoyed, which differs in its size.

Pet care

Caring for dogs is not particularly difficult. However, if you want to raise a healthy and playful dog with a great appearance, it will be necessary to provide the pet with appropriate care.

Wool recommended brush twice a week using a metal grid with round and long teeth. During the period of shedding, which occurs in dogs once a year, it is necessary to comb them once a day. The wool is self-cleaning, so you can bathe your pet at will.

Once a week, the dog’s eyes should be wiped with a soft, damp cloth, which is recommended to be moistened with light tea leaves.

Paws after a walk should be wiped with a damp cloth and inspect for any cuts. The nails of active dogs wear off, but if the walks are not long, then they need to be cut once a month. The pet should be accustomed to this procedure from childhood, since it can be difficult for an adult Samoyed to begin trimming its claws.

Ears should be examined regularly for signs of unpleasant odor and accumulations of sulfur. Once a month, the ears should be wiped with a cotton pad, which can be soaked in tea leaves or warm water.

You need to walk your Samoyed at least twice a day. This is a temperamental and active breed, so places for walks must be chosen in such a way that the dog can run and obey various commands from the owner.


You can feed your Samoyed both natural food and ready-made dry food. Before choosing a particular food It is recommended to consult a veterinarian. Many experts recommend using premium dry food as food for Samoyed huskies. However, mixing it with natural food is not recommended.

  • A meat-eating dog should always be fed freshly prepared food that is at room temperature.
  • The dog must have constant access to clean water.
  • The animal should not be overfed; one serving is eaten in one bite.
  • The dog must receive the necessary minerals and vitamins.
  • It is prohibited to give raw meat to your dog.
  • The Samoyed is fed 20 minutes after a walk.

Prohibited products include the following:

  • River fish.
  • Potato.
  • Fresh veal.
  • Mutton.
  • Fatty meat and pork.
  • Pasta.
  • Smoked meats.
  • Raw eggs.
  • Sweets.

It is the diet that should be given due attention, since the health and longevity of your dog directly depends on the correct choice of such products. That is why it is best not to take risks and buy special premium food that is intended for huskies and Samoyeds.

Samoyeds and Siberian huskies are spectacular, relatively easy-to-own dogs that will bring you lots of joy. You just need to remember that Samoyed will need to be provided appropriate care, including quality proper feeding, which will be the key to your dog’s health.