The best remedies for acne on the face. Inexpensive creams, lotions, ointments in the pharmacy. Cheap and Effective Acne Treatments Effective Acne Treatments

A rash on the face creates discomfort and reduces confidence. An acne ointment on your face can help get rid of acne or rashes. What to choose among the many ointments - salicylic, retinoic, zinc, traditional ichthyol ointment and Vishnevsky. Which one is the most effective? Reviews and complete information about the composition will help you choose the right drug.

What is the best acne ointment?

Pharmacies and beauty salons offer various ointments, creams, acne gels. They differ in composition, price and efficiency. It is often difficult to choose what is really needed. Which ointment for acne to take - retinoic or salicylic? How effective will the selected ointment be for large acne? And how long can hormonal drugs be used?

Let's try to deal with this issue. Consider what modern pharmaceuticals offers, and which ointments help with acne on the face, and which do not..

To do this, we will analyze the composition of each ointment, the features of its action and recommendations for use - when it is really effective, and when you can do without it. Let's start with two well-known ointments that were used in Soviet times to treat any boils and abscesses - Vishnevsky and Ichthyolka.

Ichthyol ointment for acne

Ichthyol ointment contains ichthyol or ingammol - extract from shale resins. The main advantage of this ointment is she draws pus from under the skin... Spot application of ichthyol allows you to form an abscess, draw out purulent contents onto its surface, and then remove it and treat it with an antiseptic.

It is necessary to apply ichthyol if the abscess stretches for a very long time and hurts... Usually, such a pimple is quite large and looks painful, compacted. Without ichthyol ointment, it can mature for up to 2 weeks, and also “break through” for a long time, and only then heal.

In addition, ichthyol is used as an alternative method of cosmetic facial cleansing. It dissolves comedones (blackheads, blackheads), which are oxidized fat in the pores of the skin. And they stimulate the spontaneous flow of sebaceous secretions, cleaning the pores from black spots.

Note: after all, cleansing (squeezing) blackheads by a beautician is more effective. Therefore, it is worth remembering that ichthyol is an ointment for subcutaneous acne, and not for acne.

Vishnevsky ointment for acne

Vishnevsky's composition has the same indications as ichthyol ointment. It is also used to draw out abscesses.... Vishnevsky's ointment contains natural ingredients ( birch tar, castor oil) and antibiotic xeroform... What is the difference between the two ointment compositions?

Ichthyol - accelerates the maturation of the abscess. It draws pus from the superficial subcutaneous layers. Vishnevsky ointment - makes the abscess more extensive in order to draw out pus from deeper layers of tissues. Thus, Vishnevsky's ointment removes pus completely. Hence the following recommendations: first, use ichthyol ointment for acne on the face, and after the breakthrough of the abscess, use Vishnevsky's composition.

Note: before the discovery of antibiotics, the main means for treating skin inflammations were two ointments - based on ichthyol (Ichthyol) and an ointment with xeroform (Vishnevsky). These are two of the cheapest acne ointments today.

Salicylic ointment for acne

Salicylic ointment - contains a powerful keratolytic agent ( salicylic acid). The acid is so aggressive that it is used to soften dead skin lumps (calluses). When applied to the skin as part of an ointment, salicil has an exfoliating effect. It removes old dead skin cells, and thus peels the face.

In addition to peeling, salicylic ointment is used to treat skin infections such as acne and rashes. It dries out, therefore it is well suited for oily, shiny skin. And not suitable for dry flaky epidermis (increases the feeling of dryness).

Recommendations: salicylic ointment contains an aggressive component (in an amount 1% , 2% , 3% or 5% ). Therefore, it is worth using it with obvious redness and inflammation on oily skin.

Note: Due to the exfoliating effect of old cells, salicylic ointment is used as an ointment for acne scars. It causes a burning sensation and accelerates local blood flow, and thus ensures the regeneration (renewal) of the cells of the skin epidermis.

Synthomycin ointment for acne

Synthomycin ointment - represents antibacterial compounds. Contains one of the "outdated" antibiotics ( syntomycin) and natural base ( castor oil). Before the invention of the widespread antibiotic chloramphenicol, synthomycin was the main treatment for bronchitis, gonorrhea and syphilis. After - it was ousted from the field of treatment of internal diseases, but remained in the composition of external ointments.

Synthomycin ointment is effective if rashes and acne are caused by a bacterial infection (staphylococcus, streptococcus). However, it is far from harmless. The antibacterial component violates the skin microflora. therefore it is not recommended to use the composition for prophylaxis daily.

Recommendations: ointment has worked well for teenage rashes... It is also applied to the bikini area after shaving (to prevent irritation and the appearance of small pimples). And one more thing: if there is no noticeable improvement within a week of using the ointment, it means that the main cause of acne is not infectious. We must look for another effective remedy.

Baneocin acne ointment

We continue our acquaintance with antibacterial ointments. The list of ointment compositions is presented here in ascending order. So synthomycin is one of the weak antibiotics. Baneocin is a more potent drug. Further, there will be even stronger antibacterial ointments.

Baneocin ointment contains two antibiotics that mutually reinforce each other's action. Bacitracin - for the treatment of streptococci and staphylococci. AND neomycin - for the treatment of Klebsiella, Shigella, the causative agent of cholera and tuberculosis infection.

Note: These antibiotics are usually not prescribed by mouth (due to their toxicity). Used as part of an external antiseptic ointment.

The combined use of two antibiotics expands the spectrum of the drug's activity. The ointment is intended for the external treatment of skin inflammations. It is applied to purulent wounds, extensive burns, boils, as well as to small pustular rash, pimples on the face.

Note: sometimes Baneocin is considered as an analogue of Levomekol. With the difference that the latter is produced by a Russian manufacturer and costs 2 times cheaper than Baneocin, a product of a Swiss pharmaceutical company.

Erythromycin ointment for acne

Erythromycin ointment - another option for antibacterial treatment of facial skin, ointment for acne healing... Contains antibiotic erythromycin, which is actively used in pharmaceuticals. In the form of tablets, erythormycin is prescribed for bronchitis, pleurisy, otitis media, gonorrhea and syphilis. In the form of an ointment - for the treatment of eye infections ( conjunctivitis), skin and soft subcutaneous tissues (burns and other wounds).

In cosmetology, erythromycin ointment is used to treat small pustular rash... The antibiotic erythromycin is stronger than synthomycin, therefore erythromycin ointment is used when synthomycin for some reason does not help.

Important: any antibacterial compounds are not recommended for long-term use.

Tetracycline Acne Ointment

Tetracycline ointment is another representative of antibacterial external agents for treatment. Contains one of "Late" and potent antibiotics - tetracycline.

Tetracycline ointment is intended for the treatment of extensive skin inflammation (burn surfaces, deep wounds, purulent ulcers). But also used in cosmetology - as a remedy for severe acne, pustular rash.

As a rule, the appointment of antibacterial agents is incremental. First, a weak antibiotic is used. If it does not help, they switch to a stronger antibacterial agent. Tetracycline ointment is one of the most potent. You can use it for the face with very strong and extensive rashes, when other antibiotic ointments are weak.

Note: the instructions for using an acne ointment with the antibiotic tetracycline focuses on the fact that uncontrolled use of an antibiotic can cause complex inflammation on the skin.

The tetracycline composition could be called the best ointment for acne on the face, if not for the side reactions from the use of the antibacterial component. After frequent use of the antibiotic, the so-called "Superinfection".

Retinoic Acne Ointment

Retinoic ointment - "new" cosmetic product, one of the most effective ointments for acne on the face... Its action is based on the ability to enhance blood circulation and regeneration of skin cells. The manufacturer of the ointment regulates its effectiveness against acne and for the prevention of wrinkles, as well as as an ointment for blemishes after acne on the face.

The effect of the ointment is ambiguous. It irritates the skin and causes slight redness, sometimes burning... There are cases when, after retinoic ointment, the skin received a "chemical" burn. However, this does not happen often.

On the basis of the so-called retinoids, ointment compositions are produced for the treatment of complex rashes, acne and acne. Retinoids are used when many remedies have been tried and there is no noticeable improvement. They are also prescribed for the treatment of rosacea and nodular-cystic acne..

The most aggressive retinoid formulations are Roaccutane and Acnecutane... A dermatologist prescribes them with a prescription for severe, difficult to treat acne.

Note: if the rash on the face is persistent and stubbornly refractory to treatment, this means that there is an internal cause (diseases of the internal organs).

Conclusions: the effect of retinoic ointment for wrinkles is not always noticeable. But its effectiveness against the usual pustular rash is high. In addition, the retinoic component prevents any scars, is an ointment from the marks after acne.

It is important to know that retinoids cause malformations in the fetus. therefore it is not recommended to use the ointment during pregnancy and during the planning period (when pregnancy is not yet, but conception is already expected). After using Roaccutane, pregnancy should not occur earlier than a month later.

Ointment Akriderm for acne - hormonal treatment

Akriderm ointment contains a hormone - betamethasone... The hormonal component inhibits the development of inflammation. In addition, the ointment has antiallergic effect. It reduces atypical inflammatory reactions, and thus reduces swelling and redness. Therefore, it is used for inflammation of an allergic nature (dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis). And also from warts, corns, calluses.

Akriderm ointment is not used to treat acne, blackheads, acne, comedones (different names for the same phenomenon are listed - acne).

Hormonal ointment for acne can be required if, against the background of allergic redness, severe irritation appears, a bacterial infection has joined. In this case, in addition to the main treatment (antibiotic ointment), an antiallergic drug will be needed.

Calendula ointment for acne

Calendula is an antiseptic plant. You can make your own calendula ointment (mix wax and calendula oil) or buy it at the pharmacy. This remedy is recommended for vascular problems - protruding veins, venous mesh on the face, dilated capillaries. And also as an antiseptic treatment of inflamed skin areas.

The effect of calendula will not be as noticeable as the effect of synthetic antibiotics ( synthomycin, erythromycin or tetracycline). Among herbal antiseptics, calendula is average in action. Tea tree oil and aloe juice are stronger than calendula.

Calendula ointment is used as a night cream for oily, porous skin... Due to the too active secretion of sebum in the pores, its outflow is often disturbed, stagnation is formed. Therefore, oily skin is often inflamed.

For the treatment of acne, ointment with calendula extract is less effective and therefore hardly used... For prevention purposes only.

Sulfuric and zinc ointments

Sulfuric and zinc ointments have a similar effect. They dry out the skin, reduce inflammation, but do not fight against pathogenic bacteria. Therefore, zinc and sulfuric ointments are used for non-infectious skin inflammations (dermatitis, bedsores, skin manifestations of allergies).

In addition to antiparasitic properties, sulfur compounds promote tissue regeneration. This means that they accelerate the healing of wounds. But against acne on the face sulfuric ointment is not very effective... It only reduces the amount of acne (due to the normalization of sebum secretion).

Pimples and acne are a problem in adolescence, when the skin begins to suffer greatly due to improper functioning of the sebaceous glands. This causes clogged pores, where dead cells and pus gradually accumulate, eventually leading to inflammation and pimple formation. Such a problem, due to the peculiarities of the skin, can also affect adult patients, usually it is provoked by excessive fatty or dryness of the epidermis. To get rid of the problem, it is not enough just to squeeze out the suppuration, which is done by the majority of those suffering from the disease, but it is also necessary to use special means, which can be found below.

Medicines that fight acne and acne have similar results:

  • gradually destroy all bacteria that provoke suppuration and accumulation of harmful substances inside the pore;
  • there is a noticeable decrease in pores, at the same time they are cleared of accumulated dead cells;
  • oily shine on the skin completely disappears;
  • the work of the sebaceous glands is getting better, which significantly improves the general condition of the epidermis;
  • all inflammations are dried, the abscesses are opened, the surface of the skin is leveled.

Attention! It should be understood that such drugs against acne can cause quite strong side effects, including itching and increased inflammation of the epidermis. Antibiotic medications can cause kidney and liver problems.

In addition to local acne treatments, it is imperative to cleanse the body of toxins with Enterosgel. This modern preparation based on bioorganic silicon effectively absorbs and removes toxic substances from the stomach and intestines, without interacting with the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. The drug does not provoke constipation, does not cause allergies, does not affect the beneficial microflora, unlike other sorbents. Let's admit its reception by long courses.

Proactive for facial skin care

A fairly effective and popular series that includes several types of products, each of which is aimed at comprehensively suppressing acne and acne marks. The basic set of personal care from Proactive consists of a scrub, a cleansing tonic and a cream to reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands.

According to an independent examination, when using a triple complex of care products, a quick and noticeable therapeutic result occurs in almost 65% of cases. In 35% of cosmetic applications, the result of therapy appeared within 8-12 weeks.

Treatment of acne and acne is possible due to the presence of peroxide in the composition of the medicinal line, which can quickly remove bacteria from the skin, prevent clogged pores, the accumulation of dead cells and dirt. The action of this aggressive component is removed by the healing and anti-inflammatory components panthenol and chamomile extract.

It is worth remembering that this drug is strictly prohibited to use during pregnancy, when a woman's skin becomes very vulnerable. Also, in some cases, patients complained of itching and skin irritation.

Attention! Some patients noted a temporary effect from using the Proactive line, which began to disappear 14 days after the end of treatment.

Zinerit against acne and acne

Genuinely a drug belonging to the class of antibacterial drugs. Zinerite acts locally on the skin, which avoids many problems with the internal use of medicines of this group. The main active ingredient of the drug is erythromycin, which affects the processing of protein in bacteria, which ultimately leads to a decrease in the activity of harmful organisms.

The action of erythromycin enhances zinc, which relieves inflammation and cleanses the epidermis of accumulated impurities. At the same time, the skin is disinfected. The real effect of using the medication is noticeable after 14 days. Complete cleansing of the epidermis occurs with the constant use of Zinerit for 12 weeks.

Attention! Zenerit is quite often highly addictive, which requires a competent approach to its use from the patient. Many patients are advised to apply the lotion once a day or alternate it in short courses with other drugs.

Skinoren against acne

A drug that does not belong to the class of antibiotics, but exhibits similar effects to antibacterial drugs. Skinoren comes in the form of a gel and cream that penetrates deep into the epidermis. The main active ingredient of the drug is azelaic acid, which is able to suppress the growth of bacteria and infections. At the same time, there is a noticeable decrease in the increased oiliness of the glands.

Skinoren is able to cure not only acne, but also scar marks, age spots. The first results from using the drug are observed during the first month of regular use. A long-lasting and noticeable result appears only after six months of constant application of Skinoren.

The product is applied exclusively pointwise, only to the affected areas. Care should be taken to ensure that the cream and gel do not get on the mucous membrane of the eye, as this will cause severe irritation. Since the active substance of the medication is not highly toxic, it can be used from the second trimester of pregnancy and during lactation.

Attention! Quite rarely, due to the peculiarities of the epidermis of a particular patient, an allergic reaction may develop in the form of skin inflammation, itching and redness. As a rule, such reactions go away rather quickly after a short course of antihistamines and the withdrawal of Skinoren.

Baziron AC against acne and acne

It is worth using the drug for moderate to severe forms of acne. Baziron AS contains benzoyl peroxide in different concentrations from 2.5 to 10% of the main substance. To begin to eliminate problems with the skin should be the smallest concentration of the active ingredient. If this treatment fails, a stronger gel can be tried.

Simultaneously with the opening of acne, the drug protects the skin from the appearance of blackheads, and also saturates the skin with oxygen. With constant use of Baziron AS, the result will appear within a month, but to consolidate the effect obtained, it will take several more weeks of active application.

You should not use the drug during pregnancy and during lactation. With active and prolonged use of the gel, a slight addiction to the active substance may appear, which will reduce the effect of it.

Attention! When using Baziron AC, a moisturizer should be applied 15 minutes after application, since the medication dries out the skin and deep layers of the epidermis very much.

Roaccutane for acne and acne

In fact the most effective acne treatment, it can be very dangerous due to its aggressive composition. A feature of Roaccutane is the need for its oral administration. The medication is produced in the form of capsules of 10-20 mg of the active ingredient. The main component of the drug is isotretinoin. It is a synthetic substance that is made from vitamin A and soybean oil.

Roaccutane suppresses the functioning of the sebaceous glands, relieves inflammation, which ultimately allows you to get rid of acne. These capsules should be used exclusively in severe forms of acne, when other medicines in the form of creams and gels could not give the desired result.

Despite the seeming safety of the composition, the synthetic substance can provoke many side effects from ordinary irritation to a significant decrease in vision, hearing, and inflammatory process in the gastrointestinal tract.

Attention! Capsules should be taken only after consulting with your doctor, as you should first assess the safety of taking the medication for each specific case.

Differin against acne

Differin is a very effective remedy that instantly dries acne

A very effective remedy that instantly dries acne. Despite this effectiveness, some patients refuse to use Differin because of the strong drying of the skin, which in some cases led to increased peeling and deterioration of the general condition of the epidermis.

For mild to moderate rashes, Differin cream should be used, which shows a milder effect. In other cases, you can use a gel. The product is applied pointwise, avoiding healthy areas of the skin, eye area, mucous membranes of the mouth and nose.

The result from using Differin may appear during the first days. The exact duration of use for a lasting result should be determined together with the attending physician. Simultaneously with the disappearance of acne, the skin of the face is smoothed and the color of the epidermis is improved.

Curiosin for acne and inflammation

The drug contains hyaluronic acid and zinc. They allow you to disinfect the epidermis, including its deep layers. After using Curiosin, not only all suppurations are opened, but the skin is also smoothed, scars and age spots disappear.

Due to the presence of hyaluronic acid, the skin is saturated with a large amount of moisture, faster healing and restoration of damaged areas occurs.

It is best to use the medication at the stage of skin healing, when the main problem has already disappeared. In the presence of very deep lesions, it is better to carry out combination therapy or seek another remedy. The product is applied to the previously cleansed skin, this must be done 1-2 times a day.

Attention! For the duration of the treatment, it is desirable to minimize the amount of applied cosmetics, especially for the tonal base. It clogs the pores and prevents Curiosin from normally affecting the work of the sebaceous glands.

The cost of medicines

A drugPicturePrice in RF in rublesPrice in RB in rublesPrice in Ukraine in UAH
Proactive basic set 3000 96 1230
Zenerite 400 13 164
Skinoren 800 26 328
Baziron AS 800 26 328
Roaccutane 1500-3000 49-98 615-1230
Differin 800 26 328
Curiosin 400 13 164

Attention! The table shows the average prices for medicines. In a particular pharmacy chain, their cost may differ by 5-20%.

Cream is a light skin care cosmetic that is used to moisturize, tighten or nourish the epidermis. But if there are serious problems in the form of comedones or acne, then a creamy mass will not help. To treat such shortcomings, a special ointment for acne on the face is used.

The most popular acne ointments on the face

Ointment is a remedy for treating superficial skin lesions. It differs from the cream in its thickness and percentage of fats, active substances and some other components (thickeners, etc.). Due to the high density, almost all ointments are allowed to be applied only pointwise. Otherwise, acne and blackhead problems may worsen.

There are also medicated creams or liniments. They belong to cosmeceuticals - a branch of pharmacology, which has similar goals as cosmetology. For example, this is a good cream for acne on the face and neck Baziron, Skinoren, Ornidazole and others.

Balsamic liniment created by the surgeon Vishnevsky exclusively using natural ingredients. The composition includes tar, xeroform and castor oil. They have the strongest antiseptic effect, promote tissue regeneration, and normalize the moisture balance in cells.

You can buy the product at any pharmacy, the drug is dispensed without a prescription and the average price is up to $ 1. Despite the availability, Vishnevsky's ointment for acne on the face can be used only after the recommendation of a specialist. Tar and castor oil have strong irritating properties and negatively affect abscesses and wen. In addition, they can provoke the accumulation of exudate on the inflamed areas of the skin.

An effective ointment for acne and acne on the face. It is a mixture of hard paraffins, mineral oil and zinc oxide powder. Due to zinc powder, it has a beneficial effect on the skin. Helps reduce inflammation, dries pimples and acne, "pulls" pus from wounds. Petroleum jelly softens the tissues, which helps to avoid scarring.

It is one of the few medications approved for use during pregnancy. Clinical studies have shown that there are no acute contraindications and side effects after using a zinc mixture. Although the owners of oily and acne-prone skin need to be careful. Paraffins clog pores and are addictive. You can only apply the product pointwise.

The main active element of the drug is tetracycline. It is a broad spectrum antibacterial antibiotic. Helps to get rid of purulent acne and comedones, subcutaneous tissue and other imperfections arising under the influence of aggressive microorganisms.

The tool is strictly prohibited for use during pregnancy. It should also be used with great caution in relation to children. It is prescribed exclusively by specialists in the presence of acute inflammatory processes and diseases of the subcutaneous tissue.

Natural antiseptic. In action, it is the closest analogue of Vishnevsky's liniment. Ichthyol ointment is used to treat subcutaneous facial acne, inflamed pores, boils. The composition includes ichtammol and petroleum jelly.

Ichtammol or ichthyol are sulfonic acids of shale oil. They have an antiseptic effect, have an analgesic effect. The remedy is prescribed for bacterial skin lesions, infectious diseases and purulent accumulations (boils). In the form of compresses, it helps to treat subcutaneous acne. It is even used in neuralgia. There are no special instructions for use.

A common anticoagulant. The healing heparin ointment is used to treat acne and comedones, eliminate hematomas, and treat hemorrhoids. The composition includes benzonicotinic acid, fats, heparoid.

Properties of heparin:

  • Reducing the inflammatory process;
  • Anesthesia;
  • Antithrombotic action.

An important feature of the drug is its incompatibility with tetracycline. Also, this ointment is not used during pregnancy and lactation.

A very cheap substance for allergic reactions and various diseases, which are accompanied by desquamation and dryness of the epidermis. Contains propylene glycol, which is used to treat the allergic effects of chemotherapy, fungal diseases, rosacea and sunburn.


This is the best acne ointment for teenagers. It is considered unique in its kind. There are no additional components in its composition. The product consists entirely of medicinal components: chloramphenicol and methyluracil. Tops the rating of antimicrobial drugs, it is used to accelerate tissue regeneration and pull out purulent accumulations from open wounds.

Methyluracil is used externally and internally. For effective action, it must be applied to the skin in the form of compresses or combined with the usual food (as prescribed by a specialist).

Syntamycin liniment - an antibiotic ointment, is actively used to treat burns, insect bites, acne, helps with scars and subcutaneous acne. It contains synthomycin emulsion, castor oil, water and a special preservative.

It is an excellent and inexpensive pharmaceutical for treating problem skin during adolescence. Its difference from other similar products is that it can be used as a cream. Doctors are allowed to apply the product all over the face, and not pointwise, which is very convenient in treating acne. Side effects include itching and hives.


The tool can be used on all parts of the body, with the exception of the head (due to the dense fatty base, it is rather difficult to wash out). Sulfuric ointment is able to cure the most sore acne in a week.

An effective cream for acne on the face, which includes erythromycin ointment and zinc powder. This is a combined action drug used in cosmetology, cosmeceutics and medicine for the treatment of various skin diseases. It has a strong anti-acne effect, relieves inflammation and reduces redness.

It is characterized by a bacteriostatic effect on staphylococci, but is not recommended for disinfecting wounds and mucous membranes.

Useful properties of Zinerit ointment:

  • Normalization of the sebaceous glands;
  • Acne treatment;
  • Quick removal of puffiness and elimination of soreness of the skin in places where acne is formed.

Baziron is a bacteriostatic gel based on benzoyl peroxide. There are different types of this drug, classified by the concentration of the active substance. Like many other antibiotic ointments for acne on the face, Baziron AC provides local pain relief. In addition, the product has a pronounced exfoliating effect, quickly draws pus out of the follicle.

The main disadvantage of the gel is a decrease in the amount of melanin in the skin, which affects its sensitivity to sunlight. Also, it cannot be used under the age of 12.

Complex antibacterial agent. This ointment is included in the list of the most popular drugs for acne and folliculitis on the face and body. It is actively used in dermatology to relieve inflammation and cure diseases caused by pathogens. In addition, it is used in obstetrics, pediatrics, otolaryngology.

What can be treated with Baneocin:

Hormonal ointments

Corticosteroids are widely used in modern cosmetology. They help with acne, gray, comedones, acne, fungal infections and many other problems. It is important to understand that these are serious pharmaceuticals that only a specialist can prescribe.

The use of hormonal ointments for acne is advisable when such problems are caused by complex strains of microorganisms. Basically, these drugs are used to treat eczema, vitiligo, lichen, etc.

Hormonal agents:

List of ointments for subcutaneous acne

It is subcutaneous acne that causes the most discomfort. The main disadvantage is the complexity of treatment. It is almost impossible to get rid of subcutaneous tissue mechanically. The inflammatory process begins in the depths of the follicle, which is why it is impossible to squeeze out pus. Special ointments are used to treat internal acne.

Creams for blemishes, scars and acne marks

Almost any antibacterial drug (synthomycin ointment, Klenzit, Trichopolum and others) reduces the risk of blemishes and scars after acne on the face. But some drugs are characterized by an extensive anticoagulant effect.

What ointments help with acne on the face and marks from them:

You need to understand that this is not a cream for problem skin a la Garnier or Loreal. These are serious medications with contraindications and side effects. Therefore, before using any of the described drugs, it is important to read the instructions and consult a specialist.

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious :)


Acne is a separate problem that worries almost all adolescents and older people. At first glance, getting rid of them is simply impossible, but this is only in the absence of knowledge. Explore the options for treating acne as well as common and effective acne treatments to see which one works best for you.

Types of the best and most effective acne remedies

For a competent selection of effective remedies for acne treatment, it is important to understand what they are. A pimple occurs as a result of a blockage of the sebaceous gland, when an infection joins, it becomes inflamed, which is accompanied by redness. Owners of oily skin more often have acne, comedones, acne, acne, which is not easy to get rid of, but possible.

Conventionally, all means for treating acne are divided into groups, depending on the nature of the action. The fundamental criterion for choosing such a drug should be the condition of the skin. Let us examine in detail each group of acne remedies.

Point effects

If you have a maximum of 6-7 pimples, you can use acne spot remedies that work directly on the pimple without affecting healthy tissue. In most cases, Baziron or Dalacin gels are used, as well as Zinerit. From folk remedies, tea tree oil, alcoholic tinctures of calendula, propolis, birch tar are effective.

Pharmacy acne medications work through active ingredients such as benzoyl peroxide, antibiotic or zinc, which explains their antibacterial properties. There are petroleum jelly-based acne remedies, such as salicylic, sulfuric, or zinc ointment. They need to be applied only pointwise, because petroleum jelly causes clogging of pores, which can lead to inflammation of the follicles. Some point medications are particularly effective, making them popular in the treatment of trophic ulcers.

For washing

If your skin is prone to acne, you need to use a cleanser. You need to wash your face not only after removing makeup, but with oily skin - in the morning before applying it. Any acne remedy acts locally, so if you have hormonal diseases, metabolic problems or other pathologies leading to dysfunction of the epidermis and cell regeneration, you need to carry out complex treatment in conjunction with specialists.

All cleansing gels contain azelaic acid, antibiotics or a retinoid. The course of treatment is usually 1-2 months, only with this approach you can notice the effect. Remember that such funds have contraindications and side properties, so carefully read the instructions before using them.

In addition to drugs for treatment, there are also prophylactic agents that are allowed to be used for a long time. These are all kinds of lotions, which include herbal extracts: aloe, calendula, chamomile, elecampane, St. John's wort, nettle. To get the result, you need to use such lotions regularly to prevent acne.

With drying effect

The cause of acne is considered to be increased oily skin, therefore, a remedy with a drying effect will be effective. Most of these drugs contain salicylic acid. Some people use rubbing alcohol to dry their skin, but it must be used sparingly to prevent the skin from flaking.

From home remedies, egg white, lemon, grapefruit juice, clay helps with acne. It is recommended to apply them in the form of masks, wipes, you can also dry your skin by adding the selected product to the cleansing gels. But remember that after drying agents, you must definitely wash your face, and not leave them on your face.

For teenagers

Teenage acne is more common than disease-related acne. To get rid of this problem and not face it again, follow these rules:

  1. First of all, select a power supply system. The diet should contain a large amount of vitamins, as well as trace elements. Avoid coffee, carbonated drinks, sweets. Eat natural juices, fruits, vegetables, and foods with bifidobacteria such as yogurt or kefir. If you follow a diet, you can normalize metabolism, protein synthesis, and natural skin renewal processes.
  2. Cosmetics should be used in moderation, using only natural products.
  3. To get rid of acne will help such means as salicylic ointment, tar soap, talker based on boric alcohol, yeast masks, washing gels with a drying effect. Don't forget about home remedies for acne.

From scars after acne

If acne is not properly treated, it can leave scars where it started. The choice of scar removal products depends on the severity of the defect. For small scars, preparations based on hydroquinone 2% will be effective.

Creams Brightener, SkinBright Brightener, Mederma cream will help get rid of deep dark scars. All of them have a whitening effect and will eliminate scars in a couple of months.
If the scars are especially deep, then you need to see a doctor and get a prescription for a medicine containing 4% hydroquinone. In addition, peels, whitening creams, masks with fruit acids will be effective.

Home and folk remedies

Acne will help not only drugstore brands, but also folk remedies. Unlike what is sold in the pharmacy, you can use herbs even during pregnancy, when acne often appears.

  • On a face smeared with petroleum jelly or cream, garlic gruel is applied for 8-10 minutes, after which it is washed off with water.
  • An excellent result is achieved by applying crushed oatmeal mixed with egg white to the face. The mixture must be infused for 60 minutes, after which you can apply it to the skin.
  • Mix equal proportions of potato and onion juice with honey. After applying the mask, rinse your face with cold water.
  • You can wipe your face with raspberry, strawberry or strawberry berry juice daily, and use their tinctures. Before using the tincture, fill the raw material with vodka, leave for some time, and then be sure to strain the solution.
  • Wipe the skin with a decoction of celandine, sage, water with the addition of fir oil and even a weak solution of vinegar.
  • To improve complexion and get a large amount of vitamins, use a cucumber or pumpkin paste, you can add starch to it, which has a drying effect. You can wash off the mixture after 20 minutes.
  • Whipped protein will help eliminate excessive keratinization of the skin. This acne remedy dries up after application and is then removed with a film along with the dead cells. At the end of the procedure, lubricate your face with a nourishing cream with an antiseptic effect.

A few general tips:

  1. For daily use, use berry scrubs, ice cubes, herbal teas.
  2. To evaluate the effect, you can take a photo before starting treatment and then compare the results.
  3. Apply all masks to clean skin, and if using quick dry products, repeat the application after the first layer has dried.

Inexpensive effective drugs

Even inexpensive remedies available at the pharmacy will help get rid of acne.

  • Salicylic ointment - cheap, has a pronounced effect against acne.
  • Streptocide ointment removes bacteria. Can be applied several times a day.
  • Suitable for removing acne mixture of olive oil and aspirin tablets... You can use streptocide or doxycycline instead of the latter.
  • Eliminate bacteria will help synthomycin ointment, and zinc - dry out the rash.
  • Sulfuric ointment has a pronounced antibacterial property.

  • Erythromycin ointment kills germs, but retinoic ointment contains a large amount of vitamin A, which makes the skin healthy.

Good pharmacy drugs - reviews and cost

  • Baziron available in the form of a cream or gel. Contains fatty acids and lipids. It is applied 2 times a day for 14 days. The effect of the drug does not appear earlier than in a month.

  • Zenerite... The active ingredients are zinc and erythromycin. It is applied daily. Quickly removes acne by relieving inflammation, but there is a possibility of flaking due to dry skin.

  • Skinoren gel effective at the initial stage of the problem. The composition contains azelaic acid. The drug is effective for acne at any stage and has no drawbacks.

  • Dalatsin - a powerful remedy used to combat acne. Consists of clindamycin, a powerful antibiotic. It is used even for severe forms of acne. With prolonged use, addiction develops to the drug.

  • Roaccutane - a strong product, available in tablets or cream. Contains isotretinoin. Roaccutane has dangerous side properties, up to the deformity of the future fetus, so discard it if possible.

  • Curiosin it is used not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of scars. The composition includes zinc hyaluronate. The results of application are visible after a month of use.

Now you know which remedy is the most effective. But do not forget that all drugs have their own indications and contraindications. The cost ranges from 300 to 800 rubles. Reviews on the Internet often contain such names as Clearasil, Aknebay gel, Proactiv, Retin A, Differin. Here are just a few of them:

Anastasia's review:

I tried to use Curiosin. The drug is inexpensive, no more than 440 rubles. It took three weeks to wait for the result, but they were noticeable. So far, I'm not going to change the product, because it completely suits me.

I tried Zinerit for the first time. It dries the skin perfectly, relieves inflammation, but I would not recommend using it with dry or normal skin - there is a risk of overdrying it. For owners of oily skin, this is the best choice, and it costs less than the others: no more than 300 rubles.

Uliana's review:

First I used Baziron cream. His price is considerable - 700 rubles. After 10 days I noticed the effect. I also tried Zenerit and Curiosin. They last a little longer. Products like Clearasil are more suitable for preventing acne.

Watch the video (below) about the causes of acne on the face and, based on this, choose the methods to deal with them. If you have your own recommendations and effective recipes for acne treatment, share them in the comments.

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What is the most effective remedy for acne and acne

Acne is a common skin problem. They can occur regardless of age and level of skin care, and there can be many reasons for their appearance.

Acne, blackheads, and acne are often hormonal, but other factors can also cause them. The key to defeating acne is identifying the cause.

Causes of occurrence

The causes of acne can be conditionally divided into two large groups:

  • hormonal;
  • non-hormonal.

Hormonal causes include changes in hormones due to age (common teenage acne), body cycles (the appearance of rashes during critical days in women) and other hormonal fluctuations in the body (pregnancy, the use of contraceptives or hormonal drugs).

Non-hormonal causes of acne and pimples can be:

  • insufficient cleansing of the skin (from makeup, dust);
  • use after washing dirty towels;
  • an individual reaction to certain foods (most often sugar or milk);
  • the use of low-quality cosmetics.

Defeating non-hormonal acne is easy - you just need to eliminate the cause of their occurrence and help the body cope with existing inflammations. With hormonal acne, everything is more difficult - complex therapy is needed here.

Pharmacy products

Pharmacy remedies for elimination most often help the body fight pre-existing inflammations. They aim to remove existing acne and prevent new ones from appearing.

Due to the fact that pathogenic bacteria that accumulate on the surface of the skin are often the cause of inflammation, many products are aimed specifically at disinfection.

Some of the drugs concentrate on drying inflammation and preventing their further development. The most effective drugs in the cheap price segment are presented below.

Salicylic acid

Salicylic acid has been arguably the most popular budget acne treatment for many years. In various proportions, it is also often added to expensive skin products. Application in its pure form can also bring results.

The agent can be in different concentrations - from 1 to 10%. This must be taken into account when purchasing.

Acid is applied to the inflamed or inflamed areas of the skin pointwise. It is not necessary to treat the entire face. The frequency of use is up to 3 times a day.

Salicylic acid has the following effects in the fight against acne:

  • dries up;
  • fights spots after acne (post-acne);
  • destroys bacteria on the surface of the skin;
  • regulates the secretion of sebum;
  • fights black dots.
The use of salicylic acid does not require additional consultation with a doctor. However, this must be done strictly in accordance with the instructions.


The composition of the drug tsindol includes fairly simple components - zinc, talc, glycerin, ethanol. However, combining them allows you to effectively fight inflammation.

It is zinc that plays a key role in this matter. It disinfects the skin, and ethanol dries out inflammation.

Tsindol is inexpensive and can be purchased at any pharmacy.

It has the following effects on acne:

  • antibacterial;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • drying;
  • healing.

In comparison with salicylic acid, tsindol can be called a milder agent. However, it must be remembered that excessive use of both one and the other will lead to drying out of the skin and the appearance of even more rashes.

Video: Doctor reviews about the drug Tsindol

Zinc ointment

Zinc ointment is widely used in medicine and veterinary medicine due to its disinfecting properties. As you might guess, it is based on zinc (as in the case of cindole).

Salicylic zinc paste

The active ingredient in the paste is the same zinc. Salicylic acid acts as an auxiliary element. Also additional substances are added to the paste - starch and petroleum jelly.

Vishnevsky ointment

Vishnevsky ointment is a drug aimed at fighting bacteria and inflammation that they cause. It promotes the early "exit" of pus accumulated in the tissues (which is the bacteria accumulated by acne).

The ointment accelerates the opening of acne and has a disinfecting effect on them. Compresses from Vishnevsky ointment help to speed up the process of acne development and eliminate the cause of its appearance.

Ichthyol ointment

Ichthyol ointment is aimed not only at combating acne existing on the skin surface, but also at their subcutaneous "counterparts". This ointment is able to "pull out" pus from the subcutaneous pimple and speed up healing.

Erythromycin ointment

Erythromycin is an antibiotic that fights disease-causing microorganisms. It is from the inflammation caused by such microorganisms that the ointment can help.

In the case of acne caused by hormonal causes or poor nutrition, the ointment will not be as effective. Of course, the foci of inflammation will be dried, but the emergence of new ointment will not be able to prevent.


Sledocide is often referred to as a cream that can get rid of acne marks. It is for this purpose that it is used most often. Sledocid has a drying and whitening effect. This is why it is most often used to treat post acne.

The composition of tracecide also contains zinc, which brings it into one group with all zinc-containing preparations for acne. The effectiveness of the drug is highest at the last stage of inflammation maturation.


Zinerit is the most popular zinc-based acne treatment. The drug also contains antibiotics. It copes well with inflammation even over a large area of \u200b\u200bthe skin.

A feature of zinerite is its fairly short shelf life. After preparation of the solution (the product is sold in two separate bottles - powder and liquid), it can be used for no more than two months.

Effezel gel

Effezel gel is equally effective for both open and closed acne. It is also extremely effective for acne. The essence of the drug is antimicrobial. Therefore, the drug is not able to eliminate hormonal acne or acne.


The product is based on an antibiotic. It affects microbes and destroys the harmful environment on the skin's surface. Dalacin has a fairly pronounced effect and can be used not only for acne and acne, but also for the treatment of boils.

Levomekol ointment

The ointment has a beneficial effect on the skin affected by rashes:

  • reduces redness;
  • dries acne;
  • removes irritation;
  • increases skin elasticity.

The drug is sold without a prescription and can be purchased at any pharmacy.

Metrogyl gel

Skinoren gel

Correct use of the gel will dry out inflammation, as well as disinfect the skin in the case of the bacterial nature of acne.

Alzelaic acid in skinoren has a disinfecting effect and helps fight inflammations of varying degrees of maturity.


Differin has a different mechanism of action on the skin from many drugs. Thanks to the derivative of vitamin A in its composition, it accelerates metabolic processes in cells and helps cleanse tissues from blockages that cause acne.

The positive quality of the product is its inability to dry out the skin (unlike many zinc-based preparations).

Cream-gel "Before and after"

The cream promotes post-acne healing and is often recommended by dermatologists for this very purpose. It has a pleasant smell and has a slight drying effect.

Liniment syntomycin

The drug is safe for application to large enough areas of the skin and can be used on a large surface area.

Among the disadvantages of this effective remedy, users name a not very pleasant specific smell. However, many users are willing to put up with it to get the desired effect.

Pure Line cream

The cream is a representative of the line for problem skin and can only provide an auxiliary effect in general anti-acne therapy.

Natural Remedies Cheap Acne Remedies

Natural inexpensive remedies can be presented in the form of ointments, tinctures, cleansers, serums. In any case, the effect from them can be no worse than from expensive ones.

Plants and herbs

There are practically no contraindications to the use of plants and herbs. They can even be used by pregnant women (after prior consultation with a doctor).

Individual intolerance may be the only contraindication. True, the therapeutic effect is less pronounced.

Lemon and cucumber

Lemon and cucumber have a drying effect and promote quick ripening and healing of acne. You can use lemon and cucumber as masks and compresses.

Tincture of calendula

The tincture has a drying effect (we are talking about alcohol tincture). Homemade tincture does not require the addition of additional herbs. Not suitable for complex treatment (conflicts with many drugs).

Essential oils

Essential oils with a drying effect (such as tea tree oil) can be beneficial when applied on top. When applying oils, remember to observe the maximum permissible concentration.

Photo: Before and after

Tar soap

Thus, the fight against rashes is a very individual matter, and it all depends on the cause of their appearance.

Cheap acne remedies can be a great help in fighting acne, blackheads and acne (sometimes even better than expensive ones). And the choice of such a remedy depends on each specific case of the disease.