The smell of mouth in the child. It smells like acetone from the mouth of a komarovsky unpleasant smell of mouth from the child 4

There are several reasons for Galitoza by the child - among the main:

  • Separate drinks or foods (such as onions or garlic, corn, cheese, as well as separate juices) can worsen the smell for a while. Causeous factors of the appearance of various pathogenic bacteria in the mouth, an unpleasant smell may also become excessive use of sweets;
  • The absence of oral hygiene - as children are mainly not like to brush their teeth and do it infrequently, there is an unpleasant smell, because without regular cleaning of teeth in the oral cavity, bacteria begin to accumulate. The smell can be among other things with the symptom of caries or problems with the devices;
  • Fungi in the oral cavity. With a healthy microflora, the balance of microbes and mushrooms is observed in the mouth, and in case of destabilization of this balance, an inflammatory process begins, which is accompanied by a bad smell. The imbalance may occur as a result of improper power (for example, if the child eats many products containing starch). This disease is manifested in the form of white dots in the lips, lips or cheeks on the inside. In the event of such signs, you need to show the kid to the doctor;
  • Ring the child in the language. It should be remembered that in addition to the teeth, children need to be cleaned also a language, because food particles accumulate in the irregularities of the tongue, which is why the reproduction of bacteria begins and the bad smell appears. It is necessary to clean the language regularly. Babies should be wiped with its wet pure gauze;
  • Mouth's breathing - this process contributes to the occurrence of dryness in the mouth, as a result of which a bad smell may occur;
  • Mucus in sinus sinuses of the nose. The mucus accumulating in the nasopharynk and sinuses is quite common pathology, as a result of which there is a bad smell of mouth, as well as an unpleasant taste. Children, sinusitis in chronic form or seasonal allergies, are also susceptible to Halitoz, because due to the breath of the mouth, natural humidity in the nasopharynk is drained, and the accumulated mucus creates the smell. Individual anti-allergenic drops for the nose can also provoke its occurrence;
  • Problems with almonds in chronic tonsillitis. In this case, pathogenic microbes begin to multiply in them, which is why they become loose. Sometimes of the tonsils are white-yellow lumps having a sharp smell. Usually they constitute the remains of food stuck in the almonds and starting the process of rotting. With such a problem, it is necessary after each meal rinse the baby's throat with a simple water. It is also necessary to remove dairy products from its diet (cheese and cottage cheese), seeds;
  • Gastrointestinal disorders due to the increase in the level of acidity of the gastric secret, the child appears a bad smell of oral cavity. Sometimes it arises as a result of food eating, which is too heavy for the baby;
  • Fear, stressful state or strong emotional overvoltage - at the same time, the mucous membrane usually occurs, or vice versa begins abundant saliva selection. Both of these factors can be causable poor smell factors.

Risk factors

Factors contributing to the development of Galitoz in children:

  • Indoors where a child is located, constantly dry air;
  • The activity and excessive mobility of the baby, because of which it sweats heavily, which causes drying in the mouth;
  • The development of any ARVI (with flu or any cold, respiratory organs dry up, and a lot of mucus accumulates, which serves as a source of additional protein for microbes (which, splitting, forms sulfur compounds);
  • Various inflammatory processes of chronic nature in respiratory organs - bronchitis, angina or pneumonia;
  • The presence of the caries of the caries or periodontal diseases;
  • Allergic runny nose, as a result of which surplus the mucus accumulates in the mouth and nose cavities;
  • Inflammation of adenoids.


In the event of a disease of the organs of the digestive system, concomitant symptoms are meteorism, changing the chair, jeeping and belching, as well as constipation.

If inflammation in the field of nasopharynks appears, among other signs - the folds and the nose are highlighted, and also appears eyes under the eyes. Also in this case, the child will snoring in a dream and breathe through the mouth.

In addition, halitosis can accompany the following manifestations:

  • Separation of teeth or toothache;
  • Unpleasant feelings in the throat (allocation, "com", pain);
  • Mucus flows along the rear wall of the throat;
  • Breathing through the nose is complicated;
  • Nausea, as well as belching and heartburn;
  • Dryness in the oral cavity;
  • Feeling thirst;
  • Unpleasant taste;
  • Cough with blood.


There are several types of unpleasant odor arising in the mouth at the kid.


The study of blood through biochemical analysis is performed (in this case, the level of glucose, liver and renal enzymes is analyzed). Also, the patient takes the feces analysis to identify the possible presence of worm eggs.

Instrumental diagnostics

There are also instrumental diagnostics procedures.

Sulfide monitoring, in which, using a special device, a haliemeter, a doctor calculates the number of sulfur compounds in the air that exhales the patient.

Farmingopy (throat survey) and laryngoscopy (larynx examination) are performed. In the second case, optical devices are used for more detailed inspection - flexible fibrolaryngoscope and hard laryngoscope.

The nose with the nasopharynk is checked through the endoscope.

In some cases, to eliminate the diseases of the separation sinuses, it is carried out by CT or X-ray of this area.

In addition to the specific smell of the mouth, accompanied by painful redness or ulcers on the mucous membrane. The child complains of pain in his mouth, capricious, refuses to eat, so it's not difficult to detect it.

Kids from 1 to 3 years caused stomatitis is most often candidiasis or herpes, and older children are more susceptible to allergic and aphtose stomatitis. Treatment of the disease selects the doctor, depending on the type, the child may need antifungal pills and suspensions, anti-inflammatory, antihistamines, antiviral agents, antiseptics and painkillers.


An unpleasant smell of mouth is the faithful satellite of the majority of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It usually does not arise in itself, and the child also complains about pain in the stomach, belching, heartburn, nausea, bloating and other unpleasant symptoms.

Do not tighten with a visit to the doctor! It is necessary to exclude as soon as possible from the "list of suspects" gastritis, worms, dysbacteriosis and other dangerous pathologies.

Self-treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in children is unacceptable: it is necessary to pass the analysis of the feces, pass the ultrasound of the liver and pancreas, the endoscopy of the stomach and other procedures.

4.Tanzillitis and adenoiditis

The inflammation of the sky and nasophal almonds occurs in children quite often, and is always accompanied by an unpleasant smell of mouth. But if the aggravation of tonsillitis is difficult not to notice due to severe pain in the throat and high temperature, then adenoiditis develops almost asymptomatic. Parents should pay attention to the difficulty of nasal breathing without a cold and the child's habit of breathing his mouth.

The strategy for treating these diseases is determined by ENT. The therapy of tonsillitis involves bed rest, abundant drinking, taking antibiotics, antipyretic and painkillers. It depends on their degree: if the light forms of the disease are amenable to conservative methods (injection of nose, vitaminotherapy, calcium drugs), then adenoids of the second and third stage can remove surgically (adenotomy).

If no diseases in the child were found, but the unpleasant smell of mouth occurs anyway, parents should correct its diet. Limit the use of sweets and carbohydrate foods, make focus on fruits (apples, oranges, kiwi): They stimulate salivation, clean the teeth, mouth mucous membrane, and breathing becomes fresh.

Maria Nitkin

The topic of unpleasant smell of mouth in children is usually not terrible and does not tell us anything particularly serious. However, parents turn to the doctor, as this issue gives discomfort, and besides this creates certain restrictions in communication. Among the inhabitants of the United States, a study was conducted, within the framework of which the question was asked how much they are bothering the problem of unpleasant smell of mouth? In fifty percent of the respondents, this question caused a bright response, and half of the respondents are ready to lead a child to the hospital when a similar unpleasant phenomenon occurs.

Halitosis, he is a bad smell of mouth, is the result of problems with the oral cavity and the nasopharynk. Experiences that the smell of the mouth is evidence of pathologies and problems of digestive organs and other internal systems of the body does not always correspond to reality, because the esophagus with the "valve" passes between the oral cavity and the stomach, blocking the odor output. But in some cases, a certain smell can still talk about serious illness.

Why does a child smell like a bad thing?

The most basic reason for the appearance of unpleasant breathing at the kid, in fact, as in adults, is a lack of saliva. Due to the dryness of the oral cavity of the bacteria, which are in the mouth, begin to highlight sulfur-containing substances, which give an unpleasant odor. Therefore, you should pay attention to how the child breathes, it is important that breathing does not occur through the mouth, but only through the nose. Proper breathing with the help of the nose will avoid problems with drying in the mouth and the seizure of the bite of the child.

The food product of these most ill-fated bacteria is a protein that is in mucus. If the child is clogged and the mucus does not pass, it is rather not swallowed, then the processes of infection begins in the place of the "blockage" - this is also a clear sign of poor smell of mouth. The mucus can accumulate not only in the nasal cavity, but also in the throat, creating new pastures for bacteria.

Correct cavity care - one and basic ways to avoid problems

Another reason is not enough good hygienic care. As the day during the wakefulness, it is formed during the teeth at the teeth and if the cleaning of the teeth will not be completed in good faith, then for goodbye "Flower breathing". The flare is also postponed in the language, it is here that most often begins to eat and multiply bacteria. Slip language should be removed the same as the dental.

You need to teach a child to use not only a toothbrush, but also tooth thread, because food, even its small particles that cannot be removed using a brush, get stuck between the teeth, starting the processes of decomposition and infancy. The teeth should be cleaned twice a day (on awakening and before bedtime), destroying the flare and food remains, which are the main provocateur of unpleasant "fragrances".

Dental teeth neglence will necessarily make itself felt in the form of unpleasant breathing, especially if a hole formed in the tooth, and they did not pay attention to it. Launched teeth can bring a lot of trouble beyond unpleasant breathing, including infection, stomatitis and.

If all the conditions for the correct care of the oral cavity are still observed, and the smell does not disappear, then the reason may be hidden much deeper. In such a situation, it is very important to determine the nature of the fragrance - this will help the doctor to assume specific diseases and start checking from them. What the smell says from mouth:

  • the ulcer of the stomach can smell rotten eggs;
  • inflammatory processes with reduced acidity - the smell of rot;
  • ammonia smells due to kidney problems;
  • the smell of acetone may indicate diabetes mellitus and problems in the work of the thyroid gland;
  • violations in metabolism sometimes give the smell of boiled cabbage.
  • Diseases causing this problem, many, very important to pay attention to the problem in time and contact the hospital.

Treatment methods

Many situations will need to appeal to the doctor, but it is not always the dentist

In order to begin treatment, one of the above reasons should be found:

  • if the reason is to dry out in the mouth, then lemon should be squeezed into ordinary water, making a light lemon drink. In the water capacity, you can throw the rolling of lemon, because even one thought about this fruit involuntarily makes our saliva stand out, creating an unsuitable environment for the life of bacteria. The resulting solution to drink in moments of drying and the problem will disappear by itself. Also an excellent way to cause salivation is a chewing gum that can not only kill bacteria, but also to give fresh smell of mint, lemon, etc.
  • if the cause of unpleasant breathing is a mucus that can be formed in the nasopharynx, then you can resort to salt solutions. During sleep, the nose mucus can remain on the inner wall of the larynx and the morning smell of the mouth will be necessary. In such cases, you can put an additional pillow under the mattress, which would raise the head of the sleeping child above, helping him to swallow the mucous accumulation.

In other cases, it is necessary to establish a type of disease that caused unpleasant breathing and conduct targeted treatment according to the information received.

In what way to consult a doctor

If the cause is a dental problem, then the appeal to the specialist will be needed. A visit to a dentist's doctor will allow cure sick teeth, as well as get a qualified consultation on the rules and methods of cleaning, both teeth and the surface of the language.

The reasons for ENT character will also require a campaign to a specialist. Difficulties in respiration may indicate increased adenoids, and this is the reason for the poor mouth of the mouth. Elimination of difficulties in breathing with a nose, as well as the prevention of diseases of the nasopharynx mucosa, drying it, will allow you to have fresh and pleasant breathing.

The bad smell of the kid from the mouth can occur at a variety of reasons, starting with stress and ending with diseases of the digestive system. Most often, the khalitosis in children arises due to late cleaning of teeth, excessive dryness in the oral cavity and nose, after purification and moisturizing it passes. If the child constantly smells from mouth, you need to immediately consult a doctor. Ozostomy (so doctors call Khalitosis) may be the first sign of serious illness, parents should not be easily treated for this symptom. It is advisable to turn to the dentist, check the condition of the teeth and the gums of crumbs. If an unpleasant symptom did not disappear, refer to the pediatrician, make a common blood test, depending on its results, refer to narrow specialists.

The smell of mouth in the child may indicate a variety of diseases.

Specific sharp smell

Parents' alarm must cause a specific smell of a kid's mouth, which does not pass after the hygiene procedures. Limit the use of sweets, heavy protein food, provide him with plenty of drink. Usually after these events, children's khalitosis passes.

Below we will tell, which odors should cause an instant reaction from parents.

Acetone (acetic, solvent)

The smell of acetone or a chemical solvent coming from the baby, especially against the background of elevated temperatures, should cause maximum alarm of parents. It appears with acetional syndrome - a dangerous state, quite often occurring in children of different ages. In suspected of its emergence, it is necessary to immediately cause an ambulance, before the arrival of the doctors, disappeared by the baby with boiled water often in small quantities (for a teaspoon).

The unstantaneous acetone smell may be a sign of kidney diseases, malnutrhea, helminthosis (worms), dysbacteriosis, diabetes mellitus. In any case, it is advisable to immediately consult a doctor.


There appears with insufficient oral hygiene, the occurrence of ENT diseases (angina, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, in parallel with the child there is a white tongue, the nose is laid, cough appears), stomatite, caries, reduced gastric acidity (crumbs often hurts the belly), the presence of esophagus disease . It is necessary to contact the dentist, Laura, a gastroenterologist, systematically brush the teeth with a children's toothbrush and paste, provide a drinking mode.


The sharp purulent smell accompanies chronic inflammation and the growth of lymphoid fabric in the nasopharynx of the baby. The almonds are covered with a purulent raid, plugs are formed by an unpleasant smell. The child has a high temperature, blooming on the throat, runny nose, is covered. Contact your pediatrician, you may need antibiotic treatment. After recruiting, breathing will again become fresh.

Another reason for stupid breathing against the background of abundant allocation of dense yellowish snotes can be the presence of some kind of item in the nostril of the baby. Contact Laura to inspect the spout of your baby.


If the baby has an acidic smell of mouth, this can signal to increase the acidity inflammatory process in the stomach. It is necessary to refer to the gastroenterologist, check the crumb for gastritis. The second cause of stupid respiration is reflux, or getting gastric juice to the esophagus Baby. In this case, the patient suffers from heartburn, pain in the hypochondrium.


Does the baby have a shrill sweet fragrance from her mouth? There is reason to assume the presence of liver problems. It is important to promptly visit the gastroenterologist - the symptom occurs during hepatitis or cirrhosis of the liver.


If chemistry smells from Karapus, it is desirable to check the condition of the digestive organs, especially the gallbladder, this symptom is characteristic of dyskinesia of biliary tract.


The specific smell of chlorine with an admixture of metal notes appears with elevated bleeding of gums and periodontal disease. Contact your dentist and check the condition of the teeth and the gums of your crumbs.


The appearance of the smell of iodine is an effort to urgently turn to the endocrinologist, as it may indicate an excess of iodine, which accumulates in the body of the Baby. Such a state may occur after a long stay at the sea, after receiving iodine preparations, in the presence of the pathology of the thyroid gland. The infants of the iodine shade appears in the infection of Klebsiella - the bacterium falling into a children's body with unwashed fruit and an amazing stomach and intestines.


If the newborn smells the mouth of the bile, it can talk about the bad outflow of bile. Consult a doctor, make an ultrasound of the abdominal organs, pass overall analyzes.


The presence of a metal lift and smell of iron from the mouth of the baby can signal the occurrence of iron deficiency anemia. The blood test should be taken to determine the level of hemoglobin, when confirming the diagnosis, take vitamin complexes with an increased iron content.

The second reason is the presence of gastritis, increased acidity, dysbiosis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.


Ammonia smell talks about kidney pathologies, as well as diabetes mellitus. The reason for its appearance is to reduce insulin levels, impaired carbohydrate metabolism.


It is extremely rare. It is primarily associated with poor heredity, it appears in metabolic disorders, sometimes accompanies acute intestinal dysbiosis. Diagnosed by an endocrinologist or a gastroenterologist.

Rotten eggs

Openings, smell of rotten eggs, white flare in the language - these are symptoms of gastritis, ulcers, diseases of the liver, disruption of the outflow of bile. Finding the newborn and child older Halitosis, you should contact the gastroenterologist.


If the baby smells yeast, this is a reason to suspect the occurrence of the candidiasis. Often the sick stomach is also expressed by yeast aroma. An experienced therapist will be able to recognize the true cause, he will send you to a survey if suspected diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Strange smell of mouth during ARVI

During the disease, ORVI, angina, especially if there are high temperatures, parents notice that the smell emanating from the child's mouth has changed. Unpleasantly smelling pus, covering toddler almonds, purulent sinusitis, the presence of infection in light can provoke the appearance of a khalitosis, which passes after recovery of crumbs. Frequent rinsing of the oral cavity by antiseptic solutions contribute to rapid recovery and deliverance from the khalitosis.

Causes of the appearance of Khalitosis in children

The appearance of Khalitosis in children of any age can be caused by the most diverse reasons, ranging from insufficient oral hygiene and ending with the presence of a foreign body in the nose. It is important to properly diagnose, to determine the true cause of the occurrence of Ozzomy and, if possible, eliminate it.

Lack of moisture in the body

Causes an increased viscosity of saliva, deterioration of digestion, which can provoke the appearance of stupid breathing. Breast newborn basic fluid gets with mother's milk, it is necessary to drink boiled water into hot hours. The kid 4-5 years old should drink about 1.5 liters of fluid per day, not limited to juices and teas. It is important to give drinking cappus that is drinking water that helps to improve digestion.

Poor-quality oral hygiene

With the advent of the first tooth, the baby should teach the hygienic procedures of the oral cavity. For two to three years, the teeth must clean one of the parents. Starting from the three-year-old baby, the baby needs to be accessed independently correct teeth. Incorrect insufficient cleaning of the plaque contributes to the appearance of caltosis, which passes after thorough cleaning of the teeth.

Incorrect nutrition

If the child systematically overeats, consumes fat fried dishes, generously seasoned with onion and garlic, the heavy smell of her mouth will pursue it constantly. It is important to establish a kid nutrition system according to its age needs, observing drinking regime.

Stressful situation

Strong emotional shock, stress, bright emotions are a real test for a newborn. They cause dry mouth, which contributes to the emergence of Khalitosis. In a stressful situation, it is necessary to give a child to drink water or acidic juice, to suck the mandaring or lemon, such simple steps contribute to active salivation and make the baby's breathing clean and easy.


In the kids after sleeping can be obstabless breathing. It is caused by the fact that at night during sleeping saliva does not stand out, the bacteria multiply, provoking the khalitosis. It is enough to clean the teeth with a brush with paste - and an unpleasant phenomenon disappears in itself.

Chronic nose congestion

If the baby smells from the mouth with snot, you need to pay attention to the state of the nose mucosa. In chronic ritin, the nasal breathing is difficult, dry crusts are formed in the nasal strokes. It is necessary to moisturize the surface of the mucous membrane, follow the humidity, to ventilate the room well and carry out wet cleaning.

The presence of a foreign body in nasal

Strong putrefactive smell against the background of thick yellow seals from the nasal moves should be alert. These symptoms are characteristic of falling into the nasal stations of an outsider - beads, butchers, a piece of fruit. It should be consistent as soon as possible to see a doctor or in traumopunct to remove the foreign body. Otherwise, serious complications are possible, right up to suffocation.

Diseases of teeth and gums

Caries, stomatitis, gingivitis and other dental diseases are able to cause an unpleasant smell of mouth. Attentive inspection will allow to identify the carious focus in the mouth of the baby. Even in the absence of visible damage to the dental enamel, it is necessary to refer to the dentist to eliminate the presence of diseases of the oral cavity.

Upper respiratory diseases

Angina, tonsillitis, adenoitis, bronchitis provoke the occurrence of khalitosis in children. Pump, which accumulates on the surface of the almonds, in the lacunas, on the back of the throat smells unpleasantly. It is necessary to treat the cause of the disease, rinse the neck of the neck with antiseptic solution, in difficult cases require antibiotic therapy.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

When the little man's mouth smells like a solvent, sour milk, vinegar, there is a stomach disorder and diarrhea, it says about the presence of problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Consult with a gastroenterologist, sometimes it is enough to correct the feeds of the crumbs, and the problem disappears without a trace. In more complex cases, special treatment is shown.

Smell when teething

When the crumbs are cut into teeth, temporary calitosis may be observed, caused by the inflammation of the gums and the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. Baby red gums, painful and edema. The dentist will advise special drugs that reduce the discomfort of the baby in teething.

Treatment of unpleasant odor

In most cases, ozostomy does not require special treatment. It is enough to systematically carefully clean the teeth and gums, revise the system of nutrition, limit the consumption of the sweet, give it a sufficient amount of fluid per day, and the unpleasant symptom will disappear by itself. If, after a few days, he does not disappear, it is necessary to contact a specialist, to surveys and establish the cause of Khalitoza.

A particularly alarming of parents should cause a set of acetone emanating from the infant - in this case, it is necessary to urgently cause an ambulance or carrying a crumb to the hospital to prevent the occurrence of acetional syndrome.

Preventive measures

For a timely warning of the appearance of Khalitosis, your baby needs to be followed by a few simple rules:

  1. Carefully brush the crumbs twice a day, starting from the moment of the teething of the first tooth. You must teach the baby to properly use the brush and paste, removing the flare from the surface of the teeth.
  2. Adhere to the age system of nutrition, enter vegetables, fruits, products rich in phosphorus and calcium into the diet of the child.
  3. Exclude sugar, chocolate, other sweets from the diet, replace them with honey.
  4. Let the child drink a sufficient amount of fluid, in particular drinking water.
  5. We systematically attend the dentist to eliminate the development of caries.

Last update of the article: 03/25/2018

Children possess indescribable, delicious aroma, which distinguishes them from adults. Babies are inherent in the sweet smell of the milk, which remains at the child until the year.

Annual and older child smells too very nice. Loving mothers feel the smell of their kids especially and begin to worry, if suddenly something has changed in the usual amber. The unpleasant smell of the child's mouth also causes anxiety.


  1. Poor cleansing of the oral cavity.
  2. Caries.
  3. Other diseases.

Information from the children's doctor telling about.

Poor oral purification

Food after a meal is clogged in the intervals between the teeth, accumulates in the root zone and on uneven surfaces. And if it does not remove it on time, it begins to decompose, sourcing is malicious, rotten smell.

From an early age, the habit of brushing teeth is laid. It will be very cool to conduct hygienic procedures together, feeding this good example.

In order to get rid of food residues, mouth after meals is recommended to rinse with water or special rinse fluids. At least twice a day you need to brush the teeth with pasta and brush.

Dental cleaning scheme

The process of cleaning up to 6 years is necessarily controlled by adults!

The child should properly keep the brush and direct the bristles from the roots to the tops. In addition to the teeth, it is also necessary to clean the inner surface of the pitch, the packed and the language, as a large number of bacteria accumulates there.

The gaps between the teeth pass to the special thread to remove food residues inaccessible to the usual toothbrush.

In an infant child, the first tooth breaks about 6 months. From this point on, the teeth are cleaning with a special silicone brush with a limiter or in the form of an attack.

Spend only 5 minutes of time in the morning and evening to the toilet of the child's oral cavity is not a problem.


Quite often, the caries of the teeth is accompanied by a rotten smell of mouth. Three main causes of caries:

  • poor cleansing of the oral cavity;
  • improper nutrition;
  • insufficient saliva.

With hygiene is already clear. But what kind of food contributes to the formation of caries? Sweets of all varieties, seeds, sweet carbonated water.

The saliva performs the mineralizing function, as it contains in its composition ionic compounds of calcium and phosphorus. Those, in turn, strengthen enamel. Also saliva reduces acidity in the oral cavity, thereby protects dental enamel from destruction. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that its quantity is normal.

In order to prevent the formation of caries and the smell of rot from the mouth, it is necessary to inspect and rehabilitate the oral cavity at least once a year. The first inspection of the dentist is carried out at 10 months when the baby can be from 2 to 6 teeth.

As a child, saliva is produced in large quantities. Thanks to her, the oral cavity in constant mode is cleared and does not give the bacteria to multiply. After all, it is the disintegration of bacteria that have a smell of sulfur or ammonia.

It is because of dryness that arises an unpleasant smell of the mouth of the infants.

Measures to prevent this situation are:

  • air humidification, ventilation;
  • ensuring normal respiration through nasal moves;
  • to enhance salivation give water with lemon;
  • a child from 5 years old should drink approximately one and a half liters of water per day (especially in the summer);
  • exclude salty foods, be sure to give fresh fruits and vegetables (also enhance salivation).

Difficult nose breathing associated with rhinar or adenoid leads to drying in the mouth with the consequences described above. The mucous membranes from the nasopharynx falls into the oral cavity, bringing harmful bacteria in its composition, which also worsen the aroma of the mouth.

Guys with chronic tonsillitis accompanies the foul spirit due to suppurations and plugs in the lacuna almonds. Also, small children love to stick various foreign bodies into the nose, which exude a malware smell with the late identification and long-term deposit in the nasal cavity.

All these states are a reason for visiting an otorinolaryngologist. The smell of the child from a child over two years old due to the presence of adenoids may require surgical treatment.

Other diseases

According to Dr. Komarovsky, smells from the mouth at the expense of the 4 factors described above, the other states and diseases do not have any relationship to this. But still you can argue with it.

  • the smell of acetone or blade Appears at high temperature and intoxication, dehydration.
  • sour smell Sofodent milk from the mouth occurs in infants when joined. Most often, such a phenomenon is found in newborns or monthly children, since the sphincter is not formed between the stomach and the esophagus. Any overeating or separation of gas from the stomach is accompanied by shinking. The acidic aroma is still characteristic of babies suffering from gastritis and reflux-esophagitis.
  • sweet smell - Feature in diseases of the liver and biliary ducts.
  • the appearance of unhealthy odor with breathing occurs during diseases of the respiratory system (bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia).

Of course, parents alarmed the fact that the previously smelling kid began to exhibit unpleasant odors. This is solved by independently ensuring proper hygiene, the optimal drinking mode and an adequate condition of the air in the room.