Decorative dogs. Indoor Dog Breeds Beautiful Decorative Dogs

Little breeds of dogs have been very popular for a long time, and every year it increases more and more. These tiny, as if toy, dogs besides their charming species also have a wonderful friendly character and perfectly own the art of communicating with people. Abroad, they are even used in therapeutic practice, and this is not surprising, because such a positive creation will necessarily have a healing effect on a person. An important argument in favor of representatives of small breeds is their "portability" - crumbs can always be taken with you, placing in a small handbag. Miniature dogs do not require a lot of space and feel great in small houses and apartments.
In this selection, we will talk about 27 of the smallest breeds of dogs. In the preparation of the rating, first of all, the average mass of the bodies of dogs of each breed was taken into account, as well as height in the withers (the withers - a place on the spine between the blades, the highest point of the dog's body).

27th place: represents one of the most ancient breeds of dogs, originated on the expanses of Tibet. At the beginning of the 20th century, they were forbidden dogs owned by an exclusively family of the Chinese emperor. According to the breed standards, Shi-Tzu growth should not exceed 28 cmand weight can hesitate from 4 to 7.25 kg. This beautiful dog has a very independent character, sometimes it can be a proud and arrogant, but at the same time it is very brazed, gentle and faithful to its owner.

26th place: - Another breed of dogs originated in Tibet. The breed has long been very popular with Buddhist monks who trained these dogs to rotate prayer drums. This dog does not really apply to true spaniels and is named so only because of the external similarity with European spaniels. The growth of Tibetan spaniel is 25 cmand the mass of the body fluctuates within 4.1-6.8 kg.

24 Location: - Popular Decorative Dog Breed, represented by two varieties: Naked and PoureDuff, covered with soft wool all over the body. Her weight is 4.5-5.9 kg,and growth - 23-33 cm. Chinese Crested - active, cheerful, elegant and very devoted to their owner of animals.

23 Location: - Little dog breed, originated in Germany at the end of the XIX century. In the withers, the dog can reach 25-30 cmand its weight fluctuates in the borders from 4 to 6 kg. Representatives of this breed of dogs are very independent and independent animals, but with due raising from dwarf Pincher. A wonderful security guard will grow up.

22nd place: - Little breed of dogs of French origin from the Bolon group. Dogs of this breed were frequent satellites Sailors who gladly took these excellent rats and just fun companions with them on travel. The growth of French Bishon varies within 23-30 cm,and the weight begins from 3 and comes to 7 kg. It can be described as a smart, sensitive and playful dog, which adores human society. With proper training from Bishon, the obedient and intelligent companion will grow.

21st place: King Charles Spaniel - English breed of small dogs, derived in the XVI century. The first representatives of this breed were the favorites of English Lords and were used for hunting. The growth of the English aristocrat varies from 23 to 28 cm, and weight is 3.6-6.4 kg. This cheerful companion dog is very devoted to his owner and, despite his miniature dimensions, always ready to help him. This breed should not be confused with a little more large breed Kavaler King Charles Spaniel.

20th place: - Breed decorative dogsDisabled on the spaces of Cuba. Cuban crumbs can weigh from 3 to 7.3 kg,and their growth is 21-29 cm. Havana Bishon has an energetic, friendly and curious temper, which makes it a wonderful companion. This affectionate and playful dog with a high level of intelligence is easy to learn and get wonderfully with children.

19th place: - Dog breed, derived on Madagascar Island. The devotee of the owner, the intelligent and obedient dog, gets along well with other animals in the house. Growth of these dogs 22-28 cm,weight from 3.5 to 6 kg.

18th place: is a miniature variety of Pincherov, derived in Germany in beginning of XVII century. Height in the withers is 23-30 cmand weight can hesitate from 2.9 to 6 kg. Affentpinchers, wonderful character owners and acute mind, will truly perfect companions. In addition, they are very playful, independent, hardy and sensitive animals with a very brave heart.

17th place: Pekingese - A very ancient breed of decorative dogs, which was bred in China more than 2 thousand years ago for royal families. Pekingese weight is 3.2-6.4 kg, and height - 15-23 cm. Representatives of this breed are inherent in stubbornness and self-confidence, which can create some difficulties in the process of upbringing and training. Pekingese are perfectly bypass without exercise and not at all picky care.

16th place: - the most miniature breed of taxis, the weight of which hesitates within 3.6-5 kg, and maximum growth is 12-16 cm. At the expense of their short legs rabbit Dachshund is a dog with the lowest average height in the withersHowever, her rather large weight does not allow her to take a higher place in our ranking. Initially, the taxis used for a rabbit hunting, and today they serve beautiful companion dogs. Rabbit dachshunds are very soft, they are smart, obedient and inquisitive, easily adapt to each member of the family. These tiny dogs are hardy and simple in content, but their upbringing requires a special approach.

15th place: - breed of dogs whose history began in Australia at the end of the XIX century. These terriers can weigh from 3.5 to 4.5 kg and have growth from 23 to 26 cm. Despite the fact that he was taken as a companion dog, he has a well-developed hunting instinct, which is characteristic of the terriers. They have a sharp mind, a cheerful temperament and an inexhaustible reserve of energy. Despite its excessive mobility, the Australian terrier is balanced, obedient and very well learns.

14th place: - Little decorative breed of dogs, named by the name of its origin - Brussels, Belgium. The growth of these cute animals begins from 18 and comes to 25 cm,and weight fluctuate from 3.5 to 4.5 kg. Brussels Griffins are funny, active, curious and charming companions, possessing good watchdogs. Representatives of this breed have a huge good heart, but at the same time they are very sensitive and stubborn, which sometimes creates difficulties in raising and training.

13th place: - very popular currently in the US breed of dwarf spice. Its height can vary from 23 to 30.5 cm, and weight is 2.7-4.5 kg. This breed Dogs are characterized by exceptional intelligence and beautiful watchdogs. In addition, they are very energetic, loving and playful companion dogs that need a solid leader who will be engaged in their upbringing and training.

12th place: - One of the four types of poodles, a small decorative dog, derived in England in the XVIII century. His weight can hesitate from 3 to 4 kg, and height from 24 to 28 cm. That poodle is calm, elegant and beautiful dog, wonderful companion and devotee friend. In addition, this deft and obedient crumb is considered one of the smartest and easily trained breeds.

11th place: - one of ancient breeds Dogs, originally from the Central Mediterranean. The growth of this snow-white crumbbeans fluctuates within the borders. 20-25 cm, and weight - 3-4 kg. A wonderful character and calm temperament make the Maltese Bologna perfect companion. Dogs of this breed are very cheerful, devotees, intelligent and easily leaving for training. Despite its tiny dimensions, they are distinguished by courage and endlessness.

10th place: - Miniature breed of dogs, derived in Italy and obtained its name in honor italian city Bologna. The growth of the Bologna varies from 25 to 30 cm, and the weight is from 2.5 to 4 kg. Representatives of this breed can be described as restrained, affectionate and smart dogswho learn quickly and are well to train. And the inherent cheerful and kind knife makes it from the Italian Bologna of excellent companions.

9th place: - an ancient decorative rock of small dogs, derived in the XVI century and received its name from french word. "Papillon", which means "Butterfly". According to one of the versions, their homeland is Spain, on the other - Belgium. Breed standards say that papillons must weigh from 2.3 to 4.5 kgand the height can vary from 20 to 28 cm. They are very funny, affectionate and movable animals who love to run around the perimeter of the house and scare rodents and other small creatures. Occupy the 8th place.

8th place: - Miniature dog, derived in England in the XIX century. According to the standards of the club of dog breeding, the dogs of this breed should weigh from 2.7 to 3.6 kgand their growth can fluctuate within 25-30 cm. Most English terriers are attractive, friendly and playful dogs, infinitely loyal owner. At the same time, they possess a kind of character, and some of the excessive "characteristic" representatives need to be seriously trained.

7th place: - Decorative breed of dogs, which has previously popular in Chinese and Japanese imperial courtyards. The weight of this little long-haired dog can hesitate from 1.8 to 4 kgand height from 20 to 27 cm. Japanese Hin - playful, sociable and cheerful dog, having a calm temperament and excellent character. It is very fast and easy to study, able to master the mass of complex teams at minimal effort.

6th place: That focister (american toy Terrier)it is a small dog that directly comes from a large focister. Representatives of this breed may weigh from 1.5 to 4 kgand their height varies within 21.5-29 cm. That focister smart and active dogs that are well learning and can easily learn to respond to a large number of commands. They are very funny, loving and endlessly dedicated animals, truly perfect homemade companions.

5th place: - The most tiny representative of Spites, named after Pomerania, the historical region of Germany. Known as a favorite breed of the English Queen Victoria. Representatives of this breed originating from large riding dogs today have growth 13-28 cm, and weight 1.9-3.5 kg. Pomeranian Spitz is a smart, friendly, sociable and faithful baby, without fear that falls on the defense of his owner. Its small size will successfully compensate for exceptional intelligence, thanks to which he is well learning. Pomeranian spitz takes the 23rd place in.

4th place: - Little breed of dogs, which was led in the Czech Republic in the 9th century. In those distant times, representatives of this breed on a par with other rats protected the property of their owners from rodents. Currently, the rats are mainly used as companion dogs, but at the same time they have not lost their dexterity and hunting instinct. The ideal weight of the tiny rat is 2.6 kgand height from 20 to 23 cm. They are very smart, playful, obedient, human loving, perfectly leaving for training and perfectly get along with children.

3 place: - the breed of miniature dogs, derived by Russian filmmakers in the second half of the twentieth century. There are two varieties of data of dogs-companion: long-haired and smooth-haired. The growth of Russian Toya varies from 20 to 28 cm, and the weight is from 1.4 to 3 kg. This breed is characterized by an extremely playful and friendly temper, a very devoted to his owner and perfectly beats with all family members, regardless of their age.

2nd place: - Little decorative breed of dogs, originated in the XIX century in the county of Yorkshire, England. The weight of York, according to the breed standards, should not exceed 3.2 kg. Growth does not exceed 23 cm. Despite the fact that the smallest dog from now living is Chihuahua by nickname bu, the smallest dog in history is recognized by Yorkshire Terrier Sylvia. She died in 1945 at the age of 2, her height in the withers was 6.3 cm, length from the tip of the nose to the base of the tail 9.5 cm and the weight of 113 grams.
Affectionate, energetic, inquisitive and bold yorks are ideal for keeping in an urban apartment. Thanks to its intelligence and the mind, they are easily trained and remember new teams at speed above average.

1st place: - The smallest breed of dogs in the world, found in 1850 in the Mexican state of Chihuahua, in honor of which was named. Dogs of this breed usually weigh from 0.5 to 3 kgand height can hesitate from 10 to 23 cm. Chihuahua nickname BU bu rose 10.16 cm, weight 675 grams and is the smallest of living dogs.
Chihuahua is distinguished by a large variety of colors and types of wool. Dogs of this breed are very kind, obedient, cheerful kids with the character of the real watchdogs, but at the same time very vapor and touchy.

By choosing a pocket dog breed, focus not only in the photo and the price, but also on the nature and features of care.

A lot of money usually takes a lot of money on decorative peskov: they need to be treated often, led to groom, wear. But it is easier to educate them, but you can even contain a communal service.

The article present an overview of the smallest breeds of dogs with names and photos, we will help you choose to choose and not mistaken when buying a miniature pet.

Pockets call dogs whose growth does not exceed 20 cm in the withers, and weight ranges from 600 to 2,000 g.

Despite the common name, the concepts of "pocket dogs" does not exist. This is an ordinary marketing stroke. Outwarms call so peels with a cat size.

In the official classification, they enter the group of small breeds of dogs or so-breeds. Their growth is up to 28 cm, and the weight up to 12 kg.

Another thing is fashionable trends and the desire of unscrupulous breeders to be progress. They are specially selected and cross the smallest individuals. And they sell them in 2 - 3 times more expensive than standard puppies.

Such selection leads to numerous health problems. Among them:

  • genetic disorders;
  • fragile skeleton;
  • bad metabolism;
  • underdevelopment of organs;
  • problems with bite due to too small jaws;
  • hammered childbirth;
  • small life expectancy.

However, miniature dogs are highly popular. Partially explains fashion. The future owners makes the idea of \u200b\u200b"entering light" with a small charming, which will sit on the handles all evening and receive compliments.

Dwarf Peskov has other advantages:

  • no longest walking;
  • well getting well with pets;
  • little eating;
  • no need a lot of space for content;
  • with a tiny pet conveniently traveling.

As a rule, pocket dogs are breeding people living in small apartments, and elderly. These are wonderful companions. But they will not suit busy careerists and families with children under 10 years old: mini pebbles require a lot of attention, and the child may accidentally harm the fragile pet.

There is another reason why dwarf dogs should not start for children. Such pets are easily excited nervous system.

The factor is exacerbated by insufficient, or completely absent education - usually the owners believe that a very small favorite is not dangerous and the dressura is not required.

As a result, the dog can respond aggression on childish pranks and games.

Names of breeds with photos and prices

Yorkshire Terrier

The Yorkshire Terrier is a cheerful and sensitive representative of pocket breeds. They require constant attention of the owner, active classes and walks.

Standard does not limit the minimum weight of York. It also has no division of breed species in growth, but in Russia the informal classification is adopted: super-mini - up to 1.5 kg, mini - 1.5 - 2 kg, standard - 2 - 3.1 kg.

The dog should be cleaned regularly, wipe the eyes from the zaki, to clean the ears and teeth, if necessary, to cut claws. The main problem with health is a gentle gastrointestinal tract and obesity.

Russian Toy Terrier

Russian Toy is the pride of domestic kinologists. Officially, the breed was recognized in 2006 - after more than half a century of breeding work.

There are two varieties of the breed of Toy Terrier - standard and mini. The weight of the latter does not exceed 1.5 kg.

In general, the Russian is the strong and straining dog. But the mini-tone has a very fragile physique. It is necessary to ensure that the pet does not jump from the surfaces above 0.4 m, to limit communication with children and other dogs - due to its temperament, males can enter into contractions with ps large sizes.

Most often, health problems in TEev arise with teeth, wool, leather, heart and gastrointestinal tract.

The toilet is perfectly adapted to urban conditions and does not require much care. It is enough time to bathe him and comb long-haired representatives.


Chihuahua is a classic representative of decorative dogs. This is the smallest breed in the world.

Although the standard is considered the weight of at least one and a half kilograms, representatives from 500 g to 1 kg also fit into normal.

Chihuahua Boy and brave. Damps subtly feel the owner, constantly accompany him, unobtrusively participate in all household matters.

This is the strongest breed of miniature dogs. If you follow health, pets almost do not hurt. Nevertheless, they are prone to allergies, problems with teeth and hydrocephalus.

Bitch can not give birth due to small size and narrow pelvis - they do cesarean section.

In the cold season, Chihuahua must necessarily wear well - they are heat-loving and easily fastened on drafts.

Pomeranian Spitz

There are 2 varieties of rocks: the joint-spitz or miniature (height in the withers 18 - 22 cm) and small orange spitz (height from 23 to 29 cm).

Also unofficially allocate two more types: Bebi Dol and Bear. From standard representatives, they differ only in the shape of the head.

Puppet and bear type are undesirable, since the stubble muzzle provokes problems with respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

To care for these pocket kids is difficult. They need regular physical exertion and a strict trainer.

Without proper education, oranges grow up stubborn and wayward.

The main time is combing. Combusting the peel is recommended no less than half an hour daily, maximum - in a day, otherwise, thick wool and undercoat are knocked up, koltuns are formed.


Papillon or continental-spaniels are also called butterfly dogs because of a kind of ears, resembling wings of moths.

These tiny peelings are complicated extremely harmoniously and firmly: unlike most other decorative rocks, they have a well developed muscles, durable joints and bones.

Papillons are smart and moving. These pocket pets require constant classes. They quickly assimilate the teams. But the lack of upbringing or the wrong dresser will make a pet and aggressive favorite.

Peskov are abundantly linen in autumn and spring. Link's duration - from 1 to 2 weeks. During this period, they are combed daily. The rest of the time - once every 2 - 3 days. Papillon should regularly brush his teeth, ears, eyes, cut claws.


Maltese Bolonka is a charming white baby with an angel character. They are focused on the owner, relatively refer to other family members, children and pets.

However, maltesis require constant attention and good upbringing. Otherwise, they will become alert, aggressive, uncontrollable.

Caring for Maltese Bolonka Standard. Every week it is necessary to check and clean the ears, eyes, teeth, cut claws. You can bathe as needed.

But with wool will have to tinker. Bologna combed every day at least 20 minutes. This pocket dog should be regularly cut. In the autumn-spring season it is better to shorten the hairs.

Walking with maltesis is necessary every day in a couple of hours. Despite the fact that the breed refers to decorative, these mini peels need active walks. In cold weather, dogs will need clothing and shoes.

Toy Fixter

Energetic and friendly that-foxterrier (amerta) with ears like battlea true friend and companion. He is tireless, ready to follow the host for the host for a walk and "help" in all matters.

This miniature dog can not call pocket. In her veins flows the blood of hunters and guards. She will be hunted with excitement to prevent and warn the strangers.

In the care of that-focterers unpretentious. Although they do not refuse long walks, it will be enough to withdraw them to the street half an hour a couple of times a day. Follow the short hair just - the fur coat is enough to comb once in 1 - 2 weeks with a massage brush.

Amertos are susceptible to allergies and colds. It is necessary to ensure that the pet does not get wet and was not on a draft. Often problems arise with joints and bones.

Japanese Hin.

These indoor dogs are beautiful companions and friends.

Japanese Khains are adjusted for the lifestyle of the hosts: next to the household they will play the role of a sofa pillow, and the active owner with pleasure to accompany in long walks.

Hins do not tolerate rudeness. Education can only be built on praise - screams and a formidable tone are unacceptable. They will not work with "bribes" in the form of toys and delicacies. The most desirable reward for these decorative peels is praise.

Despite long wool, problems in care will not arise. The fur coat is almost not dirty, the koltsunes are formed extremely rarely, the hairs are not confused. Dogs do not need to cut or braid - enough combing a couple of times a week.

Khains are strong and hardy pets. Clothing for them is not required. They rarely overeat and gain overweight. It is only necessary to monitor that the favorite does not overheat in the heat.

Petersburg Orchid

New breed of dogs, derived in St. Petersburg in 1997. They are rarely seen outside of St. Petersburg and especially Russia. Almost tribal animals are sold abroad.

The breed of St. Petersburg orchid has not yet been recognized - it is in the stage of removal.

Pet care is not too complicated. It is necessary to wipe the eyes every day, combed every 3 days, once a week brushing your teeth and ears, cut once every 1 to 2 months and bathe on the need.

Petersburg orchids are ideal companions for households. Walk they will prefer sleep on your favorite bed. These pocket dogs are clean, do not like to get dirty, rarely hooligany.

Speaking about specific breed diseases early. For St. Petersburg orchids, the same problems are typical of the same problems as for all very little pets: the pathology of the joints, the loss of teeth, the inflammation of the gums, frequent colds and sensitive digestion.

Toy Poodle

The poodle is the smallest representative of the breed. These pocket dogs were specifically derived for life in small apartments.

Miniature poodles are friendly with children, but badly get along with dogs and other pets.

The key moment in caring for a poodle - Grooming. Alone correctly cut a dwarf dog is unlikely to succeed. We have to find a good professional.

Wool almost does not lose, so it does not cause allergies. But the pet will have to often bathe (every 2nd - 3 weeks) and comb each day.

To walk the one-poodle start from the first months. That miniature dogs Important loads are physical and mental.

Training is not difficult - the sharp mind of the pet makes them with excellent disciples.

Toy-poodle is a very "painful" breed. They often encounter diabetes, otitis, dysplasia hip joint, inkeys, urolithiasis, congenital deafness, cataract, food allergy.

Where can I buy?

Get a miniature peel can different ways.

What kind of dog is better to choose, depends on the tastes of the future owner, its financial capabilities and the objectives of the institution - whether there will be a pet for exhibitions, starts like domestic loves or to emphasize the status.

In nursery

Best and most reliable way - Buy a dwarf dog in the nursery. In this case, the highest chance that the owner will get a healthy, psychological sustainable animal from parents with good genes.

In addition, conscientious breeders carefully follow the breed standards. They will not chase the fashion trends, "push" the knowingly sick puppy, let him be charming miniature bluet.

From ordinary owners

As a rule, simple hosts do not allow any intergenerate crossing, carefully follow the health of the mother and puppies.

Plus this method - a puppy can be purchased inexpensively, several times cheaper than in the nursery. Minus - puppy, most likely, will be without a pedigree.

You can find ads for sale in hometown Or learn from acquaintances. Another option is to ask local kinologists. They know their "wards" and their owners, and will prompt where to contact.

On the announcement

You can buy a puppy by viewing the bulletin board on the Internet. For example, Avito, Yula and those like it.

However, it should be careful - along with ads from breeders and conscientious owners, often come across proposals for the sale of patients with animals and methives. Often, an ordinary puppy is given for a pocket dog, which grows twice as the promised.

Creet for free

With thoroughbred animals just do not part. If in the urban public or on the bulletin board hangs the announcement of the transmission of a dog in good hands, you need to know the reason why pets give. It is best if it is moving.

The worst version - when the owners give a pet for free "Because I'm tired." As a rule, it will be an unspitable animal with psychological problems.

Get as a gift

If you really want a dwarf dog, and there is not enough money for her, you can hint at your own, friends and acquaintances, which is not averse to get a dear friend.

But this method is not particularly good:

  • an animal undesirable to start during the holidays - the time for him will be enough time for him;
  • restrictions appear in the selection - friends can buy a sick animal or methis on the bird market;
  • you can get not suitable for the nature of the pet.

How to choose a miniature dog?

When a decision to buy a pocket dog is accepted, the question arises - how to choose a puppy? Several tips will help this:

Before staying on some kind of breed, it is desirable to see in adult dogs - in a nursery, on a platform or exhibition. Puppies are all cute, and the crown animals may not like.
And even more so do not choose a pet only in a photo or video.

Pocket dogs are often raised due to simple content. In addition, small breeds are a kind of tribute to fashion.

The purebred puppies are expensive and emphasize the status of the owner just like an elite watch or suit.

But it is not worth perceiving miniature peeling only as an accessory: this is a living being with its own character, the need for attention and health problems.

Decorative and indoor dogs include representatives of rocks that are not intended to perform any work: protection, protection, hunting, running. Their main task is to be a faithful and devoted family. Decorative Dogs: What kind of breeds, who are suitable for such pets? Let's figure it out.

Decorative Dogs: Breed Overview

In the dilution of dwarf dogs, breeders paid attention mainly to preserve the attractive appearance of the rock. For example, the Glory of Lviv is fixed behind Pekingese, and the Padel is known for fluffy curly wool.

The sophisticated features of the "Room Lion" - the result of the painstaking work of breeders

In the course of breeding, mutant changes were often preserved:

  • low growth;
  • short, incorrectly planted paws;
  • long fusing wool;
  • changes in the nasal partition;
  • changes in organs of vision.

They did not allow the animals to perform the initial functions: to hunt, guard, attack. Therefore, such dogs remained in household homes as companions.

Despite the fact that the parameters of indoor rocks are distorted and far from the ideal, there are always demand for them.

Features of the nature that are valued in these pets:

  • friendliness and devotion;
  • affectionate;
  • playfulness;
  • good attitude towards people and other animals;
  • observation on training.

The inability of decorative dogs to perform traditional dog functions are compensated by their good nature and openness

The last item is especially important, since many owners forget to train indoor pieces due to their prettyness.

Hunting and guard qualities (developed sense of smell, physical strength and endurance) in most animals are not developed enough.

Who is suitable room breed?

The variety of breed companion indicates that each owner will be able to choose a dog in accordance with its living conditions:

What decorative dog to choose?

When choosing a decorative rock, it is necessary to rely on the classification of an international cynological federation, in which the bedroom dogs belong to the category "Companion" and "Toy". These are the following breeds:

  1. Bishons.
  2. Griffons and related Belgian breeds.
  3. Japanese khains.
  4. Toy-spaniel.
  5. Molossa of the sizes.
  6. Toy-size carriage.
  7. British spaniels of the sizes.
  8. Dogs without wool.
  9. Representatives of Tibetan breeds.
  10. Pekingese.

This classification does not include dogs that are not registered as a breed in the federation, or those that previously performed service functions, but they have lost them over time. Nevertheless, they are also sewn to the dwarf room rocks:

  1. Beagle.
  2. Dwarf Pinscher.
  3. Russian Bologna.
  4. Beaver.
  5. Sheltie.
  6. Miniature Schnauzer.
  7. Prague Rowrik.
  8. Miniature dachshund.

Despite the fact that the classification includes dogs with relatively similar characteristics (growth, character traits), each of them is inherent in individual signs and features (care, feeding, character). Therefore, when choosing an animal, it is necessary to rely not only on its appearance, but also detailed description breed.

Characteristic of decorative breed dogs

Below are the most well-known breeds of decorative and indoor dogs.

Yorkshire Terrier

One of the most popular miniature breeds is currently. Attracts external species:

  • long smooth wool without undercoat;
  • milkid face expression;
  • small triangular standing ears.

Contrary to his decorativeness, Yorkie won't mind

Despite the tiny size, they retained the quality of the terriers. They are active, playful and friendly to people. Contrary to popular belief, they need a thorough educational process - some active individuals run away, attack other animals, try to find and swallow production, which leads to injuries and stomach disorders.

Table 1. Advantages and disadvantages of yorkshire terriers

Australian silky (Silk-) Terrier

Another representative of long-haired terriers, among whose ancestors also includes yorks. Distinctive features:

  • silk shiny long wool;
  • well-pronounced oblong nose and ears;
  • corporal squatful torso.

These terriers are easily trading tricks and love them to demonstrate

Unlike york terriers, Australians are considered more proud and affectionate not only with family members, but also with the surrounding people and animals. Representatives of this breed love to be in the center of attention: they are glad to show tricks, play, emotionally and with bark react to what is happening around.

Table 2. Advantages and disadvantages of silky terrier


The world's smallest dogs belong to this breed. It is difficult to confuse with other breeds. distinctive features:

  • little size (maximum esobi weight no more than 3 kilograms);
  • pointed muzzle with smart eyes;
  • triangular ears sticking on sides;
  • good folded miniature torso.

Chihuahua are presented in different colors: red and chocolate, monophonic and with subales, white, dairy, black. The wool can be both short and long, smooth or slightly curly.

Smart dogs with an inquisitive character are active and mobile, but not annoying. In addition, they are distinguished by fearlessness: they are able to rush to protect the owner, even if the opponent is several times more.

Table 3. Advantages and disadvantages of Chihuahua

Video - Chihuahua and York: similarities and differences

Pomeranian Spitz

These little fluffy dogs possess an interesting and long history. Received in Germany because of their miniature sizes, they conquered England and the United States to return to their homeland later with triumph. You can get acquainted with other you can on our portal.

External signs of spitzes are as follows:

  • mainly redhead or chocolate wool color;
  • the muzzle resembles a fox (pointed version) or a bear (softened version);
  • fluffy wool sticks out in all directions, forming a kind of cloud like.

Unpretentious pomeranian spitza Inherited from their large fellow - Wolf Spitz

Active cheerful spitches easily communicate with all family members, especially if all the attention is paid only to them. It is easy to travel with them, they are unpretentious in education. It is advisable not to leave alone with young children. After inept handling, the companions become irritable and sharp.

Table 4. Advantages and disadvantages of orange spa

West Highland White Terrier

Recently, representatives of the breed acquire greater popularity compared to other indoor dogs.

White terrier white wool does not require careful care

Distinctive features of the West Highland are as follows:

  • white smooth medium length;
  • pointed nose and ears;
  • sunny face expression.

West Highland are valued for playful temper and pleasant. But if the house is planned to breed several animals at once, it is better to take puppies at the same time so as not to cause jealousy.

West Highland loves attention from the owner, but the obsession does not allow themselves

With family members, terriers quickly find a common language, love to play and spend time in nature, do not interfere with the owners during the rest.

Table 5. Advantages and disadvantages of West Highland

Continental Toy-Spaniel (Papillon)

For this breed, the nickname "Butterfly" was entrusted due to the characteristic form of its ears, resembling the wings of this insect. Papilians are famous for their mind and rapid perception of teams. The following external characteristics are characteristic of active playful dogs:

  • mainly white color with black, red or gray spots;
  • standing ears framed by long wool;
  • smooth wool, falling on the ears, skirt and tail.

Papilleons are often mistakenly taken for a separate breed, although they are only the most common variety of reaches. Another branch is Fallen. Their ears are in a hanging position, unlike papillon.

Papillon can safely withdraw for a walk: these dogs are perfectly disassembled in the rules of etiquette

Suitable for lovers of an active lifestyle. Love to walk for a long time, run and perform physical exercises. Friendly in relation to other animals.

In order to grow active and healthy papillon, it is important to follow their diet since childhood. What products and how often it is necessary to feed puppies of continental to-spaniel puppies, read further.

Table 6. Advantages and disadvantages of continental rebounds

Velsh Corgy.

Funny companions with the face of chanterelles have long been appreciated at the British Royal Yard. The appearance of Velsh Cherdy implies the following nuances:

  • strong oblong torso;
  • low but native legs;
  • fox muzzle.

Despite congenital activity, Corgi is easily adjusted for the mood and routine of the owner. Dogs of this breed are not inclined to reproduce excess noise and fussy movements.

Table 7. Advantages and disadvantages of Welsh Corgi

Chinese crested dog

The appearance of this breed will definitely not leave a single passerby indifferent:

  • tassels of light wool on the ears, head, tail and paws;
  • naked skin of a blue-gray shade, sometimes with beige or pinkish spots.
  • the oblong sharp face with cunning eyes.

The main sign of Chinese crested - cleanness, which manifests itself not only in the absence of wool, but also in love for bath procedures. The dog is rapidly tied to the owner, responds with devotion to him, protects against aggression in the event of an attack. Character - energetic, playful. Loves to jump, but quickly calms down at the request of the owner.

Table 8. Advantages and disadvantages of the Chinese Crested Dog


Some people negatively belong to the pugs because of their characteristic hoarseness, but it is in vain. The friendliness of the representatives of the breed comes to the fact that they calmly divide the sofa with cats. Noteworthy appearance and color:

  • mainly white-cream with black marks on the nose, paws, ears, or completely black;
  • flusted, up to the top of the nose;
  • large, slightly surprised eyes.

Life in four walls is quite satisfied with pug

Despite the playful nature of the animal, Pug does not require long-term active walks - it is enough 2-3 times a day for a while withdrawing him to the street.

Despite the length, short harsh breed wool needs special care, because it often lines and dumps. It is necessary to comb regularly a pet and bathe it. In hot weather you can wipe the animal torso with a cosmetic wet cloth.

Table 9. Advantages and disadvantages of pug

Czech (Bohemian) Terrier

Despite the fact that the breed appeared relatively recently (in 1963), she also managed to gain popularity among dog breeders.

Number distinctive features Czech terriers include:

  • oblong strong physique;
  • oblong massive jaws;
  • small smart eyes of the middle planting.

Bohemian terriers were initially divorced for protection and protection, but over time they lost these qualities by turning into the discharge of decorative rocks.

Representatives of the breed love actively walks. Easy to get along in urban conditions. Have a smart, balanced character. Despite the active migrant and regular need for a cosmetic haircut, to care for Bohemian terriers at home is easy - to comb wool enough from time to time and bathe them.

Table 10. Advantages and disadvantages of Czech Terrier


Despite belonging to the general class of decorative dogs, each breed has a set of unique individual qualities. Due to this, each owner can make an optimal choice in favor of a faithful friend, unpretentious companion, exhibition handsome or an active comrade.

The choice of four-legged friend must be taken seriously, especially if this is your first experience. Buying a dog is an important and responsible decision. The appearance of a pet in your home will require patience, free time and additional financial spending. It depends on its chosen breed its character, the ability to train, tendency to diseases.

We define goals

Before purchasing a pet, decide for what purpose you do it. You choose domestic pet, watchdogs or companion? Answer yourself on a number of questions that will help you choose the four-legged pet breed:

Choosing Paul Dogs

Purchasing pet, please an important nuance: Males and bitch need different care. Female dogs are more devotees compared to the opposite sex. They are easier to train, more prickly. However, bitch deliver a lot of trouble to their owners regular flows, unplanned or false pregnancy. Therefore, if your plans are not included in the breeding of puppies, think about the operation sterilization of the dog.

Males are emotionally more persistent, tend to take a dominant position, so they require more strict upbringing. Pots show an active interest in the bits all year round.

Age of pets

In the purchase of a puppy or adult dog There are a plus and cons. The baby must be educated, teach it to hygienic procedures, toilet. But, your pet will quickly get used to you, a new surrounding and your own behavior standards.

Brought up, adult dog will not allow themselves to make a puddle in the middle of the room or bother your shoes. But, addiction to new owners and the house can be long and painfully. The dog may wander former owners, abandon meals and demonstrate disobedience.

However, your patience and love for a new pet, regardless of his age, will bring you the expected result.

Dogs - guards

Do you want to buy a pet for the protection of your housing? For this role, not all breeds of dogs are suitable. So, hunting patterns Completely unsuitable for this, and Fight-bred specifically for fights are experiencing warm feelings to all people without exception, which is unacceptable for watchdogs.

For the protection of a private house, well suited:

With the guard of the apartment, they coped perfectly:

Dogs for hunting

If you choose yourself a four-legged friend for a joint hunt, choose the pets of the breed:

Hunting dogs can be kept both in a large house and in an urban apartment. Since they are characterized by hyperactivity, they need daily active long walks.

Decorative dogs

Homemade pets of decorative rocks are perfect for accommodation in the apartment. Most dogs have small sizes and friendly. When choosing a decorative four-legged friend, pay attention to:

Decorative pets, like any breed of dogs, needs upbringing. They need to instill elementary behavior skills.

Choosing pet pet Examine the features of one or another breed, the rules for the care of puppies, a tendency to disease. Take the reasonable to this issue and then you will acquire a devotee and loving friend.

What kind of dog breeds - of course small, because you won't call such a huge Tibetan mastiff. Another name of indoor dogs is decorative, and today we will find out which of them the most popular and best suited for small apartments.

Breed of indoor dogs with photos

Australian Terrier - Little Room Breed

Australian terrier - a small dog with a very bold and brave character. The dog of this breed is well suited to those who are looking for a minor security guard, which possesses an energetic temper and justified self-confidence.

Height in the withers of the smallest representatives of the terriers 25 cm., And the weight is about 6.5 kg. By nature, this work dog, but friendly and dedicated character makes her excellent companionwhich is used in our time as a room breed of dogs.

Indoor dog breeds - Australian Terrier (Photo by Lilly M).

Alaskan Kli Kai - Room Husky

A feature of the dwarf spitz is that it is impossible to determine the type of breed immediately after the birth of a small puppy, and only at a young age of 12 months when the body of the dog and wool is fully formed. Dogs of this breed require special attention and care because of the humble appearance and brittle physique.

- Little bedroom dog breed (Photo by Keira Morgan).

Norwich Terrier

Norwich Terrier, or Norwich Terrier - a small sports dog, the content of which once the students of Cambridge considered one of the most prestigious pleasures. A small companion with a fallen tail, and short limbs is considered a good fox hunter.

Norwich's growth is approximately 26 cm, it has a sociable character, loves children and get along with other animals. Such a dog is great for a hunter who lives in the city, because the peculiarity of this breed is the ability to take root in all conditions, as well as natural endurance capable of overcoming the longest and difficult walk.

Photo of indoor dogs - Norwich Terrier (Photo by Harold).


Many are extremely popular and one of them. The dimensions of these dogs constitute only 15-23 centimeters of height and 1.5-3 kilograms of weight, so that they can be kept even in the smallest one-room apartment.

As a rule, the dogs of the Chihuahua breed live from 10 to 18 years. They have a very kind and cheerful character, and a peculiar form of face and eyes create an impression of a constantly fun expression. In general, if you are looking for a small breed of indoor dogs - Chihuahua is suitable with a bang.

Indoor dogs: breeds with photos and names. Chihuahua nicknames Tsats Bonita.

Yorkshire Terrier

Another suitable for the role of room dogs is. She is not only one of the smallest in the world, but also boasts a slightly perky character and a very beautiful long fur coat - to whom they will not like such qualities.

The growth of adult york can reach 17 centimeters, and the life expectancy ranges from 13 to 16 years. Among other things, York can be easily teaching to go to a cat toilet, so that the breed can really be called room. However, do not forget that anyone, even the smallest dog, necessary regular walks on the street.

House dogs photo - adult yorkshire terrier (Photo by ed youdon).

French Bulldog

If you are looking for a bedroom breed of dogs with a formidable pancay, it is not bad to cope with this role. If all other little dogs are very decorative, then the French Bulldog is rather similar to only a reduced size.

Unlike previous breeds of room dogs, the French bulldog with small sizes weighs from 8 to 15 kg, and all due to the more powerful physique. It is worth noting that due to the peculiarities of the face, representatives of this breed create peculiar sounds, resembling grunts, so they are not suitable for everyone.

Pet breeds of dogs with photos - French Bulldog (Photo by Daniel Nyström).


Pug - Undoubtedly, the star of the film "People in Black". But the popularity of this dog came long before the shooting of the legendary comedy. Pops have ancient history And great popularity, because long before our time these dogs were wearing a glamorous lady with them.

The growth of Pug 25-35 cm, and the weight is 5.7-7.7 kg, which allows him to call himself a representative of the type-decorative dogs. The character of the pug is as interesting as the appearance, they are devotees and curious, all x life is to communicate with a person, which makes them the best companions.

Breed room dogs with photos and description - Pug (Photo by CleMetnic).

In this article, MI considered not all the breeds of room dogs with photos and names. The dog's world is so big that sometimes you can get lost in the simplest choice. It is clear that the bedroom dogs are, first of all, the small breeds of dogs of the Class Tii, but the bedroom dogs can also be called more major representativeswhich are capable of being not only companions, but also by the guards of the house, and hunters, and even guide. It is worth only to teach the dog what you need, and in return to give love and love.