Effective treatment of multiple sclerosis with traditional methods. Folk remedies for the treatment of patients with multiple sclerosis Treatment of progressive forms of sclerosis with traditional medicine

For multiple sclerosis, treatment with folk remedies gives a good and stable result. Since this disease is characterized by neuronal inflammation due to the deprivation of myelin, their protective layer, it is necessary to find remedies that will help protect neurons. This property is possessed by saffron, which contains crocin, which prevents damage to the cells that produce myelin.

When treating multiple sclerosis with folk remedies, namely saffron infusion, you need to take 1 full teaspoon of saffron and pour boiling water (1 glass), then leave for 20 minutes and strain thoroughly. The medicine must be taken chilled, one tablespoon before eating, strictly 3 times a day.

Also, in the treatment of multiple sclerosis, you can use such traditional medicine recipes.

Recipe No. 1. Soak 20g in a liter of cold water overnight. larkspur herbs, boil for 7 minutes in the morning and leave for 5 hours, then strain. You need to take this medicine one tablespoon a quarter of an hour before meals 3 times a day, and also rub a tablespoon of infusion into the spine in the evening. But, since the larkspur plant is poisonous, this recipe cannot be used for acute diseases kidneys, heart and liver.

Recipe No. 2.Take a tablespoon of mature seeds (unhulled) pour vodka (200 g) and leave in a cool, dark place for a full 3 weeks, remembering to shake the infusion daily. After the time has passed, the Echinops must be filtered and taken strictly 3 times a day, 30 drops diluted in 50 ml. water a quarter of an hour before meals.

If the patient is not allergic to bee venom, then bee sting treatment is effective. In addition, the use of bee products significantly inhibits the development of the disease, but they must be taken throughout life.

When treating multiple sclerosis with folk remedies, it is recommended to support the treatment with special gymnastics and massage, or simply knead and rub numb areas of the body. A special diet is also required. IN daily diet There should be vegetables such as beets, carrots, onions, potatoes, cabbage, lettuce, radishes and spinach, as well as yeast, mushrooms, berries, fruits, legumes and cereals. In addition, it is very useful for multiple sclerosis to eat chicken, cheese, spoiled milk, beef liver, seaweed, salmon, peanuts, walnuts and honey.

Multiple sclerosis is a chronic progressive disease of the nervous system with multiple lesions. The disease is autoimmune in nature. The cause of the disease may be viral infection, hereditary factor, environmental conditions and other circumstances. There are quite a lot of people suffering from multiple sclerosis. And as a rule, patients do not always know what can and cannot be done with this disease, or what traditional medicine recipes to use.

For this disease, the following are prohibited:

# Hot baths and hot food, during which the patient’s condition deteriorates: vision decreases, paralysis increases, and coordination of movement worsens.

# Mud therapy, exposure to the sun, sudden climate change, overwork.

The following remedies are used in folk medicine to treat multiple sclerosis:

# Larkspur steam: soak 20 g of larkspur herb in a liter of cold water overnight, boil for 5-7 minutes in the morning, leave in a warm place for 4-6 hours, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals. At night, rub 1 tablespoon of napar into the spine.
Carefully! The plant is poisonous! Larkspur steam should not be taken in case of severe diseases of the liver, kidneys, or heart.

# Echinoid tincture: pour 1 tablespoon of unhulled Echinoid seeds with 200 g of vodka, leave for 3 weeks in a cool, dark place (but not in the refrigerator), shake it 1-2 times a day. After preparation, strain, take strictly 30 drops per 50 ml of water 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals. At night, rub 1 teaspoon of tincture into the spine.

# Rub apple cider vinegar (1 teaspoon in half a glass of water) over the entire body once a day. At the same time, drink a glass of water 3 times a day with 2 teaspoons added to it. apple cider vinegar and 2 teaspoons of honey. Drink one glass in the morning, the second -for the night, and the third - at any time of the day, regardless of food intake.

During treatment, it is necessary to perform special gymnastics (in reasonable quantities) and massage, i.e. Try to move every day, do various exercises, rub and stretch your numb legs and arms.

# In your diet, be sure to include yeast, vegetables (cabbage, carrots, beets, onions, radishes, potatoes, tomatoes, lettuce, spinach), berries and fruits (black currants, strawberries, pears, lemons), hops, mushrooms, grain sprouts, soybean, bran, cereals (buckwheat, barley, corn, millet), legumes (beans, peas, beans, lentils).

In addition, beef liver, kidneys, heart, chicken meat, eggs, sour milk, cheese, salmon, crabs, seaweed(can be bought at the pharmacy), honey, walnuts, peanuts.

Traditional treatment for multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis- an autoimmune disease that affects the myelin sheath of nerve fibers in the brain and spinal cord. Noel Button wrote the book Multiple Sclerosis - the Greatest medical error" The author believes that the most important role in the development of multiple sclerosis belongs to emotional stress. An important argument in favor of this theory is that many people who never experienced symptoms of multiple sclerosis were found to have plaques and destroyed myelin fibers at autopsy after death. The most important thing in the treatment of multiple sclerosis is the ability of the brain to relax, experience joy and love. A good one is very important night sleep. Lack of REM sleep due to emotional trauma can cause multiple sclerosis.

Some folk remedies can also help in the treatment of multiple sclerosis.

Folk remedy for the treatment of multiple sclerosis No. 1

Wash the fresh leaves of common hogweed with a roller or crush it with a bottle until the juice comes out, scatter it on a canvas, wrap the patient in it and cover it with a blanket. The patient must spend the whole night like this. If some of the most sensitive areas of the body experience discomfort or nagging pain, then the procedure should be stopped. However, in most cases the patient sleeps well. Very often there is a noticeable improvement.

Folk remedy for the treatment of multiple sclerosis No. 2

Prepare the following raw materials: eyebright grass, yarrow, agrimony, nettle, rue, drop cap, mistletoe, mint leaves, black currant, Fucus vesiculosa algae thallus. Take any 3-4 plants, grind them into powder, take 0.5 tsp each. before meals.

Folk remedy for the treatment of multiple sclerosis No. 3

Take equal parts of the herb wormwood (Chernobyl), centaury, knikus, yarrow, St. John's wort, watch leaves; 4 tbsp. pour 0.5 liters of vodka into the mixture, leave for 12 days and strain. Drink 1 tsp. in 0.5 glasses of water 2-3 times a day.

Folk remedy for the treatment of multiple sclerosis No. 4

Take equal amounts of dandelion roots, mistletoe leaves, nettles, rue, watch, black currant and walnut, flowers of marshmallow and black elderberry. Grind in a coffee grinder, add 1 tsp. powder in a glass of milk, bring to a boil, sweeten with honey and drink everything. Drink 2-3 such servings per day between meals.

Folk remedy for the treatment of multiple sclerosis No. 5

Take 50 g of eyebright herb, yarrow, blueberry leaves, strawberries, nettles, lemon balm, licorice roots, bladderwrack thallus; 1 tsp mixture in a glass of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes. Drink a glass in the morning and evening. In addition, eat 50-60 g of sunflower seeds per day.

Folk remedy for the treatment of multiple sclerosis No. 6

Take 40 g of mistletoe leaves, 30 g of calendula leaves and inflorescences, wheat grass and rhizomes, calamus rhizomes, valerian herbs, thyme and lemon balm; Pour 10 g of mixture into 1 liter of cold boiled water, leave overnight. In the morning add 5 tbsp. honey, put on low heat, bring to a boil and cook for another half a minute. When cool, strain. Drink 100 g every 3 hours (drink 0.5 liters per day). Before each dose, add a few drops to the decoction. lemon juice. The course of treatment is 3 months.

Folk remedy for the treatment of multiple sclerosis No. 7

Sclerosis of cerebral vessels. Take equal parts of horsetail, yarrow and rue herbs, 1 tbsp. Boil the mixture for 3 minutes in 03 liters of water. Drink 100 g 3 times a day before meals for a week, then take a week break, drink again for a week, etc. until cure.

Folk remedy for the treatment of multiple sclerosis No. 8

Sclerosis of the inner ear. Take 10 grams of fresh tubers of European drab, add 100 grams of alcohol and leave for 10 days. At the first symptoms of the disease (tinnitus), take 15 drops of tincture per 150 g of water, drink three times a day. This remedy is effective only in the initial stage, before the onset of general sclerosis.

“Living with Multiple Sclerosis!”

Treatment of multiple sclerosis with folk remedies is long-term, and complete recovery is impossible to achieve. irreversible processes can only be stopped. This diagnosis means degeneration functional fabric organ into connective cells, which subsequently die.

Sclerosis can affect any organ. But in the foreground are the blood vessels and the heart. The diffuse form consists of many foci of sclerosis, the nervous tissue is especially affected.

  1. Spinal form - in which the lesions are located in the spinal cord.
  2. Cerebrospinal form.


  • one of the first symptoms is;
  • numbness appears in the upper and lower extremities;
  • gait worsens;
  • the functioning of the genital organs is impaired;
  • the person gradually loses control over the process.

Causes of the disease

Experts cite the presence of a viral infection in the human body as the main reason for the development of sclerosis. It is worth taking into account the hereditary factor. The virus provokes autoimmune phenomena programmed in the human body.

Folk recipes

In the fight against multiple sclerosis, along with traditional therapy, recipes and techniques are widely used.

1. Fill a liter container with clover flowers. Pour five hundred milliliters of vodka on top. Stand in a dark closet for fourteen days. After filtering, drink twenty milliliters of tincture before bed. The course duration is at least ninety days. Continue after a break of fourteen days.

2. Collection - twenty-five grams of hawthorn leaves, the same number of plant flowers, fifteen grams of rue herb, ten grams of valerian roots, chop everything thoroughly. Mix twenty grams of the finished mixture with a mug of chilled distilled water. Leave for three hours. Bring to a boil and simmer for five minutes. Cool for about twenty minutes and filter. Drink in equal portions every eight hours.

3. Mix ten grams of nettle and the same amount of yarrow herb in a container. Chop thoroughly. Pour twenty grams of the mixture into 500 ml of cold distilled liquid. Boil over low heat for ten minutes. Drink one hundred milliliters before going to bed.

4. Recipe - thirty grams of dandelion rhizomes, the same amount of soapwort and wheatgrass roots, as well as yarrow herb (thirty grams). Mix the crushed ingredients and brew twenty grams of the mixture with a mug of boiling water. Leave under a tight lid for sixty minutes. Drink two hundred milliliters every morning and before going to bed at night.

5. Grind the root of Larkspur reticularis thoroughly. Brew two grams of raw materials with a cup of boiling water. Leave in a thermos overnight. Filter in the morning. Drink twenty milliliters in the morning and evening hours, and also at lunch. It is also necessary to instill two drops of the product into nasal cavity after cleaning her nose thoroughly. A course of herbal medicine for sixty days.

6. – take twenty drops of a twenty percent solution, purchased at a pharmacy or prepared yourself, every eight hours, half an hour before eating the main dish. The course is from thirty to ninety days.

7. Grate the white onion on a fine grater and squeeze out the juice. Add an equal amount of honey. Mix and consume twenty grams every morning, at lunchtime and before night rest.

8. – chop one medium-sized head of garlic. Place the resulting slurry in a clean container and pour two hundred milliliters on top unrefined oil sunflower. Leave on the wall of the refrigerator for a day.

Use with ten milliliters of lemon juice. Take thirty minutes before the main course. The course is repeated after a break of thirty days, in the same quantity.

9. Pour twenty grams of peeled Echinops sharogola seeds into a mug of boiling water and keep in a thermos for twelve hours. After filtration, drink the product in four doses. Continue treatment for sixty days.

10. Bee therapy. IN bee venom contains apitoxin, which has a beneficial effect on the development of multiple sclerosis. In total, three bee treatments will be required. The break between them is from three to six weeks. Before starting bee therapy, a test for apitoxin is required.

11. Chickweed (woodlice) will also be beneficial in case of illness. Collect the above-ground part of the plant and mix in equal volumes (after grinding) with honey. Take twenty grams five times a day. Prepare the remedy from plant juice in the same way (but be sure to dilute the juice with water).

12. Grate the root of the kupena on a fine grater, mix the mixture with sour cream. Use externally - rubbing into affected areas. Wash off skin in fifteen minutes.

13. Chop one hundred grams of young pine needles, pour five hundred milliliters of distilled water. Boil over low heat for fifteen minutes. Leave in a warm room for ten hours. Drink the decoction until it runs out.

14. Herbal collection: combine twenty grams of crushed roots of Rhodiola (pink), common burdock and officinalis, aralia (Manchurian), dandelion.

Add in the same volume the herbs meadowsweet, St. John's wort, and string, thyme, as well as sage, chamomile and yarrow, and calendula, as well as rose hips and rowan (red). Pour twenty grams of the mixture into a mug of boiling water, leave for sixty minutes under the lid. Filter.

Take several sips throughout the day. Gradually the amount of decoction is increased to six hundred milliliters per day.

15. Cryotherapy – it has long been noted that cold temperature therapy can alleviate the symptoms of multiple sclerosis. Dosed cold drinks, cool water procedures and staying in an air-conditioned room, daily massage with an ice cube - have proven their effectiveness on initial stages diseases.

16. A person with multiple sclerosis often experiences symptoms. For prevention, it is recommended to drink cranberry juice at a rate of one hundred milliliters per day. To get rid of hypotension of the large intestine, eat ten grams of plantain seeds daily. To suppress depression, brew ten grams of St. John's wort with a cup of boiling water. Drink after eating food during daylight hours.

External means

It is necessary to rub weakened muscles with tincture from shepherd's purse. Place crushed shepherd's purse grass in a bottle and pour vodka on top. Leave for ten days. Rub in several times a day.

Rubbing with oil extracts from chamomile, St. John's wort or thyme flowers will bring benefits (pour the crushed plant into a container, place olive oil on top, keep it covered for ten days).

Therapeutic bath with extract from white peony roots - one hundred grams for a large bath. Relieve pain in intervertebral discs.

It should be noted that taking herbal remedies should only complement the main medications prescribed by a specialist. Remember - the fight against multiple sclerosis is a long, multi-year process. It will not be possible to completely get rid of it; you can only slow down the development of symptoms.

Multiple sclerosis is chronic illness nervous system.

As a result of this disease, sclerotic plaques form in the spinal cord and brain.

What causes the formation of these plaques?

Clinical picture

The reason for the formation of plaques is a failure in immune system, which begins to regard the personal cells of the myelin sheath as foreign.

They are being destroyed chaotically.

Perhaps that is why the disease has such a specific name - multiple sclerosis.

From the affected areas bursts of impulses are transmitted with malfunctions to all organs, but most often to the brain and eyes. As a result:

coordination of movements becomes unclear, vision and gait are impaired, frequent urges to urinate appear, limbs begin to tremble, it becomes difficult for a person to control his body, a deterioration in well-being is gradually observed, memory and thinking deteriorate, problems begin in bed with a partner (about the use of field grass for men with impotence it is written here), the process of emptying the intestines from feces is disrupted.

There is one unpleasant point: mainly young people are susceptible to the disease, aged from 18 to 45 years.

What do you know about the benefits and harms of raisins for the human body? Healing properties dried grapes are described in a useful article.

Read about the treatment of drug-induced hepatitis with folk remedies on this page.

It is for this reason that leaving a young man alone with insidious disease not worth it.

It is necessary that all friends, relatives and friends of the patient direct all their efforts to fight this disorder.

Many doctors consider this disease incurable. But, if you use the recommendations of traditional healers in time and correctly carry out complex treatment, the result will exceed all your expectations.

General instructions

If you have multiple sclerosis, you should not be overheated.
You cannot soak in a hot bath; it is advisable to wash yourself under warm shower.
Do not overuse the sun's rays.
In hot sunny weather, you should try to spend more time in the shade. The menu should be dominated by products plant origin . The disease can worsen because a person leads an inactive lifestyle.
Blood should not stagnate in brain cells.
If you like to sleep during the day, then you should give up this habit. For night sleep, you need to choose a high pillow (it should be equal to half the volume of your head). Don't forget to do the basics physical exercise: we rise on our toes, then sharply lower ourselves onto our heels.

This should be done every hour for 15–20 exercises.

In order not to provoke an aggravation of the situation, you need to completely protect yourself from all kinds of allergens. An important rule that you need to remember and always follow: avoid stressful situations, smile as often as possible, believe in your own strength, and the disease will definitely recede.

If you've tried everything on yourself, possible ways traditional treatment from multiple sclerosis, and they were unsuccessful, it is worth paying attention to the methods offered by alternative medicine.

You should never “give up” in the face of any illness. You need to hope for the best and look for ways to get rid of the pathology.

In order to achieve best effect, treatment with folk remedies should be carried out in parallel with taking medications prescribed by your doctor.

The main thing is to remember that you will not be able to quickly cope with this disease. You need to prepare yourself for quite a long treatment.

What do you know about medicinal properties oak bark? For what diseases does traditional medicine recommend the use of remedies based on it is written in a useful article.

The benefits and harms of strawberry leaves are written here.

On the page: http://netlekarstvam.com/narodnye-sredstva/lekarstva/produkty-pitaniya/klubnika.html read about the benefits and harms of strawberries during pregnancy.

Under no circumstances should we slow down healing. The main thing is patience.

Interesting fact: Every fourth patient with multiple sclerosis is cured of this disease.

Many traditional healers in the treatment of this disease healing decoctions, it is strongly recommended to conduct healthy image life and diet.

To avoid being given a disappointing diagnosis of multiple sclerosis in the future, you must adhere to the following recommendations in nutrition:

you need to eat parsley as much as possible(its benefits for the body are described in this article).
This green has a diuretic effect and prevents the formation of salts in the body; seaweed perfectly cleanses the blood vessels of the brain(recipes for using dried kelp are posted here).
This product should take its rightful place in your diet; has a good anti-sclerotic effect watermelon juice.
When in season, watermelons should be eaten large quantities; prevents cerebral vascular sclerosis from developing wild strawberry.
This delicacy is not only tasty, but also very healthy.
Berries should be included in your diet, at least 100 grams. in a day.

What should you give up completely?

It is necessary to give up smoking and strong alcoholic drinks(how to drink Riga balsam written in this article). These bad habits negatively affect the body in general and blood vessels in particular.

Excessive consumption favors the development of the disease. table salt. Sodium chloride tends to accumulate in the body.

And this becomes the cause of impaired transmission of nerve impulses, as a result, we have multiple sclerosis. But remember, you shouldn’t completely give up salt.

In small quantities, it is needed for the normal functioning of the entire body.

In order to “wake up” your body, you need to drink a glass of hot water (not boiling water) on an empty stomach in the morning.

Thanks to warm water, blood will circulate faster, which minimizes the possibility of blood clots.

Products such as:

liver, chocolate, sardines, sprats and some others should be excluded from your table.

Traditional methods of restoring brain and nervous system functions

Treatment with this product should be carried out under the strict supervision of the attending physician.

Therapy should be started and stopped gradually.

As a remedy, you need to drink 32 grams of flower (pine) pollen every day.

As prophylactic 20 grams per day is enough. The product is drunk two to three times a day, on an empty stomach.

Minimum treatment course- 1 month.

It is necessary to collect the plant heads and fill a liter jar with them.

Then add vodka (0.5 liter) on top and leave for two weeks. Take one large spoon before bed.

You need to take the medicine for 2.5 – 3 months. Then there is a 14-day break, then we repeat the course again.

We take the following composition of herbs:

hawthorn leaves (25 grams), flowers of the same plant - 25 grams, valerian root (instructions on how to take the tincture are posted here) - 10 grams, rue (15 grams).

Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Take 1 tablespoon of the mixture and pour it with a glass of cold water.

After 3 hours, put on low heat and bring to a boil. Boil for 5 – 7 minutes.

After cooling completely, filter through cheesecloth or a thick strainer.

We take the decoction three to four times a day in equal portions.

The product can be stored for no more than one day..

Stinging nettle collection(10 grams) and yarrow (10 grams).
Mix the raw materials, take a tablespoon and place the herbs in an enamel bowl.

Uploading the contents cold water in an amount of 0.5 liters, put it on the stove and boil for several minutes.

You need to drink half a glass of the medicine warm before going to bed.

We take the following herbal ingredients:

30 grams of kulbaba roots, the same amount of soapwort roots and wheatgrass rhizomes (medicinal properties), 30 grams of yarrow.

Grind it all and mix it. Place a spoonful of the mixture in a saucepan and pour a cup of boiling water.

Let it sit for 1 hour. The decoction is ready for use.

You need to drink 1 glass in the morning and evening, before bed.

The tincture can be prepared at home, or you can buy it ready-made at the pharmacy. If you have the ingredients at home, prepare the medicine yourself:

take 5 grams of propolis (to increase immunity in children) and fill it with alcohol (0.5 liters).

Take 5 grams of the product and dissolve it in warm boiled water (100 grams).

Store the infusion in the refrigerator in a closed glass container. Take 1 teaspoon in three doses throughout the day.

For headaches Blackcurrant juice will help get rid of it ( beneficial features and contraindications of leaves).
You need to drink 1/3 glass of it at least three times a day.

Honey with onions.
Onion, grate or grind in a meat grinder.

Squeeze 1 glass of juice through cheesecloth. Mix it with a glass of honey. The mass should be stored in the refrigerator.

We use the medicine an hour before meals, three times a day.

Hawthorn fruits in alcohol.
We use half a glass of dried fruits, chop them and fill them with a liter of 70% alcohol.

We infuse for seven days, filter and take 50 drops before meals, but not more than three times a day.

Ready-made hawthorn tincture (instructions for use) can be purchased at any pharmacy in your locality.

You can make a tincture from the roots of elecampane(its use in folk medicine is written about in this article).
Before you start cooking medicine, the root is needed:

wash it thoroughly from the soil, there is no need to peel off the bark, grind the root, take 50 grams of the mass and fill it with vodka in the amount of 1.2 liters, leave for at least 3 days.

After this period, filter and take 50 grams three times a day, before meals.

It should be remembered that it is not recommended to take various alcohol and vodka tinctures at the same time.

An effective remedy for multiple sclerosis is prepared from rowan bark.

Shoots of common heather. We are preparing a decoction. For this purpose, you need to use dry heather shoots.

Grind them using a meat grinder or blender. Take a tablespoon of ground raw materials and pour it hot water(500 g).

Boil over low heat for 8 - 10 minutes. Cover the pan with a lid and wrap it with a towel. Let it brew for 2.5 – 3 hours. After this we filter.

We take the medicine twice a day, 1 glass.


In practice, relaxing methods have been proven effective in combating the disease. These could be Hatha yoga exercises (asanas with descriptions in pictures are posted on this page).

It is also very useful to do breathing exercises. Eastern medicine, namely acupuncture and homeopathy, successfully copes with this disease.


There are many alternative approaches to treating multiple sclerosis. And they all have a characteristic effect on the general condition of a person.

The main thing to remember is that each individual reacts differently to the healing process. Each patient needs individual therapy.

Be careful with herbs, they can cause allergic reactions. Follow moderation in everything and do not forget to consult your doctor.

Watch the video below to learn about the effective treatment of multiple sclerosis with bees.

I would like to devote my article today to the treatment and prevention of multiple, or disseminated, sclerosis - a disease of the central nervous system with a protracted course, folk remedies. Multiple sclerosis usually occurs in young to middle age (15-40 years). Starts mainly with a violation motor functions limbs and can last with remissions for over 30 years, shortening the patient’s life by 15-20 years. Traditional medicine considers multiple sclerosis one of the diseases of civilization, and in last years The frequency of their diseases is equal to cancer.

Patients with disseminated sclerosis should take 3 times a day, half an hour to an hour before meals, 10 drops under the tongue with a crumb of sugar or a drop of honey, royal jelly. Do not swallow for 10-15 minutes so that the milk is absorbed into the blood through the mucous membrane of the mouth. And so on for 10 days. Take a ten-day break and repeat the course. Conduct 3-12 courses with breaks. Royal jelly normalizes metabolism, useful for obesity and thinness, strengthens the immune system, stimulates hematopoiesis and regulates the functions of the endocrine glands.

Pollen is very useful in the treatment of multiple sclerosis with folk remedies. It helps restore the functions of the brain and nervous system, has a positive effect on blood vessels, helps with neurosis and atherosclerosis, normalizes blood pressure and improves memory. It is advisable to consume pollen under the supervision of a doctor. Maintenance dose for adults - 20 g, therapeutic dose - 32 g per day. Take pollen in equal portions 3 times a day before meals and always in the evening before bed. The minimum duration of the treatment course is 1 month. You need to start and stop treatment gradually, increasing and decreasing the daily dose over the course of a week.

To expel worms, chop and mix 1 tsp. black cumin seeds and olive oil, 3 cloves of garlic, a piece of Jamaican hot pepper, 10 pieces pumpkin seeds and eat everything warm in the evening before bed. You can also mix thoroughly ground black cumin seeds with apple cider vinegar overnight and rub this mixture on your stomach. In the morning, take a sip of dill or castor oil infusion, and then go to the toilet. By doing this once a week for 2 months, cleanse the body of all worms.

To destroy fungi that destroy nervous system, it is recommended to place 100 pieces of milky ripe walnuts in a three-liter jar, cutting each into 4 parts, pour honey over them, not reaching 3 fingers from the neck of the jar, mix well with a wooden spoon and roll up with a tin lid. Bury the jar in the ground to a depth of 70 cm and leave for 6 months. After this, dig out, open and strain the contents through a sieve. Store the resulting syrup in a tightly closed glass container on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. Use it until the end, 1 tbsp 3 times a day an hour after meals, diluting it in 30-50 ml of water each time. If necessary, the course can be repeated after a year. Garlic copes well with viruses, fungi and bacteria. You need 5 cloves of garlic, minced in garlic powder, mixed with 2 tbsp. honey melted in a decoction of black cumin and drink immediately. Carry out the procedure in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bed until complete healing.

During many years of searching, I found an effective folk recipe recovery nerve cells and treatment of multiple sclerosis. It is necessary to grind and mix 100 g of valerian root, 50 g of heather flowers, mint leaves, herb, oregano and roots of peony angustifolia, 200 g of the whole motherwort plant, 30 g of lemon balm herb, 70 g of yellow sweet clover flowers, 20 g each of hops, thyme , blue cyanosis and pour 1 tbsp. mixture with a glass of boiling water. Leave for 10 minutes, be sure to add a little honey or burnt sugar, strain and drink warm in small sips. It is very good to pour 200 g of the mixture into 5 liters of water in an enamel bowl, bring to a boil, simmer for 10 minutes over low heat, strain and pour the broth over your hair and whole body, mentally driving away all negative emotions.

To strengthen the brain and spinal cord, as well as improve vision, you need to chop and mix 1 tbsp. black cumin seeds, cinnamon, cloves, spikenard (musk root), mix until a homogeneous mixture is obtained with natural honey and eat 1/3 of the volume at night before bed, and rub the remaining product, thoroughly rubbing, to lubricate the previously shaved head and spine. Sleep under a cloudless sky in the air, without covering your head or wearing a shirt. And so for seven summer nights.

In the treatment of multiple sclerosis with folk remedies, mumiyo is often used. Rub along the trunk of the spine for 20 days daily for 5-6 minutes, 8-10% of it alcohol solution, at the same time, 0.2 g of mumiyo with honey is taken orally.

Facilitates the condition of patients with multiple sclerosis breathing exercises, as well as dry body mass with a brush made of thick natural bristles at least 2 cm long. Massage from the palm in the direction of the shoulder. Then move the brush from the toes to the groin, and then through the thigh to the buttock. Stroke the stomach in a circular motion in a clockwise direction. Start massage of the spine at the height of the sacral bone, massaging outward, that is, from the vertebrae to the left and right, moving upward. Repeat each exercise several times. The entire procedure should last no less than 5 and no longer than 10 minutes. Massage with a brush, of course, provides relief, but before doing it, be sure to consult with your doctor. Massaging with a brush is useful for poor circulation and low acidity. gastric juice, exhaustion of the body, paralysis, bronchial asthma, leg cramps, functional disorders of the heart and kidneys, during menopause, as well as during recovery after a serious illness. Massage with a brush is strictly prohibited in case of inflammation of the appendix, peritoneum, liver and pancreas, intestinal obstruction, all neoplasms, bleeding and blood diseases.

It is recommended for disseminated sclerosis to wipe the entire body aqueous solution apple cider vinegar (10 mg vinegar per 1 liter of water). From time to time, dip the towel into the cold solution, twist it and first wipe your face, then your stomach, shoulders and feet. Carry out the procedure for 1-2 minutes, gradually increasing its duration. After drying, dry off and get dressed. Women should not stop wiping even during menstruation.

Improves the condition of multiple sclerosis by drinking juice mixtures in the morning on an empty stomach: 300 ml of carrot juice and 180 ml of spinach; 210 ml carrot juice, 120 ml celery, 60 ml parsley and 90 ml spinach; 270 ml carrot juice, 150 ml celery and 60 ml parsley; 360 ml carrot juice and 120 ml parsley. You can mix 1 tsp in the morning. lemon juice, honey, sunflower oil and take on an empty stomach. Also mix 12 parts by volume of freshly squeezed lemon juice, 0.5 parts each of honey and olive oil, and then take 1 tsp. mixture in the morning on an empty stomach. In the evening before bed, freshly squeezed juice of 1/2 lemon and 1 tsp. honey is diluted in 1/4 cup of boiled water and drunk at night.

Grains heal the nervous system. In the morning, pour 0.5 liters of milk 100 g into an enamel bowl oatmeal, bring to a boil and simmer for 20 minutes over low heat. Add 50 g of wheat, rye or rice bran and cook for another 5 minutes. Add honey, walnuts, flax seeds to the finished porridge to taste and chew thoroughly, eat on an empty stomach. This daily breakfast improves memory and promotes good digestion.

Bagels, the recipe for which I offer below, strengthen the heart and create a positive emotional mood, which is very important for patients with multiple sclerosis. Pour 10 g of flour, ground into powder, into 0.5 kg of flour nutmeg and cinnamon, 5 g of ground cloves (spices), beat in 2 eggs, add 100 g of butter, nuts to taste, dilute with kefir and knead into a thick dough. Form it into bagels and bake them in the oven. Eat 2-3 bagels with tea several times a day, and soon you will feel a significant improvement. Such bagels, if you make them with buckwheat or rye flour, perfectly regulate pressure.

Medicinal herbs play an important role in treating the consequences of multiple sclerosis.

For partial paralysis, grind and mix 300 g of dry walnut leaves, ivy and soapwort herbs, pour the mixture into 10 liters of water and simmer for 1 hour, without bringing to a boil. After this, cover the pan and leave for 2 hours. Strain, reheat and dissolve 50 g of table salt in the broth. Keep paralyzed limbs in this solution 3 times a day for 30 minutes. The decoction can be stored in a cold place and used warmed for three days. The course of treatment is 25 days.

Intermittent claudication in people with multiple sclerosis often occurs due to obstruction of blood flow to the arms and legs, as well as progressive muscle paralysis. The following recipes will help you cope with this:

1. Pass 4 lemons through a meat grinder, including the skin, but without seeds, and add 3 tbsp to the lemon mixture. ground lemon balm leaves into powder, 1 tbsp. thyme and cinnamon herb powders, add 0.5 kg of honey, 20 ml of pharmaceutical tinctures of valerian and hawthorn and mix everything thoroughly. Take 1 tbsp. 3 times a day an hour before meals until improvement.

2. Grind and mix 100 g of walnut leaves, 50 g of the whole elderberry plant and pine tops, pour the mixture with 6 liters of water, bring to a boil and simmer for 30 minutes over low heat. At the end of cooking, add a handful of table salt, then strain and pour the broth into a bath with a water temperature of 36°C. Take it for 10 minutes 1 time per day until improvement.

Rubbing them with tinctures of shepherd's purse and herbal medicine will restore mobility to paralyzed limbs. You need to wash the grass, chop it, pour it into the bottle up to the neck, fill it to the top with vodka and put it in a warm place for 10 days, shaking the contents often. The prepared tincture is rubbed into the muscles 2-3 times a day for atrophy and paralysis. After rubbing, cover yourself with a warm blanket and put on woolen socks.

Strengthen leg muscles in case of multiple sclerosis by taking baths with a decoction of meadow clover and drinking its infusion. For a bath, about 300 g of the whole dry plant or 900 g of fresh plant is poured into 5 liters of boiling water and left to infuse for 5 hours. After this, filter and pour into a bath with a water temperature of 36°C. Take it for 10-15 minutes. To prepare the infusion, 1 tbsp. dry or 2 tbsp. fresh clover flowers are poured with a glass of boiling water and left until cool. After straining, take 0.5 cups 3 times a day.

A bath with a decoction of young spring shoots of pine, spruce or fir has a positive effect on multiple sclerosis. Take it 2-3 times a week. For one bath, take 300 g of raw material, soak it in cold water and leave it overnight. The next day, the infusion is poured into the bath, and the shoots are again washed down with fresh water, everything is brought to a boil and the broth is poured into a bath with a water temperature of 37 ° C. Lie in it for no more than 20 minutes. Water should not be higher than the level of the kidneys.

Ginkgo biloba leaves are also used in treatment. This tree can be found in city parks and squares. Ginkgo protects blood vessels brain, improves blood circulation, vision, hearing and memory. Grind 100 g of fresh tree leaves in a mortar with a wooden pestle, fill them with 0.5 liters of 70° alcohol and leave to infuse for 10-14 days in a dark place, shaking from time to time. After this, strain and consume 20-30 drops 2-3 times a day, diluting the tincture in a glass of water each time.

For active work brain, memory improvement and general stimulation of the body, such a remedy is suitable. Grind 3 cloves of garlic along with three tomatoes in a mixer, add a little salt and drink this drink chilled at any time of the day. You can boil onions with lamb, mix it in a mixer with 50 g of ripened wheat and eat. This will strengthen the muscles and give the body vigor. For the same purpose, boil fenugreek, changing the water several times, then grind it well in a mortar, add a little wheat flour, homemade milk, ghee, honey, mix and consume this mixture.

Atrophy is common in patients with multiple sclerosis. optic nerve. In this case, you need to cut it into 4 parts 1 average size lemon, add 100 small young pine cones, 25 g of flowering herb rue, pour 2.5 liters of water into an enamel bowl, add 0.5 kg of sugar, bring to a boil and simmer for 30 minutes over low heat. Leave, wrapped, for 1 hour, strain and drink 1 tbsp. 3 times a day before meals.

Many people with multiple sclerosis suffer from urinary incontinence. Here's how to deal with this problem:

1. Brew 1 tablespoon of boiling water in a thermos. dill seeds, strain after a day and drink the entire infusion at night. Take daily for about a month.

2. Pour 1 liter of boiling water over 40 g of St. John's wort, dried together with flowers, wrap the dishes and leave for 2-3 hours. Strain and drink freely instead of tea and water. A glass of this infusion, drunk before bed, will prevent enuresis (bedwetting).

3. Taking small sips of one glass a day of yarrow infusion will bring improvement (pour 1 pinch of chopped herb into a glass of hot water and leave for 10 minutes).

4. You can mix watermelon honey, freshly squeezed onion and apple juices in equal parts by volume, and then take 1-2 tbsp. 3 times a day before meals. Store the product in the refrigerator. Watermelon honey (nardek) is prepared from freshly prepared watermelon juice. The pulp is crushed, rubbed through a sieve, the juice is filtered through 2 layers of gauze and put on fire. The resulting foam is removed, the juice is filtered again and then evaporated over low heat, stirring. When the volume of juice has decreased by 5-6 times, check the readiness of the honey with a drop. Nardek is always liquid. Store it in glass jars, sealing them with a clean cloth.

5. Urinary and fecal incontinence will stop and digestion will improve if you mix freshly squeezed carrot juice and watermelon honey in equal parts by volume and take 1/4 cup of the mixture 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

At neglected form multiple sclerosis, when the patient is constantly in bed, there is a danger of bedsores and diaper rash. To prevent this, stir until smooth 1 tbsp. lemon juice, 100 ml of aloe juice and glycerin, and then use the mixture in the form of compresses, lotions and washing problem areas. Store in a tightly sealed container in the refrigerator.

A powerful medicine is daily sincere prayer. It is advisable to avoid stress and regulate your diet. If you have multiple sclerosis, you should not consume sugar or foods containing it; you should avoid ketchup, mustard, and spicy tomato sauce, marinades, chips, salty foods, exclude fried foods, butter, margarine, fresh pork and products made from it, coffee, tea, alcoholic and carbonated drinks, smoked meat, ham, bacon, sausage, sausages, products with excess amounts of nitrates, any smoked fish, are harmful to health flour products and various preservatives. Patients with multiple sclerosis need to eat fruits and vegetables every day in all their variety; the diet should include peppers, tomatoes, cabbage, pumpkin, melon, beets, carrots, beans, beans, peas, potatoes, Jerusalem artichoke and celery in sufficient quantities.

Massage, physical exercise, especially swimming, as well as mental work, greatly contribute to recovery from multiple sclerosis. And it’s much easier to heal early stages diseases. No wonder the old proverb says: “One stitch in time is worth nine.” So the main thing is not to be late! Good luck to you, good people!

Sincerely - EM.Frindak.

Multiple sclerosis is a progressive disease of the nervous system. The causes may be a viral infection, a hereditary factor, or an environmental situation. There are many people suffering in the world. And, not everyone, as a rule, knows how to treat multiple sclerosis with folk remedies and does not know what not to do with this disease.

In case of multiple sclerosis, it is prohibited.
1) Hot baths and hot food, while taking them, coordination of movement worsens, paralysis increases, and vision decreases.
2) Overwork, sudden climate change, exposure to the sun, mud therapy.

Onions with honey will help!#12#
For multiple sclerosis, let's turn our attention to traditional medicine. Take the onion and finely grate it if you don’t have a juicer. Squeeze out a glass of onion juice and add the same amount of honey. Take 2 dessert spoons three times a day an hour before meals.

Sunflower seeds from!#12#
Older people often suffer from sclerosis. They should consume black seeds. If you eat 200 grams of black sunflower seeds, you will see how your health will improve. It is not roasted seeds that are considered healthy, but pure dried seeds. Try this very effective and easy remedy for the treatment of multiple sclerosis.

With deep sclerosis
Let's take Art. spoon of each of these herbs: motherwort pentaloba, hawthorn, nettle, lemon balm and pour 1/2 liter of boiling water, leave for four hours in a thermos. Take 35 minutes before meals, and 30 grams. Just don’t mix pills with taking herbs.

More gooseberries.

Gooseberries help with sclerosis. This folk remedy grows in every garden. It improves health. This remedy helps cure atherosclerosis. We eat according to Art. spoon of unripe gooseberries. Just don’t tear off the dry tails from the berries; they contain substances that lower cholesterol in the blood. If we drink tea from the leaves of this plant three times a day, then this is also useful. There is an opinion that if you eat a tablespoon of gooseberries for 3 weeks, your health will improve.

Treatment of multiple sclerosis.
1. Throw 100 ml of mumiyo into boiled warm water. We take this medicine before meals three times a day, one teaspoon at a time. We store the composition in the refrigerator.

2. To prepare propolis tincture, take 5 grams of propolis, already crushed, pour 1/2 liter of 75% alcohol or take 96% alcohol. Let it brew for 7 days, sometimes shake the composition, then add salt to the solution and add what is left with 200 ml of alcohol and leave for 7 days. We use 30 drops of tincture with the addition of 60 ml of boiled warm water, three times a day, every half hour.

To prepare delphinium, take 100 grams of pre-chopped dry grass. Pour 1/2 liter of vodka over the grass and leave for 21 days in a place where they don’t go Sun rays. Shake the infusion daily. We use it in drops with boiled water - 50 ml half an hour later, when we take the propolis tincture. The intake is as follows: within 20 days we take 15 drops three times. IN next days 20 drops, three times, and then use 30 drops three times a day, until recovery.
We take all these 3 medications before meals, and 30 minutes should pass between each dose. We are undergoing treatment for 21 days, then we will take a break for ten days.

Sclerosis in the elderly
Thanks to traditional treatment senile sclerosis can be treated. Take 200 grams of May nettle and pour 1/2 liter of vodka into it. The first day we will keep it in a sunny place, and then for eight days we will keep it in a dark place. After this time, squeeze out the nettles. We drink a teaspoon of this remedy, half an hour before eating, twice a day. After some time, when the tincture is drunk, your blood composition will be restored, lightness will appear, and all the symptoms of sclerosis will disappear.

Treatment of multiple sclerosis with garlic.
1. Garlic oil. Take a medium head of garlic, peel it and grind it into a pulp with a masher. Let's add in glass jar and pour in a glass of unrefined sunflower oil. Place it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. The next day, take a lemon, cut off the skin, squeeze out a dessert spoon of lemon juice and pour it into a tablespoon. Add one teaspoon of garlic juice there and stir everything. Take 30 minutes before your appointment, three times a day. We use this remedy for up to three months, then take a break for a month and repeat the course. This is an excellent cleansing and vasodilator, relieves shortness of breath and heart spasms.

2. Garlic. Take a bottle and fill it one third with peeled and chopped garlic. And fill it with vodka. We infuse the infusion in a dark, cool place for 14 days, shaking it every day. Take before meals, add 5 drops of infusion to a teaspoon of warm water, three times a day. Cleanses the stomach well, works, reduces high blood pressure, cleanses circulatory system from various deposits.

To summarize, you can treat multiple sclerosis using folk remedies, but before using one of these recipes, first consult your doctor.

Multiple sclerosis is a disease that affects the central nervous system. Without proper treatment, this disease can lead to disability.

The causes of the disease have not yet been clarified. One thing is certain, people aged 25 to 50 are at risk. The age of the disease decreases every year.

Typically, the disease does not have specific symptoms. Each case of the disease manifests itself individually.

Often people simply do not pay attention to the first manifestations of the disease, and when they realize it, it may already be too late.

Here are the most common symptoms of multiple sclerosis:

  • visual and speech impairment;
  • weakness, memory and attention deteriorate;
  • coordination is impaired;
  • genitourinary system disorder.

When you first discover these warning signs, it is best to consult a doctor immediately!

Difficulties of treatment

Multiple sclerosis of the cerebral vessels is very difficult to treat. This is due to the fact that No effective means to fight this disease.

All drugs available in service modern medicine, can only slow down the rate of development of the disease.

Despite the modern technological equipment available to doctors, unfortunately, there are no positive dynamics in the treatment of multiple sclerosis.


As often happens when traditional methods are powerless, people use treatment for multiple sclerosis traditional methods.

But it should be remembered that when using traditional methods, one should not forget about medications prescribed by a doctor.

Combined treatment can achieve positive changes in the fight against the disease. The patient's condition stabilizes, in some cases significant improvements are noticeable.

Main advantage folk ways treatment is that everything herbal teas, decoctions and other remedies consist of natural ingredients.

This allows them to be used for treatment by everyone without exception, without fear of allergic reactions and other side effects.

Treatment at home

In order for the treatment of multiple sclerosis with folk remedies to provide positive result, the patient should change his lifestyle.

Overheating of the body must be avoided. Not worth it long time be in the open sun. If there is a need to go outside on a hot day, then a sun umbrella or a wide-brimmed hat should become a must-have companion.

You shouldn't take a hot bath either. It is better to limit yourself to a cool shower.

Of course, it is necessary to refuse bad habits. Alcohol and nicotine are strictly contraindicated for multiple sclerosis.

In addition, you need to reconsider your diet. Try to reduce your consumption of animal fats. Eat less sweets, but vegetables and fruits will become a reliable ally in the fight against illness.

It is best to get rid of pets if you have them. Wool can cause allergic reaction, And as a result, provoke an exacerbation of the disease.

For the same reasons, you shouldn't start flowering plants. In the room where the patient lives, it is necessary to carry out wet cleaning as often as possible.

An important factor in the treatment of multiple sclerosis is the patient's rest.. Try to avoid stressful situations.

Under no circumstances should you attempt to remove nervous tension alcohol or drugs!

The best way to come to a state of peace is meditation. To do this, just sit for a few minutes in a comfortable position with your eyes closed. It is recommended to breathe slowly and deeply, and try to focus your thoughts on breathing.

Sleep is the best way to relax. Therefore, you need to stick to the regime and go to bed on time. During sleep, the body relaxes and rests as much as possible.

Talk to your doctor about exercising. Moderate stress on the muscles is a great way to get rid of nervous tension.

Even if your doctor forbids exercise, try to go for walks. fresh air. Just select the average air temperature for such walks.

Traditional medicine recipes

Various herbal decoctions and tinctures help well with multiple sclerosis.

Here are some recipes for folk remedies for multiple sclerosis:

Other non-traditional treatments

The following methods are also used to treat sclerosis:

The disease is incurable, but you shouldn’t give up

Unfortunately, at present there is not a single case of recovery from multiple sclerosis. In addition, it is unknown what factors can trigger its occurrence.

Therefore, it is impossible to determine who is at risk. The best way to prevent this unpleasant and dangerous disease, is to try to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Give up bad habits, eat healthy and balanced. Pay more attention to sports and walks in the fresh air. Hardening will also be useful. Try to avoid nervous tension.

If one of your relatives does get sick, under no circumstances should you self-medicate! This can provoke an exacerbation of the disease.

When you are offered some magical remedy for multiple sclerosis that can completely overcome illness, don't believe it.

Very often, scammers take advantage of the gullibility of desperate and sick people. Be sure to discuss taking all medications, including traditional medicine, with your doctor.

Although multiple sclerosis is considered incurable disease, we sincerely hope that the above tips and recipes will help alleviate and improve the condition of a sick person.