Game chamomile questions for adults. Game for children "Cheerful Daisy", or an interesting version of the game "Fanta

Quiz offered today is intended for kids senior preschool or junior school age... Depending on the age of the children, her tasks can be simplified, complicated, shortened, or new tasks more interesting for a specific group of children can be added.

Why is this called Romashke a? written on the petals (with back side) a large paper "magic chamomile" (see the second picture), which is attached to the board (wall).

An adult invites children to hold a fun, exciting quiz called "Chamomile".

To do this, children need to split into two teams and choose captains. You can come up with names for teams and write their names instead of team numbers on envelopes.

For each correct answer, the team receives an "star" or "chamomile", which the adult puts in the envelope of this team. The envelopes are attached on either side of the "magic chamomile".

Team captains alternately go to the "magic chamomile" and tear off a petal with a specific task (competition) for both teams.

What tasks, contests for our children's quiz can “hide” on the back of the “magic chamomile” petals? I propose the following (there are, respectively, as many contests as there are 7 petals in our flower).

Quiz for children "Camomile"

1. Competition of cheerful mathematicians.

Solving problems in verse.

Task for team I:

To the gray heron for a lesson
Arrived 7 forty.
And of them only 3 magpies
Lessons prepared.
How many idlers are forty
Arrived for class?

Task for the II team:

We are a huge family
The youngest is me.
We cannot be counted at once:
Sasha is and Vanya is,
Yura, Shura, Dasha, Masha
And Natasha is also ours.
Count quickly
How many children are there in the family?

2. The second competition of our children's quiz - the Contest of riddles.

Funny rhymed riddles are made in turn for each team.

Riddle for Team I:

There is a palace on the tree
Lives in the palace ...

Riddle for Team II:

They can swim in the river for a day
Restless ...

Riddle for Team I:

The sky is a blue river.
The islands in it - ...

Riddle for Team II:

On hand not for beauty
My dad is wearing ...

3. Contest "Guess the puzzles".

Three puzzles for team I:

Three puzzles for team II:

4. The fourth competition of the quiz for children "Romashka" - Competition for some reason.

Each team gives an answer (s) to the posed question (s).

Question for team I:

What forest dweller dries mushrooms on his trees?

Question for Team II:

What bird's chicks don't know their mother?

5. The fifth competition of our children's quiz - the Competition of storytellers.

An adult reads excerpts from fairy tales familiar to children (one by one for each team), and the children guess the names of the works.

6. Contest "Slovoznayki".

The adult reads the words, and the children call the words opposite in meaning, for example, "wide - narrow", "strong - weak".

For the I team:

I will say the word "high", and you will answer ...

For Team II:

I will say the word "far", and you will answer ...

For the I team:

I'll tell you the word "coward", you will answer ...

For Team II:

Now I will say "the beginning", well, answer ...

7. And the last, seventh competition of the "Camomile" quiz - the competition of captains.

Each of the captains is given a task.

For example, name 5 words each, which begin with the sound [b] for one captain and with the sound [k] for the other. Or come up with 5 words each that characterize his team.

Well, it has come to an end - not a petal is left on the "magic chamomile". Now you can count the stars (daisies) in the envelopes of the teams that played and determine the winners.

The winner is rewarded, for example, with a chamomile medal, and all the participants of the quiz, of course, with sweet prizes! After all, everyone tried, and this (and also good mood and enjoyment of the game) - the most important thing!

Variants and descriptions of contests, games for a small company.

Many people love to arrange feasts and spend time in noisy companies. But what to do if the participants of the event do not know each other, and you need to reduce the distance between them. In this case, it will come in handy funny Games and contests that can be held directly at the table.

First, come up with games that require a sober mind. The fact is that after the third glass it is better to choose mobile contests, this will allow guests to stay sober longer.


  • Question answer. This is a popular competition. You need to take two jars and put the parcels of questions there. Place the pieces of paper with answers in another jar. Ask one player to pull the bundle from one can and the other from the other. Come up with funny questions and answers.
  • Investigator. The competition allows players to get to know each other. Ask each person to come up with 2 true and 1 false statements about themselves. Let the company figure out what is true and what is fiction.
  • Zoo. Let the participant come up with an animal, and the others figure out what kind of animal it is. You can only answer yes or no questions.

If you are familiar with all the guests, then you can choose open games on obscene or sexual topics. Games like this are ideal for young people, among whom there are many free people who are not burdened with a family.


  • Sex shop. It is necessary that the participant thinks about any product from the sex shop. The rest should use leading questions find out what the guest has thought. You can only answer yes and no.
  • Crocodile. It is necessary to give one of the participants a clothespin so that he can secretly attach it to another guest. After that, a sign is given to the presenter and he asks the guests to find a clothespin on themselves in 10 seconds. Who coped, that fellow. Those who did not have time to drink a penalty glass.
  • Star. It is necessary to write an actor or singer on the sheets. Place this sheet on the participant's forehead for everyone to see. Now the guests must give hints, the participant must guess which hero was asked for him.

If you know each other well, come up with comic assignments for each other. This will boost your mood and help you bond with your guests.

Comic tasks:

  • Little things. Divide the guests into two teams. Take the list and read it. Pick out familiar things that may be on guests or in their pockets. Which team will have more things, that one won.
  • Similarity. Two cans are required. Put funny questions in one. For example, in the morning I look like ... In another bank there are answers such as a seal, a hedgehog, a bus.
  • Laughing girl. A comic competition that will amuse the invitees. It is necessary to put funny souvenirs in a box and pass them in a circle to the guests, turning on the melody. On whom the music ends, he, without peeping, pulls out a souvenir and puts it on.

To cheer up the company and make the atmosphere warm and free, come up with fun, cool contests.


  • Banana. Place two stools and a banana on top of them. Two participants tie their hands behind their backs and ask them to peel a banana and eat the pulp. Whoever coped first is the winner.
  • Ring. Cool competition for young people. It is necessary for everyone to give out toothpicks and hang a ring on the tip. The task is to pass the ring to a neighbor and hang it on a toothpick. Whoever gets the ring will lose.
  • Newspaper. A fun and cool competition for non-family members. A couple is invited and the music is played. They should dance and not go over the edge of the newspaper. After stopping the music, the newspaper folds up twice.

Quizzes for a small, small fun company of adults

You can watch interesting quizzes for a small company in the video. You will be able to choose the most suitable for you.

VIDEO: Quiz for a fun company

Games like this are suitable for people who have drunk a little and are still good at thinking. It is necessary that people can read normally and nothing blurry in their eyes.

Scrapbook games:

  • Guess. It is necessary to write a wish and put it in the jar. All guests will fill the jar with notes, it is necessary that the presenter takes out the package and read the wish. Guests have to guess whose desire it is.
  • Movie. It is necessary to write the names of the films on the packages. Each participant pulls out a package and must describe what is happening in the film. According to the description, guests must guess the film.
  • Song. In a small container, you need to fold the convolutions with the names of the songs. The participant's task is to hum a song by stuffing nuts or caramels into his mouth. Whoever guesses the song is the winner.

A fun and active game that will allow guests not to get bored and stay "in shape" for a long time.


  • Cut a circle out of cardboard and glue the petals to it
  • Write a funny assignment on each petal.
  • Each participant tears off a petal and does what is written
  • It could be a fluttering butterfly or a March cat.
  • Guests must guess which task is described on the chamomile petal

Game Chamomile for adults' birthday

Older people cannot boast good health... Therefore, it is necessary to select contests that do not require good physical fitness.

Quizzes for retirees:

  • Guess the melody. Classic game... It is desirable that the presenter or one of the participants know how to play on musical instrument... The team must guess the melody.
  • Lotto. It is better for pensioners to offer not very active games that will help remember their youth and feel a little nostalgic. To do this, purchase dice. And what number will fall out, this year also needs to be told. For example the theme "80s". If you roll 2, then you need to talk about the events that are remembered in 1982.
  • Dancing. You can invite retirees to dance to the music of their youth. Prepare in advance and find the youth songs of the invitees.

If there are children and adults among the guests, the contests should be universal and cheer up both young people and the older generation.

Family contests:

  • Forks. Blindfold the participant and place a fork in each hand. Place an object in front of the participant and ask them to recognize what it is with a fork.
  • Dancing. It is necessary to put chairs in the center of the room and ask the participants to sit down. Music turns on and you need to dance to it without getting up from your chair. At the same time, the leader guides which part of the body needs to be moved.
  • Secret. You will need some small thing, a souvenir. It is wrapped in several layers of foil. An adhesive tape with a riddle is attached to each layer. The closer you get to the gift, the more difficult the riddles should be.

In a women's company, contests can be about family, beauty and boyfriends. It is worth preparing gifts, these can be nice little things for the kitchen.

Competitions for women:

  • Lottery. Take a piece of paper and line it up into several squares. In each write a number from one to ten and a gift. Each of the participants must say a number and receive a corresponding gift.
  • The beauty. Blindfold the participants and hand in pencils and lipsticks. Participants must paint their lips without a mirror. Whoever completes the task most accurately will receive a prize.
  • Fashionista. Put things in your bag different sizes... Clothes and accessories should be non-standard. Participants must take clothes out of the bag and put them on.

Drinking Contests and Games for a Women's Company

Drinking contests and games for a company of colleagues

These games are designed to improve relationships between colleagues and bring them closer together. These can be contests and games with touch and interesting facts about employees. This will allow you to learn a lot. interesting friend about a friend. Contests for colleagues can be viewed in the video.

VIDEO: Competitions for a corporate party

Such contests and games should amuse the company and not let them fall asleep. Accordingly, it is best to choose mobile contests. It could be dancing or something like that.

Contests for a drunk company:

  • Candy wrappers. From all those present at the celebration, one thing is taken, they are placed in a bag specially prepared in advance. Anyone who does not participate in the competition may ask the presenter: “What should this fant do? »After receiving the answer, the presenter shows which phantom got the given task. Fant fulfills it.
  • Boxing match. To participate in it, you need to find two volunteers who are not averse to showing their strength. The facilitator gives everyone boxing gloves and offers to stretch a little, for example, do squats or push-ups. All other participants must create an atmosphere of tension before the fight. A few minutes later, the host announces the start of the competition. Participants take a stand. At this very time, the presenter gives each of the players a chocolate bar. The players' task is to deploy them. The winner is the participant who copes with this task faster than the other. He is awarded a prize.
  • Fun track. Before the start of the game, you need to organize two teams: one team of men, the other of women. The essence of the game is for each team to make a long rope from their own things. They have to line these things. The team that makes the rope longer than the other team wins. It is best to hold a competition among young people. This will help you get closer and find a mate.

Drinking contests and games of a drunken company

Such contests and games should be related to the New Year theme. These can be contests about a Christmas tree, snow and New Year's toys.

Contests for the New Year:

  • Snowball. Prepare sheets with a drawn image of Santa Claus in advance. Participants are blindfolded and presented with cotton wool and glue. The player must, blindfolded, glue the grandfather's beard using cotton wool.
  • Midnight... You will need chairs and a watch to play. They will imitate the chimes. Chairs are set in a circle, and music is turned on. To the chime, all participants must sit on the prepared places. Those who do not get a chair are eliminated.
  • Treat... Ice cream is placed on the plate. The two participants are seated opposite each other. One is given plastic spoons. He should feed the second participant ice cream without using his hands. That is, you need to keep the spoon in your teeth.

Wedding table contests and games

A wedding is a fun event for the groom, the bride and all those invited. Usually contests are related to the future life of the newlyweds. It can be contests about children, mother-in-law, mother-in-law and life together... You can watch the competition options in the video.

VIDEO: Wedding Contests

As you can see, contests are an indispensable part for a good and fun time with the company. Do not be lazy and prepare in advance.

Per festive table, especially in the first half of the evening, various table games, quizzes, chants and contests are wonderful. They help to tune in to the holiday, to get to know each other better and to be liberated. For the party program, it is better to choose based on the occasion and tastes of the assembled audience.

Collected here drinking games and contests for March 8 from a variety of sources (thanks to the authors), which one to choose is up to you. These are quizzes, tests, games and entertainment that are written about women and for women.

1. Table game for March 8 "Comic forecast for the evening."

(hand out numbers to everyone, it is advisable to navigate along the way which task is suitable more man or a woman, maybe even make small notes on the numbers)

Leading: I propose to find out the forecast for tonight, and at the same time get to know better. As soon as you hear your number, vigorously raise your hand up, agreeing with what was said.

Today, number 1 will sing most of all.

Number 2 will be dancing more of all.

Today, number 3 will shine and star most of all.

But more often and loudest will shout “More pour! " - number 5

Today numbers 6 and 7 will join hands and humming while dancing: "And we are penguins, but we are not cold, but we also live in the north."

The 8th will pester the 9th all evening with the words: "Why are you girls, you love beautiful ones."

And the 10th will exclaim all evening: "Where am I?"

Today 11 ... will be inviting colleagues to rest in Haiti all evening.

And 12 ... will pursue men with the words: "Look into my eyes!"

- ... After the party, the 13th will leave on his own two ...

Singing: "I'm drunk, I won't get home," the 14th will leave by car ...

And the 15th ... and the 16th ... will hardly take away the 17th ... who will shout: "All the men ..."

An hour later, the 18th will say that she (he) the most (th) cool (Oh),

In 1.5 hours, the 19th ... will say that he is Mega Star,

And after 2 hours 20 ... he won't say anything.

Tomorrow, the 21st invites to improve his health ...

And with the words "Does the cow give a lot of milk?" - tomorrow will wake up in someone else's bed 22nd

For the prosperity of all guests all evening with the words: "And I wish you happiness!", - the 23rd will drink ...

The 24th will allow the 25th to not come to work tomorrow,

And the 26th will come to work with a can of brine and will treat everyone.

The 27th will dance on the table, and the 28th will sit quietly ... under the table and hum in "a million-million-million scarlet roses"

The 29th will be all evening fascinated looking at a bottle of vodka and saying: "Che et, I'm so in love with you"

Well, in conclusion of our acquaintance, I cannot but say about the 30th and the following numbers, which will now stand up and loudly say: "Enough, people talk, people need to pour!"


2. Table game for March 8 "Which woman does not dream?"

4. Game moment "Festive menu"

There are many different recipes,

To feed the family.
I suggest you today
Solve my menu.

I know he's not new to you,
Vegetable or fruity,
And I am glad to help health
Most useful for everyone ... (salad)

He is a relative close to fellow salads,
You need to eat it more often for health.
Its more vitamin, no beetroot,
And his name is vegetable ... (the vinaigrette).

He is the first course. He's a soup, but what a soup!
It is prepared by fishermen over the river.
And this is not fiction, not nonsense,
Ready from fresh fish ... (ear)

Another soup, and again not easy,
It is also called "field".
Take it off the fire and eat in the air -
Prepared with millet smoke ... (kulesh).

He belongs to jellies and jellies,
It happens chicken, goose, pork.
He is simply a "father" to all Russian dishes.
Ready with horseradish and mustard ... (aspic)

There are fish, meat,
There is a vegetable chop.
There is no secret in her recipe
Made from minced meat ... (cutlet)

Now let's add a little
Vegetables, rice or potatoes.
Stomach to have a feast
You need to take with the cutlet ... (garnish)

Approaching dessert already,
I'll put you experts to the test:
What's like a jellyfish on the table?
Colored sweet ... (jelly)

Another dessert, although who knows ...
It is baked in the oven.
Filling - eggs and cottage cheese,
With jam, maybe ... (pie)

He is served on the "third",
Although it happens that they drink first,
Sugar, water, fruit -
And now it's ready ... (compote)


5. Table discussion on March 8 "War of the Sexes"

All guests participate in this competition, which must be conditionally divided into two teams: male and female players. The facilitator asks the teams questions in turn. At the same time, a team of women is asked male questions, and a team of men - female questions. competition for March 8 can be carried out on any corporate event.

Examples of questions for women:

What is a carburetor part of? ( Motor)

What can you hit with a "speck"? (On the ball)

Is the hood on the front or back of the car? (Front)

What is a bullet? (Penalty in hockey)

In which direction when working with a saw is force applied: towards yourself or away from yourself? (Push)

Do the Bure brothers play football or hockey? (Hockey)

Where was the 2002 FIFA World Cup held? (In Japan)

Which company has a check mark on its products? (Nike)

Examples of questions for men:

Why do women drip nail polish on torn tights? (So ​​that the arrow does not go on torn tights)

When threading a needle, what should be motionless: the needle or the thread? (Needle)

What is highlighting? (Coloring of individual hair strands)

Why might a woman need acetone? (Wash off old nail polish)

What is the name of the small purse that holds the items you need to do your makeup? (Cosmetic bag)

Is yeast put into shortbread dough? (No)

Do I need to rinse the dye off my hair after dyeing it? (Yes)

For this process, wax, cream, mechanical devices, laser devices... What is this process? (Depilation)

For each correct answer, the team receives a prize point


6. Quiz for March 8 "In what the woman was the first"

(choose the correct wa

1. Woman invented a holiday …….

a) Valentine's Day;

c) Defender of the Fatherland Day;

d) Independence Day.

2. The woman was the first to spend….

a) lottery ;

b) demonstration;

c) Defender of the Fatherland Day;

d) Independence Day.

2. The woman was the first to spend….

a) lottery ;

b) demonstration;

c) beauty contest;

d) horizon line.

3. The woman introduced into the tradition…..

a) cut nails;

b) wash your hands before eating;

c) take off your shoes before going to bed;

G ) drink tea at 5 o'clock in the morning.

4... The woman came up with

a) stationery glue;

b) pushpins;

c) paper clips;

G) stationery "correct R».

5... The woman was the first…….

a) astronomer;

b) psychic;

v) medium ;

d) gossip

6. The woman came up with….

a) teddy bear ;

b) a rubber elephant;

c) the tin soldier;

d) a chocolate bunny.

7... The woman was the first to send….

a) a telegram;

v) « valentine »;

d) "letter of happiness".

8. The woman created….

a) Online store;

b) Internet cafe e;

c) virtual registry office;

d) virtual acquaintance.

9... Woman opened lardn hygiene for……

a ) women ;

b) men;

10... Woman designed….

c) a shell;

G ) "belt fidelity»

11. The woman invented…..

a) dishwasher ;

b) a washing machine;

c) the machine of justice;

d) a time machine.

7. Competition for a corporate party at the table

"Thinking outside the box"

Leading: Let's remember what qualities help when people want to impress each other. For example, the ability to think outside the box. To develop this skill, let's practice a little. You have to guess what famous fairy tales we are talking about. For example, in "The Tale of How a Psychic Gave the President a Radar Device" we are talking about the Golden Cockerel. The golden cockerel, a gift from the magician, warned the king about the approach of enemies.

About how love turns a beast into a man. (The Scarlet Flower)

The first victim of a bad investment. (Pinocchio)

On the advantage of stone buildings over thatched ones. (3 little pigs)

About the hard path bakery to the consumer. (Gingerbread man)

How a large animal used child labor in household. (Masha and the three bears)

Overpopulation of the living area, which led to the destruction of the building. (Teremok)

8. Play at the table "Auction of compliments on March 8".

Playing compliments with the audience. Men say adjectives characterizing women with the letter "F" (LIVING, VIRTUALLY JOYFUL, SEVERELY DESIRABLE, IRON, PEARLY FEMALE, WAITING, PITTY GURLING, and women praise men with the letter "M" DREAMY)

Finally, the guests' fantasy dries up; whoever comes up with a male and female compliment last gets prizes from the host.

9. Prize in riddles

The prize is taken, wrapped in paper. The content of any riddle is glued to the wrapper. Turns around again. And the riddle is glued again. And so ten times. The players sit in a circle. The host gives a prize wrapped in ten wrappers in the hands of one. The player removes one wrapper, sees a riddle, reads to himself. If he guessed it, he says the riddle, if not, he reads the riddle aloud, whoever guessed it, gets the right to further unfold the prize and everything continues according to the same scheme. The winner is the one who, guessing the riddle, gets to the very end.

1) In which ditty are both women and the number 8 mentioned? ("Eight girls, one me ..")

2) What alcoholic drink reminds of a women's holiday? (Martini)

3) Remember films with the word woman? ("Strange woman", "Sweet woman", "The beloved woman of mechanic Gavrilov", "A woman as a gift", "A woman for everyone", "Women", "A lonely woman wants to get acquainted" ...)

4) Which movies have adjectives about women ("The most charming and attractive"; "The only one", "Faithful wife")

5) What songs mention female names? ("Liza, don't leave", "Ah, Tanya, Tanechka", "At the samovar, I and my Masha"; "Hello, Alena", "Stewardess named Zhanna"; "And I have flowers for Lily"; "Natasha, Natasha if a miracle .. ")

6) What wines are named female names? (Lydia, Isabella; Dunyasha)

7) What are the plants with female names? (Rose, Pansies; Daisies; Ivan da Marya)

8) What are the movies with female names ("Mashenka", "Zhenya, Zhenya and Katyusha", "Anna Karenina"; "Valentine and Valentina"; "Nina").


11. Board game-chant

"Exercising at the table".

The presenter explains the rules of this: when she shows a gesture right hand- guests on the right shout: (no, no) When a gesture with the left hand, guests on the left: (yes, yes). If hands over head - all in chorus: (we agree), hands on hips - men in bass: (hurray!)

I have a question - we will celebrate the holiday (left - yes)

Will we be silent, miss? (right - no)

Gotta drink, have a bite (left - yes)

Can offer tea (right - no)

The gentlemen will dance for us (in the sides - hurray)

Ladies let men kiss (overhead - we agree)

The guests will all sing, probably (left - yes)

We wish from now on to surprise with beauty - (left - yes)

And hide it from everyone - (right - no)

So that today in our hall everyone would shout (in the sides - hurray)

Because in fact, your holiday is knocking at the door - (left - yes)

Pouring wine for everyone (on the sides - hurray and overhead - we agree)

This entertainment is suitable for an anniversary, or for a man's birthday. It is necessary to cut a large chamomile out of paper in advance. Then the leader writes assignments on each petal. The hero of the day should not know what is written there, so the daisy must be turned over.

At the moment when the guests are sitting at the table, the host brings out a chamomile on a tray and invites the hero of the day to tear off all the leaves in turn and read out loudly what is written there. At the same time, warn the guests and the hero of the occasion that everyone must unquestioningly do everything that is written in the assignments.

1) Well, guests, you sat down, did not get drunk, did not eat? Maybe you will sing for me, and then pour yourself a drink? We will sing "Loaf", well, ___________ (name of a friend or girlfriend) sing along ...

2) Hey, beloved sister, it's time for you and me to have a drink, raise a glass quickly, let's drink for brotherhood!

3) Guests boldly rise up and smile at each other, get up with the train, let's dance the lambada!

4) You girls, do not hesitate, get up from the chairs together, take me by the hands and take me out to dance !!!

5) Eh, dear girls, why are you so quiet? Each of you will now show everyone the superclass, sing the ditty SHCHAS or read a rhyme.

6) I'm having fun today, oh, I’ll probably get drunk, well, in order not to get drunk, I need to start dancing NOW. I will dance a dance, and you sing along with me. Hey, DJ, cut in Mouzon, turn it on louder, I'm going to dance, I'm in plain sight today!

7) Today I love everyone, I personally will pour it for everyone, raise all our glasses, we drink for me !!!

8) I want the left table to hit the floor with my foot now, but open this edge with a mitten and shout as urine as possible: “Happy birthday! We love it very much !!! "

9) Unmarried guys, probably really screwed up, go out to dance, to entertain girls with striptease !!!

10) Oh, my beloved bro, let's drink 100 grams, and then we'll pour more for my health.

11) I'm a man anywhere, I'm always ready to drink, we drink a glass to my wife and mother ...

To begin with, counselors come up with assignments for groups of 3-4 or 5-6 children (as a rule, the younger the children, the smaller the group) and write them down on cards. Tasks can be for the most different topics... For example, perform something, sing, dance, portray, beat, parody, and whatever. But the tasks should be designed for fun performance, simple, taking into account the age of the children and preferably unexpected. Further, the sheets are laid out in chamomile on the table with tasks down. Before the event, it would be nice to emotionally rock the children so that they forget where the complexes live. Groups are formed randomly, choose a task. If necessary, the group is given time to prepare and search for props. But you need to keep pace. Counselors can also take part in assignments. If the game is played on a junior squad, then one Leader leads the game and "lights up", and the other Leader helps the next group to complete the task, then they change. During the game, there is usually cheerful and energetic music.

Or so - "Daisy": the detachment is divided into several groups of 5-6 people. A large daisy is drawn and petals are cut out according to the number of teams participating in the concert. After that, counselors write on the petals on the back of the assignment. Representatives of the teams tear off a petal for themselves and begin with their group to prepare the assignment, and after a short break demonstrate their collective creativity.

Tasks can be as follows: to stage a song; compose a story from the titles of movies; depict a proverb with a pantomime; compose a quatrain on a given topic or rhyme; take a tour of the museum wax figures; demonstrate several models of clothing for different life situations.

When dividing the guys into groups, try to include, if possible, guys who are unfamiliar or unfamiliar with each other, if possible, because they expect familiar behavior from those who know well, but those who do not know each other begin to invent and fantasize. During the concert, there is no point in identifying the winners. It is better to invite each team to congratulate the one that they like best.

Age: this ode has age distinctions, so it can be used on any squad.

Number of children: the whole squad takes part in the od (advice: it is better to put the most active children on the jury to give the others an opportunity to appear). Duration: about 1 (1.5) hour, it is better not to prolong it so that the children do not get tired. Venue: detachment place (possibly a club)

Tasks: to carry out a creative detachment business, to identify talented, initiative children

Objectives: to develop creativity in children, help them get rid of complexes and assert themselves

The form of the "Romashka" ode: the detachment is divided into 2 parts, in each of which a name, a commander, and possibly a motto are chosen. Then, one after another, simple contests are held (suggested below), according to the results of which the jury (children or the leader of another squad) chooses the winning team.

Note: contests are flexible enough to transform, so they can be adapted to a given camp and a given squad.


1. To depict (for the audience to guess): - an iron, - an alarm clock, - a kettle, - a telephone, - a coffee grinder.

2. Depict the gait of a person: - having a good dinner, - whose shoes are shaking, - unsuccessfully kicking a brick, - with an acute attack of sciatica, - one who remained in the forest at night.

3. Mimicry and sounds to depict: - an alarmed cat, - a sad penguin, - an enthusiastic rabbit, - a gloomy eagle, - an angry pig.

4. The melody of the song "Solar Circle": - to groan, - to mew, - to hum, - to cackle, - to cackle (cough up).

6. Jump like: - a sparrow, - a kangaroo, - a frog, - a grasshopper, - a hippopotamus.

7. Draw an animal or plant that never existed and give it a name.

8. The song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest" is sung by: - ​​African aborigines, - Indian yogis, - Caucasian highlanders, - reindeer breeders of Chukotka, - Indians of the Apache tribe, - English gentlemen.

9. The song "There was a birch tree in the field" is performed by: - ​​the choir of the Red Army, - the choir of labor veterans, - the choir kindergarten, - the Cossack Kuban choir, - the choir of the theological seminary.

10. To depict a pantomime proverb: - ​​"Don't open your mouth at someone else's loaf", - "If you chase two hares, you won't catch a single one", - They don't look at a gift horse ", -" Kind word and the cat is pleased. "

11. Come up with a new use for objects: - an empty tin can, - a leaky sock, - a burst balloon, - a burnt out light bulb, - an empty rod from a handle.

12. Imagine a dance: - with a mop, - with a chair, - with a suitcase, - with a kettle, - with a pillow.

13. Compile a story from cut newspaper headlines.

14. Dance: - little kittens, - puppies, - foals, - piglets, - monkeys.

15. Come up with a dance composition: - "I got a deuce again", - "They bought me a soccer ball", - "I broke my mother's favorite vase", - "Guests will come to me today", - "I lost the key to the apartment."

16. Noise Orchestra. You are a vocal and instrumental ensemble. You should perform any popular song, but you will be accompanying yourself on the material at hand, that is, on what you find in the room: on a mop, pots, etc. Preparation time is 5 minutes.

17. With sounds and movements depict: - an orchestra of Russian folk instruments, - a symphony orchestra, - a rock band, - a military brass band, - a jazz orchestra.

18. "Conduct" an orchestra performing: - a waltz, - a symphony, - a military march, - a modern dance melody, - a Russian folk song.

19. Without changing the meaning, but in other words, say the phrase: - a fly sat on the jam, - there is a glass on the table, - the clock strikes 12 times, - a sparrow flew through the window, - a detachment was walking along the shore.

20. Compose a story from the titles of movies or videos.

21. Add two more lines:

A) The dog walked on the piano,

Says something like this ...

B) Have you heard? At the market

The miracle bird was sold ...

C) An elephant is crying in the zoo -

He saw the mouse ...

D) The people are surprised -

Why is Fedot angry?

E) The Tsar issued the following decree:

"To all the boyars at the same hour ..."

22. Think of poems with rhymes: - a cat, a spoon, a window, a little, - a glass, a banana, a pocket, a deception, - a run, a century, snow, a person, - a mug, a girlfriend, a frog, a ditty, - a horse, an accordion, fire, Palm.

23. Come up with a new end to the fairy tale: "Kolobok", "Ryaba Chicken", "Teremok", "Turnip", "The Wolf and the Seven Kids".

24. Compose a story about: - a dog who lived in a refrigerator; - a crow who loved to ride a bike; - a pike that played the guitar; - a birch who wanted to learn to swim; - May beetle, which was very afraid of heights.

25. Come up with new names for the lessons: - mathematics, - music, - history, - labor, - physical education, etc.

26. Bring a chair: - completely without touching the floor with your feet, - without using your hands, - as if it is a basin of water, - as if you are Charlie Chaplin, - as if you are walking through a minefield.


1. Draw the sculptures "Victims of Sports": - weightlifter who did not have time to jump off the barbell in time; - a goalkeeper who caught the puck with his teeth; - a parachutist who has forgotten what to pull; - a gymnast who did not leave the triple pirouette on time; - a skier who did not run away from an avalanche.

2. Write a letter to Vanka Zhukov from: - group extended day, - a music school, - a children's hospital, - a sports section, - a hike.

3. Create a ditty that begins with the words: "I wish we could ..."

4. Create costumes: - worker - Baba Yaga, - ceremonial day off - to Ivan the Fool, - home to the Serpent-Gorynych, - sports - to Koshchey the Immortal, - winter - to Water.

5. Before you - pictures. Depict how events developed after 3 minutes. Pictures: - "Barge haulers on the Volga", - "Again two", - "Ivan the Terrible kills his son", - "Hunters at a halt", - "Three heroes".

6. Name 5 types of goods in the store: - "Everything for poor students", - "Everything for truants", - "Everything for sluts", - "Everything for repeaters", - "Everything for hard-core non-carriers of changeable shoes."

8. Come up with text and an image for the poster in the school: - on the wardrobe, - above the principal's office, - on the door of the school cafeteria, - near the carpentry workshop, - at the entrance to the school loft.

9. Create a hairstyle: - Attack with the left flank, - Not compressed band, - Explosion at a pasta factory, - Bakhchisarai fountain, - An avalanche.

10. Depict the plot of the fairy tale "Ryaba Hen" in relation to historical times: - primitive communal system, - slave-owning era, - middle feudal ages, - early capitalism.

11. Draw a monument on the topic: - In a dispute, truth is born, - All ages are submissive to love, - I would have gnawed bureaucracy like a wolf, - Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends, - Sated is not a friend to the hungry.

12. Demonstrate the manufacture, use and name of the medicine for: - liars, - lazy people, - crybaby, - sneak, - fighters.

13. Depict the fairy tale "Kolobok" in the genre: - comedy, - tragedy, - opera, ballet, - horror film.

14. Complete the story:

A) "The woodpecker stuck his head out of the hollow ...

A destroyer was entering the bay. "

B) "The rain washed away all traces ...

There was a jackhammer on the bed. "

C) "The fire has long gone out ...

The balcony was painted green. "

D) "The cactus dropped thorns ...

The lunar eclipse began. "

E) "The iceberg towered over the sea ...

The flies hid in the cracks. "

15. Rehearse the situations: - Thief in someone else's apartment, - Composer composes music, - Controller in public transport, - Director at the rehearsal of his play, - Surgeon in the operating room.

16. Come up with a hat for: - Winnie the Pooh, - Piglet, - Owls, - Rabbit, - Donkey Eeyore.

17. Incorporate into a fairy tale new character: - "Little Red Riding Hood" - a traffic light, - "Puss in Boots" - a drill, - "Cinderella" - a bulldozer, - "Bluebeard" - a radio, "Boy with a finger" - a fire engine.

18. Bouquet for a celebrity: - for an athlete: "Blow! Another blow!", - for an astronaut: "5 minutes! Normal flight!" people's deputy: "The 4th microphone is on", - to the artist: "Applause! Applause!", - to the teacher: "The lesson is over."

19. Monument and speech at the opening: - "The first collector of scrap in Russia" - Plyushkin, - "The first OSVOD activist" - Grandfather Mazay, - The first representative of the Red Cross Society in Africa "- Dr. Aibolit, -" The first organizer sporting events"- Balde, -" To the leader of the weaving industry "- the Frog Princess.

20. Decipher the name of the squad:


21. Retell the fairy tale "kolobok" using vocabulary: - military, - medical, - legal, - pedagogical, - political, - prison.

22. Gymnastics complex for: - traffic controller road traffic, - watchmen of private security, - conductors of orchestras of folk instruments, - conductors of long-distance trains, - crane operators of tower cranes.

23. Speech: -, - canteen workers, - medical center workers, - laundry workers, director

24. Sign a postcard of a famous person on the occasion of: - 170 years since the discovery of Antarctica, - 200 years since the opening of the Saratov macaroni factory, - 191 years since the founding of Uryupinsk, - The Day of Morality and Law, - 294 years since the date of the Decree of Peter 1 o the use of a handkerchief, - 50 years of the trial of Stakhanovites-rediskologists.

25. Names and rules of the game, where the following are used at the same time:

Puck, racket and scuba gear; - basketball ball, core, barbell; - boxing gloves, bicycle, hockey stick; - motorcycle, tennis ball, skis; - a pole for high jumps, a soccer ball, an athletics hurdle.

26. Label (draw):

Goose feathers blanched in oil; - acorns in tomato sauce; - radish pate with nutmeg; - tobacco gobies in the garlic bay; - beetle wings in their own juice.

27. Invent a way:

Prevent the freezing of the nose in winter time, - removing nail polish, - preventing sneezing, - measuring body temperature without a thermometer, - opening a can of canned food.

Decoration: a "chamomile" is hung on the stand, consisting of several petals of different colors, the name of the competition is written on the back of each.

The options are:

Five postcards cut into an equal number of parts (the number of parts by

the number of people in the team);

A five-word sentence; various shapes (square, triangle, rhombus, circle, rectangle),

cut out of cardboard (the number of each of the figures according to the number of people in the team), etc.


Tape recorder Envelope with tokens Paper, pens Felt-tip pens Combs, varnishes Balloons Colored paper


1. Be sure to select a jury. Most the best way if it includes your partner counselors. You can invite counselors of other units. The game is designed so that the children of your squad should not sit on the jury.

2. The main goal of the game is to reveal as many children's talents as possible in a variety of areas in this short time: singing, dancing, who and what can do with their hands, dreamers, etc. To do this, before the game, we cut a lot of cardboard tokens and put them in an envelope.

After the end of the competition, each team of children was asked to take 2 (or 1, 3, as the jury decided, but all teams had the same number) tokens. Within the team, in a minute, they had to decide who was the brightest, thanks to whom the competition was won. So at the end of the game, the winners were revealed (in addition to the team that won, there was also an individual championship). This move not only allows everyone to pull up and help their team, but also it is a slice of your squad at the moment. It was not uncommon for the teams to refuse to choose the best within themselves, but to put them in a common piggy bank.

Possible contests:

  • "Cheerful story" on the knowledge of cinema, ingenuity.
  • "Announcement" for dreamers and writers. (Examples of topics for announcements: about renting a dog kennel; about the loss (loss) of moral character; about the exchange of rheumatism for sciatica; about the purchase of an aircraft carrier; about recruiting for a two-week course on preparing for a flight into space).
  • "Drink label". (To identify those who can draw). All over the world there are known soft drinks "Pepsi-Cola", "Sprite", "Doctor Pepper", "Fanta", "Hershey". They are known not only for their taste, they can be recognized even without tasting them, only by the label. The artists of the companies producing these drinks have managed to create such designs for bottles and cans that they immediately catch the eye. Imagine that one domestic company has developed recipes for new carbonated drinks and decided to "conquer" the world with them. But the bottles prepared for the bottling of these drinks do not yet have a bright, memorable label. Help the company and draw a label by which you could immediately recognize a new domestic drink. And it is called "Yablonushechka", "Tuberous", "Grushetyulechka", "Aprikoselka", "Slivanyulyuchka." All things sooner or later fall into disrepair, and they have to be thrown away. But there are people who are in no hurry to part with objects that have fulfilled their intended purpose. They come up with new uses for things and use them in a new quality for a long time. Try to find at least twenty new uses for unnecessary, worn-out items: an empty tin can; leaky sock; a bursting balloon; a burnt out light bulb; empty rod from the handle.
  • "Extravagant hairstyle" (hairdressers, visionaries). At all times, the hairstyle was not just a way to cut and style hair, it was a symbol. By the hairstyle it was possible to determine which tribe a person belongs to, whether he is rich or poor, what his political views and religious beliefs are. The hairstyle also allowed a person to assert himself or just stand out from the crowd. Therefore, the most fashionable, the most unusual hairstyles were always worn by those who most of all needed self-affirmation, that is, the youth. Try some new youth hairstyles. They must be extravagant so that the owner of this hairstyle is immediately noticed. And the new hairstyle should be called like this: "Attack with the left flank"; " Uncompressed strip"; "Explosion at the Pasta Factory"; "Bakhchisarai Fountain"; "Mammoths are not extinct!"
  • "Bird Dances" (dancers). In the life of all birds there is a period when they begin to dance. This period is called "marriage". Of course, birds dance at this time in different ways: someone - gracefully and gracefully, someone - awkward and funny. Try to portray how they do it. Show the dancing of the crane, pelican, ostrich, penguin, vulture vulture. For dance music, try The Skylark by Romanian composer Ramo Romires, performed by Paul Mauriat's orchestra. This play is known to everyone as a musical intro to the program "In the world of animals".
  • "Application in a balloon" (for team building). Round balloon small in size, similar to the head. True, for a complete resemblance to the head, there are still not enough eyes, ears, nose, lips, hair, etc. Try to cut these missing "parts of the face" out of colored paper and stick them on a balloon. As a result, the balloon can turn into the head of your counselors (determine which team makes which of the counselors so that no one is offended).
  • "Monument to the proverb" (to identify the organizers, leaders). Monuments are erected in honor of great people and famous events. The monuments reflect the past of each country. But the history of a country is not only about people and events, it is also a language. And the "golden fund" of each language is proverbs. Therefore, it would be quite fair if monuments to proverbs were erected. Try to imagine such a monument, and after imagining, create it. That is, freeze in the form of a monument, which is named in the same way as the proverb "In a dispute, truth is born", "All ages are submissive to love," have a hundred friends. "
  • "Household appliances" (to identify acting skills). Many years ago, Leonid Yarmolnik became famous for portraying different inanimate objects... Try to repeat the creative path of the now famous artist and use gestures, facial expressions, sounds to depict some objects household appliances(on their face): iron, chair, shower; alarm clock, gas stove, TV; kettle, tape recorder, armchair; telephone, camera, frying pan; mixer, hanger, washing machine.
  • "Anonymous" (creativity). Anonymous is a letter without a signature or a letter that was composed by an "anonymous", that is, an "unknown". What the authors of anonymous letters do not write about! That someone lives without a registration. The fact that someone turns on loud music in the evenings. The fact that someone does not pay for electricity and gas. The fact that someone throws out garbage in the wrong place ... In general, an anonymous letter, as a rule, contains information about the "antisocial behavior" of a person. Imagine that the passion for writing anonymous letters has seized not people, but goods in the grocery store. All foodstuffs began to complain to the board of trade control about their neighbors on the shelves. Imagine and compose an anonymous letter that you could write: margarine complaining about squash caviar; herring offended by smoked chicken; sour cream, who disliked Dutch cheese; sausages made up with ketchup; kefir jealous of imported yogurt.

Held any day. This option is KTD for middle age. Purpose: to identify creativity.

Implementation of the event: the presenter prepares a large chamomile in advance, on the petals of which he writes assignments. The detachment is divided into groups of 5-7 people. The groups take turns tearing off the petals. After reading the general assignment, for example "Imagine the orchestra ...", the team captains take the cards from the leader, in which the assignment is concretized. The opponents must guess what the teams are showing.

Sample tasks: 1. To depict an orchestra (symphonic, jazz band, rock band, military, etc.) 2. To depict an object with the whole team (a hot iron, a ringing alarm clock, a working mixer, etc.) 3. To dance a dance (sick hippos, mad moles, enthusiastic rabbits, etc.) 4. To stage a fairy tale (the horror film "Kolobok", the opera "Turnip", the tragedy "Ryaba Chicken", the ballet "Little Red Riding Hood", etc.) 5. Come up with mimic scenes on the camp theme (lights out , Zarnitsa, Day of Love, departure, counselor caught a smoker, etc.) 6. Introduce an animal with facial expressions, sounds and gait (an enthusiastic donkey, a sad gopher, an anxious peacock, a camel in love, etc.) 7. Sing the same song, for example ... "Oh, frost, frost" like ... (in the opera, like a church choir, like Ramstein, etc.) 8. The whole group say a tongue twister (The ships maneuvered, but they did not catch it; a chair with knocked out legs; a bent-tipped spoon with a raised edge, etc. .)

A chamomile is cut out, a task is written on the petals on the back side: dance, sing, depict a cow, demonstrate the gait of Baba Yaga, etc.

At one time we often played Chamomile, something from the category of Fants. Prepare in advance a paper daisy with tasks for the teams and that's it)) simple, fast. Tasks song, pantomime, depict, dance, draw, build, etc. As usual: 1. Divide into teams of 10-15 people 2. Choose at the request of the commander 3. The first task is the name of the team with a motto and a business card. By the number of teams - jury. Here you have two or three hours for sure. From the props: cut out the daisy from A4 in advance, glue and write tasks. Further, the teams will tear off one petal, read the task and execute.