Powered by group of blood. Power supply for a blood group: Is it worth following recommendations d'Adamo POWER GR Blood Adamo Group

Let's analyze the so-called diet for blood groups - do they have proven effectiveness? What is the basis for the need for the need for products for each blood type? The topic is incredibly popular, a huge number of positive feedback. What if she actually works? The analysis of the main theses of the diet from the point of view of science.

Who developed a diet in blood groups?

Despite the fact that in the scientific community came to the consensus that the blood group does not affect the choice of food, it was on the reverse statement of Naturopath Peter D'Aadamo (Peter D'Adamo) developed a diet in blood groups (not having a higher medical education, has a license "Healer"). According to D'Adamo, the physiological features of a body correlate with a blood group, and each type of blood has a different evolutionary heritage, therefore, the nutrition also depends on the blood type. Its conclusions are based on medical practices and observations of patients. The doctor did not conduct controlled studies, but this is not necessary - naturopath leads seminars around the world and sells books by millionic circulations and without any evidence base.

What is the basis of a diet for blood groups

The prerequisite for creating a diet is the erroneous idea that blood groups of the human began to appear 60 thousand years ago at primitive hunters.

At the highest (human, hominoids) monkeys the same 4 groups of blood, and they cannot be attributed to any "hunters", nor to "farmers" or to "nomads".

The theory of the evolution of blood types according to D'Aadamo, based on a personal opinion on social evolution, in several theses:

  1. The first universal type of blood 0 (i) was formed due to the diet of Hunters-collectors of Neanderthals 60,000 years ago (by the way, we are not direct descendants of Neanderthal, whatever blood group has). There were no blood types before the Neanderthals. People with a group of blood 0 (i) must adhere to the "Paleodius" - high content of animal protein and greens. Cereals they are contraindicated.
  2. The second blood group A (II) appeared about 15,000 years BC. When young mankind passed from hunting and gathering. For an "agrarian" group of blood, it is not recommended to use food animal origin, dairy products including. Modern people with A (II) should stick to vegetarian food.
  3. The third blood group B (III) emerged 10,000 thousand BC, when some groups of people began to wad and eat cereals, races began to mix (!). A balanced diet is recommended, however, seafood, pork and chicken should be avoided.
  4. The fourth blood group AV (IV) originated from the mixture of the second and third, thanks to the diversity in nutrition, about 1500 years ago, just yesterday on evolutionary standards. Recommendations for nutrition in this group are quite contradictory (however, as in the other types).

Where Peter D'Aadamo took these facts, I am unknown. In textbooks on anthropology and hematology, there are no such hypotheses, not to mention theories or facts. The evolutionary biological diet of diet on blood types is based on the incompetence of its author. Moreover, the Meta-Analysis of 1415 Power Supply Meta-Analysis conducted by American society related to blood groups, found only one article that meets the selection criteria for this topic (this single study was devoted to the connection of cholesterol and blood type, read more in).

How did the evolution of blood groups actually happened

Detailed review on the book d'Aadamo P. "Four blood groups - four ways to health" from the senior researcher of the laboratory of Anthropoecology and the Museum of Anthropology MSU, D.B., Ph.D. Andrei Igorevich Kozlova on the site Anthropogenesis.ru, I recommend to get acquainted, and the site is generally great - the fruit of many years of work of the best Russian popularizers of science. On anthropogenesis there are most answers on the topic of blood evolution.

All blood groups have already been in humanity long before the emergence of agriculture.

The second group developed at the general ancestor of chimpanzees and the hominid about 5-6 million years ago. The first group appeared about 3.5 million years ago. B (III) developed from A (II) about 2.5 million years ago. According to the logic of Dr. D'Aadamo, the second blood group must be "mainly meat."

The next error of the author's diet is that the farming has received local development, and it is in that "Agricultural Eden" a type of blood A (II) arose, and its carriers should now adhere to vegetarianism. However, anthropological finds and genetic studies indicate that H / C developed absolutely independently in different parts of the world. Sowing practice in the first sedentary communities did not develop centuries, and rarely ended with success. Optimistic statements by the author The diet that the first farmers were healthy hunters-collectors are far from reality: from the origin of agriculture in the Middle East, a person has lost about 15 cm. Given that agriculture was 100% organic. In addition, genetic adaptation is not able to keep up with cultural and technical progress.

What is the type / group of blood and that depends on it

I suggest to see a five-minute video, in which a simple language tells about blood groups and rhesv-factors. In this video, there is a whole theoretical minimum set forth with concise and without unnecessary details.

What did not please lectins?

The foundation of the theory of diet on blood groups is based on lectins. Lectins are proteins and enzymes that can glue red blood tales (red blood cells). The author of the diet claims that the lectins contained in the unsuitable food group of food, lead to systematic serious health violations: "sticking" of erythrocytes, liver cirrhosis, heart attacks, blockage of blood vessels, renal failure, atherosclerosis, decrease in immunity, etc.

It is argued that with the wrong selection of products, each person is subjected daily to the destructive action of lectins - the vessels of vital organs will begin to be blocked by glued red blood cells. Claimed lectins syndrome functional failure should be widespread and studied by medicine. It should be known first of all the pathologates, as damage to the described processes should be extensive, especially in the elderly. This disease caused by lectin reserves and agglutinated blood cells cannot be hidden and should have a clear description, in a complex with photographs with optical and electron microscopes, cytology, cuts, cell histology.

However, science does not know anything about gloves with lectins of red blood cells ... Moreover, the lectins were widely distributed in nature - they are in plants, and in animals, and not only in wheat, soy and corn. Most of the lectins, and their about 800 species are not enzymes in general and only some participate in the process of immune response. Lectins play their role in living organisms - activate lymphocytes (immune response cells) and stimulate their division, participate in the germination of plant seeds.

If you systematically eat a large number of soybeans, make them the basis of the diet, then you can earn an intestinal disorder due to toxic soybean lectin of agglutinin. But culinary processing reduces toxicity of agglutinin - boiling for 10 minutes to 99% of lectins in the product neutralizes. Soaking flushes part of the lectins, and the fermentation process "digesors" them - wheat yeast buns become more than safe for your intestines. Yes, eating raw beans really can kill you, like a tablespoon of salt or 3 liters of water - to list this ironic list is infinite.

The action of lectins does not depend on your blood type!

The intolerance of gluten does not depend on the blood type, but what will happen to such a person if the diet on the corresponding type of blood does he still force himself to eat cereals? By the way, this is a rather rare genetic disease, but gluten is very fashionable to consider harmful literally for everyone. This is not true.

In general, blood types are about 300 - in rear factors and their combination with a group and other classifications. What diet in each case will Naturopath appoint us?

What does blood type depend on?

Behind the variety of blood groups are the responsibility of bacteria and viruses, to which the millions of years have been built evolutionary protection. Indeed, there is a correlation between certain population groups and blood types. This diversity is due to the pressure of natural selection through viral and bacterial infections, but not due to food. The proof of this theory is special mathematical models developed at UNIVERSITY College in London Professor Robert Seymour and his colleagues (according to the link the full text of the study with the mathematical model and formulas). Their model shows that if viral infections prevail in the population, then 0 (i) group of blood prevails, if bacterial infections are more common, the types A and B will be found more often. Differences in nutrition have nothing to do with it.

Blood and Race Group

Hints of Peter D'Aadamo on the belonging of the first group of blood to the highest race, you know what. On the analysis of blood, it is impossible to determine the race. Races are not separate species of people! The study of human biology does not confirm any causal relationship between the racial and blood group, although the correlations are present. Humanity is unusually homogeneously in its "composition" and origin.

We are 99.9% genetically identical, regardless of the race, even taking into account the genital, external and individual traits of the person. Such "homogeneity" is not so common in nature - in chimpanzees 2-3 times more genetic variations, orangutans - 8-10 times (also our close relatives). There are certain factors that initially influenced the prevalence of blood groups in some closed populations - a small number of ancestors (as in Australia); The effect of "bottle neck", often for the aboriginal peoples; Intra group marriages, etc.

One example. The intolerance to the lactose is connected exclusively to the genome of tolerance to lactose. Among the Indians of the United States is 100% lactose intolerance - 30-35% II (A), in Thais with 98% intolerance - 25-30% alleles III (B). At 100% of the Eskimos, lactose intolerance is 80% - 80-90% I (0) ().

Group of blood and disease. Is there a connection?

The relationship of immunity and blood type is mentioned above. Some diseases really have a connection with a blood group. This relationship is unconditionally proven for only seven diseases (!). Where does it come from then on the relationship between one or another disease with a blood group? Dr. Eric Topol notes: "Often, the practice of finding correlations in large amounts of data leads to any result - you need to associate the risk of cardiovascular diseases and the second group of blood? Take the sample in tens of thousands of people and you will find any connection. " Read more about the connection of blood group and diseases.

Why do carriers I (0) more often sick of the stomach ulcer? In 1993, Bacterium Helicobacter Pilori was opened, which has special relationship with one of the unique proteins of this group. This is just one example of hundreds of others.

Instead of worrying about her group of blood, it is necessary to focus on the real causes of our most common diseases - a sedentary lifestyle, smoking, overeating. These are real, undoubted risk factors affecting our health regardless of the type of blood.

Does the blood diet work?

The first fundamental study of Dr. D'Aadamo diet was held in 2014 and the full text of the study was published in a reviewed magazine PLOS.One. The title of the article "AV0 GENOTIP, Diet for Blood Group and Cardiometabolic Risk Factors". This is a really high-quality, cited study conducted at the University of Toronto. In principle, it is enough to deal only in this study - there are answers to all the questions I raised in my article, including a lot of links for additional study of the topic.

Since the purpose of food by blood type is to reduce the risk of "specialized" diseases, especially related to vessels (remember lectins?) This study was aimed at determining the relationship between diet and cardiometabolic health. I strongly recommend familiarizing the details of the study on the link above, especially if you have doubts, but I will write its conclusions here: commitment to any diet on the blood group favorably affects cardiometabolic risks, but does not matter which of the proposed diets will prefer the carrier One of the types of blood.

That is, all the recommendations, the mode and lists of products lead to a good result in healthy people who do not need a special diet on medical testimony, regardless of blood type. No significant connection was discovered. Each of the diets led to the expected result: a decrease in body weight, a waist volume, a decrease in blood pressure, cholesterol in blood serum, insulin. Strict adherence to the AV (IV) diet reduced the level of these antigens, but did not affect weight loss. Strictly followed by a diet for I (0) reduced triglycerides (fats). The effect of the diet did not increase in the case of applying the appropriate type medium.

Tips from a diet for blood groups for the most part harmless and can be useful individually. An exception may be a recommendation to introduce dairy products to representatives of the III (c) groups with lactose intolerance and other special cases - urolithiasis and meat diet, gout and rich in purines products, etc.

Nutrition in blood groups does not have any scientific grounds.

I do not want to develop the topic described in the book of D'Aadamo about the connection of blood and character. To understand how untenable is a statement about such a connection, it is enough to mention the "Barnum effect".

Video inspired me to this review:

The original article, on the basis of which video is made, published on Skepdic.com. At the end, Boris conducts a test on the "Barnuma effect", if you are not familiar with it, then you should be interested.

If you do not believe in the theory of evolution, then for you, food in groups of blood should have even less sense, like any paleodies based on biological development of the type Homo.

People for whom healthy food is a matter of truly important, trying to pick up for their diet, which can be a source of not only excellent taste, but help support physical health. Of course, there are many diets designed to establish the basic functions of the body. Sometimes a certain set of products is recruited with the medical goal, sometimes - in the desire to lose weight. But there are also diet, which are selected for a specific blood type.

A convinced commitment to the concept about the direct dependence of human health from the fact that he eats, taking into account his blood group, became Dr. Peter D "Adamo. Being a scientist Naturopat, D" Adamo spent many years to study the blood of man and, in the end, relying on research Many geneticists and hygienists made the conclusion that the blood group and human diet are interrelated. His motto was the slogan "4 blood groups - 4 ways to health" and he devoted many of his books by this topic.

According to a solid conviction of a scientist, each blood group needs its own, special, diet and if you follow the proposed d "Adamo Table, you can improve your health, bring the metabolism and even lose weight. But you can not leave the fact that not all The doctor's colleagues agree with the results of its research and believe that it is impossible to choose its diet, based only on the blood group.

Of course, here everyone can choose himself - to believe such statements or not, but it is possible to make a decision to make a decision, will also turn to the history of various blood groups. And if you look at this topic more carefully, you can see that in the statements d "Adamo, really something is there.

The history of the development of blood groups on the theory of D "Adamo

O (I) - the first (about 33% of people)

Blood hunters and collectors. Appeared first among all other groups. Since the main food of people of that time was meat, then this product is an important part of the rationalers of the owners of (I).

A (II) - the second (approximately 40% of the population)

Blood farmers. Since their main food was the products of the Earth, then the lot of such people is vegetarianism.

B (III) - Third (about 22% of people)

Blood nomads. Milk is considered the main product, but they can combine the products of the first and second groups.

AB (IV) fourth (approximately 8% of the population)

This is the blood of new people. It appeared the latest and therefore is the most rare among other existing groups. In those people who are the owner of AV (IV), a very sensitive immune system and the gastrointestinal tract. That is why they need fermented dairy products and food with low fat content.

Blood Power Table

If you believe the scientific works of Peter D "Adamo, then absolutely all products are divided into three main categories:

  • Therapeutic (+);
  • Harmful (-);
  • Neutral (0).

It was on these principles that the table was created for the blood group. If you carefully look at it, you can see that there are products that preferably use the owners of a certain blood group. Other products are useful in the same for everyone, and some positions are as equally for everyone. In this case, nutritionists working on this table advise only products with a positive value, rarely contribute to neutral food and refuse food with an indicator "harmful." And also stick to a similar diet all life.

It should be borne, it is also that such a diet in the blood group involves renouncement From pork, bacon, ice cream, corn oil, Westphalian gingerbread, bakery products from wheat flour, black olives and sunflower oil for all categories of people. And although many reject the Diet diet "Adamo, it is worth noting that the harm of most such products has been proven scientifically.

  • Pork, for example, is harmful due to the high content of fats, as well as the presence of growth hormone in it, which can provoke inflammation of the tissues and even the development of unwanted tumors. Its constant consumption can lead to diseases of the gallbladder, appendicitis and the development of skin diseases.
  • For the same reason, it is necessary to refuse from bacon, which, moreover, is rich in purine bases and unwanted salts.
  • The harm of ice cream is explained by the fact that it has increased calories, excessive content of sugar and cholesterol.

There are also products that benefit any person, regardless of its blood. It is salmon, sardines, mackerel, cod, olive oil, Savoy and Broccoli cabbage, as well as parsley and Pasternak. Even the Tychny opponents of the proposed theory will agree that all the products listed are very useful.

  • Olive oil, for example, can neutralize the existing harmful substances.
  • And parsley contains not only a huge amount of mineral salts, but also has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. This spice has an anti-inflammatory effect, and also contains a lot of vitamins.

Products without harm and benefit Are: fish fat from cod liver, almonds, beans, green peas, peas, white beans, beans, and mammoth beans. Also equally neutral turned out to be: Beijing cabbage, bow-north, bamboo shoots, salad, zucchini, watermelon and kiwi.


Blood type

















Sea Fish and Products






Salmon smoked






Fish with white meat













Milk goat

Milk poor (solid)

Milk with fatty up to 2%

Milk soybean

Ice cream


Sour cream

Milk serum

Cheese "Brie"

Cheese "Dutch"

Cheese "Camembert"

Cheese "Mozzarella"

Cheese sheep (cheens)

Cheese "Parmesan"

Cheese "Feta"

Cheese "Cheder"

Cheese "Eden"

Cheese "Emmental"

Rustic cheese

Cottage cheese

Oils and fats

Peanut butter

Corn oil

Linseed oil

Olive oil

Sunflower oil

Fish fat (from the liver cod)

Sesam (sesame) oil

Nuts and seeds




Forest nuts


Nuts of Anacardia

Peanut butter

Sesame seeds

Sunflower seeds

Pumpkin seeds


Beans and Strokovye



Green pea

Soy Red

Stroke beans

Bean Bean.

Beans "Mammoth" (large-pod)

Bean red

Bean Pestia

Black bean.

Green lentils

Lentil Krasnaya



Corn flour

Bran oatmeal

Wheat bran

Rice bran


Wheat sprouts

Rice processed

Mix of seven grains

Soy granulate


Oatmeal flakes

Soybean flakes


Bread and bakery products

Wheat boards

Corn baking


Westphalian gingerbread

Rice waffles

Bread from millet

Bread Multiemeanova

Whole grain wheat bread

Rye bread

Bread soy

Bakery products made of oat bran

Wheat bakery products

Bakery Products Crispy Rry

Craises and pasta

Buckwheat grain

Krupa "Kus-Kus"


Makaroni from oatmeal "

Wheat flour pasta "

Macaroni from wheat flour "Durum"

Macaroni from rye flour

Pasta rice flour

Barley flour pasta

Wheat flour coarse

Rice white

Rice brown







Mushrooms Shiitaka


White cabbage

Cabbage Brusselskaya

Cabbage redcakes


Savoy cabbage

Potato white

Potato red


White corn

Corn yellow





Greek olives

Olives Green

Black olives

Parka Yellow

Paprika green

Paprika red



Bamboo shoots




Lucerne sprouts

Sprouts "Mung"

Rostic Radree




Tofu (soybean cheese)
















Green grapes

Grapes red








The use of other products has its own nuances and here there is a more detailed table for a group of blood for each type of people.

Food on the first group of blood

Considering that it is this group that is the prerogative of ancient hunters, its owners are personal, self-confident and possessing leadership qualities. In the diet of such people, meat food prevailed, therefore, for digestion, in the stomach "hunters" increased acidity and the digestive system itself is quite well established. Also, they also have a strong immunity that not only protects the body from infections, but also is able to lead to diseases due to their excessive activity. For example, it is the owners of O (I) most arranged to allergies, diseases of the joints and ulcers, as well as poor blood clotting. That is why D "Adamo insisted on the need to comply with a certain diet to maintain all the functions of the body normally.

Power table according to the group of blood

what it is impossible

what can

what need to

  • Fatty meat (pork);
  • Seafood, smoked fish;
  • Fatty milk products;
  • Products from lentils, legumes;
  • Champignons, corn, potatoes, cabbage;
  • Citrus, melon;
  • Drinks with high caffeine content, strong alcohol, soda;
  • Porridge, flour.
  • Dietary meat;
  • River fish;
  • Degreased cottage cheese and cheese;
  • Soy, legumes;
  • Salad, tomatoes, cucumber, celery, carrots, pepper, onions, beets, asparagus, oysteries;
  • Berries, banana, peach, pineapple, kiwi;
  • Beer, green tea, red and white wine, herbal infusions, juices from pomegranates, grapefruit, grapes.
  • Turkey, veal, beef, lamb;
  • Sea and river fish;
  • Bean products;
  • Broccoli, garlic, earthwood pear, Beijing cabbage, repka;
  • Fig, plum, cherry, apple;
  • Mors and juice from pineapple.

Power on the second group of blood

Since this particular category of people relates to the era of farmers, then, according to the same doctor d "Adamo, they have a rather weak digestive system. After all, they are mainly fed on products of plant origin and did not need constant processing of animal proteins. That is why The doctor strongly recommends adhere to the diet proposed by him, since, in his opinion, its non-compliance is fraught with frequent diseases due to a weak immune system.

Power Table by II Blood Group

what it is impossible

what can

what need to

  • All types of meat;
  • Fat fish, caviar;
  • Milk products;
  • Fleet beans;
  • All kinds of cabbage, tomato, rhubarb, pepper;
  • Citrus, melon, banana, coconut, barbaris;
  • Orange and tomato juice.
  • Pasta, Manka, Wheat, Bread Bread;
  • Turkey, eggs;
  • Seafood;
  • Low fat milk;
  • Soybeans, green peas;
  • Beets, cucumber, radish, asparagus, radish, celery;
  • Garden and southern berries, grenades;
  • Fruit juices, wines.
  • Dietary fish;
  • Beans, beans, lentils;
  • Broccoli, Kohlrabi, Carrot, Topinambur, Rope;
  • Forest berries, apple, pineapple, grapefruit;
  • Juices from these vegetables and fruits, green tea;
  • You can all porridge, except for the pesh.

Powered by the third blood group

The third group of blood becomes the affiliation of nomads, so people, as a rule, are hardy, calm, possess an excellent immunity and a strong nervous system. Their digestive system allows you to digest different foods, so representatives of B (III) are considered omnivorous. Although products that violate metabolism, they are contraindicated.

Power Table by III Blood Group

what it is impossible

what can

what need to

  • Pork, poultry meat;
  • Eel, cancer;
  • Ice cream (but you can fruit ice);
  • Beans, lentils, potatoes, radish, tomato, pumpkin;
  • Grenade, persimmon, avocado;
  • Buckwheat, barley, bunch porridge, cornflakes, millet, bread products;
  • Juices from the respective vegetables and fruits, strong alcoholic beverages, soda.
  • Beef, veal, liver, turkey;
  • River fish;
  • Milk products;
  • Peas, soy, asparagus;
  • Oyshemks, champignons, onions, celery, cucumbers, spinach, zucchini, asparagus;
  • Peach berries of all species, melon, citrus, pear;
  • Rye flour, semolina cereals, pasta;
  • Juices from these fruits, herbal teas, beer, wines.
  • Lamb, rabbit, eggs;
  • River fish in unlimited quantities;
  • Milk products;
  • Beans, cabbage, pepper, carrots, beets, broccoli;
  • Apple, grapes, pineapple, coconut, plum, banana;
  • Rice, oatmeal;
  • Green tea is useful for nomads.

Food in the fourth blood group

Since such blood is the youngest and created as a result of the mixing of the rest of the groups, it has absorbed all their pros and cons. For example, having the characteristics of a group of nomads, the owners of AB (IV) can digest the animal proteins, but if they suddenly have reduced acidity, it is better to give preference to vegetarianism. That is why D "Adamo advises this category of people to relate to its diet more carefully.

Power Table by IV Blood Group

what it is impossible

what can

what need to

  • Poultry meat, fatty meat;
  • Exotic seafood;
  • Fat milk, ice cream;
  • Bean, iceberg salad, radish, radish;
  • Grapes, grenades, avocado;
  • Rice, rye products, oatmeal;
  • Juices from the corresponding fruits, strong alcoholic beverages.
  • Liver;
  • Safety milk, low-fat cheese, serum;
  • Asparagus, soy, peas;
  • Oyster, champignons, onions, potatoes, pumpkin, carrots, turnips, tomatoes, asparagus, zucchini;
  • Berries in unlimited quantities;
  • Manka, Perlovka, Pasta, Bakery products, Prank;
  • Juices from these fruits and vegetables, herbal teas, beer, wines.
  • Dietary meat;
  • Sea and river fish;
  • Low fat dairy products;
  • Beans, cucumbers, cabbage, pepper, celery;
  • Citrus, grapes, apple, kiwi, nuts;
  • Rice, oatmeal;
  • Juices, black coffee, green tea.

It is worth considering, it is also that food in the blood group generates a mass of disputes from nutritionists and other researchers. Many adhere to the opinions of Dr. D "Adamo and strongly recommend listening to its advice. Others, on the contrary, believe that such statements have no justification and there is a lot of confirmations.

What should I listen to, choosing food by group of blood?


  1. The concept of the creator of a similar diet, Peter D "Adamo, is that it is the blood group that determines which food is useful for a person, and which is better to avoid to maintain physical health. Therefore, it picked up for each of the four groups a full set of products that help get everything Required substances. And also included only useful food in each of the rations. Based on this, he claims that such a diet can be adhere to a lifetime.
  2. The blood group diet involves fractional nutrition, with small portions, 5-6 times a day. It is this principle of proper nutrition that modern nutritionists adhere to modern nutritionists.
  3. Most fruits and vegetables on such a scheme need to eat in the raw form. And this implies getting the optimal amount of utility with food.
  4. Compliance with the proposed diet involves cooking only by the most optimal methods: boiling, steam processing or baking. What helps good absorption and improvement of the gastric intestinal tract.


  1. There are no archaeological and medical data confirming this theory.
  2. Most modern specialists are rejected by food in a blood group, because they insist that there are rather sharp restrictions in such a diet that can even harm. After all, the body needs to receive a variety of useful substances that go beyond the proposed table.
  3. D "Adamo argued that all the missing substances on its table can be obtained by using dietary supplements. The modern scientists insist on the fact that the effectiveness of such additives is not proved. In addition, they are indirectly, they are medical drugs, so their rampage consumption is capable of applying significant harm to health.

And, finally, I want to bring another couple of interesting facts:

  • Many volunteers who use a diet on the blood group celebrated significant improvements in their well-being. Although specialists who do not support the theory of such nutrition claim that it is no more than self-suggestion.
  • When studying this theory, people noted that, subconsciously, they wanted to use exactly that food, which is useful for their blood group.

As can be seen, nutrition for the blood group is shroudedly by web disagreement and contradictions in a scientific environment. Therefore, by taking a decision: to follow the concept of a famous naturopath or not, it is better to weigh everything well and consult with a nutritionist. After all, in the end, this is not the first diet, causing disputes, but it is she who can be more pleasant than many other popular healthy nutrition schemes.

"There is a correct, blood group" - a program developed by Peter J. Adamo. The main position of the theory of nutrition in blood groups is that four blood groups (O, A, B, AB) appeared at various stages of human development and therefore, each group is best suited for a person who led a person for that period. People with different blood groups have different food and exercise needs, are predisposed to various types of diseases and react differently to various products. When you eat what "combines" with your blood group, the risk of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, infectious diseases, as well as liver diseases is reduced. The first blood group in people whose ancestors were hunters and collectors, because such people standing food with a large number of animal protein and as little as possible carbohydrates. The ancestors of people with 2 blood groups were farmers, which means they should be vegetarians, avoid meat and dairy products. Ancestors of people with 3 group of blood were nomads, so they should eat meat or fish. People have 4 blood groups mixed ancestors, and therefore they need to mix diets 2 and 3 groups.

Peter's father (James d'Aadamo) was naturopat. He clinically experienced nutrition scheme for blood groups for 35 years and has always received excellent results. Peter developed his work. Its book has detailed descriptions of what products are suitable for each type of blood and what to avoid, as well as scientific substantiations of the diet and an overview of the needs of each type in relation to nutrition and exercise.

The basis of the plan - the protein molecules called the lectins. Researchers have identified more than 1000 products containing these proteins. Since we are all individual, our bodies interact with these substances in a different way - some bring us harm, and other benefits. Of all the inherited genetic characteristics, only one helps predict these interactions to preserve health: your type of blood.

The system is based on scientific research. The blood group is reflected in each cell of the body, not only in the blood. People with a certain group of blood are subject to certain diseases (for example, people with the second group of blood often detects the gastric cancer than those with the first). And the leading doctors are increasingly starting to be interested in the role of lectins in fruit intolerance.

It also becomes obvious that various diet acts on all people in different ways. Some successfully use diets with a high level of carbohydrates and a small amount of fats, other plans are more suitable with an increased amount of proteins and low carbohydrates. Some like vegetarian diets, while others are hard for a long time without meat.

Well, theory theory, and whether it works in practice? There is no doubt that various people have different metabolic needs. Numerous specialists offer their own methods and developments. Most of them have a lot of merit and work quite well, but only for some people. Often these plans have a lot of common elements, but some are quite contradictory. The theory of metabolic types admits that different people have different needs, and explains such anomalies as:

  • why some people live well, adhering to a vegetarian diet, while others are experiencing lethargy and unhealthy symptoms;
  • why rich diet-rich diets cause weight loss in some people, and others cause it a set;
  • why Ayurveda claims that milk is very useful (this is so for people with the second blood group), while many people do not tolerate dairy products.

The method of food in the blood group provides some restrictions in food. For example, people with the first group of blood are not recommended to eat eggplants, corn and cheder cheese, but a possible replacement is available: zucchini, rice and goat cheese. For each blood type, a large number of admissible products are given, including a number of fruits, grain, fats and laundry proteins. If this system is met, there is no need to starve. You can eat as much as I want (only meat should be limited to a portion of 124 grams) and as many times during the day, how much do you want. Dr. D'Aadamo method provides for the consumption of natural, fresh products. You do not have to buy any additional ready-made food, tablets or medicines.

You will have to prepare most of the dishes from the list allowed for your blood type, because there are semi-finished products forbidden. But then how much time and effort you spend depends only on you. If you "eat to live", you will have enough simple dishes, such as roasted or cooked for a couple of fish with vegetables. If you "live to eat" and you will be bored in your favorite dishes, you can try to adapt them, replacing some ingredients, for example, on rice flour or soy milk allowed for your blood type.

Public food is likely to become your main problem. Many dishes of catering facilities, especially fast food, contain products that are not suitable for your blood group. But the food outside the house will be much easier if you find out what dishes and which national cuisine you are more suitable (for example, salads and meat for the first, vegetarianism and Indian cuisine for the second, seafood and Japanese cuisine for the fourth).

You do not need to follow the diet 100% so that it worked. Dr. Adamo assumes that compliance with it is 75-80% enough for most people. Therefore, you can still use "prohibited" products. It simplifies parties and domestic holidays.

The power supply system is designed not only for those who want to lose weight. It also increases energy, mood and helps in the treatment of chronic diseases. Many people she really helps maintain health and good shape.

Among the diets there are bestsellers whose popularity is not reduced over decades. An example of this is the diet of the American doctor of Naturopath Peter D'Aadamo, who developed the idea of \u200b\u200bhealthy nutrition in blood groups. His concept of "4 blood groups - 4 ways to health" is set out in several books, the first of which was published in 1997.

After the first edition, others followed. Eat Right 4 Your Type has become a guide to action for hundreds of thousands of Americans. For the advice of Naturopath, who helped people listen to himself, to look at the intricacies of their own body, people suffering from overweight. Dependence for food is developed in many, preferences are different, someone likes to drink alcohol, and alcoholism is not curable, and therefore constantly adopting a dose of alcohol is extra calories. Someone uses a lot of meat dishes through Chur, especially harmful food. And then resort to various diets and ask for help from nutritionists to solve their problem. Peter one of the best specialists, his techniques approached everyone.

The success of the project was deafening. In just a few years, Peter D'Aadamo acquired the status of a leading American nutritionist, opened his own clinic in the city of Portsmouth, wound with the confidence of "stars" of cinema and television. Demy Moore, Oprah Winfrey, Miranda Kerr does not hide that they adhere to food on the concept of Dr. D'Aadamo.

Features of the blood group diet

To begin, it is important to note that the doctor naturopath is not a doctor as such. Natureopathy is a doctrine of diseases that cause the wrong way of life of a person, its nutrition. Naturopath was the father of Peter D'Aadamo, who was the first to begin research work towards the influence of the blood group on human health. The Son continued and successfully completed the work, adapting it under one of the main problems of humanity in general and American society in particular - obesity.

The author of the concept argues that it is GR of blood that is the most important factor in the similarities and differences between people. It determines the emotional features, resistance to diseases, a tendency to specific diseases. To learn your group, you need to pass the blood test.

Different groups of blood interact differently with elements entering the body from food. The main "conflicting" element d'Aadamo calls lecithins. These substances are "building cells", of which are all organisms on our planet. They are present in the human body and in the products it consumes. If the structure of these substances is hostile to each other, food is absorbed bad and causes disorders in the work of the body. Therefore, it is extremely important to choose the right food for everyday diet, which will not be alien to your lecithin.


The blood group diet is based on the following principles.

  • Division of people by type. There are 4 types of people in the number of blood groups. In Russia, gradation was adopted in numbers - 1, 2, 3, 4 groups. In America, there is a scale of AVO, where he denotes the first group, and the second, to the third, and the fourth.
  • Power according to the type. Each type of people should use only allowed products that are close to its organism genetically. Prohibited products become the cause of disease development and cause obesity, as they cannot be absorbed correctly. Also, neutral products are highlighted in the system, which can be used safely in small quantities.
  • For each type of people, the author picked up the preferred form of physical exertion. They are based on the individual characteristics of the carriers of different blood groups. For example, for the first one needs active and regular training, including power and running, and for the second - moderate load, in particular, yoga.
  • Reception of food additives. Power limits in the body of a number of substances. The author notes which vitamins and trace elements should be taken in addition to maintaining or improving health.

Reviews about a diet on a blood group allow you to interpret it as a long-term power plan, which is important to adhere to at least six months. At the same time, its author does not give any forecasts regarding weight loss. However, notes that the testimony for the observance of the diet is not only excess weight, but also diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, deterioration of general well-being, neurological disorders.

Causes of losing weight

How much will you lose to lose, depends only on your individual features. But weight loss really occurs for a number of reasons. Why follow the rules?

  • The menu is prohibited by harmful products. No one type of people is not recommended sugar, sweet pastry, pastries, carbonated drinks, fast food. These products have nothing to do with the natural sources of human food, which D'Aadamo considers as basic. By eliminating the "food garbage", the person loses its natural way, due to the reduction in caloric content of the diet.
  • Attention to food is formed. The most important plus of this diet is in the formation of the right food habits. Learn to look into your plate, evaluate the quality of the products, think about what you eat is a huge achievement for a person configured to maintain a healthy diet. The menu gradually disappears all unnecessary, only the right products prepared in the right way remain. And this, in turn, causes weight loss.
  • Attention to physical activity. Full loads are considered by the author of the Concept as the most important element of weight loss. The regularity of the exercise of various intensity raises the organization, eliminates breakdown, helps the body control the feeling of hunger. Physical activity becomes an additional factor in weight loss.

The menu by day of this diet does not contain recommendations for the volume of portions. No need to starve or eat in strictly defined clocks. The diet feature is its proper filling, while a person may have an appetite and then when it is convenient. In fact, the diet becomes a lifestyle and the basis of new views on food.

Diet for 1 blood type

Media of this group are the descendants of ancient man. To date, their number is more than thirty three percent of the total number of people on Earth.

  • strong digestive system;
  • powerful immunity;
  • weak adaptation to new conditions, including a change in a diet;
  • the incorrectness of the work of the immune system, a tendency to the development of autoimmune processes, allergic reactions;
  • tendency to violation of blood coagulation;
  • a tendency to the development of inflammatory processes;
  • high risk of increasing the acidity of the stomach.

The main food of an ancient person or "hunter" was meat, so the diet for the first blood group is high-finished. At the same time, an ancient hunter led an extremely active, mobile lifestyle, so intensive exercises, such as swimming, running, aerobics, are especially important for maintaining health.

  • Eat meat regularly. Several times a week, use high-quality meat with small or medium portions. This product is required by the body for the proper metabolism. Juicy meat, with an incomplete root, for example, bifhctex with blood. But if such dishes cause you to have antipathy, eat well root or baked meat, pre-pickled in acidic fruit juices, such as lemon, pomegranate, or spices, seasonings.
  • Eat marine fish. Fat contained in its meat has an anti-inflammatory action. It will help to fight with inflammatory diseases characteristic of your body, and support the work of the thyroid gland.
  • Refuse dairy products. Animals giving milk were domesticated by a man in the era of agriculture. An ancient hunter did not know dairy products, so his body does not know how to "contact". Most often, they are poorly digested, which causes worsening well-being.
  • Exclude flour from the ration, all kinds of croup and products containing them. Among the food diet for the first blood group is the most unwanted wheat. It disrupts the digestion and becomes the cause of health problems. If excess weight "Hunters" is also prohibited by Oats and its derivatives (bran, oatmeal), all kinds of flour products.
  • Reduce the use of legumes or completely refuse them. Despite the fact that legumes - the source of the protein, for the "Ancient Hunter" they are an alien product. Get the protein organism should be from meat and fish.
  • Use many vegetables and fruits. Choose useful fruits characteristic of your area of \u200b\u200bresidence.
  • Use dried fruits and harshes for snack. These products are useful for you and serve suppliers of valuable vitamins, fatty acids.
  • Replace black tea and coffee with green tea. It has the same invigorating effect, but does not increase the acidity of the gastric juice.

The menu should include nutritional supplements that will support the body and increase the nutritional value of the diet.

  • Licorice without glycyrrrhizin. This is a form of DGL. It reduces the intensity of the extraction of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, thereby reducing its acidity, which serves as good prevention of the development of ulcerative disease.
  • Ginger. It is useful for antioxidant, anti-inflammatory effect, stimulates the intestinal activity.
  • Carnation. The fragrant spice has an anti-inflammatory effect and helps to combat fungal infections.
  • Turmeric. Spice with a high content of essential oils, has anti-cancer activity, stimulates the production of substances to protect the mucous membranes of the stomach, increases the activity of the liver.
  • Cayenne pepper. We are necessary for the prevention of peptic ulcer, protects the digestion system from toxins.

In the interruptions between meals, it is recommended to drink slightly heated non-carbonated water, which reduces the acidity of the gastric juice, reduces appetite. Under the prohibition of strong alcoholic beverages and white wine, periodic consumption of red wine is allowed.

Selection of products

Dangerous lectins for the first blood group are found in:

  • acidic fruits, including in citrus, strawberry;
  • wheat and its derivatives;
  • corn;
  • beans of the Fleet and Dark Bordeaux "Kidney";
  • lentil;
  • potato;
  • peanut.

It includes a complete list of permitted and prohibited products for people with the first group of blood.


Table - example menu for 1 blood type

Day of the weekMealProducts and dishes
MondayBreakfastBuckwheat porridge with soy milk;
soy cheese;
decoction of rose hips
LunchFruits (apples or prunes)
DinnerBeef Bifstex;
Broccoli Cabbage Salad with Carrot, Filled Olive Oil
DinnerBoar mackerel fillet;
Fresh greens
TuesdayBreakfastPorril cereal porridge;
2 boiled eggs;
decoction of rose hips
LunchFruit (fig, cherry)
DinnerLamb with grilled vegetables;
Salad of sheet beet, spinach
DinnerTrout baked under lemon sauce;
Baked beet salad with olive oil
WednesdayBreakfastLoaf rye;
soybean cheese;
2 boiled eggs;
decoction of rose hips
LunchSea Cabbage Salad with Pumpkin Seeds
DinnerVeal fried with spotted beans;
Topinambura salad
LunchPineapple juice or cherry
DinnerFillet pike baked;
Grass Mix Salad: Parsley, Cress Salad, Luca Sewing
ThursdayBreakfastZhane cereal cereal with soy milk;
soy cheese;
decoction of rose hips
LunchFruit (Alycha, plum)
DinnerTurkey fillet with prunes;
pumpkin stew with fragrant herbs;
Fresh greens
DinnerFillet halotus roasted;
Sweet Potato Salad (Batata) with asparagus
FridayBreakfastOdnogenic rice porridge;
halm grapper;
decoction of rose hips
LunchFruit (persimmon or grapes)
DinnerLiver stew with onions;
Vegetable Assorted Stew (Zucchini, Carrot, Sweet Pepper)
DinnerFresh Herring Low Mallen
Salad of tomato, cucumbers
SaturdayBreakfastLoaf rye;
soybean cheese;
2 peach
LunchJuice (tomato or carrot)
DinnerHeart beef, stewed with bow, bell pepper, carrots;
Kohlrabi Cabbage Salad with Greens
LunchAlmond or sunflower seeds
DinnerHeck baked;
Young boiled peas;
Radish Salad with Cucumber and Greens
SundayBreakfast2 boiled eggs;
soybean cheese;
loaf rye;
Herbal tea linden
LunchFruits (pomegranate or kiwi)
DinnerCutlets made of beef minor fried;
Puree from zucchini and carrots;
Fresh Green Salad
LunchFunduk nuts
DinnerCrash stew with vegetables;
Bales Salad with prunes

You can fill the menu for a week and other dishes by choosing products from the allowed and neutral list.

Diet for 2 blood groups

The second blood group arose much later than the first. Her appearance is associated with a change in the lifestyle of a person. People preferred a settling lifestyle and began to grow herbal cultures independently for nutrition. The group is named Peter D'Aadamo "Dredgers", on the international system of AVO refers to Tip A.

Diet for 2 groups of blood takes into account the strengths and weaknesses of the body of the "Drypashtsy":

  • high organizedness and ability to adapt to any external factors;
  • the effectiveness of immune and digestive systems, subject to the proper diet;
  • high sensitivity of the nervous system;
  • high sensitivity of the digestive system to change the diet and power mode.

Wearers of the second blood group Peter D'Aadamo recommends a vegetarian diet. And physical activity should include calm, relaxing techniques, such as Taja Dzi, Yoga.

Features of food behavior

  • Reduce the amount of meat in the diet. The enzymatic system of "landpashtsev" is not able to produce a sufficient number of enzymes for the splitting of an animal protein. Because of this, meat is not fully absorbed. In the digestive system "settled" undigested proteins that can cause violations of metabolic processes.
  • Use neutral meat varieties limited. "Dreams" are not prohibited there are some varieties of meat. Neutral include, for example, turkey, chicken meat, eggs. But to include them in the diet follows no more than two or three times a week.
  • Eat fish and soy products.
  • Refuse fresh milk products. The process of their splitting is similar to meat protein. Instead of fresh milk and cottage cheese, use a small amount of fermented products: yogurt, kefir. Equality products have a probiotic effect and maintain the correct intestinal microflora.
  • Love legumes. All types of legumes contain a vegetable protein, which is perfectly absorbed in the body of the "landpashtsev".
  • Limit cereals and dishes from them. Do not get drunk, bread and fast cooking cereals. In the presence of overweight, exclude wheat from the diet and everything that is done from it.
  • Choose fruits and vegetables. Main foods diets for the second blood group - allowed vegetables and fruits. There are them in any form.
  • Slow up nuts and seeds every day. Eat them in appetite, without restrictions. The fatty acids contained in them are vital for your cardiovascular system.
  • Get it out of food, and not from vitamin supplements, since in a natural form it is absorbed significantly better. Rich in vitamin and broccoli, spinach, carrots, zucchini.
  • Use green tea. This drink helps strengthen immunity.

According to Peter D'Aadamo, for people with this blood group, the low acidity of the stomach is characteristic. It must be kept under control, and to improve the use of gastric balsams, betaine and amino acid L-histidine.

Selection of products

The product table for "landpashtsev" includes a large number of vegetables and fruits. In the diet, biooduddes with polysaccharides content should be included or regularly use their natural analogs - the sea brown fucery and sea cabbage (algae laminarium).

Special attention is paid to fermented products, not only fermented, the number of which should be limited to two or three times a week, but also sauerbobov, vegetables, fruits. Fermentation products have a high value for A-type people, as the intestines are saturated with a friendly microflora, stimulate digestion, protect the esophagus from cancer diseases, increase the body's immune defense.

Under the prohibition of carbonated drinks that reduce the acidity of the stomach, as well as dangerous lectins:

  • wheat;
  • corn;
  • tomatoes;
  • eggplants;
  • white cabbage;
  • potatoes;
  • limskaya beans, kidni;
  • bananas.

In the absence of excess weight of wheat, corn, bananas can be attributed to neutral products.


Table - example of a menu for 2 blood groups

Day of the weekMealProducts and dishes
MondayBreakfastBuckwheat porridge with kefir;
rye loaf;
Tea Romashkova
DinnerCarp baked under lemon juice;

Cucumbers are uroen
DinnerTuna fillet;
Salad from asparagus and white beans, green peas
TuesdayBreakfast2 eggs;
Waffles rice;
Spinach and Topinambur Salad
DinnerSudak baked with grilled vegetables;
Chest Highs;
Fresh leaf greens
DinnerBoiled cod fillets;
sea \u200b\u200bcabbage salad
WednesdayBreakfastPorridge bunch;
soy cheese;
rye bread
LunchBerries (blackberry, blueberries)
DinnerTurkey fillet boiled;

Cucumber and Green Salad
LunchForest nuts (hazelnut)
DinnerSalmon fillet baked;
zucchini, carrot grill;
Fresh leaf greens
ThursdayBreakfastPearl porridge with soy milk, raisins;
tea from hawthorn
LunchA pineapple
DinnerMushrooms stewed with onion, carrots;
rye loafs
LunchCedar nuts
DinnerPike perch boiled;
Green peas boiled;
Sauer leaf cabbage with bow and greens
FridayBreakfastCorn porridge;
Joghurt dairy
LunchCherry or grapes
DinnerChicken fillet boiled;
buckwheat porridge;
pickled vegetables
LunchKernel peanuts
DinnerTrout baked;
Beans soy;
Rope Salad with Greens
SaturdayBreakfastCottage cheese with prunes;
rye loaf;
Cherry juice
LunchBerries (gooseberry or raspberry)
DinnerSeafood cocktail with bow;
carrot-apple salad
LunchPumpkin and Sunflower Seeds
DinnerBaked herring;
Cucumber and radish salad with greens
SundayBreakfastOatmeal flakes, soybean milk;
rye loaf;
Jelly fruit
LunchPeach or nectarine
DinnerChicken meat baked with zucchinque and onions;
bean puree;
Fresh greens
LunchCashew nuts
DinnerSalmon fillet baked;
lentil boiled;
Sauer Cauliflower with Pill Powder

Choose any permitted and neutral vegetables in the menu, which will allow diversify the diet daily.

Diet for 3 blood groups

The emergence of people with a third group of blood is associated with the era of the settlement of humanity and attempts to master new territories. People began to wander, wander on the planet, which changed their essence and needs. The carriers of this group are called "wanderers" or "nomads", the number today is up to twenty percent of the Earth's population.

  • strong immunity;
  • high flexibility and ability to adapt to any environmental conditions, including new nutrition;
  • stable nervous system;
  • immunity stability while compliance with the balance in the diet;
  • the inclination of immunity to autoimmune processes in violation of the power balance.

Food diets for the third blood group are especially diverse, because nomads cannot have any priorities in food. Such people are omnivores, they can use meat and dairy products, eggs and cereals, legumes, almost all kinds of vegetables and fruits.

Features of food behavior

The author of the diet notes that the blood carriers of the third group or type in the international classification there is no tendency to violations in the work of the enzyme system or the acidity of the gastric juice. They can effectively absorb products with various structures, including protein, carbohydrate. At the same time, there is a high level of alkaline media in the intestines, which creates protection against negative processes when using a large amount of protein and oily food.

However, the possibility of "there is everything and in any quantities" plays with "nomads" a sore joke. Abuse, unlimited food in food causes accumulation of toxins in the intestines and unpleasant processes in the digestive system. "Observe your diet, and your digestion will come to normal," advises Peter d'Aadamo.

Here are some major nutrition principles that you should know.

  • Eat meat several times a week. Choose high-quality farm meat, use it with small and medium portions. The protein product is needed to saturate the body with energy. Use meat juicy or medium roasted.
  • Eat fatty fish. Use it as a source of valuable, useful fat, which is capable of fighting inflammatory processes in the body and improve the metabolism.
  • Turn on the diet of dairy products. If you are not accustomed to eat them constantly, start with fermented yogurt, kefir.
  • Enrich dish spices with enzyme activity. Ginger, peppermint, parsley will help your digestion. They tone the muscles of the stomach and activate the production of gastric juice.

"Nomads" rarely suffer from existence of excess weight, therefore, to convince them of the need to comply with the diet. Estimate the importance of proper nutrition, they can only if they regularly experience discomfort by the digestive organs or suffer from allergic reactions.

Selection of products

  • chicken, as an uncharacteristic meat for nomads;
  • peanuts and lentils;
  • tomatoes;

Alcohol is not recommended in any group, but here the author especially emphasizes the danger of its use. The strong digestive system of "nomads" usually normally absorbs alcohol, and even in significant quantities it does not cause traditional "side effects". This creates the illusion of the safe use of alcohol, which is fraught with the diseases of the liver and the cardiovascular system.


Table - example menu for 3 blood groups

Day of the weekMealProducts and dishes
MondayBreakfast2 eggs;
cottage cheese home with raisins;
Wheat Bread
DinnerLamb, stewed with rice;
Batt salad with olive oil
DinnerBaked flounder;
grilled vegetables
TuesdayBreakfastMilk soup with Macarons from solid wheat varieties;
Pineapple juice
DinnerRabbit meat stewed in sour cream;
Puree from green peas;
Fresh cabbage salad with carrots
oatmeal dietary cookies;
WednesdayBreakfastCash casseled with egg, sour cream;
Fresh Cucumber and Green Salad
DinnerPuree soup with champignons;
cabbage salad with greenery;
Wheat loaf;
LunchYogurt with fruit
DinnerHeck baked;
the vinaigrette
ThursdayBreakfastCheesecakes from whole cottage cheese with sour cream;
Half orange;
Wheat Bread
DinnerBoiled beef fillet;
White boiled beans;
carrot-apple juice
LunchKefir with berries
DinnerMackerel baked;
carrot salad, apple, walnuts
FridayBreakfastOmelet from two eggs;
Wheat loaf;
hard cheese
LunchRaisin and Kuraga
DinnerSoup with turkey sub-products;
Yogurt with fruit
DinnerTrout boiled;
stew vegetables (zucchini, carrots, onions);
Fresh greens
SaturdayBreakfastOatmeal with milk;
Wheat loaf;
Solid cheese
DinnerFish soup with a halotus;
boiled rice;
Cucumber and Green Salad
DinnerCabbages with beef minced;
Cauliflower salad
SundayBreakfastScrambled eggs from two eggs;
Natural yogurt;
Wheat loafs
LunchCarrot juice
DinnerVeal baked with grill vegetables;
Salad of Beijing Cabbage and Greenery
DinnerBaked cod;
soya beans;
Salad of sweet potatoes

Menu is diverse and allows you to combine different foods in one meal. Preparation techniques are also different, but preferably rapid frying without additional fat, boiling, quenching and baking.

Diet for 4 blood groups

Owners of the fourth blood type (according to the international classification of AV) least, not more than eight percent of the world's population. This is the youngest type of man, his age does not exceed the fifteen centuries. He is the most controversial, as it combines the features of two practically opposite types of people, with blood groups A and V.

They are inherent in the strengths and weaknesses of the carriers of the two oldest groups:

  • sensitivity of the immune system;
  • the ability of the digestive system to adapt to various types of food;
  • sensitivity of digestive organs to "alien" products;
  • responsiveness of immunity for errors in the formation of a diet with a high tendency to microbial infections.

A diet for 4 blood groups should be moderately mixed, that is, the combining products for groups A and B. are possible problems to which the people of "landpash" are prone: a reduced level of gastric juice acidity and an inability to efficient digestion. Loads are moderate: fast walking, swimming, tennis.

Features of food behavior

To form a diet that brings the maximum benefit to the body, follows from several principles.

  • Refuse chicken and reduce the consumption of red meat. Features of the enzymatic system do not allow your body to effectively digest and absorb these products. And their residues cause intoxication and violation of metabolic processes.
  • Eat fish and soy products. They should be for you the main source of protein.
  • Replace fresh dairy products with fermented milk. Recently use in small quantities.
  • Include fermented products in the diet. These include fermented dairy yogurts, kefir, sauer vegetables. Such products contain lactic acid bacteria necessary to maintain the correct operation of the digestive system and immunity.
  • Eat marine fish. Cold Seas Fish Varieties contribute to the normalization of metabolism.
  • Include in the diet products with vitamin A. Among them broccoli, spinach, carrots. These products are necessary to normalize the enzymatic function of the body and improve digestion.

According to the author of the concept, the right food diet products for the fourth blood type will help avoid problems with digestion disorder, metabolic disorders, reducing immunity and instability of the nervous system.

Selection of products

The low acidity of the gastric juice is inherent in AV type people, it does not allow you to absorb the animal protein correctly. Increase acidity allow biodendages: gastric balsams, herbal tinctures based on the princess yellow, betaine.

To normalize the intestinal work, it is important to add products containing polysaccharides to the diet. These may be biodenders or their natural sources: sea brown algae and laminaria.

The list of dangerous products includes:

  • chicken meat;
  • river White Fish;
  • lima's beans, kidni;
  • groats buckwheat ,.


Table - example menu for 4 blood groups

Day of the weekMealProducts and dishes
MondayBreakfastCheese sheep;
yogurt with fresh cherries;
rye bread
DinnerLiver stew with onions;
Spotted boiled beans;
Green tea with ginseng
DinnerStylet sturgeon, baked;
Mix of stew (broccoli, sheet, color);
Cucumber and Cress Salad Salad with Olive Oil
TuesdayBreakfastCottage cheese with raisins;
Waffles rice;
Fresh greens
DinnerSudak soup with bow and carrots;
Chest Highs;
Celery salad and leaf beet
DinnerLamb, stewed with vegetables;
soya beans
WednesdayBreakfastOmelet of two eggs and milk;
rye bread
LunchFresh berries (cranberries, gooseberry)
DinnerTurkey fillet, stew with zucchild, onion, greens;
Salad of red cabbage and carrots
LunchAlmond nuts
DinnerFillet of the sea perch grill;
Boiled potatoes;
Salad of tomato and cucumbers with greens
ThursdayBreakfastCottage cheese home with prunes, raisins;
rye loafs
LunchFruits (peach, nectarine)
DinnerVegetable soup;
Cod fillet roasted;
Rope Salad with Greens
LunchCedar nuts
DinnerRabbit meat stewed in tomato sauce;
Kohlby Salad with Fresh Greens
FridayBreakfast2 eggs;
rye loaf;
Drink of rosehip fruit
DinnerTrout baked under lemon juice;
Mushrooms Oyster, stewed with cabbage broccoli and carrots;
Cucumbers are uroen
DinnerTubati fillet;
Broccoli Cabbage Salad, Sweet Pepper
SaturdayBreakfastScrambled eggs from two eggs;
loaf rye;
Half grapefruit
LunchFresh berries (raspberry, currant)
DinnerVegetable soup with beans;
fillet herring baked;
Salad Mix of Pill Puffer, Asparagus, Cress Salad Leaf
LunchFistashkovy nuts
DinnerMutton stew;
Brown rice;
Baked beet salad with garlic and prunes
SundayBreakfastNatural yogurt with berries;
rye loaf;
hard cheese
DinnerTurkey fillet boiled;
porridge pumpkin with brown rice;
Cucumbers and greens salad;
LunchForest nuts (hazelnut)
DinnerSalmon fillet baked;
zucchini, carrot grill;
Fresh leaf greens

A detailed description of the diet allows you to independently form a menu from a sufficiently large list of products.

In the 90s of the last century, the book "4 blood groups - 4 ways to health" was published, written by Dr. Naturopathy by Peter D'Aadamo. She almost immediately became a bestseller, was translated from almost all languages \u200b\u200bof the world and became a practical allowance for food for many people on the planet. In Russia, the book saw the light in 2002. According to the convictions of the author, for each blood type, there is a historically correct nutrition concept, and it is from this that the health and longevity of man depends.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthis theory is based on the fact that people should use the same food as their ancestors. It is best digested and absorbed, while "wrong" products glove the organism. This nutrition concept is not a diet for weight loss, it involves healthy useful food for certain groups of people who will help clean and improve the body.

Indeed, some studies have shown that people with different groups of blood in one way or another are subject to various diseases. For a long time, Dr. D'Aadamo, together with his father, revealed an impact on the body of various foods, as a result of which they were divided into 3 groups: useful, harmful and neutral. Below will indicate the "good" and "bad" products for owners of each blood type. Not listed products belong to neutral and are recommended for use in limited quantities.

Food for people with I (0) Blood Group

People with the first blood group are allowed almost any fish.

According to different data, up to 40% of the population of the globe are the owners of the blood of this group, Dr. D'Aadamo identified them as the descendants of the "hunters", so they should correspond to the meat diet.

Healthy foods

  • Beef, lamb, venison, veal, poultry meat, offal;
  • virtually any fish (pieces of cod, perch, pike, halibut, sturgeon, trout, sardine), caviar ,;
  • eggs;
  • in small quantities of cottage cheese and sheep cheese;
  • butter;
  • some vegetable oils (,);
  • walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, pumpkin and cedar seeds;
  • legumes rarely (with the exception of soybean and lentils);
  • buckwheat, pearl, barley cereals, rice;
  • rye bread;
  • vegetables (and its leaves, sheet cabbage, artichoke, broccoli, kolrabi, parsnip, bathat, pumpkin, turnip, Bulgarian and burning pepper);
  • almost all fruits and berries;
  • , ginger, carnations, laccs, curry, burning pepper;
  • herbal and green tea, red wines, mineral water (can be carbonated).

Harmful products

  • Pork;
  • side, mollusks;
  • almost all dairy products, except those indicated in the list allowed;
  • , corn, cotton, peanut, palm oil;
  • poppy, pistachios, peanuts, cashews, Brazilian nuts;
  • wheat, Oats, barley, and any products of them;
  • vegetables (cauliflower, cucumbers, leeks, potatoes, olives);
  • avocado, oranges and tangerines, melon, strawberry, coconuts;
  • strong alcoholic beverages, lemonade, beer, black tea,.

Food for people with II (a) blood group

Almost 35% of the world's population was inherited from parents II Group, by the way, this is the most common blood group among Europeans. Such people the developer of this diet rank to the descendants of farmers and collectors. The diet is very reminded.

Healthy foods

The poultry meat is useful to use people with the second blood group.
  • Turkey (preferably) and the meat of another bird;
  • eggs;
  • fish (Salmon, Sardin, Mackerel, Sudak, Sig, Carp, Cod, Okun, Trout, Halto);
  • equal milk products, whole milk - only goat, cheeses, too, only from it;
  • vegetable oils (olive, linen);
  • peanuts, pumpkin, sunflower, sampling seeds, hazelnuts and other nuts;
  • beans, especially useful soy products;
  • cereals (buckwheat, rice, bone, oat, rye) and flour products prepared from these cereals;
  • soy sauce, parsley, turmeric, ginger, mustard;
  • vegetables (the list of useful artichokes, beets, topinambur, sheet cabbage, carrots, kohlrabi, horseradish, onions, parsnips, pumpkin, turnip, spinach) included;
  • all berries, lemons, grapefruits, pineapples, plums, apricots;
  • any herbal teas, green tea, white (preferable) and red wine,
    Black coffee (1 cup per day).

Harmful products

  • Any red meat and offal;
  • mollusks, squid, eel, som, flomb and others;
  • solid and products based on it;
  • butter;
  • corn, cotton, peanut, coconut oil;
  • pistachios, Brazilian nuts;
  • wheat, wheat flour and products from it;
  • potatoes, white, blocked and chinese cabbage, chili pepper, eggplant, rhubarb, tomatoes;
  • some fruits (bananas, melons, mango, papaya, tangerines, coconuts);
  • gelatin, vinegar, pepper (black, white, red), capers;
  • sweets, sugar;
  • strong alcoholic and carbonated drinks, beer, lemonade, black tea.

Food for people with III (B) blood group

It is believed that this blood group appeared as a result of mixing races. People who endowed with her, Dr. D'Aadamo, in charge of nomads. For them, it is assumed the widest and most diverse diet, nutrition restrictions for the winners of the blood group of the III than for other people. This is explained by the fact that nomads were detained in different continents and were omnivorous.

Healthy foods

Dairy products should be included in the diet of people with a third blood group.
  • Lamb, lamb, venison, rabbit;
  • eggs;
  • caviar, hill, sea bass, pike perch, sardine, cod, flounder, pike, heck, halibut, mackerel, pike, sturgeon, carp;
  • virtually any dairy products;
  • fleet and Limary beans;
  • olive oil;
  • walnuts;
  • oatmeal and confusion, millet, rice;
  • beets, broccoli, Brussels cabbage, carrots, Pasternak, Batat, onions, horseradish, Pasternak, turnip, garlic;
  • cranberries, plums, watermelon, bananas, grapes, papaya, blueberries, blackberry, cherry;
  • curry, Lacricians, Ginger, Parsley;
  • non-carbonated water, green tea, beer, red and white wine, black tea and coffee (it is allowed to drink no more than 1 cups per day).

Harmful products

  • Poultry meat, pork, offal;
  • mollusks, crabs, beluga, eel, sider, trout, goalkee;
  • quail eggs;
  • blue and melted cheeses;
  • the remaining beans, soy products;
  • vegetable oils: coconut, corn, peanut, soy, sesame, sunflower ,;
  • cashew, peanuts, cedar nuts, poppy, pumpkin and sunflower seeds;
  • wheat, buckwheat, corn, rye cereals;
  • olives, radishes, radish, rhubarb, sauerkraut;
  • avocado, grenades, persimmon, melon, coconuts;
  • pepper, cinnamon, soy sauce, gelatin, ketchup;
  • roasted and strong alcoholic beverages, lemonade, carbonated water.

Food for people with IV (AB) group of blood

This blood group is the most rare, it meets only 7% of people inhabiting our planet. This group of people-naturopath doctor d'Aadamo determined like a mixed type or "new people." As with the winners of the III group of blood, "new people" is much more lucky with a diet than the population with I and II groups.

Healthy foods

  • Lamb, rabbit, turkey;
  • chicken eggs;
  • mackerel, salmon, sardine, tuna, cod, pike perch, pike, sturgeon;
  • dairy products, but cheeses in limited quantities;
  • walnut oil and olive;
  • peanuts, walnuts;
  • lentils, soybean, pinto beans;
  • millet, oats, rice, rye flour and products of them;
  • beets, broccoli, colored and sheet cabbage, cucumbers, garlic, batt, carrots, eggplants, parsnips, mustard leaves, tomatoes;
  • cherry, figs, grapes, grapefruit, kiwi, pineapple, plum, watermelon, lemon, gooseberry, cranberries;
  • curry, turmeric, ginger, parsley;
  • green tea, carbonated water, white and red wines.

Harmful products

  • Pork, beef, chicken, goose, quail eggs;
  • kambala, perch, beluga, halibut, pike, heck, eel, trout, arthropod and mollusks;
  • butter, margarine;
  • melted cheese, blue cheese, whole milk, cream;
  • limskaya beans, black, adzuki, Turkish peas;
  • hazelnut, poppy, sesame, pumpkin and sunflower seeds;
  • buckwheat, corn, wheat and products from these cereals;
  • artichok, olives, Bulgarian and burning peppers, radishes, radish, rhubarb;
  • sunflower, corn, sesame, coconut, cotton oil;
  • avocado, bananas, melons, guava, persimmon, grenades, quince, coconuts, mango, oranges;
  • pepper, vinegar;
  • strong alcoholic and sweet carbonated drinks, black tea and coffee.

Criticism American diet for blood groups

The opinion of the doctors of traditional medicine about this diet was divided, but most nevertheless inclined to the fact that it is not scientifically justified and has no evidence base. Perhaps its only advantage is that from the list of products for people with different groups of blood, having bothering, make a full balanced ration. Nevertheless, a complete refusal of certain products can still lead to the impoverishment of the body by some substances. For example, people with the first group are almost completely prohibited by the use of dairy products, and this can lead to calcium and phosphorus deficiency.

Many doctors agree that a diet for blood groups is too generalizing and absolutely does not take into account the individual characteristics of the body, lifestyle, and other factors that do not depend on the human blood group. In addition, as it is known, blood groups have much more than 4, Dr. D'Aadamo took as a basis for developing his diet one of the most simplified systems (AB0).

Initially in the books of the doctor, the term "amino acids" was used when it was about protein products. The protein in its original form does not come to the blood, it is pre-splitting on amino acids. But the body, in fact, anyway, from which proteins, plant or animals, these amino acids are obtained, in connection with which it is inappropriate to limit dairy products and meat for some categories of people. After the author of the diet was indicated on this fact, the term "amino acids" was replaced by "lectins", which is not understandable even to many doctors, not the fact that the average man. In general, many traditional medicine doctors are inclined to the fact that the book representing this diet is "overwhelmed by" scientific terms, many of which are inappropriate and not understandable to readers.

By summing up, we can say that the power system by blood groups did not find a response in the medical community and even underwent a serious criticism, and a huge number of positive feedback on this diet finds a logical explanation. First of all, this is due to the general health recovery, because of the diet, regardless of the blood type, strong alcohol, carbonated sweet drinks, fatty meat, many "heavy" vegetables, food rich in saturated fats and other harmful foods are completely removed. In addition, one of the important factors of the positive action of any popular diet is the placebo effect, and the development of American Dr. D'Aadamo is not an exception.

TV channel "STB", Nellana Fus's nutritionist tells about the principles of the blood group (Rus.-Ukr. Yaz.):