Candles from thrush top. Vaginal suppositories are the best treatment for thrush. The correct treatment for thrush. Video

Antifungal suppositories for thrush are the most convenient and simplest treatment for vaginal candidiasis. Any female diseases associated with the genitourinary system require timely treatment, as they directly affect reproductive function. If the infection is started, the likelihood of developing infertility and other serious consequences is high.

Thrush is caused by fungi of the genus Candida, so the medical name for the disease sounds like candidiasis. According to gynecologists, the best way to combat thrush is to use vaginal suppositories. Topical preparations show fewer side effects, since the active substances are not absorbed into the bloodstream, but destroy the pathogen directly on the mucous membranes, stopping inflammation and eliminating other symptoms of candidiasis. Let's find out how to choose effective suppositories for thrush, and what drugs are best to cope with the infection?

Vaginal candidiasis: what is it?

Thrush is a type of fungal infection caused by microscopic yeast fungi of the genus Candida. The development of the disease is facilitated by changes in the vaginal microflora caused by a decrease in immunity, taking medications or exacerbating chronic diseases. As a result, the harmful microflora begins to grow and multiply, and the characteristic symptoms of thrush appear:

  1. burning and itching in the genital area;
  2. the appearance of abundant cheesy discharge from the vagina;
  3. pain when urinating and during intercourse.

If alarming symptoms appear, you should seek advice from a gynecologist as soon as possible. The doctor will take a smear for examination and, upon confirmation of the diagnosis, will prescribe a comprehensive treatment aimed at eliminating the cause of the infection and stopping unpleasant manifestations.

Topical preparations in the form of suppositories are an important part of therapy; it is these agents that most specialists prefer in the treatment of simple cases. The range of such medicines is very extensive, so we present to your attention an overview of the most popular drugs to combat candidiasis. And let's start with inexpensive candles for thrush.

Cheap and effective candles for thrush - average prices

One of the very first inexpensive. The active ingredient is nystatin, which exhibits fungicidal activity against candida yeast and quickly eliminates the main symptoms of thrush. The fungus does not develop resistance to this drug, therefore, Nystatin is prescribed for frequent relapses of candidiasis and a chronic form of the disease. Suppositories should be used as directed by a doctor twice a day for 10-14 days.

Nystatin has few contraindications. This is a hypersensitivity to components and the period of gestation. During treatment, side reactions may occur: abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, chills. Therefore, many patients prefer more modern complex preparations based on nystatin - these are Polygynax and Terzhinan suppositories. They have fewer side effects, but their use can provoke dysbiosis, therefore, after a course of treatment, the use of suppositories with lactobacilli is recommended. The price of candles from the thrush Nystatin is from 60 rubles, Terzhinan - from 270 rubles, Polygynax - from 250 rubles.


Inexpensive vaginal suppositories for thrush with a wide spectrum of action. The active substance of the drug - clotrimazole (an imidazole derivative) destroys not only yeast fungi, but also a wide range of other pathogenic microorganisms (dermatophytes, dimorphic fungi). The drug is often prescribed as part of the complex therapy of vaginal infections (with candidiasis, vulvovaginitis).

Suppositories from thrush are used for 6 days, using 1 suppository at night. It is forbidden to prescribe Clotrimazole during pregnancy (especially in the 1st trimester), during breastfeeding, with individual intolerance to its components. In the course of treatment, adverse reactions (itching, burning, headache, abdominal discomfort, frequent urination) may occur. In addition, the main disadvantage of the drug is the rapid development of resistance to the active substance in fungal agents. As a result, the effectiveness of the drug is significantly reduced. The price of candles is from 30 to 60 rubles.

Ketoconazole (analogue of Livarol)

Many drugs are prohibited at this time, as they can harm the unborn child and disrupt the proper formation and development of the fetus. You need to be especially careful when prescribing medications in the first trimester (up to 12 weeks). Nevertheless, there are suppositories for thrush that are approved for use during this period. These are drugs such as:

  • Pimafucin;
  • Natamycin;
  • Primafungin;
  • McMiror.

From 2-3 trimesters of pregnancy, with caution and under the supervision of a doctor, antifungal agents such as Clotrimazole, Rumisol, Nystatin, Gino-Pevaril, Terzhinan can be prescribed.

Suppositories from thrush during breastfeeding are selected in such a way as to exclude the penetration of the active substance into breast milk. Preference is given to drugs with low systemic absorption. This category of funds includes almost all medicines for thrush approved for use during pregnancy. That is, during breastfeeding, you can use the same Pimafucin, Zalain, Macmiror and other antifungal agents that the attending physician will recommend.

Pros and cons of suppositories

Women consider the speed of therapeutic action to be a positive point when using vaginal suppositories. Local forms of drugs, getting on the mucous membranes of the vagina, effectively destroy the causative agents of fungal infection and eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of thrush. A huge advantage of such funds is the insignificant absorption of active substances into the bloodstream, which avoids the development of systemic adverse reactions. Another plus - modern drugs that are designed for single use make it possible to get rid of the manifestations of vaginal candidiasis at a time.

Of the disadvantages of local treatment, one can name some inconvenience when using candles, they can leak, stain underwear. In addition, sexual contacts are limited for the entire period of treatment. Many medications in the form of suppositories are effective for milder forms of thrush, but they cannot cope with severe infections and require the additional use of antifungal pills.

In addition, the use of combined medicines, which contain an antibacterial component, can lead to vaginal dysbiosis. Therefore, after the end of the course of treatment, additional use of suppositories with lactobacilli is necessary to restore the normal microflora of the vagina.

The basic rules for the use of vaginal suppositories are as follows:

  • it is best to do the procedure before bedtime, so that you do not get up again after the introduction of the suppository;
  • suppositories from thrush are recommended to be inserted as deep as possible into the vagina;
  • in order to avoid leakage, it is necessary to protect the linen with pads;
  • for the entire duration of treatment, sexual intercourse should be completely excluded;
  • the course of therapy for vaginal candidiasis must be completed not only by the woman, but also by her sexual partner;
  • during the therapy of thrush, it is recommended to wear underwear made only from natural materials;
  • remember that during treatment it is necessary to exclude the use of alcohol, spicy and salty foods;
  • you cannot combine treatment with suppositories with other medicines without first consulting a doctor.

The author, I will answer you, as a gynecologist, candles-candles, and pills the same way, but this is not a solution to the problem, treat thrush every month - here the problem is different, there are a lot of reasons, I will recommend it to you, and you will decide as yourself- the most important thing is to contact a gastroenterologist, because you may have a reason for the disruption of the digestive tract, and this is an interconnection, then wearing only cotton panties and not thongs (so as not to create conditions for the reproduction of bacteria), try to choose hygiene products without fragrances and fragrances; after visiting the toilet, wipe yourself properly - from the pubic area and back. So you will prevent the intestinal flora from entering the vagina, limit the consumption of sweets, starchy foods, eat more fermented milk products, do not abuse panty liners, strengthen the immune system. you) -You need to carry out not one course of suppositories or vaginal tablets, but two, and the drugs must be used different, for greater efficiency. It is important that the active antifungal substances in the drugs are different, since it is possible that resistance has developed to some drugs during long-term treatment. The following is a list of the most effective drugs, indicating their trade name and active substance: Livarol (Ketoconazole), Pimafucin (Natamycin), Klion - D (Metronidazole, Miconazole), Terzhinan (Ternidazole, Neomycin, Nystatin, Prednisolone). You need to continuously carry out two a course of treatment with various drugs, for example, use "Livarol" first, for 5 days at night, and immediately after it for another 5 days in the morning and evening, use suppositories with nystatin. The most important thing is to treat the disease conscientiously, because it is the untreated disease that leads to its chronic course in the future! Unpleasant symptoms usually disappear after 2-3 days of treatment, and many ladies frivolously believe that the ailment has receded. After the symptoms disappear, treatment should be continued for at least 3 days. In addition to local treatment, it is necessary to take 1 capsule of "Fluconazole" every 2 days, only 3-6 times. You also need to take 1 capsule every month in the second half of the cycle for 1 year in order to prevent relapse, which most often happens in this phase due to hormonal changes in the body. ...
A worthy answer!
The only thing I can add: it is worth taking an analysis (PCR) to exclude the presence of other pathogens besides Candida, since often a subacute or chronic other infection (chlamydia, gardnerella, ureaplasma / mycoplasma) is hidden behind the external manifestation of thrush.

From this article, you will learn about the use of vaginal suppositories for thrush, how effective they are in treating candidiasis, whether thrush can be cured only with suppositories. Rating of vaginal suppositories in terms of effectiveness: Zalain, Lomeksin, Gino-pevaril, Livarol, Pimafucin, Polizhinaks, Irunin, Ginesol, Makmiror Complex. Rectal suppositories: Nystatin.

Date of publication of the article: 09/08/2017

Date of updating the article: 27.11.2018

Dosage form in the form of vaginal suppositories is a popular topical remedy. Compared to other forms intended for topical use (creams, ointments, gels or vaginal tablets), suppositories have several advantages:

  • thanks to a solid glycerin and paraffin base, the candles have a shape convenient for insertion into the vagina and begin to actively melt only from body temperature;
  • the drug is evenly distributed inside and covers with a thin insoluble film the internal mucous membrane, which is hard to reach for creams and ointments, acts locally, is not absorbed into the blood or other biological fluids;
  • quickly eliminate the pronounced symptoms of acute thrush, allow you to get rid of the chronic process or prevent its appearance (from 1 day to 2 weeks);
  • some vaginal suppositories do not interfere with the menstrual cycle (the course is not interrupted), pregnancy or lactation;
  • the occurrence of side effects is minimized.

Candles of various shapes

Suppositories are the most effective form for local treatment of thrush in women, some are able to relieve unpleasant symptoms the very next day after application. From a number of drugs, one can single out:

  • high-speed Zalain and Lomexin (day);
  • Gino-pevaril and Livarol (from 3 to 5 days);
  • vaginal suppositories for thrush - Pimafucin (from 3 to 5 days, one of the few that doctors prescribe without fear while waiting for a child);
  • combined Polygynax (from 5 days), not only eliminates thrush, but also has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect.

However, there are also disadvantages - it is impossible to cure thrush only with vaginal suppositories, you need a complex with tableted antifungal drugs, otherwise the disease quickly becomes chronic.

In addition to vaginal suppositories, there are rectal suppositories that are prescribed for men and women:

    In the treatment of intestinal dysbiosis and candidiasis.

    For the prevention or treatment of urogenital thrush.

The composition of rectal suppositories includes the same active antifungal substances as in vaginal suppositories, the differences are size and shape (slightly smaller), the presence of a small amount of anesthetic substances in the composition (for more comfortable administration).

The appointment for the treatment of candidiasis in women is made by a gynecologist.

About vaginal suppositories (suppositories)

Violation of instructions, terms of use, uncontrolled use of local funds leads to the emergence of a generation of Candida resistant to antifungal agents, and the transformation of an acute process into a chronic one. As a result, effective vaginal suppositories for candidiasis at a certain moment cease to "work", to eliminate the pronounced manifestations of thrush.

Therefore, the attending physician chooses a medication, relying primarily on the results of laboratory tests for sensitivity to antifungal substances. It depends on how effective the prescribed drug will be. It is for this reason that a less effective and long-acting, at first glance, drug is sometimes prescribed.

Rules for the use of vaginal suppositories:

  • clean the crotch with water and soap, thoroughly washing away whitish plaque and films;
  • remove the candle from the package and insert it deep into the vagina with clean hands;
  • since the solid oil base begins to melt from body temperature, it is better to do this at night, lying in bed, so most of the drug will not leak out;
  • the simultaneous use of cosmetics (soap, gel for the intimate zone) with an acid reaction is undesirable.

During the period of treatment with vaginal suppositories, it is better to exclude sexual intercourse (more due to the fact that the partner can be infected precisely during the period of exacerbation of thrush).


Vaginal suppositories - with the active substance sertaconazole (imidazole-benzothyphene derivative) in the composition.

How to use:

  • Zalain - the most effective suppositories for thrush, pronounced manifestations of fungal infection disappear the next day after using one suppository;
  • to treat a chronic infection, it is enough to re-introduce another suppository in a week.

It differs from other drugs of a similar form in that they can be treated during menstruation - the discharge does not wash the drug out of the vagina and does not reduce its effectiveness.

Of the side effects - a possible individual reaction to components in the form of burning, redness or slight dermatitis in the perineum, which go away by themselves and do not need treatment.

Allow the use of Zalain before and after childbirth, if the doctor takes responsibility for the result.


Suppositories with the active substance fenticonazole (an imidazole derivative) destroy fungal infection, suppress the development of streptococci (bacteria) and Trichomonas (protozoa).

How to use:

    For the treatment of acute fungal infection of the genitourinary system in women, one suppository is enough.

    Relapses are prevented by repeated administration of the suppository for 3-4 days.

It is not prescribed during the menstrual cycle, before and after childbirth (contraindication - lactation), with increased sensitivity to the components (the development of a side effect is possible - allergies in the form of burning, redness, dermatitis).


These are the best suppositories for thrush among imidazole derivatives, with the active antifungal agent econazole in the composition. Gyno-pevaril has bactericidal activity against staphylococci, streptococci and other microorganisms.

How to use:

  • before the introduction, the perineum is blotted with a dry napkin;
  • 3 suppositories are enough for 3 days to eliminate severe symptoms of vaginal yeast infection;
  • the course of treatment can be continued up to 6 days if the manifestations of vaginal candidiasis persist.

The drug is not prescribed before and after childbirth (during lactation). There may be side effects in the form of an individual skin reaction, burning sensation, dry mucous membranes, upset stools, vomiting and nausea.

Prolonged uncontrolled use can provoke the appearance of age spots (hyperpigmentation) or skin necrosis (trophic ulcers).


Vaginal suppositories with an active substance in the composition - ketoconazole (an imidazole derivative), inhibit reproduction and development, cause the death of fungi of the genus Candida and some others (dermatophytes, yeast-like).

How to use:

Treatment of thrush with Livarol suppositories can cause side effects in the form of mild indigestion, nausea, dizziness, local allergic reactions: burning, redness, rash, which disappear after withdrawal.


The active antifungal agent in Pimafucin is natamycin, an antibiotic of the polyene series. One of the few approved for use by pregnant and lactating mothers.

How to use:

    To eliminate the pronounced manifestations of candidiasis, candles are injected daily, from 3 to 6 days.

    With chronic thrush, the treatment time can take up to 1.5 weeks.

It has no side effects and contraindications (except for individual sensitivity to the components of the drug), therefore it is often prescribed to patients with a tendency to violent allergic reactions and intolerance to other drugs.


Polygynax - complex vaginal suppositories. The composition contains an active antifungal substance of the polyene series - nystatin, as well as polymyxin and neomycin, which suppress the growth and development of the bacterial flora of the vagina.

One of the most effective suppositories for thrush is prescribed for the treatment of a fungal infection against a background of secondary bacterial inflammation, as well as if previous drugs were ineffective.

How to use:

  • for the prevention of thrush during antibiotic therapy, 1 suppository per day is sufficient for 5–6 days;
  • to eliminate the severe symptoms of thrush and prevent the development of a chronic process, Polygynax is used daily for 2 weeks.

Side effects from the use of the drug are minimized, occasionally local allergies may appear in the form of burning, redness and swelling, which you need to pay attention to - otherwise the process may end with the appearance of eczema. All side effects disappear after withdrawal.

Contraindicated for use by pregnant and lactating women.


Suppositories, which include itraconazole (a derivative of the triazole series), a substance that inhibits the growth, development and death of Candida cells.

Irunin is effective in the treatment of chronic, often recurring thrush, it is also prescribed for intolerance to other drugs.

How to use:

The appearance of local allergies (burning, swelling, redness, rash) is possible, which disappears after the drug is discontinued.


Vaginal suppositories with the main active ingredient - miconazole (an imidazole derivative), which inhibits the reproduction, growth and development of fungi of the genus Candida (some yeast-like and moldy), has a bactericidal effect (relieves inflammation). It is prescribed for the sensitivity of fungi to the active substance, as well as for allergies to other vaginal suppositories.

How to use:

Not prescribed for hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, is contraindicated for use by pregnant and lactating women. The development of side effects in the form of a local reaction (burning, swelling, itching, rashes) is possible.

Macmiror Complex

A complex preparation, in the composition - a combination of antifungal nystatin (antibiotic of the polyene series) and antibacterial nifuratel, therefore it is effective not only against fungi of the genus Candida, but also as a bactericidal and antiprotozoal agent (for trichomoniasis).

One of the main advantages of the drug is that these suppositories for thrush in women have no contraindications for treatment in any trimester, before childbirth.

How to use:

  • for the treatment of thrush, 1 suppository is injected into the vagina for 8 days;
  • if necessary (positive result of a laboratory test), the course of the drug is repeated at the time specified by the attending physician.

It rarely causes side effects in the form of skin rashes in the perineum and burning. The appointment of Makmirora Complex is excluded in case of intolerance to the components.

About rectal suppositories

This form of medicinal antifungal drugs for men and women is prescribed less often, with confirmed thrush or suspicion of intestinal candidiasis, which can provoke the development of an acute urogenital process in a sexual partner.

Rules for the use of rectal suppositories:

  • clean the crotch with water and soap;
  • remove the suppository from the package and insert it into the rectum with clean hands;
  • so that the drug is evenly distributed in the intestines and does not leak out, the procedure is performed at night, lying in bed.

Any suppositories, including rectal ones, are used as part of a comprehensive treatment. Whether there is a need to use such a dosage form is decided by the attending physician.


What suppositories for thrush are administered rectally? Suppositories with the active active ingredient nystatin (polyene antibiotic) in the composition, which are intended for long-term treatment and prevention of intestinal candidiasis and are almost non-addictive. For women, the main advantage of the dosage form is that treatment does not need to be interrupted during menstruation.

How to use:

Do not appoint with special sensitivity to the components, use by pregnant and lactating mothers is excluded, rare side effects - unpleasant itching, rashes, burning.

After consulting with your doctor, any vaginal suppositories can be used as rectal suppositories, since they hardly differ from each other in composition.

Owner and responsible for the site and content: Afinogenov Alexey.

Candles from thrush are an effective solution to an uncomfortable problem. The action of these drugs is due to the fact that the active substance quickly penetrates into the vaginal mucosa, while the causative agent of the disease is completely destroyed. Today, the medical industry produces various suppositories against thrush. It is necessary to consider what kind of vaginal suppositories are available for the treatment of vaginal candidiasis, which determines the peculiarities of their action and the cases of appointment.

General instructions

Suppositories (suppositories) - a number of drugs that can quickly cure thrush (candidiasis). with thrush in women, it is used intravaginally, thus it is possible to destroy the causative agent of the disease and reduce the intensity of the inflammatory process. All suppositories from thrush, the list of which is presented in pharmacies, differ in their effectiveness and degree of effect on the fungus, but their action is aimed precisely at killing the microorganism, moreover, preferably in several sessions.

For the best effect, it is necessary that the active ingredient is the most active against pathogens. To choose the most effective remedy, before starting treatment, you need to contact a specialist. He will conduct a bacteriological examination of the vaginal smears. Based on the results, it will be possible to talk about the name of the drug against thrush.

It is very important to carefully choose a remedy for chronic thrush. In this case, the fungus has already acquired some resistance. So some medicines against such a fungus may be ineffective. Still, there are drugs on the market that will be active against this type of candidiasis. In treatment, one should be guided not by one's own experience and the recommendations of friends who may have been helped by this or that remedy, but by the results of examinations.

So, which candles for thrush are better? If the pathology has just appeared and its symptoms are not too pronounced, then you can use effective suppositories Livarol, Clotrimazole, etc. Instructions for the use of such drugs indicate that medicines help to quickly and thoroughly get rid of candidiasis.

With the help of modern drugs, even the most persistent type of ailment can be cured. For this, Ketoconazole and other medicines are used, specially designed to affect the most resistant and aggressive strains of Candida fungi. Be careful: it is not recommended to use such suppositories on your own. Only a doctor can recommend them. Moreover, to prevent the development of dysbiosis, it is necessary to additionally be treated with special drugs. They contain, restoring microflora.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of suppositories

The active components of such suppositories are active against a large number of fungi. They can also act against staphylococci, streptococci and other pathogenic microorganisms.

All active components of suppositories perfectly cope with the manifestations of acute and recurrent types of vaginal candidiasis. Suppositories are mainly used intavaginally, although there are dosage forms that can be injected into the rectum. At normal body temperature, they quickly dissolve in the body. After a while, a foamy mass forms in the vagina or in the rectum. It distributes the active substance well over the mucous membrane.

Some suppositories may contain cetyl alcohol. In some cases, it can cause allergic diseases, therefore, before each use of such drugs, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist. In some cases, you should stop having sex. It is forbidden to use these medicines and during the period of bearing a child.

Antifungal components disrupt the integrity of the pest's cell membrane. This process quickly leads to the death of the body. The active component of the suppository is rapidly excreted from the body by the kidneys.

How to use suppositories

Some women think that any antifungal drug and even an antibiotic will work for them. Their decision is simple - immediately go to the pharmacy, buy "some" remedy for candidiasis and start taking it, preferably in large doses, so that the pathology goes away "right away." Such treatment of thrush does not lead to anything good, as it contributes to the transition of the disease into a chronic form. Some women even practice douching, which is very dangerous with such an ailment.

So the best suppositories for thrush are those that act on the pathogen as much as possible and at the same time do not disturb the beneficial microflora. And this is possible only after bacteriological inoculation of smears. This is why self-medication for vaginal candidiasis is extremely dangerous.

Using vaginal suppositories for thrush, a woman should also make sure that her partner treats the same disease. Men also have thrush, but in most cases they are asymptomatic. As a result, a representative of the stronger sex is a carrier of such a disease. During treatment, one must either refuse intimate contact or use condoms. Vaginal suppositories for candidiasis are injected deeply, at night (this improves the absorption of the active substance and the results of therapy).

No synthetic tight underwear needs to be worn during treatment. All prescriptions for sexual hygiene must be followed carefully. Underwear should be changed daily. It is forbidden to use perfumed pads with added chemicals. In such cases, even the most effective suppositories for thrush do not help.

Review of the best drugs for thrush

Today, the pharmaceutical industry produces a huge number of medicines for candidiasis. It is necessary to consider individual drugs for the treatment of the disease:

  1. Zalain. It is a derivative of imidazole and benzothiophene. There is no data today on whether such a remedy is harmful to the fetus. The use of the drug in case of hypersensitivity is strictly contraindicated. It can cause a burning sensation in the vagina. Such candles are set for the night.
  2. Livarol (Ketoconazole) is an effective antifungal agent. Not applicable in the first trimester of pregnancy. May cause rashes and sometimes hives. The effect of using candles comes almost immediately - they help with acute candidiasis. Long-term (more than 10 days) intake of the drug is permissible only in the chronic form of the disease. It is better to put candles at night. The remedy can be effective in recurrent forms of candidiasis.
  3. Intraconazole is not used in the first trimester, for hypersensitivity, during breastfeeding. Treatment with these suppositories is usually short-lived.
  4. Nystatin is one of the medicines that can be used during pregnancy. Its only drawback is its rather high price. Very rarely, when using Nystatin, there is a rash, itching of the skin, etc.
  5. Clotrimazole is a high-quality and effective remedy for women suffering from candidiasis. Contraindications are hypersensitivity and pregnancy in the first trimester. A suppository can cause side effects such as a burning sensation in the vagina, itching, cystitis, pain during coitus. The medicine has one significant drawback - in the case of prolonged use, resistance (resistance) of fungi to the active component arises.
  6. Miconazole - effective, it is a combined remedy against candidiasis. It should not be used during pregnancy and diabetes mellitus. During therapy, alcohol is prohibited.
  7. Povidone iodine - suppositories containing iodoxine and povidone. It is forbidden to use for thyrotoxicosis, kidney disease. It is used very carefully during breastfeeding. May cause allergies.
  8. Lomexin is an effective remedy for candidal vaginitis. In case of individual intolerance to the drug and during pregnancy, the use of such suppositories is prohibited.

Advantages and disadvantages of using suppositories

Thrush medications, of course, have benefits. Among them are the following:

  1. If an active agent is introduced into the breeding site of the fungi, the result appears very quickly. This is especially true when using the newest drugs for the treatment of candidiasis.
  2. There are drugs that can be used once. This reduces the likelihood of developing side effects.
  3. Suppositories for the treatment of this disease do not have a systemic effect. And this is much better than oral remedies for vaginal candidiasis.

Still, antifungal suppositories have certain disadvantages:

  1. They stain underwear and bedding, lead to restriction of sexual activity. Therefore, some patients are reluctant to use these drugs.
  2. A good effect is achieved only if candidiasis is mild. For the treatment of chronic thrush, such suppositories are not enough. They must be combined with systemic drugs. Moreover, it is necessary to repeat the course of treatment.
  3. Often combined suppositories for the treatment of thrush in women can lead to vaginal dysbiosis. It requires further antibacterial treatment.

The use of suppositories during pregnancy

Thrush during pregnancy occurs very often. However, with such candidiasis, the use of some drugs is contraindicated. Nevertheless, the following medicines are suitable to eliminate pathology during such a period:

  1. Pimafucin suppositories (they contain the active substance pimafucin).
  2. Macmiror is a combined preparation (with the active ingredients nystatin and nifuratel).
  3. Clotrimazole (in the second or third trimester has a reduced activity).
  4. A mixture of borax and glycerin.
  5. Gynofort.
  6. Terzhinan. According to some experts, the use of Terzhinan with prednisolone as an active substance is undesirable and is permissible only if the expected assessment of the positive effect on the body is higher than the possible risk of using such a drug.

Rectal suppositories

For the treatment of thrush, the doctor may prescribe suppositories that are applied rectally. They help with intestinal or vaginal dysbiosis. They can be placed during the period of gestation or during menstruation. The names of some of the tools used in these cases:

  1. Viferon. This is a complex preparation. The description of the drug suggests that the drug has antiviral, antiproliferative and immunostimulating effects. Indications for its use are infectious or inflammatory urogenital pathologies, prevention of intrauterine infection. They can treat vaginosis, herpes infection, chlamydia. Such suppositories can only be used as directed by a doctor. The duration of therapy in some cases is up to 2 weeks. During pregnancy, use is permissible only from 14 weeks.
  2. Nystatin for rectal administration is an effective remedy against an unpleasant disease. This name of suppositories from thrush is known to women suffering from recurrent candidiasis. The medicine is poorly absorbed, and most of it is excreted in feces. They can treat candidiasis of the vagina, skin, mouth, and some internal organs. The medicine is also effective for preventing the development of such a disease in the case of prolonged use of antibacterial drugs, especially the tetracycline and penicillin series.

Pimafucin has a broad spectrum of action. The high sensitivity of fungi of the genus Candida to such a drug has been proven. Suppositories can also be prescribed for the treatment of candidiasis of the digestive tract. It has a positive effect on the causative agents of fungal pathologies. Such suppositories are used mainly at night.

General contraindications and side effects

All contraindications to the use of suppositories depend on what kind of active ingredient is in their composition. So, if a woman is diagnosed with candidiasis, vaginal suppositories are contraindicated during menstruation. Then you need to use rectal suppositories. A large number of these drugs may be prohibited during pregnancy in any given trimester.

A serious contraindication to the use of vaginal suppositories during pregnancy is individual intolerance. If a woman is diagnosed with thrush, suppositories are selected only by a doctor on the basis of a thorough examination. It is forbidden to use perfumed hygiene substances, which significantly worsen the symptoms of the disease.

Usually, side effects with the correct use of vaginal suppositories are quite rare. This is due to the fact that candles are a local medicine. Side effects can be mainly in the form of itching, rash, or flushing (that is, they resemble an allergic reaction).

Some varieties of such suppositories can cause more severe side effects:

  • diarrhea;
  • constipation;
  • chills;
  • hyperthermia.

To eliminate unpleasant phenomena, it is necessary to reduce the dosage of the injected medication. After it is canceled, all unwanted signs will disappear by themselves within 3 days. As a rule, symptomatic treatment is not recommended, because the unpleasant condition is eliminated on its own.

During the use of these drugs, there were no cases of overdose, since their form, in principle, excludes this. Nevertheless, if a woman uses suppositories in excessive dosages, then her side effects can significantly increase. They disappear after correction of the volume of the drug.

All suppositories for the treatment of vaginal candidiasis help to quickly get rid of unwanted symptoms. In order to enhance the effect of active substances on the pathogen, doctors may prescribe vaginal. For such a disposal to be most effective, it is very important to use candles correctly and only as prescribed by a specialist, since self-medication during vaginal candidiasis is categorically contraindicated.