The main signs and treatment of urethritis in boys. Urethritis in children symptoms and treatment Signs of urethritis and concomitant inflammatory diseases

The causes of urethritis in a child are usually divided into non-infectious and infectious. The first group of predisposing factors includes:

  • hypothermia of the child's body;
  • previously experienced medical interventions in the genitourinary system (a swab from the urethra was taken from the child, a catheter was inserted, cytoscopy was performed - examination of the bladder using a cytoscope, and so on);
  • trauma to the urinary tract (as a result of the release of a kidney stone, for example);
  • non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene;
  • wearing tight clothes and underwear;
  • allergic reactions;
  • weakening of the immune defense, frequent ARVI and ARI;
  • erratic eating, frequent dietary disorders (eating spicy, sour, salty foods, pickled delicacies);
  • rare urination, long waiting for the opportunity to empty the bladder.

The following diseases are infectious factors in the development of childhood urethritis:

  • cystitis - an inflammatory process in the bladder;
  • pyelonephritis - inflammation of the kidneys caused by the influence of a bacterial infection;
  • prostatitis (for boys) - inflammation of the prostate gland;
  • balanoposthitis (for boys) - an inflammatory reaction in the head of the penis;
  • vulvitis (for girls) - inflammation of the external genital organs.

Other infections that can provoke the appearance of urethritis in childhood include mycoplasma, ureaplasma, Trichomonas, gonococcus, streptococcus, staphylococcus, E. coli and others.

In addition, phimosis in boys, synechia of the labia minora in girls may be prerequisites for the development of the disease.


Children's urethritis manifests itself in different ways depending on the gender of the child.

Girls feel pain in the lower abdomen, itching of the genitals (outside), the urge to urinate becomes more frequent, and the process itself causes severe discomfort.

Boys suffering from urethritis are characterized by a burning sensation when the bladder is empty, blood in the urine, itching in the genital area, whitish or purulent mucous discharge.

The common symptoms of urethritis in children are:

  • severe discomfort when emptying the bladder;
  • increased urge to empty the bladder;
  • excitement and fear of going to the toilet;
  • involuntary delay in the act of urination due to fear of discomfort.

In some cases, the child shows signs of a standard viral disease: fever, deterioration in well-being.

Diagnosis of urethritis in a child

The doctor collects the child's complaints and draws up his anamnesis. The child's lifestyle is important. The doctor takes into account the presence of chronic diseases and inflammatory processes, and also finds out whether the child has encountered infections of the genitourinary system, whether he has experienced surgery.

For an accurate and unambiguous diagnosis, the child will need to undergo a number of medical measures:

  • examination by a pediatric specialist - a urologist for boys and a gynecologist for girls;
  • microscopy of urological smear - scraping from the urethra is performed and studying its composition under a microscope; urethroscopy - examination of the canal (contraindicated in the acute stage of urethritis);
  • urethrography - examination of the urethra by means of an X-ray, while the canal itself is filled with a special contrast agent (not recommended for acute urethritis);
  • bacteriological inoculation of urological smear and urine in order to further study their cells, monitor the growth of microorganisms and identify the degree of susceptibility of the irritant to the drug;
  • Ultrasound - examines the pelvic organs in girls and the prostate gland in boys. The bladder and kidneys are assessed regardless of the child's gender.

Chronic urethritis requires a blood test of the child in order to detect the presence of antibodies to certain microorganisms that act as the causative agent of the disease (chlamydia, gonococcus, and so on).


Launched urethritis can cause serious complications in a child:

  • chronic urethritis;
  • cystitis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • balanoposthitis, epididymitis, prostatitis, orchitis (in boys);
  • vulvitis (in girls);
  • pathological changes in the urethra;
  • reiter's syndrome (damage to the organs of the genitourinary system, eyes and large joints);
  • infertility.


What can you do

A child with urethritis must adhere to a diet. Fatty, spicy, salty, smoked, sour, pickled foods are excluded from his diet. This increases the volume of fluid consumed, since water has a beneficial effect on the elimination of microorganisms from the mucous membrane of the urethra.

It is advisable to stay in bed for a while and reduce the child's physical activity. Under the supervision of a physician, he can undergo a home course of sit-down warm baths based on anti-inflammatory drugs.

What the doctor does

Depending on the nature of the disease, the pathogen and its sensitivity to antibiotics, the doctor may prescribe antibiotic therapy. If the irritant that caused the child's urethritis is not established, broad-spectrum drugs are used.

Sometimes the doctor resorts to the installation of drugs into the child's urethra.

Herbal urological preparations have a beneficial effect on the course of the disease in children. It is also necessary to work on strengthening the child's immunity.


The main preventive measures for urethritis in children are:

  • proper, nutritious food;
  • exclusion of hypothermia situations;
  • high-quality, regular and correct hygiene of the genitals (girls are washed towards the anus, that is, from front to back);
  • prevention of prolonged urinary retention (the child should not endure for a long time);
  • timely therapy of problems of the genitourinary system (cystitis, pyelonephritis, vulvitis in girls and prostatitis in boys), treatment of chronic diseases.

You will also learn what the danger of untimely treatment of the disease urethritis in children can be, and why it is so important to avoid the consequences. Everything about how to prevent urethritis in children and prevent complications.

And caring parents will find on the pages of the service complete information about the symptoms of urethritis in children. What is the difference between the signs of the disease in children at 1, 2 and 3 years of age from the manifestations of the disease in children at 4, 5, 6 and 7 years old? What is the best treatment for urethritis in children?

Take care of the health of loved ones and be in good shape!

Urethritis in children is one of the most common diseases characterized by inflammatory processes occurring in the walls of the urinary canal. Both infectious and non-infectious pathogens can provoke its formation, while boys suffer more often than girls. In the latter, the inflammation quickly penetrates into the bladder region, which is associated with the anatomical features of the urethra. The disease can be acute or chronic.

What reasons can children have?

The reasons provoking the development of urethritis in children are considered by experts to be infectious or non-infectious. The first group includes a number of pathologies, in the presence of which inflammation of the urethra occurs:

  • With the development of cystitis, pathological processes are observed that affect the bladder.
  • With pyelonephritis, the kidneys are primarily affected by bacterial infections.
  • In boys with prostatitis, inflammation affects the prostate gland.
  • With the development of balanoposthitis in male children, inflammatory reactions are initially observed in the head of the penis.
  • With vulvitis, which forms in young patients, inflammatory processes affect the external genital organs.

Infectious urethritis in a child can be triggered by the effects of Escherichia coli, streptococci and staphylococci, mycoplasmas and ureaplasma, Trichomonas or gonococci, and other pathogens. The disposing factors, under the influence of which urethritis is formed in boys and girls, include phimosis in the first case and synechia of the labia in the second.

Predisposing factors

Among the predisposing factors, the most important are:

  • Damage to the urinary tract.
  • Ignoring the rules of hygiene.
  • Wearing tight underwear, outerwear.
  • Weakened immunity, often developing acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections.
  • Allergic reactions.
  • Improper nutrition, abuse of spicy, salty or sour foods, marinades.
  • Prolonged urinary retention.

By determining the pathology in accordance with the type of pathogen, experts can diagnose gonorrheal or non-gonorrheal urethritis. The first is caused by gonococci, the second is provoked by numerous microorganisms, the nature of which can be bacterial, candidomycotic or Trichomonas. The considered inflammatory disease can be localized in different parts of the urethra, respectively, determine:

  • front;
  • rear;
  • or total type.

In accordance with the duration of the course, the pathology can be acute or chronic. Acute urethritis lasts for two weeks, a chronic disease is one that cannot be eliminated for longer than this period.

The development of urethritis in children has dangerous negative consequences for a growing organism, therefore, a timely appeal to a urologist when the first signs appear will help to cope with the pathology at the initial stage.

Signs of urethral inflammation

Despite the fact that the signs of urethritis in the younger generation are manifested more clearly and intensely, it is quite problematic to determine the cause of anxiety in a small child who is not able to coherently express his own feelings. Therefore, in this case, there is a high risk of not noticing the initial symptoms. It is necessary to understand that the signs of the disease can be different and largely depend on the age group of the victim, his gender, the duration of the disease and the type of lesion.

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The presence of general symptoms of urethritis in children is noted, including:

  • Discomfort when urinating, soreness, itching and irritation.
  • The appearance of discharge from the urethral canal, which can be mucous, purulent, with inclusions of blood, accompanied by an unpleasant intense odor.
  • There is a reflex delay during urination against the background of fear of the soreness of the process.
  • The urge to urinate becomes more frequent - a child can visit the toilet up to ten times a day. This symptom should alert parents in the first place.

Symptoms common for a viral infection are not excluded - fever, fatigue. In small male patients, white discharge is observed, children complain of burning, itching in the penis. The urine may become less transparent and there is blood in it. In addition to pain and frequent trips to the toilet, girls have pain in the lower abdomen and itching that occurs in the external genitals.

When signs of urethritis appear, it is contraindicated to self-medicate, since mistakenly applied therapy can cause an exacerbation and lead to the overflow of pathology into a chronic form.

As for complications, ignored symptoms and treatment carried out untimely can lead not only to chronic urethritis, but also to the development of pyelonephritis, cystitis, epididymitis, orchitis in boys and vulvitis in girls. The risk of pathological changes affecting the urinary tract is high, and infertility is not ruled out in the future. Another danger is Reiter's syndrome, in which not only the urogenital organs are affected, but also large joints and eyes.

How to diagnose a disease in children?

A specialist working with pathologies of the genitourinary system is a urologist or gynecologist, depending on the gender of the child. When diagnosing a disease, he first of all clarifies all the patient's complaints, collects an anamnesis. The lifestyle of the victim is very important; during the survey, it is necessary to determine the presence of chronic diseases, possible inflammatory processes, previously transferred infection of the genitourinary system and surgical interventions.

  • After taking a scraping from the urethra, its composition is studied using a microscope.
  • Ureteroscopy allows you to examine the urethral canal, but this method is not used for acute disease.
  • With urethrography, the urethra is examined using an X-ray, after filling it with contrast. The use of such substances is unacceptable in the acute stage of pathology.
  • Bacteriological culture of urine, smear is carried out, the main purpose of the procedure is to study the cells of the material, assess the growth of microorganisms and determine the level of susceptibility of the pathogen to drugs.
  • Ultrasound is necessary for examining the prostate in boys, in girls - the pelvic organs.
  • Regardless of gender, an assessment of the functionality and condition of the kidneys and bladder is necessary.
  • If you suspect a chronic stage of the pathology, a blood test is required - it allows you to detect the presence of antibodies to pathogens.

With development, they will depend on age. Young children are unable to pinpoint the cause of the anxiety, and parents need to know what the disease is and how it manifests itself.

The reasons for the development of children's urethritis

In the urethra. In infants, the disease is very rare, as they have a strong immune system due to breastfeeding. In early childhood, urethritis is more commonly diagnosed in boys, and later girls are more likely to suffer from it. This is due to frequent childhood phimosis, in which boys are prone to inflammation of the foreskin. The causes of the onset of the disease can be infectious, non-infectious and allergic.

Adults are more susceptible to infectious urethritis. It is caused by the pathological effects of microorganisms (staphylococci, Escherichia coli, Trichomonas, mycoplasma, enterococci, etc.). They can penetrate into the urethra from other infected urogenital organs:

  • in the presence of cystitis - from urea;
  • in the presence of pyelonephritis - from the kidneys;
  • in a boy with prostatitis - from the prostate gland;
  • when the head becomes inflamed in the penis;
  • in girls with vulvitis.

Also, the defeat of pathogens can occur even in the womb or as a result of the general use of hygiene items, if a woman has ureaplasmosis or chlamydia.

In addition, phimosis in boys and synechia in girls are capable of provoking an infectious type of urethritis in a child.

Non-infectious reasons are:

  • hypothermia;
  • trauma to the pathways of urine output;
  • early manipulations in the area of \u200b\u200bthe child's genitourinary organs (catheterization, taking a smear, using a cystoscope);
  • inadequate intimate hygiene care;
  • wearing tight underwear and clothing;
  • the presence of a congenital anomaly of the urethra that causes stagnant urine;
  • reduced immune system.

Allergic urethritis is associated with the use of hygiene products, unnatural linen or chlorinated water.


With urethritis in children, the symptoms appear differently in each age group and depend on gender. Among the most important manifestations are the following:

  • Frequent urination. Notice that it will not be difficult. Infants already write a lot: normally, their frequency of urination can reach 20 times. In addition, the baby is in a diaper. In order to analyze the frequency of emptying, you need to remove the diaper and count the number of wet diapers changed. If the child urinated more than 2 times an hour, then you already need to worry. In addition, the baby begins to act up and show apathy.

  • Itching and soreness. Girls feel pain in the pubic area and itching in the genitals outside, increasing in the process of emitting urine. In boys, pain and burning sensations occur in the penis during urine discharge. Young children respond to such a state with crying, anxiety, and regularly feel the perineum. The fear of severe pain can trigger reflex urinary retention.
  • General symptoms. Sometimes there are signs of viral diseases. There is an increase in body temperature, the baby becomes lethargic, capricious.

Since the main one in boys is phimosis, these diseases often go away at the same time. Therefore, if, in addition to the above symptoms, the foreskin swells, an attempt to touch the penis is accompanied by a cry, pus with an unpleasant odor appears in the urine, then most likely the infection has spread to the urinary tract, causing its inflammation.


If you suspect a urological infection, you should immediately contact a specialist for a thorough diagnosis. To do this, the doctor prescribes a series of laboratory tests to identify the pathogen with its sensitivity to a certain antibacterial agent. If urethritis in infants is caused by pathogens, then treatment is difficult. This is due to the fact that urethritis can be treated with some antibiotics only from a certain age. Then the children are given immunomodulatory therapy, physiotherapy, as well as phytopreparations and vitamin complexes are prescribed.

Antibiotic therapy is due to the type of pathogen. If it is not installed, then they take broad-spectrum drugs Amoxicillin, Cefexim, Kluvulanat. Intravenous medication is preferred for small children.

In addition, anti-inflammatory drugs can be prescribed - Urolesan, Cyston.

In the complex, children are given teas and decoctions based on diuretic herbs - chamomile, sage, St. John's wort, which can speed up the process of removing the infection. You can also use herbal sitz baths. For older children, herbal remedies can be purchased at pharmacies and taken in pill form.

To strengthen the immune system, the child is given Echinacea tincture 2 drops 3 times a day for a month.

Allergic urethritis is treated with antihistamines.

Helping parents with treatment

Parents can help a child recover faster by creating the right care for him, which is as follows:

  • Give your child plenty to drink throughout the day.
  • If there is an assumption that the disease is caused by an allergy to personal hygiene products, then they should be discarded, it is better to use simple baby soap.
  • During hygiene procedures, the genitals do not need to be rubbed strongly with a washcloth: washing should not cause discomfort. Also, the procedure should be carried out in such a way as to avoid soap getting into the urethra.

  • Sitting in warm, clean water for 10 minutes can help relieve pain. This procedure can be repeated regularly throughout the day.
  • It is necessary to follow a diet that excludes all fatty, salty, spicy, sour, as this can cause additional irritation of the urethra.
  • Follow all doctor's instructions. Even if after a couple of days the child feels better, the course of treatment, especially antibiotics, must be completed completely.
  • After the antibacterial course, it is necessary to restore the intestinal flora by taking probiotics.

In order to prevent repeated manifestations of urogenital pathologies, it is important to prevent hypothermia of the child's body, to monitor proper hygiene. In the case of adolescents who are sexually active, for prevention purposes, it is necessary to visit a urologist and gynecologist once a year.

Children are not immune from the inflammatory process in the urethral canal, although in adults it manifests itself most often. is called an infectious or non-infectious lesion of the walls of the urethra, which, if untreated, can develop into serious complications.

The urethra refers to the organ of the excretory system, its work is closely related to the kidneys, bladder and ureters. In children, the structure of the system differs only in size.

Often, cystitis or other infection joins urethritis, which jeopardizes the health of the kidneys. Inflammation of the canal walls in children, if untreated, can lead to the development of urosepsis. This is a serious condition of the body that threatens the life of a small patient.


Factors for the development of urethritis differ depending on the nature of the pathology:

  • Infectious

Children have no sex life, but this does not exclude the ingress of an infectious agent into the urethra. Infection can occur in a public or domestic environment in the absence of normal hygiene or from hypothermia. The main pathogens are ureplasmas, viruses of various natures, Escherichia coli, gonococci, Trichomonas, fungi or bacteria.

  • Non-infectious

These factors do not carry infection with pathogens:

  1. trauma to the urethra;
  2. passage of small stones along the urethra;
  3. after catheterization;
  4. congestion in the small pelvis;
  5. allergic reactions;
  6. canal irritation due to medication.


Acute urethritis is pronounced. The child's condition worsens, general signs of the disease appear - fever, chills and sleep disturbance.

Specific symptoms include:

  • burning sensation in the urethra;
  • blood impurities (in acute course);
  • itching and burning of the genitals (in boys it appears more often);
  • white mucous discharge (when infected with Trichomonas, it can change color to yellow with an unpleasant odor);
  • increased urge to urinate, pain while going to the toilet.

In the chronic form, symptoms are mild, which is the greatest danger. The inflammatory process becomes focal. As the infiltrate dissolves, numerous scars are formed, which leads to a narrowing of the lumen of the urethra.

If the pathology has long developed into a chronic form, an inflammatory process may be observed in all urethral sections with the involvement of the bladder. This speaks of total urethritis, the treatment of which lasts several weeks or months.

Infectious urethritis can spread the infection to the kidneys or cause early infertility. The vessels of the urethral canal expand, the mucous membranes are destroyed, infiltration with leukocytes is formed.

If the exposure to the urethra was associated with chemicals or an increase in temperature, areas of the mucous membrane die. Symptoms of urethritis in children differ from the nature of the disease and the severity.


To determine the cause of urethritis and further treatment tactics, a detailed study is carried out. It uses laboratory and instrumental methods. Before the appointment of tests, the doctor conducts a general examination. Research and treatment is carried out by a urologist:

  1. It is impossible to determine the exact cause of the development of urethritis in children by symptoms alone. An important indicator will be urine composition, bacteriological tests and urethral smears.
  2. During the initial examination, the doctor may observe redness and swelling of the genitals in the urethral canal. On palpation of the posterior part of the urethral wall the child is experiencing pain.
  3. The child is directed to blood and urine tests... In the standard, blood is taken from a finger to determine the erythrocyte sedimentation rate, the number of leukocytes and hemoglobin. In urine with urethritis, protein and impurities, mucus are found, sometimes salts are included. When pyelonephritis joins urethritis, a Nechiporenko analysis will be required.
  4. From the urethral canal is taken pathogen detection smear in case of infectious urethritis.
  5. On Ultrasound the condition of the bladder, kidneys, tubes and ovaries is determined. The study gives a detailed picture of the state of all organs of the small pelvis, which allows you to accurately determine their structure and deviations.

If urethritis has developed in a girl, it is mandatory to consult a gynecologist to identify a possible inflammatory process in the reproductive organs.


Treatment of urethritis in children is complex. If the child is too young, many medications are prohibited. In some cases, with complications of the inflammatory process, hospitalization may be required:

  • With infectious urethritis antibiotic therapy is indicated. It is aimed at oppressing and destroying the pathogen. There are highly targeted drugs and broad-spectrum antibiotics. Antibiotics are usually taken 7-10 days. In order to avoid the suppression of good microflora, probiotics are taken along with medications.

List of drugs for children:

  1. Zedex (from 800 rubles);
  2. Trimoxazole (from 500 rubles);
  3. Tercef (from 200 rubles).

Even after the symptoms disappear on the third day, the course of treatment does not stop. After treatment, tests and smears are taken again. If the pathogen is not found, the therapy was correct. If the pathology progresses, the doctor can change the tactics of treatment and change the antibiotic.

  • To support the body and strengthen immunity be sure to use multivitamins. Sometimes glucose is administered to maintain water balance at prolonged elevated temperatures. Vitamin C is taken as a pill or intravenously.
  1. Supradin (from 250 rubles);
  2. Multitabs (from 180 rubles);
  3. Undevit (from 50 rubles).
  • The child is transferred to a diet. Often it is. The exclusion of salty, fried and spicy will not irritate the walls of the urethra. Proper nutrition will contribute to better kidney function and stabilization of the urinary process. The diet is not stopped during treatment.

Prohibited products:

  1. pickled tomatoes, cucumbers;
  2. chips, crackers, instant food;
  3. chocolate, increased amount of sugar;
  4. carbonated drinks, strong tea.
  • With allergic urethritis it is important for the child to have allergen tests. This will reveal the irritant and exclude its contact with the body. There are many antiallergic drugs. If urethritis has developed against the background of the use of hygiene and cosmetics, they are excluded. If the allergy is food, irritating foods are removed from the diet. Sometimes the drug is not antihistamine, but systemic, which is administered intravenously.
  1. Grandim (from 100 rubles);
  2. Suprastin (from 120 rubles);
  3. Pipolfen (from 900 rubles);
  4. (from 400 rubles).

During treatment, the child needs complete rest and lack of stress. For better flushing of pathogens from the urethral canal, a drinking regimen is observed. It is possible to support the urinary system with teas based on renal fees.

With severe pain, the child is given antispasmodics. The safest drugs include papaverine and No-shpa. (from 200 rubles)... Take pills with increased pain syndrome or according to the instructions 3 times a day.

Folk remedies

  1. Horsetail, bear ears, sage.To maintain the urinary system in a child, it is useful to take decoctions based on horsetail, bear ears and sage. They have a calming effect on the inflamed canal.
  2. Baths of antiseptic herbs.In the absence of purulent infection, warming up in a medium temperature bath is allowed. To accelerate the effect, sitz baths are made with the addition of antiseptic herbs (chamomile, St. John's wort and others).
  3. Parsley has proven itself as a medicinal plant for the urinary system. Copes well with urethritis at different stages. To prepare the recipe, you will need one tablespoon of fresh chopped parsley leaves. It is poured with 250 ml of warm water and insisted for 12 hours. Take 20 ml every 2-3 hours.
  4. Currant leaves and berries.Tea made from currant leaves, which can be brewed with berries, washes well the urethral canal. The liquid is not made too concentrated. Enough 15 grams of dry or fresh leaves per 500 ml of boiling water. The child is given a potion when he needs to drink.


The main prevention of urethritis in a child is its protection from hypothermia. It is easier for pathogens to penetrate into a weakened organism and develop at high speed. If the child is clearly hypothermic, steaming the feet and warm tea with lemon are recommended.

It is important to teach the baby to good hygiene of the genitals and constantly monitor this process. Used linen is changed daily. At the time of illness, girls are advised to use daily sanitary pads.

Timely recognized and cured urethritis will not provoke the spread of infection to nearby organs. It is important to prevent it from becoming chronic, which is difficult to get rid of.

You can also get acquainted with the most common urinary infections that occur in children by watching this video.

Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the walls of the urethra in children of different age groups is considered a dangerous disease that affects the ducts that provide a stable outflow of urine outside the body, and can also pose a threat to other organs of the genitourinary system, both in girls and boys. The treatment of this ailment involves an integrated approach using antibacterial drugs, if the disease is caused by pathogenic bacterial microflora, as well as other means that the doctor considers appropriate to use so that the child gets rid of urethritis as soon as possible.

Development reasons

Given the specificity and vulnerability of the child's body to various kinds of inflammatory diseases, there are a large number of factors that contribute to the development of urethritis at a very early age. Based on the established medical practice, the following causes of the onset of the disease are distinguished.


In order for the child's body to be healthy, and the child's genitourinary system to function as usual without interruption, the baby's body temperature should be monitored. Children should always be dressed for the weather, overheating or being outdoors in light clothes for a long time is not allowed, the body is overcooled, and in case of a further temperature drop or the presence of a draft, inflammation of the urinary canal may occur.

Poor hygiene

Pampers, diapers and personal belongings of the child that come into contact with the surface of the genitals on a daily basis should always be clean. After each trip to the toilet, the baby must be washed away so that there is no development of a focus of bacterial microflora and further infection of the urethra with its inflammation. If these simple rules of hygiene are not followed, then in 85% of cases, young children begin to show the first signs of this disease.

Intrauterine infection

In medical practice, there are clinical cases when urethritis is diagnosed in infants who have lived only a few days of independent life. This is due to the fact that the child becomes infected with pathogenic microflora while still in the womb, as pathogenic microorganisms.

Weak immunity

In children under 3 years of age, the immune system is still at the stage of formation and formation, therefore, quite often, urethritis develops due to the low activity of blood cells, which provide protection for the body from microbes that affect the genitourinary system. In this case, any bacteria that usually does not provoke a disease-causing state of the urethra can cause inflammation of the urinary canal in the child.

Chronic foci of infection

In children who have a constant source of sluggish microbial inflammation in the body, urethritis is also quite often diagnosed, since bacteria, along with the blood stream, spread throughout all organs and systems, and can enter the urinary tract, which further entails urethritis of varying severity ...

The first symptoms of urethritis in boys and girls

The symptoms of the disease are always specific and it is quite difficult not to notice them. The presence of an inflammatory process in the urethra is reflected both at the local level and on the general well-being of the child. At the initial stage of the development of the disease, the symptoms of urethritis are as follows:

  • the child constantly complains of pain in the genital area;
  • during the outflow of urine, there is a strong burning sensation in this regard, the children begin to be capricious, and if the baby is just 2 years old, or he is still much younger, then in this case he cries after each urination;
  • the body temperature rises, which reaches 37 degrees Celsius and above (it all depends on what exactly caused the onset of urethritis);
  • on the inside of the hip joints, lymph nodes increase (their palpation gives children severe pain, and the diameter is within 5 mm and directly depends on the child's age);
  • the mucous membrane of the urinary canal acquires a rich red color and becomes edematous, which makes it difficult for the unhindered passage of urine;
  • epithelial tissues located at the entrance to the urethra also have a red color and, in addition, a rash may form, or if the urethritis is caused by viral microorganisms and proceeds in an aggravated form.

Parents of young children should pay special attention to the health of the genitals of their babies and, if they find the described signs, immediately seek medical help from a pediatrician.

Moreover, if the child is under 5 years old and cannot always correctly explain what exactly hurts him.

Diagnostics and analyzes

In order to determine the presence of urethritis in a young patient, the pediatrician prescribes the following types of tests for delivery:

After receiving the test results and diagnostics, the pediatrician develops a course of treatment for the child, consisting of traditional drugs of a wide spectrum of action, as well as other means aimed at relieving painful symptoms and eliminating signs of urethral inflammation.

How and how to treat urethritis in children?

Depending on the severity of the course of urethritis, the following types of medicines are used to cure a child from this ailment:

  • (selected individually, depending on the strain of the bacteria that caused the disease and the age of the child, can be used in the form of tablets and intramuscular injections);
  • anti-inflammatory creams and ointments that help to eliminate the inflammatory process of the tissues located around the entrance to the urethra;
  • and a weakly concentrated solution of potassium permanganate (with the help of this medicine, the child is washed with a thorough washing of the external genital organs).

Possible complications in a child

In the absence of adequate treatment, or the use of incorrectly selected medications, the child may develop the following complications of urethritis:

  • the transition of the disease to a chronic form of the course, when most of the time the inflammation is in a latent stage, and as soon as the child's immune system weakens, the disease immediately makes itself felt with the corresponding symptoms;
  • the occurrence of cystitis, pyelonephritis, chronic and acute prostatitis in boys and vaginitis in girls;
  • urinary incontinence caused by the inflammatory process of muscle fibers responsible for the contraction of the sphincter of the bladder;
  • problems with conceiving a child in the future if the infection that caused urethritis has penetrated the seminal vesicles in boys and the ovaries in girls.

In most cases, as the child grows up, the consequences of the illness are gradually leveled, and his genitourinary system develops completely healthy. Nevertheless, parents should not forget about constant monitoring of the state of the urethral mucosa, since the disease has the ability to manifest a relapse.