That you can't eat Pinch. Than feeding a dwarf Pincher to grow healthy. Nutrition with natural products

Dwarf pinchers externally resemble Dobermans, but differ in miniature sizes. The feature of the breed is a dancing gait. Rocking dogs look like a hiking gait. Future owners dwarf Pincher We must remember that the dog is rapidly tied to the owner, heavily worries the separation with man.

Breed history

The history of the breed has 300 years. Germany is considered to be the birthplace of dwarf Pincher. Significant sources when the first representatives of the breed appeared, no. It is known that similar dogs Inhabit Switzerland in the 15th century. According to another version in Germany, Pincher's ancestors got from England.

The similarity with Dobermans at the breed is no coincidence. Mr. Doberman put the goal to bring large dogsBeing delighted with miniature pinchs. Previously, representatives of the breed lived with stables. Perfectly caught rats and guarded the premises. Gradually acquired the status of pets. Breeders became interested in breed in the second half of the 19th century. At the exhibition, dwarf pinchers are first introduced in 1900. Then the breed becomes popular among Europeans. In Russia, the dog came from Germany after the Second World War, in the form of "Trofei". Considered. The miniature animal is suitable for keeping in the house and apartment.

Initially, pets were used as security dogs. Only in the middle of the XV century lived on the stables, caught mice and engaged in reinforced pet security. At the beginning of the 20th century, small dogs began to be used exclusively in the form of indoor decorative pets. Breeding and approval of breed standards began in Germany.

The breed of the dwarf Pinscher was first introduced at the exhibition in England in 1954. Miniature representatives of the breed began a procession on the countries of Europe, where they recognized the extremely popular rock.


  1. Dwarf Pincher detect developed backbones and muscles.
  2. Compact, growth is not higher than 30 cm.
  3. Dog weight up to 6 kg.
  4. Luba lines and muzzle are parallel.
  5. The eyes are dark, expressive.
  6. Landing the tail is high, holds high upward.
  7. The tail in childhood is bought up to 2 cm.
  8. Ears of triangular shape, standing or quarterly.
  9. Wool rigid to the touch short, tightly adjacent.

Dogs are found three colors: red, black and tangible and brown-tangible. The last look is now found exclusively in America. The miniature rock is great for keeping in the apartment.

If we talk about the character, dogs:

  1. Smart.
  2. Love moving games.
  3. Clever and fast.
  4. Proud and courageous.
  5. Could be able to exercise aggression to other dogs.
  6. Do not like when they encroach on personal space, especially during rest.

Features of Zvergpincherov

Dwarf pinchers - Sophisticated energetic dogs, suitable for big family And lonely people. It is impossible to pour a dog very much, otherwise living with a pet is not easy to live with a pet.

The miniaturepins are extremely mobile. We need permanent walks and physical exertion. Dwarf pinchers are easy to get along with children. Familyarities will not fail. For adults, breed representatives will become excellent companions. In relation to other dogs, Pinchers are able to show aggression. Friends only with animals with whom with puppy age. With other pets, the cverstergpinchers coexist peacefully.

Dwarf pinchers demonstrate a kind of gait, distinguishing from other breeds. When running and walking, the dog highly raises the front paws, which is going to move the movement with a riding horse.

Remember, initially representatives of the breed caught rats and mice, the hunting instinct in the pins is strongly developed. On a walk, quite agree to run for animals, let go for free running only on a fenced area or in the absence of such a danger.

Among the character character of the breed, suspicion is noted. Dogs are prone to permanent lasis. Serves a dwarf Pinscher and staying alone. Well socialized representatives of the breed quietly perceive guests if they see that the owner does not threaten anything.

Miniature dogs perfectly learning. Intelligent loads are needed, as well as physical. Sometimes there are enough 2-3 repetitions so that the dog learned the team.

Health and care

Popular diseases that are subject to a dog:

  • Cataract,
  • Diabetes,
  • Dislocation of the shoulder joint
  • Glaucoma,
  • Urolithiasis disease.

Sometimes puppies are born with congenital deafness. The use of medical drugs for the dog owners is supposed to be careful. On favorites medicinal products Allergic reactions are possible. Pesticide shampoos apply only if there is a flea dog. Recently, an alternative to the means - shampoos with cedar oil appeared.

Caring for the carbon black pinch is simple. The dog does not learn, deprived of a specific smell. Requires:

  • Periodically comb to avoid koltuns.
  • A couple of times per year will need trimming, removal of old hair.
  • Representatives of the breed are inclined to obesity. Avoiding difficulties will help regular physical exercise. Try to think through the diet of the pet.

Dwarf pinchers have short wool, poorly protecting from cold. Small frosts suffer tolerant. With strong cold, it is worth limiting dog walks. Separate owners come out of the situation, acquiring warm overalls for a pet.

Cvergpinchers are living 15-20 years old, are considered long-livers among dogs. Representatives of rocks are recognized as perfect guardians. The dog loudly and slides, when unfamiliar is suitable for protected area. Dwarf pinchers are distinguished by fearless character. Capably put on a fight with another animal, and regardless of the size of the latter. In the fight, the representative of the breed is able to become a serious opponent.

When unfamiliar people see a miniature dog for the first time, try to stroke her. But the miniaturepincher does not allow everyone to touch himself. Suspiciousness is considered an important feature of the character of the dog. Strong healthy parents usually give a healthy litter, consisting of 3-4 puppies.

Choosing a puppy, inspect the condition of the wool. Healthy dog Show good appetiteActive. Apply for a domestic pet better in specialized nurseries with a good reputation. From the litter it is advisable to choose the most active puppy, with excellent health and merry character. Pinchers are usually benevolently relate to people. PSAM requires early socialization, especially in the nursery for more than 2 months. The owner is relying to prepare for a protracted maturity of a dog. Even two-year Pinscher sometimes looks like an inconspicuous puppy.

The correctly selected and adequately educated representative of the breed instantly becomes a favorite family. Supplically refers to households, with unnecessary attention becomes strongly spoiled. Periodically, a dwarf pinch should be reminded who is in the house of the owner. Try to avoid physical punishments, a dwarf Pinscher happiness and malicious.

Proper care for the dwarf Pinscher is the compliance with the elementary rules of hygiene. The dog always remains clean ears, eyes, claws in time are trimmed. Hoping that claws will be made independently, it is not worth it. Representatives of this species do not have a lot of weight, live predominantly in homes or apartments, you simply do not have time to carry out claws, keep track of the state of the paws. Otherwise, abandoned claws will lead to a dislocated paw while walking or games.

Water procedures are performed solely as needed. Dogs are clean and deprived of a characteristic smell. Watch that after washing the dog did not turn out to be on the draft, you can not remove outside after bathing. Wipe your pet diligently. Representatives of the breed are easily cold.

Hygienic procedures it is desirable to start in early age. Puppies of the dwarf Pincher positively refer to the procedures, taking as a kind of game. This is good quality, later, in adulthood, the dog responds calmly even on procedures that do not cause positive emotions.

Than feed

Foods torsion-throughpinch need a little, but high quality. What to choose - dry food or natural nutrition, the owner decides on his own. Watch out for the saturation of the feed necessary for the body of the dog with useful substances and elements.

Representatives of the species of unpretentious in food, but it is impossible to eat a dog from the business table. The structure of the body of the dog differs from the structure of the human body.

It is worth focusing on the main aspects of nutrition. Breed representatives better feed natural productsrather than specialized feed. Often give meat, beef or horse is suitable. The rest of the diet is as follows:

  • Products vegetable origin Make up to 1/3 of the total diet.
  • The poultry meat is introduced into the diet only after one year old age. Initially, meat is offered by gently small portions, carefully observing the reaction of the pet.
  • Feed Pincherov relying once a day at the set time.

For puppies of the dwarf Pincher, the diet is different. After reaching the age puppies in 1 month, dogs begin to roaming, and the calorie products with sufficient calcium content. At the specified period, dogs occurs, and continues until 6 months. Then less calorie, nutritional products are introduced into the diet.


The training of a dwarf Pincher begins at an early age. Pinchers have long become decorative indoor dogs, they are wonderful guard. Instinct is alive in the pussy so far. They clearly monitor the border of the housing to be broken by non-crushed guests, without thinking, rushing to protect family and territory.

Dog breed Dwarf Pinscher learning is easy. But the owner must constantly prove his dominant position to the pet. Many inexperienced breeders make a big mistake, not perceiving seriously cute dogs. In vain, subsequently, the grown Pinscher delivers many troubles, because to strive to take a leading position in the family and begins to prove their own right. How to care for a dwarf Pincher and how to teach, you have to find out before choosing an unusual, but faithful and devoted dog.

Update: October 2017

Dwarf Pinscher (Cverspincher) is positioned as a reduced copy of Doberman, but this is a separate breed. Her features:

  • self confidence;
  • stable psyche;
  • fearlessness;
  • lightning reactions;
  • sophistication, attentiveness;
  • well-developed hunting, guard instincts;
  • playful temper, mobility;
  • friendliness;
  • high degree of adaptability.

Brief characteristics of representatives of the breed

Is it possible to start a dwarf Pincher to people who do not have the experience of interaction with dogs?
Yes, but note that the pet must be given time for upbringing and training. Otherwise, the dog will grow uncontrollable, will become a real despot.
How do Cvergpinchers carry cold?
Bad. Holding a dog on the street can not. In the cold season, clothes are required. Note that at the air temperature below -7 o C, the PSA will have the paws, so shoes will also be required. In the summer, increased risk of occurrence heat strikePet you can not walk for a long time.
Until what age is Pinchers grow?
By 6 months, the puppy reaches maximum growth. The final formation occurs until the year.
How much do you need to walk with a dwarf Pinscher?
With a puppy you need to walk from 15 to 30 minutes, 2-3 r. / Day; With an adult dog - twice a day, not less than 45 minutes. Pincher should not walk the child under 12 years old, as the dog can easily escape or knock him down with a sharp jerk leash.
At what age will the ears of the Tsvergpincher?
In the period from 4 months. Before the start of changing the teeth. When the teeth begin to change, the puppy weakens immunity. At this time, the operation is contraindicated.
Does it be sure to stop the tail?

According to the official Standard, the pinch's tail can only be unknown. However, in the Russian Federation, countries of near abroad, at the international exhibitions of CACIB rank, where there is no prohibition on the procedure, and the exhibitions are involved and uncovered dogs.

The choice remains beyond the breeder. In countries where it is prohibited, Pinchers with bought tails cannot participate in exhibition events.

How old are mating?
Males knit, starting from 12 months, bitches - from 15 months. (After the second flow).


  1. For detention, the conditions of a small-sized apartment are suitable.
  2. Have a strong health.
  3. Require minimal wool care.
  4. Almost do not lose.
  5. Balanced, calm.
  6. Very devotees.
  7. Perfectly leaving for training.
  8. Can be good worshipers and defenders.
  9. Perfectly catch rodents.


  1. Different with powerful character.
  2. Show a tendency to dominate.
  3. Require a serious approach to upbringing.
  4. Often and loudly bark.
  5. Can run away.
  6. We need regular walking, physical, intellectual loads.
  7. Poorly tolerate loneliness, lack of attention, boredom can be stitched, nibble things.
  8. Prosen to obesity.

Photo of a dwarf Pincher.

Character, behavioral characteristics

The character of the dwarf Pincher is strong and independent. They are stubborn and wayward, however, very devoted to the owner, they suffer from lack of attention. However, unnecessary tenderness, strokes do not like, they can sometimes behave a little aggressive.

Very confident in yourself, they differ in a strong psyche. These dogs are active, energetic, movable. With children get well, they are glad to play, but they do not endure annoyance, disrespectful relationship.

Training ability

The miniaturepins are distinguished high intelligence, attentive. They are very inquisitive, dying, many teams are absorbed after 2-3 repetitions. You need to train the Pincher with a puppy age, otherwise the grazing dog will cease to obey.

Attitude to strangers

Strangers are wary, incredulously, meet with evil lamin. The miniaturepincher can attack the attacker when he attempts to be harmful to the host, and will give a decent fire, thanks to lightning reactions and a dead grip.

Attitude towards pets

To relatives, other animals, pinchers often show aggression, tend to dominate. This also applies to unfamiliar dogs on the street. The dog will blow, often gets involved in a fight even with those who are larger and stronger. They will be able to make friends only with those pets with whom they lived with puppy age; With newcomers do not get off.

Cvergpincher can also keep in the apartment and in a private house where there is a plot for walking. Pet must be protected from drafts, cold. Place for sleep should be secluded so that the dog can relax.


  • Wool: Lying to a brush 2-3 r. / Ned. Occasionally wipe the PSA with a special mitten or a wet towel to remove measurement wool. Wash - as needed, using special shampoos containing protein.
  • Ears: regular wiping with a damp soft cloth. Movements must be neat.
  • Eyes: Inspection, removal of the selection with a cotton swab, moistened with water.
  • Teeth: weekly cleaning, which will prevent the formation of a dental stone.
  • Claws: pruning as needed. If walks are frequent and long, claws are erased by themselves.

Health, tendency to disease

Dwarf pinchers are predisposed to the following diseases:

  1. Diabetes. Develops due to lack of insulin production by pancreas. Symptoms of the disease: frequent urination, urine bright, almost transparent, severe thirst, weight loss with normal or enhanced nutrition, bad condition shirst cover. Characterized by frequent skin lesions. Any wounds on the background of diabetes are very long sentenced. Treatment: Insulin injections, on early stage Just comply with the diet. It is necessary to regularly examine the pet to control the level of sugar and detect possible complications (ketoacidosis, eye pathology, liver damage, angiopathy, infection).
  2. Leggy Calwe-Percept disease. Manifests itself to the destruction of the head femoral bone Due to violation of normal blood circulation. Symptoms include: chromota, pain, looser. As treatment, an operation is prescribed during which the hip head is removed. This will allow, in the future, restore the functions of the limb.
  3. Urolithiasis disease. Developed due to the displacement of the chemical balance of urine into the acidic or alkaline side. It is manifested by the formation of stones, sand in the kidneys, urinary tract. Symptoms: Frequent urination, accompanied by pain. Watering is muttered, blood droplets can be highlighted. Therapy can be conservative or surgical (it depends on the type of stones). A diet with a reduced amount of protein is required.
  4. Pannus. This is the defeat of the cornea and / or third century, manifested by the growth of tissues. Complication is a loss of vision. Chronic disease, treatment is carried out in order to control pathological process, reducing the area of \u200b\u200blesion. Apply: eye drops, subconjunctive injections, general therapy.
  5. Dystrophy corneal eye. It is characterized by a decrease in its transparency. This is a non-inflammatory disease that has a progressive nature. The therapy includes antibiotics, in the later stages of the disease make an operation.
  6. Glaucoma. Accompanied by a violation of the outflow of intraocular fluid and the subsequent increase in intraocular pressure. Complication is a defeat spectator nerveWhat leads to blindness. Symptoms: squinting, redness of blood vessels in proteins, soad or an increase in the eyeball, expanded pupil. Treatment includes the use of funds to reduce intraocular pressure. Sometimes a procedure is carried out in the removal of excessive fluid and the destruction of cells that produce it.

Choosing a puppy, care, content, upbringing

Puppy take aged 2-3 months. It is undesirable to take an adult dog, since her character has already formed, besides, the owner's change is great stress. The place of content should be light, clean. Puppy health indicator - curiosity, manifestation of interest in unfamiliar people, subjects.

Little Jumppincher must have certain features of the exterior:

  1. The correct bite is scissors, fangs closed in the castle. In the top lower jaws 6 cutters.
  2. The length of the muzzle is approximately equal to the length of the skull.
  3. The backrest lines of the nose and forehead should be parallel.
  4. The corners of the hind limbs are well pronounced.
  5. Front legs stand straight, parallel to each other.
  6. The line of the vertex smoothly falls from the withers to the base of the tail.
  7. Spin without deflection.
  8. No white spots on wool.
  9. The pigment of the skin is scratched (nose, lips, paw pads, claws should be black).
  10. Black-sided individuals have a more intense undercover, the boundaries of which should not be blurred.
  11. Red color should be more saturated.

In the description of the breed, the dwarf Pinscher indicates the disadvantages:

  • too lightbound;
  • round shape of the head;
  • sharp stop from his forehead to the face;
  • round or big eyes;
  • high-profile.

Please note that the puppy can not be taken on the hands for the upload or front paws. In order not to damage the tendons, transfer the pet with two hands, one lifting under the chest and belly, the other - under the hind legs.

Select a separate place for a puppy protected from drafts. A separate corner for feeding is needed in the kitchen, put the bowls there. Check care objects:

  • collar;
  • leash or trainer;
  • carrying;
  • clothes and shoes for walking in the cold season;
  • soft brushes massage or rubber;
  • terry towels;
  • shampoo;
  • cunter;
  • cotton wands, tools for cleaning the ears.

Various toys will be required, you can eat, crown, interactive, as well as made from cast rubber. Pincher loves to play, but immediately give more than 3 subjects it is impossible, since he quickly loses interest to them.

The house requires a first aid kit. It includes:

  • leucoplasty;
  • wool;
  • bandages are simple (4 cm) and elastic (7 cm);
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • chlorhexidine;
  • emulsion of syntomicin;
  • antiodeary remedy (the drug for children);
  • anthelmintic
  • harness to stop bleeding;
  • pipette;
  • pear for enema;
  • tweezers;
  • syringes (2, 5 and 10 ml);
  • pharmaceutical camomile;
  • vaseline oil;
  • ointment "Levomecole";
  • adsorbent (activated carbon);
  • mangartan;
  • antiallergic.

How to put your ears

Cutting the ears of the dwarf Pincher is optional, it is carried out to give a kind of form. This will do appearance Dogs elegant. The procedure is carried out aged 4 months. Before the start of changing the teeth. After the operation, the ears are sealed with adhesive plaster, a protective bandage is needed on the head. A day later, it needs to be removed.

During the week, handle the wounds of the Mazew "Vitaon". For 10-14 days, the seams disappear. Remains can be removed with sharp scissors. During the entire period of healing, the puppy must wear a protective collar.

The ears are as follows. Required: leucoplasty, cotton wands, liquid for filling lighters. Procedure:

  1. Cut 2 small piece of patch size with cotton wand.
  2. Place your cotton wand on the sticky surface of the 1st piece.
  3. Cover the second piece so that the sticky part is upstairs.
  4. Declaring the inner side of the ear prepared liquid.
  5. Pull your ear and stick the design.
  6. Wrap a narrow strip of the patch every ear at the bottom, first separately, and then both ("eight").

Leave for 3 days. A day later, build a design. The process of ears is 1-2 weeks., Sometimes - several months.


To walk the cvergpincher is better on the shleke, it's harder to get out of it. Such an ammunition is convenient to use, the dog does not feel discomfort. To teach to the toilet on the street, walk with a puppy at least 5-6 times a day. Choose special fenced territories, other places safe for walking.

IN in public places, In the presence of other Pincher dogs, you need to hold on a leash. Gradually increase the duration of walks. Active games are needed, it will avoid obesity, prevent destructive behavior.


To obedience, you need to teach with puppy age. In no case do not let the dog violate the established rules, stitch. It will not obey if the owner shows soft, the slack of character.

Congenital guard and security instincts can grow into territorial aggression, so you can not go to the dog about. In order for the interaction with the pet to be successful, manifest patience and mutual understanding. Do not raise the voice, do not beat the PSA, maximum, you can slap it with a newspaper. Otherwise, he will grow evil or intimidated.

Puppy must be socialized. He should not be afraid of the street, show aggression to other dogs, cats. It is impossible to allow Pincher to be rushed to outsiders who met him while walking.


Training can be started in 4-6 months. In a puppy age, classes should be in the form of the game. Start learning from simple teams: "Sitting", "Paw", "Aport". Pinchers quickly remember them, can learn the set of tricks. For each correctly performed task of the puppy should be encouraged.

In the process of classes, persistence and determination is necessary, but not rudeness. Small difficulties may arise: due to curiousness, the dog is often distracted, it can be confused with disobedience. Please note that monotonous workouts quickly bored the dog, then she ceases to obey. With Pincher, you can sign up for courses: obedience, a common course of training, "Protective-Kasual Service".


You can use high-quality ready-made rations that need to be given in accordance with the instructions specified on the package. For a puppy, dry food is pre-swollen. The natural diet for adults should contain meat (beef, veal, offal) - at least 1/3 of the menu. Sub-products are pre-dried, the meat is given raw, frostbed. Bones are allowed, but only large (sugar), raw - no more than 1 r. / Week.

A third of the diet should include porridge (millet, oatmeal, buckwheat), and the other third is vegetables (fresh, stewed). You can make salads with the addition of vegetable oil, sour cream. It is necessary to give eggs (1-2 rubles / week), vitamin and mineral additives. Composition of diet for puppies:

  1. Beef food (beef, chicken, dairy products) - 2/3 of the part. This includes sea fish, egg yolks that give 1-2 rubles / weeks.
  2. Vegetables, cereals - 1/3 of part.

It is useful to give 1 clove of garlic per day (for prophylaxis glice Invasia). In addition, multivitamins are needed. Dwarf Pinch is prohibited:

  • feed with salt adding;
  • products containing preservatives, sweeteners, chemical additives;
  • fat;
  • pork;
  • legumes;
  • sweets;
  • raw fish;
  • caffeine-containing products;
  • dice tubular and fish.

It is impossible to overflow, these dogs are prone to obesity. Feeding scheme:

  • 1 month. - 6 times / day;
  • 2-3 months. - 5 times;
  • 3-4 months. - 4 times;
  • 4-6 months - 3 times;
  • 6-12 months. - 2 times / day.

Features of dilution

The main task of breeding is to preserve and improve the unique qualities of rocks, elimination of deficiencies. For knitting, the breed is optimally suited, a strong bitch with a strong bone, good angle of limbs. The dog should have excellent health. The first binding must be aged 15 months. (on the second flow). Periodicity is 1 time per year. It is possible to knit it up to 8 years.

As a rule, pregnancy goes well. In order to prevent obesity, it is impossible to throw a bitch. Do not change the volume of portions, but it is necessary to include another additional feeding. From the 2nd months. Increase the number of easily durable proteins (fish, sour milk are recommended). Vitamin complexes are needed.

If the dog is on the finished rations, buy food for the souk. Do not reduce the time of walking: long walks strengthen muscles, childbirth will be easier. Cesarean section Showing in rare cases when puppies are too large.

Watch out for the state of newborns, the treatment includes the procedure for processing the nailed nailed navels (twice a day), pruning claws (at the age of 2-3 weeks). When diarrhea, puppies adjust the bitch's diet.

The eyes open on the 2nd week, to hear puppies begin on the 3rd week. The teeth appear on the 4th week, at this time begin to give lure (1 r. / Day). If the puppies are well tolerated, start feeding them 2 rubles / day. You can give:

  • meat (bracket);
  • stuffing;
  • porridge with meat;
  • non-fat boiled fish;
  • bird (crushed meat),
  • milk.

From the 6th week Cottage cheese, boiled yolk, dairy, dry food are introduced into the diet. The meal temperature should be about 38 o C. When you turn on the new product in the menu, follow the status of puppies if there are signs of allergies (itching, rash, vomiting, diarrhea).

At the age of 4-5 weeks, give the puppies anthelmintic drugs, after 10 days it is necessary to make vaccinations. From the 45th day you can begin socialization. Take more time for communication, games. So puppies get used to the hands faster. The new owners of kids can be given in 2-3 months.

FCI Breed Standard


The skull is oblong, strong. The forehead is flat, there must be a parallel back of the nose. Wrinkles, folds are missing.

Stop minor, but marked clearly. The back of the nose is straight. The nose of the nose is black, developed well.

Lubs Black, firmly adjacent to the jaws. Lip corners are closed.
Jaw / teeth Strong. Bill scissor-shaped, closed tightly. Chewing muscles are developed strongly, cheekbones do not protrude.
Eyes Oval, dark. Eyelids black, pigmented, adjacent tight.
Ears Shed high, hanging on cartilage or standing, v-shaped.
Neck Medium length, smoothly turning into the withers. The base is not indicated. Suspension, Podgorsk is not. There are no folds on the throat.
Back Short, strong.
Croup A bit round. Smoothly goes to the base of the tail.
Tail It has a sickle shape, saber-shaped. Natural length.
Front limbs With side view - forearm straight. When viewed in front, the limbs are strong, straight, are not close to each other. Paws are rounded, short, closed. Follows vaulted ("feline paws").
Rear limbs When looking at the side - a little set. When looking at the back - parallel to each other, not close. Paws are a little longer than the front. Follows vaulted, closed.
Movement Harmonious, strong, confident. It is characteristic of the smearing, free lynx in a step of good length.
Wool Tightly adjacent. Brilliant, thick, short, smooth.

Monochrome (Palevo-red), black with subpassions, lacquer-black with subapalities (brown, red). Potted more dark, outlined, saturated.

Distribution of Podpalin: Above the eyes, on the throat downstairs, on the plates, paws, the inner side of the hind limbs, legs and under the base of the tail; On breasts 2 identical triangles.

Historical reference

Country of origin: Germany. Pincher's ancestors lived in the territory Central Europealready during early Middle Ages. The main task of dogs was the destruction of rodents. Subsequently, Pinchers became domestic pets, who were valued for theism, unpretentiousness.

The purposeful breeding breed was started in the 2nd half of the 19th century. The official standard was approved in 1880, for the first time the miniaturepins were exhibited in 1900 in Europe. They were very popular at the beginning of the 20th century, it was at that time they began to stop ears, tails. Fashionable considered black and red, brown colors. In the US, the club, the club, the club of the 20th century, founded in the 20s of the 20th century, brought representatives in England in 1950.

In Russia, the miniaturepinchers fell long before the revolution. After 1917, the livestock declined sharply. Interest in the breed appeared after the Great Patriotic WarPinchs were delivered from Germany, they became popular among the Moscow intelligentsia. The new round of development occurred at the beginning of the 90s. Currently, the number of livestock in the country increases every year. Thanks to successful tribal work, dogs from Russia have a high pedigree level, which recognize all over the world.

Jumppins are animals, full energies, vitality and optimism. They are strong enough health and hardy. Despite the fact that this breed refers to the dwarf, the diet for puppies should be selected more serious than for other kids. Dogs have a strong bone and very developed muscles, in connection with this, the nutrition must be appropriate. But it all concerns adults, fully formed dogs. But how feed a dwarf Pincher in 1 month And older, we will understand below.

Types of feeding

During the purchase of a puppy, the breeder has already told you about preferences in the food of this baby. Most often in nurseries dogs feed dry food. With what feed puppy cvergpinchera When he arrives home, your business. You can either follow the proven methods, offering delicious and crispy granules that are familiar to the baby, or translate it to the naturalka.

Dry food

Food puppy cverpinchera highly important moment. It depends on how healthy and strong will be a dog in the future. It is very important that with food in the body of the animal, as many useful elements, fats and vitamins have come as possible. In addition, food must be balanced. All these criteria meets dry food. There are industrial feed of various classes: from the most inexpensive budget to the product of the luxury and premium. High-quality dry food granules are much more expensive than the rest, but also the content of useful elements and vitamins in them are much higher. Budget feeds contain a small amount of vitamin and mineral additives, but they add to the taste and odor amplifiers, which can provoke an allergic reaction in the baby. The rest of the middle-class feed is safe, there are no chemical impurities and harmful elements. But to saturate and meet the needs of the daily rate of trace elements, the consumption of such feed will be required more than the dry granules of the premium class. As a result, the economic benefit from the acquisition of cheap feed will be negligible.

Some dog breeders note that feeding dry food provokes in an animal urolithiasis, Industion of stomach, itching and allergies. But it is rather an exception than the rule. Perhaps the feed was not right, or the dog was fed solely dry without adding dairy products, vegetables and fruits into the diet.

The output suggests itself: dry food is an excellent invention of humanity, but it is necessary to select it in the most thorough way, given the features of a particular dog.

Perhaps, from the first attempt, it will not be able to please the pet - useful, the quality product puppy categorically refuses. We will have to host the method of trial and error to select the appropriate option. But it is not necessary to throw out the packaged pack - a fast-growing, a puppy changes its taste addiction.

Finished feeds have a number of undeniable advantages:

  • Product rules are diverse, take into account the size of the animal, age, physical activity, physiological features.
  • There are feed for daily use and medical options. If the dog has any pathology, you can get rid of the problem using the power adjustment.
  • The huge advantage of such feed is that the owners do not need to independently think through the menu for a pet and stand daily at the slab to prepare the next delicious and useful dish. The vacation time can be spent with benefit, for example, play with the baby, to climb it.
  • Dry food - product long storage (Compared to a natural plate). It can be taken with you on the trip (power change is seriously transferred to the baby).

The negative side of the dry feed is its high cost. High-quality feed cost is not cheap, and they will need to change them repeatedly as the dogs are growing up depending on the state of health and lifestyle.

If you decide that you will give dry feed puppy cverpincera, Then we recommend that you consult with the veterinarian. Depending on the physiological features, age and weight, you will suit one or another products. On the package you will find the composition of the granules, feeding recommendations and how much once feed puppy cverpincher It is this product.

To feed the growing puppy organism is often necessary, up to six times a day, dividing the daily rate on the amount of feedings. As the amount of feedings should decrease, and portions increase. As a result, the dog should eat twice a day - in the morning and evening. Day norm It can be divided: 2/3 for morning feeding and 1/3 per evening.

How to teach a puppy to dry stern

If natural products are more or less clear, then how to make small crumbs ate dry granules, this is a question. The stomach of the puppy is not able to take hard food, and he still does not know how (while the kid has a sucking reflex). Acquire a puppy of the cverpincher to dry stern need gradually. At first, it is necessary to make dry granules soften. For this, the required amount of dry feed should be pouring into water and leave for a few minutes so that the granules sweep up, and only then offer the pet. It is so necessary to do up to one and a half months, gradually reducing the amount of fluid. In two or two and a half months, the dog should eat the recommended rate of dry feed, in which you can add a spoon of vegetable oil or a few drops fish fat. Experienced dog breeders to teach the baby to nutrition dry food , resort to various tricks: wet the granules not with water, and broth or milk, diluted with water. For older puppies, you can add some vegetables or finely chopped meat into drying. If a puppy from such a mix chooses the food you like, it means that it is already possible to determine its taste preferences.

Natural food

Feeding with natural meal also has a number of shortcomings and advantages.

  • The kid diet can be made up of products that are in the house, and the presence of dry feed will have to monitor constantly.
  • The quality and composition of the products is controlled by the owner by the owner, from here confidence in utility and freshness of food.

Giving preference to this type of feeding, it is worth understanding that ration puppy cvergpinchera We'll have to think every day. In addition, the food must come to taste a pet and give saturation, it must be balanced and useful for the development of a puppy.

Food puppy cverpincher in the first months of life

At a minimum, the first two weeks with an outgrowth, puppy feeds on Mother's milk and receives invaluable immunity and protective forces. But, if in the litter there are many puppies or a bit of milk at the bitch, then the kids will have to register for the full development and set of the necessary body weight. Puppies puppies cverpineher - Case serious. An ideal option will give puppies of dairy porridge liquid consistency, for example, well-strained semolina (cooking time at least forty minutes). It will not be superfluous to add the eggshell, which is pre-several times to skip through the coffee grinder (so that egg flour turns out). Quit all puppies, and with the special attention of weak and those who are poorly gaining weight. For these purposes, you can use a pipette, and it is best to get a baby bottle with a nipple. In pet stores there is a milk substitute specifically for artificial puppy feeding.

Closer to the month, when the kids become more independent and no longer a walk away from mom, you can begin to feed fullly. At this age, the kids begin to show interest in the food that eats mom. During this period, teeth are developing, bones, strengthening the body and immunity. Therefore, it is important that food contained maximum amount useful substances, especially calcium. For this purpose, daily milk and fermented daily should be present in the diet. You can make a manna porridge already more thick consistency, mix cottage cheese with milk. If you add a drop of honey to such a milky-curd mixture, it will become more useful and will have to taste with crumbs.

Feed monthly puppy cverpincher need a variety of products. If you decide to feed it with natural food, then be sure to turn on the meat menu. Best if it is red, beef or horse. Although, the chicken in the diet of these pets is permissible, since dogs breed Jergpincher Not particularly susceptible allergic reactions. But it's better to forget about the bones. Besides that they can scratch purph cavity Animal, many of them have a tubular structure and at biteching form sharp edges, which, when swallowing, injured the walls of the stomach and intestines.

In addition to porridge, meat and offal, do not forget about fish. Let us at least two or three times a week in boiled form. It is better for these purposes a marine fish, in a river lot of small bones.

Vegetables and fruits should also be an integral part daily diet puppy. They can be given both in the cheese and in a stewed form. You can combine several products at once and cook soups on light broth, stew vegetables with fish or meat. We are sure if you show patience and a little fantasy, your favorite will definitely appreciate your efforts!

Feed puppy cvergpincher in 2 months Need to decide with the power scheme. If it is dry food, it means that a premium class for puppies of appropriate age with the obligatory addition of fermentation products, vegetables and fruits into the diet. If preference is given to natural feeding, you need to independently make a menu, for example, for a week, or seek help to the veterinarian a nutritionist. The specialist will prompt, in what volume a two-month puppy will need vitamins, micro- and macroelements.

If you decide to buy a dog breed Zvergpincher, Feeding Puppy - One of the first questions you need to solve. It is from the supply that will depend on how happily and for a long time your favorite will live.

Jumppincher is a small dog and to his diet need to fit especially carefully, whether natural nutrition Or the choice of dry feed. What to give a dwarf peer?

Feeding a dwarf Pincher natural products

Most The diet of the dwarf Pincher should be meat - at least 40%. For such a dog, it is better to choose horseback or beef, which are given in the raw form. Bird can only give a little puppy.

A third of the diet should be vegetable food that improves the operation of the digestive tract. These must be fresh and stewed vegetables with a small amount of vegetable oil or sour cream. Also in the diet of the dogs should be porridge (30%), which knead the pieces of meat.

It is best to choose wheat, oatmeal or buckwheat porridge. So that the nutrition of the dwarf Pincher does not give a dog problem, it needs to be organized by regime. The dog should receive his portion of food to the same time at the same time.

The size of the portion should be such that the dog immediately eaten everything, leaving nothing in the bowl. Always in free access in the dog should be enough water.

Feeding a puppy of a dwarf pincher: exemplary diet

  • From a 4-week age, the puppy begins to take away from the maternal milk.
  • The first prure should be a warm goat milk, gradually translating it on dairy oatmeal.
  • From 5-6 weeks you can add meat mince and gradually enter vegetables: carrots, beets, greens.
  • You can make vegetable salads with sour cream or vegetable oil.
  • Mandatory for a puppy cottage cheese.

You can give special vitamins for puppies. Puppy for up to 2 months is fed 6 times a day, up to 4 - 5 times a day. A semi-annual puppy give food 4 times a day, by year, bringing the power frequency to three times a day. From year to year, the dog is transferred to two meals.

Feeding cvergpincher dry food

If it is decided that the dog will eat dry food, it is better to translate the puppy as early as possible. But that the animal develops correctly, the feed needs to choose and specifically designed for puppies of dogs of small rocks.

Feed a puppy, and then an adult dog needs strictly following instructions on the packaging of feed. In no case can one blame the dog. It leads to various diseases and reduce life expectancy. Cheap dry food can cause digestive problems or allergies.

Entering any new feed needs to closely monitor the animals, its health status. When feeding the cvers puppy, a high-quality dry food, it is better not to give anything. Only occasionally fruits and vegetables in the form of delicacy are possible. Highly little puppy Dry food is swollen in warm water.

The miniaturepinchers are a kipache energy and irrepressible thirst for activity. They are sports and alert, possess developed muscles and strong bones. And it could neither reflect on the feeding of the dog.

Menu Zvergpincher closer to the diet service dogs, With amendment on the size and features of development. It is based on red meat and sub-products. It is they will ensure all the needs of the dog and become the key to its excellent form.

What to feed the cvergpincher correctly? - beef, veal, horse meat and their sub-products. As well as vegetables, fastened vegetable oil or sour cream plus porridge. But there is another option - high-quality finished feed for dogs with sufficient protein content.

Puppy diet

Bringing into the house of a little miniaturepincher, you need to take care of the products for him in advance. Ask the breeder that he has already tried from the dog menu and how often it was fed. The first 7-10 days you need to do everything in the same way.

Dry food is selected special, for small rock puppies, not lower than premium class. In addition to the feed, you can give the baby special canned food of the same brand and anything else. The first time the food for the cvergpincher needs to be swollen, but already from three to four months, let it gets used to dry granules. It is important that the puppy always has access to clean water.

What to feed the cvergpooner puppy if you prefer natural products? - In this case, the two thirds of its diet will be protein food, namely low-fat beef and chicken meat, sea fish, fermented milk products and egg yolk (1-2 times a week). The rest is vegetables and cereals.

It is important that the daily menu of the Peski includes all the trace elements necessary for its development. It's wrong to feed him a week of porridge with meat, after - a couple of days cottage cheese, and then arrange a fish week. All of the above products should receive daily. And only some of them, such as fish, can be given 1-2 times a week. In addition, the baby needs to additionally give calcium and polyvitamins for puppies.

As for the power regime of the miniaturepincher, the puppies of 2-6 months need to be fed 4 times a day, 6-9 - three times, and after 9 months you can go to an adult schedule. In the morning and in the evening, after a walk.

And what is the difference between the feeding of an adult Pincher?

Skeleton, dental system and internal organs adult dog already formed. Therefore, your Pinscher does not need this saturated and calorie menu. No longer need as much calcium, which means there is no need to give him cottage daily every day. Two times a week will be quite enough. The daily rate will also decrease.

Now the basis of it natural menu serves meat (better red, like beef and horse). It will be approximately 40% of the entire diet of the dog. 30% will have to vegetables (cucumber, zucchini, sweet pepper, carrots, pumpkin) and cereals (rice, Hercules).

Sea fish positively affects the condition of the skin and wool and will be very useful for the Pincher. Let's give it with vegetables, about once a week. As small additives to the diet, you can use vegetable oil, sour cream, and if the dog is tasted, then the pieces of apples, pears, peaches and seasonal berries (except grapes)

It is very important not to overflow a pet, especially after a year. This breed has a tendency to complete, so before feeding the miniaturepinzer over the daily rate (2-3% of the body weight), remember that excess weight One of the main causes of doggirds.

If you give a peel ready to feed, then go to the adult assortment is needed in 10-12 months. But already in 4-6, you can give a pinch feed for juniors. Its composition fully takes into account all needs is not so active, but still growing a teenage puppy. As before you buy only a special super premium feed for small rocks.

Is it possible to zvergpinchor bone?

The question is not idle. Yes, Pinchers, like many other dogs, absolutely not opposed to sugar bones. But here there are nuances.

First, it is possible to give dogs only raw, articular beef bones and cartilage. They should not form when sharping sharp fragments. For small dogs it is dangerous doubly!

Secondly, you do not need to immediately give the peel solid large bone. Especially puppy. Let first be shattered on gelatin from pet store or soft cartilage. The latter, by the way, where more useful bones.

Thirdly, the bones will not be in the list of what the cumper is useful. Rather, it is a way to "scratch the teeth", to do something. And they should not be given pet daily. And even better, so that the dog is simply drunk, and did not eat completely.

It's too much!

Remember that not all, even very useful products for us, will also be useful for dogs. The first thing to feed the cvergpincher is definitely not worth it, it is greasy meat, fatty cheese or cottage cheese, etc. And it's not just that the dog will quickly fat. First of all, it is a blow to the liver of the animal. Well, and the extra weight "will achieve" the heart and vessels of the pet.

All the same applies to sweets. No, glucose such an energetic and intelligent dog is very necessary, but from confectionery, Pinscher simply does not go to her. But it's not frequent inclusion in the diet of fresh and dry fruits, a small piece of watermelon or half a spoonful of honey will be very useful for him.

It is also dangerous for peeling also exotic fruits and grapes. How it will react on them a dog, it is difficult to say. Everything's possible. From allergy to severe poisoning.

Seasonings, spices, flavors and surplus salts are a serious burden on the kidney of the cvergpincher. And unfortunately, kidney diseases in dogs have long been asymptomatic, which significantly complicates their diagnosis and treatment.

Sugars, pasta and other food from our table often contains the whole range of "harm" for dogs. Here you are excess fat, and sugar, and salt with spices. Plus, the boiled food itself is not natural for predators. And boiled bones - an unnecessary ballast for the intestine, which does not give anything besides his irritation and inflammation.